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 Greetings from the Global Mom HEC team!

 Over the past year, we have steeped ourselves in Mom learning, combed through insights and listened to what
 Moms are buzzing about. Moms are the queens of the household—as influencer, gatekeeper, shopper and key
 decision maker. All activities and decisions start with her. For many brands, winning Mom is key to brand
 momentum. In recognition of Mom’s centricity to all experiences relating to family and home, we wanted to kick off
 this new year by sharing some fresh thinking and insights about what matters most to her.

 Towards the end of 2012, we asked several Mom experts in key global markets to provide their perspective on local
 Moms. The same three questions were sent out to network strategists in each market. By weaving in local market
 threads with each market in its own voice, we hope to share a tapestry of global Moms. What follows is a rich
 market-level view that, taken together, layers into a portrait of Moms around the world. In addition to strategist
 perspectives, we tapped our global community of Moms to talk to us about what’s on their mind and pulled together
 some key stats on why Mom’s voice is an important one for your brand and target.
 Read on for a point-in-time view of Moms around the world.
Argentina   3-4
China       5-6
Colombia    7-8
France      9-10
India       11-12
Mexico      13-14
Russia      15-16
UK          17-18
US          19-20
 Written by:                           MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS                            GET MOMS TALKING                        HEY, WATCH THIS!                      YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
      Maria Yahari                     In 2012, which brand campaign                  Who or what got Moms buzzing            What’s an interesting mobile or       How can mobile phones be
  Franziska Matthay                    resonated most with Moms?                      during 2012?                            social app to watch with Moms?        reimagined to make lives easier?

                                      Making kids protagonists in their              Preparing children for a more            In 2012, two Argentinean business     Features that would make the
                                      communities and encouraging                    successful economic future is getting    women launched their start up         shopping process easier, would
                                      environmental consciousness are                much focus by Argentinean Moms.          project “”.               provide immediate improvement
                                      meaningful connection points with                                                                                             for Argentinean Moms. Moms
        24%                           Argentinean Moms.                              Argentina is currently undergoing a
                                                                                     critical economic situation. High
                                                                                                                              This new social network seeks to
                                                                                                                              connect working Moms with
                                                                                                                                                                    are passionate about finding
                                                                                                                                                                    offers, mobile payment options
Own a smartphone1                     Mondeléz International’s “Tang                 inflation has been and still is a huge   nannies more professionally. This     and shopping list enhancement
                                      Bicibus” campaign featured the                 issue.                                   concept already exists in countries   solutions:
                                      achievement of all the kids who                                                         like the US, but it is still is an
                                                                                     Moms see themselves affected daily
                                      participated in the drink package
                                                                                     when planning and managing
                                                                                                                              untapped territory in South             “…an app that would
                                      recycling program that was                                                              America .
                                      developed by Tang and TerraCycle               budgets to sustain the family’s basic                                           recognize the product by
        57%                           in 2011.                                       needs. Lower spending power
                                                                                     increases Mom’s desire to guarantee
                                                                                                                              With a growing number of working       taking a picture of it and
Listen to music on                                                                                                            women and more needs for support       automatically put it onto
                                      This unique recycling program is               educational success for her kids. At
    their phone2                      still running and has generated                the same time, it lowers her ability
                                                                                                                              resources for working Moms, this        my shopping list. I lose
                                                                                                                              has been an under-estimated
                                      around 1.700 “Brigadas Tang” –                 to do so.
                                                                                                                              opportunity until now.
                                                                                                                                                                     a lot of time working out
                                      self-organized teams of children,
                                                                                     Public school is perceived to be low
                                                                                                                                                                        my hand-written or
                                      family and school groups. Across                                                        The social community seeks                   manual lists”
                                                                                     quality, but is more accessible for
                                      the country, these Brigadas Tang                                                        bringing effectiveness and
      16 / 7                          collected 2.5000.000 packages
                                      that will be recycled into new,
                                                                                     many Argentinean families Private
                                                                                     education and the continual demand
                                                                                                                              transparency into the emerging
                                                                                                                              childcare decisions in Argentina.
                                                                                                                                                                    Moms are also intrigued by
                                                                                                                                                                    potential mobile phone usage
# of mobile apps /                                                                   for child development and
                                      eco-friendly products.                                                                                                        amplifications such as using the
                                                                                     enrichment activities are costly.
 # actually used2                                                                    With a rise in working parents, the
                                                                                                                              We are curious to see how this        device as a remote control for her
                                      Tang and TerraCycle committed to                                                        will be adopted over the year.        TV and all other household
                                      donating 10 Centavos per package               earlier childcare need is another
                                                                                     expensive investment. These have                                               appliances. In the future, she
                                      to each ONG or public school that                                                                                             could see herself controlling and
                                      the teams chose, resulting in                  become core topics and concerns
                                                                                     among Moms who seek to prepare                                                 connecting to her car using her
                                      250.000 pesos for institutions                                                                                                mobile phone.
                                      across Argentina to date.                      their kids for a more demanding
                                                                                     future against economic challenges.

1 RCR Wireless. May 2012; 2 Google’s Our Mobile Planet study, 2012
Watch the Tang Bicibus campaign: and check out
  SMG Mom Community                   WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?                            FUTURES BEGIN TODAY                     Involved Parenting                    THE FINAL WORD
                                      A direct pathway into Mom’s mind              Opportunities to support Mom’s          There is a desire for resources       Random musings from the mouth
  Local Mom maestro:
                                                                                    work to secure her child’s future. 6    that help parents teach their         of Moms.6
     Franziska Matthay
                                                                                                                            children ethics, social and
     Moms HEC, LatAm                  As Mom detectives, we used                    Given the country’s economic            environmental consciousness.         On whether a tablet is worth the
                                      netnography and chatted up the                uncertainty, Argentinean Moms feel                                           investment:
                                      Moms in our proprietary online                                                        Moms want to help identify their
        91%                           community to give you some point-
                                                                                    increasing pressure to do what they
                                                                                    can to make their child’s future more   children’s talents and provide           “It does not replace a
                                      in-time clues about the mysterious            secure.                                 them with tools and resources
  of Argentina’s                                                                                                            needed to foster and build those
                                                                                                                                                                   computer, but it does go
                                      inner workings of the motherhood.
 online population                                                                  There are opportunities to help and     talents.                             where the computer cannot.
   on Facebook4                       You may think you know Mom, but               support Mom’s efforts. To improve                                             Sometimes I like to spend
                                      some common assumptions may be                her child’s future, she will take       Parents have increased need to
                                                                                                                            connect with their children to
                                                                                                                                                                    the day outdoors. This
                                      red herrings…                                 action in three core areas:
                                                                                                                            build life skills that will enable   allows me to relax. As long
                                      SHOPPING MIGRATION                                                                    development of desired values,        as I have mobile internet,
                                                                                    Financial Management
                                      Argentinean Moms look to shop
                                                                                    Moms need to manage budgets
                                                                                                                            work ethic and self-sufficiency.     with a tablet it is possible to
                                      the most budget-effective way.6                                                                                                 get work done from
                                                                                    closely and find more ways to save
                                       Family budgets are not plentiful,            money. Additionally, there is a need                                                   anywhere.”
                                       nor does money stretch far in                to protect and diversify family
                                       Argentina.                                   income sources to guarantee funds                                            On Moms being friends with
                                                                                    for good education.                                                          teenage children:
  "El Raton                            Argentinean Moms would be
                                       motivated to shop more online if                                                                                               “Moms have to set
   Perez"                              it was the most cost effective
                                       channel. They will go where the
                                                                                    Moms know that being tech savvy is                                            boundaries and limits are
Argentina’s version                    best deals are to be found.
                                                                                    critical for future success. This                                                     part of that
                                                                                    makes them more open to equipping                                               education. Sometimes
of the tooth fairy5                                                                 their children with emerging
                                          “…in our country, our                     technology and devices. It also                                                    teenagers do not
                                         family’s budget must be                    makes them more eager to learn                                                    understand, but as
                                          more “productive,” our                    themselves.                                                                  happened with us, the effort
                                         money is very devalued”                                                                                                  is appreciated with age.”

 4 Comscore, 2012; 5, 2012; 6 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography
 Image credit: Dan Heller’s Tumblr:
 Written by:                          MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS                      GET MOMS TALKING                         HEY, WATCH THIS!                       YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
       Cherry Tan                     In 2012, which brand campaign            Who or what got Moms buzzing             What’s an interesting mobile or        How can mobile phones be
       Silver Duo                     resonated most with Moms?                during 2012?                             social app to watch with Moms?         reimagined to make lives easier?

                                     A video that resonated greatly among      Among Chinese Moms there is              Microblogging sites are successful     Like their global counterparts, the
                                     Chinese Moms was not a product            ongoing debate about whether it is       among the Chinese, including           mobile phone has become an
                                     or brand campaign, but rather an          better for a working mom to leave her    Moms. Only four years old, there       essential and indispensable tool
                                     amateur-produced ‘public service          job to stay home with her baby or        are 400MM active Weibo accounts.       for Chinese Moms. Recently,
        59%                          advertisement’ about family. It got
                                     many views on Sohu, a Chinese
                                                                               leave the child with the grandparents.   Weibo has fostered development of
                                                                                                                        online communities around shared
                                                                                                                                                               Chinese Moms were asked to
                                                                                                                                                               reimagine mobile phones to be
 of the population                   internet video platform similar to
                                                                               Most Chinese women go back to            interests and facilitates self-        even more convenient and useful
   with internet                                                               work after having a child, leaving       expression. This may not be unique
                                     Youtube. In China, PSAs videos                                                                                            for everyday Mom use.
                                                                               a void at home. As a result,             in the Western world, but it is a
      access1                        share a personal point of view about
                                                                               grandparents have stepped in and are                                            Many of their ideas for a mobile
                                     themes valued by the Chinese.                                                      gamechanger for China.
                                                                               increasingly becoming primary                                                   phone designed with Mom in
                                     The video was produced by a recent        caretakers of their grandchildren.       On Weibo, you’ll find Chinese moms     mind included voice recognition
        33%                          college graduate as a way to publicly
                                                                               Some middle class parents hire a full
                                                                                                                        congregating and connecting.
                                                                                                                        Weibo has become the primary
                                                                                                                                                               and artificial intelligence.
                                     recognize and honor his mother. In
    smartphone                       the video, the young man tells about
                                                                               time nanny to take care of the baby      source of real-time, local             Sometimes, Mom don’t have a
   penetration in                                                              while they work. However, there are      ‘uncensored’ thoughts, perspective     free hand to use her phone. What
                                     how he came from a poor family.
                                                                               many parents who don’t have the                                                 if the phone could recognize and
      China2                         His father passed away when he
                                                                               resources to do so or who are
                                                                                                                        and news. Moms share interests,
                                     was young, so his mother raised him                                                advice and resources in an open        respond to Mom’s voice
                                                                               unwillingly to hire a stranger to be     exchange in a way they could not       commands?
                                     alone. He expressed gratitude for
                                                                               their child’s primary caregiver.         before. Popular recent topics have
                                     his mother’s sacrifice to provide him
      19 / 8                         with an education that meant more
                                     and better options for his life.
                                                                               Grandparents may have not recently       included conversations about love
                                                                                                                        and romance, parenting strategies
                                                                                                                                                               What if Mom’s ‘smartphone’
                                                                                                                                                               actually had some artificial
                                                                               practiced parenting skills or may have                                          intelligence?
# of apps on phone                                                             a style the mother does not want for     and challenges, dealing with aging
/ # actually used2                   The video story demonstrated his                                                   parents, local government and more.
                                                                               her child. Different generational                                               As Mom used her phone, it would
                                     love and respect for his mother and
                                                                               parenting styles have led to clashes.                                           ‘learn’ her desires, understand her
                                     also how mothers sacrifice for their                                               Over 22% of the online Chinese
                                                                                                                                                               needs and ‘predict’ how to meet
                                     families and children. Public shows       Moms are struggling with what to do.     population uses Weibo as their
                                                                                                                                                               them. The phone could give her
                                     of emotion and acknowledgment are         Should they leave the child to their     primary connection platform. Usage
                                                                                                                                                               personalized reminders and
                                     rare in China, and Moms were deeply       parents or quit their job to take care   remains a huge opportunity area for
                                                                                                                                                               suggestions transforming it from a
                                     touched by his story and his gratitude.   of their children themselves?            communication with brand fans and
                                                                                                                                                               functional tool to a mind-reader.
                                     for yourself                                                                       prospects and will evolve over time.

1 eMarketer, May 2012; 2 Google’s Our Mobile Planet study, 2012
Watch the Mom PSA:
SMG Mom Community                    WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?                             SHOPPING MIGRATION                     THE WIRED HOME                          THE FINAL WORD
Local Mom maestro:                   A direct pathway into Mom’s mind               Chinese Moms want online               Chinese Moms envision tech-             Random musings from the
      Cherry Tan                                                                    shopping to carry less risk.5          enhanced living. 5                      mouth of Moms.6
   Moms HEC, China                   As Mom detectives, we used                    For Chinese Moms, online buying                                                 One of 2012’s hottest Weibo topics
                                                                                                                           When it comes to technology,
                                     netnography and chatted up the                would increase if there was lower       Chinese Moms embrace change and         was completing the prompt ‘My
                                     Moms in our proprietary online                perceived risk. To shift more spend     innovation. In fact, they demand it.    Mom is always saying.’ This
                                     community to give you some point-             online, Chinese Moms need more                                                  received hundreds of responses
                                     in-time clues about the mysterious            guarantees.                             When Moms think about how               that showcased the perspective
                                     inner workings of the motherhood.                                                     technology will be enhancing their      and advice commonly given by
         <1                          You may think you know Mom, but
                                                                                   Like Moms in other markets, Chinese
                                                                                   Moms are also concerned about price
                                                                                                                           lives in the future, they imagine
                                                                                                                           technology embedded into their
                                                                                                                                                                   Chinese mothers.

 % of Chinese on                     some common assumptions may                   competitiveness, payment security,      homes and home products.                Based on volumes of pasts, some
                                     be red herrings…                              on-time delivery and return options.                                            of the most ‘familiar’ sayings of
   Facebook3                                                                                                               To Chinese Moms, technology will        Chinese Moms include:
                                                                                   However, unlike other markets,          be so accessible that it will be
                                      UNGATED CONTENT                              Chinese Moms are particularly                                                   “Youth these days don’t know
                                                                                                                           integrated into every facet of their
                                      Chinese Moms value content
                                                                                                                                                                     how to “eat bitter.” If you
 KNITTING                             channels with fewer restrictions.5
                                                                                   sensitive to guarantees about product
                                                                                   quality and service commitments.
                                                                                                                           daily lives. Moms envision this as
                                                                                                                           the way of the future.                     enjoy life too much as a
What ‘tweeting’ is                   Video is an important media format    China struggles with counterfeits, so           Chinese Moms dream of living with        youth, your older years will
 called on weibo                     for Chinese Moms. For video, Moms     Chinese moms need online                        technology such as 3D TVs. Remote                be harder. “
                                     overwhelmingly prefer watching
   microblogs4                                                             guarantees of product authenticity to           controlled cameras for setting up the
                                                                                                                                                                   “Good fortune in life is not to
                                     online rather than on TVs.            protect them from fakes and                     perfect shot and even smart robots
                                                                           unreliable goods or sellers. They               that will do household chores like      meet the best person, but to
                                     For the Chinese who have struggled
                                     with censorship and restricted access
                                                                           want to be reassured about merchant             cleaning and laundry to Mom’s           meet the person who will be
                                                                           dependability as well as post-sale              exacting specifications.                accompany you into old age.”
                                     to content, the online channel seems
                                                                           service commitment.
                                     a less restrictive option.                                                            Moms also envision shape-shifting       And of course, popular questions
                                                                                   While the online market provides        portable technology to meet             asked by Moms around the world:
                                     Online access is real-time, without
                                                                                   access to more choices, it also         changing environmental needs. For
                                     commercial interruptions and can be                                                                                           “Why haven’t you found work
                                                                                   opens the door for shady sellers and    example, maybe there is a ‘laptab’
                                     shared via Weibo. There is much
                                     more on-demand control and access
                                                                                   questionable goods. Guarantees          that at home takes the shape of a        yet? You have no boyfriend!
                                     to a broader and less censored
                                                                                   would help safeguard the online         laptop and when mobile changes             When are you going to
                                                                                   shopping experience and provide         into a tablet.                                  get married?”
                                                                                   greater buyer reassurance for Moms.
3 Social Bakers China, 2012; 4 5 SMG Mom Community / Pulse Netnography; 6
 Written by:                          MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS                          This humorous and non-                 HEY, WATCH THIS!                       YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
 Pilar Tinjaca                        In 2012, which brand campaign                conventional detergent brand           What’s an interesting mobile or        How can mobile phones be
                                                                                   campaign was very engaging to
 Franziska Matthay                    resonated most with Moms?                                                           social app to watch with Moms?         reimagined to make lives easier?4
                                                                                   Colombian Moms. It resonated due
                                     The detergent “Ace” has a relatively          to the well-chosen local celebrity     It will be interesting to see how      Colombian Moms have an interest
                                     low penetration rate in the                   and the fresh portrayal of an          Moms adopt and use Instagram.          in voice recognition. This would
                                     Colombian market. However, the                “irreverent” Mom hero.                 We expect this app to become           allow Mom to control her phone
        54%                          brand created attention this year by
                                     launching a campaign that                     It also connected meaningfully
                                                                                                                          increasingly popular among Moms
                                                                                                                          throughout the year.
                                                                                                                                                                 while her hands are occupied.
                                                                                                                                                                 Mom could speak to her phone and
                                                                                   through the authenticity of Moms
 Of the population                   challenged typical detergent
                                                                                   confronting their child’s
                                                                                                                                                                 have it respond to her to locate it at
                                     marketing.                                                                           With a growth of high-res, camera-     the bottom of her handbag.
    has internet                                                                   transformation from adolescence to     equipped smartphones and the
      access1                        The protagonist mom – a famous                young adulthood in a market where      growing popularity of mobile        In addition to being convenient,
                                     Colombian actress and comedian –              it’s very common for kids to live      operating systems such as iOS and   voice recognition could also
                                     finds a maltreated bra that once was          more years in their parents’ home.     Android, Instagram has become an    simplify device usage. Mom could

     $6,100                          white, but is now gray in his young                                                  attractive mobile application.      bypass lengthy or complicated
                                     adult son’s room. The mom                      GET MOMS TALKING                      Instagram is closely approaching thephone menus by saying aloud what
  Average annual                     confronts her son’s girlfriend                 Who or what got Moms buzzing          country’s top 10 most downloaded    she wants the phone to do. Voice
                                     without knowing that the bra is not            during 2012?                          mobile applications.                recognition would even help avoid
   income in US                      hers. It actually belongs to one of                                                                                      fraud by recognizing and
      dollars2                       her son’s five other lovers, one of            The Olympic Games touched             Since ‘Mamarazzis’ are tremendously authenticating her voice when
                                     whom is a famous Colombian                     Colombian Moms this year              keen on taking pictures of their    Mom accesses her phone.
                                     model.                                         especially due to the achievements    children and documented family
                                                                                    of female Colombian cyclist           moments, we believe that this app Security is quite an issue in recent
        88%                          The spot is the trailer of a mystery
                                     amplified throughout multiple media
                                                                                    Mariana Pajón.                        will revolutionize Moms’ ability to years, especially in Bogotá, with
                                                                                                                          photograph, document and share her increasing cell phone robbery
of Colombians have                   vehicles including social.                     She won her first and the country’s   favorite experiences.               cases. Comments by MIC Moms
                                     Consumers are asked to figure out              second gold medal in its entire                                           reflect this current concern:
  a mobile phone3                                                                   Olympic history.
                                     the answer to “Whose maltreated,
                                                                                                                                                                 “Devices should look differently
                                     gray bra is this?”
                                                                                    The Colombian Government even                                                to be easier to camouflage the
                                                                                    awarded her the “Orden de                                                      phone and avoid robbery. It
                                                                                    Boyacá”, a highly honorific medal                                            should also have an integrated
                                                                                    for outstanding services to the                                               alarm system to surprise and
                                                                                    homeland.                                                                         frighten the thieves.”
1 Internet World Stats, 2012; 2 World Bank, 2012; 3 La Razon, 2011; 4 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography
Watch the Ace campaign: and also here:
 SMG Mom Community                 WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?                    FUTURES BEGIN TODAY                      THE HOT LIST                           THE FINAL WORD
 Local Mom maestro:                A direct pathway into Mom’s mind      Opportunities to support Mom’s           Security concerns aside, Moms          Random musings from the
    Franziska Matthay                                                    work to secure her child’s future.6      still want the latest and greatest.6   mouth of Moms.6
    Moms HEC, LatAm                As Mom detectives, we used            Moms are increasingly faced with         In spite of concerns about theft,      On what Mom won’t leave home
                                   netnography and chatted up the        challenges to balancing family and       fraud and security, Moms still         without:
                                   Moms in our proprietary online        work-life. As Colombian Moms             highly desire technological
                                   community to give you some point-     continue to become integrated into       devices.                                  “I do not go anywhere
                                   in-time clues about the mysterious    the labour markets across the region,                                              without my lipstick, a
                                   inner workings of the motherhood.     they are faced with a shortage of        Like other areas of the world,
       89%                         You may think you know Mom, but
                                                                         time and a growing number of
                                                                                                                  personal portable technology such
                                                                                                                  as tablets and smartphones are
                                                                                                                                                           small vial of perfume, a
                                                                                                                                                               hair brush and my
  of Colombia’s                    some common assumptions may                                                    desired by Colombian Moms also.                sunglasses .”
online population                  be red herrings…                      To counter this, Moms plan to make       However, there is also a desire
                                                                         more time by reorganizing                for high tech family entertainment
  on Facebook5                     SHOPPING MIGRATION                    themselves through work schedule
                                                                                                                                                         On strategies for sticking to a
                                                                                                                  at home. Next-generation TVs           budget:
                                   Colombian Moms have concerns          redefinitions, household assistant       are hot items for the Mom set.
                                   about online shopping.6               contracting or home officing.
                                                                                                                                                          “Imagine being a single
   SHAKIRA                         Significant distrust hinders Moms     However, Moms are also thinking                                                 Mom. It’s a little difficult,
is the reigning fan                from doing more shopping online.      about ways to engage differently                                                  but I think the basis of
                                   Based on warnings about the safety    with their children. They are looking                                            success is organization.
     favorite on                   of online payments, Moms remain       for greater participation in their
     Facebook5                     cautious and hesitant.                children’s activities and interests.
                                                                                                                                                           Nothing is impossible,
                                                                         Colombian Moms want to get more                                                  but I have to distinguish
                                   Rampant data theft and payment        involved in the their children’s world                                               what are priorities.
                                   fraud is suspected. There is also a   and daily challenges, including their
                                   predisposition towards vendor                                                                                            I purchase for quality,
                                                                         education and career development.
                                   mistrust with Moms questioning                                                                                        not quantity so that I have
                                   whether they will actually receive                                                                                     fewer things, but better.
                                   what has been sold to them.                                                                                            Doing like this has been
                                         “…I must be completely                                                                                             what works for me.”
                                       confident that the sites have
                                        measures to avoid abuse”

5 Comscore, 2012; 6 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography
Image credits: YMCblog,
  Written by:                         MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS                   GET MOMS TALKING                       HEY, WATCH THIS!                      YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
      Julie Devinant                  In 2012, which brand campaign         Who or what got Moms buzzing           What’s an interesting mobile or       What will Moms be doing more of
                                      resonated most with Moms?             during 2012?                           social app to watch with Moms?        in social or mobile this year?

                                       In France the one that is our        In reaction to the “Mommy Wars”        Maman in the City Is an               A quantitative study recently
                                       favorite is the Nestle Guigoz        in the US, 2012 was full of press      application winking at Carrie         conducted by the French Moms
                                       campaign “Let’s talk Baby”. It was   articles focusing on the parenting     Bradshaw and the Sex and the City     team on Moms and mobile usage
                                       impactful among Moms and             style controversy.                     phenomenon.                           found that French Moms use their
 France offers the                     gathered many positive reactions.                                                                                 mobile phones and tablets
                                                                                                                   This iPhone and iPad application is   differently.
 WORLD’S                               The strength of the campaign was
                                       the focus on babies and what they
                                                                                                                   dedicated to our urban and busy
                                                                                                                   Moms who want to remain aware         Mobile phones are used much

  BEST                                 think when we talk to them. In a
                                       very funny way, we were put in
                                                                                                                   and on top.                           more practically for in-the-moment
                                                                                                                                                         communication and immediate
maternity benefits1                    the babies’ heads realizing what                                            The application allows Moms to        information access. Nearly 60% of
                                       they think when we address them                                             easily find a baby-sitter, a trendy   French Moms use their mobile
                                       with words that have no real                                                evening party or leisure ideas and    phones primarily to call peers.
                                                                            The 2012 book written by Pamela        information. The biggest cities in    Popular mobile apps supported the
                                       meaning. This commercial
                                                                            Druckerman “Bringing Up Bebe:          France are involved: Lyon,            use of the mobile for immediacy
 1,153,157                             featured clever insight into how
                                       people talk to babies. The
                                                                            One American Mother Discovers
                                                                            the Wisdom of French Parenting»
                                                                                                                   Marseille, Paris, Lille, Nantes,
                                                                                                                   Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Toulouse
                                                                                                                                                         and expedient information access.
                                       emotional appeal connected with                                                                                   GPS/maps, locator, banking and
Views of Nestle’s                                                           was a little bomb that triggered       and Nice.                             news apps continue to be most
campaign to date2                                                           even more articles and front pages.                                          popular.
                                       The brand also developed a fully                                            This application perfectly
                                                                            Even if most of our Moms                                                     In contrast, Mom’s tablet usage is
                                       integrated campaign with an OOH                                             resonates with our French
                                                                            remained spectators of this                                                  much more around passion points
                                       plan inviting people to scan QR                                             interests: how to combine a
                                                                            controversy, it has been the biggest                                         and deep-dive information hunting
                                       codes and discover online what                                              mother and a woman’s life, how to
                                                                            Mommy noise in our French press.                                             when time is less of an issue.
                                       babies were saying.                                                         gain more time to do everything
                                                                                                                   they want and how to use              There is great opportunity for
                                                                            The uproar led to our effort to
                                                                                                                   technology - especially               Mom-interest apps for tablet
                                                                            better understand what it is to be a
                                                                                                                   smartphones - to be always more       users. Use of social features is
                                                                            French Mom in 2012. We
                                                                                                                   efficient.                            more of an emphasis for tablets as
                                                                            conducted an investigation which
                                                                                                                                                         French Moms love to share tips
                                                                            led us to develop a unique French
                                                                                                                                                         and discoveries with the French
                                                                            perspective on the Mommy Wars*
1; 2 YouTube
Watch Nestle Guigoz’s campaign:
*For a French perspective on the Mommy Wars, contact Julie and team.
 SMG Mom Community                  WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?                     Though it may vary from the          THE HOT LIST                              THE FINAL WORD
                                    A direct pathway into Mom’s mind       perspective of native French Moms,
 Local Mom maestro:                                                                                             Tactile, self-expressive items are        Random musings from the
                                                                           experience the inimitable magic
     Julie Devinant                                                                                             popular among French children. 4          mouth of Moms.4
                                                                           of the Parisian experience through
    Moms HEC, France                As Mom detectives, we used             the eyes of an ex-pat:               French children are entranced by          On how the French pregnancy
                                    netnography and chatted up the                                              things that engage their imagination,     experience compares to other
                                    Moms in our proprietary online         “Paris is one of the few             their senses and enable them to           European countries:
                                    community to give you some point-      major metropolitan centers           express themselves.
                                    in-time clues about the mysterious     that provides a much needed                                                      “They treat expectant
                                    inner workings of the motherhood.
                                                                           respite from the “race.”             Xoomy, a toddler tablet was a                    Mums like
                                                                                                                popular holiday request. Other                treasures here.”
        60%                         You may think you know Mom, but
                                    some common assumptions may be
                                                                           It’s a place to catch one’s          popular toys include board games
                                                                                                                such as Mastermind and Monopoly,
  of mothers with                   red herrings…                          breath long enough to                and Playmobil sets.                       On favorite foods:
   young children                                                          properly look outward
                                                                           (and inward), interpret              Art supplies that facilitate creativity    “I am French so for me it
  return to work3                    SHOPPING PREFERENCES
                                     Online may be easier, but strolling   and express.                         are also desired. While girls remain        is the general pastry or
                                     the stores remains preferred.4                                             drawn to makeup palettes, boys are                the gratins.”
                                                                           In a world where doing               drawn to the pleasure of sweets
  2 out of 3                         French Moms see online shopping
                                     as offering greater convenience,
                                                                           and achieving seem to have           and chocolates.
                                                                                                                                                          On where French Moms love
 French children of                  but not their preferred way to        overtaken all else, Paris             2013 RESOLUTIONS                         to vacation:
working parents are                  shop.                                 remains a city devoted to             French Moms look to self-
                                                                                                                                                           “The Mauritius Islands -
cared for a nanny3                                                         ideas, discussion and the             improvement with benefits.4
                                     Over half of French Moms prefer to                                                                                      simply amazing. The
                                     shop in-store.                        pleasures linked to the              French Moms are family-focused when        landscape, the food, the
                                                                           senses, rather than to               it comes to personal goals for 2013.
                                     Online shopping offers high tech                                                                                      people...everything was
                                                                           material things.                     They are looking for ways to improve
                                     for routinized purchases. But, for                                         the emotional and economic health of            wonderful !”
                                     high touch purchases, the sensory     “Philosopher” is still a             their families. Summing up the 2013
                                     pleasures of the Parisian shopping
                                                                           recognized and accepted              resolution theme of Moms:                    “I love London, best
                                     experience that a store provides is
                                                                           job description here.”                                                            shopping experience
                                     impossible to replicate through                                            “I will get a new job and be a
                                     technology.                                                                                                                     ever.”
                                                                           - HIPPARIS Mom blog                      better wife and Mum.”

3 Insee, 2011; 4 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography
Written by:                            MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS                           GET MOMS TALKING                      HEY, WATCH THIS!                        YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
  Aarti Bharadwaj                      In 2012, which brand campaign                 Who or what got Moms buzzing          What’s an interesting mobile or         What will Moms be doing more of
Gautham Ram Pingali                    resonated most with Moms?                     during 2012?                          social app to watch with Moms?          in social or mobile this year?
   Sujata Dwibedy
                                      In India, a brand that definitely has          The Olympics fueled many              The NDTV Cooks mobile application       We expect there may some
    Sulina Menon                      left a mark on moms of multiple                conversations among and about         will become increasingly popular        mobile apps developed to help
                                      generations is ‘Woodward’s Gripe               Moms this summer. Given exposure      among working Indian Moms with          mothers to better keep in touch
                                      Water.’ When a baby is upset,                  and visibility through P&G’s          the need to manage household meal       with their children during the
                                      everyone around is unhappy. Gripe              Olympics TV campaign, Moms were       planning and preparation.               school day without being too
                                      Water is a product developed to                both involved in and the subject of                                           intrusive.
        37%                           relieve gas and soothe crying babies.
                                      It has been an integral part of mothers’
                                                                                     conversations this year.              For Moms who would love to churn
                                                                                                                           up food that the family would love,     Between the two cases in
  of the Indian                       lives for over 100 years.                 One inspiring Mom who generated            without having to waste time            Norway which have been flashed
                                                                                much discussion and inspiration            finding a recipe, this app is apt. It   across media and the US school
population owns a                     Brand messaging features the product was Mary Kom. Mary Kom is a                     catalogs hundreds of recipes from       shooting in Connecticut, Indian
  smartphone1                         rescuing upset mothers who cannot         female Indian boxer. She is a five-        leading Indian chefs with detail        parents are rethinking how and to
                                      stop their baby’s crying from irritating time World Boxing Champion. The             about how to prepare them at home.      what extent they communicate
                                      all those around. Soothing the baby       only Indian woman boxer to have                                                    with and monitor their children.
                                      soothes everyone. In 2012, advertising qualified for the Olympics, she won           For working Moms who do not have
SAMSUNG                               played on a heritage of success, but has the bronze.
                                      shifted to present the product as the
                                                                                                                           time to cook, the app also enables      Another growing concern among
                                                                                                                           searching for restaurants by cuisine,   Indian Moms is the safety of
 Is the top-selling                   solution for children having any trouble. The fact that she has succeeded in a       location, special offers or reviews.    children while commuting to and
  mobile brand in                                                               physically-demanding and                                                           from school, as well as during the
       India2                         Nearly all Indian Moms have an            traditionally male sport while a           Moms can even place restaurant          school day itself. Keeping
                                      emotional connection with the product. mother of two is an inspiring                 orders from within the application,     children safe and protected and
                                      Product use has been passed down          example for many Indian mothers.           selecting individual menu items and     teaching them to protect
                                      over generations. Recently, my sister                                                scheduling pick-up or home delivery.    themselves is a growing concern.
                                      had a baby. My mother and my sister’s Not only does it illustrate that girls
                                      in-laws separately flew from India to and women can succeed on a                     Currently, the application provides
                                      the US to help her with the baby.         different playing field, but it inspires   coverage in four major Indian cities,
                                      Both carried a fair supply of             working Indian women who are               but due to popularity is expanding to
                                      Woodward’s Gripe Water for my niece often forced to chose between                    eight more within this year.
                                      as it was used on my sister when          career and kids. This summer,
                                      she was a baby. The brand continues Mary Kom gave Indian Moms a lot
                                      to be ingrained with Indian mothers.      to talk about.
1 eMarketer, May 2012; 2 India Times, 2012
Watch the Woodward’s Gripe Water spots: and also
Image credit: SMG Moms MIC                                                                                                                                                                       11
                                     WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?                             2013 RESOLUTIONS                    THE HOT LIST                           THE FINAL WORD
 SMG Mom Community                   A direct pathway into Mom’s mind               Indian Moms seek inner              Portable personal technology is        Random musings from the
                                                                                    tranquility.5                       popular among Moms.5                   mouth of Moms.5

                                     As Mom detectives, we used                     Indian Moms occasionally feel       Though they may come at a price,      On how technology has impacted
                                     netnography and chatted up the                 overwhelmed by the constant din     Indian Moms remain entranced by       childhood:
                                     Moms in our proprietary online                 and growing demands of              mobile devices. Increasingly they
                                     community to give you some point-              technology, family, work and        are interested in technology that        “Technology has made
                                     in-time clues about the mysterious             household pressures,                facilitates experiences that mother     children lethargic. We
                                     inner workings of the motherhood.                                                  and child can enjoy together.
        5%                           You may think you know Mom, but
                                                                                    They seek feel more centered, to
                                                                                    seek a respite from the whirl of    In India and like much of the rest
                                                                                                                                                              would walk 1-3 km without
                                                                                                                                                                fuss. If my kids go to a
  of the Indian                      some common assumptions may be                 pressures around them. See below    of the world, the technology          friend’s place they will not
 population is on                    red herrings…                                  for how some Indian Moms intend     most-wanted by Moms and their         go walking. They will take
   Facebook3                                                                        to reclaim tranquility this year.   kids include:
                                       MOBILE REIMAGINED                            More importantly, what can your                                           a rikshaw or invite them to
                                       Increasing phone dependency may              brand do or stop doing to help      •   Tablets                               chat on Face Book. “
                                       conflict with focused family time.5          them achieve it?                    •   iPads and iPad Minis
                                                                                                                        •   iPhones                           On how it feels like today’s world is
     1 in 3                           Indian Moms find themselves
                                      conflicted about the deepening
                                                                                        “…meditate more,
                                                                                         talk less, lead a
                                                                                                                        •   Nintendo Wii and Wii U            less safe for children:

 Indian internet                                                                                                        Speaking of hot technology,
                                      integration of their mobile phones                more peaceful life.”            according to a 2012 study
                                                                                                                                                                 “Sometime I feel today
users are women4                      into daily life.                                                                  conducted by Cartoon Network,         there is no one whom I can
                                      Moms view their phones as                          “…be less angry.”              1 in 10 Indian kids have regular        trust. I remember when I
                                      essential and enjoy them, yet there                                               access to a mobile phone.                was a kid, I sometimes
                                      is a nagging suspicion that the                “…spend more time with                                                    played at my neighbour's
                                      technology can diminish focused                    my daughter.”                                                         home, when my mom was
                                      family time.
                                                                                     “…spend more time with                                                      out for some important
                                        “The phone helps things to be
                                                                                         my daughter.”                                                         work or just for a change.
                                        done much faster. But it puts
                                       pressure all the time to do even                                                                                         Today, I don't think I can
                                       more. Sometimes, I feel I have                                                                                           leave my kids like that.”
                                         to steal time for my family.”

3 Social Bakers India, 2012; 4 ComScore, 2010; 5 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography
Written by:                            MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS                     GET MOMS TALKING                        HEY, WATCH THIS!                      YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
 Andrea Lopez-Bancalari                In 2012, which brand campaign           Who or what got Moms buzzing            What’s an interesting mobile or       How can mobile phones be
   Lourdes Hernandez                   resonated most with Moms?               during 2012?                            social app to watch with Moms?        reimagined to make lives easier?
   Franziska Matthay
                                       For Mexican Moms, Coca-Cola’s           Rallying together against breast        Two different social apps seem to     Mobile-enabled child safety
                                       fruit juice brand “Jugos del Valle”     cancer is an emotional cause for        be capturing the interest and         connection is of great interest to
                                       campaign stood out. Designed to         many Mexican Moms. Men,                 attention of Mexican Moms.            Moms in Mexico. For many
                                       strengthen the brand’s “the secret is   women and children unite in a                                                 Moms, “hyper-parenting” phone
                                       love” positioning, the campaign         stand “against breast cancer.”          Increasingly, more Moms are           features that would allow them
                                       charmed moms by taking an               Breast cancer is highly relevant to     attracted to social gaming.           to better keep track of their kids
         20%                           unexpected approach.                    Moms who join together to spread
                                                                               the movement.
                                                                                                                       Especially Zynga’s Farmville has
                                                                                                                       caught Moms’ attention. As
                                                                                                                                                             are an appealing area with
                                                                                                                                                             significant opportunity.
Own a smartphone1                      Inspired by the positive effects of                                             many Mexican Moms are already
                                       showing love to somebody, the           Every year in October, many brands      actively connecting through           Adding age-appropriate controls
                                       brand featured a romantic ballad of     sponsor highly visible and              Facebook, embedded games such         and features that improve Mom’s
                                       love sung by “Chayanne” – a             publicized events and activities        as FarmVille enable them to play      ability to actively monitor her
                                       famous Puerto Rican male singer         that bring people together in support   games with their network of
                                                                                                                                                             child’s safety gives Mom a sense
                                       well-known among and highly             of women’s health. This year the        friends in a social forum Moms        of relief and reassurance.
                                       appealing to Latin American             initiative expanded to involve the      are already using.
    of smartphone                      women. Instead of singing a song        Mexican Soccer League. Teams
                                                                                                                                                                “Ah! I would be to be
    owners watch                       of affection and gratitude to adoring   and referees committed to dress in      The other app to watch this year
                                       women viewers, Chayanne instead         pink to increase awareness levels       with Mexican Moms is Pinterest,       able to connect my phone
    online videos2
                                       sang to the orange trees that           and give visibility to the cause.       It has been a phenomenon in the        to our home surveillance
                                       produce the Jugos del Valle that he                                             US and is moving to Latin                camera so that I could
                                       loves.                                                                          America. Mexico is one of the
                                                                                                                                                               always see my children
       18 / 8                          The fresh approach, sweet idea and
                                                                                                                       leading adopting countries, with
                                                                                                                       Moms leading the way. Moms             when I am not with them
# of apps on phone /                   the association of Chayanne with                                                already love connecting and           and keep watch over them
                                       love songs, helped Moms                                                         sharing – particularly with food,
   # actually used2                    emotionally connect to the
                                                                                                                                                                 from wherever I am.
                                                                                                                       friends and family. We are
                                       campaign. The song used was                                                     excited to see how Moms use              That would be great!”
                                       already familiar to Mexican Moms                                                Pinterest and are sure this will be
                                       as it is part of one of the country’s                                           a fascinating platform for Moms
                                       highest-rated telenovelas.                                                      to experiment with in 2013.

 1 RCR Wireless, May 2012; 2 Google’s Our Mobile Planet study, 2012
 Enjoy some juicy action:                                                                                                                                              13
SMG Mom Community                   WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?                     FUTURES BEGIN TODAY                      THE HOT LIST                          THE FINAL WORD
Local Mom maestro:                  A direct pathway into Mom’s mind       The traditional view of Mom as           Among Mexican Moms, the tablet        Random musings from the
    Franziska Matthay                                                      housewife is becoming history. 5         reigns supreme.5                      mouth of Moms.5
    Moms HEC, LatAm                As Mom detectives, we used              The Mexican “ama de casa” may            Everybody talks about and dreams      On the responsibility of parenting
                                   netnography and chatted up the          soon be an artifact of the past.         of tablets and this also resonates    a teenager:
                                   Moms in our proprietary online          Regionally, Mexico is still facing a     among our Moms.
                                   community to give you some point-       predominantly traditional of Moms as                                            “Both the future and the
                                   in-time clues about the mysterious      housewife. But there is a noticeable     The tablet is the most aspirational   present of our teenagers
                                   inner workings of the motherhood.       evolution underway to shift to a         technology device. However,
                                                                           more progressive view of Moms.
                                                                                                                                                           is our responsibility and
                                                                                                                    Moms also strongly desire to
       90%                         You may think you know Mom, but
                                   some common assumptions may             Mexican Moms themselves are
                                                                                                                    keep up with the latest mobile        we must always clear and
                                                                                                                                                             direct them to advise
                                                                                                                    phone technology. Both the
of Mexico’s online                 be red herrings…                        actually signaling a changing            iPhone 5 and Android-operated          people that are good for
  population on                                                            self-perception that brands should       smartphones are popular wants.
                                    SHOPPING MIGRATION                     be taking note of.                                                              them, their families and
                                    A relevant product assortment is                                                                                          wider community.”
                                    key for Mexican Moms.5                 In Mexico, Moms are transforming
                                                                           into the role of modern professional                                           On personal financial philosophy:
                                    Mexican Moms are selective about       women. Increasingly, modern Moms
     MANA                           assortment. When shopping, they        do not want to be seen as a                                                    “Make the most of every
Is the reigning fan                 want variety and relevance.            dependent caretaker and homemaker.                                             penny . To multiply (what
                                                                           Instead, they are evolving towards a
     favorite on                    Currently, online shopping doesn’t     more independent definition of what
                                                                                                                                                            you have), share with
     Facebook4                      seem to make selection of relevant     it means to be a mother. Moms are                                               those who have less.”
                                    products easier for Moms. Moms         becoming more engaged, creative,
                                    would shop online more often if        self-expressive and technology savvy.                                          On forgiving and forgetting:
                                    there was both selection variety and
                                    filters to easily identify relevant    The desire to move beyond Mexico’s                                                 “I forgive, but if the
                                    brands and products.                   more culturally traditional perception                                          offense is great I would
                                    “…more product variety and             of ‘Mom’ will have a profound                                                    not wish anything bad
                                                                           impact on her motivations, shopping
                                    better product descriptions.”          behaviours and lifestyle expressions.
                                                                                                                                                            but would say that our
                                                                                                                                                           friendship was ended. “

4 Comscore, 2012; 5 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography
Image credit: @kathieg                                                                                                                                                                   14
Winning MOMentum jan 2013
Winning MOMentum jan 2013
Winning MOMentum jan 2013
Winning MOMentum jan 2013
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Winning MOMentum jan 2013

  • 1. Winning MOMentum Greetings from the Global Mom HEC team! Over the past year, we have steeped ourselves in Mom learning, combed through insights and listened to what Moms are buzzing about. Moms are the queens of the household—as influencer, gatekeeper, shopper and key decision maker. All activities and decisions start with her. For many brands, winning Mom is key to brand momentum. In recognition of Mom’s centricity to all experiences relating to family and home, we wanted to kick off this new year by sharing some fresh thinking and insights about what matters most to her. Towards the end of 2012, we asked several Mom experts in key global markets to provide their perspective on local Moms. The same three questions were sent out to network strategists in each market. By weaving in local market threads with each market in its own voice, we hope to share a tapestry of global Moms. What follows is a rich market-level view that, taken together, layers into a portrait of Moms around the world. In addition to strategist perspectives, we tapped our global community of Moms to talk to us about what’s on their mind and pulled together some key stats on why Mom’s voice is an important one for your brand and target. Read on for a point-in-time view of Moms around the world.
  • 2. CONTENTS CONTENTS Argentina 3-4 China 5-6 Colombia 7-8 France 9-10 India 11-12 Mexico 13-14 Russia 15-16 UK 17-18 US 19-20
  • 3. ARGENTINA PERSPECTIVE Written by: MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS GET MOMS TALKING HEY, WATCH THIS! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST Maria Yahari In 2012, which brand campaign Who or what got Moms buzzing What’s an interesting mobile or How can mobile phones be Franziska Matthay resonated most with Moms? during 2012? social app to watch with Moms? reimagined to make lives easier? Making kids protagonists in their Preparing children for a more In 2012, two Argentinean business Features that would make the communities and encouraging successful economic future is getting women launched their start up shopping process easier, would environmental consciousness are much focus by Argentinean Moms. project “”. provide immediate improvement meaningful connection points with for Argentinean Moms. Moms 24% Argentinean Moms. Argentina is currently undergoing a critical economic situation. High This new social network seeks to connect working Moms with are passionate about finding offers, mobile payment options Own a smartphone1 Mondeléz International’s “Tang inflation has been and still is a huge nannies more professionally. This and shopping list enhancement Bicibus” campaign featured the issue. concept already exists in countries solutions: achievement of all the kids who like the US, but it is still is an Moms see themselves affected daily participated in the drink package when planning and managing untapped territory in South “…an app that would recycling program that was America . developed by Tang and TerraCycle budgets to sustain the family’s basic recognize the product by 57% in 2011. needs. Lower spending power increases Mom’s desire to guarantee With a growing number of working taking a picture of it and Listen to music on women and more needs for support automatically put it onto This unique recycling program is educational success for her kids. At their phone2 still running and has generated the same time, it lowers her ability resources for working Moms, this my shopping list. I lose has been an under-estimated around 1.700 “Brigadas Tang” – to do so. opportunity until now. a lot of time working out self-organized teams of children, Public school is perceived to be low my hand-written or family and school groups. Across The social community seeks manual lists” quality, but is more accessible for the country, these Brigadas Tang bringing effectiveness and 16 / 7 collected 2.5000.000 packages that will be recycled into new, many Argentinean families Private education and the continual demand transparency into the emerging childcare decisions in Argentina. Moms are also intrigued by potential mobile phone usage # of mobile apps / for child development and eco-friendly products. amplifications such as using the enrichment activities are costly. # actually used2 With a rise in working parents, the We are curious to see how this device as a remote control for her Tang and TerraCycle committed to will be adopted over the year. TV and all other household donating 10 Centavos per package earlier childcare need is another expensive investment. These have appliances. In the future, she to each ONG or public school that could see herself controlling and the teams chose, resulting in become core topics and concerns among Moms who seek to prepare connecting to her car using her 250.000 pesos for institutions mobile phone. across Argentina to date. their kids for a more demanding future against economic challenges. 1 RCR Wireless. May 2012; 2 Google’s Our Mobile Planet study, 2012 Watch the Tang Bicibus campaign: and check out 3
  • 4. MOMS TALK BACK SMG Mom Community WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? FUTURES BEGIN TODAY Involved Parenting THE FINAL WORD A direct pathway into Mom’s mind Opportunities to support Mom’s There is a desire for resources Random musings from the mouth Local Mom maestro: work to secure her child’s future. 6 that help parents teach their of Moms.6 Franziska Matthay children ethics, social and Moms HEC, LatAm As Mom detectives, we used Given the country’s economic environmental consciousness. On whether a tablet is worth the netnography and chatted up the uncertainty, Argentinean Moms feel investment: Moms in our proprietary online Moms want to help identify their 91% community to give you some point- increasing pressure to do what they can to make their child’s future more children’s talents and provide “It does not replace a in-time clues about the mysterious secure. them with tools and resources of Argentina’s needed to foster and build those computer, but it does go inner workings of the motherhood. online population There are opportunities to help and talents. where the computer cannot. on Facebook4 You may think you know Mom, but support Mom’s efforts. To improve Sometimes I like to spend some common assumptions may be her child’s future, she will take Parents have increased need to connect with their children to the day outdoors. This red herrings… action in three core areas: build life skills that will enable allows me to relax. As long SHOPPING MIGRATION development of desired values, as I have mobile internet, Financial Management Argentinean Moms look to shop Moms need to manage budgets work ethic and self-sufficiency. with a tablet it is possible to the most budget-effective way.6 get work done from closely and find more ways to save Family budgets are not plentiful, money. Additionally, there is a need anywhere.” nor does money stretch far in to protect and diversify family Argentina. income sources to guarantee funds On Moms being friends with for good education. teenage children: "El Raton Argentinean Moms would be motivated to shop more online if “Moms have to set Technology Perez" it was the most cost effective channel. They will go where the Moms know that being tech savvy is boundaries and limits are Argentina’s version best deals are to be found. critical for future success. This part of that makes them more open to equipping education. Sometimes of the tooth fairy5 their children with emerging “…in our country, our technology and devices. It also teenagers do not family’s budget must be makes them more eager to learn understand, but as more “productive,” our themselves. happened with us, the effort money is very devalued” is appreciated with age.” 4 Comscore, 2012; 5, 2012; 6 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography Image credit: Dan Heller’s Tumblr: 4
  • 5. CHINA PERSPECTIVE Written by: MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS GET MOMS TALKING HEY, WATCH THIS! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST Cherry Tan In 2012, which brand campaign Who or what got Moms buzzing What’s an interesting mobile or How can mobile phones be Silver Duo resonated most with Moms? during 2012? social app to watch with Moms? reimagined to make lives easier? A video that resonated greatly among Among Chinese Moms there is Microblogging sites are successful Like their global counterparts, the Chinese Moms was not a product ongoing debate about whether it is among the Chinese, including mobile phone has become an or brand campaign, but rather an better for a working mom to leave her Moms. Only four years old, there essential and indispensable tool amateur-produced ‘public service job to stay home with her baby or are 400MM active Weibo accounts. for Chinese Moms. Recently, 59% advertisement’ about family. It got many views on Sohu, a Chinese leave the child with the grandparents. Weibo has fostered development of online communities around shared Chinese Moms were asked to reimagine mobile phones to be of the population internet video platform similar to Most Chinese women go back to interests and facilitates self- even more convenient and useful with internet work after having a child, leaving expression. This may not be unique Youtube. In China, PSAs videos for everyday Mom use. a void at home. As a result, in the Western world, but it is a access1 share a personal point of view about grandparents have stepped in and are Many of their ideas for a mobile themes valued by the Chinese. gamechanger for China. increasingly becoming primary phone designed with Mom in The video was produced by a recent caretakers of their grandchildren. On Weibo, you’ll find Chinese moms mind included voice recognition 33% college graduate as a way to publicly Some middle class parents hire a full congregating and connecting. Weibo has become the primary and artificial intelligence. recognize and honor his mother. In smartphone the video, the young man tells about time nanny to take care of the baby source of real-time, local Sometimes, Mom don’t have a penetration in while they work. However, there are ‘uncensored’ thoughts, perspective free hand to use her phone. What how he came from a poor family. many parents who don’t have the if the phone could recognize and China2 His father passed away when he resources to do so or who are and news. Moms share interests, was young, so his mother raised him advice and resources in an open respond to Mom’s voice unwillingly to hire a stranger to be exchange in a way they could not commands? alone. He expressed gratitude for their child’s primary caregiver. before. Popular recent topics have his mother’s sacrifice to provide him 19 / 8 with an education that meant more and better options for his life. Grandparents may have not recently included conversations about love and romance, parenting strategies What if Mom’s ‘smartphone’ actually had some artificial practiced parenting skills or may have intelligence? # of apps on phone a style the mother does not want for and challenges, dealing with aging / # actually used2 The video story demonstrated his parents, local government and more. her child. Different generational As Mom used her phone, it would love and respect for his mother and parenting styles have led to clashes. ‘learn’ her desires, understand her also how mothers sacrifice for their Over 22% of the online Chinese needs and ‘predict’ how to meet families and children. Public shows Moms are struggling with what to do. population uses Weibo as their them. The phone could give her of emotion and acknowledgment are Should they leave the child to their primary connection platform. Usage personalized reminders and rare in China, and Moms were deeply parents or quit their job to take care remains a huge opportunity area for suggestions transforming it from a touched by his story and his gratitude. of their children themselves? communication with brand fans and functional tool to a mind-reader. for yourself prospects and will evolve over time. 1 eMarketer, May 2012; 2 Google’s Our Mobile Planet study, 2012 Watch the Mom PSA: 5
  • 6. MOMS TALK BACK SMG Mom Community WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? SHOPPING MIGRATION THE WIRED HOME THE FINAL WORD Local Mom maestro: A direct pathway into Mom’s mind Chinese Moms want online Chinese Moms envision tech- Random musings from the Cherry Tan shopping to carry less risk.5 enhanced living. 5 mouth of Moms.6 Moms HEC, China As Mom detectives, we used For Chinese Moms, online buying One of 2012’s hottest Weibo topics When it comes to technology, netnography and chatted up the would increase if there was lower Chinese Moms embrace change and was completing the prompt ‘My Moms in our proprietary online perceived risk. To shift more spend innovation. In fact, they demand it. Mom is always saying.’ This community to give you some point- online, Chinese Moms need more received hundreds of responses in-time clues about the mysterious guarantees. When Moms think about how that showcased the perspective inner workings of the motherhood. technology will be enhancing their and advice commonly given by <1 You may think you know Mom, but Like Moms in other markets, Chinese Moms are also concerned about price lives in the future, they imagine technology embedded into their Chinese mothers. % of Chinese on some common assumptions may competitiveness, payment security, homes and home products. Based on volumes of pasts, some be red herrings… on-time delivery and return options. of the most ‘familiar’ sayings of Facebook3 To Chinese Moms, technology will Chinese Moms include: However, unlike other markets, be so accessible that it will be UNGATED CONTENT Chinese Moms are particularly “Youth these days don’t know integrated into every facet of their Chinese Moms value content how to “eat bitter.” If you KNITTING channels with fewer restrictions.5 sensitive to guarantees about product quality and service commitments. daily lives. Moms envision this as the way of the future. enjoy life too much as a What ‘tweeting’ is Video is an important media format China struggles with counterfeits, so Chinese Moms dream of living with youth, your older years will called on weibo for Chinese Moms. For video, Moms Chinese moms need online technology such as 3D TVs. Remote be harder. “ overwhelmingly prefer watching microblogs4 guarantees of product authenticity to controlled cameras for setting up the “Good fortune in life is not to online rather than on TVs. protect them from fakes and perfect shot and even smart robots unreliable goods or sellers. They that will do household chores like meet the best person, but to For the Chinese who have struggled with censorship and restricted access want to be reassured about merchant cleaning and laundry to Mom’s meet the person who will be dependability as well as post-sale exacting specifications. accompany you into old age.” to content, the online channel seems service commitment. a less restrictive option. Moms also envision shape-shifting And of course, popular questions While the online market provides portable technology to meet asked by Moms around the world: Online access is real-time, without access to more choices, it also changing environmental needs. For commercial interruptions and can be “Why haven’t you found work opens the door for shady sellers and example, maybe there is a ‘laptab’ shared via Weibo. There is much more on-demand control and access questionable goods. Guarantees that at home takes the shape of a yet? You have no boyfriend! to a broader and less censored would help safeguard the online laptop and when mobile changes When are you going to shopping experience and provide into a tablet. get married?” content. greater buyer reassurance for Moms. 3 Social Bakers China, 2012; 4 5 SMG Mom Community / Pulse Netnography; 6 6
  • 7. COLOMBIA PERSPECTIVE Written by: MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS This humorous and non- HEY, WATCH THIS! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST Pilar Tinjaca In 2012, which brand campaign conventional detergent brand What’s an interesting mobile or How can mobile phones be campaign was very engaging to Franziska Matthay resonated most with Moms? social app to watch with Moms? reimagined to make lives easier?4 Colombian Moms. It resonated due The detergent “Ace” has a relatively to the well-chosen local celebrity It will be interesting to see how Colombian Moms have an interest low penetration rate in the and the fresh portrayal of an Moms adopt and use Instagram. in voice recognition. This would Colombian market. However, the “irreverent” Mom hero. We expect this app to become allow Mom to control her phone 54% brand created attention this year by launching a campaign that It also connected meaningfully increasingly popular among Moms throughout the year. while her hands are occupied. Mom could speak to her phone and through the authenticity of Moms Of the population challenged typical detergent confronting their child’s have it respond to her to locate it at marketing. With a growth of high-res, camera- the bottom of her handbag. has internet transformation from adolescence to equipped smartphones and the access1 The protagonist mom – a famous young adulthood in a market where growing popularity of mobile In addition to being convenient, Colombian actress and comedian – it’s very common for kids to live operating systems such as iOS and voice recognition could also finds a maltreated bra that once was more years in their parents’ home. Android, Instagram has become an simplify device usage. Mom could $6,100 white, but is now gray in his young attractive mobile application. bypass lengthy or complicated adult son’s room. The mom GET MOMS TALKING Instagram is closely approaching thephone menus by saying aloud what Average annual confronts her son’s girlfriend Who or what got Moms buzzing country’s top 10 most downloaded she wants the phone to do. Voice without knowing that the bra is not during 2012? mobile applications. recognition would even help avoid income in US hers. It actually belongs to one of fraud by recognizing and dollars2 her son’s five other lovers, one of The Olympic Games touched Since ‘Mamarazzis’ are tremendously authenticating her voice when whom is a famous Colombian Colombian Moms this year keen on taking pictures of their Mom accesses her phone. model. especially due to the achievements children and documented family of female Colombian cyclist moments, we believe that this app Security is quite an issue in recent 88% The spot is the trailer of a mystery amplified throughout multiple media Mariana Pajón. will revolutionize Moms’ ability to years, especially in Bogotá, with photograph, document and share her increasing cell phone robbery of Colombians have vehicles including social. She won her first and the country’s favorite experiences. cases. Comments by MIC Moms Consumers are asked to figure out second gold medal in its entire reflect this current concern: a mobile phone3 Olympic history. the answer to “Whose maltreated, “Devices should look differently gray bra is this?” The Colombian Government even to be easier to camouflage the awarded her the “Orden de phone and avoid robbery. It Boyacá”, a highly honorific medal should also have an integrated for outstanding services to the alarm system to surprise and homeland. frighten the thieves.” 1 Internet World Stats, 2012; 2 World Bank, 2012; 3 La Razon, 2011; 4 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography Watch the Ace campaign: and also here: 7
  • 8. MOMS TALK BACK SMG Mom Community WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? FUTURES BEGIN TODAY THE HOT LIST THE FINAL WORD Local Mom maestro: A direct pathway into Mom’s mind Opportunities to support Mom’s Security concerns aside, Moms Random musings from the Franziska Matthay work to secure her child’s future.6 still want the latest and greatest.6 mouth of Moms.6 Moms HEC, LatAm As Mom detectives, we used Moms are increasingly faced with In spite of concerns about theft, On what Mom won’t leave home netnography and chatted up the challenges to balancing family and fraud and security, Moms still without: Moms in our proprietary online work-life. As Colombian Moms highly desire technological community to give you some point- continue to become integrated into devices. “I do not go anywhere in-time clues about the mysterious the labour markets across the region, without my lipstick, a inner workings of the motherhood. they are faced with a shortage of Like other areas of the world, 89% You may think you know Mom, but time and a growing number of demands personal portable technology such as tablets and smartphones are small vial of perfume, a hair brush and my of Colombia’s some common assumptions may desired by Colombian Moms also. sunglasses .” online population be red herrings… To counter this, Moms plan to make However, there is also a desire more time by reorganizing for high tech family entertainment on Facebook5 SHOPPING MIGRATION themselves through work schedule On strategies for sticking to a at home. Next-generation TVs budget: Colombian Moms have concerns redefinitions, household assistant are hot items for the Mom set. about online shopping.6 contracting or home officing. “Imagine being a single SHAKIRA Significant distrust hinders Moms However, Moms are also thinking Mom. It’s a little difficult, is the reigning fan from doing more shopping online. about ways to engage differently but I think the basis of Based on warnings about the safety with their children. They are looking success is organization. favorite on of online payments, Moms remain for greater participation in their Facebook5 cautious and hesitant. children’s activities and interests. Nothing is impossible, Colombian Moms want to get more but I have to distinguish Rampant data theft and payment involved in the their children’s world what are priorities. fraud is suspected. There is also a and daily challenges, including their predisposition towards vendor I purchase for quality, education and career development. mistrust with Moms questioning not quantity so that I have whether they will actually receive fewer things, but better. what has been sold to them. Doing like this has been “…I must be completely what works for me.” confident that the sites have measures to avoid abuse” 5 Comscore, 2012; 6 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography Image credits: YMCblog, 8
  • 9. FRANCE PERSPECTIVE Written by: MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS GET MOMS TALKING HEY, WATCH THIS! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST Julie Devinant In 2012, which brand campaign Who or what got Moms buzzing What’s an interesting mobile or What will Moms be doing more of resonated most with Moms? during 2012? social app to watch with Moms? in social or mobile this year? In France the one that is our In reaction to the “Mommy Wars” Maman in the City Is an A quantitative study recently favorite is the Nestle Guigoz in the US, 2012 was full of press application winking at Carrie conducted by the French Moms campaign “Let’s talk Baby”. It was articles focusing on the parenting Bradshaw and the Sex and the City team on Moms and mobile usage impactful among Moms and style controversy. phenomenon. found that French Moms use their France offers the gathered many positive reactions. mobile phones and tablets This iPhone and iPad application is differently. WORLD’S The strength of the campaign was the focus on babies and what they dedicated to our urban and busy Moms who want to remain aware Mobile phones are used much BEST think when we talk to them. In a very funny way, we were put in and on top. more practically for in-the-moment communication and immediate maternity benefits1 the babies’ heads realizing what The application allows Moms to information access. Nearly 60% of they think when we address them easily find a baby-sitter, a trendy French Moms use their mobile with words that have no real evening party or leisure ideas and phones primarily to call peers. The 2012 book written by Pamela information. The biggest cities in Popular mobile apps supported the meaning. This commercial Druckerman “Bringing Up Bebe: France are involved: Lyon, use of the mobile for immediacy 1,153,157 featured clever insight into how people talk to babies. The One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting» Marseille, Paris, Lille, Nantes, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Toulouse and expedient information access. emotional appeal connected with GPS/maps, locator, banking and Views of Nestle’s was a little bomb that triggered and Nice. news apps continue to be most Moms. campaign to date2 even more articles and front pages. popular. The brand also developed a fully This application perfectly Even if most of our Moms In contrast, Mom’s tablet usage is integrated campaign with an OOH resonates with our French remained spectators of this much more around passion points plan inviting people to scan QR interests: how to combine a controversy, it has been the biggest and deep-dive information hunting codes and discover online what mother and a woman’s life, how to Mommy noise in our French press. when time is less of an issue. babies were saying. gain more time to do everything they want and how to use There is great opportunity for The uproar led to our effort to technology - especially Mom-interest apps for tablet better understand what it is to be a smartphones - to be always more users. Use of social features is French Mom in 2012. We efficient. more of an emphasis for tablets as conducted an investigation which French Moms love to share tips led us to develop a unique French and discoveries with the French perspective on the Mommy Wars* mommysphere. 1; 2 YouTube Watch Nestle Guigoz’s campaign: 9 *For a French perspective on the Mommy Wars, contact Julie and team.
  • 10. MOMS TALK BACK SMG Mom Community WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? Though it may vary from the THE HOT LIST THE FINAL WORD A direct pathway into Mom’s mind perspective of native French Moms, Local Mom maestro: Tactile, self-expressive items are Random musings from the experience the inimitable magic Julie Devinant popular among French children. 4 mouth of Moms.4 of the Parisian experience through Moms HEC, France As Mom detectives, we used the eyes of an ex-pat: French children are entranced by On how the French pregnancy netnography and chatted up the things that engage their imagination, experience compares to other Moms in our proprietary online “Paris is one of the few their senses and enable them to European countries: community to give you some point- major metropolitan centers express themselves. in-time clues about the mysterious that provides a much needed “They treat expectant inner workings of the motherhood. respite from the “race.” Xoomy, a toddler tablet was a Mums like popular holiday request. Other treasures here.” 60% You may think you know Mom, but some common assumptions may be It’s a place to catch one’s popular toys include board games such as Mastermind and Monopoly, of mothers with red herrings… breath long enough to and Playmobil sets. On favorite foods: young children properly look outward (and inward), interpret Art supplies that facilitate creativity “I am French so for me it return to work3 SHOPPING PREFERENCES Online may be easier, but strolling and express. are also desired. While girls remain is the general pastry or the stores remains preferred.4 drawn to makeup palettes, boys are the gratins.” In a world where doing drawn to the pleasure of sweets 2 out of 3 French Moms see online shopping as offering greater convenience, and achieving seem to have and chocolates. On where French Moms love French children of but not their preferred way to overtaken all else, Paris 2013 RESOLUTIONS to vacation: working parents are shop. remains a city devoted to French Moms look to self- “The Mauritius Islands - cared for a nanny3 ideas, discussion and the improvement with benefits.4 Over half of French Moms prefer to simply amazing. The shop in-store. pleasures linked to the French Moms are family-focused when landscape, the food, the senses, rather than to it comes to personal goals for 2013. Online shopping offers high tech people...everything was material things. They are looking for ways to improve for routinized purchases. But, for the emotional and economic health of wonderful !” high touch purchases, the sensory “Philosopher” is still a their families. Summing up the 2013 pleasures of the Parisian shopping recognized and accepted resolution theme of Moms: “I love London, best experience that a store provides is job description here.” shopping experience impossible to replicate through “I will get a new job and be a technology. ever.” - HIPPARIS Mom blog better wife and Mum.” 3 Insee, 2011; 4 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography 10
  • 11. INDIA PERSPECTIVE Written by: MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS GET MOMS TALKING HEY, WATCH THIS! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST Aarti Bharadwaj In 2012, which brand campaign Who or what got Moms buzzing What’s an interesting mobile or What will Moms be doing more of Gautham Ram Pingali resonated most with Moms? during 2012? social app to watch with Moms? in social or mobile this year? Sujata Dwibedy In India, a brand that definitely has The Olympics fueled many The NDTV Cooks mobile application We expect there may some Sulina Menon left a mark on moms of multiple conversations among and about will become increasingly popular mobile apps developed to help generations is ‘Woodward’s Gripe Moms this summer. Given exposure among working Indian Moms with mothers to better keep in touch Water.’ When a baby is upset, and visibility through P&G’s the need to manage household meal with their children during the everyone around is unhappy. Gripe Olympics TV campaign, Moms were planning and preparation. school day without being too Water is a product developed to both involved in and the subject of intrusive. 37% relieve gas and soothe crying babies. It has been an integral part of mothers’ conversations this year. For Moms who would love to churn up food that the family would love, Between the two cases in of the Indian lives for over 100 years. One inspiring Mom who generated without having to waste time Norway which have been flashed much discussion and inspiration finding a recipe, this app is apt. It across media and the US school population owns a Brand messaging features the product was Mary Kom. Mary Kom is a catalogs hundreds of recipes from shooting in Connecticut, Indian smartphone1 rescuing upset mothers who cannot female Indian boxer. She is a five- leading Indian chefs with detail parents are rethinking how and to stop their baby’s crying from irritating time World Boxing Champion. The about how to prepare them at home. what extent they communicate all those around. Soothing the baby only Indian woman boxer to have with and monitor their children. soothes everyone. In 2012, advertising qualified for the Olympics, she won For working Moms who do not have SAMSUNG played on a heritage of success, but has the bronze. shifted to present the product as the time to cook, the app also enables Another growing concern among searching for restaurants by cuisine, Indian Moms is the safety of Is the top-selling solution for children having any trouble. The fact that she has succeeded in a location, special offers or reviews. children while commuting to and mobile brand in physically-demanding and from school, as well as during the India2 Nearly all Indian Moms have an traditionally male sport while a Moms can even place restaurant school day itself. Keeping emotional connection with the product. mother of two is an inspiring orders from within the application, children safe and protected and Product use has been passed down example for many Indian mothers. selecting individual menu items and teaching them to protect over generations. Recently, my sister scheduling pick-up or home delivery. themselves is a growing concern. had a baby. My mother and my sister’s Not only does it illustrate that girls in-laws separately flew from India to and women can succeed on a Currently, the application provides the US to help her with the baby. different playing field, but it inspires coverage in four major Indian cities, Both carried a fair supply of working Indian women who are but due to popularity is expanding to Woodward’s Gripe Water for my niece often forced to chose between eight more within this year. as it was used on my sister when career and kids. This summer, she was a baby. The brand continues Mary Kom gave Indian Moms a lot to be ingrained with Indian mothers. to talk about. 1 eMarketer, May 2012; 2 India Times, 2012 Watch the Woodward’s Gripe Water spots: and also Image credit: SMG Moms MIC 11
  • 12. MOMS TALK BACK WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? 2013 RESOLUTIONS THE HOT LIST THE FINAL WORD SMG Mom Community A direct pathway into Mom’s mind Indian Moms seek inner Portable personal technology is Random musings from the tranquility.5 popular among Moms.5 mouth of Moms.5 As Mom detectives, we used Indian Moms occasionally feel Though they may come at a price, On how technology has impacted netnography and chatted up the overwhelmed by the constant din Indian Moms remain entranced by childhood: Moms in our proprietary online and growing demands of mobile devices. Increasingly they community to give you some point- technology, family, work and are interested in technology that “Technology has made in-time clues about the mysterious household pressures, facilitates experiences that mother children lethargic. We inner workings of the motherhood. and child can enjoy together. 5% You may think you know Mom, but They seek feel more centered, to seek a respite from the whirl of In India and like much of the rest would walk 1-3 km without fuss. If my kids go to a of the Indian some common assumptions may be pressures around them. See below of the world, the technology friend’s place they will not population is on red herrings… for how some Indian Moms intend most-wanted by Moms and their go walking. They will take Facebook3 to reclaim tranquility this year. kids include: MOBILE REIMAGINED More importantly, what can your a rikshaw or invite them to Increasing phone dependency may brand do or stop doing to help • Tablets chat on Face Book. “ conflict with focused family time.5 them achieve it? • iPads and iPad Minis • iPhones On how it feels like today’s world is 1 in 3 Indian Moms find themselves conflicted about the deepening “…meditate more, talk less, lead a • Nintendo Wii and Wii U less safe for children: Indian internet Speaking of hot technology, integration of their mobile phones more peaceful life.” according to a 2012 study “Sometime I feel today users are women4 into daily life. conducted by Cartoon Network, there is no one whom I can Moms view their phones as “…be less angry.” 1 in 10 Indian kids have regular trust. I remember when I essential and enjoy them, yet there access to a mobile phone. was a kid, I sometimes is a nagging suspicion that the “…spend more time with played at my neighbour's technology can diminish focused my daughter.” home, when my mom was family time. “…spend more time with out for some important “The phone helps things to be my daughter.” work or just for a change. done much faster. But it puts pressure all the time to do even Today, I don't think I can more. Sometimes, I feel I have leave my kids like that.” to steal time for my family.” 3 Social Bakers India, 2012; 4 ComScore, 2010; 5 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography 12
  • 13. MEXICO PERSPECTIVE Written by: MOM-LOVED CAMPAIGNS GET MOMS TALKING HEY, WATCH THIS! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST Andrea Lopez-Bancalari In 2012, which brand campaign Who or what got Moms buzzing What’s an interesting mobile or How can mobile phones be Lourdes Hernandez resonated most with Moms? during 2012? social app to watch with Moms? reimagined to make lives easier? Franziska Matthay For Mexican Moms, Coca-Cola’s Rallying together against breast Two different social apps seem to Mobile-enabled child safety fruit juice brand “Jugos del Valle” cancer is an emotional cause for be capturing the interest and connection is of great interest to campaign stood out. Designed to many Mexican Moms. Men, attention of Mexican Moms. Moms in Mexico. For many strengthen the brand’s “the secret is women and children unite in a Moms, “hyper-parenting” phone love” positioning, the campaign stand “against breast cancer.” Increasingly, more Moms are features that would allow them charmed moms by taking an Breast cancer is highly relevant to attracted to social gaming. to better keep track of their kids 20% unexpected approach. Moms who join together to spread the movement. Especially Zynga’s Farmville has caught Moms’ attention. As are an appealing area with significant opportunity. Own a smartphone1 Inspired by the positive effects of many Mexican Moms are already showing love to somebody, the Every year in October, many brands actively connecting through Adding age-appropriate controls brand featured a romantic ballad of sponsor highly visible and Facebook, embedded games such and features that improve Mom’s love sung by “Chayanne” – a publicized events and activities as FarmVille enable them to play ability to actively monitor her famous Puerto Rican male singer that bring people together in support games with their network of 81% child’s safety gives Mom a sense well-known among and highly of women’s health. This year the friends in a social forum Moms of relief and reassurance. appealing to Latin American initiative expanded to involve the are already using. of smartphone women. Instead of singing a song Mexican Soccer League. Teams “Ah! I would be to be owners watch of affection and gratitude to adoring and referees committed to dress in The other app to watch this year women viewers, Chayanne instead pink to increase awareness levels with Mexican Moms is Pinterest, able to connect my phone online videos2 sang to the orange trees that and give visibility to the cause. It has been a phenomenon in the to our home surveillance produce the Jugos del Valle that he US and is moving to Latin camera so that I could loves. America. Mexico is one of the always see my children 18 / 8 The fresh approach, sweet idea and leading adopting countries, with Moms leading the way. Moms when I am not with them # of apps on phone / the association of Chayanne with already love connecting and and keep watch over them love songs, helped Moms sharing – particularly with food, # actually used2 emotionally connect to the from wherever I am. friends and family. We are campaign. The song used was excited to see how Moms use That would be great!” already familiar to Mexican Moms Pinterest and are sure this will be as it is part of one of the country’s a fascinating platform for Moms highest-rated telenovelas. to experiment with in 2013. 1 RCR Wireless, May 2012; 2 Google’s Our Mobile Planet study, 2012 Enjoy some juicy action: 13
  • 14. MOMS TALK BACK SMG Mom Community WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? FUTURES BEGIN TODAY THE HOT LIST THE FINAL WORD Local Mom maestro: A direct pathway into Mom’s mind The traditional view of Mom as Among Mexican Moms, the tablet Random musings from the Franziska Matthay housewife is becoming history. 5 reigns supreme.5 mouth of Moms.5 Moms HEC, LatAm As Mom detectives, we used The Mexican “ama de casa” may Everybody talks about and dreams On the responsibility of parenting netnography and chatted up the soon be an artifact of the past. of tablets and this also resonates a teenager: Moms in our proprietary online Regionally, Mexico is still facing a among our Moms. community to give you some point- predominantly traditional of Moms as “Both the future and the in-time clues about the mysterious housewife. But there is a noticeable The tablet is the most aspirational present of our teenagers inner workings of the motherhood. evolution underway to shift to a technology device. However, more progressive view of Moms. is our responsibility and Moms also strongly desire to 90% You may think you know Mom, but some common assumptions may Mexican Moms themselves are keep up with the latest mobile we must always clear and direct them to advise phone technology. Both the of Mexico’s online be red herrings… actually signaling a changing iPhone 5 and Android-operated people that are good for population on self-perception that brands should smartphones are popular wants. SHOPPING MIGRATION be taking note of. them, their families and Facebook4 A relevant product assortment is wider community.” key for Mexican Moms.5 In Mexico, Moms are transforming into the role of modern professional On personal financial philosophy: Mexican Moms are selective about women. Increasingly, modern Moms MANA assortment. When shopping, they do not want to be seen as a “Make the most of every Is the reigning fan want variety and relevance. dependent caretaker and homemaker. penny . To multiply (what Instead, they are evolving towards a favorite on Currently, online shopping doesn’t more independent definition of what you have), share with Facebook4 seem to make selection of relevant it means to be a mother. Moms are those who have less.” products easier for Moms. Moms becoming more engaged, creative, would shop online more often if self-expressive and technology savvy. On forgiving and forgetting: there was both selection variety and filters to easily identify relevant The desire to move beyond Mexico’s “I forgive, but if the brands and products. more culturally traditional perception offense is great I would “…more product variety and of ‘Mom’ will have a profound not wish anything bad impact on her motivations, shopping better product descriptions.” behaviours and lifestyle expressions. but would say that our friendship was ended. “ 4 Comscore, 2012; 5 SMG Moms MIC / Pulse Netnography Image credit: @kathieg 14