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Western Expansion In The 1800s
The effects of Western American Expansion in the 1800s were beneficial to some while detrimental to others. The United States began to expand in the
early 1800s, following their religious belief that it was the destiny of the United States to conquer the entirety of the North America Continent. With this
in mind, thousands began to travel to the Pacific, and United States began to purchase more and property from the West, which ended up doubling the
size of the country. However, this expansion in the West caused Native Americans to be forced out of their land and started wars with other nations.
Westward Expansion of the United States in the early 1800s helped the United States grow in size by almost three times its original area, but
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His words were, "But I have done––my people are all gone––I can do no more than weep over the misfortunes of my nation. Once I could animate my
warriors to battle: but I cannot animate the dead...". This quote shows us that in order to get the land and expand further West, the Americans were
willing to take down tribes and kill the Indians to whom the land belonged to. This was not the only war being fought for land in the US. The
Americans were fighting and forcing the Indians out of their land all across the Midwest, the same way they did with the Creeks. Robert Lindneux's
painting, Trail of Tears, also gives us a picture of how the Native Americans were treated when the Americans took their land. The painting shows us
Native Americans of all ages traveling by wagon, horse, and mule, on longe path. The painting recreates a scene from the real Trail of Tears which was
the path that the Cherokee trail took to modern–day Oklahoma after the removal act by Andrew Jackson was called. The Trail of Tears was named
after the tragedies and devastation that it saw. While making the journey, many Cherokees died from harsh conditions and serious injuries. The context
of the painting shows us that our country gained more land for our farming, it was at the price of others being forced off of
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Western Expansion
Jhanine Senior
HIS 167–26208
Western Expansion and Reservations
Since the first pilgrims and puritans crossed the Atlantic, there were disputes between white settlers and the Native Americans. Consequently, there
were resentments and death on both sides. The Relocation Act (1830), signed by Andrew Jackson, resulted in the mass migration of Native Americans
to the west and government confiscation of their lands. Banished to the west, Native Americans' lives were relatively peaceful until white settlers
started to infringe once again lands promised to them. White settlers felt they had a divine entitlement to the western lands and felt no remorse taking it
from Native Americans.
After the civil war in the late 1800s there was an increase in the migration of white settlers to the west. The federal government, through several
legislations, encouraged this activity and forced Native Americans to live in reservation camps. The first act was the Homestead Act (1862). The
federal government sold 160–acre plot of land at a low price to white settlers who farmed the land for five years regardless of race, sex, or other status
(The Library of Congress). With mass migration more content...
By the late 1800s, most of them lived in reservation camps being forced to change their way of life. Nomadic by nature, Native Americans also lost
their means of survival as hunting grounds were severely restricted. Additionally, plots of land that were allocated to them from the Dawes Act were
not fertile enough for farming. Native Americans also lacked the knowledge and resources needed to properly irrigate the land for produce. They
were also forced to become more civilized (Americanized) by learning English and abandoning their religion and ancient practices. In addition, young
children were taken away from their homes and sent to "schools" often forced to dress in American clothes (Life on the
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Western Expansion Research Paper
Process paper Americans used the chinese the help build the railroad, Because they built the Wall of China. The railroad was ecenrual in Western
expansion. I think that my prodject fit this year's theme perfectly.The bolter started when we bought the Louisana Purchase Like how the donner
party took a daring risk to explore, sadly it didn't work out for them. Also the very popular story of louis and clark. They encountered countless
gutwrenching events and the friendship of saquwigea. Finally the Railroad was a very big in the growth and exchange.These are some of the reason
that I choose this topic For my research I stayed online, so I could acess anything without going anywhere. First I went to the website and got ideas about how I wanted to present my study. Next I went to and got a great timeline to really see
how the expansion formed. Next I went to to get more facts and see a map of the progresing movement throw the 1860 to
1890. Then I went to for more in–depth facts so I could dazel the crowed.Then I went to to get more
specized facts. Then I went to to get more research so I could keep on moving with my notes. Next I went to That site didn't help me at all because it was to kidish. Finally I went back to because it was such a
good site that I made it the icing on the western more content...
I know that I made the right desision. I have more space on the website for all of my research and pictures. Also I can have more words on the website
witch is very important for a topic if this size.Finally because I did a exhibit last year and I wanted to try
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Western Expansion Of The American West
The American West was shaped by various aspects. Southerners we're devastated by the effects of the Civil War on the infrastructure and many
moved West for a new change in life. The homestead act offered a chance of a new life for many people and families to pursue their dream. The
goldRush of 1849 would promote the idea of a chance to become wealthy to the average American immigrant. As the Western expansion grew the
transcontinental railroad would promote economic success in the West. There were Dawes General Allotment Act that passed in 1887saying the land
was held by tribes had to divide and sell the land because of the government. The government held the land for 25years and then they could have the
title to the land and become U.S. citizens.
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Essay On Westward Expansion
I believe the government is primarily responsible for continued westward expansion during the 1800s. Westward expansion or "Manifest Destiny" is
the idea of moving west after the Civil War in 1865, Many people felt it was their "God–given right" to do so, also the encouragement of the
government. The reasoning behind this is the extended land in the west with the Louisiana Purchase and the law of the Homestead Act which allowed
anyone to own land, in which the U.S. government both passed. Also with the U.S. government setting policies with unclear directions about moving
westward and the insensitive acts towards the people who were currently living in western areas.
The U.S. government encouraged westward expansion through the Louisiana Purchase and the Homestead Act. President Thomas Jefferson acted on the
Louisiana Purchase, after buying the land from France for millions of dollars, he also believed in the idea of moving west and thought of it as
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government has unspecified and unorganized policies, which were unprotected for Native Americans who lived in the west because of all the new
coming Americans. During westward expansion, a majority of who moved were whites, who didn't know the Native Americans who already lived in
the west. The Natives felt their land was being conquered, because of the U.S government policies(Louisana Purchase & Homestead Act) and the
whites not wanting them to be there, which lead to fighting between the Natives and the whites. These acts and policies such as the Indian Removal
Act often resulted in violated treaties and violence. The Indian Removal Act was the removal of Native American homes and tribes. "This also confines
the Indians to still narrower limits, destroys that game which in their normal state, and constitutes their principal means of subsistence." Resulting in
westward expansion, Native Americans began rapidly decreasing in the area by wars and new diseases caught by new coming
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Native Americans During Westward Expansion Essay
During westward expansion, the Native Americans got kicked to the side. The settlers coming west often saw the Indians as a threat to them and their
families. However, this was not the main reason the Indians were pushed aside. The settlers saw the Indians had fertile land and wanted it for
themselves. The Indians were the opposite of what the settlers thought they were. The Indians often helped the people moving west across the plains;
giving them food, supplies, and acting as guides. However, the U.S. Government did not see this side of the Indians, instead they forced the Indians
onto reservations. During the time of the expansion of the United States to the present, the Native Americans went through many things so that the
United States could expand; they were pushed onto reservations, and forced to give up their culture through the Ideas of Manifest Destiny and Social
Darwinism. Despite that, the United States government told the Indians that they would not invade their lands. They soon heard that the Indians had
fertile land and decided to allow settlers to move west. "After hearing tales of fertile land and a great mineral wealth in the West, the government soon
broke their promises established in the Treaty of Fort Laramie by allowing thousands of non–Indians to flood into the area.". (Victoriana) To make
more land available to the settlers the government had to make reservations that would separate the Indians from the whites. In exchange for the
Indians moving to
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Pros And Cons Of Westward Expansion
Have you ever been on a car trip that takes you across the country, and seems like it's taking half a year to get there, when it actually takes only 16
hours while asking "Are we there yet?" over and over again. Well, that's almost exactly like the Westward expansion, except they had to walk, they
still went half way across the country, and it really took half a year to get there.The Westward expansion was when settlers Moved across the country
to get gold and more land. But, I would NOT want to travel west across the country. I wouldn't travel west because the journey will have an unknown
fate, it's a long Journey, and your chances of finding gold are slim to none. The first reason I wouldn't want to move west is because of unknown fate. more content...
To prove this, in Object D, it states, "One of the conclusions at which we are rapidly arriving is, that the chances of our making a fortune in the gold
mines are about the same as those in favor of our drawing a prize in a lottery." This evidence shows that your chances of finding gold are about as
slim as it is to find a four leaf clover. It can happen, but it takes forever. Then, in Object D, it states, "A miner may happen upon a good location in
his very first attempt, and in a very few days make his hundreds or thousands, while the old miners about him may do nothing." This shows that it's
just luck about where you choose to dig for gold, and that even if you have been digging for gold for over 2 days, someone who just started mining
might find some gold before you. Lastly, in Object D it states," The cradle, so called from its general resemblance to that article of furniture, has
two rockers, which move easily back and forth in two grooves of a frame, which is laid down firmly on the edge of or over the water, so that the
person working it may at the same time dip up the water. It must be inclined a few degrees forward, that the dirt may be washed out , and must be so
placed that the mud may be carried off with the stream." This evidence shows that even if you set up for trying to find gold, you might not find it and
all your work will be for nothing. That is why
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Western Expansion Research Paper
Ramez Youssef Ms.Duquette U.S History 13 july 2016 Western Expansion In the 19th century the U.S grew in size and power. After the Louisiana
Purchase from France, which doubled the size of the country also opened up a bit better–known region to exploration and ultimate settlement. Soon,
explorers were getting back from forays into the geographic region with stories of nice stretches of beauty and fertile land.That helped and encouraged
the government and the people to move west and acquire more lands. Although the Western Expansion had a great effect on the Western Frontier which
helped in forming railroads and helped the economy, but it had a huge effect on the Native People as they lost their lands and many died people The more content...
" The Indians faced many problems since Jackson and his " Indian Removal Act". "An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians
residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi" (Doc 4). In 1877, the government established the
"Dawes Act". The "Dawes Act" was an attempt by the U.S government to Americanize the Native Americans, For example, it set up schools to
make Native Americans children more like other American. Although some Indians thought they will be protected under the government, but on
November 1864 colonel Chivington's militia massacred 400 indians and killed them with cold blood even they had been promised to be safe and
they were peaceful. As a result, many tribes followed "Wovoka", who he had vision that he saw the Christ and received warning about the evils of
white men. Many people started to believe in him and practice a "Ghost Dance", which believed that it will send back the whites to where they come
from and help the young warriors. As a result and fearing of the "Ghost Dance" American troops were called to go with the reformist. Which led to the
death of 150 of the indians, the death of sitting Bull and end everything .This later was called "the battle of wounded
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1) Describe the conquest and development of the West between 1820 and 1850 by European Americans. The Western Expansion occurred between
1820 and 1850 with many Americans traveling west along the Mississippi River. "Subsequently it t truly began in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase
made by President Jefferson which increased the size of the nation by two–fold. Jefferson purchased for the 828,800 square miles from France and in
1804 he sent Lewis and Clark to explore the area" (Shultz,2013). Prior to the Western Expansion, the only whites who had traveled into these
unexplored areas were Mountain men who trapped for a living and they also provided information about lands outside of the Louisiana Purchase. The
exploration of the area lasted three years and gave the government knowledge of the geography of the land and this helped to make decisions about if
it could be settled or not, allowing them to settle in those lands if possible. Some moved westward, prior to the government opening up the western
area to them, but in 1820 the government finally opened the doors for any American to immigrate to the west. Western Expansion became a thought
due to Manifest Destiny. There were at least four things that occurred because of the Western Expansion, the Native American populations were
decimated even more, the Market Revolution was continued into the west, the democratic promise of poor but free men being allowed to make it their
own instead of having to be overseen by
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Sectionalism Due to Western Expansion Essay
The Antebellum period from 1800 to 1850 marked a time of sectionalism in American history. Furthermore, new territories gained during western
expansion added to this conflict between different sections of America. Southern states wanted new slave territories, while the North wanted to contain
the spread of slavery. While Western expansion contributed to growing sectional tensions between the North and South from 1800–1820, sectionalism
intensified significantly from 1820–1850. Since the turn of the nineteenth century, Western territorial expansion started to increase a sense of
sectionalism throughout America. President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana purchase from Napoleon in 1803, gaining unfamiliar territory West of
the more content...
Any state admitted into the Union bellow this line would decide the legality of slavery for their new state, by popular sovereignty. This temporarily
maintained the balance of slave states and free states in the Union, while increasing sectionalism throughout America. Neither the North or South
wanted the other section to have more states favoring their own slavery ideals, in fear of biased representation in the Senate. Furthermore, sectionalism
was demonstrated by the fact that congress felt the need to implement "The Gag rule"; This disallowed congress from discussing the issue of slavery
for the next thirty years (while only lasting a decade). Though members of the house tried to pass the Wilmot proviso, which would ban slavery in
newly acquired Mexican territories, Southerners naturally opposed this. Disagreements over how to decide the newly acquired land's position on
slavery, further intensified sectionalism between the North and South. At one point the South even tried to pass the Ostend Manifesto in an attempt to
purchase Cuba from Spain, and admit it into the Union as a slave state. Although this effort failed, it strongly represents the intense sectionalism during
the time: As an entire portion of the country acted autonomously to secure an additional state to gain power over their Northern neighbors. Finally, the
compromise of 1850 was passed, declaring popular sovereignty as the determining factor of the position of slavery among the land
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Western European Imperialism Essay
The expansion of Western Europe started with the Iberian phase. Spain and Portugal, the two countries of the Iberian Peninsula, had a short–lived yet
important role in European expansion. European expansion then turned to Western Europe. Western Europe consists of the Dutch, French, and British.
While WesternEurope was exploring new worlds overseas, the Russians were expanding westward across all of Eurasia. Religion played a major role
in expansion for both the Portuguese and the Spanish due to their extensive anti–Muslim crusade. Due to the over zealous religious fervor of the
Christian Iberians, Christianity and thus the Iberians expanded into parts of western Europe during the crusades as Christians tried to convert the
Muslims more content...
(p.349) The age of the conquistadors began with Cortes ' expedition to the Yucatan. After months of vicious fighting, Cortes toppled the Aztec empire
and gained control of Mexico. Another Spanish conquistador, Pizzaro defeated the Inca Empire and gained control of modern day Peru. Their
conquests lead to the further exploration of both North and South America. "In the period between 1600 and 1763, Spain and Portugal were overtaken
and surpassed by the powers of Northwestern Europe– Holland, France and Britain." (p.357) Due the lack of Iberian activity in the north Atlantic the
northwestern Europeans, led by imperialism, set out to tap the resources of North America. Through the effort of Sir John Hawkins and Francis Drake,
England was able to "Break boldly and openly into the Iberian imperial preserves–into the Portuguese east as well as into Spanish America." (p.359)
Toward the end of the 16th century the Dutch had set their sites on Portugal 's empire in the east. By 1602, through their acquisition of their various
private trading companies, the Dutch had formed the Dutch East India Company. The Dutch also strengthened their economic power through the
harvesting of coffee and taking over the whaling industry. Through various wars with Britain and France during the late 17th century the Dutch
stronghold was weakened. In the 18th century "Holland gave way to Britain and France." (p.363) Britain and France battled for colonial supremacy
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Westward Expansion Essay
The Westward Expansion
Introduction The Westward Expansion has often been regarded as the central theme of American history, down to the end of the19th century and as
the main factor in the shaping of American history. As Frederick Jackson Turner says, the greatest force or influence in shaping American democracy
and society had been that there was so much free land in America and this profoundly affected American society. Motives After the revolution, the
winning of independence opened up the Western country and was hence followed by a steady flow of settlers to the Mississippi valley. By 1840, 10
new western states had been added to the Federal union. The frontier line ran through Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas on the western more
When the treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, the Americans had thought that they had enough land between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi river.
Yet in 1803, by the Louisiana Purchase, the area of the United States doubled and not long after, it was augmented by the half–purchase–half–conquest
of Florida. By the end of 1820, as many as 6 states were created, east of Mississippi–Indiana (1816), Mississippi (1817), Alabama (1819), Maine (1820)
and Missouri (1821). By the 1830s, the frontier line had been carried to Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas–about one–third of the way across the continent.
By the 1840s, the expansionist policy, typified by the Manifest Destiny doctrine, became very strong with many sections willing to go to war to
acquire more land. Slavery became a bone of contention between the Northern and southern states with the control of the senate in question. The South
wanted expansion to increase slave states, the North to keep the balance with free states and the West wanting expansion to increase their land. The
antagonism between the North and the South sees the beginnings of sectionalism leading to the civil war later. The spirit of equality becomes a
banner with which the expansionist policy was proclaimed. Phases Of Development Before the 1830s, most sections of the west passed through the
same phases of development in a regular order. The first white men to usually enter a new area were the
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What Is Westward Expansion?
Today, the United States is a large country with a diverse population that creates a truly unique culture. The U.S. began as 13 small colonies on the
Atlantic coast of North America. From there, the U.S. expanded westward to the Pacific coast, and beyond. The reason the westward expansion is
such a large part of the American culture is because the expansion gave the U.S. four large borders that allowed easy immigration from almost
anywhere in the world. The expansion of the U.S. happened very fast and often times contained large plots of land. The first expansion of the U.S.
occurred in 1783 with the Treaty of Paris where Great Britain ceded all the land east of the Mississippi, which more than doubled the size of the 13
colonies. The
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If there was expansion in the west, Canada was able to make a railway. The railway would be used to move troops and goods. Expansion to the
west also means more farm land and farming rights. There were too many people in the east because of farm land, so they wanted to expand it to the
west so more people would go there. The American's were also thinking about moving into these western lands and take over but if the colonies of
BNA were to join together they could stop the attack. Negative people in the expansion to the west were aboriginal people and the positive were
farmers and white men.
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The Impact of the Westward Expansion on Women and African Americans
The Westward Expansion started prior to The Revolutionary War, settlers were migrating westward to what states are now modern day Kentucky and
Tennessee in hopes for a fruitful life and larger job opportunity. This Westward Expansion was aided through theLouisiana purchase in 1803, in which
the United States purchased territory from France, resulting in doubling in size of the country. This Louisiana purchase was stretched from the
Mississippi River to the eastern Rocky Mountains in the west and from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the south of the Canadian border in the
north. In result of the Westward Expansion , families would pick up and walk as far west more content...
They had the burdens of traveling while pregnant and childbearing as well as the rituals of attending to the sick and dying and the caring of infants
and the caring and irritable children. Women also felt themselves in antagonistic relationship with them but more often than not when they maintain
their silence. This is expressed in this journal account written by Miriam Davis, " I have cooked so much out in the hot sun and smoke, I hardly
know who I am, and when I look into the little Looking Glass I ask " can this be me?" Put a blanket over my head and I would pass well for an
Osage squaw." The Westward Expansion was the leading outlet for women to try to break the stereotype of domestic femininity. Proving yet the
strength and courage women have always had.
African Americans were among the many minorities looking for a brighter future through the Westward Expansion, fighting the ideal of slavery at
every turn made that problematic. African Americans like whites, were seeking a fitter life after the Westward Expansion. Seeking homes, a better
place to work , and a better place to foster a family. The western frontier carried much of the slavery in the Westward Expansion. Slavery was carried
into the South West into Mississippi crossing the Mississippi River into Louisiana, finally going into Texas. Slavery
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Essay Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion
During the 1800's, American citizens packed up and headed West to the new unknown land of the United States of America. Western expansion was a
great part of the growth of the
United States because it gave Americans new land to settle, expanded its economy, and made the
United States a world power. The desire to expand was described by newspaper editor John
O'Sullivan who wrote, it is America's "Manifest Destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent".
First of all, westward expansion benefited the United States by increasing the area of settled property. This property included many different types of
land. Farmers were able to buy fertile farmland cheaply in states like Iowa, Nebraska, more content...
Tens of thousands of people moved, creating future cities like San Francisco and Denver. The completion of the transcontinental railroad connected the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts allowing for the shipping of goods across the country. Western farm products like wheat, corn, beef, and poultry were
shipped east to feed the growing number of workers in factories in cities like Philadelphia,
Boston, and New York. The increase in land, natural resources, and industry gave the United
States a larger role in the world.
Finally, westward expansion secured the United States by pushing foreign powers off of the continent. By controlling both coasts, the country was
protected by the oceans, therefore separating it from the other continents. Through the Monroe Doctrine, the United States eliminated European
colonization in the Western hemisphere and became its most powerful nation. Through development of industry, the United States was able to grow as
a manufacturing and trading power. As industry grew immigrants poured into the "land of opportunity" seeking what became known around the world
as the "American dream".
In conclusion, westward expansion was responsible for the increasing variety of geography, population, and industry which shaped the changing United
States during the 19th century. These changes led to the opportunity for Americans to own land. The new settlements led to a growing network of
communication, transportation, and trade. The
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Impact Of Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion was the desire of America to control the territories of western parts of America that were either unclaimed or occupied by other
nations. It is pertinent to discern that England influenced the United States in diverse ways. In the second half of 18th century, the railroad which that
was invented in England brought a significant impact in the United States expansion to the West. Railroads originated from England. England had a
dense populace, substantial financial resources and short distances between its cities. Conversely, in America the story was different. It had a sparse
population, few financial resources and considerable distances between cities in a vast country. Thetranscontinental railroad mainly increased Westward
Expansion in the US during 1860–90.
Westward Expansion is perceived as the central theme of the history of America during the 18th century and as the primary factor in American history
shaping. The most significant influence or force that shaped American society and democracy is the availability of vast free land in the West which
affected the American culture profoundly. Drives after the revolution, the Western parts of United States were opened up by the winning of
independence that resulted in the steady flow of migrants to the Mississippi valley. The far west was a region of high mountains, strange rock
formations, brilliant colors, deserts and immense distance. The discovery of paths made it possible for migration to the west of United States as the
ox–driven carts could cruise through the mountains and across the desert (Roza, 2011). It should be noted that at this time persons had the desire of
moving out of the overcrowded cities to settle in the uninhabited lands in the west of US. Consequently, there was the development of infrastructure to
the west. Railroads were constructed that linked the west and east of United States. This was accompanied by mushrooming of cities towards the west
as constructions of communication lines were ongoing (Quay, 2002).
The construction of infrastructure that was extended from the East to the West paved the way for more migration to the west. The settlers occupied the
uninhabited land in the west and commenced developing it.
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The Expansion Of The West Essay
In the early 19th century, while the rapidly–growing United States expanded into the lower South, white settlers faced what they considered an
obstacle. This area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chicasaw and Seminole nations. These Indian nations, in the view of the settlers and
many other white Americans, were standing in the way of progress. Eager for land to raise cotton, the settlers pressured the federal government to
acquire Indian territory.
Andrew Jackson fervently believed that the key to American greatness was the small self–employed farmers and in order to continue this greatness, the
expansion to the west was imperative so that each new generation could have farms of their own which made him a forceful proponent of Indian
removal. In 1814 he commanded the U.S. military forces that defeated a faction of the Creek nation. In their defeat, the Creeks lost 22 million acres of
land in southern Georgia and central Alabama. From 1814 to 1824, Jackson was instrumental in negotiating nine out of eleven treaties which divested
the southern tribes of their eastern lands in exchange for lands in the west. The tribes agreed to the treaties for strategic reasons. They wanted to
appease the government in the hopes of retaining some of their land, and they wanted to protect themselves from white harassment. As a result of the
treaties, the United States gained control over three–quarters of Alabama and Florida, as well as parts of Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi,
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Westward Expansion Research Paper
Westward Expansion
The Westward Expansion is normally regarded as the main subject of American history as well as the main factor in the building of American history.
America turned its attention after the war of 1812, to the travel and settlement of the to the Western territory, which had been expanded tremendously
by the Louisiana Purchase. Many families of pioneers poured in westward and founded new communities different areas throughout what we now call
the Midwest.
One dominant aspect the West used in the conquest was the removal of the Indians who already lived on the land. As the population of the West
escalated and the likelihood that the western territories would gain statehood became clearer and clearer, the nation fought over more
He wanted to be the one to solve the issue of slavery. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which announced the freedom of slaves in the
Confederacy. The southerners were totally against the idea of ending slavery. President Lincoln felt that not abolishing slavery could put the unity of
the country in jeopardy. The southern states had even thought about forming a new country. Abraham Lincoln wanted to keep all of the states united.
Abraham Lincoln was faced many of the country's issues. He wanted to make sure that country had peace and togetherness no matter what. Finally a
civil war broke out between the north and south states. He battled through the war and made the announcement that, a country would not be able to
exist if it is half free and half slave. Once the war was won he was able to keep the country united.
Lincoln was again elected president, serving a second term. All he wanted was peacefulness for all people. Many people were wounded in the war
and he made every effort to help those people to heal. Another thing that made Lincoln very popular with the people is that, in the year 1862 he
announced that from then on, all slaves would be free. Sadly in 1865 Abraham Lincoln was
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Western Expansion In The 1800S

  • 1. Western Expansion In The 1800s The effects of Western American Expansion in the 1800s were beneficial to some while detrimental to others. The United States began to expand in the early 1800s, following their religious belief that it was the destiny of the United States to conquer the entirety of the North America Continent. With this in mind, thousands began to travel to the Pacific, and United States began to purchase more and property from the West, which ended up doubling the size of the country. However, this expansion in the West caused Native Americans to be forced out of their land and started wars with other nations. Westward Expansion of the United States in the early 1800s helped the United States grow in size by almost three times its original area, but more content... His words were, "But I have done––my people are all gone––I can do no more than weep over the misfortunes of my nation. Once I could animate my warriors to battle: but I cannot animate the dead...". This quote shows us that in order to get the land and expand further West, the Americans were willing to take down tribes and kill the Indians to whom the land belonged to. This was not the only war being fought for land in the US. The Americans were fighting and forcing the Indians out of their land all across the Midwest, the same way they did with the Creeks. Robert Lindneux's painting, Trail of Tears, also gives us a picture of how the Native Americans were treated when the Americans took their land. The painting shows us Native Americans of all ages traveling by wagon, horse, and mule, on longe path. The painting recreates a scene from the real Trail of Tears which was the path that the Cherokee trail took to modern–day Oklahoma after the removal act by Andrew Jackson was called. The Trail of Tears was named after the tragedies and devastation that it saw. While making the journey, many Cherokees died from harsh conditions and serious injuries. The context of the painting shows us that our country gained more land for our farming, it was at the price of others being forced off of Get more content on
  • 2. Western Expansion Jhanine Senior HIS 167–26208 Western Expansion and Reservations Since the first pilgrims and puritans crossed the Atlantic, there were disputes between white settlers and the Native Americans. Consequently, there were resentments and death on both sides. The Relocation Act (1830), signed by Andrew Jackson, resulted in the mass migration of Native Americans to the west and government confiscation of their lands. Banished to the west, Native Americans' lives were relatively peaceful until white settlers started to infringe once again lands promised to them. White settlers felt they had a divine entitlement to the western lands and felt no remorse taking it from Native Americans. After the civil war in the late 1800s there was an increase in the migration of white settlers to the west. The federal government, through several legislations, encouraged this activity and forced Native Americans to live in reservation camps. The first act was the Homestead Act (1862). The federal government sold 160–acre plot of land at a low price to white settlers who farmed the land for five years regardless of race, sex, or other status (The Library of Congress). With mass migration more content... By the late 1800s, most of them lived in reservation camps being forced to change their way of life. Nomadic by nature, Native Americans also lost their means of survival as hunting grounds were severely restricted. Additionally, plots of land that were allocated to them from the Dawes Act were not fertile enough for farming. Native Americans also lacked the knowledge and resources needed to properly irrigate the land for produce. They were also forced to become more civilized (Americanized) by learning English and abandoning their religion and ancient practices. In addition, young children were taken away from their homes and sent to "schools" often forced to dress in American clothes (Life on the Get more content on
  • 3. Western Expansion Research Paper Process paper Americans used the chinese the help build the railroad, Because they built the Wall of China. The railroad was ecenrual in Western expansion. I think that my prodject fit this year's theme perfectly.The bolter started when we bought the Louisana Purchase Like how the donner party took a daring risk to explore, sadly it didn't work out for them. Also the very popular story of louis and clark. They encountered countless gutwrenching events and the friendship of saquwigea. Finally the Railroad was a very big in the growth and exchange.These are some of the reason that I choose this topic For my research I stayed online, so I could acess anything without going anywhere. First I went to the website and got ideas about how I wanted to present my study. Next I went to and got a great timeline to really see how the expansion formed. Next I went to to get more facts and see a map of the progresing movement throw the 1860 to 1890. Then I went to for more in–depth facts so I could dazel the crowed.Then I went to to get more specized facts. Then I went to to get more research so I could keep on moving with my notes. Next I went to That site didn't help me at all because it was to kidish. Finally I went back to because it was such a good site that I made it the icing on the western more content... I know that I made the right desision. I have more space on the website for all of my research and pictures. Also I can have more words on the website witch is very important for a topic if this size.Finally because I did a exhibit last year and I wanted to try Get more content on
  • 4. Western Expansion Of The American West The American West was shaped by various aspects. Southerners we're devastated by the effects of the Civil War on the infrastructure and many moved West for a new change in life. The homestead act offered a chance of a new life for many people and families to pursue their dream. The goldRush of 1849 would promote the idea of a chance to become wealthy to the average American immigrant. As the Western expansion grew the transcontinental railroad would promote economic success in the West. There were Dawes General Allotment Act that passed in 1887saying the land was held by tribes had to divide and sell the land because of the government. The government held the land for 25years and then they could have the title to the land and become U.S. citizens. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Westward Expansion I believe the government is primarily responsible for continued westward expansion during the 1800s. Westward expansion or "Manifest Destiny" is the idea of moving west after the Civil War in 1865, Many people felt it was their "God–given right" to do so, also the encouragement of the government. The reasoning behind this is the extended land in the west with the Louisiana Purchase and the law of the Homestead Act which allowed anyone to own land, in which the U.S. government both passed. Also with the U.S. government setting policies with unclear directions about moving westward and the insensitive acts towards the people who were currently living in western areas. The U.S. government encouraged westward expansion through the Louisiana Purchase and the Homestead Act. President Thomas Jefferson acted on the Louisiana Purchase, after buying the land from France for millions of dollars, he also believed in the idea of moving west and thought of it as more content... government has unspecified and unorganized policies, which were unprotected for Native Americans who lived in the west because of all the new coming Americans. During westward expansion, a majority of who moved were whites, who didn't know the Native Americans who already lived in the west. The Natives felt their land was being conquered, because of the U.S government policies(Louisana Purchase & Homestead Act) and the whites not wanting them to be there, which lead to fighting between the Natives and the whites. These acts and policies such as the Indian Removal Act often resulted in violated treaties and violence. The Indian Removal Act was the removal of Native American homes and tribes. "This also confines the Indians to still narrower limits, destroys that game which in their normal state, and constitutes their principal means of subsistence." Resulting in westward expansion, Native Americans began rapidly decreasing in the area by wars and new diseases caught by new coming Get more content on
  • 6. Native Americans During Westward Expansion Essay During westward expansion, the Native Americans got kicked to the side. The settlers coming west often saw the Indians as a threat to them and their families. However, this was not the main reason the Indians were pushed aside. The settlers saw the Indians had fertile land and wanted it for themselves. The Indians were the opposite of what the settlers thought they were. The Indians often helped the people moving west across the plains; giving them food, supplies, and acting as guides. However, the U.S. Government did not see this side of the Indians, instead they forced the Indians onto reservations. During the time of the expansion of the United States to the present, the Native Americans went through many things so that the United States could expand; they were pushed onto reservations, and forced to give up their culture through the Ideas of Manifest Destiny and Social Darwinism. Despite that, the United States government told the Indians that they would not invade their lands. They soon heard that the Indians had fertile land and decided to allow settlers to move west. "After hearing tales of fertile land and a great mineral wealth in the West, the government soon broke their promises established in the Treaty of Fort Laramie by allowing thousands of non–Indians to flood into the area.". (Victoriana) To make more land available to the settlers the government had to make reservations that would separate the Indians from the whites. In exchange for the Indians moving to Get more content on
  • 7. Pros And Cons Of Westward Expansion Have you ever been on a car trip that takes you across the country, and seems like it's taking half a year to get there, when it actually takes only 16 hours while asking "Are we there yet?" over and over again. Well, that's almost exactly like the Westward expansion, except they had to walk, they still went half way across the country, and it really took half a year to get there.The Westward expansion was when settlers Moved across the country to get gold and more land. But, I would NOT want to travel west across the country. I wouldn't travel west because the journey will have an unknown fate, it's a long Journey, and your chances of finding gold are slim to none. The first reason I wouldn't want to move west is because of unknown fate. more content... To prove this, in Object D, it states, "One of the conclusions at which we are rapidly arriving is, that the chances of our making a fortune in the gold mines are about the same as those in favor of our drawing a prize in a lottery." This evidence shows that your chances of finding gold are about as slim as it is to find a four leaf clover. It can happen, but it takes forever. Then, in Object D, it states, "A miner may happen upon a good location in his very first attempt, and in a very few days make his hundreds or thousands, while the old miners about him may do nothing." This shows that it's just luck about where you choose to dig for gold, and that even if you have been digging for gold for over 2 days, someone who just started mining might find some gold before you. Lastly, in Object D it states," The cradle, so called from its general resemblance to that article of furniture, has two rockers, which move easily back and forth in two grooves of a frame, which is laid down firmly on the edge of or over the water, so that the person working it may at the same time dip up the water. It must be inclined a few degrees forward, that the dirt may be washed out , and must be so placed that the mud may be carried off with the stream." This evidence shows that even if you set up for trying to find gold, you might not find it and all your work will be for nothing. That is why Get more content on
  • 8. Western Expansion Research Paper Ramez Youssef Ms.Duquette U.S History 13 july 2016 Western Expansion In the 19th century the U.S grew in size and power. After the Louisiana Purchase from France, which doubled the size of the country also opened up a bit better–known region to exploration and ultimate settlement. Soon, explorers were getting back from forays into the geographic region with stories of nice stretches of beauty and fertile land.That helped and encouraged the government and the people to move west and acquire more lands. Although the Western Expansion had a great effect on the Western Frontier which helped in forming railroads and helped the economy, but it had a huge effect on the Native People as they lost their lands and many died people The more content... " The Indians faced many problems since Jackson and his " Indian Removal Act". "An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi" (Doc 4). In 1877, the government established the "Dawes Act". The "Dawes Act" was an attempt by the U.S government to Americanize the Native Americans, For example, it set up schools to make Native Americans children more like other American. Although some Indians thought they will be protected under the government, but on November 1864 colonel Chivington's militia massacred 400 indians and killed them with cold blood even they had been promised to be safe and they were peaceful. As a result, many tribes followed "Wovoka", who he had vision that he saw the Christ and received warning about the evils of white men. Many people started to believe in him and practice a "Ghost Dance", which believed that it will send back the whites to where they come from and help the young warriors. As a result and fearing of the "Ghost Dance" American troops were called to go with the reformist. Which led to the death of 150 of the indians, the death of sitting Bull and end everything .This later was called "the battle of wounded Get more content on
  • 9. 1) Describe the conquest and development of the West between 1820 and 1850 by European Americans. The Western Expansion occurred between 1820 and 1850 with many Americans traveling west along the Mississippi River. "Subsequently it t truly began in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase made by President Jefferson which increased the size of the nation by two–fold. Jefferson purchased for the 828,800 square miles from France and in 1804 he sent Lewis and Clark to explore the area" (Shultz,2013). Prior to the Western Expansion, the only whites who had traveled into these unexplored areas were Mountain men who trapped for a living and they also provided information about lands outside of the Louisiana Purchase. The exploration of the area lasted three years and gave the government knowledge of the geography of the land and this helped to make decisions about if it could be settled or not, allowing them to settle in those lands if possible. Some moved westward, prior to the government opening up the western area to them, but in 1820 the government finally opened the doors for any American to immigrate to the west. Western Expansion became a thought due to Manifest Destiny. There were at least four things that occurred because of the Western Expansion, the Native American populations were decimated even more, the Market Revolution was continued into the west, the democratic promise of poor but free men being allowed to make it their own instead of having to be overseen by Get more content on
  • 10. Sectionalism Due to Western Expansion Essay The Antebellum period from 1800 to 1850 marked a time of sectionalism in American history. Furthermore, new territories gained during western expansion added to this conflict between different sections of America. Southern states wanted new slave territories, while the North wanted to contain the spread of slavery. While Western expansion contributed to growing sectional tensions between the North and South from 1800–1820, sectionalism intensified significantly from 1820–1850. Since the turn of the nineteenth century, Western territorial expansion started to increase a sense of sectionalism throughout America. President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana purchase from Napoleon in 1803, gaining unfamiliar territory West of the more content... Any state admitted into the Union bellow this line would decide the legality of slavery for their new state, by popular sovereignty. This temporarily maintained the balance of slave states and free states in the Union, while increasing sectionalism throughout America. Neither the North or South wanted the other section to have more states favoring their own slavery ideals, in fear of biased representation in the Senate. Furthermore, sectionalism was demonstrated by the fact that congress felt the need to implement "The Gag rule"; This disallowed congress from discussing the issue of slavery for the next thirty years (while only lasting a decade). Though members of the house tried to pass the Wilmot proviso, which would ban slavery in newly acquired Mexican territories, Southerners naturally opposed this. Disagreements over how to decide the newly acquired land's position on slavery, further intensified sectionalism between the North and South. At one point the South even tried to pass the Ostend Manifesto in an attempt to purchase Cuba from Spain, and admit it into the Union as a slave state. Although this effort failed, it strongly represents the intense sectionalism during the time: As an entire portion of the country acted autonomously to secure an additional state to gain power over their Northern neighbors. Finally, the compromise of 1850 was passed, declaring popular sovereignty as the determining factor of the position of slavery among the land Get more content on
  • 11. Western European Imperialism Essay The expansion of Western Europe started with the Iberian phase. Spain and Portugal, the two countries of the Iberian Peninsula, had a short–lived yet important role in European expansion. European expansion then turned to Western Europe. Western Europe consists of the Dutch, French, and British. While WesternEurope was exploring new worlds overseas, the Russians were expanding westward across all of Eurasia. Religion played a major role in expansion for both the Portuguese and the Spanish due to their extensive anti–Muslim crusade. Due to the over zealous religious fervor of the Christian Iberians, Christianity and thus the Iberians expanded into parts of western Europe during the crusades as Christians tried to convert the Muslims more content... (p.349) The age of the conquistadors began with Cortes ' expedition to the Yucatan. After months of vicious fighting, Cortes toppled the Aztec empire and gained control of Mexico. Another Spanish conquistador, Pizzaro defeated the Inca Empire and gained control of modern day Peru. Their conquests lead to the further exploration of both North and South America. "In the period between 1600 and 1763, Spain and Portugal were overtaken and surpassed by the powers of Northwestern Europe– Holland, France and Britain." (p.357) Due the lack of Iberian activity in the north Atlantic the northwestern Europeans, led by imperialism, set out to tap the resources of North America. Through the effort of Sir John Hawkins and Francis Drake, England was able to "Break boldly and openly into the Iberian imperial preserves–into the Portuguese east as well as into Spanish America." (p.359) Toward the end of the 16th century the Dutch had set their sites on Portugal 's empire in the east. By 1602, through their acquisition of their various private trading companies, the Dutch had formed the Dutch East India Company. The Dutch also strengthened their economic power through the harvesting of coffee and taking over the whaling industry. Through various wars with Britain and France during the late 17th century the Dutch stronghold was weakened. In the 18th century "Holland gave way to Britain and France." (p.363) Britain and France battled for colonial supremacy Get more content on
  • 12. Westward Expansion Essay The Westward Expansion Introduction The Westward Expansion has often been regarded as the central theme of American history, down to the end of the19th century and as the main factor in the shaping of American history. As Frederick Jackson Turner says, the greatest force or influence in shaping American democracy and society had been that there was so much free land in America and this profoundly affected American society. Motives After the revolution, the winning of independence opened up the Western country and was hence followed by a steady flow of settlers to the Mississippi valley. By 1840, 10 new western states had been added to the Federal union. The frontier line ran through Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas on the western more content... When the treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, the Americans had thought that they had enough land between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi river. Yet in 1803, by the Louisiana Purchase, the area of the United States doubled and not long after, it was augmented by the half–purchase–half–conquest of Florida. By the end of 1820, as many as 6 states were created, east of Mississippi–Indiana (1816), Mississippi (1817), Alabama (1819), Maine (1820) and Missouri (1821). By the 1830s, the frontier line had been carried to Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas–about one–third of the way across the continent. By the 1840s, the expansionist policy, typified by the Manifest Destiny doctrine, became very strong with many sections willing to go to war to acquire more land. Slavery became a bone of contention between the Northern and southern states with the control of the senate in question. The South wanted expansion to increase slave states, the North to keep the balance with free states and the West wanting expansion to increase their land. The antagonism between the North and the South sees the beginnings of sectionalism leading to the civil war later. The spirit of equality becomes a banner with which the expansionist policy was proclaimed. Phases Of Development Before the 1830s, most sections of the west passed through the same phases of development in a regular order. The first white men to usually enter a new area were the Get more content on
  • 13. What Is Westward Expansion? Today, the United States is a large country with a diverse population that creates a truly unique culture. The U.S. began as 13 small colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. From there, the U.S. expanded westward to the Pacific coast, and beyond. The reason the westward expansion is such a large part of the American culture is because the expansion gave the U.S. four large borders that allowed easy immigration from almost anywhere in the world. The expansion of the U.S. happened very fast and often times contained large plots of land. The first expansion of the U.S. occurred in 1783 with the Treaty of Paris where Great Britain ceded all the land east of the Mississippi, which more than doubled the size of the 13 colonies. The Get more content on
  • 14. If there was expansion in the west, Canada was able to make a railway. The railway would be used to move troops and goods. Expansion to the west also means more farm land and farming rights. There were too many people in the east because of farm land, so they wanted to expand it to the west so more people would go there. The American's were also thinking about moving into these western lands and take over but if the colonies of BNA were to join together they could stop the attack. Negative people in the expansion to the west were aboriginal people and the positive were farmers and white men. Get more content on
  • 15. The Impact of the Westward Expansion on Women and African Americans The Westward Expansion started prior to The Revolutionary War, settlers were migrating westward to what states are now modern day Kentucky and Tennessee in hopes for a fruitful life and larger job opportunity. This Westward Expansion was aided through theLouisiana purchase in 1803, in which the United States purchased territory from France, resulting in doubling in size of the country. This Louisiana purchase was stretched from the Mississippi River to the eastern Rocky Mountains in the west and from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the south of the Canadian border in the north. In result of the Westward Expansion , families would pick up and walk as far west more content... They had the burdens of traveling while pregnant and childbearing as well as the rituals of attending to the sick and dying and the caring of infants and the caring and irritable children. Women also felt themselves in antagonistic relationship with them but more often than not when they maintain their silence. This is expressed in this journal account written by Miriam Davis, " I have cooked so much out in the hot sun and smoke, I hardly know who I am, and when I look into the little Looking Glass I ask " can this be me?" Put a blanket over my head and I would pass well for an Osage squaw." The Westward Expansion was the leading outlet for women to try to break the stereotype of domestic femininity. Proving yet the strength and courage women have always had. African Americans were among the many minorities looking for a brighter future through the Westward Expansion, fighting the ideal of slavery at every turn made that problematic. African Americans like whites, were seeking a fitter life after the Westward Expansion. Seeking homes, a better place to work , and a better place to foster a family. The western frontier carried much of the slavery in the Westward Expansion. Slavery was carried into the South West into Mississippi crossing the Mississippi River into Louisiana, finally going into Texas. Slavery Get more content on
  • 16. Essay Westward Expansion Westward Expansion During the 1800's, American citizens packed up and headed West to the new unknown land of the United States of America. Western expansion was a great part of the growth of the United States because it gave Americans new land to settle, expanded its economy, and made the United States a world power. The desire to expand was described by newspaper editor John O'Sullivan who wrote, it is America's "Manifest Destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent". First of all, westward expansion benefited the United States by increasing the area of settled property. This property included many different types of land. Farmers were able to buy fertile farmland cheaply in states like Iowa, Nebraska, more content... Tens of thousands of people moved, creating future cities like San Francisco and Denver. The completion of the transcontinental railroad connected the Atlantic and Pacific coasts allowing for the shipping of goods across the country. Western farm products like wheat, corn, beef, and poultry were shipped east to feed the growing number of workers in factories in cities like Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. The increase in land, natural resources, and industry gave the United States a larger role in the world. Finally, westward expansion secured the United States by pushing foreign powers off of the continent. By controlling both coasts, the country was protected by the oceans, therefore separating it from the other continents. Through the Monroe Doctrine, the United States eliminated European colonization in the Western hemisphere and became its most powerful nation. Through development of industry, the United States was able to grow as a manufacturing and trading power. As industry grew immigrants poured into the "land of opportunity" seeking what became known around the world as the "American dream". In conclusion, westward expansion was responsible for the increasing variety of geography, population, and industry which shaped the changing United States during the 19th century. These changes led to the opportunity for Americans to own land. The new settlements led to a growing network of communication, transportation, and trade. The Get more content on
  • 17. Impact Of Westward Expansion Westward Expansion was the desire of America to control the territories of western parts of America that were either unclaimed or occupied by other nations. It is pertinent to discern that England influenced the United States in diverse ways. In the second half of 18th century, the railroad which that was invented in England brought a significant impact in the United States expansion to the West. Railroads originated from England. England had a dense populace, substantial financial resources and short distances between its cities. Conversely, in America the story was different. It had a sparse population, few financial resources and considerable distances between cities in a vast country. Thetranscontinental railroad mainly increased Westward Expansion in the US during 1860–90. Westward Expansion is perceived as the central theme of the history of America during the 18th century and as the primary factor in American history shaping. The most significant influence or force that shaped American society and democracy is the availability of vast free land in the West which affected the American culture profoundly. Drives after the revolution, the Western parts of United States were opened up by the winning of independence that resulted in the steady flow of migrants to the Mississippi valley. The far west was a region of high mountains, strange rock formations, brilliant colors, deserts and immense distance. The discovery of paths made it possible for migration to the west of United States as the ox–driven carts could cruise through the mountains and across the desert (Roza, 2011). It should be noted that at this time persons had the desire of moving out of the overcrowded cities to settle in the uninhabited lands in the west of US. Consequently, there was the development of infrastructure to the west. Railroads were constructed that linked the west and east of United States. This was accompanied by mushrooming of cities towards the west as constructions of communication lines were ongoing (Quay, 2002). The construction of infrastructure that was extended from the East to the West paved the way for more migration to the west. The settlers occupied the uninhabited land in the west and commenced developing it. Get more content on
  • 18. The Expansion Of The West Essay In the early 19th century, while the rapidly–growing United States expanded into the lower South, white settlers faced what they considered an obstacle. This area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chicasaw and Seminole nations. These Indian nations, in the view of the settlers and many other white Americans, were standing in the way of progress. Eager for land to raise cotton, the settlers pressured the federal government to acquire Indian territory. Andrew Jackson fervently believed that the key to American greatness was the small self–employed farmers and in order to continue this greatness, the expansion to the west was imperative so that each new generation could have farms of their own which made him a forceful proponent of Indian removal. In 1814 he commanded the U.S. military forces that defeated a faction of the Creek nation. In their defeat, the Creeks lost 22 million acres of land in southern Georgia and central Alabama. From 1814 to 1824, Jackson was instrumental in negotiating nine out of eleven treaties which divested the southern tribes of their eastern lands in exchange for lands in the west. The tribes agreed to the treaties for strategic reasons. They wanted to appease the government in the hopes of retaining some of their land, and they wanted to protect themselves from white harassment. As a result of the treaties, the United States gained control over three–quarters of Alabama and Florida, as well as parts of Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Get more content on
  • 19. Westward Expansion Research Paper Westward Expansion The Westward Expansion is normally regarded as the main subject of American history as well as the main factor in the building of American history. America turned its attention after the war of 1812, to the travel and settlement of the to the Western territory, which had been expanded tremendously by the Louisiana Purchase. Many families of pioneers poured in westward and founded new communities different areas throughout what we now call the Midwest. One dominant aspect the West used in the conquest was the removal of the Indians who already lived on the land. As the population of the West escalated and the likelihood that the western territories would gain statehood became clearer and clearer, the nation fought over more content... He wanted to be the one to solve the issue of slavery. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which announced the freedom of slaves in the Confederacy. The southerners were totally against the idea of ending slavery. President Lincoln felt that not abolishing slavery could put the unity of the country in jeopardy. The southern states had even thought about forming a new country. Abraham Lincoln wanted to keep all of the states united. Abraham Lincoln was faced many of the country's issues. He wanted to make sure that country had peace and togetherness no matter what. Finally a civil war broke out between the north and south states. He battled through the war and made the announcement that, a country would not be able to exist if it is half free and half slave. Once the war was won he was able to keep the country united. Lincoln was again elected president, serving a second term. All he wanted was peacefulness for all people. Many people were wounded in the war and he made every effort to help those people to heal. Another thing that made Lincoln very popular with the people is that, in the year 1862 he announced that from then on, all slaves would be free. Sadly in 1865 Abraham Lincoln was Get more content on