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Women of
A Study of Women
Around the World
June 2011
When it comes to spending decisions, women are in control!                                                                                       90% of women believe                          Education for children is a top priority for women in emerging countries
                                                                                                                                                                                               In which ways do you expect to allocate any additional money you have earned or
                                                                                                                                                 their role is changing                        expect to earn over the next five years?
    Women control the majority of purchasing decisions in a household and their influence is growing. Women across the                           for the better.
    world are expanding beyond traditional roles to influence decisions in the home, in business and in politics. Marketers have                                                                                           85
                                                                                                                                                 Better access to education, improved                                             76
    a massive opportunity to better connect women with the products they buy and the media technologies they use to make
                                                                                                                                                 career opportunities and higher pay
    a positive impact both in their lives and in the bottom line.
                                                                                                                                                 scales in both developed and emerging                                                  63
    So what traditional and new media influencers are most successful in driving women’s purchase decisions? Do women in                         economies are paving the way for a rise                    56%                                54 53
    developed countries think and act differently than women in emerging countries? What concerns do women have now                              in women’s economic power. And that                                                                   48 48 47 45
    and what do they expect for future generations? Do traditional roles still exist or do men and women share responsibilities                  sentiment is clearly evident in Nielsen’s                                                                               37
    equally? Importantly, how can marketers not only reach women more effectively, but how can they create messaging that                        research, as nearly 80 percent of women
    better speaks to the sentiments and emotions that drive and empower women?                                                                   surveyed in developed countries believe
                                                                                                                                                 the role of women is changing, and of
    To answer these questions, Nielsen surveyed women across generations and from all corners of both developed and
                                                                                                                                                 those, 90 percent believe it is changing
    emerging economies. Reaching out to 21 countries representing 60 percent of the world’s population and 78 percent
                                                                                                                                                 for the better. In emerging countries, the
    of GDP, this study provides insight into how current and future generations of female consumers shop and use media
                                                                                                                                                 future is even brighter.

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    differently. The findings are both enlightening and surprising. One universal truth prevails: women everywhere believe their


                                                                                                                                                                                                    De rgin









    roles are changing and they are changing for the better.                                                                                     Education and access to technology are

                                                                                                                                                 fueling tomorrow’s optimism as women          Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.
                                                                                                                                                 around the world know that one vital way
Key Findings:                                  • Across generations women are alike
                                                 in many ways, but they are also
                                                                                              • She trusts those she knows. When it
                                                                                                 comes to advertising, women trust               to a better life is through education. In
• 90% of women believe their role is             unique. From daughters to mothers               recommendations from people she                 developed economies, women’s access
  changing for the better. Eighty percent        to grandmothers, there are some                 knows above all other forms. She is             to higher education is considered an
  of women in developed economies                commonalities across watch and                  most reticent to trust text ads on mobile       established standard, while in emerging
  believe the role of women is changing          buy behaviors, but it’s the unique              phones. And if she trusts a company, it         economies, attending college is often a
  and of those, 90 percent believe it will       differences that savvy marketers need to        means a lot.                                    luxury for women and the aspiration is
  change for the better in all matters           understand.                                                                                     much higher.
  from gender equality to politics to                                                         • TV is the preferred source to get
                                               • Social media has become an                     information about new products and               The value of that privilege is evidenced
  opportunities in the workplace.
                                                 indispensable tool. Women are                  services. Women rely on television to            in the study, as 56 percent of women
• A vast horizon of opportunities,               expanding beyond their careers and             get information about products, but as           in emerging countries say they plan
  but a plateau of hope in developed             homes to influence decisions in both           the landscape continues to fragment,             to allocate additional income for their
  economies. The aspirations for future          business and politics to benefit others.       complementary and integrated                     children’s education versus just 16 percent
  generations of women in emerging               And they are leveraging social media           marketing plans are vital.                       of women in developed countries. Women
  countries are bright, but women in             platforms to solve problems, ask                                                                in Nigeria, India and Malaysia placed
  developed countries believe that the                                                        • Across 95% of countries, quality is the          the most importance in saving for their
                                                 questions and build communities.
  same opportunities —not more —will be                                                         #1 driver of brand loyalty. The number           children’s education —a choice that
  available to their daughters.                • Only 10% of women are highly                   one driver of brand loyalty across 17            ranked in the top three out of 25 different
                                                 influenced by web ads with social              factors in 20 of 21 countries is quality.        options for how they plan to allocate their
• Increasingly empowered, increasingly           context. Technologies that appeal              “Lowest price” doesn’t even make the             additional salary in the next five years.
   stressed. Women everywhere are                to women’s innate nature to engage,            top three criteria among these countries.
   pressured for time, have little time to       connect and multi-task are life-
   relax and feel stressed/overworked,           changers,but social media advertising
   but women in emerging countries feel
   the strain even more than women in
                                                 has significant room to grow.                                                                                                                                                                         Invest in her Tomorrow
   developed economies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Invest in initiatives that further
                                                 EMERGING MARKETS                                DEVELOPED MARKETS
• When it comes to life’s decisions,                                                                                                                                                                                                                   educational/advancement
                                                 Brazil          Nigeria                         Australia      Japan
  women want to share responsibility.
                                                 China           Russia                          Canada         South Korea                                                                                                                            opportunities by connecting your
  A desire for male/female shared
  responsibilities in all matters from           India           South Africa                    France         Spain                                                                                                                                  brands/products with associations
  childcare to car purchases is echoed           Malaysia        Thailand                        Germany        Sweden                                                                                                                                 that align with her beliefs and
  everywhere, but breaking down some             Mexico          Turkey                          Italy          United Kingdom
  barriers in emerging countries continues.                                                                     United States

                                                                                                         Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.   Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.

                                                                                                                                             1   2
Developed                 Emerging

A horizon of                                    Opportunities compared to your mother at your age and for your                                           MORE opportunities for future women in                                           Having access to technology                                                          74
                                                daughter in the future                                                                                   EMERGING countries
opportunities, but a                                                                                                   Developed      Emerging           How do you think opportunities for your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Having higher educational opportunities                                          54
plateau of hope in                                 Compared to Mothers                                 For Daughters
                                                                                                                                                         daughter when she’s your age in the future will                                  Having opportunity to travel                                                               82
                                                                                                                                                         compare to opportunities available to                                                                                                      40
developed economies.                                                                                                                                     you now in these areas?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Achieving personal financial stability
                                                               More            Same             Less           More         Same         Less                                                                                     Ability to purchase things you need                                                               81
Across both developed and emerging                                                                                                                       She will have MORE opportunities than I do.                                                                                                 44
countries, the majority of women today                                                                                                                                                                                            Ability to purchase things you want                                                               81
believe they have more opportunities                                                                                                                                                                                                   Choosing your own career path                                      50
than their mothers did for everything from                     58%            32%               9%            44%           48%          9%                                                                                                Having personal fulfillment                                43
achieving personal financial stability and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Having opportunities to participate in sports activities                                  47
enjoying better health to having more                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           77
career opportunities and greater access                                                                                                                                                                        Having opportunities to participate in leisure activities                                 47
to technology. And while that level of
                                                               70%            23%               7%             77%          18%           5%                                                                                                                                                                                    77
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Having a healthy lifestyle                             40
attainment will grow and develop even                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          75
further for women and their daughters in                                                                                                                                                                                             Achieving good work/life balance                               40
emerging countries, a plateau of hope is        Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.                                                                                                                                     Owning your own home/apartment                               35
emerging among the future generations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           37
for women in developed countries.                                                                                                                                                                                   Making your own decision about whom to marry                                                           72
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Making your own decision about if you will marry someone                             37
Across 18 dimensions analyzed, more                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        72
than 77 percent of women in emerging                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ability to retire when I choose                                                    72
countries believe the future will be                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ability to eliminate debt                    33
brighter for their daughters. The areas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   31
where improvement will be the greatest                                                                                                                                                                                         Reducing stress in your day-to-day life                                                66
                                                                                                                                                         Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.
are technology (84%), education (83%),
travel (82%), financial stability (81%),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Developed                 Emerging
purchasing power (81%) and careers
(80%). Women in Turkey (92%), Nigeria                                                                                                                    SAME Opportunities for future women in                      Making your own decision about whom to marry                                                                        61
(89%) and Malaysia (89%) were the most                                                                                                                   DEVELOPED countries                               Making your own decision about if you will marry someone                                                                      61
optimistic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
                                                                                                                                                         How do you think opportunities for your                                                                                                                               53
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Having personal fulfillment                17
In contrast, the majority of women in                                                                                                                    daughter when she’s your age in the future will
developed countries (48%) believe that                                                                                                                   compare to opportunities available to                                               Having a healthy lifestyle                                                    52
the same opportunities —not more —will                                                                                                                   you now in these areas?                                                              Ability to eliminate debt                                                    52
be available to their daughters (with the                                                                                                                She will have the SAME opportunities as I do.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Reducing stress in your day-to-day life                                                    51
exception of access to technology, where                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  22
three-quarters believe more opportunities                                                                                                                                                                      Having opportunities to participate in sports activities                                                   50
will be available). And the reality of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    49
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ability to purchase things you need           15
today’s high cost of living with little spare
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Having opportunities to participate in leisure activities                                                  49
income is apparent as almost one-third                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               18
(29%) believe that their daughters will be                                                                                                                                                                                           Achieving good work/life balance                                                     49
less likely to retire when they choose to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             48
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ability to purchase things you want            15
compared to today’s standards.
                                                                                                          Connect to the bigger                                                                                                   Owning your own home/apartment                     18
Marketers need to recognize that while
women of tomorrow are optimistic, they                                                                    picture:                                                                                                                     Choosing your own career path                16
are also concerned about their home,                                                                                                                                                                                             Achieving personal financial stability                                               45
                                                                                                          Give careful consideration to                                                                                                                                         14
children and the future —both at the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            42
                                                                                                          supporting organizations that help                                                                                 Having higher educational opportunities            13
micro (immediate family) and macro
(environment, politics) levels.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Having opportunity to travel                                          41
                                                                                                          and empower women and share                                                                                                                                           14
                                                                                                          her views on corporate social                                                                                              Ability to retire when I choose to                   21
                                                                                                          responsibility.                                                                                                                 Having access to technology          12
                                                                                                                                                         Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.

                                                                                                                 Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.   Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.

                                                                                                                                                     3   4
Increasingly empowered,                        As empowerment increases, so do her stress levels                                                                               When it comes to life’s                        Women feel burdened with their current level of decision making
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              For these types of purchases/activities, who is the most appropriate decision maker?
increasingly stressed.                                                                                Developed           Emerging
                                                                                                                                                                               decisions, women want to
Female respondents in all parts of the                                                                                                                                         share responsibility.                         Developed                                                       Men
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         men and
world say they are pressured for time,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   equally
                                                                   I often feel                                                                                                Women may control the spending
rarely have time to relax and feel stressed                                                       54%                 62%                                                      in a household, but what they really                Food                                                          6%       51%                          43%
and overworked most of the time, but                        pressured for time
                                                                                                                                                                               desire is to have more equally-shared               Health/Beauty                                                     4     32                                64
women in emerging countries feel the
                                                                                                                                                                               responsibilities with the partners in their         Clothes                                                           5     50                          45
strain even more so than women in                                   I rarely have
developed countries. Many women                                    time to relax                  37%                 55%                                                      lives about decisions on all matters from           Home electronics                              37                        54        9
                                                                                                                                                                               taking care of the children to purchasing
today are wearing multiple hats by                                                                                                                                                                                                 Personal electronics                               31                   61        9
                                                                                                                                                                               a car.
balancing both career and home/family                           I feel stressed/                                                                                                                                                   Car                                          45                         49       6
responsibilities. In many emerging                           overworked most                      38%                 49%                                                      As more women enter the workforce,
markets, this revolutionary change is in                            of the time                                                                                                roles blur as traditional norms for                 Pharmaceutical prescription/OTC drugs                             7     62                     31

the early stages of development, while                                                                                                                                         predominantly male or female                        Family finances                                          22              63            15
                                               Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.
in developed markets, this evolution has                                                                                                                                       responsibilities change. There is strong            Insurance                                           26                  61            13
been on-going for a longer period of time.                                                                                                                                     consistency across developed and                                                                                            48
                                               Where will you allocate additional                                 Developed                        Emerging                                                                        Child care at home                                                4                                  48
                                                                                                                                                                               emerging economies that both men
In emerging markets, women in India            money you earned or expect                                                                                                                                                          Managing child care outside the home                              5     51                          44
                                                                                                                                                                               and women are equally “best fit” as the
(87%), Mexico (74%) and Russia (69%)           to earn over the next        Vacations/holidays                                                        40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11         73            16
                                                                                                                                                                               primary decision makers for most roles.             Social/activity memberships
report they are most stressed/pressured        five years?                           Groceries                                                                      57
for time; in developed markets, women                                                                                                                                     68   In developed economies, the notion of               Locations for social activities                               9         71                20
                                                                                               General savings                                                      55
in Spain (66%), France (65%) and Italy                                                                                                                         51              shared decision-making responsibilities is                                                                                 Both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Men         men and   Women
(64%) are most time-strained. Product                                      Pay off debt/credit cards/loans                               25
                                                                                                                                                                    55         well established for all matters, although    Emerging                                                      primarily     women     primarily
innovations that save time and provide                                                                                                                                         health and beauty purchases and taking                                                                                    equally
                                                                                                      Clothes                                                   53
short-cuts are not only useful, but these                                                                                                                                 70   care of the children at home remain the             Food                                                         8%        43%                           48%
improvements will go a long way in                                  Home improvement or redecorating                                                          49               responsibilities where women are still the
                                                                                                                                                       42                                                                          Health/Beauty                                                     4     25                                     71
providing the resources needed by multi-                                                Retirement savings                                             41                      primary influencers.                                                                                                  6                                 46
                                                                                                                                         25                                                                                        Clothes                                                                 48
tasking women who are always on the go.
                                                                       Automobiles/other transportation                                      33
                                                                                                                                                      39                       In emerging economies, men are still                Home electronics                         46                             45        9
Additionally, the research shows that                                                                                                          36                              viewed as the primary decision-making               Personal electronics                          40                        52        8
                                                                                               Emergency use                                 32
women living in emerging countries                                                                                                                                             stakeholders when it comes to purchasing
allocate more of their extra earnings                                                 Health/beauty items                                  29
                                                                                                                                                                53             home electronics or cars, and women                 Car                                     55                              40       6

for basic essentials such as food and                                  Entertainment outside your home                                     28                                  predominate in the health and beauty,               Pharmaceutical prescription/OTC drugs                        13         56                     31
clothing, while women in developed                                                                                                       25
                                                                                                                                                                               food/grocery departments and on all                 Family finances                                    33                    53            14
                                                                                          Charitable causes                14
countries indicate that they are more                                                                                                                                          matters having to do with the children
                                                                                                                                    22                                                                                             Insurance                                     40                        49           11
likely to allocate additional money toward                    Insurance (not including health insurance)                   14                                                  inside and outside the home. But how
vacations, buying groceries, paying off                                                                                                                                        much longer will decision making continue           Child care at home                                                4     37                                60
                                                                                Internet/telecom services                 13 19
debts, and for general savings. One                                                                                                                                            to fall along these lines?                          Managing child care outside the home                          9         44                          47
                                                                                          Health insurance                   19
contributing factor in the higher stress                                                                                                      29
                                                                                                                                                                               And while shared decision-making                    Social/activity memberships                             21              61             18
levels reported among women in emerging                          Investments (not including retirement)                         18
                                                                                                                                  20                                           responsibilities are desired, some                  Locations for social activities                          16             63                21
countries is likely due to little spare cash                                                                                   16
                                                                               Education for your children                                                          55         traditional sentiments are evident:
remaining after the staples are covered to                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Nielsen Q1 Global Online Survey.
                                                                                                 A new home                    16                                              Across the countries surveyed, nearly
kick-back, relax and go on holiday.                                                                                                            32
                                                                                       Personal electronics                    16
                                                                                                                                                                               one-third (31%) of both men and women
                                                                                                                                                                               believe that men are best fit to hold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Treat her with equality:
  Make her life easier:                                                                  Home electronics                   15
                                                                                                                                                      39                       political office, maintain workplace                                                                   Use collaborative and reciprocal
                                                                                                                          12                                                   positions of authority (29%) and make
  Develop time-saving product                                                        Education for yourself                         21
                                                                                                                                                                               major purchases (22%).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      language and include her as a
  innovations that deliver multiple                         Toward having a child/having more children                  12                                                                                                                                                            shared decision maker in campaigns
  benefits and satisfy various needs.                Personal services (e.g. home cleaning, nanny, etc.)                       16                                                                                                                                                     that are centered in industries
  Give back rewards that ease her                Supporting non-immediate family (e.g. grandparents)                                      27                                                                                                                                          that often cater to men, such as
                                                                                                                  4                                                                                                                                                                   automotive, insurance and finance.
  complex life.                                                                                A second home              12
                                               Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.

                                                                                                                          Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.                Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.

                                                                                                                                                                           5   6
Across generations women                     Generational women exhibit traits that make her unique                                                     Social media has                                         influence” and becoming an indispensable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tool for solving problems, asking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              during major TV events like awards shows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and reality programming.
are alike in many ways, but                                                 Daughters          Optimistic            Uncertain         Grandmothers     become an                                                questions, and building the community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              On a social level, women talk and text
                                                                                                Mothers              Mothers
they are also unique.                                                     AVG. AGE = 30
                                                                                              AVG. AGE = 47        AVG. AGE = 47
                                                                                                                                        AVG. AGE = 67
                                                                                                                                                        indispensable tool.                                      It is more than just entertaining; social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 media has functional benefits. Nielsen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              on their mobile devices more than men.
Across generations, from daughters to                                                                                                                   Women want to expand beyond career                                                                    Nielsen data shows that women talk 28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 estimates that there are on average
mothers to grandmothers, women all                                                                                                                      and home to influence decisions in both                                                               percent more and text 14 percent more
                                                                          Most impulsive     More shopping        Good value           Most habitual                                                             between 200–300 dedicated women’s
around the world worry about future                      BUY                                                                                            business and politics to benefit others.                                                              than men every month; they are also
                                                                                             ahead                conscious            shopper                                                                   discussion forums across global markets
opportunities, even in the face of                                                                                                                      Women continue to be caregivers at                                                                    heavier users of social features of phones
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (not counting individual blogs) where
optimism. High stress is universal, but                                                                                                                 home, but they also want to positively                                                                (SMS, MMS, social networking) compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 women connect with one another on
daughters (average age of 30) are most                                                                                                                  affect the broader community in                                                                       to men who tend to use functional
                                                                         Heavier media       Enjoys ads           Heavier texting/     Word of Mouth                                                             issues ranging from family life, managing
stressed. As her family is early in its                  WATCH                                                                                          their neighborhoods, at work and in                                                                   features more (GPS, email, Internet).
                                                                         user                                     email                                                                                          careers, health and wellness, shopping and
formation and income levels have not yet                                                                                                                government. Women everywhere echoed                      increasingly financial health                Marketers have an opportunity to better
reached full potential, there is constant                                                                                                               similar sentiments about wanting to                                                                   connect with women online to make them
pressure to fulfill daily needs.             Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.                                                              play an integral and equal part in making                Online, women are more engaged than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              feel like valued customers —and then
                                                                                                                                                        a positive change for the future and                     men, spending more time on fewer
In analyzing generations, three segments                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reward them for being an advocate for
                                             Daughters are the most impulsive                     Grandmothers are strong planners and                                                                           sites during a single sitting—a valuable
                                                                                                                                                        affecting policies that would impact her                                                              the brand. This pay-it-forward approach
were created: daughters, mothers, and        shoppers and they are most likely to try             the most habitual shoppers. She is the                                                                         attribute to advertisers. They also visit
                                                                                                                                                        family and the environment.                                                                           is perfectly aligned with how women live
grandmothers. These segments are based       new products. Buying on promotions                   most likely of the three groups to listen                                                                      more social and community sites, which is
on age characteristics and include all                                                                                                                  Social networking is connecting women                                                                 their lives.
                                             is important and she will often go to                to the radio, but she is catching up on                                                                        especially important given the popularity
women in the study, not just those who       different stores to get the best deal. She           technology as she utilizes email.                     across the globe, broadening her “circle of              of immediate online/social discussion
have children.                               is also the most tech-savvy of the three
                                                                                                  As Baby Boomers (aged 47-65) become                   The women of tomorrow are connected
                                             groups and is an earlier adopter of new
Mothers (average age 47) were split most                                                          grandparents, technology usage among                  Claimed penetration in her household
                                             technology. She is also the heaviest user
distinctly into two groups (optimistic                                                            the older demographic will increase. As
                                             of media and is the most influenced by all                                                                                                              Developed      Emerging
and uncertain) defined by where they live                                                         this segment is also the most financially                                                                                                “Women who will be closely connected to
                                             types of media.
(emerging versus developed countries),                                                            stable, marketers have an opportunity to
driving the differences in optimism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           society through work will be demonstrating
                                             Mothers in developed markets are                     cross over generational lines with cross-                      Internet             TV              Cell         Smart
around opportunities for their daughters.    heavy Internet users and rely on texting             platform advertising that speaks to their                                                          phone         phone                   leadership by forging various communities
This group experiences mid-level stress      and email to communicate nearly as                   lifestyle habits. Likewise, messaging that                                                                                               where there is the emphasis on individuals'
because even though income levels            much as daughters. Planned shopping                  empathizes with the high stress levels
are higher, finances are still a cause for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           qualification differences rather than
                                             trips and buying products with good                  of being a new or established mom will
concern. Grandmothers (average age           value are important, as are promotions               resonate in an impactful way.                                     90%              95%                 95%        37%                    differences between the sexes.” – Japan
67) are typically the most financially       and discounts. In contrast, mothers
stable and thereby the least stressed. Not   in emerging countries are still heavily
surprisingly, they are also most likely to   reliant on TV and prefer TV even though                                                                                                                                                           “There will be an increase in the number of
believe they have achieved a good work-      she enjoys advertising regardless of                                                                                                                                                              women in higher political office thereby
life balance.                                the medium. Her phone is the primary                                                                                   46%              98%                 89%        18%
                                             method of communication. As her                                                                                                                                                                   being able to affect real change in society in
The attitudes, outlooks, shopping habits
and media preferences that women hold
                                             income increases, she expects to do more                                                                                                                                                          areas where it is needed (e.g., poverty, health
are similar in many ways, but generational
                                             shopping in the future.                                 Cater to her distinct                               Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011.                                         issues, education issues).” – Canada
differences are the most apparent. Most                                                              needs:
commonly held sentiments are decisions
centered on buying quality products that                                                             Think about the products women
                                                                                                                                                            Be available and                                                               “Women's involvement in society is
provide good value at fair prices. Planned                                                           of different age groups purchase                       informed:                                                                      increasing in all spheres (economic, social,
shopping trips are typical, but occasional
impulse purchases happen too. All women                                                              and the media technologies they                        Offer online 24/7 customer                                                     medical, political); they want to take an
watch TV and listen to the radio on a                                                                use and develop generational                           support, Twitter accounts and                                                  active part in their children's futures.”
regular basis. The differences in finances                                                           marketing strategies that address                                                                                                     – France
                                                                                                                                                            manufacturer-sponsored forums.
as well as needs across generations,
however, often dictate actual watch and                                                              the diverse habits that drive                          Listen and learn. Go on online
buy habits.                                                                                          behavior. Do not assume that all                       blogs and forums to find out how
                                                                                                     women are the same.                                    women think and engage.

                                                                                                              Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.     Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company.

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Women of tomorrow: A Study of Women Around the World (Nielsen  JUN11)
Women of tomorrow: A Study of Women Around the World (Nielsen  JUN11)
Women of tomorrow: A Study of Women Around the World (Nielsen  JUN11)

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Women of tomorrow: A Study of Women Around the World (Nielsen JUN11)

  • 1. Women of Tomorrow: A Study of Women Around the World June 2011
  • 2. When it comes to spending decisions, women are in control! 90% of women believe Education for children is a top priority for women in emerging countries In which ways do you expect to allocate any additional money you have earned or their role is changing expect to earn over the next five years? Women control the majority of purchasing decisions in a household and their influence is growing. Women across the for the better. world are expanding beyond traditional roles to influence decisions in the home, in business and in politics. Marketers have 85 Better access to education, improved 76 a massive opportunity to better connect women with the products they buy and the media technologies they use to make career opportunities and higher pay a positive impact both in their lives and in the bottom line. scales in both developed and emerging 63 So what traditional and new media influencers are most successful in driving women’s purchase decisions? Do women in economies are paving the way for a rise 56% 54 53 developed countries think and act differently than women in emerging countries? What concerns do women have now in women’s economic power. And that 48 48 47 45 and what do they expect for future generations? Do traditional roles still exist or do men and women share responsibilities sentiment is clearly evident in Nielsen’s 37 equally? Importantly, how can marketers not only reach women more effectively, but how can they create messaging that research, as nearly 80 percent of women better speaks to the sentiments and emotions that drive and empower women? surveyed in developed countries believe 16% the role of women is changing, and of To answer these questions, Nielsen surveyed women across generations and from all corners of both developed and those, 90 percent believe it is changing emerging economies. Reaching out to 21 countries representing 60 percent of the world’s population and 78 percent for the better. In emerging countries, the of GDP, this study provides insight into how current and future generations of female consumers shop and use media future is even brighter. ve g N d ia M dia sia h Th a d M a Ru o T u ia ey il differently. The findings are both enlightening and surprising. One universal truth prevails: women everywhere believe their ric in De rgin az pe an ut ic er ss rk ay ex In Ch Br So Af lo ail ig e al roles are changing and they are changing for the better. Education and access to technology are Em fueling tomorrow’s optimism as women Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. around the world know that one vital way Key Findings: • Across generations women are alike in many ways, but they are also • She trusts those she knows. When it comes to advertising, women trust to a better life is through education. In • 90% of women believe their role is unique. From daughters to mothers recommendations from people she developed economies, women’s access changing for the better. Eighty percent to grandmothers, there are some knows above all other forms. She is to higher education is considered an of women in developed economies commonalities across watch and most reticent to trust text ads on mobile established standard, while in emerging believe the role of women is changing buy behaviors, but it’s the unique phones. And if she trusts a company, it economies, attending college is often a and of those, 90 percent believe it will differences that savvy marketers need to means a lot. luxury for women and the aspiration is change for the better in all matters understand. much higher. from gender equality to politics to • TV is the preferred source to get • Social media has become an information about new products and The value of that privilege is evidenced opportunities in the workplace. indispensable tool. Women are services. Women rely on television to in the study, as 56 percent of women • A vast horizon of opportunities, expanding beyond their careers and get information about products, but as in emerging countries say they plan but a plateau of hope in developed homes to influence decisions in both the landscape continues to fragment, to allocate additional income for their economies. The aspirations for future business and politics to benefit others. complementary and integrated children’s education versus just 16 percent generations of women in emerging And they are leveraging social media marketing plans are vital. of women in developed countries. Women countries are bright, but women in platforms to solve problems, ask in Nigeria, India and Malaysia placed developed countries believe that the • Across 95% of countries, quality is the the most importance in saving for their questions and build communities. same opportunities —not more —will be #1 driver of brand loyalty. The number children’s education —a choice that available to their daughters. • Only 10% of women are highly one driver of brand loyalty across 17 ranked in the top three out of 25 different influenced by web ads with social factors in 20 of 21 countries is quality. options for how they plan to allocate their • Increasingly empowered, increasingly context. Technologies that appeal “Lowest price” doesn’t even make the additional salary in the next five years. stressed. Women everywhere are to women’s innate nature to engage, top three criteria among these countries. pressured for time, have little time to connect and multi-task are life- relax and feel stressed/overworked, changers,but social media advertising but women in emerging countries feel the strain even more than women in has significant room to grow. Invest in her Tomorrow developed economies. Invest in initiatives that further EMERGING MARKETS DEVELOPED MARKETS • When it comes to life’s decisions, educational/advancement Brazil Nigeria Australia Japan women want to share responsibility. China Russia Canada South Korea opportunities by connecting your A desire for male/female shared responsibilities in all matters from India South Africa France Spain brands/products with associations childcare to car purchases is echoed Malaysia Thailand Germany Sweden that align with her beliefs and everywhere, but breaking down some Mexico Turkey Italy United Kingdom aspirations. barriers in emerging countries continues. United States Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. 1 2
  • 3. Developed Emerging A horizon of Opportunities compared to your mother at your age and for your MORE opportunities for future women in Having access to technology 74 84 daughter in the future EMERGING countries opportunities, but a Developed Emerging How do you think opportunities for your Having higher educational opportunities 54 83 53 plateau of hope in Compared to Mothers For Daughters daughter when she’s your age in the future will Having opportunity to travel 82 compare to opportunities available to 40 developed economies. you now in these areas? Achieving personal financial stability 45 81 More Same Less More Same Less Ability to purchase things you need 81 Across both developed and emerging She will have MORE opportunities than I do. 44 countries, the majority of women today Ability to purchase things you want 81 believe they have more opportunities Choosing your own career path 50 80 than their mothers did for everything from 58% 32% 9% 44% 48% 9% Having personal fulfillment 43 79 achieving personal financial stability and Having opportunities to participate in sports activities 47 enjoying better health to having more 77 career opportunities and greater access Having opportunities to participate in leisure activities 47 to technology. And while that level of 70% 23% 7% 77% 18% 5% 77 Having a healthy lifestyle 40 attainment will grow and develop even 75 further for women and their daughters in Achieving good work/life balance 40 75 emerging countries, a plateau of hope is Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. Owning your own home/apartment 35 75 emerging among the future generations 37 for women in developed countries. Making your own decision about whom to marry 72 Making your own decision about if you will marry someone 37 Across 18 dimensions analyzed, more 72 34 than 77 percent of women in emerging Ability to retire when I choose 72 countries believe the future will be Ability to eliminate debt 33 72 brighter for their daughters. The areas 31 where improvement will be the greatest Reducing stress in your day-to-day life 66 Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. are technology (84%), education (83%), travel (82%), financial stability (81%), Developed Emerging purchasing power (81%) and careers (80%). Women in Turkey (92%), Nigeria SAME Opportunities for future women in Making your own decision about whom to marry 61 24 (89%) and Malaysia (89%) were the most DEVELOPED countries Making your own decision about if you will marry someone 61 optimistic. 25 How do you think opportunities for your 53 Having personal fulfillment 17 In contrast, the majority of women in daughter when she’s your age in the future will developed countries (48%) believe that compare to opportunities available to Having a healthy lifestyle 52 18 the same opportunities —not more —will you now in these areas? Ability to eliminate debt 52 21 be available to their daughters (with the She will have the SAME opportunities as I do. Reducing stress in your day-to-day life 51 exception of access to technology, where 22 three-quarters believe more opportunities Having opportunities to participate in sports activities 50 19 will be available). And the reality of 49 Ability to purchase things you need 15 today’s high cost of living with little spare Having opportunities to participate in leisure activities 49 income is apparent as almost one-third 18 (29%) believe that their daughters will be Achieving good work/life balance 49 19 less likely to retire when they choose to 48 Ability to purchase things you want 15 compared to today’s standards. Connect to the bigger Owning your own home/apartment 18 47 Marketers need to recognize that while women of tomorrow are optimistic, they picture: Choosing your own career path 16 46 are also concerned about their home, Achieving personal financial stability 45 Give careful consideration to 14 children and the future —both at the 42 supporting organizations that help Having higher educational opportunities 13 micro (immediate family) and macro (environment, politics) levels. Having opportunity to travel 41 and empower women and share 14 37 her views on corporate social Ability to retire when I choose to 21 24 responsibility. Having access to technology 12 Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. 3 4
  • 4. Increasingly empowered, As empowerment increases, so do her stress levels When it comes to life’s Women feel burdened with their current level of decision making For these types of purchases/activities, who is the most appropriate decision maker? increasingly stressed. Developed Emerging decisions, women want to Both Female respondents in all parts of the share responsibility. Developed Men primarily men and women Women primarily world say they are pressured for time, equally I often feel Women may control the spending rarely have time to relax and feel stressed 54% 62% in a household, but what they really Food 6% 51% 43% and overworked most of the time, but pressured for time desire is to have more equally-shared Health/Beauty 4 32 64 women in emerging countries feel the responsibilities with the partners in their Clothes 5 50 45 strain even more so than women in I rarely have developed countries. Many women time to relax 37% 55% lives about decisions on all matters from Home electronics 37 54 9 taking care of the children to purchasing today are wearing multiple hats by Personal electronics 31 61 9 a car. balancing both career and home/family I feel stressed/ Car 45 49 6 responsibilities. In many emerging overworked most 38% 49% As more women enter the workforce, markets, this revolutionary change is in of the time roles blur as traditional norms for Pharmaceutical prescription/OTC drugs 7 62 31 the early stages of development, while predominantly male or female Family finances 22 63 15 Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. in developed markets, this evolution has responsibilities change. There is strong Insurance 26 61 13 been on-going for a longer period of time. consistency across developed and 48 Where will you allocate additional Developed Emerging Child care at home 4 48 emerging economies that both men In emerging markets, women in India money you earned or expect Managing child care outside the home 5 51 44 and women are equally “best fit” as the (87%), Mexico (74%) and Russia (69%) to earn over the next Vacations/holidays 40 58 11 73 16 primary decision makers for most roles. Social/activity memberships report they are most stressed/pressured five years? Groceries 57 for time; in developed markets, women 68 In developed economies, the notion of Locations for social activities 9 71 20 General savings 55 in Spain (66%), France (65%) and Italy 51 shared decision-making responsibilities is Both Men men and Women (64%) are most time-strained. Product Pay off debt/credit cards/loans 25 55 well established for all matters, although Emerging primarily women primarily innovations that save time and provide health and beauty purchases and taking equally Clothes 53 short-cuts are not only useful, but these 70 care of the children at home remain the Food 8% 43% 48% improvements will go a long way in Home improvement or redecorating 49 responsibilities where women are still the 42 Health/Beauty 4 25 71 providing the resources needed by multi- Retirement savings 41 primary influencers. 6 46 25 Clothes 48 tasking women who are always on the go. Automobiles/other transportation 33 39 In emerging economies, men are still Home electronics 46 45 9 Additionally, the research shows that 36 viewed as the primary decision-making Personal electronics 40 52 8 Emergency use 32 women living in emerging countries stakeholders when it comes to purchasing allocate more of their extra earnings Health/beauty items 29 53 home electronics or cars, and women Car 55 40 6 for basic essentials such as food and Entertainment outside your home 28 predominate in the health and beauty, Pharmaceutical prescription/OTC drugs 13 56 31 26 clothing, while women in developed 25 food/grocery departments and on all Family finances 33 53 14 Charitable causes 14 countries indicate that they are more matters having to do with the children 22 Insurance 40 49 11 likely to allocate additional money toward Insurance (not including health insurance) 14 inside and outside the home. But how vacations, buying groceries, paying off much longer will decision making continue Child care at home 4 37 60 Internet/telecom services 13 19 debts, and for general savings. One to fall along these lines? Managing child care outside the home 9 44 47 Health insurance 19 contributing factor in the higher stress 29 And while shared decision-making Social/activity memberships 21 61 18 levels reported among women in emerging Investments (not including retirement) 18 20 responsibilities are desired, some Locations for social activities 16 63 21 countries is likely due to little spare cash 16 Education for your children 55 traditional sentiments are evident: remaining after the staples are covered to Source: Nielsen Q1 Global Online Survey. A new home 16 Across the countries surveyed, nearly kick-back, relax and go on holiday. 32 Personal electronics 16 23 one-third (31%) of both men and women believe that men are best fit to hold Treat her with equality: Make her life easier: Home electronics 15 39 political office, maintain workplace Use collaborative and reciprocal 12 positions of authority (29%) and make Develop time-saving product Education for yourself 21 major purchases (22%). language and include her as a 11 innovations that deliver multiple Toward having a child/having more children 12 shared decision maker in campaigns 10 benefits and satisfy various needs. Personal services (e.g. home cleaning, nanny, etc.) 16 that are centered in industries 8 Give back rewards that ease her Supporting non-immediate family (e.g. grandparents) 27 that often cater to men, such as 4 automotive, insurance and finance. complex life. A second home 12 Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. 5 6
  • 5. Across generations women Generational women exhibit traits that make her unique Social media has influence” and becoming an indispensable tool for solving problems, asking during major TV events like awards shows and reality programming. are alike in many ways, but Daughters Optimistic Uncertain Grandmothers become an questions, and building the community. On a social level, women talk and text Mothers Mothers they are also unique. AVG. AGE = 30 AVG. AGE = 47 AVG. AGE = 47 AVG. AGE = 67 indispensable tool. It is more than just entertaining; social media has functional benefits. Nielsen on their mobile devices more than men. Across generations, from daughters to Women want to expand beyond career Nielsen data shows that women talk 28 estimates that there are on average mothers to grandmothers, women all and home to influence decisions in both percent more and text 14 percent more Most impulsive More shopping Good value Most habitual between 200–300 dedicated women’s around the world worry about future BUY business and politics to benefit others. than men every month; they are also ahead conscious shopper discussion forums across global markets opportunities, even in the face of Women continue to be caregivers at heavier users of social features of phones (not counting individual blogs) where optimism. High stress is universal, but home, but they also want to positively (SMS, MMS, social networking) compared women connect with one another on daughters (average age of 30) are most affect the broader community in to men who tend to use functional Heavier media Enjoys ads Heavier texting/ Word of Mouth issues ranging from family life, managing stressed. As her family is early in its WATCH their neighborhoods, at work and in features more (GPS, email, Internet). user email careers, health and wellness, shopping and formation and income levels have not yet government. Women everywhere echoed increasingly financial health Marketers have an opportunity to better reached full potential, there is constant similar sentiments about wanting to connect with women online to make them pressure to fulfill daily needs. Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. play an integral and equal part in making Online, women are more engaged than feel like valued customers —and then a positive change for the future and men, spending more time on fewer In analyzing generations, three segments reward them for being an advocate for Daughters are the most impulsive Grandmothers are strong planners and sites during a single sitting—a valuable affecting policies that would impact her the brand. This pay-it-forward approach were created: daughters, mothers, and shoppers and they are most likely to try the most habitual shoppers. She is the attribute to advertisers. They also visit family and the environment. is perfectly aligned with how women live grandmothers. These segments are based new products. Buying on promotions most likely of the three groups to listen more social and community sites, which is on age characteristics and include all Social networking is connecting women their lives. is important and she will often go to to the radio, but she is catching up on especially important given the popularity women in the study, not just those who different stores to get the best deal. She technology as she utilizes email. across the globe, broadening her “circle of of immediate online/social discussion have children. is also the most tech-savvy of the three As Baby Boomers (aged 47-65) become The women of tomorrow are connected groups and is an earlier adopter of new Mothers (average age 47) were split most grandparents, technology usage among Claimed penetration in her household technology. She is also the heaviest user distinctly into two groups (optimistic the older demographic will increase. As of media and is the most influenced by all Developed Emerging and uncertain) defined by where they live this segment is also the most financially “Women who will be closely connected to types of media. (emerging versus developed countries), stable, marketers have an opportunity to driving the differences in optimism society through work will be demonstrating Mothers in developed markets are cross over generational lines with cross- Internet TV Cell Smart around opportunities for their daughters. heavy Internet users and rely on texting platform advertising that speaks to their phone phone leadership by forging various communities This group experiences mid-level stress and email to communicate nearly as lifestyle habits. Likewise, messaging that where there is the emphasis on individuals' because even though income levels much as daughters. Planned shopping empathizes with the high stress levels are higher, finances are still a cause for qualification differences rather than trips and buying products with good of being a new or established mom will concern. Grandmothers (average age value are important, as are promotions resonate in an impactful way. 90% 95% 95% 37% differences between the sexes.” – Japan 67) are typically the most financially and discounts. In contrast, mothers stable and thereby the least stressed. Not in emerging countries are still heavily surprisingly, they are also most likely to reliant on TV and prefer TV even though “There will be an increase in the number of believe they have achieved a good work- she enjoys advertising regardless of women in higher political office thereby life balance. the medium. Her phone is the primary 46% 98% 89% 18% method of communication. As her being able to affect real change in society in The attitudes, outlooks, shopping habits and media preferences that women hold income increases, she expects to do more areas where it is needed (e.g., poverty, health are similar in many ways, but generational shopping in the future. Cater to her distinct Source: Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Study 2011. issues, education issues).” – Canada differences are the most apparent. Most needs: commonly held sentiments are decisions centered on buying quality products that Think about the products women Be available and “Women's involvement in society is provide good value at fair prices. Planned of different age groups purchase informed: increasing in all spheres (economic, social, shopping trips are typical, but occasional impulse purchases happen too. All women and the media technologies they Offer online 24/7 customer medical, political); they want to take an watch TV and listen to the radio on a use and develop generational support, Twitter accounts and active part in their children's futures.” regular basis. The differences in finances marketing strategies that address – France manufacturer-sponsored forums. as well as needs across generations, however, often dictate actual watch and the diverse habits that drive Listen and learn. Go on online buy habits. behavior. Do not assume that all blogs and forums to find out how women are the same. women think and engage. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. 7 8