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TV market. January-August 2016
Source: Nielsen Ukraine, All 18-54 50К+, excluding social/political ad, entertainment and Mass media 2
rating points
Changes, %
Pharma 0 173 035 195 830 13%
Communication 0 96 706 106 059 10%
Alcohol 0 95 833 105 908 11%
Non-Alcoholic Beverages 0 88 270 100 181 13%
Products 0 73 622 84 301 15%
Trade 0 54 301 62 804 16%
Entertainment 0 39 719 43 866 10%
Hygiene 0 36 335 42 330 17%
Transport 0 29 610 34 626 17%
Confectionaries 0 28 237 30 916 9%
Household chemicals 0 20 001 24 086 20%
Cosmetics 0 18 511 23 273 26%
Finance 0 17 945 19 262 7%
Perfumes 0 11 873 12 743 7%
Household Appliances 0 10 070 11 283 12%
TOTAL - 843 497 954 291 13%
TOP categories
• 13% activity growth comparing to the same period of last year;
• All categories have been showing strengthening of activity, situation
fully displays last year by distribution of positions in rating;
• Pharma holds leadership position for the second straight year
during this period and strengthen leadership with 13% growth;
• Communication places the second position in rating due to active
support by mobile providers of own tariffs;
• Alcohol category strengthened on the 3rd place with 11% growth as
a result of seasonal advertising support by beer brands
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
TV market. January-August 2016
Source: Nielsen Ukraine, All 18-54 50К+, excluding social/political ad, entertainment and Mass media 3
rating points
Nestle & L'Oreal 0 55 429 61 826 12%
P&G 5 19 661 25 320 29%
Farmak 7 18 134 24 417 35%
UkrTatNafta 1 20 627 23 068 12%
Reckitt Benckiser 1 19 994 21 293 6%
Mondelez Ukraine (Kraft Foods) -4 27 897 19 926 -29%
Carlsberg Group -4 26 780 18 208 -32%
Vodafone (MTS) 0 19 106 18 013 -6%
Kyivstar GSM 5 14 907 15 764 6%
Unilever -1 18 994 15 285 -20%
Pepsico 2 15 059 14 829 -2%
Beiersdorf 11 8 655 14 506 68% -2 17 722 14 101 -20%
Sanofi-Aventis 3 11 380 13 829 22%
Danone 37 3 955 13 564 243%
Local advertisers
TOP advertisers
• Almost all advertisers stabilized and increased over again level
of activity, that have been losing in 2014-2015;
• Danone significantly increased support and showed activity
growth by 243%, raising by 37 positions in rating;
• Beiersdorf have risen by 11 rating points and entered into
leaders due to Nivea brand advertising support;
• Nestle & L'Oreal is a permanent leader for the second straight
year in this period, also P&G occupied the second place in this
year growing activity by 29%;
• Sanofi-Aventis was able to rush into TOP-15 leaders due to
intensification of placement at the level of +22%
Weekly TV activity. 2016
4Source: Nielsen Ukraine, All 18-54 50К+, excluding social/political ad, entertainment and Mass media
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334
Thousands, WGRP
2015 2016
TV activity is recovering after a negative
last year trend and showing growth
mostly during the all weeks.
Due to reduction of available inventory,
increase of activity entails sold out of
advertising blocks.
A high % of sold out is forecasted for
the year end, especially on TOP
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Changes in legislation
Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Policy approved the text of the UPS bill for the second reading
The bill adopted in the first reading in June. Now it’s ready for the second reading. The bill changes the relationship between cable operators &
TV channels that will require payment from the operators who broadcast it. The cables called the law discriminatory, but TV channels threaten to
leave the cable networks if the board is not introduced.
A bit of history: Legislation was introduced universal program service (UPS), "social package": cable operators are obliged to broadcast about
20 national TV channels, but the media group doesn’t have the right to demand payment for it. The new bill proposes such a scheme: channels
aren’t required to provide content for free and have the right to withdraw from the UPS.
Problem: Cable operators against. The company “Volia" states that will have to raise the monthly fee due to would have share the profits with
channels. This cables worried that subscribers will move to satellite TV packages. Therefore, for them is important to preserve a package of the
most popular channels & prices at current levels.
Cables offers: Equalize cable and satellite operators in their rights, because the current legislation doesn’t affect the satellite.
Possible consequences: Viewers would pay more. But if the channels will come out of the UPS, viewers will not find them in packages and will
look for alternative. Result: drop of technical coverage in the Ukrainian channels → reach & rating drop; growth of satellite, iptv, ott receive →
growth Other in Nielsen panel; iptv appearance in the panel → growth channels with young audience.
Other media trends. TV
New TV channels launch
“Volia” launched 2 new educational TV channels
Company launched 2 new broadcasters: “FAUNA” and Fine Living HD. TV channel “FAUNA” will show viewers a world of wild life researchers in
24/7 mode, also Fine Living HD will concentrate on life style and interest of modern female audience: fashion, housing improvements, travelling,
cookery, social life and other. Both TV channels are already available for all “Volia” subscribers.
Twenty-four-hour Olympic TV channel will be available soon
International Olympic committee (IOC) will launch own TV channel. Its slogan: “Because 17 days isn’t enough”. Main goal: to be always in touch
with fans and those ones who are interested in Olympic movement, even between Games. New channel will be available in the Internet on, also it’ll be available for downloading as an app for smartphones or tablets. Repeats of different competitions, interview with
athletes will be demonstrated in 24/7 mode, talk shows and newscast are planned in future.
Other media trends. TV
Discovery group refused from Ukrainian advert
Discovery Communications TV group refused from Ukrainian advert in
air of its 2 channels Discovery Channel and ТLC. Reasons aren’t
reported, but a problem can lie in currency devaluation: incomes of TV
channels from advert decreased a lot.
Besides, Discovery’s TV channels lost popularity for the last years
because of too entertaining content. Price battalions with cable
providers negatively reflected on incomes from advert too.
Ukrainian commercial inserts on TLC disappeared in January this year.
Version for CIS countries is available in cable networks without advert.
Discovery Channel was available in Ukraine as a separate TV channel
under satellite parameters Discovery Ukraine, it stopped broadcasting
in August, 1.
Other media trends. Internet
A level of battery charge will be a kind of advertising
The last HTML5 update opened new opportunities for targeting for
advertisers. New API will allow sites to track a level of battery charge,
which user have been using for viewing of resource.
Site will be able to request an information about battery status to tune
content. In case when charge is running out, pages will be displayed in
a simplified appearance. Also API will receive data about how time is
remained before a device discharged.
In case when site fixed 2 connections with the same battery identifier
for the short time there is a big probability then one user made them.
User will be detected even if viewing pages in incognito mode.
Other media trends. Internet
Google will start to lower mobile sites with irritating
Since January, 2017 new algorithm of mobile results ranking will enter
into force, due to which sites, which abuse off-page and pop out advert
will be reduced in search results.
Advert which can lead to reduction: cover own content of site and
appears instantaneously after opening a resource or through very
short period of time; opens in full-screen mode and for its closing an
action should be done; appears at once after scrolling up to the end of
Acceptable advert: banners-notifications, which disappear in a short
term; registration forms or forms for contact data sending; advert,
which occupies rational place in site format.
Other media trends. Internet
Innovations from Google AdWords
Google takes AdWords Express to the new level
AdWords Express presented 3 new functions at once, which will allow advertisers to attract one more clients and to learn how exactly advert
influences on business. Due to new functionality AdWords Express it’s available now: to choose time for advert demonstration; to estimate
efficiency of advert; track mobile calls more accurate.
Google AdWords is testing goals tracking by few campaigns
Functional is called “Groups of campaigns” and it’s launched as an experiment for limited set of advertisers. Novelty testing is available for all,
who is in testing pool in “Campaigns” tab. Tool allows to create group of campaigns and to appoint goals by clicks or conversions for it for a
definite period. As a result total image of campaign’s efficiency and forecast of indicators for the period end will be available.
*If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
Advertising innovations from Yandex.Direct
Yandex will take upon advertising video spots
Due to Yandex.Direct user will be able to give text advertising. Price of clicks isn’t fixed, it defines as a result of auction. Due to advertising
network Yandex strange sites will be able to place this advertising on own platform and to obtain % for viewing/clicks on them. New system will
supply advertising network by video advert. User will have to download video on Yandex, enter target audience and a level of price for click.
Under a launch of campaign video starts to play on partner spaces. It’s still unknown how video advert will be demonstrated – on banners or in
video players.
Yandex.Direct launched graphical advert
Advertisers will be able to use popular formats of banners as a full-fledged advertising message: to place an image with a link on landing page,
text or logotype in Direct. Text message can be not only complemented, but also fully changed by context illustrations. Graphical banners can be
added in already existed groups of ads or to bring them into a separate campaign. Advert is available in usual context campaigns and in mobile
apps division.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
Innovations from Vkontakte
Vkontakte allowed users to communicate with communities on outward sites
Social network Vkontakte presented a widget for outward sites, which allows to sent messages in groups of campaigns and other organizations.
Due to “Community messages” widget a quick way of communication with Vk users can be added. It’ll allow to answer even when user left site.
Vkontakte forces into application a system of money transfer
Social network will launch money transfer between users to the year end. Function will be available both for web-version and in mobile apps.
Money transfer will be possible with the aid of any bank card. At that You don’t need to know a number of addressee’s card – money transfer will
be possible for concrete person, who attached card account for its Vk account. Commission level at transfer is unknown yet.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
Odnoklassniki launched video auto play in mobile feed
Social network users noticed, that spots in news feed in mobile version
plays automatically now. In our opinion this innovation will allow to
increase indicators of user interaction and to raise number of video
views and accompanied it advert.
Video spots will start to play automatically without audio and clicking by
them a new page will open, where playback can be controlled or
similar video can be searched.
Technology used for auto play analyzes user speed of access to the
Internet and don’t switch on playback under not high indicators.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
New news feed and opportunity to choose advert from Facebook
Facebook will allow to choose advert
Social network will allow subscribers to exclude themes of advert which aren’t suitable for their interests from “Advertising preferences” division.
Besides a new tool will be added, it allows to turn off advert of companies, which added user into its shopping list. Also social network decided to
demonstrate advert even for those who installed adblocker, because in company consider that own comfortable and effective mechanism of
filtration of undesirable advert have been creating.
Facebook will change a mechanism of news demonstration again
Social network announced about automation of trending mechanism due to which the most discussed news in social network are selected. In
such a way company hopes to decrease degree of human interference in a process and to avoid prosecution in prejudice. Descriptions of popular
posts, which social network editors have been creating will disappear too.
Spring scandal pushed to changes, when Gizmodo portal has found out, that Facebook workers, who tracks the most discussed themes, have
been covering up some news on a continuing basis despite their popularity.
Other media trends. Internet
Facebook is struggling with clickbait and launches pages without advert
Facebook will lower headlines provoking on clicks in search results
Facebook team analyzed tens of thousands headlines, ranging them by two characteristics: publication’s headline don’t indicate its real content
and headline creates unjustified expectations from content. Similar publications will lower in search results of user news feed. Innovation will
come into force in the nearest weeks.
Facebook has officially launched public pages without advert
Social network announced official launch of brands’ pages without advertising blocks on desktop. Such format is called to give companies more
space for communication with user, including widened functionality of CTA button and more comfortable navigation.
Other media trends. Internet
Widening of video and photo functionality from Facebook
Facebook will allow advertisers to place twice bigger number of photo and video in carousel advert
Social network increased a limit for number of images and video in one trade advert from 5 to 10. Facebook users noticed this. In placement rules
of a social network “from 3 to 5” images or photos are indicated still.
In Facebook mobile feed vertical video will appear
An opportunity to download such videos appeared in the last year. But they were displayed in squared format in news feed and to viewing them in
vertical orientation was possible by click. Now such videos, including advertising spots and live translations will be displayed in vertical format.
They will partly cut off to avoid occupying all screen. Viewing in full-screen mode will be available by click.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
Other innovations from Facebook
Social network can track conversion by offline channels
Innovation will allow advertisers to track actions of potential consumers after switching on advert on site. To start tracking you’ll need: a group
of files with data about online events, advertising account in Facebook and Facebook Business Manager account.
Facebook obliged business to answer user in 24 hours term
Social network brings in new rules for businesses, which have been using Messenger.
Now owners of companies, businesses and developers have at own disposal only
24 hours to answer user. In this interval of time companies can’t to sent more than
one message to user. Time barrier refreshes each time after user will answer.
Urgent and important notifications don’t fall under policy changes.
Other media trends. Internet
Instagram launches analytics for business profiles
In the first lace innovation is called to give business more clear
understanding about their audience. A name of field or category, in
which business works will appear in profile with address. Also an app is
supplemented with “Contact” button for communication with
representative of company by phone, through sms or email.
To view analytics personal accounts can be switched into business
profiles mode.
Analytics includes data about coverage and number of demonstrations
by all publications for the last week, a list of popular posts, sorted by
different metrics and demography.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
Innovations in Twitter
New filters and metrics in Twitter Ads Manager
Twitter announced launch of two new functions:
• User filters. Tool will give an opportunity of choice by different criteria: goal, status, instrument of finance, campaign name, placement and
• User indicators. Give an opportunity to choose information for reports, provide addition or exclusion to/from statistics.
Twitter launched new advertising format
New advertising format Instant Unlock Cards initiate users to interact with brand more actively. For viewing more detailed information about
good or post/video user will have to publish a tweet with defined hashtag or retweet brand’s message. First results have been showing
increase of earned coverage by 34%. Also the next tolls were updated: widened statistics and Brand Hub.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Internet
WhatsApp’s user will receive advert
WhatsApp will hand over phone numbers of own Facebook users.
Social network will use given data for sending more relevant content,
advertising messages of companies and organizations to users, more
effectively study main metrics about how often users use messenger's
services and how to struggle with spam better.
It’s planned that users will be able to communicate with those
organizations, which they are directly interested in due to this
Other media trends. ООН
Changes in rules of outdoor advert placement in Kiev
Under program of development of outdoor advertising in capital,
advertising constructions will be placed no closer than 10 meters from
cross-road and surface level pedestrian crossing.
Also due to project of new edition “Conception of outdoor advert
placement” placement of advertising medium on pedestrian and
bicycle road, avenue, on unfunded zones no less than 2m in
broadwise and close than 30m to public transport stops and closer
than 50m from regulated rail crossing.
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. ООН
Growth of Sold Out in OOH
Sold out in OOH market have been showing significant growth in
comparison to the last year due to redistribution of budgets from other
media and organic growth of demand. Further Sold out growth is
forecasted for the fall 2016 up to 99%.
Changes in the rules of placement of outdoor advertising in Kiev will
contribute to bigger growth of sold out of advertising mediums, making
advert more qualitative and noticeable.
50% 50%
90% 90%
100% 100%
95% 95% 95%
Full year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2015 2016
Source: Doors Consulting, TOP6 cities, Billboards 6х3. Jul-Dec’2016 - Forecast
* If detailed information is needed, please contact us
Other media trends. Radio
Radio “Holos Donbasy” started work in Marienka
Broadcasting FM-transmitter on 95,7MHz frequency came into
operation in August in Marienka, Donetsk region. It made a start to
transmitting of programs of Donetsk regional directorate national TV
company of Ukraine “Holos Donbasy”, which will work 24 hours on this
Also “Holos Donbasa” is available for listening in Mariupol,
Volnovakha, Schastie and Avdeevka on TV channel’s “Do TeBe” site.
Other media trends. Press
Changes have been waiting for “Delovaya stolitsa”
Weekly newspaper “Delovaya stolitsa” changes strategy and editorial
policy of issue. Changes will touch upon editorial structure of issue,
which will have to strengthen journalistic expertise and improve
analytical components.
Ambition goal of issue is to became the main economical issue of the
country. Newspaper remains business analytical mass media.
Newspaper will be published on Mondays as before.
Changes in legislation
A radical reform of author’s right in the Internet have
been preparing
European commission have been considering changes in the reform of
author’s rights. Project goal is to decrease impact on market of major
operators, such as Google. Due to European officers’ opinion a big
share of market, which is concentrated in one hands in search
segments lead to disbalance of negotiations between content creators
and search systems.
Providing of “exclusive rights” on content to publishers lies in the basis
of the law in draft. In the case of changes making, search systems and
aggregators will have to agree with information providers conditions of
its usage.
Other media trends. Internet
Snapchat will tune up targeting by behavior
Service isn’t behind the competitors and constantly updates a set of
tools. Company plans launch of behavioral targeting to the year end.
It’s announced, that targeting will be based on user behavior inside an
Now Snapchat proposes targeting by 6 parameters: age, sex, location,
device/operation system, mobile provider, content similarity. Besides,
service concluded more than 10 agreements about advertising
Other media trends. Internet
Innovations from Pinterest
An opportunity to buy advert with payment for demonstrations will appear in Pinterest
In the nearest time the USA and Great Britain advertisers will be able to buy advert with payment for demonstrations. Sale will be provided on
auction model basis. Advert will appear in search results, users’ feed and categories feeds. Pinterest tries to show advert to maximally possible
number of users depending on sum, which advertiser is ready to pay and a specific of target audience.
Pinterest launched new advertising format
Pinterest announced launch of new advertising format – Promoted Video.
Function is available in the USA and Great Britain for iOS and Android users. Format will be presented is feed as animated
teaser, viewing of full video will be available by click.
Payment model – for thousand views.
Other media trends. Internet
Financial Times brought in opportunity to pay for a
viewing time
Financial Times is testing new purchase model: CHP – cost per hour of
viewing. Among the earliest explorers of new format Microsoft, IBM,
AIG and others are. First results of testing showed qualitative
improvement of metrics of memorability, knowledge, positive
perception and popularity.
In issue consider that new metric first of all will make an accent on
quality of views, not their quantity.
Payment makes if viewing more than 5 seconds.
Ukrainian case. Digital
Campaign: Fury Miles, New Balance, Ukraine 2016
Problem: winter is a dead season for running. Most of runners put their sneakers
back into the box and switch to the gym.
Idea: New Balance created a Fury Miles to motivate people for outdoor running
even when the weather is bad.
Solution: New Balance as socially responsible TM in cooperation with KMRC
created running app in the basis of which lies easy rule: the worth weather You are
running – the furrier miles You collects. Facebook app analyzes the number of
miles You run and match it with the weather conditions, taking into account
temperature coefficient, snow and rain factor.
- Participants run more than 23,7K miles;
- Social media buzz was absolutely free;
- Los of people began running even in a bad weather and performed with personal
running results.
Ukrainian case. Mobile
Campaign: Race with nature, MTS, Ukraine 2016
Problem: low speed of mobile Internet is old problem for Ukrainians. While the
world is using 5G Internet, Ukrainians just got their hands on 3G.
Idea: Bring back the excitement for MTS 3G launch.
Solution: MTS created a web-site where a 3G speed competes with a gravity in a
spectacular race. The phone was falling from the highest monument in Europe,
comparing falling speed with the speed of photo downloading in such a way. What
would be faster? Web-site brought a massive digital journey, step-by-step revealing
additional info.
- 240 000 visitors;
- More than 2.2 min average time on a web-site.
World case. Digital
Campaign: Sunday Grannies, Vodafone, Romania 2015
Problem: In Romania, there are over 4 million people over 75, living alone.
Idea: to prove that anyone can use mobile technologies to change everyday life for
the better, Vodafone picked up the challenge.
Solution: In order to prove that technology can help anyone improve his life,
Vodafone launched a social experiment that fights loneliness among the hundreds
of thousands of old people in Romania who live in solitude. Provider put Facebook
in the hands of two lonely grannies who loved to cook, but had no one to share their
meals with, and brought them together with students who missed the traditional
Sunday goodies. The Grannies posted the menu and students book a chair at their
tables, bringing joy to their lonely home.
- The number of Facebook users over 65 increased with 20%;
- 430,5M media impressions;
- Social media adoption rate x3 among people over 65;
- 4G smartphones sales got a 78,8% boost during the campaign.
Campaign: The emotisongs, Coca Cola, Italy 2015
Problem: Young people used to communicate by smiles or hashtags. But that’s not
always clear enough.
Idea: Coca Cola decided to help them in a fun and simply way – with music.
Solution: Brand created a new kind of songs – the emotisongs.The smallest part of
a song which exactly means what you need to express. More than 300 lyrics were
printed on cans. Scanning a QR-code it’s possible to share with a friend. And for
those who couldn’t find a suitable message a special emotisongs live service was
- 99% positive comments;
- 1 bln of earned impression;
- 80% more visits of the web-site than 2013;
-321K mentions with hashtag.
World case. Integrated campaign
Campaign: Father’s Day - 1 Day Job, Pierre Cardin, Turkey 2015
Problem: In Turkey, 92% of university students still live only with the money their
father gives them. That means, on Father’s Day, the gifts are indirectly bought by
the fathers.
Idea: to give students an opportunity to earn money by themselves to make present
which parents can be truly proud.
Solution: This year daddy’s money was not accepted in Pierre Cardin Stores.
Instead, a One-Day Job offered to youngsters. After a hard working day at the
stores, they bought a father’s day gift with their own effort. In this way, youngsters
had a chance to experience their first job, and understand what their father’s
dedicate to them. And most importantly fathers had gifts to be proud of in this
Father’s Day. Also fathers obtained a special messages through a QR-code on the
- 15 161 applications;
- 9M people were reached;
- Over 1M positive comments shared in social media;
- Conversation rate increased by 284%.
World case. Integrated campaign
Interesting page
Medals are picked up, sportsmen returned home and
companies are waiting for an instant effect in media
KPI’s achieving.
It’s the best time to draw conclusions and in this issue
we propose a short review of the most interesting and
notorious advertising campaigns of this Olympic
Games season in Rio.
P&G became already traditional
sponsor with proud moms theme. It
should seem a threadbare theme
and it’s already known what will be
talked about, but tears gushes
while viewing a spot. And if You
haven’t seen their sports about this
theme, quicker click on video icon
and view.
Interesting page
Sport brand Nike applauds to
persistence of the greatest world
sportsmen and summarizes sport
summer by own campaign Unlimited
Future. Viral spot, placed in August,4
on YouTube has already collected
36,7M views. In advertising
campaign were involved: USA actor
Bobby Cannavale, sportsmen
Neymar Junior, Serena Williams,
LeBron James, Mo Farah and Zhou
Interesting page
Развлекательная страничка
A set of pizzeria didn’t pass over Olympic Games theme. Australian
brand Vapoano proposed free pizza or a meal with pasts each time,
when Australia obtains gold medal in Rio. To be in a lucky list uses had
to register and became “Vapiano Fanatico”. Promo have been active
during an Olympic Games and merged national pride. User could obtain
free meal only for gold medal and only in day of win. In total, Australia
have got 8 medals and completed TOP-10 players.
Interesting page
See You in the
next issue!

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Vizeum Monthly Media News_August 2016_eng

  • 1. 1
  • 2. TV market. January-August 2016 Source: Nielsen Ukraine, All 18-54 50К+, excluding social/political ad, entertainment and Mass media 2 WGRP Changes, rating points Jan- Aug'15 Jan- Aug'16 Changes, % Pharma 0 173 035 195 830 13% Communication 0 96 706 106 059 10% Alcohol 0 95 833 105 908 11% Non-Alcoholic Beverages 0 88 270 100 181 13% Products 0 73 622 84 301 15% Trade 0 54 301 62 804 16% Entertainment 0 39 719 43 866 10% Hygiene 0 36 335 42 330 17% Transport 0 29 610 34 626 17% Confectionaries 0 28 237 30 916 9% Household chemicals 0 20 001 24 086 20% Cosmetics 0 18 511 23 273 26% Finance 0 17 945 19 262 7% Perfumes 0 11 873 12 743 7% Household Appliances 0 10 070 11 283 12% TOTAL - 843 497 954 291 13% TOP categories • 13% activity growth comparing to the same period of last year; • All categories have been showing strengthening of activity, situation fully displays last year by distribution of positions in rating; • Pharma holds leadership position for the second straight year during this period and strengthen leadership with 13% growth; • Communication places the second position in rating due to active support by mobile providers of own tariffs; • Alcohol category strengthened on the 3rd place with 11% growth as a result of seasonal advertising support by beer brands * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 3. TV market. January-August 2016 Source: Nielsen Ukraine, All 18-54 50К+, excluding social/political ad, entertainment and Mass media 3 WGRP Changes, rating points Jan- Aug’15 Jan- Aug’16 +/- Nestle & L'Oreal 0 55 429 61 826 12% P&G 5 19 661 25 320 29% Farmak 7 18 134 24 417 35% UkrTatNafta 1 20 627 23 068 12% Reckitt Benckiser 1 19 994 21 293 6% Mondelez Ukraine (Kraft Foods) -4 27 897 19 926 -29% Carlsberg Group -4 26 780 18 208 -32% Vodafone (MTS) 0 19 106 18 013 -6% Kyivstar GSM 5 14 907 15 764 6% Unilever -1 18 994 15 285 -20% Pepsico 2 15 059 14 829 -2% Beiersdorf 11 8 655 14 506 68% -2 17 722 14 101 -20% Sanofi-Aventis 3 11 380 13 829 22% Danone 37 3 955 13 564 243% Local advertisers TOP advertisers • Almost all advertisers stabilized and increased over again level of activity, that have been losing in 2014-2015; • Danone significantly increased support and showed activity growth by 243%, raising by 37 positions in rating; • Beiersdorf have risen by 11 rating points and entered into leaders due to Nivea brand advertising support; • Nestle & L'Oreal is a permanent leader for the second straight year in this period, also P&G occupied the second place in this year growing activity by 29%; • Sanofi-Aventis was able to rush into TOP-15 leaders due to intensification of placement at the level of +22%
  • 4. Weekly TV activity. 2016 4Source: Nielsen Ukraine, All 18-54 50К+, excluding social/political ad, entertainment and Mass media 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 Thousands, WGRP 2015 2016 TV activity is recovering after a negative last year trend and showing growth mostly during the all weeks. Due to reduction of available inventory, increase of activity entails sold out of advertising blocks. A high % of sold out is forecasted for the year end, especially on TOP channels * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 5. Changes in legislation 5 Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Policy approved the text of the UPS bill for the second reading The bill adopted in the first reading in June. Now it’s ready for the second reading. The bill changes the relationship between cable operators & TV channels that will require payment from the operators who broadcast it. The cables called the law discriminatory, but TV channels threaten to leave the cable networks if the board is not introduced. A bit of history: Legislation was introduced universal program service (UPS), "social package": cable operators are obliged to broadcast about 20 national TV channels, but the media group doesn’t have the right to demand payment for it. The new bill proposes such a scheme: channels aren’t required to provide content for free and have the right to withdraw from the UPS. Problem: Cable operators against. The company “Volia" states that will have to raise the monthly fee due to would have share the profits with channels. This cables worried that subscribers will move to satellite TV packages. Therefore, for them is important to preserve a package of the most popular channels & prices at current levels. Cables offers: Equalize cable and satellite operators in their rights, because the current legislation doesn’t affect the satellite. Possible consequences: Viewers would pay more. But if the channels will come out of the UPS, viewers will not find them in packages and will look for alternative. Result: drop of technical coverage in the Ukrainian channels → reach & rating drop; growth of satellite, iptv, ott receive → growth Other in Nielsen panel; iptv appearance in the panel → growth channels with young audience.
  • 6.
  • 7. Other media trends. TV 7 New TV channels launch “Volia” launched 2 new educational TV channels Company launched 2 new broadcasters: “FAUNA” and Fine Living HD. TV channel “FAUNA” will show viewers a world of wild life researchers in 24/7 mode, also Fine Living HD will concentrate on life style and interest of modern female audience: fashion, housing improvements, travelling, cookery, social life and other. Both TV channels are already available for all “Volia” subscribers. Twenty-four-hour Olympic TV channel will be available soon International Olympic committee (IOC) will launch own TV channel. Its slogan: “Because 17 days isn’t enough”. Main goal: to be always in touch with fans and those ones who are interested in Olympic movement, even between Games. New channel will be available in the Internet on, also it’ll be available for downloading as an app for smartphones or tablets. Repeats of different competitions, interview with athletes will be demonstrated in 24/7 mode, talk shows and newscast are planned in future.
  • 8. Other media trends. TV 8 Discovery group refused from Ukrainian advert Discovery Communications TV group refused from Ukrainian advert in air of its 2 channels Discovery Channel and ТLC. Reasons aren’t reported, but a problem can lie in currency devaluation: incomes of TV channels from advert decreased a lot. Besides, Discovery’s TV channels lost popularity for the last years because of too entertaining content. Price battalions with cable providers negatively reflected on incomes from advert too. Ukrainian commercial inserts on TLC disappeared in January this year. Version for CIS countries is available in cable networks without advert. Discovery Channel was available in Ukraine as a separate TV channel under satellite parameters Discovery Ukraine, it stopped broadcasting in August, 1.
  • 9. Other media trends. Internet 9 A level of battery charge will be a kind of advertising targeting The last HTML5 update opened new opportunities for targeting for advertisers. New API will allow sites to track a level of battery charge, which user have been using for viewing of resource. Site will be able to request an information about battery status to tune content. In case when charge is running out, pages will be displayed in a simplified appearance. Also API will receive data about how time is remained before a device discharged. In case when site fixed 2 connections with the same battery identifier for the short time there is a big probability then one user made them. User will be detected even if viewing pages in incognito mode.
  • 10. Other media trends. Internet 10 Google will start to lower mobile sites with irritating advert Since January, 2017 new algorithm of mobile results ranking will enter into force, due to which sites, which abuse off-page and pop out advert will be reduced in search results. Advert which can lead to reduction: cover own content of site and appears instantaneously after opening a resource or through very short period of time; opens in full-screen mode and for its closing an action should be done; appears at once after scrolling up to the end of page. Acceptable advert: banners-notifications, which disappear in a short term; registration forms or forms for contact data sending; advert, which occupies rational place in site format.
  • 11. Other media trends. Internet 11 Innovations from Google AdWords Google takes AdWords Express to the new level AdWords Express presented 3 new functions at once, which will allow advertisers to attract one more clients and to learn how exactly advert influences on business. Due to new functionality AdWords Express it’s available now: to choose time for advert demonstration; to estimate efficiency of advert; track mobile calls more accurate. Google AdWords is testing goals tracking by few campaigns Functional is called “Groups of campaigns” and it’s launched as an experiment for limited set of advertisers. Novelty testing is available for all, who is in testing pool in “Campaigns” tab. Tool allows to create group of campaigns and to appoint goals by clicks or conversions for it for a definite period. As a result total image of campaign’s efficiency and forecast of indicators for the period end will be available. *If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 12. Other media trends. Internet 12 Advertising innovations from Yandex.Direct Yandex will take upon advertising video spots Due to Yandex.Direct user will be able to give text advertising. Price of clicks isn’t fixed, it defines as a result of auction. Due to advertising network Yandex strange sites will be able to place this advertising on own platform and to obtain % for viewing/clicks on them. New system will supply advertising network by video advert. User will have to download video on Yandex, enter target audience and a level of price for click. Under a launch of campaign video starts to play on partner spaces. It’s still unknown how video advert will be demonstrated – on banners or in video players. Yandex.Direct launched graphical advert Advertisers will be able to use popular formats of banners as a full-fledged advertising message: to place an image with a link on landing page, text or logotype in Direct. Text message can be not only complemented, but also fully changed by context illustrations. Graphical banners can be added in already existed groups of ads or to bring them into a separate campaign. Advert is available in usual context campaigns and in mobile apps division. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 13. Other media trends. Internet 13 Innovations from Vkontakte Vkontakte allowed users to communicate with communities on outward sites Social network Vkontakte presented a widget for outward sites, which allows to sent messages in groups of campaigns and other organizations. Due to “Community messages” widget a quick way of communication with Vk users can be added. It’ll allow to answer even when user left site. Vkontakte forces into application a system of money transfer Social network will launch money transfer between users to the year end. Function will be available both for web-version and in mobile apps. Money transfer will be possible with the aid of any bank card. At that You don’t need to know a number of addressee’s card – money transfer will be possible for concrete person, who attached card account for its Vk account. Commission level at transfer is unknown yet. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 14. Other media trends. Internet 14 Odnoklassniki launched video auto play in mobile feed Social network users noticed, that spots in news feed in mobile version plays automatically now. In our opinion this innovation will allow to increase indicators of user interaction and to raise number of video views and accompanied it advert. Video spots will start to play automatically without audio and clicking by them a new page will open, where playback can be controlled or similar video can be searched. Technology used for auto play analyzes user speed of access to the Internet and don’t switch on playback under not high indicators. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 15. Other media trends. Internet 15 New news feed and opportunity to choose advert from Facebook Facebook will allow to choose advert Social network will allow subscribers to exclude themes of advert which aren’t suitable for their interests from “Advertising preferences” division. Besides a new tool will be added, it allows to turn off advert of companies, which added user into its shopping list. Also social network decided to demonstrate advert even for those who installed adblocker, because in company consider that own comfortable and effective mechanism of filtration of undesirable advert have been creating. Facebook will change a mechanism of news demonstration again Social network announced about automation of trending mechanism due to which the most discussed news in social network are selected. In such a way company hopes to decrease degree of human interference in a process and to avoid prosecution in prejudice. Descriptions of popular posts, which social network editors have been creating will disappear too. Spring scandal pushed to changes, when Gizmodo portal has found out, that Facebook workers, who tracks the most discussed themes, have been covering up some news on a continuing basis despite their popularity.
  • 16. Other media trends. Internet 16 Facebook is struggling with clickbait and launches pages without advert Facebook will lower headlines provoking on clicks in search results Facebook team analyzed tens of thousands headlines, ranging them by two characteristics: publication’s headline don’t indicate its real content and headline creates unjustified expectations from content. Similar publications will lower in search results of user news feed. Innovation will come into force in the nearest weeks. Facebook has officially launched public pages without advert Social network announced official launch of brands’ pages without advertising blocks on desktop. Such format is called to give companies more space for communication with user, including widened functionality of CTA button and more comfortable navigation.
  • 17. Other media trends. Internet 17 Widening of video and photo functionality from Facebook Facebook will allow advertisers to place twice bigger number of photo and video in carousel advert Social network increased a limit for number of images and video in one trade advert from 5 to 10. Facebook users noticed this. In placement rules of a social network “from 3 to 5” images or photos are indicated still. In Facebook mobile feed vertical video will appear An opportunity to download such videos appeared in the last year. But they were displayed in squared format in news feed and to viewing them in vertical orientation was possible by click. Now such videos, including advertising spots and live translations will be displayed in vertical format. They will partly cut off to avoid occupying all screen. Viewing in full-screen mode will be available by click. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 18. Other media trends. Internet 18 Other innovations from Facebook Social network can track conversion by offline channels Innovation will allow advertisers to track actions of potential consumers after switching on advert on site. To start tracking you’ll need: a group of files with data about online events, advertising account in Facebook and Facebook Business Manager account. Facebook obliged business to answer user in 24 hours term Social network brings in new rules for businesses, which have been using Messenger. Now owners of companies, businesses and developers have at own disposal only 24 hours to answer user. In this interval of time companies can’t to sent more than one message to user. Time barrier refreshes each time after user will answer. Urgent and important notifications don’t fall under policy changes.
  • 19. Other media trends. Internet 19 Instagram launches analytics for business profiles In the first lace innovation is called to give business more clear understanding about their audience. A name of field or category, in which business works will appear in profile with address. Also an app is supplemented with “Contact” button for communication with representative of company by phone, through sms or email. To view analytics personal accounts can be switched into business profiles mode. Analytics includes data about coverage and number of demonstrations by all publications for the last week, a list of popular posts, sorted by different metrics and demography. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 20. Other media trends. Internet 20 Innovations in Twitter New filters and metrics in Twitter Ads Manager Twitter announced launch of two new functions: • User filters. Tool will give an opportunity of choice by different criteria: goal, status, instrument of finance, campaign name, placement and delivery. • User indicators. Give an opportunity to choose information for reports, provide addition or exclusion to/from statistics. Twitter launched new advertising format New advertising format Instant Unlock Cards initiate users to interact with brand more actively. For viewing more detailed information about good or post/video user will have to publish a tweet with defined hashtag or retweet brand’s message. First results have been showing increase of earned coverage by 34%. Also the next tolls were updated: widened statistics and Brand Hub. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 21. Other media trends. Internet 21 WhatsApp’s user will receive advert WhatsApp will hand over phone numbers of own Facebook users. Social network will use given data for sending more relevant content, advertising messages of companies and organizations to users, more effectively study main metrics about how often users use messenger's services and how to struggle with spam better. It’s planned that users will be able to communicate with those organizations, which they are directly interested in due to this innovation.
  • 22. Other media trends. ООН 22 Changes in rules of outdoor advert placement in Kiev Under program of development of outdoor advertising in capital, advertising constructions will be placed no closer than 10 meters from cross-road and surface level pedestrian crossing. Also due to project of new edition “Conception of outdoor advert placement” placement of advertising medium on pedestrian and bicycle road, avenue, on unfunded zones no less than 2m in broadwise and close than 30m to public transport stops and closer than 50m from regulated rail crossing. * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 23. Other media trends. ООН 23 Growth of Sold Out in OOH Sold out in OOH market have been showing significant growth in comparison to the last year due to redistribution of budgets from other media and organic growth of demand. Further Sold out growth is forecasted for the fall 2016 up to 99%. Changes in the rules of placement of outdoor advertising in Kiev will contribute to bigger growth of sold out of advertising mediums, making advert more qualitative and noticeable. 80% 50% 50% 55% 75% 80% 90% 90% 100% 100% 100% 96% 85% 89% 70% 80% 93% 97% 95% 95% 95% 90% 99% 99% 90% 95% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Full year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2015 2016 Source: Doors Consulting, TOP6 cities, Billboards 6х3. Jul-Dec’2016 - Forecast * If detailed information is needed, please contact us
  • 24. Other media trends. Radio 24 Radio “Holos Donbasy” started work in Marienka Broadcasting FM-transmitter on 95,7MHz frequency came into operation in August in Marienka, Donetsk region. It made a start to transmitting of programs of Donetsk regional directorate national TV company of Ukraine “Holos Donbasy”, which will work 24 hours on this territory. Also “Holos Donbasa” is available for listening in Mariupol, Volnovakha, Schastie and Avdeevka on TV channel’s “Do TeBe” site.
  • 25. Other media trends. Press 25 Changes have been waiting for “Delovaya stolitsa” Weekly newspaper “Delovaya stolitsa” changes strategy and editorial policy of issue. Changes will touch upon editorial structure of issue, which will have to strengthen journalistic expertise and improve analytical components. Ambition goal of issue is to became the main economical issue of the country. Newspaper remains business analytical mass media. Newspaper will be published on Mondays as before.
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  • 27. Changes in legislation 27 A radical reform of author’s right in the Internet have been preparing European commission have been considering changes in the reform of author’s rights. Project goal is to decrease impact on market of major operators, such as Google. Due to European officers’ opinion a big share of market, which is concentrated in one hands in search segments lead to disbalance of negotiations between content creators and search systems. Providing of “exclusive rights” on content to publishers lies in the basis of the law in draft. In the case of changes making, search systems and aggregators will have to agree with information providers conditions of its usage.
  • 28. Other media trends. Internet 28 Snapchat will tune up targeting by behavior Service isn’t behind the competitors and constantly updates a set of tools. Company plans launch of behavioral targeting to the year end. It’s announced, that targeting will be based on user behavior inside an app. Now Snapchat proposes targeting by 6 parameters: age, sex, location, device/operation system, mobile provider, content similarity. Besides, service concluded more than 10 agreements about advertising placement.
  • 29. Other media trends. Internet 29 Innovations from Pinterest An opportunity to buy advert with payment for demonstrations will appear in Pinterest In the nearest time the USA and Great Britain advertisers will be able to buy advert with payment for demonstrations. Sale will be provided on auction model basis. Advert will appear in search results, users’ feed and categories feeds. Pinterest tries to show advert to maximally possible number of users depending on sum, which advertiser is ready to pay and a specific of target audience. Pinterest launched new advertising format Pinterest announced launch of new advertising format – Promoted Video. Function is available in the USA and Great Britain for iOS and Android users. Format will be presented is feed as animated teaser, viewing of full video will be available by click. Payment model – for thousand views.
  • 30. Other media trends. Internet 30 Financial Times brought in opportunity to pay for a viewing time Financial Times is testing new purchase model: CHP – cost per hour of viewing. Among the earliest explorers of new format Microsoft, IBM, AIG and others are. First results of testing showed qualitative improvement of metrics of memorability, knowledge, positive perception and popularity. In issue consider that new metric first of all will make an accent on quality of views, not their quantity. Payment makes if viewing more than 5 seconds.
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  • 32. Ukrainian case. Digital 32 Campaign: Fury Miles, New Balance, Ukraine 2016 Problem: winter is a dead season for running. Most of runners put their sneakers back into the box and switch to the gym. Idea: New Balance created a Fury Miles to motivate people for outdoor running even when the weather is bad. Solution: New Balance as socially responsible TM in cooperation with KMRC created running app in the basis of which lies easy rule: the worth weather You are running – the furrier miles You collects. Facebook app analyzes the number of miles You run and match it with the weather conditions, taking into account temperature coefficient, snow and rain factor. Results: - Participants run more than 23,7K miles; - Social media buzz was absolutely free; - Los of people began running even in a bad weather and performed with personal running results.
  • 33. Ukrainian case. Mobile 33 Campaign: Race with nature, MTS, Ukraine 2016 Problem: low speed of mobile Internet is old problem for Ukrainians. While the world is using 5G Internet, Ukrainians just got their hands on 3G. Idea: Bring back the excitement for MTS 3G launch. Solution: MTS created a web-site where a 3G speed competes with a gravity in a spectacular race. The phone was falling from the highest monument in Europe, comparing falling speed with the speed of photo downloading in such a way. What would be faster? Web-site brought a massive digital journey, step-by-step revealing additional info. Results: - 240 000 visitors; - More than 2.2 min average time on a web-site.
  • 34. World case. Digital 34 Campaign: Sunday Grannies, Vodafone, Romania 2015 Problem: In Romania, there are over 4 million people over 75, living alone. Idea: to prove that anyone can use mobile technologies to change everyday life for the better, Vodafone picked up the challenge. Solution: In order to prove that technology can help anyone improve his life, Vodafone launched a social experiment that fights loneliness among the hundreds of thousands of old people in Romania who live in solitude. Provider put Facebook in the hands of two lonely grannies who loved to cook, but had no one to share their meals with, and brought them together with students who missed the traditional Sunday goodies. The Grannies posted the menu and students book a chair at their tables, bringing joy to their lonely home. Results: - The number of Facebook users over 65 increased with 20%; - 430,5M media impressions; - Social media adoption rate x3 among people over 65; - 4G smartphones sales got a 78,8% boost during the campaign.
  • 35. Campaign: The emotisongs, Coca Cola, Italy 2015 Problem: Young people used to communicate by smiles or hashtags. But that’s not always clear enough. Idea: Coca Cola decided to help them in a fun and simply way – with music. Solution: Brand created a new kind of songs – the emotisongs.The smallest part of a song which exactly means what you need to express. More than 300 lyrics were printed on cans. Scanning a QR-code it’s possible to share with a friend. And for those who couldn’t find a suitable message a special emotisongs live service was developed. Results: - 99% positive comments; - 1 bln of earned impression; - 80% more visits of the web-site than 2013; -321K mentions with hashtag. World case. Integrated campaign 35
  • 36. Campaign: Father’s Day - 1 Day Job, Pierre Cardin, Turkey 2015 Problem: In Turkey, 92% of university students still live only with the money their father gives them. That means, on Father’s Day, the gifts are indirectly bought by the fathers. Idea: to give students an opportunity to earn money by themselves to make present which parents can be truly proud. Solution: This year daddy’s money was not accepted in Pierre Cardin Stores. Instead, a One-Day Job offered to youngsters. After a hard working day at the stores, they bought a father’s day gift with their own effort. In this way, youngsters had a chance to experience their first job, and understand what their father’s dedicate to them. And most importantly fathers had gifts to be proud of in this Father’s Day. Also fathers obtained a special messages through a QR-code on the packages. Results: - 15 161 applications; - 9M people were reached; - Over 1M positive comments shared in social media; - Conversation rate increased by 284%. World case. Integrated campaign 36
  • 37. Interesting page 37 Medals are picked up, sportsmen returned home and companies are waiting for an instant effect in media KPI’s achieving. It’s the best time to draw conclusions and in this issue we propose a short review of the most interesting and notorious advertising campaigns of this Olympic Games season in Rio. Enjoy
  • 38. 38 P&G became already traditional sponsor with proud moms theme. It should seem a threadbare theme and it’s already known what will be talked about, but tears gushes while viewing a spot. And if You haven’t seen their sports about this theme, quicker click on video icon and view. Interesting page
  • 39. 39 Sport brand Nike applauds to persistence of the greatest world sportsmen and summarizes sport summer by own campaign Unlimited Future. Viral spot, placed in August,4 on YouTube has already collected 36,7M views. In advertising campaign were involved: USA actor Bobby Cannavale, sportsmen Neymar Junior, Serena Williams, LeBron James, Mo Farah and Zhou Qi. Interesting page
  • 40. Развлекательная страничка 40 A set of pizzeria didn’t pass over Olympic Games theme. Australian brand Vapoano proposed free pizza or a meal with pasts each time, when Australia obtains gold medal in Rio. To be in a lucky list uses had to register and became “Vapiano Fanatico”. Promo have been active during an Olympic Games and merged national pride. User could obtain free meal only for gold medal and only in day of win. In total, Australia have got 8 medals and completed TOP-10 players. Interesting page
  • 41. See You in the next issue! 41
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