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Why is React Native the Best Choice for
Mobile App Development?
The market for mobile app development company is rapidly growing and
maturing. Statista shows that over 3.5 million apps can be downloaded from the
Google Play Store, and over 1.6 million apps are available in the App Store.
There may only be two main reasons why native app developers should be
chosen: creating apps for the Google Play Store and developing apps for the App
Store. This was true for a significant amount of time.
There is an alternative: cross-platform app development. To enable apps to run
on multiple platforms, it is better that you use the React Native mobile
application development framework.
We will also demonstrate how it works and discuss the benefits of React Native
when developing mobile apps.
What is React Mobile App Development, and how can it
help you?
Verified market research predicts that the market for React native app
development company that can be used on multiple platforms will reach $364.54
million by 2028. This is possible thanks to the advancement of technology in the
development of mobile applications, and React is one such tool.
React is a declarative programming platform that allows you to build native
mobile apps on top of JavaScript. Facebook released the initial version of React in
2013. The React family comprises two members, React JS and React Native.
React Native Developer Roles and Responsibilities
What does a React Native developer do?
They create the UI components for mobile apps.
React native developers have a unique blend of JavaScript and native platform
skills. So while they work on the app’s front end, they must also be familiar with
API services and cross-platform compatibility.
React Native Developer Responsibilities:
React ecosystem allows you to design and implement JavaScript-based user
interface components for mobile and web applications.
As a member of a small group that includes designers, QA specialists, managers,
and react native developers, you can work as part of a team.
Prototypes and wireframes can be used to build the app and UI components.
As and when you need, work with native modules
Native APIs are used to integrate with both Android and iOS platforms.
Automated tests can be written to guarantee error-free code, performance, and
Performance bottlenecks can be eliminated to improve front-end performance.
Front-end modules that maximize code reuse and efficiency are possible.
Use smooth, clean animations to create a user interface that is intuitive and easy
to use
Use APIs and third-party dependencies.
Redux architecture can increase the performance of websites and mobile apps.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create apps within the stipulated
React Native developers are in high demand due to the popularity of React
Native. You can list below the skills required to hire react native developers.
React Native Developer Skills: What Skills Are Required
To Become A React native Developer?
Technical Skills of React Native Developer
Experience with React web, mobile, Flux, Flow, and Redux tools.
A deep understanding of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Functional programming and
front-end languages.
Solid knowledge of React basics such as VirtualDOM, component lifecycle, and
component state
An in-depth understanding of all aspects of mobile app development, starting with
Understanding type checking, typescript, prop, and code debugging
Working with REST APIs, document request models, offline storage, and third-
party library libraries.
Understanding user interface design and responsive design
Expertise in React Native software technologies, such as Jest and Enzyme.
React Native Developer – Non-Technical Skills
Solid knowledge of principles and software development flows
Experience working with large, complex websites and mobile apps
React Native applications can be seamlessly integrated and delivered to the
Understanding React Native’s best principles and design aesthetics
Positive mindset and a willingness to learn
React Native updates, technology, and news are constantly being updated.
Ability to solve problems and contribute to libraries when and where needed
Work in an agile environment
Communication skills are essential to communicate strategies verbally and in
writing effectively
Familiarity and familiarity with modern front-end tools, building pipelines
App development and complex problem-solving can be done collaboratively using
a collaborative approach
Attention to detail and problem-solving skills
A client-focused approach to creating user-centric designs
Excellent interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills
Writing clean and well-documented code that adheres to good coding practices
You may find some skills specific to the job or company requirements. However,
this list covers almost all the skills required for this job.
Reasons to use React Native for Mobile App
React Native app development company offers many technology and business
advantages. For example, React Native apps built using this framework’s
functional component have better performance and functionality. Here are some
of the most important things you should consider when considering the benefits
and purposes of React Native.
Reload Live
React Native’s live-reload functionality lets you see and manage alterations in
real-time. While the application is loading, you can fix errors and have them
replicated in the application using precise automatic reloads. You can even supply
specific parts of the alteration to save time and effort when compiling.
These positive returns have helped React Native rise in cross-platform native app
development frameworks.
Allow 3rd-Party Plugins
React Native offers various third-party plugin options, including native and
JavaScript-based modules. Third-party plugins eliminate the need for explicit web
view functions and help improve the app’s functionality, features, and
Cross-platform functionality
React Native’s cross-platform functionality makes it easy and cost-effective for
developers to create high-quality mobile apps that work seamlessly on iOS and
React Native’s cross-platform functionality allows developers to create mobile
apps for iOS and Android using one code base. Through streamlined
development, businesses can save time and money while providing consistent
and seamless user experiences for customers on iOS and Android platforms.
React Native makes it easy to reuse the programming, which helps you reduce
development-based costs. It only takes two teams of Android or iOS app
developers to create the app. React Native also includes pre-built components
and elements that can be used to speed up the development process and lower
Performance is faster
React developers can reuse the framework’s code, simplifying app creation and
maintenance while delivering faster performance.
React Native has a reputation for being faster than traditional native app
development. Native apps have a different way of rendering components than
native apps. React Native does not use WebView or similar tools. Instead, it uses
native code on the device’s CPU. This allows for faster rendering times and
smoother animations. It also improves overall performance.
Compatibility with Diverse Platforms
React Native apps work in every web browser. Therefore, you can use a mobile or
desktop computer to access React Native applications.
React Native can be used to create apps for Android and iOS. JavaScript can be
used to write code, and it can be reused on both platforms. In addition, react
Native is cost-effective and allows for rapid development.
React Native can be integrated with other technologies like Redux, Flux, or MobX.
This allows developers to manage state and data better. React Native can also be
used with the web platform. This makes it easier to reuse code across platforms.
React Native’s compatibility with various platforms and technologies makes it a
popular choice among businesses that want to create high-performance, cost-
effective mobile apps.
Quality Assurance
This is an essential part of creating useful apps. React Native offers multiple QA
options that make it easy to test the final product and correct any errors or bugs.
React Native can be used as a framework. It is not only used by Facebook but also
by many other companies.
React Native offers high levels of reliability and stability. It provides a consistent
and stable environment that allows developers to create mobile apps without
worrying about bugs or making mistakes.
The framework is supported by a dedicated developer community that fixes bugs
and adds new features. This ensures it is dependable.
Highly robust
React Native tech is worth the investment for specific functionalities. In addition,
react Native installation is simple and requires only the Node Package Manager
(NPM) and one programming line.
React Native provides developers the tools and resources to create high-
performance mobile apps. In addition, React Native’s modular architecture makes
creating and maintaining mobile apps simple.
React Native applications will not only be web-based but native apps that are
comparable to native Swift and Java code. But, of course, this situation is the first
worry for programmers: losing performance can be reduced.
React Native is faster than creating standalone applications that use Java, Swift, or
another native-backed language.
React Native allows developers to create mobile apps using a quick and efficient
framework. React Native’s modular architecture and simplified programming
model simplify creating and maintaining code. This reduces development time
and costs.
React Native can be optimized for mobile platforms. It provides faster rendering
times, smoother animations, and better performance than traditional native app
development. As a result, react Native mobile apps are responsive and fast, which
makes them more useful and engaging for users.
React Native and React are two different things
We believe it is essential to briefly explain the differences between React Native
and React Native before you look at our selection of the React projects.
Many people are unaware of the differences between React and React Native.
Unfortunately, this is true even for those who have invested time in web and app
development. As a result, they often need clarification on the two technologies.
React Native allows you to create native apps for mobile platforms, while React
can be used for web app development. These are the main differences between
React and React Native:
React is a JavaScript library that allows you to design the front-end and UI
components for single-page apps. React Native, on the other hand, is a framework
for mobile applications that will enable you to develop native apps.
React uses HTML tags, a Javascript Library, and CSS to help with animations. React
Native doesn’t use HTML tags but comes with built-in animation libraries.
What is Hybrid App Development?
There are many hybrid (cross-platform) software products in the market. Of
course, this raises the question: Why do so many companies choose hybrid
software? Before we get into the details, let’s clarify some concepts.
Programmers use specific languages to create apps for each platform (Android,
iOS). For example, it is Java for Android and Swift and Objective-C for iOS. These
languages, programming interfaces, and development kits make applications
Native development allows us to create only apps compatible with a specific
operating system. For example, a company can’t create native apps for iOS and
Android. They must do it twice. They have to develop each app separately. As you
can see, this results in higher development costs.
Let’s take a look at hybrid solutions. Many hybrid frameworks have modules that
allow you to access OS features via the native interface. Cross-platform apps can
be described as a compromise between native and web solutions. While web
apps are designed to build platform-independent software with minimal effort,
there are two significant downsides.
It can only be accessed online.
Responsive web apps can’t offer the same functionality or convenience as mobile
Hybrid apps will be the next generation in applications, as they offer platform
independence and the ability to access the device’s built-in features. They can
also function offline and be uploaded to the same app stores as native apps. This
is possible with the most popular hybrid app frameworks like Flutter or React
React Project Ideas For Beginners
Social Media App
The future of Social media Marketing in India is fantastic as social media apps
like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are great examples of highly
developed apps. These apps are great examples of React projects because they
offer a variety of advanced features. React makes it easy to build a social
media application. Listed below are some of the most popular features in
almost all social media apps:
1. User authentication
2. Notifications and news feed
3. Integration with other platforms is easy
4. Commenting, sharing, and posting
A social media app allows you to experiment with many different features. In
addition, you can add customization features to your app, enabling users to
customize their accounts and profiles according to their preferences and
Technologies you can use:
React Native or Create React App to create dynamic UI for messages, posts, and
other content.
AWS Amplify or Firebase, or Hasura (using GraphQL subscribers) provide real-time
AWS Lambda and Firebase Functions are available for app notifications
Cloudinary or Firebase storage for uploading photos and videos
E-Commerce App
E-commerce apps like Amazon, Flipkart, and Nykaa have been omnipresent since
ecommerce entered the mainstream market. E-commerce apps (like Amazon,
Flipkart, Nykaa, etc.) have been ubiquitous since the introduction of e-commerce.
It proves you can build an e-commerce app and keep up with industry trends. As a
result, you will be a desirable candidate to potential employers. It is obvious.
Remember that we are talking about a small ecommerce project that is more
focused on one industry than a larger marketplace like Amazon and eBay. You can
choose any industry you like, including electronic devices (mobiles and laptops),
TVs, computers, etc. You can build your ecommerce app around this.
E-commerce apps can deliver products or services. However, you must ensure
that customers have seamless customer service and they cannot only browse
products and services. This is critical for app success. A successful app must
provide excellent customer service and support.
App features should be kept clean and simple. For example, you can include a
location option for delivery, a shopping cart, and a wishlist. Also, check that
checkout consists of the required authentication options, whether you are logged
in as a guest or a registered user.
Also Read : How AI is Helping Ecommerce Platforms Improve User Experience
Weather App
This project is perfect for React beginners. This project is simple; you can code it
in just a few hours. This project requires you to create a weather app that displays
a 5-day forecast. This app can be built using fake, hard-coded information until all
features are correct.
All the essential functions of the weather app, such as city name, weather icon,
temperature, humidity, and wind speed, must be available. In addition, it must
display the recording of high and low temperatures of each day, including apt
images for sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy weather conditions. Finally, it should be
responsive and updated every five minutes with current weather and
temperature conditions.
Once you have the core functionalities set up, you can expand the app the
You can add functionality that allows users to click on a specific day of the week to
view the hourly forecast.
Add react-router to the app by clicking npm install react-router. To add routes,
please refer to the quickstart guide. Courses that display the 5-day forecast can
also include the day’s name and hourly forecast.
Register on the Open Weather Map for a free API key. To fetch a 5-day weather
forecast, sign up. This data can then be fed into your app.
You can make your app more impressive by adding a graphics library.
This weather app will teach you how to connect to an API to display the correct
results. This skill is instrumental when creating other single-page apps that pull
and show data from external sources.
Messaging App
Netizens love messaging apps and messaging services. Messenger apps such as
WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger have become so integral to our lives that we
cannot imagine a day without them. Instant messaging has become a standard
part of our daily lives. Instant messaging is a way of life for all companies, big and
small. It allows them to offer 24×7 customer service to customers. Building a
messaging app to market your React skills is one of the best ways.
The first thing you must consider when developing a mobile-based messaging
application is how it can facilitate real-time conversation between two or more
people. This is what instant messaging is all about. Tools like Firebase and Hasura
can transport data via WebSockets, allowing you to display messages instantly in
a conversation. This project is best suited for React Native.
Productivity App
This project is the easiest on the list. Given the abundance of tutorials on
productivity applications, it should be reasonably easy for beginners. Prosperity
apps, as the name implies, are those that increase productivity. Note-taking and
team management apps, task lists apps, time management apps, and task list
apps are some of the most popular productivity apps.
These are all common productivity apps. However, you could also build an app
that provides a detailed overview of the top app development company. This app
is an excellent idea for productivity because of its simple design and features that
allow users to follow the development steps easily.
Entertainment App
The entertainment app is the largest app we have. Entertainment apps focus on
media content. They can include movies, music, and podcasts. Some examples of
entertainment apps include Netflix, Audible, and Spotify. Interestingly, many
entertainment apps today have a close relationship with social media. TikTok is
the most popular social media entertainment app. This app features short videos
created by users and is powered by high user engagement. YouTube encourages
user participation through comments, likes, and subscriptions.
Our project is much more straightforward than these popular apps. Your app will
be based on the entertainment media you are most interested in. Creating an
entertainment app that allows users to log in and view, save, and share the
content they choose is essential. Once you have the basics, you can add social
elements to allow users to comment, like, share and comment on the content.
Also Read : How to Build a Live Streaming App like Netflix, Prime, Disney+
Social cards
This is not an app, but it is still a great project. There are many social card UIs on
the internet. These UIs can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Social
cards are a great project idea for beginners because it allows you to practice
breaking down a user interface into React components. In addition, social cards
will enable you to display images and other relevant data.
Calculators are simple devices that perform essential math functions such as
addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Our project will focus on creating a
calculator capable of performing these functions. First, you must set up a
platform for interaction between all components and create a support system to
handle crashes, failures, and bugs. To create a directory that can be used to store
and run the calculator app, you can use the Create React App Package.
React Native is the future of mixed app development. React Native can be used as
a cross-platform and hybrid application development platform, giving it both the
appearance of a native app and the ease of developing web apps. React Native is
a cross-platform, cross-browser technology framework that is precise. Several
distinguished references with billions of users in the global market and industry
back this framework.
Techugo, a top React Native app development company has a global presence
and vast experience delivering React Native projects. Our expert team of
developers has been involved in numerous React Native-based projects and
provided innovative solutions that drove business growth.
Contact Techugo, an on demand app development company today to discuss your
project and hire React Native developers for your next project.
Contact Us
A-26, Lohia Rd, A Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
096671 34400

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  • 1. Why is React Native the Best Choice for Mobile App Development? The market for mobile app development company is rapidly growing and maturing. Statista shows that over 3.5 million apps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, and over 1.6 million apps are available in the App Store. There may only be two main reasons why native app developers should be chosen: creating apps for the Google Play Store and developing apps for the App Store. This was true for a significant amount of time.
  • 2. There is an alternative: cross-platform app development. To enable apps to run on multiple platforms, it is better that you use the React Native mobile application development framework. We will also demonstrate how it works and discuss the benefits of React Native when developing mobile apps. What is React Mobile App Development, and how can it help you? Verified market research predicts that the market for React native app development company that can be used on multiple platforms will reach $364.54 million by 2028. This is possible thanks to the advancement of technology in the development of mobile applications, and React is one such tool. React is a declarative programming platform that allows you to build native mobile apps on top of JavaScript. Facebook released the initial version of React in 2013. The React family comprises two members, React JS and React Native. React Native Developer Roles and Responsibilities What does a React Native developer do? They create the UI components for mobile apps.
  • 3. React native developers have a unique blend of JavaScript and native platform skills. So while they work on the app’s front end, they must also be familiar with API services and cross-platform compatibility. React Native Developer Responsibilities: React ecosystem allows you to design and implement JavaScript-based user interface components for mobile and web applications. As a member of a small group that includes designers, QA specialists, managers, and react native developers, you can work as part of a team. Prototypes and wireframes can be used to build the app and UI components. As and when you need, work with native modules Native APIs are used to integrate with both Android and iOS platforms. Automated tests can be written to guarantee error-free code, performance, and software. Performance bottlenecks can be eliminated to improve front-end performance. Front-end modules that maximize code reuse and efficiency are possible. Use smooth, clean animations to create a user interface that is intuitive and easy to use Use APIs and third-party dependencies. Redux architecture can increase the performance of websites and mobile apps. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create apps within the stipulated time/budget. React Native developers are in high demand due to the popularity of React Native. You can list below the skills required to hire react native developers.
  • 4. React Native Developer Skills: What Skills Are Required To Become A React native Developer? Technical Skills of React Native Developer Experience with React web, mobile, Flux, Flow, and Redux tools. A deep understanding of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Functional programming and front-end languages. Solid knowledge of React basics such as VirtualDOM, component lifecycle, and component state An in-depth understanding of all aspects of mobile app development, starting with prototyping. Understanding type checking, typescript, prop, and code debugging Working with REST APIs, document request models, offline storage, and third- party library libraries. Understanding user interface design and responsive design Expertise in React Native software technologies, such as Jest and Enzyme. React Native Developer – Non-Technical Skills Solid knowledge of principles and software development flows Experience working with large, complex websites and mobile apps React Native applications can be seamlessly integrated and delivered to the market. Understanding React Native’s best principles and design aesthetics Positive mindset and a willingness to learn
  • 5. React Native updates, technology, and news are constantly being updated. Ability to solve problems and contribute to libraries when and where needed Work in an agile environment Communication skills are essential to communicate strategies verbally and in writing effectively Familiarity and familiarity with modern front-end tools, building pipelines App development and complex problem-solving can be done collaboratively using a collaborative approach Attention to detail and problem-solving skills A client-focused approach to creating user-centric designs Excellent interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills Writing clean and well-documented code that adheres to good coding practices You may find some skills specific to the job or company requirements. However, this list covers almost all the skills required for this job. Reasons to use React Native for Mobile App Development React Native app development company offers many technology and business advantages. For example, React Native apps built using this framework’s functional component have better performance and functionality. Here are some of the most important things you should consider when considering the benefits and purposes of React Native.
  • 6. Reload Live React Native’s live-reload functionality lets you see and manage alterations in real-time. While the application is loading, you can fix errors and have them replicated in the application using precise automatic reloads. You can even supply specific parts of the alteration to save time and effort when compiling. These positive returns have helped React Native rise in cross-platform native app development frameworks. Allow 3rd-Party Plugins React Native offers various third-party plugin options, including native and JavaScript-based modules. Third-party plugins eliminate the need for explicit web view functions and help improve the app’s functionality, features, and productivity. Cross-platform functionality React Native’s cross-platform functionality makes it easy and cost-effective for developers to create high-quality mobile apps that work seamlessly on iOS and Android. React Native’s cross-platform functionality allows developers to create mobile apps for iOS and Android using one code base. Through streamlined
  • 7. development, businesses can save time and money while providing consistent and seamless user experiences for customers on iOS and Android platforms. Cost-Effectiveness React Native makes it easy to reuse the programming, which helps you reduce development-based costs. It only takes two teams of Android or iOS app developers to create the app. React Native also includes pre-built components and elements that can be used to speed up the development process and lower costs. Performance is faster React developers can reuse the framework’s code, simplifying app creation and maintenance while delivering faster performance. React Native has a reputation for being faster than traditional native app development. Native apps have a different way of rendering components than native apps. React Native does not use WebView or similar tools. Instead, it uses native code on the device’s CPU. This allows for faster rendering times and smoother animations. It also improves overall performance. Compatibility with Diverse Platforms React Native apps work in every web browser. Therefore, you can use a mobile or desktop computer to access React Native applications.
  • 8. React Native can be used to create apps for Android and iOS. JavaScript can be used to write code, and it can be reused on both platforms. In addition, react Native is cost-effective and allows for rapid development. React Native can be integrated with other technologies like Redux, Flux, or MobX. This allows developers to manage state and data better. React Native can also be used with the web platform. This makes it easier to reuse code across platforms. React Native’s compatibility with various platforms and technologies makes it a popular choice among businesses that want to create high-performance, cost- effective mobile apps. Quality Assurance This is an essential part of creating useful apps. React Native offers multiple QA options that make it easy to test the final product and correct any errors or bugs. Reliable React Native can be used as a framework. It is not only used by Facebook but also by many other companies. React Native offers high levels of reliability and stability. It provides a consistent and stable environment that allows developers to create mobile apps without worrying about bugs or making mistakes.
  • 9. The framework is supported by a dedicated developer community that fixes bugs and adds new features. This ensures it is dependable. Highly robust React Native tech is worth the investment for specific functionalities. In addition, react Native installation is simple and requires only the Node Package Manager (NPM) and one programming line. React Native provides developers the tools and resources to create high- performance mobile apps. In addition, React Native’s modular architecture makes creating and maintaining mobile apps simple. Performant React Native applications will not only be web-based but native apps that are comparable to native Swift and Java code. But, of course, this situation is the first worry for programmers: losing performance can be reduced. Swiftness React Native is faster than creating standalone applications that use Java, Swift, or another native-backed language.
  • 10. React Native allows developers to create mobile apps using a quick and efficient framework. React Native’s modular architecture and simplified programming model simplify creating and maintaining code. This reduces development time and costs. React Native can be optimized for mobile platforms. It provides faster rendering times, smoother animations, and better performance than traditional native app development. As a result, react Native mobile apps are responsive and fast, which makes them more useful and engaging for users. React Native and React are two different things We believe it is essential to briefly explain the differences between React Native and React Native before you look at our selection of the React projects. Many people are unaware of the differences between React and React Native. Unfortunately, this is true even for those who have invested time in web and app development. As a result, they often need clarification on the two technologies. React Native allows you to create native apps for mobile platforms, while React can be used for web app development. These are the main differences between React and React Native: React is a JavaScript library that allows you to design the front-end and UI components for single-page apps. React Native, on the other hand, is a framework for mobile applications that will enable you to develop native apps. React uses HTML tags, a Javascript Library, and CSS to help with animations. React Native doesn’t use HTML tags but comes with built-in animation libraries.
  • 11. What is Hybrid App Development? There are many hybrid (cross-platform) software products in the market. Of course, this raises the question: Why do so many companies choose hybrid software? Before we get into the details, let’s clarify some concepts. Programmers use specific languages to create apps for each platform (Android, iOS). For example, it is Java for Android and Swift and Objective-C for iOS. These languages, programming interfaces, and development kits make applications native. Native development allows us to create only apps compatible with a specific operating system. For example, a company can’t create native apps for iOS and Android. They must do it twice. They have to develop each app separately. As you can see, this results in higher development costs. Let’s take a look at hybrid solutions. Many hybrid frameworks have modules that allow you to access OS features via the native interface. Cross-platform apps can be described as a compromise between native and web solutions. While web apps are designed to build platform-independent software with minimal effort, there are two significant downsides. It can only be accessed online. Responsive web apps can’t offer the same functionality or convenience as mobile apps. Hybrid apps will be the next generation in applications, as they offer platform independence and the ability to access the device’s built-in features. They can also function offline and be uploaded to the same app stores as native apps. This
  • 12. is possible with the most popular hybrid app frameworks like Flutter or React Native. React Project Ideas For Beginners Social Media App The future of Social media Marketing in India is fantastic as social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are great examples of highly developed apps. These apps are great examples of React projects because they offer a variety of advanced features. React makes it easy to build a social media application. Listed below are some of the most popular features in almost all social media apps: 1. User authentication 2. Notifications and news feed 3. Integration with other platforms is easy 4. Commenting, sharing, and posting A social media app allows you to experiment with many different features. In addition, you can add customization features to your app, enabling users to customize their accounts and profiles according to their preferences and requirements. Technologies you can use: React Native or Create React App to create dynamic UI for messages, posts, and other content. AWS Amplify or Firebase, or Hasura (using GraphQL subscribers) provide real-time data.
  • 13. AWS Lambda and Firebase Functions are available for app notifications Cloudinary or Firebase storage for uploading photos and videos E-Commerce App E-commerce apps like Amazon, Flipkart, and Nykaa have been omnipresent since ecommerce entered the mainstream market. E-commerce apps (like Amazon, Flipkart, Nykaa, etc.) have been ubiquitous since the introduction of e-commerce. It proves you can build an e-commerce app and keep up with industry trends. As a result, you will be a desirable candidate to potential employers. It is obvious. Remember that we are talking about a small ecommerce project that is more focused on one industry than a larger marketplace like Amazon and eBay. You can choose any industry you like, including electronic devices (mobiles and laptops), TVs, computers, etc. You can build your ecommerce app around this. E-commerce apps can deliver products or services. However, you must ensure that customers have seamless customer service and they cannot only browse products and services. This is critical for app success. A successful app must provide excellent customer service and support. App features should be kept clean and simple. For example, you can include a location option for delivery, a shopping cart, and a wishlist. Also, check that checkout consists of the required authentication options, whether you are logged in as a guest or a registered user. Also Read : How AI is Helping Ecommerce Platforms Improve User Experience Weather App This project is perfect for React beginners. This project is simple; you can code it in just a few hours. This project requires you to create a weather app that displays a 5-day forecast. This app can be built using fake, hard-coded information until all features are correct.
  • 14. All the essential functions of the weather app, such as city name, weather icon, temperature, humidity, and wind speed, must be available. In addition, it must display the recording of high and low temperatures of each day, including apt images for sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy weather conditions. Finally, it should be responsive and updated every five minutes with current weather and temperature conditions. Once you have the core functionalities set up, you can expand the app the following: You can add functionality that allows users to click on a specific day of the week to view the hourly forecast. Add react-router to the app by clicking npm install react-router. To add routes, please refer to the quickstart guide. Courses that display the 5-day forecast can also include the day’s name and hourly forecast. Register on the Open Weather Map for a free API key. To fetch a 5-day weather forecast, sign up. This data can then be fed into your app. You can make your app more impressive by adding a graphics library. This weather app will teach you how to connect to an API to display the correct results. This skill is instrumental when creating other single-page apps that pull and show data from external sources. Messaging App Netizens love messaging apps and messaging services. Messenger apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger have become so integral to our lives that we cannot imagine a day without them. Instant messaging has become a standard part of our daily lives. Instant messaging is a way of life for all companies, big and small. It allows them to offer 24×7 customer service to customers. Building a messaging app to market your React skills is one of the best ways. The first thing you must consider when developing a mobile-based messaging application is how it can facilitate real-time conversation between two or more people. This is what instant messaging is all about. Tools like Firebase and Hasura
  • 15. can transport data via WebSockets, allowing you to display messages instantly in a conversation. This project is best suited for React Native. Productivity App This project is the easiest on the list. Given the abundance of tutorials on productivity applications, it should be reasonably easy for beginners. Prosperity apps, as the name implies, are those that increase productivity. Note-taking and team management apps, task lists apps, time management apps, and task list apps are some of the most popular productivity apps. These are all common productivity apps. However, you could also build an app that provides a detailed overview of the top app development company. This app is an excellent idea for productivity because of its simple design and features that allow users to follow the development steps easily. Entertainment App The entertainment app is the largest app we have. Entertainment apps focus on media content. They can include movies, music, and podcasts. Some examples of entertainment apps include Netflix, Audible, and Spotify. Interestingly, many entertainment apps today have a close relationship with social media. TikTok is the most popular social media entertainment app. This app features short videos created by users and is powered by high user engagement. YouTube encourages user participation through comments, likes, and subscriptions. Our project is much more straightforward than these popular apps. Your app will be based on the entertainment media you are most interested in. Creating an entertainment app that allows users to log in and view, save, and share the content they choose is essential. Once you have the basics, you can add social elements to allow users to comment, like, share and comment on the content. Also Read : How to Build a Live Streaming App like Netflix, Prime, Disney+ Hotstar?
  • 16. Social cards This is not an app, but it is still a great project. There are many social card UIs on the internet. These UIs can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Social cards are a great project idea for beginners because it allows you to practice breaking down a user interface into React components. In addition, social cards will enable you to display images and other relevant data. Calculator Calculators are simple devices that perform essential math functions such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Our project will focus on creating a calculator capable of performing these functions. First, you must set up a platform for interaction between all components and create a support system to handle crashes, failures, and bugs. To create a directory that can be used to store and run the calculator app, you can use the Create React App Package. Conclusion React Native is the future of mixed app development. React Native can be used as a cross-platform and hybrid application development platform, giving it both the appearance of a native app and the ease of developing web apps. React Native is a cross-platform, cross-browser technology framework that is precise. Several distinguished references with billions of users in the global market and industry back this framework. Techugo, a top React Native app development company has a global presence and vast experience delivering React Native projects. Our expert team of developers has been involved in numerous React Native-based projects and provided innovative solutions that drove business growth.
  • 17. Contact Techugo, an on demand app development company today to discuss your project and hire React Native developers for your next project. Contact Us A-26, Lohia Rd, A Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 096671 34400 ***Thankyou***