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This publication has been produced by four frontrunners from the field of crowdfunding in
Europe: Daniela Castrataro, Fabien Risterucci, Gijsbert Koren and Karsten Wenzlaff.
This publication was made possible by Epirot Ludvik Nekaj (organizer Crowdsourcing
Week), Wolfgang Gumpelmaier (Gumpelmedia/ikosom), Nina Passerelli (student) and all
crowdfunding platforms that contributed by sharing their visions.
This publication is a follow-up for two European conferences on Crowdfunding:
Crowdfunding Day (Amsterdam, April 15th 2013) and The Future of Crowdfunding (Berlin,
April 17th 2013)
The views expressed in this publication are those of their respective authors and do not
necessarily reflect the position of the producers of this publication.
Creative Commons
This publication is released under the following license: CC BY NC SA 3.0. AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
About the publishers

Daniela Castrataro
Daniela is co-founder and
director of twintangibles,
a Scottish-Italian research
and advisory firm that helps
organisations create value
from the application of
social technologies. She
is co-founder of the Italian
Crowdfunding Network.
twintangibles, together with
nois3lab, are the founders
of crowdfuture – The Future
of Crowdfunding, the first
crowdfunding conference in

Fabien Risterucci
As a consultant (FR
Prospektiv) Fabien facilitates
the international business
development of innovative

business concepts in highgrowth areas. He has been
conducting research on
crowdfunding for the last
three years, co-launched
the discussion group
Crowdfunding for Europe
and has been an active
member of the French
crowdfunding professional
association, Financement
Participatif France.
Passionate about disruptive
innovation, entrepreneurship
and development finance,
Fabien has a background
in economic development,
investment attraction and
international business
development in Europe
and Asia. He was trained
in Political Sciences,
Business Administration,
Competitive Intelligence,
and in Microfinance. Fabien
is based in Paris and is
frequently in Germany.

Gijsbert Koren
Gijsbert is a creative
entrepreneur and
crowdfunding addict. He
found out the hard way that
funding from a bank or one

investor could be hard to
attain, even if (potential)
users were interested.
Hacking the system, by
getting money directly
from consumers to fund a
product, seemed to be an
interesting alternative.
Gijsbert is managing
partner at Douw&Koren
Crowdfunding Consultancy
and advises companies,
governments and other
organizations on using

Karsten Wenzlaff
Karsten is one of the
co-founders of ikosom –
Institut für Kommunikation
in sozialen Medien, a
private research-center
based in Berlin. He has
conducted research
on crowdfunding since
2011 – having published
the first crowdfunding
survey in Germany. He is
also co-author of the first
Crowdsourcing Report in
Germany. He has a BA in
Philosophy & Economics
and a MPhil (cantab) from
the University of Cambridge.
Crowdfunding is a source
of finance for projects
and businesses, with the
specific characteristic
that the capital is raised
by the crowd: a group of
individuals donate or invest
relatively small amounts of
money. The main types of
crowdfunding are: donation
based, reward based (presales/non-financial return),
loan based and equity
based. Besides capital,
crowdfunding also results in
gaining more visibility for a
project or company, as well
as generating involvement
and support from a large
group of people.

investors and government
officials with visions
regarding the impact of
crowdfunding in Europe.

Crowdfunding is changing
the way we think about
finance. But what will the
future of crowdfunding look
like? With this publication,
we share our views and
the ones of European
crowdfunding platforms on
the future of crowdfunding.

November 2013

Crowdfunding has been
used as well to finance
this publication. We would
like to thank all early
supporters who believed in
the importance of sharing
visions on the future of
crowdfunding in Europe.
The main goals of this
publication are:
1. Sharing visions
It provides researchers,
politicians, entrepreneurs,

2. Initiating discussions
It helps to initiate a
discussion about future
trends and developments
in crowdfunding and
With this publication, we
hope to contribute to the
further development and
growth of crowdfunding in
- Daniela, Fabien, Gijsbert
and Karsten
of the publishers
Civic Crowdfunding
During the last few years,
crowdfunding has become a
far wider and more complex
phenomenon, having
developed into many trends
and models. In my opinion,
one of the most interesting
ones is civic crowdfunding.
Civic crowdfunding seems
to be a solution to the
lack of funds in local
governments, much like
crowdfunding in a wider
sense presents itself as a
solution to the lack of capital
on the market.
Whereas crowdfunding in a
general sense is based on a
potentially global audience,
local crowdfunding looks for
funds in a geographically
small area, which implies a
small community in terms
of numbers. In fact, local
communities seem to be
a suitable environment in
which civic crowdfunding
can flourish, as this aims at
financing local works and
projects. Therefore, we are
talking about relationship
capital here, rather than
social capital, i.e. few but
strong relations that form
tightly bound communities,
rather than large networks
with weak ties between
The development of a strong
bond between citizens
and their territory, the
citizens’ active involvement
in discussing and giving

their feedback, their
willingness to cooperate
directly or indirectly with
the local administration
on choices aimed at the
local community would
find in civic crowdfunding
a perfect tool. The process
would both address the
scarcity of capital in local
administrations and bring
citizens closer to institutions,
thus increasing people’s
respect for public assets
and implementing a model
of active citizenship and
collective and sustainable
The key point seems to
be both to facilitate digital
cooperation and to build
offline relationships. In
fact, the real power of the
crowd does not lie with
people randomly connecting
on the web. The future of
this technology seems to
be pointing towards local
online environments that
promote strong interactions
both online and offline. As
I see it, this is the future of
crowdfunding, and civic
crowdfunding is the future.
- Daniela Castrataro
Crowdfunding regulation at European level
The sums collected by
Europe-based internet
crowdfunding platforms
register an exponential
progression. This could
be of quite a different
importance, and especially
have a greater economic
impact, if platforms
benefited from a European
regulatory framework
adapted to the nature
and potential risks which
engenders their activity.

status of Crowdfunding
Service Provider (“conseiller
en investissement
participatif”). But for now,
the laws are very different
from one country to another.
This could represent
an impediment to the
development of internet
platforms in the short to
medium-term as by the
nature of their business,
they cannot know national
boundaries of their market.

So, after months of
exchanges and raising
awareness in small
committees on the
benefits offered by
crowdfunding, proposing
a special European level
status of Crowdfunding
Service Provider, this
synchronization between
administrations denotes
a real commitment of the
authorities towards concrete
action on the subject.

So far the lead action has
been situated at the national
level. The key players of
the European crowdfunding
sector already compelled
themselves to greater
transparency by creating
national professional
associations and by
working on their respective
self-imposed Code of
Conduct, which are codes
of best practice committing
platforms to provide services
with full transparency, safety,
assistance, ethics, and
respecting the laws and

An initiative at European
level is also under way
with the European
Crowdfunding Network and
the determination of the
crowdfunding sector that
rallies in Europe.

Having spent a few years
analyzing microfinance and
crowdfunding (also called
collaborative funding) and
what I call “community
funding”, it is fascinating to
measure how much it allows
to aggregate entrepreneurs,
creators, the financial
sector, governments,
local governments,
economic development
stakeholders and above all
us all European citizens and
citizens of the world whom
we are.

Several national
governments, such as the
United Kingdom, Italy and
Austria have been dealing
with the regulation of
crowdfunding. Portugal has
seen some interesting local
initiatives recently as well.
France is about to facilitate
the multiple forms of
crowdfunding and discusses
the creation of a special

Moreover, the different
workshops organized
by the EESC, the SME
Assembly, DG Connect,
and DG Internal Market and
Services of the European
Commission in the
presence of Commissioner
Michel Barnier to review
the opportunities and
risk reduction related to
crowdfunding, confirm the
direction taken towards
a likely forward evolution
of the European texts.
To remedy disparate
national level legislation,
the European Commission
has taken over the case
and has launched a public
consultation so a project can
start to be developed from
next year.

Nobody knows today what
will happen to crowdfunding
in the next couple of years.
What is certain is that it will
become a real alternative for
start-up and seed capital.
I hope that the dynamism
and creativity of European
entrepreneurs will be
enhanced by a new
regulatory framework at
the European level. At
the same time bold, this
framework should be
non-discriminatory, fully
complementary with other
sources of funding and
ensure the professionalism
of this emerging industry.
Allowing the multiple forms
of crowdfunding platforms
to operate freely across
boundaries would be for
the European Union the
sign of a will to continue
the deepening of the Single
- Fabien Risterucci
Growing Crowdfunding
Innovation and the start
and growth of new projects
and companies are an
important engine of our
economy. It is therefore
of great importance to
provide these projects and
companies with access to
capital. Crowdfunding can
contribute in providing better
The crowdfunding market
is growing fast
In Europe, there are a
few hundred operational
crowdfunding platforms,
making it possible for
projects and companies
to (added all together)
raise hundreds of millions
of euros in 2012. The
market is expected to
keep on growing very fast.
Crowdfunding will grow into
an important alternative to
other sources of finance for
projects and companies.
However big the potential
impact, I think there are
some obstacles that have
to be addressed in order to
realise this potential.
1. Many people, projects
and companies are not
familiar with crowdfunding
Although crowdfunding
could be an alternative
source of finance, many
people are still ignorant
about the existence and high
potential of crowdfunding.
Besides that, not all

government bodies and
authorities fully acknowledge
crowdfunding for being a
relevant source of finance.
Moreover, knowledge about
how to make best use of
crowdfunding is still not
widely spread, resulting
in people, projects and
companies not considering
or using crowdfunding yet.
Via directed communication,
more awareness can be
raised for crowdfunding.
Communication can be
specifically targeted at high
potential funders, projects
and companies. To integrate
crowdfunding into financial
planning, business advisors,
bankers and accountants
can also be important
2. A roadmap for
legislation and
With growth, comes
In several countries,
crowdfunding platforms
are formulating a Code
of Conduct to create a
common set of quality
standards. Next to selfregulation, legislation is
of importance to protect
investors and companies. In
relation to crowdfunding, it
is often unclear for platform
owners, funders, projects
and companies which
legislation applies and what
that effectively means at
an operational level. An
on-going dialogue between

crowdfunding platforms, the
government and financial
authorities is essential
to overcome barriers in
legislation and react in a
timely manner on undesired
3. Financing the growth of
A high growth potential
puts pressure on cash flow.
Crowdfunding platforms are
(besides a few exceptions)
relatively small companies.
This results in the challenge
of finding enough capital
to finance growth. It is
important to support
crowdfunding platforms in
realising growth to reach
a scale at which they can
contribute substantially
to providing access to
capital for projects, starting
companies and SME’s. Both
governments and venture
capital funds could prove
to be an essential partner
for financing the growth of
- Gijsbert Koren
Crowdfunding Data
Crowdfunding on the
internet is a fairly new
phenomenon. Although
established as a cultural
practice for centuries, digital
crowdfunding which we
have seen emerge in Europe
and in the US has brought
new models, fascinating
projects and new standards.
Along with these
developments, a wide range
of institutions have tried to
quantify this market – and
thus set standards for its
analysis. The differentiation
of equity-based, rewardbased, lending-based and
donation-based platforms,
as blurry as it is, came with
the desire to cluster the
platforms and make them
The next step for the
industry will be to have
reliable data about the
market. I predict that we
will have institutions which
provide market data,
platform comparisons,
success statistics and
comparisons between
platforms. Right now,
with some 500+ platforms
worldwide, such an overview
for investors, donors and
project-owners is absolutely
necessary to simplify the
access to crowdfunding. It
will also give institutional
investors a way to use
crowdfunding as an asset
class, alongside traditional
forms of investments like

corporate bonds, equity
and government debt. It
will also allow the media
to distinguish trends from
hypes and make evaluations
based on real market-data.
At we will
provide a lot of data for the
European market and make
it accessible for a wide
range of audiences. This
will be done in a constant
dialogue with the platforms
and other stakeholders.
- Karsten Wenzlaff
of European crowdfunding
platforms and service

Crowdfunding is about citizen banking.
- Arnaud Poissonnier, President at Babyloan

Babyloan is a French social micro-lending platform

As more platforms become regulated, more investors
will see equity crowdfunding as a trusted, mainstream
avenue to grow their capital.
- Alysia Wanczyk, Marketing Director at Seedrs

Seedrs is an English equity based crowdfunding platform

Crowdfunding is going to be a new and attractive
financing model in Europe and a serious alternative for
the financing of startups.
- Dana Melanie Schramm, Corporate
Communications at Seedmatch

Seedmatch is a German equity based crowdfunding

In our information oriented world donors find it
increasingly important to know how their donations are
used. Donors prefer to give to projects where they feel
to be part of a bigger goal. Crowdfunding supports
these trends by clearly defined projects and goals with
the possibility to empower a large group of supporters.
Crowdfunding also brings the fun in fundraising by the
rewards an organization gives supporters back for their
Non-profit organizations now start to include
crowdfunding as an integrated part of their “online friend
and fundraising” strategy. In this strategy successful
non-profits will engage supporters and facilitate them
to contribute to the goals of the organization in the way
each individual supporter prefers.
- Jasper van Bladel, Director at Mobillion

Mobillion creates crowdfunding software

A new way to see ideas come to reality. For the US and
European countries, crowdfunding is a real opportunity
to overcome the crisis.
- Fabio Simonelli, Project Manager at Eppela

Eppela is an Italian reward based crowdfunding platform

We are just at the very begining in Europe. More and
more internet users become aware of what crowdfunding
is and how it works. Europe does not have much million
EUR projects at this stage, but that number will grow
quite soon. Politicians will begin to understand that
they should promote crowdfunding, and Europe will
have its own crowdfunding act. With the act in place,
it will be possible to fund even bigger projects through
- Arnaud Burgot, CFO at Ulule

Ulule is a reward based crowdfunding platform for all
European countries

Crowdfunding is a tool for society to allocate financial
resources to the projects and ideas they believe in. It
enables the society to shape the society without usage of
intermediates like the state or banks.
- Christin Friedrich, Director at Innovestment

Innovestment is a German equity based crowdfunding

Pan-European equity based crowdfunding for investors
of all backgrounds will be the future of crowdfunding,
with no limits to funding amount.
- Philipp Steinberger, CEO at c-crowd

c-crowd is a Swiss equity based crowdfunding platform

This is only the start of crowdfunding. More is to
come, particularly in the field of governance and public
infrastructure as well as at the level of local decisionmaking.
- Gregory Vincent, founder at Sponsume

Sponsume is a reward based crowdfunding platform
from the UK

Facebook “likes” and crowdfunding donations are both
PR tools. However, people will be more attached through
- Konrad Lauten, CEO at Inkubato

Inkubato is an Austrian/German reward based
crowdfunding platform

The global crowdfunding market will be 1000 billion
euros by 2020.
- Thierry Merquiol, CEO at WiSEED

WiSEED is an French equity based crowdfunding

Equity based crowdfunding will grow strongly in the
coming years, given the high level of start-ups seeking
between € 100,000 and € 1 million.
However, the high risk nature of the proposed
transactions may result in the closure of many
platforms that will not have enough good projects
selected upstream. Indeed, if investors want to live an
entrepreneurial adventure, they also want to earn money.
Reward based crowdfunding will also grow strongly,
particularly for projects before creation (to test new
- Anne Saint Léger, CEO at Finance Utile

Finance Utile is a French equity based crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is and will be an essential tool to raise
money for every kind of activity, matching entrepreneurial
and social principles, practices and visions.
- Claudio Calveri, Senior Content Manager at DeRev

DeRev is an Italian donation and reward based
crowdfunding platform

We believe that crowdfunding is a great tool that
can be applied to many different sectors. Platforms
promoting itself as non-specialised, will naturally become
specialised in the end, as communities will stick and give
colour to a platform.
- Alexandre Laing and Stéphane Vromman, founders
at Bulb in Town

Bulb in Town is a French crowdfunding platform for local

Using mobile platforms and cyber currencies will be a
next step for crowdfunding.
- Angelo Rindone, founder at Produzioni dal Basso

Produzioni dal Basso is an Italian donation based
crowdfunding platform

The future of equity-based crowdfunding will be
dominated by local investing platforms. Here’s why:
some people are interested in investing in specific
sectors (e.g. clean energy), whereas others want to
support specific individuals (e.g. African entrepreneurs,
female-led startups). However, everyone wants to
support their local economy. As such, we believe ‘local’
is going to be the major force that will drive equity-based
crowdfunding into the mainstream.
- Kristian de Groot, founder at Investeer Lokaal

Investeer Lokaal is a Dutch equity based crowdfunding

Crowdfunding will bring news ways for Europeans to
exchange, relate, and exercise a collective force that
will reinforce European identity. In the field of energy,
crowdfunding will be a change maker that will empower
citizens and reveal the relevancy of regional solidarity. I
strongly believe that community-based financing is an
effective tool for European citizens to join forces for the
transition towards renewable energies.
- Alex Raguet, Cofounder and President at Lumo

Lumo is a French crowdfunding platform for renewable
energy projects

Crowdfunding is just part of the deeper peer-to-peer
revolution, that will empower citizens and give them back
control on their everyday life!
- Fabrice Carrega, CEO at Arizuka

Arizuka is a French reward-based platform

Crowdfunding will make sure that every European citizen
will get a chance to become part of The Next Big Thing,
while more ideas and companies are put to the market.
- Daniel Daboczy, CEO at FundedByMe

FundedByMe is a European equity based crowdfunding

Reward based crowdfunding will be a democratization
of people’s chances, to support artists and startups they
belive in. No more curation by so-called experts - the
‘crowd’ decides with their money and entrepreneurs
have a new source of funding.
- Michael Eis, Founder at Booomerang

Booomerang is a Danish crowdfunding platform

In a few years, crowdfunding will be an established and
well-known financing tool for the film-industry worldwide.
But more importantly, it will be also embedded in the
overall communication strategies, as it supports the
filmmakers, the producers, the cast to be in touch with
their audience and get direct feedback in all “stages”
of the production and distribution process. This direct
link to the people will be crucial, not only in terms of
financing, but also marketing a movie. Hopefully there
will also be specialized film-crowdfunding platforms that
address all groups, filmmakers and moviegoers, and
will represent all their needs within one platform, from
communicating the idea of a film, financing of that idea
and then distributing the finished movie.
- Wolfgang Gumpelmaier, CEO at Gumpelmedia

Gumpelmedia has expertise on crowdfunding for the film

Real money for realy projects.
- Reinhard Willfort, founder at 1000x1000

1000x1000 is an Austrian crowdfunding platform

Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are transitioning us
into a more open, connected, and socially productive
society. At Crowdsourcing Week, our big, ambitious
goal is to get everyone thinking about collaborating with
their stakeholders to create shared value. Companies,
government and social enterprises can now interact with
their communities on a completely new level - through
more than just social media interactions. Imagine social
media turning into purpose-driven social productivity
- crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are driving this
- Epirot Ludvik Nekaj, founder at Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing Week organizes crowdsourcing events
around the world

Crowdfunding unleashes creativity.
- Vincent Ricordeau, co-founder and President at

KissKissBankBank is a French crowdfunding platform
Visions on the future of Crowdfunding in Europe

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Visions on the future of Crowdfunding in Europe

  • 1.
  • 2. This publication has been produced by four frontrunners from the field of crowdfunding in Europe: Daniela Castrataro, Fabien Risterucci, Gijsbert Koren and Karsten Wenzlaff. This publication was made possible by Epirot Ludvik Nekaj (organizer Crowdsourcing Week), Wolfgang Gumpelmaier (Gumpelmedia/ikosom), Nina Passerelli (student) and all crowdfunding platforms that contributed by sharing their visions. This publication is a follow-up for two European conferences on Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding Day (Amsterdam, April 15th 2013) and The Future of Crowdfunding (Berlin, April 17th 2013) The views expressed in this publication are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the producers of this publication. Creative Commons This publication is released under the following license: CC BY NC SA 3.0. AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  • 3. About the publishers Daniela Castrataro Daniela is co-founder and director of twintangibles, a Scottish-Italian research and advisory firm that helps organisations create value from the application of social technologies. She is co-founder of the Italian Crowdfunding Network. twintangibles, together with nois3lab, are the founders of crowdfuture – The Future of Crowdfunding, the first crowdfunding conference in Italy. Fabien Risterucci As a consultant (FR Prospektiv) Fabien facilitates the international business development of innovative business concepts in highgrowth areas. He has been conducting research on crowdfunding for the last three years, co-launched the discussion group Crowdfunding for Europe and has been an active member of the French crowdfunding professional association, Financement Participatif France. Passionate about disruptive innovation, entrepreneurship and development finance, Fabien has a background in economic development, investment attraction and international business development in Europe and Asia. He was trained in Political Sciences, Business Administration, Competitive Intelligence, and in Microfinance. Fabien is based in Paris and is frequently in Germany. Gijsbert Koren Gijsbert is a creative entrepreneur and crowdfunding addict. He found out the hard way that funding from a bank or one investor could be hard to attain, even if (potential) users were interested. Hacking the system, by getting money directly from consumers to fund a product, seemed to be an interesting alternative. Gijsbert is managing partner at Douw&Koren Crowdfunding Consultancy and advises companies, governments and other organizations on using crowdfunding. Karsten Wenzlaff Karsten is one of the co-founders of ikosom – Institut für Kommunikation in sozialen Medien, a private research-center based in Berlin. He has conducted research on crowdfunding since 2011 – having published the first crowdfunding survey in Germany. He is also co-author of the first Crowdsourcing Report in Germany. He has a BA in Philosophy & Economics and a MPhil (cantab) from the University of Cambridge.
  • 4. Introduction Crowdfunding is a source of finance for projects and businesses, with the specific characteristic that the capital is raised by the crowd: a group of individuals donate or invest relatively small amounts of money. The main types of crowdfunding are: donation based, reward based (presales/non-financial return), loan based and equity based. Besides capital, crowdfunding also results in gaining more visibility for a project or company, as well as generating involvement and support from a large group of people. investors and government officials with visions regarding the impact of crowdfunding in Europe. Crowdfunding is changing the way we think about finance. But what will the future of crowdfunding look like? With this publication, we share our views and the ones of European crowdfunding platforms on the future of crowdfunding. November 2013 Crowdfunding has been used as well to finance this publication. We would like to thank all early supporters who believed in the importance of sharing visions on the future of crowdfunding in Europe. The main goals of this publication are: 1. Sharing visions It provides researchers, politicians, entrepreneurs, 2. Initiating discussions It helps to initiate a discussion about future trends and developments in crowdfunding and crowdinvesting. With this publication, we hope to contribute to the further development and growth of crowdfunding in Europe. - Daniela, Fabien, Gijsbert and Karsten
  • 6. Civic Crowdfunding During the last few years, crowdfunding has become a far wider and more complex phenomenon, having developed into many trends and models. In my opinion, one of the most interesting ones is civic crowdfunding. Civic crowdfunding seems to be a solution to the lack of funds in local governments, much like crowdfunding in a wider sense presents itself as a solution to the lack of capital on the market. Whereas crowdfunding in a general sense is based on a potentially global audience, local crowdfunding looks for funds in a geographically small area, which implies a small community in terms of numbers. In fact, local communities seem to be a suitable environment in which civic crowdfunding can flourish, as this aims at financing local works and projects. Therefore, we are talking about relationship capital here, rather than social capital, i.e. few but strong relations that form tightly bound communities, rather than large networks with weak ties between them. The development of a strong bond between citizens and their territory, the citizens’ active involvement in discussing and giving their feedback, their willingness to cooperate directly or indirectly with the local administration on choices aimed at the local community would find in civic crowdfunding a perfect tool. The process would both address the scarcity of capital in local administrations and bring citizens closer to institutions, thus increasing people’s respect for public assets and implementing a model of active citizenship and collective and sustainable innovation. The key point seems to be both to facilitate digital cooperation and to build offline relationships. In fact, the real power of the crowd does not lie with people randomly connecting on the web. The future of this technology seems to be pointing towards local online environments that promote strong interactions both online and offline. As I see it, this is the future of crowdfunding, and civic crowdfunding is the future. - Daniela Castrataro
  • 7. Crowdfunding regulation at European level The sums collected by Europe-based internet crowdfunding platforms register an exponential progression. This could be of quite a different importance, and especially have a greater economic impact, if platforms benefited from a European regulatory framework adapted to the nature and potential risks which engenders their activity. status of Crowdfunding Service Provider (“conseiller en investissement participatif”). But for now, the laws are very different from one country to another. This could represent an impediment to the development of internet platforms in the short to medium-term as by the nature of their business, they cannot know national boundaries of their market. So, after months of exchanges and raising awareness in small committees on the benefits offered by crowdfunding, proposing a special European level status of Crowdfunding Service Provider, this synchronization between administrations denotes a real commitment of the authorities towards concrete action on the subject. So far the lead action has been situated at the national level. The key players of the European crowdfunding sector already compelled themselves to greater transparency by creating national professional associations and by working on their respective self-imposed Code of Conduct, which are codes of best practice committing platforms to provide services with full transparency, safety, assistance, ethics, and respecting the laws and regulations. An initiative at European level is also under way with the European Crowdfunding Network and the determination of the crowdfunding sector that rallies in Europe. Having spent a few years analyzing microfinance and crowdfunding (also called collaborative funding) and what I call “community funding”, it is fascinating to measure how much it allows to aggregate entrepreneurs, creators, the financial sector, governments, local governments, economic development stakeholders and above all us all European citizens and citizens of the world whom we are. Several national governments, such as the United Kingdom, Italy and Austria have been dealing with the regulation of crowdfunding. Portugal has seen some interesting local initiatives recently as well. France is about to facilitate the multiple forms of crowdfunding and discusses the creation of a special Moreover, the different workshops organized by the EESC, the SME Assembly, DG Connect, and DG Internal Market and Services of the European Commission in the presence of Commissioner Michel Barnier to review the opportunities and risk reduction related to crowdfunding, confirm the direction taken towards a likely forward evolution of the European texts. To remedy disparate national level legislation, the European Commission has taken over the case and has launched a public consultation so a project can start to be developed from next year. Nobody knows today what will happen to crowdfunding in the next couple of years. What is certain is that it will become a real alternative for start-up and seed capital. I hope that the dynamism and creativity of European entrepreneurs will be enhanced by a new regulatory framework at the European level. At the same time bold, this
  • 8. framework should be non-discriminatory, fully complementary with other sources of funding and ensure the professionalism of this emerging industry. Allowing the multiple forms of crowdfunding platforms to operate freely across boundaries would be for the European Union the sign of a will to continue the deepening of the Single Market. - Fabien Risterucci
  • 9. Growing Crowdfunding Innovation and the start and growth of new projects and companies are an important engine of our economy. It is therefore of great importance to provide these projects and companies with access to capital. Crowdfunding can contribute in providing better access. The crowdfunding market is growing fast In Europe, there are a few hundred operational crowdfunding platforms, making it possible for projects and companies to (added all together) raise hundreds of millions of euros in 2012. The market is expected to keep on growing very fast. Crowdfunding will grow into an important alternative to other sources of finance for projects and companies. However big the potential impact, I think there are some obstacles that have to be addressed in order to realise this potential. 1. Many people, projects and companies are not familiar with crowdfunding yet Although crowdfunding could be an alternative source of finance, many people are still ignorant about the existence and high potential of crowdfunding. Besides that, not all government bodies and authorities fully acknowledge crowdfunding for being a relevant source of finance. Moreover, knowledge about how to make best use of crowdfunding is still not widely spread, resulting in people, projects and companies not considering or using crowdfunding yet. Via directed communication, more awareness can be raised for crowdfunding. Communication can be specifically targeted at high potential funders, projects and companies. To integrate crowdfunding into financial planning, business advisors, bankers and accountants can also be important partners. 2. A roadmap for legislation and professionalization With growth, comes professionalization. In several countries, crowdfunding platforms are formulating a Code of Conduct to create a common set of quality standards. Next to selfregulation, legislation is of importance to protect investors and companies. In relation to crowdfunding, it is often unclear for platform owners, funders, projects and companies which legislation applies and what that effectively means at an operational level. An on-going dialogue between crowdfunding platforms, the government and financial authorities is essential to overcome barriers in legislation and react in a timely manner on undesired developments. 3. Financing the growth of platforms A high growth potential puts pressure on cash flow. Crowdfunding platforms are (besides a few exceptions) relatively small companies. This results in the challenge of finding enough capital to finance growth. It is important to support crowdfunding platforms in realising growth to reach a scale at which they can contribute substantially to providing access to capital for projects, starting companies and SME’s. Both governments and venture capital funds could prove to be an essential partner for financing the growth of crowdfunding. - Gijsbert Koren
  • 10. Crowdfunding Data Crowdfunding on the internet is a fairly new phenomenon. Although established as a cultural practice for centuries, digital crowdfunding which we have seen emerge in Europe and in the US has brought new models, fascinating projects and new standards. Along with these developments, a wide range of institutions have tried to quantify this market – and thus set standards for its analysis. The differentiation of equity-based, rewardbased, lending-based and donation-based platforms, as blurry as it is, came with the desire to cluster the platforms and make them comparable. The next step for the industry will be to have reliable data about the market. I predict that we will have institutions which provide market data, platform comparisons, success statistics and comparisons between platforms. Right now, with some 500+ platforms worldwide, such an overview for investors, donors and project-owners is absolutely necessary to simplify the access to crowdfunding. It will also give institutional investors a way to use crowdfunding as an asset class, alongside traditional forms of investments like corporate bonds, equity and government debt. It will also allow the media to distinguish trends from hypes and make evaluations based on real market-data. At we will provide a lot of data for the European market and make it accessible for a wide range of audiences. This will be done in a constant dialogue with the platforms and other stakeholders. - Karsten Wenzlaff
  • 12. “ Crowdfunding is about citizen banking. - Arnaud Poissonnier, President at Babyloan Babyloan is a French social micro-lending platform
  • 13. “ As more platforms become regulated, more investors will see equity crowdfunding as a trusted, mainstream avenue to grow their capital. - Alysia Wanczyk, Marketing Director at Seedrs Seedrs is an English equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 14. “ Crowdfunding is going to be a new and attractive financing model in Europe and a serious alternative for the financing of startups. - Dana Melanie Schramm, Corporate Communications at Seedmatch Seedmatch is a German equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 15. “ In our information oriented world donors find it increasingly important to know how their donations are used. Donors prefer to give to projects where they feel to be part of a bigger goal. Crowdfunding supports these trends by clearly defined projects and goals with the possibility to empower a large group of supporters. Crowdfunding also brings the fun in fundraising by the rewards an organization gives supporters back for their donations. Non-profit organizations now start to include crowdfunding as an integrated part of their “online friend and fundraising” strategy. In this strategy successful non-profits will engage supporters and facilitate them to contribute to the goals of the organization in the way each individual supporter prefers. - Jasper van Bladel, Director at Mobillion Mobillion creates crowdfunding software
  • 16. “ A new way to see ideas come to reality. For the US and European countries, crowdfunding is a real opportunity to overcome the crisis. - Fabio Simonelli, Project Manager at Eppela Eppela is an Italian reward based crowdfunding platform
  • 17. “ We are just at the very begining in Europe. More and more internet users become aware of what crowdfunding is and how it works. Europe does not have much million EUR projects at this stage, but that number will grow quite soon. Politicians will begin to understand that they should promote crowdfunding, and Europe will have its own crowdfunding act. With the act in place, it will be possible to fund even bigger projects through crowdfunding. - Arnaud Burgot, CFO at Ulule Ulule is a reward based crowdfunding platform for all European countries
  • 18. “ Crowdfunding is a tool for society to allocate financial resources to the projects and ideas they believe in. It enables the society to shape the society without usage of intermediates like the state or banks. - Christin Friedrich, Director at Innovestment Innovestment is a German equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 19. “ Pan-European equity based crowdfunding for investors of all backgrounds will be the future of crowdfunding, with no limits to funding amount. - Philipp Steinberger, CEO at c-crowd c-crowd is a Swiss equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 20. “ This is only the start of crowdfunding. More is to come, particularly in the field of governance and public infrastructure as well as at the level of local decisionmaking. - Gregory Vincent, founder at Sponsume Sponsume is a reward based crowdfunding platform from the UK
  • 21. “ Facebook “likes” and crowdfunding donations are both PR tools. However, people will be more attached through funding. - Konrad Lauten, CEO at Inkubato Inkubato is an Austrian/German reward based crowdfunding platform
  • 22. “ The global crowdfunding market will be 1000 billion euros by 2020. - Thierry Merquiol, CEO at WiSEED WiSEED is an French equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 23. “ Equity based crowdfunding will grow strongly in the coming years, given the high level of start-ups seeking between € 100,000 and € 1 million. However, the high risk nature of the proposed transactions may result in the closure of many platforms that will not have enough good projects selected upstream. Indeed, if investors want to live an entrepreneurial adventure, they also want to earn money. Reward based crowdfunding will also grow strongly, particularly for projects before creation (to test new business). - Anne Saint Léger, CEO at Finance Utile Finance Utile is a French equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 24. “ Crowdfunding is and will be an essential tool to raise money for every kind of activity, matching entrepreneurial and social principles, practices and visions. - Claudio Calveri, Senior Content Manager at DeRev DeRev is an Italian donation and reward based crowdfunding platform
  • 25. “ We believe that crowdfunding is a great tool that can be applied to many different sectors. Platforms promoting itself as non-specialised, will naturally become specialised in the end, as communities will stick and give colour to a platform. - Alexandre Laing and Stéphane Vromman, founders at Bulb in Town Bulb in Town is a French crowdfunding platform for local initiatives
  • 26. “ Using mobile platforms and cyber currencies will be a next step for crowdfunding. - Angelo Rindone, founder at Produzioni dal Basso Produzioni dal Basso is an Italian donation based crowdfunding platform
  • 27. “ The future of equity-based crowdfunding will be dominated by local investing platforms. Here’s why: some people are interested in investing in specific sectors (e.g. clean energy), whereas others want to support specific individuals (e.g. African entrepreneurs, female-led startups). However, everyone wants to support their local economy. As such, we believe ‘local’ is going to be the major force that will drive equity-based crowdfunding into the mainstream. - Kristian de Groot, founder at Investeer Lokaal Investeer Lokaal is a Dutch equity based crowdfunding service
  • 28. “ Crowdfunding will bring news ways for Europeans to exchange, relate, and exercise a collective force that will reinforce European identity. In the field of energy, crowdfunding will be a change maker that will empower citizens and reveal the relevancy of regional solidarity. I strongly believe that community-based financing is an effective tool for European citizens to join forces for the transition towards renewable energies. - Alex Raguet, Cofounder and President at Lumo Lumo is a French crowdfunding platform for renewable energy projects
  • 29. “ Crowdfunding is just part of the deeper peer-to-peer revolution, that will empower citizens and give them back control on their everyday life! - Fabrice Carrega, CEO at Arizuka Arizuka is a French reward-based platform
  • 30. “ Crowdfunding will make sure that every European citizen will get a chance to become part of The Next Big Thing, while more ideas and companies are put to the market. - Daniel Daboczy, CEO at FundedByMe FundedByMe is a European equity based crowdfunding platform
  • 31. “ Reward based crowdfunding will be a democratization of people’s chances, to support artists and startups they belive in. No more curation by so-called experts - the ‘crowd’ decides with their money and entrepreneurs have a new source of funding. - Michael Eis, Founder at Booomerang Booomerang is a Danish crowdfunding platform
  • 32. “ In a few years, crowdfunding will be an established and well-known financing tool for the film-industry worldwide. But more importantly, it will be also embedded in the overall communication strategies, as it supports the filmmakers, the producers, the cast to be in touch with their audience and get direct feedback in all “stages” of the production and distribution process. This direct link to the people will be crucial, not only in terms of financing, but also marketing a movie. Hopefully there will also be specialized film-crowdfunding platforms that address all groups, filmmakers and moviegoers, and will represent all their needs within one platform, from communicating the idea of a film, financing of that idea and then distributing the finished movie. - Wolfgang Gumpelmaier, CEO at Gumpelmedia Gumpelmedia has expertise on crowdfunding for the film industry
  • 33. “ Real money for realy projects. - Reinhard Willfort, founder at 1000x1000 1000x1000 is an Austrian crowdfunding platform
  • 34. “ Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are transitioning us into a more open, connected, and socially productive society. At Crowdsourcing Week, our big, ambitious goal is to get everyone thinking about collaborating with their stakeholders to create shared value. Companies, government and social enterprises can now interact with their communities on a completely new level - through more than just social media interactions. Imagine social media turning into purpose-driven social productivity - crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are driving this revolution. - Epirot Ludvik Nekaj, founder at Crowdsourcing Week Crowdsourcing Week organizes crowdsourcing events around the world
  • 35. “ Crowdfunding unleashes creativity. - Vincent Ricordeau, co-founder and President at KissKissBankBank KissKissBankBank is a French crowdfunding platform