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Viruses, Spyware, and Internet Security 
So, when you are in search of a product you must be two times as cautious. You also have security 
problems sometimes. Windows 7 Firewall program Control is among the easiest firewall programs to 
utilize with a Windows based computer system. To block them, you must install an antivirus on your 
computer. Although it is not a good idea still we do find lots of who still do not utilize anti-virus 
software application to protect their computer. You can likewise establish your very own VPN, 
between your home desktop and your laptop. 
If your computer seems to be having some problems that you just can't figure out there is a very 
good chance that a virus or spyware is to blame. Computer viruses and spyware are a huge issue for 
anyone with a PC computer. Macintosh computers can get viruses as well, but that happens much 
less frequently. For PC uses though, viruses and spyware are a constant concern. These programs 
can be anything from an advertisement that is a mild nuisance to viruses that can disable or destroy 
computer systems and networks. Viruses and spyware come are files that are placed on our 
computers without our permission and usually without us being aware of it. The best way to prevent 
this is with one of the many available anti -virus software programs. The programs sometimes come 
bundled with a computer purchase and sometimes we have to purchase them separately. There are 
excellent free alternatives as well. Programs from companies such as AVG and AVAST are free 
downloads that work very well for most people. 
Simple Tips to protect computer against Hackers 
by anasshad (45 followers) 
Hacking has become a serious headache in recent times. The risks are not only limited to giant 
companies but also to individuals. This hub deals with the basic but most effective tips and 
techniques to save your... 
Learn to Hack Computers 
by beta21 (2 followers) 
What is a hacker? This isn't a trivial question to answer, because the word has two entirely separate 
definitions. This lens will cover both definitions of a hacker. It will teach you everything you need to 
know to...
How to Set Up an HTTP Anti-Virus Proxy Using pfSense and HAVP 
by skear (106 followers) 
By installing the HAVP package on pfSense you can automatically scan all of your web traffic for 
viruses and malware. This will prevent viruses from even entering your network. HAVP is great for 
wireless hotspots and... 
How to Remove a Worm or Virus from Your Computer 
by eHealer (343 followers) 
In the past few months, I have received more phone calls than usual from my friends who are on the 
verge of hysteria-- "my computer has a virus and it's from the FBI!" The recent attacks from the 
virus, known... 
How to Remove a Facebook Virus 
by eHealer (343 followers) 
Facebook is an extremely popular social website, but it is not immune to attacks. In fact, the hacks, 
viruses, sneaky redirects and fake links are becoming more and more popular everyday. Hackers 
take away your Facebook... 
Spams And Scams
by spritequeen lm (2 followers) 
Spams and scams on the internet are all over the place! Wouldn't it be great if there was a little red 
flag that popped up, or a bell that rang, each time you got an email that was full of scams? What if 
you could push... 
Why PayPal money adder is a scam 
by cosmomed1 
The uploaders of these videos claimed that you can add unlimited amount of money into your PayPal 
account. This article will explain why PayPal money adder is a scam. 
How To Install Free Parental Control Software 
by TechSecDude (7 followers) 
A simple guide to installing free porn blocking software. This step by step guide will help keep your 
children safe by filtering out pornography from your browser. The software is completely free and 
easy to install. No...
How to Improve Information Security using Simple Methods 
by kea (293 followers) 
Viruses, worms, SPAM, denial of services, and security incidents plague many organizations today. 
There are five easy measures that should be taken to help mitigate information security risks. Two of 
these measures are... 
Computer Security Jump Bag 
by Edmands (2 followers) 
A Jump Bag is the term used to describe the bag or container holding all of the tools you need to 
appropriately respond to a computer security incident. The hard part is ensuring that the jump bag 
is ready to deploy at... 
Managing your Digital Footprint 
by aesta1 (42 followers) 
Have you ever thought about the impact of what you put online? Are you aware of your digital 
footprint? If you're not, start digging now. 
I Think My MacBook Pro was Hacked 
by clairewait (75 followers)
I opened my laptop the other night and a "Find my Apple Alert" went off. My computer rebooted 
with a locked screen, asking for a 4 digit unlock code and a message to contact an unknown email... 
Physical Security 
by Edmands (2 followers) 
Securing the physical environment is a challenge but standards are being created to help with this 
effort. ISACA's COBIT framework covers the areas of site selection, physical security, controlling 
physical access,... 
Is Groupon a Scam? My Review of the Site 
by hotbrain (6 followers) 
For months, I've been seeing the ads for Groupon, that usually say "50-90% Off" and then have my 
town's name listed. Sometimes there is a picture of a really juicey, delicious looking hamburger. I'm 
Penetration Testing 
by Edmands (2 followers) 
It is common to find companies using automated tools to complete a risk assessment of their 
computer assets and the services they provide. While there are great off the shelf tools, to truly 
understand existing risks an... 
Protecting your identity 
by Davidfstillwagon (2 followers) 
One of the biggest concerns for consumers today is protecting their identity. All someone has to do 
is get your social security number in order to "steal" your identity. That is why it is so important 
today in... 
Microsoft Security Essentials Failing Antivirus Tests 
by brakel2 (375 followers) 
Why is the famous Microsoft Security Essentials software failing tests? Find out the real story 
behind this Microsoft brain child. Learn what software heads the current list. It may be time to 
Link Cloakers | STOP Your Affiliate Commissions Being Stolen 
by rob-hemphill (3 followers) 
Would you know if the commission from your affiliate links were being stolen from right under your 
nose? My guess is that you wouldn't have a clue, apart from wondering why your commission checks 
are so small (or even... 
What Makes a Good Password? 
by MartiLawrence (22 followers) 
Every day, people are getting their online accounts hacked. Users are warned to be sure they have a 
"good" password. But what makes a "good" password? Do you know what "phishing" is? Do...
Safe websites for kids to visit 
by Ann Hinds (129 followers) 
Monitoring children using the Internet is a must. Here are a few of the websites we found that our 
child enjoys using. They are kid tested, parent approved. 
Types Of Computer Viruses 
by Caverson (12 followers) 
There are many types of computer viruses but there are six main categories. Find out about each 
and educate yourself about them and their intentions. 
Computer Hacked: What To Do Now 
by anasshad (45 followers) 
A complete guide walking through the indications of hacking to the steps to take in order to protect 
your system from hacker intrusion. 
Buying on eBay 
by Cheryl Rogers (20 followers) 
What to do -- and what not to do -- when you're buying in that great virtual marketplace: Ebay.
The Best PC AntiVirus Software 
by Lymond (68 followers) 
Doing my usual computer consulting for 
family and friends I've recommended at least 
a half dozen of the best freeware programs 
for computer cleaning, optimization and 
performance, antivirus, anti-spyware and... 
Free Antivirus 360 Removal Tools 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
A new rogue program called Antivirus 360 is 
rising over the Internet. Spyware Detector 
assigned to it a Critical level of danger. 
Antivirus 360 removal tools are listed below. 
How Computer Viruses Work? 
by hassam (605 followers) 
A worm has the ability to copy itself from one computer to another. It is a simple computer program, 
which moves around through computer networks. In the late 1980s, computer viruses were born. It 
was a time when games...
by stethacantus (40 followers) 
Last Tuesday my computer stopped working. I was nearly finished with an article that took me 
nearly five hours to write and perfect when the word pad and web browser disappeared. For a 
moment all I saw was the desk top... 
Tips for Safe Surfing 
by Lynne-Modranski (63 followers) 
I started with computers back in the early '80's. I've just been intrigued by them since their 
inception. But in all the years since I've been getting on the internet, I've never accidentally 
stumbled across an... 
MyWebSearch and other spyware and toolbars 
by dellea (87 followers) 
Spyware and toolbars from Mindspark, Conduit, IAC,, SiteRanker,, ALOT 
toolbar, Searchqu, iWin Games,, Pogo, BigFish, WeatherBug, Babylon and other frauds. 
How To Pick Smart Answers To Your Security Questions 
by RachaelOhalloran (136 followers)
Your mother's middle name. Your first dog's name. The first car you ever bought. Typical questions, 
right? We can't always change the questions, but we can do something about the answers. Here's 
The Vulnerable Human, Part I 
by Randy G Rose 
A cyber security professional with an academic background in anthropology argues that human 
beings are the weakest link in the cyber security paradigm. 
Air Proxy 
by EditPhotos (5 followers) offers a fast, easy to use proxy site that allows you to visit any site you want to visit; 
bypass school blocks; bypass workplace blocks; visit all social media sites. 
Heartbleed: Who Are the Victims? 
by brakel2 (375 followers) 
Learn how the Heartbleed attack can affect victims. This writer is one of the casualties. A 
programming error put websites, businesses and users at risk for the release of confidential 
Avast! Antivirus 
by tillsontitan (806 followers) 
The best way to remove computer viruses is not to get them in the first place. There are numerous 
software programs to protect your computer. Free Avast! is among the best. Learn more by reading 
about the free Avast! 
USB Devices Critically Flawed 
by AlexBr 
USB 'critically flawed' after bug discovery Attack code for 'unpatchable' USB flaw released. But 
What are the facts behind this story and how does it affect the average home user? 
TrueCrypt for Data Security 
by TransplantedSoul (6 followers) 
These days there is so much sensitive data on everyone's computer. We often forget about security 
until it is too late. It is even more complex because data often needs to be moved from place to 
place. If you have any... 
Worst Antispyware Software 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
Knowing which antispyware programs are worst is more important than knowing the best ones. 
Because when you know what is bad for your PC you won't install it and thus will avoid a lot of 
Classification of Computer Viruses / Computer Virus 
by nwapchelp (3 followers) 
Computer Virus is a term used to generically identify a number of types of malicious software 
programs. These malicious software programs can be classified based on their method of infection. 
Comcast Virus Protection - McAfee vs. Norton 
by Canklefish (106 followers) 
Comcast virus protection is a free service offered to any customer who subscribes to any level of 
Comcast high-speed internet. The virus protection is offered as a free download at the 
Zlob Trojan Virus 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
At first glance, there's nothing pecualiar about Zlob; just one more trojan created to display fake 
warnings about spyware infections, generate scary reports and push the PC user to buy a license key 
for allegedly... 
Top Free Online Virus Scan Services 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
Free online virus scan services are very helpful in case there's a stubborn infection that can't be 
deleted using already installed PC security software. Online antivirus scanners are easy to use, but 
of course they...
How To Find Background Information And Do A Criminal Check? 
by Abseaz LM (1 follower) 
If you do not expect an email with an attachment from a trusted source, scans the file before you 
open it. As soon as the user downloads the email accessory provided, it damages the system's files 
and applications. When it pertains to COMPUTER security, many of us reside in a world of full lack 
of knowledge about the threats out there on the web. If you ever need to shut your firewall software 
off, you should use EnableAll. You may deselect the Play sounds in webpages alternative under 
Multimedia. Remember, Viruses and Spywares are not same. 
Whether it's a tenant just about to move into your house, an interviewee you're considering for the 
manager position at your business, or the nanny you want to hire to look after your kids while you're 
at work, you... 
PC Spy - Monitor PC Use With Keyboard Logging 
by TechSecDude (7 followers) 
A guide to installing free keylogging software in order to legitimately monitor PC use. Designed for 
home and small business use. Keep an eye on your children's online activity. Log MSN and Yahoo 
chat. Protect against... 
How to Deal with a Cyberbully 
by DeniseAlvarado (3 followers) 
When a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or 
otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital 
technologies or mobile...
How To Remove Koobface Virus 
by hassam (605 followers) 
Koobface is the latest virus that has attacked the social networking phenomenon. Top social 
networking websites like facebook and myspace are the places where this thing has done nothing 
but mischief. The virus... 
Common Sense Internet Security 
by Gordon Hamilton (615 followers) 
Simple tips to follow to stay secure online. Includes a guide to potential consequences of not using 
the Internet responsibly. 
The real dangers of Facebook – Facebook Addiction 
by Yume Tenshi (3 followers) 
Facebook is definitely the world's largest social network with more than 500 million users. We all 
know that Facebook was started to assist us in keeping contact with friends; help us make new 
friends; keep an online... 
List of all the available Antivirus Software 
by Nikhil_
In Today's Internet world, a must have PC Software is an Antivirus Software. Antivirus is a Software 
which helps you in removing various threats like Malware,Spyware or Adware etc, it also helps you 
to stay safe Online.... 
How to Pick The Right VPN Provider the First Time 
by Mattofalltrades (12 followers) 
Choosing a Vpn can be confusing, especially the first time. Learn which features are important like 
vpn security, speed and price and which vpn services are best in each category. 
How to create and remember multiple passwords 
by BritFlorida (276 followers) 
Can you remember all the passwords you need? Do you have different passwords for every site? 
(Highly recommended). Find out how to create unique passwords for every service you use AND 
remember them. 
How to solve an iframe injection caused by Trojan malware 
by probyte2u (159 followers) 
What is ? The tag defines an inline frame that contains another document. We use tag to include 
another document in inside website document. For example, I use the following iframe code to insert 
Why You Should Back-Up Your Work 
by btrbell (358 followers) 
What would happen if your computer crashed? Would you lose everything or do you have it backed 
up? This article will talk about several ways to back up your work. 
Vtunnel Proxy Server 
by EditPhotos (5 followers) is a free anonymous web based proxy service. Vtunnel is also known as a CGI Proxy 
service. Majority of the blocked websites can be accessed because of Vtunnel website. 
Facebook Hack Advice 
by melbel (1,510 followers) 
Getting hacked is no fun. Learning how Facebook hackers operate is a great way to not only protect 
your Facebook account, but many of your other online accounts as well! 
by securityonline (4 followers) 
I listed some working methods used by facebook hackers to gain access to facebook accounts.You 
can find out how to avoid those type of attacks and secure your facebook profile by reading this 
Fight Back At Spam 
by TonyPayne (112 followers) 
This page shows you how to fight back at spam, and how to make the owners of web sites who spam 
you pay a price for doing so, using the WOT browser plugin. Spam is everywhere these days isn't it. 
Not only do we find... 
Norton 360 Review 2014 
by ajgodinho (66 followers) 
Norton 360 provides all-in-one computer and internet security protection. These products are made 
by Symantec, a publicly-traded Fortune 500 company founded in 1982, based in California, USA. 
Symantec products include... 
Virtumonde Removal Tools and Guide 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
So your PC got infected with Virtumonde trojan and you want some virtumonde fix to remove the 
infection? Look no further. Get the tools for surgical IT operation to clean out this nasty trojan virus. 
Or, learn how to... 
Botnets: Uses and Consequences
by Dumbledore (166 followers) 
Botnets are big money commodity items. Cybercriminals have set up underground networks to lease 
and sell control of bots and botnets. 
Quantum Key exchange and the BB84 protocol 
by Manna in the wild (194 followers) 
Quantum Key exchange and the BB84 protocol. An introduction to the use of quantum entanglement 
for key exchange as required for encrypted communication. The text is detailed and although 
introductory does not... 
System Security Virus: Malware Prevention and Removal 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
Can't remove System Security Virus? I'm not surprised. Last time it took me 2 days to help a victim 
of this infection to remove system security warnings and unblock Windows components. 
Scam or Not A Scam Part 2 - UPDATES 
by Catherine Frias 9 (3 followers) 
Hi everyone it has been taking too much time for me to update my Original Lens. So I am going to 
put the Updates here along with an Honest to goodness list of employers that hire work at home 
people. I am sorry to say...
How To Use Jumpto 
by Jumpto2 (2 followers) 
Jumpto, the new kid on the block of Internet Security has developed an out of the box solution to 
your computer security issues. Read on and discover how. 
Scam or Not a Scam 
by Catherine Frias 9 (3 followers) 
Hi Everybody! This is my recollection of the things I had to do to keep someone from almost getting 
away with scamming me. So read on as I describe the things that have happened and transpired 
since the beginning of the... 
Antivirus vs Firewall 
by carny (34 followers) 
Is an antivirus or a firewall more important for the protection of your computer and personal data? 
What are the main differences between the two? This short article will explain the whats and hows. 
Nude Snapchat Images Put Online 
by AlexBr
It has been reported that some 200,000 Snapchat images may be uploaded by a hacker, but 
Snapchat have stated that their servers were never breached. 
Trojan Vundo Removal 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
Vundo represents a new generation of trojans. It has been able to include the nastiest techniques 
used for infecting web-connected PC's. Based on the vast experience of trojan virii developers, vundo 
trojan turned to be... 
What can you do about malware infections? 
by dellea (87 followers) 
Malware can be computer viruses that harm your computer, spyware that tracks what you do, or 
hijackers that take over your browser. Find out how to protect yourself against malware now. 
How to Test Your PC for Viruses and Spyware 
by Anti-Valentine (219 followers) 
Viruses. They're out there. They scare most of us. Sometimes we end up being infected or think we 
are anyway. This article's about testing your system for malware. 
Computer Security
by Edmands (2 followers) 
Computer security. With many people switching their systems to a broadband network, the need 
for computer security education has grown. This lens provides an overview of computer security 
topics as well as links... 
How You Can Browse Safe And Stay Secure Online 
by Miebakagh57 (3 followers) 
Is your computer being infiltrated? Be aware that some antivirus software vendors have substandard 
or software that enabled virus, spyware and malware to infiltrate your computer. 
Protect Your Privacy from Critters Online! 
by tf245yay 
Everyone worries that their personal information doesn't fall into the wrong hands right? Like we 
don't want strangers/critters to get access to our house/car. But why are we allowing others to see 
our private stuff... 
Internet Security Threats : Hacking 
by paiva25 (50 followers) 
As we very well today's world everything is done through the internet...but how safe really 
is the internet?
Top Free Online Virus And Security Scanning Websites 
by hassam (605 followers) 
Most of the internet users rely on anti-virus and firewall tools as primary line of defence against 
virus threats and malware. However, the growing number of exploits and existence of spyware on 
computers has shown that... 
Digital Death 
by sweetstickyrainbo 
Never put all your eggs in one basket. Some internet entities try to be all things to all people. They 
offer free email, free blogging, and free forum posts. The question is: Did you really read that 
agreement you... 
hacktivist - Hacker School Attacked 
by BFunivcom (2 followers) 
Elegance. Well written code contains no flourishes. Concise. Direct. Succinct. Billy Goodman: Ethical 
Hacker, Privacy Technician The trilogy starts with a lone hacktivist in cyberbattle.... 
How to Create unhackable passwords and why? 
by Ayaz.H.Sario (16 followers)
this hub provides with a simple but effective solution to enable you to create non-hackable 
passwords. This hub also offers many tools to check, create and generate passwords. 
Best Free Anti Spyware Reviews and Recommendations 
by Lymond (68 followers) 
In part 1 we looked at Antivirus programs. This is a quick look at anti-spyware. Similarly to the 
antivirus you'll want one or more* of these running all the time, preferably one with heuristic/real 
time capabilities.... 
ISO IT Standards on Security Incidents 
by tamarawilhite (219 followers) 
ISO standard 18044 was the standard for information security incident management, replaced by 
ISO standard 27035 in 2011. What do these standards say, and what do these ISO IT standards 
by goo2eyes lm (7 followers) 
STUFF I received these money transfer scam letters and the romance scam letters on 15 and 16.Nov 
2011 and I decided to expose them here. Scam letters keep on coming. The best thing is to ignore 
these and delete from the... 
Is Your Computer a Zombie or part of a Botnet? 
by Dumbledore (166 followers) 
The Stuxnet worm targeted a specific type of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Dunadup 
affects Windows systems with unpatched vulnerabilities. Does this mean that you are vulnerable to 
these threats if you do not... 
Need A Dedicated Server 
by Michey LM (2 followers) 
What is a dedicated server? A dedicated server is a web host that only serves your website. Unlike a 
shared server, a dedicated server is entirely your own. Although the equipment for the server is 
usually leased from... 
Ninjacloak Proxy 
by EditPhotos (5 followers) 
Ninja Cloak is a free anonymous web based proxy service. With Ninja Cloak you can browse your 
favorite web sites anonymously even if your school or office is blocking sites. 
Beware of Fake Firefox Download Sites 
by spark34 (1 follower) 
There are many internet browsers available for download today. One of them is Firefox, the famed 
free browser from Mozilla Corporation. This hub was created to warn users of sites offering fake 
Firefox updates and...
Prevent Fake Browser Update 
by brakel2 (375 followers) 
Fake browser update becomes a serious malware issue. Caution and good antimalware software can 
prevent this bug. Learn the steps to resolve this problem to save computer and peace of mind. 
Best AntiVirus Software 
by reviewraters (1 follower) 
The best antivirus software will help protect your computer and personal information from hackers 
and viruses. Check out the best antivirus software for your PC and/or laptop. 
Computer Virus:meaning,causes and Precaution 
by infotechnology (6 followers) 
Computer Viruses are every where. It is better to take precaution than fall a victim. sensitive 
information about you can be taken such as your Account details even with your own assistance. 
Shopping Safely Online 
by ajgodinho (66 followers) 
Online Shopping has increased a great deal, year over year, as per statistics. As consumers find 
lesser time on their hands, they have embraced shopping online as a viable option. Some of the 
reasons people shop online...
How I got scammed...almost 
by Greg2255 (1 follower) 
This is my personal story of the first time I almost got scammed on-line. Had it not been for luck, or 
fate I would have been yet another victim of an on-line scam. Looking back on it now, I know that 
there is no way I... 
6 Totally Free VPN Services 
by kamilion83 
This fresh lens is about free vpn services. VPN means Virtual Private Network, where you can hide 
your real IP address. Thus you can protect your identity and secure your internet connection with 
the websites you... 
How to Guard Yourself Against Identity Theft 
by PeterHann LM 
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world and nobody is safe from this 
unpleasant criminal activity. In the US the Internal Revenue Service lists identity theft as one of the 
leading scams that... 
Protect Your Computer Without AntiVirus
by firas1 (2 followers) 
Following certain tips and instructions, you can have your computer protected against viruses and 
other malicious programs without installing a system resources consuming antivirus software 
Ninja Proxy 
by EditPhotos (5 followers) 
Ninja Proxy is a free anonymous web based proxy service. With Ninja Proxy you can browse your 
favorite web sites anonymously and even from behind a firewall with blocked ports. 
What is Cloud Storage 
by auluren 
Business organizations and individuals are very much dependent on internet as a major means of 
communication and we keep on finding more trustworthy and bankable space where we can store 
out confidential data. Huge... 
CardSystems - the data security Breach 
by atirial (8 followers) 
The most famous data breach is probably the TJX case with over 45million credit cards 
compromised. However in 2005, two years earlier, the CardSystems case resulted in increased 
attention to the issue of data breach. It...
How to Secure your Computer from DDoS Attack 
by juncolt (9 followers) 
Just recently, services of on-line companies Paypal, MasterCard and Amazon were disrupted by 
distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Clients were not able to access their sites on their 
computers for several... 
How To Protect Yourself From DDoS Attacks 
by BlocksNGuns (4 followers) 
DDoS attacks : Distributed - denial - of - service attacks. Why do people DDoS? How to prevent being 
DDoSed and how to protect yourself against it? In this article you will find out all about it. 
How to Remove the Zeroaccess Trojan Virus 
by twinstimes2 (217 followers) 
Our computer had a virus that our virus software could not remove. Learn how we were ultimately 
able to remove the zeroaccess trojan virus from our computer. 
Rival Gaming removal 
by iPSiArt
Rival Gaming is a toolbar for all major browsers, which might install to your computer without your 
consent. It is advertised as a game toolbar, which offers fast and easy game browsing. However, if 
it's installed... 
Free Total PC Security Protection 
by charlemont (744 followers) 
PC security implies more than the usage of the 'state-of-the-art' software applications because it's all 
about the right choice of the right products - and their proper configuration. 
Cyber Security Salary 
by websaver (1 follower) 
As the era of the Internet is taking over the world, more and more people are starting to think about 
choosing a job in the Internet security field. 
How to Remove the Conduit Virus (Step 2) 
by Phillip Rearick (22 followers) 
If the steps in the previous tutorial were not sufficient for the removal of the conduit virus, follow 
the steps listed below. 
XP Antivirus
by charlemont (744 followers) 
XP Antivirus, also known as Windows XP Antivirus 2008, is a piece of smart malware. It starts by 
popping up a message allegedly on behalf of Windows Security Center stating that your PC is being 
threated and you need to... 
How Hackers Hide Viruses 
by apexarticles 
This article will educate computer users on various methods hackers use to hide virus and infect 
Website Malware Detection 
by mggxx81 
Usually, it is not profitable to perform a targeted attack on a certain station simply to gain sensitive 
information or to make other sort of damage like DDoS ( 
-service_att... for... 
Is it a scam 
by BeSavy LM 
It's easy to fall for a scam. When you find yourself in a desperate situation you could end up ready to 
believe anything or anyone. During these times the question is it a scam will be the last question on 
your mind.... 
How To Remove A Virus From A Computer
by aviwolfson (9 followers) 
This article contains useful information on how to remove a Virus from a computer as well as 
prevent and keep your data safe. 
Social Networking 
by homepage101 (1 follower) 
Friends make up our social network. This gets bigger when you get acquainted with others and this 
in essence is social networking. But social networking does not end there. It also goes to specific 
groups like people... 
Complex Passwords Made Easy 
by Vortrek Grafix (5 followers) 
Quick tips for tricky to guess passwords yet surprisingly easy to rember 
How to uninstall or remove ESET Nod32 antivirus totally? 
by rancidTaste (332 followers) 
Are you facing problem to uninstall or remove ESET NOD32 antivirus? Do you want to remove 
NOD32 form your computer? Do you need to uninstall NOD32 and need to install another antivirus? 
This page gives a detailed... 
How to uninstall or remove Kaspersky totally? 
by rancidTaste (332 followers) 
To uninstall or remove Kaspersky form your computer, generally you follow standard methods i.e. 
you uninstall or remove it from control panel's Add or Remove Programs. But the great regret that 
it's unable to remove or... 
How to Remove the Conduit Virus (Step 3) 
by Phillip Rearick (22 followers) 
If steps one and two were not sufficient to remove the Conduit virus, move on to step 3, where you 
manually remove the virus. 
Hide My Ass Proxy 
by EditPhotos (5 followers) 
Hide My Ass free proxy enables you to hide your online identity and become anonymous for every 
website you visit. 
My Identity Was Stolen - Now What 
by gottaloveit2 (39 followers) 
I was on Johnâs boat, Sept 3, enjoying Labor Day on the Chesapeake Bay when the call came in 
from Capital One credit cards; my credit card number was stolen and unauthorized charges were 
being made in Arizona....
The Vulnerable Human, Part II 
by Randy G Rose 
A cyber security professional with an academic background in anthropology argues that human 
beings are the weakest link in the cyber security paradigm. 
Btunnel Anonymous Proxy 
by EditPhotos (5 followers) 
Btunnel is a web proxy that hides your IP address and allows you to surf anonymously and visit 
websites that are blocked by your school or workplace. 
Free Virus Killer - How You Can Prevent Virus Attacks 
by chefmancave (44 followers) 
Preventing virus attacks is easy to do if you follow these simple guidelines. Understanding the 
professional hacker and the different virus attacks will increase your ability to stop virus attacks 
before they ever... 
Improve Home Security with CCTV Cameras 
by obaffili
Closed Circuit Television Security Cameras (CCTV) are a fast growing segment of the home security 
market. In today's fast-paced modern day world, video surveillance has become as vital to society as 
security guards and... 
"My Plight" - My Gmail Was Hacked, And I'm Not Alone! 
by mythphile (39 followers) 
[9.17.10 8:13 AM] "My Plight": The Gmail hackers got me! They've hijacked my Gmail account, 
blocked me out, and sent scam emails to all my contacts. The email's subject was "My Plight." It 
Understanding zero day vulnerabilities 
by dellea (87 followers) 
Security holes in today's software and hardware programming can lead to disastrous vulnerabilities. 
Learn how to protect your computer and your data. 
IT Security; How Important Is It? 
by The-Quietwarrior (29 followers) 
The question; "Have you been able to get a handle on employee theft of computers, media, and other 
electronics, and, how has it affected the company year to date?" 
Google Redirect Virus: how to stop it? 
by iPSiArt 
These times, when the Internet is very popular among people, Google Redirect Virus creates a huge 
problem for basic and advanced internet user. Google is undoubtedly the most used search engine in 
the world, and when... 
5 Best Ways to Secure your Wireless network. 
by karthickjck (113 followers) 
There are 5 best ways to secure your Wireless network. This blogs helps you to understand those 
five basic ways to secure your wireless network from hacking beginners. They are 1) WEP 
encryption 2) WPA encryption...

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Viruses, Spyware, and Internet Security

  • 1. Viruses, Spyware, and Internet Security So, when you are in search of a product you must be two times as cautious. You also have security problems sometimes. Windows 7 Firewall program Control is among the easiest firewall programs to utilize with a Windows based computer system. To block them, you must install an antivirus on your computer. Although it is not a good idea still we do find lots of who still do not utilize anti-virus software application to protect their computer. You can likewise establish your very own VPN, between your home desktop and your laptop. If your computer seems to be having some problems that you just can't figure out there is a very good chance that a virus or spyware is to blame. Computer viruses and spyware are a huge issue for anyone with a PC computer. Macintosh computers can get viruses as well, but that happens much less frequently. For PC uses though, viruses and spyware are a constant concern. These programs can be anything from an advertisement that is a mild nuisance to viruses that can disable or destroy computer systems and networks. Viruses and spyware come are files that are placed on our computers without our permission and usually without us being aware of it. The best way to prevent this is with one of the many available anti -virus software programs. The programs sometimes come bundled with a computer purchase and sometimes we have to purchase them separately. There are excellent free alternatives as well. Programs from companies such as AVG and AVAST are free downloads that work very well for most people. 25 Simple Tips to protect computer against Hackers by anasshad (45 followers) Hacking has become a serious headache in recent times. The risks are not only limited to giant companies but also to individuals. This hub deals with the basic but most effective tips and techniques to save your... 10 Learn to Hack Computers by beta21 (2 followers) What is a hacker? This isn't a trivial question to answer, because the word has two entirely separate definitions. This lens will cover both definitions of a hacker. It will teach you everything you need to know to...
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  • 5. I opened my laptop the other night and a "Find my Apple Alert" went off. My computer rebooted with a locked screen, asking for a 4 digit unlock code and a message to contact an unknown email... 3 Physical Security by Edmands (2 followers) Securing the physical environment is a challenge but standards are being created to help with this effort. ISACA's COBIT framework covers the areas of site selection, physical security, controlling physical access,... 68 Is Groupon a Scam? My Review of the Site by hotbrain (6 followers) For months, I've been seeing the ads for Groupon, that usually say "50-90% Off" and then have my town's name listed. Sometimes there is a picture of a really juicey, delicious looking hamburger. I'm sure... 1 Penetration Testing by Edmands (2 followers) It is common to find companies using automated tools to complete a risk assessment of their computer assets and the services they provide. While there are great off the shelf tools, to truly understand existing risks an... 20
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  • 8. 3 The Best PC AntiVirus Software by Lymond (68 followers) Doing my usual computer consulting for family and friends I've recommended at least a half dozen of the best freeware programs for computer cleaning, optimization and performance, antivirus, anti-spyware and... 4 Free Antivirus 360 Removal Tools by charlemont (744 followers) A new rogue program called Antivirus 360 is rising over the Internet. Spyware Detector assigned to it a Critical level of danger. Antivirus 360 removal tools are listed below. 5 How Computer Viruses Work? by hassam (605 followers) A worm has the ability to copy itself from one computer to another. It is a simple computer program, which moves around through computer networks. In the late 1980s, computer viruses were born. It was a time when games...
  • 9. 40 THE FBI LOCKED MY COMPUTER!!! by stethacantus (40 followers) Last Tuesday my computer stopped working. I was nearly finished with an article that took me nearly five hours to write and perfect when the word pad and web browser disappeared. For a moment all I saw was the desk top... 4 Tips for Safe Surfing by Lynne-Modranski (63 followers) I started with computers back in the early '80's. I've just been intrigued by them since their inception. But in all the years since I've been getting on the internet, I've never accidentally stumbled across an... 0 MyWebSearch and other spyware and toolbars by dellea (87 followers) Spyware and toolbars from Mindspark, Conduit, IAC,, SiteRanker,, ALOT toolbar, Searchqu, iWin Games,, Pogo, BigFish, WeatherBug, Babylon and other frauds. 30 How To Pick Smart Answers To Your Security Questions by RachaelOhalloran (136 followers)
  • 10. Your mother's middle name. Your first dog's name. The first car you ever bought. Typical questions, right? We can't always change the questions, but we can do something about the answers. Here's how. 0 The Vulnerable Human, Part I by Randy G Rose A cyber security professional with an academic background in anthropology argues that human beings are the weakest link in the cyber security paradigm. 10 Air Proxy by EditPhotos (5 followers) offers a fast, easy to use proxy site that allows you to visit any site you want to visit; bypass school blocks; bypass workplace blocks; visit all social media sites. 16 Heartbleed: Who Are the Victims? by brakel2 (375 followers) Learn how the Heartbleed attack can affect victims. This writer is one of the casualties. A programming error put websites, businesses and users at risk for the release of confidential information. 18
  • 11. Avast! Antivirus by tillsontitan (806 followers) The best way to remove computer viruses is not to get them in the first place. There are numerous software programs to protect your computer. Free Avast! is among the best. Learn more by reading about the free Avast! 0 USB Devices Critically Flawed by AlexBr USB 'critically flawed' after bug discovery Attack code for 'unpatchable' USB flaw released. But What are the facts behind this story and how does it affect the average home user? 3 TrueCrypt for Data Security by TransplantedSoul (6 followers) These days there is so much sensitive data on everyone's computer. We often forget about security until it is too late. It is even more complex because data often needs to be moved from place to place. If you have any... 5 Worst Antispyware Software by charlemont (744 followers) Knowing which antispyware programs are worst is more important than knowing the best ones. Because when you know what is bad for your PC you won't install it and thus will avoid a lot of problems.
  • 12. 1 Classification of Computer Viruses / Computer Virus by nwapchelp (3 followers) Computer Virus is a term used to generically identify a number of types of malicious software programs. These malicious software programs can be classified based on their method of infection. 19 Comcast Virus Protection - McAfee vs. Norton by Canklefish (106 followers) Comcast virus protection is a free service offered to any customer who subscribes to any level of Comcast high-speed internet. The virus protection is offered as a free download at the homepage. 13 Zlob Trojan Virus by charlemont (744 followers) At first glance, there's nothing pecualiar about Zlob; just one more trojan created to display fake warnings about spyware infections, generate scary reports and push the PC user to buy a license key for allegedly... 72 Top Free Online Virus Scan Services by charlemont (744 followers) Free online virus scan services are very helpful in case there's a stubborn infection that can't be deleted using already installed PC security software. Online antivirus scanners are easy to use, but of course they...
  • 13. 4 How To Find Background Information And Do A Criminal Check? by Abseaz LM (1 follower) If you do not expect an email with an attachment from a trusted source, scans the file before you open it. As soon as the user downloads the email accessory provided, it damages the system's files and applications. When it pertains to COMPUTER security, many of us reside in a world of full lack of knowledge about the threats out there on the web. If you ever need to shut your firewall software off, you should use EnableAll. You may deselect the Play sounds in webpages alternative under Multimedia. Remember, Viruses and Spywares are not same. Whether it's a tenant just about to move into your house, an interviewee you're considering for the manager position at your business, or the nanny you want to hire to look after your kids while you're at work, you... 25 PC Spy - Monitor PC Use With Keyboard Logging by TechSecDude (7 followers) A guide to installing free keylogging software in order to legitimately monitor PC use. Designed for home and small business use. Keep an eye on your children's online activity. Log MSN and Yahoo chat. Protect against... 6 How to Deal with a Cyberbully by DeniseAlvarado (3 followers) When a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile...
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  • 15. In Today's Internet world, a must have PC Software is an Antivirus Software. Antivirus is a Software which helps you in removing various threats like Malware,Spyware or Adware etc, it also helps you to stay safe Online.... 1 How to Pick The Right VPN Provider the First Time by Mattofalltrades (12 followers) Choosing a Vpn can be confusing, especially the first time. Learn which features are important like vpn security, speed and price and which vpn services are best in each category. 10 How to create and remember multiple passwords by BritFlorida (276 followers) Can you remember all the passwords you need? Do you have different passwords for every site? (Highly recommended). Find out how to create unique passwords for every service you use AND remember them. 13 How to solve an iframe injection caused by Trojan malware by probyte2u (159 followers) What is ? The tag defines an inline frame that contains another document. We use tag to include another document in inside website document. For example, I use the following iframe code to insert 29
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  • 18. by Dumbledore (166 followers) Botnets are big money commodity items. Cybercriminals have set up underground networks to lease and sell control of bots and botnets. 5 Quantum Key exchange and the BB84 protocol by Manna in the wild (194 followers) Quantum Key exchange and the BB84 protocol. An introduction to the use of quantum entanglement for key exchange as required for encrypted communication. The text is detailed and although introductory does not... 28 System Security Virus: Malware Prevention and Removal by charlemont (744 followers) Can't remove System Security Virus? I'm not surprised. Last time it took me 2 days to help a victim of this infection to remove system security warnings and unblock Windows components. 2 Scam or Not A Scam Part 2 - UPDATES by Catherine Frias 9 (3 followers) Hi everyone it has been taking too much time for me to update my Original Lens. So I am going to put the Updates here along with an Honest to goodness list of employers that hire work at home people. I am sorry to say...
  • 19. 164 How To Use Jumpto by Jumpto2 (2 followers) Jumpto, the new kid on the block of Internet Security has developed an out of the box solution to your computer security issues. Read on and discover how. 19 Scam or Not a Scam by Catherine Frias 9 (3 followers) Hi Everybody! This is my recollection of the things I had to do to keep someone from almost getting away with scamming me. So read on as I describe the things that have happened and transpired since the beginning of the... 1 Antivirus vs Firewall by carny (34 followers) Is an antivirus or a firewall more important for the protection of your computer and personal data? What are the main differences between the two? This short article will explain the whats and hows. 0 Nude Snapchat Images Put Online by AlexBr
  • 20. It has been reported that some 200,000 Snapchat images may be uploaded by a hacker, but Snapchat have stated that their servers were never breached. 123 Trojan Vundo Removal by charlemont (744 followers) Vundo represents a new generation of trojans. It has been able to include the nastiest techniques used for infecting web-connected PC's. Based on the vast experience of trojan virii developers, vundo trojan turned to be... 4 What can you do about malware infections? by dellea (87 followers) Malware can be computer viruses that harm your computer, spyware that tracks what you do, or hijackers that take over your browser. Find out how to protect yourself against malware now. 1 How to Test Your PC for Viruses and Spyware by Anti-Valentine (219 followers) Viruses. They're out there. They scare most of us. Sometimes we end up being infected or think we are anyway. This article's about testing your system for malware. 12 Computer Security
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  • 22. 4 Top Free Online Virus And Security Scanning Websites by hassam (605 followers) Most of the internet users rely on anti-virus and firewall tools as primary line of defence against virus threats and malware. However, the growing number of exploits and existence of spyware on computers has shown that... 5 Digital Death by sweetstickyrainbo Never put all your eggs in one basket. Some internet entities try to be all things to all people. They offer free email, free blogging, and free forum posts. The question is: Did you really read that agreement you... 4 hacktivist - Hacker School Attacked by BFunivcom (2 followers) Elegance. Well written code contains no flourishes. Concise. Direct. Succinct. Billy Goodman: Ethical Hacker, Privacy Technician The trilogy starts with a lone hacktivist in cyberbattle.... 5 How to Create unhackable passwords and why? by Ayaz.H.Sario (16 followers)
  • 23. this hub provides with a simple but effective solution to enable you to create non-hackable passwords. This hub also offers many tools to check, create and generate passwords. 2 Best Free Anti Spyware Reviews and Recommendations by Lymond (68 followers) In part 1 we looked at Antivirus programs. This is a quick look at anti-spyware. Similarly to the antivirus you'll want one or more* of these running all the time, preferably one with heuristic/real time capabilities.... 0 ISO IT Standards on Security Incidents by tamarawilhite (219 followers) ISO standard 18044 was the standard for information security incident management, replaced by ISO standard 27035 in 2011. What do these standards say, and what do these ISO IT standards mandate? 68 *DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ HERE... by goo2eyes lm (7 followers) STUFF I received these money transfer scam letters and the romance scam letters on 15 and 16.Nov 2011 and I decided to expose them here. Scam letters keep on coming. The best thing is to ignore these and delete from the... 2
  • 24. Is Your Computer a Zombie or part of a Botnet? by Dumbledore (166 followers) The Stuxnet worm targeted a specific type of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Dunadup affects Windows systems with unpatched vulnerabilities. Does this mean that you are vulnerable to these threats if you do not... 20 Need A Dedicated Server by Michey LM (2 followers) What is a dedicated server? A dedicated server is a web host that only serves your website. Unlike a shared server, a dedicated server is entirely your own. Although the equipment for the server is usually leased from... 2 Ninjacloak Proxy by EditPhotos (5 followers) Ninja Cloak is a free anonymous web based proxy service. With Ninja Cloak you can browse your favorite web sites anonymously even if your school or office is blocking sites. 0 Beware of Fake Firefox Download Sites by spark34 (1 follower) There are many internet browsers available for download today. One of them is Firefox, the famed free browser from Mozilla Corporation. This hub was created to warn users of sites offering fake Firefox updates and...
  • 25. 25 Prevent Fake Browser Update by brakel2 (375 followers) Fake browser update becomes a serious malware issue. Caution and good antimalware software can prevent this bug. Learn the steps to resolve this problem to save computer and peace of mind. 1 Best AntiVirus Software by reviewraters (1 follower) The best antivirus software will help protect your computer and personal information from hackers and viruses. Check out the best antivirus software for your PC and/or laptop. 0 Computer Virus:meaning,causes and Precaution by infotechnology (6 followers) Computer Viruses are every where. It is better to take precaution than fall a victim. sensitive information about you can be taken such as your Account details even with your own assistance. 34 Shopping Safely Online by ajgodinho (66 followers) Online Shopping has increased a great deal, year over year, as per statistics. As consumers find lesser time on their hands, they have embraced shopping online as a viable option. Some of the reasons people shop online...
  • 26. 15 How I got scammed...almost by Greg2255 (1 follower) This is my personal story of the first time I almost got scammed on-line. Had it not been for luck, or fate I would have been yet another victim of an on-line scam. Looking back on it now, I know that there is no way I... 3 6 Totally Free VPN Services by kamilion83 This fresh lens is about free vpn services. VPN means Virtual Private Network, where you can hide your real IP address. Thus you can protect your identity and secure your internet connection with the websites you... 0 How to Guard Yourself Against Identity Theft by PeterHann LM Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world and nobody is safe from this unpleasant criminal activity. In the US the Internal Revenue Service lists identity theft as one of the leading scams that... 0 Protect Your Computer Without AntiVirus
  • 27. by firas1 (2 followers) Following certain tips and instructions, you can have your computer protected against viruses and other malicious programs without installing a system resources consuming antivirus software 0 Ninja Proxy by EditPhotos (5 followers) Ninja Proxy is a free anonymous web based proxy service. With Ninja Proxy you can browse your favorite web sites anonymously and even from behind a firewall with blocked ports. 0 What is Cloud Storage by auluren Business organizations and individuals are very much dependent on internet as a major means of communication and we keep on finding more trustworthy and bankable space where we can store out confidential data. Huge... 7 CardSystems - the data security Breach by atirial (8 followers) The most famous data breach is probably the TJX case with over 45million credit cards compromised. However in 2005, two years earlier, the CardSystems case resulted in increased attention to the issue of data breach. It...
  • 28. 4 How to Secure your Computer from DDoS Attack by juncolt (9 followers) Just recently, services of on-line companies Paypal, MasterCard and Amazon were disrupted by distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Clients were not able to access their sites on their computers for several... 0 How To Protect Yourself From DDoS Attacks by BlocksNGuns (4 followers) DDoS attacks : Distributed - denial - of - service attacks. Why do people DDoS? How to prevent being DDoSed and how to protect yourself against it? In this article you will find out all about it. 8 How to Remove the Zeroaccess Trojan Virus by twinstimes2 (217 followers) Our computer had a virus that our virus software could not remove. Learn how we were ultimately able to remove the zeroaccess trojan virus from our computer. 12 Rival Gaming removal by iPSiArt
  • 29. Rival Gaming is a toolbar for all major browsers, which might install to your computer without your consent. It is advertised as a game toolbar, which offers fast and easy game browsing. However, if it's installed... 30 Free Total PC Security Protection by charlemont (744 followers) PC security implies more than the usage of the 'state-of-the-art' software applications because it's all about the right choice of the right products - and their proper configuration. 0 Cyber Security Salary by websaver (1 follower) As the era of the Internet is taking over the world, more and more people are starting to think about choosing a job in the Internet security field. 4 How to Remove the Conduit Virus (Step 2) by Phillip Rearick (22 followers) If the steps in the previous tutorial were not sufficient for the removal of the conduit virus, follow the steps listed below. 292 XP Antivirus
  • 30. by charlemont (744 followers) XP Antivirus, also known as Windows XP Antivirus 2008, is a piece of smart malware. It starts by popping up a message allegedly on behalf of Windows Security Center stating that your PC is being threated and you need to... 3 How Hackers Hide Viruses by apexarticles This article will educate computer users on various methods hackers use to hide virus and infect computers. 5 Website Malware Detection by mggxx81 Usually, it is not profitable to perform a targeted attack on a certain station simply to gain sensitive information or to make other sort of damage like DDoS ( -service_att... for... 17 Is it a scam by BeSavy LM It's easy to fall for a scam. When you find yourself in a desperate situation you could end up ready to believe anything or anyone. During these times the question is it a scam will be the last question on your mind.... 18 How To Remove A Virus From A Computer
  • 31. by aviwolfson (9 followers) This article contains useful information on how to remove a Virus from a computer as well as prevent and keep your data safe. 13 Social Networking by homepage101 (1 follower) Friends make up our social network. This gets bigger when you get acquainted with others and this in essence is social networking. But social networking does not end there. It also goes to specific groups like people... 14 Complex Passwords Made Easy by Vortrek Grafix (5 followers) Quick tips for tricky to guess passwords yet surprisingly easy to rember 80 How to uninstall or remove ESET Nod32 antivirus totally? by rancidTaste (332 followers) Are you facing problem to uninstall or remove ESET NOD32 antivirus? Do you want to remove NOD32 form your computer? Do you need to uninstall NOD32 and need to install another antivirus? This page gives a detailed... 6
  • 32. How to uninstall or remove Kaspersky totally? by rancidTaste (332 followers) To uninstall or remove Kaspersky form your computer, generally you follow standard methods i.e. you uninstall or remove it from control panel's Add or Remove Programs. But the great regret that it's unable to remove or... 1 How to Remove the Conduit Virus (Step 3) by Phillip Rearick (22 followers) If steps one and two were not sufficient to remove the Conduit virus, move on to step 3, where you manually remove the virus. 9 Hide My Ass Proxy by EditPhotos (5 followers) Hide My Ass free proxy enables you to hide your online identity and become anonymous for every website you visit. 2 My Identity Was Stolen - Now What by gottaloveit2 (39 followers) I was on Johnâs boat, Sept 3, enjoying Labor Day on the Chesapeake Bay when the call came in from Capital One credit cards; my credit card number was stolen and unauthorized charges were being made in Arizona....
  • 33. 0 The Vulnerable Human, Part II by Randy G Rose A cyber security professional with an academic background in anthropology argues that human beings are the weakest link in the cyber security paradigm. 1 Btunnel Anonymous Proxy by EditPhotos (5 followers) Btunnel is a web proxy that hides your IP address and allows you to surf anonymously and visit websites that are blocked by your school or workplace. 2 Free Virus Killer - How You Can Prevent Virus Attacks by chefmancave (44 followers) Preventing virus attacks is easy to do if you follow these simple guidelines. Understanding the professional hacker and the different virus attacks will increase your ability to stop virus attacks before they ever... 2 Improve Home Security with CCTV Cameras by obaffili
  • 34. Closed Circuit Television Security Cameras (CCTV) are a fast growing segment of the home security market. In today's fast-paced modern day world, video surveillance has become as vital to society as security guards and... 35 "My Plight" - My Gmail Was Hacked, And I'm Not Alone! by mythphile (39 followers) [9.17.10 8:13 AM] "My Plight": The Gmail hackers got me! They've hijacked my Gmail account, blocked me out, and sent scam emails to all my contacts. The email's subject was "My Plight." It claimed... 2 Understanding zero day vulnerabilities by dellea (87 followers) Security holes in today's software and hardware programming can lead to disastrous vulnerabilities. Learn how to protect your computer and your data. 2 IT Security; How Important Is It? by The-Quietwarrior (29 followers) The question; "Have you been able to get a handle on employee theft of computers, media, and other electronics, and, how has it affected the company year to date?" 2
  • 35. Google Redirect Virus: how to stop it? by iPSiArt These times, when the Internet is very popular among people, Google Redirect Virus creates a huge problem for basic and advanced internet user. Google is undoubtedly the most used search engine in the world, and when... 29 5 Best Ways to Secure your Wireless network. by karthickjck (113 followers) There are 5 best ways to secure your Wireless network. This blogs helps you to understand those five basic ways to secure your wireless network from hacking beginners. They are 1) WEP encryption 2) WPA encryption...