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US Military Budget
Can the nation afford what it's spending on funding the U.S. military? On defense and international
security was spent about $718 billion by the U.S. government in 2011 (Plumer). The U.S. is now
spending more money than at any time with a defense budget exceeding $700 billion (Erwin).
Defense amounts to 4.8 percent as a share of the U.S. economy (Erwin). Innumerable amounts of
money are being funded to the U.S. military because it has spent more on defense than any other
place, has a big land area used by U.S. bases and facilities, and 70 percent of the budget goes to
defense contractors alone. Basically, the U.S. military has spent more money on defense than any
other place. About $601 billion of the United States' estimated military budget is expected (Gould).
It is said to be one of the next six highest spending countries (Gould). As of now, the United States'
budget is shown as the largest single cost (Bender). The military budget is more than 34 times the
size of NASA's operating budget ... Show more content on ...
military has a big land area used by U.S. bases and facilities. In Japan, the 87 facilities used by the
U.S. military covered an area about half the size of the 23 wards of Tokyo as of March 2006
(Yoshida). The land area in Okinawa contributes 74.7 percent of the nation's land for the bases
(Yoshida). Around 800 U.S. bases are now in foreign countries (Vine). The U.S. military has its land
to maintain the military process going with its budget, but defense contractors alone get 70 percent
of it. Specifically, the business organization receives a pretty good amount from the budget. Its
intelligence budget spends 70 percent on private contracts (Bloomfield). Since 1996 congress doled
out 8.5 trillion taxpayer dollars that have never been accounted for (Leo). Routine maintenance
work on Customs and Border Patrol are what federal contractors are hired to perform (Ehley). Like
said before, most of the U.S. military's budget is given to defense contractors
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Budget Is Important For An Organization
Knowing what resources are available is important for an organization to function. The organization
runs the risk of depleting resources or not using their resources effectively to accomplish the
organizations mission if resources are not accounted for. According to Dr. Dean's PowerPoint,
budgeting is "the administrative activity of planning that determines what resources are needed and
how they should be supplied/applied." It should be noted that a budget is a planning tool. According
to Robert Welch, "the administrative activity of budget was listed last of the seven elements that
made up the process of planning," he proposes his reasoning, "For if planners seek the mind of God
in establishing their objectives and the parameters...then money will not be a problem because God
will empower that which He wants done in the church or religious organization" (Welch, 167). It is
wise for a church to develop a budget, thereby ensuring that they are being good stewards of their
resources. There are three basic budgets to operate by. The government and military use a zero–
based budget. Every year the budget starts at zero. Each budget unit must be justified for the next
year. The key advantage to this system is that each budget unit is reviewed and analyzed every year
(welch, 168). This allows the organization to determine if more or less resources should be
requested in regard to the budget item. It also allows the organization to assess the need for the
budget unit.
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The Pros And Cons Of Military Budget Cuts
In the past America has been a dominant superpower in the field of military strength, but for the last
few decades, our military has encountered abounding liquidations and sequestrations, which lead to
huge budget cuts. Nevertheless, America has faced many politicians planning to cut down on our
military by virtue of it is simply cost effective. The Clinton Foundation has been cutting our military
for countless years. Also, under the Obama Administration has been enacting laws comparable to the
Budget Control Act or (BCA) which has been siphoning our military for the past 8 years. For
countless years, defense officials remain silent due to the Obama Administration, vaguely America
could keep its budget under control. Consequently, all four ... Show more content on
The Air Force prides itself with quality over capacity. "Aircraft average 27 years old"(Cooper) the
aircraft are older and the Air Force has less of them than ever before. This is from sequestrations and
liquidations under Acts like the BCA for many years. Consequently, the Air Force did not grow
during the military build after 9/11. Instead they chose to upgrade their Airplanes and buildings,
different from other branches who chose to expand their capacity. The Air Force has been
continually cut to the point of "not enough money to fly sorties and pilots being unable to maintain
cockpit skills"(Cooper). Nevertheless, pilots are unable to maintain their skills flying due to lack of
funding and unable to conduct their missions. Notwithstanding, the Air Force is not able to even fly
because they do not have the Aircraft nor the money to fly their Aircraft. This has caused "the most
current and qualified Air Force fighter pilots are flying at a rate so low that we could have
considered them unfit for combat in the 80's and 90's"(Cooper). Accordingly, when pilots are not
getting enough time up in the air it causes more errors and makes pilots more likely to commit fatal
mistakes. This also gives the enemy an advantage in the air when engaged in combat because the
more practice pilots have at flying the better the pilot. Ordinarily, this has caused "Capitol Hill,
several top U.S. military
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Mississippi Military Department Budget Analysis
Program Resources Funding is allocated for training by congress through a centralized funding
agreement which is distributed among the fifty states and territories based on their training needs.
The National Guard Bureau in Washington, D.C. will provide the states United States Property and
Fiscal Offices (USPF&O) funding based on its yearly requirements (Department of the Army, 2013).
As a result, the funding for the leadership development plan and implementation will be budgeted
and paid for through the Training and Operations department out of the State of Mississippi's
budget. Therefore, the earlier in the fiscal year the plan can be proposed, the earlier the funding will
be allocated. Financial and ROI The MSARNG budget has been ... Show more content on ...
The MSARNG has proven that it has the ability and leadership to make necessary changes when
issues arise. However, if they do not know how to identify and solve the issues they will become
stagnate (Maxwell, 2005). This leadership development plan has shown the MSARNG their needs
and gaps and provided a solution that will give them a chance to correct the issues before they get
further out of hand. The revised leadership development plan will focus on the professional
development of the leaders. The plan will provide valid and effective ways for measuring and
refining the problems that have been identified. Leaders have to be able to teach, refine and correct
with the appropriate training tools in order to correct any issues in the organization (2 Timothy, 3:16,
KJV). Therefore, it is clear to see that the MSARNG can use this plan to help decrease retention,
increase recruiting and improve succession planning in order to set the organization up for success
in the
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The Defense Budget Should Increase Military Spending
To spend or not to spend, that is the question. America is torn, not sure whether it should increase
military spending or if it should considerably slash the budget. Advocates for a higher defense
budget claim more spending will lead to a stronger, better trained military, which would in turn help
secure our status as the superlative military power of the world. However, supporters of the defense
budget cuts argue for a reduction in troop size, which they believe would save the country billions
and allow the nation to focus those savings on next generation technology for protection. This
argument has raged for decades with no solution in sight. Maybe we have been approaching this
problem all wrong. Perhaps, instead of the shortsighted approach of either raise or lower the budget,
we try a smarter, more efficient method of spending to ensure every dollar of our annual military
budget positively impacts our national defense. The debate whether to raise or lower the defense
budget has plagued this nation for generations with many sides expressing their viewpoints on the
matter. Though there are no doubt countless points of views, two main camps come to the forefront:
either rise or lower the budget. These two opposing camps are often broad enough to encompass
most other ideas on the debate whether for or against it, leaving outliers little room at the proverbial
table in which to make their case. Proponents for a fiscal increase range far and wide with perhaps
the most
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The Pros And Cons Of A Balanced Budget
A balanced budget is when government spending equals revenues or the amount of money they
collected in taxes. A pro of a balanced budget is it helps lower spending by the government to a
limited amount. This would benefit the government, so they borrow less money and keep the debt
low or on the same amount. Another positive of a balanced budget is this constricts the government
from spending on pointless programs or funneling too much money into the programs like food
stamps or welfare. If the government puts too much money into these programs, this will put the
country even into more debt, and it creates discouraged workers. With the government spending less
money on these programs that are putting us into more debt, this would lower our national debt
incredibly. Thus, ... Show more content on ...
A con of a balanced budget is the government could only spend so much money because they only
have a specified amount to spend. Thus, if the government wanted to spend more money on a
program, they couldn't because that would go over their balanced budget. Another negative is the
government could not step in to help the economy in times of need like a recession or war to
stabilize the economy due to a restricted amount of spending. Therefore, the economy would suffer
until underlying forces stabilized the economy because with a balanced budget in this scenario a
government would become powerless to help. If the government utilized a balanced budget, the
government could not spend as much money on programs like welfare and Medicaid. Another con is
this would restrict economic growth because the government cannot step in to put more money into
the economy, create a project to produce more jobs, or help economic conditions because they only
have a set amount to spend depending on how much they receive in taxes. A balanced budget can
help the national debt remain constant instead of raising it; however with a balanced budget the
government is
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Information Systems Offer Public Service Management
Information systems offer public service managers a modern way of using technology systems to
help improve them in accomplishing several related tasks. Creating suitable fiscal and monetary
responses to enhance macroeconomic environments; they can ensure responsibility for the planning
and use of public resources. They can utilize these systems to,"improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of public expenditure programs, as well as mobilizing domestic resources and managing
external resources. Also, it could help by managing the civil service and decentralizing operations
with satisfactory controls," as stated by Ali Hashim and Bill Allan. In the area of collecting revenue,
and executing budget expenditures, require exponential numbers of ... Show more content on ...
It provides for budgeting, when a payment is processing, where the system can make sure the funds
are available. Not to mention all of this is immediate, and reports can be accessed as soon as the
information is being processed. This system is also known as an enterprise system, which is an
integrated software module and a common central database for collecting data. The ERP can collect
data from many divisions of a firm or public sector and make internal activities available for use in
nearly all the firms or offices. Once the system has processed the data, all of the information is
immediately available throughout the entire network. This makes it an ideal system for
finance/accounting, HR, manufacturing/production, sales, and marketing departments. However,
most public sectors are going to use a system like this for their finance/accounting departments. This
will however make the information available to all other departments in the system. In order to
implement an ERP system, you need to select the functions of the system you want integrated, and
then match those businesses process to the software processes. Now, this may change some of the
current businesses processes, so one would need to be prepared for changes and alternate ways of
performing tasks. This includes the training of current employees to understand and be able to
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The Rise Of China 's Economy
Since the fall of the Soviet Union Americans have had the luxury of living in a country with no
foreign rival. When we do look to see who could be a potential existential threat, the answer is
almost always China. China 's economy is growing rapidly, its military is expanding, and its
diplomatic influence has spread to every continent. However, despite its impressive rise in the last
fifteen years, China remains decades away from competing with the US on any level.
There has been more discussion of the rise of China in recent years due to the struggles in our own
country. Our economy is growing very slowly, we have a massive national debt, and many of our
weapon systems are aging. It is easy to get the impression that the U.S. is in decline while China is
on the rise.
China has emerged in the last fifteen years due largely to free market reforms and expanded
international trade. China is now the top exporter in the world. China 's economy has grown from $3
trillion in 2000 to $8.7 trillion in 2009. In 2009, China 's economy grew 8.7% while the U.S.
economy shrunk 2.4%. China will soon become the largest economy in the world, surpassing the
United States.
Despite these impressive numbers, most of China still struggles with poverty, unemployment, and
civil unrest. Per capita income in the U.S. is still over seven times more ($46,000 compared to only
$7,000 in China). It will be decades before the Chinese people will have an equal standard of living
to the United States,
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The Population Of Hidalgo County
Introduction In 2013, the population of Hidalgo County was estimated to be 815,996, an increase of
9,444 (2%) over the 2012–estimated population. The county seat is located in the City of Edinburg.
The governing body of Hidalgo County is the Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court is
comprised of the County Judge, who serves as the presiding officer, and four Commissioners from
one of the County's four road and bridge precincts. Each member of the Commissioners Court is
elected to a four–year term of office. The Commissioners Court has certain powers expressly
granted by the legislature and powers necessarily implied by such grant. One of the most important
duties of the Commissioners Court is management of the finances of the County. Among other
things, it approves the budget, determines the tax rates, approves contracts in the name of the
County, determines whether indebtedness should be authorized and issued, and appoints certain
County officials. The Commissioners Court is required to adopt a final budget by no later than the
close of the calendar year. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the County's financial
planning and control. The budget includes appropriations for the general fund, certain special
revenue funds, debt service funds, and proprietary funds. The budget is prepared by fund, function,
department, and object codes. Transfer of appropriations between departments requires the approval
of Commissioners Court.
The County provides a full
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The Importance Of US Budget To The Military
Every person has a dream country. Someone's dream country is a country which has a biggest army.
For someone else a dream country is a country in which they have freedom. Another example,
someone like to live in a country in which education will be free. For me a dream country is a
country in which there is a big connection between people and leaders. America is a great country
that many people dream to come here and live here. I am happy to have an opportunity to come here
and live here for rest of my life. I think there is a good connection between American leaders and
people, but there is one big question in my mind. Why does American government allocate biggest
part of its budget to the military instead of some other parts? After nine ... Show more content on ...
I searched about which country has the best education system in the world. There are different
results for ten top countries where have the best education system. In some of their ranking there is
America name and in some of them is not, but in some of them there is one name, Finland. For
example, according to Which Country Comes Top for Skills and Education by Tim Leopold and
Tamara Leonardi on AGENDA website, Finland is the best country in world with the all elements
that the best education system needs to have. When I read this page, I wanted to study more about
Finnish education system. There is some interesting information that show Finland government
spends more money on education instead of its military. For example, according to Finland Ministry
of Defense website that this country spends 2658.8 million Euros which is just 1.29 percent of the
Finland GDP. On the other hand, according to Center on International Education Benchmarking
website Finish government spent 6.1 percent of Finland GDP in 2011 that is over three times of
defense budget. Thus, these information clarify the reason of having the best rank of the education
in the world by Finland. They understood the only way to improve their country is improve their
knowledge. However, these amounts are not my reason to compare America with Finland, but my
goal is to say a country can be successful by pay on education than
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Argumentative Essay: Should The Defense Budget Cuts
"President Obama has, conveniently, rewritten the standard of military strategy to conform to his
defense–budget–cutting desires"(Bucci, 1). This quote shows how someone can manipulate the
budget to make people think it is going to be for the better, but there are always two sides to a story.
The defense budget cuts are causing the military a plethora of stresses because it's taking away some
training programs, benefits from soldiers, and even making America look tenuous. Furthermore, the
new budget is not focusing on keeping America a superpower, which is making our country look
weak. Downsizing our military forces at the rate we are is going to put our military back down to
pre world war two times. "Army alone will lose about 15,000 troops"
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Hcc Industries Essay
HCC industries, a manufacturing company that produces hermetically sealed electronic connection
devices along with microelectronic packages, is headquartered in Encino, California. Considering
their highly sophisticated product line, one of HCC's main clients was the U.S Military and
government funded aerospace programs. HCC is made up of four distinct operating divisions:
Hermetic Seal, Sealtron, Glasseal, and Hermetite. The divisions are highly decentralized and
completely autonomous of each other. They all have different customer bases, different product lines
and even different accounting systems. The divisions are also profit centers, by definition; each was
responsible for their sales, costs, and bottom line. Each division also ... Show more content on ...
Bonuses under the stretch method are based on annual performances, but payments are made every
quarter. And each quarterly bonus payment is only at 80% actual in order to save management from
paying out bonuses that may not be actual. Opponents to this budgeting technique cited that targets
were too optimistic, and that rewards were based on complex and subjective measures. And because
managers could still receive a small bonus at 60% of budget, bad habits started to form.
In late 1986, HCC CEO Andy Goldfarb met with divisional managers and announced a new
budgeting philosophy. The Minimum Performance Standard (MPS) was created to let divisional
managers set their budgeting goals at a level they felt was 100% attainable. However, Goldfarb
asked each manager to set their targets at levels above what they were currently producing at. The
MPS plan was accompanied with a change in incentive plan, in whereby a pool was created that
paid 20% of the amount exceeded actual over budgeted PBT (profit before taxes). In addition, 25%
of the amount they exceeded the target would be added to the bonus. This allowed managers to see
exactly where their bonuses were coming from. If their shipments were at 98% of the budgeted, they
would receive close to 100% of the bonus pool set aside for that particular measure. If a manager
met only 4 or 5 measurements, then his/her bonus collection would be directly in proportion to that.
However, COO Al Berger
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The Allocation Of Funds Is An Ongoing Debate
The allocation of funds is an ongoing debate when administering all aspects of fiscal policy. Policy
makers around the world routinely debate what should take precedence when it comes to
government spending. In general, lawmakers fall into one of two categories. They either believe and
support that more government funds should be spent on social services, or the opposing view is that
more should be allocated toward defense spending. Despite what elected officials might think, there
is a finite amount of funds, therefore, without continuing to increase the national debt, an increase in
spending in one category should cause a decrease in another. In 2016, the United States spent $615
billion on defense, $914 billion towards social security, ... Show more content on ...
Military spending for Benoit contributed to improved productivity and infrastructure. For countries
who have a higher production capacity, military spending increases, as well as, aggregate demand,
investment, and utilization of production. As a result, output is stimulated. In summary, despite the
diverse set of countries observed, there was a 3.33 percent mean increase found in GDP growth.
(Dicle and Dicle 2017). One country examined specifically is China. As a rising dominant military
and economic power, China's military and economic correlation holds significant relevance on a
global perspective. Our findings confirmed a positive relationship between China's economy and
military spending. One source approaches our research question from a unique angle. Atesoglu
focuses on the relationship between the two variables from a global viewpoint. Given that the world
is globally anarchic, there is no supreme authority that controls all aspects of international relations
(Atesoglu 2013). Thus, each state must maximize their military power to survive as a sovereign
state. Sonmez concludes, "Economic growth relaxes the wealth constraint and allows for more
military power. This theory implies that by increasing a country's wealth, economic growth results in
an increase in military spending." proving an undeniable relationship (Atesoglu 2013). Furthermore,
in light of China's
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Survey Mpa
Case Study #4:
Public Budgeting–Death of a Spy Satellite Program
Wideline Servius
Columbus State University
1) Why does Irene Rubin at the outset argue that "public budgets are not merely technical
managerial documents; they are also intrinsically and irreducibly political"? Do you agree or
disagree based on your reading of the case "County Prison Overtime" Irene Rubin' view that public
budgets are not merely technical managerial documents and that they are also intrinsically and
irreducibly political is because public budgets reflect the choice of government. As a general rule of
thumb, government chooses to go along with programs that fit their own political agenda. Programs
should reflect a general consensus about what kind or ... Show more content on ...
The two terms go hand in hand. In the "Death of Spy Satellite Program", the example illustrated was
that government officials didn't really account that Boeing didn't have the expertise to follow
through with the program. Instead, they just accepted the fact Boeing would meet the cost cap and
the timeline. The text stated that officials didn't have a choice but to go with Boeing because its plan
was more executable.
4) Who are the major participants that Rubin believes are most involved in the public budgetary
processes? What are they trying to achieve? Who was involved in the "Death of Satellite Spy
Program" case and what were the positions they took as well as the strategies they used to achieve
their goals? The major participants that Rubin believes are most involved in the public budgetary
processes are the bureau chiefs, the executive budget officers, and chief executives, and the
legislators. Although some might believe that bureaucrats are always trying to expand their
agencies, researches have proved that is not always the case. Instead, they try to validate their
position by doing a good job for the people. The Executive Budget Offices tries to eliminate waste
by scrutinizing agencies programs. Its main goal is to avoid deficits and manage cash flow. The role
of the
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Military Budget Essay
In late October 2016 the Russian government announced it was preparing to slash government
spending across the board over the next three years. Deep cuts are looming for health, education and
defence – which is slated for a 27 per cent reduction in expenditure in 2017, according to a draft
budget that the government submitted to parliament. The government forecasted that gross domestic
product has dropped by 0.6 per cent in 2016, a third straight annual contraction. As part of its plan to
reduce Russia's fiscal deficit from 3.7 per cent of GDP this year to 1.2 per cent in 2019, the draft
budget calls for a 1 per cent cut in total federal expenditure in 2017 and further 1.3 per cent and 0.33
per cent reductions in 2018 and 2019, ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, most have families, and thus "no fewer than 40,000 people are suffering" as a result of
defence ministry malfeasance. Another, more critical effect of this 'build–up' in the military has been
the chronic deficiency in officers. In February 2017, the chief of the Main Directorate for Personnel
within the Russian Ministry of Defence, Colonel General Viktor Goremykin, announced that, in
2016, the Armed forces found 11,000 officers for positions that otherwise would have gone empty
(Krasnaya Zvezda, February 5). In his words, the military used "non–standard" methods to fill these
staffing gaps. Reserve officers who left the Armed Forces were recruited again. It is worth noting
that, on February 22, while speaking before the State Duma (lower chamber of parliament), defence
Minister Sergei Shoigu clarified that due to shortages of personnel in 2015, 15,000 troops previously
dismissed had been returned to service (TASS February 22). Obviously, this, practice continued in
2016. The situation of Russia's military pilots is particularly critical. dDefence Minister Shoigu
revealed that the deficit reached 1,300 pilots. To resolve this massive shortfall, the professional
lifespan of pilots in the Armed Forces has been extended by five years (TASS
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Military Budget
calculations. Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, says, "The head office in New York
had a complete understanding of everything that was going on in the Third Reich with its machines
... that their machines were in concentration camps generally, and they knew that Jews were being
exterminated." IBM technicians serviced the machines, IBM engineers trained their users, and IBM
supplied punch cards for the machines, according to Black, at least until 1941, when the United
States declared war on Germany.IBM's motivation for working with the Nazis, says Black, "was
never about Nazism ... it was always about profit," which is consistent with the corporation's amoral
nature. Corporations have no capacity to value political systems, fascist ... Show more content on ...
They have also abused innocent young girls in foreign countries to make their products and paying
them close to nothing for a the labor. American corporations have been providing our war enemies
with the supplies they need to keep operating. These corporations were the ones helping the Nazis
murder Jews by keeping a record of them. We have been in so many wars in a our short nation
lifetime. Our government made us believe we were fighting for freedom and justice, when indeed
we were causing the opposite. The US Military has cost us trillions of dollars since the beginning.
While the government spent money on war, our society is barely making ends meet on poor wages.
"History is important. If you don't know history, it is as if you were born yesterday. And if you were
born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way
of checking up on it."(Howard) We need to get an education to better understand the world and to
not be manipulated into going to war. Corporate and Military powers have shaped and controlled us,
but we need to control that. Our government is a Democracy system, people govern over
themselves. We should be the ones making the decisions, not a small group in the White House.
With laws and regulations on Corporate and Military powers will make our nation a better place for
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Raising Military Budgets
(Tristin and Saige) Military Budget: More spending We use old stuff It's falling apart like helicopters
NATO we are not reaching our agreement Australia's budget is 34.09 billion CAD and canada's is
18.6 billion CAD we are the lowest in NATO. Navy we have a tiny navy of 36 and brittan has 77
Ground we do have a very good ground force Air Force we are using very outdated fighter jets–budget–2017–lack–of–defence–spending–draws–fire/
We need at least 2% of our GDP = 30.6 billion (Taylor and Robert) Economy– Minimum Wage:
Raising for Federal On September 1, 2017 the minimum wage rose to $13.60 per hour High
minimum wage minimum benefit In recent debates we have decided to against raising the
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Heavy Price of Defense Spending Cuts by Victor Davis Hanson
Renowned historian and classicist scholar Victor Davis Hanson's January 11, 2012 commentary
entitled "Heavy Price of Defense Spending Cuts: Nations That Choose Butter over Guns Atrophy
and Die" warrants a thoughtful analysis of its merits and shortcomings by U.S. military officers
entrusted with leading this nation's youth while implementing our national strategy. Hanson's 2012
premise, albeit over two years old today, is immediately discernible: America faces devastating self–
inflicted wounds by implementing the current Administration's defense spending budget. The dawn
of 2014 finds this debate ongoing and the implementation of this budget well in progress, with even
more drastic cuts taking effect than the ones analyzed by Hanson previously. While few historians of
repute would argue against the reality that the siren song of defense reductions has lured the nation
onto the shoals of unpreparedness for future conflict many times in the past, two shortcomings in
Hanson's piece beckon us to pause and reexamine. First, Hanson appeals to the dignity of the
American character by the psychologically compelling assertion "many Americans would probably
prefer a new frigate manned by highly trained youth to discourage our enemies, rather than another
Solyndra–like investment or a nearly $1 trillion stimulus." Even if this is so, a critical evaluation of
his self–described "probability" raises the question of relevance to his premise. What is deemed best
for national
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Procurement Collaboration : Multinational Armies And...
Procurement Collaboration
Over the past decade, allied Armies and Navies around the globe have increasingly engaged
cooperative projects to manufacture defence equipment. The pressure of shrinking defence budgets,
and increasing operational activities with coalition forces make allied collaboration an attractive
alternative. While this trend is a global phenomenon, it has been especially apparent in Western
Europe, as these countries have experienced some of the largest cuts to defence spending over the
past decade ("Defence Budgets in Europe," 2016, p. 37). Many Western European allied forces have
begun engaging in collaborative projects to cut costs, improve efficiencies, gain knowledge and
expertise, and ... Show more content on ...
The United States, however, is less inclined to participate in international collaborations, and to
date, only a small portion of the overall defence budget is allocated to cooperative projects. This is
due to a number of factors. First and foremost, the U.S. has an established and robust military
equipment manufacturing industry, that has the capability and capacity to meet the needs of
domestic consumption without having to augment production with foreign assistance. Secondly, the
enormous U.S. military budget means that the country is under less pressure than its European
counterparts to find efficiencies in production. Another factor contributing to its isolation is
concerns related to maintaining control and secrecy over military technological innovation. The U.S.
understands that, despite its advantages, collaboration can result in a loss of control. Despite this, the
U.S. does participate in some international collaboration. For example, the U.S. and Japan have
continually collaborated on a number of projects over the past three decades, and they still have a
number of co–production agreements in place today (Mehta, 2015).
Other nations around the world have also embraced collaboration. Another recent example of this is
exemplified by Russia and India. The most recent cooperative effort was a large project to design
and build an
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Federal Defense Spending And Military Budget
Federal Defense Spending and Military Budget
The year 2016 has presented the United States of America's presidential campaign trail with plenty
of national security talk and it remains a separate issue whether any of the candidates' proposals
have been substantial or not. Competitors who wish to secure the Democratic and Republican
nominations have given their views concerning national security and troop levels. Contenders in
both the Democratic and Republican parties have a view that the best approach for discussing the
federal defense and military budget issue with early primary voters is to have a heavy approach on
rhetoric and go light on specific strategies. Some of the candidates are calling for an increase ...
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Although it may make sense to think that cutting federal defense spending and military budget will
put the United States of America's national security at risk, it is still not clear what the right choice is
as presidential candidates still debate on increasing versus decreasing federal defense spending and
military budget.
The United States of America's defense budget is accounted for by the spending for the Department
of Defense. All the funding directed to the Department of Defense covers its base budget through
payment of the department 's normal activities (National Priorities). Most presidential candidates
support the idea of the United States of America developing a bigger military force or at least
leaving it as big as it currently is, except most notably Berny Sanders. The United States of America
currently stands at a $494 billion–dollar deficit (US Debt Clock) and many politicians want to
reduce this deficit by cutting down budget or enforcing a balanced budget amendment. Berny
Sanders has for years and still at the moment still criticizing politicians who have such ideas which
he terms as regressive. Berny Sanders argues that the federal defense spending and military budget
are three times larger than that of the second biggest spender: China. He further argues that even
among military members, many believe that
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Building A Budget Plan For The United States Of America (...
AT&T, Inc is among the leading mobile phone companies in the United States of America (USA)
and a multinational corporation (present in 11 Latin American countries) thus worth spending the
energy to work for. The Company has its headquarters in Whitacre Tower in Dallas, Texas. The
current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Mr. Stephenson Randall, who together with the rest of the
company, work on a mission of providing a mobile connectivity that is fast and highly secure and a
vision of achieving the world where everyone and everything are kept connected regardless of
distance. With the strongest LTE signal and a similar 4G network, the company recorded its highest
revenue of $132.4 billion in 2014. This enabled the company to ... Show more content on ...
With the budgeting tool, the corporate can thus make informed financial decisions.
For AT&T, Inc., the capital budget is vital in putting to use the available resources. The act of
prioritizing mainly ensures that critical segments of the company are first to be factored in the
budgeting process and that they are adequately funded at all times (Wyatt, 2013). In that process, it
is easy for the company to identify deficits and adequately plan for loans or stock financing.
Since a budget is a component of sound and responsible financial management, tracking its
formulation and implementation can go a long way to ensuring its objectives are adequately met.
Sound budget management strategies include keeping a proper record of all the expenses v.
allocations. Also, consistently review the implementation to be sure of the anticipated outcome.
Considering the implementation can also help isolate the possibility of adjustments in line with the
budget objectives (Wyatt, 2013).
Effective Budgeting and the Positive Financial Outcome
The fundamental importance of proper budgeting strategies goes beyond corporate investment
decision making. It includes positive financial outcomes in as far as the financial goals are
concerned. One of the positive outcomes is eliminating a fiscal crisis. Financial forecasting
particularly helps analyze the current trends in the business and
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Billing Budget And Career Plan
Billing, Budget, and Career Plan
This paper will explore the topics of billing, planning a budget, along with your future career.
Billing is a complex subject that is sometimes more challenging due to the healthcare system. A
healthcare budget helps management control the organizational expenses (Sullivan, 2013). Creating
a plan for a future is a must, which involves many components before this is set in motion.
Patient's receiving and understanding their billing statement is overwhelming. This is related to the
complexity of the healthcare system, which includes multi–facility organizations, numerous payers,
and a variety of provided clinical services (Beechner, 2004). There are systems that are trying to
implement patient friendly ... Show more content on ...
According to Sullivan (2013), "Budgeting is planning and controlling future operations by looking
at the actual results with planned expectations (Sullivan, 2013)." When it comes to planning, the
review of goals and objectives, by the nursing staff and organization, determines the priorities along
with directing the efforts of the organization (Sullivan, 2013). In the planning phase, the
organization needs to know the demographics of the population served, sources of revenue, and the
statistical data, which will include number of admissions or patient appointments, average daily
census and length of stay, patient acuity, and projected occupancy or volume base for ambulatory for
procedure–based units (Sullivan, 2013). When everyone looks at the projected occupancy or volume
based on the units, these units are the wage, supplies, staff, regulatory changes, and organization
changes (Sullivan, 2013). Managements look at the past expenses as a starting point to developing
the budget, which historically adjustments can be made during the actual budget
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The Issue Of Welfare Spending Essay
Introduction The purpose of my research is to discern how welfare spending, healthcare spending,
defence spending, and pension spending impacted vote choice in the 2013 Australian election in
comparison to the 2012 United States election, 2013 German election, and 2012 France election. I
expect that as support for welfare spending, pension spending, and healthcare spending, decreases,
support for right wing parties will increase. I expect that there will be a positive effect on voting for
right wing parties as support for defence spending increases. I expect that of these issues, welfare
spending will have the largest magnitude and that pension spending will have the lowest magnitude.
I do not believe there will be an additional effect in Australia and that the impact will be similar to
that of other industrial democracies.
Theory and Literature
The Funnel of Causality model describes voting behaviour in terms of socio–demographics, party
identification, issues, and candidates. In this essay I will focus on issues because they can be
compared between countries. An issue is essentially a problem that is perceived to be important, and
there is an actor with "ownership" of the issue, meaning that there is someone who is thought to be
"the best man for the job" so to speak. The economy isn't an issue because you can't have
"ownership" over the economy. Issues are important because they explain a lot about voting
In this paper I have chosen to focus on the issues
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The Air Test And Evaluation Squadron One Military...
Within the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One military organization, segments of the squadron
come together and perform various tasks to support and fly aircraft to meet the organizational goal
of operational test and development. In accomplishing this goal, the squadron incurs joint costs
when people from multiple departments travel across the globe to perform mission objectives
(Hicks, 2010). The squadron travel budgets are smaller ceiling appropriation allocations of the larger
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized by Congress and the budget division
ensures financial resources are spent wisely during each fiscal year (October 1 through September
30) or operating period (Hicks, 2010). The travel division monitors spending on 23 funding lines
totaling $1.17 million where each funding line, referred to as different colors of money, is obligated
for a specific travel appropriation or purpose. To manage these costs, the travel division is
responsible for arranging travel accommodations, processing travel vouchers and claims, tracking
Government Travel Charge Cards (GTCC) charges, and validating allocation of funds. Budget
preparations begin by predicting future year requirements such as off–site pilot and flight crew
flight–testing, off–site pilot and flight crew training, professional schools, occupational training,
conferences, and other official travel (C. Sacksen, personal communication, September 19, 2016).
To assist in budget execution,
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Propaganda And The Rwandan Genocide
I liked the refresher continue ton the Rwandan genocide. I was happy to see that it had been mention
in response to the early section which I had mentioned it in. This genocide has been engrained in my
memory for a while. I also liked the new direction the the article went with it. Instead of just leading
with facts about how morally, the people turned against each other, which would have been a very
true statement, this article looked at the propaganda aspect. I was happy to see this change, because I
personally was not in love with the last part (part 2) because of the rather bleakness in the human
nature. How we all the propensity for killing was a harsh reality for me and I did not want to fully
embrace that part of my self. I divulge, ... Show more content on ...
In a psychology class that I am taking a study was recently shown in one of the developmental
stages. One researcher (whose name I am spacing on at the moment) had a study that he interpreted
as showing that the older a child is in age, the moral they are. Seems like a reasonable statement.
However, in discussing in class the outcomes, I was also made aware, that even though the children
who were older reasoned their argument more morally acceptably, that did not mean that they were
more likely to act morally than the younger children. We can all have pretty thoughts of sunshine
and roses, however if we do not enact those thoughts into actions, are we really more
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Military Budgeting Affects The Military
Budgeting is a familiar term to most American families. To define budgeting, we see it's an estimate,
often itemized, of expected income and expenses for a given period in the future. In order to avoid
debt, bankruptcy, or overspending it is common to create a spreadsheet of some sort tracking your
spending and income. On a grander scheme, the United States has to budget money and distribute it
to the different sections in order to function as a democracy. History denotes government and
military budgeting did not always exist. From describing today's budgets and historical flaws,
exploring the United States budget and how it affects the military is a lengthy, dynamic, and
incredibly interesting matter.
There is a five step annual process ... Show more content on ...
Warfare and military financial information over the past few decades carries trends and theories. In
the nineteenth century, most civilizations did not have control over military spending or plans to
control the spending. Rulers had centralized control over the military and decisions based on a
hierarchy. Taxes were paid to rulers and then allocated at the ruler's discretion, this created difficulty
in planning and monitoring the revenue for military campaigns. Later it was learned that the
efficiency of tax collection and distribution was necessary and vital, but until then soldiers typically
looted enemy territory for their supplies. Those in the Roman Empire were first the efficient military
budgeters. Although taxation was only collected in crisis times, and even then most of the citizens
evaded their taxes, the Roman Empire came to an end in the fourth century. Middle Ages Europeans
used taxation in a more effective manner to pay their military. People were given protection
reflective of those who paid their taxes, or by a service commitment. Merovingian era trained and
specialized their soldier and provided them with more equipment and horses. Carolingian era treated
their military like their superior citizens by paying them and budgeting to ensure payment was
afforded. By the fourteenth century it was clear that taxation and tax collection were important to
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The Affordable Care Act ( Aca ) Essay
The United States is a country that revolves around money, yet is facing a $20 trillion national debt.
The current issues of increasing healthcare costs, the Social Security fund, and military expenses are
the main issues responsible for the debt. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was put into effect in 2010
and has become the major spender in the healthcare field. The Social Security fund is expected to be
completely drained at the end of the year 2016, which will result in millions of Americans being cut
short of receiving their full benefits. The United States military has become a major area to spend
tax dollars on. As a result, the military budget has already begun receiving cuts in funding from
maintenance and training. The solution to repairing this broken nation is simple; America must cut
down salaries of the overpaid government workers. America must begin inciting business within the
country to build itself back up from the tremendous debt it has taken on. The only way to recover is
to bring more money into the nation than the amount of money that continues to leave. Without a
solution enacted America will experience an economic collapse, devastating the country as a
Dollar Deprivation
In a country that revolves around money, if the economy would fall, it could take the whole nation
down with it. The United States is one of many countries built up by its power in the economical
industry. Facing a national debt of $20 trillion now, America may not know its power
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Most Powerful Military Budget
Understanding The Budget of The World's Most Powerful Military
To understand the annual federal tax revenue system and the budget that is created from it is to
understand a system that is deeply complicated and some would say overwhelmingly corrupt. This
federal system is the reason why we have such a strong economy; from it we have funding for
schools, hospitals, roads, financial aid programs, the worlds most powerful armed forces, and
everything else you can think of. This is the system that keeps our country operating at such a high
level and keeps our economy running at, what some would say a "stable" condition. This stability in
our federal tax system is subjective, some see a system that is corrupt, that favors the few most
powerful ... Show more content on ...
It has rarely been an issue for the federal government to increase defence spending; while on the
other hand, the fight to increase spending in federal programs to help the underprivileged and repair
some of the weaker parts of our economy has always been fraught with paral. Increasing the defence
budget is too easy for the federal government that they not only increase it annually but also
increase it by monstrous proportions. As stated by Brad Plumer in his Washington Post article, "The
United States spends far more than any other country on defense and security. Since 2001, the base
defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion – and that's before accounting for the
primary costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars" (Plumer). This article describes some of the ways
that the defence budgets overwhelmingly increased budget is affecting our county. At the time of
this article the defence budget accounted for twenty percent of the annual federal tax budget which
held the largest majority of the
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The Military Budget Of The US
The military budget of the United States (US) is over $500 billion per year (US dollars). You work
at a policy centre that focuses on international conflict and conflict resolution. Describe what sorts
of alternative approaches exist to military force. Is there any merit in them and what
recommendations would you make to the US government about redirecting some of the military
budget? In other words, could the US invest money internationally and reduce the need for a large
military? Foreign policy of USA is aimed at protecting national interests, security and other wide
range of political, economic, humanitarian and ideological concerns. The foreign policy covers a
wide range of functions and issues that are affecting the interests of USA ... Show more content on ...
Develop rapidly deployable U.S. military forces to prevent mass atrocities. The US administration
can provide specific guidance to the military in its National Security Strategy to plan and train its
rapidly deployable forces for genocide– and mass–atrocity–prevention missions. US already has a
rapid deployable force which has to be tuned for the multilateral and UN missions. sharing
responsibilities will enhance the UN Security Council's credibility and legitimacy for conflict
prevention and response. Redefine the importance of economic sanctions and collective diplomacy
of UN and regional organisations : Targeted sanctions to deter or end violence, expert panels to
monitor the effectiveness of targeted sanctions on peace spoilers, and an increase in the use of
special envoys and special representatives to the secretary–general. Actively support EU, AU , OAS,
ASEAN in promoting regional peace Although conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan consumed
the majority of international attention and resources over the past decade, there has been success
involving multilateral conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and peace–building
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Operating Budget
Health Care Budget
July 27, 2015
Professor Michelle Gomillion
Health Care Budget
Most entities and organization create budgets as a guide for controlling its spending, prediction of
profit, and it expenditure as they progress toward a set goal. Budget involves pulling resources
together to achieve a specific goal. According to Gapenski (2006), budgeting is an offshoot in a
planning process. A basic managerial accounting tool use in holding planning and control functions
together is referred to as set of budgets (p. 255). One major setback manager or budget developer
encounter is trying to design a future, a process that cannot be created with the precision just right.
This article highlights some financial management ... Show more content on ...
Some employ the variance analysis in monitoring an operating budget, this studies the variance
between actual and budgeted cost; comparing one cost at one organization to another. Variance
analysis points out areas that require performance improvement.
Flexibility of budget
No project is done perfect the first time; there is always a chance an error that needs correction or
new ideas to make it perfect. So it is with creating and monitoring a budget. Having an
accommodation for changes in a budget is a very good practice. It helps managers and budget
developers respond to competitive setbacks or breakthrough more precisely and quick; by using
available resources for good opportunities or correction of errors.
Least Effective Measures in Creating an Operating Budget
Budget formulation and use are tools that guide many decision making strategies in business. The
measures that are least effective could create an avalanche of catastrophic events that can negatively
impact the decision making strategies. It is in the best interest of the pertinent parties to draft an
operating budget based on a collective set of information relating to organizational vision and
mission. Ineffective measures can be catastrophic based on the foundation for measures used in
creating the budget. Among the many issues organizations face that relates to creating an effective
operating budget results from poor
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George Trump : A Great Indicator Of Change
History often repeats itself. The crazy part about that idea is that people tend to overreact as if they
had never seen such a thing. The recent election was a grueling one. There was a mass of
controversy surrounding the two candidates. There was no perfect choice this year. There was a
hated democratic candidate and a even more hated republican candidate. What many people forgot
to look into was the idea that the United States had just had a democratic president serve two terms
in office. In historic fashion, after something like this happens the country has more than likely went
with the other political party in search of change. Donald Trump is surely to be a great indicator of
change, one way or the other. With the new president in office, there is sure to be new defense
policy in place. The biggest concern in the matter of what is going to happen to defense funding. In
recent years the budget for defense has been decreasing steadily. That in turn has cut down the
number of soldiers the military can recruit because of funding. This can be massive to the entire
department. The fewer soldiers the more at risk the country is. From a deeper point of view, the less
soldiers you have can be detrimental to intelligence as well. There will not be any one to man the
drones, or control the UAV's if funding is continually cut. The country will take a huge fall
depending on the ways funding is cut. There are worse case scenarios that lead the United States to
recalling the
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Military Budget Spending And Effects
Rubio 1
Military Budget Spending and Effects. Military budget and spending is a very broad subject and one
that deserves not only a term paper, but possibly a book. There is loads of information both in book
format and on the internet that clearly describes military budget and spending, namely the United
States military and spending. The United States was found in 1776 on the principles of liberty and
the pursuit of happiness, which just so happens to be a movie of the same title, the Pursuit of
Happiness. We became a nation of immigrants and were united by a common belief that we would
not be governed by the British. We abhorred what they stood for and were determined to be
different. Our cessation from the British, or better yet, ... Show more content on ...
George Washington felt the need to make it official and have both the Senate and the House of
Representatives declare the United States Military. There were men serving in the Continental Army
already and they just transitioned over to the United States Military. In time, the military would
divide itself into four branches – the four branches we know today, the Army, the Navy, the Air
Force, and the Marines. The history of the United States Military spans two centuries already. It is
unbelievable that just two hundred years ago, we were at the infancy of what we now call a
superpower of sorts. With this amazing superpower of a Military, we, of course, have to budget for
that. The amount of money necessary to sustain a military like the United States is a fortune, but
totally worth every penny. Our safety and security depends on these men and women who risk their
lives every day to make sure we are protected. There are many who believe that military spending is
growly over budgeted but that is a matter of opinion. When it comes to safety, protection, and
security, shouldn't we pay for that? Our tax dollars are allocated to a multitude of things. For
instance, our tax dollars are used for paying Congress' salary, for education, infrastructure,
government projects, space exploration (NASA), and of course, military spending. Our new
president, Donald Trump is a big supporter of military spending. In fact, most, if not all, Republican
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Military Budget Cuts
To fund or not to fund the Armed Forces? Many Americans have asked why we should pay for the
military. Is the military a priority to fund during harsh economic times? Critics argue that the
military is overfunded. The military should be shrink and suffer budget cuts, to save the country
billions of dollars. This might, however back fire at the U.S if passed. The Armed Forces are an
important component of the Country. Under funding the military will cause the United
The United States Armed Forces are the military forces that serve the United States of America. The
U.S. Armed Forces include five service branches: the Air Force, the Army, the Navy, the Marine
Corps, and the Coast Guard (n.p). The Armed forces have defend the United States against ... Show
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As a result, the nascent republic was ill–prepared to put down the Whiskey Rebellion, fight the
quasi–war with France, repress the Barbary pirates preying on our shipping, and, most spectacularly,
defend the new national capital from British attack in the War of 1812. The burning of the White
House stood as a melancholy testimony to the consequences of military unpreparedness(n.p).
According to the majority staff of the House Armed Services Committee, this is what could happen
after sequestration: the Army fall from 569,000 active–duty soldiers today to 426,000; the Marine
Corps from 202,000 to 145,000; the Navy from 284 ships to 238; the Air Force from 1,990 fighter
aircraft to 1,512 and from 135 bombers to 101. Even if the full impact of sequestration is not felt,
the consequences for our military readiness will still be
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Pros And Cons Of Increasing Military Spending
Following the controversial win of this year's presidential election, President Donald Trump's
initiates his first budget proposal to be increasing military spending. More explicitly, he not only
seeks to see a sharp $56 billion–dollar increase in military spending, but also to cut funding from
nonmilitary programs such as education, poverty and the environment to name a few. This increase
might not seem like much considering that some can arguable say that an increase of military
spending can create more job opportunity and that protecting our nation at all cost should be
National Security first priority. However, if the bigger picture is being looked at, funding from many
government assistant programs like Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security ... Show more content on ...
These people are supposed to work harder and more efficient because they believe the government
has their back. Even though there seems to be many reasons to believe that higher military spending
will bring a better life to people in a short term, the long run of high defense spending may impede
growth and development. More precisely, high military spending tends to neglect the economy's
ability meet people's basic needs, such as food, housing, and medical services. This can be seen
first–hand with trumps budget proposal. His plan, in return for the increase on military spending, is
for the same amount of money to be cut from other various government and federal programming.
"Trump's budget would cut off funding entirely for several agencies, including arts, public
broadcasting and development groups, and proposes steep cuts to agencies like the State Department
and Environmental Protection Agency ", says CNN. "Virtually every agency will see some sort of
cut, with only Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs getting a boost," they added.
Cutting funding from everyday needed aid programs can make the government appear to cares less
about the life of their citizens and more about how to make a better weapon. One example is North
Korea, despite being a developing country with lower incomes
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China's Rise And The Us Japan's Respond
China's Rise and the US–Japan's Respond
China's rising has become predominant issue after more than two decade since it opened it economy
for the world capital. China has become center of economic growth in the region since it started to
become economically integrated to globalized world. Concurrently with that development, China
military capability grows to become more powerful. In 2013 SIPRI reported that China's military
spending had reached $188 million, which means steadily increase of 7.4 per cent from 2012, and
doubled from expense in 2004 (Deutsche Presse­
Agentur 2014).
From 2008 until 2013 China stayed in second largest military expenditure before the USA and
positioned Russia as the third (Feffer 2009: 8). Significant amount that ... Show more content on ...
The end of the Cold War that created peaceful space and flourishing Chinese economic growth
influenced the speed of military modernization and shifted its focus on protection of maritime
resources and defending of territorial issue in the south and southeast (Ross 2009: 55; Storey 2008:
Meanwhile in southern part of its territory several maritime dispute disputes began to attract China's
attention. During early decade of 1990s, China had just ratified United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982) in 1992. The ratification is going to allow China to claim 200
nautical miles as its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and could exploit oil and gas located in South
China Sea basin. Beside that, the growing tension because of Taiwan's independence in 1990 had
significantly altered China focus to the South and modernization its military force. Geopolitical
nature of the potential maritime conflict in the south had forced China to modernize its naval power
(Storey 2008: 115).
This could be considered as changing posture of China's military capability from cumbersome
continental power towards more modern and dynamic naval power in responding future political
and military dispute in the southern part of its territory (Ross 2009: 56). China's military
modernization that aims to built capability to project its power
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Defense Budget Spending Essay
National Security Defense Budget Spending The way of reconsidering our defense budget ought to
start with recognition that the financial catastrophe and collapse that started in 2007 has changed the
context in which, every federal rule should be evaluated. In the area of national security, it is a
development as significant as the end of the Cold War and the happenings of 11 September 2001.
For the reason that it, and the wider unstable course of globalization that transmit and enlarged it,
stand seriously on the preservation of the American national power. Looking back just two or three
decades from now, America's economic power and authority is less certain these days than just four
years back as is the outlook of our greatest national security asset, our very powerful national
security tool: the US dollar. Along with the most significant outcomes of the current crisis has been
a sharp increase in the concern concerning national debt. Certainly, what nourishes debt
accumulation is deficit expenditure. The 1996 era, and throughout 2001, show up as "golden years"
from the time where distinct development was done in reducing accumulated debt2. Stuck between
2001 and 2007 that development was obliterated. Consequently, at the period of the crisis years
2007–2010, declining federal returns and attempts to fix the economy and financial system radically
enlarged the debt to GDP ratio. The most accurate comparison to America's present state is the years
of the Second World
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US Military Budget Analysis
In the United States of America, as in most countries in the world, military spending is always a top
priority, but there will always be constant debate on what the spending should be used on, as well as
how much money should be allocated towards each department. The ability to maintain a U.S
budget that has seen simultaneous wars in the past 15 years, a constant threat from ISIS, and still
being able to maintain peace at home has been more than difficult. To understand how this is done,
we have to look at the budget as a whole, how it is broken down, and how the US military funding
compares the rest of the world. In the discretionary spending outlook for 2017 (Release No: NR–
046–16, 2016), President Obama put forth a discretionary ... Show more content on
9/11 changed all that. At a time when the nation was in turmoil, the government immediately began
to raise the military budget. The Budget rose by 5% in 2005 for the invasion of Iraq and again to
5.7% in 2011 for the stepped up efforts in Afghanistan. With this inflation of funds allotted to the
Department of Defense, it opened up more funding for projects that were not able to acquire funding
in the past. As the money was shoveled into these technologically advancing projects, as with many
projects, failure happened regularly; causing a large portion of the newly acquired budget to be
squandered. Just a few years ago in 2011 Defense Secretary Robert M. Dates made this statement to
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The Pros And Cons Of US Military Spending
The United States is spending huge amounts of money on military defense when there are other
problem areas in our society that are in need of more funding.
$1.754 trillion – that is the current estimated amount the United States has spent on defense–related
costs since 2001 (Koshgarian, L., et al., 2015). While the United States spends more on its military
than China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the U.K., India, France, and Japan combined (Peterson, P., 2016),
it has one of the highest rates of poverty among developed countries and lags behind in many social
and economic areas. In what other ways can that money benefit the people it is used to protect?
Since U.S. military intervention abroad is a controversial topic in of itself, the high cost to ... Show
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Military Budget is 'Foolish and Sustainable'", Benjamin Friedman and Justin Logan, a researcher
and a director, respectively at Cato Institute, discuss ways in which a minimization in military
spending can have positive outcomes for both the U.S. and other countries. To summarize the essay,
they state that the best approach is if for the U.S. to reduces its military presence in other countries.
Effectively, this would prevent countries from relying on U.S. intervention and allow more countries
to be dependent on themselves; additionally, it will also prevent "weaker" allied nations from
gaining a false sense of emboldenment to take risks they otherwise would not against neighboring
countries, which would inevitably force the U.S. to intervene. Friedman and Logan estimated that a
disinclination to impose rule over these "weaker" nations will not only increase content among both
nations, but it will save over $250 billion over a span of a decade and thousands of lives, and still
leave a force capable of winning any ground war if needed (Friedman, B., et al., 2012, 177–191).
Friedman and Logan have valid claims that agree with and support my position as to both how, and
why, there should be cuts in military
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Military Budget Essay
In my group, each person handle a section of the budget. Sarah has the military budget. Kyle has
entitlement spending like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Obamacare. I have small cuts
which can include cutting different programs, taxes, and waste spending. So far, I have cut the
programs or added enough revenue to lower the deficit by $268.1 billion dollars a year. The first
thing I cut are earmarks, money or a tax benefit for a specific project, program, or organization that
is decided by a congressman or a senate member. This practice is highly unregulated and often
misused. Some government officials use it for personal gain. Eliminating earmarks will save $14.8
billion dollars. Next, I will eliminate or at least lessen ... Show more content on ...
There are over 14,000 building that are not used, and the cost of maintenance and keeping the lights
on is costing billion. I proposed the government consolidate their employers working in them to
fewer buildings, and then sell or give the buildings to the local or state governments. They can take
care of them or tear them down. This will save $14.8 billion dollars. Next, I would make it a priority
to stop corporations from using offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes.
There is an estimated $100 billion dollars in unpaid taxes a year. The consequence is that the price
of these corporation's good will raise to cover the cost of the taxes. Examples of these companies are
Apple, Dell, and Nike. I would also crack down on income tax dodgers, because there was $500
billion dollars lost between 2004 – 2008, an estimated $125 billion a year. Lastly, I would eliminate
the Rural Utilities Service. The original goal for this service was to bring electricity to America's
rural communities in 1935. It would build new electrical poles, wiring, electrical plants, and landline
service. Today, this service is not longer necessary, and the money is going to random projects all
over the country and especially in remote places with no guidelines. Is it necessary to build a huge
community center for a town with a population smaller than the men it took to build it? This is
costing $9.6 billion a
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US Military Budget

  • 1. US Military Budget Can the nation afford what it's spending on funding the U.S. military? On defense and international security was spent about $718 billion by the U.S. government in 2011 (Plumer). The U.S. is now spending more money than at any time with a defense budget exceeding $700 billion (Erwin). Defense amounts to 4.8 percent as a share of the U.S. economy (Erwin). Innumerable amounts of money are being funded to the U.S. military because it has spent more on defense than any other place, has a big land area used by U.S. bases and facilities, and 70 percent of the budget goes to defense contractors alone. Basically, the U.S. military has spent more money on defense than any other place. About $601 billion of the United States' estimated military budget is expected (Gould). It is said to be one of the next six highest spending countries (Gould). As of now, the United States' budget is shown as the largest single cost (Bender). The military budget is more than 34 times the size of NASA's operating budget ... Show more content on ... military has a big land area used by U.S. bases and facilities. In Japan, the 87 facilities used by the U.S. military covered an area about half the size of the 23 wards of Tokyo as of March 2006 (Yoshida). The land area in Okinawa contributes 74.7 percent of the nation's land for the bases (Yoshida). Around 800 U.S. bases are now in foreign countries (Vine). The U.S. military has its land to maintain the military process going with its budget, but defense contractors alone get 70 percent of it. Specifically, the business organization receives a pretty good amount from the budget. Its intelligence budget spends 70 percent on private contracts (Bloomfield). Since 1996 congress doled out 8.5 trillion taxpayer dollars that have never been accounted for (Leo). Routine maintenance work on Customs and Border Patrol are what federal contractors are hired to perform (Ehley). Like said before, most of the U.S. military's budget is given to defense contractors ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Budget Is Important For An Organization Budget Knowing what resources are available is important for an organization to function. The organization runs the risk of depleting resources or not using their resources effectively to accomplish the organizations mission if resources are not accounted for. According to Dr. Dean's PowerPoint, budgeting is "the administrative activity of planning that determines what resources are needed and how they should be supplied/applied." It should be noted that a budget is a planning tool. According to Robert Welch, "the administrative activity of budget was listed last of the seven elements that made up the process of planning," he proposes his reasoning, "For if planners seek the mind of God in establishing their objectives and the parameters...then money will not be a problem because God will empower that which He wants done in the church or religious organization" (Welch, 167). It is wise for a church to develop a budget, thereby ensuring that they are being good stewards of their resources. There are three basic budgets to operate by. The government and military use a zero– based budget. Every year the budget starts at zero. Each budget unit must be justified for the next year. The key advantage to this system is that each budget unit is reviewed and analyzed every year (welch, 168). This allows the organization to determine if more or less resources should be requested in regard to the budget item. It also allows the organization to assess the need for the budget unit. ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Military Budget Cuts In the past America has been a dominant superpower in the field of military strength, but for the last few decades, our military has encountered abounding liquidations and sequestrations, which lead to huge budget cuts. Nevertheless, America has faced many politicians planning to cut down on our military by virtue of it is simply cost effective. The Clinton Foundation has been cutting our military for countless years. Also, under the Obama Administration has been enacting laws comparable to the Budget Control Act or (BCA) which has been siphoning our military for the past 8 years. For countless years, defense officials remain silent due to the Obama Administration, vaguely America could keep its budget under control. Consequently, all four ... Show more content on ... The Air Force prides itself with quality over capacity. "Aircraft average 27 years old"(Cooper) the aircraft are older and the Air Force has less of them than ever before. This is from sequestrations and liquidations under Acts like the BCA for many years. Consequently, the Air Force did not grow during the military build after 9/11. Instead they chose to upgrade their Airplanes and buildings, different from other branches who chose to expand their capacity. The Air Force has been continually cut to the point of "not enough money to fly sorties and pilots being unable to maintain cockpit skills"(Cooper). Nevertheless, pilots are unable to maintain their skills flying due to lack of funding and unable to conduct their missions. Notwithstanding, the Air Force is not able to even fly because they do not have the Aircraft nor the money to fly their Aircraft. This has caused "the most current and qualified Air Force fighter pilots are flying at a rate so low that we could have considered them unfit for combat in the 80's and 90's"(Cooper). Accordingly, when pilots are not getting enough time up in the air it causes more errors and makes pilots more likely to commit fatal mistakes. This also gives the enemy an advantage in the air when engaged in combat because the more practice pilots have at flying the better the pilot. Ordinarily, this has caused "Capitol Hill, several top U.S. military ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Mississippi Military Department Budget Analysis Program Resources Funding is allocated for training by congress through a centralized funding agreement which is distributed among the fifty states and territories based on their training needs. The National Guard Bureau in Washington, D.C. will provide the states United States Property and Fiscal Offices (USPF&O) funding based on its yearly requirements (Department of the Army, 2013). As a result, the funding for the leadership development plan and implementation will be budgeted and paid for through the Training and Operations department out of the State of Mississippi's budget. Therefore, the earlier in the fiscal year the plan can be proposed, the earlier the funding will be allocated. Financial and ROI The MSARNG budget has been ... Show more content on ... The MSARNG has proven that it has the ability and leadership to make necessary changes when issues arise. However, if they do not know how to identify and solve the issues they will become stagnate (Maxwell, 2005). This leadership development plan has shown the MSARNG their needs and gaps and provided a solution that will give them a chance to correct the issues before they get further out of hand. The revised leadership development plan will focus on the professional development of the leaders. The plan will provide valid and effective ways for measuring and refining the problems that have been identified. Leaders have to be able to teach, refine and correct with the appropriate training tools in order to correct any issues in the organization (2 Timothy, 3:16, KJV). Therefore, it is clear to see that the MSARNG can use this plan to help decrease retention, increase recruiting and improve succession planning in order to set the organization up for success in the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Defense Budget Should Increase Military Spending To spend or not to spend, that is the question. America is torn, not sure whether it should increase military spending or if it should considerably slash the budget. Advocates for a higher defense budget claim more spending will lead to a stronger, better trained military, which would in turn help secure our status as the superlative military power of the world. However, supporters of the defense budget cuts argue for a reduction in troop size, which they believe would save the country billions and allow the nation to focus those savings on next generation technology for protection. This argument has raged for decades with no solution in sight. Maybe we have been approaching this problem all wrong. Perhaps, instead of the shortsighted approach of either raise or lower the budget, we try a smarter, more efficient method of spending to ensure every dollar of our annual military budget positively impacts our national defense. The debate whether to raise or lower the defense budget has plagued this nation for generations with many sides expressing their viewpoints on the matter. Though there are no doubt countless points of views, two main camps come to the forefront: either rise or lower the budget. These two opposing camps are often broad enough to encompass most other ideas on the debate whether for or against it, leaving outliers little room at the proverbial table in which to make their case. Proponents for a fiscal increase range far and wide with perhaps the most ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of A Balanced Budget A balanced budget is when government spending equals revenues or the amount of money they collected in taxes. A pro of a balanced budget is it helps lower spending by the government to a limited amount. This would benefit the government, so they borrow less money and keep the debt low or on the same amount. Another positive of a balanced budget is this constricts the government from spending on pointless programs or funneling too much money into the programs like food stamps or welfare. If the government puts too much money into these programs, this will put the country even into more debt, and it creates discouraged workers. With the government spending less money on these programs that are putting us into more debt, this would lower our national debt incredibly. Thus, ... Show more content on ... A con of a balanced budget is the government could only spend so much money because they only have a specified amount to spend. Thus, if the government wanted to spend more money on a program, they couldn't because that would go over their balanced budget. Another negative is the government could not step in to help the economy in times of need like a recession or war to stabilize the economy due to a restricted amount of spending. Therefore, the economy would suffer until underlying forces stabilized the economy because with a balanced budget in this scenario a government would become powerless to help. If the government utilized a balanced budget, the government could not spend as much money on programs like welfare and Medicaid. Another con is this would restrict economic growth because the government cannot step in to put more money into the economy, create a project to produce more jobs, or help economic conditions because they only have a set amount to spend depending on how much they receive in taxes. A balanced budget can help the national debt remain constant instead of raising it; however with a balanced budget the government is ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Information Systems Offer Public Service Management Information systems offer public service managers a modern way of using technology systems to help improve them in accomplishing several related tasks. Creating suitable fiscal and monetary responses to enhance macroeconomic environments; they can ensure responsibility for the planning and use of public resources. They can utilize these systems to,"improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public expenditure programs, as well as mobilizing domestic resources and managing external resources. Also, it could help by managing the civil service and decentralizing operations with satisfactory controls," as stated by Ali Hashim and Bill Allan. In the area of collecting revenue, and executing budget expenditures, require exponential numbers of ... Show more content on ... It provides for budgeting, when a payment is processing, where the system can make sure the funds are available. Not to mention all of this is immediate, and reports can be accessed as soon as the information is being processed. This system is also known as an enterprise system, which is an integrated software module and a common central database for collecting data. The ERP can collect data from many divisions of a firm or public sector and make internal activities available for use in nearly all the firms or offices. Once the system has processed the data, all of the information is immediately available throughout the entire network. This makes it an ideal system for finance/accounting, HR, manufacturing/production, sales, and marketing departments. However, most public sectors are going to use a system like this for their finance/accounting departments. This will however make the information available to all other departments in the system. In order to implement an ERP system, you need to select the functions of the system you want integrated, and then match those businesses process to the software processes. Now, this may change some of the current businesses processes, so one would need to be prepared for changes and alternate ways of performing tasks. This includes the training of current employees to understand and be able to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Rise Of China 's Economy Since the fall of the Soviet Union Americans have had the luxury of living in a country with no foreign rival. When we do look to see who could be a potential existential threat, the answer is almost always China. China 's economy is growing rapidly, its military is expanding, and its diplomatic influence has spread to every continent. However, despite its impressive rise in the last fifteen years, China remains decades away from competing with the US on any level. There has been more discussion of the rise of China in recent years due to the struggles in our own country. Our economy is growing very slowly, we have a massive national debt, and many of our weapon systems are aging. It is easy to get the impression that the U.S. is in decline while China is on the rise. China has emerged in the last fifteen years due largely to free market reforms and expanded international trade. China is now the top exporter in the world. China 's economy has grown from $3 trillion in 2000 to $8.7 trillion in 2009. In 2009, China 's economy grew 8.7% while the U.S. economy shrunk 2.4%. China will soon become the largest economy in the world, surpassing the United States. Despite these impressive numbers, most of China still struggles with poverty, unemployment, and civil unrest. Per capita income in the U.S. is still over seven times more ($46,000 compared to only $7,000 in China). It will be decades before the Chinese people will have an equal standard of living to the United States, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Population Of Hidalgo County Introduction In 2013, the population of Hidalgo County was estimated to be 815,996, an increase of 9,444 (2%) over the 2012–estimated population. The county seat is located in the City of Edinburg. The governing body of Hidalgo County is the Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court is comprised of the County Judge, who serves as the presiding officer, and four Commissioners from one of the County's four road and bridge precincts. Each member of the Commissioners Court is elected to a four–year term of office. The Commissioners Court has certain powers expressly granted by the legislature and powers necessarily implied by such grant. One of the most important duties of the Commissioners Court is management of the finances of the County. Among other things, it approves the budget, determines the tax rates, approves contracts in the name of the County, determines whether indebtedness should be authorized and issued, and appoints certain County officials. The Commissioners Court is required to adopt a final budget by no later than the close of the calendar year. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the County's financial planning and control. The budget includes appropriations for the general fund, certain special revenue funds, debt service funds, and proprietary funds. The budget is prepared by fund, function, department, and object codes. Transfer of appropriations between departments requires the approval of Commissioners Court. The County provides a full ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Importance Of US Budget To The Military Every person has a dream country. Someone's dream country is a country which has a biggest army. For someone else a dream country is a country in which they have freedom. Another example, someone like to live in a country in which education will be free. For me a dream country is a country in which there is a big connection between people and leaders. America is a great country that many people dream to come here and live here. I am happy to have an opportunity to come here and live here for rest of my life. I think there is a good connection between American leaders and people, but there is one big question in my mind. Why does American government allocate biggest part of its budget to the military instead of some other parts? After nine ... Show more content on ... I searched about which country has the best education system in the world. There are different results for ten top countries where have the best education system. In some of their ranking there is America name and in some of them is not, but in some of them there is one name, Finland. For example, according to Which Country Comes Top for Skills and Education by Tim Leopold and Tamara Leonardi on AGENDA website, Finland is the best country in world with the all elements that the best education system needs to have. When I read this page, I wanted to study more about Finnish education system. There is some interesting information that show Finland government spends more money on education instead of its military. For example, according to Finland Ministry of Defense website that this country spends 2658.8 million Euros which is just 1.29 percent of the Finland GDP. On the other hand, according to Center on International Education Benchmarking website Finish government spent 6.1 percent of Finland GDP in 2011 that is over three times of defense budget. Thus, these information clarify the reason of having the best rank of the education in the world by Finland. They understood the only way to improve their country is improve their knowledge. However, these amounts are not my reason to compare America with Finland, but my goal is to say a country can be successful by pay on education than ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Argumentative Essay: Should The Defense Budget Cuts "President Obama has, conveniently, rewritten the standard of military strategy to conform to his defense–budget–cutting desires"(Bucci, 1). This quote shows how someone can manipulate the budget to make people think it is going to be for the better, but there are always two sides to a story. The defense budget cuts are causing the military a plethora of stresses because it's taking away some training programs, benefits from soldiers, and even making America look tenuous. Furthermore, the new budget is not focusing on keeping America a superpower, which is making our country look weak. Downsizing our military forces at the rate we are is going to put our military back down to pre world war two times. "Army alone will lose about 15,000 troops" ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Hcc Industries Essay HCC industries, a manufacturing company that produces hermetically sealed electronic connection devices along with microelectronic packages, is headquartered in Encino, California. Considering their highly sophisticated product line, one of HCC's main clients was the U.S Military and government funded aerospace programs. HCC is made up of four distinct operating divisions: Hermetic Seal, Sealtron, Glasseal, and Hermetite. The divisions are highly decentralized and completely autonomous of each other. They all have different customer bases, different product lines and even different accounting systems. The divisions are also profit centers, by definition; each was responsible for their sales, costs, and bottom line. Each division also ... Show more content on ... Bonuses under the stretch method are based on annual performances, but payments are made every quarter. And each quarterly bonus payment is only at 80% actual in order to save management from paying out bonuses that may not be actual. Opponents to this budgeting technique cited that targets were too optimistic, and that rewards were based on complex and subjective measures. And because managers could still receive a small bonus at 60% of budget, bad habits started to form. In late 1986, HCC CEO Andy Goldfarb met with divisional managers and announced a new budgeting philosophy. The Minimum Performance Standard (MPS) was created to let divisional managers set their budgeting goals at a level they felt was 100% attainable. However, Goldfarb asked each manager to set their targets at levels above what they were currently producing at. The MPS plan was accompanied with a change in incentive plan, in whereby a pool was created that paid 20% of the amount exceeded actual over budgeted PBT (profit before taxes). In addition, 25% of the amount they exceeded the target would be added to the bonus. This allowed managers to see exactly where their bonuses were coming from. If their shipments were at 98% of the budgeted, they would receive close to 100% of the bonus pool set aside for that particular measure. If a manager met only 4 or 5 measurements, then his/her bonus collection would be directly in proportion to that. However, COO Al Berger ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Allocation Of Funds Is An Ongoing Debate The allocation of funds is an ongoing debate when administering all aspects of fiscal policy. Policy makers around the world routinely debate what should take precedence when it comes to government spending. In general, lawmakers fall into one of two categories. They either believe and support that more government funds should be spent on social services, or the opposing view is that more should be allocated toward defense spending. Despite what elected officials might think, there is a finite amount of funds, therefore, without continuing to increase the national debt, an increase in spending in one category should cause a decrease in another. In 2016, the United States spent $615 billion on defense, $914 billion towards social security, ... Show more content on ... Military spending for Benoit contributed to improved productivity and infrastructure. For countries who have a higher production capacity, military spending increases, as well as, aggregate demand, investment, and utilization of production. As a result, output is stimulated. In summary, despite the diverse set of countries observed, there was a 3.33 percent mean increase found in GDP growth. (Dicle and Dicle 2017). One country examined specifically is China. As a rising dominant military and economic power, China's military and economic correlation holds significant relevance on a global perspective. Our findings confirmed a positive relationship between China's economy and military spending. One source approaches our research question from a unique angle. Atesoglu focuses on the relationship between the two variables from a global viewpoint. Given that the world is globally anarchic, there is no supreme authority that controls all aspects of international relations (Atesoglu 2013). Thus, each state must maximize their military power to survive as a sovereign state. Sonmez concludes, "Economic growth relaxes the wealth constraint and allows for more military power. This theory implies that by increasing a country's wealth, economic growth results in an increase in military spending." proving an undeniable relationship (Atesoglu 2013). Furthermore, in light of China's ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Survey Mpa Case Study #4: Public Budgeting–Death of a Spy Satellite Program Wideline Servius Columbus State University 1) Why does Irene Rubin at the outset argue that "public budgets are not merely technical managerial documents; they are also intrinsically and irreducibly political"? Do you agree or disagree based on your reading of the case "County Prison Overtime" Irene Rubin' view that public budgets are not merely technical managerial documents and that they are also intrinsically and irreducibly political is because public budgets reflect the choice of government. As a general rule of thumb, government chooses to go along with programs that fit their own political agenda. Programs should reflect a general consensus about what kind or ... Show more content on ... The two terms go hand in hand. In the "Death of Spy Satellite Program", the example illustrated was that government officials didn't really account that Boeing didn't have the expertise to follow through with the program. Instead, they just accepted the fact Boeing would meet the cost cap and the timeline. The text stated that officials didn't have a choice but to go with Boeing because its plan was more executable. 4) Who are the major participants that Rubin believes are most involved in the public budgetary processes? What are they trying to achieve? Who was involved in the "Death of Satellite Spy Program" case and what were the positions they took as well as the strategies they used to achieve their goals? The major participants that Rubin believes are most involved in the public budgetary processes are the bureau chiefs, the executive budget officers, and chief executives, and the legislators. Although some might believe that bureaucrats are always trying to expand their agencies, researches have proved that is not always the case. Instead, they try to validate their position by doing a good job for the people. The Executive Budget Offices tries to eliminate waste by scrutinizing agencies programs. Its main goal is to avoid deficits and manage cash flow. The role of the ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Military Budget Essay In late October 2016 the Russian government announced it was preparing to slash government spending across the board over the next three years. Deep cuts are looming for health, education and defence – which is slated for a 27 per cent reduction in expenditure in 2017, according to a draft budget that the government submitted to parliament. The government forecasted that gross domestic product has dropped by 0.6 per cent in 2016, a third straight annual contraction. As part of its plan to reduce Russia's fiscal deficit from 3.7 per cent of GDP this year to 1.2 per cent in 2019, the draft budget calls for a 1 per cent cut in total federal expenditure in 2017 and further 1.3 per cent and 0.33 per cent reductions in 2018 and 2019, ... Show more content on ... Moreover, most have families, and thus "no fewer than 40,000 people are suffering" as a result of defence ministry malfeasance. Another, more critical effect of this 'build–up' in the military has been the chronic deficiency in officers. In February 2017, the chief of the Main Directorate for Personnel within the Russian Ministry of Defence, Colonel General Viktor Goremykin, announced that, in 2016, the Armed forces found 11,000 officers for positions that otherwise would have gone empty (Krasnaya Zvezda, February 5). In his words, the military used "non–standard" methods to fill these staffing gaps. Reserve officers who left the Armed Forces were recruited again. It is worth noting that, on February 22, while speaking before the State Duma (lower chamber of parliament), defence Minister Sergei Shoigu clarified that due to shortages of personnel in 2015, 15,000 troops previously dismissed had been returned to service (TASS February 22). Obviously, this, practice continued in 2016. The situation of Russia's military pilots is particularly critical. dDefence Minister Shoigu revealed that the deficit reached 1,300 pilots. To resolve this massive shortfall, the professional lifespan of pilots in the Armed Forces has been extended by five years (TASS ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Military Budget calculations. Edwin Black, author of IBM and the Holocaust, says, "The head office in New York had a complete understanding of everything that was going on in the Third Reich with its machines ... that their machines were in concentration camps generally, and they knew that Jews were being exterminated." IBM technicians serviced the machines, IBM engineers trained their users, and IBM supplied punch cards for the machines, according to Black, at least until 1941, when the United States declared war on Germany.IBM's motivation for working with the Nazis, says Black, "was never about Nazism ... it was always about profit," which is consistent with the corporation's amoral nature. Corporations have no capacity to value political systems, fascist ... Show more content on ... They have also abused innocent young girls in foreign countries to make their products and paying them close to nothing for a the labor. American corporations have been providing our war enemies with the supplies they need to keep operating. These corporations were the ones helping the Nazis murder Jews by keeping a record of them. We have been in so many wars in a our short nation lifetime. Our government made us believe we were fighting for freedom and justice, when indeed we were causing the opposite. The US Military has cost us trillions of dollars since the beginning. While the government spent money on war, our society is barely making ends meet on poor wages. "History is important. If you don't know history, it is as if you were born yesterday. And if you were born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way of checking up on it."(Howard) We need to get an education to better understand the world and to not be manipulated into going to war. Corporate and Military powers have shaped and controlled us, but we need to control that. Our government is a Democracy system, people govern over themselves. We should be the ones making the decisions, not a small group in the White House. With laws and regulations on Corporate and Military powers will make our nation a better place for us, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Raising Military Budgets (Tristin and Saige) Military Budget: More spending We use old stuff It's falling apart like helicopters NATO we are not reaching our agreement Australia's budget is 34.09 billion CAD and canada's is 18.6 billion CAD we are the lowest in NATO. Navy we have a tiny navy of 36 and brittan has 77 Ground we do have a very good ground force Air Force we are using very outdated fighter jets–budget–2017–lack–of–defence–spending–draws–fire/ We need at least 2% of our GDP = 30.6 billion (Taylor and Robert) Economy– Minimum Wage: Raising for Federal On September 1, 2017 the minimum wage rose to $13.60 per hour High minimum wage minimum benefit In recent debates we have decided to against raising the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Heavy Price of Defense Spending Cuts by Victor Davis Hanson Renowned historian and classicist scholar Victor Davis Hanson's January 11, 2012 commentary entitled "Heavy Price of Defense Spending Cuts: Nations That Choose Butter over Guns Atrophy and Die" warrants a thoughtful analysis of its merits and shortcomings by U.S. military officers entrusted with leading this nation's youth while implementing our national strategy. Hanson's 2012 premise, albeit over two years old today, is immediately discernible: America faces devastating self– inflicted wounds by implementing the current Administration's defense spending budget. The dawn of 2014 finds this debate ongoing and the implementation of this budget well in progress, with even more drastic cuts taking effect than the ones analyzed by Hanson previously. While few historians of repute would argue against the reality that the siren song of defense reductions has lured the nation onto the shoals of unpreparedness for future conflict many times in the past, two shortcomings in Hanson's piece beckon us to pause and reexamine. First, Hanson appeals to the dignity of the American character by the psychologically compelling assertion "many Americans would probably prefer a new frigate manned by highly trained youth to discourage our enemies, rather than another Solyndra–like investment or a nearly $1 trillion stimulus." Even if this is so, a critical evaluation of his self–described "probability" raises the question of relevance to his premise. What is deemed best for national ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Procurement Collaboration : Multinational Armies And... Procurement Collaboration Over the past decade, allied Armies and Navies around the globe have increasingly engaged cooperative projects to manufacture defence equipment. The pressure of shrinking defence budgets, and increasing operational activities with coalition forces make allied collaboration an attractive alternative. While this trend is a global phenomenon, it has been especially apparent in Western Europe, as these countries have experienced some of the largest cuts to defence spending over the past decade ("Defence Budgets in Europe," 2016, p. 37). Many Western European allied forces have begun engaging in collaborative projects to cut costs, improve efficiencies, gain knowledge and expertise, and ... Show more content on ... The United States, however, is less inclined to participate in international collaborations, and to date, only a small portion of the overall defence budget is allocated to cooperative projects. This is due to a number of factors. First and foremost, the U.S. has an established and robust military equipment manufacturing industry, that has the capability and capacity to meet the needs of domestic consumption without having to augment production with foreign assistance. Secondly, the enormous U.S. military budget means that the country is under less pressure than its European counterparts to find efficiencies in production. Another factor contributing to its isolation is concerns related to maintaining control and secrecy over military technological innovation. The U.S. understands that, despite its advantages, collaboration can result in a loss of control. Despite this, the U.S. does participate in some international collaboration. For example, the U.S. and Japan have continually collaborated on a number of projects over the past three decades, and they still have a number of co–production agreements in place today (Mehta, 2015). Other nations around the world have also embraced collaboration. Another recent example of this is exemplified by Russia and India. The most recent cooperative effort was a large project to design and build an ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Federal Defense Spending And Military Budget Name Instructor Task Date Federal Defense Spending and Military Budget The year 2016 has presented the United States of America's presidential campaign trail with plenty of national security talk and it remains a separate issue whether any of the candidates' proposals have been substantial or not. Competitors who wish to secure the Democratic and Republican nominations have given their views concerning national security and troop levels. Contenders in both the Democratic and Republican parties have a view that the best approach for discussing the federal defense and military budget issue with early primary voters is to have a heavy approach on rhetoric and go light on specific strategies. Some of the candidates are calling for an increase ... Show more content on ... Although it may make sense to think that cutting federal defense spending and military budget will put the United States of America's national security at risk, it is still not clear what the right choice is as presidential candidates still debate on increasing versus decreasing federal defense spending and military budget. The United States of America's defense budget is accounted for by the spending for the Department of Defense. All the funding directed to the Department of Defense covers its base budget through payment of the department 's normal activities (National Priorities). Most presidential candidates support the idea of the United States of America developing a bigger military force or at least leaving it as big as it currently is, except most notably Berny Sanders. The United States of America currently stands at a $494 billion–dollar deficit (US Debt Clock) and many politicians want to reduce this deficit by cutting down budget or enforcing a balanced budget amendment. Berny Sanders has for years and still at the moment still criticizing politicians who have such ideas which he terms as regressive. Berny Sanders argues that the federal defense spending and military budget are three times larger than that of the second biggest spender: China. He further argues that even among military members, many believe that ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Building A Budget Plan For The United States Of America (... Introduction AT&T, Inc is among the leading mobile phone companies in the United States of America (USA) and a multinational corporation (present in 11 Latin American countries) thus worth spending the energy to work for. The Company has its headquarters in Whitacre Tower in Dallas, Texas. The current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Mr. Stephenson Randall, who together with the rest of the company, work on a mission of providing a mobile connectivity that is fast and highly secure and a vision of achieving the world where everyone and everything are kept connected regardless of distance. With the strongest LTE signal and a similar 4G network, the company recorded its highest revenue of $132.4 billion in 2014. This enabled the company to ... Show more content on ... With the budgeting tool, the corporate can thus make informed financial decisions. For AT&T, Inc., the capital budget is vital in putting to use the available resources. The act of prioritizing mainly ensures that critical segments of the company are first to be factored in the budgeting process and that they are adequately funded at all times (Wyatt, 2013). In that process, it is easy for the company to identify deficits and adequately plan for loans or stock financing. Since a budget is a component of sound and responsible financial management, tracking its formulation and implementation can go a long way to ensuring its objectives are adequately met. Sound budget management strategies include keeping a proper record of all the expenses v. allocations. Also, consistently review the implementation to be sure of the anticipated outcome. Considering the implementation can also help isolate the possibility of adjustments in line with the budget objectives (Wyatt, 2013). Effective Budgeting and the Positive Financial Outcome The fundamental importance of proper budgeting strategies goes beyond corporate investment decision making. It includes positive financial outcomes in as far as the financial goals are concerned. One of the positive outcomes is eliminating a fiscal crisis. Financial forecasting particularly helps analyze the current trends in the business and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Billing Budget And Career Plan Billing, Budget, and Career Plan This paper will explore the topics of billing, planning a budget, along with your future career. Billing is a complex subject that is sometimes more challenging due to the healthcare system. A healthcare budget helps management control the organizational expenses (Sullivan, 2013). Creating a plan for a future is a must, which involves many components before this is set in motion. Billing Patient's receiving and understanding their billing statement is overwhelming. This is related to the complexity of the healthcare system, which includes multi–facility organizations, numerous payers, and a variety of provided clinical services (Beechner, 2004). There are systems that are trying to implement patient friendly ... Show more content on ... According to Sullivan (2013), "Budgeting is planning and controlling future operations by looking at the actual results with planned expectations (Sullivan, 2013)." When it comes to planning, the review of goals and objectives, by the nursing staff and organization, determines the priorities along with directing the efforts of the organization (Sullivan, 2013). In the planning phase, the organization needs to know the demographics of the population served, sources of revenue, and the statistical data, which will include number of admissions or patient appointments, average daily census and length of stay, patient acuity, and projected occupancy or volume base for ambulatory for procedure–based units (Sullivan, 2013). When everyone looks at the projected occupancy or volume based on the units, these units are the wage, supplies, staff, regulatory changes, and organization changes (Sullivan, 2013). Managements look at the past expenses as a starting point to developing the budget, which historically adjustments can be made during the actual budget ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Issue Of Welfare Spending Essay Introduction The purpose of my research is to discern how welfare spending, healthcare spending, defence spending, and pension spending impacted vote choice in the 2013 Australian election in comparison to the 2012 United States election, 2013 German election, and 2012 France election. I expect that as support for welfare spending, pension spending, and healthcare spending, decreases, support for right wing parties will increase. I expect that there will be a positive effect on voting for right wing parties as support for defence spending increases. I expect that of these issues, welfare spending will have the largest magnitude and that pension spending will have the lowest magnitude. I do not believe there will be an additional effect in Australia and that the impact will be similar to that of other industrial democracies. Theory and Literature The Funnel of Causality model describes voting behaviour in terms of socio–demographics, party identification, issues, and candidates. In this essay I will focus on issues because they can be compared between countries. An issue is essentially a problem that is perceived to be important, and there is an actor with "ownership" of the issue, meaning that there is someone who is thought to be "the best man for the job" so to speak. The economy isn't an issue because you can't have "ownership" over the economy. Issues are important because they explain a lot about voting behaviour. In this paper I have chosen to focus on the issues ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Air Test And Evaluation Squadron One Military... Within the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One military organization, segments of the squadron come together and perform various tasks to support and fly aircraft to meet the organizational goal of operational test and development. In accomplishing this goal, the squadron incurs joint costs when people from multiple departments travel across the globe to perform mission objectives (Hicks, 2010). The squadron travel budgets are smaller ceiling appropriation allocations of the larger National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized by Congress and the budget division ensures financial resources are spent wisely during each fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) or operating period (Hicks, 2010). The travel division monitors spending on 23 funding lines totaling $1.17 million where each funding line, referred to as different colors of money, is obligated for a specific travel appropriation or purpose. To manage these costs, the travel division is responsible for arranging travel accommodations, processing travel vouchers and claims, tracking Government Travel Charge Cards (GTCC) charges, and validating allocation of funds. Budget preparations begin by predicting future year requirements such as off–site pilot and flight crew flight–testing, off–site pilot and flight crew training, professional schools, occupational training, conferences, and other official travel (C. Sacksen, personal communication, September 19, 2016). To assist in budget execution, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Propaganda And The Rwandan Genocide I liked the refresher continue ton the Rwandan genocide. I was happy to see that it had been mention in response to the early section which I had mentioned it in. This genocide has been engrained in my memory for a while. I also liked the new direction the the article went with it. Instead of just leading with facts about how morally, the people turned against each other, which would have been a very true statement, this article looked at the propaganda aspect. I was happy to see this change, because I personally was not in love with the last part (part 2) because of the rather bleakness in the human nature. How we all the propensity for killing was a harsh reality for me and I did not want to fully embrace that part of my self. I divulge, ... Show more content on ... In a psychology class that I am taking a study was recently shown in one of the developmental stages. One researcher (whose name I am spacing on at the moment) had a study that he interpreted as showing that the older a child is in age, the moral they are. Seems like a reasonable statement. However, in discussing in class the outcomes, I was also made aware, that even though the children who were older reasoned their argument more morally acceptably, that did not mean that they were more likely to act morally than the younger children. We can all have pretty thoughts of sunshine and roses, however if we do not enact those thoughts into actions, are we really more ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Military Budgeting Affects The Military Budgeting is a familiar term to most American families. To define budgeting, we see it's an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expenses for a given period in the future. In order to avoid debt, bankruptcy, or overspending it is common to create a spreadsheet of some sort tracking your spending and income. On a grander scheme, the United States has to budget money and distribute it to the different sections in order to function as a democracy. History denotes government and military budgeting did not always exist. From describing today's budgets and historical flaws, exploring the United States budget and how it affects the military is a lengthy, dynamic, and incredibly interesting matter. There is a five step annual process ... Show more content on ... Warfare and military financial information over the past few decades carries trends and theories. In the nineteenth century, most civilizations did not have control over military spending or plans to control the spending. Rulers had centralized control over the military and decisions based on a hierarchy. Taxes were paid to rulers and then allocated at the ruler's discretion, this created difficulty in planning and monitoring the revenue for military campaigns. Later it was learned that the efficiency of tax collection and distribution was necessary and vital, but until then soldiers typically looted enemy territory for their supplies. Those in the Roman Empire were first the efficient military budgeters. Although taxation was only collected in crisis times, and even then most of the citizens evaded their taxes, the Roman Empire came to an end in the fourth century. Middle Ages Europeans used taxation in a more effective manner to pay their military. People were given protection reflective of those who paid their taxes, or by a service commitment. Merovingian era trained and specialized their soldier and provided them with more equipment and horses. Carolingian era treated their military like their superior citizens by paying them and budgeting to ensure payment was afforded. By the fourteenth century it was clear that taxation and tax collection were important to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Affordable Care Act ( Aca ) Essay The United States is a country that revolves around money, yet is facing a $20 trillion national debt. The current issues of increasing healthcare costs, the Social Security fund, and military expenses are the main issues responsible for the debt. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was put into effect in 2010 and has become the major spender in the healthcare field. The Social Security fund is expected to be completely drained at the end of the year 2016, which will result in millions of Americans being cut short of receiving their full benefits. The United States military has become a major area to spend tax dollars on. As a result, the military budget has already begun receiving cuts in funding from maintenance and training. The solution to repairing this broken nation is simple; America must cut down salaries of the overpaid government workers. America must begin inciting business within the country to build itself back up from the tremendous debt it has taken on. The only way to recover is to bring more money into the nation than the amount of money that continues to leave. Without a solution enacted America will experience an economic collapse, devastating the country as a whole. Dollar Deprivation In a country that revolves around money, if the economy would fall, it could take the whole nation down with it. The United States is one of many countries built up by its power in the economical industry. Facing a national debt of $20 trillion now, America may not know its power ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Most Powerful Military Budget Understanding The Budget of The World's Most Powerful Military To understand the annual federal tax revenue system and the budget that is created from it is to understand a system that is deeply complicated and some would say overwhelmingly corrupt. This federal system is the reason why we have such a strong economy; from it we have funding for schools, hospitals, roads, financial aid programs, the worlds most powerful armed forces, and everything else you can think of. This is the system that keeps our country operating at such a high level and keeps our economy running at, what some would say a "stable" condition. This stability in our federal tax system is subjective, some see a system that is corrupt, that favors the few most powerful ... Show more content on ... It has rarely been an issue for the federal government to increase defence spending; while on the other hand, the fight to increase spending in federal programs to help the underprivileged and repair some of the weaker parts of our economy has always been fraught with paral. Increasing the defence budget is too easy for the federal government that they not only increase it annually but also increase it by monstrous proportions. As stated by Brad Plumer in his Washington Post article, "The United States spends far more than any other country on defense and security. Since 2001, the base defense budget has soared from $287 billion to $530 billion – and that's before accounting for the primary costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars" (Plumer). This article describes some of the ways that the defence budgets overwhelmingly increased budget is affecting our county. At the time of this article the defence budget accounted for twenty percent of the annual federal tax budget which held the largest majority of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Military Budget Of The US The military budget of the United States (US) is over $500 billion per year (US dollars). You work at a policy centre that focuses on international conflict and conflict resolution. Describe what sorts of alternative approaches exist to military force. Is there any merit in them and what recommendations would you make to the US government about redirecting some of the military budget? In other words, could the US invest money internationally and reduce the need for a large military? Foreign policy of USA is aimed at protecting national interests, security and other wide range of political, economic, humanitarian and ideological concerns. The foreign policy covers a wide range of functions and issues that are affecting the interests of USA ... Show more content on ... Develop rapidly deployable U.S. military forces to prevent mass atrocities. The US administration can provide specific guidance to the military in its National Security Strategy to plan and train its rapidly deployable forces for genocide– and mass–atrocity–prevention missions. US already has a rapid deployable force which has to be tuned for the multilateral and UN missions. sharing responsibilities will enhance the UN Security Council's credibility and legitimacy for conflict prevention and response. Redefine the importance of economic sanctions and collective diplomacy of UN and regional organisations : Targeted sanctions to deter or end violence, expert panels to monitor the effectiveness of targeted sanctions on peace spoilers, and an increase in the use of special envoys and special representatives to the secretary–general. Actively support EU, AU , OAS, ASEAN in promoting regional peace Although conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan consumed the majority of international attention and resources over the past decade, there has been success involving multilateral conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and peace–building ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Operating Budget Health Care Budget HCS/577 July 27, 2015 Professor Michelle Gomillion Health Care Budget Most entities and organization create budgets as a guide for controlling its spending, prediction of profit, and it expenditure as they progress toward a set goal. Budget involves pulling resources together to achieve a specific goal. According to Gapenski (2006), budgeting is an offshoot in a planning process. A basic managerial accounting tool use in holding planning and control functions together is referred to as set of budgets (p. 255). One major setback manager or budget developer encounter is trying to design a future, a process that cannot be created with the precision just right. This article highlights some financial management ... Show more content on ... Some employ the variance analysis in monitoring an operating budget, this studies the variance between actual and budgeted cost; comparing one cost at one organization to another. Variance analysis points out areas that require performance improvement. Flexibility of budget No project is done perfect the first time; there is always a chance an error that needs correction or new ideas to make it perfect. So it is with creating and monitoring a budget. Having an accommodation for changes in a budget is a very good practice. It helps managers and budget developers respond to competitive setbacks or breakthrough more precisely and quick; by using available resources for good opportunities or correction of errors. Least Effective Measures in Creating an Operating Budget Budget formulation and use are tools that guide many decision making strategies in business. The measures that are least effective could create an avalanche of catastrophic events that can negatively impact the decision making strategies. It is in the best interest of the pertinent parties to draft an operating budget based on a collective set of information relating to organizational vision and mission. Ineffective measures can be catastrophic based on the foundation for measures used in creating the budget. Among the many issues organizations face that relates to creating an effective operating budget results from poor ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. George Trump : A Great Indicator Of Change History often repeats itself. The crazy part about that idea is that people tend to overreact as if they had never seen such a thing. The recent election was a grueling one. There was a mass of controversy surrounding the two candidates. There was no perfect choice this year. There was a hated democratic candidate and a even more hated republican candidate. What many people forgot to look into was the idea that the United States had just had a democratic president serve two terms in office. In historic fashion, after something like this happens the country has more than likely went with the other political party in search of change. Donald Trump is surely to be a great indicator of change, one way or the other. With the new president in office, there is sure to be new defense policy in place. The biggest concern in the matter of what is going to happen to defense funding. In recent years the budget for defense has been decreasing steadily. That in turn has cut down the number of soldiers the military can recruit because of funding. This can be massive to the entire department. The fewer soldiers the more at risk the country is. From a deeper point of view, the less soldiers you have can be detrimental to intelligence as well. There will not be any one to man the drones, or control the UAV's if funding is continually cut. The country will take a huge fall depending on the ways funding is cut. There are worse case scenarios that lead the United States to recalling the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Military Budget Spending And Effects Rubio 1 Military Budget Spending and Effects. Military budget and spending is a very broad subject and one that deserves not only a term paper, but possibly a book. There is loads of information both in book format and on the internet that clearly describes military budget and spending, namely the United States military and spending. The United States was found in 1776 on the principles of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which just so happens to be a movie of the same title, the Pursuit of Happiness. We became a nation of immigrants and were united by a common belief that we would not be governed by the British. We abhorred what they stood for and were determined to be different. Our cessation from the British, or better yet, ... Show more content on ... George Washington felt the need to make it official and have both the Senate and the House of Representatives declare the United States Military. There were men serving in the Continental Army already and they just transitioned over to the United States Military. In time, the military would divide itself into four branches – the four branches we know today, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marines. The history of the United States Military spans two centuries already. It is unbelievable that just two hundred years ago, we were at the infancy of what we now call a superpower of sorts. With this amazing superpower of a Military, we, of course, have to budget for that. The amount of money necessary to sustain a military like the United States is a fortune, but totally worth every penny. Our safety and security depends on these men and women who risk their lives every day to make sure we are protected. There are many who believe that military spending is growly over budgeted but that is a matter of opinion. When it comes to safety, protection, and security, shouldn't we pay for that? Our tax dollars are allocated to a multitude of things. For instance, our tax dollars are used for paying Congress' salary, for education, infrastructure, government projects, space exploration (NASA), and of course, military spending. Our new president, Donald Trump is a big supporter of military spending. In fact, most, if not all, Republican presidents ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Military Budget Cuts To fund or not to fund the Armed Forces? Many Americans have asked why we should pay for the military. Is the military a priority to fund during harsh economic times? Critics argue that the military is overfunded. The military should be shrink and suffer budget cuts, to save the country billions of dollars. This might, however back fire at the U.S if passed. The Armed Forces are an important component of the Country. Under funding the military will cause the United The United States Armed Forces are the military forces that serve the United States of America. The U.S. Armed Forces include five service branches: the Air Force, the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard (n.p). The Armed forces have defend the United States against ... Show more content on ... As a result, the nascent republic was ill–prepared to put down the Whiskey Rebellion, fight the quasi–war with France, repress the Barbary pirates preying on our shipping, and, most spectacularly, defend the new national capital from British attack in the War of 1812. The burning of the White House stood as a melancholy testimony to the consequences of military unpreparedness(n.p). According to the majority staff of the House Armed Services Committee, this is what could happen after sequestration: the Army fall from 569,000 active–duty soldiers today to 426,000; the Marine Corps from 202,000 to 145,000; the Navy from 284 ships to 238; the Air Force from 1,990 fighter aircraft to 1,512 and from 135 bombers to 101. Even if the full impact of sequestration is not felt, the consequences for our military readiness will still be ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Pros And Cons Of Increasing Military Spending Following the controversial win of this year's presidential election, President Donald Trump's initiates his first budget proposal to be increasing military spending. More explicitly, he not only seeks to see a sharp $56 billion–dollar increase in military spending, but also to cut funding from nonmilitary programs such as education, poverty and the environment to name a few. This increase might not seem like much considering that some can arguable say that an increase of military spending can create more job opportunity and that protecting our nation at all cost should be National Security first priority. However, if the bigger picture is being looked at, funding from many government assistant programs like Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security ... Show more content on ... These people are supposed to work harder and more efficient because they believe the government has their back. Even though there seems to be many reasons to believe that higher military spending will bring a better life to people in a short term, the long run of high defense spending may impede growth and development. More precisely, high military spending tends to neglect the economy's ability meet people's basic needs, such as food, housing, and medical services. This can be seen first–hand with trumps budget proposal. His plan, in return for the increase on military spending, is for the same amount of money to be cut from other various government and federal programming. "Trump's budget would cut off funding entirely for several agencies, including arts, public broadcasting and development groups, and proposes steep cuts to agencies like the State Department and Environmental Protection Agency ", says CNN. "Virtually every agency will see some sort of cut, with only Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs getting a boost," they added. Cutting funding from everyday needed aid programs can make the government appear to cares less about the life of their citizens and more about how to make a better weapon. One example is North Korea, despite being a developing country with lower incomes ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. China's Rise And The Us Japan's Respond China's Rise and the US–Japan's Respond China's rising has become predominant issue after more than two decade since it opened it economy for the world capital. China has become center of economic growth in the region since it started to become economically integrated to globalized world. Concurrently with that development, China military capability grows to become more powerful. In 2013 SIPRI reported that China's military spending had reached $188 million, which means steadily increase of 7.4 per cent from 2012, and doubled from expense in 2004 (Deutsche Presse­ Agentur 2014). From 2008 until 2013 China stayed in second largest military expenditure before the USA and positioned Russia as the third (Feffer 2009: 8). Significant amount that ... Show more content on ... The end of the Cold War that created peaceful space and flourishing Chinese economic growth influenced the speed of military modernization and shifted its focus on protection of maritime resources and defending of territorial issue in the south and southeast (Ross 2009: 55; Storey 2008: 115). Meanwhile in southern part of its territory several maritime dispute disputes began to attract China's attention. During early decade of 1990s, China had just ratified United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982) in 1992. The ratification is going to allow China to claim 200 nautical miles as its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and could exploit oil and gas located in South China Sea basin. Beside that, the growing tension because of Taiwan's independence in 1990 had significantly altered China focus to the South and modernization its military force. Geopolitical nature of the potential maritime conflict in the south had forced China to modernize its naval power (Storey 2008: 115). This could be considered as changing posture of China's military capability from cumbersome continental power towards more modern and dynamic naval power in responding future political and military dispute in the southern part of its territory (Ross 2009: 56). China's military modernization that aims to built capability to project its power ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Defense Budget Spending Essay National Security Defense Budget Spending The way of reconsidering our defense budget ought to start with recognition that the financial catastrophe and collapse that started in 2007 has changed the context in which, every federal rule should be evaluated. In the area of national security, it is a development as significant as the end of the Cold War and the happenings of 11 September 2001. For the reason that it, and the wider unstable course of globalization that transmit and enlarged it, stand seriously on the preservation of the American national power. Looking back just two or three decades from now, America's economic power and authority is less certain these days than just four years back as is the outlook of our greatest national security asset, our very powerful national security tool: the US dollar. Along with the most significant outcomes of the current crisis has been a sharp increase in the concern concerning national debt. Certainly, what nourishes debt accumulation is deficit expenditure. The 1996 era, and throughout 2001, show up as "golden years" from the time where distinct development was done in reducing accumulated debt2. Stuck between 2001 and 2007 that development was obliterated. Consequently, at the period of the crisis years 2007–2010, declining federal returns and attempts to fix the economy and financial system radically enlarged the debt to GDP ratio. The most accurate comparison to America's present state is the years of the Second World ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. US Military Budget Analysis In the United States of America, as in most countries in the world, military spending is always a top priority, but there will always be constant debate on what the spending should be used on, as well as how much money should be allocated towards each department. The ability to maintain a U.S budget that has seen simultaneous wars in the past 15 years, a constant threat from ISIS, and still being able to maintain peace at home has been more than difficult. To understand how this is done, we have to look at the budget as a whole, how it is broken down, and how the US military funding compares the rest of the world. In the discretionary spending outlook for 2017 (Release No: NR– 046–16, 2016), President Obama put forth a discretionary ... Show more content on ... 9/11 changed all that. At a time when the nation was in turmoil, the government immediately began to raise the military budget. The Budget rose by 5% in 2005 for the invasion of Iraq and again to 5.7% in 2011 for the stepped up efforts in Afghanistan. With this inflation of funds allotted to the Department of Defense, it opened up more funding for projects that were not able to acquire funding in the past. As the money was shoveled into these technologically advancing projects, as with many projects, failure happened regularly; causing a large portion of the newly acquired budget to be squandered. Just a few years ago in 2011 Defense Secretary Robert M. Dates made this statement to ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Pros And Cons Of US Military Spending The United States is spending huge amounts of money on military defense when there are other problem areas in our society that are in need of more funding. $1.754 trillion – that is the current estimated amount the United States has spent on defense–related costs since 2001 (Koshgarian, L., et al., 2015). While the United States spends more on its military than China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the U.K., India, France, and Japan combined (Peterson, P., 2016), it has one of the highest rates of poverty among developed countries and lags behind in many social and economic areas. In what other ways can that money benefit the people it is used to protect? Since U.S. military intervention abroad is a controversial topic in of itself, the high cost to ... Show more content on ... Military Budget is 'Foolish and Sustainable'", Benjamin Friedman and Justin Logan, a researcher and a director, respectively at Cato Institute, discuss ways in which a minimization in military spending can have positive outcomes for both the U.S. and other countries. To summarize the essay, they state that the best approach is if for the U.S. to reduces its military presence in other countries. Effectively, this would prevent countries from relying on U.S. intervention and allow more countries to be dependent on themselves; additionally, it will also prevent "weaker" allied nations from gaining a false sense of emboldenment to take risks they otherwise would not against neighboring countries, which would inevitably force the U.S. to intervene. Friedman and Logan estimated that a disinclination to impose rule over these "weaker" nations will not only increase content among both nations, but it will save over $250 billion over a span of a decade and thousands of lives, and still leave a force capable of winning any ground war if needed (Friedman, B., et al., 2012, 177–191). Friedman and Logan have valid claims that agree with and support my position as to both how, and why, there should be cuts in military ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Military Budget Essay In my group, each person handle a section of the budget. Sarah has the military budget. Kyle has entitlement spending like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Obamacare. I have small cuts which can include cutting different programs, taxes, and waste spending. So far, I have cut the programs or added enough revenue to lower the deficit by $268.1 billion dollars a year. The first thing I cut are earmarks, money or a tax benefit for a specific project, program, or organization that is decided by a congressman or a senate member. This practice is highly unregulated and often misused. Some government officials use it for personal gain. Eliminating earmarks will save $14.8 billion dollars. Next, I will eliminate or at least lessen ... Show more content on ... There are over 14,000 building that are not used, and the cost of maintenance and keeping the lights on is costing billion. I proposed the government consolidate their employers working in them to fewer buildings, and then sell or give the buildings to the local or state governments. They can take care of them or tear them down. This will save $14.8 billion dollars. Next, I would make it a priority to stop corporations from using offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes. There is an estimated $100 billion dollars in unpaid taxes a year. The consequence is that the price of these corporation's good will raise to cover the cost of the taxes. Examples of these companies are Apple, Dell, and Nike. I would also crack down on income tax dodgers, because there was $500 billion dollars lost between 2004 – 2008, an estimated $125 billion a year. Lastly, I would eliminate the Rural Utilities Service. The original goal for this service was to bring electricity to America's rural communities in 1935. It would build new electrical poles, wiring, electrical plants, and landline service. Today, this service is not longer necessary, and the money is going to random projects all over the country and especially in remote places with no guidelines. Is it necessary to build a huge community center for a town with a population smaller than the men it took to build it? This is costing $9.6 billion a ... Get more on ...