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© There was a time; Education is the key to everything. If you are not educated, you are just
like an outcast. The south westerners believed so much in education that agriculture tends
to be a thing of the past. Everything is read, read and get all the certificates but even with
certificates, now most people are sleeping at home doing nothing. My brothers and sisters
learn a trade while schooling, make sure you are doing something else apart from read,
read, read and get a piece of paper with your name written on it.~ Oluwaseun Ayileka
© The freedom of ‘will’ has been snatched from our generation, which is why we need to
take it back with whatever it takes. Western education is just a way of you understanding
small percentage of HOW to be successful but the high percentage lies on the WILL
MINDSET you have inside you. A successful man is determined by the WILL mindset
he has, don’t forget Femi Otedola, Alakija, Macron, Dangote amongst other successful
people globally also have colleague that they studied together but what took them where
they find themselves today is the WILL, which is why we need to take it back. Tell all the
DICTATORS that you WILL do that which you want to do and stand by it. ~Mohammed
© Environment, background, family, level of exposure and other factors that every
individual passes through have effect on everyone and the way we react to issues.
UNLIMITED EFFORTS results to success and moreover, don’t forget life is an
examination but everybody with different question papers. My opinion is that we should
continue to put more effort and improves our leadership skills and more so, we should not
underestimate or underrate anyone in life. ~ Abayomi Ogunlade
© Sometimes the situations around you will let you make some decisions that won't be
favourable and the blame game will start, blaming won't change anything but cause more
chaos to human life. You won't be able to take the right decisions as at when due. Taking
responsibility for your actions is the first step to success.~ Oluwaseun Ayileka
© Abraham Lincoln once said that; "The better way to predict your future is to be
creative". Everyone is unique, everyone is special, and you just have to unlock your
inner self; think outside the box and always find a solution to any human's problem. Most
of the time; we often feel inferior, we don't want to be rejected, we allow what people say
to define us, afraid of following our heart, but never deprive yourself from who you
meant to become.
The best way to stop blaming others for your present situation is to see the positiveness in
everyone, though, some people will want to take advantage of you, but don't let your
loyalty turn you to a slave. Together, let build our nation. Together, let educate our
younger ones. Together, I say; let the younger generation be aware of where we got it
wrong. I will love to close this, with the word of Adolf Hitler, who says; "One who wins
without problem, it is just; VICTORY. But who wins with a lot of troubles, that is;
HISTORY". Thank you all for your unflinching contributions and intensifying devotion.
~ Sikiru Seriki
© I believe every creature on this earth have a purpose. The hill, mountains, water, trees and
human begin. But for human beings to achieve this, we need to know this; our Desire
need Direction to follow and Depends on God not human being. Design it by giving it
colourful meaning and let your determination bring it out. Discipline yourself and be
Diligence in your work, Demonstrate the winning spirit and make a Decree and make
good Delegate to change your world.~ Jedidah Alokan
Mrs. Olayinka’s Corner
Mrs. Olayinka is a mother of one (a cute baby girl), she is an applied linguist and studied English
language as a course from Obafemi Awolowo University.
I want to enlighten us about how we use some words…
They are both forms of BE, primary auxiliary verb.
Been is the past participle form of BE
It is usually used after ‘have’
E.g; I have been to Canada
2. My daughter has been there too.
While Being is the present participle form of the verb ‘BE’
This is not used after ‘have’, but after; is, are, was and were
3. I am being careful
4. She was being reluctant to answer the call
5. Who is being silly back in school?
6. They were being careful not to make same mistake.
Being can also be used as a noun.
Being itself means a person or an individual e.g; human beings, spiritual beings, social beings
7. Human beings are dangerous when it comes to money.
Today, I will be talking about two words which are often misuse together and they mean
different things
You use complement to describe something that goes alongside with something else.
For example;
1. Hot chocolate sauce complements vanilla ice-cream
2. Your red dress complements your white shoes
Compliment is used for saying nice things or giving best wishes. So if you want to wish someone
all the best for the time of the year, you would use compliment.
3. Compliments of the season
4. Thanks for the compliment honey
You and Me
You and I
Sometimes we often use I instead of me, and most times we don't know the one which ought to
come first in a sentence
Let me teach us a trick whenever we want to construct sentences which has to do with you/me/I
Think of it as good manners that the other person should come first in a sentence
So it would be correct to say
1. “Tomisin and Me”, not
1b. “Me and Tomisin”. - Wrong
Now, as for whether you use “me” or “I”?
Sometimes to know if you are right,
Read the sentence without the other person in it, and see if it sounds right.
For example:
2. "Jibola sent copies of his book to Yomi and I”.
….and you’re left with
2b. “Jibola sent copies of his book to I.” - wrong
Now, that doesn’t work.
It would be
2c. Jibola sent copies of his books to Yomi and me - (Right)
Here, the proper personal pronoun is “me”.
3. Mohammed and me went to the movies”.
You wouldn’t say
“Me went to the movies
… so here you will use “I”.
3b. Mohammed and I went to the movies.
I welcome any addition
Good morning house
Today, I would want to enlighten us more about some words which are spelt differently, but have
same pronunciation
Sometimes, we use them instead of the other..
I will share two examples today and continue tomorrow.
1. Weather/ Whether
Weather- is the state of atmosphere at a specific time and place
Whether- used to introduce a question. Or between alternatives
E.g1. The weather is cool
2. Thanks I don't know whether or not she prefers beans to rice
Thought - is a form created in the mind, past tense of think.
Taught- past tense of teach.
For example;
1. You are your own thoughts
2. I taught the class yesterday
Good day everyone
Let's talk about Rules of Grammar.
1. Two Or more Singular Subjects connected by *and* usually take a Verb in the Plural
For example;
a. Jibola and Mohammed is here.
b. Jibola and Mohammed are here
2. If two Singular Nouns refer to the same person or thing, the Verb must be Singular.
a. The treasurer and financial secretary are coming.
b. The treasurer and financial secretary is coming.
(Here the same person is the treasurer as well as financial secretary)
3. If the Singular Subjects are preceded by each or every, the Verb is usually Singular.
a. Every boy and girl were ready.
b. Every boy and girl was ready.
Life Experiences
Many thinkers and philosophers have theorized that the success of a man is heavily dependent on
his environment. In Nigeria, it is often believed that for a man to be successful, he must grow in
well developed areas. Their examples of urban areas would be , of course; Lagos, Kaduna,
Ibadan, Abuja among others. It would be irrational to challenge the validity of claims made by
these authorities. Nevertheless, questions must be asked of those who are not privileged to stay
in these ‘exposed areas’.. Questions must be asked of their chances of becoming successful. Yes,
question must be raised.
Modakeke, located in the heart of Osun, is a perfect example of what an environment should not
be. Haunted by ghosts of the Ife-Modakeke war victims and an high level of poverty, it is often
considered by many people as a dead community. But in spite of all these, I have grown to have
a deep belief in myself and I have, instilled in me, an unalloyed confidence to compete
favourably with my peers, both local and international. I have the boldness to speak in front of
elites and royalty. I have a firm belief that I am not a child of lesser god.
This confidence is not devoid of the fact that my parents made sure I got the very best of
education around. The close proximity of my town to OAU served as leverage for me. My
parents were able to send us, even in poverty, to the top schools in Ife, which was in another
community. At a time, I and my sister were the only ones going to school outside Modakeke in
my street. The sacrifice my parents made during my childhood occasionally bring tears from my
eyes. I was privileged to read books that opened my thinking. I read about countries of the world.
I read about great leaders. I read both African and Westerner literature. I opened my mind right
from a young age to knowledge. To me a reader ia a traveler, the more he reads, the more he
travels, and that was just what I did, I read myself to exposure. And that was, and still is, the way
I was able to beat the problems posed by my environment.
We have seen countless people grow from relative obscurity to become prominent people.
Abraham Lincoln remains a valid and perfect example. Born to uneducated farmers and having
lived a log cabin in his childhood, Lincoln rose to become arguably the greatest president
America has seen till date. He didn’t allow his environment limit his thinking. He saw his
environment not as a disadvantage, but as a challenge. Due to this reason, he was able to become
a successful man.
Let it be noted that I do not count myself as a successful man, but if one is privilege to be in
group og intellectuals and is allowed to share his little experiences with them, then such person,
if not successful, is definitely on a path to success. I do not seek to argue that environmental
conditions do not in any way affect the pattern of a man’s life (that would be illogical and
impractical of me). What I hope to convey is that environmental conditions can dictate what man
eats or wears, but it can’t dictate hoe he thinks. To me, environment does not define a man, it is
the quality of his thoughts that does. After all, Martin Luther king theorized that the mind is the
standard of a man. It is my deep belief that if a man sets out to be successful, he would be
successful, no matter where he grows up. Thank you!!
- OYEDELE Oluwakayode Solomon
Graduate of OAU (Mechanical Engineering)
Co-Visioneer, Beacon of Hope (NGO)
When I think of what I wish I had been told at birth the answer is nothing. The people doing the
telling were doing their best, I guess, but they got it all wrong. Everything I was told was wrong.
Everything you were told is probably wrong too.
We come into this world with everything we need. We start losing that wisdom as soon as we
start listening to parents, teachers and the media. Much of our formatives years are spent learning
‘THE RULES’; the rules of grammar, the rules of happiness, the rules of polite society, the rules
of success and so on. Only after years of study and personal deconstruction have I learned the
real truth about rules. There ain’t no such thing! For winners, there ain’t no rules.
Take the rules of success, for example, (I do not know about you, but I believe we were told the
same thing) I was told to study hard, do well in school, get a good job and that’s the road to
success. Parents, Teachers and others well meaning people recited this rule to me over and over
again (they are still reciting it). Go ask Aliko Dangote, ask Bill Gates if they want jobs. Take a
look at the list of most successful people on the Earth and see how many of them have jobs. NO!
They rather create business, they created jobs. They have ideas, they don’t have jobs.
Stop the rules, let people go beyond rules, let them break the rules you tied them with. Would it
not be nice if there was a degree, one could get in SUCCESS? Having courses like Success 101
in the first year and Success 419 in the fourth year, and after completion, a certificate saying:
‘You are hereby authorized to do whatever you feel you have the guts to try. You are hereby
notified that you don’t have to ask any one’s permission to be successful or happy at anything. If
you think you can do it, do it. You are authorized by the power vested in your own soul as
evidence in this certificate to live your dream to the max’ would be awarded. I tell you, everyone
will be a GENIUS.
- Olayiwola Shakunle
Studied Mathematics and Computer
Programmer/Software Developer
Good day everyone
Today I want to add my little experience for us to learn.
I will be discussing with us the relationship between Breaking point, Turning point and
Comfort zone.
I have come to understand that so many people don't really know what a turning point is and how
to tackle it.
A breaking point is that last breath of survival, which is like the stress of bringing out a jewel.
We all are aware about the stress miners go through to get a raw material, to process it nko, it
takes so much which is more like an example of breaking point but do you know this breaking
point most times leads us to that turning point of ours (dedication and determination is important
to achieve this though).
I was matriculated into The Polytechnic, Ibadan in 2009 through 2012 for my National Diploma,
returned for my HND in 2013 but I want to tell you guys that despite my effort I'm yet to
graduate, my friends felt so bad when it happened but along the delay I had, I had two chances;
1- To manipulate to graduate, 2- To stay till when i clear myself.
This was my breaking point, I was so confused and troubled but I stood by what is right not
knowing what will come after my decision.
...*to be continued*
As we all know *education* is Key, my father gave all of himself to get us to the level of
*education* he can, we learnt all we could learn, he forced me to learn his vocation (Turner)
after O'levels. During this period I was also pushed to a breaking point. But i stood for what is
I took a decision that day which is why I'm here today, maybe I might have been a better person
or not as good as I am today. One lesson I have learnt from my experience in life is that
1. Be responsible for your action no matter what
The reason I had issue in school was that I was caught for Exam malpractice (whether I am
guilty or not, I accepted i was responsible because I know the rules) and I took the decision that
on no condition will I blame my environment, education level, government for where or who I
am today
2. I accepted no short cut to success
Success has a rough route but the bitter truth is that no short cut to attain it. Follow the process
(not basically our tagged 'education'). We first need to understand what the real education is, our
brain capacity is underutilized, we need to explore our brain despite wherever we find yourself.
And also agree with yourself that your success has no limitation but the determining factor is
who you build yourself to be.
I'm not successful yet but I'm working towards attaining it and I am contented with the little I
have achieved.
3. Understand your breaking point;
Late Muhammed Ali shared his experience which I held so hard my mind, he said whenever he
felt like giving up is when he remind himself that he's just starting. With this kind of mindset,
you will not have a breaking point but instead a turning point; understand your weakness and use
it has a stepping stone to get what you want. I am a short person but before people mock me with
it, I introduce my shortness when telling people about myself (so now you all know the guy
behind this words is
4. Learn to uplift others;
You need to inculcate a very tactical way of selling your brand by helping others; it pays in so
many ways which might be directly or indirectly. When you have knowledge about something
don't keep it to yourself, let people know what you know.
With this people will know you with that thing you want them to know you for.
5. Understand what comfort zone is;
Comfort zone is not compulsorily where you stay but that place or position you are that you feel
relaxed or unconscious about what you want to do, that position that brings procrastination to
your mind always. So it's not really about leaving that place you understand too well, where your
brand can easily be known, it's about pushing yourself to do that thing you believe in.
Determination, dedication and combined with your spiritual level are important factors you can't
From my story in school, I'm yet to collect my result but the knowledge I have acquired has
taken me where I am today.
I am a certified Gate Automation Technician, I am an Experienced Fabrication Engineer, I have
knowledge in Fashion designing, a caterer, a philanthropist, a tourist but of all these I am still
learning more about the affairs of this world.
One thing you should know is that, only you can dictate what success I to you.
All what we have up there is just my own view about life but at least it will help one or persons
Kudos to the founder of this group.
Accept this token my people.
Thank you.
- Mohammed Abdulazeez Ayo
Nickname; Mugandi Zengibe Bushanga,
Electrical engineer/Telecom Technician.
Good morning folks...
I wish to enlighten us on this little talk *You can't be richer than your employer*. This word
came to me just as simple as it is then I ask myself some brief questions:-
(1) What does this means?
(2) Why can't I be richer or wealthier than my employer?
(3) What must be done to be richer than my employer? And so on.
Let’s take it one after the other.
So many people at least 99.2% of Nigeria Educated persons believed that they needed to attend
school, obtain certificate, get good grades and afterwards get a good paying job in an oil firm or
any good multinational company. Yes this is good in fact looking at it from the African man
perspective; it’s the best thing that can happen to an African educated folk. Either you work in
your line of study or not it doesn't matter in as much as you are in to make you money. But the
truth of the matter remains that irrespective of what you are being paid, you can't be richer than
the person who employed you.
I once worked with DANGOTE Cement for some while after my National Diploma (ND), before
opting for University for my degree. I see people with different life style and the level or
standard of living. To me there is nobody working in this company as big as it is that can be
richer than the said man DANGOTE Aliko, because he pays you from what is made.
In fact in any of his plant, either in Obese or Obajana etc. The managing director is richer than
any other staffs, which tell me more. Whenever I get to a firm, the first thing I observe is the car
park to see the level of the workers, it tells me a lot of things about the well being of the people
working there.
But irrespective of the cars parked there, they are still toys to the owner of the firm. DANGOTE
once posed with an interview question, "what is the biggest toy you have gotten for yourself?"
He said my biggest toy is when I got my Air craft, I was like aircraft? Toy? Hmmmm
Now tell me which of his staff can boldly get himself or herself a toy as big as that. Some people
even come with Okada to work, and some Leggedise Benz (lol!).
While I was there I prayed and told God I wish to be richer than DANGOTE, then the word
came to me *You can't be richer than him* I said why? The simple answer is there on the
HRM and Accountant's table, the entire staff's pay per month is just a fraction of his entire
earning in a day. For you to be richer you must provide a lasting solution to a problem that can
help humanity
Yes this is true, let's be sincere with our self this is the simple but hard truth, *you must Unleash
your potential* and *gather momentum to push the gift and creativity in you* you must be a
payer and not a payee before you can be richer than anyone else. Please who can tell me the
name of the company where Otedola is working or that of Raymond Dopesi? Etc. So your must
brake fourth to earn more than you are doing presently. Stop looking to be employed, be an
employer. Think of one thing that will bring solution to just this nation such that in a day each
person in this nation will pay you just 1naira, then in a day you are making 260 million+ of naira.
It is not bad to add your initiative with a friend of yours that think alike if you think your dreams
are too big for you at the moment. Get a reliable, good and like thinking friend and make things
Don't dream and pray to be richer than the richer, work to earn it.
(Questions & contributions are welcomed).
- OYAWALE Wasiu Olarewaju
Nicknamed; Larexy
Graduate of Mechanical Engineering …
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
Good morning folks... Trust we had a great weekend.
We will be discussing a topic: ‘No one owes you anything, but you owe everyone
Some years back I use to think ehn this my brother, this sister, this my uncle, aunt, and so on are
very stingy. They can't give you common money, they don't support my school bills, blah blah
blah... Not until I finished my Polytechnic education, I then got admission into DANGOTE
Academy, at the early stage of my training with this great indigenous Company, an instructor
who took us one morning said something that really stroke my mind, since then I haven't
forgotten about it. Have always set my heart on it and it has worked for me. The instructor said;
so many of before now, you depend so much on your parents, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts etc.
But remember that after this training and employment you won't be able to get any cash from
them anymore, but rather they will expect from you, he said “no one owes you anything, but
you owe everybody everything”. This is big I thought in my mind! ... Wow!
Yes this is a very great problem facing 24th century youths, we so much depends on already
made money, they want to get it all from relatives, have you ever thought of people depending
on you too? Have you ever told yourself that you owe everybody everything? If NO is your
answer please re-check yourself. For you to attain goals you must be able to think towards the
fact that you owe everyone everything, and then you will be able to think outside the box. If you
have that mindset that Nigeria as a nation cannot survive without your initiative, then you will
not sleep, you will go extra miles to unleash your potential.... Remember... Don't pray for God to
give you money, but rather Ask God for the ability to discover new ideas that will create wealth
for you....
- OYAWALE Wasiu Olarewaju
Nicknamed; Larexy
Graduate of Mechanical Engineering …
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
This is my journey from OAU to UniLag. It was a difficult decision though..
When I was much younger I used to feel I was the dumb kid on the block, or was I indeed the
dumb kid? I can remember my parents holding prayer sessions in their room begging God to
make me a bright kid and I can say God answered their prayers?.
Not to bore you, I gained admission into the Polytechnic of Ibadan and I graduated from the
department of mechanical engineering (distinction). I proceeded to further in Obafemi Awolowo
University, with my mechanical engineering. A family friend(a Dr in OAU) told me she would
process the admission for me and that I should leave everything for her to finalize unknown to
her that I didn't submit my transcript in the Senate building, since I had given her everything, I
felt that was all.
When the admission list came out, my name was nowhere to be found. When it seems like all
hope was lost, my Dad started pulling a few strings, and I was given food science and
technology. After few weeks, I spoke to a brother who spoke to somebody who spoke to
somebody and I got mechanical engineering. I should have just left the system, when I was given
food science and technology, as it was God's way of telling me to leave the school. I'm not trying
to talk OAU down, but as my admission letter still reflected food science and tech, I was not
happy so I decided to start afresh. Then I decided to choose UniLag, despite the tales of people
finding it hard to enter. This time I decided to leave it in God's hands. I prayed fervently,
gathered all my documents and proceeded to the Senate House to tender my documents.
Immediately the lady on seat saw my documents, she congratulated me that I have gained
admission. I thank God for His unending grace in my life, as I am currently in 500level in the
department of Mechanical Engineering.
- Eso Opeyemi Samuel
Part5 student of University of Lagos
Good day my people,
I want to share this topic with us. “Determination Give Way to Your Heart Desires”.
Determination psychologically is what l called persevering toward a difficult goal in spite of
obstacles. I want us to know that whatever we have as a dream, plan or heart desires, if it is not
accomplish with determination it will be difficult to accomplished.
Many people have bigger dream or desire but it is only few people were able to achieved it. Most
people settled for lesser, simply because they cannot stand the challenges or their determination
was not strong enough. And these make them to lose focus and go for less desire.
Determination is an instrument that pushes out the hidden potential in us and helps to come to
reality. Do you need have a dream and you want it to come to life, you need determination. Do
you have a goal and you want it to be materialize you need determination. Do you have desire
and you want to achieve it, you need determination.
Allow me to round up with this story. There was a guy who had a dream to become a lecturer
and he got admitted into Obafemi Awolowo University, and due to one reasons or the other he
was advised to withdraw, and this guy was determined and remained focus, because he believed
that he have something to contribute to his society. He took another Jamb back to same school he
was asked to withdraw. Presently, this guy has two difference certificates from same school he
was asked to withdraw. He is a lecturer, educator and counselor.
Thank you.
- Jedidah Olamide Bodunde Alokan
Studied Psychology
Obafemi Awolowo University
Good day everyone.
Today I'll be discussing with us “COMMUNICATION, FEELINGS AND FEEDBACKS”
It's been said that the quality of our entire life is dependent on the quality of our communications,
first with ourselves then with others.
To a large extent, how we feel isn't based on our environment but the meaning (feedback) we
associate with things/occurrences in our environment.
Often times, we associate certain feelings to certain actions and sometimes we are right, other
times we aren't.
When we experience certain emotions, our brains most times have been programmed to label
that experience and interpret to us that we should feel a particular way. It's sort of an autopilot
We've all heard about or seen people with all the money in the world but still they feel miserable;
but the average human has trained his/her mind to associate wealth with happiness.
Why have we trained ourselves to feel loved when we get a hug?
I feel we have the choice to dictate what meaning we ascribe to situations in life, we can go
through storms and remain calm, we could get shouted at but still choose to respond lovingly, we
could get hurt by a loved one but still act with respect towards that person.
These are only possible when we realise that life is not just about us; what we want, what we
need....but also about others, and by reconditioning our brain to label events differently.
So, it's fair to conclude that nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning we give them.
Thank you.
It's not the event, but what we do with it inside of our head that determines the quality of
our lives
What we look for earnestly, we would find
The meaning we associate or assign to something determines how we feel.
-Emoyon Daniel
I would like to share my thoughts based on experience, about some things, I stand corrected
though because life is like a talking drum.
Decisions, Choices, Passion and Success.
Life doesn't give you what you expect but what you decide and deserve, our life is defined by
choices we make, am I saying some people are poor because they decide or deserve to be? Well
if you say 'NO', the question remains do they have a strong desire, or strong decision to be
successful ? Are they making the right choices to achieve success?.
Well, some may say that an average human being desires to be successful, Note the word
“desire”, desiring something is like a dream which doesn't mean it will happen, it only can
become a reality when you have a decision because that's when you dwell on how to get there.
Don't be confused, one's desire comes first, what I am saying is your desire remains dreams until
you decide and summon courage to take steps. Don't die with your dreams, take a step today.
Second is whether one is making the right choices to achieve success.
This part is where most people falter because our life is infected with too many primitive and
archaic guides, don't jinx it, only someone that understands and live a successful life can guide
another, which means in the road to success you need the right mentor among the successful.
Another factor in our decision making is our passion, a wise man said recently: 'You always see
opportunity in your area of passion'.
True, Your first instinct on what to do in life is controlled by your passion, nothing is better than
being successful in what you have passion for (Fulfillment!), Now the question is: is it always
possible to be successful in what you have passion for? The answer is NO. More interestingly,
Doing what you have passion for makes you very happy, at the other end it doesn't mean you
will make a successful life from it.
My people, at this junction it's a matter of what makes you happy and what makes you live a
good life. It takes wise choices and decisions to fit in your passion on success road. A wise man
said: “make your passion your profession then work becomes play”
Another one said, “Maturity is when you sacrifice what you want for what you need” I can't
agree more, when you are not being fulfilled, try at least to be successful. Don't be imprisoned by
archaic guides, or passion, make wise choices, most importantly make
Your success is your passion whether in what you want or what is available.
Before I drop the pen, what's worth doing at all is worth doing well, always desire the best,
decide to get it by making wise choices, because life doesn't give you what you only desire but
what you desire, decide and deserve.
- Waris Abiola
Studied Mechanical Engineering
On Air Personality (OAP)
I completed my National Diploma (ND) at Adeseun Ogundoyin Campus, Eruwa. I had C.O
during my studies in first and second semester of my NDI which I rewrote and came out with
outstanding results.
The funny part was, I also had C.O in “TRIGONOMETRY” in my last semester of NDII, which
I was asked to pay some certain money but I didn’t listen; despite the fact that the money that
could stop me from having C.O was available. But my refusal led to extra year. Then, I made up
my mind that I rather forfeit all the spent years than re-sitting (I wanted to give up easily,
because I was ashamed) and I also turned deaf ears to advice from people who told me
I secured a firm “FIRRO” for my Industrial Attachment (I.T) placement but my course mate who
is a distant friend could not secure a place and was also duped because he was so anxious to get a
place to do his I.T.
He called me to tell me about the situation he was, then, I made some calls and he was welcomed
into the firm where I got a placement.
I never knew that God have destined us to be together just for me to excel in my C.O course. He
took his time to take me TRIGONOMETRY in Mosque whenever we are on break at the office,
also came to my house at Agege all the way from Mile-12 without collecting a dime. I was really
equipped by him with the help of God.
I went back and became a king in the examination hall.
God is very faithful; I served at Sokoto state in 2016 with no regret. Thanks to God, my late
mummy (Adunbarinmatoshi) and my lovely friend “OLAOKE Abdulmumin Olamilekan”, who
God used for me.
I wouldn’t be thankful if I never achieved my goal or get tired of the challenge(s) that arises or
comes my way then. Please, always take good chances of all challenges, learn your lessons and
keep it in mind that it’s only for a moment.
- BALOGUN Taiwo Adesola
Studied Mechanical Engineering
The polytechnic, Ibadan
© Taking responsibility for your actions is the first step to success. ~ Oluwaseun Ayileka
© Boiling an egg takes the water to boil and heat it at the highest temperature water can go
but not a melting point for egg but a turning point. ~ Zengibe
© I often laugh when I hear the word ‘No new thing under the sun’... Sorry there are new
things and to be a unique and successful person you must discover One of the numerous
new things... ~Larexy
© If you think money is the root of all evil, then try jealousy. ~Sikiru Seriki
© If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise.
~Rupi Kaur
© Determination, drive and discipline remains the 3D’s of success. ~ Kayode Oyedele
© Determination with little or no patience is tantamount to failure. To be in love with
victory, you must love the challenge that follows it the more. ~ Sikiru Seriki

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Where leaders are made july collection

  • 1.
  • 2. WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT © There was a time; Education is the key to everything. If you are not educated, you are just like an outcast. The south westerners believed so much in education that agriculture tends to be a thing of the past. Everything is read, read and get all the certificates but even with certificates, now most people are sleeping at home doing nothing. My brothers and sisters learn a trade while schooling, make sure you are doing something else apart from read, read, read and get a piece of paper with your name written on it.~ Oluwaseun Ayileka © The freedom of ‘will’ has been snatched from our generation, which is why we need to take it back with whatever it takes. Western education is just a way of you understanding small percentage of HOW to be successful but the high percentage lies on the WILL MINDSET you have inside you. A successful man is determined by the WILL mindset he has, don’t forget Femi Otedola, Alakija, Macron, Dangote amongst other successful people globally also have colleague that they studied together but what took them where they find themselves today is the WILL, which is why we need to take it back. Tell all the DICTATORS that you WILL do that which you want to do and stand by it. ~Mohammed Abdulazeez © Environment, background, family, level of exposure and other factors that every individual passes through have effect on everyone and the way we react to issues. UNLIMITED EFFORTS results to success and moreover, don’t forget life is an examination but everybody with different question papers. My opinion is that we should continue to put more effort and improves our leadership skills and more so, we should not underestimate or underrate anyone in life. ~ Abayomi Ogunlade © Sometimes the situations around you will let you make some decisions that won't be favourable and the blame game will start, blaming won't change anything but cause more chaos to human life. You won't be able to take the right decisions as at when due. Taking responsibility for your actions is the first step to success.~ Oluwaseun Ayileka © Abraham Lincoln once said that; "The better way to predict your future is to be creative". Everyone is unique, everyone is special, and you just have to unlock your inner self; think outside the box and always find a solution to any human's problem. Most of the time; we often feel inferior, we don't want to be rejected, we allow what people say to define us, afraid of following our heart, but never deprive yourself from who you meant to become. The best way to stop blaming others for your present situation is to see the positiveness in everyone, though, some people will want to take advantage of you, but don't let your
  • 3. loyalty turn you to a slave. Together, let build our nation. Together, let educate our younger ones. Together, I say; let the younger generation be aware of where we got it wrong. I will love to close this, with the word of Adolf Hitler, who says; "One who wins without problem, it is just; VICTORY. But who wins with a lot of troubles, that is; HISTORY". Thank you all for your unflinching contributions and intensifying devotion. ~ Sikiru Seriki © I believe every creature on this earth have a purpose. The hill, mountains, water, trees and human begin. But for human beings to achieve this, we need to know this; our Desire need Direction to follow and Depends on God not human being. Design it by giving it colourful meaning and let your determination bring it out. Discipline yourself and be Diligence in your work, Demonstrate the winning spirit and make a Decree and make good Delegate to change your world.~ Jedidah Alokan
  • 4. Mrs. Olayinka’s Corner Mrs. Olayinka is a mother of one (a cute baby girl), she is an applied linguist and studied English language as a course from Obafemi Awolowo University. Begins I want to enlighten us about how we use some words… Been/Being They are both forms of BE, primary auxiliary verb. Been is the past participle form of BE It is usually used after ‘have’ E.g; I have been to Canada 2. My daughter has been there too. While Being is the present participle form of the verb ‘BE’ This is not used after ‘have’, but after; is, are, was and were 3. I am being careful 4. She was being reluctant to answer the call 5. Who is being silly back in school? 6. They were being careful not to make same mistake. Being can also be used as a noun. Being itself means a person or an individual e.g; human beings, spiritual beings, social beings 7. Human beings are dangerous when it comes to money. Ends Begins Today, I will be talking about two words which are often misuse together and they mean different things
  • 5. COMPLIMENTS/COMPLEMENT You use complement to describe something that goes alongside with something else. For example; 1. Hot chocolate sauce complements vanilla ice-cream 2. Your red dress complements your white shoes Compliment is used for saying nice things or giving best wishes. So if you want to wish someone all the best for the time of the year, you would use compliment. 3. Compliments of the season 4. Thanks for the compliment honey Ends Begins You and Me You and I Sometimes we often use I instead of me, and most times we don't know the one which ought to come first in a sentence Let me teach us a trick whenever we want to construct sentences which has to do with you/me/I Think of it as good manners that the other person should come first in a sentence So it would be correct to say 1. “Tomisin and Me”, not 1b. “Me and Tomisin”. - Wrong Now, as for whether you use “me” or “I”? Sometimes to know if you are right, Read the sentence without the other person in it, and see if it sounds right. For example: 2. "Jibola sent copies of his book to Yomi and I”. ….and you’re left with
  • 6. 2b. “Jibola sent copies of his book to I.” - wrong Now, that doesn’t work. It would be 2c. Jibola sent copies of his books to Yomi and me - (Right) Here, the proper personal pronoun is “me”. 3. Mohammed and me went to the movies”. You wouldn’t say “Me went to the movies … so here you will use “I”. 3b. Mohammed and I went to the movies. Thanks I welcome any addition Ends Begins Good morning house Today, I would want to enlighten us more about some words which are spelt differently, but have same pronunciation Sometimes, we use them instead of the other.. I will share two examples today and continue tomorrow. 1. Weather/ Whether Weather- is the state of atmosphere at a specific time and place Whether- used to introduce a question. Or between alternatives E.g1. The weather is cool 2. Thanks I don't know whether or not she prefers beans to rice
  • 7. Thought/Taught Thought - is a form created in the mind, past tense of think. Taught- past tense of teach. For example; 1. You are your own thoughts 2. I taught the class yesterday Ends Begins Good day everyone Let's talk about Rules of Grammar. 1. Two Or more Singular Subjects connected by *and* usually take a Verb in the Plural For example; a. Jibola and Mohammed is here. Incorrect b. Jibola and Mohammed are here Correct 2. If two Singular Nouns refer to the same person or thing, the Verb must be Singular. a. The treasurer and financial secretary are coming. Incorrect b. The treasurer and financial secretary is coming. Correct (Here the same person is the treasurer as well as financial secretary) 3. If the Singular Subjects are preceded by each or every, the Verb is usually Singular. a. Every boy and girl were ready.
  • 8. Incorrect b. Every boy and girl was ready. Correct Thanks. Ends
  • 9. Life Experiences Many thinkers and philosophers have theorized that the success of a man is heavily dependent on his environment. In Nigeria, it is often believed that for a man to be successful, he must grow in well developed areas. Their examples of urban areas would be , of course; Lagos, Kaduna, Ibadan, Abuja among others. It would be irrational to challenge the validity of claims made by these authorities. Nevertheless, questions must be asked of those who are not privileged to stay in these ‘exposed areas’.. Questions must be asked of their chances of becoming successful. Yes, question must be raised. Modakeke, located in the heart of Osun, is a perfect example of what an environment should not be. Haunted by ghosts of the Ife-Modakeke war victims and an high level of poverty, it is often considered by many people as a dead community. But in spite of all these, I have grown to have a deep belief in myself and I have, instilled in me, an unalloyed confidence to compete favourably with my peers, both local and international. I have the boldness to speak in front of elites and royalty. I have a firm belief that I am not a child of lesser god. This confidence is not devoid of the fact that my parents made sure I got the very best of education around. The close proximity of my town to OAU served as leverage for me. My parents were able to send us, even in poverty, to the top schools in Ife, which was in another community. At a time, I and my sister were the only ones going to school outside Modakeke in my street. The sacrifice my parents made during my childhood occasionally bring tears from my eyes. I was privileged to read books that opened my thinking. I read about countries of the world. I read about great leaders. I read both African and Westerner literature. I opened my mind right from a young age to knowledge. To me a reader ia a traveler, the more he reads, the more he travels, and that was just what I did, I read myself to exposure. And that was, and still is, the way I was able to beat the problems posed by my environment. We have seen countless people grow from relative obscurity to become prominent people. Abraham Lincoln remains a valid and perfect example. Born to uneducated farmers and having lived a log cabin in his childhood, Lincoln rose to become arguably the greatest president America has seen till date. He didn’t allow his environment limit his thinking. He saw his environment not as a disadvantage, but as a challenge. Due to this reason, he was able to become a successful man. Let it be noted that I do not count myself as a successful man, but if one is privilege to be in group og intellectuals and is allowed to share his little experiences with them, then such person, if not successful, is definitely on a path to success. I do not seek to argue that environmental conditions do not in any way affect the pattern of a man’s life (that would be illogical and
  • 10. impractical of me). What I hope to convey is that environmental conditions can dictate what man eats or wears, but it can’t dictate hoe he thinks. To me, environment does not define a man, it is the quality of his thoughts that does. After all, Martin Luther king theorized that the mind is the standard of a man. It is my deep belief that if a man sets out to be successful, he would be successful, no matter where he grows up. Thank you!! - OYEDELE Oluwakayode Solomon Graduate of OAU (Mechanical Engineering) Co-Visioneer, Beacon of Hope (NGO)
  • 11. BREAK THE RULES!!! When I think of what I wish I had been told at birth the answer is nothing. The people doing the telling were doing their best, I guess, but they got it all wrong. Everything I was told was wrong. Everything you were told is probably wrong too. We come into this world with everything we need. We start losing that wisdom as soon as we start listening to parents, teachers and the media. Much of our formatives years are spent learning ‘THE RULES’; the rules of grammar, the rules of happiness, the rules of polite society, the rules of success and so on. Only after years of study and personal deconstruction have I learned the real truth about rules. There ain’t no such thing! For winners, there ain’t no rules. Take the rules of success, for example, (I do not know about you, but I believe we were told the same thing) I was told to study hard, do well in school, get a good job and that’s the road to success. Parents, Teachers and others well meaning people recited this rule to me over and over again (they are still reciting it). Go ask Aliko Dangote, ask Bill Gates if they want jobs. Take a look at the list of most successful people on the Earth and see how many of them have jobs. NO! They rather create business, they created jobs. They have ideas, they don’t have jobs. Stop the rules, let people go beyond rules, let them break the rules you tied them with. Would it not be nice if there was a degree, one could get in SUCCESS? Having courses like Success 101 in the first year and Success 419 in the fourth year, and after completion, a certificate saying: ‘You are hereby authorized to do whatever you feel you have the guts to try. You are hereby notified that you don’t have to ask any one’s permission to be successful or happy at anything. If you think you can do it, do it. You are authorized by the power vested in your own soul as evidence in this certificate to live your dream to the max’ would be awarded. I tell you, everyone will be a GENIUS. - Olayiwola Shakunle Studied Mathematics and Computer Programmer/Software Developer
  • 12. Good day everyone Today I want to add my little experience for us to learn. I will be discussing with us the relationship between Breaking point, Turning point and Comfort zone. I have come to understand that so many people don't really know what a turning point is and how to tackle it. A breaking point is that last breath of survival, which is like the stress of bringing out a jewel. We all are aware about the stress miners go through to get a raw material, to process it nko, it takes so much which is more like an example of breaking point but do you know this breaking point most times leads us to that turning point of ours (dedication and determination is important to achieve this though). I was matriculated into The Polytechnic, Ibadan in 2009 through 2012 for my National Diploma, returned for my HND in 2013 but I want to tell you guys that despite my effort I'm yet to graduate, my friends felt so bad when it happened but along the delay I had, I had two chances; 1- To manipulate to graduate, 2- To stay till when i clear myself. This was my breaking point, I was so confused and troubled but I stood by what is right not knowing what will come after my decision. ...*to be continued* As we all know *education* is Key, my father gave all of himself to get us to the level of *education* he can, we learnt all we could learn, he forced me to learn his vocation (Turner) after O'levels. During this period I was also pushed to a breaking point. But i stood for what is right. ...*continuation* I took a decision that day which is why I'm here today, maybe I might have been a better person or not as good as I am today. One lesson I have learnt from my experience in life is that 1. Be responsible for your action no matter what The reason I had issue in school was that I was caught for Exam malpractice (whether I am guilty or not, I accepted i was responsible because I know the rules) and I took the decision that on no condition will I blame my environment, education level, government for where or who I am today 2. I accepted no short cut to success
  • 13. Success has a rough route but the bitter truth is that no short cut to attain it. Follow the process (not basically our tagged 'education'). We first need to understand what the real education is, our brain capacity is underutilized, we need to explore our brain despite wherever we find yourself. And also agree with yourself that your success has no limitation but the determining factor is who you build yourself to be. I'm not successful yet but I'm working towards attaining it and I am contented with the little I have achieved. 3. Understand your breaking point; Late Muhammed Ali shared his experience which I held so hard my mind, he said whenever he felt like giving up is when he remind himself that he's just starting. With this kind of mindset, you will not have a breaking point but instead a turning point; understand your weakness and use it has a stepping stone to get what you want. I am a short person but before people mock me with it, I introduce my shortness when telling people about myself (so now you all know the guy behind this words is 4. Learn to uplift others; You need to inculcate a very tactical way of selling your brand by helping others; it pays in so many ways which might be directly or indirectly. When you have knowledge about something don't keep it to yourself, let people know what you know. With this people will know you with that thing you want them to know you for. 5. Understand what comfort zone is; Comfort zone is not compulsorily where you stay but that place or position you are that you feel relaxed or unconscious about what you want to do, that position that brings procrastination to your mind always. So it's not really about leaving that place you understand too well, where your brand can easily be known, it's about pushing yourself to do that thing you believe in. Determination, dedication and combined with your spiritual level are important factors you can't ignore From my story in school, I'm yet to collect my result but the knowledge I have acquired has taken me where I am today. I am a certified Gate Automation Technician, I am an Experienced Fabrication Engineer, I have knowledge in Fashion designing, a caterer, a philanthropist, a tourist but of all these I am still learning more about the affairs of this world. One thing you should know is that, only you can dictate what success I to you.
  • 14. All what we have up there is just my own view about life but at least it will help one or persons here. Kudos to the founder of this group. Accept this token my people. Thank you. - Mohammed Abdulazeez Ayo Nickname; Mugandi Zengibe Bushanga, Electrical engineer/Telecom Technician.
  • 15. Good morning folks... I wish to enlighten us on this little talk *You can't be richer than your employer*. This word came to me just as simple as it is then I ask myself some brief questions:- (1) What does this means? (2) Why can't I be richer or wealthier than my employer? (3) What must be done to be richer than my employer? And so on. Let’s take it one after the other. So many people at least 99.2% of Nigeria Educated persons believed that they needed to attend school, obtain certificate, get good grades and afterwards get a good paying job in an oil firm or any good multinational company. Yes this is good in fact looking at it from the African man perspective; it’s the best thing that can happen to an African educated folk. Either you work in your line of study or not it doesn't matter in as much as you are in to make you money. But the truth of the matter remains that irrespective of what you are being paid, you can't be richer than the person who employed you. I once worked with DANGOTE Cement for some while after my National Diploma (ND), before opting for University for my degree. I see people with different life style and the level or standard of living. To me there is nobody working in this company as big as it is that can be richer than the said man DANGOTE Aliko, because he pays you from what is made. In fact in any of his plant, either in Obese or Obajana etc. The managing director is richer than any other staffs, which tell me more. Whenever I get to a firm, the first thing I observe is the car park to see the level of the workers, it tells me a lot of things about the well being of the people working there. But irrespective of the cars parked there, they are still toys to the owner of the firm. DANGOTE once posed with an interview question, "what is the biggest toy you have gotten for yourself?" He said my biggest toy is when I got my Air craft, I was like aircraft? Toy? Hmmmm Now tell me which of his staff can boldly get himself or herself a toy as big as that. Some people even come with Okada to work, and some Leggedise Benz (lol!). While I was there I prayed and told God I wish to be richer than DANGOTE, then the word came to me *You can't be richer than him* I said why? The simple answer is there on the HRM and Accountant's table, the entire staff's pay per month is just a fraction of his entire earning in a day. For you to be richer you must provide a lasting solution to a problem that can help humanity
  • 16. Yes this is true, let's be sincere with our self this is the simple but hard truth, *you must Unleash your potential* and *gather momentum to push the gift and creativity in you* you must be a payer and not a payee before you can be richer than anyone else. Please who can tell me the name of the company where Otedola is working or that of Raymond Dopesi? Etc. So your must brake fourth to earn more than you are doing presently. Stop looking to be employed, be an employer. Think of one thing that will bring solution to just this nation such that in a day each person in this nation will pay you just 1naira, then in a day you are making 260 million+ of naira. It is not bad to add your initiative with a friend of yours that think alike if you think your dreams are too big for you at the moment. Get a reliable, good and like thinking friend and make things happen. Don't dream and pray to be richer than the richer, work to earn it. Thanks (Questions & contributions are welcomed). - OYAWALE Wasiu Olarewaju Nicknamed; Larexy Graduate of Mechanical Engineering … Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • 17. Good morning folks... Trust we had a great weekend. We will be discussing a topic: ‘No one owes you anything, but you owe everyone everything’... Some years back I use to think ehn this my brother, this sister, this my uncle, aunt, and so on are very stingy. They can't give you common money, they don't support my school bills, blah blah blah... Not until I finished my Polytechnic education, I then got admission into DANGOTE Academy, at the early stage of my training with this great indigenous Company, an instructor who took us one morning said something that really stroke my mind, since then I haven't forgotten about it. Have always set my heart on it and it has worked for me. The instructor said; so many of before now, you depend so much on your parents, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts etc. But remember that after this training and employment you won't be able to get any cash from them anymore, but rather they will expect from you, he said “no one owes you anything, but you owe everybody everything”. This is big I thought in my mind! ... Wow! Yes this is a very great problem facing 24th century youths, we so much depends on already made money, they want to get it all from relatives, have you ever thought of people depending on you too? Have you ever told yourself that you owe everybody everything? If NO is your answer please re-check yourself. For you to attain goals you must be able to think towards the fact that you owe everyone everything, and then you will be able to think outside the box. If you have that mindset that Nigeria as a nation cannot survive without your initiative, then you will not sleep, you will go extra miles to unleash your potential.... Remember... Don't pray for God to give you money, but rather Ask God for the ability to discover new ideas that will create wealth for you.... Thanks - OYAWALE Wasiu Olarewaju Nicknamed; Larexy Graduate of Mechanical Engineering … Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • 18. This is my journey from OAU to UniLag. It was a difficult decision though.. When I was much younger I used to feel I was the dumb kid on the block, or was I indeed the dumb kid? I can remember my parents holding prayer sessions in their room begging God to make me a bright kid and I can say God answered their prayers?. Not to bore you, I gained admission into the Polytechnic of Ibadan and I graduated from the department of mechanical engineering (distinction). I proceeded to further in Obafemi Awolowo University, with my mechanical engineering. A family friend(a Dr in OAU) told me she would process the admission for me and that I should leave everything for her to finalize unknown to her that I didn't submit my transcript in the Senate building, since I had given her everything, I felt that was all. When the admission list came out, my name was nowhere to be found. When it seems like all hope was lost, my Dad started pulling a few strings, and I was given food science and technology. After few weeks, I spoke to a brother who spoke to somebody who spoke to somebody and I got mechanical engineering. I should have just left the system, when I was given food science and technology, as it was God's way of telling me to leave the school. I'm not trying to talk OAU down, but as my admission letter still reflected food science and tech, I was not happy so I decided to start afresh. Then I decided to choose UniLag, despite the tales of people finding it hard to enter. This time I decided to leave it in God's hands. I prayed fervently, gathered all my documents and proceeded to the Senate House to tender my documents. Immediately the lady on seat saw my documents, she congratulated me that I have gained admission. I thank God for His unending grace in my life, as I am currently in 500level in the department of Mechanical Engineering. - Eso Opeyemi Samuel Part5 student of University of Lagos
  • 19. Good day my people, I want to share this topic with us. “Determination Give Way to Your Heart Desires”. Determination psychologically is what l called persevering toward a difficult goal in spite of obstacles. I want us to know that whatever we have as a dream, plan or heart desires, if it is not accomplish with determination it will be difficult to accomplished. Many people have bigger dream or desire but it is only few people were able to achieved it. Most people settled for lesser, simply because they cannot stand the challenges or their determination was not strong enough. And these make them to lose focus and go for less desire. Determination is an instrument that pushes out the hidden potential in us and helps to come to reality. Do you need have a dream and you want it to come to life, you need determination. Do you have a goal and you want it to be materialize you need determination. Do you have desire and you want to achieve it, you need determination. Allow me to round up with this story. There was a guy who had a dream to become a lecturer and he got admitted into Obafemi Awolowo University, and due to one reasons or the other he was advised to withdraw, and this guy was determined and remained focus, because he believed that he have something to contribute to his society. He took another Jamb back to same school he was asked to withdraw. Presently, this guy has two difference certificates from same school he was asked to withdraw. He is a lecturer, educator and counselor. DETERMINATION HELPS YOUR DREAMS COME TO REALITY. Thank you. - Jedidah Olamide Bodunde Alokan Studied Psychology Obafemi Awolowo University
  • 20. Good day everyone. Today I'll be discussing with us “COMMUNICATION, FEELINGS AND FEEDBACKS” It's been said that the quality of our entire life is dependent on the quality of our communications, first with ourselves then with others. To a large extent, how we feel isn't based on our environment but the meaning (feedback) we associate with things/occurrences in our environment. Often times, we associate certain feelings to certain actions and sometimes we are right, other times we aren't. When we experience certain emotions, our brains most times have been programmed to label that experience and interpret to us that we should feel a particular way. It's sort of an autopilot setting. We've all heard about or seen people with all the money in the world but still they feel miserable; but the average human has trained his/her mind to associate wealth with happiness. Why have we trained ourselves to feel loved when we get a hug? I feel we have the choice to dictate what meaning we ascribe to situations in life, we can go through storms and remain calm, we could get shouted at but still choose to respond lovingly, we could get hurt by a loved one but still act with respect towards that person. These are only possible when we realise that life is not just about us; what we want, what we need....but also about others, and by reconditioning our brain to label events differently. So, it's fair to conclude that nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning we give them. Thank you. It's not the event, but what we do with it inside of our head that determines the quality of our lives What we look for earnestly, we would find The meaning we associate or assign to something determines how we feel. -Emoyon Daniel
  • 21. Hi, I would like to share my thoughts based on experience, about some things, I stand corrected though because life is like a talking drum. Unequivocally: Decisions, Choices, Passion and Success. Life doesn't give you what you expect but what you decide and deserve, our life is defined by choices we make, am I saying some people are poor because they decide or deserve to be? Well if you say 'NO', the question remains do they have a strong desire, or strong decision to be successful ? Are they making the right choices to achieve success?. Well, some may say that an average human being desires to be successful, Note the word “desire”, desiring something is like a dream which doesn't mean it will happen, it only can become a reality when you have a decision because that's when you dwell on how to get there. Don't be confused, one's desire comes first, what I am saying is your desire remains dreams until you decide and summon courage to take steps. Don't die with your dreams, take a step today. Second is whether one is making the right choices to achieve success. This part is where most people falter because our life is infected with too many primitive and archaic guides, don't jinx it, only someone that understands and live a successful life can guide another, which means in the road to success you need the right mentor among the successful. Another factor in our decision making is our passion, a wise man said recently: 'You always see opportunity in your area of passion'. True, Your first instinct on what to do in life is controlled by your passion, nothing is better than being successful in what you have passion for (Fulfillment!), Now the question is: is it always possible to be successful in what you have passion for? The answer is NO. More interestingly, Doing what you have passion for makes you very happy, at the other end it doesn't mean you will make a successful life from it. My people, at this junction it's a matter of what makes you happy and what makes you live a good life. It takes wise choices and decisions to fit in your passion on success road. A wise man said: “make your passion your profession then work becomes play” Another one said, “Maturity is when you sacrifice what you want for what you need” I can't agree more, when you are not being fulfilled, try at least to be successful. Don't be imprisoned by archaic guides, or passion, make wise choices, most importantly make Your success is your passion whether in what you want or what is available.
  • 22. Before I drop the pen, what's worth doing at all is worth doing well, always desire the best, decide to get it by making wise choices, because life doesn't give you what you only desire but what you desire, decide and deserve. - Waris Abiola Studied Mechanical Engineering On Air Personality (OAP)
  • 23. DON’T GIVE UP OR GET TIRED OF CHALLENGES I completed my National Diploma (ND) at Adeseun Ogundoyin Campus, Eruwa. I had C.O during my studies in first and second semester of my NDI which I rewrote and came out with outstanding results. The funny part was, I also had C.O in “TRIGONOMETRY” in my last semester of NDII, which I was asked to pay some certain money but I didn’t listen; despite the fact that the money that could stop me from having C.O was available. But my refusal led to extra year. Then, I made up my mind that I rather forfeit all the spent years than re-sitting (I wanted to give up easily, because I was ashamed) and I also turned deaf ears to advice from people who told me otherwise. I secured a firm “FIRRO” for my Industrial Attachment (I.T) placement but my course mate who is a distant friend could not secure a place and was also duped because he was so anxious to get a place to do his I.T. He called me to tell me about the situation he was, then, I made some calls and he was welcomed into the firm where I got a placement. I never knew that God have destined us to be together just for me to excel in my C.O course. He took his time to take me TRIGONOMETRY in Mosque whenever we are on break at the office, also came to my house at Agege all the way from Mile-12 without collecting a dime. I was really equipped by him with the help of God. I went back and became a king in the examination hall. God is very faithful; I served at Sokoto state in 2016 with no regret. Thanks to God, my late mummy (Adunbarinmatoshi) and my lovely friend “OLAOKE Abdulmumin Olamilekan”, who God used for me. I wouldn’t be thankful if I never achieved my goal or get tired of the challenge(s) that arises or comes my way then. Please, always take good chances of all challenges, learn your lessons and keep it in mind that it’s only for a moment. - BALOGUN Taiwo Adesola Studied Mechanical Engineering The polytechnic, Ibadan
  • 24. QUOTES © Taking responsibility for your actions is the first step to success. ~ Oluwaseun Ayileka © Boiling an egg takes the water to boil and heat it at the highest temperature water can go but not a melting point for egg but a turning point. ~ Zengibe © I often laugh when I hear the word ‘No new thing under the sun’... Sorry there are new things and to be a unique and successful person you must discover One of the numerous new things... ~Larexy © If you think money is the root of all evil, then try jealousy. ~Sikiru Seriki © If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise. ~Rupi Kaur © Determination, drive and discipline remains the 3D’s of success. ~ Kayode Oyedele © Determination with little or no patience is tantamount to failure. To be in love with victory, you must love the challenge that follows it the more. ~ Sikiru Seriki