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Who Can You Believe When Everyone Is An
Marketing and Sales When Your Business Really Relies On It
Devanand Sharma
This a personaltake and experimenting using Technology, Math, and Psychology in
order to show results
Table of Contents
Background Before We Get Started .................................................................................. 3
Introduction To Devanand (Devan) Sharma..................................................................................................3
My Professional Experience................................................................................................................................3
About Cobia Systems.............................................................................................................................................4
Practical Business Problems............................................................................................... 7
Marketing Industry and Sales Are Not The Same Thing............................................................................8
Using Sales Strategy On Marketing.....................................................................................................................9
Cobia Systems Starts Answering Questions.................................................................... 11
Answer The Questions...........................................................................................................................................11
What Does Cobia Systems Data look Like?...................................................................................................14
Easy Profile CardView(Example Mock Up) .............................................................................................14
CSV Export Results..............................................................................................................................................16
API Integration.....................................................................................................................................................16
How Do I Request The Cobia Systems Data? ...............................................................................................17
How Quickly Will I ReceiveMy Data............................................................................................................18
Now That I Have The Data, What Do IDo With It?................................................................................18
How Long Is The DataGood For?..................................................................................................................19
How MuchDoes Cobia Systems Cost?..........................................................................................................20
What Are My Rights To The Data?................................................................................................................20
How Does Cobia Systems GetThisType of Data?....................................................................................20
Case Studies / Use Cases.................................................................................................. 22
Advertising Results.................................................................................................................................................22
Real Estate.............................................................................................................................................................22
Beauty Salon..........................................................................................................................................................22
Internet Advertising Company.......................................................................................................................23
Events Venues.......................................................................................................................................................25
Events Venues.......................................................................................................................................................25
GoFund Me.............................................................................................................................................................26
Auto Sales...............................................................................................................................................................28
Consumer Goods...................................................................................................................................................28
Companies Working With................................................................................................ 29
Technology Partners......................................................................................................... 30
Background Before We Get Started
Introduction To Devanand (Devan) Sharma
Before I start on this document, I would like to do a brief
introduction to me, Devanand Sharma, Chief Product Officer
to Cobia Systems. I know this doesn’t say much about me,
that is why I want to give a little background, not just ink my
experience, but in my motivation and principals. I feel that
the readers should have a real understanding of where I am
coming from on my point of view as with what we have built
based upon the fact that I am not a sales person or a
marketing guy.
As for many small business owners, my family comes first,
this is why I do everything I do in order to give my family the
most that I can provide. I want my kids to understand that being honest and open
with yourself and what you do is the best way to conduct business as well as how to
live your life, this is something I have found more rare and rare, especially in the
world of sales, marketing, and business as where the mighty buck seems to be more
worth than the people you take it from. I know that this may seem like a negative
view of the industry standards, but from statistics I can see that it is a consisting
feeling with the public.
My Professional Experience
I think that the first way for people to judge if you know what you are talking about,
is to provide them your education and professional experience. I am not going to go
into too much detail, but rather supply you with my LinkedIn profile, let you do your
own check and then summarize a little for the others that want to continue reading.
 My Resume:
In summary I have been a technical solutions guy for about 2 decades and a small
business entrepreneur. I started out in this world being raised by a single mother
who was a programmer for GTE, she worked long hours and made sure I went to
private school more near her job (2 hours from my home) leaving me not much
options other than to begin programming myself on the old Commodore 64 at home.
As a kid I always wanted to be a scientist and inventor, which in a way I have. At the
same time I can say that I did get my entrepreneurial gamble bug from my father
(that I rarely saw) and his side of the family, all business owners and property
I worked in the US Army after high school in order to pay my way through college as
well as to see the world (Seeing I was mainly stationed in Germany). This is where I
also started my own family, which meant more responsibilities and more need to
learn (after the Army) on how to make money and stabilize it in order to raise a
My heart has always been in technology and as I found myself finding my fit in the
world as most people have experience (from sales jobs to technical support), I fell in
love and became addicted to building technology that may be 5 to 10 years in
advance to our current use. I like to call this type of thinking and development as
“out of the box thinking”, but from CEO’s and others I worked for or with, they just
nicked name me “the Mad Scientist”. No matter how you like to look at it, I always
develop interesting and cool stuff.
With my interest in the cool and never heard of, or better yet, can never be done, I
have also learned that large corporations like status quo as well as the normal
companies that most people learn to trust to just get what ever the baseline says you
should get. This status quo thinking in the normal industry has left me with start ups
and doing my own business to sell the tech later after its been proven, which put
myself and my family at a disadvantage, as well as the public as the standard is
actually old tech that the big guys know doesn’t fully work to what they proclaim.
Enough about my professional experience lets move on to something even crazier,
my motivations (keeping to my principals).
About Cobia Systems
Staying true to my methods of madness, I founded Cobia
Systems with a few crazy developer guys in order to solve
a basic problem that I have found in business and the fact
that I am not a good salesman, nor have a budget just to
blanket spend and hope I get lucky.
Cobia Systems is nothing more than a very large
algorithm based upon artificial intelligence. The process
of what we have built has been patented (in stages) and the out come has been one
of the most interesting things that I have ever experienced.
Ok, let us step back for a moment so I can define what I mean by algorithm and
artificial intelligence.
Cobia Systems Algorithm: This can be best described as a mathematical model
that counts scores and compares it based upon categories. The basic scoring
(ratings) is counted validation and verification across multiple platforms (social,
directories, news, websites, blogs) and then breaking it down to the individual. Ok
that’s just the start, next we then have to measure every person’s time line (what
has happened as in events, what changes happened, how are they emotionally
during these times) then add all that to the equation. Ok, now that the simple stuff is
done, lets now measure who has talked to them and how it weighed on their
decisions, lets also look at who they currently do business with and frequently use
for certain situations. After we calculate all of this data, lets now add a few more
elements that most matter to us, the person trying to advertise (location,
demographics, income, etc) and we also have to be as real time as possible to predict
how they will respond in the next few days. Ok, now you understand the basic math
behind the technology.
Cobia Artificial Intelligence: AI is a huge term that seems to be thrown around a
lot now days, seems every tech company is trying to come up with their own form of
AI, but I have to take it more literal as to what I am trying to accomplish, which is
how do people make decisions. So now that I can calculate how other people make
their decisions based upon what is going on in their lives, who they are, where they
live, who influences them, and historical data to determine patterns based upon
their emotional status now and what is going on their lives, we can now
predicatively make decisions of when is a good time to introduce the person to
things. I have had discussions with data scientist and managing directors in big data
that seems to over look many things (over think), including they want absolutes.
The problem that I have found is that there is no absolutes in life, instead the human
brains has to weigh options and outcomes (swayed heavily by emotions and
influencers). What this means is I can go to my wife and buy her a vacuum for her
birthday and take the risk of her beating me over the head with it, or I can look at
the probability, her grumpy meter for the day, her patience with the kids and the
dirty house, and then decide it maybe safer to take her on a day trip away from all
the daily stress than introduce her to a vacuum to remind her of it. Now what if I
have a decision making engine for you to use to now determine individuals all over
the world that would be interested in your product or service based upon is it the
right item and time to introduce them to it? Or lets just say now I can plug our data
into the new Samsung TV that sees you walk in and say, “wow [your name here],
looks like you had a bad day, let me show you some movies that can cheer you up”.
Ok, that is my basic break down before we go into details and the nuts and bolts. If
you are total confused, that’s ok, it’s a lot to grasp in a few sentences. You also must
remember that this is not theory, but a real working model with results to
demonstrate. The research has been the most interesting thing about this study; the
out come seems to make people say “wow”.
Practical Business Problems
I have run a few small businesses, from sales companies, dot-coms, e-commerce, and
direct marketing, but we have also researched over 600 small businesses across the
nation from lawn care to casinos, this will also include large multi-billion dollar
firms that have been vetting our study and results. So from that background, let’s go
over a few of the results that led us to making the cobia systems algorithm.
 How Do I Get Customers?
 Who Are My Customers?
 How Do I Get New Customers?
 How Do I Advertised On A Limited Budget? (I tested with $5)
 How Do I Know My Advertising Is Really Working?
 How Do I Follow Up?
 What Are People Saying About Me, My Product, My Service?
 How Do I Address Customers?
 What Is My Competition Doing?
 Who Is Doing Business With My Competitors?
 How Do I Track Marketing To Actual Sales?
 I Don’t Have Time To Wait, I Need Business Now.
 Am I In The Right Market Before I Open?
 Should I Invest Into A Company or Idea?
 Should I Expect Negativity?
 Who Is Spreading The Word, and How Do I Target Them?
 What Are The Influencers Saying About Me and How Do I Reach Them?
 How Do I Know The Right Time To Hit Up A New Person (Group of People)?
 What Message Do I Say To The People to Act Now?
These are all some of the most common questions I have asked as well as heard
asked, especially from small business owners where every dollar counts. So far I
have seen hundreds, if not thousands of digital marketing agencies try and answer
them by saying they have the special sauce based upon their experience and know
how. The problem with the answer I see from digital agencies is that they are
reading trends and hype that is all over the internet and industry news, none seem
to be looking at that basic answer, let the potential customers tell you.
In the modern age of the internet today, with social media, social responses to news,
blogs, recommendations, postings, chat and so much, all you have to do is connect
the dots and listen to the people. Seems to be something hard for even politicians to
understand, but it’s worse when your only source of income is reliant on it.
Experts and are experts based upon what they read (could be that crazy nut in the
corner) and from testing with YOUR money. Seems they all do the same thing, and
expect a different result based upon themselves (close to the definition of insanity).
I just find it incredible that this is the people we pay so much money to when they
have no proof other than luck. They normally tell you something like lets blanket
market, then analyze the results, then narrow everything down based upon the best
results and keep trying until the market or trend changes and then start the process
over again. As a small business owner, al I hear is lets spend lots of money, then
more, then after that even more, then after a few months or years, you should see a
return. Wow, and people pay for this.
Marketing Industry and Sales Are Not The Same Thing
Marketing and sales may result in the same goal, but never confuse the two.
Marketing: Marketing is to build a market, brand, or exposure to the public or
selected few based upon media and press. Marketing can take months and/or years
to build as well as cost the most amount of money. Marketing is essential to build a
long term company, as for example, build an audience that will only by Ford over
Chevy, or Sony name sells and allows the company to raise their price based upon
the brand (normally to cover the expenses of marketing).
Sales: Sales is more right now. I’m sure that everyone has met a sales person at
some point in his or her life. Sales is looking for the immediate return, as for
marketing is looking for the long-term gain. Sales can be cheaper to deliver based
upon commission, salary, etc and see an immediate benefit, but without marketing,
their normally is not much if anything driving potential customers to that sales
person to make that close. Most sales people see the value to marketing as they will
see their pay checks go down if they have no leads to follow up on or in the door
traffic to close.
As you probably already know, marketing and sales go hand in hand, but are two
different fields and need to be understood as two different things. Marketing
definitely needs a more long term investment and has a maturity rate, while sales is
more short term.
The biggest problem for businesses is how much can I or do I have to invest into
marketing in order to get a return, as well as how much does it eat into my bottom
line. This is all based upon how you market. Most companies including the big
brands (we have personally met with and tested) are concentrating on the internet
and mobile devices because of the personal engagement, pricing, and the fact your
reach an amazing large audience that has never been seen in all of the history of
man kind. Then the next biggest question is who and how do I trust I am working
with the right agency or am doing it right myself.
Impatience is the biggest break down between marketers and business owners, as
business owners see the money fly out the window, the marketers are praying to see
a quicker response to prove they are effective. Wouldn’t it be nice to take the
patience out of this common problem? How would a business owner like to see an
immediate response within days and hours of publication and their only spend is
going to the right pre-determined audience, or even if you find what you thought
was your audience isn’t, be able to maneuver your ad spend on the fly to target the
right audience. Cobia Systems ahs been built just to meet these types of issues.
Using Sales Strategy On Marketing
Ok, to me this seemed like a “duh” kind of approach I would expect, but to find out
that there are no tools available to take a more sales strategy on marketing. Wow,
this blew my mind away, you mean I can only target the masses and have no clue
how they respond, is it the right message, is it the right time and I can be destroying
my own brand without knowing it? With the tools available to marketers today, they
can’t even follow up on an ad based upon positive or negative action, this is nuts to
Let me let you in on a little secret, most people that have done marketing
themselves may know this one, but the real estate you send your ads to only tell you
generic numbers in return. Wow, imagine your sales person telling you they saw 20
people today and that is it, he didn’t even say what went wrong, what went right,
who they were, where they came from, or what was their excuse. The only thing you
know is he saw 20 people and made 1 sale. Hoe do you make a sales plan, adjust
your pitch, adjust your pricing, adjust your product/service, or do anything with
such generic information.
The way marketers handle not using sales strategy on a marketing campaign is even
more interesting than the fact that there is no real feed back from the real estate you
are placing your ads on. Marketers try and break down each ad by “channel”, each
“channel” is based upon demographics, geographics, and any other data they can
read about in polls and opinion. As each channel fails, succeeds, or “hohums” they
make a decision to wear they need to spend your money, which can take them
awhile to make that decision and get those results, while the world and trends are
changing into new things (which ultimately means that they make the right decision
based upon now old data, but the market is no longer there). This is an on going
battle, which means they need to spend more money in more channels in a quicker
amount of time in order to try to make things move faster for you and try and
respond faster to your sales leads needs. Crazy! Believe it or not, this is how it really
works. Something to add that even makes this worse, when marketing companies
and marketing tools break down your audience by channel, they don’t meet enough
numbers to make a lot of money or impact with the .1% results expected, so they
bloat the numbers with that they call “circles” of one is like this and another is like
that. This now becomes that telephone game you learned as a kid, where with what
you started out with is nothing like what you end up with, which now makes your
.1% results even a bigger fraction. This is where you get that huge impressions
number, but your click through or engagement is really low in comparison (which
explains the big spend for 20 cents, like a penny machine in Vegas, it winds up being
$5 a spin to get the jackpot…not including the impossible odds on top of that).
Sales strategies on the other hand is very personal, sales people can read people by
emotion, their influencers (wife, husband, kids, etc they may bring with them), and
find the right product as well as determine the right pitch based upon the
customer’s response, need, budget, and what is going on in their lives now. Sales
people are also able to follow up with their non-buying customers by tracking their
issues and reaching back out to them at a possible better time, as well as with a
different pitch to meet the last objection. If Sales people had only what marketers
have, which is more like 10,000 people saw your pitch, and 100 responded, 5 came
to your store, then of course, who do you follow up on, what objections did you miss,
what is even their name or contact info? I would fire a sales person that didn’t get
the information for follow up, but I cant fire a marketer because Facebook, Android
Ad Services, iPhone, Twitter, Instagram, Google, etc, doesn’t tell you anything other
than generic numbers.
Now think about the possibilities if we changed all that and now Marketing
Strategies and Sales Strategies were almost the same. This is where I normally get
the first “wow” from people. Now marketing can start translating into direct sales
conversions as well as giving your sales teams real leads to follow up on even if the
marketing failed. This sounds like a bigger ROI than you have been doing already.
Cobia Systems Starts Answering Questions
Now that we went through a huge background of myself, why I founded Cobia
Systems, the problems I am addressing, as well as what the world offers today to
help businesses, lets now look more into specifics of how and why you should use
Cobia Systems to address these issues.
I am going to try to break this out as what it really is, a solution to go with what you
are doing rather than a sales pitch of some sort of magic snake ointment as that is
not what I am or what the company is. What Cobia Systems is, is real data that can
be used to answer all the questions mentioned that will assist you in business
decisions, customer service, security, marketing, and sales. “Real data about Real
people in Real time.”
Answer The Questions
Lets take a step back and now answer each question with real data from Cobia
 How Do I Get Customers?
o Tougher for new businesses, but still an issue for existing businesses.
Cobia Systems will selective target your audience based upon them
meeting the needs of your product or service at the right time, you set
the criteria (age, race, sex, income, area they live, competitor, triggers
as in mood, event, what they are talking about, what are they engaging
with, what are they researching). The list is then generated for your
review with their primary forms of contact that can be used to market
directly to them.
 Who Are My Customers?
o Some business may need to research their customers to determine
who they are as they fall into their targeted audience. A good example
would be an accident attorney, as people begin researching attorneys
and discussing an accident, Cobia Systems can get their information to
be contacted.
 How Do I Advertised On A Limited Budget? (I tested with $5)
o Smaller businesses really must worry with how they spend any of
their money; they just can’t afford 10k here and 50k there for
marketing. As a test we wanted to see based upon the right targeted
audiences Cobia Systems generated what $5 a day in marketing can
do, which you will see in case studies. Cheaper than printing out
business cards for a huge return and brand recognition so quickly.
 How Do I Know My Advertising Is Really Working?
o Besides the obvious seeing traffic to your website going up, hopefully
sales converting based upon what you are telling customers, there are
special features Cobia Systems data has to offer. First Cobia reports
back all engagements and reach, generic numbers. As an added
benefit solution Cobia Systems has campaign tracking which will
identify the people that engage, share and like your ad as well as
identify viral shares so you can now see everyone that really responds
negative, positive, and neutral reactions.
 How Do I Follow Up?
o Using the campaign tracking tool from Cobia Systems, you can now
follow up with the people that have engaged, shared, and liked your
ad posting as well as send them the right message depending how
they responded as well as if it was taken in a negative or positive way.
This now gives businesses a more sales approach on marketing than
they ever had before.
 What Are People Saying About Me, My Product, My Service?
o Reputation is important to any business, with Cobia Systems you can
target yourself and monitor positive and negative engagements about
you in general. This allows you to thank the right people and respond
pro-actively for customer service for the people that need it, which
protect your reputation.
 How Do I Address Customers?
o If you know what is going on in a customer’s life, you know more as to
what message to send him or her in a better organized group
campaign. A good example of this would be an insurance salesman
may want to make a congratulations campaign to all of the people that
had just bought a new car, while at the same time send out a campaign
of concern to all of the people that just had a car accident. You get
better response if you address the immediate concern of the potential
client. With Cobia Systems you can identify each person and organize
the lists of people based upon the ad message that would best work
on him or her.
 What Is My Competition Doing?
o Competitive analysis is important to make sure that your business
always has the competitive edge. See what people are engaging with
your competition, see how their ad campaigns are working for them,
and see the dissatisfied customers you may want to target.
 Who Is Doing Business With My Competitors?
o One of the pieces of information Cobia Systems asks for is who are
your competitors, so that your list will include a list of their potential
clients as well as the likely hood they are already doing business with
them or not.
 How Do I Track Marketing To Actual Sales?
o By identifying the names, location, sex, influencers, and so on with
every individual you target in your ad campaign, you will have a list to
run against all sales you are making. You can have a coupon to track a
code or some identifying redemption number, but when you are
marketing with articles, videos, games, downloads, website traffic,
nothing beats a name.
 I Don’t Have Time To Wait, I Need Business Now.
o From testing through hundreds of test clients, Cobia Systems data
driven campaigning should start showing results within the first week
based upon how soon you post your ad and are approved by the
advertising network (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Mobile Publisher,
 Am I In The Right Market Before I Open?
o Many businesses owners like to research a market before they decide
where to open a physical location or bring a product or service to
market. Cobia Systems can tell you how many and how often people
are looking for these services and products by name in any location in
almost real time. Track the information for a period of time and see
what type of demand is out there.
 Should I Invest Into A Company or Idea?
o Before you get yourself involved into s business or idea, do the
research. Run Cobia Systems based upon the suggested marketing
strategy and see how it does before you spend your life savings, get a
real plan based upon real results.
 Should I Expect Negativity?
o Some campaigns, articles, postings, videos may get a negative back
lash even though you intended good for your company. By running a
data set with Cobia Systems based upon a topic, idea, or something
maybe you seen “like” before, you can see real sentiment results and
have an idea of how it would do before you spend a large amount on
it. A good example maybe based upon a controversial topic and see
which demographic and region gets positive and negative feed back,
see if it influences the right audience you are going for before
attaching your name to it.
 Who Is Spreading The Word, and How Do I Target Them?
o In the modern day of social media, many companies are focusing on
“viral” marketing, where a message you are sending will organically
be shared across platforms and hit a wide audience range with very
little ad spend. If you can identify the people that send your messages
or “like” message across other networks (Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pintrest, Linkedin, etc), then you can reduce your ad spend
and get more bang for your buck. With Cobia Systems we can show
you which people have a history of spreading your messages across
other platforms and how big are their followings (their popularity).
 What Are The Influencers Saying About Me and How Do I Reach Them?
o If a potential customer is making a big decision, more than likely they
maybe running the idea past a few of their personal influencers for
advice. Cobia Systems monitors personal influencers and allows you
to market information to them to help educate the people most
important to the potential client.
 How Do I Know The Right Time To Hit Up A New Person (Group of People)?
o If a person just lost their job, it may not be a good time to sell them a
new car, but if a person was just invited to a wedding, you may want
to rent or sell them a tux or dress. Cobia Systems tracks life event
changes as well as sentiment to show how they feel about it. Picking
the right time becomes much easier when you have a report on
everyone that fits that bill.
 What Message Do I Say To The People to Act Now?
o When you can group people by their current actions, lifestyles, life
events, as well as their demographic information, what they are
talking about most, and which advertising they are responding to
most, you should be able to write content (creative) better for getting
the right “act now” reaction.
What Does Cobia Systems Data look Like?
Cobia Systems data is customizable based upon your needs, delivering you the
information you need about what ever you may be looking for in people. There are
multiple delivery methods of this data, which you can use, and depending on what
tools or services you may already have.
Cobia Systems Data Delivery Methods:
Easy Profile Card View (Example Mock Up)
As an example of one way the data can be served to you, is through a profile card.
This example in the display picture is based upon a clothing retailer looking for
prospective clients they can win over to their shop. Each card can have as much or
as little information you require to make the right decision of what advertising
campaign to send to this list. In the example you can see that the customer is
identified by name (John Doe) with a description, image, amount of friends he has as
well as other followers on other networks to spread you message, You can see his
contact information (enhanced data include options for social identities, age, sex,
home / work address, phone number, email address, work name, income level, and
preferred language). You will also see in this example, places he has notably visited
in the last 30 days (places of business), which competitors he associates himself
with, what are his top influencers, what are his top social networks he uses, what
advertisement including links to them he has responded or engaged with, what are
his top interests in the last 30 days, what are his top topics of discussion in the last
30 days, as well as his current mood, and a qualification score of how likely he is to
do business with this retailer. This is done in a quantity, could be just a few a day in
a very specific region (city) and qualifications you are looking for or can be done in
the millions a day.
Smaller businesses may use the Cobia Website interface, which will show a listing of
everyone you, can click on and expand to see a full profile card or just skim the list
of names and scores.
CSV Export Results
Cobia Systems can also be delivered in a CSV (Excel) so that you can go through the
data manually or import it into whatever tools you maybe using currently. The data
fields are created by what you are looking for, but can be as detailed or abstract as
you want, some companies refrain from getting too much information like name,
email, phone in order to protect privacy. *All the data collected is only from public
information, no private information is returned
API Integration
An API or Application Program interface allows Cobia Systems to be integrated into
most any software platforms that you may already be using to manage your
marketing or business intelligence. Using the REST API will allow Cobia Systems to
pump the data directly into your current tools and allow your marketing team to not
have a learning curve. Cobia Systems can integrate this for you, or you may have
your own staff do it. An example of this sue would be like Marketo (widely used for
marketing agencies), Tableau, Looker, HubSpot, Salesforce, and so on. The output
would be the same data as the first two, but in a JSON format.
How Do I Request The Cobia Systems Data?
We like to work with our clients as closely as possible in order to ensure the highest
quality of data. Each client is given an account manager to help him or her get the
right lists they are looking for. There is a basic setup for each data set you want,
questions to be answered as to what you are looking for, you can do this online
through the Cobia Systems customer login portal, on the phone via your account
manager, via email through your account manager, or through the API in the request
commands provided or custom made for you. First time runs maybe best to get
guidance for your account manager, but after the setup the data will run continuous
and can be modified, as you need.
How Quickly Will I Receive My Data
Setup of the specific needs you require can be as fast as a few minutes, It is expected
for you to make adjustments as the first data starts to come in and for each
campaign you may want to run. The data will start within the first couple hours that
all the setup is complete, after that it will continually run to the threshold per month
you pay for, you can always use more data without overage fees, just pay as you go.
Now That I Have The Data, What Do I Do With It?
Cobia Systems data can be over whelming for a large multi-billion dollar
organization, so it can easily overwhelm a small business. You have many options to
the Cobia System data that you request depending on how you plan to use it.
Advertising / Marketing Services Through Cobia
Most businesses are looking to reach the right people at the right time and convert
to sales. You as a business owner have an easy option with Cobia System’s auto
campaigning systems to send your account representative your coupon, video,
images, article, or advertisement you ace up to be entered your
control panel. Your account manager will help setup your Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Linkedin (inmail), or Mobile Phone network to run your ads
automatically as the lists are created for you, and then report to you that people
responded and how well your advertisement is doing.
Using A Marketing Company
Cobia Systems partners with many digital agencies if you currently have one or
want one to handle your marketing needs for you. As a digital agency, they will
receive your data from Cobia Systems (as will you to audit) and use their tools and
creative minds to advertise for you as well as track the campaigning to report back
to you.
Business Intelligence Software
Using software like hubspot for marketing, Salesforce, or other CRM tools and BI
tools, Cobia can be simply integrated into these tools so that your current staff can
just use the tools they are already use to. Cobia Systems can install the API for you
and go over your staff the new data they will see in order to make everything as
seamless as possible. If you would like to see some of the tools that are available for
your needs, please ask you account manager and he can show you some examples if
you are looking for the right tool for your company.
Custom Graphs, Charts, Interfaces, and Information Services
Some companies may want a custom system interface made for them in order to use
Cobia Systems for unique needs. An example of the service maybe and IT company
looking for pre-warnings of planned hacked attacks by groups on the internet. Cobia
Systems and your local web shop would be able to handle making you a custom
interface, graphs, and charts to better sort your data for your specific needs. Since
Cobia Systems API uses a very common REST API method, most basic developers
can handle this for you, or you may want one of our developers to make this service
for you.
RAW Data
A final option to use Cobia Systems data is just to export the data from your account
manager or your login portal as a CSV feed. As a CSV feed most software allows you
to import the data as well as Microsoft Excel will read the data as a spreadsheet if
you would like to go over it manually. Some companies do this in order to “cherry
pick” their results or to upload their data into other tools such as email or dialers
(which is not recommended as it does not meet opt in rules). If you are planning to
call or email suggested people on your list, market to them first and have them opt
in or communicate with you to stick with ethical rules put in place.
How Long Is The Data Good For?
Unlike other data that you can buy, Cobia Systems data is a run just for your needs,
as real time as possible (within minutes or hours), which makes the data unique to
you (no one else gets the same list). The data expires based upon your search
criteria, if you are looking for someone in the market for a car, wedding dress, or
had a car accident the data would only be as good as before the person makes a
decision on what they are planning to do. Life event changes are unpredictable as
well, so the data may become obsolete on an individual if their dog suddenly does or
something like that. The data is run from the last 30 days of activity in order to make
sure you are seeing what is going on in their live NOW, so the data will expire as
their lives move on, 30 days at the most, then you should run a new data set. If you
continually run Cobia Systems, the data will be updated as people’s live begin to
match your search criteria and be removed as they fall out of your criteria. Updates
are run every day.
How Much Does Cobia Systems Cost?
Cobia Systems is a month-to-month service and the costs will vary depending on
how much data you need and if you want to campaign through our system, how
much advertising are you planning to do. Cobia Systems data can run as low as 1
cent per data line (person) depending on quantity but starting price is at 20cents for
small quantity consumption. There is a service fee to handle your account
depending on account size, but starting price is $400 a month plus the data
consumption and you advertising spend (which you pay directly to the
network….Facebook, Twitter, etc).
There is no long-term contract for basic services with Cobia Systems, but with any
advertising network you should commit to at least 3 months. You can cancel with a
30-day notice at anytime.
There are also enhanced services at additional costs if you are looking for
confirmation data suck as home address, cell phone number, email addresses,
people living in the household, background checks, etc. Please ask your Account
manager about these more specific enhanced services.
What Are My Rights To The Data?
Cobia Systems is a data as a service company, the data is leased to the individuals
and can be accessed at any point in time through their portal. After cancelation your
data will be archived, but as leased data you will not have access to it without
continual service. You may not resell the data to anyone else without permission
from Cobia Systems as an authorized reseller. Using the data to invade privacy or
break spam regulations can cause cancelation of services.
How Does Cobia Systems Get This Type of Data?
Cobia Systems is a patented algorithm and designed artificial intelligence as a
recommendation engine, decision engine, and probability engine by using publicly
accessed data through social media, blogs, website, directory services, and new
publishers. Using the public access data to “bread crumb” bits and pieces of user
public information and put it all together based upon the probability this user and
that user are the same person through multiple validation points as well as using
other intelligent services on Azure, AWS, Watson, and other API tools. All of these
services are run in real time to answer your questions about what is my targeted
audience and what you are specifically looking for. All data gathered is through
partnership in compliance with agreements with the data providers.
As a patented process, you will not find any as u to date in detailed data anywhere
else unless they are a registered partner of Cobia Systems, please verify with us if
they are as to insure you are getting the right service.
Case Studies / Use Cases
Now that we have answered some basic questions, lets place everything in real time
examples. In order to develop this service, Cobia Systems was offered as an Alpha
product to over 600 businesses around the United States in all different industries
testing each piece of service to produce this final system. It has been years of hard
work, but as you can tell the end result was worth it.
All names are protected in the case study samples as not to disclose marketing
strategies and to protect company data.
Advertising Results
Each advertising result was done to scale in order to test low budget and returns.
Some tests were done to test the quality of the data including emails. *Please don’t
cold spam with the data, this was done as tests.
Real Estate
Local Real Estate Company, new real estate agent only wanted to target a heavy
saturated area where he was struggling to get business, Redondo Beach, California.
List used was 2000 potential customers (created in 4 hours) either working with
another agent, looking to buy or sell. The list was first emailed with a picture of his
website to learn more.
Result: over 800 new visitors to his website, 98% deliverable rate, less than 1%
Follow up: resent a new email with an exact message to all of the people that clicked
through the original email
Result: Within 24 hours of his original email, signed up to new listings
Beauty Salon
Local Florida based hair salon, using Facebook advertising on a list of local people
within 10 miles of her salon that get their hair done at other facilities.
Advertisement Run Rate: 1 week, Reach 1400 people, next week appointments were
sold out.
Internet Advertising Company
As a national digital advertising company, they had relied on call center cold calls in
order to drive business to themselves. The test was to create in-bound traffic and
stop out-bound calling in order to lessen sales expense and not to annoy people with
random calls, in other words quality traffic.
First test was social advertising to an exact list of people currently looking for
marketing help as well as working with their competitors. Specific targeting to
groups of people with a relative marketing message in order to get their attention
enough to go to the website where there is more sales material.
In the first week inbound traffic had increased by 500%, by the following week
expanding the marketing traffic had increased by another 400% with 19 signups
with out making a single call.
You can see in this image the increase in traffic by targeted marketing using the Cobia
list with custom tailored audiences on Twitter and Facebook. Sales is also indicated
(conversion of about 10%)
In this image you can see how with out bound call agents, traffic was unstable,
showing the dips on the weekend as no agent was working. With the change in
marketing tactics you can see how traffic became constant as well as sales without the
need to pay for humans on the phone. Also note the quality of traffic spending an
average of 8 minutes on their website.
Result: An average of a 10% conversion rate at a cost of about $2 per signup. Per
sale generation of $200 per month with a expected duration of 3-6 months.
A large drop ship company is using our data in order to define each product and
product options to provide a list of people most likely to consume each skew to auto
market to them. Making sales immediately as the drop ship feed is provided.
A large clothing retailer (Multi-billion Dollar Brand Name) wanted a list of people
shopping with their competitors actively and sees what advertisements, sales, and
products best attracted them as well to what actually had sold. Receiving millions of
results broken up per location across the USA.
Events Venues
A large event managing company (one of the largest in the world) is now identifying
all people in local communities that are interested in specific music, bands,
entertainers, comedians, etc to send direct ticket information to when a concert or
event is held within 20miles of them.
They also use the data to track sales results and compare ticket sales to names and
locations of the people contacted in order to audit their ROI.
Events Venues
A small local venue wanted to throw a swimming pool party in Bellevue
Washington. The charge was $20 a head to attend in order to raise money for
charity as well as to cover the cost. The venue was to be in one week. Cobia Systems
targeted all college kids in the area through multiple schools and sent them all a
sponsored invite through Twitter and Facebook.
Single page sign up with no directions to the party until they signed up with their
From the first day you can see how many click through the party was getting with 20
sent from Facebook at a cost of $6.65 and a signup on the first day of 43 attendees
with an average of 4 in the party (note: many people do not click the ad, but type the
address in directly). The first day’s revenues were $3440 with a cost of $6.65. Total
people attended were a little over 800 for the one week advanced advertising.
GoFund Me
A college student wanted to run a go fund me account to raise 10k to make a student
movie. She requested a list from Cobia Systems, which he received the same day of
previous contributors (funders) that frequently fund movies. She had decided to
message a few directly until she can run a campaign, raising 40% of the money she
needed by random contacts of 12 people of a 5000person list in a week. She is now
waiting to start her first advertising campaigns.
Auto Sales
A large marketing firm wanted to test exact match up for a European auto
manufacturer. The criteria was very strict, must be:
 Between 25-45
 Income 75k or more
 USA only
 Researching European cars through auto news
 Current luxury car owner
 Must have Instragram Accounts
The current marketing strategy they had was to spend $20 million on Instagram to
gain followers.
We had supplied in 24 hours 300,000 people the meet all criteria, which can be
generated every day. The spend that they had previously done turned 500,000
followers in the course of months with 89% not meeting the criteria dictated, as
shown in auditing.
Competitive Analysis Data: They also requested a quick list of all people that may
have or is interested in placing a down payment on the new Tesla model, receiving a
initial list within a few hours of 100,000 people in the USA, with it growing by the
Consumer Goods
A large 64 Billion annual consumer good producer requested 10million people a
month with multiple channels of criteria, from dog food and specific types of dogs,
to oral hygiene care and all of their dentists.
They also received detailed data information of how many people have engaged
with their advertising for conservation as well as identified the key players to make
it viral.
Competitive analysis, they are now able to monitor all of their major competitors
advertising and reactions to it in real time.
Companies Working With
If you are worried if you’re in good company, don’t be. We have worked with all
sized companies including top brands you may be familiar with.
Technology Partners

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Who Can You Believe When Everyone Is An Expert

  • 1. Who Can You Believe When Everyone Is An Expert Marketing and Sales When Your Business Really Relies On It Devanand Sharma ABSTRACT This a personaltake and experimenting using Technology, Math, and Psychology in order to show results
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Background Before We Get Started .................................................................................. 3 Introduction To Devanand (Devan) Sharma..................................................................................................3 My Professional Experience................................................................................................................................3 About Cobia Systems.............................................................................................................................................4 Practical Business Problems............................................................................................... 7 Marketing Industry and Sales Are Not The Same Thing............................................................................8 Using Sales Strategy On Marketing.....................................................................................................................9 Cobia Systems Starts Answering Questions.................................................................... 11 Answer The Questions...........................................................................................................................................11 What Does Cobia Systems Data look Like?...................................................................................................14 Easy Profile CardView(Example Mock Up) .............................................................................................14 CSV Export Results..............................................................................................................................................16 API Integration.....................................................................................................................................................16 How Do I Request The Cobia Systems Data? ...............................................................................................17 How Quickly Will I ReceiveMy Data............................................................................................................18 Now That I Have The Data, What Do IDo With It?................................................................................18 How Long Is The DataGood For?..................................................................................................................19 How MuchDoes Cobia Systems Cost?..........................................................................................................20 What Are My Rights To The Data?................................................................................................................20 How Does Cobia Systems GetThisType of Data?....................................................................................20 Case Studies / Use Cases.................................................................................................. 22 Advertising Results.................................................................................................................................................22 Real Estate.............................................................................................................................................................22 Beauty Salon..........................................................................................................................................................22 Internet Advertising Company.......................................................................................................................23 E-Commerce..........................................................................................................................................................24 Retail........................................................................................................................................................................25 Events Venues.......................................................................................................................................................25 Events Venues.......................................................................................................................................................25 GoFund Me.............................................................................................................................................................26 Auto Sales...............................................................................................................................................................28 Consumer Goods...................................................................................................................................................28 Companies Working With................................................................................................ 29 Technology Partners......................................................................................................... 30
  • 3. Background Before We Get Started Introduction To Devanand (Devan) Sharma Before I start on this document, I would like to do a brief introduction to me, Devanand Sharma, Chief Product Officer to Cobia Systems. I know this doesn’t say much about me, that is why I want to give a little background, not just ink my experience, but in my motivation and principals. I feel that the readers should have a real understanding of where I am coming from on my point of view as with what we have built based upon the fact that I am not a sales person or a marketing guy. As for many small business owners, my family comes first, this is why I do everything I do in order to give my family the most that I can provide. I want my kids to understand that being honest and open with yourself and what you do is the best way to conduct business as well as how to live your life, this is something I have found more rare and rare, especially in the world of sales, marketing, and business as where the mighty buck seems to be more worth than the people you take it from. I know that this may seem like a negative view of the industry standards, but from statistics I can see that it is a consisting feeling with the public. My Professional Experience I think that the first way for people to judge if you know what you are talking about, is to provide them your education and professional experience. I am not going to go into too much detail, but rather supply you with my LinkedIn profile, let you do your own check and then summarize a little for the others that want to continue reading.  My Resume: profile/settings?trk=prof-edit-edit-public_profile In summary I have been a technical solutions guy for about 2 decades and a small business entrepreneur. I started out in this world being raised by a single mother who was a programmer for GTE, she worked long hours and made sure I went to private school more near her job (2 hours from my home) leaving me not much options other than to begin programming myself on the old Commodore 64 at home. As a kid I always wanted to be a scientist and inventor, which in a way I have. At the same time I can say that I did get my entrepreneurial gamble bug from my father (that I rarely saw) and his side of the family, all business owners and property owners.
  • 4. 4 I worked in the US Army after high school in order to pay my way through college as well as to see the world (Seeing I was mainly stationed in Germany). This is where I also started my own family, which meant more responsibilities and more need to learn (after the Army) on how to make money and stabilize it in order to raise a family. My heart has always been in technology and as I found myself finding my fit in the world as most people have experience (from sales jobs to technical support), I fell in love and became addicted to building technology that may be 5 to 10 years in advance to our current use. I like to call this type of thinking and development as “out of the box thinking”, but from CEO’s and others I worked for or with, they just nicked name me “the Mad Scientist”. No matter how you like to look at it, I always develop interesting and cool stuff. With my interest in the cool and never heard of, or better yet, can never be done, I have also learned that large corporations like status quo as well as the normal companies that most people learn to trust to just get what ever the baseline says you should get. This status quo thinking in the normal industry has left me with start ups and doing my own business to sell the tech later after its been proven, which put myself and my family at a disadvantage, as well as the public as the standard is actually old tech that the big guys know doesn’t fully work to what they proclaim. Enough about my professional experience lets move on to something even crazier, my motivations (keeping to my principals). About Cobia Systems
  • 5. 5 Staying true to my methods of madness, I founded Cobia Systems with a few crazy developer guys in order to solve a basic problem that I have found in business and the fact that I am not a good salesman, nor have a budget just to blanket spend and hope I get lucky. Cobia Systems is nothing more than a very large algorithm based upon artificial intelligence. The process of what we have built has been patented (in stages) and the out come has been one of the most interesting things that I have ever experienced. Ok, let us step back for a moment so I can define what I mean by algorithm and artificial intelligence. Cobia Systems Algorithm: This can be best described as a mathematical model that counts scores and compares it based upon categories. The basic scoring (ratings) is counted validation and verification across multiple platforms (social, directories, news, websites, blogs) and then breaking it down to the individual. Ok that’s just the start, next we then have to measure every person’s time line (what has happened as in events, what changes happened, how are they emotionally during these times) then add all that to the equation. Ok, now that the simple stuff is done, lets now measure who has talked to them and how it weighed on their decisions, lets also look at who they currently do business with and frequently use for certain situations. After we calculate all of this data, lets now add a few more elements that most matter to us, the person trying to advertise (location, demographics, income, etc) and we also have to be as real time as possible to predict how they will respond in the next few days. Ok, now you understand the basic math behind the technology. Cobia Artificial Intelligence: AI is a huge term that seems to be thrown around a lot now days, seems every tech company is trying to come up with their own form of AI, but I have to take it more literal as to what I am trying to accomplish, which is how do people make decisions. So now that I can calculate how other people make their decisions based upon what is going on in their lives, who they are, where they live, who influences them, and historical data to determine patterns based upon their emotional status now and what is going on their lives, we can now predicatively make decisions of when is a good time to introduce the person to things. I have had discussions with data scientist and managing directors in big data that seems to over look many things (over think), including they want absolutes. The problem that I have found is that there is no absolutes in life, instead the human brains has to weigh options and outcomes (swayed heavily by emotions and influencers). What this means is I can go to my wife and buy her a vacuum for her birthday and take the risk of her beating me over the head with it, or I can look at the probability, her grumpy meter for the day, her patience with the kids and the dirty house, and then decide it maybe safer to take her on a day trip away from all
  • 6. 6 the daily stress than introduce her to a vacuum to remind her of it. Now what if I have a decision making engine for you to use to now determine individuals all over the world that would be interested in your product or service based upon is it the right item and time to introduce them to it? Or lets just say now I can plug our data into the new Samsung TV that sees you walk in and say, “wow [your name here], looks like you had a bad day, let me show you some movies that can cheer you up”. Ok, that is my basic break down before we go into details and the nuts and bolts. If you are total confused, that’s ok, it’s a lot to grasp in a few sentences. You also must remember that this is not theory, but a real working model with results to demonstrate. The research has been the most interesting thing about this study; the out come seems to make people say “wow”.
  • 7. Practical Business Problems I have run a few small businesses, from sales companies, dot-coms, e-commerce, and direct marketing, but we have also researched over 600 small businesses across the nation from lawn care to casinos, this will also include large multi-billion dollar firms that have been vetting our study and results. So from that background, let’s go over a few of the results that led us to making the cobia systems algorithm.  How Do I Get Customers?  Who Are My Customers?  How Do I Get New Customers?  How Do I Advertised On A Limited Budget? (I tested with $5)  How Do I Know My Advertising Is Really Working?  How Do I Follow Up?  What Are People Saying About Me, My Product, My Service?  How Do I Address Customers?  What Is My Competition Doing?  Who Is Doing Business With My Competitors?  How Do I Track Marketing To Actual Sales?  I Don’t Have Time To Wait, I Need Business Now.  Am I In The Right Market Before I Open?  Should I Invest Into A Company or Idea?  Should I Expect Negativity?  Who Is Spreading The Word, and How Do I Target Them?  What Are The Influencers Saying About Me and How Do I Reach Them?  How Do I Know The Right Time To Hit Up A New Person (Group of People)?  What Message Do I Say To The People to Act Now? These are all some of the most common questions I have asked as well as heard asked, especially from small business owners where every dollar counts. So far I have seen hundreds, if not thousands of digital marketing agencies try and answer them by saying they have the special sauce based upon their experience and know how. The problem with the answer I see from digital agencies is that they are reading trends and hype that is all over the internet and industry news, none seem to be looking at that basic answer, let the potential customers tell you. In the modern age of the internet today, with social media, social responses to news, blogs, recommendations, postings, chat and so much, all you have to do is connect the dots and listen to the people. Seems to be something hard for even politicians to understand, but it’s worse when your only source of income is reliant on it.
  • 8. 8 Experts and are experts based upon what they read (could be that crazy nut in the corner) and from testing with YOUR money. Seems they all do the same thing, and expect a different result based upon themselves (close to the definition of insanity). I just find it incredible that this is the people we pay so much money to when they have no proof other than luck. They normally tell you something like lets blanket market, then analyze the results, then narrow everything down based upon the best results and keep trying until the market or trend changes and then start the process over again. As a small business owner, al I hear is lets spend lots of money, then more, then after that even more, then after a few months or years, you should see a return. Wow, and people pay for this. Marketing Industry and Sales Are Not The Same Thing Marketing and sales may result in the same goal, but never confuse the two. Marketing: Marketing is to build a market, brand, or exposure to the public or selected few based upon media and press. Marketing can take months and/or years to build as well as cost the most amount of money. Marketing is essential to build a long term company, as for example, build an audience that will only by Ford over Chevy, or Sony name sells and allows the company to raise their price based upon the brand (normally to cover the expenses of marketing). Sales: Sales is more right now. I’m sure that everyone has met a sales person at some point in his or her life. Sales is looking for the immediate return, as for marketing is looking for the long-term gain. Sales can be cheaper to deliver based upon commission, salary, etc and see an immediate benefit, but without marketing, their normally is not much if anything driving potential customers to that sales person to make that close. Most sales people see the value to marketing as they will see their pay checks go down if they have no leads to follow up on or in the door traffic to close. As you probably already know, marketing and sales go hand in hand, but are two different fields and need to be understood as two different things. Marketing definitely needs a more long term investment and has a maturity rate, while sales is more short term. The biggest problem for businesses is how much can I or do I have to invest into marketing in order to get a return, as well as how much does it eat into my bottom line. This is all based upon how you market. Most companies including the big brands (we have personally met with and tested) are concentrating on the internet and mobile devices because of the personal engagement, pricing, and the fact your reach an amazing large audience that has never been seen in all of the history of man kind. Then the next biggest question is who and how do I trust I am working with the right agency or am doing it right myself.
  • 9. 9 Impatience is the biggest break down between marketers and business owners, as business owners see the money fly out the window, the marketers are praying to see a quicker response to prove they are effective. Wouldn’t it be nice to take the patience out of this common problem? How would a business owner like to see an immediate response within days and hours of publication and their only spend is going to the right pre-determined audience, or even if you find what you thought was your audience isn’t, be able to maneuver your ad spend on the fly to target the right audience. Cobia Systems ahs been built just to meet these types of issues. Using Sales Strategy On Marketing Ok, to me this seemed like a “duh” kind of approach I would expect, but to find out that there are no tools available to take a more sales strategy on marketing. Wow, this blew my mind away, you mean I can only target the masses and have no clue how they respond, is it the right message, is it the right time and I can be destroying my own brand without knowing it? With the tools available to marketers today, they can’t even follow up on an ad based upon positive or negative action, this is nuts to me. Let me let you in on a little secret, most people that have done marketing themselves may know this one, but the real estate you send your ads to only tell you generic numbers in return. Wow, imagine your sales person telling you they saw 20 people today and that is it, he didn’t even say what went wrong, what went right, who they were, where they came from, or what was their excuse. The only thing you know is he saw 20 people and made 1 sale. Hoe do you make a sales plan, adjust your pitch, adjust your pricing, adjust your product/service, or do anything with such generic information. The way marketers handle not using sales strategy on a marketing campaign is even more interesting than the fact that there is no real feed back from the real estate you are placing your ads on. Marketers try and break down each ad by “channel”, each “channel” is based upon demographics, geographics, and any other data they can read about in polls and opinion. As each channel fails, succeeds, or “hohums” they make a decision to wear they need to spend your money, which can take them awhile to make that decision and get those results, while the world and trends are changing into new things (which ultimately means that they make the right decision based upon now old data, but the market is no longer there). This is an on going battle, which means they need to spend more money in more channels in a quicker amount of time in order to try to make things move faster for you and try and respond faster to your sales leads needs. Crazy! Believe it or not, this is how it really works. Something to add that even makes this worse, when marketing companies and marketing tools break down your audience by channel, they don’t meet enough numbers to make a lot of money or impact with the .1% results expected, so they bloat the numbers with that they call “circles” of one is like this and another is like that. This now becomes that telephone game you learned as a kid, where with what
  • 10. 10 you started out with is nothing like what you end up with, which now makes your .1% results even a bigger fraction. This is where you get that huge impressions number, but your click through or engagement is really low in comparison (which explains the big spend for 20 cents, like a penny machine in Vegas, it winds up being $5 a spin to get the jackpot…not including the impossible odds on top of that). Sales strategies on the other hand is very personal, sales people can read people by emotion, their influencers (wife, husband, kids, etc they may bring with them), and find the right product as well as determine the right pitch based upon the customer’s response, need, budget, and what is going on in their lives now. Sales people are also able to follow up with their non-buying customers by tracking their issues and reaching back out to them at a possible better time, as well as with a different pitch to meet the last objection. If Sales people had only what marketers have, which is more like 10,000 people saw your pitch, and 100 responded, 5 came to your store, then of course, who do you follow up on, what objections did you miss, what is even their name or contact info? I would fire a sales person that didn’t get the information for follow up, but I cant fire a marketer because Facebook, Android Ad Services, iPhone, Twitter, Instagram, Google, etc, doesn’t tell you anything other than generic numbers. Now think about the possibilities if we changed all that and now Marketing Strategies and Sales Strategies were almost the same. This is where I normally get the first “wow” from people. Now marketing can start translating into direct sales conversions as well as giving your sales teams real leads to follow up on even if the marketing failed. This sounds like a bigger ROI than you have been doing already.
  • 11. Cobia Systems Starts Answering Questions Now that we went through a huge background of myself, why I founded Cobia Systems, the problems I am addressing, as well as what the world offers today to help businesses, lets now look more into specifics of how and why you should use Cobia Systems to address these issues. I am going to try to break this out as what it really is, a solution to go with what you are doing rather than a sales pitch of some sort of magic snake ointment as that is not what I am or what the company is. What Cobia Systems is, is real data that can be used to answer all the questions mentioned that will assist you in business decisions, customer service, security, marketing, and sales. “Real data about Real people in Real time.” Answer The Questions Lets take a step back and now answer each question with real data from Cobia Systems.  How Do I Get Customers? o Tougher for new businesses, but still an issue for existing businesses. Cobia Systems will selective target your audience based upon them meeting the needs of your product or service at the right time, you set the criteria (age, race, sex, income, area they live, competitor, triggers as in mood, event, what they are talking about, what are they engaging with, what are they researching). The list is then generated for your review with their primary forms of contact that can be used to market directly to them.  Who Are My Customers? o Some business may need to research their customers to determine who they are as they fall into their targeted audience. A good example would be an accident attorney, as people begin researching attorneys and discussing an accident, Cobia Systems can get their information to be contacted.  How Do I Advertised On A Limited Budget? (I tested with $5) o Smaller businesses really must worry with how they spend any of their money; they just can’t afford 10k here and 50k there for marketing. As a test we wanted to see based upon the right targeted audiences Cobia Systems generated what $5 a day in marketing can do, which you will see in case studies. Cheaper than printing out business cards for a huge return and brand recognition so quickly.  How Do I Know My Advertising Is Really Working?
  • 12. 12 o Besides the obvious seeing traffic to your website going up, hopefully sales converting based upon what you are telling customers, there are special features Cobia Systems data has to offer. First Cobia reports back all engagements and reach, generic numbers. As an added benefit solution Cobia Systems has campaign tracking which will identify the people that engage, share and like your ad as well as identify viral shares so you can now see everyone that really responds negative, positive, and neutral reactions.  How Do I Follow Up? o Using the campaign tracking tool from Cobia Systems, you can now follow up with the people that have engaged, shared, and liked your ad posting as well as send them the right message depending how they responded as well as if it was taken in a negative or positive way. This now gives businesses a more sales approach on marketing than they ever had before.  What Are People Saying About Me, My Product, My Service? o Reputation is important to any business, with Cobia Systems you can target yourself and monitor positive and negative engagements about you in general. This allows you to thank the right people and respond pro-actively for customer service for the people that need it, which protect your reputation.  How Do I Address Customers? o If you know what is going on in a customer’s life, you know more as to what message to send him or her in a better organized group campaign. A good example of this would be an insurance salesman may want to make a congratulations campaign to all of the people that had just bought a new car, while at the same time send out a campaign of concern to all of the people that just had a car accident. You get better response if you address the immediate concern of the potential client. With Cobia Systems you can identify each person and organize the lists of people based upon the ad message that would best work on him or her.  What Is My Competition Doing? o Competitive analysis is important to make sure that your business always has the competitive edge. See what people are engaging with your competition, see how their ad campaigns are working for them, and see the dissatisfied customers you may want to target.  Who Is Doing Business With My Competitors? o One of the pieces of information Cobia Systems asks for is who are your competitors, so that your list will include a list of their potential clients as well as the likely hood they are already doing business with them or not.  How Do I Track Marketing To Actual Sales? o By identifying the names, location, sex, influencers, and so on with every individual you target in your ad campaign, you will have a list to
  • 13. 13 run against all sales you are making. You can have a coupon to track a code or some identifying redemption number, but when you are marketing with articles, videos, games, downloads, website traffic, nothing beats a name.  I Don’t Have Time To Wait, I Need Business Now. o From testing through hundreds of test clients, Cobia Systems data driven campaigning should start showing results within the first week based upon how soon you post your ad and are approved by the advertising network (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Mobile Publisher, etc).  Am I In The Right Market Before I Open? o Many businesses owners like to research a market before they decide where to open a physical location or bring a product or service to market. Cobia Systems can tell you how many and how often people are looking for these services and products by name in any location in almost real time. Track the information for a period of time and see what type of demand is out there.  Should I Invest Into A Company or Idea? o Before you get yourself involved into s business or idea, do the research. Run Cobia Systems based upon the suggested marketing strategy and see how it does before you spend your life savings, get a real plan based upon real results.  Should I Expect Negativity? o Some campaigns, articles, postings, videos may get a negative back lash even though you intended good for your company. By running a data set with Cobia Systems based upon a topic, idea, or something maybe you seen “like” before, you can see real sentiment results and have an idea of how it would do before you spend a large amount on it. A good example maybe based upon a controversial topic and see which demographic and region gets positive and negative feed back, see if it influences the right audience you are going for before attaching your name to it.  Who Is Spreading The Word, and How Do I Target Them? o In the modern day of social media, many companies are focusing on “viral” marketing, where a message you are sending will organically be shared across platforms and hit a wide audience range with very little ad spend. If you can identify the people that send your messages or “like” message across other networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Linkedin, etc), then you can reduce your ad spend and get more bang for your buck. With Cobia Systems we can show you which people have a history of spreading your messages across other platforms and how big are their followings (their popularity).  What Are The Influencers Saying About Me and How Do I Reach Them? o If a potential customer is making a big decision, more than likely they maybe running the idea past a few of their personal influencers for
  • 14. 14 advice. Cobia Systems monitors personal influencers and allows you to market information to them to help educate the people most important to the potential client.  How Do I Know The Right Time To Hit Up A New Person (Group of People)? o If a person just lost their job, it may not be a good time to sell them a new car, but if a person was just invited to a wedding, you may want to rent or sell them a tux or dress. Cobia Systems tracks life event changes as well as sentiment to show how they feel about it. Picking the right time becomes much easier when you have a report on everyone that fits that bill.  What Message Do I Say To The People to Act Now? o When you can group people by their current actions, lifestyles, life events, as well as their demographic information, what they are talking about most, and which advertising they are responding to most, you should be able to write content (creative) better for getting the right “act now” reaction. What Does Cobia Systems Data look Like? Cobia Systems data is customizable based upon your needs, delivering you the information you need about what ever you may be looking for in people. There are multiple delivery methods of this data, which you can use, and depending on what tools or services you may already have. Cobia Systems Data Delivery Methods: Easy Profile Card View (Example Mock Up)
  • 15. 15 As an example of one way the data can be served to you, is through a profile card. This example in the display picture is based upon a clothing retailer looking for prospective clients they can win over to their shop. Each card can have as much or as little information you require to make the right decision of what advertising campaign to send to this list. In the example you can see that the customer is identified by name (John Doe) with a description, image, amount of friends he has as well as other followers on other networks to spread you message, You can see his contact information (enhanced data include options for social identities, age, sex, home / work address, phone number, email address, work name, income level, and preferred language). You will also see in this example, places he has notably visited in the last 30 days (places of business), which competitors he associates himself with, what are his top influencers, what are his top social networks he uses, what
  • 16. 16 advertisement including links to them he has responded or engaged with, what are his top interests in the last 30 days, what are his top topics of discussion in the last 30 days, as well as his current mood, and a qualification score of how likely he is to do business with this retailer. This is done in a quantity, could be just a few a day in a very specific region (city) and qualifications you are looking for or can be done in the millions a day. Smaller businesses may use the Cobia Website interface, which will show a listing of everyone you, can click on and expand to see a full profile card or just skim the list of names and scores. CSV Export Results Cobia Systems can also be delivered in a CSV (Excel) so that you can go through the data manually or import it into whatever tools you maybe using currently. The data fields are created by what you are looking for, but can be as detailed or abstract as you want, some companies refrain from getting too much information like name, email, phone in order to protect privacy. *All the data collected is only from public information, no private information is returned API Integration
  • 17. 17 An API or Application Program interface allows Cobia Systems to be integrated into most any software platforms that you may already be using to manage your marketing or business intelligence. Using the REST API will allow Cobia Systems to pump the data directly into your current tools and allow your marketing team to not have a learning curve. Cobia Systems can integrate this for you, or you may have your own staff do it. An example of this sue would be like Marketo (widely used for marketing agencies), Tableau, Looker, HubSpot, Salesforce, and so on. The output would be the same data as the first two, but in a JSON format. How Do I Request The Cobia Systems Data? We like to work with our clients as closely as possible in order to ensure the highest quality of data. Each client is given an account manager to help him or her get the right lists they are looking for. There is a basic setup for each data set you want,
  • 18. 18 questions to be answered as to what you are looking for, you can do this online through the Cobia Systems customer login portal, on the phone via your account manager, via email through your account manager, or through the API in the request commands provided or custom made for you. First time runs maybe best to get guidance for your account manager, but after the setup the data will run continuous and can be modified, as you need. How Quickly Will I Receive My Data Setup of the specific needs you require can be as fast as a few minutes, It is expected for you to make adjustments as the first data starts to come in and for each campaign you may want to run. The data will start within the first couple hours that all the setup is complete, after that it will continually run to the threshold per month you pay for, you can always use more data without overage fees, just pay as you go. Now That I Have The Data, What Do I Do With It? Cobia Systems data can be over whelming for a large multi-billion dollar organization, so it can easily overwhelm a small business. You have many options to the Cobia System data that you request depending on how you plan to use it. Advertising / Marketing Services Through Cobia Most businesses are looking to reach the right people at the right time and convert to sales. You as a business owner have an easy option with Cobia System’s auto campaigning systems to send your account representative your coupon, video, images, article, or advertisement you ace up to be entered your control panel. Your account manager will help setup your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin (inmail), or Mobile Phone network to run your ads automatically as the lists are created for you, and then report to you that people responded and how well your advertisement is doing. Using A Marketing Company Cobia Systems partners with many digital agencies if you currently have one or want one to handle your marketing needs for you. As a digital agency, they will receive your data from Cobia Systems (as will you to audit) and use their tools and creative minds to advertise for you as well as track the campaigning to report back to you. Business Intelligence Software
  • 19. 19 Using software like hubspot for marketing, Salesforce, or other CRM tools and BI tools, Cobia can be simply integrated into these tools so that your current staff can just use the tools they are already use to. Cobia Systems can install the API for you and go over your staff the new data they will see in order to make everything as seamless as possible. If you would like to see some of the tools that are available for your needs, please ask you account manager and he can show you some examples if you are looking for the right tool for your company. Custom Graphs, Charts, Interfaces, and Information Services Some companies may want a custom system interface made for them in order to use Cobia Systems for unique needs. An example of the service maybe and IT company looking for pre-warnings of planned hacked attacks by groups on the internet. Cobia Systems and your local web shop would be able to handle making you a custom interface, graphs, and charts to better sort your data for your specific needs. Since Cobia Systems API uses a very common REST API method, most basic developers can handle this for you, or you may want one of our developers to make this service for you. RAW Data A final option to use Cobia Systems data is just to export the data from your account manager or your login portal as a CSV feed. As a CSV feed most software allows you to import the data as well as Microsoft Excel will read the data as a spreadsheet if you would like to go over it manually. Some companies do this in order to “cherry pick” their results or to upload their data into other tools such as email or dialers (which is not recommended as it does not meet opt in rules). If you are planning to call or email suggested people on your list, market to them first and have them opt in or communicate with you to stick with ethical rules put in place. How Long Is The Data Good For? Unlike other data that you can buy, Cobia Systems data is a run just for your needs, as real time as possible (within minutes or hours), which makes the data unique to you (no one else gets the same list). The data expires based upon your search criteria, if you are looking for someone in the market for a car, wedding dress, or had a car accident the data would only be as good as before the person makes a decision on what they are planning to do. Life event changes are unpredictable as well, so the data may become obsolete on an individual if their dog suddenly does or something like that. The data is run from the last 30 days of activity in order to make sure you are seeing what is going on in their live NOW, so the data will expire as their lives move on, 30 days at the most, then you should run a new data set. If you continually run Cobia Systems, the data will be updated as people’s live begin to
  • 20. 20 match your search criteria and be removed as they fall out of your criteria. Updates are run every day. How Much Does Cobia Systems Cost? Cobia Systems is a month-to-month service and the costs will vary depending on how much data you need and if you want to campaign through our system, how much advertising are you planning to do. Cobia Systems data can run as low as 1 cent per data line (person) depending on quantity but starting price is at 20cents for small quantity consumption. There is a service fee to handle your account depending on account size, but starting price is $400 a month plus the data consumption and you advertising spend (which you pay directly to the network….Facebook, Twitter, etc). There is no long-term contract for basic services with Cobia Systems, but with any advertising network you should commit to at least 3 months. You can cancel with a 30-day notice at anytime. There are also enhanced services at additional costs if you are looking for confirmation data suck as home address, cell phone number, email addresses, people living in the household, background checks, etc. Please ask your Account manager about these more specific enhanced services. What Are My Rights To The Data? Cobia Systems is a data as a service company, the data is leased to the individuals and can be accessed at any point in time through their portal. After cancelation your data will be archived, but as leased data you will not have access to it without continual service. You may not resell the data to anyone else without permission from Cobia Systems as an authorized reseller. Using the data to invade privacy or break spam regulations can cause cancelation of services. How Does Cobia Systems Get This Type of Data? Cobia Systems is a patented algorithm and designed artificial intelligence as a recommendation engine, decision engine, and probability engine by using publicly accessed data through social media, blogs, website, directory services, and new publishers. Using the public access data to “bread crumb” bits and pieces of user public information and put it all together based upon the probability this user and that user are the same person through multiple validation points as well as using other intelligent services on Azure, AWS, Watson, and other API tools. All of these services are run in real time to answer your questions about what is my targeted
  • 21. 21 audience and what you are specifically looking for. All data gathered is through partnership in compliance with agreements with the data providers. As a patented process, you will not find any as u to date in detailed data anywhere else unless they are a registered partner of Cobia Systems, please verify with us if they are as to insure you are getting the right service.
  • 22. Case Studies / Use Cases Now that we have answered some basic questions, lets place everything in real time examples. In order to develop this service, Cobia Systems was offered as an Alpha product to over 600 businesses around the United States in all different industries testing each piece of service to produce this final system. It has been years of hard work, but as you can tell the end result was worth it. All names are protected in the case study samples as not to disclose marketing strategies and to protect company data. Advertising Results Each advertising result was done to scale in order to test low budget and returns. Some tests were done to test the quality of the data including emails. *Please don’t cold spam with the data, this was done as tests. Real Estate Local Real Estate Company, new real estate agent only wanted to target a heavy saturated area where he was struggling to get business, Redondo Beach, California. List used was 2000 potential customers (created in 4 hours) either working with another agent, looking to buy or sell. The list was first emailed with a picture of his website to learn more. Result: over 800 new visitors to his website, 98% deliverable rate, less than 1% spam Follow up: resent a new email with an exact message to all of the people that clicked through the original email Result: Within 24 hours of his original email, signed up to new listings Beauty Salon Local Florida based hair salon, using Facebook advertising on a list of local people within 10 miles of her salon that get their hair done at other facilities.
  • 23. 23 Advertisement Run Rate: 1 week, Reach 1400 people, next week appointments were sold out. Internet Advertising Company As a national digital advertising company, they had relied on call center cold calls in order to drive business to themselves. The test was to create in-bound traffic and stop out-bound calling in order to lessen sales expense and not to annoy people with random calls, in other words quality traffic. First test was social advertising to an exact list of people currently looking for marketing help as well as working with their competitors. Specific targeting to groups of people with a relative marketing message in order to get their attention enough to go to the website where there is more sales material. In the first week inbound traffic had increased by 500%, by the following week expanding the marketing traffic had increased by another 400% with 19 signups with out making a single call.
  • 24. 24 You can see in this image the increase in traffic by targeted marketing using the Cobia list with custom tailored audiences on Twitter and Facebook. Sales is also indicated (conversion of about 10%) In this image you can see how with out bound call agents, traffic was unstable, showing the dips on the weekend as no agent was working. With the change in marketing tactics you can see how traffic became constant as well as sales without the need to pay for humans on the phone. Also note the quality of traffic spending an average of 8 minutes on their website. Result: An average of a 10% conversion rate at a cost of about $2 per signup. Per sale generation of $200 per month with a expected duration of 3-6 months. E-Commerce A large drop ship company is using our data in order to define each product and product options to provide a list of people most likely to consume each skew to auto market to them. Making sales immediately as the drop ship feed is provided.
  • 25. 25 Retail A large clothing retailer (Multi-billion Dollar Brand Name) wanted a list of people shopping with their competitors actively and sees what advertisements, sales, and products best attracted them as well to what actually had sold. Receiving millions of results broken up per location across the USA. Events Venues A large event managing company (one of the largest in the world) is now identifying all people in local communities that are interested in specific music, bands, entertainers, comedians, etc to send direct ticket information to when a concert or event is held within 20miles of them. They also use the data to track sales results and compare ticket sales to names and locations of the people contacted in order to audit their ROI. Events Venues A small local venue wanted to throw a swimming pool party in Bellevue Washington. The charge was $20 a head to attend in order to raise money for charity as well as to cover the cost. The venue was to be in one week. Cobia Systems targeted all college kids in the area through multiple schools and sent them all a sponsored invite through Twitter and Facebook. Single page sign up with no directions to the party until they signed up with their email
  • 26. 26 From the first day you can see how many click through the party was getting with 20 sent from Facebook at a cost of $6.65 and a signup on the first day of 43 attendees with an average of 4 in the party (note: many people do not click the ad, but type the address in directly). The first day’s revenues were $3440 with a cost of $6.65. Total people attended were a little over 800 for the one week advanced advertising. GoFund Me A college student wanted to run a go fund me account to raise 10k to make a student movie. She requested a list from Cobia Systems, which he received the same day of previous contributors (funders) that frequently fund movies. She had decided to message a few directly until she can run a campaign, raising 40% of the money she needed by random contacts of 12 people of a 5000person list in a week. She is now waiting to start her first advertising campaigns.
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28 Auto Sales A large marketing firm wanted to test exact match up for a European auto manufacturer. The criteria was very strict, must be:  Between 25-45  Income 75k or more  USA only  Researching European cars through auto news  Current luxury car owner  Must have Instragram Accounts The current marketing strategy they had was to spend $20 million on Instagram to gain followers. We had supplied in 24 hours 300,000 people the meet all criteria, which can be generated every day. The spend that they had previously done turned 500,000 followers in the course of months with 89% not meeting the criteria dictated, as shown in auditing. Competitive Analysis Data: They also requested a quick list of all people that may have or is interested in placing a down payment on the new Tesla model, receiving a initial list within a few hours of 100,000 people in the USA, with it growing by the hour. Consumer Goods A large 64 Billion annual consumer good producer requested 10million people a month with multiple channels of criteria, from dog food and specific types of dogs, to oral hygiene care and all of their dentists. They also received detailed data information of how many people have engaged with their advertising for conservation as well as identified the key players to make it viral. Competitive analysis, they are now able to monitor all of their major competitors advertising and reactions to it in real time.
  • 29. Companies Working With If you are worried if you’re in good company, don’t be. We have worked with all sized companies including top brands you may be familiar with.