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Wedding Photography is Dead
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Professional wedding photography is dead. Change is afoot. I see it all around me.
Photographers who once charged £2,000 (~$2,700) for a wedding, now putting themselves
forwards for jobs less than a grand. Award-winning photographers getting part-time jobs to
supplement their income because they can no longer afford to shoot weddings full time. And
it’s all a dirty little secret.
In closed groups and private conversations, we talk in hushed tones about how no one has
ever seen it like this. How everyone is struggling. Panic-stricken professionals who have
earned a decent living in the last ten years reduced to working for peanuts.
I saw a post on Facebook a few days ago from a good mid-range photographer who
announced that he can no longer earn a living at wedding photography because everyone else
is charging sub 1K.
I see posts on how there are professional photographers out there running three different
brands so they can have three different price points, how there are newbie photographers out
there shooting a 15 hour day, plus an engagement shoot and an album for £1,200.
I hear established photographers all moaning about the influx of newbies.How they are coming
into the market at £800 and effectively stealing all their clients. It’s the end of an era…
Well, guess what… there have always been newbies. I was once one of them and no doubt you
were too.
I bought a great camera and built a website and suddenly I was in business. I charged £450 for
a wedding. I didn’t have a clue. I wasn’t insured. I didn’t have a backup camera never mind
back up equipment like lenses, or stuff like triggers and light modifiers and a dozen batteries
and 20 SD cards in my pocket… s**t, I didn’t even have a flash.
After my first wedding, I burned all the images onto CD and printed out a label and stuck it on
by hand. I did not have the first clue as to how a wedding ran, what was expected of me, and
didn’t even shoot on dual cards. I was winging it.
Over the years, my experience grew. I realized I had to be insured, have a wealth of back up
equipment, figure out how to actually run a business properly, and back up my images in three
different places.
And, as my experience increased, so did my prices. And then I became one of those full-time
wedding photographers that was ‘living the dream’. I wasn’t earning millions, but enough to pay
the mortgage and put shoes on my feet.
And I remember hearing the old established photographers moaning about how all the
newbies were taking their jobs. How they couldn’t make it pay any more. And I wondered, why
on earth not? I was doing ok. What was I doing that they weren’t?
Well, here we are again.
Wedding photography is dead.
So, is it that suddenly brides and grooms don’t value wedding photography anymore?
I don’t think so.
In the UK, we’re not so big on photography in general. We see it as being a bit vain. We only
value it years down the line by which point it’s too late. But clients still want photography.
We could blame magazines and blogs for giving brides and groom unrealistic expectations..
but that’s not really true either. Heck, when someone tells me I’m out of their budget, I send
them links to two different weddings blogs who both advise spending a chunk of your budget
on photography.
Is it the fault of venues?
Venue costs have risen exponentially in some areas and I know venues who charge between
£10,000 and £20,000 just for venue hire… and then listen to photographers who say that the
couple has spent so much on the venue that they now don’t have any budget left for
photography. On the flip side of the coin, I know venues who are cheap as chips and then
those very same photographers moan that the brides haven’t got the budget to spend on
photography. Sigh.
So I don’t think it’s that either.
We could talk about photography workshops and blame them for giving away all the ‘secrets’.
Training other photographers to steal their clients. But there have always been ways to learn
about photography… I did it with books when I started out. Now there are other more
interesting ways to discover how to hone your craft and fine-tune your workflow, whether that’s
YouTube, podcasts or four-day workshops with a host of speakers from around the world.
And we could talk about how the quality of new photographers and mid-range photographers
has become intertwined thanks to better more advanced cameras and how there is no longer a
massive distinction between a photographer starting out in the industry and one who has been
there for ten years already. And let’s not get started on the quality of images from the iPhone in
your pocket or new mirrorless systems.
I don’t think it’s those things either.
But now I am going to tell you that it’s not just photographers. It’s the whole wedding industry.
From florists to make-up artists, I hear the echoes of this ‘downward turn’. I hear the murmurs of
the Brexit effect. I hear the winds of change.
And now I know what the problem actually is. I’ve finally figured it out.
It’s change.
The industry has changed. The way we advertise has changed. The way we shoot has
changed. The way we do business has changed.
And we don’t like change. We’re creatures of habit. We like to do it like we’ve always done.
Because that made us money. That was what worked. That’s the way we’ve always done it.
But now it’s not working. And still, and still, I see everyone doing the same things as they’ve
always done…
Only now they’re doing the same things in a more frantic desperate way. Network, I hear them
scream. Styled shoots, I hear them utter. Throw money at Facebook advertising, post to
Instagram ten times a day. More and more of the same old s**t.
Just stop. It’s time to change. Time to change how you look at your business. Time to introduce
a new way of doing things. Because the old way isn’t working. It’s time to strip back to basics,
take stock and figure out what the future holds. It’s time to embrace new tech, new ways to get
your work out, new ways to appeal to the clients you want.
Or you can continue to moan about how all the newbies are stealing your business.
See the change. Be the change.
About the author: Shelly Mantovani is a wedding photographer in Yorkshire, UK. The opinions
expressed in this article are solely those of the author. For business mentoring, contact her
or visit . You can find more of her work and connect with her on ,here her website Twitter
, , or . For wedding advice, tips and tricks, head on over to
YouTube channel. This article was also published .
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Jenphotographs • a month ago
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• Reply •
Back your claims up with facts instead of anecdotal claims. For all we know, these "mid-range"
photographers struggling to compete are struggling because they're not capitalizing on the new
marketing tactics or are sitting back and taking the "build it and they'll come" approach.
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• Reply •
Flip • 24 days ago> Jenphotographs
The author sounds burnt out. When a photographer is enthusiastic and motivated the industry
seems buoyant. When they are burnt out and lethargic the whole industry feels dead in the
water. There is no shame in getting burnt out, especially in a business like wedding photography,
it happens to everyone at some point. Personal experience will often mirror and reinforce how
someone already thinks. If they constantly talk to peers about clients they missed out on due to
undercutting, others will share similar stories giving the impression that undercutting is endemic.
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• Reply •
Dave S • 23 days ago> Flip
Excellent point. Burnout is real, especially for creatives. Unfortunately those with the self-
awareness to walk away from photography/comedy/music etc for a while (or forever) are
few and far between. Most would rather loudly bemoan their local scene if not the entire
industry (then wonder why their career isn't on fire, haha).
Yet all it takes to gain that self-awareness is ask an obvious question: Why keep doing
something if it makes you that miserable?!
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Andrea E • 20 days ago> Dave S
Trust me .... she is far from burnt out... straight talking YES...burnt out NO... her
business is on fire ... she is flying
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bus ess s o e s e s y g
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Shelley • 21 days ago> Jenphotographs
Buyer beware for the wedding couple. You get what you pay for. Do they spend time with the
photographer viewing photographers previous work, and getting to know the personality of who
they are hiring. Is there a contract so both parties know what to expect and what photographer
does not have to put up with, like drunk family or guests, who is assigned to deal with that group
etc etc
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sublunar • a month ago
The average person couldn't pay me enough to shoot a wedding. No thank you.
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csroc • a month ago> sublunar
Same. I've been asked by friends plenty of times and told them to go hire someone who
specializes in it. What it cost to make me put up with it would land you a grumpy photographer
without the experience or equipment chosen to specialize in wedding photography. What works
for me in the studio, shooting landscapes/weather, and abstracts isn't necessarily what you want
for a wedding. And a real wedding photographer knows how to work in that kind of event, I don't.
I'm happy to recommend wedding photographers I know, it just ain't gonna be me.
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Michael Smith • a month ago> sublunar
Same here. I did two of them, one for a friend, one for a relative. It was enough to convince me
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that it wasn't my thing. One venue was spectacular. Outdoors, October, evening golden hour.
You could not take a picture that wasn't just gorgeous. That marriage lasted less than a year. I
don't post or show the pictures out of respect for the feelings of the couple. The other one was in
an incredibly dark venue, with black walls, black ceiling, and recessed lighting. It was like
shooting in a cave. I had one flash. I also had several dozen people with cell phones taking
pictures, getting in front of me, screwing up shots left and right. Never again. That marriage
lasted less than six weeks. The bride was a classic "Bridezilla". I don't post or show those
because of PTSD on my part.
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cacamilisseacht • a month ago> Michael Smith
But divorces are good, if you did a good job you get returning customers!
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Francis Saved Osei-Owusu • 25 days ago> cacamilisseacht
Hahahahaha that's funny
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mijami • 25 days ago> Michael Smith
I did a wedding for a relative, was an awful day, the sky awash with heavy dark clouds
and the location was under trees with thick canopies. The reception was also held in a
dark venue. Throughout, I was ordered not to use flash as the bride had a migraine
headache. Never again.
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Allan Milnes • 22 days ago> mijami
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• Reply •
At one wedding I photographed it rained all day. I'd picked a great location for the
after wedding shots but ended up just using the reception hall. I offered to go back
to the location another day. Didn't happen the groom wasn't interested.
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Dave S • 23 days ago> Michael Smith
Was she Bridezilla or a vampire... or maybe they got a real deal on the venue because
daddy owns the funeral home?
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Missy Salaska • 25 days ago> sublunar
Same .. I hate . Hate hate shooting weddings. . I have been offered my times to shoot weddings
.. I refuse to do any more weddings . . People are drunk .. stressed .. demanding . . Just . . No lol
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• Reply •
J. H. Engberg • 23 days ago> Missy Salaska
I actually find it a lot less stressful than shooting multi-day events where you have to
generate constant output next to the shooting aswell. At least at a wedding I can shoot
first and edit later and don't have to deliver the pictures arranged in 400 different folders.
The company is better at events, though - and so is, sometimes, the pay. So yeah. Point
for that I guess ;-)
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Evan Richardson • 25 days ago> sublunar
Same. When I started shooting, I mAde one rule. Never shoot weddings. Even if someone
offered me 100k, I would say no. It's just too much pressure to make sure everything is done
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right. Not worth the stress. I'd be happy to review portfolios of photographers for friends, but I
would never shoot.
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JJ • 22 days ago> Evan Richardson
If you should get a contract for $100k. just write me. I think I can handle the strees for just
one or two days for that money!
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Felipe • 23 days ago> sublunar
Agreed! Too much stress. I did some weddings but I quickly gave up. It's really too hard for me.
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WriterWriter • a month ago
This is a feast/famine post.
Choose your clients, do excellent work, and say "No" to taking on clients who are not in your price
The number of people being married every year is far, far greater than the number of available,
excellent shooters. There IS work for every photographer in every price bracket.
Here's another dirty secret: those photographers doing those 15-hour days for 1000 pounds will burn
out very, very quickly. Nobody can sustain a business working for 2 pounds an hour.
But here's the bottom line: do you REALLY want the client who doesn't value your skill, experience,
training, time?
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Not I.
Our packages start at $5000. By starting there, we immediately weed out cheapo brand.
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TIM • a month ago> WriterWriter
I’m pretty sure you will die out with that attitude. I congratulate you if you can charge $5k per
wedding and refuse anything less, but I guarantee you that that is even less sustainable than the
photogs working for 15hrs days for $1000.
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JoshPabst • 25 days ago> TIM
I disagree Tim.
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JRG • 25 days ago> JoshPabst
You just need to get out of your bubble them and look at the current economic
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Gavin Cato • 25 days ago> JRG
I'm in Australia so not sure if I'm in a different bubble, but I have over 50 weddings
this year booked where 80% of them are booked at $4400 to $5500 odd. I work
my arse off and I think I'm good at it.
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• Reply •
TIM • 25 days ago> Gavin Cato
Not denying that, I am sure you are and if you can charge that amount you are
doing well. But IMO this is unsustainable in this climate. As a photog I value
photography highly, but for my up and coming wedding, I could not see the
reasons why $5k photogs were charging those sorts of prices. The images just
simply did not equate to the cost. I do not think I can ever see $5k's worth of
wedding photography!
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• Reply •
Juraj Kosco • 25 days ago> TIM
5k austalian isnt 5k usd. still, if youre booked up and people are paying they see
value. never undersell yourself. thumbs up
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Angelina Devine • 25 days ago> TIM
Tim> Even if you can't imagine it - it can be done, in any climate, it is just a
question of if you want it.
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Gavin Cato • 25 days ago> TIM
Well that's your opinion. My clients never mention how much is costs when they
see their pics
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IHateLoggingIn • 21 days ago> Gavin Cato
Whoa whoa whoa there Gav! Are you seriously trying to stack your measly facts
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against the mighty opinions of TIM???
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Angelina Devine • 25 days ago> TIM
I guarantee you it is very sustainable - and I am a full time photographer, with no other
income - with $5k+ average. I let all of those wanting to work 15hrs for $1000 have it all
to them self - and concentrate on those who want something more. And it works.
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• Reply •
TIM • 25 days ago> Angelina Devine
Angelina, assuming you mean $5k USD, then I am not sure what ‘more’ you are
providing that can justify the cost. Sooner or later, your clients will work out that
the only difference between you and someone charging $2k less, is that they are
$2k less. deliberately pricing yourself at that bracket to eradicate the lower market
without a product to match is unsustainable. Photography just isn’t valued as
highly as it used to be because of many contributing new factors.
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• Reply •
Angelina Devine • 25 days ago> TIM
My average is actually just over 6000USD ... and the fact that you cannot see
what "more" you can give might be why you cannot get those prices. I have been
in business for 10 years - full time... and it is very sustainable even if you can't
imagine it ... my clients value it's very highly. (Average price in my area is less
than 2000$ for a full day) .... And my clients are fully aware that they are paying
way more than average when they book me.
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• Reply •
TIM • 25 days ago> Angelina Devine
I’m pleased for you Angelina as it sounds like you are at the top of your game, but
you missed my point. Its not I “can’t imagine it” ... you only have to ask the
majority of wedding photographers who have had to reduce their prices to match
the current climate to realise it isn’t valued as much anymore (and rightly so).
Those simply believing increasing their prices to silly amounts will weed out the
low budget buyers may have it fine atm, but I guarantee that the economy will hit
you. No wedding photography product you can give is worth $5k+. Essentially you
have spent 10yrs overselling a product. But as I say, you seem to have done well
for yourself and if people are buying then keep selling, but as I say, it will not last.
Anyway, I am not a wedding photographer so perhaps I am totally off the mark.
Just a photographers opinion that’s all.
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Don 66 • 25 days ago> Angelina Devine
Right on
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Don 66 • 25 days ago> TIM
I must disagree I shot them for 20+years and my work know how and experience
with just about any kind of ceremony and ethnicity how to handle drunks,irate
family members, mattrde's,clergy,limo drivers, and just about any situation that
can arise No knewbie can possibly know what I know period.and that's worth $$
not to mention being able to photograph any kind of lighting,or weather dress
malfunctions,limo breakdowns, equipment malfunctions,posing any and every
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body type,I couldn't list it all but I've done expensive and I'm worth it.
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olivier borgognon • 25 days ago> TIM
@TIM you can buy a Dacia for 6000$ or you can buy a porsche for 250'000$. finally both
are cars, they both have a steering-wheel, 4 wheels, breaks and seats. Now should we
consider that porsche will go down because dacia exists ? Clearly not... I'm totally behind
@WriterWriter, it's a question of service, delivery, having a brand, and managing the
brand in accordance with a certain red-velvet rope clientele.
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TIM • 24 days ago> olivier borgognon
The difference in your analogy is an end product of quality distinguishable not just
by cost. For example, to continue with your analogy....if someone began to make
Porsche’s and sell them cheaper, would the average buyer still buy a Porsche at
full value? Admittedly, there may be slight differences in quality between the two,
but as technology and craft progress, the buyer will be less and less likely to spot
that difference.
And sorry but “question of service, delivery, having a brand” are selling points in
all price brackets and businesses. It comes down to product. And unfortunately
that product is valued less and less and I can see why (increased competition,
technology, education)
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MarineCorpsX • 24 days ago> TIM
...TIM, you are annoying little man with a huge ego. And you talk too much. But,
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most important, you don't understand business. Not photography. Business. You
repeat over and over again about quality of wedding photos. This is not your
product. Your product is brand and service. First, most of the people who are not
poor will book well known photographer or studio because they can. And also
because they know that they will get good service and photos. Without risk. They
pay experience and good service, otherwords, your brand.
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• Reply •
Ryan • 24 days ago> MarineCorpsX
I live in NYC, got married a year ago. I wouldn’t have dreamed of paying $5k for
photography. I feel like Tim has a point.
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• Reply •
TIM • 24 days ago> MarineCorpsX
Ego? I’m not the one shouting about how I earn $6000 per wedding. Just stating
my opinion. I just don’t see an end product worth that price in wedding
photography sorry. As I say, photography is rightfuly valued less. But good luck
selling your ‘service’ and ‘brand’ for those prices in future !
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• Reply •
smash17 • 23 days ago> TIM
You seemed to have focussed on his price and ignored everything else that he said.
One day he may have to compromise on price but the advice is still valid.
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• Reply •
Neil Smith • 25 days ago> WriterWriter
There's always a market for people who want top quality and are willing to pay for it! Good for
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TIM • 25 days ago> Neil Smith
I disagree. And that market is getting smaller and smaller. I also think the issue is the
difficulty in identifying ‘top quality’. As a photog I doubt I would distinguish between a
wedding photog charging €2-3k vs someone charging $5k+. Never mind a lay person.
IMO Most people charging $5k+ are doing so purely to eliminate cheaper contracts, not
based on their quality of work. Sorry but I don’t think I have ever seen $5k worth of
photographs from a wedding anywhere (but admittedly i haven’t seen the printed albums
which must make up most of the cost :-/
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• Reply •
Veryan Raditya • 25 days ago> TIM
There are photographers that charge 5k plus.. here in Indonesia.. photos and
videos.. the mid range photographers are around 2-3k plus prewedding.. i got
married in 2017 and i paid 2,5k.. and it is considered a "steal"
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Scott Tice • 24 days ago> TIM
Actually I would counter that the market is getting larger. Photography for the top
10% of the populace will continue to get better in our current economy where the
rich are getting richer. Cater your business towards this class and you may just be
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• Reply •
dericali • 25 days ago> WriterWriter
15 hours for 1000 is 66 pounds an hour. I guess total time for the job would be at least 30 hours,
so its not a bad average wage if you're starting off and have low costs.
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• Reply •
Jon Williams • 25 days ago> dericali
Don’t forget to deduct about 60% of that $66 pounds for general overhead. If you don’t
have overhead you’re not really a professional and legitimate business. Work
space/studio - equipment and depreciation - insurance - phone - office expenses - vehicle
and associated costs - Internet Services etc. - utilities - advertising - legal or professional
services - Business Licenses and Property Taxes - Travel Costs - Continueing Education
- Professional Memberships and much more.
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• Reply •
TIM • 25 days ago> Jon Williams
I think 60% is over dramatic. Lets be honest - the days of shop front retail wedding
photographers are long gone. Most wedding photographers work from home or a
small out of town premise and advertise online. Overheads can be reduced and
cost savings can be made which is why new comers are finding ways of reducing
their fees and undercutting others whilst providing decent quality results. Most of
the costs you mentioned would be applicable to those in any industry on less than
$66 an hour.
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Dan Anderson a month ago
We all roll our eyes whenever a "Fill in the blank lane of photography is dead" articles. That being said I
walked away from wedding work about 7 years ago for similar reason. I'm based in the states and saw a
sea change. Studios were shutting down and moving into their homes while dropping prices. I decided it
wasn't worth it FOR ME. I never cared about it personally and only did it for the money. I decided to
focus on my other lanes of photography and even found one or two others and I've done all right.
I do know people that worked through that time and make a living off of it (or it's their main lane). It's still
possible to make a living off of it but it can't be your only lane of photo income. I'm a photojournalist but I
also make a living with a camera doing PR, marketing, corporate and movie work. Few if any freelance
photographers can make a living off of just "one lane" and it's been that way in my market for some
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Mark Houston • a month ago
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Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead
Wedding photography is dead

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Wedding photography is dead

  • 1. , News Equipment Tutorials Archives Send a Tip Links 0 1 M 672 K
  • 2. Wedding Photography is Dead Ad closed by Report this ad Why this ad? Not interested in this ad Ad covered content Ad was inappropriate Seen this ad multiple times MAY 03, 2018 SHELLY MANTOVANI 0 Shares 216 COMMENTS3.9K SHARE 111 TWEET
  • 3. Professional wedding photography is dead. Change is afoot. I see it all around me. Photographers who once charged £2,000 (~$2,700) for a wedding, now putting themselves forwards for jobs less than a grand. Award-winning photographers getting part-time jobs to supplement their income because they can no longer afford to shoot weddings full time. And it’s all a dirty little secret.
  • 4. In closed groups and private conversations, we talk in hushed tones about how no one has ever seen it like this. How everyone is struggling. Panic-stricken professionals who have earned a decent living in the last ten years reduced to working for peanuts. I saw a post on Facebook a few days ago from a good mid-range photographer who announced that he can no longer earn a living at wedding photography because everyone else is charging sub 1K. I see posts on how there are professional photographers out there running three different brands so they can have three different price points, how there are newbie photographers out there shooting a 15 hour day, plus an engagement shoot and an album for £1,200. I hear established photographers all moaning about the influx of newbies.How they are coming into the market at £800 and effectively stealing all their clients. It’s the end of an era…
  • 5. Well, guess what… there have always been newbies. I was once one of them and no doubt you were too. I bought a great camera and built a website and suddenly I was in business. I charged £450 for a wedding. I didn’t have a clue. I wasn’t insured. I didn’t have a backup camera never mind back up equipment like lenses, or stuff like triggers and light modifiers and a dozen batteries and 20 SD cards in my pocket… s**t, I didn’t even have a flash.
  • 6. After my first wedding, I burned all the images onto CD and printed out a label and stuck it on by hand. I did not have the first clue as to how a wedding ran, what was expected of me, and didn’t even shoot on dual cards. I was winging it.
  • 7. Over the years, my experience grew. I realized I had to be insured, have a wealth of back up equipment, figure out how to actually run a business properly, and back up my images in three different places. And, as my experience increased, so did my prices. And then I became one of those full-time wedding photographers that was ‘living the dream’. I wasn’t earning millions, but enough to pay the mortgage and put shoes on my feet. And I remember hearing the old established photographers moaning about how all the newbies were taking their jobs. How they couldn’t make it pay any more. And I wondered, why on earth not? I was doing ok. What was I doing that they weren’t? Well, here we are again. Wedding photography is dead.
  • 8. So, is it that suddenly brides and grooms don’t value wedding photography anymore? I don’t think so.
  • 9. In the UK, we’re not so big on photography in general. We see it as being a bit vain. We only value it years down the line by which point it’s too late. But clients still want photography. We could blame magazines and blogs for giving brides and groom unrealistic expectations.. but that’s not really true either. Heck, when someone tells me I’m out of their budget, I send them links to two different weddings blogs who both advise spending a chunk of your budget on photography. Is it the fault of venues? Venue costs have risen exponentially in some areas and I know venues who charge between £10,000 and £20,000 just for venue hire… and then listen to photographers who say that the couple has spent so much on the venue that they now don’t have any budget left for photography. On the flip side of the coin, I know venues who are cheap as chips and then those very same photographers moan that the brides haven’t got the budget to spend on photography. Sigh. So I don’t think it’s that either.
  • 10. We could talk about photography workshops and blame them for giving away all the ‘secrets’. Training other photographers to steal their clients. But there have always been ways to learn about photography… I did it with books when I started out. Now there are other more interesting ways to discover how to hone your craft and fine-tune your workflow, whether that’s YouTube, podcasts or four-day workshops with a host of speakers from around the world.
  • 11. And we could talk about how the quality of new photographers and mid-range photographers has become intertwined thanks to better more advanced cameras and how there is no longer a massive distinction between a photographer starting out in the industry and one who has been there for ten years already. And let’s not get started on the quality of images from the iPhone in your pocket or new mirrorless systems. I don’t think it’s those things either. But now I am going to tell you that it’s not just photographers. It’s the whole wedding industry. From florists to make-up artists, I hear the echoes of this ‘downward turn’. I hear the murmurs of the Brexit effect. I hear the winds of change. And now I know what the problem actually is. I’ve finally figured it out. It’s change. The industry has changed. The way we advertise has changed. The way we shoot has changed. The way we do business has changed. And we don’t like change. We’re creatures of habit. We like to do it like we’ve always done. Because that made us money. That was what worked. That’s the way we’ve always done it.
  • 12. But now it’s not working. And still, and still, I see everyone doing the same things as they’ve always done… Only now they’re doing the same things in a more frantic desperate way. Network, I hear them scream. Styled shoots, I hear them utter. Throw money at Facebook advertising, post to Instagram ten times a day. More and more of the same old s**t. Just stop. It’s time to change. Time to change how you look at your business. Time to introduce a new way of doing things. Because the old way isn’t working. It’s time to strip back to basics, take stock and figure out what the future holds. It’s time to embrace new tech, new ways to get your work out, new ways to appeal to the clients you want. Or you can continue to moan about how all the newbies are stealing your business. See the change. Be the change.
  • 13. About the author: Shelly Mantovani is a wedding photographer in Yorkshire, UK. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. For business mentoring, contact her or visit . You can find more of her work and connect with her on ,here her website Twitter
  • 14. , , or . For wedding advice, tips and tricks, head on over to YouTube channel. This article was also published . Facebook Instagram Pinterest The Wedding Vibe here TAGS: EDITORIAL, ENCOURAGEMENT, OPED, OPINION, WEDDINGPHOTOGRAPHER, WEDDINGPHOTOGRAPHY 0 Shares 216 COMMENTS3.9K SHARE 111 TWEET by TaboolaPromoted Links EternalLifeStyle Groovy History She adopts A Girl. 19 Years Later, She Looks Totally Different Guy Has Nikon Lenses Smashed by His Angry Girlfriend After Fight Look Closer...Retro Photos
  • 15. 216 Comments PetaPixel Login1 Share⤤ Sort by Oldest LOG IN WITH OR SIGN UP WITH DISQUS Name Join the discussion… ? Jenphotographs • a month ago Recommend 4 Trendchaser A Night-Vision Lens Used by US Military Photographers Remember "Tombstone"? Here's What You Probably Never Realized Introducing the Travelwide: An Affordable, Ultraportable Large-Format Camera
  • 16. • Reply • Back your claims up with facts instead of anecdotal claims. For all we know, these "mid-range" photographers struggling to compete are struggling because they're not capitalizing on the new marketing tactics or are sitting back and taking the "build it and they'll come" approach. 23 △ ▽ • Reply • Flip • 24 days ago> Jenphotographs The author sounds burnt out. When a photographer is enthusiastic and motivated the industry seems buoyant. When they are burnt out and lethargic the whole industry feels dead in the water. There is no shame in getting burnt out, especially in a business like wedding photography, it happens to everyone at some point. Personal experience will often mirror and reinforce how someone already thinks. If they constantly talk to peers about clients they missed out on due to undercutting, others will share similar stories giving the impression that undercutting is endemic. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Dave S • 23 days ago> Flip Excellent point. Burnout is real, especially for creatives. Unfortunately those with the self- awareness to walk away from photography/comedy/music etc for a while (or forever) are few and far between. Most would rather loudly bemoan their local scene if not the entire industry (then wonder why their career isn't on fire, haha). Yet all it takes to gain that self-awareness is ask an obvious question: Why keep doing something if it makes you that miserable?! △ ▽ Andrea E • 20 days ago> Dave S Trust me .... she is far from burnt out... straight talking YES...burnt out NO... her business is on fire ... she is flying Share › Share › Share ›
  • 17. • Reply • bus ess s o e s e s y g △ ▽ • Reply • Shelley • 21 days ago> Jenphotographs Buyer beware for the wedding couple. You get what you pay for. Do they spend time with the photographer viewing photographers previous work, and getting to know the personality of who they are hiring. Is there a contract so both parties know what to expect and what photographer does not have to put up with, like drunk family or guests, who is assigned to deal with that group etc etc △ ▽ • Reply • sublunar • a month ago The average person couldn't pay me enough to shoot a wedding. No thank you. 34 △ ▽ • Reply • csroc • a month ago> sublunar Same. I've been asked by friends plenty of times and told them to go hire someone who specializes in it. What it cost to make me put up with it would land you a grumpy photographer without the experience or equipment chosen to specialize in wedding photography. What works for me in the studio, shooting landscapes/weather, and abstracts isn't necessarily what you want for a wedding. And a real wedding photographer knows how to work in that kind of event, I don't. I'm happy to recommend wedding photographers I know, it just ain't gonna be me. 14 △ ▽ Michael Smith • a month ago> sublunar Same here. I did two of them, one for a friend, one for a relative. It was enough to convince me Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 18. • Reply • that it wasn't my thing. One venue was spectacular. Outdoors, October, evening golden hour. You could not take a picture that wasn't just gorgeous. That marriage lasted less than a year. I don't post or show the pictures out of respect for the feelings of the couple. The other one was in an incredibly dark venue, with black walls, black ceiling, and recessed lighting. It was like shooting in a cave. I had one flash. I also had several dozen people with cell phones taking pictures, getting in front of me, screwing up shots left and right. Never again. That marriage lasted less than six weeks. The bride was a classic "Bridezilla". I don't post or show those because of PTSD on my part. 16 △ ▽ • Reply • cacamilisseacht • a month ago> Michael Smith But divorces are good, if you did a good job you get returning customers! 23 △ ▽ • Reply • Francis Saved Osei-Owusu • 25 days ago> cacamilisseacht Hahahahaha that's funny 1 △ ▽ • Reply • mijami • 25 days ago> Michael Smith I did a wedding for a relative, was an awful day, the sky awash with heavy dark clouds and the location was under trees with thick canopies. The reception was also held in a dark venue. Throughout, I was ordered not to use flash as the bride had a migraine headache. Never again. 3 △ ▽ Allan Milnes • 22 days ago> mijami Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 19. • Reply • At one wedding I photographed it rained all day. I'd picked a great location for the after wedding shots but ended up just using the reception hall. I offered to go back to the location another day. Didn't happen the groom wasn't interested. △ ▽ • Reply • Dave S • 23 days ago> Michael Smith Was she Bridezilla or a vampire... or maybe they got a real deal on the venue because daddy owns the funeral home? △ ▽ • Reply • Missy Salaska • 25 days ago> sublunar Same .. I hate . Hate hate shooting weddings. . I have been offered my times to shoot weddings .. I refuse to do any more weddings . . People are drunk .. stressed .. demanding . . Just . . No lol 4 △ ▽ • Reply • J. H. Engberg • 23 days ago> Missy Salaska I actually find it a lot less stressful than shooting multi-day events where you have to generate constant output next to the shooting aswell. At least at a wedding I can shoot first and edit later and don't have to deliver the pictures arranged in 400 different folders. The company is better at events, though - and so is, sometimes, the pay. So yeah. Point for that I guess ;-) △ ▽ Evan Richardson • 25 days ago> sublunar Same. When I started shooting, I mAde one rule. Never shoot weddings. Even if someone offered me 100k, I would say no. It's just too much pressure to make sure everything is done Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 20. • Reply • right. Not worth the stress. I'd be happy to review portfolios of photographers for friends, but I would never shoot. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • JJ • 22 days ago> Evan Richardson If you should get a contract for $100k. just write me. I think I can handle the strees for just one or two days for that money! 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Felipe • 23 days ago> sublunar Agreed! Too much stress. I did some weddings but I quickly gave up. It's really too hard for me. △ ▽ WriterWriter • a month ago This is a feast/famine post. Choose your clients, do excellent work, and say "No" to taking on clients who are not in your price bracket. The number of people being married every year is far, far greater than the number of available, excellent shooters. There IS work for every photographer in every price bracket. Here's another dirty secret: those photographers doing those 15-hour days for 1000 pounds will burn out very, very quickly. Nobody can sustain a business working for 2 pounds an hour. But here's the bottom line: do you REALLY want the client who doesn't value your skill, experience, training, time? Share › Share › Share ›
  • 21. • Reply • Not I. Our packages start at $5000. By starting there, we immediately weed out cheapo brand. 32 △ ▽ • Reply • TIM • a month ago> WriterWriter I’m pretty sure you will die out with that attitude. I congratulate you if you can charge $5k per wedding and refuse anything less, but I guarantee you that that is even less sustainable than the photogs working for 15hrs days for $1000. 2 △ ▽ • Reply • JoshPabst • 25 days ago> TIM I disagree Tim. 9 △ ▽ • Reply • JRG • 25 days ago> JoshPabst You just need to get out of your bubble them and look at the current economic situation. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Gavin Cato • 25 days ago> JRG I'm in Australia so not sure if I'm in a different bubble, but I have over 50 weddings this year booked where 80% of them are booked at $4400 to $5500 odd. I work my arse off and I think I'm good at it. 3 △ ▽ Share › Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 22. • Reply • TIM • 25 days ago> Gavin Cato Not denying that, I am sure you are and if you can charge that amount you are doing well. But IMO this is unsustainable in this climate. As a photog I value photography highly, but for my up and coming wedding, I could not see the reasons why $5k photogs were charging those sorts of prices. The images just simply did not equate to the cost. I do not think I can ever see $5k's worth of wedding photography! △ ▽ • Reply • Juraj Kosco • 25 days ago> TIM 5k austalian isnt 5k usd. still, if youre booked up and people are paying they see value. never undersell yourself. thumbs up 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Angelina Devine • 25 days ago> TIM Tim> Even if you can't imagine it - it can be done, in any climate, it is just a question of if you want it. 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Gavin Cato • 25 days ago> TIM Well that's your opinion. My clients never mention how much is costs when they see their pics 2 △ ▽ IHateLoggingIn • 21 days ago> Gavin Cato Whoa whoa whoa there Gav! Are you seriously trying to stack your measly facts Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 23. • Reply • against the mighty opinions of TIM??? △ ▽ • Reply • Angelina Devine • 25 days ago> TIM I guarantee you it is very sustainable - and I am a full time photographer, with no other income - with $5k+ average. I let all of those wanting to work 15hrs for $1000 have it all to them self - and concentrate on those who want something more. And it works. 3 △ ▽ • Reply • TIM • 25 days ago> Angelina Devine Angelina, assuming you mean $5k USD, then I am not sure what ‘more’ you are providing that can justify the cost. Sooner or later, your clients will work out that the only difference between you and someone charging $2k less, is that they are $2k less. deliberately pricing yourself at that bracket to eradicate the lower market without a product to match is unsustainable. Photography just isn’t valued as highly as it used to be because of many contributing new factors. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Angelina Devine • 25 days ago> TIM My average is actually just over 6000USD ... and the fact that you cannot see what "more" you can give might be why you cannot get those prices. I have been in business for 10 years - full time... and it is very sustainable even if you can't imagine it ... my clients value it's very highly. (Average price in my area is less than 2000$ for a full day) .... And my clients are fully aware that they are paying way more than average when they book me. 3 △ ▽ Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 24. • Reply • TIM • 25 days ago> Angelina Devine I’m pleased for you Angelina as it sounds like you are at the top of your game, but you missed my point. Its not I “can’t imagine it” ... you only have to ask the majority of wedding photographers who have had to reduce their prices to match the current climate to realise it isn’t valued as much anymore (and rightly so). Those simply believing increasing their prices to silly amounts will weed out the low budget buyers may have it fine atm, but I guarantee that the economy will hit you. No wedding photography product you can give is worth $5k+. Essentially you have spent 10yrs overselling a product. But as I say, you seem to have done well for yourself and if people are buying then keep selling, but as I say, it will not last. Anyway, I am not a wedding photographer so perhaps I am totally off the mark. Just a photographers opinion that’s all. △ ▽ • Reply • Don 66 • 25 days ago> Angelina Devine Right on △ ▽ Don 66 • 25 days ago> TIM I must disagree I shot them for 20+years and my work know how and experience with just about any kind of ceremony and ethnicity how to handle drunks,irate family members, mattrde's,clergy,limo drivers, and just about any situation that can arise No knewbie can possibly know what I know period.and that's worth $$ not to mention being able to photograph any kind of lighting,or weather dress malfunctions,limo breakdowns, equipment malfunctions,posing any and every Share › Share ›
  • 25. • Reply • body type,I couldn't list it all but I've done expensive and I'm worth it. △ ▽ • Reply • olivier borgognon • 25 days ago> TIM @TIM you can buy a Dacia for 6000$ or you can buy a porsche for 250'000$. finally both are cars, they both have a steering-wheel, 4 wheels, breaks and seats. Now should we consider that porsche will go down because dacia exists ? Clearly not... I'm totally behind @WriterWriter, it's a question of service, delivery, having a brand, and managing the brand in accordance with a certain red-velvet rope clientele. 3 △ ▽ • Reply • TIM • 24 days ago> olivier borgognon The difference in your analogy is an end product of quality distinguishable not just by cost. For example, to continue with your analogy....if someone began to make Porsche’s and sell them cheaper, would the average buyer still buy a Porsche at full value? Admittedly, there may be slight differences in quality between the two, but as technology and craft progress, the buyer will be less and less likely to spot that difference. And sorry but “question of service, delivery, having a brand” are selling points in all price brackets and businesses. It comes down to product. And unfortunately that product is valued less and less and I can see why (increased competition, technology, education) 1 △ ▽ MarineCorpsX • 24 days ago> TIM ...TIM, you are annoying little man with a huge ego. And you talk too much. But, Share › Share › Share ›
  • 26. • Reply • most important, you don't understand business. Not photography. Business. You repeat over and over again about quality of wedding photos. This is not your product. Your product is brand and service. First, most of the people who are not poor will book well known photographer or studio because they can. And also because they know that they will get good service and photos. Without risk. They pay experience and good service, otherwords, your brand. △ ▽ • Reply • Ryan • 24 days ago> MarineCorpsX I live in NYC, got married a year ago. I wouldn’t have dreamed of paying $5k for photography. I feel like Tim has a point. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • TIM • 24 days ago> MarineCorpsX Ego? I’m not the one shouting about how I earn $6000 per wedding. Just stating my opinion. I just don’t see an end product worth that price in wedding photography sorry. As I say, photography is rightfuly valued less. But good luck selling your ‘service’ and ‘brand’ for those prices in future ! △ ▽ • Reply • smash17 • 23 days ago> TIM You seemed to have focussed on his price and ignored everything else that he said. One day he may have to compromise on price but the advice is still valid. △ ▽ Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 27. • Reply • Neil Smith • 25 days ago> WriterWriter There's always a market for people who want top quality and are willing to pay for it! Good for you 4 △ ▽ • Reply • TIM • 25 days ago> Neil Smith I disagree. And that market is getting smaller and smaller. I also think the issue is the difficulty in identifying ‘top quality’. As a photog I doubt I would distinguish between a wedding photog charging €2-3k vs someone charging $5k+. Never mind a lay person. IMO Most people charging $5k+ are doing so purely to eliminate cheaper contracts, not based on their quality of work. Sorry but I don’t think I have ever seen $5k worth of photographs from a wedding anywhere (but admittedly i haven’t seen the printed albums which must make up most of the cost :-/ △ ▽ • Reply • Veryan Raditya • 25 days ago> TIM There are photographers that charge 5k plus.. here in Indonesia.. photos and videos.. the mid range photographers are around 2-3k plus prewedding.. i got married in 2017 and i paid 2,5k.. and it is considered a "steal" △ ▽ Scott Tice • 24 days ago> TIM Actually I would counter that the market is getting larger. Photography for the top 10% of the populace will continue to get better in our current economy where the rich are getting richer. Cater your business towards this class and you may just be rewarded. Share › Share › Share ›
  • 28. • Reply •△ ▽ • Reply • dericali • 25 days ago> WriterWriter 15 hours for 1000 is 66 pounds an hour. I guess total time for the job would be at least 30 hours, so its not a bad average wage if you're starting off and have low costs. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Jon Williams • 25 days ago> dericali Don’t forget to deduct about 60% of that $66 pounds for general overhead. If you don’t have overhead you’re not really a professional and legitimate business. Work space/studio - equipment and depreciation - insurance - phone - office expenses - vehicle and associated costs - Internet Services etc. - utilities - advertising - legal or professional services - Business Licenses and Property Taxes - Travel Costs - Continueing Education - Professional Memberships and much more. 3 △ ▽ • Reply • TIM • 25 days ago> Jon Williams I think 60% is over dramatic. Lets be honest - the days of shop front retail wedding photographers are long gone. Most wedding photographers work from home or a small out of town premise and advertise online. Overheads can be reduced and cost savings can be made which is why new comers are finding ways of reducing their fees and undercutting others whilst providing decent quality results. Most of the costs you mentioned would be applicable to those in any industry on less than $66 an hour. 1 △ ▽ Share › Share › Share › Share ›
  • 29. Sponsored Links 10 Most Expensive Flowers ( What This Man Built Is Completely Insane (Eternally Sunny) You Won't Believe These Giants Are Actually Real People (Viral X Files) Why is this the #1 Estimating and Take off Software in the World? (Planswift) Here Are The 15 Dog Breeds Most Likely To Run • Reply • Dan Anderson a month ago We all roll our eyes whenever a "Fill in the blank lane of photography is dead" articles. That being said I walked away from wedding work about 7 years ago for similar reason. I'm based in the states and saw a sea change. Studios were shutting down and moving into their homes while dropping prices. I decided it wasn't worth it FOR ME. I never cared about it personally and only did it for the money. I decided to focus on my other lanes of photography and even found one or two others and I've done all right. I do know people that worked through that time and make a living off of it (or it's their main lane). It's still possible to make a living off of it but it can't be your only lane of photo income. I'm a photojournalist but I also make a living with a camera doing PR, marketing, corporate and movie work. Few if any freelance photographers can make a living off of just "one lane" and it's been that way in my market for some time. 7 △ ▽ Mark Houston • a month ago Where's my buggy whip gonna beat me a dead horse Share ›
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