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       humANS:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jay McInerney
        why they

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (l-r) Masterfile; iStockphoto; Getty Images
        triumphed                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Chardonnay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for the Skeptic

                                                                                                                                                                                                  SATURDAY/SUNDAY, MAY 22 - 23, 2010
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          What’s News–
                                                                                                                                                                                 Let the Dance Begin: Wall Street Frets
                                                                                                                                                                                 As the Washington Two-Step Starts                                                   HollywoodEyes
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          Business & Finance
                                    i                                    i

                                                                                    i                i
       T   op Democrats met with
           President Obama to plan
                                                           n An Air India Express
                                                           plane crashed at Mangalore
       for pushing a final financial-                      airport Saturday morning,
       overhaul package through                            with major loss of life feared                                                                                                                                                                            BY LAUREN A.E. SCHUKER                 the year or early 2011.
       Congress, while critics and                         among the more than 160 on                                                                                                                                                                                AND ETHAN SMITH                           Among the studios who have
       supporters of the legislation                       board, according to reports.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     reviewed the proposal are Time
       geared up for a lobbying                            The plane, arriving from                                                                                                                                                                                     Major Hollywood studios and         Warner Inc.’s Warner Bros.,
       showdown. A5, B1                                    Dubai, overshot the runway                                                                                                                                                                                one of the country’s largest cable     Walt Disney Co.’s Disney Stu-
                                                           at the southern Indian air-                                                                                                                                                                               operators are in discussions to        dios, General Electric Co.’s Uni-
       n Blue chips were up 125.38
                                                           port at about 6 a.m. local                                                                                                                                                                                send movies to people’s living-        versal Pictures, Sony Corp.’s
       points, or 1.3%, at 10193.39,
                                                           time, and burst into flames,                                                                                                                                                                              room TVs just weeks after films        Sony Pictures, Viacom Inc.’s Par-
       on late buying; the DJIA was
                                                           according to TV reports.                                                                                                                                                                                  hit the multiplex, a step that         amount Pictures and News
       off 4% for this week. B1
                                                           There were believed to be                                                                                                                                                                                 would shake up film distribution.      Corp.’s Twentieth Century Fox.
       n U.S. prosecutors won’t                            few survivors. A6,                                                                                                                                                                                   During a cable industry con-        News Corp. is the parent com-
       set criminal charges against                          Air India is the national                                                                                                                                                                               vention last week, executives          pany of The Wall Street Journal.
       current and former AIG ex-                            carrier that is in the midst                                                                                                                                                                            from Time Warner Cable Inc.               While the plan could be a
       ecutives over contracts that                          of a major restructuring                                                                                                                                                                                made the first formal pitch to         boon for consumers, it stands to
       nearly sank the insurer. B3                           designed to stem years of                                                                                                                                                                               the Hollywood studios for what         be highly disruptive for the
                                                             large losses.                                                                                                                                                                                           is known as “home theater on           movie business, particularly the-
       n State data show the labor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     demand.” The cable company             ater owners. Hollywood would
       market is improving, but a                          n BP stepped up efforts to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     presented a variety of scenarios.      essentially be overhauling the
       majority of states had higher                       shift blame for the oil spill.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     But the main one, which has re-        “windowing” system which has
       unemployment rates this                             Officials with BP pressed ef-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ceived early support from some         sustained the industry for years.
       April than a year earlier. A5                       forts to blame Transocean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     studio executives, would allow            Studios now maximize reve-
                                                           for the giant oil spill in the
                                                                                                                                             Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

       n The Bank of Japan’s pol-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    consumers to watch a movie at          nue by staggering a movie’s the-
                                                           Gulf of Mexico, as the rela-
       icy board unveiled an outline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 home just 30 days after its the-       atrical release date and the win-
                                                           tionship between the part-
       to encourage banks to lend                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    atrical release—far earlier than       dow, or time period, when it is
                                                           ners continued to sour. A4
       more to companies. A7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the usual four months—for              released later on DVD or cable
                                                           n Pakistan arrested four                                                                                                                                                                                  roughly $20 to $30 a pop.              TV. DVD sales don’t diminish a
       n Legg Mason named a suc-
                                                           people in connection with the                                                                                                                                                                                That proposal is still being        movie’s box-office take, since the
       cessor to Bill Miller, its one-
                                                           Times Square bomb plot, in-                                                                                                                                                                               debated and talks are fluid. Peo-      discs are sold long after a theat-
       time star mutual-fund man-
                                                           cluding an executive at a firm                                                                                                                                                                            ple close to the matter say that       rical run.
       ager whose dismal perform-
                                                           that served meals at the U.S.                                                                                                                                                                             several studios could sign on to          But maintaining windows has
       ance in recent years led in-
                                                           Embassy in Islamabad. A1                                                                                              Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd began planning how to reconcile               a version of it as soon as the fall,   grown more difficult as consum-
       vestors to flee his fund. B1
                                                                                                                                                                                 House and Senate finance-overhaul bills as Wall Street geared up for                making the first movies available      ers have grown accustomed to
                                                           n Rand Paul said Obama’s
       n Key movie studios and                                                                                                                                                   battle over some of the proposals. B1                                               on such a system by the end of                     Please turn to page A4
                                                           criticism of BP and of its oil-
       one of the largest cable op-
                                                           spill response was un-Ameri-
       erators are weighing a plan
                                                           can. The Kentucky Republi-

                                                                                                                                                                                 Caterer Arrested in New York Plot
       to send movies directly to
                                                           can Senate candidate has
       homes just weeks after films
                                                           voiced unorthodox views on
       are released at theaters. A1
                                                           the 1964 Civil Rights Act. A3
       n The FTC cleared Google’s
                                                           n Thailand’s finance chief                                                                                            BY ZAHID HUSSAIN                              pany as cover for an attack in        stanis who want to carry out ji-       that terrorist groups might have
       proposed $750 million acqui-
                                                           accused ousted leader Thak-                                                                                           AND TOM WRIGHT                                Pakistan.                             hadist operations. Still, U.S. offi-   “established links” with the ca-
       sition of mobile-advertising
                                                           sin of fomenting protests in                                                                                                                                           The arrests begin to fill in the   cials said they don’t believe the      tering company and instructed
       company AdMob. B5
                                                           a bid to return to power. A6                                                                                             ISLAMABAD—Pakistani au-                    picture of Times Square suspect       arrested men represented a di-         U.S. government personnel to
       n GM reached a labor deal                                                                                                                                                 thorities have arrested four peo-             Faisal Shahzad’s contacts in Paki-    rect threat to the U.S.                avoid using it. Another U.S. of-
                                                           n South Korea’s Lee criti-
       critical to the restructuring                                                                                                                                             ple in connection with the failed             stan, where he spent several              Law-enforcement agencies ar-       ficial said the Times Square in-
                                                           cized Pyongyang for sinking
       of Opel in Europe but contin-                                                                                                                                             Times Square bomb plot, includ-               months last year and, according       rested Salman Ashraf Khan, a 35-       vestigation led Pakistani authori-
                                                           a patrol boat. Seoul is ex-
       ues to face uncertainty in its                                                                                                                                            ing an executive at a catering                to U.S. investigators, received       year-old vice president of Islam-      ties to the catering company, and
                                                           pected to request a review by
       bid for German aid. B5                                                                                                                                                    company that its owner said of-               training from local militants.        abad-based Hanif Rajput Cater-         they found ties between the
                                                           the U.N. Security Council. A7
                                                                                                                                                                                 ten served meals for staff of the                The development sketches a         ing Services, this month in con-       company and the Pakistani Tali-
       n The investors aiming to
                                                           n U.S. courts can’t be used                                                                                           U.S. Embassy in Islamabad.                    picture—still poorly under-           nection with the May 1 bombing         ban. The company is a “well-
       finance General Growth’s
                                                           by detainees in Afghanistan                                                                                              A U.S. official in Washington              stood—of additional support           attempt, a senior Pakistani intel-     known organization,” and “the
       exit from bankruptcy as a
                                                           to challenge their imprison-                                                                                          said Friday that there were indi-             from an urban, middle-class seg-      ligence official said Friday.          Pakistanis were worried about
       stand-alone company are
                                                           ment the way detainees at                                                                                             cations terrorists might have                 ment of Pakistani society that            The U.S. Embassy in Islama-        that,” the U.S. official said.
       close to adding Blackstone
                                                           Guantanamo Bay have, a fed-                                                                                           been planning to use the com-                 could be helping expatriate Paki-     bad warned Americans on Friday                     Please turn to page A5
       to their consortium. B5
                                                           eral appeals court ruled. A5
       n Pepsi plans to invest $2.5
                                                           n British Airways said it
       billion in China over the next
       three years, on top of $1 bil-
                                                           found no evidence of volcanic
                                                           ash in its engines during re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hawaii Feels
       lion invested since 2008. B6
       n Goldman Sachs’s buyout
                                                           cent weeks. Other airlines is-
                                                           sued similar statements. A6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ‘Lost’ Without
       arm agreed to purchase
       Michael Foods in a $1.7 bil-
       lion deal, the unit’s first
                                                           n The Texas board of educa-
                                                           tion set a social-studies cur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              That TV Show
                                                           riculum amending teaching of
       large private-equity transac-
                                                           such issues as slavery and                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fake Lava Makers,
       tion in about two years. B4
                                                           the civil-rights era.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tour Guides Sweat
                                                           n Ethiopia’s voters are ex-
             –Markets–                                     pected to return to power                                                                                                                                                                                                                           As Hit Series Ends
       Stocks (Friday):                                    the ruling regime, accused of
       DJIA 10193.39, À 125.38;                            alleged abuses. A14
       Nasdaq 2229.04, À 25.03;
                                                           n A plan to eradicate polio                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BY TAMARA AUDI
       S&P 500 1087.69, À 16.10.
                                                           was approved by the World
       Bonds: 10-year Treas.
                                                           Health Organization. A8                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HONOLULU—For legions of
       À 17/32, yield 3.202%;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            obsessed fans, the final episode
       30-year Treas. À 1 8/32,                            n The U.S. lifted sanctions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of the ABC television series
       yield 4.063%.                                       against four Russian groups
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Lost” Sunday is a catastrophic
       Dollar: 89.99 yen, +0.32;                           that had been accused of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            event. “There’s a distinct sense
       euro $1.2574, +0.63 cent vs.                        helping Syrian and Iranian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of panic,” says Ryan Ozawa, who
       the dollar.                                         weapons programs. A7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            runs a podcast dedicated to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Getty Images

       Commodities: Oil $70.04                             n Britain will hold an in-                                                                                                                                                                                                                       show.
       a barrel, g $0.76;                                  quiry into whether its gov-                                                                                                                                                                                                                          But for Bernie Coleman, the
       Gold (Comex) $1175.70                               ernment and spy agencies                                                                                                                                                                                                                         end of “Lost” means a lot less
       per troy ounce, g 12.10;                            colluded in torturing terror-                                                                                                     The deaths of three Greeks in a protest May 5 are turning the nation against radical demonstrations.           foam.
       DJ-UBS 123.3455, À 0.3394.                          ism suspects overseas. A8                                                                                                                                                                                                                            During its six-season run, the

                                                                                                                                                                                                    In Greece, Anarchy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            show paid Mr. Coleman’s Oahu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            foam-making company about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            $450,000 for 1.2 million feet of

                           —Inside—                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         foam used to make sets, from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            hundreds of lava rocks to a ma-

         A gorgeous
                                  RUMBLE SEAT                                                                                                                                                    Yields to Soul-Searching                                                                                   rooned ship called the Black
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rock. The show consumed so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            much foam that it prompted a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            spike in resin imports to Hawaii.
                                                                                                                                                                                             BY MARCUS WALKER                                    told the shadowy conclave. “In marches of this                 “It was crazy. [“Lost”] sud-
            and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  kind there could be violent incidents,” she told           denly became our second-biggest
                                                                                                                                    Nick Dimbleby

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ATHENS—At a nocturnal meeting of 300            the gathering, held in a graffiti-covered univer-          client” after the construction in-
         impractical                                                                                                                                                                         black-clad anarchists here several days ago, rad-   sity auditorium the anarchists had occupied.               dustry, said Mr. Coleman, presi-
                                                                                                                                                                                             icals were plotting a demonstration against gov-        The continued agonizing over the May 5 kill-           dent of Pacific Allied Products,
          car W4                                                Aston Martin Rapide                                                                                                          ernment austerity measures. But the air was         ings was apparent during Greece’s latest general           Ltd. “We hate to see them go.”
                                                                                                                                                                                             thick with something other than the usual ciga-     strike on Thursday. Roughly 20,000 union mem-                  Crews are busy dismantling
                                                                                                                                                                                             rette smoke and revolution: self-doubt.             bers marched through Athens, a fraction of the             the show. The foam lava rocks
                                                                                                                                                                                                 An anti-government demonstration involving      more than 100,000 who took to the streets the              are being turned into mulch. The
           Peggy Noonan: On privacy| A13                                                                                                                                                     radicals earlier this month had turned ugly. Un-    day of the murders. In the end, the anarchists             Black Rock exploded in a recent
                                                                                                                                                                                             known assailants firebombed a bank building on      also took part in Thursday’s protests, but turn-           episode.
                                                                                                                                                                                             May 5, leading to the deaths of three bank em-      out was modest, and those who did participate                  Some pieces, like a bomb
                                                                                                                                                                                             ployees, including a pregnant young woman.          were peaceful.                                             nicknamed “Jughead” that fig-
                     Why a legendary investor is                                                                                                                                             Authorities haven’t named any suspects but are          “It’s a shock. We always thought of ourselves          ured prominently in the show’s
                     more worried than ever | B7                                                                                                                                             investigating whether the culprits were among       as people who are victims, not people who cre-             plot, were shipped to New York
                                                                                                                                                                                             the anarchist youths who rampaged that day.         ate victims,” says Panagiotis, an edgy 30-year-            for an exhibit. Others, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The killings shocked Greece, and are, at       old who helps organize cultural events within              a lottery ticket that belonged to
                                             CONTENTS                                    Leisure & Arts...... W14                                                                            least for now, prompting soul-searching among       the anarchist scene and condemns the killings.             the character Hurley, will be
                                             Books......................... W8,9         Opinion................... A11-13
                                                                                                                                                                                             the country’s militant fringe and the many ordi-    Like most members of the movement, he would                auctioned off.
                                             The Buzz.................... B3,4           Sports............................ W6
                                             Cars................................. W4    Travel............................... W5                                                            nary Greeks who long have quietly sympathized       only gave his first name.                                      “Lost,” which centers on a
                                             Corporate News... B5,6                      U.S. News................. A2-5                                                                     with it.                                                The specter of chaos in the streets is stalk-          group of plane-crash survivors
                                             Financial Overhaul.. B2                     Wknd. Investor.. B7-10                                                                                  “We should think about canceling” participa-    ing Europe as the continent pushes sharp cut-              trying to escape a mysterious is-
                                             Food & Drink............. W7                World News..... A6-8,14
                                                                                                                                                                                             tion in the next demonstration, a young woman                                 Please turn to page A10          land, was a TV sensation. Its
               s Copyright 2010 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights                         Reserved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Please turn to the next page

                                  MAGENTA                        Composite                                                                                                                                                                             P2JW142057-9-A00100-102FFFFFFFF

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Wall Street Journal -

  • 1. P2JW142057-9-A00100-102FFFFFFFF 05/22/2010 CL,CX,DX,EE,FL,MW,NE,NY,PH,PN,RM,SA,SC,SL,SW,TU,WB,WE CMYK Composite BG,BM,CH,CK,CP,CT,DA,DE,DN,DR,DS,FW,HL,HW,KS,LA,LD,LG,LK,MI,NA,NM,OR,PA,PI,RI,RO,SB,SH,TD,TS,UT,WO Weekend humANS: Jay McInerney why they (l-r) Masterfile; iStockphoto; Getty Images triumphed Chardonnay for the Skeptic SATURDAY/SUNDAY, MAY 22 - 23, 2010 VO L . C C LV N O. 1 1 9 * * * * * * * * * H H H H $ 2 .0 0 What’s News– Let the Dance Begin: Wall Street Frets As the Washington Two-Step Starts HollywoodEyes i i Business & Finance i i World-Wide i i ShortcuttoTV T op Democrats met with President Obama to plan n An Air India Express plane crashed at Mangalore NewFilmsWouldHitHomesin30Days for pushing a final financial- airport Saturday morning, overhaul package through with major loss of life feared BY LAUREN A.E. SCHUKER the year or early 2011. Congress, while critics and among the more than 160 on AND ETHAN SMITH Among the studios who have supporters of the legislation board, according to reports. reviewed the proposal are Time geared up for a lobbying The plane, arriving from Major Hollywood studios and Warner Inc.’s Warner Bros., showdown. A5, B1 Dubai, overshot the runway one of the country’s largest cable Walt Disney Co.’s Disney Stu- at the southern Indian air- operators are in discussions to dios, General Electric Co.’s Uni- n Blue chips were up 125.38 port at about 6 a.m. local send movies to people’s living- versal Pictures, Sony Corp.’s points, or 1.3%, at 10193.39, time, and burst into flames, room TVs just weeks after films Sony Pictures, Viacom Inc.’s Par- on late buying; the DJIA was according to TV reports. hit the multiplex, a step that amount Pictures and News off 4% for this week. B1 There were believed to be would shake up film distribution. Corp.’s Twentieth Century Fox. n U.S. prosecutors won’t few survivors. A6, During a cable industry con- News Corp. is the parent com- set criminal charges against Air India is the national vention last week, executives pany of The Wall Street Journal. current and former AIG ex- carrier that is in the midst from Time Warner Cable Inc. While the plan could be a ecutives over contracts that of a major restructuring made the first formal pitch to boon for consumers, it stands to nearly sank the insurer. B3 designed to stem years of the Hollywood studios for what be highly disruptive for the large losses. is known as “home theater on movie business, particularly the- n State data show the labor demand.” The cable company ater owners. Hollywood would market is improving, but a n BP stepped up efforts to presented a variety of scenarios. essentially be overhauling the majority of states had higher shift blame for the oil spill. But the main one, which has re- “windowing” system which has unemployment rates this Officials with BP pressed ef- ceived early support from some sustained the industry for years. April than a year earlier. A5 forts to blame Transocean studio executives, would allow Studios now maximize reve- for the giant oil spill in the Agence France-Presse/Getty Images n The Bank of Japan’s pol- consumers to watch a movie at nue by staggering a movie’s the- Gulf of Mexico, as the rela- icy board unveiled an outline home just 30 days after its the- atrical release date and the win- tionship between the part- to encourage banks to lend atrical release—far earlier than dow, or time period, when it is ners continued to sour. A4 more to companies. A7 the usual four months—for released later on DVD or cable n Pakistan arrested four roughly $20 to $30 a pop. TV. DVD sales don’t diminish a n Legg Mason named a suc- people in connection with the That proposal is still being movie’s box-office take, since the cessor to Bill Miller, its one- Times Square bomb plot, in- debated and talks are fluid. Peo- discs are sold long after a theat- time star mutual-fund man- cluding an executive at a firm ple close to the matter say that rical run. ager whose dismal perform- that served meals at the U.S. several studios could sign on to But maintaining windows has ance in recent years led in- Embassy in Islamabad. A1 Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd began planning how to reconcile a version of it as soon as the fall, grown more difficult as consum- vestors to flee his fund. B1 House and Senate finance-overhaul bills as Wall Street geared up for making the first movies available ers have grown accustomed to n Rand Paul said Obama’s n Key movie studios and battle over some of the proposals. B1 on such a system by the end of Please turn to page A4 criticism of BP and of its oil- one of the largest cable op- spill response was un-Ameri- erators are weighing a plan can. The Kentucky Republi- Caterer Arrested in New York Plot to send movies directly to can Senate candidate has homes just weeks after films voiced unorthodox views on are released at theaters. A1 the 1964 Civil Rights Act. A3 n The FTC cleared Google’s n Thailand’s finance chief BY ZAHID HUSSAIN pany as cover for an attack in stanis who want to carry out ji- that terrorist groups might have proposed $750 million acqui- accused ousted leader Thak- AND TOM WRIGHT Pakistan. hadist operations. Still, U.S. offi- “established links” with the ca- sition of mobile-advertising sin of fomenting protests in The arrests begin to fill in the cials said they don’t believe the tering company and instructed company AdMob. B5 a bid to return to power. A6 ISLAMABAD—Pakistani au- picture of Times Square suspect arrested men represented a di- U.S. government personnel to n GM reached a labor deal thorities have arrested four peo- Faisal Shahzad’s contacts in Paki- rect threat to the U.S. avoid using it. Another U.S. of- n South Korea’s Lee criti- critical to the restructuring ple in connection with the failed stan, where he spent several Law-enforcement agencies ar- ficial said the Times Square in- cized Pyongyang for sinking of Opel in Europe but contin- Times Square bomb plot, includ- months last year and, according rested Salman Ashraf Khan, a 35- vestigation led Pakistani authori- a patrol boat. Seoul is ex- ues to face uncertainty in its ing an executive at a catering to U.S. investigators, received year-old vice president of Islam- ties to the catering company, and pected to request a review by bid for German aid. B5 company that its owner said of- training from local militants. abad-based Hanif Rajput Cater- they found ties between the the U.N. Security Council. A7 ten served meals for staff of the The development sketches a ing Services, this month in con- company and the Pakistani Tali- n The investors aiming to n U.S. courts can’t be used U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. picture—still poorly under- nection with the May 1 bombing ban. The company is a “well- finance General Growth’s by detainees in Afghanistan A U.S. official in Washington stood—of additional support attempt, a senior Pakistani intel- known organization,” and “the exit from bankruptcy as a to challenge their imprison- said Friday that there were indi- from an urban, middle-class seg- ligence official said Friday. Pakistanis were worried about stand-alone company are ment the way detainees at cations terrorists might have ment of Pakistani society that The U.S. Embassy in Islama- that,” the U.S. official said. close to adding Blackstone Guantanamo Bay have, a fed- been planning to use the com- could be helping expatriate Paki- bad warned Americans on Friday Please turn to page A5 to their consortium. B5 eral appeals court ruled. A5 n Pepsi plans to invest $2.5 n British Airways said it billion in China over the next three years, on top of $1 bil- found no evidence of volcanic ash in its engines during re- Hawaii Feels lion invested since 2008. B6 n Goldman Sachs’s buyout cent weeks. Other airlines is- sued similar statements. A6 ‘Lost’ Without arm agreed to purchase Michael Foods in a $1.7 bil- lion deal, the unit’s first n The Texas board of educa- tion set a social-studies cur- That TV Show riculum amending teaching of large private-equity transac- such issues as slavery and Fake Lava Makers, tion in about two years. B4 the civil-rights era. Tour Guides Sweat n Ethiopia’s voters are ex- –Markets– pected to return to power As Hit Series Ends Stocks (Friday): the ruling regime, accused of DJIA 10193.39, À 125.38; alleged abuses. A14 Nasdaq 2229.04, À 25.03; n A plan to eradicate polio BY TAMARA AUDI S&P 500 1087.69, À 16.10. was approved by the World Bonds: 10-year Treas. Health Organization. A8 HONOLULU—For legions of À 17/32, yield 3.202%; obsessed fans, the final episode 30-year Treas. À 1 8/32, n The U.S. lifted sanctions of the ABC television series yield 4.063%. against four Russian groups “Lost” Sunday is a catastrophic Dollar: 89.99 yen, +0.32; that had been accused of event. “There’s a distinct sense euro $1.2574, +0.63 cent vs. helping Syrian and Iranian of panic,” says Ryan Ozawa, who the dollar. weapons programs. A7 runs a podcast dedicated to the Getty Images Commodities: Oil $70.04 n Britain will hold an in- show. a barrel, g $0.76; quiry into whether its gov- But for Bernie Coleman, the Gold (Comex) $1175.70 ernment and spy agencies end of “Lost” means a lot less per troy ounce, g 12.10; colluded in torturing terror- The deaths of three Greeks in a protest May 5 are turning the nation against radical demonstrations. foam. DJ-UBS 123.3455, À 0.3394. ism suspects overseas. A8 During its six-season run, the In Greece, Anarchy show paid Mr. Coleman’s Oahu foam-making company about $450,000 for 1.2 million feet of —Inside— foam used to make sets, from hundreds of lava rocks to a ma- A gorgeous RUMBLE SEAT Yields to Soul-Searching rooned ship called the Black Rock. The show consumed so much foam that it prompted a spike in resin imports to Hawaii. BY MARCUS WALKER told the shadowy conclave. “In marches of this “It was crazy. [“Lost”] sud- and kind there could be violent incidents,” she told denly became our second-biggest Nick Dimbleby ATHENS—At a nocturnal meeting of 300 the gathering, held in a graffiti-covered univer- client” after the construction in- impractical black-clad anarchists here several days ago, rad- sity auditorium the anarchists had occupied. dustry, said Mr. Coleman, presi- icals were plotting a demonstration against gov- The continued agonizing over the May 5 kill- dent of Pacific Allied Products, car W4 Aston Martin Rapide ernment austerity measures. But the air was ings was apparent during Greece’s latest general Ltd. “We hate to see them go.” thick with something other than the usual ciga- strike on Thursday. Roughly 20,000 union mem- Crews are busy dismantling rette smoke and revolution: self-doubt. bers marched through Athens, a fraction of the the show. The foam lava rocks An anti-government demonstration involving more than 100,000 who took to the streets the are being turned into mulch. The Peggy Noonan: On privacy| A13 radicals earlier this month had turned ugly. Un- day of the murders. In the end, the anarchists Black Rock exploded in a recent known assailants firebombed a bank building on also took part in Thursday’s protests, but turn- episode. May 5, leading to the deaths of three bank em- out was modest, and those who did participate Some pieces, like a bomb ployees, including a pregnant young woman. were peaceful. nicknamed “Jughead” that fig- Why a legendary investor is Authorities haven’t named any suspects but are “It’s a shock. We always thought of ourselves ured prominently in the show’s more worried than ever | B7 investigating whether the culprits were among as people who are victims, not people who cre- plot, were shipped to New York the anarchist youths who rampaged that day. ate victims,” says Panagiotis, an edgy 30-year- for an exhibit. Others, including The killings shocked Greece, and are, at old who helps organize cultural events within a lottery ticket that belonged to CONTENTS Leisure & Arts...... W14 least for now, prompting soul-searching among the anarchist scene and condemns the killings. the character Hurley, will be > Books......................... W8,9 Opinion................... A11-13 the country’s militant fringe and the many ordi- Like most members of the movement, he would auctioned off. The Buzz.................... B3,4 Sports............................ W6 Cars................................. W4 Travel............................... W5 nary Greeks who long have quietly sympathized only gave his first name. “Lost,” which centers on a Corporate News... B5,6 U.S. News................. A2-5 with it. The specter of chaos in the streets is stalk- group of plane-crash survivors Financial Overhaul.. B2 Wknd. Investor.. B7-10 “We should think about canceling” participa- ing Europe as the continent pushes sharp cut- trying to escape a mysterious is- Food & Drink............. W7 World News..... A6-8,14 tion in the next demonstration, a young woman Please turn to page A10 land, was a TV sensation. Its s Copyright 2010 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved Please turn to the next page YELLOW CYAN BLACK MAGENTA Composite P2JW142057-9-A00100-102FFFFFFFF