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Viral infections
 Obligate intra cellular parasites that
depend on hosts cell’s metabolic
machinery for their replication
 Has a nucleic acid genome surrounded
by a protein coat called capsid
 Sometimes encased in a lipid membrane –
 20-300nm in size
 Best visualized with electron microscope
 According to
 Nuclear genome
 Shape of capsid
 Presence or absence of lipid membrane
 Preferred cell type for replication
 Type of pathology
 Duration of infection
 DNA viruses
 Herpes
 Hepadna (hepatitis B)
 Adeno virus
 Pox (Vaccinia)
 Papova (papilloma)
 RNA viruses
 Orthomyxoviruses
(influenza A&B)
 Paramyxoviruses
 Rota viruses
 Norwalk viruses
 Hepatitis A,C,E
 Retro viruses
 Shape of capsid
Icosahedral – all human DNA viruses
except pox virus
Helical – most of RNA viruses
 Lipid membrane
Enveloped – herpes, pox, hepadna, retro,
orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses
Non enveloped – adeno , papova,
picorna, calcivirideae
 Respiratory system
 Rhino viruses – URTI
 Adenovirus - URTI,LRTI
 Influenza virus A&B – influenza
 RSV – bronchiolitis, pneumonia
 Coxsackievirus - SARS
 Digestive system
 Mumps virus – mumps, orchitis,
 Rota virus - childhood diarrhoea
 Norwalk – gastroenteritis
 Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E – viral hepatitis
 Systemic with skin eruptions
 Measles virus – measles (rubeola)
 Rubella virus – German measles
 Parvo virus – erythema infectiosum
 Vaccinia virus – small pox
 Varicella-zoster virus – chicken pox,
 HSV – 1 – cold sore
 HSV – 2 – genital herpes
 Systemic with hematological
 Cytomegalovirus – cytomegalic
inclusion diseases
 Epstein-Barr virus – infectious
 HTLV – 1 – adult T cell leukemia
 HIV-1 & HIV-2 - AIDS
 Arboviral & hemorrhagic fevers
 Dengue virus – dengue, hemorrhagic fever
 Yellow fever virus – yellow fever
 Regional hemorrhagic fever viruses
 Warty growths
 Papilloma virus – condyloma, cervical
 Central nervous system
 Polio virus – poliomyelitis
 JC virus – progressive mutifocal
Transient infections – some
viruses causes transient illness & are
eliminated from body
 Measles
 Mumps
 Poliovirus
 Viral hemorrhagic fever
 Chronic productive infections –
some viruses are not eliminated but
persist with in cells of host & continue
to multiply
 Hepatitis B
Chronic latent infection –some
viruses are not eliminated but persist in
host cells in non replicative form
 Varicella -zoster
Transforming – some viruses can
transform a host cell into tumour cell
 Different viruses can produce same
clinical picture
 Eg: URTI
 A single virus can cause different
clinical manifestations depending on
host age or immune status
 Eg: CMV
Mechanism of viral injury
 Viruses can directly damage host cell by
entering them & replicating in host’s
 Tropism – prediliction for viruses to infect
certain cells and not others
 Determining factors of tropism
 Host cell receptor for virus
 Cellular transcription factors that
recognize viral enhancer & promoter
 Anatomic barriers
 Local temperature, pH, host defenses
 Major determinant is the presence of
viral receptor on host cell
 Viruses possess specific cell surface
proteins that bind to particular host
cell surface proteins
 Many viruses use normal cellular
receptors of host to enter the cell
 HIV gp 20 binds to
 CD4 on T cell
 Chemokine receptor CXCR4 on T cell &
CCR5 on macro phage
 Rhino virus bind to ICAM 1
( where LFA 1 , an integrin on surface
of lymphocyte which is important for
adhesion & migration binds)
 In some cases host proteases are
needed to enable binding of virus to
host cell
A host protease cleaves & activate
Influenza virus hemagglutinin
 Ability of virus to replicate inside
some cell but not in others is related
to presence of cell type specific
transcription factors
 JC virus is restricted to oligodendroglia
in CNS
(promoter & enhancer DNA
sequences upstream from viral gene are
active in glial cell but not in neuron or
endothelial cells)
Physical barriers contribute to
Entero virus replicate in intestine as
they can resist inactivation by acid,
bile, & digestive enzymes
Other factors
Rhino virus replicate only in URT
because they survive optimally at
lower temperature of URT
 Determining factors of tropism
 Host cell receptor for virus
 Cellular transcription factors that
recognize viral enhancer & promoter
 Anatomic barriers
 Local temperature, pH, host defenses
 Once viruses are inside the host cell they
can kill cell &/ or cause tissue damage in a
number of ways
 Viruses may inhibit host cell DNA, RNA or
protein synthesis
 Polio virus inactivate cap – binding
protein essential for host cell m-RNA but
leaves translation of polio viral m-RNA
Virus may lyse host cell
 Respiratory epithelial cells are killed by
Influenza virus replication
 Liver cells by yellow fever virus
 Neurons by polio &rabies viruses
 Viruses may manipulate programmed
cell death (apoptosis)
TAT & gp 120 of HIV
Adeno virus E1A
 Viral proteins on surface of host cells
-recognized by immune system - host
lymphocyte attack virus infected cell
a/c liver failure during hepatitis B
infection is accelerated by T cell
mediated destruction of infected
 Virus may damage cells involved in host
anti microbial defense - secondary
 Damage to respiratory epithelium lead
to pneumonia by Streptococcus
pneumoniae& Haemophilus influenzae
 HIV deplete CD4 Tcells lead to
opportunistic infections
 Viral killing of one cell may lead to
loss of other cells that depend on
 Denervation of motor neuron by polio
virus lead to atrophy &death of skeletal
muscle supplied by it
 Some viruses can cause cell
proliferation & transformation
resulting in cancer
 EBV, HBV, HPV or HTLV 1 infection
Inflammatory responses to
 Cytopathic & cytoproliferative inflammation
 Usually produced by viruses
 Characterized by cell necrosis or cellular
proliferation usually with sparse
inflammatory cells
Viral inclusions
 Some viral particles aggregate with in
cells - inclusion bodies
 Inclusions seen with light microscope
- useful for diagnosis
Nuclear inclusions
CMV – large eosinophilic
Herpes – large with surrounding halo
Cytoplasmic inclusions
CMV – small basophilic
Small pox
Rabies – negri bodies
Molluscum contagiosm – molluscum
 Some viruses induce cells to fuse &
form multinucleated cells called
Eg: measles , herpes
 Focal cell damage in skin may cause
epithelial cell to become detached
forming blisters
Herpes virus
 Some virus can cause epithelial cell
to proliferate
Venereal warts by HPV
Umbilicated papule of molluscum
 Finally viruses can cause dysplastic
changes & contribute to development
of malignant neoplasms
Transient viral infections
 Viruses that cause transient infection are
structurally heterogeneous,
 But each elicits an effective immune
response that eliminates the virus
 And may or may not confer lifelong
 Mumps virus has only one serotype & infects
people only once
 Influenza virus can repeatedly infect same
individual because of antigenic variation
 Immune response to some infections wanes
with time & same serotype infects repeatedly
 Leading cause of vaccine-preventable
death & illness worldwide
 Epidemics of measles –in unvaccinated
 Can produce severe disease -with
defect in CMI (HIV,leukemia)
 Single stranded RNA virus
 Paramyxovirus family
 There is only one strain of measles virus
 2 cell surface receptors
 CD 46 – a complement regulatory protein that
inactivate C3 convertases
 Expressed on all nucleated cells
 SLAM (signaling lymphocytic activation
molecule)- involved in T cell activation
 Expressed on cells of immune system
 Both receptors bind to viral hemagglutinin
 Spread by respiratory droplets
 Initially multiplies with in upper respiratory
epithelial cells
 Then in lymphoid tissue with in
mononuclear cells
(lymphocytes,macrophages &dentritic
 Then by blood through out the body
 Most children develop T cell mediated
immunity to measles virus that
 Controls viral infection
 Produce measles rash, a hyper sensitivity
reaction to virus
 Rash does not occur in patients with
deficient cell mediated immunity
 Does occur in agamaglobulinemia patients
 Antibody mediated immunity to measles
virus protects against re infection
 Measles may cause
 Croup
 Pneumonia
 Diarrhea with protein losing enteropathy
 Keratitis with scarring & blindness
 Encephalitis
 Hemorrhagic rashes
 Measles can cause immuno suppression
 Complications
Subacute sclerosing
Measles inclusion body encephalitis
 Blotchy reddish brown rash is
produced by
Dilated skin vessels, edema &
moderate nonspecific mononuclear
perivascular infiltrate
 Koplik spots (ulcerated mucosal
lesions in oral cavity)
Marked by necrosis, neutrophilic
exudate & neovascularization
 Lymphoid organs have
Follicular hyperplasia
Large germinal centers
Warthin- Finkeldey cells –
randomly distributed multinucleated
giant cells which have eosinophilic
nuclear & cytoplasmic inclusion
 Milder measles pneumonia
Peribronchial & interstitial
mononuclear infiltrate
In severe /neglected – bacterial
 Member of paramyxovirus family
 Single stranded RNA
 Has 2 types surface glycoprotein
 One with hemagglutinin & neuraminidase
 Other with cell fusion &hemolytic activity
 Enter upper respiratory tract through
inhalation of droplets
 Spread to lymph nodes & replicate in
 Through blood to salivary & other
glands, infect ductal epithelial cells
 Resulting in desquamation of cells,
edema& inflammation
 Also can spread to – CNS, testes,
ovary & pancreas
Aseptic meningitis is the most
common extra salivary gland
Occurring in 10 % cases
 Mumps parotitis
 Bilateral in 70%
 Affected gland is enlarged & have a
doughy consistency
 On cross section moist glistening
&reddish brown
 On microscopy interstitium edematous&
diffusely infiltrated by macrophages,
lymphocytes& plasma cells which
compress acini & ducts
 Mumps orchitis
 Testicular swelling may be marked
 Caused by edema mononuclear cell
infiltration& focal hemorrhages
 since testis is tightly contained within
tunica albuginea, may compromise
blood supply leading to infarction
 Sterility when it occur is caused by scars
& atrophy of testis after resolution of
viral infection
 In pancreas
 Lesion may be destructive since
enzyme- rich
 Parenchymal & fat necrosis and
neutrophil rich inflammation
 Mumps encephalitis
 Causes perivenous demyelination &
perivascular mononuclear cuffing
Polio virus
 Spherical unencapsulated RNA
virus of enterovirus genus
 3 major strains of polio virus
 Each of 3 strains included in
 Salk formalin fixed vaccine
 Sabin oral attenuated vaccine
 Still present in India & Africa
 These vaccines may get rid of polio
from earth because
 Polio virus ( like small pox virus) infect
man but not other animals
 It is only briefly shed
 Does not under go antegenic variation
 It is effectively prevented by
 Transmitted by fecal – oral route
 First infect oropharynx & is secreted
to saliva & swallowed
 Then multiplies in intestinal mucosa
& CNS causing transient viremia &
 Mostly asymptomatic
 In 1/100 persons polio virus invades CNS
& replicate in motor neurons of spinal cord
or brain stem
 Virus spread to nervous system may be
secondary to viremia or by retro grade
trans port of along axon of motor neuron
 The species specificity of polio virus
humans is determined by particular
amino acid residues that are present
in human receptor CD 155 – an Ig
super family member
 Rare cases of polio myelitis that occur
after vaccination are caused by
mutation of attenuated viruses to wild
type forms
 Morphology
 Ventral horns& base of dorsal horns are
infiltrated by lymphocytes & hypertrophied
microglial cells
 Neuronophagic nodules with neutrophils are
seen in early stages
 Meninges show inflammatory cell infiltration
 Earliest change in neurons is loss of Nissl
substance in cytoplasm
 Later eosinophilic necrosis & intranuclear
inclusions seen
 Long after onset of paralysis
 Loss of neurons in ventral horns
 Axon show wallerian degeneration
 Muscles show denervation atrophy
Viral hemorrhagic fevers
 Systemic infections characterized by fever
& hemorrhage
 Caused by enveloped RNA viruses in 4
different families – arena viruses,
filoviruses, bunya viruses& flavi viruses
 All depend upon animal or insect host
for survival & transmission VHF viruses
are restricted geographically to areas
where host resides
 Humans are infected when come into
contact with infected hosts or insect
 Humans are not natural reservoir for any
of these viruses
 Produce a spectrum of diseases ranging
from mild a/c disease characterized by
fever, myalgia, head ache rash,
neutropenia &thrombocytopenia to severe
life threatening disease with sudden
hemodynamic shock
 Pathogenesis not well understood
 Most VHF infect endothelial cells
 Hemorrhagic manifestations are due to
endothelial or platelet dysfunction or to
 There is increased vascular permeability
 Necrosis & hemorrhage in many organ
often wide spread hepatocellular necrosis
Chronic latent infections
 Encapsulated viruses
 Double stranded DNA genome
 Causes infections followed by latent
infections in which viruses persist in non
infectious form with periodic reactivation
&shedding of viruses
 9 type of human herpes viruses belonging to
3 sub groups
 Alpha group
 HSV-1
 HSV -2
 Varicella – zoster
 These infect epithelial cells & produce latent
infection in neurons
 Beta group
 Human herpes virus 6 – causes exanthem subitum &
6th disease
 HHV -7
 Infect & produce latent infection in variety of cells
 Gamma group
 HHV -8 ; causes Kaposi sarcoma
 Produces latent infections mainly in
lymphoid tissue
Herpes simplex viruses
 Lesions include
 Self limited cold sores, gingivostomatitis &
corneal blindness (HSV-1)
 Genital sores (HSV -2)
 Life threatening disseminated visceral
infections& encephalitis
 In primary infections HSV replicate in skin
&mucus membrane (at site of viral entry )
causing vesicular lesions
 During reactivation, HSV residing latent
in neurons, spreads from regional ganglia
back to skin or mucus membrane
 HSV lesions show large pink purple virion
containing intra nuclear inclusions
(Cowdry type A inclusions),
compressing host chromatin against
nuclear membrane
 Also produce inclusion bearing
multinucleated syncytia (seen in Tzanck
preparation of fluid from blisters)
 Herpes stromal keratitis
 Mononuclear cell infiltrate around
keratinocyte &endothelial cells
 Neovascularisation, scarring,&
opasification of cornea
 Blindness
 Herpes epithelial keratitis
 With viral induced epithelial cytolysis
 In healthy children & adult
 Nearly always asymptomatic
 May manifest as mononucleosis like syndrome
 In neonates & immuno suppressed
 esophagitis
 Colitis
 Hepatitis
 Renal tubulitis
 Chorioretinitis
 Pneumonitis, deafness, brain damage
 thrombocytopenia
 Infection spread by
 Intra uterine & perinatal transmission
 In mother’s milk
 Respiratory droplets
 Saliva
 Semen & vaginal fluid
 In blood transfusion
 Infected transplanting grafts
 95%congenital infections asymptomatic
 CMV can produce cytomegalic inclusion
disease in infants esp if initial maternal
infection occur during pregnancy
 CID manifest by hemolytic anemia,
jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly,
pneumonitis, deafness, chorioretinitis,
brain damage& thrombocytopenia
 CMV is most common
opportunistic infection in AIDS
 Disseminated CMV in immuno
compromised hosts is life threatening
 Lungs, GIT& retina are affected with
focal necrosis & minimal inflammation
 CMV infection causes marked
cellular enlargement
 Characteristic large purple intra
nuclear inclusions surrounded by a
clear halo
 Smaller basophilic cytoplasmic
Varicella – zoster virus
 A/c VZV infection causes chickenpox
 Reactivation of latent VZV causes
shingles (or herpes zoster)
 VZV infects mucous membranes, skin &
neurons establishing a latent infection in
sensory ganglia
 VZV transmitted by aerosols
 Disseminates hematogenously& causes
vesicular skin lesions
 Each skin lesion evolves rapidly from
macule to vesicles – dew drop
 Histologically vesicles contain epithelial
cell intra nuclear inclusions& blisters
identical to HSV
 Shingles occurs when latent VZV in dorsal
root ganglia reactivates, infecting sensory
nerves that carry viruses to skin
 Causes painful vesicular leision typically in
a dermatological distribution
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Viral infection, related diseases and management

  • 2. Viruses  Obligate intra cellular parasites that depend on hosts cell’s metabolic machinery for their replication  Has a nucleic acid genome surrounded by a protein coat called capsid  Sometimes encased in a lipid membrane – envelope  20-300nm in size  Best visualized with electron microscope
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  • 4. Classification  According to  Nuclear genome  Shape of capsid  Presence or absence of lipid membrane  Preferred cell type for replication  Type of pathology  Duration of infection
  • 5.  DNA viruses  Herpes (HSV,CMV,EBV)  Hepadna (hepatitis B)  Adeno virus  Pox (Vaccinia)  Papova (papilloma)  RNA viruses  Orthomyxoviruses (influenza A&B)  Paramyxoviruses (RSV,Mumps, measles)  Rota viruses  Norwalk viruses  Hepatitis A,C,E  Retro viruses
  • 6.  Shape of capsid Icosahedral – all human DNA viruses except pox virus Helical – most of RNA viruses  Lipid membrane Enveloped – herpes, pox, hepadna, retro, orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses Non enveloped – adeno , papova, picorna, calcivirideae
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  • 11.  Respiratory system  Rhino viruses – URTI  Adenovirus - URTI,LRTI  Influenza virus A&B – influenza  RSV – bronchiolitis, pneumonia  Coxsackievirus - SARS
  • 12.  Digestive system  Mumps virus – mumps, orchitis, pancreatitis  Rota virus - childhood diarrhoea  Norwalk – gastroenteritis  Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E – viral hepatitis
  • 13.  Systemic with skin eruptions  Measles virus – measles (rubeola)  Rubella virus – German measles  Parvo virus – erythema infectiosum  Vaccinia virus – small pox  Varicella-zoster virus – chicken pox, shingles  HSV – 1 – cold sore  HSV – 2 – genital herpes
  • 14.  Systemic with hematological diseases  Cytomegalovirus – cytomegalic inclusion diseases  Epstein-Barr virus – infectious mononucleosis  HTLV – 1 – adult T cell leukemia  HIV-1 & HIV-2 - AIDS
  • 15.  Arboviral & hemorrhagic fevers  Dengue virus – dengue, hemorrhagic fever  Yellow fever virus – yellow fever  Regional hemorrhagic fever viruses  Warty growths  Papilloma virus – condyloma, cervical carcinoma  Central nervous system  Polio virus – poliomyelitis  JC virus – progressive mutifocal leukoencephalopathy
  • 16. Transient infections – some viruses causes transient illness & are eliminated from body  Measles  Mumps  Poliovirus  Viral hemorrhagic fever
  • 17.  Chronic productive infections – some viruses are not eliminated but persist with in cells of host & continue to multiply  Hepatitis B
  • 18. Chronic latent infection –some viruses are not eliminated but persist in host cells in non replicative form  HSV  CMV  Varicella -zoster
  • 19. Transforming – some viruses can transform a host cell into tumour cell  EBV  HPV
  • 20.  Different viruses can produce same clinical picture  Eg: URTI  A single virus can cause different clinical manifestations depending on host age or immune status  Eg: CMV
  • 21. Mechanism of viral injury  Viruses can directly damage host cell by entering them & replicating in host’s expense  Tropism – prediliction for viruses to infect certain cells and not others
  • 22.  Determining factors of tropism  Host cell receptor for virus  Cellular transcription factors that recognize viral enhancer & promoter sequences  Anatomic barriers  Local temperature, pH, host defenses
  • 23.  Major determinant is the presence of viral receptor on host cell  Viruses possess specific cell surface proteins that bind to particular host cell surface proteins
  • 24.  Many viruses use normal cellular receptors of host to enter the cell  HIV gp 20 binds to  CD4 on T cell  Chemokine receptor CXCR4 on T cell & CCR5 on macro phage  Rhino virus bind to ICAM 1 ( where LFA 1 , an integrin on surface of lymphocyte which is important for adhesion & migration binds)
  • 25.  In some cases host proteases are needed to enable binding of virus to host cell A host protease cleaves & activate Influenza virus hemagglutinin
  • 26.  Ability of virus to replicate inside some cell but not in others is related to presence of cell type specific transcription factors  JC virus is restricted to oligodendroglia in CNS (promoter & enhancer DNA sequences upstream from viral gene are active in glial cell but not in neuron or endothelial cells)
  • 27. Physical barriers contribute to tropism Entero virus replicate in intestine as they can resist inactivation by acid, bile, & digestive enzymes
  • 28. Other factors Rhino virus replicate only in URT because they survive optimally at lower temperature of URT
  • 29.  Determining factors of tropism  Host cell receptor for virus  Cellular transcription factors that recognize viral enhancer & promoter sequences  Anatomic barriers  Local temperature, pH, host defenses
  • 30.  Once viruses are inside the host cell they can kill cell &/ or cause tissue damage in a number of ways  Viruses may inhibit host cell DNA, RNA or protein synthesis  Polio virus inactivate cap – binding protein essential for host cell m-RNA but leaves translation of polio viral m-RNA unaffected
  • 31. Virus may lyse host cell  Respiratory epithelial cells are killed by Influenza virus replication  Liver cells by yellow fever virus  Neurons by polio &rabies viruses
  • 32.  Viruses may manipulate programmed cell death (apoptosis) TAT & gp 120 of HIV Adeno virus E1A
  • 33.  Viral proteins on surface of host cells -recognized by immune system - host lymphocyte attack virus infected cell a/c liver failure during hepatitis B infection is accelerated by T cell mediated destruction of infected hepatocyte
  • 34.  Virus may damage cells involved in host anti microbial defense - secondary infections  Damage to respiratory epithelium lead to pneumonia by Streptococcus pneumoniae& Haemophilus influenzae  HIV deplete CD4 Tcells lead to opportunistic infections
  • 35.  Viral killing of one cell may lead to loss of other cells that depend on them  Denervation of motor neuron by polio virus lead to atrophy &death of skeletal muscle supplied by it
  • 36.  Some viruses can cause cell proliferation & transformation resulting in cancer  EBV, HBV, HPV or HTLV 1 infection
  • 37. Inflammatory responses to infection  Cytopathic & cytoproliferative inflammation  Usually produced by viruses  Characterized by cell necrosis or cellular proliferation usually with sparse inflammatory cells
  • 38. Viral inclusions  Some viral particles aggregate with in cells - inclusion bodies  Inclusions seen with light microscope - useful for diagnosis
  • 39. Nuclear inclusions CMV – large eosinophilic Herpes – large with surrounding halo Cytoplasmic inclusions CMV – small basophilic Small pox Rabies – negri bodies Molluscum contagiosm – molluscum
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  • 45.  Some viruses induce cells to fuse & form multinucleated cells called polykaryons Eg: measles , herpes
  • 46.  Focal cell damage in skin may cause epithelial cell to become detached forming blisters Herpes virus
  • 47.  Some virus can cause epithelial cell to proliferate Venereal warts by HPV Umbilicated papule of molluscum contagiosm
  • 48.  Finally viruses can cause dysplastic changes & contribute to development of malignant neoplasms
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  • 50. Transient viral infections  Viruses that cause transient infection are structurally heterogeneous,  But each elicits an effective immune response that eliminates the virus  And may or may not confer lifelong protection
  • 51.  Mumps virus has only one serotype & infects people only once  Influenza virus can repeatedly infect same individual because of antigenic variation  Immune response to some infections wanes with time & same serotype infects repeatedly
  • 52. Measles  Leading cause of vaccine-preventable death & illness worldwide  Epidemics of measles –in unvaccinated  Can produce severe disease -with defect in CMI (HIV,leukemia)
  • 53.  Single stranded RNA virus  Paramyxovirus family  There is only one strain of measles virus  2 cell surface receptors  CD 46 – a complement regulatory protein that inactivate C3 convertases  Expressed on all nucleated cells  SLAM (signaling lymphocytic activation molecule)- involved in T cell activation  Expressed on cells of immune system  Both receptors bind to viral hemagglutinin protein
  • 54.  Spread by respiratory droplets  Initially multiplies with in upper respiratory epithelial cells  Then in lymphoid tissue with in mononuclear cells (lymphocytes,macrophages &dentritic cells)  Then by blood through out the body
  • 55.  Most children develop T cell mediated immunity to measles virus that  Controls viral infection  Produce measles rash, a hyper sensitivity reaction to virus  Rash does not occur in patients with deficient cell mediated immunity  Does occur in agamaglobulinemia patients  Antibody mediated immunity to measles virus protects against re infection
  • 56.  Measles may cause  Croup  Pneumonia  Diarrhea with protein losing enteropathy  Keratitis with scarring & blindness  Encephalitis  Hemorrhagic rashes  Measles can cause immuno suppression
  • 58.  Blotchy reddish brown rash is produced by Dilated skin vessels, edema & moderate nonspecific mononuclear perivascular infiltrate  Koplik spots (ulcerated mucosal lesions in oral cavity) Marked by necrosis, neutrophilic exudate & neovascularization
  • 59.  Lymphoid organs have Follicular hyperplasia Large germinal centers Warthin- Finkeldey cells – randomly distributed multinucleated giant cells which have eosinophilic nuclear & cytoplasmic inclusion bodies
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  • 61.  Milder measles pneumonia Peribronchial & interstitial mononuclear infiltrate In severe /neglected – bacterial superinfection
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  • 63. Mumps  Member of paramyxovirus family  Single stranded RNA  Has 2 types surface glycoprotein  One with hemagglutinin & neuraminidase activity  Other with cell fusion &hemolytic activity  Enter upper respiratory tract through inhalation of droplets
  • 64.  Spread to lymph nodes & replicate in lymphocyte  Through blood to salivary & other glands, infect ductal epithelial cells  Resulting in desquamation of cells, edema& inflammation  Also can spread to – CNS, testes, ovary & pancreas
  • 65. Complications Aseptic meningitis is the most common extra salivary gland complication Occurring in 10 % cases
  • 66. Morphology  Mumps parotitis  Bilateral in 70%  Affected gland is enlarged & have a doughy consistency  On cross section moist glistening &reddish brown  On microscopy interstitium edematous& diffusely infiltrated by macrophages, lymphocytes& plasma cells which compress acini & ducts
  • 67.  Mumps orchitis  Testicular swelling may be marked  Caused by edema mononuclear cell infiltration& focal hemorrhages  since testis is tightly contained within tunica albuginea, may compromise blood supply leading to infarction  Sterility when it occur is caused by scars & atrophy of testis after resolution of viral infection
  • 68.  In pancreas  Lesion may be destructive since enzyme- rich  Parenchymal & fat necrosis and neutrophil rich inflammation  Mumps encephalitis  Causes perivenous demyelination & perivascular mononuclear cuffing
  • 69. Polio virus  Spherical unencapsulated RNA virus of enterovirus genus  3 major strains of polio virus  Each of 3 strains included in  Salk formalin fixed vaccine  Sabin oral attenuated vaccine  Still present in India & Africa
  • 70.  These vaccines may get rid of polio from earth because  Polio virus ( like small pox virus) infect man but not other animals  It is only briefly shed  Does not under go antegenic variation  It is effectively prevented by immunization
  • 71.  Transmitted by fecal – oral route  First infect oropharynx & is secreted to saliva & swallowed  Then multiplies in intestinal mucosa & CNS causing transient viremia & fever  Mostly asymptomatic
  • 72.  In 1/100 persons polio virus invades CNS & replicate in motor neurons of spinal cord or brain stem  Virus spread to nervous system may be secondary to viremia or by retro grade trans port of along axon of motor neuron
  • 73.  The species specificity of polio virus humans is determined by particular amino acid residues that are present in human receptor CD 155 – an Ig super family member
  • 74.  Rare cases of polio myelitis that occur after vaccination are caused by mutation of attenuated viruses to wild type forms
  • 75.  Morphology  Ventral horns& base of dorsal horns are infiltrated by lymphocytes & hypertrophied microglial cells  Neuronophagic nodules with neutrophils are seen in early stages  Meninges show inflammatory cell infiltration  Earliest change in neurons is loss of Nissl substance in cytoplasm  Later eosinophilic necrosis & intranuclear inclusions seen
  • 76.  Long after onset of paralysis  Loss of neurons in ventral horns  Axon show wallerian degeneration  Muscles show denervation atrophy
  • 77. Viral hemorrhagic fevers  Systemic infections characterized by fever & hemorrhage  Caused by enveloped RNA viruses in 4 different families – arena viruses, filoviruses, bunya viruses& flavi viruses  All depend upon animal or insect host for survival & transmission VHF viruses are restricted geographically to areas where host resides
  • 78.  Humans are infected when come into contact with infected hosts or insect vectors  Humans are not natural reservoir for any of these viruses  Produce a spectrum of diseases ranging from mild a/c disease characterized by fever, myalgia, head ache rash, neutropenia &thrombocytopenia to severe life threatening disease with sudden hemodynamic shock
  • 79.  Pathogenesis not well understood  Most VHF infect endothelial cells  Hemorrhagic manifestations are due to endothelial or platelet dysfunction or to thrombocytopenia  There is increased vascular permeability  Necrosis & hemorrhage in many organ often wide spread hepatocellular necrosis
  • 80. Chronic latent infections  HERPES VIRAL INFECTION  Encapsulated viruses  Double stranded DNA genome  Causes infections followed by latent infections in which viruses persist in non infectious form with periodic reactivation &shedding of viruses  9 type of human herpes viruses belonging to 3 sub groups
  • 81.  Alpha group  HSV-1  HSV -2  Varicella – zoster  These infect epithelial cells & produce latent infection in neurons  Beta group  CMV  Human herpes virus 6 – causes exanthem subitum & 6th disease  HHV -7  Infect & produce latent infection in variety of cells
  • 82.  Gamma group  EBV  HHV -8 ; causes Kaposi sarcoma  Produces latent infections mainly in lymphoid tissue
  • 83. Herpes simplex viruses  Lesions include  Self limited cold sores, gingivostomatitis & corneal blindness (HSV-1)  Genital sores (HSV -2)  Life threatening disseminated visceral infections& encephalitis  In primary infections HSV replicate in skin &mucus membrane (at site of viral entry ) causing vesicular lesions
  • 84.  During reactivation, HSV residing latent in neurons, spreads from regional ganglia back to skin or mucus membrane  HSV lesions show large pink purple virion containing intra nuclear inclusions (Cowdry type A inclusions), compressing host chromatin against nuclear membrane  Also produce inclusion bearing multinucleated syncytia (seen in Tzanck preparation of fluid from blisters)
  • 85.  Herpes stromal keratitis  Mononuclear cell infiltrate around keratinocyte &endothelial cells  Neovascularisation, scarring,& opasification of cornea  Blindness  Herpes epithelial keratitis  With viral induced epithelial cytolysis
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  • 88. Cytomegalovirus  In healthy children & adult  Nearly always asymptomatic  May manifest as mononucleosis like syndrome  In neonates & immuno suppressed  esophagitis  Colitis  Hepatitis  Renal tubulitis  Chorioretinitis  Pneumonitis, deafness, brain damage  thrombocytopenia
  • 89.  Infection spread by  Intra uterine & perinatal transmission  In mother’s milk  Respiratory droplets  Saliva  Semen & vaginal fluid  In blood transfusion  Infected transplanting grafts
  • 90.  95%congenital infections asymptomatic  CMV can produce cytomegalic inclusion disease in infants esp if initial maternal infection occur during pregnancy  CID manifest by hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, pneumonitis, deafness, chorioretinitis, brain damage& thrombocytopenia
  • 91.  CMV is most common opportunistic infection in AIDS  Disseminated CMV in immuno compromised hosts is life threatening  Lungs, GIT& retina are affected with focal necrosis & minimal inflammation
  • 92.  CMV infection causes marked cellular enlargement  Characteristic large purple intra nuclear inclusions surrounded by a clear halo  Smaller basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions
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  • 94. Varicella – zoster virus  A/c VZV infection causes chickenpox  Reactivation of latent VZV causes shingles (or herpes zoster)  VZV infects mucous membranes, skin & neurons establishing a latent infection in sensory ganglia  VZV transmitted by aerosols  Disseminates hematogenously& causes vesicular skin lesions
  • 95.  Each skin lesion evolves rapidly from macule to vesicles – dew drop  Histologically vesicles contain epithelial cell intra nuclear inclusions& blisters identical to HSV  Shingles occurs when latent VZV in dorsal root ganglia reactivates, infecting sensory nerves that carry viruses to skin  Causes painful vesicular leision typically in a dermatological distribution