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WHAT IS FAITH? Based on Heb. 11:1 
By Pastor Glenn Pease 
Jesus was always delighted when he came across faith, for it allowed him to do 
wonders. In his hometown he could not do them for the people lacked faith. Faith 
was the completing of the circuit that allowed power to flow from Jesus, and when 
that was absent he could do no mighty works. In Mark 6:5-6 it says that Jesus did 
not do any miracles there and that he was amazed at their lack of faith. Faith can 
release the power of Christ, but faithlessness can restrict the power of Christ. The 
power to do God’s will and fulfill your purpose in life revolves around this issue of 
faith, and so it is vital that we fully understand what faith is. 
Heb. 11:1 is the clearest definition of faith in the Bible. It is being sure of what we 
hope for and certain of what we do not see. We have heard it often that love is blind, 
but here we see that it is faith that is blind. It cannot see, and yet it believes in the 
unseen, and it is confident that the unseen is real. In fact, it believes that the unseen 
is the most real. Those whose lives revolve around the material and the visible only 
are not people of faith. People of faith give a major portion of their lives to the 
invisible, and that means to the spiritual aspect of life. God is unseen, and all of the 
spiritual teachings and values of Christ are unseen, but these are vital aspect of life 
for the person of faith. Verse 3 says that faith starts with the assumption that all 
that is visible came from the invisible, and this means that the invisible, or the 
reality of God, is the essence of reality. Faith starts with God as the ultimate source 
of all that is, and so God is the highest authority, and His Word becomes the 
ultimate guide for life. 
Having faith is being committed to the belief that the unseen world of God the 
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and all that this God has revealed to 
be His will and plan for time and eternity is the ultimate reality. This means that 
true biblical faith changes how a person sees all of life and history. Everything is 
different for the person of faith when compared with the person who does not have 
faith. The person who does not have faith is a materialist, and that person believes 
that only what can be seen is real. The spiritual realm of religion is no more than a 
myth to those who do not have faith. It is all made up and unreal, and of no more 
ultimate value than belief in Mickey Mouse or Superman. 3on-faith says seeing is 
believing, and if its not matter it does not matter. In contrast, faith says that the 
unseen matters most of all, for it is the source of all matter. Everything in the 
believer’s life revolves around faith. Here is just a partial list: 
A. Ephesians 2:8-9, We are saved by faith. 
B. Rom. 1:17, We live by faith. 
C. Rom. 4:13, We receive righteousness by faith. 
D. Rom. 5:1, We are justified in Christ by faith 
E. Rom. 5:2, We have access to God’s grace by faith.
F. 2 Cor. 1:24, We stand firm in our belief by faith. 
G. Gal. 3:14, We receive the promise of the Spirit by faith. 
H. 1 Tim. 1:4, We do God’s work by faith. 
I. Gal. 5:5, We wait for the return of Christ by faith. 
Here are some others versions of this definition of faith. 
1. "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going 
to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we 
cannot see it up ahead" (Hebrews 11:1-TLB). 
2. The KJV and the 3KJV say, "3ow faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen." 
3. The RSV, 3RSV and 3ASB each says, "3ow faith is the assurance of things 
hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." 
4. Literally the Greek of Hebrews 11:1 says, "3ow faith is the reality of things 
being hoped for, the proof of things not being seen." 
5. The Amplified Bible translates it this way, "3ow faith is the assurance (the 
confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things 
[we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what 
is not revealed to the senses]." 
6. The Message, "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, 
this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's 
our handle on what we can't see." 
What was the best thing about the Old Testament? It was people of faith. This is 
where the 3.T. focus is, and we need to go back to the old to see that the key then 
was also faith. Faith is always in style and never obsolete. It is what links all of 
God’s people in all ages, and it alone pleases Him. If you want to go back to the old, 
go back to faith, for that is always relevant to the will and plan of God. Ray 
Stedman wrote, “Hebrews is one of the three 3ew Testament commentaries on a 
single Old Testament verse, "the just shall live by faith." (Hab. 2:4) This is the verse 
that struck a fire in the heart of Martin Luther, and began the Protestant 
Reformation 450 years ago. This verse opened the eyes of Augustine, and helped 
him to become a mighty man of faith, and it is still striking fire in many hearts 
today.” This chapter 11 of Hebrews is showing us that the essence of a life that is 
pleasing to God is the life of faith. It lists for us many of the Old Testament saints 
who displayed this God pleasing faith. 
God pleasing faith is a matter of the mental, physical, emotional and volitional 
life of the believer. As we look at the examples of faith is this chapter we see that 
every aspect of the life of a believer gets involved in faith. Let me give some 
illustrations of each. 
1. Verse 3 says it is by faith that we understand that the universe was formed 
by God’s command. Faith is a mental commitment to the concept of creation and a 
2. 3oah had to have a lot of knowledge to build the ark, and so just believing 
was not enough without the mental skill to do the job. He believed in the unseen 
future that would produce a flood, and he used his knowledge to prepare for it. He 
had a mental image of the flood and of the ark that would be needed for salvation. 
3. In verse 22 we see that Joseph had intellectual knowledge of the Exodus that 
was to come. Faith believes in the future that God reveals and has a mental picture 
of it that enables one to make plans accordingly. 
4. All belief has to be mental, for you cannot believe anything that has no 
mental content. All of the people of faith had mental images of the hope that God 
gave of the future bliss awaiting those who lived in obedience to His revealed will. 
Paul said in Rom. 10:17 that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of 
God.” You cannot have faith in what God has promised until you hear and grasp it 
mentally. Faith has to have an object to trust in, and it cannot trust until it knows 
that object. Knowing is a part of faith. In Matt. 13:13 Jesus said the Pharisees 
heard Him but they did not understand Him and so they did not have a basis for 
faith. You must understand and know who Jesus is and what He has done, and 
promised to do, in order to have faith in Him and His Word. Edward Carnell wrote, 
"Surely, if faith is not related to knowledge and truth it is meaningless. Faith that is 
not grounded in knowledge is but respectable superstition." 
D. L. Moody once said that he prayed for years for more faith. He said, 
"I prayed for faith as though some day faith would come down and strike me like 
lightning. But faith did not seem to come. One day I read the tenth chapter of 
Romans, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." I had up to 
this time closed my Bible and prayed for faith. I now opened my Bible and began to 
study, and faith has been growing ever since.” Knowledge and understanding are a 
vital part of living and growing faith. 
This does not mean that we always understand what Jesus is doing and why He is 
doing it, for life is full of mysteries that we do not grasp. The point is, we have 
knowledge of who Jesus is, and that whatever He is doing, it is wise to follow and 
obey. There is always a content in the mind that motivates us to follow even when 
we do not understand. Faith has a basic understanding of the truth in Jesus, and 
then based on that foundation it follows Jesus when there is no understanding. Faith 
goes beyond the mental to the volitional so that it keeps on willing to follow Jesus 
even when there is no understanding. Abraham did not know where he was going, 
and how in the world, as an old man with an old wife he could have a son, but he did 
not let his unknowing stop him from obeying what he knew to be God’s will. Lloyd 
C. Douglas has this conversation of the disciples in his book The Big Fisherman: 
"Don't forget," admonished Peter, "that we couldn't understand 
why he wanted to leave Canaan and come to Capernaum." 
"That was different," mumbled Thomas. "He felt that he was
urgently needed there." "Maybe he feels that he is now needed 
elsewhere," observed Andrew, to which James added, "I don't believe 
he cares very much whether we understand him or not." 
"You are right, Jimmy," rumbled old Bartholomew. "He's teaching 
us to have faith in him." 
"But-can't a man have faith-and understanding, too?" argued 
"3o!" declared Bartholomew, bluntly. "That's what faith is for, my son! 
It's for when we can't understand!" 
"That's true!" approved Peter. "When a man understands, he doesn't 
need any faith." 
"I don't like to be kept in the dark," put in Philip. 
"If a man has enough faith," replied Peter, "he can find his way in the dark with 
faith as his lamp.” 
Because we are finite and not all knowing as God is we are forced to have faith, 
but our faith is based on knowing that God knows all, and that it is always the best 
thing to obey what He commands. What God sees is unseen to us, but we can see the 
character of the God who sees all, and we can trust Him to do what He promises. 
The old saying sums it up: “We do not know what the future holds, but we know 
who holds the future.” That is our mental aspect of faith even when we cannot 
understand or see. 
1. Abel’s faith motivated him to act, and this is a key aspect of faith all through 
the chapter, for faith without works is dead, and dead faith does not please God. 
2. Enoch walked with God and revealed his faith by his righteous walk. 
3. 3oah, of course, built the ark in faith. 
4. Abraham did not know where he was going but he went anyway in faith. The 
body has to be involved in faith, for it is with the body that we obey God. 
5. Rahab was not a nice person, but she acted in faith and showed hospitality to 
the spies, and this physical act of kindness got her into this great faith chapter. 
Every person in this chapter did something to demonstrate their faith. It was a 
mental commitment of belief in God, but it had to become active and living by some 
deed of obedience before it became true faith. Bernard Shaw was right when he 
said, “What a man believes may be ascertained not from his creed, but from the 
assumptions on which he habitually acts.” 
1. Abraham was looking forward to the heavenly city that God has built for 
believers it says in verse 10. Faith is emotional for it is the source of so much joy as 
we trust God to fulfill all of His promises to His people. He was a man excited about 
having a son, and was even willing to offer that son in sacrifice because he was sure 
God would keep His promise and raise his from the dead if necessary. There were 
many emotions involved in his faith.
2. Can you imagine the emotions as the parents of Moses hid him, and then 
later put him in a basket in the river? Fearful emotions could keep us from obeying 
God, but when they are committed to Him they will lead us to do the fearful thing 
with joy. Verse 23 says they were not afraid, and that is an aspect of faith. To do the 
fearful without fear is faith. Faith unties the knot of fear, and that is why Jesus said 
so often, “fear not.” Faith is an emotion that overcomes the emotion of fear. Fear is 
real, but faith acts in spite of fear because of its trust in authority. A young boy was 
trapped in a burning house and his father stood below the window shouting for him 
to jump. The smoke made it impossible for him to see and he cried out to his father, 
“But I can’t see you!” His father said “Jump anyway, for I can see you.” He jumped 
and his father caught him. His faith in the word of his father overcame the fear of 
the unseen. It was a leap of faith, but it was based on his knowledge of his father’s 
love and strength. Faith is an emotion that is stronger than fear because it is certain 
about what it hopes for. 
3. Moses went on to choose suffering with God’s people rather than to enjoy the 
pleasures of sin that were fully available to him in Egypt. He chose the unseen 
values of Christ rather than the visible pleasures before him. His emotions were 
committed, and when this is not the case even the best believer is at risk of falling 
into sinful pleasures. Verse 27 says he was also without fear of the king’s anger, for 
he saw him who is invisible. 
4. Faith cannot help but be emotional for it is a belief and a commitment to that 
which produces awe and wonder. Verse 29 says the people passed through the Red 
Sea on dry ground, and the Egyptians were drowned when they tried it. That was a 
wondrous miracle beyond what we can imagine. Then in verse 30 they saw the great 
walls of Jericho fall without any weapon but that of faith and prayer. Faith is 
connected with the awesome world of unseen power that is greater than anything 
the visible world can produce. All the atomic weapons in the world could not make 
the sea part and dry enough for masses to walk across. They might take the walls of 
Jericho down, but it would be by use of a weapon and not by the unseen power of 
God, which is more amazing. Faith is emotional because it links us to the invisible, 
the beyond, the above, the incredible world of the unseen. A faith that does not 
affect our emotions is as bad as a faith that is only emotions. This is just one aspect 
of faith, but an important one that needs the others to be complete. 
1. Every one of these persons of faith had to make choices based on that faith. 
Each had to will to obey the will of God, and this volitional choice led to acts of the 
body, mind and emotions. 3oah, no doubt, had to endure a great deal of mocking 
for building an ark so large and not near any water. He had to pay a heavy price to 
obey, but he chose to do so by an act of his will. We do not know if he liked it, or 
could make any sense of it all, but he willed to go ahead and obey God. That is faith 
at work. 
2. If you go back to chapter 4 you will read of those who heard the gospel in the 
Old Testament, but verse 2 says it was of no value to them because they did not have 
a faith that acted on the promise of God. They failed to choose to obey God’s 
command to take the land, and this lack of willingness to obey God made their
knowing the promise of God of no value. True faith will make choices that show one 
really believes what God has promised. If a person says they have faith in the 
unseen, but all of their choices in life seem to revolve around the seen only, then you 
have reason to question if their faith is real. 
3. My parents tell me that I was born at home and not in the hospital. I have to 
take this on faith for my memory of that event is more than vague. I choose to 
believe my parents and act on that belief by telling everyone who asks where I was 
born that it was in the home. I have no reason to doubt them, and I have no reason 
to doubt the promises of God and so I will, or choose, to believe and act on that 
belief. The Bible says Jesus is the only way to God, and He is the only one who can 
save us. Faith then says I will choose to trust in Jesus as my Savior. Faith is as act of 
the will to obey what God has revealed. Jay 3. Forrest writes, “Charles Finney gives 
the best definition of faith that I have ever heard, he says, "Faith is the will's 
reception of truth." It is not the mind's acceptance of truth. It's not the confession of 
truth. It is the decision to let the truth determine one's thoughts, words, attitudes, 
and actions. Faith is a phenomenon of the will in obeying the truth, as it is 
illuminated by the Spirit. 
Faith is believing with the mind, feeling with the heart, choosing with the will, 
and obeying with the body to do that which you know to be the will of God for you. 
It is mental acceptance, heart appreciation, bodily action, and volitional assertion. 
Faith involves the total person, and the house of faith is not complete until all 
aspects are involved. The Amplified Bible gives this definition of faith: "leaning of 
your whole personality on Him in complete trust and confidence in His power, 
wisdom, and goodness" (1 Thessalonians 1:8). You cannot think that you have real 
faith just because you believe the Gospel to be true. The devil and demons believe 
and know it to be true, but they do not respond by choosing to obey and bow to 
Jesus as Lord. There has to be action to follow up on the belief. Peter Marshall said, 
"But faith is not belief. Faith is belief plus what you do with that faith. .......Belief 
becomes faith only at the point of action.” There is such a thing as dead faith. This is 
belief that does not motivate to action and obedience. To say you believe in Jesus as 
the Savior, and yet do nothing in obedience to Him is to have a dead faith. The faith 
of every person in this chapter led them to act on their belief. You can have a heart, 
but if it does not pump blood you will be dead. If there is no flow of blood the blood 
will not give life. There has to be movement for there to be life, and this is true with 
faith also. If it just sets idle as a mental awareness of truth, but does not move to 
action, it is a dead faith, just as a body with a heart and blood is dead when they just 
set idle and there is no movement. True faith does not just believe the truth, it 
surrenders to it, and that involves the whole life. 
The point of seeing that faith involved the whole person is that it eliminates the 
false views of faith that people put their trust in that are not adequate. The Gospel is 
the good news that we are saved by faith alone and not by our works, but this can 
easily be misunderstood to mean that saying you believe in Jesus leads to salvation 
even if it is not followed by acts of the body, mind, will and emotions. It is faith that 
saves, but not a faith that does not work. A faith that works is a faith that gets the 
body, mind, will and emotions involved. It is not just saying that I believe in Jesus
that pleases God, but the faith that walks with Jesus in loving obedience to His 
teaching. It is a faith that struggles with the mental challenges of trying to apply the 
teaching of Jesus in everyday life. It is a faith that gets the body involved in getting 
to a place of worship, and to a place where there is Bible study for growth. It is a 
faith that motivates to think positively of how we can be used to encourage others 
and benefit the body of Christ. It is faith that leads to joy in worship and in serving 
Jesus. In other words, faith that is living and not dead is a faith that touches the 
whole person. Someone who says they believe in Jesus, but then shows no interest in 
pursuing the life of joy in walking with Him and worshiping Him, do not have the 
God pleasing joy of this chapter. 
This chapter gives us many examples of faith in the lives of a great variety of 
people. We see the rich and the poor, the scholar and the unlearned, the leader and 
the follower, the successful and the failure, the righteous and the unrighteous, the 
young and the old, the male and the female, and the Jew and the Gentile. This is 
encouraging because people are very different in their backgrounds, intellectual and 
physical capacity, emotional makeup, and a host of other personality traits. There is 
no one who is so handicapped in some way that they cannot have a God pleasing 
faith. But let us notice that all of these examples are just witnesses that it can be 
done by anybody. That is what chapter 12:1 calls them, and then it goes on to say 
that we are to fix our eyes, not on these witnesses, but on Jesus, the author and 
perfecter of our faith. Jesus is the greatest in everything, and that includes faith. 
His mind was fully involved in the mission to save the lost, and He gave us the 
greatest intellectual guidance for the righteous life. His body was so committed to 
the cause that he laid it down in a painful death for our salvation. His will was so 
committed to it that even when he had the chance to escape He refused to do so. He 
could have bowed to Satan and received power over the kingdoms of the world, but 
He chose to die instead. His life was not taken from Him, it was given by Him. 
Emotionally he was delighted to die for us, for it says in 12:2 that it was the joy that 
was before Him that enabled Him to endure the cross. Jesus is the greatest and 
highest example of faith. His total being was committed to pleasing God. 
We cannot match Jesus, and we may not be able to match many of the great 
examples of chapter 11, but we can all have a faith that pleases God, for perfection 
of faith and quantity of faith is not the key factor. The key to faith being pleasing to 
God, and thereby effective in making us part of the plan of God, is that it is focused 
on Jesus. You do not need a mountain of faith to please God, for even a mustard 
seed of faith can move mountains. Your faith does not need to be great and super-sized, 
but it does need to be in one who is great and super, and that is Jesus. He is 
the one who saves; the one who intercedes for us before the throne of God; the one 
who sends His Spirit to fill us and guide us, and the one who will come again and 
take us to the place He has prepared for us for all eternity. It is not your faith, but 
the object of your faith that makes it pleasing to God. Many people have a great 
faith in someone other than Jesus, and their great faith is of no value compared to 
the one who has a little faith, which is focused on Jesus. Fix your eyes on Jesus and 
you will run the race of life successfully, for that is the faith that pleases God.
God pleasing faith simple says I am sure that the shed blood of Jesus is adequate 
to cover my sins. I am sure that He will keep His promise to raise me from the dead, 
or transform me when He comes again, and that He will take me to heaven to live 
with Him forever. I am sure Jesus would not lie and deceive me, but that He will 
fulfill all that He has promised. I am confident and filled with assurance concerning 
what Jesus has promised, and because of this confidence I will live in obedience to 
Him as my Lord and Savior. Life may bring many trials and tribulations like those 
we see at the end of this chapter, but I will persevere and never give up my hope in 
Jesus. Often people do not read the whole chapter, and they jump to the conclusion 
that being a person of faith always leads to victory and the good life. It did for many 
of these Old Testament saints, but notice how others had to endure what is terrible. 
They were imprisoned, tortured, persecuted, stoned and killed in a variety of awful 
ways, and were often homeless. It is not a pretty picture that is given for all who 
were people of faith. But they were all commended for they never let the suffering 
they had to endure make them take their eyes off the promise of God. Those who 
never take their eyes off Jesus will persevere to the end. Again we see that faith is 
focused on the unseen reality that we are convinced is the ultimate reality. The 
bottom line is that people of faith always please God because they never give up on 
His promises in Christ. 
It is not always easy to have this kind of persistent faith. Sometimes the physical 
reality of this lost world overwhelms us, and we begin to doubt the reality of the unseen 
world. Sometimes we cry out with Jesus in His agony on the cross, “My God, My God, 
why have you forsaken me?” We ask why life has to be the way it is if we are children of 
God, and we see our faith becoming weak under the pressure of negative circumstances 
beyond our control. We need to recognize that it is not the strength of our faith that 
matters, but that we keep looking to Jesus no matter what. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who 
endured all that this rotten evil world can do to a good person, and see Him now exalted 
to the throne on the right hand of God. He went through hell with joy because He knew 
that it would be temporary, and that heaven would be eternal. That is what we have to do 
when we suffer in this world. Chuck Swindoll preached it when he said, “Christians are 
not supernaturally protected from the blasts, the horrors, or the pains of living on 
this globe. We can be unfairly treated, assaulted, robbed, raped, and murdered. We 
can suffer financial reversals, abuse or neglect, and be divorced by uncaring mates. 
But, unlike those around us, we can be joyful because He promises that deep within 
He will give us unexplainable, illogical inner peace.” 
Note that he calls it illogical peace, for it is a paradox to have peace in a time of pain, 
and joy in time of suffering. Jesus had joy in the worst suffering ever, and the only way to 
have this peace and joy is by faith in Jesus, which is faith in the unseen. He is not visible, 
but we have the record of what He did and taught and felt when He was in the flesh, and 
He is the same now in His unseen state as He was then. He cares and He will save us out 
of this world of suffering into a world of eternal peace and joy. If we believe Him we can 
have a taste of that joy and peace even in the midst of the suffering. It is a paradox, 
but we can suffer with joy if we have faith that joy is eternal and suffering is just 
temporary. This does not mean that we do not suffer and feel the pain and sorrow of
life’s negatives, but it means that we have an added dimension that the faithless 
person does not have. We add joy and peace to the mix based on our conviction 
about the future. That is what faith is. It is being so sure that Jesus is going to be 
true to His word that we have the ability to add positives to the negatives we have to 
endure. Faith then is the victory that overcomes the world. It does so by addition. 
Without faith every negative thing that comes in life subtracts from the joy and 
pleasure of living. With faith we can always add something positive to balance out 
the negatives. 
That is the meaning behind the word used in the KJV, which says faith is the 
substance of things hoped for. It is the having of something right now that is a part 
of the ultimate future. We can taste that which we hope for now, and that taste 
enables us to have joy in the midst of a fallen world where we all suffer to some 
degree. Faith reaches out into the future and brings a chunk of it back into the 
present. That little chunk helps us endure to the end, for it gives us the motivation to 
press on looking to Jesus whatever the circumstances. Charles Spurgeon was 
eloquent in his description of faith as the key to all of the Christian virtues. He 
wrote, “"Faith is the silver thread upon which the pearls of the graces are to be 
strung. Break that, and you have broken the string-the pearls lie scattered on the 
ground; nor can you wear them for your own adornment. Faith is the mother of 
virtues. Faith is the fire, which consumes sacrifice. Faith is the water, which 
nurtures the root of piety. If you have not faith, all your graces must die. And in 
proportion as your faith increases, so will all your virtues be strengthened, not all in 
the same proportion, but all in some degree." 
Spurgeon is saying that faith is the essence of the Christian life, and this is 
confirmed by the fact that this chapter 11 of Hebrews is revealing to us that the 
people all through history that pleased God were people of faith. Verse 6 says it is 
impossible to please God without faith. This means that faith is the foundation for a 
meaningful and successful life. 3o matter what a person accomplishes in life, it is of 
no ultimate value if they do not please God. Ultimate success is not in fame or 
fortune, but in a life of faith that is pleasing to God. This is a life that is possible for 
every person to experience, for everyone can know the will of God, which He has 
revealed in Jesus; they can choose to obey that will, and they can walk in obedience 
with joy as they grow in their knowledge of that will, and that is what faith is. It is 
our mind, body, will and emotions committed to our unseen Lord and His promises 
for the future, which is the hope for which we live.
What is faith

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What is faith

  • 1. WHAT IS FAITH? Based on Heb. 11:1 By Pastor Glenn Pease Jesus was always delighted when he came across faith, for it allowed him to do wonders. In his hometown he could not do them for the people lacked faith. Faith was the completing of the circuit that allowed power to flow from Jesus, and when that was absent he could do no mighty works. In Mark 6:5-6 it says that Jesus did not do any miracles there and that he was amazed at their lack of faith. Faith can release the power of Christ, but faithlessness can restrict the power of Christ. The power to do God’s will and fulfill your purpose in life revolves around this issue of faith, and so it is vital that we fully understand what faith is. Heb. 11:1 is the clearest definition of faith in the Bible. It is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. We have heard it often that love is blind, but here we see that it is faith that is blind. It cannot see, and yet it believes in the unseen, and it is confident that the unseen is real. In fact, it believes that the unseen is the most real. Those whose lives revolve around the material and the visible only are not people of faith. People of faith give a major portion of their lives to the invisible, and that means to the spiritual aspect of life. God is unseen, and all of the spiritual teachings and values of Christ are unseen, but these are vital aspect of life for the person of faith. Verse 3 says that faith starts with the assumption that all that is visible came from the invisible, and this means that the invisible, or the reality of God, is the essence of reality. Faith starts with God as the ultimate source of all that is, and so God is the highest authority, and His Word becomes the ultimate guide for life. Having faith is being committed to the belief that the unseen world of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and all that this God has revealed to be His will and plan for time and eternity is the ultimate reality. This means that true biblical faith changes how a person sees all of life and history. Everything is different for the person of faith when compared with the person who does not have faith. The person who does not have faith is a materialist, and that person believes that only what can be seen is real. The spiritual realm of religion is no more than a myth to those who do not have faith. It is all made up and unreal, and of no more ultimate value than belief in Mickey Mouse or Superman. 3on-faith says seeing is believing, and if its not matter it does not matter. In contrast, faith says that the unseen matters most of all, for it is the source of all matter. Everything in the believer’s life revolves around faith. Here is just a partial list: A. Ephesians 2:8-9, We are saved by faith. B. Rom. 1:17, We live by faith. C. Rom. 4:13, We receive righteousness by faith. D. Rom. 5:1, We are justified in Christ by faith E. Rom. 5:2, We have access to God’s grace by faith.
  • 2. F. 2 Cor. 1:24, We stand firm in our belief by faith. G. Gal. 3:14, We receive the promise of the Spirit by faith. H. 1 Tim. 1:4, We do God’s work by faith. I. Gal. 5:5, We wait for the return of Christ by faith. Here are some others versions of this definition of faith. 1. "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead" (Hebrews 11:1-TLB). 2. The KJV and the 3KJV say, "3ow faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 3. The RSV, 3RSV and 3ASB each says, "3ow faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." 4. Literally the Greek of Hebrews 11:1 says, "3ow faith is the reality of things being hoped for, the proof of things not being seen." 5. The Amplified Bible translates it this way, "3ow faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]." 6. The Message, "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see." What was the best thing about the Old Testament? It was people of faith. This is where the 3.T. focus is, and we need to go back to the old to see that the key then was also faith. Faith is always in style and never obsolete. It is what links all of God’s people in all ages, and it alone pleases Him. If you want to go back to the old, go back to faith, for that is always relevant to the will and plan of God. Ray Stedman wrote, “Hebrews is one of the three 3ew Testament commentaries on a single Old Testament verse, "the just shall live by faith." (Hab. 2:4) This is the verse that struck a fire in the heart of Martin Luther, and began the Protestant Reformation 450 years ago. This verse opened the eyes of Augustine, and helped him to become a mighty man of faith, and it is still striking fire in many hearts today.” This chapter 11 of Hebrews is showing us that the essence of a life that is pleasing to God is the life of faith. It lists for us many of the Old Testament saints who displayed this God pleasing faith. God pleasing faith is a matter of the mental, physical, emotional and volitional life of the believer. As we look at the examples of faith is this chapter we see that every aspect of the life of a believer gets involved in faith. Let me give some illustrations of each. ME3TAL
  • 3. 1. Verse 3 says it is by faith that we understand that the universe was formed by God’s command. Faith is a mental commitment to the concept of creation and a Creator. 2. 3oah had to have a lot of knowledge to build the ark, and so just believing was not enough without the mental skill to do the job. He believed in the unseen future that would produce a flood, and he used his knowledge to prepare for it. He had a mental image of the flood and of the ark that would be needed for salvation. 3. In verse 22 we see that Joseph had intellectual knowledge of the Exodus that was to come. Faith believes in the future that God reveals and has a mental picture of it that enables one to make plans accordingly. 4. All belief has to be mental, for you cannot believe anything that has no mental content. All of the people of faith had mental images of the hope that God gave of the future bliss awaiting those who lived in obedience to His revealed will. Paul said in Rom. 10:17 that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” You cannot have faith in what God has promised until you hear and grasp it mentally. Faith has to have an object to trust in, and it cannot trust until it knows that object. Knowing is a part of faith. In Matt. 13:13 Jesus said the Pharisees heard Him but they did not understand Him and so they did not have a basis for faith. You must understand and know who Jesus is and what He has done, and promised to do, in order to have faith in Him and His Word. Edward Carnell wrote, "Surely, if faith is not related to knowledge and truth it is meaningless. Faith that is not grounded in knowledge is but respectable superstition." D. L. Moody once said that he prayed for years for more faith. He said, "I prayed for faith as though some day faith would come down and strike me like lightning. But faith did not seem to come. One day I read the tenth chapter of Romans, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." I had up to this time closed my Bible and prayed for faith. I now opened my Bible and began to study, and faith has been growing ever since.” Knowledge and understanding are a vital part of living and growing faith. This does not mean that we always understand what Jesus is doing and why He is doing it, for life is full of mysteries that we do not grasp. The point is, we have knowledge of who Jesus is, and that whatever He is doing, it is wise to follow and obey. There is always a content in the mind that motivates us to follow even when we do not understand. Faith has a basic understanding of the truth in Jesus, and then based on that foundation it follows Jesus when there is no understanding. Faith goes beyond the mental to the volitional so that it keeps on willing to follow Jesus even when there is no understanding. Abraham did not know where he was going, and how in the world, as an old man with an old wife he could have a son, but he did not let his unknowing stop him from obeying what he knew to be God’s will. Lloyd C. Douglas has this conversation of the disciples in his book The Big Fisherman: "Don't forget," admonished Peter, "that we couldn't understand why he wanted to leave Canaan and come to Capernaum." "That was different," mumbled Thomas. "He felt that he was
  • 4. urgently needed there." "Maybe he feels that he is now needed elsewhere," observed Andrew, to which James added, "I don't believe he cares very much whether we understand him or not." "You are right, Jimmy," rumbled old Bartholomew. "He's teaching us to have faith in him." "But-can't a man have faith-and understanding, too?" argued Thomas. "3o!" declared Bartholomew, bluntly. "That's what faith is for, my son! It's for when we can't understand!" "That's true!" approved Peter. "When a man understands, he doesn't need any faith." "I don't like to be kept in the dark," put in Philip. "If a man has enough faith," replied Peter, "he can find his way in the dark with faith as his lamp.” Because we are finite and not all knowing as God is we are forced to have faith, but our faith is based on knowing that God knows all, and that it is always the best thing to obey what He commands. What God sees is unseen to us, but we can see the character of the God who sees all, and we can trust Him to do what He promises. The old saying sums it up: “We do not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.” That is our mental aspect of faith even when we cannot understand or see. PHYSICAL 1. Abel’s faith motivated him to act, and this is a key aspect of faith all through the chapter, for faith without works is dead, and dead faith does not please God. 2. Enoch walked with God and revealed his faith by his righteous walk. 3. 3oah, of course, built the ark in faith. 4. Abraham did not know where he was going but he went anyway in faith. The body has to be involved in faith, for it is with the body that we obey God. 5. Rahab was not a nice person, but she acted in faith and showed hospitality to the spies, and this physical act of kindness got her into this great faith chapter. Every person in this chapter did something to demonstrate their faith. It was a mental commitment of belief in God, but it had to become active and living by some deed of obedience before it became true faith. Bernard Shaw was right when he said, “What a man believes may be ascertained not from his creed, but from the assumptions on which he habitually acts.” EMOTIO3AL 1. Abraham was looking forward to the heavenly city that God has built for believers it says in verse 10. Faith is emotional for it is the source of so much joy as we trust God to fulfill all of His promises to His people. He was a man excited about having a son, and was even willing to offer that son in sacrifice because he was sure God would keep His promise and raise his from the dead if necessary. There were many emotions involved in his faith.
  • 5. 2. Can you imagine the emotions as the parents of Moses hid him, and then later put him in a basket in the river? Fearful emotions could keep us from obeying God, but when they are committed to Him they will lead us to do the fearful thing with joy. Verse 23 says they were not afraid, and that is an aspect of faith. To do the fearful without fear is faith. Faith unties the knot of fear, and that is why Jesus said so often, “fear not.” Faith is an emotion that overcomes the emotion of fear. Fear is real, but faith acts in spite of fear because of its trust in authority. A young boy was trapped in a burning house and his father stood below the window shouting for him to jump. The smoke made it impossible for him to see and he cried out to his father, “But I can’t see you!” His father said “Jump anyway, for I can see you.” He jumped and his father caught him. His faith in the word of his father overcame the fear of the unseen. It was a leap of faith, but it was based on his knowledge of his father’s love and strength. Faith is an emotion that is stronger than fear because it is certain about what it hopes for. 3. Moses went on to choose suffering with God’s people rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin that were fully available to him in Egypt. He chose the unseen values of Christ rather than the visible pleasures before him. His emotions were committed, and when this is not the case even the best believer is at risk of falling into sinful pleasures. Verse 27 says he was also without fear of the king’s anger, for he saw him who is invisible. 4. Faith cannot help but be emotional for it is a belief and a commitment to that which produces awe and wonder. Verse 29 says the people passed through the Red Sea on dry ground, and the Egyptians were drowned when they tried it. That was a wondrous miracle beyond what we can imagine. Then in verse 30 they saw the great walls of Jericho fall without any weapon but that of faith and prayer. Faith is connected with the awesome world of unseen power that is greater than anything the visible world can produce. All the atomic weapons in the world could not make the sea part and dry enough for masses to walk across. They might take the walls of Jericho down, but it would be by use of a weapon and not by the unseen power of God, which is more amazing. Faith is emotional because it links us to the invisible, the beyond, the above, the incredible world of the unseen. A faith that does not affect our emotions is as bad as a faith that is only emotions. This is just one aspect of faith, but an important one that needs the others to be complete. VOLITIO3AL 1. Every one of these persons of faith had to make choices based on that faith. Each had to will to obey the will of God, and this volitional choice led to acts of the body, mind and emotions. 3oah, no doubt, had to endure a great deal of mocking for building an ark so large and not near any water. He had to pay a heavy price to obey, but he chose to do so by an act of his will. We do not know if he liked it, or could make any sense of it all, but he willed to go ahead and obey God. That is faith at work. 2. If you go back to chapter 4 you will read of those who heard the gospel in the Old Testament, but verse 2 says it was of no value to them because they did not have a faith that acted on the promise of God. They failed to choose to obey God’s command to take the land, and this lack of willingness to obey God made their
  • 6. knowing the promise of God of no value. True faith will make choices that show one really believes what God has promised. If a person says they have faith in the unseen, but all of their choices in life seem to revolve around the seen only, then you have reason to question if their faith is real. 3. My parents tell me that I was born at home and not in the hospital. I have to take this on faith for my memory of that event is more than vague. I choose to believe my parents and act on that belief by telling everyone who asks where I was born that it was in the home. I have no reason to doubt them, and I have no reason to doubt the promises of God and so I will, or choose, to believe and act on that belief. The Bible says Jesus is the only way to God, and He is the only one who can save us. Faith then says I will choose to trust in Jesus as my Savior. Faith is as act of the will to obey what God has revealed. Jay 3. Forrest writes, “Charles Finney gives the best definition of faith that I have ever heard, he says, "Faith is the will's reception of truth." It is not the mind's acceptance of truth. It's not the confession of truth. It is the decision to let the truth determine one's thoughts, words, attitudes, and actions. Faith is a phenomenon of the will in obeying the truth, as it is illuminated by the Spirit. Faith is believing with the mind, feeling with the heart, choosing with the will, and obeying with the body to do that which you know to be the will of God for you. It is mental acceptance, heart appreciation, bodily action, and volitional assertion. Faith involves the total person, and the house of faith is not complete until all aspects are involved. The Amplified Bible gives this definition of faith: "leaning of your whole personality on Him in complete trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness" (1 Thessalonians 1:8). You cannot think that you have real faith just because you believe the Gospel to be true. The devil and demons believe and know it to be true, but they do not respond by choosing to obey and bow to Jesus as Lord. There has to be action to follow up on the belief. Peter Marshall said, "But faith is not belief. Faith is belief plus what you do with that faith. .......Belief becomes faith only at the point of action.” There is such a thing as dead faith. This is belief that does not motivate to action and obedience. To say you believe in Jesus as the Savior, and yet do nothing in obedience to Him is to have a dead faith. The faith of every person in this chapter led them to act on their belief. You can have a heart, but if it does not pump blood you will be dead. If there is no flow of blood the blood will not give life. There has to be movement for there to be life, and this is true with faith also. If it just sets idle as a mental awareness of truth, but does not move to action, it is a dead faith, just as a body with a heart and blood is dead when they just set idle and there is no movement. True faith does not just believe the truth, it surrenders to it, and that involves the whole life. The point of seeing that faith involved the whole person is that it eliminates the false views of faith that people put their trust in that are not adequate. The Gospel is the good news that we are saved by faith alone and not by our works, but this can easily be misunderstood to mean that saying you believe in Jesus leads to salvation even if it is not followed by acts of the body, mind, will and emotions. It is faith that saves, but not a faith that does not work. A faith that works is a faith that gets the body, mind, will and emotions involved. It is not just saying that I believe in Jesus
  • 7. that pleases God, but the faith that walks with Jesus in loving obedience to His teaching. It is a faith that struggles with the mental challenges of trying to apply the teaching of Jesus in everyday life. It is a faith that gets the body involved in getting to a place of worship, and to a place where there is Bible study for growth. It is a faith that motivates to think positively of how we can be used to encourage others and benefit the body of Christ. It is faith that leads to joy in worship and in serving Jesus. In other words, faith that is living and not dead is a faith that touches the whole person. Someone who says they believe in Jesus, but then shows no interest in pursuing the life of joy in walking with Him and worshiping Him, do not have the God pleasing joy of this chapter. This chapter gives us many examples of faith in the lives of a great variety of people. We see the rich and the poor, the scholar and the unlearned, the leader and the follower, the successful and the failure, the righteous and the unrighteous, the young and the old, the male and the female, and the Jew and the Gentile. This is encouraging because people are very different in their backgrounds, intellectual and physical capacity, emotional makeup, and a host of other personality traits. There is no one who is so handicapped in some way that they cannot have a God pleasing faith. But let us notice that all of these examples are just witnesses that it can be done by anybody. That is what chapter 12:1 calls them, and then it goes on to say that we are to fix our eyes, not on these witnesses, but on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Jesus is the greatest in everything, and that includes faith. His mind was fully involved in the mission to save the lost, and He gave us the greatest intellectual guidance for the righteous life. His body was so committed to the cause that he laid it down in a painful death for our salvation. His will was so committed to it that even when he had the chance to escape He refused to do so. He could have bowed to Satan and received power over the kingdoms of the world, but He chose to die instead. His life was not taken from Him, it was given by Him. Emotionally he was delighted to die for us, for it says in 12:2 that it was the joy that was before Him that enabled Him to endure the cross. Jesus is the greatest and highest example of faith. His total being was committed to pleasing God. We cannot match Jesus, and we may not be able to match many of the great examples of chapter 11, but we can all have a faith that pleases God, for perfection of faith and quantity of faith is not the key factor. The key to faith being pleasing to God, and thereby effective in making us part of the plan of God, is that it is focused on Jesus. You do not need a mountain of faith to please God, for even a mustard seed of faith can move mountains. Your faith does not need to be great and super-sized, but it does need to be in one who is great and super, and that is Jesus. He is the one who saves; the one who intercedes for us before the throne of God; the one who sends His Spirit to fill us and guide us, and the one who will come again and take us to the place He has prepared for us for all eternity. It is not your faith, but the object of your faith that makes it pleasing to God. Many people have a great faith in someone other than Jesus, and their great faith is of no value compared to the one who has a little faith, which is focused on Jesus. Fix your eyes on Jesus and you will run the race of life successfully, for that is the faith that pleases God.
  • 8. God pleasing faith simple says I am sure that the shed blood of Jesus is adequate to cover my sins. I am sure that He will keep His promise to raise me from the dead, or transform me when He comes again, and that He will take me to heaven to live with Him forever. I am sure Jesus would not lie and deceive me, but that He will fulfill all that He has promised. I am confident and filled with assurance concerning what Jesus has promised, and because of this confidence I will live in obedience to Him as my Lord and Savior. Life may bring many trials and tribulations like those we see at the end of this chapter, but I will persevere and never give up my hope in Jesus. Often people do not read the whole chapter, and they jump to the conclusion that being a person of faith always leads to victory and the good life. It did for many of these Old Testament saints, but notice how others had to endure what is terrible. They were imprisoned, tortured, persecuted, stoned and killed in a variety of awful ways, and were often homeless. It is not a pretty picture that is given for all who were people of faith. But they were all commended for they never let the suffering they had to endure make them take their eyes off the promise of God. Those who never take their eyes off Jesus will persevere to the end. Again we see that faith is focused on the unseen reality that we are convinced is the ultimate reality. The bottom line is that people of faith always please God because they never give up on His promises in Christ. It is not always easy to have this kind of persistent faith. Sometimes the physical reality of this lost world overwhelms us, and we begin to doubt the reality of the unseen world. Sometimes we cry out with Jesus in His agony on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” We ask why life has to be the way it is if we are children of God, and we see our faith becoming weak under the pressure of negative circumstances beyond our control. We need to recognize that it is not the strength of our faith that matters, but that we keep looking to Jesus no matter what. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who endured all that this rotten evil world can do to a good person, and see Him now exalted to the throne on the right hand of God. He went through hell with joy because He knew that it would be temporary, and that heaven would be eternal. That is what we have to do when we suffer in this world. Chuck Swindoll preached it when he said, “Christians are not supernaturally protected from the blasts, the horrors, or the pains of living on this globe. We can be unfairly treated, assaulted, robbed, raped, and murdered. We can suffer financial reversals, abuse or neglect, and be divorced by uncaring mates. But, unlike those around us, we can be joyful because He promises that deep within He will give us unexplainable, illogical inner peace.” Note that he calls it illogical peace, for it is a paradox to have peace in a time of pain, and joy in time of suffering. Jesus had joy in the worst suffering ever, and the only way to have this peace and joy is by faith in Jesus, which is faith in the unseen. He is not visible, but we have the record of what He did and taught and felt when He was in the flesh, and He is the same now in His unseen state as He was then. He cares and He will save us out of this world of suffering into a world of eternal peace and joy. If we believe Him we can have a taste of that joy and peace even in the midst of the suffering. It is a paradox, but we can suffer with joy if we have faith that joy is eternal and suffering is just temporary. This does not mean that we do not suffer and feel the pain and sorrow of
  • 9. life’s negatives, but it means that we have an added dimension that the faithless person does not have. We add joy and peace to the mix based on our conviction about the future. That is what faith is. It is being so sure that Jesus is going to be true to His word that we have the ability to add positives to the negatives we have to endure. Faith then is the victory that overcomes the world. It does so by addition. Without faith every negative thing that comes in life subtracts from the joy and pleasure of living. With faith we can always add something positive to balance out the negatives. That is the meaning behind the word used in the KJV, which says faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is the having of something right now that is a part of the ultimate future. We can taste that which we hope for now, and that taste enables us to have joy in the midst of a fallen world where we all suffer to some degree. Faith reaches out into the future and brings a chunk of it back into the present. That little chunk helps us endure to the end, for it gives us the motivation to press on looking to Jesus whatever the circumstances. Charles Spurgeon was eloquent in his description of faith as the key to all of the Christian virtues. He wrote, “"Faith is the silver thread upon which the pearls of the graces are to be strung. Break that, and you have broken the string-the pearls lie scattered on the ground; nor can you wear them for your own adornment. Faith is the mother of virtues. Faith is the fire, which consumes sacrifice. Faith is the water, which nurtures the root of piety. If you have not faith, all your graces must die. And in proportion as your faith increases, so will all your virtues be strengthened, not all in the same proportion, but all in some degree." Spurgeon is saying that faith is the essence of the Christian life, and this is confirmed by the fact that this chapter 11 of Hebrews is revealing to us that the people all through history that pleased God were people of faith. Verse 6 says it is impossible to please God without faith. This means that faith is the foundation for a meaningful and successful life. 3o matter what a person accomplishes in life, it is of no ultimate value if they do not please God. Ultimate success is not in fame or fortune, but in a life of faith that is pleasing to God. This is a life that is possible for every person to experience, for everyone can know the will of God, which He has revealed in Jesus; they can choose to obey that will, and they can walk in obedience with joy as they grow in their knowledge of that will, and that is what faith is. It is our mind, body, will and emotions committed to our unseen Lord and His promises for the future, which is the hope for which we live.