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 Vision is such an integral part of neural function that even simple tasks,
such as standing and walking, are not easy with the eyes closed.
 Two eyes are necessary for wider peripheral vision and depth perception.
 Animals have wider peripheral vision than humans because the visual fields
of each eye do not completely overlap.
 In the dog, there is about 50% overlap of the visual fields so that both eyes
perceive the middle half of the field of vision.
 This area of visual overlap provides binocular vision for judgment of
 The field of vision outside the binocular zone is the monocular zone.
 Binocular vision varies greatly in different animals,reflecting the position
of the eyes in the front of the head.
 To maintain clear binocular vision, both eyes move as a unit.
 The eye is equiped with a pupil that adjusts aperture diameter and a lens
that focuses light on the retina, where photoreceptor cells receive images.
 However, the retina is not just converting the image into nerve impulses, it
also facilitates feature analysis of the captured image.
 Feature analysis and visual information processing take place
progressively as visual signals are passed to the thalamus, rostral colliculus
of the midbrain, and visual cortex.
Anatomy of the eye
 The wall of the eye consists of three concentric layers.
 These layers, proceeding from the outer surface of the eye inward, are the
fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, and neuroepithelial (or inner) tunic.
 The fibrous tunic consists of the white outer protective layer encasing most
of the eyeball called the sclera which is modified anteriorly to form the
transparent, stratified squamous epithelial layer called the cornea, through
which light rays enter the eye.
 It provides mechanical support and protection of the eye.
 The vascular tunic consists of three major structures: the iris, ciliary body
anteriorly, and choroid posteriorly collectively known as the uvea.
 These structures are highly pigmented and vascularized(contains many of
the blood vessels that nourish the structures in the eyeball).
 Lining the posterior two thirds of the choroid(neuroepithelial or inner tunic)
is the retina,the neural tissue containing the receptor cells.
Anatomy of the eye
 The pigmented and opaque iris, the colored portion of the eye contains
dilator and sphincter muscles.
 The dilator muscle opposes the action of the sphincter muscle.
 The pupillary sphincter muscle is circularly arranged in the iris near the
pupillary margin.
 It is innervated by the ciliary nerve (postganglionic parasympathetic fibers)
from the ciliary ganglion.
 Contraction of the sphincter muscle results in a decrease in pupillary size
 The pupillary dilator muscle is part of the pigmented anterior epithelial
cells of the iris.
Anatomy of the eye
 The anterior portion of these cells have cellular extensions that have
structural characteristics of smooth muscle cells.
 Thus, most pigmented anterior epithelial cells are myoepithelial in nature
and their cellular extensions represent the dilator muscle.
 They are radially arranged.
 This muscle is innervated by the sympathetic postganglionic neurons
located in the cranial cervical ganglion.
 The postganglionic fibers run with the ciliary branch of the ophthalmic
nerve to reach the dilator muscle.
 Contraction of the dilator muscle results in pupillary dilation (mydriasis).
 Pupillary dilation reflects the general state of sympathetic tone, and certain
emotions such as pain, fear, and anger will induce pupillary dilation.
 The ciliary muscle is the smooth muscle located in the ciliary body.
Anatomy of the eye
 This muscle is innervated by the ciliary nerve (parasympathetic fibers),
which contracts the muscle.
 The ciliary muscle is primarily oriented meridionally in the dog.
 The meridional fibers originate in the inner surface of the sclera posterior to
the iridocorneal angle.
 They insert in the stroma of the ciliary body.
 The crystalline lens is a transparent structure held in place by a circular lens
suspensary ligament (zonule).
 The zonule is attached to the thickened anterior part of the choroid, the
ciliary body.
 The ciliary body contains circular muscle fibers and longitudinal muscle
fibers that attach near the corneoscleral junction
Anatomy of the eye
 The ciliary muscle contracts in response to parasympathetic stimulation and
decreases tension on the zonular fibers supporting the lens.
 As a result, the lens becomes more spherical due to its intrinsic viscoelastic
 Focusing on a near object requires a more convex lens that has a shorter
focal distance.
 Consequently, when the gaze is directed at a near object, the ciliary muscle
contracts, decreasing the distance between the edges of the ciliary body and
relaxing the zonular fibers supporting the lens.
 This results in a more convex shape of the lens (i.e., more spherical and
increased focal power) because of the inherent elasticity of the lens.
 This process, by which the curvature of the lens changes to focus on a near
or far object, is called accommodation.
Anatomy of the eye
 When looking at a distant object, the ciliary muscle relaxes and pulls the
zonular fibers away from the lens, making the lens less convex with a longer
focal distance.
 This change is necessary for focusing on far objects.
 The choroid consists of loose connective tissue with numerous vasculature and
 It serves a nutritive function for ocular tissue.
 Melanocytes prevent light that escapes past the retina from being reflected back
into the retina where it would blur the image.
 The “eye‐shine” that occurs at night when light enters the eye is caused by the
tapetum lucidum (Latin tapetum, carpet; lucidum, bright) in the choroid.
 Although this light‐reflective surface enhances dark‐adapted vision under dim
light, it scatters light in the retina, affecting sharpness of an image.
 The retina is the innermost tunic of the eye and is responsible for detection of
Anatomy of the eye
 The space between the lens and the retina is filled primarily with a clear
gelatinous material called the vitreous (vitreous humor).
 Aqueous humor,a clear liquid that nourishes the cornea and lens, is
produced in the ciliary body by diffusion and active transport from plasma.
 It flows through the pupil and fills the anterior chamber of the eye. It is
normally reabsorbed through a network of trabeculae into the canal of
 A venous channel at the junction between the iris and the cornea (anterior
chamber angle).
 Obstruction of this outlet leads to increased intraocular pressure.
 Both vitreous humor and aqueous humor maintain pressure within the
eyeball, thus preventing the eyeball from collapsing.
Anatomy of the eye
Anatomy of the eye
 The retina extends anteriorly almost to the ciliary body.
 It is organized in 10 layers and contains the rods and cones, which are the
visual receptors, plus four types of neurons:bipolar,ganglion,horizontal and
amacrine cells.
 There are many different synaptic transmitters.
 The rods and cones, which are next to the choroid, synapse with bipolar cells,
and the bipolar cells synapse with ganglion cells.
 About 12 different types of bipolar cells occur, based on morphology and
 The axons of the ganglion cells converge and leave the eye as the optic nerve.
 H and A cells are interneurons that modify flow of information at the synapses
among the photoreceptors, bipolar and ganglion cells.
 H-cells connect receptor cells to each other in the outer plexiform layer.
 Horizontal(H) cells mediate lateral interactions among bipolar cells and
photoreceptor cells
 Amacrine(A) cells connect ganglion cells to one another in the inner
plexiform layer via processes of varying length and patterns.
 Amacrine cells mediate lateral interactions among bipolar cells and the
ganglion cells in the inner plexiform layer.
 At least 29 types of amacrine cells have been described on the basis of their
 Gap junctions also connect retinal neurons to one another, and the
permeability of these gap junctions is regulated.
 Because the receptor layer of the retina rests on the pigment epithelium
next to the choroid, light rays must pass through the ganglion cell and
bipolar cell layers to reach the rods and cones.
 The pigment epithelium absorbs light rays, preventing the reflection of rays
back through the retina.
 Such reflection would produce blurring of the visual images.
 The neural elements of the retina are bound together by glial cells called
Müller cells.
 The processes of these cells form an internal limiting membrane on the
inner surface of the retina and an external limiting membrane in the
receptor layer.
 The optic nerve leaves the eye and the retinal blood vessels enter it at a
point 3 mm medial to and slightly above the posterior pole of the globe.
 This region is visible through the ophthalmoscope as the optic disk
 There are no visual receptors over the disk, and consequently this spot is
blind (the blind spot).
 Near the posterior pole of the eye is a yellowish pigmented spot, the macula
 This marks the location of the fovea centralis,a thinned-out, rod-free
portion of the retina that is present in humans and other primates.
 In it, the cones are densely packed, and each synapses to a single bipolar
cell, which,in turn, synapses on a single ganglion cell, providing a direct
pathway to the brain.
 There are very few overlying cells and no blood vessels.
 Consequently, the fovea is the point where visual acuity is greatest (see
Clinical Box on slide 21).
 When attention is attracted to or fixed on an object, the eyes are normally
moved so that light rays coming from the object fall on the fovea.
 The arteries, arterioles, and veins in the superficial layers of the retina near
its vitreous surface can be seen through the ophthalmoscope.
 Because this is the one place in the body where arterioles are readily
visible, ophthalmoscopic examination is of great value in the diagnosis and
evaluation of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other diseases that affect
blood vessels.
 The retinal vessels supply the bipolar and ganglion cells, but the receptors
are nourished, for the most part,by the capillary plexus in the choroid.
 This is why retinal detachment is so damaging to the receptor cells.
C - Cone
R -Rod
MB - Midget bipolar
RB - Rod bipolar
FB - Flat bipolar
DG - Diffuse ganglion cell
MG - Midget ganglion cell
H - Horizontal cell
A - Amacrine cell
The fovea
 The retinal ganglion cells are located in the inner retina(close to the
vitreous humor) whereas the photoreceptors(rods and cones) are located in
the outer retina(closer to the choroid)
 Therefore throughout most of the retina light travels through the
ganglion,bipolar,amacrine and horizontal cells before reaching the
 Although these neurones are unmyelinated(ganglion cell axons become
myelinated as they leave the eye) and therefore relatively transparent,they
still cause some distortion of light rays.
 The fovea is an area of the central retina designed especially to minimise
this distortion
 In the central fovea in an area called the foveola,the inner ganglion and
bipolar cells are pushed aside,allowing allowing light rays an unobstructed
access to the photoreceptors.
The fovea
 This is functionally significant because it allows light to have a less
distorted pathway to the region of the retina associated with the highest
visual acuity.
 The optic disc is nasal to the fovea.
The fovea
Pigment behind the retina either absorbs or
reflects light depending on the animal’s habits
 In animals that rely heavily on acute,day light vision there is a pigment in
the epithelial layer between the photoreceptors and the choroid
 This pigment absorbs light that has passed by the photoreceptors without
stimulating them
 If such light were reflected back into the retina the sharpness of the visual
image would be blurred
 In nocturnal animals however these pigmented layers contain a reflecting
pigment and are called the tapetum.
 This allows the retinal to make optimal use of what light it receives,but at
the expense of the visual acuity.
 Reflection of light off the tapetum causes the familiar ‘night shine’ from
nocturnal animals.
 Tapetum lucidum – reflects the remaining light that has passed through the
photoreceptor layer back towards the photoreceptor layer
Pigment behind the retina either absorbs or
reflects light depending on the animal’s habits
 The back of the eye of cats,
raccoons and many nocturnal
animals has a reflective coating,
which is why their eyes shine at
 The reflective coating is useful for
detecting as much light as
possible in low-light conditions.
Horner’s Syndrome
 Miosis (i.e., small pupillary size), ptosis (i.e., drooping of the eyelid),
enophthalmos (i.e., slight retraction of the eyeball), and partial prolapse of
the third eyelid.
 Miosis results from loss of sympathetic control of the pupillary dilator
 Ptosis is caused by loss of tone in the smooth muscle of the eyelid.
 Ptosis leads to slight retraction of the eyeball (i.e., enophthalmos) and a
partially protruded third eyelid
 Enophthalmos reflects loss of tone in the periorbital smooth muscle that
normally pulls the eyeball rostrally.
 The periorbital smooth muscle also attaches to the base of the third eyelid,
maintaining its normal retracted position.
Horner’s Syndrome
 Thus, partial prolapse results from loss of retraction of the third eyelid.
 In addition, slight retraction of the eye into the orbit (i.e., enophthalmos)
displaces the third eyelid cartilage, also contributing to the partial protrusion of
the third eyelid.
 This reflects the fact that the dog has no specific muscle that sweeps the third
eyelid across the cornea, and the displacement of the third eyelid is passive.
 In addition to these clinical signs, a dog may display pink‐colored and warmer
skin (best seen in the ear) due to vasodilation.
 Horner’s syndrome may be present when the animal suffers from (i) a middle
ear infection, as sympathetic postganglionic fibers pass through the middle ear
in proximity to the petrosal bone; (ii) severe avulsion of the brachial plexus
(C7–T2) that damages the sympathetic preganglionic fibers to the cranial
cervical ganglion; or (iii) spinal cord lesions that disrupt the reticulospinal tract
from the medullary reticular formation that regulates the visceral motor
neurons of the spinal cord.
Horner’s Syndrome
 Horner's syndrome is associated with damage to the sympathetic
innervation to the eye.
 The damage may have numerous causes, and may occur anywhere along
the course of the nerve's route from the brain to the eye.
 Horner's syndrome may be associated with brain tumors, spinal cord injury
in the neck, thoracic tumors, injuries to the neck, choke collar injury,
middle ear infections, and viral, immune mediated or idiopathic (of
unknown cause) neuropathies.
Horner’s Syndrome
Visual field deficits predict location
of the lesions
Overview of visual pathways
 The left blue nerve(left temporal fibre) will capture images from the left
nasal visual field and will carry the visual information down the optic nerve
to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where it will synapse with
another neuron which will relay the information to the occipital cortex via
the optic tract.
 The right blue nerve(right nasal fibre) will capture images from the right
temporal visual field and will crossover or decussate at the optic chiasma
and then carries the visual information to the left geniculate nucleus of the
thalamus where it will synapse with a neuron(the black neuron) that will
relay the information to the occipital lobe via the optic
tract(geniculocalcarine tract).
Overview of visual pathways
 The orange nerve on the left eyeball(left nasal fibre) will capture images
from the left temporal visual field and it will decussate at the optic chiasm
and then carries the information to the right geniculate nucleus of the
thalamus where it will pass the signal via synapsis with another neuron in
the geniculate body(black neuron in fig) which will relay the visual
information to the occipital lobe via the optic tract.
 The orange nerve on the right eyeball(right temporal fibre) will capture
images from the right nasal field and will not crossover but will carry the
visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where it
will synapse with another neurone which will relay the information to the
occipital lobe via the optic tract.
Lesions that occur in the visual
Lesions that occur in the visual pathway
 If a lesion occurs on the left optic nerve (A),the left nasal fibre and the left
temporal fibre(left blue and orange fibres) cannot bring the visual
information down to the occipital lobe resulting in blindness in the left eye
a condition known as Left Anopia and the vice-versa for right eye is true
(called right Anopia).
 If a lesion occurs along the optic chiasm(B) the nerves that crossover(left
and right nasal fibres/optic fibres) that normally capture images from
temporal visual fields cannot send the visual information to the occipital
lobe and this results in blindness in the temporal fields on both sides, a
condition called Bitemporal heminopia.
 If a lesion occurs after the optic chiasm(C) there is loss of visual
information from left nasal and right temporal field thus there is blindness
in those fields,a condition called right homonymous heminopia.
Lesions that occur in the visual pathway
 If a lesion occurs along one of the nerves in the optic tract (D) a condition
known as Right homonymous superior quadrant anopia results
 Packets of electromagnetic radiation (energy)
 Light waves have different wavelengths
Visible light
 The (small) range of electromagnetic wavelengths which our eyes can detect:
400-700 nm
 Different objects reflect different wavelengths, which we perceive as different
 Vision begins when light comes into the eye
 Focused by the cornea and the lens onto the retina (which is a thin layer of
neural tissue at the back of the eye; contains photoreceptors)
 Photoreceptors transduce light into neural signals and pass their signals on to
the brain
Location of the eyes
 Prey usually have eyes on the sides of their head so they can see behind
them; predators have eyes in front
 Bending of light rays
 Due to change in speed when light passes from one transparent medium to
 Occurs when light meets surface of different medium at an oblique angle
 Image formed at focal point is upside-down and laterally inverted(left-right
Accommodation: process by which the lens add extra focusing power by
changing its shape.
Optics-Accomodation and the lens
 Through accommodation, the lens
changes shape to focus images
from various distances onto the
 Primary ocular structures
responsible for accommodation:
 Ciliary muscle
 Suspensory ligaments
 Lens
Focusing Light on The Retina
 Pathway of light entering eye: cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous
humor, entire neural layer of retina, photoreceptors
 Light refracted at boundaries along pathway
 Air to cornea/aqueous humor
 Aqueous humor to lens
 Lens to vitreous humor
 Most bending happens at air-cornea boundary
 Lens curvature is the “fine adjustment”
Focusing For Distant Vision
 Eyes best adapted for distant vision
Far point of vision
 Distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusing
 20 feet for emmetropic (normal) eye
 Cornea and lens focus light precisely on retina
 Ciliary muscles relaxed
 Lens stretched flat by tension in ciliary zonule
Focusing For Distant Vision
For distant vision.
 Sympathetic input relaxes the ciliary muscle,
 tightening the ciliary zonule
 and flattening the lens.
For near vision
 Light from close objects (<6 m) diverges as approaches eye
 Requires eye to make active adjustments using three simultaneous
 Accommodation of lenses
 Constriction of pupils
 Convergence of eyeballs
Focusing for distant and close vision.
Sympathetic activation
Nearly parallel rays
from distant object
Ciliary zonule
Ciliary muscle Inverted
Lens flattens for distant vision. Sympathetic input
relaxes the ciliary muscle, tightening the ciliary zonule,
and flattening the lens.
Focusing for near vision
 Changing lens shape to increase refraction
Near point of vision
 Closest point on which the eye can focus
 Presbyopia—loss of accommodation with age
 Accommodation pupillary reflex constricts pupils to prevent most divergent
light rays from entering eye
 Medial rotation of eyeballs toward object being viewed.
Figure 15.13b Focusing for distant and close vision.
Parasympathetic activation
Divergent rays
from close object
Lens bulges for close vision. Parasympathetic input
contracts the ciliary muscle, loosening the ciliary zonule,
allowing the lens to bulge.
Focusing for near vision
For close vision.
 Parasympathetic input contracts the ciliary muscle
 loosening the ciliary zonule
 allowing the lens to bulge.
 Light rays from a near object diverge on entering the eye.
Problems Of Refraction
Myopia (near sightedness)
 Focal point in front of retina, e.g., eyeball too long
 Corrected with a concave lens
Hyperopia (farsightedness)
 Focal point behind retina, e.g., eyeball too short
 Corrected with a convex lens
 Unequal curvatures in different parts of cornea or lens
 Corrected with cylindrically ground lenses or laser procedures
Emmetropic eye (normal)
Focal point is
on retina.
Myopic eye (nearsighted)
Focal point is in
front of retina.
Concave lens moves focal
point further back.
too long
Hyperopic eye (farsighted)
too short
Focal point is
behind retina.
Convex lens moves focal
point forward.
 Rods & cones are the primary receptors
 Both are divided into 3 parts:
 synaptic terminal
 inner segment
 outer segment
 Outer segment- specialized for photoreception
 Outer segment- has visual photopigments which initiate the
phototransduction of light into neural electrical signals
Photoreceptors-Accomodation and
light and Dark adaptation
 The process of adjusting the lens
in your eye for different viewing
 Light Dark Adaptation eyes
accomplish this feat by switching
off between using rods and using
 Switching between rods and cones
can take a while
Functional Anatomy Of Photoreceptors
Rods and cones
 Modified neurons
 Receptive regions called outer segments
Contain visual pigments (photopigments)
Molecules change shape as absorb light
 Inner segment of each joins cell body
Cone Cell
 Man-3 sensitive cones-red, blue, green
 dog-two- yellow and blue
 Colour is a result of the perception three visual pigments with overlapping
 Equal stimulation of cones having a red pigment & green pigment produces
perception of a yellow colour
Figure 15.15a Photoreceptors of the retina.
Process of
bipolar cell
Synaptic terminals
Rod cell body
Inner fibers
Cone cell body
Connecting cilia
Outer fiber
Apical microvillus
Discs containing
visual pigments
Discs being
Pigment cell nucleus
Basal lamina (border
with choroid)
The outer segments
of rods and cones
are embedded in the
pigmented layer of
the retina.
Rod cell body
Functional characteristics
 Very sensitive to light
 Best suited for night vision and peripheral vision
 Contain single pigment
 Pathways converge, causing fuzzy, indistinct images
Functional characteristics
 Need bright light for activation (have low sensitivity)
 React more quickly
 Have one of three pigments for colored view
 Result in high visual acuity
 Color blindness–lack of one or more cone pigments
Table 15.1 Comparison of Rods and Cones
Used for scotopic vision (Dim light
Used for photopic vision
Very sensitive to light; sensitive to
scattered light
Not very light sensitive; sensitive to only
direct light
Loss causes nyctalopia Loss causes hemeralopia
Low visual acuity High visual acuity
Not present in fovea Concentrated in fovea
Slow response to light Fast response to light
More pigment than cones, so can detect
low light levels
Less pigment than rods; require more
light to detect images
Stacks of memb. enclosed disks are
unattached to cell membrane directly
Disks are attached to outer membrane
One type of photosensitive pigment 3 types of photosensitive pigments
Confer achromatic vision Confer colour vision
Chemistry Of Visual Pigments
 Light-absorbing molecule that combines with one of four proteins (opsins)
to form visual pigments
 Synthesized from vitamin A
Isomers: cis- (bent) and trans- (straight)
 Absorbing a photon causes bent-to-straight (cis –to-trans) shape change
 Change from bent-to-straight initiates reactions  electrical impulses
along optic nerve
Rhodopsin = cis-retinal (bent retinal) + opsin
Figure 15.15b Photoreceptors of the retina.
Rod discs
Rhodopsin, the visual pigment in rods,
is embedded in the membrane that forms
discs in the outer segment.
consists of
• Retinal
• Opsin
Phototransduction: Capturing Light
Pigment synthesis
 Rhodopsin forms and accumulates in dark
Pigment bleaching
 Light absorption causes retinal to change to trans isomer
 Retinal and opsin separate (rhodopsin breakdown)
Pigment regeneration
 trans retinal converted to cis
 Cis-retinal rejoins opsin to form rhodopsin
Enzymes slowly convert
all-trans-retinal to its 11-
cis form in cells of the
pigmented layer; requires
Pigment regeneration:
Light absorption by
rhodopsin triggers a
rapid series of steps in
which retinal changes
shape (11-cis to all-
trans) and eventually
releases from opsin.
Pigment bleaching:
11-cis-retinal, derived
from vitamin A, is
combined with opsin
to form rhodopsin.
Pigment synthesis:
Vitamin A
Opsin and
Events of phototransduction.
Retinal absorbs light
and changes shape.
Visual pigment activates.
Receptor G protein Enzyme 2nd
(a G protein)
2 3
Visual pigment
(G protein).
e (PDE).
4 5
PDE converts
cGMP into GMP,
causing cGMP
levels to fall.
As cGMP levels fall,
cGMP-gated cation
channels close, resulting
in hyperpolarization.
open in
closed in
Phosphodiesterase (PDE)
Phototransduction In Cones
 Similar as process in rods
 Cones far less sensitive to light
 Takes higher-intensity light to activate cones
Light Transduction Reactions
 Light-activated rhodopsin activates G protein transducin
 Transducin activates PDE, which breaks down cyclic GMP (cGMP)
 In dark, cGMP holds channels of outer segment open  Na+ and Ca2+
depolarize cell
 In light cGMP breaks down, channels close, cell hyperpolarizes
 Hyperpolarization is signal!
Signal transmission in the retina .
In the dark
cGMP-gated channels
open, allowing cation influx.
Photoreceptor depolarizes.
Voltage-gated Ca2+
channels open in synaptic
Neurotransmitter is
released continuously.
Neurotransmitter causes
IPSPs in bipolar cell.
Hyperpolarization results.
Hyperpolarization closes
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels,
inhibiting neurotransmitter
No EPSPs occur in
ganglion cell.
No action potentials occur
along the optic nerve.
cell (rod)
−40 mV
−40 mV
Signal transmission in the retina
−70 mV
No neurotransmitter
is released.
Depolarization opens
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels;
neurotransmitter is released.
EPSPs occur in ganglion
Action potentials
propagate along the
optic nerve.
cGMP-gated channels
close, so cation influx
stops. Photoreceptor
Lack of IPSPs in bipolar
cell results in depolarization.
Voltage-gated Ca2+
channels close in synaptic
cell (rod)
In the light
−70 mV
Below, we look at a tiny column of retina.
The outer segment of the rod, closest to the
back of the eye and farthest from the
incoming light, is at the top.
Light from environment
Passes through pupil
Optic nerve via blindspot/
↓ ↓ ↓
Retino-geniculo-striate Retino-tectal Retino-hypothalamic pathway
pathway pathway ↓
↓ ↓ Hypothalamus
Lateral geniculate nucleus Pretectal region ↓
↓ (Anterior rostral colliculus) Seasonal change in day
↓ length
Primary visual cortex Pupillary reflexes
in occipital lobe Reflex orientation of the
↓ eye to visual targets
Conscious visual perception
of form; colour; motion;
Orientation & depth
Projections of the Optic Nerve
 Lateral Geniculate Nucleas (main relay to cortex)
 Superior Colliculus (eye movement)
 Pretectal Nuclei (pupillary light reflex)
 Accessory optic system
 Biological clock (suprachiasmatic n.)
 Binocular field: the field of vision, simultaneously rviewed by both eyes.
 Varies between spp, depending on the placement of eyes in the skull.
 Widest in cats- 90⁰; 60-75⁰ (horses) & 15⁰ (poultry)
 The visual fields from each eye intersect so that there is some visual input
from the same stimuli from each eye
 Overlap is necessary for normal up-close depth perception
 Predatory spp have large binocular fields of vision
 Prey spp have relatively smaller binocular fields but extensive peripheral
Visual Pathway To The Brain
 Axons of retinal ganglion cells form optic nerve
 Half of the fibers (medial half) of each optic nerve cross over at optic
chiasm; optic tracts exit
 Most optic tract fibers go to lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus
 Fibers from thalamic (LGN) neurons form optic radiation and project to
primary visual cortex in occipital lobes
 Other optic tract fibers go to superior colliculi in midbrain (initiating visual
 A few ganglion cells contain melanopsin and project to other brain areas
 Regulate pupil diameter, daily rhythms
© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
Visual pathway to the brain and visual fields, inferior view.
Both eyes
Fixation point
Right eye
nucleus of
The visual fields of the two eyes overlap considerably.
Note that fibers from the lateral portion of each retinal field
do not cross at the optic chiasma.
(primary visual
Left eye
Optic nerve
Optic chiasma
Optic tract
(ipsilateral) fiber
(contralateral) fiber
Corpus callosum
Photograph of human brain, with the right side
dissected to reveal internal structures.
There is a light (a red star) to
the left of midline. The star is
visible in both eyes, because it
is not extremely far to the left.
Where are the images of the
star on the two retinas? The
red lines show the nerve
axons activated. Where are
they? (Which optic nerve(s),
which optic tract(s), which
We are viewing this transverse
section through the brain “from
below” – as if we are standing at
the foot of the bed of the patient,
who is lying supine. That’s why
the patient’s left eye and left
visual field are on the right side of
the diagram.
Visual Processing
Retinal cells
– Color, brightness, edge detection (by amacrine and horizontal cells)
Lateral geniculate nuclei of thalamus
– Process for depth perception, cone input emphasized, contrast
Primary visual cortex (striate cortex)
– Neurons detect edges, object orientation, movement
– Provide form, color, motion inputs to visual association areas
(prestriate cortex)
Occipital lobe centers (prestriate cortex) continues processing form, color,
 Morphological changes
 Ophthalmological examination
 Lacrymal flow & Corneal ulcers (Fluorescien test)
 Fluorescein test (for corneal integrity)
 Neurological exam (pupil light reflex, following of a visual object, avoidance of a
menacing gesture, ERG [for retinal integrity prior to cataract surgery]
Diagnosis of conditions altering vision in
domestic species
Conditions that affect the eye
Glaucoma: the draining of the aqueous humor is
blocked and pressure is built up inside the eye which
impinges on the blood vessels and the optic nerve. If
caught early, it can be treated by medication or by
Cataract: a clouded lens which, if serious, can be
removed and replaced surgically

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  • 2. Introduction  Vision is such an integral part of neural function that even simple tasks, such as standing and walking, are not easy with the eyes closed.  Two eyes are necessary for wider peripheral vision and depth perception.  Animals have wider peripheral vision than humans because the visual fields of each eye do not completely overlap.  In the dog, there is about 50% overlap of the visual fields so that both eyes perceive the middle half of the field of vision.  This area of visual overlap provides binocular vision for judgment of distances.  The field of vision outside the binocular zone is the monocular zone.  Binocular vision varies greatly in different animals,reflecting the position of the eyes in the front of the head.
  • 3. Introduction  To maintain clear binocular vision, both eyes move as a unit.  The eye is equiped with a pupil that adjusts aperture diameter and a lens that focuses light on the retina, where photoreceptor cells receive images.  However, the retina is not just converting the image into nerve impulses, it also facilitates feature analysis of the captured image.  Feature analysis and visual information processing take place progressively as visual signals are passed to the thalamus, rostral colliculus of the midbrain, and visual cortex.
  • 4. Anatomy of the eye  The wall of the eye consists of three concentric layers.  These layers, proceeding from the outer surface of the eye inward, are the fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, and neuroepithelial (or inner) tunic.  The fibrous tunic consists of the white outer protective layer encasing most of the eyeball called the sclera which is modified anteriorly to form the transparent, stratified squamous epithelial layer called the cornea, through which light rays enter the eye.  It provides mechanical support and protection of the eye.  The vascular tunic consists of three major structures: the iris, ciliary body anteriorly, and choroid posteriorly collectively known as the uvea.  These structures are highly pigmented and vascularized(contains many of the blood vessels that nourish the structures in the eyeball).  Lining the posterior two thirds of the choroid(neuroepithelial or inner tunic) is the retina,the neural tissue containing the receptor cells.
  • 5. Anatomy of the eye  The pigmented and opaque iris, the colored portion of the eye contains dilator and sphincter muscles.  The dilator muscle opposes the action of the sphincter muscle.  The pupillary sphincter muscle is circularly arranged in the iris near the pupillary margin.  It is innervated by the ciliary nerve (postganglionic parasympathetic fibers) from the ciliary ganglion.  Contraction of the sphincter muscle results in a decrease in pupillary size (miosis).  The pupillary dilator muscle is part of the pigmented anterior epithelial cells of the iris.
  • 6. Anatomy of the eye  The anterior portion of these cells have cellular extensions that have structural characteristics of smooth muscle cells.  Thus, most pigmented anterior epithelial cells are myoepithelial in nature and their cellular extensions represent the dilator muscle.  They are radially arranged.  This muscle is innervated by the sympathetic postganglionic neurons located in the cranial cervical ganglion.  The postganglionic fibers run with the ciliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve to reach the dilator muscle.  Contraction of the dilator muscle results in pupillary dilation (mydriasis).  Pupillary dilation reflects the general state of sympathetic tone, and certain emotions such as pain, fear, and anger will induce pupillary dilation.  The ciliary muscle is the smooth muscle located in the ciliary body.
  • 7. Anatomy of the eye  This muscle is innervated by the ciliary nerve (parasympathetic fibers), which contracts the muscle.  The ciliary muscle is primarily oriented meridionally in the dog.  The meridional fibers originate in the inner surface of the sclera posterior to the iridocorneal angle.  They insert in the stroma of the ciliary body.  The crystalline lens is a transparent structure held in place by a circular lens suspensary ligament (zonule).  The zonule is attached to the thickened anterior part of the choroid, the ciliary body.  The ciliary body contains circular muscle fibers and longitudinal muscle fibers that attach near the corneoscleral junction
  • 8. Anatomy of the eye  The ciliary muscle contracts in response to parasympathetic stimulation and decreases tension on the zonular fibers supporting the lens.  As a result, the lens becomes more spherical due to its intrinsic viscoelastic properties.  Focusing on a near object requires a more convex lens that has a shorter focal distance.  Consequently, when the gaze is directed at a near object, the ciliary muscle contracts, decreasing the distance between the edges of the ciliary body and relaxing the zonular fibers supporting the lens.  This results in a more convex shape of the lens (i.e., more spherical and increased focal power) because of the inherent elasticity of the lens.  This process, by which the curvature of the lens changes to focus on a near or far object, is called accommodation.
  • 9. Anatomy of the eye  When looking at a distant object, the ciliary muscle relaxes and pulls the zonular fibers away from the lens, making the lens less convex with a longer focal distance.  This change is necessary for focusing on far objects.  The choroid consists of loose connective tissue with numerous vasculature and melanocytes.  It serves a nutritive function for ocular tissue.  Melanocytes prevent light that escapes past the retina from being reflected back into the retina where it would blur the image.  The “eye‐shine” that occurs at night when light enters the eye is caused by the tapetum lucidum (Latin tapetum, carpet; lucidum, bright) in the choroid.  Although this light‐reflective surface enhances dark‐adapted vision under dim light, it scatters light in the retina, affecting sharpness of an image.  The retina is the innermost tunic of the eye and is responsible for detection of light.
  • 10. Anatomy of the eye  The space between the lens and the retina is filled primarily with a clear gelatinous material called the vitreous (vitreous humor).  Aqueous humor,a clear liquid that nourishes the cornea and lens, is produced in the ciliary body by diffusion and active transport from plasma.  It flows through the pupil and fills the anterior chamber of the eye. It is normally reabsorbed through a network of trabeculae into the canal of Schlemm  A venous channel at the junction between the iris and the cornea (anterior chamber angle).  Obstruction of this outlet leads to increased intraocular pressure.  Both vitreous humor and aqueous humor maintain pressure within the eyeball, thus preventing the eyeball from collapsing.
  • 13. RETINA  The retina extends anteriorly almost to the ciliary body.  It is organized in 10 layers and contains the rods and cones, which are the visual receptors, plus four types of neurons:bipolar,ganglion,horizontal and amacrine cells.  There are many different synaptic transmitters.  The rods and cones, which are next to the choroid, synapse with bipolar cells, and the bipolar cells synapse with ganglion cells.  About 12 different types of bipolar cells occur, based on morphology and function.  The axons of the ganglion cells converge and leave the eye as the optic nerve.  H and A cells are interneurons that modify flow of information at the synapses among the photoreceptors, bipolar and ganglion cells.  H-cells connect receptor cells to each other in the outer plexiform layer.  Horizontal(H) cells mediate lateral interactions among bipolar cells and photoreceptor cells
  • 14. Retina  Amacrine(A) cells connect ganglion cells to one another in the inner plexiform layer via processes of varying length and patterns.  Amacrine cells mediate lateral interactions among bipolar cells and the ganglion cells in the inner plexiform layer.  At least 29 types of amacrine cells have been described on the basis of their connections.  Gap junctions also connect retinal neurons to one another, and the permeability of these gap junctions is regulated.  Because the receptor layer of the retina rests on the pigment epithelium next to the choroid, light rays must pass through the ganglion cell and bipolar cell layers to reach the rods and cones.  The pigment epithelium absorbs light rays, preventing the reflection of rays back through the retina.  Such reflection would produce blurring of the visual images.
  • 15. Retina  The neural elements of the retina are bound together by glial cells called Müller cells.  The processes of these cells form an internal limiting membrane on the inner surface of the retina and an external limiting membrane in the receptor layer.  The optic nerve leaves the eye and the retinal blood vessels enter it at a point 3 mm medial to and slightly above the posterior pole of the globe.  This region is visible through the ophthalmoscope as the optic disk  There are no visual receptors over the disk, and consequently this spot is blind (the blind spot).  Near the posterior pole of the eye is a yellowish pigmented spot, the macula lutea.
  • 16. Retina  This marks the location of the fovea centralis,a thinned-out, rod-free portion of the retina that is present in humans and other primates.  In it, the cones are densely packed, and each synapses to a single bipolar cell, which,in turn, synapses on a single ganglion cell, providing a direct pathway to the brain.  There are very few overlying cells and no blood vessels.  Consequently, the fovea is the point where visual acuity is greatest (see Clinical Box on slide 21).  When attention is attracted to or fixed on an object, the eyes are normally moved so that light rays coming from the object fall on the fovea.  The arteries, arterioles, and veins in the superficial layers of the retina near its vitreous surface can be seen through the ophthalmoscope.
  • 17. Retina  Because this is the one place in the body where arterioles are readily visible, ophthalmoscopic examination is of great value in the diagnosis and evaluation of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other diseases that affect blood vessels.  The retinal vessels supply the bipolar and ganglion cells, but the receptors are nourished, for the most part,by the capillary plexus in the choroid.  This is why retinal detachment is so damaging to the receptor cells.
  • 19. Retina C - Cone R -Rod MB - Midget bipolar RB - Rod bipolar FB - Flat bipolar DG - Diffuse ganglion cell MG - Midget ganglion cell H - Horizontal cell A - Amacrine cell
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. The fovea  The retinal ganglion cells are located in the inner retina(close to the vitreous humor) whereas the photoreceptors(rods and cones) are located in the outer retina(closer to the choroid)  Therefore throughout most of the retina light travels through the ganglion,bipolar,amacrine and horizontal cells before reaching the photoreceptors  Although these neurones are unmyelinated(ganglion cell axons become myelinated as they leave the eye) and therefore relatively transparent,they still cause some distortion of light rays.  The fovea is an area of the central retina designed especially to minimise this distortion  In the central fovea in an area called the foveola,the inner ganglion and bipolar cells are pushed aside,allowing allowing light rays an unobstructed access to the photoreceptors.
  • 23. The fovea  This is functionally significant because it allows light to have a less distorted pathway to the region of the retina associated with the highest visual acuity.  The optic disc is nasal to the fovea.
  • 25. Pigment behind the retina either absorbs or reflects light depending on the animal’s habits  In animals that rely heavily on acute,day light vision there is a pigment in the epithelial layer between the photoreceptors and the choroid  This pigment absorbs light that has passed by the photoreceptors without stimulating them  If such light were reflected back into the retina the sharpness of the visual image would be blurred  In nocturnal animals however these pigmented layers contain a reflecting pigment and are called the tapetum.  This allows the retinal to make optimal use of what light it receives,but at the expense of the visual acuity.  Reflection of light off the tapetum causes the familiar ‘night shine’ from nocturnal animals.  Tapetum lucidum – reflects the remaining light that has passed through the photoreceptor layer back towards the photoreceptor layer
  • 26. Pigment behind the retina either absorbs or reflects light depending on the animal’s habits  The back of the eye of cats, raccoons and many nocturnal animals has a reflective coating, which is why their eyes shine at night.  The reflective coating is useful for detecting as much light as possible in low-light conditions.
  • 27. Horner’s Syndrome  Miosis (i.e., small pupillary size), ptosis (i.e., drooping of the eyelid), enophthalmos (i.e., slight retraction of the eyeball), and partial prolapse of the third eyelid.  Miosis results from loss of sympathetic control of the pupillary dilator muscle.  Ptosis is caused by loss of tone in the smooth muscle of the eyelid.  Ptosis leads to slight retraction of the eyeball (i.e., enophthalmos) and a partially protruded third eyelid  Enophthalmos reflects loss of tone in the periorbital smooth muscle that normally pulls the eyeball rostrally.  The periorbital smooth muscle also attaches to the base of the third eyelid, maintaining its normal retracted position.
  • 28. Horner’s Syndrome  Thus, partial prolapse results from loss of retraction of the third eyelid.  In addition, slight retraction of the eye into the orbit (i.e., enophthalmos) displaces the third eyelid cartilage, also contributing to the partial protrusion of the third eyelid.  This reflects the fact that the dog has no specific muscle that sweeps the third eyelid across the cornea, and the displacement of the third eyelid is passive.  In addition to these clinical signs, a dog may display pink‐colored and warmer skin (best seen in the ear) due to vasodilation.  Horner’s syndrome may be present when the animal suffers from (i) a middle ear infection, as sympathetic postganglionic fibers pass through the middle ear in proximity to the petrosal bone; (ii) severe avulsion of the brachial plexus (C7–T2) that damages the sympathetic preganglionic fibers to the cranial cervical ganglion; or (iii) spinal cord lesions that disrupt the reticulospinal tract from the medullary reticular formation that regulates the visceral motor neurons of the spinal cord.
  • 29. Horner’s Syndrome  Horner's syndrome is associated with damage to the sympathetic innervation to the eye.  The damage may have numerous causes, and may occur anywhere along the course of the nerve's route from the brain to the eye.  Horner's syndrome may be associated with brain tumors, spinal cord injury in the neck, thoracic tumors, injuries to the neck, choke collar injury, middle ear infections, and viral, immune mediated or idiopathic (of unknown cause) neuropathies.
  • 31. Visual field deficits predict location of the lesions
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Overview of visual pathways  The left blue nerve(left temporal fibre) will capture images from the left nasal visual field and will carry the visual information down the optic nerve to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where it will synapse with another neuron which will relay the information to the occipital cortex via the optic tract.  The right blue nerve(right nasal fibre) will capture images from the right temporal visual field and will crossover or decussate at the optic chiasma and then carries the visual information to the left geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where it will synapse with a neuron(the black neuron) that will relay the information to the occipital lobe via the optic tract(geniculocalcarine tract).
  • 36. Overview of visual pathways  The orange nerve on the left eyeball(left nasal fibre) will capture images from the left temporal visual field and it will decussate at the optic chiasm and then carries the information to the right geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where it will pass the signal via synapsis with another neuron in the geniculate body(black neuron in fig) which will relay the visual information to the occipital lobe via the optic tract.  The orange nerve on the right eyeball(right temporal fibre) will capture images from the right nasal field and will not crossover but will carry the visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where it will synapse with another neurone which will relay the information to the occipital lobe via the optic tract.
  • 37. Lesions that occur in the visual pathway
  • 38. Lesions that occur in the visual pathway  If a lesion occurs on the left optic nerve (A),the left nasal fibre and the left temporal fibre(left blue and orange fibres) cannot bring the visual information down to the occipital lobe resulting in blindness in the left eye a condition known as Left Anopia and the vice-versa for right eye is true (called right Anopia).  If a lesion occurs along the optic chiasm(B) the nerves that crossover(left and right nasal fibres/optic fibres) that normally capture images from temporal visual fields cannot send the visual information to the occipital lobe and this results in blindness in the temporal fields on both sides, a condition called Bitemporal heminopia.  If a lesion occurs after the optic chiasm(C) there is loss of visual information from left nasal and right temporal field thus there is blindness in those fields,a condition called right homonymous heminopia.
  • 39. Lesions that occur in the visual pathway  If a lesion occurs along one of the nerves in the optic tract (D) a condition known as Right homonymous superior quadrant anopia results
  • 40. Optics Light  Packets of electromagnetic radiation (energy)  Light waves have different wavelengths Visible light  The (small) range of electromagnetic wavelengths which our eyes can detect: 400-700 nm  Different objects reflect different wavelengths, which we perceive as different colors  Vision begins when light comes into the eye Light:  Focused by the cornea and the lens onto the retina (which is a thin layer of neural tissue at the back of the eye; contains photoreceptors)  Photoreceptors transduce light into neural signals and pass their signals on to the brain
  • 41. Optics Location of the eyes  Prey usually have eyes on the sides of their head so they can see behind them; predators have eyes in front Refraction  Bending of light rays  Due to change in speed when light passes from one transparent medium to another  Occurs when light meets surface of different medium at an oblique angle  Image formed at focal point is upside-down and laterally inverted(left-right reversed) Accommodation: process by which the lens add extra focusing power by changing its shape.
  • 42. Optics-Accomodation and the lens  Through accommodation, the lens changes shape to focus images from various distances onto the retina  Primary ocular structures responsible for accommodation:  Ciliary muscle  Suspensory ligaments  Lens
  • 43. Focusing Light on The Retina  Pathway of light entering eye: cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor, entire neural layer of retina, photoreceptors  Light refracted at boundaries along pathway  Air to cornea/aqueous humor  Aqueous humor to lens  Lens to vitreous humor  Most bending happens at air-cornea boundary  Lens curvature is the “fine adjustment”
  • 44. Focusing For Distant Vision  Eyes best adapted for distant vision Far point of vision  Distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusing  20 feet for emmetropic (normal) eye  Cornea and lens focus light precisely on retina  Ciliary muscles relaxed  Lens stretched flat by tension in ciliary zonule
  • 45. Focusing For Distant Vision For distant vision.  Sympathetic input relaxes the ciliary muscle,  tightening the ciliary zonule  and flattening the lens. For near vision  Light from close objects (<6 m) diverges as approaches eye  Requires eye to make active adjustments using three simultaneous processes  Accommodation of lenses  Constriction of pupils  Convergence of eyeballs
  • 46. Focusing for distant and close vision. Sympathetic activation Nearly parallel rays from distant object Lens Ciliary zonule Ciliary muscle Inverted image Lens flattens for distant vision. Sympathetic input relaxes the ciliary muscle, tightening the ciliary zonule, and flattening the lens.
  • 47. Focusing for near vision Accommodation  Changing lens shape to increase refraction Near point of vision  Closest point on which the eye can focus  Presbyopia—loss of accommodation with age Constriction  Accommodation pupillary reflex constricts pupils to prevent most divergent light rays from entering eye Convergence  Medial rotation of eyeballs toward object being viewed.
  • 48. Figure 15.13b Focusing for distant and close vision. Parasympathetic activation Inverted image Divergent rays from close object Lens bulges for close vision. Parasympathetic input contracts the ciliary muscle, loosening the ciliary zonule, allowing the lens to bulge.
  • 49. Focusing for near vision For close vision.  Parasympathetic input contracts the ciliary muscle  loosening the ciliary zonule  allowing the lens to bulge.  Light rays from a near object diverge on entering the eye.
  • 50. Problems Of Refraction Myopia (near sightedness)  Focal point in front of retina, e.g., eyeball too long  Corrected with a concave lens Hyperopia (farsightedness)  Focal point behind retina, e.g., eyeball too short  Corrected with a convex lens Astigmatism  Unequal curvatures in different parts of cornea or lens  Corrected with cylindrically ground lenses or laser procedures
  • 52. Myopic eye (nearsighted) Uncorrected Focal point is in front of retina. Concave lens moves focal point further back. Eyeball too long Corrected
  • 53. Hyperopic eye (farsighted) Eyeball too short Uncorrected Focal point is behind retina. Corrected Convex lens moves focal point forward.
  • 54. Photoreceptors  Rods & cones are the primary receptors  Both are divided into 3 parts:  synaptic terminal  inner segment  outer segment  Outer segment- specialized for photoreception  Outer segment- has visual photopigments which initiate the phototransduction of light into neural electrical signals
  • 55. Photoreceptors-Accomodation and light and Dark adaptation Accomodation  The process of adjusting the lens in your eye for different viewing distances  Light Dark Adaptation eyes accomplish this feat by switching off between using rods and using cones  Switching between rods and cones can take a while
  • 57. Functional Anatomy Of Photoreceptors Rods and cones  Modified neurons  Receptive regions called outer segments Contain visual pigments (photopigments) Molecules change shape as absorb light  Inner segment of each joins cell body
  • 59. COLOUR VISION SYSTEM  Man-3 sensitive cones-red, blue, green  dog-two- yellow and blue  Colour is a result of the perception three visual pigments with overlapping wavelengths.  Equal stimulation of cones having a red pigment & green pigment produces perception of a yellow colour
  • 60. Figure 15.15a Photoreceptors of the retina. Process of bipolar cell Synaptic terminals Rod cell body Inner fibers Nuclei Cone cell body Mitochondria Connecting cilia Outer fiber Apical microvillus Discs containing visual pigments Discs being phagocytized Melanin granules Pigment cell nucleus Basal lamina (border with choroid) Inner segment Pigmented layer Outer segment The outer segments of rods and cones are embedded in the pigmented layer of the retina. Rod cell body
  • 61. Rods Functional characteristics  Very sensitive to light  Best suited for night vision and peripheral vision  Contain single pigment  Pathways converge, causing fuzzy, indistinct images
  • 62. Cones Functional characteristics  Need bright light for activation (have low sensitivity)  React more quickly  Have one of three pigments for colored view  Result in high visual acuity  Color blindness–lack of one or more cone pigments
  • 63. Table 15.1 Comparison of Rods and Cones
  • 64. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RODS & CONES RODS CONES Used for scotopic vision (Dim light vision) Used for photopic vision Very sensitive to light; sensitive to scattered light Not very light sensitive; sensitive to only direct light Loss causes nyctalopia Loss causes hemeralopia Low visual acuity High visual acuity Not present in fovea Concentrated in fovea Slow response to light Fast response to light
  • 65. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RODS & CONES (CTD...) RODS CONES More pigment than cones, so can detect low light levels Less pigment than rods; require more light to detect images Stacks of memb. enclosed disks are unattached to cell membrane directly Disks are attached to outer membrane One type of photosensitive pigment 3 types of photosensitive pigments Confer achromatic vision Confer colour vision
  • 66. Chemistry Of Visual Pigments Retinal  Light-absorbing molecule that combines with one of four proteins (opsins) to form visual pigments  Synthesized from vitamin A Isomers: cis- (bent) and trans- (straight)  Absorbing a photon causes bent-to-straight (cis –to-trans) shape change  Change from bent-to-straight initiates reactions  electrical impulses along optic nerve Rhodopsin = cis-retinal (bent retinal) + opsin
  • 67. Figure 15.15b Photoreceptors of the retina. Rod discs Rhodopsin, the visual pigment in rods, is embedded in the membrane that forms discs in the outer segment. Visual pigment consists of • Retinal • Opsin
  • 68. Phototransduction: Capturing Light Pigment synthesis  Rhodopsin forms and accumulates in dark Pigment bleaching  Light absorption causes retinal to change to trans isomer  Retinal and opsin separate (rhodopsin breakdown) Pigment regeneration  trans retinal converted to cis  Cis-retinal rejoins opsin to form rhodopsin
  • 69. . Enzymes slowly convert all-trans-retinal to its 11- cis form in cells of the pigmented layer; requires ATP. Pigment regeneration: Light absorption by rhodopsin triggers a rapid series of steps in which retinal changes shape (11-cis to all- trans) and eventually releases from opsin. Pigment bleaching: 11-cis-retinal, derived from vitamin A, is combined with opsin to form rhodopsin. Pigment synthesis: 1 2H+ 2H+ All-trans- retinal All-trans-retinal Rhodopsin Dark 3 2 11-cis-retinal Vitamin A Oxidation Reduction Opsin and Light 11-cis-retinal O
  • 70. Events of phototransduction. Retinal absorbs light and changes shape. Visual pigment activates. Light (1st messenger) Receptor G protein Enzyme 2nd messenger Visual pigment 1 Light 11-cis-retinal Transducin (a G protein) All-trans-retinal 2 3 Visual pigment activates transducin (G protein). Transducin activates phosphodiesteras e (PDE). 4 5 PDE converts cGMP into GMP, causing cGMP levels to fall. As cGMP levels fall, cGMP-gated cation channels close, resulting in hyperpolarization. cGMP-gated cation channel open in dark cGMP-gated cation channel closed in light Phosphodiesterase (PDE)
  • 71. Phototransduction In Cones  Similar as process in rods  Cones far less sensitive to light  Takes higher-intensity light to activate cones
  • 72. Light Transduction Reactions  Light-activated rhodopsin activates G protein transducin  Transducin activates PDE, which breaks down cyclic GMP (cGMP)  In dark, cGMP holds channels of outer segment open  Na+ and Ca2+ depolarize cell  In light cGMP breaks down, channels close, cell hyperpolarizes  Hyperpolarization is signal!
  • 73.
  • 74. Signal transmission in the retina . In the dark cGMP-gated channels open, allowing cation influx. Photoreceptor depolarizes. 1 Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open in synaptic terminals. Neurotransmitter is released continuously. Neurotransmitter causes IPSPs in bipolar cell. Hyperpolarization results. Hyperpolarization closes voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, inhibiting neurotransmitter release. No EPSPs occur in ganglion cell. No action potentials occur along the optic nerve. Photoreceptor cell (rod) Bipolar Cell Ganglion cell Ca2+ −40 mV −40 mV 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ca2+ Na+
  • 75. Signal transmission in the retina −70 mV No neurotransmitter is released. Depolarization opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels; neurotransmitter is released. EPSPs occur in ganglion cell. Action potentials propagate along the optic nerve. cGMP-gated channels close, so cation influx stops. Photoreceptor hyperpolarizes. Lack of IPSPs in bipolar cell results in depolarization. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close in synaptic terminals. 1 Photoreceptor cell (rod) Bipolar Cell Ganglion cell In the light Light Ca2+ −70 mV 2 3 4 5 6 7 Below, we look at a tiny column of retina. The outer segment of the rod, closest to the back of the eye and farthest from the incoming light, is at the top. Light
  • 76. THE OPTIC PATHWAYS Light from environment ↓ Passes through pupil ↓ ACCOMMODATION & PUPILLARY LIGHT REFLEX ↓ Retina ↓ Optic nerve via blindspot/ ↓ ↓ ↓ Retino-geniculo-striate Retino-tectal Retino-hypothalamic pathway pathway pathway ↓ ↓ ↓ Hypothalamus Lateral geniculate nucleus Pretectal region ↓ ↓ (Anterior rostral colliculus) Seasonal change in day ↓ length Primary visual cortex Pupillary reflexes in occipital lobe Reflex orientation of the ↓ eye to visual targets Conscious visual perception of form; colour; motion; Orientation & depth
  • 77. Projections of the Optic Nerve  Lateral Geniculate Nucleas (main relay to cortex)  Superior Colliculus (eye movement)  Pretectal Nuclei (pupillary light reflex)  Accessory optic system  Biological clock (suprachiasmatic n.)
  • 78. BINOCULAR VISION AND DEPTH PERCEPTION  Binocular field: the field of vision, simultaneously rviewed by both eyes.  Varies between spp, depending on the placement of eyes in the skull.  Widest in cats- 90⁰; 60-75⁰ (horses) & 15⁰ (poultry)  The visual fields from each eye intersect so that there is some visual input from the same stimuli from each eye  Overlap is necessary for normal up-close depth perception  Predatory spp have large binocular fields of vision  Prey spp have relatively smaller binocular fields but extensive peripheral vision
  • 79. Visual Pathway To The Brain  Axons of retinal ganglion cells form optic nerve  Half of the fibers (medial half) of each optic nerve cross over at optic chiasm; optic tracts exit  Most optic tract fibers go to lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus  Fibers from thalamic (LGN) neurons form optic radiation and project to primary visual cortex in occipital lobes  Other optic tract fibers go to superior colliculi in midbrain (initiating visual reflexes)  A few ganglion cells contain melanopsin and project to other brain areas  Regulate pupil diameter, daily rhythms
  • 82. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Visual pathway to the brain and visual fields, inferior view. Both eyes Fixation point Right eye Supra- chiasmatic nucleus Pretectal nucleus Lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus Superior colliculus The visual fields of the two eyes overlap considerably. Note that fibers from the lateral portion of each retinal field do not cross at the optic chiasma. Occipital lobe (primary visual cortex) Left eye Optic nerve Optic chiasma Optic tract Lateral geniculate nucleus Superior colliculus (sectioned) Uncrossed (ipsilateral) fiber Crossed (contralateral) fiber Optic radiation Corpus callosum Photograph of human brain, with the right side dissected to reveal internal structures.
  • 83. There is a light (a red star) to the left of midline. The star is visible in both eyes, because it is not extremely far to the left. Where are the images of the star on the two retinas? The red lines show the nerve axons activated. Where are they? (Which optic nerve(s), which optic tract(s), which LGN(s)…). We are viewing this transverse section through the brain “from below” – as if we are standing at the foot of the bed of the patient, who is lying supine. That’s why the patient’s left eye and left visual field are on the right side of the diagram.
  • 84. Visual Processing Retinal cells – Color, brightness, edge detection (by amacrine and horizontal cells) Lateral geniculate nuclei of thalamus – Process for depth perception, cone input emphasized, contrast sharpened Primary visual cortex (striate cortex) – Neurons detect edges, object orientation, movement – Provide form, color, motion inputs to visual association areas (prestriate cortex) Occipital lobe centers (prestriate cortex) continues processing form, color, movement
  • 85.  Morphological changes  Ophthalmological examination  Lacrymal flow & Corneal ulcers (Fluorescien test)  Fluorescein test (for corneal integrity)  Neurological exam (pupil light reflex, following of a visual object, avoidance of a menacing gesture, ERG [for retinal integrity prior to cataract surgery] Diagnosis of conditions altering vision in domestic species
  • 86. Conditions that affect the eye Glaucoma: the draining of the aqueous humor is blocked and pressure is built up inside the eye which impinges on the blood vessels and the optic nerve. If caught early, it can be treated by medication or by surgery Cataract: a clouded lens which, if serious, can be removed and replaced surgically