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January 2022
Introduction to
WeChat Mini
Table of
Mini Program
Analytics Setup
Analytics Tagging
Data Visualization,
Dashboards &
A/B Testing on
Mini Programs
Introduction to WeChat Mini
Mini Programs Trends
trends WeChat: The Super App That is Here to Stay
Fact: More than 1 in
10 people living on
our planet are active
WeChat users.
As of 2021, over 78% of people
in China aged 16-64 are using
WeChat - the most popular app
in the country.
Data from Statistica: Monthly active users of the leading apps in China in
March 2021 & 55+: WeChat Statistics - 2021
Monthly active users of the leading apps in China
March 2021 (in millions)
WeChat 1004
Alipay 845
Taobao 750
Pinduoduo 740
Douyin 686
QQ 639
Iqiyi 606
Video Tencent 606
Baidu 494
trends WeChat Mini Programs have exploded since their creation in 2017
Mini Programs
Daily Active Users
0f e-commerce
brands have an MP
of the 1B WeChat
users have used
Mini game daily
active users (DAU)
Data from Business of Apps: WeChat Revenue and
Usage Statistics
WeChat Mini Program Annual
Transactions in RMB
2017 2018 2019 2020
210 B
440 B
800 B
1.6 T
trends Mini Program Usage is on the Rise
Source: Quest Mobile Mini program 2021 report
Monthly Active Users (MAU) of WeChat MP
2019 2020
Average Number of WeChat MP used per
user each month
2019 2020
From a brand perspective, daily
services, video, and e-commerce are
the top 3 categories for Mini-
Programs. As the earliest player in
the field, WeChat enjoys the widest
variety of MPs, while those of AliPay
are mostly used for daily services.
Baidu MPs are mostly used for video,
daily services, and education.
WeChat MPs also have the highest
MAU out of the other types of MPs.
The 500M MAU of Baidu MP ≈
WeChat DAU
trends Mini Programs by Industry
5% 5%
4% 4%
8% 7%
5% 4%
2% 2%
WeChat MP Alipay MP Baidu MP
Source: Quest Mobile March 2021
trends Mini Programs remain a major traffic source for some of the
industry leading brands
Source: Quest Mobile: China Mobile Internet Panorama Ecological Traffic Half-Year Insight Report (May 2021),
Brand traffic occupation cross App and MP (May 2021)
Cainiao Meituan Takeaway SF Express
Mini-program e-commerce will
become the largest e-commerce
eras in China following traditional
e-commerce, social e-commerce,
WeChat e-commerce, and live e-
Wenlu Shi, CEO at Aladdin
trends MP E-commerce vs. Traditional E-commerce
Customer acquisition
● Unlike with third-party e-commerce
platforms, brands can design their MP
user interfaces the way they please and
have control over all of their consumer
● Merchants are able to make full use of
social relationship chains on WeChat
platforms for product promotion and
customer acquisition: by sharing the MP
to group chats, timelines, promoting OA
or their marketing campaigns, etc. (there
are over 60 entry points).
● Mini-programs are not only low cost but
are also more effective when it comes to
customer acquisition.
trends MP E-commerce vs. Traditional E-commerce
Checkout UX
For MP users, the checkout process usually
involves fewer steps than a traditional
checkout process. This shorter conversion
path leads to higher conversion rates.
Example of Traditional E-
commerce Checkout Process
Example of MP E-commerce
Checkout Process
Store landing page
Product page
Order details page
Checkout page
Successful purchase
PDP page from sharing
Checkout page
Successful purchase
A typical checkout process
for MP often starts with a
share sent via a chat
trends Retargeting / Remarketing
● Since it is easier to reach users via WeChat OA
posting, reminders, etc., remarketing is much
easier via an MP.
● For traditional e-commerce platforms,
merchants usually can not directly reach users
but instead have to rely on built-in mail/e-mail,
phone or text message, etc. - All of these
methods come with long conversion paths and
are separated from the platforms.
Template marketing promotion message from OA
versus traditional Remarketing email.
trends Mini Program: More powerful than a website?
The number of websites in China
hit a peak of 5.44 million in July
2018 then experienced a
decrease to 4.43 million in July
2020. When it comes to internet
usage, locals have long preferred
to access applications via mobile
devices vs. surfing on traditional
websites. Creating an MP
automatically sets you up for a
higher conversion rate than what
you would get for your brand
website in China.
Jul 15 Jan 16 Jul 16 Jan 17 Jul 17 Jan 18 Jul 18 Jan 19 Jul 19 Jan 20 Jul 20
Source: | China internet network information Center
Relevant Data Regulations &
License Requirements
trends The Ever-Changing Regulatory Landscape
Navigating China’s data regulatory
landscape is no easy feat as there
are several laws in place, and it is
not uncommon for laws to change
each year or what may seem like
Make sure you are aware and fully compliant
Regardless, when it comes to setting up a Mini Program
and collecting user data, you need to make sure that you
are well aware of the current regulations and are
operating in compliance to avoid hefty fines or worse.
Do your own research
While this report gives an overview of some of the most
up-to-date data laws as they relate to Mini Program data
collection, it is far from being comprehensive, and it is
highly recommended that you take note of any data laws
before you begin the development of your MP.
In recent years WeChat mini-programs have developed
rapidly, but local authorities have noted that they also
have exposed prominent security risks and, in particular,
the risk of users’ personal information leakage is rather
trends A Patchwork of Requirements
When it comes to China’s data
regulatory framework, it’s best to view it
as a patchwork of regulations instead of
trying to find a unified framework.
On November 1, 2021, China passed its Personal Information
Protection Law ("PIPL") which takes strong inspiration from the EU’s
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The PIPL impacts many
businesses operating in or doing business with China, coupling
extensive obligations concerning processing all types of data.
While the PIPL has the spotlight as it is the newest data regulation -
it’s not the only one. Luckily, when it comes to collecting user data via
an MP, all regulations seem to focus on the same aspects which
revolve around user consent when it comes to data collection and
the protection of their information.
CSL (Cyber Security Law)
PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law)
DSL (Data Security Law)
For more information about the PIPL, be sure to check
out our whitepaper on Consumer Data Strategy under
the New China PIPL.
trends Current Regulations for Mini Program Data Collection
This list includes regulations that you will
want to keep in mind when it comes to
collecting data from users of your MP.
● Users must be notified before their
information is collected, why it would be
collected, and in what scope it would be
● Users cannot be required to share
personal information such as birthdate,
phone number, etc. or be denied access
to services if they deny access to
personal data beyond the business
● User data collected in a specific Mini
Program can only be used in that
specific program. For example, if you
have two Mini Programs, you shouldn’t
transfer user data from one MP to
Example of an
authorization process for
data collection
● Users should be given the option to
permanently modify or delete their
data and be able to execute this option
on their own.
● Personal data must be diligently
protected throughout its lifecycle
For an exhaustive list of all data regulations
see WeChat’s “Rules for User Privacy and
Data.” Also, make sure that you are
compliant with the most up-to-date
regulations. Note that different types of
Mini Programs may be subject to a
different set of regulations and licensure.
Incorporate accessing licenses and
searching for relevant information into
your timeline as this process can take up to
several months.
trends Licensing for Mini Programs
If you want to publish a website,
platform, software, or mini program in
China you will need to start by applying
for an ICP (Internet Content Provider)
Other licenses may be needed
depending on the scope of your mini
program, and it is crucial to plan ahead
and allow ample time to make sure you
are compliant with the most up-to-date
regulations and have the proper licenses.
Depending on the licenses that you end
up needing, you will need to spend
anywhere from 1-6 months on the
licensing application process alone.
Example of licenses required for developing a mini program.
These licenses, which include a commercial ICP License (B25), were required for an e-
commerce mini program that allows users to book dinners via a third-party vendor.
Feature Licence
Data sharing B 21
Information publishing B 25
Communication B 22
SMS verification SP
Features used
in App legally
requiring a
trends Licensing for Mini Programs
ICP License
● Information search services
● Information dissemination
● Information community services
(no direct selling)
● Real-time interactive
information services
● Transaction processing platforms (i.e.,
e-commerce platforms, second-hand
trading platforms, online food ordering
platforms, ticket booking systems, etc. )
● Only those where third-party sellers are
● e-Commerce MP with online
payment integration
● Social media or live-streaming
mini programs
● Communication services between two or
more parties
● Example: Video conferencing, audio
conferencing, and remote diagnosis
● Likely needed if an EDI license is needed
● For SMS functionality/verification
● Voicemail, email, or fax functionality
between two or more people
● Establishing a call center platform to
provide users with services such as
business or information consultation,
and data query.
Commercial ICP
EDI License
License (B22)
Store and Forward
Call Centers
Service Provider
(SP License)
Specific to Scope and Functionality
Mini-Program Analytics Setup
Overall Mini-Program Strategy
Setup MP Performance Tracking to Feed your Optimization Strategy
The key to defining your mini-program performance is to
identify how your entry points perform in regards to your
mini program’s core engagement/conversion goals, such
● Which WeChat posts from OA have brought the most
traffic or have the highest conversion rates?
● Which KOL campaign has generated the most sales or
engagements on the mini-program looking at goals
related to engagement or sales?
● Which advertising channel has brought the most
qualified traffic to the mini-program?
● Which form field has the highest drop-off?
● Which features on the program are the most used?
Also, make sure to optimize the design or features
accordingly (e.g., removing form fields that are causing
high abandonment, removing clutter on a product page to
increase additions to carts, adding helpers on checkout
steps, retargeting cart abandonment with transactional
notification messages, etc.)
A/B testing flow with conditions
Setup Connecting Mini Program Behavioural Data with Official
Account and/or Social CRM
Based on the WeChat platform, once you collect data
from your MP, it is very convenient to:
1. Reach out to consumers
Create user portraits, accurately place social
advertisements or other online and offline marketing
activities to drag traffic.
1. Convert traffic
Utilizing WeChat assistant to follow up real-time
comprehensive customer management such as visiter
reminders, customer behavior tracking, tag users for
precision marketing, etc.
1. Offer outstanding customer service
Order reminders, after-sale reminders, and other OA
notifications make the service more timely; repurchase
reminders and returning massage for lost users to
improve customer retention and repurchase rates.
sCRM solutions
Integrate, Combine
Share, Campaigns,
Service, Reminder
Customer behavior
Data collection
Customer - MP closed loop
Setup The Risk of Using Too Many Third-Party Plug-ins
Because they reduce development work, third-party solutions
have become popular. for VR, Xiaokefu for chatbot
and livecom/grata for LiveChat are some examples.
As a brand, you might want to look at specific metrics that may
or may not be tracked by these platforms. It is also important to
understand how these platforms come up with their
calculations since calculations for the same metric can vary from
platform to platform. Also, this data will usually be collected
directly on the third party’s back-end instead of your own. Once
this data is collected, how will you export it for reporting or so
that your other team members can view it easily in one place
without having to log into and/or learn how to use several
How to add third party’s solutions to MP
● Make sure to collect third-party data in advance
for reporting.
● When choosing analytics solutions, figure out if
there is an API connection that is can easily
connect with the necessary the third-party data.
Setup Importance of Connecting your MP to Multiple Sources
It’s likely that no one data source or analytics
solution, regardless of how powerful, will give
you an accurate and comprehensive view of
your consumer behavior.
For this reason, most dashboarding solutions
will allow you to add multiple data sources.
In order to have the most impactful dashboard,
you could:
● Pull data from the database for cumulative
● Implement solutions for built-in data such as
pageviews, DAU/WAU/MAU, and entry points
● Abstract specific data sources for certain
E.g., user sharing performance from analytics
OA Back-
MP Built-
Setup Combine Data from your Database with an Analytics Solution
A good third-party analytics solution will help
you collect important data and metrics related
to user behavior and how users navigate your
mini program. However, for transactional data
or data not specifically related to user behavior,
for accuracy, it’s best to get straight from the
source - your database. While it may be time-
consuming to get all of your data sources
integrated at first, for a basic setup, we
recommend that you at least incorporate both
data from your analytics solution and your
database into your BI tool.
User demographics
Conversion Rate
Average Order Value, etc.
Analytics Solution
Bounce rate
Traffic sources
Average Session Duration
Average pages per visit
Percentage of returning visitors
Number and Frequency of visits
User clicks, etc,
BI Tool
Setup And Incorporate your MP into a Synergized Digital Ecosystem
1 Fanbase, 1 Order Management System, 1 Membership System, 1 Mini Program
Local CRM
& Loyalty
(e.g., Ctrip /
Real time integration
through SPLIO API
portal of transaction
and customer
information Social Loyalty
Middleware Platform
- Social -Engagement
-BI and monitoring
-VIP Tier
1 Hub
(e.g., POS)
1 Hub
Website with
4 sub websites
1 Hub WMP
With 4 sub
1 Main OA
with 4 sub
1 RED / Douyin
OA with 4 sub
1 Social Media
1 Main OA
With 4 sub
1 unique
Booking Engine
Sync of
Members data
1 Unique
Setup Advertising Linked to Analytics Solutions
Merchants can check advertising
performance not only by Ad
views/clicks/cost but also MP
pageviews from Ads, product
performance from Ads and
automatically calculated ROI.
2020/03/09 2020/03/10 2020/03/11 2020/03/12
Advertising Performance
Exposure Click Clock
Ads Views/
Ads Clicks/
Ads cost
Setup Integrating Offline Data
It is essential to track offline store
data, so that merchants can
better manage their MP content
and sales strategies.
This helps to understand overall
sales performance by combining
both offline store and online MP
0 5K 10K
Offline Store traffic
7 days ago
15K 20K 25K
Store 5
Store 4
Store 3
Store 2
Store 1
Overall sale performance
01:15 02:30 03:45 05:00 06:15 07:30 08:45 10:00 11:15 12:30 13:45
Traffic & Source Analysis
Setup Analyzing Mini Program Traffic Performance
Besides Google Analytics default
sources, WeChat has also set up over
50 WeChat entry points.
Here is the link for WeChat’s official
development file that lists all entry
By generating QR codes of the UTM
URL, you can track your campaign
performance (e.g., physical/digital
posters, websites, meeting rooms or
flyers, etc. ). This way, you can get a
comprehensive view of your
campaign tracking. Check out our
document on how to generate QR
codes for your Mini Program here.
As one of the most important traffic
sources, MP sharing is a key figure to
improve. Most analytics solutions
track sharing and it’s also important
to take note of whether your MP is
being shared to friends and/or via
group chats.
Setup Analyzing Mini Program Traffic Performance
Don’t hesitate to
include your MP QR
codes in your social
media posts.
Or during the lead up
to events on printed
materials that
invitees are likely to
use to help pass on
key information
related to the event.
Launch or general
events are great for
getting the word
out. Make sure that
attendees interact
with your MP as
much as possible.
Leverage the
popularity of
events and use it to
direct viewers to
your MP.
Popup and
experience stores
are great ways to get
users interacting
with your MP -
especially if you have
more than one.
You can also put
your MP QR code in
your team’s email
Include shopping
credits, memberships,
discounts, and coupons
in your MP -even for
purchases made via
your offline stores.
Track your KOL
performance by
giving each one
their unique QR
Bind your store Wifi
with your MP, so
that customers have
to sign up via your
MP to connect to
the Wifi
If your team has
business cards, it
may also be a good
idea to include a QR
code for your MP.
Have another traffic acquisition use case for a mini program? Click here to tell us all about it.
Cross Mini Program
Navigational Tracking
Setup UnionID vs. OpenID
A unique WeChat ID for each user of an OA (Official
Account) and Mini Program. For each OA or Mini
Program, users have a unique OpenID. For example, if
you log into a Mini Program - you will have one
OpenID, and if you log on to another - you will have a
different one. When users subscribe to or interact with
your Mini Program, it is possible to obtain their basic
information such as location and language using their
OpenID. You can get their OpenID if a user authorizes
WeChat access through your MP.
Unlike a users’ OpenID, a UnionID stays the same as
users travel from one mini program to another. For
data tracking, a UnionID can be seen as more precious
as it gives the ability to acquire a user’s data from
multiple platforms and attribute actions back to the
specific user. This is particularly useful when taking into
consideration that although most brands have a main
mini-program with core functionality, it is best to have
several mini-programs to keep the user experience as
simple as possible and try not to mimic a full-blown app.
Setup The Benefit of a UnionID
Brands can utilize UnionID to understand,
approach, convert, and retain consumers.
● Smoother onboardings and increased retention rates
● Better acquisition and management of user data
● Boosted sales through omnichannel marketing and scenario-
based promotions
● Improved data security (users don’t need to log in)
● Accurate customer segmentation and targeted advertising
(when a user authorizes WeChat login on a cosmetics app,
WeChat can push beauty related ads accordingly)
Example of an Analytics
Setup for Cross-MP
Tracking - here we can
see this user visited our
first MP a lot more often
than our second one.
Setup How to Apply for UnionID Collection
To get access to users’ UnionIDs,
you first need to complete
developer qualification
verification and bind your
accounts (OA, Mini Program, and
Applications) on the WeChat
open platform. Here are the
steps on how to do so.
Bind your WeChat touchpoints to the
Open Platform
● In the admin center you can select
OA or Mini Program and then select
the “Bind an Official Account / Mini
Program” option.
Register an Open Platform account
● Head to
to register your account. All you
need is a valid email address.
Complete the Developer
● Once you are logged in, select
“Developer Qualification” after going
to the account center.
● If you’re in China, you will need to
pay a verification fee of 300CNY or
99USD if you’re outside of China.
Tracking Objectives & KPIs
Setup How to Apply for UnionID Collection
Before an MP is designed,
you need a clear picture of
your business goals and
how success will be
measured (KPIs)
Once the MP is released you should
focus on tracking conversion and
adjust / update the MP accordingly.
Business Goals
● Identify existing customers among WeChat followers
● Increase repeat orders
● Offer a seamless omnichannel customer experience
● Increase engagement and brand awareness
● Generate qualified leads with name and phone number
● % of new followers identified as customers
● % of sales from repeat customers, order frequency, average basket
● % of MP users from sharing, from favorites
● % of MP visitors considered engaged
● Overall MP conversion: lead generation, action completion, etc.
Macro Conversions
Micro Conversions
● Journey completions
● Repeat MP users
● End conversion: form filling, registration, purchase completion
● Journey steps, page visits
● Shares
● Interactions with page elements
● Page scroll > x%
● Customer service requests
● Traffic to linked Mini Programs
● Reviews, ratings, comments
● Content interactions: live-streaming views, video views
Setup Unified Back-End Solutions Contain Multiple Categorized Views
Classifying different actions by separating
views and categorizing data is a key for
optimizing your performance tracking.
● Take the time to make your data clean by
filtering it out to allow for easier analysis in
the future. For example, a testing view
should have only traffic from your team
when you are testing your MP or a
checkout view should only contain steps
for your checkout process.
● Analyze specific types of actions without
distractions and save time from having to
manually filter out your data later.
● But understand that once you use a filter -
you cannot get that filtered data back. So,
plan accordingly!
Store Locator
My Account
Setup Why Mini Programs are Better than H5 for Some Key KPIs
Some of the most significant KPIs of a
Mini Program are user traffic,
registrations, and conversion rate. Based
on the WeChat platform, users can
register/login to the MP via one click to
authorize their personal information,
such as their location, WeChat profile, or
checkout address from their
phonebook, etc. However, an H5
requires more steps and may even
include redirection.
Mini Program WeChat
profile authorization
H5 personal profile
H5 Weibo Register
UEFA performance in the first month
MP Traffic: 12k
Registration conversion rate: 35%
Traffic: 2.5k
Registration conversion rate: 30%
Setup UEFA Champions League
Business Goals:
● MP basic performance
● Paid media/KOLs performance
● Collect engagement information
● User insight
● Pageview, unique pageview
● Daily/Weekly/Monthly active users
● New Users % over last X weeks
● Traffic source performance
● Account registration
● Form submission
● Total shares
● Users’ region/age/gender
Macro Conversions:
● Journey completions
● Repeat MP users
● Churn
● End conversion: done prediction
Micro Conversions:
● Journey steps, page visits
● Sharings
● Interactions with page elements
Setup The Executive Center
Business Goals:
● MP basic performance
● QR code scanning performance
● Collect engagement information
● Meeting Room booking performance
● User insight and login status
● Pageviews, unique pageviews
● Daily/Weekly/Monthly active users
● New Users % over last X weeks
● Meeting room booking rate
● Traffic source performance
● Account registration
● total shares
● TEC Member/External Member login rate
Macro Conversions:
● Journey completions
● Repeat MP users
● Churn
● End conversion: done prediction
Micro Conversions:
● Journey steps, page visits
● Shares
● Interactions with page elements
Whether it helps you comply with
the PIPL or because you need to
collect granular data (i.e., UnionID)
about your consumers and inject it
into a data platform, choosing the
right local analytics solution for
your mini-program is a more
strategic decision today than it was
2 years ago.
Victor Ariza, Analytics Project Manager at LVMH
Analytics Solutions
Solution Owning Your Data
Most e-commerce platforms in China, such as Tmall and
JD, act as black boxes that give brands limited access to
their consumer data. However, with a WeChat MP, you
can own and have access to all of your user
Whether they are off-she-shelf or fully customizable,
several MP data tracking solutions exist. While an off-
the-shelf solution may cover many of your basic needs
and track standard metrics, ones that allow you
tailor-made configuration will give you the greatest
ROI in the long run. This will help you see the complete
picture of your user behavior and, therefore, better
optimize. After all, each MP is different, and so is its user
Regardless of the type of solution you choose, it is
important to make sure you properly set up tracking
for your KPIs so that you are able to collect all of the data
you need as soon as your program goes live.
60% 100%
Solution Can we still use Google Analytics to track WeChat Mini Programs?
Yes! Most international brands are still using Google Analytics as
their central analytics solution for all their web properties. In that
regard, it is possible to use GA as analytics for your WeChat Mini
MPs cannot fire the default frontend GA script. There is an existing
connector available that will send hits to GA from the Mini
Program backend.
● Work with real-time data and adjust your business decisions
● Easily customize your data collection and track your data via
built-in reports.
● Customize detailed reports for pages to understand why
certain metrics are higher or lower.
But beware of the limits:
● Because the domain name is not ICP
enabled it cannot be added to an MP’s server whitelist, you
need to proxy the requests to GA with an ICP-enabled
● MP-specific events cannot be tracked (e.g., tracking entries
from individual QR code scans).
We also HIGHLY recommend using a local tool to double-
track your data if you choose to use Google Analytics..just
in case!
A look at the Newcomer:
Tencent Youdata
Solution Local Analytics Solution For Your MP - Tencent Youdata
Tencent Youdata was recently launched by
Tencent Smart Retail and is becoming quite
It uniquely integrates offline store, online
official account, and MP performance to give
enterprises full control of their business.
Steps to configure:
● Apply for data access to get a test token.
● Go through Tencent’s verification process.
● You are then ready to implement and
setup your SDK.
Omni-channel analysis for every
angle of data
Integrated offline store
performance and online OA
Advertising linked in helping
marketing strategy
For more detailed configuration see the
Official development file
Solution Youdata Channel Classification
Classified channels can be
applied to product sale analysis,
which helps merchants
understand every action that is
made for traffic acquisition, as
well as e-commerce. On top of
that, merchants can optimize
their MP performance and
advertising strategy.
Drainage Traffic
Organic Traffic
Traffic from sharing,
MP quick access, user
search, etc.
OA posting/MP
reminder, offline
marketing event, jumps
between MPs, etc.
Campaign activity, QR
code generation, etc.
MP Analytics Solutions
Solutions Mapping of WeChat Mini Program Analytics Ecosystem
Google Analytics Adobe Analytics Tencent YouData Data Rangers
No. Tool name
Overview Characteristics of the tools
Price Affiliation
Service provider
This is located in the WeChat
backend for your OA and MP,
but beware that certain metrics
will only give you up to 90 days
of historical data.
Solutions Overview Comparison of 15 Mini Program analytics tools(1/3)
Baidu Tongji
Tencent YouData
Multi-channel analytics platform:
APP, H5/Web, WeChat MP
Baidu Tongji’s mobile module
Pure WeChat Mini Program
player. Created in 2016.
Tencent YouData was launched
by Tencent Smart Retail.
Case: Lancome & SASA
One of the most comprehensive
App analytics platforms
Can be used to track Baidu and
WeChat Mini programs
Combines offline store and online
OA with MP and omnichannel sale
analysis. tracking MP/Kandian live-
streaming, and Official Account
Have their own WeChat MP for
Free Tencent
WeChat Backend
Automatic collection of basic
No. Tool name
Overview Characteristics of the tools
Service provider
Solutions Overview Comparison of 15 Mini Program analytics tools(2/3)
Analysys Ark
Sensors Data
Specializes in tracked QR code
management for Apps and Mini-
Full data analysis platform service
for developers; support APP,
H5/Web, WeChat Mini-Program
Cross platform analysis product:
web, app, and Mini Program;
charge for business usage.
Big data analytics products and
solutions for Internet industries;
A fully integrated
platform including MP traffic
tracking, performance optimization
and user insights
Rich QR code tracking
Both local and international,
(exclusive) Douyin analysis
One of the most powerful
platforms on our list - but it
comes at a cost!
Smart user operation
solutions, ARGO user growth
User profile, tracking user
preference cross-platform
No. Tool name
Overview Characteristics of the tools
Service provider
Free Google
Solutions Overview Comparison of 15 Mini Program analytics tools(3/3)
This is basically an extension of
the WeChat backend - in the
beta version with 90 days of
historical data.
Focused on data collection and
analytics tools for H5/Web, mobile
apps, and Mini Programs
Full data analysis platform service
for developers; support APP,
H5/Web, WeChat Mini-Program
Real-time data performance,
native dashboard creation, E-
commerce support.
Full data analysis platform service
for developers; support APP,
H5/Web, WeChat Mini-Program
24/7 customer service and
support, easy to share with
other users.
Comprehensive web analytics
data, cooperates with Tencent
MP ecosystem
Flagship products including
Zhuge DMP, Insight - Data
analytics, Action - smart
marketing, Digital - data
Adobe Analytics
Google Analytics
Freemium ✘
Umeng Professional data services for
more than ten years
Offers offline (store) analysis
as well
ZHUGEIO TalkingData Aladdin
Free SAAS (1 app)
10,000 RMB/month
Paas 8,333~16,666
Free for basic
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Enhanced plan
FREE for basic
statistics and
charges for API
and custom
h for basic
Freemium FREE
Mini Program
✔ ✔ WeChat/Baidu ✔ ✔ ✔ WeChat/Toutiao
QR code
✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔
Custom Events JS JS JS JS JS JS JS
API ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
Mini Program
✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘
Google Analytics Tencent YouData
Solutions Deep Dive on 7 Solutions
Baidu Tongji
No. Tool name
Basic statistics indicators
Baidu Tongji
Google Analytics
Tencent YouData
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Solutions Deep Dive - Base Features
Page Views Visits Sessions
# of Users
who shared
No. Tool name
User Analysis Granularity
Baidu Tongji
Google Analytics
Tencent YouData
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Solutions Deep Dive - Base Features
Visits Tracking Analysis
of stay
Out of the
No. Tool name
QR code
Official account
entrance Search
Source analysis
Parametric QR code (Channel) Share (individual user)
✔ ✔
✔ ✔
Baidu Tongji
✘ ✘
Google Analytics
Tencent YouData
✘ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔
Solutions Deep Dive - Source Analysis
No. Tool name
OS Device model Resolution Network
Equipment/ Environment analysis
Baidu Tongji
Google Analytics
Tencent YouData
✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔
Solutions Deep Dive - Environment Analysis
No. Tool name Native Mini
Program event
monitoring Independent
event tracking
Behavioral events analysis
Custom analysis
Funnel model
● Share
● Pull down to refresh
● Touch the button of a page
✔ ✔
Baidu Tongji
Google Analytics
Tencent YouData
● pageviews
● search
● product behavior
● order behavior
✔ ✔
● needs UTM set up
● customizable
Solutions Deep Dive - Behavioral Analysis
● only e-commerce
● needs customized event
Behavioral events analysis
No. Tool
Customization &
(Score 1-5)
(Score 1-5)
(Score 1-5)
Setup & Ease of Use
(Score 1-5)
1 5 4 5 3 4.30
2 4 4 4 4 4.00
3 5 5 2 4 4.00
4 4 3 4 4 4.00
5 5 4 3 3 3.80
6 4 4 4 3 3.80
7 3 3 5 3 3.50
Google Analytics
Baidu Tongji
Tencent YouData
Solutions Top Picks Based on Predetermined Criteria
Our Recommendations
Google Analytics for
Global reporting
Double track with a
local analytics solution
to enhance your data
Connect your solutions
to your BI tool
Solution Which Solutions Should You Choose?
You should barely log in to your analytics
solution as it should be connected to your BI
tool. Data Studio is your best bet if you are
only connecting to Google Analytics.
Otherwise, we found PowerBI the most
secure, affordable tool to connect to all your
data sources. Tableau is also a viable option
for visualization that offers in-depth
analytical capabilities. However, it comes
with a steeper price tag and learning curve.
Most international brands use Google
Analytics for Mini Program tracking as they
use Google Analytics globally or have GA 360.
The main reason is that it helps to have only
one analytics solution for all platforms:
Websites, APPs, and Mini Programs for
different countries, which eases data
processing, and your team only needs to
learn how to use one tool. Be sure not to
collect any PII on the platform to ensure
that you are compliant with local
regulations regarding cross-border data
A local analytics solution can certainly
replace Google Analytics or be used
simultaneously. We recommend using both
Google Analytics as well as a local solution.
Having a backup of your data will help you
ensure accuracy and compliance. Also, while
Google Analytics is highly customizable and
will give you most of the information you
need, a local solution will be more accurate
when it comes to data reporting in China for
specific metrics. It will give you more detail
regarding devices used and the location of
users. The options above are our most
recommended local platforms.
Analytics Tagging
Tagging Plan Breakdown
Tagging How to Implement your Tagging Plan on a Mini Program
The WeChat backend is the simplest option for
accessing your MP data. However, this data is quite
limited and not customized to the specific structure of
your MP or any specific KPIs or events you may like to
Other third-party tools, paid or free, will provide you with
several extra data points and features, allowing you to
measure the performance of your MP more accurately.
Most of the analytics tools use Javascript code to track
custom events or events outside of the basic metrics
collected such as pageviews, number of users, session
duration, etc. This means that you will need your
developer or vendor to implement your tagging plan
into the Mini Program code.
There are two main categories of third-party tools: 1)
pure WeChat Mini Program players and 2) cross-channel
analytics solutions. While pure players tend to have
more MP-specific tracking features and cover many use
with out-of-the-box templates, cross-channel analytics
have the advantage of gathering App, H5, and website
tracking all in one place.
We have not thoroughly tested all the solutions listed in
the following benchmark. Feature comparison was done
by analyzing each solution’s documentation, accessing
demos, and reading online reviews. The results are
gathered in a shared Google Spreadsheet. You are
welcome to contribute to this benchmarking effort.
Drop us a line and we will be happy to grant you editing
rights to this shared knowledge database.
Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Key Information
Properties and Account IDs
If you want to use a platform similar to Google Analytics
for your performance tracking, you need to create two
bins called ‘properties’ to store the data for your Mini
Program - one for testing, and one for production. Your
developer will then use each property ID to make sure
that the data is collected into that property.
App ID
Your AppID is equivalent to an identity document for
your Mini Program. It will come in handy when you want
to generate QR codes for users to enter your program
using your brand logo.
Also, most Mini Program analytics solutions generate a
key or an SDK. Like a website, you can have multiple Mini
Programs under the same account and perform cross-
tracking analysis for your different programs or to track
the traffic from your Mini Program to your website and
vice versa.
Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Page mapping
This tab is where you keep track
of the names you give your
pages. It is not a place to get
creative- make sure that your
page names are
straightforward and descriptive
enough so that you can easily
understand which page is
which without having to refer
to your documentation.
Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Event Tracking Setup
This is likely the most
important tab for you and
your developers where you
make note of all the custom
events you would like to track
for your mini program. Again,
this is not a place to get
creative and it’s important to
make sure that you clearly
name all of your events so
you know what they
represent when you analyze
them later.
Illustration GA Method GA output(s)
when a user
shares the MP event
eventCategory: share
eventAction: share - MP
eventLabel: $page
ea=share - MP
when a user
submits form
with name
eventCategory: form
when a user
submits form
with phone
eventCategory: form
Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Google Analytics setup
Make sure to include documentation of all the
settings you put in place for your analytics
solution. The case shown on the right is an
example tab of a Google Analytics set up that
includes the following:
● Custom dimensions are global variables that
allow for better organization/categorization
of data and to get more detailed information
about users (i.e., actions of those logged in vs.
not logged in.)
● A detailed description of goals that are set up
and tracked to see if users completed certain
CTAs (i.e., sharing, adding item to wishlist,
completing a purchase)
● Information about which filters we will be
creating for our data - make sure to find a
way to filter out testing data from your team.
Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - UTM Setup
A UTM code is a snippet of code that
you can add to the end of a URL to
track the performance of campaigns
and content. It can also generate QR
codes to find out exactly where the
traffic for your Mini Program is coming
from. You can define a few parameters -
source and medium, which are
required and campaign, term, and
content that are optional. Parameters
you track via UTM codes show up in
your analytics reports to give you a
clearer insight into marketing
performance. UTM stands for "Urchin
Traffic Monitor." This name comes from
Urchin Tracker, a web analytics
software that served as the base for
Google Analytics.
Tagging Examples
Tagging Tagging overview
Capturing transactional macro
conversions may be simple, as they are
often tracked automatically (e.g., for an e-
commerce Mini Program).
On the other hand, non-transactional
macro conversions may require you to add
specific tracking, such as campaign traffic
Implementing funnels to track the path to
your macro conversions is important for
detecting drop-off points or issues with
design, content, etc.
Custom Event
Page View
Tagging Example: TEC
Tracking micro conversions is the trickiest
part of Mini Program analytics, as these
events often need to be manually added
to your source code.
It is essential to plan for what you want to
measure and augment your Mini Program
with third-party analytics to track custom
Get a copy of our event
tagging template and
implement event tracking
and funnels on your MP.
Tagging TEC Mini Program
Custom Event
Page View
Tagging Eatwith Mini Program
Custom Event
Page View
Tagging Caudalie Mini Program
Custom Event
Page View
Data Visualization,
Dashboards, & Reporting
Reporting How to Build your MP Performance Tracking Dashboards
Mini Programs are just one component of your overall
WeChat strategy, and you most likely need to track all your
WeChat data points.
1. Official Account
2. H5 Media Campaigns
3. Website with JSSDK
4. Mini Programs
5. Chatbot
6. CS LiveChat
7. WeChat H5 Store
Most analytics solutions do not provide a custom dashboard.
If you prefer to manage the MP tracking dashboards
separately, each platform has its own data reporting
capabilities. We recommend looking at the visualization
engine and its flexibility vs. out of the box features:
This is why we recommend that you primarily look for API
connectors when choosing your MP tracking solution. This
way, you can query all of your data and visualize it in one place
using one tool (i.e., Tableau, Google Data Studio, PowerBI).
Reporting Leveraging the Connectivity of BI Platforms to Get the Most
Out of Your MP Performance Tracking
Google Data Studio is great for sharing with colleagues and
if you only want to connect to Google products. However, to
get the most out of your performance tracking, you need to
connect to various sources, and for this, Microsoft PowerBI
offers a secure, straightforward solution.
Not only can you connect to several data sources and create
visualizations via PowerBI, but PowerBI Apps give you the
option to embed reports and dashboards. You can also
incorporate any other embedded link so that you can keep
track of all of your content in one place, regardless of where
it was produced.
Although PowerBI requires a monthly subscription,
this comes at a very low cost of 10USD/month. It
gives you a more secure option for viewing all of
your key metrics via your account which requires
login information. However, beware that a new
subscription has to be set up for each individual user
that wishes to view the dashboard.
Example PowerBI Dashboard
Example: PowerBI App
Reporting Dashboarding Strategy - Basic Performance
Depending on your MP and KPIs, the
primary data shown in your dashboard
could be completely different from other
organizations. The dashboard on the top
right is more focused on e-commerce,
and the second one is more is focused on
MP traffic and user sharing.
Thus, here are some commonly used key
figures depending on the MP:
● Transactions, Revenue, Checkout
Conversion, Daily/Weekly/Monthly Sale
Performance, etc.
● Pageviews, Total users, Bounce rate,
MP Shares, Daily/Weekly/Monthly
Traffic Performance, etc.
Reporting Dashboarding Strategy - Conversion Funnel
A conversion funnel shows a clear view of
each step users have taken towards your
CTA. Whether the purpose of the MP is to
generate revenue via E-commerce
transactions/bookings or to create an
inflow of user traffic, you can see where
your users tend to drop off with a
conversion funnel.
Here are some commonly used key MP
funnel steps:
● All sessions, Product views, Checkout,
● All sessions, MP registration, MP final
step (example above is MP sharing)
Reporting … But make sure to provide actionable recommendations or
analysis for better management
A smarter way for sharing reports:
Leave enough space for analysis,
recommendations, or images if
necessary - so the report looks
more manageable and intuitive
(e.g., a space of 3 lines for text
under each graph).
Reporting Importance of Sharing Dashboards to Automate your Reporting:
Google Data Studio
Shareable dashboards are
important for collaborating with
your colleagues and sharing KPIs
to ensure everyone in the
organization is working towards
the same goals. Keep everyone
on top of the latest data
You can automate sharing your
dashboards and reports (daily,
weekly, monthly) with Google
Data Studio in a secure way by
managing access for users and
adding their gmail-connected
email addresses.
Reporting Reporting
Data integration and
performance tracking are only
the beginning of an optimization
journey. A good report template
can help you organize the data
from your mini-program and
present it in a comprehensive
yet straightforward manner so
that you can motivate key
stakeholders to take action and
optimize based on regularly
collected insights.
Check out…
our free mini program
performance report template.
A/B Testing on Mini Programs
Programs A/B Testing on a Mini Program
● Just like any other digital
product, it is also crucial to A/B
test your WeChat mini-program.
Some solutions offer such
testing out of the box.
● To A/B test a mini program, you
need to have two different
versions you can direct a portion
of the traffic to.
● Compared to Apps, it is easier for
a mini program to get traffic at a
lower cost. So A/B testing is even
more effective in finding the
optimal MP solution.
Sharing is one of the most important traffic entry points. However, encouraging users to
share an MP is not always an easy goal to reach. The above tests do not bring a
considerable difference for each version which also reminds us that we should consider the
specific value-add we are trying to bring to the MP. How can we optimize the design and
trigger the CTA we want?
Programs A/B Testing Solutions Comparison
data tracking
Heatmap Virtualization
Volcengine Freemium ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Weekdays 10-
18:00 CST
Starting at
✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ 24/7 support
Volume-based ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ 24/7 support
Adobe Target Volume-based ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ 24/7 support
DataRangers Volume-based ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 24/7 support
Google Analytics Does not support A/B testing for MP
Programs A/B Testing Case study
Original version Test version A
Design with “today’s
challenge” icon leads
to a 15% increase in
conversion rate.
Case from Testin data.AI: 我最在行
Programs A/B Testing Case study
Original version Test version A
Design with “view
personal record” leads
to a 10% increase in
Case from Testin data.AI: 我最在行
Programs A/B Testing Case study
version Test version A Test version B
Design with
article summary
leads to a 15.54%
increase in AVG
session duration
and a 5.88%
increase in AVG
article clicks.
Case from Testin data.AI: 我最在行
A/B Testing Case Study
Design with IOS
style share icon
leads to an 18%
increase in
sharing rate.
Case from Testin data.AI: 墨迹天气
Test version A Test version C
Test version B Test version D
Resources Resources
Mini Program Documentation:
Mobile Tencent Analytics:
Growing IO:
Baidu Tongji:
Quest Mobile:
Sensors Data:
Follow Fabernovel on WeChat
for in-depth analysis of China
Digital & WeChat trends.
Mariam Ammar
Data Analyst Manager
Carol Liu
Data Analyst
Clement Ledormeur
General Manager, Tech Division
Need to design, build or audit/improve a WeChat Mini Program?
Connect with us!
Mariam Ammar
Data Analyst Manager
Add Mariam on WeChat:
Training &
Data Governance
Master Data
Data Quality
el Customer
Web Analytics
KPI & Reporting
Trend Detection
Churn &
Clustering &
Workforce &
A key partner of your global transformation
We spark your innovative spirit and
we co-design key initiatives to
make business impact together.
FABERNOVEL is a global innovation agency
supporting multinationals in their China
digitalisation. We bring the thought leadership of a
strategic consultancy, the creativity of a marketing
agency, and the problem-solving strength of a
technology company.
Fabernovel’s team of world-class thinkers, tech
specialists, marketers, designers, and data scientists
are considered pioneers in the field of digital
transformation worldwide to support leaders in the
beauty, luxury, retail and pharma.
Clement Ledormeur
General Manager, Tech Division
Thank you Contact us:

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WeChat Min Program analytics toolkit 2022

  • 2. Introduction to WeChat Mini Programs 1. Table of Contents Mini Program Analytics Setup 2. Analytics Solutions 3. Analytics Tagging 4. Data Visualization, Dashboards & Reporting 5. A/B Testing on Mini Programs 6.
  • 3. Introduction to WeChat Mini Programs 1
  • 5. Mini program trends WeChat: The Super App That is Here to Stay Fact: More than 1 in 10 people living on our planet are active WeChat users. As of 2021, over 78% of people in China aged 16-64 are using WeChat - the most popular app in the country. Data from Statistica: Monthly active users of the leading apps in China in March 2021 & 55+: WeChat Statistics - 2021 Monthly active users of the leading apps in China March 2021 (in millions) WeChat 1004 Alipay 845 Taobao 750 Pinduoduo 740 Douyin 686 QQ 639 Iqiyi 606 Video Tencent 606 Baidu 494
  • 6. Mini program trends WeChat Mini Programs have exploded since their creation in 2017 Mini Programs 4M Daily Active Users (DAU) 450M 0f e-commerce brands have an MP 95% of the 1B WeChat users have used them Mini game daily active users (DAU) 100M 63% Data from Business of Apps: WeChat Revenue and Usage Statistics WeChat Mini Program Annual Transactions in RMB 2017 2018 2019 2020 210 B 440 B 800 B 1.6 T
  • 7. Mini program trends Mini Program Usage is on the Rise Source: Quest Mobile Mini program 2021 report Monthly Active Users (MAU) of WeChat MP 2019 2020 743 863 Average Number of WeChat MP used per user each month 2019 2020 8.7 9.8
  • 8. From a brand perspective, daily services, video, and e-commerce are the top 3 categories for Mini- Programs. As the earliest player in the field, WeChat enjoys the widest variety of MPs, while those of AliPay are mostly used for daily services. Baidu MPs are mostly used for video, daily services, and education. WeChat MPs also have the highest MAU out of the other types of MPs. The 500M MAU of Baidu MP ≈ WeChat DAU Mini program trends Mini Programs by Industry 21% 20% 14% 12% 5% 5% 4% 4% 43% 11%11% 8% 7% 5% 5% 4% 2% 2% 23% 20% 11% 6% 6% 6% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% WeChat MP Alipay MP Baidu MP Source: Quest Mobile March 2021
  • 9. Mini program trends Mini Programs remain a major traffic source for some of the industry leading brands Source: Quest Mobile: China Mobile Internet Panorama Ecological Traffic Half-Year Insight Report (May 2021), Brand traffic occupation cross App and MP (May 2021) Cainiao Meituan Takeaway SF Express 59% 41% 50% 50% 40% 60% 8% 92% MP App
  • 10. Mini-program e-commerce will become the largest e-commerce eras in China following traditional e-commerce, social e-commerce, WeChat e-commerce, and live e- commerce. Wenlu Shi, CEO at Aladdin
  • 11. Mini program trends MP E-commerce vs. Traditional E-commerce Customer acquisition ● Unlike with third-party e-commerce platforms, brands can design their MP user interfaces the way they please and have control over all of their consumer data. ● Merchants are able to make full use of social relationship chains on WeChat platforms for product promotion and customer acquisition: by sharing the MP to group chats, timelines, promoting OA or their marketing campaigns, etc. (there are over 60 entry points). ● Mini-programs are not only low cost but are also more effective when it comes to customer acquisition.
  • 12. Mini program trends MP E-commerce vs. Traditional E-commerce Checkout UX For MP users, the checkout process usually involves fewer steps than a traditional checkout process. This shorter conversion path leads to higher conversion rates. Example of Traditional E- commerce Checkout Process Example of MP E-commerce Checkout Process APP Store landing page Product page Cart Order details page Checkout page Successful purchase PDP page from sharing Checkout page Successful purchase A typical checkout process for MP often starts with a share sent via a chat message
  • 13. Mini program trends Retargeting / Remarketing ● Since it is easier to reach users via WeChat OA posting, reminders, etc., remarketing is much easier via an MP. ● For traditional e-commerce platforms, merchants usually can not directly reach users but instead have to rely on built-in mail/e-mail, phone or text message, etc. - All of these methods come with long conversion paths and are separated from the platforms. VS Template marketing promotion message from OA versus traditional Remarketing email.
  • 14. Mini program trends Mini Program: More powerful than a website? The number of websites in China hit a peak of 5.44 million in July 2018 then experienced a decrease to 4.43 million in July 2020. When it comes to internet usage, locals have long preferred to access applications via mobile devices vs. surfing on traditional websites. Creating an MP automatically sets you up for a higher conversion rate than what you would get for your brand website in China. 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 Jul 15 Jan 16 Jul 16 Jan 17 Jul 17 Jan 18 Jul 18 Jan 19 Jul 19 Jan 20 Jul 20 3.568 4.229 4.542 4.824 5.058 5.333 5.440 5.234 5.180 4.970 4.680 Source: | China internet network information Center
  • 15. Relevant Data Regulations & License Requirements 1.2
  • 16. Mini program trends The Ever-Changing Regulatory Landscape Navigating China’s data regulatory landscape is no easy feat as there are several laws in place, and it is not uncommon for laws to change each year or what may seem like overnight. Make sure you are aware and fully compliant Regardless, when it comes to setting up a Mini Program and collecting user data, you need to make sure that you are well aware of the current regulations and are operating in compliance to avoid hefty fines or worse. Do your own research While this report gives an overview of some of the most up-to-date data laws as they relate to Mini Program data collection, it is far from being comprehensive, and it is highly recommended that you take note of any data laws before you begin the development of your MP. In recent years WeChat mini-programs have developed rapidly, but local authorities have noted that they also have exposed prominent security risks and, in particular, the risk of users’ personal information leakage is rather severe.
  • 17. Mini program trends A Patchwork of Requirements When it comes to China’s data regulatory framework, it’s best to view it as a patchwork of regulations instead of trying to find a unified framework. On November 1, 2021, China passed its Personal Information Protection Law ("PIPL") which takes strong inspiration from the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The PIPL impacts many businesses operating in or doing business with China, coupling extensive obligations concerning processing all types of data. While the PIPL has the spotlight as it is the newest data regulation - it’s not the only one. Luckily, when it comes to collecting user data via an MP, all regulations seem to focus on the same aspects which revolve around user consent when it comes to data collection and the protection of their information. CSL (Cyber Security Law) PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law) DSL (Data Security Law) For more information about the PIPL, be sure to check out our whitepaper on Consumer Data Strategy under the New China PIPL.
  • 18. Mini program trends Current Regulations for Mini Program Data Collection This list includes regulations that you will want to keep in mind when it comes to collecting data from users of your MP. ● Users must be notified before their information is collected, why it would be collected, and in what scope it would be used. ● Users cannot be required to share personal information such as birthdate, phone number, etc. or be denied access to services if they deny access to personal data beyond the business scope. ● User data collected in a specific Mini Program can only be used in that specific program. For example, if you have two Mini Programs, you shouldn’t transfer user data from one MP to another. Example of an authorization process for data collection ● Users should be given the option to permanently modify or delete their data and be able to execute this option on their own. ● Personal data must be diligently protected throughout its lifecycle For an exhaustive list of all data regulations see WeChat’s “Rules for User Privacy and Data.” Also, make sure that you are compliant with the most up-to-date regulations. Note that different types of Mini Programs may be subject to a different set of regulations and licensure. Incorporate accessing licenses and searching for relevant information into your timeline as this process can take up to several months.
  • 19. Mini program trends Licensing for Mini Programs If you want to publish a website, platform, software, or mini program in China you will need to start by applying for an ICP (Internet Content Provider) license. Other licenses may be needed depending on the scope of your mini program, and it is crucial to plan ahead and allow ample time to make sure you are compliant with the most up-to-date regulations and have the proper licenses. Depending on the licenses that you end up needing, you will need to spend anywhere from 1-6 months on the licensing application process alone. Example of licenses required for developing a mini program. These licenses, which include a commercial ICP License (B25), were required for an e- commerce mini program that allows users to book dinners via a third-party vendor. Feature Licence Data sharing B 21 Information publishing B 25 Communication B 22 SMS verification SP Features used in App legally requiring a licence
  • 20. Mini program trends Licensing for Mini Programs ICP License ● Information search services ● Information dissemination platforms ● Information community services (no direct selling) ● Real-time interactive information services ● Transaction processing platforms (i.e., e-commerce platforms, second-hand trading platforms, online food ordering platforms, ticket booking systems, etc. ) ● Only those where third-party sellers are involved ● e-Commerce MP with online payment integration ● Social media or live-streaming mini programs ● Communication services between two or more parties ● Example: Video conferencing, audio conferencing, and remote diagnosis ● Likely needed if an EDI license is needed ● For SMS functionality/verification ● Voicemail, email, or fax functionality between two or more people ● Establishing a call center platform to provide users with services such as business or information consultation, and data query. Commercial ICP License (B25) EDI License (B21) Multi-party Communication License (B22) Store and Forward (B23) Call Centers (B24) Service Provider License (SP License) Required OR... Specific to Scope and Functionality
  • 23. Mini program Analytics Setup MP Performance Tracking to Feed your Optimization Strategy The key to defining your mini-program performance is to identify how your entry points perform in regards to your mini program’s core engagement/conversion goals, such as: ● Which WeChat posts from OA have brought the most traffic or have the highest conversion rates? ● Which KOL campaign has generated the most sales or engagements on the mini-program looking at goals related to engagement or sales? ● Which advertising channel has brought the most qualified traffic to the mini-program? ● Which form field has the highest drop-off? ● Which features on the program are the most used? Also, make sure to optimize the design or features accordingly (e.g., removing form fields that are causing high abandonment, removing clutter on a product page to increase additions to carts, adding helpers on checkout steps, retargeting cart abandonment with transactional notification messages, etc.) A/B testing flow with conditions
  • 24. Mini program Analytics Setup Connecting Mini Program Behavioural Data with Official Account and/or Social CRM Based on the WeChat platform, once you collect data from your MP, it is very convenient to: 1. Reach out to consumers Create user portraits, accurately place social advertisements or other online and offline marketing activities to drag traffic. 1. Convert traffic Utilizing WeChat assistant to follow up real-time comprehensive customer management such as visiter reminders, customer behavior tracking, tag users for precision marketing, etc. 1. Offer outstanding customer service Order reminders, after-sale reminders, and other OA notifications make the service more timely; repurchase reminders and returning massage for lost users to improve customer retention and repurchase rates. DMP/Back-end/third-party sCRM solutions MP/OA Customer Integrate, Combine Share, Campaigns, Service, Reminder Customer behavior Data collection Customer - MP closed loop
  • 25. Mini program Analytics Setup The Risk of Using Too Many Third-Party Plug-ins Because they reduce development work, third-party solutions have become popular. for VR, Xiaokefu for chatbot and livecom/grata for LiveChat are some examples. As a brand, you might want to look at specific metrics that may or may not be tracked by these platforms. It is also important to understand how these platforms come up with their calculations since calculations for the same metric can vary from platform to platform. Also, this data will usually be collected directly on the third party’s back-end instead of your own. Once this data is collected, how will you export it for reporting or so that your other team members can view it easily in one place without having to log into and/or learn how to use several solutions? How to add third party’s solutions to MP Solutions: ● Make sure to collect third-party data in advance for reporting. ● When choosing analytics solutions, figure out if there is an API connection that is can easily connect with the necessary the third-party data.
  • 26. Mini program Analytics Setup Importance of Connecting your MP to Multiple Sources It’s likely that no one data source or analytics solution, regardless of how powerful, will give you an accurate and comprehensive view of your consumer behavior. For this reason, most dashboarding solutions will allow you to add multiple data sources. In order to have the most impactful dashboard, you could: ● Pull data from the database for cumulative customers. ● Implement solutions for built-in data such as pageviews, DAU/WAU/MAU, and entry points ● Abstract specific data sources for certain figures. E.g., user sharing performance from analytics solution Analytics Solutions WeChat OA Back- end Third Party’s Solutions Back- endCMS Database MP Built- in Analysis Third Party’s Plug-in sCRM Solutions
  • 27. Mini program Analytics Setup Combine Data from your Database with an Analytics Solution A good third-party analytics solution will help you collect important data and metrics related to user behavior and how users navigate your mini program. However, for transactional data or data not specifically related to user behavior, for accuracy, it’s best to get straight from the source - your database. While it may be time- consuming to get all of your data sources integrated at first, for a basic setup, we recommend that you at least incorporate both data from your analytics solution and your database into your BI tool. Database Revenue Transactions Refunds Bookings User demographics Registrations/Account Creations Conversion Rate Average Order Value, etc. Analytics Solution UnionID Bounce rate Pageviews Traffic sources Average Session Duration Average pages per visit Percentage of returning visitors Number and Frequency of visits User clicks, etc, BI Tool + =
  • 28. Mini program Analytics Setup And Incorporate your MP into a Synergized Digital Ecosystem 1 Fanbase, 1 Order Management System, 1 Membership System, 1 Mini Program Local CRM & Loyalty OTA (e.g., Ctrip / Dianping) TRANSACTION Real time integration through SPLIO API portal of transaction and customer information Social Loyalty Middleware Platform - Social -Engagement -BI and monitoring -Interactions tracking -VIP Tier 1 Hub E-Concierge WeCom On-Site Solution (e.g., POS) 1 Hub Website with 4 sub websites 1 Hub WMP With 4 sub MPs 1 Main OA with 4 sub OAs 1 RED / Douyin OA with 4 sub OAs FANBASE CUSTOMER BASE 1 Social Media Management Platform 1 Main OA With 4 sub OAs 1 unique Booking Engine Sync of Members data 1 Unique Membership Mini-Program
  • 29. Mini program Analytics Setup Advertising Linked to Analytics Solutions Merchants can check advertising performance not only by Ad views/clicks/cost but also MP pageviews from Ads, product performance from Ads and automatically calculated ROI. 300k 250k 200k 150k 100k 50k 2020/03/09 2020/03/10 2020/03/11 2020/03/12 Advertising Performance Exposure Click Clock Ads Views/ Ads Clicks/ Ads cost
  • 30. Mini program Analytics Setup Integrating Offline Data It is essential to track offline store data, so that merchants can better manage their MP content and sales strategies. This helps to understand overall sales performance by combining both offline store and online MP performance. 1.8k 1.5k 1.2k 900 600 300 0 5K 10K Offline Store traffic 7 days ago Yesterday Today 2.1k 15K 20K 25K Customers who made a purchase Store 5 Store 4 Store 3 Store 2 Store 1 Store visitor 25 20 15 10 5 00:00 Overall sale performance Transaction 01:15 02:30 03:45 05:00 06:15 07:30 08:45 10:00 11:15 12:30 13:45
  • 31. Traffic & Source Analysis 2.2
  • 32. Mini program Analytics Setup Analyzing Mini Program Traffic Performance Besides Google Analytics default sources, WeChat has also set up over 50 WeChat entry points. Here is the link for WeChat’s official development file that lists all entry points. By generating QR codes of the UTM URL, you can track your campaign performance (e.g., physical/digital posters, websites, meeting rooms or flyers, etc. ). This way, you can get a comprehensive view of your campaign tracking. Check out our document on how to generate QR codes for your Mini Program here. As one of the most important traffic sources, MP sharing is a key figure to improve. Most analytics solutions track sharing and it’s also important to take note of whether your MP is being shared to friends and/or via group chats.
  • 33. Mini program Analytics Setup Analyzing Mini Program Traffic Performance Don’t hesitate to include your MP QR codes in your social media posts. Or during the lead up to events on printed materials that invitees are likely to use to help pass on key information related to the event. Launch or general events are great for getting the word out. Make sure that attendees interact with your MP as much as possible. Leverage the popularity of livestreaming events and use it to direct viewers to your MP. Popup and experience stores are great ways to get users interacting with your MP - especially if you have more than one. You can also put your MP QR code in your team’s email signatures. Include shopping credits, memberships, discounts, and coupons in your MP -even for purchases made via your offline stores. Track your KOL performance by giving each one their unique QR code. Bind your store Wifi with your MP, so that customers have to sign up via your MP to connect to the Wifi If your team has business cards, it may also be a good idea to include a QR code for your MP. Have another traffic acquisition use case for a mini program? Click here to tell us all about it.
  • 35. Mini program Analytics Setup UnionID vs. OpenID A unique WeChat ID for each user of an OA (Official Account) and Mini Program. For each OA or Mini Program, users have a unique OpenID. For example, if you log into a Mini Program - you will have one OpenID, and if you log on to another - you will have a different one. When users subscribe to or interact with your Mini Program, it is possible to obtain their basic information such as location and language using their OpenID. You can get their OpenID if a user authorizes WeChat access through your MP. Unlike a users’ OpenID, a UnionID stays the same as users travel from one mini program to another. For data tracking, a UnionID can be seen as more precious as it gives the ability to acquire a user’s data from multiple platforms and attribute actions back to the specific user. This is particularly useful when taking into consideration that although most brands have a main mini-program with core functionality, it is best to have several mini-programs to keep the user experience as simple as possible and try not to mimic a full-blown app.
  • 36. Mini program Analytics Setup The Benefit of a UnionID Brands can utilize UnionID to understand, approach, convert, and retain consumers. ● Smoother onboardings and increased retention rates ● Better acquisition and management of user data ● Boosted sales through omnichannel marketing and scenario- based promotions ● Improved data security (users don’t need to log in) ● Accurate customer segmentation and targeted advertising (when a user authorizes WeChat login on a cosmetics app, WeChat can push beauty related ads accordingly) Promotional MP H5 Campaign Official Account UnionID E-commerce MP Example of an Analytics Setup for Cross-MP Tracking - here we can see this user visited our first MP a lot more often than our second one.
  • 37. Mini program Analytics Setup How to Apply for UnionID Collection To get access to users’ UnionIDs, you first need to complete developer qualification verification and bind your accounts (OA, Mini Program, and Applications) on the WeChat open platform. Here are the steps on how to do so. Bind your WeChat touchpoints to the Open Platform ● In the admin center you can select OA or Mini Program and then select the “Bind an Official Account / Mini Program” option. Register an Open Platform account ● Head to to register your account. All you need is a valid email address. Complete the Developer Qualification ● Once you are logged in, select “Developer Qualification” after going to the account center. ● If you’re in China, you will need to pay a verification fee of 300CNY or 99USD if you’re outside of China. 1 2 3
  • 39. Mini program Analytics Setup How to Apply for UnionID Collection Before an MP is designed, you need a clear picture of your business goals and how success will be measured (KPIs) 1 2 3 Once the MP is released you should focus on tracking conversion and adjust / update the MP accordingly. Business Goals ● Identify existing customers among WeChat followers ● Increase repeat orders ● Offer a seamless omnichannel customer experience ● Increase engagement and brand awareness ● Generate qualified leads with name and phone number KPIs ● % of new followers identified as customers ● % of sales from repeat customers, order frequency, average basket ● % of MP users from sharing, from favorites ● % of MP visitors considered engaged ● Overall MP conversion: lead generation, action completion, etc. Macro Conversions Micro Conversions ● Journey completions ● Repeat MP users ● End conversion: form filling, registration, purchase completion ● Journey steps, page visits ● Shares ● Interactions with page elements ● Page scroll > x% ● Customer service requests ● Traffic to linked Mini Programs ● Reviews, ratings, comments ● Content interactions: live-streaming views, video views 4
  • 40. Mini program Analytics Setup Unified Back-End Solutions Contain Multiple Categorized Views Classifying different actions by separating views and categorizing data is a key for optimizing your performance tracking. ● Take the time to make your data clean by filtering it out to allow for easier analysis in the future. For example, a testing view should have only traffic from your team when you are testing your MP or a checkout view should only contain steps for your checkout process. ● Analyze specific types of actions without distractions and save time from having to manually filter out your data later. ● But understand that once you use a filter - you cannot get that filtered data back. So, plan accordingly! Store Locator Checkout Home My Account
  • 41. Mini program Analytics Setup Why Mini Programs are Better than H5 for Some Key KPIs Some of the most significant KPIs of a Mini Program are user traffic, registrations, and conversion rate. Based on the WeChat platform, users can register/login to the MP via one click to authorize their personal information, such as their location, WeChat profile, or checkout address from their phonebook, etc. However, an H5 requires more steps and may even include redirection. VS Mini Program WeChat profile authorization H5 personal profile authorization H5 Weibo Register redirection UEFA performance in the first month MP Traffic: 12k Registration conversion rate: 35% Traffic: 2.5k Registration conversion rate: 30% H5
  • 42. Mini program Analytics Setup UEFA Champions League Business Goals: ● MP basic performance ● Paid media/KOLs performance ● Collect engagement information ● User insight KPIs: ● Pageview, unique pageview ● Daily/Weekly/Monthly active users ● New Users % over last X weeks ● Traffic source performance ● Account registration ● Form submission ● Total shares ● Users’ region/age/gender Macro Conversions: ● Journey completions ● Repeat MP users ● Churn ● End conversion: done prediction Micro Conversions: ● Journey steps, page visits ● Sharings ● Interactions with page elements
  • 43. Mini program Analytics Setup The Executive Center Business Goals: ● MP basic performance ● QR code scanning performance ● Collect engagement information ● Meeting Room booking performance ● User insight and login status KPIs: ● Pageviews, unique pageviews ● Daily/Weekly/Monthly active users ● New Users % over last X weeks ● Meeting room booking rate ● Traffic source performance ● Account registration ● total shares ● TEC Member/External Member login rate Macro Conversions: ● Journey completions ● Repeat MP users ● Churn ● End conversion: done prediction Micro Conversions: ● Journey steps, page visits ● Shares ● Interactions with page elements
  • 44. Whether it helps you comply with the PIPL or because you need to collect granular data (i.e., UnionID) about your consumers and inject it into a data platform, choosing the right local analytics solution for your mini-program is a more strategic decision today than it was 2 years ago. Victor Ariza, Analytics Project Manager at LVMH
  • 46. Analytics Solution Owning Your Data Most e-commerce platforms in China, such as Tmall and JD, act as black boxes that give brands limited access to their consumer data. However, with a WeChat MP, you can own and have access to all of your user information. Whether they are off-she-shelf or fully customizable, several MP data tracking solutions exist. While an off- the-shelf solution may cover many of your basic needs and track standard metrics, ones that allow you tailor-made configuration will give you the greatest ROI in the long run. This will help you see the complete picture of your user behavior and, therefore, better optimize. After all, each MP is different, and so is its user journey. Regardless of the type of solution you choose, it is important to make sure you properly set up tracking for your KPIs so that you are able to collect all of the data you need as soon as your program goes live. % of brands’ needs covered Type of Solution Off-the- shelf Fully customizable 60% 100%
  • 47. Analytics Solution Can we still use Google Analytics to track WeChat Mini Programs? Yes! Most international brands are still using Google Analytics as their central analytics solution for all their web properties. In that regard, it is possible to use GA as analytics for your WeChat Mini Program. MPs cannot fire the default frontend GA script. There is an existing connector available that will send hits to GA from the Mini Program backend. ● Work with real-time data and adjust your business decisions accordingly. ● Easily customize your data collection and track your data via built-in reports. ● Customize detailed reports for pages to understand why certain metrics are higher or lower. But beware of the limits: ● Because the domain name is not ICP enabled it cannot be added to an MP’s server whitelist, you need to proxy the requests to GA with an ICP-enabled server. ● MP-specific events cannot be tracked (e.g., tracking entries from individual QR code scans). We also HIGHLY recommend using a local tool to double- track your data if you choose to use Google Analytics..just in case!
  • 48. A look at the Newcomer: Tencent Youdata 3.1
  • 49. Analytics Solution Local Analytics Solution For Your MP - Tencent Youdata Tencent Youdata was recently launched by Tencent Smart Retail and is becoming quite popular. It uniquely integrates offline store, online official account, and MP performance to give enterprises full control of their business. Steps to configure: ● Apply for data access to get a test token. ● Go through Tencent’s verification process. ● You are then ready to implement and setup your SDK. Omni-channel analysis for every angle of data Integrated offline store performance and online OA Advertising linked in helping marketing strategy For more detailed configuration see the Official development file
  • 50. Analytics Solution Youdata Channel Classification Classified channels can be applied to product sale analysis, which helps merchants understand every action that is made for traffic acquisition, as well as e-commerce. On top of that, merchants can optimize their MP performance and advertising strategy. Drainage Traffic Customized Traffic Organic Traffic Traffic from sharing, MP quick access, user search, etc. OA posting/MP reminder, offline marketing event, jumps between MPs, etc. Campaign activity, QR code generation, etc.
  • 52. Analytics Solutions Mapping of WeChat Mini Program Analytics Ecosystem TALKINGDATA JICE.IO ALADDIN HOTAPP Analysys Ark GROWINGIO SENSORS DATA WeData ZHUGEIO BAIDU Umeng+ Google Analytics Adobe Analytics Tencent YouData Data Rangers
  • 53. 01 02 03 04 No. Tool name Overview Characteristics of the tools Price Affiliation Service provider overview This is located in the WeChat backend for your OA and MP, but beware that certain metrics will only give you up to 90 days of historical data. Differentiated features DMP 05 Analytics Solutions Overview Comparison of 15 Mini Program analytics tools(1/3) ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ TalkingData Baidu Tongji Tencent YouData Freemium Freemium 1,800 RMB/month Free Talking Data Baidu ALD Tencent Multi-channel analytics platform: APP, H5/Web, WeChat MP Baidu Tongji’s mobile module Pure WeChat Mini Program player. Created in 2016. Tencent YouData was launched by Tencent Smart Retail. Case: Lancome & SASA One of the most comprehensive App analytics platforms Can be used to track Baidu and WeChat Mini programs Combines offline store and online OA with MP and omnichannel sale analysis. tracking MP/Kandian live- streaming, and Official Account performance Have their own WeChat MP for dashboarding Free Tencent WeChat Backend ✘ Automatic collection of basic metrics
  • 54. 06 07 08 09 No. Tool name Overview Characteristics of the tools Price Free Affiliation Service provider overview Differentiated features DMP Free Volume based Free 10 Volume based Analytics Solutions Overview Comparison of 15 Mini Program analytics tools(2/3) ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ Analysys Ark GROWING.IO DataRangers Sensors Data HOTAPP HotApp Ark (E-Guan) GrowingIO ByteDance Sensors Data Specializes in tracked QR code management for Apps and Mini- Programs Full data analysis platform service for developers; support APP, H5/Web, WeChat Mini-Program Cross platform analysis product: web, app, and Mini Program; charge for business usage. Big data analytics products and solutions for Internet industries; A fully integrated platform including MP traffic tracking, performance optimization and user insights Rich QR code tracking features Both local and international, (exclusive) Douyin analysis One of the most powerful platforms on our list - but it comes at a cost! Smart user operation solutions, ARGO user growth model User profile, tracking user preference cross-platform DataFinder
  • 55. 11 12 13 14 No. Tool name Overview Characteristics of the tools Price Volume based Affiliation Service provider overview Tencent Differentiated features DMP ZHUGEIO Volume based Free Google 15 Volume based Adobe Analytics Solutions Overview Comparison of 15 Mini Program analytics tools(3/3) This is basically an extension of the WeChat backend - in the beta version with 90 days of historical data. Focused on data collection and analytics tools for H5/Web, mobile apps, and Mini Programs Full data analysis platform service for developers; support APP, H5/Web, WeChat Mini-Program Real-time data performance, native dashboard creation, E- commerce support. Full data analysis platform service for developers; support APP, H5/Web, WeChat Mini-Program 24/7 customer service and support, easy to share with other users. Comprehensive web analytics data, cooperates with Tencent MP ecosystem Flagship products including Zhuge DMP, Insight - Data analytics, Action - smart marketing, Digital - data infrastructure ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ZHUGEIO Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Freemium ✘ Umeng+ Umeng Professional data services for more than ten years Offers offline (store) analysis as well WeData
  • 56. Feature ZHUGEIO TalkingData Aladdin Price Free SAAS (1 app) Paid SAAS 10,000 RMB/month Paas 8,333~16,666 RMB/month Free for basic metrics Free Plan Basic Plan (2,500RMB/month) Enhanced plan (4,000RMB/month) FREE for basic statistics and charges for API and custom events 10,000RMB/mont h for basic features Freemium FREE Mini Program Analytics ✔ ✔ WeChat/Baidu ✔ ✔ ✔ WeChat/Toutiao QR code Generator ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ Custom Events JS JS JS JS JS JS JS API ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ Mini Program Service Notifications ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ Google Analytics Tencent YouData Analytics Solutions Deep Dive on 7 Solutions Baidu Tongji Mobile
  • 57. 01 02 03 04 No. Tool name Basic statistics indicators ✔ TalkingData Aladdin 05 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Page analysis Baidu Tongji ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 06 07 Google Analytics Tencent YouData ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ GROWING.IO Analytics Solutions Deep Dive - Base Features Session Duration Page Views Visits Sessions Share frequency # of Users who shared ZHUGEIO
  • 58. 01 02 03 04 No. Tool name User Analysis Granularity TalkingData Aladdin 05 Baidu Tongji ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ 06 07 Google Analytics Tencent YouData ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ GROWING.IO Analytics Solutions Deep Dive - Base Features New/old users Individual user tracking User segmentation Landing page Exit page Visits Tracking Analysis Path Length of stay Out of the box custom reporting User retention analysis ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ZHUGEIO
  • 59. 01 02 03 04 No. Tool name QR code configuration TalkingData Aladdin Channel analysis Sharing configuration Sharing performance Official account entrance Search 05 ✔ Source analysis Parametric QR code (Channel) Share (individual user) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Baidu Tongji ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 06 07 Google Analytics Tencent YouData ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ GROWING.IO Analytics Solutions Deep Dive - Source Analysis ZHUGEIO
  • 60. 01 02 03 04 No. Tool name Geographical distribution ✔ TalkingData Aladdin OS Device model Resolution Network 05 ✔ ✔ ✔ Equipment/ Environment analysis Baidu Tongji ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ 06 07 Google Analytics Tencent YouData ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ GROWING.IO Analytics Solutions Deep Dive - Environment Analysis ZHUGEIO
  • 61. 01 02 03 04 No. Tool name Native Mini Program event statistics TalkingData Aladdin KOL performance monitoring Independent event tracking 05 ✔ Behavioral events analysis Custom analysis Funnel model configuration ● Share ● Pull down to refresh ● Touch the button of a page ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Baidu Tongji ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ 06 07 Google Analytics Tencent YouData ● pageviews ● search ● product behavior ● order behavior ✔ ✔ ● needs UTM set up ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ● customizable ✘ GROWING.IO Analytics Solutions Deep Dive - Behavioral Analysis ● only e-commerce funnel ● needs customized event tracking ZHUGEIO
  • 62. Behavioral events analysis No. Tool Customization & Event-tracking (Score 1-5) Granularity (Score 1-5) Pricing (Score 1-5) Setup & Ease of Use (Score 1-5) Average Score 1 5 4 5 3 4.30 2 4 4 4 4 4.00 3 5 5 2 4 4.00 4 4 3 4 4 4.00 5 5 4 3 3 3.80 6 4 4 4 3 3.80 7 3 3 5 3 3.50 Aladdin Google Analytics GROWING.IO Baidu Tongji Tencent YouData TalkingData Analytics Solutions Top Picks Based on Predetermined Criteria ZHUGEIO
  • 64. Google Analytics for Global reporting Double track with a local analytics solution to enhance your data Connect your solutions to your BI tool Analytics Solution Which Solutions Should You Choose? You should barely log in to your analytics solution as it should be connected to your BI tool. Data Studio is your best bet if you are only connecting to Google Analytics. Otherwise, we found PowerBI the most secure, affordable tool to connect to all your data sources. Tableau is also a viable option for visualization that offers in-depth analytical capabilities. However, it comes with a steeper price tag and learning curve. Most international brands use Google Analytics for Mini Program tracking as they use Google Analytics globally or have GA 360. The main reason is that it helps to have only one analytics solution for all platforms: Websites, APPs, and Mini Programs for different countries, which eases data processing, and your team only needs to learn how to use one tool. Be sure not to collect any PII on the platform to ensure that you are compliant with local regulations regarding cross-border data transfer. A local analytics solution can certainly replace Google Analytics or be used simultaneously. We recommend using both Google Analytics as well as a local solution. Having a backup of your data will help you ensure accuracy and compliance. Also, while Google Analytics is highly customizable and will give you most of the information you need, a local solution will be more accurate when it comes to data reporting in China for specific metrics. It will give you more detail regarding devices used and the location of users. The options above are our most recommended local platforms. n/d/1J5K5wMZzREFtcpwWzv2sKM uxoPVeWnNia1MiZ_b2sDI/edit
  • 67. Analytics Tagging How to Implement your Tagging Plan on a Mini Program The WeChat backend is the simplest option for accessing your MP data. However, this data is quite limited and not customized to the specific structure of your MP or any specific KPIs or events you may like to measure. Other third-party tools, paid or free, will provide you with several extra data points and features, allowing you to measure the performance of your MP more accurately. Most of the analytics tools use Javascript code to track custom events or events outside of the basic metrics collected such as pageviews, number of users, session duration, etc. This means that you will need your developer or vendor to implement your tagging plan into the Mini Program code. There are two main categories of third-party tools: 1) pure WeChat Mini Program players and 2) cross-channel analytics solutions. While pure players tend to have more MP-specific tracking features and cover many use cases with out-of-the-box templates, cross-channel analytics have the advantage of gathering App, H5, and website tracking all in one place. We have not thoroughly tested all the solutions listed in the following benchmark. Feature comparison was done by analyzing each solution’s documentation, accessing demos, and reading online reviews. The results are gathered in a shared Google Spreadsheet. You are welcome to contribute to this benchmarking effort. Drop us a line and we will be happy to grant you editing rights to this shared knowledge database.
  • 68. Analytics Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Key Information Properties and Account IDs If you want to use a platform similar to Google Analytics for your performance tracking, you need to create two bins called ‘properties’ to store the data for your Mini Program - one for testing, and one for production. Your developer will then use each property ID to make sure that the data is collected into that property. App ID Your AppID is equivalent to an identity document for your Mini Program. It will come in handy when you want to generate QR codes for users to enter your program using your brand logo. Also, most Mini Program analytics solutions generate a key or an SDK. Like a website, you can have multiple Mini Programs under the same account and perform cross- tracking analysis for your different programs or to track the traffic from your Mini Program to your website and vice versa.
  • 69. Analytics Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Page mapping This tab is where you keep track of the names you give your pages. It is not a place to get creative- make sure that your page names are straightforward and descriptive enough so that you can easily understand which page is which without having to refer to your documentation.
  • 70. Analytics Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Event Tracking Setup This is likely the most important tab for you and your developers where you make note of all the custom events you would like to track for your mini program. Again, this is not a place to get creative and it’s important to make sure that you clearly name all of your events so you know what they represent when you analyze them later. #ID KPI Description Illustration GA Method GA output(s) Specific parameters 1 when a user shares the MP event eventCategory: share eventAction: share - MP eventLabel: $page t=event, ec=share ea=share - MP dt=$page 2 when a user submits form with name event eventCategory: form eventAction: formSubmission t=event, ec=form ea=formSubmission dt=$page 3 when a user submits form with phone event eventCategory: form eventAction: formSubmission t=event, ec=form ea=formSubmission dt=$page
  • 71. Analytics Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - Google Analytics setup Make sure to include documentation of all the settings you put in place for your analytics solution. The case shown on the right is an example tab of a Google Analytics set up that includes the following: ● Custom dimensions are global variables that allow for better organization/categorization of data and to get more detailed information about users (i.e., actions of those logged in vs. not logged in.) ● A detailed description of goals that are set up and tracked to see if users completed certain CTAs (i.e., sharing, adding item to wishlist, completing a purchase) ● Information about which filters we will be creating for our data - make sure to find a way to filter out testing data from your team.
  • 72. Analytics Tagging Tagging Plan Tab - UTM Setup A UTM code is a snippet of code that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content. It can also generate QR codes to find out exactly where the traffic for your Mini Program is coming from. You can define a few parameters - source and medium, which are required and campaign, term, and content that are optional. Parameters you track via UTM codes show up in your analytics reports to give you a clearer insight into marketing performance. UTM stands for "Urchin Traffic Monitor." This name comes from Urchin Tracker, a web analytics software that served as the base for Google Analytics.
  • 74. Analytics Tagging Tagging overview Capturing transactional macro conversions may be simple, as they are often tracked automatically (e.g., for an e- commerce Mini Program). On the other hand, non-transactional macro conversions may require you to add specific tracking, such as campaign traffic sources. Implementing funnels to track the path to your macro conversions is important for detecting drop-off points or issues with design, content, etc. Custom Event Page View E-commerce Tagging Example: TEC Tracking micro conversions is the trickiest part of Mini Program analytics, as these events often need to be manually added to your source code. It is essential to plan for what you want to measure and augment your Mini Program with third-party analytics to track custom events. Get a copy of our event tagging template and implement event tracking and funnels on your MP.
  • 75. Analytics Tagging TEC Mini Program Custom Event Page View E-commerce
  • 76. Analytics Tagging Eatwith Mini Program Custom Event Page View E-commerce
  • 77. Analytics Tagging Caudalie Mini Program Custom Event Page View E-commerce
  • 79. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting How to Build your MP Performance Tracking Dashboards Mini Programs are just one component of your overall WeChat strategy, and you most likely need to track all your WeChat data points. 1. Official Account 2. H5 Media Campaigns 3. Website with JSSDK 4. Mini Programs 5. Chatbot 6. CS LiveChat 7. WeChat H5 Store Most analytics solutions do not provide a custom dashboard. If you prefer to manage the MP tracking dashboards separately, each platform has its own data reporting capabilities. We recommend looking at the visualization engine and its flexibility vs. out of the box features: This is why we recommend that you primarily look for API connectors when choosing your MP tracking solution. This way, you can query all of your data and visualize it in one place using one tool (i.e., Tableau, Google Data Studio, PowerBI).
  • 80. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting Leveraging the Connectivity of BI Platforms to Get the Most Out of Your MP Performance Tracking Google Data Studio is great for sharing with colleagues and if you only want to connect to Google products. However, to get the most out of your performance tracking, you need to connect to various sources, and for this, Microsoft PowerBI offers a secure, straightforward solution. Not only can you connect to several data sources and create visualizations via PowerBI, but PowerBI Apps give you the option to embed reports and dashboards. You can also incorporate any other embedded link so that you can keep track of all of your content in one place, regardless of where it was produced. Although PowerBI requires a monthly subscription, this comes at a very low cost of 10USD/month. It gives you a more secure option for viewing all of your key metrics via your account which requires login information. However, beware that a new subscription has to be set up for each individual user that wishes to view the dashboard. Example PowerBI Dashboard Example: PowerBI App
  • 81. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting Dashboarding Strategy - Basic Performance Depending on your MP and KPIs, the primary data shown in your dashboard could be completely different from other organizations. The dashboard on the top right is more focused on e-commerce, and the second one is more is focused on MP traffic and user sharing. Thus, here are some commonly used key figures depending on the MP: ● Transactions, Revenue, Checkout Conversion, Daily/Weekly/Monthly Sale Performance, etc. ● Pageviews, Total users, Bounce rate, MP Shares, Daily/Weekly/Monthly Traffic Performance, etc.
  • 82. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting Dashboarding Strategy - Conversion Funnel A conversion funnel shows a clear view of each step users have taken towards your CTA. Whether the purpose of the MP is to generate revenue via E-commerce transactions/bookings or to create an inflow of user traffic, you can see where your users tend to drop off with a conversion funnel. Here are some commonly used key MP funnel steps: ● All sessions, Product views, Checkout, Purchase ● All sessions, MP registration, MP final step (example above is MP sharing)
  • 83. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting … But make sure to provide actionable recommendations or analysis for better management A smarter way for sharing reports: Leave enough space for analysis, recommendations, or images if necessary - so the report looks more manageable and intuitive (e.g., a space of 3 lines for text under each graph).
  • 84. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting Importance of Sharing Dashboards to Automate your Reporting: Google Data Studio Shareable dashboards are important for collaborating with your colleagues and sharing KPIs to ensure everyone in the organization is working towards the same goals. Keep everyone on top of the latest data effortlessly. You can automate sharing your dashboards and reports (daily, weekly, monthly) with Google Data Studio in a secure way by managing access for users and adding their gmail-connected email addresses.
  • 85. Data Visualization, Dashboards, & Reporting Reporting Data integration and performance tracking are only the beginning of an optimization journey. A good report template can help you organize the data from your mini-program and present it in a comprehensive yet straightforward manner so that you can motivate key stakeholders to take action and optimize based on regularly collected insights. Check out… our free mini program performance report template.
  • 86. A/B Testing on Mini Programs 6
  • 87. A/B Testing on Mini Programs A/B Testing on a Mini Program ● Just like any other digital product, it is also crucial to A/B test your WeChat mini-program. Some solutions offer such testing out of the box. ● To A/B test a mini program, you need to have two different versions you can direct a portion of the traffic to. ● Compared to Apps, it is easier for a mini program to get traffic at a lower cost. So A/B testing is even more effective in finding the optimal MP solution. Sharing is one of the most important traffic entry points. However, encouraging users to share an MP is not always an easy goal to reach. The above tests do not bring a considerable difference for each version which also reminds us that we should consider the specific value-add we are trying to bring to the MP. How can we optimize the design and trigger the CTA we want?
  • 88. A/B Testing on Mini Programs A/B Testing Solutions Comparison Price Real-time data tracking Heatmap Virtualization Grayscale release Customer service Volcengine Freemium ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Weekdays 10- 18:00 CST Eyeofcloud 云眼 Starting at 39,800RMB/Year ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ 24/7 support Appadhoc 热云数据 Volume-based ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ 24/7 support Adobe Target Volume-based ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ 24/7 support DataRangers Volume-based ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 24/7 support Google Analytics Does not support A/B testing for MP
  • 89. A/B Testing on Mini Programs A/B Testing Case study Original version Test version A VS Design with “today’s challenge” icon leads to a 15% increase in conversion rate. Case from Testin data.AI: 我最在行
  • 90. A/B Testing on Mini Programs A/B Testing Case study Original version Test version A VS Design with “view personal record” leads to a 10% increase in CTR Case from Testin data.AI: 我最在行
  • 91. A/B Testing on Mini Programs A/B Testing Case study VS Original version Test version A Test version B VS Design with article summary leads to a 15.54% increase in AVG session duration and a 5.88% increase in AVG article clicks. Case from Testin data.AI: 我最在行
  • 92. A/B Testing Case Study Design with IOS style share icon leads to an 18% increase in sharing rate. Case from Testin data.AI: 墨迹天气 Test version A Test version C Test version B Test version D
  • 93. Resources Resources Mini Program Documentation: Aladdin: TalkingData: Hotapp: Mobile Tencent Analytics: Growing IO: Zhuge: Baidu Tongji: Quest Mobile: Analysys: Sensors Data: ILUSIO: Monetate:
  • 94. Authors & Contributors Follow Fabernovel on WeChat for in-depth analysis of China Digital & WeChat trends. Mariam Ammar Data Analyst Manager Carol Liu Data Analyst Clement Ledormeur General Manager, Tech Division Authors
  • 95. Need to design, build or audit/improve a WeChat Mini Program? Connect with us! CONTACT Mariam Ammar Data Analyst Manager Add Mariam on WeChat: Training & Upskilling Data Governance Master Data Management Data Quality Assessment Omnichann el Customer View Data-Driven Design Web Analytics KPI & Reporting Trend Detection Price Optimization Churn & Purchase Probability Clustering & Data-driven Personas Data Strategy Data Analysis Data Science STRATEGY & MANAGEMENT CONSUMER ACTIVATION DIGITAL SOLUTIONS Workforce & Inventory Management Personalization
  • 96. About FABERNOVEL We are FABERNOVEL, A key partner of your global transformation We spark your innovative spirit and we co-design key initiatives to make business impact together. FABERNOVEL is a global innovation agency supporting multinationals in their China digitalisation. We bring the thought leadership of a strategic consultancy, the creativity of a marketing agency, and the problem-solving strength of a technology company. Fabernovel’s team of world-class thinkers, tech specialists, marketers, designers, and data scientists are considered pioneers in the field of digital transformation worldwide to support leaders in the beauty, luxury, retail and pharma. SELECTED CLIENTS Rachel DAYDOU PARTNER & CHINA GENERAL MANAGER Clement Ledormeur General Manager, Tech Division
  • 97. Thank you Contact us: