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n this book “Faith Heels or Fear's Knees”, Faith Akpovwa
systematically demystifies fear and revelationaly exposes faith
Ias the only panacea for living in a world that opens and shut
These eight chapters of this book, from the prelude to the conclusion
will impact your life permanently. I encourage you not to just read this
God inspired lessons but study it again and again to harvest the
wonderful insights and practical lessons from her life's journey so far,
As you journey with the author of this book, you will see scriptures
turning into pictures (evidence of things not seen). These are priceless
My prayer is that the body of Christ will use this book to develop
necessary perspective, conviction, character and courage needed for
Pastor Ernest Idahosa
Church of God Mission Int'l
Peniel Chapel
2 | Forward
I dedicate this book to God Almighty, He has been my source of
strength, and inspiration. By His sufficient Grace, I made it
through, I owe my life to you Father. There is no true success
other than that which you breathe into.
I also dedicate this book to my dad, Barr. Godwin Akpovwa
whom I profoundly pray for will be blessed by this book.
aith is our gaze fully on God's abilities, not ours. The
moment that gaze is shifted to ourselves and our
Fsituations, not God, fear begins to have a way. We lose
our identity through fear. We all have an identity in Christ which
is the fullness of God and fear is aimed at robbing us of the
knowledge of this. Wonder why scriptures say “my people perish
for lack of knowledge”? We are only trampled upon by fear when
we forget or choose not to recognize that our true identity and
Being tormented by fear for some years and in that span of time
and still learning, I would say that I forgot or didn't take into
cognizance the essence of my name, hence, my identity. The
situations I was faced with around my life birthed so much fear on
the inside of me, and fear was future for me if God had not
I knew Hebrews 11 so well, I knew the faith definition as well and
felt very proud when I heard my name “faith” included in
sermons topics but I never had a revelation of the name I was
called. What an irony. A girl called Faith with fearful thoughts,
This became a great lesson to me when a word dropped into my
spirit asking me “what is your name”? And this is the issue. We
have a name, an identity in Christ, which is His fullness, His
strength, and abilities but we often don't believe in it because of
We sometimes just possess head knowledge of who we are but
not fully understanding whose we are, so we lose our hold on the
identity we have in Christ. Now, due to the weight of fear or how
big the issue or challenge we face seem to be, we forget who we
I realized that we lose your identity each time we forget that there
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but
8 | Introduction
Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by
faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Being on fear's knees is a state of being subject to, being
controlled by or ruled by fear, while being on faith heels is the
confident and bold disposition to face fear which is what God
The light casts out fear, that light is the word of God; the light is
the truth, not the situation. It lays bare the weakness of fear in the
presence of faith. For so many years, I tried to overcome fear
through so many means but all efforts were futile and the truth
that I have found out is that there is no successful battle against
fear except with the word of God. Company may fail you, quick
fixes will do same but the word of God slices fear into pieces by
The word is light and it illuminates all dark areas of fear in our
lives. I pray that through this book, every kind of fear standing
bold or subtle in your life shall be shut down and replaced with
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 9
Scripture says, “If thou has faith as little as a mustard seed, thou
shall say unto this mountain be thou thrown into the sea and it will
be done”. Only faith changes things, fear doesn't, instead, it births
it. When you begin to activate your faith, fear begins to give way
and vice versa. But faith is got through the word of God; See why
the enemy sends all manner of distractions to keep us away from
Why faith at all? You may ask. These are the times where we will
hear of wars and rumors of wars, we will see danger, heart breaks,
happenings intending to keep us afraid and so God has given us
the faith shield to withstand these. Above all, our faith will be
tried individually. If there were no happenings intending to keep
us afraid, God wouldn't have bothered to give us His word of
In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you
10 | Introduction
Theologians have confirmed the 365 “fear not's” in the bible, and we
conclude that each one of them is for each day of the year. This shows
God's concern and his heart in making us know that He wants us to live a
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the
world you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer; I have overcome
theworld."John 16:33(KJV)
This scripture did not use the word “might”, but “shall”. But take note,
Jesus Christ encouraged His disciples even before breaking the news of
In other words, peace does not come from material satisfaction,
possessions or earthly defenses, barb wires or high gates. Peace comes
from God. There is no other hope we have for peace in the midst of
I once by the spirit of God encouraged my mother when she was going
through a pretty difficult time at her work place, I said “if you have no
opposition, no interference and the work of God in your life just goes
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 11
very smooth, then check it, there is a high probability that you're not
working for God”, and we giggled about it. But i further illustrated that
it is hard, quite rare to see people who have fully given their lives to the
devil going through one problem, trouble or turmoil.This is because the
devil knows their destructive end. When we have our momentary
tribulations or troubles as Christians, it doesn't mean that the lord has
failed us or hasn't fulfilled his promises but it also validates our status as
Christians by declaring that you are Christ's, you have 'officially'
become a threat to the kingdom of darkness and what they do is try to
attack and we as Christians often chicken out forgetting who we really
are.Thethingsweareafraidofare afraidofus.Faithiskey.often
12 | Introduction
The Prelude to Fear
For indeed we have had the glad tidings [Gospel of God] proclaimed
to us just as truly as they [the Israelites of old did when the good
news of deliverance from bondage came to them]; but the message
they heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with
FAITH (with the leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute
trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) by those
who heard it; neither were they united in FAITH with the ones
[Joshua and Caleb] who heard (did believe).
- Hebrews 4:2(AMP)
o have faith is as important as having life itself. One can't
really access God's benefits of life without faith. God has
Tgiven us so much, he has enriched us with his promises,
but just as we use currencies/Money to purchase things, Faith is the
currency for which we obtain God's promises. It's no magic, faith is an
action word which when put into action both in words and in deeds
Hebrews 4:2 says,
For indeed we have had the glad tidings [Gospel of God] proclaimed
to us just as truly as they [the Israelites of old did when the good
news of deliverance from bondage came to them]; -
Sometimes, people believe that the time of the old was better than now
in terms of God speaking, and some others believe that despite the
clarity in which God had spoken to his chosen ones in the old, like
Moses, Elijah, Daniel, David and the rest prophets, they would prefer
the time and dispensation of the Holy spirit(today). But, whether the old
or new testament method of communication, God's clear voice through
Moses was as clear to God's people (the Israelites when they heard the
news of their deliverance from bondage from Egypt) as it is now when
we hear the Holy Spirit remind us of God's promises for us through
God's word.
Did you know?
Despite the clarity, surety and display of God's majestic powers to the
Israelites, the word they received was not of benefit to them because
they did not mix it with faith?As simple as that may sound, that caused
14 | The Prelude to Fear
the lives of all the Israelites except two (Joshua and Caleb). That's why
"But the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not
mixed with faith (with the leaning of the entire personality on God in
absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness)
by those who heard it".
Heb 4:2
We have been blessed with so much, blessed with abundance of grace,
protection, provision, supply, good health and the very best of life, but
most times, we overlook them and reduce them to just a word and not
THE word from God and THE word of Truth. But this was the SAME
word that came to the Israelites but it profited them nothing because of
their unbelief. One may say “no, it's not the same”, but let's see again
For indeed we have had the glad tidings [Gospel of God] proclaimed to
As the group of people who believe the Old Testament method of
communication (God to His people) was clearer, to their advantage,
yes, the word the Israelites got for their deliverance was clear enough
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 15
just like the ones we see in God's word today like.
“If God be for us, who can be against us” Romans 8:31,
“by his stripes you are healed" (Isaiah 53:5), and like
“Christ in me, the hope of Glory”(Col 1:17)
"The lord shall supply all your needs according to His riches in
glory" (Philippians 4:19) and, “None shall want her mate” Isaiah
34:16 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
(Philippians 4:13),
And all the numerous promises we have in the word today.
Some of us have heard God speak to us directly about his promises but
the promise does us no good because we lack faith or have little faith in
the face of our huge battles. There comes a point where little faith
amounts to nothing, so, we increase it and the key to increasing our faith
is in the study, revelation and believe on the word of God. The word of
God, the bible, has scriptures that contain dozes to increase our faith
There was a time I asked God diligently in prayers about an issue, after I
prayed, my prayers were answered, I had it come easy but I encountered
some real time struggles concerning it along the way but I overcame.
16 | The Prelude to Fear
So, due to the stress and struggles I saw people go through because of
this , I just got thankful to God and whispered to myself “ thank God He
made it easy for me” and behold, just like a conversation, I heard God's
Spirit say immediately “it could have been easier if you had more
I came to understand that the measure of your faith determines the kind
The Word's effectiveness
The word of God is described later in that chapter as Alive and Full
of power.
"For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it
active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any
two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life
(soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the
deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and
judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart"
-Hebrews 4:12)
Based on the word of God and through some experiences, I've come to
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 17
understand that fear can be felt by indeed anyone, irrespective of
position or experience. The reasons for fear could differ from person to
person, just as our faces differ. Fear could be reverential or dread
(terror). we seeAbraham in the bible whose position with God was that
of a friend, still, he had the fear of God when God told him to lay the life
of his only son (sought for years) as a sacrifice. In fact, the bible
recorded in Genesis 22:12 " now I know that you fear the Lord for you
It is a clear that this kind of fear that Abraham possessed only revealed
his faith in God. Knowing that God who had been merciful through his
entire life would have a good reason for taking his son, and Abraham
had absolute reliance on God's word knowing that it will at the end work
for good. To reveal our lack of faith in God's word, sometimes we hold
back mediocre things of less worth for the fear that God may not give us
I believe a handful of us will bind that "evil spirit" that will speak such
instruction and then deny we recognize God's voice but Abraham did
not do that, he had the fear of God, this is called the reverential fear. It
has to do with profound awe, honor or respect to someone superior.
18 | The Prelude to Fear
Reverential fear is fear that we all should possess as followers of Christ,
the word says, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom; but the
Reverential fear is one kind of fear. On the other hand, the fear we are
dealing with in this book is that of terror, fright, uneasiness, trepidation,
disquietude and so on. Just as the needs/cares of life increase, so the
tendency to fear increases, however, it is expedient to increase our faith
When fear takes hold of a person, it brings one down on fears knees
which is a state of being subject to, controlled by or ruled by fear but
standing on the heels of faith is the confident and bold disposition to
When I look back at some of the occurrences I once went through, I
often think that I would have done better if I knew better. I would have
had it easier if I had more faith. I have both experienced and seen in the
lives of others how fear takes hold of a person even before the evil or
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 19
Fear just needs a little prelude to manifest, and I call this a “received
thought” The biblical Job's dreadful experience confirms that when he
“What I always feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened
Thoughts are like balloons, when thrown at you and you don't pick it up,
it falls down, bursts or the wind blows it away but when the “thought”
balloon is caught by an individual, and he does not only pick it but fills it
with more air, then, he has received that thought. Fearful thoughts may
blow as winds daily but cultivate the habit of refusing them. Do not
catch them and nurse them. Have you thought about what could have
beendifferentifJob's fearfulthoughtwasrefused?Job3:25
Fear puts in varied thoughts in a person that if one subscribes to, will
make one too weak to confront the situation. There are numerous
dangers of fear including the very important fact that we will live less of
God's promises if we keep being afraid.The Bible says in Hebrews 6:12
that "we do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who
Rather than magnifying fear, we should magnify faith instead. Fear
20 | The Prelude to Fear
only has a place to reside in the mind, heart and thought of the ignorant.
People who do not know and do not bother to know the power lying
inside of them to resist fear when it comes, but praise God, we are no
longerboundby fearortheignorancethatcausesfear.Thebiblesays,
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those
There is a light that has shone to drive out the fears that have hidden in
us for so long and that light is the word. That word spoken about in John
1:1 which was referred to as “God” is the light I speak about. So, from
28 November2008
It was a Friday morning and Biology was the first course we had on
High School grade 5 time table from 7:20am-8:00am. Biology was
taught by Mr. Lagan who was always very prompt to class and also
scholarly in his field, this made his classes somewhat exciting for us.
Our hopes were dashed on this Friday morning when the highly
anticipated class seemed like it was taking a decade to commence. We
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 21
had waited for almost an hour but he wasn't forthcoming, with anxiety
and dissatisfaction in most faces, we sought to find out what was going
on. I mean, the atmosphere was dreary, gloomy faces, unsure winks all
To comfortably sit our doubts, not many teachers resumed work that
morning. The time for breakfast was hurried, the bell rang! “Ok, there's
got to be so much more about these abnormalities”, we thought.Then as
I always do and everyone who knew how to “check peace” did, I
Since I grew in the north of Nigeria (Kaduna state) and schooled for a
good number of years in Jos, plateau State, also in the north, my
childhood and growing up was somewhat characterized by fear of
death, killings, burnings, and crises. I had a template as a ready guard to
flee at the appearance of any worrying outlook. Well, that was not
unwise but wise as a matter of fact. But it built fear inside of me. My
heart will skip at any loud sound then, it will race so fast when I see
So, we were worried and thinking, as we proceeded to the dining hall,
we noticed that the whistles blown usually by the school prefects to
22 | The Prelude to Fear
alert the students for school activities were not blown. Suddenly, we
saw traders, university students (the university close by) and the
villagers running in one direction. The thread of smoke around now
gave us a clearer understanding of what was going on. From house to
house, the smokes climbed and now reached towards us. I was a boarder
and my home was many miles away from school, my sister had just left
the boarding school barely a year before this so I knew I was all alone.
Seeing the sights of human butchers and heard stories, everyone's mind
Well, we got to the dining hall, it was bread, egg and tea we had in the
boarding house on Friday mornings but my heart raced too fast to think
of eating any meal. We all peered from the windows and through the
fence to see what was going on outside, the crowd running just outside
the gate and the sight of the growing tenseness of the panic made us seek
escape to save our lives and just when the students were about to run
out, our Principal barged into the old dining hall door and said these
words “fear not! Because God is on the throne” and to comfort
ourselves, we started singing. He lead in two songs (2) Christian power
songs, which were “oh Lord come down and manifest your power” and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 23
stand” and you know in such overwrought situations, the words of the
songs jump right out the mouth before the supposed line is sang and you
really don't know if you are tearful, joyful or fearful, all you do is shake
Fear, uncertainty, and panic like a flood in most hearts looking through
the window and planning the run out just in case what one feared
happens. We were then told to go back to our dormitories and lock the
dormitory doors and our room doors. When we went in, it was pin drop
silence, like a grave yard.The prefects did not need to come round to tell
us to be quiet as they did usually; we were our own prefects, keeping
silent on our own. We lived those days in fear, sounds of gunshots woke
us up when we tried to sleep, and we would say stories to ourselves to
News upon news, panic upon panic and the school sheltered some
people who had lost their homes due to the destruction of their houses
by the rioters and we shared our meals with them.These meals that were
normally really little was now shared; most of us starved a lot through
that period because aside the already halved food, our seniors came
24 | The Prelude to Fear
All the while we were locked up in school; we seldom knew that there
was 24 hours curfew imposed by the government in the state after a day
or two of the crises.Those who had “faith”, had it through and thrived to
keep it strong but those who did not, feared the days through but
assuredly those who had faith wouldn't have amounted to 3% of the
population in school then. Well, the curfew was relapsed and we were
told to call our parents to pick us from school. Mine was a different case,
my mates got the news as a happy one, but mine was a sad one. There
was no way my parents could come and pick me because I stayed miles
away from where I schooled. So, sadly I concluded that I will stay in
the empty school after the only friend I hoped will let me stay at her
house told me that she also did not know where she was going to,
though she left anyway. Just when I gave up, a classmate asked me to
follow her home; that was a great relief to me. I got there and stayed
Adocumented experience though not in full details of one of the events
where I didn't only dine with fear but was an embodiment of fear and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 25
For so many years, I tried to overcome fear through many means but all
efforts I tried were futile. The founded truth is that there's no successful
battle against fear less of the word of God. I have concluded this way
because what we hold dear to fight fear often lets us down. Friends will
fail, relationships will do same, self-pity will make it worse, and
thoughts will feed it, except those that have a foundation on the word of
God. The bible says in Exodus 20:2-3 “I am the Lord your God who
brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no
othergodbefore me.”
The more we try to seek help from other places, the more they fail
because the Lord will not permit us to have any god before Him.
Everything we ask God for has already been provided for through the
cross of Jesus. If we need anything at any point in time in our lives, we
Furthermore, Exodus 20:2-3 as indicated earlier, makes us understand
that God has 'brought us' not 'He is bringing us' but He has brought us
out of slavery such as fear and if we need any help handling fear, we
should look to the Lord God who has brought us out of such slavery and
26 | The Prelude to Fear
There is no successful maneuver of the word of God to fight fear.
Praying definitely casts out fear but have you tried praying and fear still
stands bold and stares at you and it's almost like fear is saying
“LOL”(laugh out loud)?And you say, “am I not praying?”, “What am I
doing wrong?” But how to face fear is not by praying in fear but it is to
speak the word of God to God and to the situation while the enemy is
listening. I have realized that the kind of prayer we pray reveals either
ourleveloffaith orfear.Let'sgobyanillustration;
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 27
28 | The Prelude to Fear
Which of these kinds of prayer do you think will be more effective? Oh
yes, I hear you say “the prayer of faith”. Why the faith prayers will
always work is the substance that comes with the word of God, and that
is life. That life brings life to dead situations, that life is God himself
through His word, it calleth things that be not as though they were
The difference is that God is being reminded of his word (not that he
Father, I believe in your word
that says, if you delivered my
soul from death, you will
deliver my feet from falling(Ps
Lord, I believe in your word that
says, The Lord shall teach thee
the way he shall choose. (Ps
32:8) Be it unto me according to
Father, please do not let me
Lord, I don't want to make
forgot but he wants to see your level of faith, believe in the word and
I did not know such a great weapon of warfare against fear that I had and
hadn't used until I was in desperate need for a solution in the heat of
When you use a word of God directly to counter fear in faith (strong and
steadfast believe that the word works), it will neutralize every fear
concerning that issue.You will absolutely feel like turning back time to
give a lash or two on all the fears that made you shrink in torment from
What is fear?
Fear is torment. Fear is slavery. Fear is the anticipated feeling of bad
experiences. It may be injustice, harm, damage, sin and more. Fear is an
unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of
danger. Fear can be likened to trepidation, anxiety, dread, panic and so
on. I call these more subtle ways to describe fear but all are still forms of
Fear is a limit point. This obviously contradicts one of God's nature
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 29
which is 'limitless', and another called 'untamable'. Nothing limits like
fear. There is a whole world of ability and potentials invested in and on
each and every one of God's people, but fear hampers the ability to
maximize these potentials inside of us. Yet, God has given us this same
ability to be limitless in what we do, “we are like Him”, we possess also
Fear is an illegal entity that often finds its way through the entrance
point of our hearts. If housed or accommodated, creates thoughts of
Guard your heart with all diligence for out of this comes the issues of
life. Proverbs4:23
The only gateway for things to happen or not to happen is in our heart. If
the entrance point of our heart has a weak guard that is not strong
enough to fight or resist thoughts of fear, the chances are that we will
house fear. An imaginary picture of this will be a mansion with
valuable, exceptional, and priceless treasures with no form of security,
no barb wires, no dogs, no security men and at most just a gate with a
30 | The Prelude to Fear
In the same light, God has given us valuable, exceptional and priceless
treasures for our lives and God so good has also entrusted us with the
responsibility to guard these valuable, exceptional and priceless
treasures and if you or me, the guard man is always asleep, fear will gain
a pass into our heart of treasures. But if we are always alert with the
word of God both in our mouth and in our spirit, we will guard our
What is faith?
Faith is the assurance that what you will declare or have declared will
break every thought of fear or limits caused by fear and give you what
you hope for. Faith is the ability to go against the tide of fear using the
word of God. It is the currency to obtain God's promises. The bible
defines faith as the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about
what we do not see and the amplified bible puts it thus; “leaning on the
entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in
It has been said that faith is not necessarily the absence of fear at any
given time of our lives, but it is the presence of courage to confront and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 31
face fear. This means that situations will come to try to make us afraid
but we will be victorious if we stand bold as strong guard men to our
hearts and declare God's word to those situations and fear will be
There is rest from our worries, troubles, and fears on earth and the key
THEREFORE,WHILE thepromise ofenteringHis reststillholds and is
offered [today], let us be afraid [to distrust it], lest any of you should
think he has come too late and has come short of [reaching] it. Heb
The word in Hebrews 4:1 is actually a warning to us all that we should
not be afraid and then distrust this promise of rest for if we do, just like
the Israelites, the word of promise, knowledge we have received will be
To straighten this up, faith and believe are two different things. Faith
does not “try to get” or “believes to get.” Faith takes hold of what in
32 | The Prelude to Fear
Both definitions of faith and fear have something in common which is
the word “expectation”. It is used in the definition of fear as
“anticipation”, while in faith; it is the word “hope”. Faith is a product of
what you believe in, while fear is the product of what you anticipate.
Bothareexpectantofsomething.Whatdoyou expect? Faithorfear?
Prayer: “Father, increase in me the zeal to study your word, open my
eyes to behold revelations that will crumble every fear in my life.” In
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 33
v When you use a word of God directly to counter fear in faith (strong
and steadfast believe that the word works), it will neutralize every fear
concerning that issue you just encountered.
v God has given us valuable, exceptional and priceless treasures for our
lives and God so good has also entrusted us with the responsibility to
guard these treasures, are you a strong guard or a sleeping guard?
v Nothing limits like fear. There is a whole world of abilities and
potentials invested in and on each and every one of God's people but
fear hampers the ability to maximize the potential inside of us.
34 | The Prelude to Fear
How Did Fear Get In?
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine
power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty
opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought
captive to obey Christ
2 Cor 10:4-5
y this passage we can also identify 4 (four) things the
devil uses to deposit fear in us. They are strongholds,
Barguments, opinions and thoughts.
1. Strongholds
The word stronghold has diverse definitions but what applies here is
belief system, values, and expectations. The word that comes to mind
when I hear the word stronghold is the word “norm” which is a standard
pattern of behavior that is considered as normal. They are also past
happenings or events that recur, they are things that have happened and
keep happening and they have a way of shaping a person's belief and
Ÿ 50percentofmarriagesarelikelytoendupindivorce”,
Ÿ They have said “cancer killed my grandparents and the generations
Ÿ “one has to compromise just a little to the standard of the world to
Ÿ “mycousinsallgotpregnantoutofwedlock,I'mnotfarfromthat”,
Ÿ “my family members dropped out of school and are all living in
abjectpoverty,I certainlywillnotescapethat”,
Ÿ “I might just end up like my father, living other people's dreams and
Strongholds have a way of grouping thoughts in patterns that suddenly,
one just gets afraid of some certain things and then allows opportunities
36 | How Did Fear Get In?
to pass by because of the fore-thought that he/she will end up just the
way others did. Something I realized about strongholds is that they
might not be so bold in a person's thoughts, they could be so subtle that
you hardly realize that they are there, you just for no reason exempt
yourself from some activities or have “natural” fear for some things, not
trying at all or being complacent in handling some issues for fear of
what has happened in the past. This is very rampant in the issue of
A refuge!
Another point we should note about a stronghold is thatit is like a refuge
place. This might seem positive but it is not, using this context. Refuge
is like a covering for rest and one does not want to get out of this rest so,
he or she “rests” in the stories or beliefs that has been told from the past.
People who have these strongholds shrink into shells and boxes that
Strongholds make people stay back and hold back what they have
because they do not believe that what they have is good enough. Words
like this are always heard from people, who have preferred to stay in
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 37
Ÿ “Iratherresthereandnottryatall,whatifIfail?”
Ÿ “What if what they said happened to those who went ahead of me
Ÿ “What if my bad experiences of the past recur?” it is sure safe not to
Meanwhile the word of God says “the weapons are divine power to cast
down any stronghold that raises itself above the knowledge of God”.
Strongholds are to be cast down especially when they do not correlate
2 Corinthians 10:5(NASB) says, “We are destroying speculations and
every lofty thing risen against the knowledge of God, and we are taking
I struggled with strongholds at some points in my life. At a time, it was
the stronghold of which I thought that if I hadn't as much as others; I
shouldn't even venture trying to think I was somebody or anybody at all.
This was because I saw that the people who were accepted had material
things I didn't have, so, I looked down on myself. Then, I did not know
exactly how those ideas got into me, I just felt I needed to be somebody
38 | How Did Fear Get In?
else to gain acceptance or have the things people have to gain little
confidence. I thought that I had to act some way, dress someway and
speak in some certain ways that was totally not me just to be accepted
Later on, I got to understand that it was due to my 'earthly' background
that I thought that way, and certainly not my heavenly father's because
rather, the word of truth says I am now a joint heir with Christ, cut off
Hearken, my beloved children, did not God choose them that are poor
as to the world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he
I did not know this and everything I felt like fear, inferiority complex,
non-acceptance, I blamed to my background. Such a background that
did not give us so much exposure, inferiority complex caused by lack of
some material things which others had and we hadn't, a childhood of
non-acceptance because of how much I weighed and looked and a war-
This is totally an ungodly conception I had, because the bible clearly
states in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are a chosen generation, a royal
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 39
priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar (special, God's special
possession, distinct, rare kind, inimitable) people; that ye should show
forth the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into his
marvelous light. Oh how ignorance makes a light condescend to
darknesstohave afellowshipwithit!
As I looked daily into the word of God, I began to see the reflection of
who I am in Christ. So I started working to change what was in me that I
needed to change. I had to take every thought captive to the obedience
of Christ day by day and little by little. Some character traits that were
not right were low self-esteem, looks, decency, and lack of knowledge
which was exchanged with knowledge and increased faith. I began to
know that I was to prosper in godliness, health, looks, and other spheres
I did not know what I had inside, that I was royal, I did not know what
gifts God had put in me and I also did not know that I was God's own
special possession to be kept as though God were living in the inside of
me. Meanwhile, I went all around with the fear that I won't be accepted.
But since the light of the word of God shone to me, I became aware of
the bountiful riches of God's gifts bestowed on me. I appreciated myself
40 | How Did Fear Get In?
and knew I was royal, that I didn't have the best clothes did not mean I
was not rich with inexplicable blessings, I knew that I was defined by
What you have or don't have does not define you, what defines you
is the knowledge of who you are in the word of God
I had a challenge while growing because I was really fat in primary
school and for that, I had a very low self-esteem, I really didn't have
many friends, just those that also had the acceptance problem could
really hang out with me and few others. When my mates played games
and wanted to choose their players, I was often the last to be chosen and
I was among those who were selected to leave groups because of low
performance and maybe because 'I was not as smart and fast as the
All these shaped my thoughts in a particular way that made me feel
unaccepted and I unconsciously and gradually did not just like to get
involved in school activities. The few times I tried, I was bounced back,
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 41
the only thing I successfully joined the others to do was to go on one
French competition after so much plea. I was kicked out from the cadet
club, dance and sometimes, I was kept to perform at the back of my
This went on and on but little did I know that these occurrences
were forming strongholds in my mind that even when I got really
slim after boarding school, I still had a low self-esteem. This
illustration does not look like what Christ came to earth to die for;
He came that I should have life and live life abundantly, not living
less of the life He died for me to have. Strongholds are to be torn
down by the word of God.
Don't live less of the life Jesus Christ died for you to have because
of fear.
2. Arguments
This is a discussion in which people express different opinions about
something.What are your thoughts implying that are not in line with the
42 | How Did Fear Get In?
word of God? What are your dreams suggesting to you that do not
concur with the word of God? What are the situations around you
I remember a time I was searching through the scriptures and God gave
me a word which I was running with for a period of time. These
scriptures are in Isaiah 65 and 66 and I had the scriptures in my head so
well, though I did not know for what situations exactly I had them for, I
just declared them. Most times, God gives us some scriptures to face
some trials beforehand so that we can be victorious with the word. So,
all I did was to proclaim it and with time, the word sank into my spirit.
Little did I know that situations and trials will come soonest to argue out
Each of those scriptures were being tried one after the other by
arguments and it was as if God was trying me to know if I could stand
trials with those scriptures he had given me or let them go and give into
fear. Psalms 26:2 says, test me Lord and try me, examine my heart and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 43
Hold firm to the scriptures for they will keep you firm in the face of
On one bright afternoon, I was studying the word and suddenly a flash
came before my eyes of a scenario where my dad was dying slowly and
an instruction came to me that the particular scripture I was reading, I
was to speak it to my dad to fight the devil and he will live again. I
waved the thought, rejected it and just prayed that my dad won't die.
That same night, my dad fell very ill and even to the point of death, the
scene was a terrible one. I haven't experienced death of a family
member so it was terrific and I almost gave into what my eyes were
seeing, how my dad was slowly decreasing in strength and falling out of
The Lord reminded me of the instruction he gave me that same
“No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old
man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a
44 | How Did Fear Get In?
“For as the days of the tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen
onewillenjoytheworksoftheirhand” Isaiah65:20,22(NIV)
And it seemed like a tussle between the sight of it and what the word of
God was saying and soon he got back strength and was taken to the
Another trial on the word came when I had a dream and this was the
time when we lived in a place that was only safe because the word of
God said in the scriptures that “my people shall live in safety and
undisturbed places of rest” but in the 'actual', what the eyes could see
did not exactly depict safety because we had been robbed severally and
disturbed but this did not alter the promise but a training ground to
I had a dream that some persons were shot dead in my neighborhood
and a family member of mine was one. There was turmoil and
confusion on our street. Then I woke up, the dream seemed real. I didn't
know if I was to call my mum to join me in prayers or stay put. I was so
troubled then I went to her and saw that she had just got done with her
prayers and was sleeping peacefully in the sitting room and I didn't want
to wake her up. This was a time God was teaching me how to fight
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 45
battles by the word of God and alone. So, I went back to my room and
that was when the bulb thought it was best to black out. Then I thought
to myself “today you just have to fight this”, and then I began praying
from past 2:00am at night, I took hold of the scriptures and that was one
forceful prayer I've ever had. I prayed using the word then I went back
to sleep and I had another dream. The dream had no choice but to
reverse itself. I dreamt the exact opposite of what I had dreamt of
This is because by the leading of spirit of God to his word, I fought
with the thought I had from that dream that there will be death,
weeping and wailing but Isaiah 65:19-20
I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the
sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. Never
again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days or an old
man who does not live out his years and one who dies at a hundred
will be thought a mere child”
The devil had no choice than to reverse the dream and I had victory.
Yet another trial came and these where characterized by series of battles
we had to fight as a family, in health, security, finances and they were
46 | How Did Fear Get In?
just numerous. This was me who always told people “I can't remember
the last time I went to the hospital for any health issue or taken
injection” but all of a sudden, I fell very ill and had to be taken to the
hospital every day. I even had to stop writing this book. Truthfully, I
almost thought I was being played in my believe in God because these
situations came at once like a mighty flood, the pain every day, the
news, I had to battle with my health and I thought it was over.At a time I
started seeing all the negative things in our lives ever since I was born. I
had no idea of the good things anymore. I simply forgot them because I
was overwhelmed by the immediate situations. It is usually at this point
that the devil magnifies the trials of 3weeks to make you feel like it's
The Devil magnifies a trial of 3 weeks to make you feel like it's
been on for 30 years just to make you lose faith
The devil makes a molehill seem like a mountain but God makes a
mountain a molehill. I was reproved by God for lacking faith in the
things I faced and soon enough, I started looking unto God and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 47
suddenly, I began to remember the awesome things God had done for us
in the past and even started seeing the good in the present situation. God
has been so good to us and we as a family have for long been enjoying
good health and did not realize it. Just as Job said, shall we accept good
from God and not trouble? This gave me an understanding that we
The Lord made me remember the scripture which this situation was
arguing, “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery? Says
the Lord. Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery? Says our
And I realized that the Lord will not forsake us in our pain and that in
due season there willbe manifestationand stepby step,day by day, little
Through this scripture, I also know that Nigeria will manifest soon
because all the heart aches and pain are all birth pains and the Lord will
3. Opinions
An opinion is a view someone takes about an issue especially when it's
48 | How Did Fear Get In?
based on personal knowledge. It's a belief stronger than an impression
and less strong than positive knowledge. From the foregoing, we can
see that an opinion is merely a suggestion or perception and it is not
necessarilyafactorthetruthconcerninganissue. Andtheonlyfactthat
we believe in is God's report. It reminds me of the song, “Whose report
Some people may call you names but whose report shall you believe?
Some may tie you to your past by tellingyou that you can't get any better
but whose report do you believe? I don't know about you, but I will
believe the report of the Lord and his report says that his blood has
washed my sins away, that I am a new creature , I am free from
condemnation, no more chains holding me, by his stripes I am healed!
No opinion can set itself higher than the word of God when you speak
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two
edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 49
50 | How Did Fear Get In?
4. Thoughts
Thoughts are powerful. They have the power to become, to “take form”
and they also have the power to destroy/scatter. For as a man thinketh in
his heart, so is he. What is in your heart corresponds with what you are,
what you see, what you will become and what you will see. You can
control only one thing in the world and that is the way you think,
however, when you take complete control of your thoughts, you take
control over all the other aspects of your life. This means that thoughts
I once assumed that thoughts were just meant to be and as they come,
they were to be agreed with whether they were bad or good. But that is a
wrong mindset. Thoughts are to be controlled by destroying any one
that does not agree with the word of God. This is achieved when you
If one ever wants to control thoughts, then one needs to be disciplined. I
something which could be in character, habits or anything that needs to
be changed. So we have to continuously and consciously manage and
control thoughts. Persons, who happen to be like I was, thinking
thoughts were free-born and should be let free, will have to control
thoughts committedly using the word of God to counter any thought
Knowledge of God
One day, a centurion decided that if it is so easy to get a job done by
commanding one of his soldiers, it will be much easier to get a miracle
just by a word from God. At this point, one may be wondering, “how do
I get this faith already”? But by this scripture, we know that faith comes
The perfect neutralizer to fear is the knowledge, believe and declaration
of the word of God. Just one word you hold on to can totally crush
arguments, opinions and thoughts. But ignorance (not knowing
scriptures and believing in it) can make fear dominate one's mind. How
many times do we sit and humble ourselves before God to seek his face
concerning certain issues that put fear in us? No matter how busy we get
if the time for business is taking away the time for the word of God, we
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 51
should try our best to find time because we are only defeated by fear
This isn't about going to church yet, there is a place for that but this is
about your personal study and fellowship with God.The church teaches
you how to study but the church cannot come to create time for us to
study; we have to figure our bible study lives ourselves. Most scriptures
I have used to fight the enemy, I found in my personal biblestudy even if
I was caught many times before that. In that same Isaiah that the Lord
used to fight my battles mentioned in the last chapter, the scripture that
These are the ones I look on with favor; those who are humble and
Humility means submission. Some of us will simply not study because
we think the answer to our problem is common sense but most times
even with common sense, what we fear happens to us and we are
swallowed up by fear. Sometimes, we also think we have experienced a
lot so we will use the lessons learnt from past experiences to avert our
I made series of mistakes when came to relationships. I thought I had
52 | How Did Fear Get In?
experienced a lot and I knew what it took to have a better one. I kept
moving from one to the other, getting hurt, disrespected and even
dumped but until I submitted to word of God, I had no victory over my
fears. Even when I found God and submitted, I still thought that it was
logical to date in the church so I had another in the church and that
caused me more hurt and didn't also work out. That was when I realized
that total submission to be taught by God, instructed and directed by
him daily in humility is wise and beneficial not 'common sense' as we
Have you submittedto hearing the word of God? Do you have a contrite
spirit?Acontrite spirit has to do with a repentant spirit, a heart of a child.
You may sacrifice all you want, speak in tongues, be a hearty servant of
God but do you have a contrite spirit? I never knew I had a problem with
submission until I had to surrender all I had (that he gave me), all my
earthly wisdom (foolishness to God) and pleasures (time wasting) to
God. I pray that as I increase in knowledge daily through the word, I
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 53
"He who slaughters an ox is like one who kills a man; he who sacrifices
a lamb, like one who breaks a dog's neck; he who presents a grain
offering, like one who offers pig's blood; he who makes a memorial
These have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their
abominations; I also will choose harsh treatment for them and bring
their fears upon them, because when I called, no one answered, when I
spoke, they did not listen; but they did what was evil in my eyes and
This is simply why peoples fear will keep coming to them, and this is
not what God delights in, but it is a way to correct us and put us back in
the right direction. It is for our own good, what does God have to gain
punishing those he loves? If only we knew how powerful we are with
the word of God, we will thank him for the situations he makes us pass
through to drive us to the word of God. But we sometimes prefer our
own way, our timing, our own place, our choice, in our terms, wisdom
and this is what the Lord terms as offerings and sacrifices, our own
54 | How Did Fear Get In?
For emphasis, I say this yet again because the devil knows how
powerful you and I will be proclaiming the word of God when he
throws fear at us, so he never lets us get a stress less hold of the word of
God. Isn't it funny when you are about to study, the red beep light on
your phone comes on? PING!!! MESSAGE-“Hey dear, I need advice;
my uncle just lost his wife. Do I travel to see him? And remember the
devil is subtle so he can't be detected as fast as one might think, and you
think to yourself “I'm doing God's work, let me quickly answer her and
get back. Before you know it, other messages come to your phone and
the adviser is advising and 9pm comes and you say “oh my God I did it
It is after a long while one realizes that things get at you, you get
overwhelmed by issues you ordinarily(with the word) will get past, you
get sad easily when things happen and you look back and remember that
your bible study life had a problem somewhere. Like I said, the devil is
subtle, I'm not saying that it is wrong to give an advice to someone who
needs it, but the time and nature is to be checked. You wouldn't have
seen those messages if your phone was on silent or if you have a fixed
time for bible study. The bible says be wise as serpents this is so we do
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 55
not get ensnared by the devil. We ought to have spiritual priorities to
Father, give me your Spirit of Wisdom and revelation to guide me
through life, to reveal to me the exact words to cast down any
stronghold, thoughts, argument, or opinion that exalts itself higher than
56 | How Did Fear Get In?
suddenly, one just finds himself/herself afraid of some certain
v What you have or don't have does not define you, what defines
v Don't live less of the life Jesus Christ died for you to have because
v God gives us some scriptures to face some trials beforehand so
v The Devil magnifies a trial of 3 weeks to make you feel like it's
v Strongholds make people stay back and hold back what they have
Strongholds have a way of grouping thoughts in patterns that
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 57
58 | How Did Fear Get In?
My Experience, My Life
“No one can be too careful, no security can be 100 percent trusted
until you place your life and valuables in the hands of God”
he instant you magnify your courage whether in time past
or the present, you start to draw strength from the inside of
Tyou. But I'll share how I started the journey of learning
Crises, bombs and uncertainty
The environment I grew up in wasn't exactly a tranquil one. If you live
in the northern part of Nigeria, you will assuredly understand the fear
that envelopes those that live here and the uncertainty that is all over the
air. Running helter-skelter during times of crises and war-like situations
In the north, one is so vigilant trying to watch if the roads have as much
people driving by or walking pass as the other days, checking the skies
(the daily routine check) before one moves lest you meet a surprise on
thewaybecause thenewsmightnotpickupthecrisesupdatebeforeyou
do. I had an experience or two were we had to walk on the road seeing
dead bodies after crises and was hurried out of school for the same
The environment had a way of boxing us into a particular type of
lifestyle. The fear lifestyle and if one is not careful, one will have a
One was always on guard to take to the heels as soon as you hear “they
have started oo”, or “sharia ya zo” (in Hausa language which means
“the fight has started”). Sometimes it didn't even matter what the person
meant, as far as he/she said “they have started oo”, you'll take to your
There were times we had to travel to the south and wait for the cool of
the state before we came back and we kept coming back. I know at this
point, people may ask, “what are they still doing there?” Southerners by
60 | My Experience, My Life
At this point, I was young, about 6 years old or younger. I hadn't known
much of the word of God but my mum always told us to spread out our
five fingers and she'll say each finger represented I WILL NEVER
LEAVEYOU. I guess she got that from the scripture Deuteronomy31:8
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave
She bought many spiritual books to train us up in the way of the Lord.
to the north and we finally moved to a manageable place when the state
was building up its ruins. Then the need to further our education arose,
and Jos, Plateau state was the best option then because it was a peaceful
My dad, having this knowledge, including the fact that the school was a
Baptist High school (his Christian alma mater), decided to send my
sister and I to school there but after few years, crises started in the most
'peaceful' northern state. Panic arose yet again when I was almost done
with school. The little story at the beginning of this book was one of my
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 61
Being worn out by the Series of crises and killings, my heart was fixed
on schooling somewhere in the south of Nigeria which did not have
such crises issues. So, gaining admission into the University that was in
the south of Nigeria, Benin City to be precise, was a breakthrough for
me because I no longer had to put up with the security issues in the
Back in the north, there were still threats to bomb the places my parents
worked, offices and schools. I always wondered in my heart if we
weren't serving God good enough, or if we weren't in God's will but
these experiences taught me that we will have some stormy days as
Christians, no matter how far we choose to run but the joy we have is
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him
out of them all.”
Ps 34:19
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the
rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you
62 | My Experience, My Life
This implies that someday, sometime troubles will come but they are
not to overwhelm us but to show that we indeed have a savior who is
mighty to save. Thus we learn the lesson of faith, absolute trust and
Christianity is not an escape route from troubles. People have left the
faith because some teachings have made them believe that it's a taboo to
face trials and people who don't really know the word are made to
believe this and in little time they get frustrated and term Christianity as
bogus or false but we know that “For everyone who has been born of
God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the
Christianity is not an escape route from troubles. But the troubles
are not to overwhelm us, they are to make us stronger
Sharing the house with robbers
It took another level of faith to live where we stayed. Even though I
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 63
successfully “ran” from the north, I still had no choice but to get back
there after school because my parents still lived there. And my parents
successfully “ran” from the city area, far from the town where the
bombers found crowded locations to let the bombs off and crises started
from. Yet! And Yet!, the new house we stayed was another training
We lived in a house joined with a neighbor whose house was filled with
cultists, drug addicts, thieves, smokers, and the street was filled with all
kinds of people. We were robbed several times and your guess is as
good as mine as to the group of people who do the robbery. It got so bad
that in a year, we were robbed twice and a third attempt. This taught me
that until we have learned the lessons and gotten a complete knowledge
And I still believe that trials are not there to kill you but are there to do
1. Strengthenyourfaith.
2. Know that God is mighty to save in any situation and trust to him
3. TodeepenourrelationshipwithGod.
64 | My Experience, My Life
4. Tohaveatestimonytohealothers.
5. To gain steadfastness i.e. when we see worst things; they are not
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and
complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4
Had I not faced this fears and trials, I wouldn't have known what it
meant to have faith in God and even discovered my purpose on a clear
platform. Remember the story of peter walking on water?And when he
looked at the waves of the sea and he began sinking? Matt 14:28-32. I
never knew I was also on water in the midst of these trials. I realized that
each time I sought God's face and waited on him concerning the
situation, I always had hope and I was joyful even in the midst.
Sometimes the word of God comes to me like water upon my heart and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 65
I'llbeso peacefulinthemidstofitall,peoplethatknew justalittleabout
us often asked how I was hopeful through it all but it is simply God's
I never felt like I had problems because God took them out of my mind
but when I looked at the situation (the water) and the sounds of the
neighbors screaming and injecting themselves with drugs and all, fear
often gripped my mind and thoughts of what if..? What if..? Kept
coming. We would creep in and out of the house when we going out and
stay quiet when we were in. We hid all electronics before we went out;
in short, we lived like prisoners in our house. We would stay indoors all
day and just hear the noises of birds and their rattling of sticks in the
trees and sometimes pay attention to what is being done in the next
house or any noise that suggested advances just in case we needed to
raise an alarm. Well I'm sure you'll ask questions like why couldn't they
call the police? But it seems like the police knew them more than we did
These situations made me stronger because I got to know how to pray,
how to energize my faith. But when I looked at the waves of the sea, I
sank. There was a time I almost sank in faith because I fixed my gaze on
66 | My Experience, My Life
the problems and not on God, and there was also a time I actually sank (I
gave up). The first time, the Lord by his mercies taught me how to
encourage myself through the scriptures and look beyond what I was
seeing and when I sought Gods face he gave me some scriptures like
for the Lord God is my strength and my defense, and he has become my
This scripture caused a major breakthrough in my life. I now came to
the realization that God is my salvation, my safety, in him was my
security and I needed not be afraid. He has become my strength and
defense which is both my security man and the strength I needed. I
became conscious of this fact that I was no longer moved by sounds the
This is just like the example given in chapter one about a house that has
many valuables though has no security. The truth is that no one can be
too careful, no security can be 100 percent trusted until you entrust your
life and valuables in the hands of God. I did this and trusted God to be
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 67
my defense and not the earthly security measures we had put up and I
Soon enough, God allowed a greater trial to know if I really understood
the previous message he gave me but sadly, I did but not deep enough to
stand in the midst of the new situation. The second time I looked at the
waves of the sea, I sank. The bible says, Search me, God and know my
heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. Psalms 139:23. I just
thought that the issues became worse than the previous and got
overwhelmed by it. Meanwhile, God sought to make me know that this
word was not limitedonly to my security but also relatingto allthe other
issues of my life including health, finances, destiny and every other
God so wise tested me in a way I seldom expected. Aside the security
issues, I began to get angry and agitated that my family and I had to go
through all those situations even when we have served God, why we
had to live in a house that was constantly under attack. I thought and
thought why we hadn't the resources to move out and why we all had to
sleep with one eye open and why we had to live like prisoners. I got
overwhelmed and I just felt tired of it all, I struggled to have my
68 | My Experience, My Life
devotions, I was weak in my spirit and was not strong enough to resist.
And this is exactly the point where the devil always seeks to find us. He
is looking for just one moment when you will just be weak in faith; fear
I started entertaining all kinds of thoughts and instead of casting them
away, I nursed them. I had thoughts that after the 3 times of robbery that
something bad will happen to me or my sister who stayed home all day,
I mean hearing the sounds of these boys in the next house and knowing
After these thoughts I tried to 'console' myself with some other thoughts
because I knew I was entertaining fear so I got rid of them with others
that really didn't please God.These new thoughts were not bad thoughts
as such but they were what I was made to understand later through the
We often times do not realize salient commands in the bible and we
sometimes focus on the big laws but when we read with understanding,
we will get to realize that the “put to death”, “put on” are commands as
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 69
He is looking for just one moment when you will just be weak; fear is
I didn't stop reading the bible and praying though study and prayer time
was occupied by thoughts of the future, how I would work to ease my
parents from their struggles, get a better place to stay, how I'll work in a
company. I had literarily applied for all the scholarships in my mind and
in my thoughts, though I hadn't any valid certificates, I had gone for
interviews and rejected jobs that offered to pay me less than some
amounts and these were all in my thoughts which I used to console
myself. There were other thoughts I entertained all day that in reality I
The devil does not come bad, if he comes in that way, we'll be able to
I had some accidentswhile walking in the house becauseI was thinking.
Things slipped out my hands and if you asked me then what I was doing,
I'll tell you I was 'planning' and since everyone knew me as a serious
70 | My Experience, My Life
No thought of consolation is reality, only thoughts from the word
of God is.
These thoughts went on and on and as the days went by, I became more
and more frustrated because I couldn't get the things I thought of all day.
Then another bomb dropped off and killed quite a number in the town
which made us panic again and then state government pronounced a
24hour curfew in the state and trust our brothers and sisters in the south
who always call to ask us if we are not tired of the north yet and make
statements like “won't you come back home?”, or they will say parables
like “if a side of a river does not produce fishes, fish on the other side”
While trying to have faith, praying and also my eyes on the situation, I
stumbled upon my watch word for the season. Before I share the word,
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 71
Guard your heart with all diligence for out of this comes the issues of
life. Proverbs 4:23.
Do away with those words, those films, those books, the news, those
blogs, those friends and all that bring fear to your heart because you will
be amazed to know how madly the devil runs after that one word that
will avert you from fear or error. He uses all these means to get into us.
The moment you give him a little chance through sin, being faint in faith
and in spirit, you'll be amazed that you can't remember such a popular
The bible spoke about the seeds which fell on the thorns and Jesus said
Other seeds fell among thorns which grew and chocked the plants.
Matthew 13:7
The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear God's
word, but all too quickly, the message is crowded out by the worries of
So, I forgot the watch word that was even once the lock screen message
on my phone. I once read this every day to myself but looking at the
72 | My Experience, My Life
situation, watching the news and having some wrong thoughts chocked
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go and I will
I totally forgot this message and started making plans for myself and
daydreaming about them.When I found this word, I started proclaiming
it all over again and I began to have a burden in my heart. I knew I was
supposed to be doing something but I didn't know what exactly it was.
Following a wise counsel, I waited on the Lord and hung on the word
for He said He will guide me and He did and that was the birth of this
book. I was instructed to write what I've been through and this book will
heal a lot of people. This book started by healing me first because I felt
joy when I saw things happening and I'll say “I will include that in the
Anxious thoughts
I was reminded of a scripture during a bible study “Do not be anxious
about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgivingletyourrequestsbemadeknownto God.Philippians4:6
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 73
74 | My Experience, My Life
I finally saw where I had faltered, I realized that I had been having
anxious thoughts, going ahead of God's timing, getting frustrated
almost blaming my parents for all we've been through, thereby
displeasing God because I saw my strength, (which is obviously
Many times the devil wanted to keep me on my knees to make me feel
like I had done the worst thing by letting myself give in to the situations,
(that's what he specializes in doing, he gives you a thought or action and
later accuses you of thinking about it or doing it) and so, I condemned
myself but it's not about how many times we fall, it's about picking our
pieces to start with God again. He will make it all better again because
that's what he specializes in. I urge you, do not hold back, let go of that
guilt, it's the devil's trick. Get back to God and let him give you peace
Never subscribe to any thought or action the devil lures you to
have, because, he will later accuse you of it.
Lately, I have come to love the newness of starting again, I'm sure the
devil has gotten weary over trying to use falling to hold me down
because I know that God has made everything beautiful in its time and
this knowledge gives me so much joy and my heart is opened to receive
much more than I've ever had before. The latter is much greater than the
former. Not to say we should take pleasure in falling but if we fall, we
should have confidence that God will accept us and we'll be higher
It is not about how many times you fall, but it's about picking the
pieces to start with God again
Stay and learn
Nothing in this world is to be feared. It is only to be understood.This is a
great saying by Marie Curie. From this viewpoint, we can say that if we
only understood what God's will for us is par time, we will not fear the
terror or problems we see. We will know that God does not intend to
bring us evil but to bring us to an expected end. But how do we know we
are in his will? People are so anxious to know what God's will is and
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 75
God is even more concerned to show us but most times we search all the
There is not a knowing of where you ought to be and your purpose aside
from He who made you. I was told of an experience of a pastor who had
gone to pray for a particular lady and her husband, and during the
meeting, the lady continuously and persuasively asked the pastor to tell
her what God had told him concerning her , the pastor ignored.After so
much persuasion, she said again that there is surely a word from God for
her, the pastor told her, “honestly ma, I have no word from God for you,
I just came to pray for you”. That is what some of us do, we just want to
know, at any cost and this leads some to false prophets, sweet talkers
This pastor could simply have said something that he thought or
through perception or psychology uttered something that was
seemingly true but in actual sense, would be false. This may cause
unnecessary expectations, hopelessness, or engaging in the pursuit of
If you want to know Gods will, who you are and where you ought to be,
you look in the word of God and stay there. Many of us are so desperate
76 | My Experience, My Life
seeking people and making guesses of where we ought to be because we
have refused to humble ourselves to study. It seems pretty cumbersome
to study the word of God especially at the beginning but we all have to
start one day at a time to get an understanding of where we ought to be.
Most importantly, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. A routine is
necessary to keep one in check. Laziness is a trap and should be
corrected with discipline in other to study His word and be in fellowship
Get a bible plan or draw one for yourself with discipline (continuous,
conscious effort), try to go by it and don't treat yourself too harshly
when you miss any day just try to pick it up quickly. Even a chapter a
day is okay as far as understanding and the Holy Spirit's leading is
involved. Don't be too anxious to reach the pace of someone else who
There was a time when I had some concerns. When I had an awesome
prayer time or bible study time, one subtle concern comes to my mind
“what if this good time you've spent with God does not continue
tomorrow”?And then I'll get worried. Then one day, it came like a flash
in my mind “the Lord's prayer”, the part of “give us this day our daily
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 77
bread” and the Lord began to ask me questions that made me realize that
it is not my making that I have a quality time in his presence and that He
is responsible to give me what I desire only if I abandon myself in his
You will have the quality time you desire in your fellowship with God
You may have some challenges in bible study but master how to
overcome them in the unique way God deals with you and get used to it
because the word of God is the only place where you can find out who
you are and who you ought to be.The word of God is a reflection of who
23. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man
who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 24. For he looks at
himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25 But the
one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres,
being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in
78 | My Experience, My Life
After praying, and doing all God wants us to do and situations don't
change, we should have the attitude of staying and learning. This is
Not every thorny path means one is not in God plan. This is because
when we know that we are in God's will, we are sure of his covering, we
There were times I felt like running away from the house we lived. I
would try to press my dad and mum to leave the location because of the
robbery but somehow, there wasn't the provision to leave. There was a
time when the situation got worse, mum went almost through the town
to search for a house but it was either the rent was too high to afford, too
I realized that it was simply Gods way of saying “stay and learn” I used
to get frustrated in the past saying “WHEN WILL THINGS
CHANGE”? But when people come with bigger situations for me to
counsel them, what comes out from my mouth borne from the spirit of
God, often amazes me and them as well. This is because in every
situation, when you seek the Lord, he heals you with a word and
reserves the experience for you to heal others. Often times, when you
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 79
speak, you never know how it got in your heart but it is through your
I got a word
I came across a word in Jeremiah 30:10 and from chapter 17 through 24;
I was amazed at the word. The word indicated that God has promised
that “no one will make us afraid”. There was in me a witness that I had
found the answers I have been looking for and I have been on fears
Jacob will again have peace and security and no one will make him
*I will restore the fortunes of Jacobs's tents and have compassion on his
The city will be rebuilt on her ruins and the palace will stand in its
In my heart I knew that I had a word in my spirit and I knew that nothing
will ever take this word from me because the devil is so crafty that he
first of all, he breaks down your defense by stealing the word of God
from you, then he sends fear but this was more than what the devil could
80 | My Experience, My Life
I did not even bother to get back to regain the word that I knew and had
in my storage for times like this, all I knew was that I had a new word
giving to me personally and it is stuck in my spirit. Sometimes
situations will come but how much word in your spirit determines how
Our pastors will shout all they can to get the word in your spirit but
sometimes experiences must birth the word that can never be taken
from you. Nevertheless be on guard with the word to antidote the fear of
Situations will come but how much word in your spirit determines
Soon, the neighbors paraded round and their noises at night that
ordinarily got me worried and fearful couldn't even move me an inch. I
could see them on the road when they give me that stern look but I'll
look and be confident that God was with me and no one could make me
afraid. Meanwhile, this will get me down on fear's knees prior to this,
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 81
but I knew I had something that was rich and real and as far as I was
concerned, I now had a new revelation that the word of God which is
God had stepped into my spirit and as I moved, He moved. This word
went so far in me that the news of bombs did not shake me anymore, I
was made so steadfast, not moving or shaking at the sight and sound of
I declared seriously this scriptures, just one day of fervent prayers and
believe in this scripture “Jacob will again have peace and security and
no one will make him afraid,”. I prayed as though I was a violent man.
This day, I was left alone in the house and the lack of some needed
things at home got me praying like Hannah and in less than a week all
the boys in that house evacuated and we never heard of them again even
to the extent that I started worrying about them. No robbery, no
screams, we weed smell, no boys, their house became empty till date
and till now the house is habited by their uncle. Hallelujah!! What the
My parents Tried for so many years to leave this city or move to a
better residential area but God did not let it, if we have moved, I'm
sure I won't be writing this book and maybe I wouldn't have known
82 | My Experience, My Life
God much . That's why I hold on to this scripture “For I know the
plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for
evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
If you know God's will par time for your life, you won't be struggling to
leave a situation or a place God wants you to be because you are
conscious of the fact that he wants to train you right there, where you
are. He will not take you to a place that he has not prepared you for. I
believe God has taken me through these experiences to build and
strengthen my faith and also you reading this book that is either living in
fear or uncertainty of various situations. This is to make you know that
When I started this book, some of those circumstances that were
illustrated were on including the theft but before I started writing, in
pain one day I asked God that before I finish this book, I wanted to have
a change in those situations and this particular victory over the
neighbors is the first testimony and there is more to come. The next
edition, the experiences will be continued. I thank Jesus Christ our
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 83
troubles are not to overwhelm us, they are to make us stronger
v Troublesarenottobefearedtheyaretostrengthenyourfaith
v No one can be too careful, no security can be 100 percent trusted
v He is looking for just one moment when you will just be weak;
v Salient commands in the bible are to be obeyed also the “put to
death”, “put on” are commands as well and are meant to be obeyed
v No thought of consolation is reality, only thoughts from the word
Christianity is not an escape route from troubles. But the
84 | My Experience, My Life
v Never subscribe to any thought or action the devil lures you to
v There is not a knowing of where you ought to be and our purpose
v You will have the quality time you desire in your fellowship with
God only if you take a day at a time and abandon yourself in his
v Sometimes situations will come but how much word in your spirit
determines how firm you will stand, being confident of what God
v Fearisallthepermissiontheenemyneeds.
The devil runs tirelessly and madly after that one word that will
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 85
86 | My Experience, My Life
What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
hen I was little, I can remember how I absolutely
wasn't afraid of the dark, in fact my elder ones never
Wstroke a match stick so they would always pass the
match stick to me because they thought I was the bold one. I would do
some unimaginable things that children of my age were thoroughly
afraid to do and I took pride in that. I had big dreams that one won't
imagine, as I imagined them, I wanted to become them. There were no
limits, but overtime as I got exposed to knowledge of certain things, got
I became scared of things, I got exposed to discouragement which made
me think that I couldn't become everything I dreamed of, I became
scared of the dark, I chickened out over things I formerly would have
been so bold to face. My mum always expressed her disappointment
when she said “what happened to you?” and with my head down I'll
answer sadly 'I don't know'. This was a child that had no iota of fear
inside of her. Something had happened that changed me. What
happened to me? What changed? The answer to that is SOMETHING
I was told of things, saw things, felt things. I was told of stories of
strange happenings of the dark, saw death and the perils of the aftermath
of crises and understood what this harm could do. I withdrew quietly
because I was sidelined at some points and agreed that other people
Fear became the order of the day, for a girl whose name is Faith,
This brings us to the 5 points of access. To break this down just a little
bit more, in primary school most children are taught about the five
senses which are the eye, ear, nose, mouth and skin. We can use that to
illustrateis the though they are not exactlysame but in
this context, the nose will be likened to perception and the skin to
These are access points or passages to things that will either cause fear
or build faith and the choice is ours to choose which we will consent to
5 points of access
88 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 89
Hereis agraphicalrepresentationof theeffectof thethingswe see,hear,
speak, our perceptions and our emotions on our faith. Each of these
access points have an effect on the acceptance and willingness to study
the word of God and believe in the word of God.The higher the effect of
The dark series represent the effect of what we see, hear, speak, our
perception, emotions and believe on our faith.As we notice, the mouth,
i.e. what we speak has the highest effect on our faith as said in the bible,
the power of life and death lies in the mouth and those who love it will
eat it fruits. Proverbs 18:21. What we speak has that high effect on our
90 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
The eye The ear The mouth Our
The effect
The word
Your belief
The faith-fear effect graph
faith because when one speaks negative things, the manifestation of
God's word is trampled on in that life. The tongue is a fire, a world of
iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole
body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
James 3:6.KJV. We cannot speak fear and expect faith, we cannot speak
We put to halt the manifestation of God's word in our lives when we
What we hear has the second highest effect on our faith. As we have
explained, the higher the effect of hearing negative things, the higher
the risk of exposure to fear. When one hears and accepts negative
things, the desire to read the word of God is low and so is believe in the
This is why we should continuously shut our eyes to things that do not
give us hope and things that kill our faith. The effect of what we see on
our faith is also on the high side. Mathew 6:22-23 says, “The eye is the
lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 91
light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be filled with
darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that
This means that what we see either brings hope, believe, faith, to us or
brings hopelessness, darkness, doubt and fear to us. We should always
When we see things that bring hopelessness, fear and doubt, our study
of the word of God reduces because of doubt. Sometimes, what one
hears brings fear and bible study is not really a hobby anymore for such
Our perception has also effect on our faith but not as much as what hear,
speak or see.The effect is not as much as the others because perceptions
can change easy when one hears the word of God. And Jesus said to
Simon “launch out into the deep and cast your net” but Simon who
through his past experience perceived that there will be no good
outcome from fishing again, complained saying “master, we have
toiled all day” but he still said “nevertheless at your word, I will cast the
net”. Luke 5:5. This means that our perception of things can change so
fast immediately we hear the word of God. So, as we perceive things
92 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
Using love as a good example of emotions, as humans will always seek
to find love or be loved, in this search, many have gotten hurt but there is
a word to build a defense to all such hurt. The bible says “nothing shall
by any means hurt me”. Emotions are good but exposure to the wrong
The eye sight
A good friend of mine always says “we learn to unlearn”. It is
sometimes startling to see what an “ordinary” eye sight at an awful
experience can do to a person's entire life, it can change them forever,
their thinking, some may abstain from particular activities, way of life
or people due to experiences. For example, I had a classmate in
and I was told that he wouldn't eat fish because of that experience. I also
know of a lady who would give almost every man a slap that approaches
her because she has seen some experiences that made her hate men from
the past and that awful experience shaped her life, her thinking and her
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 93
attitude towards men. Some sights are good while some have to change
The eye is a passage leading to the mind which is where thoughts are
conceived. Though I was bold when I was much younger and fearless,
but as I watched people fall into danger doing the things I was once bold
to do, seen movies that created fearful pictures in my mind and seen the
disaster crises had done to lives and properties, soon enough, fear began
to creep into me and I retreated from doing a lot. I can remember my
mum saying “what happened to you, you were not afraid of these
things?” and I'll ask myself “Faith, what is now wrong with you?” But
all these were results of what I had seen. Soon enough, as I grew older
and became more knowledgeable with the things of God, I realized that
guarding what I see, heard, spoke, perceived and exposure to emotions
should be a conscious effort and it is my duty to permit or bounce
I came to the understanding that even if I could not completely stop my
eye from seeing all things, I could limit them by the films I watched, by
Though it was quite difficult at first but I preferred to live without fear
94 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
and without the scary dreams than to engage in those conversations or
watch films that deposited fear in me. This made the process of
dropping fearful thoughts faster. Most times, we have to make a choice
I began to control what I watched until I was considered “weird”
when I told people that I hadn't watched any movie in a year because
it seemed like almost all had a scene or two that passively dropped
something I got bothered about. I later got an alternative which were
comedies (clean ones though). One habit that was quite difficult to
drop was hearing “gist” and this is what God has to deliver we ladies
from. But thank God I overcame by the grace to excuse myself when
the subject being discussed was an enemy to faith.
Hallelujah, God by his grace assisted me to limit to the barest minimum
every negative thing that sought to use my eye sight as an access point
for fear. Things that brought fear through my sight were dealt with, I no
longer watched movies that brought fear, could excuse myself when
anything that wasn't building my faith was being discussed but all those
efforts would have gotten me a perfect result if I replaced the empty
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 95
Replace the spaces you create
I did not replace those spaces I had just created with faith teachings,
with the word of God. I became idle, I really didn't know I was, I just
took pride in my 'latest' accomplishments and if I were asked, “won't
you join us to watch this”?, with pride I'll reply “oh no. I don't do
movies”. Yet I was empty. The bible says that 'when an impure spirit
comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does
not find it. Then it will say, I will return to the house I left. When it
arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.
Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself,
they go in and live there. And the final condition of the person is worse
thanthefirst.That is how itwillbewiththiswickedgeneration. Matt12:
I had cleaned myself and carefully guarded my eyesight but I had
nothing in my mind to replace the information I had carried in me for
long. I was empty, I had no sermons audio or video, I only read my
bible once in a while, hardly went to church and if I went, I was with my
96 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
phone all the time or looking at the choir performance or being
When you're done limiting what you see, hear and think, don't stop
So I would sit idle as people watched films and be alone in the hostel
when people went out and then some other worse things took over my
mind.This is where some of us make mistakes, we abstain and not refill.
If the devil does not have access in one part, he will try another; the
word of God says “so that Satan will not outwit us... we are not unaware
of his schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11. In the light of this, as we put to
death by God's power sin or any vice that stands in the way of our faith
in God or His word, we should also begin to fill our hearts with the word
of God and as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians “Let the word
richly dwell in you” this is so we can be able to withstand the devil's
schemes. An idle man is the devils workshop. We must replace the old
Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 97
Live by faith and not by sight
Time went by and I got to start church well again and joined the choir
which was a solid ground, we had fellowship, we encouraged each
other and I had a solid foundation through the choir. In three years there
was a miraculous change in me, everyone could testify that it was a
As I was able to limit what I saw and I thought I was through with that
phase, bigger challenges arose and God was beginning to work on me
concerning a greater level of controlling my eyesight and this is when it
came to situations that seemed to put fear in me. Some issues arose and
God taught me how to shift my attention from the situation and turn to
God. For the bible says we live by faith and not by sight. He taught me
step by step that whatever I go through, I shouldn't see the situation but
The second access point
The ear and hearing
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of
life.”. Proverbs 4:18.
98 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
Faith Heels Fear's Knees
Faith Heels Fear's Knees
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Faith Heels Fear's Knees

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Faith Heels Fear's Knees

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. F O R W A R D n this book “Faith Heels or Fear's Knees”, Faith Akpovwa systematically demystifies fear and revelationaly exposes faith Ias the only panacea for living in a world that opens and shut everydaywithfearsanduncertainty. These eight chapters of this book, from the prelude to the conclusion will impact your life permanently. I encourage you not to just read this God inspired lessons but study it again and again to harvest the wonderful insights and practical lessons from her life's journey so far, forGoddoesnotwasteexperiences. As you journey with the author of this book, you will see scriptures turning into pictures (evidence of things not seen). These are priceless truthsthatcanturnafear-slavetoafaith-walkChristian. My prayer is that the body of Christ will use this book to develop necessary perspective, conviction, character and courage needed for
  • 4. theChristianrace. Pastor Ernest Idahosa Church of God Mission Int'l Peniel Chapel 2 | Forward
  • 6.
  • 7. I dedicate this book to God Almighty, He has been my source of strength, and inspiration. By His sufficient Grace, I made it through, I owe my life to you Father. There is no true success other than that which you breathe into. I also dedicate this book to my dad, Barr. Godwin Akpovwa whom I profoundly pray for will be blessed by this book. D E D I C A T I O N
  • 8.
  • 9. aith is our gaze fully on God's abilities, not ours. The moment that gaze is shifted to ourselves and our Fsituations, not God, fear begins to have a way. We lose our identity through fear. We all have an identity in Christ which is the fullness of God and fear is aimed at robbing us of the knowledge of this. Wonder why scriptures say “my people perish for lack of knowledge”? We are only trampled upon by fear when we forget or choose not to recognize that our true identity and fullnessisfoundinChrist. Being tormented by fear for some years and in that span of time and still learning, I would say that I forgot or didn't take into cognizance the essence of my name, hence, my identity. The situations I was faced with around my life birthed so much fear on the inside of me, and fear was future for me if God had not I N T R O D U C T I O N
  • 10. intervened. I knew Hebrews 11 so well, I knew the faith definition as well and felt very proud when I heard my name “faith” included in sermons topics but I never had a revelation of the name I was called. What an irony. A girl called Faith with fearful thoughts, mindsets,andhabits. This became a great lesson to me when a word dropped into my spirit asking me “what is your name”? And this is the issue. We have a name, an identity in Christ, which is His fullness, His strength, and abilities but we often don't believe in it because of situationsandhappeningsaroundus,andsometimesignorance. We sometimes just possess head knowledge of who we are but not fully understanding whose we are, so we lose our hold on the identity we have in Christ. Now, due to the weight of fear or how big the issue or challenge we face seem to be, we forget who we areinChristandwhatGodhasplacedinsideofus. I realized that we lose your identity each time we forget that there isaGodinsideofuswhosecharacteristicswealsopossess! I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but 8 | Introduction
  • 11. Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal2:20. Being on fear's knees is a state of being subject to, being controlled by or ruled by fear, while being on faith heels is the confident and bold disposition to face fear which is what God wantsustohave. Thelight The light casts out fear, that light is the word of God; the light is the truth, not the situation. It lays bare the weakness of fear in the presence of faith. For so many years, I tried to overcome fear through so many means but all efforts were futile and the truth that I have found out is that there is no successful battle against fear except with the word of God. Company may fail you, quick fixes will do same but the word of God slices fear into pieces by itspower. The word is light and it illuminates all dark areas of fear in our lives. I pray that through this book, every kind of fear standing bold or subtle in your life shall be shut down and replaced with Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 9
  • 12. faith. Scripture says, “If thou has faith as little as a mustard seed, thou shall say unto this mountain be thou thrown into the sea and it will be done”. Only faith changes things, fear doesn't, instead, it births it. When you begin to activate your faith, fear begins to give way and vice versa. But faith is got through the word of God; See why the enemy sends all manner of distractions to keep us away from theword? TheFaithshield Why faith at all? You may ask. These are the times where we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, we will see danger, heart breaks, happenings intending to keep us afraid and so God has given us the faith shield to withstand these. Above all, our faith will be tried individually. If there were no happenings intending to keep us afraid, God wouldn't have bothered to give us His word of faith.Thebiblesays; In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you canextinguishalltheflamingdartsoftheevilone; 10 | Introduction
  • 13. Ephesians6:16 Theologians have confirmed the 365 “fear not's” in the bible, and we conclude that each one of them is for each day of the year. This shows God's concern and his heart in making us know that He wants us to live a lifedevoidoffear. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer; I have overcome theworld."John 16:33(KJV) This scripture did not use the word “might”, but “shall”. But take note, Jesus Christ encouraged His disciples even before breaking the news of “sure”trouble,hesaid... Ihavesaidthesethingstoyou,thatinmeyoumayhavepeace. In other words, peace does not come from material satisfaction, possessions or earthly defenses, barb wires or high gates. Peace comes from God. There is no other hope we have for peace in the midst of troubleorturmoilotherthaninChristJesus. I once by the spirit of God encouraged my mother when she was going through a pretty difficult time at her work place, I said “if you have no opposition, no interference and the work of God in your life just goes Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 11
  • 14. very smooth, then check it, there is a high probability that you're not working for God”, and we giggled about it. But i further illustrated that it is hard, quite rare to see people who have fully given their lives to the devil going through one problem, trouble or turmoil.This is because the devil knows their destructive end. When we have our momentary tribulations or troubles as Christians, it doesn't mean that the lord has failed us or hasn't fulfilled his promises but it also validates our status as Christians by declaring that you are Christ's, you have 'officially' become a threat to the kingdom of darkness and what they do is try to attack and we as Christians often chicken out forgetting who we really are.Thethingsweareafraidofare afraidofus.Faithiskey.often 12 | Introduction
  • 15. The Prelude to Fear C H A P T E R 01 For indeed we have had the glad tidings [Gospel of God] proclaimed to us just as truly as they [the Israelites of old did when the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them]; but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with FAITH (with the leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) by those who heard it; neither were they united in FAITH with the ones [Joshua and Caleb] who heard (did believe). - Hebrews 4:2(AMP) o have faith is as important as having life itself. One can't really access God's benefits of life without faith. God has Tgiven us so much, he has enriched us with his promises, but just as we use currencies/Money to purchase things, Faith is the currency for which we obtain God's promises. It's no magic, faith is an
  • 16. action word which when put into action both in words and in deeds withoutdoubt,willyieldaharvestofblessings. Hebrews 4:2 says, For indeed we have had the glad tidings [Gospel of God] proclaimed to us just as truly as they [the Israelites of old did when the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them]; - Sometimes, people believe that the time of the old was better than now in terms of God speaking, and some others believe that despite the clarity in which God had spoken to his chosen ones in the old, like Moses, Elijah, Daniel, David and the rest prophets, they would prefer the time and dispensation of the Holy spirit(today). But, whether the old or new testament method of communication, God's clear voice through Moses was as clear to God's people (the Israelites when they heard the news of their deliverance from bondage from Egypt) as it is now when we hear the Holy Spirit remind us of God's promises for us through God's word. Did you know? Despite the clarity, surety and display of God's majestic powers to the Israelites, the word they received was not of benefit to them because they did not mix it with faith?As simple as that may sound, that caused 14 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 17. the lives of all the Israelites except two (Joshua and Caleb). That's why faithisasimportantaslifeitself. "But the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with faith (with the leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) by those who heard it". Heb 4:2 We have been blessed with so much, blessed with abundance of grace, protection, provision, supply, good health and the very best of life, but most times, we overlook them and reduce them to just a word and not THE word from God and THE word of Truth. But this was the SAME word that came to the Israelites but it profited them nothing because of their unbelief. One may say “no, it's not the same”, but let's see again whatHebrews4:2says, For indeed we have had the glad tidings [Gospel of God] proclaimed to usJUSTASTRULYasthey(theIsraelites)did. As the group of people who believe the Old Testament method of communication (God to His people) was clearer, to their advantage, yes, the word the Israelites got for their deliverance was clear enough Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 15
  • 18. just like the ones we see in God's word today like. “If God be for us, who can be against us” Romans 8:31, “by his stripes you are healed" (Isaiah 53:5), and like “Christ in me, the hope of Glory”(Col 1:17) "The lord shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory" (Philippians 4:19) and, “None shall want her mate” Isaiah 34:16 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13), And all the numerous promises we have in the word today. Some of us have heard God speak to us directly about his promises but the promise does us no good because we lack faith or have little faith in the face of our huge battles. There comes a point where little faith amounts to nothing, so, we increase it and the key to increasing our faith is in the study, revelation and believe on the word of God. The word of God, the bible, has scriptures that contain dozes to increase our faith andridusofourfears. There was a time I asked God diligently in prayers about an issue, after I prayed, my prayers were answered, I had it come easy but I encountered some real time struggles concerning it along the way but I overcame. 16 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 19. So, due to the stress and struggles I saw people go through because of this , I just got thankful to God and whispered to myself “ thank God He made it easy for me” and behold, just like a conversation, I heard God's Spirit say immediately “it could have been easier if you had more faith”.ThenIbegantothinkaboutit. I came to understand that the measure of your faith determines the kind ofresultyouget. The Word's effectiveness The word of God is described later in that chapter as Alive and Full of power. "For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart" -Hebrews 4:12) Based on the word of God and through some experiences, I've come to Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 17
  • 20. understand that fear can be felt by indeed anyone, irrespective of position or experience. The reasons for fear could differ from person to person, just as our faces differ. Fear could be reverential or dread (terror). we seeAbraham in the bible whose position with God was that of a friend, still, he had the fear of God when God told him to lay the life of his only son (sought for years) as a sacrifice. In fact, the bible recorded in Genesis 22:12 " now I know that you fear the Lord for you havenotwithheldyoursonfromme,youronlyson". It is a clear that this kind of fear that Abraham possessed only revealed his faith in God. Knowing that God who had been merciful through his entire life would have a good reason for taking his son, and Abraham had absolute reliance on God's word knowing that it will at the end work for good. To reveal our lack of faith in God's word, sometimes we hold back mediocre things of less worth for the fear that God may not give us betterones.ThatisasignoflackoffaithinGod. I believe a handful of us will bind that "evil spirit" that will speak such instruction and then deny we recognize God's voice but Abraham did not do that, he had the fear of God, this is called the reverential fear. It has to do with profound awe, honor or respect to someone superior. 18 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 21. Reverential fear is fear that we all should possess as followers of Christ, the word says, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom; but the foolishdespisewisdomandinstruction''(Proverbs1:7). Reverential fear is one kind of fear. On the other hand, the fear we are dealing with in this book is that of terror, fright, uneasiness, trepidation, disquietude and so on. Just as the needs/cares of life increase, so the tendency to fear increases, however, it is expedient to increase our faith tofaceeverychallenge,battleorneed. When fear takes hold of a person, it brings one down on fears knees which is a state of being subject to, controlled by or ruled by fear but standing on the heels of faith is the confident and bold disposition to facefearatanygiventimeandthisisthestandGodwantsusalltohave. Receivedthought When I look back at some of the occurrences I once went through, I often think that I would have done better if I knew better. I would have had it easier if I had more faith. I have both experienced and seen in the lives of others how fear takes hold of a person even before the evil or tragedytheyevenexpecthappens. Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 19
  • 22. Fear just needs a little prelude to manifest, and I call this a “received thought” The biblical Job's dreadful experience confirms that when he said; “What I always feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened tome”.Job3:25. Thoughts are like balloons, when thrown at you and you don't pick it up, it falls down, bursts or the wind blows it away but when the “thought” balloon is caught by an individual, and he does not only pick it but fills it with more air, then, he has received that thought. Fearful thoughts may blow as winds daily but cultivate the habit of refusing them. Do not catch them and nurse them. Have you thought about what could have beendifferentifJob's fearfulthoughtwasrefused?Job3:25 Fear puts in varied thoughts in a person that if one subscribes to, will make one too weak to confront the situation. There are numerous dangers of fear including the very important fact that we will live less of God's promises if we keep being afraid.The Bible says in Hebrews 6:12 that "we do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who throughfaithandpatienceinheritwhathasbeenpromised” Rather than magnifying fear, we should magnify faith instead. Fear 20 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 23. only has a place to reside in the mind, heart and thought of the ignorant. People who do not know and do not bother to know the power lying inside of them to resist fear when it comes, but praise God, we are no longerboundby fearortheignorancethatcausesfear.Thebiblesays, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those livinginthelandofdeepdarknessalighthasdawned.Isaiah9:2. There is a light that has shone to drive out the fears that have hidden in us for so long and that light is the word. That word spoken about in John 1:1 which was referred to as “God” is the light I speak about. So, from nowonwatchasyougainafootholdon“faithheels”throughthisword. Myexperience. th 28 November2008 It was a Friday morning and Biology was the first course we had on High School grade 5 time table from 7:20am-8:00am. Biology was taught by Mr. Lagan who was always very prompt to class and also scholarly in his field, this made his classes somewhat exciting for us. Our hopes were dashed on this Friday morning when the highly anticipated class seemed like it was taking a decade to commence. We Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 21
  • 24. had waited for almost an hour but he wasn't forthcoming, with anxiety and dissatisfaction in most faces, we sought to find out what was going on. I mean, the atmosphere was dreary, gloomy faces, unsure winks all aroundjustlikewehaveitattimesofcrisesanddisasters. To comfortably sit our doubts, not many teachers resumed work that morning. The time for breakfast was hurried, the bell rang! “Ok, there's got to be so much more about these abnormalities”, we thought.Then as I always do and everyone who knew how to “check peace” did, I checkedtheskiestoseeifitwassmokyanditwas! Since I grew in the north of Nigeria (Kaduna state) and schooled for a good number of years in Jos, plateau State, also in the north, my childhood and growing up was somewhat characterized by fear of death, killings, burnings, and crises. I had a template as a ready guard to flee at the appearance of any worrying outlook. Well, that was not unwise but wise as a matter of fact. But it built fear inside of me. My heart will skip at any loud sound then, it will race so fast when I see smokeanywhereandtheseshapedmeinentirety. So, we were worried and thinking, as we proceeded to the dining hall, we noticed that the whistles blown usually by the school prefects to 22 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 25. alert the students for school activities were not blown. Suddenly, we saw traders, university students (the university close by) and the villagers running in one direction. The thread of smoke around now gave us a clearer understanding of what was going on. From house to house, the smokes climbed and now reached towards us. I was a boarder and my home was many miles away from school, my sister had just left the boarding school barely a year before this so I knew I was all alone. Seeing the sights of human butchers and heard stories, everyone's mind waseitherracingornotatpeace Well, we got to the dining hall, it was bread, egg and tea we had in the boarding house on Friday mornings but my heart raced too fast to think of eating any meal. We all peered from the windows and through the fence to see what was going on outside, the crowd running just outside the gate and the sight of the growing tenseness of the panic made us seek escape to save our lives and just when the students were about to run out, our Principal barged into the old dining hall door and said these words “fear not! Because God is on the throne” and to comfort ourselves, we started singing. He lead in two songs (2) Christian power songs, which were “oh Lord come down and manifest your power” and Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 23
  • 26. theoldChristiansong“nomatterwhatthedevilsays,Ishall stand” and you know in such overwrought situations, the words of the songs jump right out the mouth before the supposed line is sang and you really don't know if you are tearful, joyful or fearful, all you do is shake yourheadandsing. Fear, uncertainty, and panic like a flood in most hearts looking through the window and planning the run out just in case what one feared happens. We were then told to go back to our dormitories and lock the dormitory doors and our room doors. When we went in, it was pin drop silence, like a grave yard.The prefects did not need to come round to tell us to be quiet as they did usually; we were our own prefects, keeping silent on our own. We lived those days in fear, sounds of gunshots woke us up when we tried to sleep, and we would say stories to ourselves to easethefeartillmorning. News upon news, panic upon panic and the school sheltered some people who had lost their homes due to the destruction of their houses by the rioters and we shared our meals with them.These meals that were normally really little was now shared; most of us starved a lot through that period because aside the already halved food, our seniors came 24 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 27. earliertoeatthefoodonourtables. All the while we were locked up in school; we seldom knew that there was 24 hours curfew imposed by the government in the state after a day or two of the crises.Those who had “faith”, had it through and thrived to keep it strong but those who did not, feared the days through but assuredly those who had faith wouldn't have amounted to 3% of the population in school then. Well, the curfew was relapsed and we were told to call our parents to pick us from school. Mine was a different case, my mates got the news as a happy one, but mine was a sad one. There was no way my parents could come and pick me because I stayed miles away from where I schooled. So, sadly I concluded that I will stay in the empty school after the only friend I hoped will let me stay at her house told me that she also did not know where she was going to, though she left anyway. Just when I gave up, a classmate asked me to follow her home; that was a great relief to me. I got there and stayed withhertillthestatewasrelativelypeaceful,andthenIleftforhome. Adocumented experience though not in full details of one of the events where I didn't only dine with fear but was an embodiment of fear and fearwasfutureformeifitwasn'tchecked. Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 25
  • 28. Fearissimplyatrapitisnotasstrongasitposestobe For so many years, I tried to overcome fear through many means but all efforts I tried were futile. The founded truth is that there's no successful battle against fear less of the word of God. I have concluded this way because what we hold dear to fight fear often lets us down. Friends will fail, relationships will do same, self-pity will make it worse, and thoughts will feed it, except those that have a foundation on the word of God. The bible says in Exodus 20:2-3 “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no othergodbefore me.” The more we try to seek help from other places, the more they fail because the Lord will not permit us to have any god before Him. Everything we ask God for has already been provided for through the cross of Jesus. If we need anything at any point in time in our lives, we havetolookbacktothecrosstogainit. Furthermore, Exodus 20:2-3 as indicated earlier, makes us understand that God has 'brought us' not 'He is bringing us' but He has brought us out of slavery such as fear and if we need any help handling fear, we should look to the Lord God who has brought us out of such slavery and 26 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 29. nottoanyothergod. OtherthanthewordofGod,nothing. There is no successful maneuver of the word of God to fight fear. Praying definitely casts out fear but have you tried praying and fear still stands bold and stares at you and it's almost like fear is saying “LOL”(laugh out loud)?And you say, “am I not praying?”, “What am I doing wrong?” But how to face fear is not by praying in fear but it is to speak the word of God to God and to the situation while the enemy is listening. I have realized that the kind of prayer we pray reveals either ourleveloffaith orfear.Let'sgobyanillustration; Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 27 Faith Fear
  • 30. 28 | The Prelude to Fear Which of these kinds of prayer do you think will be more effective? Oh yes, I hear you say “the prayer of faith”. Why the faith prayers will always work is the substance that comes with the word of God, and that is life. That life brings life to dead situations, that life is God himself through His word, it calleth things that be not as though they were (Romans4:16-17). The difference is that God is being reminded of his word (not that he Faithprayer Father, I believe in your word that says, if you delivered my soul from death, you will deliver my feet from falling(Ps 56:13) Lord, I believe in your word that says, The Lord shall teach thee the way he shall choose. (Ps 32:8) Be it unto me according to yourword. Fearprayer Father, please do not let me fallbythewayside. Lord, I don't want to make mistakes,pleasehelpme.
  • 31. forgot but he wants to see your level of faith, believe in the word and trustinhim),yourspiritfindspeaceandthedevilisbeingdefeated. I did not know such a great weapon of warfare against fear that I had and hadn't used until I was in desperate need for a solution in the heat of someexperiencesIhadtoface. When you use a word of God directly to counter fear in faith (strong and steadfast believe that the word works), it will neutralize every fear concerning that issue.You will absolutely feel like turning back time to give a lash or two on all the fears that made you shrink in torment from yourpast. What is fear? Fear is torment. Fear is slavery. Fear is the anticipated feeling of bad experiences. It may be injustice, harm, damage, sin and more. Fear is an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Fear can be likened to trepidation, anxiety, dread, panic and so on. I call these more subtle ways to describe fear but all are still forms of fear. Fear is a limit point. This obviously contradicts one of God's nature Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 29
  • 32. which is 'limitless', and another called 'untamable'. Nothing limits like fear. There is a whole world of ability and potentials invested in and on each and every one of God's people, but fear hampers the ability to maximize these potentials inside of us. Yet, God has given us this same ability to be limitless in what we do, “we are like Him”, we possess also hisattributesbutfearlimitsusandoftentimesseeks toboxourdreams,purposeandabilities. Fear is an illegal entity that often finds its way through the entrance point of our hearts. If housed or accommodated, creates thoughts of inadequacy,disability,weakness,failure,deficiencyandinsufficiency. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of this comes the issues of life. Proverbs4:23 The only gateway for things to happen or not to happen is in our heart. If the entrance point of our heart has a weak guard that is not strong enough to fight or resist thoughts of fear, the chances are that we will house fear. An imaginary picture of this will be a mansion with valuable, exceptional, and priceless treasures with no form of security, no barb wires, no dogs, no security men and at most just a gate with a sleepingguardman. 30 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 33. In the same light, God has given us valuable, exceptional and priceless treasures for our lives and God so good has also entrusted us with the responsibility to guard these valuable, exceptional and priceless treasures and if you or me, the guard man is always asleep, fear will gain a pass into our heart of treasures. But if we are always alert with the word of God both in our mouth and in our spirit, we will guard our heartsfromallformsoffear. What is faith? Faith is the assurance that what you will declare or have declared will break every thought of fear or limits caused by fear and give you what you hope for. Faith is the ability to go against the tide of fear using the word of God. It is the currency to obtain God's promises. The bible defines faith as the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see and the amplified bible puts it thus; “leaning on the entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in Hispower,wisdom,andgoodness.” It has been said that faith is not necessarily the absence of fear at any given time of our lives, but it is the presence of courage to confront and Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 31
  • 34. face fear. This means that situations will come to try to make us afraid but we will be victorious if we stand bold as strong guard men to our hearts and declare God's word to those situations and fear will be defeated. Thekeytoourrest There is rest from our worries, troubles, and fears on earth and the key thatopensthisrestplaceisfaith. THEREFORE,WHILE thepromise ofenteringHis reststillholds and is offered [today], let us be afraid [to distrust it], lest any of you should think he has come too late and has come short of [reaching] it. Heb 4:1(amplifiedbible) The word in Hebrews 4:1 is actually a warning to us all that we should not be afraid and then distrust this promise of rest for if we do, just like the Israelites, the word of promise, knowledge we have received will be ofnobenefittous(chapter4) To straighten this up, faith and believe are two different things. Faith does not “try to get” or “believes to get.” Faith takes hold of what in actualhasnotbeenseenorfelt,asthoughitisseenorfelt. 32 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 35. Whatdoyouexpect? Both definitions of faith and fear have something in common which is the word “expectation”. It is used in the definition of fear as “anticipation”, while in faith; it is the word “hope”. Faith is a product of what you believe in, while fear is the product of what you anticipate. Bothareexpectantofsomething.Whatdoyou expect? Faithorfear? Prayer: “Father, increase in me the zeal to study your word, open my eyes to behold revelations that will crumble every fear in my life.” In Jesusname.Amen Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 33
  • 36. CHAPTER ONE FAITH HEELS POINTS v When you use a word of God directly to counter fear in faith (strong and steadfast believe that the word works), it will neutralize every fear concerning that issue you just encountered. v God has given us valuable, exceptional and priceless treasures for our lives and God so good has also entrusted us with the responsibility to guard these treasures, are you a strong guard or a sleeping guard? v Nothing limits like fear. There is a whole world of abilities and potentials invested in and on each and every one of God's people but fear hampers the ability to maximize the potential inside of us. 34 | The Prelude to Fear
  • 37. How Did Fear Get In? C H A P T E R 02 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ 2 Cor 10:4-5 y this passage we can also identify 4 (four) things the devil uses to deposit fear in us. They are strongholds, Barguments, opinions and thoughts. 1. Strongholds The word stronghold has diverse definitions but what applies here is thatwhichsaysastrongholdisanareawheremostpeoplehavethesame belief system, values, and expectations. The word that comes to mind
  • 38. when I hear the word stronghold is the word “norm” which is a standard pattern of behavior that is considered as normal. They are also past happenings or events that recur, they are things that have happened and keep happening and they have a way of shaping a person's belief and soonbecomestrongholds. Someexamplesofstatementsthatsuggestastrongholdare; Ÿ 50percentofmarriagesarelikelytoendupindivorce”, Ÿ They have said “cancer killed my grandparents and the generations beforethemdiedofit”,amIfarfromthat? Ÿ “one has to compromise just a little to the standard of the world to belovedandbeaccepted”, Ÿ “mycousinsallgotpregnantoutofwedlock,I'mnotfarfromthat”, Ÿ “my family members dropped out of school and are all living in abjectpoverty,I certainlywillnotescapethat”, Ÿ “I might just end up like my father, living other people's dreams and nevermine”andthelistgoesonandon. Strongholds have a way of grouping thoughts in patterns that suddenly, one just gets afraid of some certain things and then allows opportunities 36 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 39. to pass by because of the fore-thought that he/she will end up just the way others did. Something I realized about strongholds is that they might not be so bold in a person's thoughts, they could be so subtle that you hardly realize that they are there, you just for no reason exempt yourself from some activities or have “natural” fear for some things, not trying at all or being complacent in handling some issues for fear of what has happened in the past. This is very rampant in the issue of marriage. A refuge! Another point we should note about a stronghold is thatit is like a refuge place. This might seem positive but it is not, using this context. Refuge is like a covering for rest and one does not want to get out of this rest so, he or she “rests” in the stories or beliefs that has been told from the past. People who have these strongholds shrink into shells and boxes that thesestrongholdshavecreated,thereforeagreeswiththenorm. Strongholds make people stay back and hold back what they have because they do not believe that what they have is good enough. Words like this are always heard from people, who have preferred to stay in thiskindof'refuge', Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 37
  • 40. Ÿ “Iratherresthereandnottryatall,whatifIfail?” Ÿ “What if what they said happened to those who went ahead of me happenstome?”Iratherstaysafeinmycomfortzone. Ÿ “What if my bad experiences of the past recur?” it is sure safe not to eventry. Meanwhile the word of God says “the weapons are divine power to cast down any stronghold that raises itself above the knowledge of God”. Strongholds are to be cast down especially when they do not correlate withthewordoftruth. 2 Corinthians 10:5(NASB) says, “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing risen against the knowledge of God, and we are taking everythoughtcaptivetotheobedienceofChrist.” I struggled with strongholds at some points in my life. At a time, it was the stronghold of which I thought that if I hadn't as much as others; I shouldn't even venture trying to think I was somebody or anybody at all. This was because I saw that the people who were accepted had material things I didn't have, so, I looked down on myself. Then, I did not know exactly how those ideas got into me, I just felt I needed to be somebody 38 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 41. else to gain acceptance or have the things people have to gain little confidence. I thought that I had to act some way, dress someway and speak in some certain ways that was totally not me just to be accepted andloved. Later on, I got to understand that it was due to my 'earthly' background that I thought that way, and certainly not my heavenly father's because rather, the word of truth says I am now a joint heir with Christ, cut off fromevery'earthly'backgroundornurturingtoChrist's.Thebiblesays, Hearken, my beloved children, did not God choose them that are poor as to the world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he promisedtothemthatlovehim?James2:5 I did not know this and everything I felt like fear, inferiority complex, non-acceptance, I blamed to my background. Such a background that did not give us so much exposure, inferiority complex caused by lack of some material things which others had and we hadn't, a childhood of non-acceptance because of how much I weighed and looked and a war- likeenvironment. This is totally an ungodly conception I had, because the bible clearly states in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are a chosen generation, a royal Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 39
  • 42. priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar (special, God's special possession, distinct, rare kind, inimitable) people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. Oh how ignorance makes a light condescend to darknesstohave afellowshipwithit! As I looked daily into the word of God, I began to see the reflection of who I am in Christ. So I started working to change what was in me that I needed to change. I had to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ day by day and little by little. Some character traits that were not right were low self-esteem, looks, decency, and lack of knowledge which was exchanged with knowledge and increased faith. I began to know that I was to prosper in godliness, health, looks, and other spheres oflife.. I did not know what I had inside, that I was royal, I did not know what gifts God had put in me and I also did not know that I was God's own special possession to be kept as though God were living in the inside of me. Meanwhile, I went all around with the fear that I won't be accepted. But since the light of the word of God shone to me, I became aware of the bountiful riches of God's gifts bestowed on me. I appreciated myself 40 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 43. and knew I was royal, that I didn't have the best clothes did not mean I was not rich with inexplicable blessings, I knew that I was defined by whatwasinsideofmeandbeautifulbecauseIamcreatedinhisimage. v What you have or don't have does not define you, what defines you is the knowledge of who you are in the word of God v I had a challenge while growing because I was really fat in primary school and for that, I had a very low self-esteem, I really didn't have many friends, just those that also had the acceptance problem could really hang out with me and few others. When my mates played games and wanted to choose their players, I was often the last to be chosen and I was among those who were selected to leave groups because of low performance and maybe because 'I was not as smart and fast as the others'.Iwasside-linedinnumerousthings. All these shaped my thoughts in a particular way that made me feel unaccepted and I unconsciously and gradually did not just like to get involved in school activities. The few times I tried, I was bounced back, Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 41
  • 44. the only thing I successfully joined the others to do was to go on one French competition after so much plea. I was kicked out from the cadet club, dance and sometimes, I was kept to perform at the back of my matestoshowthatatleastIwasnotkickedouttotally. This went on and on but little did I know that these occurrences were forming strongholds in my mind that even when I got really slim after boarding school, I still had a low self-esteem. This illustration does not look like what Christ came to earth to die for; He came that I should have life and live life abundantly, not living less of the life He died for me to have. Strongholds are to be torn down by the word of God. v Don't live less of the life Jesus Christ died for you to have because of fear. v 2. Arguments This is a discussion in which people express different opinions about something.What are your thoughts implying that are not in line with the 42 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 45. word of God? What are your dreams suggesting to you that do not concur with the word of God? What are the situations around you advocatingthatisdifferentfromtheword? I remember a time I was searching through the scriptures and God gave me a word which I was running with for a period of time. These scriptures are in Isaiah 65 and 66 and I had the scriptures in my head so well, though I did not know for what situations exactly I had them for, I just declared them. Most times, God gives us some scriptures to face some trials beforehand so that we can be victorious with the word. So, all I did was to proclaim it and with time, the word sank into my spirit. Little did I know that situations and trials will come soonest to argue out thosescriptures. Each of those scriptures were being tried one after the other by arguments and it was as if God was trying me to know if I could stand trials with those scriptures he had given me or let them go and give into fear. Psalms 26:2 says, test me Lord and try me, examine my heart and mymind.So,thiswasoneofthosetests. Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 43
  • 46. v Hold firm to the scriptures for they will keep you firm in the face of fear. v On one bright afternoon, I was studying the word and suddenly a flash came before my eyes of a scenario where my dad was dying slowly and an instruction came to me that the particular scripture I was reading, I was to speak it to my dad to fight the devil and he will live again. I waved the thought, rejected it and just prayed that my dad won't die. That same night, my dad fell very ill and even to the point of death, the scene was a terrible one. I haven't experienced death of a family member so it was terrific and I almost gave into what my eyes were seeing, how my dad was slowly decreasing in strength and falling out of hisgriponthecupheheld. The Lord reminded me of the instruction he gave me that same afternoonlikeaquickflashandIbegantodeclare; “No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundredyearsold” 44 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 47. “For as the days of the tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen onewillenjoytheworksoftheirhand” Isaiah65:20,22(NIV) And it seemed like a tussle between the sight of it and what the word of God was saying and soon he got back strength and was taken to the clinicthatnightandtodayheisrestoredtohealth. Another trial on the word came when I had a dream and this was the time when we lived in a place that was only safe because the word of God said in the scriptures that “my people shall live in safety and undisturbed places of rest” but in the 'actual', what the eyes could see did not exactly depict safety because we had been robbed severally and disturbed but this did not alter the promise but a training ground to strengthenmyfaith. I had a dream that some persons were shot dead in my neighborhood and a family member of mine was one. There was turmoil and confusion on our street. Then I woke up, the dream seemed real. I didn't know if I was to call my mum to join me in prayers or stay put. I was so troubled then I went to her and saw that she had just got done with her prayers and was sleeping peacefully in the sitting room and I didn't want to wake her up. This was a time God was teaching me how to fight Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 45
  • 48. battles by the word of God and alone. So, I went back to my room and that was when the bulb thought it was best to black out. Then I thought to myself “today you just have to fight this”, and then I began praying from past 2:00am at night, I took hold of the scriptures and that was one forceful prayer I've ever had. I prayed using the word then I went back to sleep and I had another dream. The dream had no choice but to reverse itself. I dreamt the exact opposite of what I had dreamt of before. This is because by the leading of spirit of God to his word, I fought with the thought I had from that dream that there will be death, weeping and wailing but Isaiah 65:19-20 I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days or an old man who does not live out his years and one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child” The devil had no choice than to reverse the dream and I had victory. Yet another trial came and these where characterized by series of battles we had to fight as a family, in health, security, finances and they were 46 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 49. just numerous. This was me who always told people “I can't remember the last time I went to the hospital for any health issue or taken injection” but all of a sudden, I fell very ill and had to be taken to the hospital every day. I even had to stop writing this book. Truthfully, I almost thought I was being played in my believe in God because these situations came at once like a mighty flood, the pain every day, the news, I had to battle with my health and I thought it was over.At a time I started seeing all the negative things in our lives ever since I was born. I had no idea of the good things anymore. I simply forgot them because I was overwhelmed by the immediate situations. It is usually at this point that the devil magnifies the trials of 3weeks to make you feel like it's beenonfor30yearsjusttokillyourfaith. v The Devil magnifies a trial of 3 weeks to make you feel like it's been on for 30 years just to make you lose faith v The devil makes a molehill seem like a mountain but God makes a mountain a molehill. I was reproved by God for lacking faith in the things I faced and soon enough, I started looking unto God and Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 47
  • 50. suddenly, I began to remember the awesome things God had done for us in the past and even started seeing the good in the present situation. God has been so good to us and we as a family have for long been enjoying good health and did not realize it. Just as Job said, shall we accept good from God and not trouble? This gave me an understanding that we shouldtrustGodinbothgoodandinbadtimes. The Lord made me remember the scripture which this situation was arguing, “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery? Says the Lord. Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery? Says our God” And I realized that the Lord will not forsake us in our pain and that in due season there willbe manifestationand stepby step,day by day, little bylittlewewouldcomeoutofourstruggles. Through this scripture, I also know that Nigeria will manifest soon because all the heart aches and pain are all birth pains and the Lord will bringustodeliveryandmanifestation. 3. Opinions An opinion is a view someone takes about an issue especially when it's 48 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 51. based on personal knowledge. It's a belief stronger than an impression and less strong than positive knowledge. From the foregoing, we can see that an opinion is merely a suggestion or perception and it is not necessarilyafactorthetruthconcerninganissue. Andtheonlyfactthat we believe in is God's report. It reminds me of the song, “Whose report shallyoubelieve?WeshallbelievethereportoftheLord”. Some people may call you names but whose report shall you believe? Some may tie you to your past by tellingyou that you can't get any better but whose report do you believe? I don't know about you, but I will believe the report of the Lord and his report says that his blood has washed my sins away, that I am a new creature , I am free from condemnation, no more chains holding me, by his stripes I am healed! No opinion can set itself higher than the word of God when you speak andbelievethewordofGod.Thebiblesays; “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentsoftheheart”Hebrews4:12.Justspeaktheword. Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 49
  • 52. 50 | How Did Fear Get In? 4. Thoughts Thoughts are powerful. They have the power to become, to “take form” and they also have the power to destroy/scatter. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. What is in your heart corresponds with what you are, what you see, what you will become and what you will see. You can control only one thing in the world and that is the way you think, however, when you take complete control of your thoughts, you take control over all the other aspects of your life. This means that thoughts canbecontrolledandshouldbecontrolled. I once assumed that thoughts were just meant to be and as they come, they were to be agreed with whether they were bad or good. But that is a wrong mindset. Thoughts are to be controlled by destroying any one that does not agree with the word of God. This is achieved when you speakthewordofGod. Controllingourthoughtsisaresponsibility If one ever wants to control thoughts, then one needs to be disciplined. I definedisciplineasaconsciouscontinuouscommitmenttobeginorend something which could be in character, habits or anything that needs to
  • 53. be changed. So we have to continuously and consciously manage and control thoughts. Persons, who happen to be like I was, thinking thoughts were free-born and should be let free, will have to control thoughts committedly using the word of God to counter any thought thatbringsfearordisagreeswiththewordofGod. Knowledge of God One day, a centurion decided that if it is so easy to get a job done by commanding one of his soldiers, it will be much easier to get a miracle just by a word from God. At this point, one may be wondering, “how do I get this faith already”? But by this scripture, we know that faith comes byknowing,believingandspeakingthewordofGod. The perfect neutralizer to fear is the knowledge, believe and declaration of the word of God. Just one word you hold on to can totally crush arguments, opinions and thoughts. But ignorance (not knowing scriptures and believing in it) can make fear dominate one's mind. How many times do we sit and humble ourselves before God to seek his face concerning certain issues that put fear in us? No matter how busy we get if the time for business is taking away the time for the word of God, we Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 51
  • 54. should try our best to find time because we are only defeated by fear becausewedon'tknowthewordandbelieveit. This isn't about going to church yet, there is a place for that but this is about your personal study and fellowship with God.The church teaches you how to study but the church cannot come to create time for us to study; we have to figure our bible study lives ourselves. Most scriptures I have used to fight the enemy, I found in my personal biblestudy even if I was caught many times before that. In that same Isaiah that the Lord used to fight my battles mentioned in the last chapter, the scripture that struckmethemostisIsaiah66:2whichsays, These are the ones I look on with favor; those who are humble and contriteinspiritandtrembleatmyword. Humility means submission. Some of us will simply not study because we think the answer to our problem is common sense but most times even with common sense, what we fear happens to us and we are swallowed up by fear. Sometimes, we also think we have experienced a lot so we will use the lessons learnt from past experiences to avert our fearsbutthatalsodoesnotworkoutallthetime. I made series of mistakes when came to relationships. I thought I had 52 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 55. experienced a lot and I knew what it took to have a better one. I kept moving from one to the other, getting hurt, disrespected and even dumped but until I submitted to word of God, I had no victory over my fears. Even when I found God and submitted, I still thought that it was logical to date in the church so I had another in the church and that caused me more hurt and didn't also work out. That was when I realized that total submission to be taught by God, instructed and directed by him daily in humility is wise and beneficial not 'common sense' as we callit. Have you submittedto hearing the word of God? Do you have a contrite spirit?Acontrite spirit has to do with a repentant spirit, a heart of a child. ItisnotalsoallaboutsubmittingtoGodbutalsoobediencetohim. You may sacrifice all you want, speak in tongues, be a hearty servant of God but do you have a contrite spirit? I never knew I had a problem with submission until I had to surrender all I had (that he gave me), all my earthly wisdom (foolishness to God) and pleasures (time wasting) to God. I pray that as I increase in knowledge daily through the word, I mayalsoincreaseinsubmissiontoGod.Thebibleputsitlikethis, Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 53
  • 56. "He who slaughters an ox is like one who kills a man; he who sacrifices a lamb, like one who breaks a dog's neck; he who presents a grain offering, like one who offers pig's blood; he who makes a memorial offeringoffrankincense,likeonewhoblessesanidol. These have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations; I also will choose harsh treatment for them and bring their fears upon them, because when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, they did not listen; but they did what was evil in my eyes and chosethatinwhichIdidnotdelight."Isa66:3-4 This is simply why peoples fear will keep coming to them, and this is not what God delights in, but it is a way to correct us and put us back in the right direction. It is for our own good, what does God have to gain punishing those he loves? If only we knew how powerful we are with the word of God, we will thank him for the situations he makes us pass through to drive us to the word of God. But we sometimes prefer our own way, our timing, our own place, our choice, in our terms, wisdom and this is what the Lord terms as offerings and sacrifices, our own subtleandcleverwaysofbypassinghiswillforus. 54 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 57. For emphasis, I say this yet again because the devil knows how powerful you and I will be proclaiming the word of God when he throws fear at us, so he never lets us get a stress less hold of the word of God. Isn't it funny when you are about to study, the red beep light on your phone comes on? PING!!! MESSAGE-“Hey dear, I need advice; my uncle just lost his wife. Do I travel to see him? And remember the devil is subtle so he can't be detected as fast as one might think, and you think to yourself “I'm doing God's work, let me quickly answer her and get back. Before you know it, other messages come to your phone and the adviser is advising and 9pm comes and you say “oh my God I did it again,sosleepy,tomorrowI'llwakeearlyandyouknowtherest. It is after a long while one realizes that things get at you, you get overwhelmed by issues you ordinarily(with the word) will get past, you get sad easily when things happen and you look back and remember that your bible study life had a problem somewhere. Like I said, the devil is subtle, I'm not saying that it is wrong to give an advice to someone who needs it, but the time and nature is to be checked. You wouldn't have seen those messages if your phone was on silent or if you have a fixed time for bible study. The bible says be wise as serpents this is so we do Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 55
  • 58. not get ensnared by the devil. We ought to have spiritual priorities to knowwhatoughttocomefirst. Prayer Father, give me your Spirit of Wisdom and revelation to guide me through life, to reveal to me the exact words to cast down any stronghold, thoughts, argument, or opinion that exalts itself higher than youinmylife.InJesusname.Amen 56 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 59. CHAPTER TWO FAITH HEELS POINTS v suddenly, one just finds himself/herself afraid of some certain things v What you have or don't have does not define you, what defines youistheknowledgeofwhoyouareinthewordofGod. v Don't live less of the life Jesus Christ died for you to have because offear. v God gives us some scriptures to face some trials beforehand so thatwecanbevictoriouswiththeword. v The Devil magnifies a trial of 3 weeks to make you feel like it's beenonfor30yearstomakeyoulosefaith v Strongholds make people stay back and hold back what they have becausetheydonotbelievethatwhattheyhaveisgoodenough. Strongholds have a way of grouping thoughts in patterns that Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 57
  • 60. 58 | How Did Fear Get In?
  • 61. My Experience, My Life C H A P T E R 03 “No one can be too careful, no security can be 100 percent trusted until you place your life and valuables in the hands of God” he instant you magnify your courage whether in time past or the present, you start to draw strength from the inside of Tyou. But I'll share how I started the journey of learning courageandfaith.Beforethefaithstories,I'llsharethefearsIoncehad. Crises, bombs and uncertainty The environment I grew up in wasn't exactly a tranquil one. If you live in the northern part of Nigeria, you will assuredly understand the fear that envelopes those that live here and the uncertainty that is all over the air. Running helter-skelter during times of crises and war-like situations ispartofmyexperiencetoo.
  • 62. In the north, one is so vigilant trying to watch if the roads have as much people driving by or walking pass as the other days, checking the skies (the daily routine check) before one moves lest you meet a surprise on thewaybecause thenewsmightnotpickupthecrisesupdatebeforeyou do. I had an experience or two were we had to walk on the road seeing dead bodies after crises and was hurried out of school for the same reasonseverally. The environment had a way of boxing us into a particular type of lifestyle. The fear lifestyle and if one is not careful, one will have a wholelifepatternedbyfear. One was always on guard to take to the heels as soon as you hear “they have started oo”, or “sharia ya zo” (in Hausa language which means “the fight has started”). Sometimes it didn't even matter what the person meant, as far as he/she said “they have started oo”, you'll take to your heels.That'show“alert”weareinthenorth. There were times we had to travel to the south and wait for the cool of the state before we came back and we kept coming back. I know at this point, people may ask, “what are they still doing there?” Southerners by origin,livinginthenorth 60 | My Experience, My Life
  • 63. At this point, I was young, about 6 years old or younger. I hadn't known much of the word of God but my mum always told us to spread out our five fingers and she'll say each finger represented I WILL NEVER LEAVEYOU. I guess she got that from the scripture Deuteronomy31:8 whichsays, It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave youorforsakeyou.Donotfearorbedismayed. She bought many spiritual books to train us up in the way of the Lord. Mymumdidallshecouldtogrowusupinagodlyway. Once,aftertakingrefugeinthesouthduringacrisesperiod,wegotback to the north and we finally moved to a manageable place when the state was building up its ruins. Then the need to further our education arose, and Jos, Plateau state was the best option then because it was a peaceful northernstate. My dad, having this knowledge, including the fact that the school was a Baptist High school (his Christian alma mater), decided to send my sister and I to school there but after few years, crises started in the most 'peaceful' northern state. Panic arose yet again when I was almost done with school. The little story at the beginning of this book was one of my Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 61
  • 64. experiencesthatIdocumentedduringthecrisesintheyear2008. Being worn out by the Series of crises and killings, my heart was fixed on schooling somewhere in the south of Nigeria which did not have such crises issues. So, gaining admission into the University that was in the south of Nigeria, Benin City to be precise, was a breakthrough for me because I no longer had to put up with the security issues in the north. Back in the north, there were still threats to bomb the places my parents worked, offices and schools. I always wondered in my heart if we weren't serving God good enough, or if we weren't in God's will but these experiences taught me that we will have some stormy days as Christians, no matter how far we choose to run but the joy we have is thatoursafetyinalltheseisguaranteed.Thebiblesays “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Ps 34:19 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shallnotbeburned,andtheflameshallnotconsumeyou.”Isaiah43:2 62 | My Experience, My Life
  • 65. This implies that someday, sometime troubles will come but they are not to overwhelm us but to show that we indeed have a savior who is mighty to save. Thus we learn the lesson of faith, absolute trust and confidenceinGod. Christianity is not an escape route from troubles. People have left the faith because some teachings have made them believe that it's a taboo to face trials and people who don't really know the word are made to believe this and in little time they get frustrated and term Christianity as bogus or false but we know that “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—evenourfaith”.1John5:4 v Christianity is not an escape route from troubles. But the troubles are not to overwhelm us, they are to make us stronger v Troublesarenottobefearedtheyaretostrengthenyourfaith. Sharing the house with robbers It took another level of faith to live where we stayed. Even though I Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 63
  • 66. successfully “ran” from the north, I still had no choice but to get back there after school because my parents still lived there. And my parents successfully “ran” from the city area, far from the town where the bombers found crowded locations to let the bombs off and crises started from. Yet! And Yet!, the new house we stayed was another training groundtodealwithfear. We lived in a house joined with a neighbor whose house was filled with cultists, drug addicts, thieves, smokers, and the street was filled with all kinds of people. We were robbed several times and your guess is as good as mine as to the group of people who do the robbery. It got so bad that in a year, we were robbed twice and a third attempt. This taught me that until we have learned the lessons and gotten a complete knowledge ofwhatGodistrainingustosee,wewillkeepgoingthroughthetests. And I still believe that trials are not there to kill you but are there to do fivemajorthingstous; 1. Strengthenyourfaith. 2. Know that God is mighty to save in any situation and trust to him knowingthis. 3. TodeepenourrelationshipwithGod. 64 | My Experience, My Life
  • 67. 4. Tohaveatestimonytohealothers. 5. To gain steadfastness i.e. when we see worst things; they are not strongenoughtofailourfaith. Jamessaidtothetwelvetribes, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4 Walkingonwater Had I not faced this fears and trials, I wouldn't have known what it meant to have faith in God and even discovered my purpose on a clear platform. Remember the story of peter walking on water?And when he looked at the waves of the sea and he began sinking? Matt 14:28-32. I never knew I was also on water in the midst of these trials. I realized that each time I sought God's face and waited on him concerning the situation, I always had hope and I was joyful even in the midst. Sometimes the word of God comes to me like water upon my heart and Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 65
  • 68. I'llbeso peacefulinthemidstofitall,peoplethatknew justalittleabout us often asked how I was hopeful through it all but it is simply God's wordthatsustainedme. I never felt like I had problems because God took them out of my mind but when I looked at the situation (the water) and the sounds of the neighbors screaming and injecting themselves with drugs and all, fear often gripped my mind and thoughts of what if..? What if..? Kept coming. We would creep in and out of the house when we going out and stay quiet when we were in. We hid all electronics before we went out; in short, we lived like prisoners in our house. We would stay indoors all day and just hear the noises of birds and their rattling of sticks in the trees and sometimes pay attention to what is being done in the next house or any noise that suggested advances just in case we needed to raise an alarm. Well I'm sure you'll ask questions like why couldn't they call the police? But it seems like the police knew them more than we did andnothingcameoutoftheirresearchessowejustletitbe. These situations made me stronger because I got to know how to pray, how to energize my faith. But when I looked at the waves of the sea, I sank. There was a time I almost sank in faith because I fixed my gaze on 66 | My Experience, My Life
  • 69. the problems and not on God, and there was also a time I actually sank (I gave up). The first time, the Lord by his mercies taught me how to encourage myself through the scriptures and look beyond what I was seeing and when I sought Gods face he gave me some scriptures like Isaiah12,especiallyverse2.. "Behold,Godismysalvation;Iwilltrust,andwillnotbeafraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my defense, and he has become my salvation."Isaiah12:2 This scripture caused a major breakthrough in my life. I now came to the realization that God is my salvation, my safety, in him was my security and I needed not be afraid. He has become my strength and defense which is both my security man and the strength I needed. I became conscious of this fact that I was no longer moved by sounds the neighborsmadeorthreatstheyposed. This is just like the example given in chapter one about a house that has many valuables though has no security. The truth is that no one can be too careful, no security can be 100 percent trusted until you entrust your life and valuables in the hands of God. I did this and trusted God to be Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 67
  • 70. my defense and not the earthly security measures we had put up and I begantohavepeace. Soon enough, God allowed a greater trial to know if I really understood the previous message he gave me but sadly, I did but not deep enough to stand in the midst of the new situation. The second time I looked at the waves of the sea, I sank. The bible says, Search me, God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. Psalms 139:23. I just thought that the issues became worse than the previous and got overwhelmed by it. Meanwhile, God sought to make me know that this word was not limitedonly to my security but also relatingto allthe other issues of my life including health, finances, destiny and every other thing. God so wise tested me in a way I seldom expected. Aside the security issues, I began to get angry and agitated that my family and I had to go through all those situations even when we have served God, why we had to live in a house that was constantly under attack. I thought and thought why we hadn't the resources to move out and why we all had to sleep with one eye open and why we had to live like prisoners. I got overwhelmed and I just felt tired of it all, I struggled to have my 68 | My Experience, My Life
  • 71. devotions, I was weak in my spirit and was not strong enough to resist. And this is exactly the point where the devil always seeks to find us. He is looking for just one moment when you will just be weak in faith; fear isallthepermissionheneeds. I started entertaining all kinds of thoughts and instead of casting them away, I nursed them. I had thoughts that after the 3 times of robbery that something bad will happen to me or my sister who stayed home all day, I mean hearing the sounds of these boys in the next house and knowing whattheydidinside,everysoundplacedafearfulthoughtinmymind.. After these thoughts I tried to 'console' myself with some other thoughts because I knew I was entertaining fear so I got rid of them with others that really didn't please God.These new thoughts were not bad thoughts as such but they were what I was made to understand later through the wordofGodas“anxiousthoughts”. NOTE We often times do not realize salient commands in the bible and we sometimes focus on the big laws but when we read with understanding, we will get to realize that the “put to death”, “put on” are commands as Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 69
  • 72. wellandaremeanttobeobeyedalso. v He is looking for just one moment when you will just be weak; fear is justthepermissionheneedstomanifest. v I didn't stop reading the bible and praying though study and prayer time was occupied by thoughts of the future, how I would work to ease my parents from their struggles, get a better place to stay, how I'll work in a company. I had literarily applied for all the scholarships in my mind and in my thoughts, though I hadn't any valid certificates, I had gone for interviews and rejected jobs that offered to pay me less than some amounts and these were all in my thoughts which I used to console myself. There were other thoughts I entertained all day that in reality I wasfarfrom. The devil does not come bad, if he comes in that way, we'll be able to detecthim.Sohe'sposesasanangeloflight. I had some accidentswhile walking in the house becauseI was thinking. Things slipped out my hands and if you asked me then what I was doing, I'll tell you I was 'planning' and since everyone knew me as a serious 70 | My Experience, My Life
  • 73. one,theyneverquestionedmyunseriousthoughts.Theydidn'tknow. v No thought of consolation is reality, only thoughts from the word of God is. v These thoughts went on and on and as the days went by, I became more and more frustrated because I couldn't get the things I thought of all day. Then another bomb dropped off and killed quite a number in the town which made us panic again and then state government pronounced a 24hour curfew in the state and trust our brothers and sisters in the south who always call to ask us if we are not tired of the north yet and make statements like “won't you come back home?”, or they will say parables like “if a side of a river does not produce fishes, fish on the other side” andthesestatementalwaysgotusdadthinking. Irememberedtheword While trying to have faith, praying and also my eyes on the situation, I stumbled upon my watch word for the season. Before I share the word, letmequicklyaddthis, Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 71
  • 74. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of this comes the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23. Do away with those words, those films, those books, the news, those blogs, those friends and all that bring fear to your heart because you will be amazed to know how madly the devil runs after that one word that will avert you from fear or error. He uses all these means to get into us. The moment you give him a little chance through sin, being faint in faith and in spirit, you'll be amazed that you can't remember such a popular scriptureasJohn3:16. The bible spoke about the seeds which fell on the thorns and Jesus said thewordswerechockedbytheworriesoflife. Other seeds fell among thorns which grew and chocked the plants. Matthew 13:7 AndourLordJesusinterpretsitinchapter32as The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear God's word, but all too quickly, the message is crowded out by the worries of lifeandthelureofwealthsonofruitisproduced.Matt13:32(NLT). So, I forgot the watch word that was even once the lock screen message on my phone. I once read this every day to myself but looking at the 72 | My Experience, My Life
  • 75. situation, watching the news and having some wrong thoughts chocked thewordoutofme.ThiswordisfoundinPsalms; I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go and I will counselyouwithmylovingeyesuponyou.Psalms32:8 I totally forgot this message and started making plans for myself and daydreaming about them.When I found this word, I started proclaiming it all over again and I began to have a burden in my heart. I knew I was supposed to be doing something but I didn't know what exactly it was. Following a wise counsel, I waited on the Lord and hung on the word for He said He will guide me and He did and that was the birth of this book. I was instructed to write what I've been through and this book will heal a lot of people. This book started by healing me first because I felt joy when I saw things happening and I'll say “I will include that in the book”insteadofbeingfearfulaboutthem. Anxious thoughts I was reminded of a scripture during a bible study “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgivingletyourrequestsbemadeknownto God.Philippians4:6 Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 73
  • 76. 74 | My Experience, My Life I finally saw where I had faltered, I realized that I had been having anxious thoughts, going ahead of God's timing, getting frustrated almost blaming my parents for all we've been through, thereby displeasing God because I saw my strength, (which is obviously nothing)notGod's. Many times the devil wanted to keep me on my knees to make me feel like I had done the worst thing by letting myself give in to the situations, (that's what he specializes in doing, he gives you a thought or action and later accuses you of thinking about it or doing it) and so, I condemned myself but it's not about how many times we fall, it's about picking our pieces to start with God again. He will make it all better again because that's what he specializes in. I urge you, do not hold back, let go of that guilt, it's the devil's trick. Get back to God and let him give you peace likeasoothingrelief. v Never subscribe to any thought or action the devil lures you to have, because, he will later accuse you of it. v Lately, I have come to love the newness of starting again, I'm sure the
  • 77. devil has gotten weary over trying to use falling to hold me down because I know that God has made everything beautiful in its time and this knowledge gives me so much joy and my heart is opened to receive much more than I've ever had before. The latter is much greater than the former. Not to say we should take pleasure in falling but if we fall, we should have confidence that God will accept us and we'll be higher soonestthanweusedtobebothinknowledgeanddeeds. v It is not about how many times you fall, but it's about picking the pieces to start with God again v Stay and learn Nothing in this world is to be feared. It is only to be understood.This is a great saying by Marie Curie. From this viewpoint, we can say that if we only understood what God's will for us is par time, we will not fear the terror or problems we see. We will know that God does not intend to bring us evil but to bring us to an expected end. But how do we know we are in his will? People are so anxious to know what God's will is and Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 75
  • 78. God is even more concerned to show us but most times we search all the wrongplacestofindit. There is not a knowing of where you ought to be and your purpose aside from He who made you. I was told of an experience of a pastor who had gone to pray for a particular lady and her husband, and during the meeting, the lady continuously and persuasively asked the pastor to tell her what God had told him concerning her , the pastor ignored.After so much persuasion, she said again that there is surely a word from God for her, the pastor told her, “honestly ma, I have no word from God for you, I just came to pray for you”. That is what some of us do, we just want to know, at any cost and this leads some to false prophets, sweet talkers thatmakeonefeelgoodaboutsomethingthatmayneverhappen. This pastor could simply have said something that he thought or through perception or psychology uttered something that was seemingly true but in actual sense, would be false. This may cause unnecessary expectations, hopelessness, or engaging in the pursuit of somethingunreal. If you want to know Gods will, who you are and where you ought to be, you look in the word of God and stay there. Many of us are so desperate 76 | My Experience, My Life
  • 79. seeking people and making guesses of where we ought to be because we have refused to humble ourselves to study. It seems pretty cumbersome to study the word of God especially at the beginning but we all have to start one day at a time to get an understanding of where we ought to be. Most importantly, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. A routine is necessary to keep one in check. Laziness is a trap and should be corrected with discipline in other to study His word and be in fellowship withHim. Get a bible plan or draw one for yourself with discipline (continuous, conscious effort), try to go by it and don't treat yourself too harshly when you miss any day just try to pick it up quickly. Even a chapter a day is okay as far as understanding and the Holy Spirit's leading is involved. Don't be too anxious to reach the pace of someone else who studies4hoursnon-stop.Takeastepatatime. There was a time when I had some concerns. When I had an awesome prayer time or bible study time, one subtle concern comes to my mind “what if this good time you've spent with God does not continue tomorrow”?And then I'll get worried. Then one day, it came like a flash in my mind “the Lord's prayer”, the part of “give us this day our daily Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 77
  • 80. bread” and the Lord began to ask me questions that made me realize that it is not my making that I have a quality time in his presence and that He is responsible to give me what I desire only if I abandon myself in his armsandtakeadayatatime. v You will have the quality time you desire in your fellowship with God onlyifyoutakeadayatatimeandabandonyourselfinhisarmsdaily. v You may have some challenges in bible study but master how to overcome them in the unique way God deals with you and get used to it because the word of God is the only place where you can find out who you are and who you ought to be.The word of God is a reflection of who weare.James1:23-25 23. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 24. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in hisdoing. 78 | My Experience, My Life
  • 81. After praying, and doing all God wants us to do and situations don't change, we should have the attitude of staying and learning. This is goingthroughtheprocesswithGod. Not every thorny path means one is not in God plan. This is because when we know that we are in God's will, we are sure of his covering, we knowhisintenttowardsusisgoodandnotofevil. There were times I felt like running away from the house we lived. I would try to press my dad and mum to leave the location because of the robbery but somehow, there wasn't the provision to leave. There was a time when the situation got worse, mum went almost through the town to search for a house but it was either the rent was too high to afford, too smalltocontainus,ortooexposedtocriseseffectsandbadsecurity. I realized that it was simply Gods way of saying “stay and learn” I used to get frustrated in the past saying “WHEN WILL THINGS CHANGE”? But when people come with bigger situations for me to counsel them, what comes out from my mouth borne from the spirit of God, often amazes me and them as well. This is because in every situation, when you seek the Lord, he heals you with a word and reserves the experience for you to heal others. Often times, when you Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 79
  • 82. speak, you never know how it got in your heart but it is through your experiencesitcame. I got a word I came across a word in Jeremiah 30:10 and from chapter 17 through 24; I was amazed at the word. The word indicated that God has promised that “no one will make us afraid”. There was in me a witness that I had found the answers I have been looking for and I have been on fears kneesjustbecauseIdidnotknowtheword. Jacob will again have peace and security and no one will make him afraid,10 *I will restore the fortunes of Jacobs's tents and have compassion on his dwelling The city will be rebuilt on her ruins and the palace will stand in its properplace”18 In my heart I knew that I had a word in my spirit and I knew that nothing will ever take this word from me because the devil is so crafty that he first of all, he breaks down your defense by stealing the word of God from you, then he sends fear but this was more than what the devil could 80 | My Experience, My Life
  • 83. take,itwasdivine. I did not even bother to get back to regain the word that I knew and had in my storage for times like this, all I knew was that I had a new word giving to me personally and it is stuck in my spirit. Sometimes situations will come but how much word in your spirit determines how firmyouwillstand,beingconfidentofwhatGodhaspromisedyou. Our pastors will shout all they can to get the word in your spirit but sometimes experiences must birth the word that can never be taken from you. Nevertheless be on guard with the word to antidote the fear of theenemywhichisintendedtocrippleyourfaith. v Situations will come but how much word in your spirit determines howfirmyouwillstand,beingconfidentofGodhaspromisedtoyou v Soon, the neighbors paraded round and their noises at night that ordinarily got me worried and fearful couldn't even move me an inch. I could see them on the road when they give me that stern look but I'll look and be confident that God was with me and no one could make me afraid. Meanwhile, this will get me down on fear's knees prior to this, Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 81
  • 84. but I knew I had something that was rich and real and as far as I was concerned, I now had a new revelation that the word of God which is God had stepped into my spirit and as I moved, He moved. This word went so far in me that the news of bombs did not shake me anymore, I was made so steadfast, not moving or shaking at the sight and sound of evil. I declared seriously this scriptures, just one day of fervent prayers and believe in this scripture “Jacob will again have peace and security and no one will make him afraid,”. I prayed as though I was a violent man. This day, I was left alone in the house and the lack of some needed things at home got me praying like Hannah and in less than a week all the boys in that house evacuated and we never heard of them again even to the extent that I started worrying about them. No robbery, no screams, we weed smell, no boys, their house became empty till date and till now the house is habited by their uncle. Hallelujah!! What the wordofGodcando. My parents Tried for so many years to leave this city or move to a better residential area but God did not let it, if we have moved, I'm sure I won't be writing this book and maybe I wouldn't have known 82 | My Experience, My Life
  • 85. God much . That's why I hold on to this scripture “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 If you know God's will par time for your life, you won't be struggling to leave a situation or a place God wants you to be because you are conscious of the fact that he wants to train you right there, where you are. He will not take you to a place that he has not prepared you for. I believe God has taken me through these experiences to build and strengthen my faith and also you reading this book that is either living in fear or uncertainty of various situations. This is to make you know that thewordworkswondersifyoujusttakeholdofit. When I started this book, some of those circumstances that were illustrated were on including the theft but before I started writing, in pain one day I asked God that before I finish this book, I wanted to have a change in those situations and this particular victory over the neighbors is the first testimony and there is more to come. The next edition, the experiences will be continued. I thank Jesus Christ our saviorwhoisindeedmightytosave. Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 83
  • 86. CHAPTER THREE FAITH HEELS POINTS v troubles are not to overwhelm us, they are to make us stronger v Troublesarenottobefearedtheyaretostrengthenyourfaith v No one can be too careful, no security can be 100 percent trusted untilyouplaceyourlifeandvaluablesinthehandsofGod v He is looking for just one moment when you will just be weak; fearisjustthepermissionheneeds. v Salient commands in the bible are to be obeyed also the “put to death”, “put on” are commands as well and are meant to be obeyed also. v No thought of consolation is reality, only thoughts from the word ofGodis. Christianity is not an escape route from troubles. But the 84 | My Experience, My Life
  • 87. v avertyoufromfearorerrors.Guardyourheart v Never subscribe to any thought or action the devil lures you to have,because,hewilllateraccuseyouofit. v There is not a knowing of where you ought to be and our purpose asidefromHewhomadeyou. v You will have the quality time you desire in your fellowship with God only if you take a day at a time and abandon yourself in his armsdaily. v Sometimes situations will come but how much word in your spirit determines how firm you will stand, being confident of what God haspromisedtoyou. v Fearisallthepermissiontheenemyneeds. The devil runs tirelessly and madly after that one word that will Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 85
  • 88. 86 | My Experience, My Life
  • 89. What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access C H A P T E R 04 hen I was little, I can remember how I absolutely wasn't afraid of the dark, in fact my elder ones never Wstroke a match stick so they would always pass the match stick to me because they thought I was the bold one. I would do some unimaginable things that children of my age were thoroughly afraid to do and I took pride in that. I had big dreams that one won't imagine, as I imagined them, I wanted to become them. There were no limits, but overtime as I got exposed to knowledge of certain things, got exposedtofearfulsituations,Ichanged. I became scared of things, I got exposed to discouragement which made me think that I couldn't become everything I dreamed of, I became scared of the dark, I chickened out over things I formerly would have been so bold to face. My mum always expressed her disappointment when she said “what happened to you?” and with my head down I'll
  • 90. answer sadly 'I don't know'. This was a child that had no iota of fear inside of her. Something had happened that changed me. What happened to me? What changed? The answer to that is SOMETHING WENTIN. I was told of things, saw things, felt things. I was told of stories of strange happenings of the dark, saw death and the perils of the aftermath of crises and understood what this harm could do. I withdrew quietly because I was sidelined at some points and agreed that other people werebetterthanme. Fear became the order of the day, for a girl whose name is Faith, ironically. This brings us to the 5 points of access. To break this down just a little bit more, in primary school most children are taught about the five senses which are the eye, ear, nose, mouth and skin. We can use that to illustrateis the though they are not exactlysame but in this context, the nose will be likened to perception and the skin to emotions. These are access points or passages to things that will either cause fear or build faith and the choice is ours to choose which we will consent to 5 points of access 88 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
  • 92. gainaccessintous. Hereis agraphicalrepresentationof theeffectof thethingswe see,hear, speak, our perceptions and our emotions on our faith. Each of these access points have an effect on the acceptance and willingness to study the word of God and believe in the word of God.The higher the effect of theseonourfaith,thebiggerfearbecomes. The dark series represent the effect of what we see, hear, speak, our perception, emotions and believe on our faith.As we notice, the mouth, i.e. what we speak has the highest effect on our faith as said in the bible, the power of life and death lies in the mouth and those who love it will eat it fruits. Proverbs 18:21. What we speak has that high effect on our 90 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The eye The ear The mouth Our perception Our emotions The effect The word Your belief The faith-fear effect graph
  • 93. faith because when one speaks negative things, the manifestation of God's word is trampled on in that life. The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. James 3:6.KJV. We cannot speak fear and expect faith, we cannot speak unbeliefandthenexpecttobelieve. We put to halt the manifestation of God's word in our lives when we speakwordsthatarenotoffaith. What we hear has the second highest effect on our faith. As we have explained, the higher the effect of hearing negative things, the higher the risk of exposure to fear. When one hears and accepts negative things, the desire to read the word of God is low and so is believe in the wordofGod. WhatWeSee This is why we should continuously shut our eyes to things that do not give us hope and things that kill our faith. The effect of what we see on our faith is also on the high side. Mathew 6:22-23 says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 91
  • 94. light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be filled with darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness? This means that what we see either brings hope, believe, faith, to us or brings hopelessness, darkness, doubt and fear to us. We should always bemindfulofwhatwesee,whatweseecouldbuildfaithorbringfear. When we see things that bring hopelessness, fear and doubt, our study of the word of God reduces because of doubt. Sometimes, what one hears brings fear and bible study is not really a hobby anymore for such personandbelieveinthewordbecomeslow,verylow. Our perception has also effect on our faith but not as much as what hear, speak or see.The effect is not as much as the others because perceptions can change easy when one hears the word of God. And Jesus said to Simon “launch out into the deep and cast your net” but Simon who through his past experience perceived that there will be no good outcome from fishing again, complained saying “master, we have toiled all day” but he still said “nevertheless at your word, I will cast the net”. Luke 5:5. This means that our perception of things can change so fast immediately we hear the word of God. So, as we perceive things 92 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
  • 95. thatintendtoweakenourfaith,weshouldhastentotheword. Using love as a good example of emotions, as humans will always seek to find love or be loved, in this search, many have gotten hurt but there is a word to build a defense to all such hurt. The bible says “nothing shall by any means hurt me”. Emotions are good but exposure to the wrong onesleadstofear FEARISTHEBIRTHOFWHATGOESIN. The eye sight A good friend of mine always says “we learn to unlearn”. It is sometimes startling to see what an “ordinary” eye sight at an awful experience can do to a person's entire life, it can change them forever, their thinking, some may abstain from particular activities, way of life or people due to experiences. For example, I had a classmate in secondaryschoolthathasseenhismotherdieofafishbonewhileeating and I was told that he wouldn't eat fish because of that experience. I also know of a lady who would give almost every man a slap that approaches her because she has seen some experiences that made her hate men from the past and that awful experience shaped her life, her thinking and her Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 93
  • 96. attitude towards men. Some sights are good while some have to change tobeabletounlearnwhathasbeenbirthinthemind. The eye is a passage leading to the mind which is where thoughts are conceived. Though I was bold when I was much younger and fearless, but as I watched people fall into danger doing the things I was once bold to do, seen movies that created fearful pictures in my mind and seen the disaster crises had done to lives and properties, soon enough, fear began to creep into me and I retreated from doing a lot. I can remember my mum saying “what happened to you, you were not afraid of these things?” and I'll ask myself “Faith, what is now wrong with you?” But all these were results of what I had seen. Soon enough, as I grew older and became more knowledgeable with the things of God, I realized that guarding what I see, heard, spoke, perceived and exposure to emotions should be a conscious effort and it is my duty to permit or bounce anythingthatdoesnotagreewiththewordoftruth. I came to the understanding that even if I could not completely stop my eye from seeing all things, I could limit them by the films I watched, by theplacesIgotoandbystoriesIheardfromfriends. Though it was quite difficult at first but I preferred to live without fear 94 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
  • 97. and without the scary dreams than to engage in those conversations or watch films that deposited fear in me. This made the process of dropping fearful thoughts faster. Most times, we have to make a choice andgoforwhatwereallywantandleteveryotherthinggo. I began to control what I watched until I was considered “weird” when I told people that I hadn't watched any movie in a year because it seemed like almost all had a scene or two that passively dropped something I got bothered about. I later got an alternative which were comedies (clean ones though). One habit that was quite difficult to drop was hearing “gist” and this is what God has to deliver we ladies from. But thank God I overcame by the grace to excuse myself when the subject being discussed was an enemy to faith. Hallelujah, God by his grace assisted me to limit to the barest minimum every negative thing that sought to use my eye sight as an access point for fear. Things that brought fear through my sight were dealt with, I no longer watched movies that brought fear, could excuse myself when anything that wasn't building my faith was being discussed but all those efforts would have gotten me a perfect result if I replaced the empty Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 95
  • 98. spaces. Replace the spaces you create I did not replace those spaces I had just created with faith teachings, with the word of God. I became idle, I really didn't know I was, I just took pride in my 'latest' accomplishments and if I were asked, “won't you join us to watch this”?, with pride I'll reply “oh no. I don't do movies”. Yet I was empty. The bible says that 'when an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it will say, I will return to the house I left. When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, they go in and live there. And the final condition of the person is worse thanthefirst.That is how itwillbewiththiswickedgeneration. Matt12: 43-45 I had cleaned myself and carefully guarded my eyesight but I had nothing in my mind to replace the information I had carried in me for long. I was empty, I had no sermons audio or video, I only read my bible once in a while, hardly went to church and if I went, I was with my 96 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access
  • 99. phone all the time or looking at the choir performance or being distractedbysomethingelse. v When you're done limiting what you see, hear and think, don't stop there.Replaceitwithfaithteaching. v So I would sit idle as people watched films and be alone in the hostel when people went out and then some other worse things took over my mind.This is where some of us make mistakes, we abstain and not refill. If the devil does not have access in one part, he will try another; the word of God says “so that Satan will not outwit us... we are not unaware of his schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11. In the light of this, as we put to death by God's power sin or any vice that stands in the way of our faith in God or His word, we should also begin to fill our hearts with the word of God and as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians “Let the word richly dwell in you” this is so we can be able to withstand the devil's schemes. An idle man is the devils workshop. We must replace the old wayswithnewways. Faith Heels or Fear’s Knees | 97
  • 100. Live by faith and not by sight Time went by and I got to start church well again and joined the choir which was a solid ground, we had fellowship, we encouraged each other and I had a solid foundation through the choir. In three years there was a miraculous change in me, everyone could testify that it was a wholenewmebeingtransformedmoreintothelikenessofChrist. As I was able to limit what I saw and I thought I was through with that phase, bigger challenges arose and God was beginning to work on me concerning a greater level of controlling my eyesight and this is when it came to situations that seemed to put fear in me. Some issues arose and God taught me how to shift my attention from the situation and turn to God. For the bible says we live by faith and not by sight. He taught me step by step that whatever I go through, I shouldn't see the situation but lookthroughfaith'seyethengethopefromGod. The second access point The ear and hearing “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”. Proverbs 4:18. 98 | What Went In? - The 5 Points of Access