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Luciana Jaalouk 1
Untitled: I. II. III.
(To be completed)
(To be named upon completion)
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Declaration of Intent
I write this, in pursuit of collapsing parallel realities for unified understanding.
May you be in every reality.
May you be in a new reality.
May you be in a healthy reality.
May you rest in your heavy.
May you rest in your uneasy.
May you rest with vulnerability.
May you rest with sleeping beauty.
May it warm you through dimensions.
May it influence your inner dimension.
May it vibrate as high as the highest dimension.
Should you use it with well-intent, shall you flourish.
Should you use it with ill-intent, shall your reflection be shown in the deepest well.
Should you wish upon the end of a well– well, all is swell, it forgives you.
Our collective societies are living an unprecedented climate, and should you say it’s never been
better than today, I beg you to tell me the name of the rock you live under.
We have no business designing experiences, one- or multi-dimensional, metaverse or
analog, if we are not in the business of understanding ourselves and our existence.
If you filter your own water, you know.
If you ionize (not sparkle) your own water, you know even better.
I use the power of words as a vehicle to arrive at a mutual understanding of our inner worlds,
thoughts, beliefs, actions, reactions and events.
Simple or complex, words are the thread that thicken our ability to draw an image, to sense our
imaged reality, or anything really, you dare to image-ine.
My mother used to say, “Luciana, your words have a way to pierce through someone’s heart
with a stab of goodness.” I was six. She was in pain. She also told me I’d be a stellar lawyer.
Today, I am an artist at heart, an engineer by trade, and the third thing always changes; as I
forever add to my book of knowledge for tomorrow.
So no, I did not use #chatGPT to write this or any #ArtificialIntelligence tool, I’d rather the
essence of my natural intelligence shine through, signed #LUCIANA.
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I have nothing against #ArtificialIntelligence or #AIArt. I’m simply the voice in the room to remind
you that it is just another great tool, here to serve you, not the other way around. I am here to
remind you that AI models are built using words first and of our understanding of the
connotations and meanings in-between these words, however complex or simple across
languages. I do touch upon the philosophy of AI for positively revolutionizing ways later in my
writing (not published yet).
More than just words, the words we use every day are quite literally, spells.
I’m not alluding to spells as obscure witchcraft; In Middle English, spell meant "to mean" or "to
signify," presumed to be developed from Anglo-French ‘espelier,’ itself from Middle High
German ‘spellen,’ meaning "to relate" or "to talk." To spell, in modern English, then came to
mean "to read slowly (letter by letter)."
Words are all over the place, we might both say the same and see another same in our inner
space. With my writing I attempt to teleport you (at times abruptly) through words and worlds of
all disciplines, times and spaces. Imagine being in my brain.
I thought long and hard about the title of Part I of my paper The Playground: A School for
Humans, Aliens and Bots, specifically whether to replace Humans with Animals… I’ve left it to
Humans simply for Search Engine Optimization purposes and the desire for it not to get lost in
the wrong categories.
I might still change my mind. Having said that, choose your words wisely.
Now, let’s play.
Do you live in communities with grounds to play?
And what if you were to awaken to a life of games; would you know how to navigate?
In this paper, I show you how to make sense of the nonsense.
This way, you can start creating nonsense of your own.
And should you feel tingly or teary within your own senses, Bravo!
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I. The Playground: A School for
Humans, Aliens and Bots —5
Why is the sky blue? Better yet, why is the sky not glue? Because
it’s a reflection of the water and if it comes to, I’d rather sit still
than swim in glue.
The Setup Nonsense
II. The Valse: Three V’s Dancing a
Versatile Veil —49
The universe around you dances to the rhythm of the universe
within you. So just keep dancing. And if you dislike what is around
you, switch your step, change your breath, dance again.
The Experience Nonsense
III. The Castle: No Grass, No Class —91
The Queen of the Castle accumulates hearts, stringed together
they sing a harp. Some get tangled with time– if she can’t lay
them on the grass and look up, she’d miss her reflection as the
Queen of Stars.
Making Sense of the Nonsense
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Luciana Jaalouk 5
I. The Playground: A School for
Humans, Aliens and Bots
Why is the sky blue? Better yet, why is the sky not glue? Because it’s
a reflection of the water and if it comes to, I’d rather sit still than swim
in glue.
I. The Playground: A School for Humans, Aliens and Bots
Existence by
Presence by Default
Participation by Default
Safety by Default
Grounds to
Instruments for
Players with
Nosy Noise
Learning through
Partnering with
In Peace
With Holes
The Poem
The Rules
Ruled by Cherish
Courtship Feedback
Trust in Light
Ruled by Charge
The Lay of the Land
Lay Lay Ley
No Lay in Vain
Ruled by Change
Pace Over Time
Pace Across Space
In Style
Ruled by Completion
No Doubt in Dope
No Doubt in Faith
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The Playground
“GALILEO: I believe in the human race. The only people that can’t be reasoned with are
the dead. Human beings are intelligent.
SAGREDO: Intelligent– or merely shrewd?
GALILEO: I know they call a donkey a horse when they want to sell it, and a horse a
donkey when they want to buy it. But is that the whole story? Aren’t they susceptible to
truth as well? (He fishes a small pebble out of his pocket.) If anybody were to drop a
stone– (drops the pebble) –and tell them that it didn’t fall, do you think they would keep
quiet? The evidence of your own eyes is a very seductive thing. Sooner or later
everybody must succumb to it.
SAGREDO: Galileo, I am helpless when you talk.”1
The fact that we play games shows something remarkable about our ways.
In playing a game, be it pen-and-paper Hangman or Minecraft, lies the “voluntary attempt to
overcome unnecessary obstacles,”2
said Bernard Suits in The Grasshopper: Games, Life and
Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein famously asserted that games are indefinable; there are no
common threads that link them all– pure "Nonsense."
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living,
It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and
that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” ~Dr. Seuss.
First to admit that nonsense is a defining aspect of our everyday lives.
Should we choose to eliminate the non- and keep the sense, we might find some security,
routine and structure. Should the sense of structure get too rigid on the senses, over time we’ll
find ourselves stuck in it.
The ability to navigate through nonsense is the ultimate demonstration of control and power
over one’s senses (most certainly not over others’, that is an illusion mirrored by the extent to
which one is capable of surrendering to the need for control and power).
In order to align with life’s beauty, we must learn to co-create nonsense with it.
In order to co-create beautiful nonsense, we must learn to understand it.
In order to understand life’s nonsense, we must learn to understand ourselves.
Why so serious, though?
The challenges presented to us are best understood when approached as adventures. To
be grim, to be stressed, to be worried is a state of being instilled upon our societies, by design.
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Everything in life is an adventure, and should you choose to sail your own boat, you’ll find
better navigation over water molecules shaped by lightheartedness, detachment,
openness, conscientiousness, and most importantly, FUN!
So when the waters do get heavy, you’ll know which rock, tree or leaf to lean on, not hit on.
Surely you’ve heard the saying ‘a drunk adult speaks their child’s heart,’ so as we get caught up
in the winds of designing factories of multi-sensory experiences, have we forgotten we
were all children first?
This way, if the child in you can safely play, the adult in you can safely get high on the play too.
The promise of nonsense lies in the premise of the playground.
Existence by
Now that you’re all grown up– how’s that working out for you?
Some adults might even say it’s never been better than today; I say well okay, I see plenty
of rooms left to decay, somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten to play.
Between digital and physical, molecular and celestial, synthetic and natural– we live in a
corrugated glass of multiplying dimensions. Multi-dimensions as we refer to them are
certainly multiple, lest we forget we can multiply their multiplicity by simply, playing.
To design a “metaverse,” a cluster of immersive experiences that taps into everything that is
conscious, unconscious and subconscious within our psyche, we must first learn to remove our
adult shoes and examine if we can travel the same journey in flip flops, safely, or better yet
To play, you must first learn to raise your hand and scream ‘Present!’
To play, you must second learn to use your fingers and wave ‘Participate!’
To play, you must third learn to close your hands together and pray ‘Safe!’
Presence by Default
To be present anywhere with no self or otherly-imposed action is synonymous to existing; the
first non-negotiable aspect of playing within any playground.
Why do we all exist by default? Because the Milky Way breast fed us this way, and both at the
sub-atomic and astronomic level, chose to assign us certain characteristics, i.e. a charge, a
mass, a spin, etc.
And yes, doing nothing is still doing something. If you are feeling guilty about your
non-productivity, release yourself, it’s getting in the way of your existence.
When you allow any self to meditate onto its particled existence, both in little
nothingness and grand everythingness, they are allowed to exist.
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Sticks and stones may break my bones but I’d rather be shone a lone.
As this marks the stepping stone of any experience designed into existence, the first question to
pose is:
i. What is the path of least resistance to any player’s existence within or without a
Meaning, we must allocate our best vigilance answering the following:
ii. In what ways can players play by doing nothing?
iii. In what ways can players play alone?
iv. In what ways can players play with everyone?
v. In what ways can players play into everything?
vi. Why are we asking players to play?
Existence comes from the Latin origin ex-sistere, ‘ex’ meaning out and ‘sistere’ meaning to
‘take a stand.’ You guessed it. A presence by default displays the right to take a stand for
something, specifically something ‘out’-side of the present being.
Your existence out-side of your micro/macro self takes a standing ovation to your presence.
Your presence out-side of your micro/macro self takes a standing ovation to your attention.
Your attention out-side of your micro/macro self takes a standing ovation to your intention.
Put it in reverse– you get the definition of an immersive presence applicable to any
dimension at any time.
Should you be standing, sitting or laying, alone or together, close or afar… you’re still here!
And you’re bowing. I praise you, for in this space, you are be-ing.
In this reality, we live a tangible existence, ruled by the rules of our matter.
I take more time to cover this in a later section of The Rules.
You are present in this reality when and only when your existence is defined by the allocation
of your focused attention and intention to any given time, in any given space.
Otherwise, you are daydreaming.
As educators on the matter in the fast growing metaverse industry, we’ve pitched the notion of
‘presence’ as an entrypoint in all of metaverse conversations so far. It’s imperative to take
a moment to remember that I can be present with you in the room, and present elsewhere at the
same time. If you don’t have my undivided attention and I don’t understand your full intention,
then you have lost me and we may need an intervention.
Now I’m bored, itching to do something– anything.
Participation by Default
Any one’s ability to be present by default is synonymous to any one’s right to participate by
default; the second non-negotiable aspect of playing within any playground.
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Why do we all participate by default? Because we all die once we’re done participating.
Thankfully we’re allowed breaks, it’s called sleep.
In the Playground, you are either an active or a passive participant.
You are always a participant though; you either participate with voluntary actions and
reactions, or you participate as an observer to the actions and reactions, passively or
You might wonder, can play be neutral? Yes.
I won’t spend too much time covering neutral besides here– its elusive nature is the easiest to
design once all the other polarities of the game are understood.
A neutral player has no situational advantages over others; impartial and unbiased.
A neutral participant might often be ‘idle,’ in a state in-between, there and not there. Their
purpose is neither to win or to lose; more often than not, they are undefeatable by design and
may be part of the game’s landscape. Often, the concept of neutral is mapped between notions
of ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ though it’s not the only spectrum of possibility.
Neutral is often associated with ‘lawful,’ meaning the player is aligned to a perspective related
to how they think society, specifically society in-game, should work.
When in society, a lawful neutral character behaves in a way that matches the organization,
authority or traditions they follow. They live by this code and uphold it above all else, taking
actions that are sometimes considered Good and sometimes considered Evil by others. They
have traits, they have moral codes (vs. societal law), they embody the actions of the game best
aligned to its modeled ‘design of a perfect world.’
Given neutral characters often are relentless in playing the ‘right way’ by design, they can either
be rejected for their ruthlessness or adorned for their objectivity. This means, the inclusion of
neutral play is not always of neutral outcome. It can either be good to have or bad to have,
depending on the situational outcome.
So, you either participate actively, passively or neutrally. You’re never not participating.
To participate means to take, to give, to share a part in, or to impart with (usually imparted
is information and quality(ies)). While it’s possible to imagine participating alone in a dark hole,
the real fun begins when other aspects of the Playground setup are involved.
So, the questions to pose ourselves at the setup stage are:
i. What ground(s) can any player participate within or onto?
ii. What instrument(s) can any player participate with or into?
iii. What player(s) can any player participate with or without?
iv. What rule(s) can any player participate within or around?
v. What Beauty can any player take, give, share a part in, or impart with?
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Safety by Default
Any one’s ability to participate by default is synonymous to any one’s right to feel safe by
default; the third non-negotiable aspect of playing within any playground.
If I don’t feel safe in my playground, you won’t find me in it.
If I don’t feel safe in my playground, you may find me in someone else’s.
If I don’t feel safe in any playground, you might find my wavery attention and undefined
intention, but you won’t find my trust anywhere.
The permission to feel safe is an automatic, non-negotiable requirement upon entering
any place, space or safe, allowing for players to comfortably take, give, share and impart any
data relating to themselves and other selves, with regard to interactions across all aspects of
the playground.
How and when does one acquire safety?
Safety is acquired both ways: from within (internal) and from without (external).
Safety acquired applies all the time: before, during and after experience.
So, within, without, before, during and after; questions to additionally pose at setup are:
i. What practice(s) of safety can any player be ensured with?
ii. What practice(s) of safety can any player take part in ensuring?
While the decision factors of safety reveal themselves at the last stage of The Setup, it is the
most crucial in its buildup.
Safety is a thread that thickens or thins throughout the experience, to be gently weaved
and tightened with time and across all grounds traveled.
Do you feel safe?
Let’s subtly include this question in our modeling and feedback of any experience.
It is not meant to be all up in your face (otherwise one might become over-alert), but know
that safety acquired is an assumed right, and safety lost is a shaking violation.
Should you ever feel unsafe anywhere, I apologize for that event. I ensure it won’t happen
Should a player ever feel unsafe anywhere, with both the ability and platform to voice it, you
ensure a formal apology is sent (whether you are an organization or an individual). You also
ensure to communicate ways in which it won’t happen again, you’re also learning.
Often I’ve been asked– Luciana, is there something you cannot exist as?
Certainly yes. It’s anything I cannot find safety in participating or being present for.
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Grounds to
In the playground, I define any ground as a designated area or group of areas held together by
differentiating characteristics.
It is the stage that makes up the environment where players choose to play or be played. The
‘playsage’ if you will; a ‘paysage’ filled with players with a capital ‘L’. Hah!
Consider the ground as both the land and the context in which your experiences take place.
That is because, any ground you enter, as you ‘choose’ to play, you also agree to be played.
In any case this translates to a presence attached to a story by default– your existence within
any ground has something to say to you, and you may say something too. Oh what a story.
The narrative in question is either well or poorly told based on the paysage design (french for
landscape) which defines the moves you make and the elements you react to. Whether mild or
wild, it subtly suggests how players may ‘choose’ to move through it. This is true for any home,
store, urban, planetary or galactical layout.
The ‘Grounds To’ represents the right to a universal ‘room,’ free of planes, walls, ceilings
or limiting beliefs. Having said that, I implore us to limit our design of grounds bound by only
sharp corners; our mother’s wombs certainly had none (unless you’re like me and were in the
company of a septate uterus– my delivery was monitored and healthy).
If you don’t know where to start and are looking for a little luck in the design of your grounds,
start by adding some green. The rest will flow.
Why green? Because chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is the magic compound that grabs the sunlight and makes photosynthesis happen.
It exists in all plants, but also in many microorganisms and prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells,
for the most part, live in symbiosis with the human body, which means they exist in a mutually
beneficial relationship. Examples of prokaryotes are blue-green algae, bacteria (good or bad)
and mycoplasma. Among prokaryotes, bacteria are the most common and multiply very fast.
As you may know already, photosynthesis on any ground happens at daytime only. It is not
performed by plants at night; they’d have to undergo a certain exposure to the appropriate
wavelengths of artificial light. The photosynthesis process is divided into two main parts.
The first part is called the light dependent reaction. This reaction happens when the light
energy is captured and pushed into a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate, an
energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things.)
The second part is called the light independent reaction. This reaction happens when the ATP
is used to make glucose (the Calvin Cycle).
In any case or part, with the help of the chlorophyll pigment, light energy is absorbed, and NASA
can attest to that.
Do you see the greenlight I’m getting to?
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Your experience on the ground will vary by day and by night.
Some reactions only occur in light, while others occur in dark.
It’d be wise to be friends with both.
On any ground by day, you’re expected to exist through certain reactions.
On any ground by night, you’re expected to exist through certain reactions, differently.
Model your grounds accordingly.
By day, you’d find a better existence on firm, strong and vital grounds, to celebrate growth.
By night, you’d find a better existence on soft, sensitive and nurturing grounds, to celebrate
We all have a shadow, within and without ourselves. Best not to run away from your shadow, the
dark side of human nature has a lot of creativity and energy. Use it in a healthy way.
Last thing!
You’d have better luck seeing stars at night, lest we forget the only star that shines its closest
and brightest light is found in the daytime; the sun of our solar system. Billions of suns float
in our galaxy alone and many of the stars we see are also suns; though the celestial objects we
see looking up are not all stars. Imagine away!
Oh my stars.
Instruments for
While an instrument is built to make sound, I define a variety of instruments as any and all
bodies, tools, equipment or accessories, available for players. This includes us as human
beings; we are instruments.
Parallel to the notion of “using your instrument,” actors who study the Meisner acting
technique learn to access different parts of the self, parts of other selves (or a group of), within
and without varying contexts (ie. grounds or narratives). And while our ability to tap into our
instrument may be slightly more advanced than a baboon’s (debatably), let’s get off our high
horses and remember we are simply animals characterized by our ability to generate unique
While a mirror may assist in practicing your pitch– sound, frequency, music, noise, call it what
you want– to the human eye, the mirror appears to be singing too. With you, at you, for you. In
fact this is true for any object, whether it holds your reflection or not. Some sing in high-pitch,
some in low-pitch; though just because you can’t see or hear it sing across the ultraviolet or
audible spectrum doesn’t mean it’s not singing. To put things in perspective, you can see less
than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum.
I’d rather ask instead– if you fall in a playground, or on any ground, and no one is around
to hear it, does it make a sound?
Wait. You might be hurt… let’s honor your feelings first. ‘You’ here can denote any
individual, group of individuals, organization or system; yes, businesses have feelings too.
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So how about that sound?
i. First, define your instrument, and just like the ground, leave enough room in the
equation for variables of ‘change.’ The key to your pitch lies in ensuring your ingredients
have enough room to create a new meal each time, with a focus on defining just
enough variables to have more than enough freedom. At this stage, you do not
predict, you simply define.
ii. Second, check your instrument, both its outer shine and inner vibe. This comes with
practice. Variables in your equation remain ‘in check’ when you are able to properly
discern which ones are yours and which aren’t. The best way to do so is not to
eliminate what isn’t yours, but rather to cross-check with 1) variables not your own,
with 2) interdependent equations or with 3) variables and equations within compromised
grounds. If cross-checking becomes an incomprehensible scribble, then go back to step
1 and simplify. With practice, checking becomes an exercise of harmony.
iii. Third, follow your instrument, and continue to align it to what is most true to its
existence. This is practice in practice. If your name is Peter and you’re trying to be Bob,
you’re not following. Similarly, a chair knows to sit tight and vibrate as a chair, it will
never try to act like a montgolfière (french for hot air balloon). Lucky for us animals, we
don’t need to hear the chair being a chair (though this is the type of content I’d like to
iv. Fourth, use your instrument, which inherently falls back to being the instrument; the
act. How does one go from use to be? Simply, one must learn to put aside what used to
be and get used to being, to living the presented instrument at hand and owning its
emitted sound, every time, each time.
Like a mirror, what is shown to you is a reflection of what lives within you, at all times and
places. So events happening outside manifest themselves inside, and vice versa. Yes the order
matters, you get to choose; does life happen to you or do you make life happen?
Now can you hear your sound? Pitch sounds good, and feels safe! Kudos.
This way, next time you get hurt, reach into your front pocket and make sense of it with this
instrumental print.
The distribution of bodily and non-bodily instruments across grounds is variable, be it by
nature’s design or your own (they’re the same).
In the spirit of ensuring varying levels of fair play, the alignment to good vs bad action is
crucial to balance the scales. Life is karmic, something Reddit understands with their
Karma=clout feature.
Karma is a complex thing, and many define it differently. Rising above the noise to what
matters– it most certainly does not operate as a unit, it operates as a cluster. So if you’re
looking to balance out the scales and instruments on your grounds, do it in plural form, not in
singular form, as the effects of thoughts, actions and feelings played while at play are intricately
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Players with
Instrumental players make sound, and all players are instrumental.
These visible, invisible and divisible waves of sound structure all of matter. As shown above, the
Play’s grounds and instruments ‘vibrate’ in relation to their existence within a narrative and a
space, respectively; within something bigger than themselves.
Of course it would be a desolate playground without us animals in it, but it would still exist–
Descartes said “I think, therefore I am;”
I add, I am, therefore I sound.
I often wonder where all of these sounds are coming from… I’ll tell you.
They come from either humans, aliens or bots.
Humans are both animals and nature. Luckily this forms an exceedingly large category of
uniquely sound players.
Aliens are everything else. Three-headed horse? Alien. Celestial ghost? Alien. A human in a
bot voice shifting from seaweed to coral reef as part of the ground? Alien. Do you believe in
magic? Alien.
Bots are automated, their sound is prescribed to them by design, typically by either humans or
aliens (or already, by themselves… gulp.)
Over time, players create sound generated from, projected to, reflected on, or manifested
into and onto ‘noisy’ dots, shaping the mesh structure within any ground, world, galaxy or
universe– “a grid.”
How does one build a grid?
i. One dot shapes the start of an observation with no derived conclusion. Often
dismissed, they are the true indicators of intention, reaction and their interrelation. The
way you hold the pencil to point the dot matters. You may observe a dot defined with 1)
an intention with an aligned reaction, 2) an intention with an unaligned reaction, 3) a
reaction from a clear intention, or 4) a reaction from an unclear intention (kindly put).
ii. Two dots shape the start of a pattern with assumption. While they provide a sense of
direction, patterns take the shapes of lines, rays, planes, segments- they are quite
literally two-dimensional and two-directional; left right, black white, up down, reflect
refract, inside outside… Often ignored, the assumptions around two dots of patterns can
sometimes lead to unhealthy expectations concerning habits or behaviors.
iii. Three dots shape the start of a grid with a reliable baseline of expectation. This is
the accumulation of observations and patterns traveling to any direction and through any
dimension. Defined as a point of concurrency, a grid starts in one location where at least
three lines, rays, planes or segments intersect. Notice that they cannot exist without a
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location. Notice also that they cannot intersect if they are simply dots. Otherwise they’d
overlap. Grids multiply in matrix fashion, whether linearly, exponentially or randomly. A
grid forms the start of a reliable baseline for studying characters, personalities and all
their associated colors and sounds in-between.
With the proliferation of advanced tech analysis tools, our biggest societal downfall has lied
in our inability to study the meaning in-between all dots, specifically how dots of
observations, patterns and grids push, pull and exchange with each other; how they relate to
and with one another. Remember Newton’s laws?
While this knowledge may have been hidden from us for decades, it takes only a slight shift in
perspective to deepen our ‘interspection’ (the examination and evaluation of relations
in-between). I cover some in-betweens within my writing, and in their own section later.
Nosy Noise
Now onto the players, playing with relation to.
Noise is curious. It wants to know what noises others make. You might just start by sniffing with
your nose, though that is not the only way.
A crucial reminder that playtime is most impactful when you are actively or passively playing,
though playtime can also be neutral (no player has situational advantage over the other), and
they can start and continue happening before and after play.
Pre-, during-, and post-experience considerations must be taken into account while designing
both short- or long- term experiences.
At setup, I focus my design attention on the butter: during the experience.
In-experience, what factors determine how active or passive you are? I’ll tell you.
The number of friends you have in the playground! Duh (among a few other factors).
Studies show that children’s play styles vary based on the playground type and on the
availability of play partners3
. I focus the study on the two main playground types, ‘school’
and ‘community,’ to establish the building blocks for a wider understanding. Other playground
types exist, such as ‘neighborhood’ or ‘destination.’
Between players and across playgrounds, appears more noise clash– nosy noise.
What play behavior does that translate to?
Noise exchanges.
Noise competes.
Noise conflicts.
Noise cooperates.
Noise accommodates.
Noise behavior can also happen all at once or not at all.
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Learning through
I propose to interpret the ‘school’ playground as any setting within lifetimes of experiences
where lessons are learned. In fact, life is a series of lessons split into digestible chapters,
where you get a chance to either learn new lessons or re-learn old lessons in different ways; but
let’s not get caught up in those details.
I propose to interpret the ‘community’ playground as any setting within lifetimes of
experiences where learnings are practiced and applied, from ‘school’ theory to
‘community’ practice. In fact, we both know a life in theory and a life in practice and two very
different things; but let’s not get caught up in those details.
Why the emphasis on learning within any playground? Because we grow. Universally, from
start to end, we grow, we learn. We have billions of years of data encoded into our DNA, waiting
to be discovered, if we allow it. No matter your age as a human, alien or bot, the amount of
knowledge held is not correlated with your time ‘alive’ in this lifetime, or from past lives. In fact,
I’ve met many older knives in my toolbox that have grown dull as they’ve stopped practicing
their sharp, just as I’ve been pleasantly surprised by new screws who are not afraid to let loose.
To play is the butter that enables our existence, and to learn is the soft-edged knife to help
spread the butter. Indeed, life is a teacher, and how well we apply the lessons learned
within the context of our communities determines how ‘fun,’ or slippery, playtime can get.
Learning is the by-product of playing.
Should you make learning an intentional product of playing, you will gain more player
satisfaction, engagement and success in performance.
Partnering with
Studies demonstrate that “children are not comfortable playing with children they do not
This almost tells all we need to know… Though this is where the digital dimension helps
dissolve this observation (children don’t need to be good friends with digital players to engage
with them), though it remains that over time they’d find better comfort with familiar players.
As we target social audiences living in both physical environments and digital platforms, are we
being intentional with targeting the people who actually communicate most with each other? I’d
assume they have some kind of friendly relationship or dynamic we can positively build on.
“Although play behavior is most often classified by researchers cognitively with terms
such as functional play, dramatic play, or constructive play, play that takes place on
playground settings is best categorized by social definitions given its dependency
on social interactions with peers4
. Parten’s stages of play (e.g., parallel play,
associative play, onlooker play;5
) are still considered the ideal when describing preschool
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children’s social play behavior during free play on contexts such as school and
community playgrounds6
While there are many other factors that determine a child’s behavior within any context,
including default personality, novelty of playground instruments, weather, mood, food, etc. a
small sample size study in the US showed that “children demonstrated higher levels of
associative and cooperative play on the school playground, but higher levels of solitary
and parallel play on the community playground. This difference in play styles by playground
appears to be a function of available play partners.”3
To note, these play styles are meant to study the initial way in which children learn to play in
various environments. Over time, play styles continue to develop.
Play styles quoted are Associative Play (AP) and Cooperative Play (CP) in the ‘school’
playground, and Solitary Play (SP) and Parallel Play (PP) on the ‘community’ playground.
AP is loosely defined, and assigned roles are loosely followed, typically occurring in a brief
amount of time.
CP is very organized, and players may very well play to completion, entailing that perhaps,
leaderboard scoring is a useful feature for the setting.
SP is randomly organized, as play is done alone and based on desire and availability of
instruments. If other players were around, it’s assumed play would be less likely to occur.
PP is also randomly organized, but encouraged by other players participating in similar activities
and using similar instruments. Play still occurs solo, though through silent peer learning.
When designing any and all experiences, a wise exercise would be to pre-determine
categories of play we’d expect players to participate in-experience, and then to validate the
hypothesis real-time or post-experience.
Below defined in the study are a total of six categories of play3
, along with examples on the
playground setting. Most certainly, these categories can intersect, and they can overlap. For
example, not covered is play style occurring with imaginary friends, or play style occurring with
an abundance of friends.
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Hence, playground type and availability of play partners are two key design factors to help
build better hypotheses for players while designing experiences for them.
How about you? Do you recall how you used to play?
I was anywhere between eight and twelve years old, a core memory of mine at a fast food
chain’s outdoor playground. The more shy and positively ‘sensitive’ middle child of three girls, I’d
watch my two sisters run around and meet people freely while I was glued to my mother’s leg,
as she’d encourage (and push me) to go out and play. Sometimes I would, though I was not
always comfortable in my skin doing so. I’d interact with others in short bursts, then quietly
retrieve back to a soft corner. What I was comfortable with was knowing my mother was
present. My sisters didn’t have a need for that extra sense of safety or protection, but I did, and
that’s okay. Every child, and hence every adult plays differently. I knew no matter what’d
happen, a fall, a scrape, a mockery, a confusion, I could go back to my safety and watch others
play, contently, whether by guardian-assurance or self-assurance.
Somewhere in my early-teenage years I got out of my shell and through today, I continue to
learn where to allocate my attention and intention for outer and inner play that serves me best.
To call it intro- or extro- vertness is limiting, what we are after is studying the spectrum of
In Peace
Here I demonstrate the importance of, you guessed it, moderators. My mother played the role
of a moderator, and I relied on her presence at times on-call, other times being told.
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“Contextual factors such as the availability of loose equipment or teacher supervision are known
to impact children’s play behaviors on a given playground--school OR community4
Moderators can also either be passive or active, silent or vocal, and they can appear at any
and all times pre-, during- or post- play.
Players might find safety or guidance from moderators in variable ways.
How can moderators present themselves?
i. A passive moderator is one that is available for players only when they need them. This
is best if play is self-guided, and assistance is needed on-call.
ii. An active moderator is one that instructs players regardless of when they need them.
This is best if play must be closely followed, if conduct moniteration is a game factor, or
for stricter educational formats, perhaps with a crash course or storyline at the start.
iii. A silent moderator is a moderator that observes and reports.
iv. A vocal moderator is a moderator that guides and assists.
These categories are not mutually exclusive.
The moderator is the ribbon around, the cherry on top, the peacemaker for ensuring proper
incorporation of moderators, guides or chaperones for players is crucial for the 1)
development of proper hypotheses and for the 2) validation of hypotheses with regard to
playground type + availability of play partners.
While for some, moderators instill a sense of play encouragement, for others, they instill a
sense of authority that perhaps may be counterproductive or undesired.
How one incorporates features of moderators in human, alien, or bot form, matters.
While unique for each experience, moderator features serve as a resource for players, and can
be designed as subtle nudges or gentle reminders at start-, mid- or end-.
Any questions, guidance and direction provided, or missed, can drastically change a player’s
entire approach to their assumed or expected play style.
So far, it’s been assumed that peacemakers are not players.
However, that’s not necessarily the case. Players may opt into becoming moderators full-time,
or moderators part time and players for the rest of the time.
The question remains, how might we, as experienced directors, strategists and crafters, select
true and honest moderators with the least bias to the experience outcome or its
promised reward? It’s certainly possible to have players of all styles and personalities
volunteer, though unless you are a certified coach, professional counselor, or licensed therapist
aligned to raise humanity to their highest good, players moderating, and moderators playing will
inevitably show preferentism, bias, or even bystanderism to play behavior.
In fact, the children on the playground who sit on the side and watch others play take on a
naturally more passive role of ‘observer,’ making them true candidates for genuine
moderation. Simply, their quiet play style is inevitably gathering data, and not necessarily
mapping it to any outcome or getting tested on it.
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To note, I’ve come across a miniscule amount of both social or non-social oriented experiences
where certified moderators are hired in ensuring our psyche’s wellbeing (mind, body, soul) for
cognitive, behavioral, humanistic or integrative/holistic therapy. This is a massive value pool that
if not called out, might take us another decade to awaken to and incorporate. Let’s not wait
that long, let’s not make the same two-dimensional mistakes, the health of our children
depends on it. Let’s also incorporate feedback on moderators.
To summarize, ensuring safe inclusive play relies on finding the right balance between
Playground Types + Play Partners Available + Moderator Availability and Style.
This way, we never ever forget to model for people with special needs and disabilities, as we
follow a model both universal and modular for players of all perceived ages (perceived,
because without strict player verification, one might appear to be 13 while they’re going on 30).
With Holes
“The influence and overall impact of contextual factors on children’s cognitive and social
play behaviors have also been studied in laboratory playrooms, classrooms, and home
settings. However, little is known about children’s play behaviors across two
different playgrounds settings at this time. The comparison of school and community
playgrounds on children’s play can provide additional insight into how children’s
developmental abilities are influenced by contextual conditions.”3
Beyond understanding the groundworks of social play behaviors on school and community
playgrounds, it is possible, and encouraged, to experiment with mixed-methods designs using
the above building blocks. Remember that it is possible for children, and adults, to have mixed
feelings on any grounds, about any partnerships or instruments, and concerning any
moderator. Multiple mixed-methods and mixed-feelings can co-exist at the same time, our
vessels have the capacity for it.
Other aspects to consider include but not limited to:
The duration of play within varying social play categories (AP, CP, SP, etc.).
The perspectives of playground activities, based on player feedback.
The peer relationships.
The recommendations for new playgrounds.
I cover aspects of these in part as The Playground build continues, and in subsequent chapters.
When in doubt, there are always more caveats to consider.
The Poem
Say you dislike the playground you’re in, you have the agency to change your instruments (and
friends) –theoretically and if you allow yourself– to design a new ground for yourself based on
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new desires (particularly if you’ve been complaining for a while). Today, the ability to create a 3D
world of your own in digital (and physical) formats needs no certified ‘creator’ or ‘developer’
Or you browse for a new playground.
Since it doesn’t matter what you pick- here’s a poem, let’s take a break.
Trees rise
in my playground, I use and watch my language.
With you and with teeny tiny ants,
dots connect,
fingers draw lines through sand,
twist and turn to thread.
While a raft built on threads may help me float
I’d find better balance on ropes.
I sit, sigh, take a stare
there– oh where?
… *sigh* …
Oh what a sight.
Teeny tiny dots dance into an image
and with focused force, I gliiide
over sand water air - particles under my tail,
Look down damn.
I’m the tree.
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You stare.
Trees rise.
With the senses should you not fear
To touch to feel the deep
dreams and scares,
to summon thee feely feelings– maybe
May it, be.
the tree she had friends…
Scientist Nikola Tesla verbalized the advantages of looking deep within and without. “The day
science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Allow me to digress.
//Last I checked, you are matter that exists within the context of more matter and if you
exist without any material context, you either
1) don’t exist,
2) exist in another dimension in a different form,
3) exist in another dimension in the same form (we’d never know about it),
4) exist in the same dimension in a different form,
5) exist in a black hole that hasn’t come to existence yet,
6) exist in contexts unbeknownst to us.
The contexts we know of flourish WITH us as we think of them, as living within
something is the derivative of living some thing, some feeling, some thought. And if you
dare declare you are unhappy with your existence, then just adjust your sails or navigate
different waters.
Why does that matter? I’d rather ask myself, if all that ‘doesn’t matter’ cannot be heard
or seen because it is outside the bounds of our matter, then why have I been so
preoccupied to spell this out in so many manners? How about what matters that isn’t
It’s okay to disassociate in the playground, best to safely surrender to whatever memory, feeling,
déjà-vu, knowing, vision, intuition, perception, connection - you get it - arises.
I add again to my additions from Descartes earlier;
“I think, therefore I am;”
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I am, therefore I sound.
I am, therefore I matter.
So what matters? The players and the games they’re playing! The experience. I cover this in
detailed manner in the next chapter.
First we need to cover some ground rules.
The Rules
Rules? What rules?
Not a fan of my attitude?
The lusory attitude is the psychological attitude required of a player entering into the play of a
game.To adopt a lusory attitude is to accept the arbitrary rules of a game in order to facilitate
the resulting experience of play.7
In this section I cover only the vital aspects of our need for rules, and highlight the right
mindsets required to design good rules. To cover anything else is a book of its own, as some
key rules are universal, though most rules thereafter are unique problems to be solved case by
case; I’d have to agree to follow someone else’s rules, be that a buddy’s, a band’s, a brand’s or
a body’s.
Why do we have rules anyways?
First, to ensure safety.
Second, to ensure fairness.
Third... to break them!
And fourth, to track how players interact with them, as rules help us understand the actioned
dots of observations, behaviors and patterns, and aid us in setting boundaries for these patterns
of data.
If designed well, rules should empower the player, not disempower.
Most systems we exist, experience and live in today fail to do so.
When was the last time you felt empowered on your ground?
Did the rules make you want to take a stand for them? To lay on the ground, get on one knee,
lay in the mud, roll in the deep? If you’re not shouting YES, it’s a no.
To establish good rules, we must first establish what we are ruled by! I’ll tell you.
Cherish. To light, to care, to feed, to water, to sun, to air, to fire, to chérie. This is love.
Charge. To spend, to take, to exchange. This is energy.
Change. To grow, to learn, to weigh, to lighten. This is mass.
Completion. To finish, to end, to cycle, to birth. This is transfer.
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Ruled by Cherish
To Cherish. To light, to care, to feed, to water, to sun, to air, to fire, to chérie. This is love.
There is no love without connection.
There is no love without pain.
There is better love with forgiveness.
There is better love with vulnerability.
Love is present despite the existence of its absence.
Love is understanding despite the existence of its misunderstanding.
Love is a demonstration despite the existence of its denial.
Love is an expectation despite the existence of its unexpectedness.
Einstein declared, “When scientists looked for a theory of the universe they forgot the
most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because
it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind
I add to my own addition from Descartes earlier;
“I think, therefore I am;”
I am, therefore I sound.
I am, therefore I matter.
I am, therefore I light.
Love multiplies, and in an effort to define forms of love true and different for all, wouldn’t we say
the ultimate love connection lies in balancing love alone and love together?
Courtship Feedback
The fantastical flamingo feathers on a fickle foot, free to flow fly or flirt afore a flocking foam.
The fabric of fun is far more flourishing in flight than at face.
Fly with me to understand a mindset of cherish through the lens of birds courting.
And tell me how I’m faring.
A key methodology to help ensure empowerment for players lies in implementing feedback on
the rules.
“Although adults select and purchase the playground equipment when building new
playgrounds, the consumers of the playground equipment on these environments are
children. Child input into product selection may lead to better child outcomes in a
variety of areas.”3
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As adults we are expected to know best what to feed our children, many of us (all, inevitably)
also instill beliefs, behaviors and limitations on them that are mapped from our personal
childhood pain, trauma and experiences.
If you’ve grown up wishing you could be part of a synchronized swimming team but never got to
fulfill that dream, to carefully tread the proper drive or derail onto your child is about placing
teachings in a frame of discovery and enjoyment. This is not to discourage elders from showing
their ways and inspirations, rather to set up the stage for exposure into all activities, well, weird
or willow rounded.
If you’ve grown up feeling dizzy on a swing, how might you caution your child of it without
instilling a fear of it?
Gibran Khalil Gibran stated in The Prophet,
“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing
for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet
they belong not to you.”
The gold here is to ask, include and observe your child, your consumer, as just another
beautiful leaf gifted from life to you; a synergy.
To honor the child that came out of you is directly related to honoring the child that was once
within you. Shall you choose to ignore or leave parts (and leaves) of your baby-self unhealed,
then you shall inevitably pass on trauma from your self and your ancestors into your
descendants (arguably as part of your lineage DNA… ).
Rest assured though, all data points and disease can be healed, they simply must be seen
We are humans, animals, nature. Collectively as individuals and organizations, we heal by
taking a step back, sideways or within; away from the egoistic self.
This is easily achieved with a mindset of expansion; allowing for true feedback to enter
from your established family (blood or tribal), friends and community.
As we feed, flirt and flock our courtship with one another, the matter of whose feedback we take
in is directly related to how we might digest it.
Not all birds are friends with each other, choose yours wisely… and please alert me if you
stumble upon a sea of flamingos hanging out with dodos.
Feedback can be done by the self, or by another observing the self.
Feedback can be done alone, or together.
Any permutation from above has its own pros and cons, both at gathering and analysis stages.
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Whether to enforce a belief or prevent a bias, ensuring various forms of feedback
questioning is essential to maintaining honest intentions and their execution.
Submitting a self-portrait will inevitably differ from the portrait someone submits of you.
How we might interpret and carry feedback relies on our choice of community.
The emphasis on community-building within the metaverse buzz is no novelty, from day zero,
our existence within any playground relies on our togetherness in it, in the rules, values and
principles developed in that togetherness.
We are tribal societies built to survive together, not alone.
To instill a belief that one can care for themselves with no other’s help is an imposed design to
prolong the ‘fight or flight’ of the nervous system.
On a single or plural level, independence reveals our inner power, co-dependence reveals our
power dynamics (healthy or unhealthy), but above all, interdependence reveals the virtuous
journey of experiencing power exchanges within and across our communities.
Back to playing within rules, feeding back into each other cyclically and virtuously.
For instance, upon the arrival of spring, birds pair up to build their nests and lay eggs.
Feeding is part of a songbird's courtship ritual; a male may approach an interested female,
carrying an insect, worm, or seed from a nearby feeder.
“There are also contact calls, which birds can use to talk to each other when foraging for
Luciana, what’s with all the bird-talk?
Well… how will you understand the right mindset to feedback otherwise? Our day-to-day is
brimming with contact calls, and at times I find myself in contact with cocks far less feathered
than not.
Tangibly, a feedback framework poses questions and gathers information about
i. player behavior
ii. differences in player behavior (ie. how behaviors interrelate).
Between the study of the two lie answers about where one might find and maintain courtship.
Is it that simple? Yes.
If you understand my behavior (or seek to), I’ll be more likely to cherish you.
If you don’t understand my behavior (or seek to), I’ll be less likely to cherish you.
The study of in-betweens reveals our decision-making in choosing just about anything.
Sing freely with questions of your will.
Sing carefully with questions that protect your will.
Sing off key if questions benefit only your will (other birds will know).
Sing off key if questions do not consider any one’s best will.
To step into care, value and growth, is to build the proper levels of trust within established
rules of play, with other players, users, parties or entities.
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And if you’ve been paying attention, the way our global societies are pivoting their ways of
conducting business goes hand-in-hand with understanding how each and every one of our
patterns of needs, values and habits are evolving.
More than ever before, the stories told have been along the lines of “I want to go back to how
things were, simple.”
For the love of everything you cherish, speak in simple language to court others just like you.
Trust in Light
Light resolves into photons because quantum mechanics says when you look at it, that’s what
you see. Fields are what the world is made of, particles are what you see.
So if you can’t always see the light, how can you trust it? I’ll tell you.
We’ve spent an incredible amount of time pitching to clients the need for trust in the context of
brand marketing, or in any context for that matter.
Yes, trust and transparency are treasured aspects to an authentic existence. However, an
immense misunderstanding lies in assuming that trust is a checkbox you can fill out at
entry. FALSE. Or at least partially.
You don’t walk through a security checkpoint and then talk to the officer, you get questioned by
the officer before they let you through.
Should they find safety in your existence, you can pass (not to say this is the only or right way).
Should they find a reason not to trust you, they might delay your pass through, they might
question your intention and participation motives.
At the time you came into existence, your trust was automatically given; to the universe, to your
parents, etc. However, we are adults building playgrounds, and having spent some time learning
the ebbs and flows of trust, some of us have forgotten how to trust ourselves.
Trust is the product of a continuously virtuous presence, participation, safely.
Notice, these are the setup pillars from The Playground.
Trust is the ultimate outcome we all desire.
Good news, trust falls in cherish; should you show me some love, I’ll show you some of mine.
Should you fail to show me love, I’ll show you how I love myself by not showing up.
According to Rousseau, trust is defined as “a psychological state comprising the intention
to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of
This means, while we’re always told to keep our expectations measured, the fact is that
restricting expectations prevents us from trusting our intuition, innate to our existence,
specifically when it is expecting and those expectations are not being met.
Expectations are to be expected, directly related to the exposure and experience gained
in different environments. To have no expectations is to have no existence, and then again we
could still argue that.
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Observe player behavior when they are given the full opportunity to hold a torch of light and
love, in an effort to perpetuate a positive-first and a trust-first experience.
Should they act in lack of light and love, their instruments on certain grounds or with certain
players might be restricted or confiscated.
The rules of cherish that empower players go as follows:
i. Get feedback pre-, during- and post- play.
ii. Get feedback about player behavior and differences in player behavior.
iii. Get feedback in many fun ways, and once you have it don’t just throw it a-ways.
iv. Get feedback for some time, and spend three times the time integrating it.
v. Show the example by ruling in light of.
vi. Show the example by ruling in love with.
vii. Maintain the example by waving love through light. After all, light is a wave. All it
takes is to raise your metaphorical hand.
If all the above stands true, if I feel cherished:
i. Trust is given to you, until it’s broken.
ii. Trust is broken, until it’s won over again.
iii. At that point, trust is to be earned, differently.
Finally, you’ve heard this a million times. You’ll hear it once more.
Cherish is a choice.
Cherish is a choice simply because cherishing on its own is not enough.
There is more we are ruled by! Keep reading.
Ruled by Charge
Charge. To make, to spend, to take, to exchange. This is energy.
In physics, charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when
placed in a field (or grid), be it electric, magnetic, mechanical, thermal, nuclear, etc.
Theoretical physicist Sean Caroll elaborated during a conference at The Royal Institution, “the
reason why you are allowed to think of particles is because of quantum mechanics. The world
is made of fields, but quantum mechanics says that when you look at the world, you don’t see
them directly. What really exists is immensely richer than the things we can actually observe. [...]
When we look at the fields closely enough, they resolve into individual particles.”
I bet you’ve asked at least once in your time:
“How much will you charge for this service, ma’am?”
One of the verbs to transact and track monetary exchange with is charge. That’s because
money is a form of energy. If you’re looking to make, spend, take or exchange money, then
you must learn to do so with your players’ energy.
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Again, should you manipulate the rules of charge for well-intent, shall you flourish.
Should you manipulate the rules of charge for ill-intent, should you be shown your reflection in
the deepest well.
A note on the word ‘manipulate.’
It is unfortunate that even in our well-respected dictionaries, to manipulate is portrayed in a
negative lens, where one might control or influence something or someone for an advantage,
often unfairly or dishonestly. Really unfortunate.
“The word manipulation was first used in 1827 to mean “skillful action by hand” that involved
operating, moving, altering, stirring, guiding, and editing things in your environment. Over time,
it’s come to mean handling and managing a situation skillfully to serve your own goals.”10
In daily speech, the positive connotation of manipulation can be considered as influence.
Why speak of manipulation, ‘in charge’?
Charge, a form of energy, is a property of our 3-dimensional existence. Wait a second, that’s not
the full truth. Charge is a property of ANY existence, in any dimension.
Should you skillfully use the instruments of your hands to understand how to manipulate charge
traveling through matter with a certain mass, then you may understand that it takes no charge to
alter the charge imposed upon grounds, instruments and players within the playground.
Wait, what?
To manipulate ‘charge', to ‘manipulate energy’ is free of charge and connotation.
If you type into Google ‘types of energy manipulation’, you’ll get superhero stuff. Even better.
Who do I call to amend a definition?
Again, there are good and bad superheroes. Pick your flourish and find the well.
To free ourselves from unfair connotations, we must remember energy can either be positive
(proton), negative (electron) or neutral (neutron). Wait a second, that’s not the full truth.
Particle physics in 1935 varies greatly from particle physics after 1980; thankfully, more has
been discovered, science didn’t stop. Mainly, a fourth particle and fourth force have been
The three commonly known particles, associated with three commonly known forces, are the
proton, electron and neutron, along with the gravitational force, the electro-magnetic force, and
the nuclear force.
The fourth particle and fourth force discovered come from taking a deeper look within protons
and neutrons. Inside, quarks were found!
The up quark and the down quark combine in different ways to give us protons and neutrons. So
today, instead of saying protons and neutrons, we say Up Quark and Down Quark.
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The number of forces has also increased. The nuclear force is composed of two nuclear forces,
corresponding to the strong nuclear force that holds the quarks together, and the weak nuclear
force that “you can go through your everyday life and never notice.”
“This is how the sun gives out its energy, from the weak nuclear force: two protons come
together, one of them might convert into a neutron, spinning off another particle called a
neutrino. Sticked together they form an atom that can release energy, and we have nuclear
For reasons we still don’t understand, these four particles are a FAMILY of particles,” made of
THREE families of their own. They come in three. That part is still a mystery. If you’d like to
know more, read Sean Caroll’s book(s), a phenomenal theoretical physicist.
Through his analogy of a lantern, everyone can understand charge.
“If a lantern is being taken away from you, the brightness goes down by the distance
squared as the lantern gets further and further away from you (inverse square law).
What we are after is a strong nuclear force lantern or a weak nuclear force lantern to be
very bright if we’re very close to it, and get dim very very quickly as it is moved away, not
gradually, like gravity or electromagnetism.”
On nuclear force differences, remember this.
Strong=confined glue you can’t see (strong nuclear force is carried by gluons, known as
massless confinement)
Weak=attenuated fog (weak nuclear force is carried by W, Z bosons, known as the Higgs
The secret about the Higgs boson in quantum physics reveals to us that weak interactions,
even in an empty space, are non-zero.
Does that help you find your charge?
Thank you Peter Higgs.
And thank you to all the sociable geniuses after Einstein, including Philip Anderson, Francois
Englert, Robert Brout, Peter Higgs himself, Tom Kibble, Gerald Guralnik, Richard Hagen,
Sheldon Glahow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg, and Gerard’t Hooft.
We’ve exerted a lot of energy understanding the charged nuances.
In any case, know that our energy is always busy being or doing something… Fantastic.
The Lay of the Land
If we are the players and there are clearly layers…
The common denominator lies in where you p-lay-ce your ‘lay,’ where you place yourself down,
up, or however you’re struck.
Let’s lay close together for a few moments, travel through time and dimensions. Yum.
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Lay Lay Ley
What is the word etymology of ‘lay’?
From Middle English leyen, leggen, from Old English leċġan (“to lay”), from Proto-West
Germanic *laggjan, from Proto-Germanic *lagjaną (“to lay”), causative form of Proto-Germanic
*ligjaną (“to lie, recline”), from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ- (“to lie, recline”).
What is lay in medieval French literature?
“Lay, also spelled lai, in medieval French literature, a short romance, usually written in
octosyllabic verse, that dealt with subjects thought to be of Celtic origin.“ The earliest lay
narratives were written in the 12th
century by Marie De France; her works were largely based on
earlier Breton versions thought to have been derived from Celtic legend. The Breton lay, a
-century English poetic form based on these lays, is exemplified by “The Franklin’s Tale” in
Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
The term lay may refer to a medieval lyric poem. The earliest extant examples are those
composed by Gautier de Dargies in the 13th
century. These lays had non-uniform stanzas of
about 6 to 16 or more lines of 4 to 8 syllables. One or two rhymes were maintained throughout
each stanza.
A lay may be a song, a melody, a simple narrative poem, or a ballad, such as those written in
the early 19th
century by Sir Walter Scott and Thomas Macaulay.”
What is lay in British slang?
In vulgar slang, to have sexual intercourse with.
What is a lay-by in American English?
A place at the side of a road where a vehicle can stop for a short time without interrupting other
traffic. In a sentence, ‘we pulled into a lay-by to look at the map;’ a similar concept to rest stop
for US road surfaces & features.’
What is lay in science?
Laypeople, like scientists, develop and use theories to help them understand and respond to
their social world. Lay theories, then, are the theories people use in their everyday lives.
What is lay in spirituality?
Many things, though primarily “it can mean having a right theology about the world in general, a
right understanding of freedom and respect for the autonomy of temporal affairs, etc.”
What is lay in theology?
A lay theologian is a theologian ‘who is not ordained, or a theologian who has not been trained
as a theologian’. Lay theologians often have academic qualifications in other academic
What is lay in psychoanalysis?
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A lay analysis is a psychoanalysis performed by someone who is not a physician; that person
was designated a lay analyst. Sigmund Freud defended the right of those trained in
psychoanalysis to practice therapy irrespective of any medical degree (in The Question of Lay
Analysis, 1927).
What is lay in church?
The laity are the people of the church, those who have been baptized. It generally refers to
those who have not been ordained. The term “laity” is derived from the Greek word for “people.”
Lay ministry is exercised in the “gathered” church through the organizations of the church (e.g.,
vestry, Christian education, parish programs, etc.)
Why is it called lay person?
Lay is an adjective that means "of or relating to the people of a religious faith (but not of its
clergy)." The origins of lay and layman go back to Greek laikos, meaning "of the people."
Layman was originally used to distinguish between non-clerical people and the clergy before
being used to distinguish non-professionals from professionals in a field (such as law or
What does layman’s terms mean?
To put something in layman's terms is to describe a complex or technical statement using words
and terms that someone not specialized in a specific field can understand.
What is lay person in Buddhism?
The term "laypeople" refers to people who live in a family in Buddhism. When Buddhism arrived
in China, "laypeople" became the terminology that referred to the people who practiced
Buddhism at home. In many Asian Buddhist cultures the sangha is divided between monks and
nuns, who can be seen as the 'real' full-time Buddhists, and lay people, who can be regarded as
part-timer supporters. In some countries the role of the laity is simply to serve the monastics.
What does lay mean in Navy?
To set up a mission (US DoD).
What does lay mean in law?
To make a strong statement about what someone is or is not allowed to do. The agreement lays
down the law (to everyone) on what the group allows.
What is a layline in sailboat racing?
In sailboat racing, a layline is an imaginary line extending from the objective (typically a racing
mark) to indicate the point at which a boat should tack or jibe in order to just clear the mark on
the correct side (weather side if upwind tacking, leeward side if downwind jibing).
What is a ley line in the Neolithic period?
The Neolithic period, or New Stone Age, is characterized by the beginning of a settled human
lifestyle. Ley lines are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and
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prominent landmarks. Leys may be defined as lines of energy running over-ground in straight
lines, often reflected in the paths of ancient trackways.
What is a ley line in astrology?
Ley lines in astrology represent planetary paths at the time of your birth, and each line on the
map corresponds to a different planet, meaning, and purpose. The lines run through specific
geographical points, so you can use the meaning/purpose of each line to understand your
connection to that place on the map.
Lay, Lie, Lied, Laid: When Do We Use Which Tense?
Present: Lay: Unfold the blanket and lay it on the floor.
Present participle: Lay: I was laying the blanket on the floor.
Past: Lay: She laid the blanket on the floor when I asked.
Past Participle: Lay: She had laid the blanket down before she left.
In any case, she looks good laying on the floor.
What is the opposite of lay?
To pick up. To exonerate. To produce. To oviposit. To ordain. To qualify. To stand. To rise. To
Okay, now what?
All this to say, lay is one of those words that means everything and nothing at the same.
Its opposite is full of energy and synonymous to its homophone, ley.
No Lay in Vain
To lay is all over the p-lay-ce.
What is the invisible thread unifying all forms of lay, including its opposite?
To lay is a form of activity, characterized by the amount of energy you lay in it.
To lay, whether lying, sitting, or standing, requires a different energy expenditure for each
desired outcome.
To lay, whether a people, a belief or a law, requires a different energy expenditure for each
desired outcome.
To lay, whether a line, a lie, or a gasm, requires a different energy expenditure for each desired
To ley sounds the same as lay and it requires a different energy expenditure for each desired
Lay Lay Ley!
TLDR; To ensure various levels of play requires a different energy expenditure for each desired
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It’s all about energy, where you choose to p-lay-ce it or to what end you choose to be it.
In a similar (and shorter) play on words, what a game is can be understood by simply
rearranging the letters; an anagram of game is mage, which is magi, or to magistrate, to be a
Incredibly, if you want to control the rules of the game, then you must become the mage!
If I mage, forming the word ‘image,’ then I mage-ically utilize my imagination to create magic, to
be the mage of the game.
From words, to image, to imagination.
The last charge of the land brings us back to the start.
That’s when we know we did something right.
Are you tracking?
We’ve established that rules enable any player to safely and fairly go through any series of
obstacles, challenges, adventures and milestones, and while they are all worthy of the
magician title, they must travel through time and space, through the rules of the day and
night, through the hills and valleys of the land, allowing them to earn the title of magician.
As alluded above, this includes any player’s ability to also find loopholes within the rules, hidden
pathways or secret roads, either revealed by design or by flaw within the design; players who
reveal new pathways should be rewarded!
This is true today for most high-yielding and well-established games in the gaming industry,
though in our three-dimensional life as we know it as well as the metaverse factory as we build
it, lest we forget that while we all must go through certain trials and tribulations, our
lessons, forms of play and rules all look different.
Building experiences with the above pillars in mind ensures the rightful flexibility and
modularity we all deserve. It is a flying feat of gods and goddesses to build a plane while
it’s flying, so let’s ensure we understand the winds and are prepared for its turbulence; I’d hate
to see our energy stalling.
Ruled by Change
Change. To grow, to learn, to weigh, to lighten. This is mass.
Allow me to trigger you. Allow me to stimulate you.
Everything is always changing. The you you were a second ago is already different from the you
are you in this second, and will be different from the you in the upcoming second.
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Similarly, every second an infinite variation of verses takes place, whether uni-, meta- or any
per-verse simulation you dare imagine.
A lot of work goes into change; rest assured, it gets easier with time, and truly, you get better.
At minuscule scale, what triggers change?
Stimulus. Small stimulus, of magnitude too small to be observed, negligible.
At majuscule scale, what triggers change?
STIMULUS. Cosmic stimulus, of magnitude very large to observe, non-negligeable.
However, stimulus and scale are not linearly correlated; “when the intensity of the stimulus is
increased, the size of the action potential does not become larger. Rather, the frequency or the
number of action potentials increases.” 12
This means, stimulus and frequency can build a relationship. Great.
What sets the stimulus pace? Time and Space.
What sets the stimulus style? You and your actions.
How does their pace enable change to happen? I’ll tell you.
Over Time.
Across Space.
In Style.
Pace Over Time
Does your change rely on time? NO.
Change matters over a short time, yes.
Change matters over a long time, yes.
Change matters irrelevant of time– at any time, you’re still changing.
Otherwise, you are in resistance of change, possibly in fear of change.
That’s why we say time is an illusion.
To change truly, we allow ourselves to understand that time is happening all at once.
To change truly, we allow ourselves to understand that we are ruled by an infinite amount of
stimulations and simulations, ever changing and never changing.
Your perception of change over time is also relative.
Should you design experiences with the right pace for players over time, you’d need to
understand how you are ruled by time first.
Quick maths.
“The relationship between stimulus and perception is logarithmic.
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This logarithmic relationship means that if a stimulus varies as a geometric progression (i.e.,
multiplied by a fixed factor), the corresponding perception is altered in an arithmetic progression
(i.e., in additive constant amounts).
For example, if a stimulus is tripled in strength (i.e., 3 × 1), the corresponding perception may be
two times as strong as its original value (i.e., 1 + 1).
If the stimulus is tripled twice in strength, i.e. x6, (i.e., 3 × 3 × 1), the corresponding perception
will be three times as strong as its original value (i.e., 1 + 1 + 1).”
Hence, the strength of perception only adds as it multiples.13
The Weber-Fechner law, named after the two German minds who have developed two related
hypotheses in the field of psychophysics, denotes that the change in a stimulus that will be just
noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus.
Why do we perceive logarithmically?
“Counting logarithmically could give an evolutionary advantage – and could optimize error-free
estimation of how many lions you are facing.”14
This form of time dilation is also real, thanks to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity
can bend spacetime, and therefore time itself.
The closer the clock is to the source of gravitation, the slower time passes; the farther away the
clock is from gravity, the faster time will pass. Precisely, the Twin Paradox15
outlines this
scenario: “an astronaut with an identical twin at mission control makes a journey into space on a
high-speed rocket and returns home to find that the twin has aged faster.”16
I know– this is a lot to cover over a short period of time. It’s still not the full story.
What’s missing?
Time being felt passing faster with growing age is a well known phenomenon, with many studies
cross-empirical shedding light on it. Many are based on the study of social science and
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psychology, others on the capacity of memory in relation to aging and its related
symptoms, and others on the event intensities of any individual’s life.
Particularly interesting in nature is the latter, where the relative decrease of interesting new
events as one grows older is seen as an important factor contributing to the feeling that time is
thinned out. And yes, there have been mathematical models made on the rate of decrease
associated with the feeling of time, with quantitative conclusions and without restrictive
assumptions. Rest assured, no claim is made so far to confirm that the feeling of time
being thinned out is omnipresent for every individual. This 2010 gerontology viewpoint on
the perception of time perceived by individuals explains why.
“It is shown that under this model the feeling of time is thinned out at least
logarithmically. Numerical constants will depend on specific hypotheses which we
discuss but the lower-bound logarithmic character of the thinning-out phenomenon does
not depend much on these. The presented model can be generalized in several ways. In
particular we prove that there are, a priori, no logical incompatibilities in a model
leading to the very same distribution of time perception for individuals with
completely different pace and style of life. Our model is built to explain long-time
Why is this important?
Because as we develop parallels between our immersed physical and digital selves within
worlds, we are slowly shown what it truly means to be present at multiple places at the same
time, irrelevant of time. This is ubiquity.
However, since time perceived is relative and hence experienced differently by everyone, it
makes it continuous, ongoing, but not constant (and certainly not linear). Meaning, so long as
the perception of anything exists, our measurement of it and design around it is also entirely
Are you lost? It’s okay, most days I can’t tell time either.
Just understand, stop making a bigger deal of things every time they change.
Just understand, stop modeling a bigger deal of things around their perception, by
definition it varies drastically based on time, and the time spent experiencing at any given age.
Pace Across Space
Does your change rely on space? NO.
Change happens in the smallest of spaces, yes.
Change happens in very large spaces, yes.
Change happens differently in both the same space or a different space.
Change happens irrelevant of space– through any space, you’re still changing.
Otherwise, you are in resistance of change, possibly in fear of change.
Whatever environment you are placed in will change the results you get. It's simple.
Similarly, whatever environment you transport your self to will change your self’s results.
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Einstein also said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
results.” He never said we needed to do them at the same place every time? And, are the
events not different by default of them happening at a different time? One second ago it was
more humid than this second right now, the conditions of the environment are always
Established earlier, we are ruled by charge, and the rules of charge are determined by the
properties of our 3-dimensional matter.
We live a tangible existence, ruled by the rules of our matter.
Your reality defines an experience that is entirely catered for you and just for you.
While we may be designing for scaled user journeys, no journey is ever the same.
You might say, yes obviously Luciana.
Our job building player journeys is simply to try to get close enough to.
Look out the window and in this vast world, imagine you had the power to summon a clone
version of you, to exist in exactly the same space as you and at exactly the same time, with
and within you. Another you, with identical data and thoughts, living the same experience…
Well, the clone exists as a tangible being within a tangible world; meaning, the clone isn’t
blessed with the superpower to intangibly exist and pass through your physical matter. Hence,
you and your clone, perhaps as close to each other as you can get, still cannot occupy the exact
same molecular space.
Imagine we live an intangible existence, not ruled by the rules of our matter.
Your clone self is indeed finally right on top and passing through you, occupying the exact same
space. It is living [with] and within you at the exact same time.
Well, we’re back to square one. Simply speaking, your clone is not the original you; it’s still
someone else. You are different because you are the original data, you are the source data
and your clone is the beta. This time, time is on our side thanks to how we perceive it.
This means, for each clone and for each perceiver of their own clone, the simple fact of their
existence automatically places them on a unique perceived timeline of their own, one where the
rate at which times passes depends on the frame of reference– thank you, Einstein.
Might I also remind us of our souls?
Souls also travel across space, and take up space.
Everyone defines a soul differently.
Surely you’ve heard before– “She was a humble human being with a beautiful soul.” “An
amazing woman, a life more than well lived, a beautiful soul.” "She was a beautiful soul, a fan
intern, and an aspiring sportscaster.”
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While you may not see them, inevitably one of them is assigned to you at birth, making up your
psyche, floating with your identity. Other souls float around you, may they be of service to you or
unrelated to you.
As early as I could formulate sentences, I remember a prominent question that DID keep me up
at night as a kid… “why is my soul in this body?” I cant be the only one who’s wondered.
Let’s not forget what we imagined earlier– the clone’s soul contract is also duplicated, and
that… that mapping is certainly not linear (a book of its own).
In this instance, the purpose of your clone is to imitate you.
In all instances, the purpose of you is to live you.
Luckily, your life comes with a ‘Free Will’ stamp on it. Your clone’s doesn’t. Your clone’s will
depends on YOU.
Hey, at least you have a friend to forever mirror you, however pleasant or annoying the thought
of that may be.
What do you make of a spirit?
Spirits also travel across space, and take up space.
Everyone defines spirit(s) differently.
While you may not see them, inevitably you’ve heard before– “The rest freshened my spirit.”
“They cooperate in a peaceable spirit.” “Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.” “I have a
youthful spirit.” “I will be with you in spirit.”
A spirit is best defined by how it differs from the soul.
While a soul is tied to your identity within its existence with your mind and body, a spirit (or
many) is more elusive, an essence. The difference between a soul and a spirit is best explained
with an ironic analogy; think of the soul as an independent quality, like a personal computer.
Think of a spirit as what holds things together, the internet. The two are obviously connected, as
you have to connect your personal computer (soul) to the field of the internet (spirit) should
you choose to stay connected to others in varying dimensions… Simple.
Are souls and spirits bound by time? No.
They don’t die, they don’t live. They are. Not limited by any material properties. They are not
bound by their time in this 3-dimensional existence as we know it.
This is how we understand that time is a product of our existence.
This is how we understand that space is a product of us existing in it at a certain time.
We have imagined the unimaginable so far. When happens when…
You imagine it for a bit too long, and you start to feel it, really?
You imagine it for a bit too long, and it starts to spiral into your reality, positively or negatively?
You imagine a reality you do not wish to be present for?
Simply you say, ‘good luck to them!’ and you move on.
Just understand, your pace varies over time.
Your pace also varies across space.
Your pace varies beyond time and space.
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The space your soul takes is beautiful.
So move slowly.
In Style
Funnily, we just proved that we are not ruled by time or space.
Time is on your side. It has been, it always will be. Grow old with me.
Time is borrowed. It has been, it always will be. Be grateful for it.
Space is without you. It has been, it always will be. Get over yourself.
Space is vast. It has been, it always will be. Make room for it.
What is change reliant on? I’ll tell you.
Change relies on the action you take within the experience you play, in the way you
choose to move and groove.
If you decide to go in any direction, then you have applied force to an engine with a certain
intention to get to your destination.
If you decide to go in any direction, then you have accumulated a force with a certain charge to
get it to light.
If you decide to go in any direction, then you have accumulated a force with a certain charge to
get it to sound.
Know that you will travel– with regards, signed your engine’s light and sound.
Regardless of the players with or without you.
Regardless of the instruments with or without you.
Regardless of the rules drawn for or from you.
Regardless of the beauty bestowed upon you.
Where the arrow points is where to find meaty change.
How the arrow shapes its point-through-tail is where to find meaty change.
Finally! Real change. Change you can actually have control over, not the illusion of.
After all, an arrow is simply an instrument for, in this case to aim.
By default of your light, simply an instrument to flame.
By default of your sound, simply an instrument to fame.
Fame not in numbers, fame in reputation.
Do this over time, across space:
Tune your sound if you want to be heard.
Oil your light if you want to be seen.
Use your instruments if you want to progress.
This means– you have agency over your print by the style of transport chosen and the
infinite number of places you could travel to, within and through worlds. Whether you teleport,
glide or snail, we might not all like to travel through hail.
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If you find yourself nauseous in the back seat, then put in a request for a new instrument, a
new oil, a new tuner; tools more pleasant for your engine’s light and sound.
The ability to put in a request by design is non-negotiable in your time playing any game.
Let’s incorporate this feature, and encourage players to voice their sound and shine their light by
making it easy, simple and fun. So far ruled by cherish and charge, these two always
change, and so will this request to accommodate.
In the same essence, it’s how you grow, learn, lighten and weigh.
The grass is always greener on the other side until we travel and say hey, I liked mine better
anyway. And maybe this way, you’ll learn a hey or two about your ways.
The last aspect of change to cover is that you can also change the rules of change.
Change can change itself. Artificial Intelligence is a testament of that.
When it comes to playing together and playing alone, how does our changing of the rules
over time and space affect our behavior, specifically our engagement within games?
An excerpt from the book Learning from the Octopus, How Secrets from Nature can help us
fight terrorist attacks, Natural diseases, and disease by Rafe Sagarin goes as follows:
“Human scientists can use their own complex minds to come up with all sorts of theories
about human cooperation. They have even designed experimental tests of cooperation
in the realm of game theory, where human research subjects are given a hypothetical
situation in which they must make a decision that will have costs and benefits for
themselves and for other people playing the game. They might have to decide whether
to turn in a fellow “criminal” or remain silent and receive a bigger punishment, or they
might be asked how much of a pool of prize money to give to the other subject under the
condition that if the other subject doesn’t agree to the division, both parties will get
These simplistic sounding games, which are designed to study incredibly complex
human behaviors, are simple for a reason. They attempt to peel back layers of societal
veneer and idiosyncratic individual experiences by putting people in a very sparse world
without economic inequalities, political parties, and religions, to get at the unadulterated
roots of human cooperative behavior. Despite their simplicity, they often reveal
fascinating and sometimes unexpected behaviors. Nonetheless, taken together over
decades of game research, they reveal something we already know well: humans are
complicated. There is no one answer about cooperation that comes out of game theory,
but rather a wide range of human behavior gets revealed as the rules of the game
are changed by different researchers. People may be less inclined to cooperate in
one-time games but become highly cooperative when there is the possibility for the other
side to retaliate for a punitive decision. People playing in teams make different
decisions than people playing alone. People playing face-to-face games cooperate
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more than those playing over the computer, and people who are just shown the
image of a relative or merely a picture of a human eye cooperate more than those
who are given no hints that they are playing against a fellow human being.
[...] In the end, the question is less relevant than the fact that cooperation
unequivocally exists in nature, that it is not only compatible with competition but
perhaps dependent on competition, and that cooperation takes a lot of different
and sometimes surprising forms.”19
What have we learned today?
To bring on the right change, we must ask the right questions.
Should we ask the wrong questions, we change all the wrong things.
How do we ask the right questions? We allow our pace of change over time and across space to
determine what feels right or wrong for us by anchoring ourselves in the universality of our
present existence, our grounds, instruments and our interactions with other players within the
playground. Now that’s a sentence.
Ruled by Completion
Completion. To finish, to end, to cycle, to birth. This is transfer.
With focused force I gliiiide.
In physics, the measure of energy transfer occurs when an object is moved over a distance
by an external force, at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement.
We love, we spark, we change and to what end?
Say you are inside the dome of a white cave– it’s quiet, it’s lit.
Say you are surrounded with doors of all different colors.
Oh what fun to open every single door, inhale its air, recharge in color.
Oh what fun to run around the rainbow of light and sound, in rays.
Oh what fun.
Oh with each door, a new light, a new sound.
Oh many doors, overfloweth with light and sound.
Oh it’s getting loud in sound.
Oh it’s getting blind in light.
Oh it’s getting ahead of me.
Oh it’s getting too much for me.
I’d have more fun closing some doors down.
I’d have more fun dancing them, little at a time.
I’d find better fun not opening too many doors at once.
I’d find better fun not opening too much of anything, really.
Besides, I can’t be the only one to forget things everytime I walk through a door…
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No Doubt in Dope
There is something to note about the act of opening and closing doors, cycles and tasks.
You guessed it, it’s related to dopamine.
Where did dopamine start? And how did it evolve?
At early stages of life, your child's brain makes dopamine naturally. The hypothalamus (a
part in the center of your brain) and the adrenal glands (small glands in the top of the kidneys)
help create and release the chemical.
If your child has what we ‘label’ today as ADHD (ask me later why I think it’s a gift not a
disease), they may be low in dopamine but high in something called dopamine transporters.
During adolescence stages, when all that was setup in childhood is being developed and
matured, “dopamine levels are at a functional high, leading to elevated patterns of exploration,
novelty-seeking, incentive salience, and locomotor activity, all of which serve to bring the
individual into contact with biologically salient incentives.”19
At adolescence, “dopamine levels increase both in the limbic system and in its input to the
prefrontal cortex. This increase may have implications for adolescent risk-taking and
vulnerability to boredom. Serotonin is involved in the regulation of mood and behavior.”20
At later stages of life, the “most prominent signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease occur
when nerve cells in the basal ganglia, an area of the brain that controls movement, become
impaired and/or die. Normally, these nerve cells, or neurons, produce an important brain
chemical known as dopamine. When the neurons die or become impaired, they produce less
dopamine, which causes the movement problems associated with the disease. Scientists still do
not know what causes the neurons to die.”21
To help enhance dopamine levels naturally, parents can make sure children get adequate sleep
and avoid processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, as well as ensuring daily physical exercise.
‘The key to this, however, is to make sure children find activities that are enjoyable to
Let me start by covering my cheeks; years of research and medical practice have been
allocated to the diseases mentioned above, by no means is my perspective a full solution. It
is simply here to broaden perspective.
Physician and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté elaborates more on what a trauma-informed
medical system looks like; a system that not only treats physical symptoms, but also
inquires about the emotional, mental and spiritual traumas that may have contributed to the
development of disease.
“The correlation between the addiction or ADHD or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for that
matter, and trauma and stress could not have been more definitely established than it
already has been in scientific research.
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  • 1. Luciana Jaalouk 1 Untitled: I. II. III. (To be completed) (To be named upon completion) LUCIANA JAALOUK 2023 ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 2. Luciana Jaalouk 2 Declaration of Intent I write this, in pursuit of collapsing parallel realities for unified understanding. May you be in every reality. May you be in a new reality. May you be in a healthy reality. May you rest in your heavy. May you rest in your uneasy. May you rest with vulnerability. May you rest with sleeping beauty. May it warm you through dimensions. May it influence your inner dimension. May it vibrate as high as the highest dimension. Should you use it with well-intent, shall you flourish. Should you use it with ill-intent, shall your reflection be shown in the deepest well. Should you wish upon the end of a well– well, all is swell, it forgives you. — Our collective societies are living an unprecedented climate, and should you say it’s never been better than today, I beg you to tell me the name of the rock you live under. We have no business designing experiences, one- or multi-dimensional, metaverse or analog, if we are not in the business of understanding ourselves and our existence. If you filter your own water, you know. If you ionize (not sparkle) your own water, you know even better. — I use the power of words as a vehicle to arrive at a mutual understanding of our inner worlds, thoughts, beliefs, actions, reactions and events. Simple or complex, words are the thread that thicken our ability to draw an image, to sense our imaged reality, or anything really, you dare to image-ine. My mother used to say, “Luciana, your words have a way to pierce through someone’s heart with a stab of goodness.” I was six. She was in pain. She also told me I’d be a stellar lawyer. Today, I am an artist at heart, an engineer by trade, and the third thing always changes; as I forever add to my book of knowledge for tomorrow. So no, I did not use #chatGPT to write this or any #ArtificialIntelligence tool, I’d rather the essence of my natural intelligence shine through, signed #LUCIANA. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 3. Luciana Jaalouk 3 I have nothing against #ArtificialIntelligence or #AIArt. I’m simply the voice in the room to remind you that it is just another great tool, here to serve you, not the other way around. I am here to remind you that AI models are built using words first and of our understanding of the connotations and meanings in-between these words, however complex or simple across languages. I do touch upon the philosophy of AI for positively revolutionizing ways later in my writing (not published yet). More than just words, the words we use every day are quite literally, spells. I’m not alluding to spells as obscure witchcraft; In Middle English, spell meant "to mean" or "to signify," presumed to be developed from Anglo-French ‘espelier,’ itself from Middle High German ‘spellen,’ meaning "to relate" or "to talk." To spell, in modern English, then came to mean "to read slowly (letter by letter)." Words are all over the place, we might both say the same and see another same in our inner space. With my writing I attempt to teleport you (at times abruptly) through words and worlds of all disciplines, times and spaces. Imagine being in my brain. I thought long and hard about the title of Part I of my paper The Playground: A School for Humans, Aliens and Bots, specifically whether to replace Humans with Animals… I’ve left it to Humans simply for Search Engine Optimization purposes and the desire for it not to get lost in the wrong categories. I might still change my mind. Having said that, choose your words wisely. — Now, let’s play. Do you live in communities with grounds to play? And what if you were to awaken to a life of games; would you know how to navigate? In this paper, I show you how to make sense of the nonsense. This way, you can start creating nonsense of your own. And should you feel tingly or teary within your own senses, Bravo! ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Luciana Jaalouk 4 I. The Playground: A School for Humans, Aliens and Bots —5 Why is the sky blue? Better yet, why is the sky not glue? Because it’s a reflection of the water and if it comes to, I’d rather sit still than swim in glue. The Setup Nonsense II. The Valse: Three V’s Dancing a Versatile Veil —49 The universe around you dances to the rhythm of the universe within you. So just keep dancing. And if you dislike what is around you, switch your step, change your breath, dance again. The Experience Nonsense III. The Castle: No Grass, No Class —91 The Queen of the Castle accumulates hearts, stringed together they sing a harp. Some get tangled with time– if she can’t lay them on the grass and look up, she’d miss her reflection as the Queen of Stars. Making Sense of the Nonsense ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Luciana Jaalouk 5 I. The Playground: A School for Humans, Aliens and Bots Why is the sky blue? Better yet, why is the sky not glue? Because it’s a reflection of the water and if it comes to, I’d rather sit still than swim in glue. I. The Playground: A School for Humans, Aliens and Bots Existence by Presence by Default Participation by Default Safety by Default Grounds to Instruments for Players with Noise Nosy Noise Learning through Partnering with In Peace With Holes The Poem The Rules Ruled by Cherish Courtship Feedback Trust in Light Ruled by Charge The Lay of the Land Lay Lay Ley No Lay in Vain O’Lay! Ruled by Change Stimulus Pace Over Time Pace Across Space In Style Stimulated Ruled by Completion No Doubt in Dope No Doubt in Faith ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 6. Luciana Jaalouk 6 The Playground “GALILEO: I believe in the human race. The only people that can’t be reasoned with are the dead. Human beings are intelligent. SAGREDO: Intelligent– or merely shrewd? GALILEO: I know they call a donkey a horse when they want to sell it, and a horse a donkey when they want to buy it. But is that the whole story? Aren’t they susceptible to truth as well? (He fishes a small pebble out of his pocket.) If anybody were to drop a stone– (drops the pebble) –and tell them that it didn’t fall, do you think they would keep quiet? The evidence of your own eyes is a very seductive thing. Sooner or later everybody must succumb to it. SAGREDO: Galileo, I am helpless when you talk.”1 The fact that we play games shows something remarkable about our ways. In playing a game, be it pen-and-paper Hangman or Minecraft, lies the “voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles,”2 said Bernard Suits in The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia. Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein famously asserted that games are indefinable; there are no common threads that link them all– pure "Nonsense." “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” ~Dr. Seuss. First to admit that nonsense is a defining aspect of our everyday lives. Should we choose to eliminate the non- and keep the sense, we might find some security, routine and structure. Should the sense of structure get too rigid on the senses, over time we’ll find ourselves stuck in it. The ability to navigate through nonsense is the ultimate demonstration of control and power over one’s senses (most certainly not over others’, that is an illusion mirrored by the extent to which one is capable of surrendering to the need for control and power). In order to align with life’s beauty, we must learn to co-create nonsense with it. In order to co-create beautiful nonsense, we must learn to understand it. In order to understand life’s nonsense, we must learn to understand ourselves. Why so serious, though? The challenges presented to us are best understood when approached as adventures. To be grim, to be stressed, to be worried is a state of being instilled upon our societies, by design. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 7. Luciana Jaalouk 7 Everything in life is an adventure, and should you choose to sail your own boat, you’ll find better navigation over water molecules shaped by lightheartedness, detachment, openness, conscientiousness, and most importantly, FUN! So when the waters do get heavy, you’ll know which rock, tree or leaf to lean on, not hit on. Surely you’ve heard the saying ‘a drunk adult speaks their child’s heart,’ so as we get caught up in the winds of designing factories of multi-sensory experiences, have we forgotten we were all children first? This way, if the child in you can safely play, the adult in you can safely get high on the play too. The promise of nonsense lies in the premise of the playground. Existence by Now that you’re all grown up– how’s that working out for you? Some adults might even say it’s never been better than today; I say well okay, I see plenty of rooms left to decay, somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten to play. Between digital and physical, molecular and celestial, synthetic and natural– we live in a corrugated glass of multiplying dimensions. Multi-dimensions as we refer to them are certainly multiple, lest we forget we can multiply their multiplicity by simply, playing. To design a “metaverse,” a cluster of immersive experiences that taps into everything that is conscious, unconscious and subconscious within our psyche, we must first learn to remove our adult shoes and examine if we can travel the same journey in flip flops, safely, or better yet barefoot. To play, you must first learn to raise your hand and scream ‘Present!’ To play, you must second learn to use your fingers and wave ‘Participate!’ To play, you must third learn to close your hands together and pray ‘Safe!’ Presence by Default To be present anywhere with no self or otherly-imposed action is synonymous to existing; the first non-negotiable aspect of playing within any playground. Why do we all exist by default? Because the Milky Way breast fed us this way, and both at the sub-atomic and astronomic level, chose to assign us certain characteristics, i.e. a charge, a mass, a spin, etc. And yes, doing nothing is still doing something. If you are feeling guilty about your non-productivity, release yourself, it’s getting in the way of your existence. When you allow any self to meditate onto its particled existence, both in little nothingness and grand everythingness, they are allowed to exist. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Luciana Jaalouk 8 Sticks and stones may break my bones but I’d rather be shone a lone. As this marks the stepping stone of any experience designed into existence, the first question to pose is: i. What is the path of least resistance to any player’s existence within or without a space? Meaning, we must allocate our best vigilance answering the following: ii. In what ways can players play by doing nothing? iii. In what ways can players play alone? iv. In what ways can players play with everyone? v. In what ways can players play into everything? vi. Why are we asking players to play? Existence comes from the Latin origin ex-sistere, ‘ex’ meaning out and ‘sistere’ meaning to ‘take a stand.’ You guessed it. A presence by default displays the right to take a stand for something, specifically something ‘out’-side of the present being. Your existence out-side of your micro/macro self takes a standing ovation to your presence. Your presence out-side of your micro/macro self takes a standing ovation to your attention. Your attention out-side of your micro/macro self takes a standing ovation to your intention. Put it in reverse– you get the definition of an immersive presence applicable to any dimension at any time. Should you be standing, sitting or laying, alone or together, close or afar… you’re still here! And you’re bowing. I praise you, for in this space, you are be-ing. In this reality, we live a tangible existence, ruled by the rules of our matter. I take more time to cover this in a later section of The Rules. You are present in this reality when and only when your existence is defined by the allocation of your focused attention and intention to any given time, in any given space. Otherwise, you are daydreaming. As educators on the matter in the fast growing metaverse industry, we’ve pitched the notion of ‘presence’ as an entrypoint in all of metaverse conversations so far. It’s imperative to take a moment to remember that I can be present with you in the room, and present elsewhere at the same time. If you don’t have my undivided attention and I don’t understand your full intention, then you have lost me and we may need an intervention. Now I’m bored, itching to do something– anything. Participation by Default Any one’s ability to be present by default is synonymous to any one’s right to participate by default; the second non-negotiable aspect of playing within any playground. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 9. Luciana Jaalouk 9 Why do we all participate by default? Because we all die once we’re done participating. Thankfully we’re allowed breaks, it’s called sleep. In the Playground, you are either an active or a passive participant. You are always a participant though; you either participate with voluntary actions and reactions, or you participate as an observer to the actions and reactions, passively or involuntarily. You might wonder, can play be neutral? Yes. I won’t spend too much time covering neutral besides here– its elusive nature is the easiest to design once all the other polarities of the game are understood. A neutral player has no situational advantages over others; impartial and unbiased. A neutral participant might often be ‘idle,’ in a state in-between, there and not there. Their purpose is neither to win or to lose; more often than not, they are undefeatable by design and may be part of the game’s landscape. Often, the concept of neutral is mapped between notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ though it’s not the only spectrum of possibility. Neutral is often associated with ‘lawful,’ meaning the player is aligned to a perspective related to how they think society, specifically society in-game, should work. When in society, a lawful neutral character behaves in a way that matches the organization, authority or traditions they follow. They live by this code and uphold it above all else, taking actions that are sometimes considered Good and sometimes considered Evil by others. They have traits, they have moral codes (vs. societal law), they embody the actions of the game best aligned to its modeled ‘design of a perfect world.’ Given neutral characters often are relentless in playing the ‘right way’ by design, they can either be rejected for their ruthlessness or adorned for their objectivity. This means, the inclusion of neutral play is not always of neutral outcome. It can either be good to have or bad to have, depending on the situational outcome. So, you either participate actively, passively or neutrally. You’re never not participating. To participate means to take, to give, to share a part in, or to impart with (usually imparted is information and quality(ies)). While it’s possible to imagine participating alone in a dark hole, the real fun begins when other aspects of the Playground setup are involved. So, the questions to pose ourselves at the setup stage are: i. What ground(s) can any player participate within or onto? ii. What instrument(s) can any player participate with or into? iii. What player(s) can any player participate with or without? iv. What rule(s) can any player participate within or around? v. What Beauty can any player take, give, share a part in, or impart with? ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 10. Luciana Jaalouk 10 Safety by Default Any one’s ability to participate by default is synonymous to any one’s right to feel safe by default; the third non-negotiable aspect of playing within any playground. If I don’t feel safe in my playground, you won’t find me in it. If I don’t feel safe in my playground, you may find me in someone else’s. If I don’t feel safe in any playground, you might find my wavery attention and undefined intention, but you won’t find my trust anywhere. The permission to feel safe is an automatic, non-negotiable requirement upon entering any place, space or safe, allowing for players to comfortably take, give, share and impart any data relating to themselves and other selves, with regard to interactions across all aspects of the playground. How and when does one acquire safety? Safety is acquired both ways: from within (internal) and from without (external). Safety acquired applies all the time: before, during and after experience. So, within, without, before, during and after; questions to additionally pose at setup are: i. What practice(s) of safety can any player be ensured with? ii. What practice(s) of safety can any player take part in ensuring? While the decision factors of safety reveal themselves at the last stage of The Setup, it is the most crucial in its buildup. Safety is a thread that thickens or thins throughout the experience, to be gently weaved and tightened with time and across all grounds traveled. Do you feel safe? Let’s subtly include this question in our modeling and feedback of any experience. It is not meant to be all up in your face (otherwise one might become over-alert), but know that safety acquired is an assumed right, and safety lost is a shaking violation. Should you ever feel unsafe anywhere, I apologize for that event. I ensure it won’t happen again. Should a player ever feel unsafe anywhere, with both the ability and platform to voice it, you ensure a formal apology is sent (whether you are an organization or an individual). You also ensure to communicate ways in which it won’t happen again, you’re also learning. Often I’ve been asked– Luciana, is there something you cannot exist as? Certainly yes. It’s anything I cannot find safety in participating or being present for. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 11. Luciana Jaalouk 11 Grounds to In the playground, I define any ground as a designated area or group of areas held together by differentiating characteristics. It is the stage that makes up the environment where players choose to play or be played. The ‘playsage’ if you will; a ‘paysage’ filled with players with a capital ‘L’. Hah! Consider the ground as both the land and the context in which your experiences take place. That is because, any ground you enter, as you ‘choose’ to play, you also agree to be played. In any case this translates to a presence attached to a story by default– your existence within any ground has something to say to you, and you may say something too. Oh what a story. The narrative in question is either well or poorly told based on the paysage design (french for landscape) which defines the moves you make and the elements you react to. Whether mild or wild, it subtly suggests how players may ‘choose’ to move through it. This is true for any home, store, urban, planetary or galactical layout. The ‘Grounds To’ represents the right to a universal ‘room,’ free of planes, walls, ceilings or limiting beliefs. Having said that, I implore us to limit our design of grounds bound by only sharp corners; our mother’s wombs certainly had none (unless you’re like me and were in the company of a septate uterus– my delivery was monitored and healthy). If you don’t know where to start and are looking for a little luck in the design of your grounds, start by adding some green. The rest will flow. Why green? Because chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the magic compound that grabs the sunlight and makes photosynthesis happen. It exists in all plants, but also in many microorganisms and prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells, for the most part, live in symbiosis with the human body, which means they exist in a mutually beneficial relationship. Examples of prokaryotes are blue-green algae, bacteria (good or bad) and mycoplasma. Among prokaryotes, bacteria are the most common and multiply very fast. As you may know already, photosynthesis on any ground happens at daytime only. It is not performed by plants at night; they’d have to undergo a certain exposure to the appropriate wavelengths of artificial light. The photosynthesis process is divided into two main parts. The first part is called the light dependent reaction. This reaction happens when the light energy is captured and pushed into a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate, an energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things.) The second part is called the light independent reaction. This reaction happens when the ATP is used to make glucose (the Calvin Cycle). In any case or part, with the help of the chlorophyll pigment, light energy is absorbed, and NASA can attest to that. Do you see the greenlight I’m getting to? ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 12. Luciana Jaalouk 12 Your experience on the ground will vary by day and by night. Some reactions only occur in light, while others occur in dark. It’d be wise to be friends with both. On any ground by day, you’re expected to exist through certain reactions. On any ground by night, you’re expected to exist through certain reactions, differently. Model your grounds accordingly. By day, you’d find a better existence on firm, strong and vital grounds, to celebrate growth. By night, you’d find a better existence on soft, sensitive and nurturing grounds, to celebrate rest. We all have a shadow, within and without ourselves. Best not to run away from your shadow, the dark side of human nature has a lot of creativity and energy. Use it in a healthy way. Last thing! You’d have better luck seeing stars at night, lest we forget the only star that shines its closest and brightest light is found in the daytime; the sun of our solar system. Billions of suns float in our galaxy alone and many of the stars we see are also suns; though the celestial objects we see looking up are not all stars. Imagine away! Oh my stars. Instruments for While an instrument is built to make sound, I define a variety of instruments as any and all bodies, tools, equipment or accessories, available for players. This includes us as human beings; we are instruments. Parallel to the notion of “using your instrument,” actors who study the Meisner acting technique learn to access different parts of the self, parts of other selves (or a group of), within and without varying contexts (ie. grounds or narratives). And while our ability to tap into our instrument may be slightly more advanced than a baboon’s (debatably), let’s get off our high horses and remember we are simply animals characterized by our ability to generate unique sounds. While a mirror may assist in practicing your pitch– sound, frequency, music, noise, call it what you want– to the human eye, the mirror appears to be singing too. With you, at you, for you. In fact this is true for any object, whether it holds your reflection or not. Some sing in high-pitch, some in low-pitch; though just because you can’t see or hear it sing across the ultraviolet or audible spectrum doesn’t mean it’s not singing. To put things in perspective, you can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. I’d rather ask instead– if you fall in a playground, or on any ground, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Wait. You might be hurt… let’s honor your feelings first. ‘You’ here can denote any individual, group of individuals, organization or system; yes, businesses have feelings too. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 13. Luciana Jaalouk 13 So how about that sound? i. First, define your instrument, and just like the ground, leave enough room in the equation for variables of ‘change.’ The key to your pitch lies in ensuring your ingredients have enough room to create a new meal each time, with a focus on defining just enough variables to have more than enough freedom. At this stage, you do not predict, you simply define. ii. Second, check your instrument, both its outer shine and inner vibe. This comes with practice. Variables in your equation remain ‘in check’ when you are able to properly discern which ones are yours and which aren’t. The best way to do so is not to eliminate what isn’t yours, but rather to cross-check with 1) variables not your own, with 2) interdependent equations or with 3) variables and equations within compromised grounds. If cross-checking becomes an incomprehensible scribble, then go back to step 1 and simplify. With practice, checking becomes an exercise of harmony. iii. Third, follow your instrument, and continue to align it to what is most true to its existence. This is practice in practice. If your name is Peter and you’re trying to be Bob, you’re not following. Similarly, a chair knows to sit tight and vibrate as a chair, it will never try to act like a montgolfière (french for hot air balloon). Lucky for us animals, we don’t need to hear the chair being a chair (though this is the type of content I’d like to see). iv. Fourth, use your instrument, which inherently falls back to being the instrument; the act. How does one go from use to be? Simply, one must learn to put aside what used to be and get used to being, to living the presented instrument at hand and owning its emitted sound, every time, each time. Like a mirror, what is shown to you is a reflection of what lives within you, at all times and places. So events happening outside manifest themselves inside, and vice versa. Yes the order matters, you get to choose; does life happen to you or do you make life happen? Now can you hear your sound? Pitch sounds good, and feels safe! Kudos. This way, next time you get hurt, reach into your front pocket and make sense of it with this instrumental print. The distribution of bodily and non-bodily instruments across grounds is variable, be it by nature’s design or your own (they’re the same). In the spirit of ensuring varying levels of fair play, the alignment to good vs bad action is crucial to balance the scales. Life is karmic, something Reddit understands with their Karma=clout feature. Karma is a complex thing, and many define it differently. Rising above the noise to what matters– it most certainly does not operate as a unit, it operates as a cluster. So if you’re looking to balance out the scales and instruments on your grounds, do it in plural form, not in singular form, as the effects of thoughts, actions and feelings played while at play are intricately connected. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 14. Luciana Jaalouk 14 Players with Instrumental players make sound, and all players are instrumental. These visible, invisible and divisible waves of sound structure all of matter. As shown above, the Play’s grounds and instruments ‘vibrate’ in relation to their existence within a narrative and a space, respectively; within something bigger than themselves. Of course it would be a desolate playground without us animals in it, but it would still exist– dormant. Descartes said “I think, therefore I am;” I add, I am, therefore I sound. Noise I often wonder where all of these sounds are coming from… I’ll tell you. They come from either humans, aliens or bots. Humans are both animals and nature. Luckily this forms an exceedingly large category of uniquely sound players. Aliens are everything else. Three-headed horse? Alien. Celestial ghost? Alien. A human in a bot voice shifting from seaweed to coral reef as part of the ground? Alien. Do you believe in magic? Alien. Bots are automated, their sound is prescribed to them by design, typically by either humans or aliens (or already, by themselves… gulp.) Over time, players create sound generated from, projected to, reflected on, or manifested into and onto ‘noisy’ dots, shaping the mesh structure within any ground, world, galaxy or universe– “a grid.” How does one build a grid? i. One dot shapes the start of an observation with no derived conclusion. Often dismissed, they are the true indicators of intention, reaction and their interrelation. The way you hold the pencil to point the dot matters. You may observe a dot defined with 1) an intention with an aligned reaction, 2) an intention with an unaligned reaction, 3) a reaction from a clear intention, or 4) a reaction from an unclear intention (kindly put). ii. Two dots shape the start of a pattern with assumption. While they provide a sense of direction, patterns take the shapes of lines, rays, planes, segments- they are quite literally two-dimensional and two-directional; left right, black white, up down, reflect refract, inside outside… Often ignored, the assumptions around two dots of patterns can sometimes lead to unhealthy expectations concerning habits or behaviors. iii. Three dots shape the start of a grid with a reliable baseline of expectation. This is the accumulation of observations and patterns traveling to any direction and through any dimension. Defined as a point of concurrency, a grid starts in one location where at least three lines, rays, planes or segments intersect. Notice that they cannot exist without a ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 15. Luciana Jaalouk 15 location. Notice also that they cannot intersect if they are simply dots. Otherwise they’d overlap. Grids multiply in matrix fashion, whether linearly, exponentially or randomly. A grid forms the start of a reliable baseline for studying characters, personalities and all their associated colors and sounds in-between. With the proliferation of advanced tech analysis tools, our biggest societal downfall has lied in our inability to study the meaning in-between all dots, specifically how dots of observations, patterns and grids push, pull and exchange with each other; how they relate to and with one another. Remember Newton’s laws? While this knowledge may have been hidden from us for decades, it takes only a slight shift in perspective to deepen our ‘interspection’ (the examination and evaluation of relations in-between). I cover some in-betweens within my writing, and in their own section later. Nosy Noise Now onto the players, playing with relation to. Noise is curious. It wants to know what noises others make. You might just start by sniffing with your nose, though that is not the only way. A crucial reminder that playtime is most impactful when you are actively or passively playing, though playtime can also be neutral (no player has situational advantage over the other), and they can start and continue happening before and after play. Pre-, during-, and post-experience considerations must be taken into account while designing both short- or long- term experiences. At setup, I focus my design attention on the butter: during the experience. In-experience, what factors determine how active or passive you are? I’ll tell you. The number of friends you have in the playground! Duh (among a few other factors). Studies show that children’s play styles vary based on the playground type and on the availability of play partners3 . I focus the study on the two main playground types, ‘school’ and ‘community,’ to establish the building blocks for a wider understanding. Other playground types exist, such as ‘neighborhood’ or ‘destination.’ Between players and across playgrounds, appears more noise clash– nosy noise. What play behavior does that translate to? Noise exchanges. Noise competes. Noise conflicts. Noise cooperates. Noise accommodates. Noise behavior can also happen all at once or not at all. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 16. Luciana Jaalouk 16 Learning through I propose to interpret the ‘school’ playground as any setting within lifetimes of experiences where lessons are learned. In fact, life is a series of lessons split into digestible chapters, where you get a chance to either learn new lessons or re-learn old lessons in different ways; but let’s not get caught up in those details. I propose to interpret the ‘community’ playground as any setting within lifetimes of experiences where learnings are practiced and applied, from ‘school’ theory to ‘community’ practice. In fact, we both know a life in theory and a life in practice and two very different things; but let’s not get caught up in those details. Why the emphasis on learning within any playground? Because we grow. Universally, from start to end, we grow, we learn. We have billions of years of data encoded into our DNA, waiting to be discovered, if we allow it. No matter your age as a human, alien or bot, the amount of knowledge held is not correlated with your time ‘alive’ in this lifetime, or from past lives. In fact, I’ve met many older knives in my toolbox that have grown dull as they’ve stopped practicing their sharp, just as I’ve been pleasantly surprised by new screws who are not afraid to let loose. To play is the butter that enables our existence, and to learn is the soft-edged knife to help spread the butter. Indeed, life is a teacher, and how well we apply the lessons learned within the context of our communities determines how ‘fun,’ or slippery, playtime can get. Conclusion? Learning is the by-product of playing. Should you make learning an intentional product of playing, you will gain more player satisfaction, engagement and success in performance. Partnering with Studies demonstrate that “children are not comfortable playing with children they do not know.”3 This almost tells all we need to know… Though this is where the digital dimension helps dissolve this observation (children don’t need to be good friends with digital players to engage with them), though it remains that over time they’d find better comfort with familiar players. As we target social audiences living in both physical environments and digital platforms, are we being intentional with targeting the people who actually communicate most with each other? I’d assume they have some kind of friendly relationship or dynamic we can positively build on. “Although play behavior is most often classified by researchers cognitively with terms such as functional play, dramatic play, or constructive play, play that takes place on playground settings is best categorized by social definitions given its dependency on social interactions with peers4 . Parten’s stages of play (e.g., parallel play, associative play, onlooker play;5 ) are still considered the ideal when describing preschool ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 17. Luciana Jaalouk 17 children’s social play behavior during free play on contexts such as school and community playgrounds6 .” While there are many other factors that determine a child’s behavior within any context, including default personality, novelty of playground instruments, weather, mood, food, etc. a small sample size study in the US showed that “children demonstrated higher levels of associative and cooperative play on the school playground, but higher levels of solitary and parallel play on the community playground. This difference in play styles by playground appears to be a function of available play partners.”3 To note, these play styles are meant to study the initial way in which children learn to play in various environments. Over time, play styles continue to develop. Play styles quoted are Associative Play (AP) and Cooperative Play (CP) in the ‘school’ playground, and Solitary Play (SP) and Parallel Play (PP) on the ‘community’ playground. AP is loosely defined, and assigned roles are loosely followed, typically occurring in a brief amount of time. CP is very organized, and players may very well play to completion, entailing that perhaps, leaderboard scoring is a useful feature for the setting. SP is randomly organized, as play is done alone and based on desire and availability of instruments. If other players were around, it’s assumed play would be less likely to occur. PP is also randomly organized, but encouraged by other players participating in similar activities and using similar instruments. Play still occurs solo, though through silent peer learning. When designing any and all experiences, a wise exercise would be to pre-determine categories of play we’d expect players to participate in-experience, and then to validate the hypothesis real-time or post-experience. Below defined in the study are a total of six categories of play3 , along with examples on the playground setting. Most certainly, these categories can intersect, and they can overlap. For example, not covered is play style occurring with imaginary friends, or play style occurring with an abundance of friends. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 18. Luciana Jaalouk 18 Hence, playground type and availability of play partners are two key design factors to help build better hypotheses for players while designing experiences for them. How about you? Do you recall how you used to play? I was anywhere between eight and twelve years old, a core memory of mine at a fast food chain’s outdoor playground. The more shy and positively ‘sensitive’ middle child of three girls, I’d watch my two sisters run around and meet people freely while I was glued to my mother’s leg, as she’d encourage (and push me) to go out and play. Sometimes I would, though I was not always comfortable in my skin doing so. I’d interact with others in short bursts, then quietly retrieve back to a soft corner. What I was comfortable with was knowing my mother was present. My sisters didn’t have a need for that extra sense of safety or protection, but I did, and that’s okay. Every child, and hence every adult plays differently. I knew no matter what’d happen, a fall, a scrape, a mockery, a confusion, I could go back to my safety and watch others play, contently, whether by guardian-assurance or self-assurance. Somewhere in my early-teenage years I got out of my shell and through today, I continue to learn where to allocate my attention and intention for outer and inner play that serves me best. To call it intro- or extro- vertness is limiting, what we are after is studying the spectrum of inter-vertness. In Peace Here I demonstrate the importance of, you guessed it, moderators. My mother played the role of a moderator, and I relied on her presence at times on-call, other times being told. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 19. Luciana Jaalouk 19 “Contextual factors such as the availability of loose equipment or teacher supervision are known to impact children’s play behaviors on a given playground--school OR community4 .” Moderators can also either be passive or active, silent or vocal, and they can appear at any and all times pre-, during- or post- play. Players might find safety or guidance from moderators in variable ways. How can moderators present themselves? i. A passive moderator is one that is available for players only when they need them. This is best if play is self-guided, and assistance is needed on-call. ii. An active moderator is one that instructs players regardless of when they need them. This is best if play must be closely followed, if conduct moniteration is a game factor, or for stricter educational formats, perhaps with a crash course or storyline at the start. iii. A silent moderator is a moderator that observes and reports. iv. A vocal moderator is a moderator that guides and assists. These categories are not mutually exclusive. The moderator is the ribbon around, the cherry on top, the peacemaker for ensuring proper incorporation of moderators, guides or chaperones for players is crucial for the 1) development of proper hypotheses and for the 2) validation of hypotheses with regard to playground type + availability of play partners. While for some, moderators instill a sense of play encouragement, for others, they instill a sense of authority that perhaps may be counterproductive or undesired. How one incorporates features of moderators in human, alien, or bot form, matters. While unique for each experience, moderator features serve as a resource for players, and can be designed as subtle nudges or gentle reminders at start-, mid- or end-. Any questions, guidance and direction provided, or missed, can drastically change a player’s entire approach to their assumed or expected play style. So far, it’s been assumed that peacemakers are not players. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Players may opt into becoming moderators full-time, or moderators part time and players for the rest of the time. The question remains, how might we, as experienced directors, strategists and crafters, select true and honest moderators with the least bias to the experience outcome or its promised reward? It’s certainly possible to have players of all styles and personalities volunteer, though unless you are a certified coach, professional counselor, or licensed therapist aligned to raise humanity to their highest good, players moderating, and moderators playing will inevitably show preferentism, bias, or even bystanderism to play behavior. In fact, the children on the playground who sit on the side and watch others play take on a naturally more passive role of ‘observer,’ making them true candidates for genuine moderation. Simply, their quiet play style is inevitably gathering data, and not necessarily mapping it to any outcome or getting tested on it. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 20. Luciana Jaalouk 20 To note, I’ve come across a miniscule amount of both social or non-social oriented experiences where certified moderators are hired in ensuring our psyche’s wellbeing (mind, body, soul) for cognitive, behavioral, humanistic or integrative/holistic therapy. This is a massive value pool that if not called out, might take us another decade to awaken to and incorporate. Let’s not wait that long, let’s not make the same two-dimensional mistakes, the health of our children depends on it. Let’s also incorporate feedback on moderators. To summarize, ensuring safe inclusive play relies on finding the right balance between Playground Types + Play Partners Available + Moderator Availability and Style. This way, we never ever forget to model for people with special needs and disabilities, as we follow a model both universal and modular for players of all perceived ages (perceived, because without strict player verification, one might appear to be 13 while they’re going on 30). With Holes “The influence and overall impact of contextual factors on children’s cognitive and social play behaviors have also been studied in laboratory playrooms, classrooms, and home settings. However, little is known about children’s play behaviors across two different playgrounds settings at this time. The comparison of school and community playgrounds on children’s play can provide additional insight into how children’s developmental abilities are influenced by contextual conditions.”3 Beyond understanding the groundworks of social play behaviors on school and community playgrounds, it is possible, and encouraged, to experiment with mixed-methods designs using the above building blocks. Remember that it is possible for children, and adults, to have mixed feelings on any grounds, about any partnerships or instruments, and concerning any moderator. Multiple mixed-methods and mixed-feelings can co-exist at the same time, our vessels have the capacity for it. Other aspects to consider include but not limited to: The duration of play within varying social play categories (AP, CP, SP, etc.). The perspectives of playground activities, based on player feedback. The peer relationships. The recommendations for new playgrounds. I cover aspects of these in part as The Playground build continues, and in subsequent chapters. When in doubt, there are always more caveats to consider. The Poem Say you dislike the playground you’re in, you have the agency to change your instruments (and friends) –theoretically and if you allow yourself– to design a new ground for yourself based on ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 21. Luciana Jaalouk 21 new desires (particularly if you’ve been complaining for a while). Today, the ability to create a 3D world of your own in digital (and physical) formats needs no certified ‘creator’ or ‘developer’ stamp. Or you browse for a new playground. Since it doesn’t matter what you pick- here’s a poem, let’s take a break. Trees rise in my playground, I use and watch my language. With you and with teeny tiny ants, dots connect, fingers draw lines through sand, twist and turn to thread. While a raft built on threads may help me float I’d find better balance on ropes. I sit, sigh, take a stare there– oh where? … *sigh* … Oh what a sight. Teeny tiny dots dance into an image and with focused force, I gliiide over sand water air - particles under my tail, Look down damn. I’m the tree. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 22. Luciana Jaalouk 22 You stare. Trees rise. With the senses should you not fear To touch to feel the deep dreams and scares, to summon thee feely feelings– maybe May it, be. the tree she had friends… Scientist Nikola Tesla verbalized the advantages of looking deep within and without. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Allow me to digress. //Last I checked, you are matter that exists within the context of more matter and if you exist without any material context, you either 1) don’t exist, 2) exist in another dimension in a different form, 3) exist in another dimension in the same form (we’d never know about it), 4) exist in the same dimension in a different form, 5) exist in a black hole that hasn’t come to existence yet, 6) exist in contexts unbeknownst to us. The contexts we know of flourish WITH us as we think of them, as living within something is the derivative of living some thing, some feeling, some thought. And if you dare declare you are unhappy with your existence, then just adjust your sails or navigate different waters. Why does that matter? I’d rather ask myself, if all that ‘doesn’t matter’ cannot be heard or seen because it is outside the bounds of our matter, then why have I been so preoccupied to spell this out in so many manners? How about what matters that isn’t matter?// It’s okay to disassociate in the playground, best to safely surrender to whatever memory, feeling, déjà-vu, knowing, vision, intuition, perception, connection - you get it - arises. I add again to my additions from Descartes earlier; “I think, therefore I am;” ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 23. Luciana Jaalouk 23 I am, therefore I sound. I am, therefore I matter. So what matters? The players and the games they’re playing! The experience. I cover this in detailed manner in the next chapter. First we need to cover some ground rules. The Rules Rules? What rules? Not a fan of my attitude? The lusory attitude is the psychological attitude required of a player entering into the play of a game.To adopt a lusory attitude is to accept the arbitrary rules of a game in order to facilitate the resulting experience of play.7 In this section I cover only the vital aspects of our need for rules, and highlight the right mindsets required to design good rules. To cover anything else is a book of its own, as some key rules are universal, though most rules thereafter are unique problems to be solved case by case; I’d have to agree to follow someone else’s rules, be that a buddy’s, a band’s, a brand’s or a body’s. Why do we have rules anyways? First, to ensure safety. Second, to ensure fairness. Third... to break them! And fourth, to track how players interact with them, as rules help us understand the actioned dots of observations, behaviors and patterns, and aid us in setting boundaries for these patterns of data. If designed well, rules should empower the player, not disempower. Most systems we exist, experience and live in today fail to do so. When was the last time you felt empowered on your ground? Did the rules make you want to take a stand for them? To lay on the ground, get on one knee, lay in the mud, roll in the deep? If you’re not shouting YES, it’s a no. To establish good rules, we must first establish what we are ruled by! I’ll tell you. Cherish. To light, to care, to feed, to water, to sun, to air, to fire, to chérie. This is love. Charge. To spend, to take, to exchange. This is energy. Change. To grow, to learn, to weigh, to lighten. This is mass. Completion. To finish, to end, to cycle, to birth. This is transfer. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 24. Luciana Jaalouk 24 Ruled by Cherish To Cherish. To light, to care, to feed, to water, to sun, to air, to fire, to chérie. This is love. There is no love without connection. There is no love without pain. There is better love with forgiveness. There is better love with vulnerability. Love is present despite the existence of its absence. Love is understanding despite the existence of its misunderstanding. Love is a demonstration despite the existence of its denial. Love is an expectation despite the existence of its unexpectedness. Einstein declared, “When scientists looked for a theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness.” I add to my own addition from Descartes earlier; “I think, therefore I am;” I am, therefore I sound. I am, therefore I matter. I am, therefore I light. Love multiplies, and in an effort to define forms of love true and different for all, wouldn’t we say the ultimate love connection lies in balancing love alone and love together? Courtship Feedback The fantastical flamingo feathers on a fickle foot, free to flow fly or flirt afore a flocking foam. The fabric of fun is far more flourishing in flight than at face. Fly with me to understand a mindset of cherish through the lens of birds courting. And tell me how I’m faring. A key methodology to help ensure empowerment for players lies in implementing feedback on the rules. “Although adults select and purchase the playground equipment when building new playgrounds, the consumers of the playground equipment on these environments are children. Child input into product selection may lead to better child outcomes in a variety of areas.”3 ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 25. Luciana Jaalouk 25 As adults we are expected to know best what to feed our children, many of us (all, inevitably) also instill beliefs, behaviors and limitations on them that are mapped from our personal childhood pain, trauma and experiences. If you’ve grown up wishing you could be part of a synchronized swimming team but never got to fulfill that dream, to carefully tread the proper drive or derail onto your child is about placing teachings in a frame of discovery and enjoyment. This is not to discourage elders from showing their ways and inspirations, rather to set up the stage for exposure into all activities, well, weird or willow rounded. If you’ve grown up feeling dizzy on a swing, how might you caution your child of it without instilling a fear of it? Gibran Khalil Gibran stated in The Prophet, ‫"أوالدكم‬ ‫أبناء‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫المشتاقة‬ ‫إلى‬ ,‫نفسها‬ ‫بكم‬ ‫يأتون‬ ‫إلى‬ ,‫العالم‬ ‫ولكن‬ ‫ليس‬ ‫منكم‬ ‫ومع‬. ‫أنهم‬ ‫يعيشون‬ ,‫معكم‬ ‫فهم‬ ‫ليسوا‬ ً‫ا‬‫ملك‬ ".‫لكم‬ meaning, “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.” The gold here is to ask, include and observe your child, your consumer, as just another beautiful leaf gifted from life to you; a synergy. To honor the child that came out of you is directly related to honoring the child that was once within you. Shall you choose to ignore or leave parts (and leaves) of your baby-self unhealed, then you shall inevitably pass on trauma from your self and your ancestors into your descendants (arguably as part of your lineage DNA… ). Rest assured though, all data points and disease can be healed, they simply must be seen first. We are humans, animals, nature. Collectively as individuals and organizations, we heal by taking a step back, sideways or within; away from the egoistic self. This is easily achieved with a mindset of expansion; allowing for true feedback to enter from your established family (blood or tribal), friends and community. As we feed, flirt and flock our courtship with one another, the matter of whose feedback we take in is directly related to how we might digest it. Not all birds are friends with each other, choose yours wisely… and please alert me if you stumble upon a sea of flamingos hanging out with dodos. Feedback can be done by the self, or by another observing the self. Feedback can be done alone, or together. Any permutation from above has its own pros and cons, both at gathering and analysis stages. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 26. Luciana Jaalouk 26 Whether to enforce a belief or prevent a bias, ensuring various forms of feedback questioning is essential to maintaining honest intentions and their execution. Submitting a self-portrait will inevitably differ from the portrait someone submits of you. How we might interpret and carry feedback relies on our choice of community. The emphasis on community-building within the metaverse buzz is no novelty, from day zero, our existence within any playground relies on our togetherness in it, in the rules, values and principles developed in that togetherness. We are tribal societies built to survive together, not alone. To instill a belief that one can care for themselves with no other’s help is an imposed design to prolong the ‘fight or flight’ of the nervous system. On a single or plural level, independence reveals our inner power, co-dependence reveals our power dynamics (healthy or unhealthy), but above all, interdependence reveals the virtuous journey of experiencing power exchanges within and across our communities. Back to playing within rules, feeding back into each other cyclically and virtuously. For instance, upon the arrival of spring, birds pair up to build their nests and lay eggs. Feeding is part of a songbird's courtship ritual; a male may approach an interested female, carrying an insect, worm, or seed from a nearby feeder. “There are also contact calls, which birds can use to talk to each other when foraging for food.”8 Luciana, what’s with all the bird-talk? Well… how will you understand the right mindset to feedback otherwise? Our day-to-day is brimming with contact calls, and at times I find myself in contact with cocks far less feathered than not. Tangibly, a feedback framework poses questions and gathers information about i. player behavior ii. differences in player behavior (ie. how behaviors interrelate). Between the study of the two lie answers about where one might find and maintain courtship. Is it that simple? Yes. If you understand my behavior (or seek to), I’ll be more likely to cherish you. If you don’t understand my behavior (or seek to), I’ll be less likely to cherish you. The study of in-betweens reveals our decision-making in choosing just about anything. Sing freely with questions of your will. Sing carefully with questions that protect your will. Sing off key if questions benefit only your will (other birds will know). Sing off key if questions do not consider any one’s best will. To step into care, value and growth, is to build the proper levels of trust within established rules of play, with other players, users, parties or entities. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 27. Luciana Jaalouk 27 And if you’ve been paying attention, the way our global societies are pivoting their ways of conducting business goes hand-in-hand with understanding how each and every one of our patterns of needs, values and habits are evolving. More than ever before, the stories told have been along the lines of “I want to go back to how things were, simple.” For the love of everything you cherish, speak in simple language to court others just like you. Trust in Light Light resolves into photons because quantum mechanics says when you look at it, that’s what you see. Fields are what the world is made of, particles are what you see. So if you can’t always see the light, how can you trust it? I’ll tell you. We’ve spent an incredible amount of time pitching to clients the need for trust in the context of brand marketing, or in any context for that matter. Yes, trust and transparency are treasured aspects to an authentic existence. However, an immense misunderstanding lies in assuming that trust is a checkbox you can fill out at entry. FALSE. Or at least partially. You don’t walk through a security checkpoint and then talk to the officer, you get questioned by the officer before they let you through. Should they find safety in your existence, you can pass (not to say this is the only or right way). Should they find a reason not to trust you, they might delay your pass through, they might question your intention and participation motives. At the time you came into existence, your trust was automatically given; to the universe, to your parents, etc. However, we are adults building playgrounds, and having spent some time learning the ebbs and flows of trust, some of us have forgotten how to trust ourselves. Trust is the product of a continuously virtuous presence, participation, safely. Notice, these are the setup pillars from The Playground. Trust is the ultimate outcome we all desire. Good news, trust falls in cherish; should you show me some love, I’ll show you some of mine. Should you fail to show me love, I’ll show you how I love myself by not showing up. According to Rousseau, trust is defined as “a psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of another.”9. This means, while we’re always told to keep our expectations measured, the fact is that restricting expectations prevents us from trusting our intuition, innate to our existence, specifically when it is expecting and those expectations are not being met. Expectations are to be expected, directly related to the exposure and experience gained in different environments. To have no expectations is to have no existence, and then again we could still argue that. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 28. Luciana Jaalouk 28 Observe player behavior when they are given the full opportunity to hold a torch of light and love, in an effort to perpetuate a positive-first and a trust-first experience. Should they act in lack of light and love, their instruments on certain grounds or with certain players might be restricted or confiscated. TLDR; The rules of cherish that empower players go as follows: i. Get feedback pre-, during- and post- play. ii. Get feedback about player behavior and differences in player behavior. iii. Get feedback in many fun ways, and once you have it don’t just throw it a-ways. iv. Get feedback for some time, and spend three times the time integrating it. v. Show the example by ruling in light of. vi. Show the example by ruling in love with. vii. Maintain the example by waving love through light. After all, light is a wave. All it takes is to raise your metaphorical hand. If all the above stands true, if I feel cherished: i. Trust is given to you, until it’s broken. ii. Trust is broken, until it’s won over again. iii. At that point, trust is to be earned, differently. Finally, you’ve heard this a million times. You’ll hear it once more. Cherish is a choice. Cherish is a choice simply because cherishing on its own is not enough. There is more we are ruled by! Keep reading. Ruled by Charge Charge. To make, to spend, to take, to exchange. This is energy. In physics, charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in a field (or grid), be it electric, magnetic, mechanical, thermal, nuclear, etc. Theoretical physicist Sean Caroll elaborated during a conference at The Royal Institution, “the reason why you are allowed to think of particles is because of quantum mechanics. The world is made of fields, but quantum mechanics says that when you look at the world, you don’t see them directly. What really exists is immensely richer than the things we can actually observe. [...] When we look at the fields closely enough, they resolve into individual particles.” I bet you’ve asked at least once in your time: “How much will you charge for this service, ma’am?” One of the verbs to transact and track monetary exchange with is charge. That’s because money is a form of energy. If you’re looking to make, spend, take or exchange money, then you must learn to do so with your players’ energy. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 29. Luciana Jaalouk 29 Again, should you manipulate the rules of charge for well-intent, shall you flourish. Should you manipulate the rules of charge for ill-intent, should you be shown your reflection in the deepest well. A note on the word ‘manipulate.’ It is unfortunate that even in our well-respected dictionaries, to manipulate is portrayed in a negative lens, where one might control or influence something or someone for an advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly. Really unfortunate. “The word manipulation was first used in 1827 to mean “skillful action by hand” that involved operating, moving, altering, stirring, guiding, and editing things in your environment. Over time, it’s come to mean handling and managing a situation skillfully to serve your own goals.”10 In daily speech, the positive connotation of manipulation can be considered as influence. Why speak of manipulation, ‘in charge’? Charge, a form of energy, is a property of our 3-dimensional existence. Wait a second, that’s not the full truth. Charge is a property of ANY existence, in any dimension. Should you skillfully use the instruments of your hands to understand how to manipulate charge traveling through matter with a certain mass, then you may understand that it takes no charge to alter the charge imposed upon grounds, instruments and players within the playground. Wait, what? To manipulate ‘charge', to ‘manipulate energy’ is free of charge and connotation. If you type into Google ‘types of energy manipulation’, you’ll get superhero stuff. Even better. Who do I call to amend a definition? Again, there are good and bad superheroes. Pick your flourish and find the well. To free ourselves from unfair connotations, we must remember energy can either be positive (proton), negative (electron) or neutral (neutron). Wait a second, that’s not the full truth. Particle physics in 1935 varies greatly from particle physics after 1980; thankfully, more has been discovered, science didn’t stop. Mainly, a fourth particle and fourth force have been discovered. The three commonly known particles, associated with three commonly known forces, are the proton, electron and neutron, along with the gravitational force, the electro-magnetic force, and the nuclear force. The fourth particle and fourth force discovered come from taking a deeper look within protons and neutrons. Inside, quarks were found! The up quark and the down quark combine in different ways to give us protons and neutrons. So today, instead of saying protons and neutrons, we say Up Quark and Down Quark. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 30. Luciana Jaalouk 30 The number of forces has also increased. The nuclear force is composed of two nuclear forces, corresponding to the strong nuclear force that holds the quarks together, and the weak nuclear force that “you can go through your everyday life and never notice.” “This is how the sun gives out its energy, from the weak nuclear force: two protons come together, one of them might convert into a neutron, spinning off another particle called a neutrino. Sticked together they form an atom that can release energy, and we have nuclear fusion. For reasons we still don’t understand, these four particles are a FAMILY of particles,” made of THREE families of their own. They come in three. That part is still a mystery. If you’d like to know more, read Sean Caroll’s book(s), a phenomenal theoretical physicist. Through his analogy of a lantern, everyone can understand charge. “If a lantern is being taken away from you, the brightness goes down by the distance squared as the lantern gets further and further away from you (inverse square law). What we are after is a strong nuclear force lantern or a weak nuclear force lantern to be very bright if we’re very close to it, and get dim very very quickly as it is moved away, not gradually, like gravity or electromagnetism.” On nuclear force differences, remember this. Strong=confined glue you can’t see (strong nuclear force is carried by gluons, known as massless confinement) Weak=attenuated fog (weak nuclear force is carried by W, Z bosons, known as the Higgs mechanism). The secret about the Higgs boson in quantum physics reveals to us that weak interactions, even in an empty space, are non-zero. Does that help you find your charge? Thank you Peter Higgs. And thank you to all the sociable geniuses after Einstein, including Philip Anderson, Francois Englert, Robert Brout, Peter Higgs himself, Tom Kibble, Gerald Guralnik, Richard Hagen, Sheldon Glahow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg, and Gerard’t Hooft. We’ve exerted a lot of energy understanding the charged nuances. In any case, know that our energy is always busy being or doing something… Fantastic. The Lay of the Land If we are the players and there are clearly layers… The common denominator lies in where you p-lay-ce your ‘lay,’ where you place yourself down, up, or however you’re struck. Let’s lay close together for a few moments, travel through time and dimensions. Yum. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 31. Luciana Jaalouk 31 Lay Lay Ley 11 What is the word etymology of ‘lay’? From Middle English leyen, leggen, from Old English leċġan (“to lay”), from Proto-West Germanic *laggjan, from Proto-Germanic *lagjaną (“to lay”), causative form of Proto-Germanic *ligjaną (“to lie, recline”), from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ- (“to lie, recline”). What is lay in medieval French literature? “Lay, also spelled lai, in medieval French literature, a short romance, usually written in octosyllabic verse, that dealt with subjects thought to be of Celtic origin.“ The earliest lay narratives were written in the 12th century by Marie De France; her works were largely based on earlier Breton versions thought to have been derived from Celtic legend. The Breton lay, a 14th -century English poetic form based on these lays, is exemplified by “The Franklin’s Tale” in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. The term lay may refer to a medieval lyric poem. The earliest extant examples are those composed by Gautier de Dargies in the 13th century. These lays had non-uniform stanzas of about 6 to 16 or more lines of 4 to 8 syllables. One or two rhymes were maintained throughout each stanza. A lay may be a song, a melody, a simple narrative poem, or a ballad, such as those written in the early 19th century by Sir Walter Scott and Thomas Macaulay.” What is lay in British slang? In vulgar slang, to have sexual intercourse with. What is a lay-by in American English? A place at the side of a road where a vehicle can stop for a short time without interrupting other traffic. In a sentence, ‘we pulled into a lay-by to look at the map;’ a similar concept to rest stop for US road surfaces & features.’ What is lay in science? Laypeople, like scientists, develop and use theories to help them understand and respond to their social world. Lay theories, then, are the theories people use in their everyday lives. What is lay in spirituality? Many things, though primarily “it can mean having a right theology about the world in general, a right understanding of freedom and respect for the autonomy of temporal affairs, etc.” What is lay in theology? A lay theologian is a theologian ‘who is not ordained, or a theologian who has not been trained as a theologian’. Lay theologians often have academic qualifications in other academic disciplines. What is lay in psychoanalysis? ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 32. Luciana Jaalouk 32 A lay analysis is a psychoanalysis performed by someone who is not a physician; that person was designated a lay analyst. Sigmund Freud defended the right of those trained in psychoanalysis to practice therapy irrespective of any medical degree (in The Question of Lay Analysis, 1927). What is lay in church? The laity are the people of the church, those who have been baptized. It generally refers to those who have not been ordained. The term “laity” is derived from the Greek word for “people.” Lay ministry is exercised in the “gathered” church through the organizations of the church (e.g., vestry, Christian education, parish programs, etc.) Why is it called lay person? Lay is an adjective that means "of or relating to the people of a religious faith (but not of its clergy)." The origins of lay and layman go back to Greek laikos, meaning "of the people." Layman was originally used to distinguish between non-clerical people and the clergy before being used to distinguish non-professionals from professionals in a field (such as law or medicine). What does layman’s terms mean? To put something in layman's terms is to describe a complex or technical statement using words and terms that someone not specialized in a specific field can understand. What is lay person in Buddhism? The term "laypeople" refers to people who live in a family in Buddhism. When Buddhism arrived in China, "laypeople" became the terminology that referred to the people who practiced Buddhism at home. In many Asian Buddhist cultures the sangha is divided between monks and nuns, who can be seen as the 'real' full-time Buddhists, and lay people, who can be regarded as part-timer supporters. In some countries the role of the laity is simply to serve the monastics. What does lay mean in Navy? To set up a mission (US DoD). What does lay mean in law? To make a strong statement about what someone is or is not allowed to do. The agreement lays down the law (to everyone) on what the group allows. What is a layline in sailboat racing? In sailboat racing, a layline is an imaginary line extending from the objective (typically a racing mark) to indicate the point at which a boat should tack or jibe in order to just clear the mark on the correct side (weather side if upwind tacking, leeward side if downwind jibing). What is a ley line in the Neolithic period? The Neolithic period, or New Stone Age, is characterized by the beginning of a settled human lifestyle. Ley lines are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 33. Luciana Jaalouk 33 prominent landmarks. Leys may be defined as lines of energy running over-ground in straight lines, often reflected in the paths of ancient trackways. What is a ley line in astrology? Ley lines in astrology represent planetary paths at the time of your birth, and each line on the map corresponds to a different planet, meaning, and purpose. The lines run through specific geographical points, so you can use the meaning/purpose of each line to understand your connection to that place on the map. Lay, Lie, Lied, Laid: When Do We Use Which Tense? Present: Lay: Unfold the blanket and lay it on the floor. Present participle: Lay: I was laying the blanket on the floor. Past: Lay: She laid the blanket on the floor when I asked. Past Participle: Lay: She had laid the blanket down before she left. In any case, she looks good laying on the floor. What is the opposite of lay? To pick up. To exonerate. To produce. To oviposit. To ordain. To qualify. To stand. To rise. To raise. Wow. Okay, now what? All this to say, lay is one of those words that means everything and nothing at the same. Its opposite is full of energy and synonymous to its homophone, ley. No Lay in Vain To lay is all over the p-lay-ce. What is the invisible thread unifying all forms of lay, including its opposite? To lay is a form of activity, characterized by the amount of energy you lay in it. To lay, whether lying, sitting, or standing, requires a different energy expenditure for each desired outcome. To lay, whether a people, a belief or a law, requires a different energy expenditure for each desired outcome. To lay, whether a line, a lie, or a gasm, requires a different energy expenditure for each desired outcome. To ley sounds the same as lay and it requires a different energy expenditure for each desired outcome. Lay Lay Ley! TLDR; To ensure various levels of play requires a different energy expenditure for each desired outcome. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 34. Luciana Jaalouk 34 It’s all about energy, where you choose to p-lay-ce it or to what end you choose to be it. In a similar (and shorter) play on words, what a game is can be understood by simply rearranging the letters; an anagram of game is mage, which is magi, or to magistrate, to be a magician. Incredibly, if you want to control the rules of the game, then you must become the mage! If I mage, forming the word ‘image,’ then I mage-ically utilize my imagination to create magic, to be the mage of the game. From words, to image, to imagination. O’Lay! The last charge of the land brings us back to the start. That’s when we know we did something right. Are you tracking? We’ve established that rules enable any player to safely and fairly go through any series of obstacles, challenges, adventures and milestones, and while they are all worthy of the magician title, they must travel through time and space, through the rules of the day and night, through the hills and valleys of the land, allowing them to earn the title of magician. As alluded above, this includes any player’s ability to also find loopholes within the rules, hidden pathways or secret roads, either revealed by design or by flaw within the design; players who reveal new pathways should be rewarded! This is true today for most high-yielding and well-established games in the gaming industry, though in our three-dimensional life as we know it as well as the metaverse factory as we build it, lest we forget that while we all must go through certain trials and tribulations, our lessons, forms of play and rules all look different. Building experiences with the above pillars in mind ensures the rightful flexibility and modularity we all deserve. It is a flying feat of gods and goddesses to build a plane while it’s flying, so let’s ensure we understand the winds and are prepared for its turbulence; I’d hate to see our energy stalling. Ruled by Change Change. To grow, to learn, to weigh, to lighten. This is mass. Allow me to trigger you. Allow me to stimulate you. Everything is always changing. The you you were a second ago is already different from the you are you in this second, and will be different from the you in the upcoming second. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 35. Luciana Jaalouk 35 Similarly, every second an infinite variation of verses takes place, whether uni-, meta- or any per-verse simulation you dare imagine. A lot of work goes into change; rest assured, it gets easier with time, and truly, you get better. Stimulus At minuscule scale, what triggers change? Stimulus. Small stimulus, of magnitude too small to be observed, negligible. At majuscule scale, what triggers change? STIMULUS. Cosmic stimulus, of magnitude very large to observe, non-negligeable. However, stimulus and scale are not linearly correlated; “when the intensity of the stimulus is increased, the size of the action potential does not become larger. Rather, the frequency or the number of action potentials increases.” 12 This means, stimulus and frequency can build a relationship. Great. What sets the stimulus pace? Time and Space. What sets the stimulus style? You and your actions. How does their pace enable change to happen? I’ll tell you. Over Time. Across Space. In Style. Pace Over Time Does your change rely on time? NO. Change matters over a short time, yes. Change matters over a long time, yes. Change matters irrelevant of time– at any time, you’re still changing. Otherwise, you are in resistance of change, possibly in fear of change. That’s why we say time is an illusion. To change truly, we allow ourselves to understand that time is happening all at once. To change truly, we allow ourselves to understand that we are ruled by an infinite amount of stimulations and simulations, ever changing and never changing. Your perception of change over time is also relative. Should you design experiences with the right pace for players over time, you’d need to understand how you are ruled by time first. Quick maths. “The relationship between stimulus and perception is logarithmic. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 36. Luciana Jaalouk 36 This logarithmic relationship means that if a stimulus varies as a geometric progression (i.e., multiplied by a fixed factor), the corresponding perception is altered in an arithmetic progression (i.e., in additive constant amounts). For example, if a stimulus is tripled in strength (i.e., 3 × 1), the corresponding perception may be two times as strong as its original value (i.e., 1 + 1). If the stimulus is tripled twice in strength, i.e. x6, (i.e., 3 × 3 × 1), the corresponding perception will be three times as strong as its original value (i.e., 1 + 1 + 1).” Hence, the strength of perception only adds as it multiples.13 The Weber-Fechner law, named after the two German minds who have developed two related hypotheses in the field of psychophysics, denotes that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus. Why do we perceive logarithmically? “Counting logarithmically could give an evolutionary advantage – and could optimize error-free estimation of how many lions you are facing.”14 This form of time dilation is also real, thanks to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity can bend spacetime, and therefore time itself. The closer the clock is to the source of gravitation, the slower time passes; the farther away the clock is from gravity, the faster time will pass. Precisely, the Twin Paradox15 outlines this scenario: “an astronaut with an identical twin at mission control makes a journey into space on a high-speed rocket and returns home to find that the twin has aged faster.”16 I know– this is a lot to cover over a short period of time. It’s still not the full story. What’s missing? Time being felt passing faster with growing age is a well known phenomenon, with many studies cross-empirical shedding light on it. Many are based on the study of social science and ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 37. Luciana Jaalouk 37 psychology, others on the capacity of memory in relation to aging and its related symptoms, and others on the event intensities of any individual’s life. Particularly interesting in nature is the latter, where the relative decrease of interesting new events as one grows older is seen as an important factor contributing to the feeling that time is thinned out. And yes, there have been mathematical models made on the rate of decrease associated with the feeling of time, with quantitative conclusions and without restrictive assumptions. Rest assured, no claim is made so far to confirm that the feeling of time being thinned out is omnipresent for every individual. This 2010 gerontology viewpoint on the perception of time perceived by individuals explains why. “It is shown that under this model the feeling of time is thinned out at least logarithmically. Numerical constants will depend on specific hypotheses which we discuss but the lower-bound logarithmic character of the thinning-out phenomenon does not depend much on these. The presented model can be generalized in several ways. In particular we prove that there are, a priori, no logical incompatibilities in a model leading to the very same distribution of time perception for individuals with completely different pace and style of life. Our model is built to explain long-time perception.”17 Why is this important? Because as we develop parallels between our immersed physical and digital selves within worlds, we are slowly shown what it truly means to be present at multiple places at the same time, irrelevant of time. This is ubiquity. However, since time perceived is relative and hence experienced differently by everyone, it makes it continuous, ongoing, but not constant (and certainly not linear). Meaning, so long as the perception of anything exists, our measurement of it and design around it is also entirely subjective. Are you lost? It’s okay, most days I can’t tell time either. Just understand, stop making a bigger deal of things every time they change. Just understand, stop modeling a bigger deal of things around their perception, by definition it varies drastically based on time, and the time spent experiencing at any given age. Pace Across Space Does your change rely on space? NO. Change happens in the smallest of spaces, yes. Change happens in very large spaces, yes. Change happens differently in both the same space or a different space. Change happens irrelevant of space– through any space, you’re still changing. Otherwise, you are in resistance of change, possibly in fear of change. Whatever environment you are placed in will change the results you get. It's simple. Similarly, whatever environment you transport your self to will change your self’s results. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 38. Luciana Jaalouk 38 Einstein also said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” He never said we needed to do them at the same place every time? And, are the events not different by default of them happening at a different time? One second ago it was more humid than this second right now, the conditions of the environment are always changing. Established earlier, we are ruled by charge, and the rules of charge are determined by the properties of our 3-dimensional matter. We live a tangible existence, ruled by the rules of our matter. Your reality defines an experience that is entirely catered for you and just for you. While we may be designing for scaled user journeys, no journey is ever the same. You might say, yes obviously Luciana. Our job building player journeys is simply to try to get close enough to. Look out the window and in this vast world, imagine you had the power to summon a clone version of you, to exist in exactly the same space as you and at exactly the same time, with and within you. Another you, with identical data and thoughts, living the same experience… Well, the clone exists as a tangible being within a tangible world; meaning, the clone isn’t blessed with the superpower to intangibly exist and pass through your physical matter. Hence, you and your clone, perhaps as close to each other as you can get, still cannot occupy the exact same molecular space. Fine. Imagine we live an intangible existence, not ruled by the rules of our matter. Your clone self is indeed finally right on top and passing through you, occupying the exact same space. It is living [with] and within you at the exact same time. Well, we’re back to square one. Simply speaking, your clone is not the original you; it’s still someone else. You are different because you are the original data, you are the source data and your clone is the beta. This time, time is on our side thanks to how we perceive it. This means, for each clone and for each perceiver of their own clone, the simple fact of their existence automatically places them on a unique perceived timeline of their own, one where the rate at which times passes depends on the frame of reference– thank you, Einstein. Might I also remind us of our souls? Souls also travel across space, and take up space. Everyone defines a soul differently. Surely you’ve heard before– “She was a humble human being with a beautiful soul.” “An amazing woman, a life more than well lived, a beautiful soul.” "She was a beautiful soul, a fan intern, and an aspiring sportscaster.” ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 39. Luciana Jaalouk 39 While you may not see them, inevitably one of them is assigned to you at birth, making up your psyche, floating with your identity. Other souls float around you, may they be of service to you or unrelated to you. As early as I could formulate sentences, I remember a prominent question that DID keep me up at night as a kid… “why is my soul in this body?” I cant be the only one who’s wondered. Let’s not forget what we imagined earlier– the clone’s soul contract is also duplicated, and that… that mapping is certainly not linear (a book of its own). In this instance, the purpose of your clone is to imitate you. In all instances, the purpose of you is to live you. Luckily, your life comes with a ‘Free Will’ stamp on it. Your clone’s doesn’t. Your clone’s will depends on YOU. Hey, at least you have a friend to forever mirror you, however pleasant or annoying the thought of that may be. What do you make of a spirit? Spirits also travel across space, and take up space. Everyone defines spirit(s) differently. While you may not see them, inevitably you’ve heard before– “The rest freshened my spirit.” “They cooperate in a peaceable spirit.” “Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.” “I have a youthful spirit.” “I will be with you in spirit.” A spirit is best defined by how it differs from the soul. While a soul is tied to your identity within its existence with your mind and body, a spirit (or many) is more elusive, an essence. The difference between a soul and a spirit is best explained with an ironic analogy; think of the soul as an independent quality, like a personal computer. Think of a spirit as what holds things together, the internet. The two are obviously connected, as you have to connect your personal computer (soul) to the field of the internet (spirit) should you choose to stay connected to others in varying dimensions… Simple. Are souls and spirits bound by time? No. They don’t die, they don’t live. They are. Not limited by any material properties. They are not bound by their time in this 3-dimensional existence as we know it. This is how we understand that time is a product of our existence. This is how we understand that space is a product of us existing in it at a certain time. We have imagined the unimaginable so far. When happens when… You imagine it for a bit too long, and you start to feel it, really? You imagine it for a bit too long, and it starts to spiral into your reality, positively or negatively? You imagine a reality you do not wish to be present for? Simply you say, ‘good luck to them!’ and you move on. Just understand, your pace varies over time. Your pace also varies across space. Your pace varies beyond time and space. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 40. Luciana Jaalouk 40 The space your soul takes is beautiful. So move slowly. Slowly. Slower. In Style Funnily, we just proved that we are not ruled by time or space. Time is on your side. It has been, it always will be. Grow old with me. Time is borrowed. It has been, it always will be. Be grateful for it. Space is without you. It has been, it always will be. Get over yourself. Space is vast. It has been, it always will be. Make room for it. What is change reliant on? I’ll tell you. Change relies on the action you take within the experience you play, in the way you choose to move and groove. If you decide to go in any direction, then you have applied force to an engine with a certain intention to get to your destination. If you decide to go in any direction, then you have accumulated a force with a certain charge to get it to light. If you decide to go in any direction, then you have accumulated a force with a certain charge to get it to sound. Know that you will travel– with regards, signed your engine’s light and sound. Regardless of the players with or without you. Regardless of the instruments with or without you. Regardless of the rules drawn for or from you. Regardless of the beauty bestowed upon you. Where the arrow points is where to find meaty change. How the arrow shapes its point-through-tail is where to find meaty change. Finally! Real change. Change you can actually have control over, not the illusion of. After all, an arrow is simply an instrument for, in this case to aim. By default of your light, simply an instrument to flame. By default of your sound, simply an instrument to fame. Fame not in numbers, fame in reputation. Do this over time, across space: Tune your sound if you want to be heard. Oil your light if you want to be seen. Use your instruments if you want to progress. This means– you have agency over your print by the style of transport chosen and the infinite number of places you could travel to, within and through worlds. Whether you teleport, glide or snail, we might not all like to travel through hail. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 41. Luciana Jaalouk 41 If you find yourself nauseous in the back seat, then put in a request for a new instrument, a new oil, a new tuner; tools more pleasant for your engine’s light and sound. The ability to put in a request by design is non-negotiable in your time playing any game. Let’s incorporate this feature, and encourage players to voice their sound and shine their light by making it easy, simple and fun. So far ruled by cherish and charge, these two always change, and so will this request to accommodate. In the same essence, it’s how you grow, learn, lighten and weigh. The grass is always greener on the other side until we travel and say hey, I liked mine better anyway. And maybe this way, you’ll learn a hey or two about your ways. Stimulated The last aspect of change to cover is that you can also change the rules of change. Change can change itself. Artificial Intelligence is a testament of that. When it comes to playing together and playing alone, how does our changing of the rules over time and space affect our behavior, specifically our engagement within games? An excerpt from the book Learning from the Octopus, How Secrets from Nature can help us fight terrorist attacks, Natural diseases, and disease by Rafe Sagarin goes as follows: “Human scientists can use their own complex minds to come up with all sorts of theories about human cooperation. They have even designed experimental tests of cooperation in the realm of game theory, where human research subjects are given a hypothetical situation in which they must make a decision that will have costs and benefits for themselves and for other people playing the game. They might have to decide whether to turn in a fellow “criminal” or remain silent and receive a bigger punishment, or they might be asked how much of a pool of prize money to give to the other subject under the condition that if the other subject doesn’t agree to the division, both parties will get nothing. These simplistic sounding games, which are designed to study incredibly complex human behaviors, are simple for a reason. They attempt to peel back layers of societal veneer and idiosyncratic individual experiences by putting people in a very sparse world without economic inequalities, political parties, and religions, to get at the unadulterated roots of human cooperative behavior. Despite their simplicity, they often reveal fascinating and sometimes unexpected behaviors. Nonetheless, taken together over decades of game research, they reveal something we already know well: humans are complicated. There is no one answer about cooperation that comes out of game theory, but rather a wide range of human behavior gets revealed as the rules of the game are changed by different researchers. People may be less inclined to cooperate in one-time games but become highly cooperative when there is the possibility for the other side to retaliate for a punitive decision. People playing in teams make different decisions than people playing alone. People playing face-to-face games cooperate ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 42. Luciana Jaalouk 42 more than those playing over the computer, and people who are just shown the image of a relative or merely a picture of a human eye cooperate more than those who are given no hints that they are playing against a fellow human being. [...] In the end, the question is less relevant than the fact that cooperation unequivocally exists in nature, that it is not only compatible with competition but perhaps dependent on competition, and that cooperation takes a lot of different and sometimes surprising forms.”19 What have we learned today? To bring on the right change, we must ask the right questions. Should we ask the wrong questions, we change all the wrong things. How do we ask the right questions? We allow our pace of change over time and across space to determine what feels right or wrong for us by anchoring ourselves in the universality of our present existence, our grounds, instruments and our interactions with other players within the playground. Now that’s a sentence. Ruled by Completion Completion. To finish, to end, to cycle, to birth. This is transfer. With focused force I gliiiide. In physics, the measure of energy transfer occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force, at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement. We love, we spark, we change and to what end? Say you are inside the dome of a white cave– it’s quiet, it’s lit. Say you are surrounded with doors of all different colors. Oh what fun to open every single door, inhale its air, recharge in color. Oh what fun to run around the rainbow of light and sound, in rays. Oh what fun. Oh with each door, a new light, a new sound. Oh many doors, overfloweth with light and sound. Oh it’s getting loud in sound. Oh it’s getting blind in light. Oh it’s getting ahead of me. Oh it’s getting too much for me. I’d have more fun closing some doors down. I’d have more fun dancing them, little at a time. I’d find better fun not opening too many doors at once. I’d find better fun not opening too much of anything, really. Besides, I can’t be the only one to forget things everytime I walk through a door… ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved
  • 43. Luciana Jaalouk 43 No Doubt in Dope There is something to note about the act of opening and closing doors, cycles and tasks. You guessed it, it’s related to dopamine. Where did dopamine start? And how did it evolve? At early stages of life, your child's brain makes dopamine naturally. The hypothalamus (a part in the center of your brain) and the adrenal glands (small glands in the top of the kidneys) help create and release the chemical. If your child has what we ‘label’ today as ADHD (ask me later why I think it’s a gift not a disease), they may be low in dopamine but high in something called dopamine transporters. During adolescence stages, when all that was setup in childhood is being developed and matured, “dopamine levels are at a functional high, leading to elevated patterns of exploration, novelty-seeking, incentive salience, and locomotor activity, all of which serve to bring the individual into contact with biologically salient incentives.”19 At adolescence, “dopamine levels increase both in the limbic system and in its input to the prefrontal cortex. This increase may have implications for adolescent risk-taking and vulnerability to boredom. Serotonin is involved in the regulation of mood and behavior.”20 At later stages of life, the “most prominent signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease occur when nerve cells in the basal ganglia, an area of the brain that controls movement, become impaired and/or die. Normally, these nerve cells, or neurons, produce an important brain chemical known as dopamine. When the neurons die or become impaired, they produce less dopamine, which causes the movement problems associated with the disease. Scientists still do not know what causes the neurons to die.”21 To help enhance dopamine levels naturally, parents can make sure children get adequate sleep and avoid processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, as well as ensuring daily physical exercise. ‘The key to this, however, is to make sure children find activities that are enjoyable to them.’22 . Let me start by covering my cheeks; years of research and medical practice have been allocated to the diseases mentioned above, by no means is my perspective a full solution. It is simply here to broaden perspective. Physician and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté elaborates more on what a trauma-informed medical system looks like; a system that not only treats physical symptoms, but also inquires about the emotional, mental and spiritual traumas that may have contributed to the development of disease. “The correlation between the addiction or ADHD or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for that matter, and trauma and stress could not have been more definitely established than it already has been in scientific research. ©2023 Luciana Jaalouk All Rights Reserved