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The full articles can be found on the website's blog in the category of
Volunteering stories, Viorela's stories.
October 2020
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.
This brochure has been elaborated during the project “Volleyball is not rocket
science. We are!” (2018-1-RO01-ESC11-061246), funded by the European Union
through the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, in the
context of the European Solidarity Corps, volunteering action.
Spain here I come _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
Discovering the surroundings - Cabo de Palos _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6
"On Arrival" Training in Coy, Lorca _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8
Guide for the first time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
Couchsurfing experience _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15
My first 60 km on the bike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19
Funny bureaucracy: How I got my NIE? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21
What a small world _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23
Hiking in Spain - El Valle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26
Discovering the North of Spain – Galicia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28
Discovering the North of Spain – Asturias _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31
Discovering the North of Spain – Cantabria _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34
Discovering the North of Spain – Basque country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36
Spreading the Romanian joy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38
Me and the Spanish language _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
#expohealthylife _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
Halfway through _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43
My healthy lifestyle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46
Why say yes to ESC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48
Never forget your inner child! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50
Volleyball work out with VIO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51
Volleyball myths _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53
How I started eating healthier because of volunteering _ _ _ _ _ 54
Fell in love with cooking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 56
The history of volleyball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 58
Dancing in the Romanian style _ _ _ _ _ 59
Volleyball tips for you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60
Why volleyball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61
Tips for volleyball tryouts _ _ _ _ _ 63
Thank you, Spain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65
6th September 2019
In one week I am going to leave my country and go to Spain for
no less than one year. I liked to volunteer in Romania, but I felt
like I needed a new challenge so here I am now, getting ready
for this great opportunity.
I usually get very enthusiastic about everything, but this time I
try to be more like a down-to-earth person so disappointment
cannot appear. We and the Spanish people have a lot of things in
common so I do not think that the adjustment process will take
too much time because we are passionate, energetic, hot-
blooded and I do not really feel that there are many differences
between us.
I see this project as a personal challenge to some points of view
like living abroad for so much time, working with foreigners all
day long, switching all my activities from Romanian to English
and Spanish, but I am ready for it. I am going to take up the
challenge and make it awesome!
I have always stayed active (even played basketball and
volleyball in high school), so the idea of being part of the sports
department sounds appealing. Moreover, being on the other
sideof the table is going to be really interesting
because I have always been curious about
how big sport events are actually being
Another part which impresses
me about this volunteering
project is related to the
promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
I find this amazing because nowadays we do not really pay too
much attention to what we eat, or to how much we exercise or to
our water intake so it really is important to be enrolled in this
kind of activities which lead you to a healthier life. This is why
the fact that I am going to have at least a small impact on other
human beings is fascinating and it makes me be even more
focused on doing things right and on not thinking about the
difficulties which might occur.
This experience is going to change me in a very positive way, I
can already feel it!
I am extremely curious about my future evolution during this
program, but I can tell that I will come out as a better person. I
will write down all the stages of this journey and I am sure that
my experiences will be a funny and interesting read after this
project is finished.
As I said, I have only one week left here in Romania so I am
going to take advantage of it to learn more greeting phrases and
grammar and listen to more Latin music.
Andale, let the fiesta begin!
10th October 2019
A friend told me about a charming little town that deserves a
visit: Cabo de Palos, a coastal town located in Murcia. For many
centuries, it was an important fishing port and, also, a military
surveillance point of strategic importance.
Being a small town on the coast, Cabo
de Palos doesn’t have too many
inhabitants. Still, the number of
tourists is very high, especially
during the summer. Many of them
are attracted by the numerous dive
centres in the area. What makes this
place so famous and unique to
underwater exploration enthusiasts
is not just the marine fauna, but the
However, we did not go to explore the
depths of the Mediterranean Sea but
the shores of Cabo de Palos. What
really drew our attention was the
imposing lighthouse which was
visible from wherever we were. They
built it in 1865 due to a large number
of wrecks.
The coastal walk was incredible. The waves
were constantly crashing into the rocks,
providing a spectacular performance.
We didn’t have enough time for a bath in the
sea, so we just admired it from afar. Cabo de
Palos has many small beaches, Cala Reona,
Cala Tunisia, Cala Flores, Cala Mayor, Cala
Galera and Cala del Muerto being among the
most famous.
In terms of cuisine, you can find fish in most
dishes. 'Caldero' is very typical of Cabo de
Palos. Still, I wanted to try the seafood soup.
And I didn't regret it. It was super delicious. I
loved it.
Cabo de Palos, I think I will return to explore
your sea. Wait for me!
29th October 2019
On the 14th of October, I grabbed my luggage and went to the
train station which was the meeting point. A bus was to take all
of the volunteers from Murcia and I was so happy about finally
meeting more people from the city.
I was in Spain for almost one month and
things were still new and a bit confusing. I
love shopping and hiking and getting lost
in natural parks, trying to find my way
back (even though I’m terrible at
orientation) and I was willing to meet
people with whom I could do these kinds
of stuff.
We weren’t too many on the bus, as far as
I remember, probably 22 or 24. In the
beginning, we were a bit shy and didn’t
talk much, but after a while, we started
introducing ourselves and talking about
our projects and expectations.
There were people from so many countries, France, Estonia,
Armenia, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Germany and
obviously, us, from Romania. I felt so blessed for having the
opportunity to meet so many folks and to find out about their
There were people from so many countries, France, Estonia,
Armenia, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Germany and
obviously, us, from Romania. I felt so blessed for having the
opportunity to meet so many folks and to find out about their
There were people from so many countries,
France, Estonia, Armenia, Macedonia, Italy,
Greece, Poland, Germany and obviously, us,
from Romania. I felt so blessed for having
the opportunity to meet so many folks and
to find out about their cultures.
After around 2 hours, we reached our
destination: a youth hostel in Coy. What a
lovely village! It had only 513 inhabitants,
so having us there was a great joy for the
citizens. The word "Coy" derives from the
Latin "collis", meaning a hill and yes,
because there are so many hills
surrounding the area. On the other side of
each hill, there is another settlement
shielding warm people who would welcome
you in their houses right away.
It was a small, cosy, and it really reminded
me of an inner courtyard of a huge fortress.
The roads were stone-paved. It really gives
you a feeling of peacefulness.
After settling in, we’ve been told the
schedule of the week (quite intense). We
started by introducing each other and made
our envelopes so that our secret friend
would have where to put in all the nice
thoughts. I liked this. I liked the idea of
being a secret friend and write tiny
motivational letters and I was very spoiled
by my secret friend who even gave me
We had interesting discussions about
Europe, about what does ESC mean and
we understood each other’s institution’s
roles better. There were also a lot of
teamwork games, and we danced, we
sang, some of the volunteers even cried.
We also had Spanish classes with a super
nice teacher. He taught us the
differences between para and por, estar
and ser.
Our Spanish culture cuisine has also
been tested. We had to recreate different
Spanish dishes using our bodies. My
group had `Marinera` and I was the
anchovy on top in that recipe (haha).
What I really liked about this training was
that hard topics have also been
discussed, like what to do if we
encounter any problem, where to go, who
to talk to.
Each volunteer presented their
volunteering project, their mission in
Spain and I was amazed by their
beautiful ideas and by their views of this
In order to learn more about Spanish
cuisine, they brought us a MasterChef
cook who taught us how to make tortilla
and Murcian salad.
I loved the activities which had the
purpose to find out more about each
other’s perspectives on life and about all
those cultural differences. I felt happy
about being Romanian and not having to
deal with all the problems that a non-
European person has to face.
We used our creativity and drew the river of our lives, with all
the ups and downs, all the swirls, what we’ve achieved and
which were our goals. It was a very uplifting exercise.
During siesta, I loved going for walks on the hills. I really felt the
desertic atmosphere there. In the afternoon it was crazy hot and
the nights were freezing cold.
Moreover, we had activities regarding cheap travelling, what to
visit in Spain and what kind of new things to try.
To sum up, it was a full intense week which made me more
aware of my role in Spain and motivated me a lot. I returned
with a fresh mindset and richer in knowledge. I have also met
some of the people who have become my friends.
FIRST TIME 15th November 2019
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted to be a tour
guide. At least for one day. Therefore, when my mentor told me
that a group of students would come and need some tours I was
“Yeees, I am ready, I am going to be their tour guide”. This was
the first phase, the one when you’re happy and accept
everything without thinking. After a while, I was a bit like “ooh,
but I don’t know anything about the history of this city, about
the buildings” (phase 2)…..”But this shouldn’t be a problem
(phase 3)”. And it wasn’t!
Always embracing new experiences with
enthusiasm. You don’t know much about the
city you live in? Very bad…. Firstly, start doing
some research, who knows what kind of
wonderful things you may find. Secondly,
wouldn't it be fascinating walking around
those narrow streets and getting to know the
story of those high imposing buildings which
seem forgotten over time?
Murcia has some very beautiful
buildings and some really interesting
stories regarding them. I will give you
more details in another article about
the history of the city, what to do and
where to go if you want to visit Murcia.
Now, let’s continue with the responsibility of being a tour guide.
It was amazing, absolutely amazing. Mostly because I had a
great group of funny, kind and beautiful people. I really hoped
that they wouldn't ask too many questions (I know, I was a “very
well prepared” guide) and they didn’t! They were very sweet and
enjoyed all of my stories (at least, that is what they said).
The first visit was to the university. There, I showed them around
the campus, the beautiful monastery and the most fabulous
panoramic view.
Then, we went to the city centre and admired the lovely streets,
Cathedral of Murcia (whose tower is the second tallest in Spain -
95 m; in Seville, you find the tallest - 105 m), Romea Theatre - an
impressive building with a very interesting legend - and ended
the tour with a walk along the river.
Next destination: Cartagena. A small, but charming town with a
long history. There, I took them to my favorite place which is
Castillo de la Concepción (Conception Castle). The view is
breathtaking. You can see the sea, the hills, and peacocks that
are surrounding you while the sun is gently caressing your skin.
It’s stunning how each time you go to visit a place you discover
something new depending on the people you are with. Although
I have been there before, that time was different because of the
energy brought by the people who were with me. Also, I had the
great honor to be the photographer of our small trip and I was
rewarded with happiness and laughter.
Thereby, my childhood dream of being a tour guide came true.
And I am happy to see that this project is giving me the
opportunity to meet amazing people and to live astonishing
EXPERIENCE27th November 2019
At the ‘on arrival’ training, we had a small activity regarding
cheap travelling. Yeah, we all like cheap things, and if they’re
free, then it’s even better!
So, yes, let’s talk about CouchSurfing, this great alternative to
save money when travelling. I haven’t tried it before coming to
Spain and I was a bit frightened by the idea of living with
unknown people. But you’ll never know until you try it, right?!
And so I did!
Firstly, create an account and
choose the destination. Secondly,
ask the available hosts to offer
you a cozy bed, or just a couch,
and then wait for their answer.
Some people reply fast, others
don’t ever reply. So, it’s a kind of
My destination was Benidorm. My
brother told me several times to
go there and on November 23rd I
went to this famous city by car
with my host (I will call him J.).
Casually, he was in a village
around Murcia that day and gave
me a lift to Benidorm.
My destination was Benidorm. My brother told me several times
to go there and on November 23rd I went to this famous city by
car with my host (I will call him J.). Casually, he was in a village
around Murcia that day and gave me a lift to Benidorm.
One of his friends was celebrating their birthday and I was
invited!!! Well, I didn’t know anyone - not even my host - but
Spain is about getting out of your comfort zone, trying new
things, so I said yes, why not?
Therefore, that was me in a car going to a party in a mountain
village. Bizarrely, I was feeling like I was about to meet some old
friends. Spanish people give you this kind of sensation, and I
was really happy when we got there and J. introduced me as his
Romanian friend. That was a great sentiment, he barely knew me
but already considered me one of his friends.
Those people really reminded me of my gatherings in Busteni (a
mountain town from Romania) where we would meet and spend
time together: hiking, cooking and all this kind of stuff. The
atmosphere from La Nucia was the same. I enjoyed it a lot, but it
was also very tiring because nobody spoke English so I only
used Spanish. But hey, Spain is Spain and I had to speak
After the party, we went home and I met his family. I felt a bit
awkward like I was going to meet the family of my boyfriend.
Everyone was there: mom, dad, his sister and the next day I
even met his uncle. In that lovely house, I ate for the first time
‘dulce de membrillo con queso’ (quince paste with cheese). What
a delicious combination! His mom used to make this kind of
paste and store it for months. So, she also gave me some.
His dad was very happy to hear that I was Romanian because he
had many work colleagues from my country and he knew some
words. He also told me about the differences between Castilian
and Valencian. It was super fun to find out that in Valencian
they say cama (bed in Castilian) to leg. Or that carrot is
‘zanahoria’ in Castilian, but in Valencian, it’s ‘carlota’. Super
Fortunately, all people from Spain speak Castilian so you won’t
encounter any problem if you come here and don’t speak their
language (it’s considered to be a different language, not a
dialect). I am always interested in love stories and his parents
told me theirs. They were very cute, easy-going and open-
minded. It really reminded me of my family. Another thing that I
tried was a sweet and delicious sparkling white wine called
Barbadillo Vi.
The next morning, we went to Finestrat, a small village with a
wonderful beach. The goal was to reach the famous Playa de Los
Torres (Torres Beach).
From there (La Cala de Finestrat) we started a beautiful walk
following the path. The track is well marked and about halfway
through we saw the tiny cove of Raco de Conill down below - a
nudist beach.
After almost an hour we arrived at Playa de Los Torres, a magical
place where I wished I could remain. That stunning route ended
with a tasty rotisserie chicken, just like I used to do back home
during weekends.
All in all, my first CouchSurfing experience was more than your
average trip. It was more than discovering the town and its
surroundings because I had ‘a local guide’ who made me feel
like I was part of their family. So, after experiencing this, I
recommend taking a dive into any new adventure you think you
might like!
THE BIKE 30th November 2019
I love hiking, the mountains representing my peace and home.
But, I also like rock climbing, and the closest place to go to do
this was 30 km away from my flat.
Therefore, I told myself: why not trying to cycle to the starting
point? 30 km can't be much. I was in good shape. Why not trying
to take up the challenge?
So, after a few hours of overthinking, I decided: I will cycle! I was
aware of the fact that the hiking route was going to tire me, but I
was optimistic, as always.
What could happen? Worst case scenario, I would've taken the
train back. I made a decision and, I had to respect it! I have
prepared my cycling pants and helmet. It was all set, I only had
to wake up early (I knew that it might take more than Google
maps said).
I woke up at six and left at seven. We had to meet at around
nine. When I left, I didn't see anyone in the entire city. Murcia
seemed so empty!
The destination was Ermita de Nuestra
Senora del Pilar. That was also the
starting point of our route. I remember
that one friend asked me whether I
want her to come to pick me up from
Callosa de Segura (this is the village
where the ermita is). The hermitage
(ermita in Spanish) was very close, so I
didn't accept the offer of a lift.
How awful could it be? Oh, well, people who live on that street
are extremely fit, or at least they should be because it's very
steep. However, I was ambitious and tried to cycle (haha, not a
good idea).
After this attempt, I started walking, holding the bike close.
Honestly, I wanted so bad to leave it there, but the thought of
cycling down on that road won, so I just continued. I arrived at
the hermitage a bit tired but happy. I did it! Let's start the route!
And I wasn't even thinking about what was going to happen.
Amazing adrenaline!!! There were so many rocks waiting for me
to climb them. I was so thrilled but scared at the same time
because I wasn't doing rock climbing for a while. But well, this is
just like riding a bike. You never forget it! I loved that hike!
It took us around 3 hours, we reached Aguilas peak, took photos,
saw the shelter and then came back to the hermitage.
Everyone was heading home with their cars while I was there,
with my bike. Only the thought of another 30 km demotivated me
a bit, but I was like, well, I will make a stop in Orihuela before
heading to Murcia. However, I didn't want to stay for too long in
Orihuela, so I started cycling back home. The route I took was
lovely. I had the mountains on my left and the river on my right.
And I was good for the first 20 km. But in the last 10 km, I was so
anxious. I was only thinking about resting.
So, after another 2h of cycling, I got home. The next day, I was
feeling like a newborn. I was so energetic, but I needed a small
pause from sitting on the saddle, haha.
What a great adventure!
HOW I GOT MY NIE?15th December 2019
Every foreigner who wants to work in Spain or to buy a car/a
house or to live for more than 3 months on the Spanish territory,
has to get an NIE.
What is NIE? Well, it’s a tax number, ‘Número de Identidad de
Extranjero’ known in English as ‘Foreigners´ Identity Number’
which allows you to own a property or live as a resident in Spain.
To sum up, you need this number in order to make any kind of
transactions within the country. I always stick to the
regulations, so I immediately started my application.
Firstly, I needed to do my `empadronamiento`, an official
registration of where I lived. They told me that I am going to
need it in order to get my NIE, so I happily filled those forms and
asked for a `cita previa` (appointment in Spanish).
Obviously, I didn’t really understand all the options which were
there, so I just chose one that seemed to be what I needed.
So, there came the day. I was one step closer to my NIE. On the
day of the appointment, I grabbed all the required papers and
left the house with enthusiasm. I was two minutes late, but I
thought ‘well, I am in Spain, this is something natural, they
won’t mind it’.
Every foreigner who wants to work in Spain or to buy a car/a
house or to live for more than 3 months on the Spanish territory,
As soon as I arrived, I headed to the machine
where I put my appointment number in and
waited for them to call me. Fortunately, after a
few minutes, my number was on the screen. ‘It’s
my turn’, I thought with excitement. When the
man from the office saw my papers, he raised his
sight and with a very serious look said ‘Your
documents aren’t available for the
appointment you’ve asked for’. I looked at
him very surprised and, for a moment, didn’t
know what to say, haha.
I wanted to do everything online because I
thought it was going to be better.
Apparently, in my case, it wasn’t. So, that was me smiling while
leaving the office. I went to the information desk and asked for
another appointment, a good one, which would be compatible
with my documents. He smiled and said:
‘Yes, Miss, in 5 days. At what hour?’. On that floor, besides me,
there were only 2 other people. Almost all of the offices were
empty. I asked, ‘but why can’t I solve the problem right away
because I am here?’ ‘These are the rules, Miss’. And because the
‘Miss’ sticks to the regulations, I left. ‘See you in five days’, I
grumbled to myself. Finally, in 5 days, I got my
‘empadronamiento’. The Spanish state knew where to find me,
what a great joy.
The second step and the funniest: pay for NIE. I didn’t want to
pay online just because my bank account is not in Euro and I
wanted to avoid the exchange. Therefore, on the morning of the
day of my ‘cita previa’ for NIE, I went to the bank to pay for it. I
had another form which required a NIE or a passport. Obviously,
I didn’t have my NIE, I was about to pay for getting it, so I used
my passport.
To go to a bank in Spain, you have to be very patient. People talk,
greet each other, and even though the transaction is over, they
still have other things to talk about. And so I waited, and waited,
but, at some point, I couldn’t stand it any more. Since I had to
wait for that much, I thought to ask them in advance whether
they would accept my form. Just to make sure that the waiting
was worth it. When I asked the guy there about paying for NIE
using the form, he frowned at me and said that I couldn’t pay for
NIE if I didn’t have NIE. My Spanish wasn’t that good, but I
understood what he said and I was shocked. Didn’t know
whether to laugh or to get mad.
WORLD 15th January 2020
On an ordinary day, I wanted semolina so I went to Mercadona
(Spanish store) to search for it. It wasn’t the first try in Spain, but
the first time in that store. I went to the aisle where I knew that I
could find it. While looking around I thought that I heard
someone talking in Romanian. So, I paid more attention and
after a few seconds, two people appeared. But these two persons
were not ordinary, they were twins.
I immediately smiled and asked them
about their home town and that is how it
all started. We`ve exchanged Facebook
accounts and we still use our group of
three to talk and send all of our crazy
They were Erasmus students and came
for 6 months to study photography in
I love being photographed so what a
great chance encounter for me! Amazing!
I definitely annoyed them with all those stereotypical questions
you always ask twins about. Have you experienced telepathy? Do
you like the same things? Do you wear the same clothes? Who’s
older? How can people distinguish between the two of you? Have
you ever switched roles? And the list could continue endlessly.
But after some time, I started to actually differentiate between
them very well and realised how different they were. One was
delicate, fragile and more sensitive, but with a strong
personality. The other one looked more confident and cheerful,
less vulnerable, but still gentle. Great human beings from whom
I’ve learnt a lot.
We went travelling, hiking, partying, they
always had great energy so we spent a
really good time together. Even celebrated
our birthdays here in Spain. Who was
searching for a club to dance on a Monday
evening? Well, we were, haha.
Sharing the same `let`s save money`
attitude, it was so funny that several times
we chose to walk instead of taking the bus
(small distances, no more than 10 km,
My favourite trip was to Calpe. We took the
magical tram from Alicante and spent
almost 2 hours admiring the beaches and
the mountains from the surrounding
areas. Finally, we arrived at our destination
and after a quick visit to the centre, we
headed to the beach for a photoshoot with
the famous Calpe rock known as ‘Peñon
d'Ifach’. Back then I didn’t know that you
can get to the top, but it`s good to know for
my next trip.
Another crazy trip we went on was to
Fuente Caputa. One day, they sent me a
photo of this place and during the
following weekend, we were at the bus
station waiting for the departure to Mula.
Of course, we didn`t check where Fuente
Caputa was, how many kilometres we had
to walk to get there from the bus stop. So,
that was us, 4 crazy people (we convinced
a guy to join us), realising that we had to
walk for 15 km (both ways).
We were encouraging each other and started the route having
one thought: to reach our goal => Fuente Caputa.
We wanted a photo at the tiny waterfall and nothing more.
Usually, people go there to have a bath, but January isn`t the
best month to do so. The greatest part was when one of us would
lose the motivation to continue - especially on our way back -
and there was always someone cheering up the entire group.
On their last weekend in Spain, we made a tasty cheesecake in
order to celebrate all of the wonderful moments we spent
together. Even though I miss them, I know that we will meet
again in Romania. What a small world!
Stay safe, my twins!
EL VALLE 25th January 2020
I love mountains and I love hiking. Back in Romania I never
missed a chance to go wandering and discovering new
landscapes. In the mountains, I feel peaceful and calm and
relieved as if all of my concerns are way too small compared to
the majesty of the mountain. I feel home.
Nevertheless, it takes me around 1h and a half to get to the
mountain area in Romania, but, here, I am starting my route in
El Valle Regional Park in less than 40 minutes.
I didn’t pay too much attention to this place
until one friend asked me to join him on a
small hike. I enjoyed the route, even though
it was just a small one. Three months later, I
returned to this park willing to discover more
about it. I took my wonderful bike and in 35
min I was in Alberca, at the entrance of the
park. The road is really steep, so for the last
kilometre, I alternated cycling with walking.
What an adventure!!! I promised myself to
come more often so that I become more
At the information centre, they presented only 2 routes. I chose
the longest and went into the wild, discovering El Valle. It was
more like a cycling path, even though I don't know how people
can ride a bike under those conditions. I felt so happy whenever
I met another sign which assured me that I was following the
right path. After walking for almost one hour, at a crossroads, I
saw a guy who was walking his dog. More precisely, he was
running with his dog, haha. I probably looked helpless, so he
stopped and asked whether I was okay. My goal was reaching
Relojero peak, and I was interested in finding a quicker way to
do so. And that's when it all started. He began talking about that
area with so much love and joy. I was fascinated by his stories
and legends. There were so many other routes starting from
various points. They were just not very well marked, but for him,
a local, this wasn’t a problem.
This is how I found out about King Kong’s Wall, about a track
called ‘Bonita’ (beautiful in Spanish), about a monastery where
children who suffered from pulmonary infections would come to
be treated with fresh air. Moreover, he showed me ‘El Paisaje
Lunar’ (moon-scape like landscape), a breathtaking view.
I also found out that from Calasparra (which is visible from El
Relojero peak) spring almost all of the Murcian rivers.
Amazing, I can’t wait to go there and admire the landscapes. I’ve
been told that Calasparra is greener than the north, so that
really caught my attention.
I love this kind of moments when you randomly meet someone
and start talking and sharing experiences. That guy really
changed my perception of El Valle park and I am looking forward
to discovering more of that area.
El Valle, I am coming!
17th February 2020
I live in the south of Spain which is very dry and looks like a
desertic area. Even so, you can find a bit of green nature if you
go to certain places like regional parks. Plus, you can see palm
trees almost everywhere and I really like that. However, in
January I wanted to discover the north of Spain and I booked an
entire week to do so.
First stop was Galicia. First reaction: wow, it
is utterly green. I landed in Santiago de
Compostela. That famous city where pilgrims
from around the globe come to start or finish
their ‘Camino’. Though I haven’t seen many
people doing the pilgrimage, probably just 3
or 4. This was probably because of the cold
and rainy winter; not the best idea to walk
around 25 km per day under those
The ‘Camino de Santiago’ is known in English
as the Way of Saint James. This serves as a
pilgrimage to the shrine of the apostle Saint
James the Great in Galicia at the cathedral of
Santiago de Compostela.
First stop was Galicia. First reaction: wow, it is
utterly green. I landed in Santiago de Compostela.
That famous city where pilgrims from around the
globe come to start or finish their ‘Camino’. Though
I haven’t seen many people doing the pilgrimage,
and the auditorium which is a very nice modern building. Being
a curious eater, I tried their regional almond cake called ‘Tarta
de Santiago’. It was very delicious.
After spending half a day in that monumental town, I headed to
Ferrol where my friend lived. She was also an ESC (European
Solidarity Corps) volunteer. To get there I used BlaBlacar -
another way of cheap travelling, it’s a type of car sharing. I had a
very pleasant ride because of my talkative and lovely driver. She
talked to me about some of the differences between the north
and the south of Spain. It was also really funny that she had
some Romanian colleagues and described them as shopaholics,
yet elegant (well, yeah, in order to be elegant you have to shop a
lot, don’t you? haha).
I found it really weird that they have many private highways and
if you use them on a daily basis you still have to pay almost the
exact amount of money like a tourist - the tax
was 10 euro one way, but for a local, it was 15
euro both ways, instead of 20. Still, at the end of
the month, you have to give an important
amount of money to the company which is
taking care of the road. For a Romanian, this is
a bit unusual (haha).
probably just 3 or 4. This was probably because of
the cold and rainy winter; not the best idea to walk
around 25 km per day under those conditions.
The ‘Camino de Santiago’ is known in English as the
Way of Saint James. This serves as a pilgrimage to
the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in
Galicia at the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
I went to visit the cathedral, the city centre with all
those amazing swaures, their beautiful and big parks
Ferrol is a very small town where everybody
knows everybody. They always greet each other
when meeting at the corner of the street. I really
liked that close-knit community. The harbor is
pretty and they have a pedestrian route
throughout the Ferrol’s estuary (the famous ‘Ria
de Ferrol’).
Whenever I travel I am more interested in
discovering the green surroundings and my
friend knew this, so I had a very adventurous
stay. We went to the ‘Fragas do Eume’ Natural Park,
an amazing place which is really close to the town.
Since it was winter, their rainy season, the weather
was super tricky. We left the house while it was still
sunny, there were only a few drops. So, we started
our wonderful hiking route within the park.
Everything was very well organised, there were only a
few drops. So, we started our wonderful hiking
route within the park. Everything was very well
organised, there were several surveillance points
where you can go and ask for indications. It was
funny that when we mistakenly entered one of
those tiny houses, the guy inside told us to leave
because the park was closed. Well, we were already
there, so why not do the entire route? Who cares
about the pouring rain and that the paths have
been destroyed? We’ll create our own path.
Sometimes I wish I was less stubborn. But that time I was
supported (haha) and it turned out to be a great adventure. The
landscapes were stunning and we also found a monastery (while
walking about 10 km in heavy rain). Obviously, we were shaking
like a leaf, but a hot tea warmed us right away.
‘Camino Ingles’ (The English Way) starts from
Ferrol, so if you want to try one of the shortest
routes of the ‘Camino de Santiago’, come to
Ferrol and begin your adventure. Mine
continued with Oviedo, the capital of Asturias.
18th February 2020
I didn’t plan to go to Asturias as I knew nobody there, but that
didn’t stop me. My other friend was in Cantabria which is around
10 hours by bus away from Ferrol. When I was younger I had no
problem with travelling for many hours by train, but now I am
not as resistant. Besides, a bus is a lot worse than a train: you
can’t walk, you don’t have too much space. So, I decided to make
a stop on my way to Santander.
In Asturias, I have been to Oviedo and used Couchsurfing for the
second time in my life. My host was a lovely woman whose
hobby was painting so her house was full of portraits. Even
though she was no longer in her twenties, she didn’t suffer from
lack of energy or curiosity. She wanted to travel as much as she
could. I was lucky to have her as my host because we went on
an amazing trip to the mountains.
I can still hear her:” I want to see those lakes, let’s go”. SHe was
talking about ‘Saliencia’ lakes, a group of 5
glacial lakes which are located in the ‘Somiedo’
Natural Park (the first natural park of Asturias).
The photos were amazing so of course, I
accepted her proposal.
In her house, for the first time, I ate a Japanese
soup; she followed a vegetarian diet so her
shelves were full of healthy organic products.
Therefore, she introduced me to Hatcho Miso,
some Japanese soybean paste. The taste was
good, a bit unusual for me because I never ate
anything like that, but I would give it a try again.
I like healthy food and whenever I discover
another meal I get very enthusiastic. So, that was
our dinner, a miso soup.
The next day we headed to where we planned, to
Saliencia to see the lakes. It was very funny, that
we didn’t want to use google maps, so she was
stopping at gas stations to ask for directions.
One guy from there told her that we should
return because in Somiedo the roads were ice-
covered and her car wasn’t equipped with snow
chains. Even so, we didn’t give up and continued
our way until something would block our way.
The road was super narrow, but luckily there
weren’t any cars. I was so surprised to see how
many isolated villages existed there as we were
advancing into the mountain area. The
landscapes were beyond imagination, I loved
every single second of that ride.
At some point, we couldn’t continue anymore
because of a tiny, but an important ice-covered
zone. Well, apparently, that guy was a bit right,
but not completely because we drove a lot before
reaching that dead end.
Even though we couldn’t use the car anymore, we put plan B
into action: our strong and beautiful legs. So, we walked, a lot,
but couldn’t find the lakes and because of the lack of signal on
our phones we couldn’t check where they were. She was a bit
sad but still promised herself that she would return to find the
lakes come summer.
It was almost lunchtime, so we were
heading to the closest village where we
could eat some tapas (snacks in Spanish
cuisine), even though I was a bit sceptical
of finding anything in that isolated area.
On our way to Saliencia (the village), we
saw ‘Las Brañas Somedanas’, some stone
huts and of course that we stopped there
for a photo shooting.
Finding an open bar wasn’t that hard
because there were only two and one was
closed (haha). We ate tortilla with chorizo
and it was incredibly good, even though I
am not a big fan of chorizo, but in that
combination I really liked it.
Asturias is famous for its cider so that was
my chance to try an authentic and natural
cider made by the owner of the bar. It was
extraordinary good, reminding me of my
dad’s wine. Great experience. An
interesting thing that I noticed at the
entrance of the bar, was a pair of wooden
shoes and I was super curious about it.
Actually, there were even more pairs in
different corners and I found out that all
the villagers had those. They were using
them when it was muddy or on a daily
basis in order to not get dirty.
After those wonderful hours, we headed to
the city centre, because I had to see the
famous cathedral from Oviedo and luckily,
one rainbow appeared, so now I have a
gorgeous photo with that magical place.
Though I loved being there, I had to go
catch my bus to Santander where a new
adventure was waiting for me.
19th February 2020
At 10 pm I arrived in Santander, it was really cold,
but I was happy that I was meeting my friend. He
was waiting for me at the other bus station, but
luckily we found each other very fast. I was so
thrilled to be in Santander.
I really wanted to visit the north and especially
that town and finally, I did it. I was there!
We went on a walk and enjoyed the beautiful view
of the sleeping city. I liked the atmosphere, the
harbour was huge and the air was so fresh and
strong. My friend lived in a village which was
around 40 minutes away by train. So I was very
happy that I would discover another rural area.
Lierganes is small but so full of life. It has a
beautiful museum, historical buildings, a
very welcoming train station; you can even
have a walk along the river and eat
fantastic Mexican food. People were warm
and friendly and I really liked the vibe of
that place.
What to do in Cantabria if not hiking? We
took our backpacks and went into the wild.
I have to say that until now, Cantabria remains my favourite
spot on earth. The landscapes were breathtaking. In front of you,
yellow mountains would appear. Further away, there were snow-
covered peaks. Behind, everything was green. It was all a
symphony of colours, amazingly blended together. Of course,
because of the rainy season, our route was very muddy, but I
enjoyed it a lot.
I discovered once again small isolated communities of people.
This time, I was lucky to meet a woman who was wandering, so I
could talk to her about their lifestyle. In her settlement there
lived only 5 people, all of them elderly. She was no longer
working, she sold her cow and the sheep and all she did for the
entire day was taking long walks admiring the beautiful
Cantabrian view.
Apparently, there are many other isolated settlements in the
area. I was happy to find out that they receive weekly visits; a
truck comes with fruits and frozen products, and a car is
bringing them bread every day. It`s nice to see how people are
being thoughtful.
The next day I went to visit Santander, at daylight. One friend
recommended me the Peninsula of Magdalena, and I went there
straight away. It was a long and peaceful walk, as I chose the
beach path, hearing only the waves crashing into the sand.
What a calm town! I wish to return there one day!
20th February 2020
ilbao was the last stop on my trip. I arrived
there very late, at around 11 pm and it was so
difficult to find the way out from that bus
station. It was huge! They even had a subway.
here were so many people walking in so many
directions that I didn’t even know who should
I follow to get out. I felt like a lost mouse in a
Also, while feeling so misplaced, I had my
first contact with Euskara, the Basque
language. I started looking around and trying
to figure out whether I am still in Spain or not.
The bus trip from Santander took only 1h and a half, so I
couldn’t go too far (haha). `Exit` used to be `Salida`, but now it
was `Irteera`. Really strange! `Well, I have to get used to it`, I
After around 30 tiring minutes, I found the way out and headed
to my accommodation. For the first time, I booked a bed in a
hostel. I was just too tired and wanted to go home. I love
travelling, but at some point, it can drain you. Especially, when
you travel as I did, spending only a day or a maximum of two
days in each place. So, I really needed a good bed. Yet, I
discovered that a hostel is not the best option if you want to
My roomies had a snoring
competition and I couldn`t join
them, so I was tossing and turning
all night. Also, I woke up very early
because of my plane departure at
12 am. I also wanted to visit as
much as I could, even though
museums and stores were still
I lived right on the other side of
the famous Guggenheim Museum,
which is considered the gateway to
the Basque cultural universe.
ROMANIAN JOY5th March 2020
Spring has found me in Spain this year, but heyyy!!! This doesn’t
mean that I won’t continue to respect and follow Romanian
Mărțișor, what a beautiful day, first of March, spring has come
and the sun is up there shining. I’ve always liked this tradition. I
still remember when, back in Romania,
police officers would stop us on the street to give those tiny
decorations or flowers. Of course, here this didn’t happen.
However, if Mărțișor doesn’t exist in Spain, then let’s bring it
here!! And so we did!
In the beginning, I was a bit skeptical of the method of actually
creating handmade mărțișoare ... but well, why not give it a try?
It all started with baking what would become the building blocks
for this little gift.... I think that it took us around half a day to
bake everything, which was only a part of a long, but lovely
process. After that, give them a nice round shape, put the red
and white strings together, and the pins and let them dry.
Thinking that probably not all the
people will listen to our short story, I
made a small flyer with the meanings
of mărțișor (in Spanish of course, even
though some people asked me if the
information was in Romanian, haha).
The 1st of March has come so let’s spread the Romanian joy!!! I
was a bit nervous at the beginning because I didn’t know what
to expect, but well, it was so funny and entertaining and
beautiful, all at the same time. A pharmacist, a violinist, a
Romanian family, lots of old people, children, they all received
the tiny Romanian gift with great pleasure and enthusiasm.
Many of them didn’t know about the possibility of volunteering
in another country, therefore it was also a good occasion to
promote the idea of solidarity.
Hola, un regalito para ti! (Hi, a little present for
It was so funny that some people assumed
that I was selling something so they kept on
running away from me. Despite this, I was
faster and after giving them the mărțișor, they
were really happy and grateful.
It’s always a greater feeling when you give
than when you receive something.
So, for all of you out there don’t forget to
always spread kindness and joy!
‘Acasă TV’, the tv channel which taught me Latin American
Spanish, I used to spend hours watching soap operas with my
grandma. I was barely able to read, but I watched movies.
As the years went by, I realised that I am an auditory learner. All
those melodramas really helped me. Whenever I use Spanish,
various words come to my mind out of nowhere. That’s mind-
blowing! It feels great but, also, a bit strange. So, thank you,
grandma, for introducing me to ‘Angel rebelde’ (Spanish series)
and not only (this is all I remember right now).
Erasmus+ offers us online linguistic support (OLS), so I started
using it. First, I had to take a test in order to be aware of my
level. I got an A2, therefore it was a great start.
Obviously, learning a language online is different from going
outside and trying to speak it with the locals.
Nevertheless, I tried both of the options, and to be honest, I
enjoyed the second one.
At first, I didn’t know the numbers. Of course, a soap opera is not
about numbers, so I skipped this part. Nobody starts counting
from 1 to 10, even so, I knew how to count from 1 to 3 (Un, dos,
tres, un pasito pa lante, Mariaaa, from Ricky Martin’s song).
Regarding days of the week, they’re quite similar to the
Romanian version. But the numbers, ioii, I had to learn the
Whenever I went to the supermarket I paid with a 20 euro
banknote, even though my receipt was only 1.35 euro. After a
while, I started looking for the display which showed the price
and compared it with the number from my head (the one that I
heard from the cashier). And this exercise was quite good. There
were moments when I couldn’t see the price, so I did my best to
decode the number that they said. I definitely felt a bit
embarrassed, in the beginning, but got out of those situations
with a clumsy smile.
The next level was to go and understand what people say in an
open market. And so I did, and look at me now: after 6 months I
get rid of the smallest cent paying the exact amount of money.
In a short time after settling in Spain, I made a good friend, and
we used to meet often and talk about different things. I was
improving my Spanish a lot during that time, especially,
because he was also correcting me. We spoke only Spanish and
when I couldn’t express myself, I used a bit of English, but I tried
not to give in. Unfortunately, he moved out of my town, but we
keep in touch.
I was talking a lot using the present tense. I remembered some
words from my movies and had a hunch about some past forms,
but I didn’t know any rules. Therefore, it was time for me to learn
the past and future tenses. Oh, what a happy day it was. I spoke
using only the past and the future the following days. Of course,
I am happy with my level of Spanish
there are many exceptions, and you
have to memorize the roots of the
verbs and the terminations, but this is
something which comes with time and
which continues to improve day by day.
I can now watch movies with Spanish
subtitles and understand what they are
all about.
We should never stop learning and
improving ourselves.
20th March 2020
Promoting a healthy lifestyle through photos and videos, this is
what #expohealthylife is all about. Collecting materials from
people who publish on Facebook and Instagram using the
hashtag of the activity #expohealthylife.
The exhibition will have two categories: sports events and a
healthy lifestyle. This means that people may publish either
their personal photos or the ones they took when attending
different sports events. Moreover, recipes can be added.
Additionally, I have created a WhatsApp group where we work
out together, considering the quarantine situation. We challenge
each other by presenting various exercises followed by the rest
of the group filming themselves doing the same exercise.
Another challenge we have is the ‘surprise song’. Every week we
use another song to create a choreography. The moves are fun,
and the most important thing is that we are feeling good and
happy. We will also start learning dances. I can’t wait to see how
many wonderful things we will learn from each other.
Don’t forget to check the Facebook page (Yellow Shirts Romania)
where we post weekly ideas for workouts and give tips for a
healthier life.
And for all of you who are reading this,
you can also join our #expohealthylife
campaign. Some people have already
started to use the hashtag when posting
their workouts and I am so happy to check
them out.
So, what are you waiting for?
Let’s stay active and healthy together.
8th April 2020
I still can’t believe that it's been half a year since my arrival in
Spain. When did the time fly? Que ha pasado? (This is what a
Spanish person would say: What happened?)
I look in the mirror and I see another person. I see someone
calmer, wiser and more peaceful. I wanted to be independent, so
I left my home. I got out of my comfort zone and headed into the
unknown. I had no idea what could happen here but took a shot.
Now I am reading my journal and a smile is being brought to my
face while turning the pages. I was impatient but scared by this
new experience. Moreover, I felt shy and a bit insecure. It wasn’t
just a new city, it
was a new country. I still remember the day of my arrival:15th of
September. Alicante Airport seemed so big, my luggage was so
heavy and I couldn’t find the bus station. I landed at 11:30 pm
and, at that hour, there was no direct bus to Murcia; therefore, I
stayed in Alicante at a friend.
C6. That was my bus. But I couldn’t find it. Beyond that, nobody
seemed to speak English. I was asking in my broken Spanish
about C6, and I had the feeling that no one was paying attention.
I was feeling so exhausted, I just wanted to go home. I knew that
after midnight the buses would run hourly, and I didn’t want to
wait anymore. Finally, I managed to get to the second floor
where the bus stop was. One woman pointed to the bus: ‘ Look,
it’s the one that departs’. I don’t know how, but I immediately
found the strength to run with my 2 big suitcases (one was
broken) and got on that bus. The driver saw me running and
decided to wait for me. What a beautiful gesture! I will never
forget it! Obviously, he was in a hurry and frowned at me, but I
responded with a genuine smile of gratitude. That was the first
time on the15th of September when I felt safe.
Looking back, I realise how much I‘ve changed in the last 6
months. I’ve been put in tough situations which I`ve never
experienced before. But this is how you learn, isn't it? This is
how you grow, how you bloom. Thus, that was me, blooming day
by day, becoming more and more confident and more open-
minded. Today`s Vio is more diplomatic and powerful than older
Vio. Furthermore, I have improved my communication skills a
lot, particularly active listening skills. I have always loved
talking, but I encountered difficulties when listening to others. I
have been working on it, and I can see the results. Also,
proactivity; I am not the type of person who would come to you
and talk about their plans or projects. Or at least, I wasn’t. I am
saying it because I realised that I had turned into a proactive
person, developing my foresight. This is a great achievement for
me. And obviously, I will continue to work on it.
I learnt Spanish. There is still a lot to be
learnt, absolutely, but I can now have a
conversation without struggling. And I
can find my way home if you take my
phone and leave me in a random
village. My mentor said that we will
only be speaking Spanish in order to
facilitate and speed up my learning
process. This was helpful, even though
I found it a bit unfair initially.
Whenever there were free outdoor
dancing classes, I was there, coming
out of nowhere, smiling and trying to fit
in. In the beginning, it was hard, very
hard, I couldn’t follow their
discussions, and I felt like an outsider.
But better days came and step by step I
was able to create a warmer
environment in Spain.
I was meeting more people and started to form bonds. I was no
longer completely alone in a new country, I knew who to call in
case of a problem or simply for a talk.
Within my volunteering project, I met many people with whom I
worked on diverse activities and from whom I learnt a lot. I am
still learning, actually, we keep in touch and share our
They played an important role in improving my self-awareness
and empathy. I am very grateful for having the chance to get to
know them.
Likewise, I am thankful for the less pleasant moments because I
have learnt how to better understand people’s actions. I learnt
that some people simply don’t want to be helped or don’t want
to have you around them and that’s okay; we always have to
respect each other’s will.
Regarding the chores in my new home, there weren’t too many
changes because I was used to being tidy. Well, to be honest,
washing the dishes wasn’t quite my favourite activity, but now I
find it really relaxing. I cook a lot and try different recipes on a
daily basis. I wash my clothes, this is the new thing. Back in
Romania, mom was in charge of the washing machine. But now
look at me, such a lovely responsible young lady.
I am happy about the outcome of this experience and I am
looking forward to discovering more and more about myself and
about my surroundings.
Let’s start! Make posters, promote the competition
and be ready to marvel at what others have come
up with. That’s what happened to me!
The theme of the competition was: ‘My healthy
lifestyle!’. It was made for creative young people
interested in promoting an active and healthy
lifestyle. However, I had to go through a new
experience as well: I designed my first
appreciation and achievement certificates.
Therefore, it was a great opportunity to learn how
to make this kind of stuff. Moreover, the contest
was held in three languages: Spanish, English and
Romanian, so it was another opportunity for me to
practice the hot-blooded language.
These are the promotional posters.
25th April 2020
And soon after launching the competition, I started getting
posters from participants. I was so happy about it. Every single
poster made me excited about motivating a young person to
inspire others. It wasn’t about competition! Or whose poster was
the best or the most creative. It was more about creating
something inspirational. And, to be honest, I was very inspired by
their ideas. It’s amazing what people can do when they use their
imagination. Here you have their posters!
Hopefully, at least one of them will move you too!
ESC? 15th May 2020
language, and you must speak it
in order to make yourself
understood (and also to
understand the others). So, yes,
you’ll learn the language of the
host country, but until then,
English is going to be your friend.
Clearly, by practising it, you’re
going to improve your speaking
skills and not only that.
I have been an ESC volunteer since September. Eight months
later, I am starting to write down my thoughts.
Why say yes to an ESC? Well, I give you 7 reasons to do so. It’s up
to you whether you’re going to take up this challenge or not.
1. Get out of your comfort zone. Yes. You are in a completely new
country facing a new culture. I know it’s easier to be a couch
potato, but do you want to grow? Do you want to embrace new
experiences? Do you want to broaden your horizons?
2. Learn a new language. Maybe you want to learn German,
Spanish or Italian. Or you just want to learn any other new
language. Choose your host country and let’s go! It’s so much
easier to learn a foreign language in its country.
3. Improve your English. Yes, English is an international
4. Develop new skills. Throughout your project, you’re going to
have different activities (some of them might be completely new
to you, but this is even better because you will learn more).
Depending on your tasks, you might learn how to create posters
or videos, using various editing software. Or maybe you’ll learn
how to solve problems more efficiently or how to think more
critically. There are so many skills that you can develop or
5. Make new friends. You’ll meet so many different people and
among them, you’re going to find your friends, your lovely
international friends. Obviously, some people won’t be the nicest
human beings you’d expect them to be, but this is normal, so
don’t worry.
6. Become more tolerant and open-minded. You’ll meet so many
people with all kinds of backgrounds and mindsets and this is
so amazing for you. In the beginning, it may seem a bit difficult,
but in a short time (after you realize that what you find awkward
is normal for others), you will adjust to the new environment.
7. Travel like a local in a foreign country. Why do I say like a
local? Because a local is interested in more than the big cities
(or not at all). As a foreigner, you’ve heard about the famous
attractions of a country, so it’s most likely to stick to the list
(travelling abroad requires time and money and, unfortunately,
they don’t come together very often). But as a local, everything
changes. You’re gonna be interested in that small village next to
Florence (if you’re volunteering in Italy), or maybe that gorgeous
natural pool - Fuente Caputa - in Mula (if you’re volunteering in
Spain). Go to explore the north, the south, the east and west and
don’t forget about the centre of the country. Don’t miss the
chance to discover a new country and its culture.
INNER CHILD! 4th June 2020
1st of June! What a lovely day! That is when we
celebrate Children's Day in Romania.
However, Spanish people have this holiday on
the 15th of April (except for Madrid - 2nd of May).
Luckily, the conditions were less restrictive, so
we were able to go out and have fun as kids do.
We had everything: rope, paper, balls, music and
most important: lots of energy. I have made a list
of games including:
So, we had plenty of games to play! And so we did! It was
amazing! The atmosphere was magical. We made paper boats
and then went to launch them in a small fountain (we took them
back, we’re eco-friendly). We also made a jumping rope
competition regarding who could jump more. That was funny,
even though we were all grown-ups, we could still see that some
people got mad when they lost. Haha, some things never
change, right?
Also, we designed some extraordinary planes. They took off
instantly! My favourite game remains the ducks and the
hunters. I loved this game since childhood. It’s so energetic, and
the laughter is guaranteed!
All in all, we had a great time and photos could tell.
Rock, Paper,
Freeze dance
Hot or cold
Paper airplanes & boats
Blind Man’s Buff
Hide and seek
The ducks and the hunters
Quarantine didn’t let us continue playing
volleyball outside, but that didn’t mean
that we had to stop. With the message
‘’Even if you can't go outside and play
with your friends, you can stay inside and
train.’’, I have made a series of exercises
that volleyball players do during their
I enjoyed recording all the exercises in
my room. It was fun, and I learnt a lot.
There are 4 videos of maximum 3
minutes. In order to prepare them, I’ve
searched a lot on Internet regarding the
types of workouts that volleyball players
usually do.
Improving multi-directional speed. Blocking training.
Improving the development of the front of the thighs
Increasing the vertical jump
Strength and conditioning
Moving Block Jumps
Jumping Jacks + Pass Position
I selected some of them and created 4 types of workouts:
Therefore, May was the month of volleyball workouts!
It all started on 7th of May. Check out the video here:
Heel raise squats
Snap Down to Vertical Jump
Ankle Hops
Jump Squats
Tempo Squats
Hurdles Jump
Single Leg Glute Bridge
Iso-Hold Lunge
14th of May. Check out the video here:
21st of May. Increasing the vertical jump. Check out the video
28th of May. Strength Workout. Check out the video here:
Hope you find these videos useful. Stay safe and play volleyball!
20th June 2020
Like any other sports, volleyball has its myths. Did you know
I have made a poster including 5 volleyball myths, and it went
viral. The post has been reached by more than 19.000 people and
got more than 180 interactions. It was amazing!
I liked the fact that some people started to talk about these
myths, thinking of how is it in their countries.
These were the myths:
My mom used chia seeds in yoghurt, but I didn’t
know how healthy they were until I started this
activity. Now, I am making pudding and cheesecake
out of chia, and the taste is super delicious, not to
mention that they’re also super healthy. Also, I
started making the chia pudding with water, but
after a while, I started using all types of milk or
yoghurt blended with fruits, adding natural
23rd June 2020
‘Tips for a healthier life’ was my campaign to promote a
healthier life. I have made six promotional flyers of different
topics: chia seeds, oats, tapioca, quinoa (made by my friend),
drinking water and spinach.
Then, the oatmeal …. what a wonderful product! I remember once
when a friend gave me some oats soaked with water and honey,
and that was all. I didn't like the taste, so my mind continued to
associate the oatmeal with that flavourless memory. One day,
though, I was like 'okay, let's try this', and it was delicious. Since
then, I have eaten oats almost every day. Carrot cake oatmeal,
oatmeal cookies, oatmeal pancakes. Oats everywhere!
Quinoa...I heard so much about it; therefore, it was
the moment to try it. Quinoa is a whole grain, so it
has the endosperm, bran, and germ. This thing
means that quinoa provides more vitamins,
minerals, and fibre than refined grains like white
Therefore, I started to cook quinoa with
vegetables, meat, and it was very filling and
healthy. I have to try some quinoa desserts
(quinoa with milk is on the list).
Also, even healthy products may harm you (if you
have any allergies or illnesses). So, it is always
good to be informed about both the advantages
and disadvantages of any product.
Stay healthy!
COOKING 23rd June 2020
I liked cooking, but I got fascinated by
this art in Spain.
Being alone, I was cooking only for
myself, so I was allowed to make
mistakes; no one would have minded it. I
started step by step with my mom’s
recipes, and after a while, I created mine.
I am more into baking. I use the oven a
lot: as a healthier method of preparing
the food. My favourite dish is the turkey
tenderloin. I love it! I made it for Easter,
and it was a delight.
I usually search for recipes online, but I
am always adding or cutting some
ingredients. Sometimes it works well, but
not all the time. But this is how I learn
and improve day by day. I started
replacing the white flour with the integral
one. I am making cakes with oat or rice
flour. Instead of using white sugar, I add
brown sugar, or dates, bananas, raisins
(for natural sweetness). Because of this
change, I am no longer into eating store-
bought sweets.
Another dish that I love is making pizza. Last time I made a
broccoli and walnuts pizza which was delicious. I never thought
about this combination, but I only had broccoli in the house. So,
broccoli pizza! Yummy!
Also, banana bread is one of my favourites. Bananas represent
an essential ingredient in my recipes.
Initially, I was using them only in banana bread, but afterwards,
I started adding them in carrot cakes, ice cream, biscuits, even
in brownies.
My latest discovery is the layer cake. I love the texture and
aspect. I like chocolate cream more, but last time I made a
pumpkin cake with cream cheese, pumpkin jelly and chocolate.
All those flavours were harmoniously combined. I loved it, and
luckily, I can still enjoy one more piece!
Even if you don't like
cooking, it's important to keep an eye on your food intake.
Stay healthy!
VOLLEYBALL 25th June 2020
Volleyball, what a lovely sport. Do you know the story behind it?
When and how it appeared? I have done long research related to
it, and now I can share it with you.
In 1895, this was when volleyball was brought to life by William
G. Morgan, physical education director of the YMCA (Young Men’s
Christian Association). Basketball was too hard for the elders, so
he thought to invent a proper sport for them. He wanted a sport
"with a strong athletic impulse, but no physical contact."
There, combined all the sports he knew.
Basketball, tennis, handball and baseball have been his
inspirative sources.
Volleyball wasn't named volleyball from the beginning. It was
first called 'mintonette', but due to the fact that players
"volleyed" the ball back and forth, it remained Volleyball.
I know that it's more interesting to watch a movie, so I will just
leave her the link to the video that I made.
Enjoy the history of volleyball!
ROMANIAN STYLE30th June 2020
24th of June! What a wonderful day!
Being in Spain, I decided to spread the
Romanian joy and culture by presenting
some dances. I had in mind hora, sarba
and maybe ciuleandra. I searched for
songs and even downloaded geampara
and other styles, just in case. I wanted
to be prepared for everything.
11 eleven people came, and I was happy
to discover that one of them was
Romanian. We started slowly with hora,
and then, when I showed them
Ciuleandra, they were amazed. They
adored it! I tried to show them some
steps of sarba, but no, they couldn't
focus anymore. They only wanted to
dance ciuleandra. And, to be honest, I
also loved it.
So, we were all there dancing happily in the park. I was using the
break to tell them about the Romanian Blouse and some of our
Luckily, we've recorded our lovely moments, so you can also
watch our dance. Be prepared for Ciuleandra!
Tips for Beginners
Spiking Tips
Setting Tips
Blocking Tips
Passing Tips
Do you want to improve your volleyball skills?
Then, this series of tips is perfect for you. I did
this activity for people who would be willing to
become a better version of themselves.
'Volleyball tips' has six topics:
I have posted these flyers on Facebook and
Instagram, and they got really appreciated. I
was happy to see that they received around 372
Tips are always helpful when growing. If you
feel like being stuck, try to have a paramount
view. Find the problem and search for its
I hope these tips are going to help you become
better and better day by day.
FOR YOU 20th July 2020
18th August 2020
Volleyball....what an amazing sport! I still remember the first
time when I played it.
I've always been more into basketball, so choosing volleyball
hasn't been my first option in school.
Still, the summer of 2016 changed everything. It was the first
time when I played beach volleyball, and I loved it! From that
moment, I took advantage of every opportunity of playing
volleyball. I was thinking about the feeling related to this sport.
How did volleyball make me feel back then? And how does it
make me feel nowadays? Therefore, I wanted to ask more people
about their connection with volleyball. I wanted to know how
does this sport make them feel? Since my volunteering
experience takes place in Spain, I have decided to make this
activity only for Spanish speakers.
Everything started with a form called ''¿Por qué voleibol? ¿Cómo
te hace sentir?''. I have shared
it for three days to Volleyball Facebook groups, and in the end, I
have received 33 responses. People from Spain, Colombia, Peru,
Nicaragua, Mexico, Bolivia and Venezuela expressed their
excitement and joy regarding volleyball. Their responses were so
beautiful and emotional. I had a great time editing the video and
reading their thoughts.
Many of them have associated this sport with a feeling of
freedom. Volleyball is about personal improvement, and I am
happy to see that people notice this and not only. Here you can
watch the video which promotes playing volleyball!
20th August 2020
When you go to a volleyball tryout, you have an opportunity to
show your skills. It’s the time when you demonstrate that you
deserve to be part of the team. It can be stressful because you
have to think about a lot of things before and during a tryout,
but let’s relax and focus on the most important aspects.
#Firstly, it’s essential to be positive. Your attitude matters.
Nobody wants a negative person in their team.
#Be confident! Play and act as you belong there. A coach wants
a confident player.
#Show up in good physical condition! Have a good rest the night
before and show up at 100%. Being in a good shape will help you
demonstrate your volleyball skills.
#Show that you are respectful and coachable! Listen to your
coach! Follow their instructions, because when they give you a
feedback, they do it for your improvement.
#Get there early! It will show your commitment.
#Volunteer! Raise your hand if the coach needs someone for a
#Volunteer! Raise your hand if the coach needs someone for a
#Do your own warm-up before! You'll have a warm-up before the
tryouts, but it's better to do your own before. Coaches notice the
focused players who are getting prepared before.
#Be organized! Make sure you have everything you need (water,
the proper equipment).
#Don't chat during tryouts! This is very disrespectful to coaches
and fellow athletes.
#Don't get frustrated! Don't quit! It's perfectly normal to make
one or two mistakes during tryouts. Maintain a positive attitude
(#1) and show that you can overcome them and remain focused
on the court.
You can also find these tips in a video at:
Never lose hope! Work hard and fight for your dream! You'll
become part of a team at the right moment.
Thank you for all the things you taught me.
Thank you for all the people I met.
Thank you for helping me grow.
Thank you for accepting me and making me feel like home.
Thank you for all the beautiful landscapes and astonishing
villages and cities. Your mountains are precious!
Thank you for hosting me for one year!
It's true! I've been away from home for one year. What a
marvellous experience! Even the quarantine had its purpose. I
worked a lot on creating and editing materials. As a result of
this, I improved my creative design skills. A lot of things
happened, and I feel like I don't even know where to start.
12th September 2020
However, I would go back to my
first day in Murcia. The day
when I met the landlord and his
wife. I was feeling so nervous
because I was in a new country
without knowing the language.
Therefore, I tried to do my best
to be understood. I wanted to
start with that specific day
because today I met them again.
This time, they came to say goodbye. I still remember how
patient they were and how calmly they explained to me where
were all the shops, and where the city centre was, where to go
for a movie or a drink. I was lucky to be their tenant. They
treated me so well.
Then, the visit to UCAM. I was amazed: ''Is this going to be my
workplace?''. My coordinator showed me around the campus,
and I felt so happy for being part of it.
UCAM had witnessed my development, my evolution. I barely
spoke Spanish when I first arrived, and now I can understand
people who are talking fast, and I can express my ideas without
Also, I was a bit shy and didn't like to initiate activities. This
thing has changed, and now I am very proactive. I did many
diverse activities, starting with sports promotion, healthy
lifestyle promotion and ending with cultural events, spreading
the Romanian joy.
I have learnt so much. For example, before coming here, I wasn't
feeling very confident about living and accommodating to a new
country. But here, in Spain, I learnt that I am a strong and
confident person who can handle any situation. It wasn't only
honey and milk, but I managed to adjust quite fast.
I have improved my active listening, and this has brought me
only good and lovely friends. I made a lot of new friends from
different parts of the globe. I wouldn’t have had the chance to
meet them without this project.
I am so calm and patient after this experience. I have lowered
my expectations and have learnt how to deal with diverse
situations and people.
The end of this experience is just a new beginning for me. And I
feel like I can move mountains. I am very motivated to return
home and do activities for my community. I can make a change!
So, Romania, wait for me!
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VolleyScience - Viorela's stories

  • 2. PARTNERS Yellow Shirts Association - coordinator Universidad Catolica de San Antonio de Murcia - receiving partner CONTACTS website: facebook: EUVolleyballScience instagram: youtube: slideshare: VolleyballScience linkedin: volleyball-science e-mail: The full articles can be found on the website's blog in the category of Volunteering stories, Viorela's stories. PUBLISHING DATE October 2020 DISCLAIMER This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This brochure has been elaborated during the project “Volleyball is not rocket science. We are!” (2018-1-RO01-ESC11-061246), funded by the European Union through the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, in the context of the European Solidarity Corps, volunteering action.
  • 3. CONTENTS Spain here I come _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Discovering the surroundings - Cabo de Palos _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 "On Arrival" Training in Coy, Lorca _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 Guide for the first time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 Couchsurfing experience _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 My first 60 km on the bike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 Funny bureaucracy: How I got my NIE? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 What a small world _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 Hiking in Spain - El Valle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 Discovering the North of Spain – Galicia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 Discovering the North of Spain – Asturias _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 Discovering the North of Spain – Cantabria _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 Discovering the North of Spain – Basque country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 Spreading the Romanian joy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38 Me and the Spanish language _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 #expohealthylife _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 Halfway through _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 My healthy lifestyle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 Why say yes to ESC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 Never forget your inner child! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 Volleyball work out with VIO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51 Volleyball myths _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53 How I started eating healthier because of volunteering _ _ _ _ _ 54 Fell in love with cooking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 56 The history of volleyball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 58 Dancing in the Romanian style _ _ _ _ _ 59 Volleyball tips for you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 Why volleyball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 Tips for volleyball tryouts _ _ _ _ _ 63 Thank you, Spain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65
  • 4. 6th September 2019 SPAIN, HERE I COME In one week I am going to leave my country and go to Spain for no less than one year. I liked to volunteer in Romania, but I felt like I needed a new challenge so here I am now, getting ready for this great opportunity. I usually get very enthusiastic about everything, but this time I try to be more like a down-to-earth person so disappointment cannot appear. We and the Spanish people have a lot of things in common so I do not think that the adjustment process will take too much time because we are passionate, energetic, hot- blooded and I do not really feel that there are many differences between us. I see this project as a personal challenge to some points of view like living abroad for so much time, working with foreigners all day long, switching all my activities from Romanian to English and Spanish, but I am ready for it. I am going to take up the challenge and make it awesome! I have always stayed active (even played basketball and volleyball in high school), so the idea of being part of the sports department sounds appealing. Moreover, being on the other sideof the table is going to be really interesting because I have always been curious about how big sport events are actually being organized. Another part which impresses me about this volunteering project is related to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. 4
  • 5. I find this amazing because nowadays we do not really pay too much attention to what we eat, or to how much we exercise or to our water intake so it really is important to be enrolled in this kind of activities which lead you to a healthier life. This is why the fact that I am going to have at least a small impact on other human beings is fascinating and it makes me be even more focused on doing things right and on not thinking about the difficulties which might occur. This experience is going to change me in a very positive way, I can already feel it! I am extremely curious about my future evolution during this program, but I can tell that I will come out as a better person. I will write down all the stages of this journey and I am sure that my experiences will be a funny and interesting read after this project is finished. As I said, I have only one week left here in Romania so I am going to take advantage of it to learn more greeting phrases and grammar and listen to more Latin music. Andale, let the fiesta begin! 5
  • 6. DISCOVERING THE SURROUNDINGS: CABO DE PALOS 10th October 2019 A friend told me about a charming little town that deserves a visit: Cabo de Palos, a coastal town located in Murcia. For many centuries, it was an important fishing port and, also, a military surveillance point of strategic importance. Being a small town on the coast, Cabo de Palos doesn’t have too many inhabitants. Still, the number of tourists is very high, especially during the summer. Many of them are attracted by the numerous dive centres in the area. What makes this place so famous and unique to underwater exploration enthusiasts is not just the marine fauna, but the wrecks. However, we did not go to explore the depths of the Mediterranean Sea but the shores of Cabo de Palos. What really drew our attention was the imposing lighthouse which was visible from wherever we were. They built it in 1865 due to a large number of wrecks. 6
  • 7. The coastal walk was incredible. The waves were constantly crashing into the rocks, providing a spectacular performance. We didn’t have enough time for a bath in the sea, so we just admired it from afar. Cabo de Palos has many small beaches, Cala Reona, Cala Tunisia, Cala Flores, Cala Mayor, Cala Galera and Cala del Muerto being among the most famous. In terms of cuisine, you can find fish in most dishes. 'Caldero' is very typical of Cabo de Palos. Still, I wanted to try the seafood soup. And I didn't regret it. It was super delicious. I loved it. Cabo de Palos, I think I will return to explore your sea. Wait for me! 7
  • 8. "ON ARRIVAL" TRAINING IN COY, LORCA 29th October 2019 On the 14th of October, I grabbed my luggage and went to the train station which was the meeting point. A bus was to take all of the volunteers from Murcia and I was so happy about finally meeting more people from the city. I was in Spain for almost one month and things were still new and a bit confusing. I love shopping and hiking and getting lost in natural parks, trying to find my way back (even though I’m terrible at orientation) and I was willing to meet people with whom I could do these kinds of stuff. We weren’t too many on the bus, as far as I remember, probably 22 or 24. In the beginning, we were a bit shy and didn’t talk much, but after a while, we started introducing ourselves and talking about our projects and expectations. There were people from so many countries, France, Estonia, Armenia, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Germany and obviously, us, from Romania. I felt so blessed for having the opportunity to meet so many folks and to find out about their cultures. 8
  • 9. There were people from so many countries, France, Estonia, Armenia, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Germany and obviously, us, from Romania. I felt so blessed for having the opportunity to meet so many folks and to find out about their cultures. There were people from so many countries, France, Estonia, Armenia, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Germany and obviously, us, from Romania. I felt so blessed for having the opportunity to meet so many folks and to find out about their cultures. After around 2 hours, we reached our destination: a youth hostel in Coy. What a lovely village! It had only 513 inhabitants, so having us there was a great joy for the citizens. The word "Coy" derives from the Latin "collis", meaning a hill and yes, because there are so many hills surrounding the area. On the other side of each hill, there is another settlement shielding warm people who would welcome you in their houses right away. It was a small, cosy, and it really reminded me of an inner courtyard of a huge fortress. The roads were stone-paved. It really gives you a feeling of peacefulness. After settling in, we’ve been told the schedule of the week (quite intense). We started by introducing each other and made our envelopes so that our secret friend would have where to put in all the nice thoughts. I liked this. I liked the idea of being a secret friend and write tiny motivational letters and I was very spoiled by my secret friend who even gave me chocolate. 9
  • 10. We had interesting discussions about Europe, about what does ESC mean and we understood each other’s institution’s roles better. There were also a lot of teamwork games, and we danced, we sang, some of the volunteers even cried. We also had Spanish classes with a super nice teacher. He taught us the differences between para and por, estar and ser. Our Spanish culture cuisine has also been tested. We had to recreate different Spanish dishes using our bodies. My group had `Marinera` and I was the anchovy on top in that recipe (haha). What I really liked about this training was that hard topics have also been discussed, like what to do if we encounter any problem, where to go, who to talk to. Each volunteer presented their volunteering project, their mission in Spain and I was amazed by their beautiful ideas and by their views of this experience. In order to learn more about Spanish cuisine, they brought us a MasterChef cook who taught us how to make tortilla and Murcian salad. I loved the activities which had the purpose to find out more about each other’s perspectives on life and about all those cultural differences. I felt happy about being Romanian and not having to deal with all the problems that a non- European person has to face. 10
  • 11. We used our creativity and drew the river of our lives, with all the ups and downs, all the swirls, what we’ve achieved and which were our goals. It was a very uplifting exercise. During siesta, I loved going for walks on the hills. I really felt the desertic atmosphere there. In the afternoon it was crazy hot and the nights were freezing cold. Moreover, we had activities regarding cheap travelling, what to visit in Spain and what kind of new things to try. To sum up, it was a full intense week which made me more aware of my role in Spain and motivated me a lot. I returned with a fresh mindset and richer in knowledge. I have also met some of the people who have become my friends. 11
  • 12. GUIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME 15th November 2019 I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted to be a tour guide. At least for one day. Therefore, when my mentor told me that a group of students would come and need some tours I was thrilled. “Yeees, I am ready, I am going to be their tour guide”. This was the first phase, the one when you’re happy and accept everything without thinking. After a while, I was a bit like “ooh, but I don’t know anything about the history of this city, about the buildings” (phase 2)…..”But this shouldn’t be a problem (phase 3)”. And it wasn’t! Always embracing new experiences with enthusiasm. You don’t know much about the city you live in? Very bad…. Firstly, start doing some research, who knows what kind of wonderful things you may find. Secondly, wouldn't it be fascinating walking around those narrow streets and getting to know the story of those high imposing buildings which seem forgotten over time? Murcia has some very beautiful buildings and some really interesting stories regarding them. I will give you more details in another article about the history of the city, what to do and where to go if you want to visit Murcia. 12
  • 13. Now, let’s continue with the responsibility of being a tour guide. It was amazing, absolutely amazing. Mostly because I had a great group of funny, kind and beautiful people. I really hoped that they wouldn't ask too many questions (I know, I was a “very well prepared” guide) and they didn’t! They were very sweet and enjoyed all of my stories (at least, that is what they said). The first visit was to the university. There, I showed them around the campus, the beautiful monastery and the most fabulous panoramic view. Then, we went to the city centre and admired the lovely streets, Cathedral of Murcia (whose tower is the second tallest in Spain - 95 m; in Seville, you find the tallest - 105 m), Romea Theatre - an impressive building with a very interesting legend - and ended the tour with a walk along the river. 13
  • 14. Next destination: Cartagena. A small, but charming town with a long history. There, I took them to my favorite place which is Castillo de la Concepción (Conception Castle). The view is breathtaking. You can see the sea, the hills, and peacocks that are surrounding you while the sun is gently caressing your skin. It’s stunning how each time you go to visit a place you discover something new depending on the people you are with. Although I have been there before, that time was different because of the energy brought by the people who were with me. Also, I had the great honor to be the photographer of our small trip and I was rewarded with happiness and laughter. Thereby, my childhood dream of being a tour guide came true. And I am happy to see that this project is giving me the opportunity to meet amazing people and to live astonishing experiences. 14
  • 15. COUCHSURFING EXPERIENCE27th November 2019 At the ‘on arrival’ training, we had a small activity regarding cheap travelling. Yeah, we all like cheap things, and if they’re free, then it’s even better! So, yes, let’s talk about CouchSurfing, this great alternative to save money when travelling. I haven’t tried it before coming to Spain and I was a bit frightened by the idea of living with unknown people. But you’ll never know until you try it, right?! And so I did! Firstly, create an account and choose the destination. Secondly, ask the available hosts to offer you a cozy bed, or just a couch, and then wait for their answer. Some people reply fast, others don’t ever reply. So, it’s a kind of lottery! My destination was Benidorm. My brother told me several times to go there and on November 23rd I went to this famous city by car with my host (I will call him J.). Casually, he was in a village around Murcia that day and gave me a lift to Benidorm. My destination was Benidorm. My brother told me several times to go there and on November 23rd I went to this famous city by car with my host (I will call him J.). Casually, he was in a village around Murcia that day and gave me a lift to Benidorm. 15
  • 16. One of his friends was celebrating their birthday and I was invited!!! Well, I didn’t know anyone - not even my host - but Spain is about getting out of your comfort zone, trying new things, so I said yes, why not? Therefore, that was me in a car going to a party in a mountain village. Bizarrely, I was feeling like I was about to meet some old friends. Spanish people give you this kind of sensation, and I was really happy when we got there and J. introduced me as his Romanian friend. That was a great sentiment, he barely knew me but already considered me one of his friends. Those people really reminded me of my gatherings in Busteni (a mountain town from Romania) where we would meet and spend time together: hiking, cooking and all this kind of stuff. The atmosphere from La Nucia was the same. I enjoyed it a lot, but it was also very tiring because nobody spoke English so I only used Spanish. But hey, Spain is Spain and I had to speak Spanish. 16
  • 17. After the party, we went home and I met his family. I felt a bit awkward like I was going to meet the family of my boyfriend. Everyone was there: mom, dad, his sister and the next day I even met his uncle. In that lovely house, I ate for the first time ‘dulce de membrillo con queso’ (quince paste with cheese). What a delicious combination! His mom used to make this kind of paste and store it for months. So, she also gave me some. His dad was very happy to hear that I was Romanian because he had many work colleagues from my country and he knew some words. He also told me about the differences between Castilian and Valencian. It was super fun to find out that in Valencian they say cama (bed in Castilian) to leg. Or that carrot is ‘zanahoria’ in Castilian, but in Valencian, it’s ‘carlota’. Super funny! Fortunately, all people from Spain speak Castilian so you won’t encounter any problem if you come here and don’t speak their language (it’s considered to be a different language, not a dialect). I am always interested in love stories and his parents told me theirs. They were very cute, easy-going and open- minded. It really reminded me of my family. Another thing that I tried was a sweet and delicious sparkling white wine called Barbadillo Vi. The next morning, we went to Finestrat, a small village with a wonderful beach. The goal was to reach the famous Playa de Los Torres (Torres Beach). 17
  • 18. From there (La Cala de Finestrat) we started a beautiful walk following the path. The track is well marked and about halfway through we saw the tiny cove of Raco de Conill down below - a nudist beach. After almost an hour we arrived at Playa de Los Torres, a magical place where I wished I could remain. That stunning route ended with a tasty rotisserie chicken, just like I used to do back home during weekends. All in all, my first CouchSurfing experience was more than your average trip. It was more than discovering the town and its surroundings because I had ‘a local guide’ who made me feel like I was part of their family. So, after experiencing this, I recommend taking a dive into any new adventure you think you might like! 18
  • 19. MY FIRST 60 KM ON THE BIKE 30th November 2019 I love hiking, the mountains representing my peace and home. But, I also like rock climbing, and the closest place to go to do this was 30 km away from my flat. Therefore, I told myself: why not trying to cycle to the starting point? 30 km can't be much. I was in good shape. Why not trying to take up the challenge? So, after a few hours of overthinking, I decided: I will cycle! I was aware of the fact that the hiking route was going to tire me, but I was optimistic, as always. What could happen? Worst case scenario, I would've taken the train back. I made a decision and, I had to respect it! I have prepared my cycling pants and helmet. It was all set, I only had to wake up early (I knew that it might take more than Google maps said). I woke up at six and left at seven. We had to meet at around nine. When I left, I didn't see anyone in the entire city. Murcia seemed so empty! The destination was Ermita de Nuestra Senora del Pilar. That was also the starting point of our route. I remember that one friend asked me whether I want her to come to pick me up from Callosa de Segura (this is the village where the ermita is). The hermitage (ermita in Spanish) was very close, so I didn't accept the offer of a lift. 19
  • 20. How awful could it be? Oh, well, people who live on that street are extremely fit, or at least they should be because it's very steep. However, I was ambitious and tried to cycle (haha, not a good idea). After this attempt, I started walking, holding the bike close. Honestly, I wanted so bad to leave it there, but the thought of cycling down on that road won, so I just continued. I arrived at the hermitage a bit tired but happy. I did it! Let's start the route! And I wasn't even thinking about what was going to happen. Amazing adrenaline!!! There were so many rocks waiting for me to climb them. I was so thrilled but scared at the same time because I wasn't doing rock climbing for a while. But well, this is just like riding a bike. You never forget it! I loved that hike! It took us around 3 hours, we reached Aguilas peak, took photos, saw the shelter and then came back to the hermitage. Everyone was heading home with their cars while I was there, with my bike. Only the thought of another 30 km demotivated me a bit, but I was like, well, I will make a stop in Orihuela before heading to Murcia. However, I didn't want to stay for too long in Orihuela, so I started cycling back home. The route I took was lovely. I had the mountains on my left and the river on my right. And I was good for the first 20 km. But in the last 10 km, I was so anxious. I was only thinking about resting. So, after another 2h of cycling, I got home. The next day, I was feeling like a newborn. I was so energetic, but I needed a small pause from sitting on the saddle, haha. What a great adventure! 20
  • 21. FUNNY BUREAUCRACY: HOW I GOT MY NIE?15th December 2019 Every foreigner who wants to work in Spain or to buy a car/a house or to live for more than 3 months on the Spanish territory, has to get an NIE. What is NIE? Well, it’s a tax number, ‘Número de Identidad de Extranjero’ known in English as ‘Foreigners´ Identity Number’ which allows you to own a property or live as a resident in Spain. To sum up, you need this number in order to make any kind of transactions within the country. I always stick to the regulations, so I immediately started my application. Firstly, I needed to do my `empadronamiento`, an official registration of where I lived. They told me that I am going to need it in order to get my NIE, so I happily filled those forms and asked for a `cita previa` (appointment in Spanish). Obviously, I didn’t really understand all the options which were there, so I just chose one that seemed to be what I needed. So, there came the day. I was one step closer to my NIE. On the day of the appointment, I grabbed all the required papers and left the house with enthusiasm. I was two minutes late, but I thought ‘well, I am in Spain, this is something natural, they won’t mind it’. Every foreigner who wants to work in Spain or to buy a car/a house or to live for more than 3 months on the Spanish territory, As soon as I arrived, I headed to the machine where I put my appointment number in and waited for them to call me. Fortunately, after a few minutes, my number was on the screen. ‘It’s my turn’, I thought with excitement. When the man from the office saw my papers, he raised his 21
  • 22. sight and with a very serious look said ‘Your documents aren’t available for the appointment you’ve asked for’. I looked at him very surprised and, for a moment, didn’t know what to say, haha. I wanted to do everything online because I thought it was going to be better. Apparently, in my case, it wasn’t. So, that was me smiling while leaving the office. I went to the information desk and asked for another appointment, a good one, which would be compatible with my documents. He smiled and said: ‘Yes, Miss, in 5 days. At what hour?’. On that floor, besides me, there were only 2 other people. Almost all of the offices were empty. I asked, ‘but why can’t I solve the problem right away because I am here?’ ‘These are the rules, Miss’. And because the ‘Miss’ sticks to the regulations, I left. ‘See you in five days’, I grumbled to myself. Finally, in 5 days, I got my ‘empadronamiento’. The Spanish state knew where to find me, what a great joy. The second step and the funniest: pay for NIE. I didn’t want to pay online just because my bank account is not in Euro and I wanted to avoid the exchange. Therefore, on the morning of the day of my ‘cita previa’ for NIE, I went to the bank to pay for it. I had another form which required a NIE or a passport. Obviously, I didn’t have my NIE, I was about to pay for getting it, so I used my passport. To go to a bank in Spain, you have to be very patient. People talk, greet each other, and even though the transaction is over, they still have other things to talk about. And so I waited, and waited, but, at some point, I couldn’t stand it any more. Since I had to wait for that much, I thought to ask them in advance whether they would accept my form. Just to make sure that the waiting was worth it. When I asked the guy there about paying for NIE using the form, he frowned at me and said that I couldn’t pay for NIE if I didn’t have NIE. My Spanish wasn’t that good, but I understood what he said and I was shocked. Didn’t know whether to laugh or to get mad. 22
  • 23. WHAT A SMALL WORLD 15th January 2020 On an ordinary day, I wanted semolina so I went to Mercadona (Spanish store) to search for it. It wasn’t the first try in Spain, but the first time in that store. I went to the aisle where I knew that I could find it. While looking around I thought that I heard someone talking in Romanian. So, I paid more attention and after a few seconds, two people appeared. But these two persons were not ordinary, they were twins. I immediately smiled and asked them about their home town and that is how it all started. We`ve exchanged Facebook accounts and we still use our group of three to talk and send all of our crazy photos. They were Erasmus students and came for 6 months to study photography in Spain. I love being photographed so what a great chance encounter for me! Amazing! I definitely annoyed them with all those stereotypical questions you always ask twins about. Have you experienced telepathy? Do you like the same things? Do you wear the same clothes? Who’s older? How can people distinguish between the two of you? Have you ever switched roles? And the list could continue endlessly. But after some time, I started to actually differentiate between them very well and realised how different they were. One was delicate, fragile and more sensitive, but with a strong personality. The other one looked more confident and cheerful, 23
  • 24. less vulnerable, but still gentle. Great human beings from whom I’ve learnt a lot. We went travelling, hiking, partying, they always had great energy so we spent a really good time together. Even celebrated our birthdays here in Spain. Who was searching for a club to dance on a Monday evening? Well, we were, haha. Sharing the same `let`s save money` attitude, it was so funny that several times we chose to walk instead of taking the bus (small distances, no more than 10 km, haha). My favourite trip was to Calpe. We took the magical tram from Alicante and spent almost 2 hours admiring the beaches and the mountains from the surrounding areas. Finally, we arrived at our destination and after a quick visit to the centre, we headed to the beach for a photoshoot with the famous Calpe rock known as ‘Peñon d'Ifach’. Back then I didn’t know that you can get to the top, but it`s good to know for my next trip. Another crazy trip we went on was to Fuente Caputa. One day, they sent me a photo of this place and during the following weekend, we were at the bus station waiting for the departure to Mula. Of course, we didn`t check where Fuente Caputa was, how many kilometres we had to walk to get there from the bus stop. So, that was us, 4 crazy people (we convinced a guy to join us), realising that we had to walk for 15 km (both ways). We were encouraging each other and started the route having one thought: to reach our goal => Fuente Caputa. 24
  • 25. We wanted a photo at the tiny waterfall and nothing more. Usually, people go there to have a bath, but January isn`t the best month to do so. The greatest part was when one of us would lose the motivation to continue - especially on our way back - and there was always someone cheering up the entire group. On their last weekend in Spain, we made a tasty cheesecake in order to celebrate all of the wonderful moments we spent together. Even though I miss them, I know that we will meet again in Romania. What a small world! Stay safe, my twins! 25
  • 26. HIKING IN SPAIN - EL VALLE 25th January 2020 I love mountains and I love hiking. Back in Romania I never missed a chance to go wandering and discovering new landscapes. In the mountains, I feel peaceful and calm and relieved as if all of my concerns are way too small compared to the majesty of the mountain. I feel home. Nevertheless, it takes me around 1h and a half to get to the mountain area in Romania, but, here, I am starting my route in El Valle Regional Park in less than 40 minutes. I didn’t pay too much attention to this place until one friend asked me to join him on a small hike. I enjoyed the route, even though it was just a small one. Three months later, I returned to this park willing to discover more about it. I took my wonderful bike and in 35 min I was in Alberca, at the entrance of the park. The road is really steep, so for the last kilometre, I alternated cycling with walking. What an adventure!!! I promised myself to come more often so that I become more resilient. At the information centre, they presented only 2 routes. I chose the longest and went into the wild, discovering El Valle. It was more like a cycling path, even though I don't know how people can ride a bike under those conditions. I felt so happy whenever I met another sign which assured me that I was following the right path. After walking for almost one hour, at a crossroads, I 26
  • 27. saw a guy who was walking his dog. More precisely, he was running with his dog, haha. I probably looked helpless, so he stopped and asked whether I was okay. My goal was reaching Relojero peak, and I was interested in finding a quicker way to do so. And that's when it all started. He began talking about that area with so much love and joy. I was fascinated by his stories and legends. There were so many other routes starting from various points. They were just not very well marked, but for him, a local, this wasn’t a problem. This is how I found out about King Kong’s Wall, about a track called ‘Bonita’ (beautiful in Spanish), about a monastery where children who suffered from pulmonary infections would come to be treated with fresh air. Moreover, he showed me ‘El Paisaje Lunar’ (moon-scape like landscape), a breathtaking view. I also found out that from Calasparra (which is visible from El Relojero peak) spring almost all of the Murcian rivers. Amazing, I can’t wait to go there and admire the landscapes. I’ve been told that Calasparra is greener than the north, so that really caught my attention. I love this kind of moments when you randomly meet someone and start talking and sharing experiences. That guy really changed my perception of El Valle park and I am looking forward to discovering more of that area. El Valle, I am coming! 27
  • 28. DISCOVERING THE NORTH OF SPAIN: GALICIA 17th February 2020 I live in the south of Spain which is very dry and looks like a desertic area. Even so, you can find a bit of green nature if you go to certain places like regional parks. Plus, you can see palm trees almost everywhere and I really like that. However, in January I wanted to discover the north of Spain and I booked an entire week to do so. First stop was Galicia. First reaction: wow, it is utterly green. I landed in Santiago de Compostela. That famous city where pilgrims from around the globe come to start or finish their ‘Camino’. Though I haven’t seen many people doing the pilgrimage, probably just 3 or 4. This was probably because of the cold and rainy winter; not the best idea to walk around 25 km per day under those conditions. The ‘Camino de Santiago’ is known in English as the Way of Saint James. This serves as a pilgrimage to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in Galicia at the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. 28
  • 29. First stop was Galicia. First reaction: wow, it is utterly green. I landed in Santiago de Compostela. That famous city where pilgrims from around the globe come to start or finish their ‘Camino’. Though I haven’t seen many people doing the pilgrimage, and the auditorium which is a very nice modern building. Being a curious eater, I tried their regional almond cake called ‘Tarta de Santiago’. It was very delicious. After spending half a day in that monumental town, I headed to Ferrol where my friend lived. She was also an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteer. To get there I used BlaBlacar - another way of cheap travelling, it’s a type of car sharing. I had a very pleasant ride because of my talkative and lovely driver. She talked to me about some of the differences between the north and the south of Spain. It was also really funny that she had some Romanian colleagues and described them as shopaholics, yet elegant (well, yeah, in order to be elegant you have to shop a lot, don’t you? haha). I found it really weird that they have many private highways and if you use them on a daily basis you still have to pay almost the exact amount of money like a tourist - the tax was 10 euro one way, but for a local, it was 15 euro both ways, instead of 20. Still, at the end of the month, you have to give an important amount of money to the company which is taking care of the road. For a Romanian, this is a bit unusual (haha). probably just 3 or 4. This was probably because of the cold and rainy winter; not the best idea to walk around 25 km per day under those conditions. The ‘Camino de Santiago’ is known in English as the Way of Saint James. This serves as a pilgrimage to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in Galicia at the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. I went to visit the cathedral, the city centre with all those amazing swaures, their beautiful and big parks 29
  • 30. Ferrol is a very small town where everybody knows everybody. They always greet each other when meeting at the corner of the street. I really liked that close-knit community. The harbor is pretty and they have a pedestrian route throughout the Ferrol’s estuary (the famous ‘Ria de Ferrol’). Whenever I travel I am more interested in discovering the green surroundings and my friend knew this, so I had a very adventurous stay. We went to the ‘Fragas do Eume’ Natural Park, an amazing place which is really close to the town. Since it was winter, their rainy season, the weather was super tricky. We left the house while it was still sunny, there were only a few drops. So, we started our wonderful hiking route within the park. Everything was very well organised, there were only a few drops. So, we started our wonderful hiking route within the park. Everything was very well organised, there were several surveillance points where you can go and ask for indications. It was funny that when we mistakenly entered one of those tiny houses, the guy inside told us to leave because the park was closed. Well, we were already there, so why not do the entire route? Who cares about the pouring rain and that the paths have been destroyed? We’ll create our own path. Sometimes I wish I was less stubborn. But that time I was supported (haha) and it turned out to be a great adventure. The landscapes were stunning and we also found a monastery (while walking about 10 km in heavy rain). Obviously, we were shaking like a leaf, but a hot tea warmed us right away. ‘Camino Ingles’ (The English Way) starts from Ferrol, so if you want to try one of the shortest routes of the ‘Camino de Santiago’, come to Ferrol and begin your adventure. Mine continued with Oviedo, the capital of Asturias. 30
  • 31. DISCOVERING THE NORTH OF SPAIN: ASTURIAS 18th February 2020 I didn’t plan to go to Asturias as I knew nobody there, but that didn’t stop me. My other friend was in Cantabria which is around 10 hours by bus away from Ferrol. When I was younger I had no problem with travelling for many hours by train, but now I am not as resistant. Besides, a bus is a lot worse than a train: you can’t walk, you don’t have too much space. So, I decided to make a stop on my way to Santander. In Asturias, I have been to Oviedo and used Couchsurfing for the second time in my life. My host was a lovely woman whose hobby was painting so her house was full of portraits. Even though she was no longer in her twenties, she didn’t suffer from lack of energy or curiosity. She wanted to travel as much as she could. I was lucky to have her as my host because we went on an amazing trip to the mountains. I can still hear her:” I want to see those lakes, let’s go”. SHe was talking about ‘Saliencia’ lakes, a group of 5 glacial lakes which are located in the ‘Somiedo’ Natural Park (the first natural park of Asturias). The photos were amazing so of course, I accepted her proposal. 31
  • 32. In her house, for the first time, I ate a Japanese soup; she followed a vegetarian diet so her shelves were full of healthy organic products. Therefore, she introduced me to Hatcho Miso, some Japanese soybean paste. The taste was good, a bit unusual for me because I never ate anything like that, but I would give it a try again. I like healthy food and whenever I discover another meal I get very enthusiastic. So, that was our dinner, a miso soup. The next day we headed to where we planned, to Saliencia to see the lakes. It was very funny, that we didn’t want to use google maps, so she was stopping at gas stations to ask for directions. One guy from there told her that we should return because in Somiedo the roads were ice- covered and her car wasn’t equipped with snow chains. Even so, we didn’t give up and continued our way until something would block our way. The road was super narrow, but luckily there weren’t any cars. I was so surprised to see how many isolated villages existed there as we were advancing into the mountain area. The landscapes were beyond imagination, I loved every single second of that ride. At some point, we couldn’t continue anymore because of a tiny, but an important ice-covered zone. Well, apparently, that guy was a bit right, but not completely because we drove a lot before reaching that dead end. Even though we couldn’t use the car anymore, we put plan B into action: our strong and beautiful legs. So, we walked, a lot, but couldn’t find the lakes and because of the lack of signal on our phones we couldn’t check where they were. She was a bit sad but still promised herself that she would return to find the lakes come summer. 32
  • 33. It was almost lunchtime, so we were heading to the closest village where we could eat some tapas (snacks in Spanish cuisine), even though I was a bit sceptical of finding anything in that isolated area. On our way to Saliencia (the village), we saw ‘Las Brañas Somedanas’, some stone huts and of course that we stopped there for a photo shooting. Finding an open bar wasn’t that hard because there were only two and one was closed (haha). We ate tortilla with chorizo and it was incredibly good, even though I am not a big fan of chorizo, but in that combination I really liked it. Asturias is famous for its cider so that was my chance to try an authentic and natural cider made by the owner of the bar. It was extraordinary good, reminding me of my dad’s wine. Great experience. An interesting thing that I noticed at the entrance of the bar, was a pair of wooden shoes and I was super curious about it. Actually, there were even more pairs in different corners and I found out that all the villagers had those. They were using them when it was muddy or on a daily basis in order to not get dirty. After those wonderful hours, we headed to the city centre, because I had to see the famous cathedral from Oviedo and luckily, one rainbow appeared, so now I have a gorgeous photo with that magical place. Though I loved being there, I had to go catch my bus to Santander where a new adventure was waiting for me. 33
  • 34. DISCOVERING THE NORTH OF SPAIN: CANTABRIA 19th February 2020 At 10 pm I arrived in Santander, it was really cold, but I was happy that I was meeting my friend. He was waiting for me at the other bus station, but luckily we found each other very fast. I was so thrilled to be in Santander. I really wanted to visit the north and especially that town and finally, I did it. I was there! We went on a walk and enjoyed the beautiful view of the sleeping city. I liked the atmosphere, the harbour was huge and the air was so fresh and strong. My friend lived in a village which was around 40 minutes away by train. So I was very happy that I would discover another rural area. Lierganes is small but so full of life. It has a beautiful museum, historical buildings, a very welcoming train station; you can even have a walk along the river and eat fantastic Mexican food. People were warm and friendly and I really liked the vibe of that place. What to do in Cantabria if not hiking? We took our backpacks and went into the wild. 34
  • 35. I have to say that until now, Cantabria remains my favourite spot on earth. The landscapes were breathtaking. In front of you, yellow mountains would appear. Further away, there were snow- covered peaks. Behind, everything was green. It was all a symphony of colours, amazingly blended together. Of course, because of the rainy season, our route was very muddy, but I enjoyed it a lot. I discovered once again small isolated communities of people. This time, I was lucky to meet a woman who was wandering, so I could talk to her about their lifestyle. In her settlement there lived only 5 people, all of them elderly. She was no longer working, she sold her cow and the sheep and all she did for the entire day was taking long walks admiring the beautiful Cantabrian view. Apparently, there are many other isolated settlements in the area. I was happy to find out that they receive weekly visits; a truck comes with fruits and frozen products, and a car is bringing them bread every day. It`s nice to see how people are being thoughtful. The next day I went to visit Santander, at daylight. One friend recommended me the Peninsula of Magdalena, and I went there straight away. It was a long and peaceful walk, as I chose the beach path, hearing only the waves crashing into the sand. What a calm town! I wish to return there one day! 35
  • 36. DISCOVERING THE NORTH OF SPAIN: BASQUE COUNTRY 20th February 2020 ilbao was the last stop on my trip. I arrived there very late, at around 11 pm and it was so difficult to find the way out from that bus station. It was huge! They even had a subway. here were so many people walking in so many directions that I didn’t even know who should I follow to get out. I felt like a lost mouse in a labyrinth. Also, while feeling so misplaced, I had my first contact with Euskara, the Basque language. I started looking around and trying to figure out whether I am still in Spain or not. The bus trip from Santander took only 1h and a half, so I couldn’t go too far (haha). `Exit` used to be `Salida`, but now it was `Irteera`. Really strange! `Well, I have to get used to it`, I thought. After around 30 tiring minutes, I found the way out and headed to my accommodation. For the first time, I booked a bed in a hostel. I was just too tired and wanted to go home. I love travelling, but at some point, it can drain you. Especially, when you travel as I did, spending only a day or a maximum of two days in each place. So, I really needed a good bed. Yet, I discovered that a hostel is not the best option if you want to sleep. 36
  • 37. My roomies had a snoring competition and I couldn`t join them, so I was tossing and turning all night. Also, I woke up very early because of my plane departure at 12 am. I also wanted to visit as much as I could, even though museums and stores were still closed. I lived right on the other side of the famous Guggenheim Museum, which is considered the gateway to the Basque cultural universe. 37
  • 38. SPREADING THE ROMANIAN JOY5th March 2020 Spring has found me in Spain this year, but heyyy!!! This doesn’t mean that I won’t continue to respect and follow Romanian traditions. Mărțișor, what a beautiful day, first of March, spring has come and the sun is up there shining. I’ve always liked this tradition. I still remember when, back in Romania, police officers would stop us on the street to give those tiny decorations or flowers. Of course, here this didn’t happen. However, if Mărțișor doesn’t exist in Spain, then let’s bring it here!! And so we did! In the beginning, I was a bit skeptical of the method of actually creating handmade mărțișoare ... but well, why not give it a try? It all started with baking what would become the building blocks for this little gift.... I think that it took us around half a day to bake everything, which was only a part of a long, but lovely process. After that, give them a nice round shape, put the red and white strings together, and the pins and let them dry. Thinking that probably not all the people will listen to our short story, I made a small flyer with the meanings of mărțișor (in Spanish of course, even though some people asked me if the information was in Romanian, haha). 38
  • 39. The 1st of March has come so let’s spread the Romanian joy!!! I was a bit nervous at the beginning because I didn’t know what to expect, but well, it was so funny and entertaining and beautiful, all at the same time. A pharmacist, a violinist, a Romanian family, lots of old people, children, they all received the tiny Romanian gift with great pleasure and enthusiasm. Many of them didn’t know about the possibility of volunteering in another country, therefore it was also a good occasion to promote the idea of solidarity. Hola, un regalito para ti! (Hi, a little present for you). It was so funny that some people assumed that I was selling something so they kept on running away from me. Despite this, I was faster and after giving them the mărțișor, they were really happy and grateful. It’s always a greater feeling when you give than when you receive something. So, for all of you out there don’t forget to always spread kindness and joy! 39
  • 40. ME AND THE SPANISH LANGUAGE18th March 2020 ‘Acasă TV’, the tv channel which taught me Latin American Spanish, I used to spend hours watching soap operas with my grandma. I was barely able to read, but I watched movies. As the years went by, I realised that I am an auditory learner. All those melodramas really helped me. Whenever I use Spanish, various words come to my mind out of nowhere. That’s mind- blowing! It feels great but, also, a bit strange. So, thank you, grandma, for introducing me to ‘Angel rebelde’ (Spanish series) and not only (this is all I remember right now). Erasmus+ offers us online linguistic support (OLS), so I started using it. First, I had to take a test in order to be aware of my level. I got an A2, therefore it was a great start. Obviously, learning a language online is different from going outside and trying to speak it with the locals. Nevertheless, I tried both of the options, and to be honest, I enjoyed the second one. At first, I didn’t know the numbers. Of course, a soap opera is not about numbers, so I skipped this part. Nobody starts counting from 1 to 10, even so, I knew how to count from 1 to 3 (Un, dos, tres, un pasito pa lante, Mariaaa, from Ricky Martin’s song). Regarding days of the week, they’re quite similar to the Romanian version. But the numbers, ioii, I had to learn the numbers. 40
  • 41. Whenever I went to the supermarket I paid with a 20 euro banknote, even though my receipt was only 1.35 euro. After a while, I started looking for the display which showed the price and compared it with the number from my head (the one that I heard from the cashier). And this exercise was quite good. There were moments when I couldn’t see the price, so I did my best to decode the number that they said. I definitely felt a bit embarrassed, in the beginning, but got out of those situations with a clumsy smile. The next level was to go and understand what people say in an open market. And so I did, and look at me now: after 6 months I get rid of the smallest cent paying the exact amount of money. In a short time after settling in Spain, I made a good friend, and we used to meet often and talk about different things. I was improving my Spanish a lot during that time, especially, because he was also correcting me. We spoke only Spanish and when I couldn’t express myself, I used a bit of English, but I tried not to give in. Unfortunately, he moved out of my town, but we keep in touch. I was talking a lot using the present tense. I remembered some words from my movies and had a hunch about some past forms, but I didn’t know any rules. Therefore, it was time for me to learn the past and future tenses. Oh, what a happy day it was. I spoke using only the past and the future the following days. Of course, I am happy with my level of Spanish there are many exceptions, and you have to memorize the roots of the verbs and the terminations, but this is something which comes with time and practice. which continues to improve day by day. I can now watch movies with Spanish subtitles and understand what they are all about. We should never stop learning and improving ourselves. 41
  • 42. 20th March 2020 #EXPOHEALTHYLIFE Promoting a healthy lifestyle through photos and videos, this is what #expohealthylife is all about. Collecting materials from people who publish on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag of the activity #expohealthylife. The exhibition will have two categories: sports events and a healthy lifestyle. This means that people may publish either their personal photos or the ones they took when attending different sports events. Moreover, recipes can be added. Additionally, I have created a WhatsApp group where we work out together, considering the quarantine situation. We challenge each other by presenting various exercises followed by the rest of the group filming themselves doing the same exercise. Another challenge we have is the ‘surprise song’. Every week we use another song to create a choreography. The moves are fun, and the most important thing is that we are feeling good and happy. We will also start learning dances. I can’t wait to see how many wonderful things we will learn from each other. Don’t forget to check the Facebook page (Yellow Shirts Romania) where we post weekly ideas for workouts and give tips for a healthier life. And for all of you who are reading this, you can also join our #expohealthylife campaign. Some people have already started to use the hashtag when posting their workouts and I am so happy to check them out. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s stay active and healthy together. 42
  • 43. 8th April 2020 HALFWAY THROUGH I still can’t believe that it's been half a year since my arrival in Spain. When did the time fly? Que ha pasado? (This is what a Spanish person would say: What happened?) I look in the mirror and I see another person. I see someone calmer, wiser and more peaceful. I wanted to be independent, so I left my home. I got out of my comfort zone and headed into the unknown. I had no idea what could happen here but took a shot. Now I am reading my journal and a smile is being brought to my face while turning the pages. I was impatient but scared by this new experience. Moreover, I felt shy and a bit insecure. It wasn’t just a new city, it was a new country. I still remember the day of my arrival:15th of September. Alicante Airport seemed so big, my luggage was so heavy and I couldn’t find the bus station. I landed at 11:30 pm and, at that hour, there was no direct bus to Murcia; therefore, I stayed in Alicante at a friend. C6. That was my bus. But I couldn’t find it. Beyond that, nobody seemed to speak English. I was asking in my broken Spanish about C6, and I had the feeling that no one was paying attention. I was feeling so exhausted, I just wanted to go home. I knew that after midnight the buses would run hourly, and I didn’t want to wait anymore. Finally, I managed to get to the second floor where the bus stop was. One woman pointed to the bus: ‘ Look, it’s the one that departs’. I don’t know how, but I immediately found the strength to run with my 2 big suitcases (one was broken) and got on that bus. The driver saw me running and decided to wait for me. What a beautiful gesture! I will never forget it! Obviously, he was in a hurry and frowned at me, but I responded with a genuine smile of gratitude. That was the first time on the15th of September when I felt safe. 43
  • 44. Looking back, I realise how much I‘ve changed in the last 6 months. I’ve been put in tough situations which I`ve never experienced before. But this is how you learn, isn't it? This is how you grow, how you bloom. Thus, that was me, blooming day by day, becoming more and more confident and more open- minded. Today`s Vio is more diplomatic and powerful than older Vio. Furthermore, I have improved my communication skills a lot, particularly active listening skills. I have always loved talking, but I encountered difficulties when listening to others. I have been working on it, and I can see the results. Also, proactivity; I am not the type of person who would come to you and talk about their plans or projects. Or at least, I wasn’t. I am saying it because I realised that I had turned into a proactive person, developing my foresight. This is a great achievement for me. And obviously, I will continue to work on it. I learnt Spanish. There is still a lot to be learnt, absolutely, but I can now have a conversation without struggling. And I can find my way home if you take my phone and leave me in a random village. My mentor said that we will only be speaking Spanish in order to facilitate and speed up my learning process. This was helpful, even though I found it a bit unfair initially. Whenever there were free outdoor dancing classes, I was there, coming out of nowhere, smiling and trying to fit in. In the beginning, it was hard, very hard, I couldn’t follow their discussions, and I felt like an outsider. But better days came and step by step I was able to create a warmer environment in Spain. 44
  • 45. I was meeting more people and started to form bonds. I was no longer completely alone in a new country, I knew who to call in case of a problem or simply for a talk. Within my volunteering project, I met many people with whom I worked on diverse activities and from whom I learnt a lot. I am still learning, actually, we keep in touch and share our experiences. They played an important role in improving my self-awareness and empathy. I am very grateful for having the chance to get to know them. Likewise, I am thankful for the less pleasant moments because I have learnt how to better understand people’s actions. I learnt that some people simply don’t want to be helped or don’t want to have you around them and that’s okay; we always have to respect each other’s will. Regarding the chores in my new home, there weren’t too many changes because I was used to being tidy. Well, to be honest, washing the dishes wasn’t quite my favourite activity, but now I find it really relaxing. I cook a lot and try different recipes on a daily basis. I wash my clothes, this is the new thing. Back in Romania, mom was in charge of the washing machine. But now look at me, such a lovely responsible young lady. I am happy about the outcome of this experience and I am looking forward to discovering more and more about myself and about my surroundings. 45
  • 46. Let’s start! Make posters, promote the competition and be ready to marvel at what others have come up with. That’s what happened to me! The theme of the competition was: ‘My healthy lifestyle!’. It was made for creative young people interested in promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. However, I had to go through a new experience as well: I designed my first appreciation and achievement certificates. Therefore, it was a great opportunity to learn how to make this kind of stuff. Moreover, the contest was held in three languages: Spanish, English and Romanian, so it was another opportunity for me to practice the hot-blooded language. These are the promotional posters. ‘MY HEALTHY LIFESTYLE’ POSTER COMPETITION 25th April 2020 46
  • 47. And soon after launching the competition, I started getting posters from participants. I was so happy about it. Every single poster made me excited about motivating a young person to inspire others. It wasn’t about competition! Or whose poster was the best or the most creative. It was more about creating something inspirational. And, to be honest, I was very inspired by their ideas. It’s amazing what people can do when they use their imagination. Here you have their posters! Hopefully, at least one of them will move you too! Enjoy! 47
  • 48. WHY SAY YES TO AN ESC? 15th May 2020 language, and you must speak it in order to make yourself understood (and also to understand the others). So, yes, you’ll learn the language of the host country, but until then, English is going to be your friend. Clearly, by practising it, you’re going to improve your speaking skills and not only that. I have been an ESC volunteer since September. Eight months later, I am starting to write down my thoughts. Why say yes to an ESC? Well, I give you 7 reasons to do so. It’s up to you whether you’re going to take up this challenge or not. 1. Get out of your comfort zone. Yes. You are in a completely new country facing a new culture. I know it’s easier to be a couch potato, but do you want to grow? Do you want to embrace new experiences? Do you want to broaden your horizons? 2. Learn a new language. Maybe you want to learn German, Spanish or Italian. Or you just want to learn any other new language. Choose your host country and let’s go! It’s so much easier to learn a foreign language in its country. 3. Improve your English. Yes, English is an international language 48
  • 49. 4. Develop new skills. Throughout your project, you’re going to have different activities (some of them might be completely new to you, but this is even better because you will learn more). Depending on your tasks, you might learn how to create posters or videos, using various editing software. Or maybe you’ll learn how to solve problems more efficiently or how to think more critically. There are so many skills that you can develop or improve. 5. Make new friends. You’ll meet so many different people and among them, you’re going to find your friends, your lovely international friends. Obviously, some people won’t be the nicest human beings you’d expect them to be, but this is normal, so don’t worry. 6. Become more tolerant and open-minded. You’ll meet so many people with all kinds of backgrounds and mindsets and this is so amazing for you. In the beginning, it may seem a bit difficult, but in a short time (after you realize that what you find awkward is normal for others), you will adjust to the new environment. 7. Travel like a local in a foreign country. Why do I say like a local? Because a local is interested in more than the big cities (or not at all). As a foreigner, you’ve heard about the famous attractions of a country, so it’s most likely to stick to the list (travelling abroad requires time and money and, unfortunately, they don’t come together very often). But as a local, everything changes. You’re gonna be interested in that small village next to Florence (if you’re volunteering in Italy), or maybe that gorgeous natural pool - Fuente Caputa - in Mula (if you’re volunteering in Spain). Go to explore the north, the south, the east and west and don’t forget about the centre of the country. Don’t miss the chance to discover a new country and its culture. 49
  • 50. NEVER FORGET YOUR INNER CHILD! 4th June 2020 1st of June! What a lovely day! That is when we celebrate Children's Day in Romania. However, Spanish people have this holiday on the 15th of April (except for Madrid - 2nd of May). Luckily, the conditions were less restrictive, so we were able to go out and have fun as kids do. We had everything: rope, paper, balls, music and most important: lots of energy. I have made a list of games including: So, we had plenty of games to play! And so we did! It was amazing! The atmosphere was magical. We made paper boats and then went to launch them in a small fountain (we took them back, we’re eco-friendly). We also made a jumping rope competition regarding who could jump more. That was funny, even though we were all grown-ups, we could still see that some people got mad when they lost. Haha, some things never change, right? Also, we designed some extraordinary planes. They took off instantly! My favourite game remains the ducks and the hunters. I loved this game since childhood. It’s so energetic, and the laughter is guaranteed! All in all, we had a great time and photos could tell. Rock, Paper, Scissors Hopscotch Jump-Rope Freeze dance Hot or cold Paper airplanes & boats Volleyball Blind Man’s Buff Hide and seek The ducks and the hunters 50
  • 51. VOLLEYBALL WORKOUT WITH VIO6th June 2020 Quarantine didn’t let us continue playing volleyball outside, but that didn’t mean that we had to stop. With the message ‘’Even if you can't go outside and play with your friends, you can stay inside and train.’’, I have made a series of exercises that volleyball players do during their trainings. I enjoyed recording all the exercises in my room. It was fun, and I learnt a lot. There are 4 videos of maximum 3 minutes. In order to prepare them, I’ve searched a lot on Internet regarding the types of workouts that volleyball players usually do. Improving multi-directional speed. Blocking training. Improving the development of the front of the thighs Increasing the vertical jump Strength and conditioning Moving Block Jumps Jumping Jacks + Pass Position I selected some of them and created 4 types of workouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Therefore, May was the month of volleyball workouts! It all started on 7th of May. Check out the video here: Exercises: 51
  • 52. Heel raise squats Snap Down to Vertical Jump Ankle Hops Jump Squats Tempo Squats Hurdles Jump Single Leg Glute Bridge Iso-Hold Lunge 14th of May. Check out the video here: Exercises: 21st of May. Increasing the vertical jump. Check out the video here: Exercises: 28th of May. Strength Workout. Check out the video here: Exercises: Hope you find these videos useful. Stay safe and play volleyball! 52
  • 53. 20th June 2020 VOLLEYBALL MYTHS Like any other sports, volleyball has its myths. Did you know this? I have made a poster including 5 volleyball myths, and it went viral. The post has been reached by more than 19.000 people and got more than 180 interactions. It was amazing! I liked the fact that some people started to talk about these myths, thinking of how is it in their countries. These were the myths: 53
  • 54. My mom used chia seeds in yoghurt, but I didn’t know how healthy they were until I started this activity. Now, I am making pudding and cheesecake out of chia, and the taste is super delicious, not to mention that they’re also super healthy. Also, I started making the chia pudding with water, but after a while, I started using all types of milk or yoghurt blended with fruits, adding natural sweetness. HOW I STARTED EATING HEALTHIER BECAUSE OF VOLUNTEERING 23rd June 2020 ‘Tips for a healthier life’ was my campaign to promote a healthier life. I have made six promotional flyers of different topics: chia seeds, oats, tapioca, quinoa (made by my friend), drinking water and spinach. Then, the oatmeal …. what a wonderful product! I remember once when a friend gave me some oats soaked with water and honey, and that was all. I didn't like the taste, so my mind continued to associate the oatmeal with that flavourless memory. One day, though, I was like 'okay, let's try this', and it was delicious. Since then, I have eaten oats almost every day. Carrot cake oatmeal, oatmeal cookies, oatmeal pancakes. Oats everywhere! 54
  • 55. Quinoa...I heard so much about it; therefore, it was the moment to try it. Quinoa is a whole grain, so it has the endosperm, bran, and germ. This thing means that quinoa provides more vitamins, minerals, and fibre than refined grains like white rice. Therefore, I started to cook quinoa with vegetables, meat, and it was very filling and healthy. I have to try some quinoa desserts (quinoa with milk is on the list). Also, even healthy products may harm you (if you have any allergies or illnesses). So, it is always good to be informed about both the advantages and disadvantages of any product. Stay healthy! 55
  • 56. FELL IN LOVE WITH COOKING 23rd June 2020 I liked cooking, but I got fascinated by this art in Spain. Being alone, I was cooking only for myself, so I was allowed to make mistakes; no one would have minded it. I started step by step with my mom’s recipes, and after a while, I created mine. I am more into baking. I use the oven a lot: as a healthier method of preparing the food. My favourite dish is the turkey tenderloin. I love it! I made it for Easter, and it was a delight. I usually search for recipes online, but I am always adding or cutting some ingredients. Sometimes it works well, but not all the time. But this is how I learn and improve day by day. I started replacing the white flour with the integral one. I am making cakes with oat or rice flour. Instead of using white sugar, I add brown sugar, or dates, bananas, raisins (for natural sweetness). Because of this change, I am no longer into eating store- bought sweets. 56
  • 57. Another dish that I love is making pizza. Last time I made a broccoli and walnuts pizza which was delicious. I never thought about this combination, but I only had broccoli in the house. So, broccoli pizza! Yummy! Also, banana bread is one of my favourites. Bananas represent an essential ingredient in my recipes. Initially, I was using them only in banana bread, but afterwards, I started adding them in carrot cakes, ice cream, biscuits, even in brownies. My latest discovery is the layer cake. I love the texture and aspect. I like chocolate cream more, but last time I made a pumpkin cake with cream cheese, pumpkin jelly and chocolate. All those flavours were harmoniously combined. I loved it, and luckily, I can still enjoy one more piece! Even if you don't like cooking, it's important to keep an eye on your food intake. Stay healthy! 57
  • 58. THE HISTORY OF VOLLEYBALL 25th June 2020 Volleyball, what a lovely sport. Do you know the story behind it? When and how it appeared? I have done long research related to it, and now I can share it with you. In 1895, this was when volleyball was brought to life by William G. Morgan, physical education director of the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association). Basketball was too hard for the elders, so he thought to invent a proper sport for them. He wanted a sport "with a strong athletic impulse, but no physical contact." There, combined all the sports he knew. Basketball, tennis, handball and baseball have been his inspirative sources. Volleyball wasn't named volleyball from the beginning. It was first called 'mintonette', but due to the fact that players "volleyed" the ball back and forth, it remained Volleyball. I know that it's more interesting to watch a movie, so I will just leave her the link to the video that I made. Enjoy the history of volleyball! 58
  • 59. DANCING IN THE ROMANIAN STYLE30th June 2020 24th of June! What a wonderful day! Being in Spain, I decided to spread the Romanian joy and culture by presenting some dances. I had in mind hora, sarba and maybe ciuleandra. I searched for songs and even downloaded geampara and other styles, just in case. I wanted to be prepared for everything. 11 eleven people came, and I was happy to discover that one of them was Romanian. We started slowly with hora, and then, when I showed them Ciuleandra, they were amazed. They adored it! I tried to show them some steps of sarba, but no, they couldn't focus anymore. They only wanted to dance ciuleandra. And, to be honest, I also loved it. So, we were all there dancing happily in the park. I was using the break to tell them about the Romanian Blouse and some of our traditions. Luckily, we've recorded our lovely moments, so you can also watch our dance. Be prepared for Ciuleandra! 59
  • 60. Tips for Beginners Serving Tips Spiking Tips Setting Tips Blocking Tips Passing Tips Do you want to improve your volleyball skills? Then, this series of tips is perfect for you. I did this activity for people who would be willing to become a better version of themselves. 'Volleyball tips' has six topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I have posted these flyers on Facebook and Instagram, and they got really appreciated. I was happy to see that they received around 372 interactions. Tips are always helpful when growing. If you feel like being stuck, try to have a paramount view. Find the problem and search for its solution. I hope these tips are going to help you become better and better day by day. VOLLEYBALL TIPS FOR YOU 20th July 2020 60
  • 61. WHY VOLLEYBALL? HOW DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL? 18th August 2020 Volleyball....what an amazing sport! I still remember the first time when I played it. I've always been more into basketball, so choosing volleyball hasn't been my first option in school. Still, the summer of 2016 changed everything. It was the first time when I played beach volleyball, and I loved it! From that moment, I took advantage of every opportunity of playing volleyball. I was thinking about the feeling related to this sport. How did volleyball make me feel back then? And how does it make me feel nowadays? Therefore, I wanted to ask more people about their connection with volleyball. I wanted to know how does this sport make them feel? Since my volunteering experience takes place in Spain, I have decided to make this activity only for Spanish speakers. Everything started with a form called ''¿Por qué voleibol? ¿Cómo te hace sentir?''. I have shared it for three days to Volleyball Facebook groups, and in the end, I have received 33 responses. People from Spain, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, Mexico, Bolivia and Venezuela expressed their excitement and joy regarding volleyball. Their responses were so beautiful and emotional. I had a great time editing the video and reading their thoughts. 61
  • 62. Many of them have associated this sport with a feeling of freedom. Volleyball is about personal improvement, and I am happy to see that people notice this and not only. Here you can watch the video which promotes playing volleyball! 33 Enjoy! 62
  • 63. TIPS FOR VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS 20th August 2020 When you go to a volleyball tryout, you have an opportunity to show your skills. It’s the time when you demonstrate that you deserve to be part of the team. It can be stressful because you have to think about a lot of things before and during a tryout, but let’s relax and focus on the most important aspects. #Firstly, it’s essential to be positive. Your attitude matters. Nobody wants a negative person in their team. #Be confident! Play and act as you belong there. A coach wants a confident player. #Show up in good physical condition! Have a good rest the night before and show up at 100%. Being in a good shape will help you demonstrate your volleyball skills. #Show that you are respectful and coachable! Listen to your coach! Follow their instructions, because when they give you a feedback, they do it for your improvement. #Get there early! It will show your commitment. #Volunteer! Raise your hand if the coach needs someone for a demonstration. 63
  • 64. #Volunteer! Raise your hand if the coach needs someone for a demonstration. #Do your own warm-up before! You'll have a warm-up before the tryouts, but it's better to do your own before. Coaches notice the focused players who are getting prepared before. #Be organized! Make sure you have everything you need (water, the proper equipment). #Don't chat during tryouts! This is very disrespectful to coaches and fellow athletes. #Don't get frustrated! Don't quit! It's perfectly normal to make one or two mistakes during tryouts. Maintain a positive attitude (#1) and show that you can overcome them and remain focused on the court. You can also find these tips in a video at: Never lose hope! Work hard and fight for your dream! You'll become part of a team at the right moment. 64
  • 65. Thank you for all the things you taught me. Thank you for all the people I met. Thank you for helping me grow. Thank you for accepting me and making me feel like home. Thank you for all the beautiful landscapes and astonishing villages and cities. Your mountains are precious! Thank you for hosting me for one year! It's true! I've been away from home for one year. What a marvellous experience! Even the quarantine had its purpose. I worked a lot on creating and editing materials. As a result of this, I improved my creative design skills. A lot of things happened, and I feel like I don't even know where to start. THANK YOU, SPAIN 12th September 2020 However, I would go back to my first day in Murcia. The day when I met the landlord and his wife. I was feeling so nervous because I was in a new country without knowing the language. Therefore, I tried to do my best to be understood. I wanted to start with that specific day because today I met them again. 65
  • 66. This time, they came to say goodbye. I still remember how patient they were and how calmly they explained to me where were all the shops, and where the city centre was, where to go for a movie or a drink. I was lucky to be their tenant. They treated me so well. Then, the visit to UCAM. I was amazed: ''Is this going to be my workplace?''. My coordinator showed me around the campus, and I felt so happy for being part of it. UCAM had witnessed my development, my evolution. I barely spoke Spanish when I first arrived, and now I can understand people who are talking fast, and I can express my ideas without difficulties. Also, I was a bit shy and didn't like to initiate activities. This thing has changed, and now I am very proactive. I did many diverse activities, starting with sports promotion, healthy lifestyle promotion and ending with cultural events, spreading the Romanian joy. I have learnt so much. For example, before coming here, I wasn't feeling very confident about living and accommodating to a new country. But here, in Spain, I learnt that I am a strong and confident person who can handle any situation. It wasn't only honey and milk, but I managed to adjust quite fast. I have improved my active listening, and this has brought me only good and lovely friends. I made a lot of new friends from different parts of the globe. I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet them without this project. I am so calm and patient after this experience. I have lowered my expectations and have learnt how to deal with diverse situations and people. The end of this experience is just a new beginning for me. And I feel like I can move mountains. I am very motivated to return home and do activities for my community. I can make a change! So, Romania, wait for me! 66