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L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 1
Exploring Gender and Identity Through Literature
Literary Analysis
1. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female?
2. How are gender stereotypes presented in literature?
3. How do we identify and analyze themes?
4. How do we write an argument to support our literary analysis?
7th Grade
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 2
Literary Analysis 7th
Unit Overview
Students will investigate these essential questions:
1. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female?
2. How are gender stereotypes presented in literature?
3. How do we identify and analyze themes?
4. How do we write an argument to support our literary analysis?
Instructional Foci:
Students will learn to read a text closely, talk accountably, and be able to determine a theme and
back up their analysis with text evidence. They will learn the defined vocabulary, conventions and
sentence structured outlined in stage one of this plan. Students will be writing literary analysis
arguments comparing and contrasting texts. Students will begin to explore the relationships
between authors’ methods and the tone, theme, mood, setting and language of a text. Teachers
will continue to use independent reading and guided reading as a means to accelerate the reading
levels of students below grade level.
To ensure consistency across the school, our working definition of theme is.
“Themesare the big ideasin the text.These ideas are usuallyimportant to most people.Atext
may contain more than one theme,but there is usuallyone central, or main idea.
Themescan be general or specific.People donot always agree about the theme of a text .”
How is Theme Conveyed and Developed?
 physical andcharacter traits
 wordsand actions
 theirrelationshipswithothercharacters
 specificactionsand/or events
 the consequencesof those actionsand/orevents
 dialogue
 imagery
 figurative language
 descriptive language
Text structure
 genre (e.g. poem,text,song,novel,shortstory,videogame etc.)
 medium(e.g. poem,text,song,novel,shortstory,videogame etc.)
 organization
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 3
Texts:Students will read a number of complex texts using a short ACT process. Most of these
texts will be paired to enable students to engage in comparative analysis.
Complex Texts:
The Story of X, short story by Lois Gould
Knock Knock, poem by Daniel Beaty
Raisin in the Sun (excerpt), play by Lorraine Hansberry
Other Texts:
For the Birds, Pixar Short Film
Ant Eater, Advertisement for
La Luna, Pixar Short Film
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Little Pigs
Raymond’s Run by Tony Cade Bambara
Firework, Katy Perry
Guided Reading:
Students reading at instructional levels between levels H-N are using the Heinemann Level
Literacy Intervention (LLI) Blue program for guided reading and Scholastic News at 2nd
grade levels
Students reading at levels N-Z, participating in book clubs reading a variety of fiction and
non-fiction texts, as well as select articles from NewsELA and Indy Kids Newspaper
*Note: Teacher may also select from a bank of CCLS aligned texts. Texts from the 6-8 complexity
band will be selected. Some lower band texts may be used in situations where UDL principles for
access are not workable
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Access for students with disabilities and ELL
 Introduce complex ideas using highly accessible multimedia text (songs, animated
 Visual scaffolds for unit language text structures displayed in all classrooms
 Vocabulary recorded by students using Marzano Based template
 Vocabulary displayed in classroom
 Teacher and student use of theme chart
 Students identified with significant language processing issues will have access to
either predictive writing technology or text to speech software to support them in the
writing process
 Provide Spanish translations for vocabulary words
 Use of a common graphic organizer structure for organizing thinking
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 4
 Use of school-wide graphic organizers for essay structure
 Repeated use of theme analysis chart by teachers and students
 Engage students in regular self-reflection and use of writing tracker
 Use of common rubrics
Tools and templates
 Recognizing Theme Chart (in classwork resources and posted in classroom)
 Independent Reading Journals
 CREA chart
 Evidence and analysis charts for every complex text
Instructional Routines
 ACT process via repeated readings for different purposes
 Small group guided reading
 Paralell single gender groups
 Think Pair Share
 Independent Reading
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 5
Stage One: Identify Desired Results
Reading Writing
7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to
support analysis of what the text says explicitly
as well as inferences drawn from the text.
7.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text
and analyze its development over the course
of the text; provide an objective summary of
the text.
7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story
or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the
characters or plot).
7.4 Determine the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze
the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of
sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or
stanza of a poem or section of a story or
7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear
reasons and relevant evidence.
Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or
opposing claims, and organize the reasons
and evidence logically.
b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and
relevant evidence, using accurate, credible
sources and demonstrating an understanding
of the topic or text.
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create
cohesion and clarify the relationships among
claim(s), reasons, and evidence.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section
that follows from and supports the argument
7.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which
the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
7.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational
texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Language Listening / Speaking
3.1 Use coordinating and subordinating
Produce simple, compound, and complex
L.4.1f. Produce complete sentences,
recognizing and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons
By the end of the year, read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas, and
poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range
7.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher
led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics,
texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
7.2 Analyze the main ideas and supporting details
presented in diverse media and formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the
ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study.
7.3 Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific
claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning
and the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence
7.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing
salient points in a focused, coherent manner with
pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples;
use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume,
and clear pronunciation.
7.5 Include multimedia components and visual
displays in presentations to clarify claims and
findings and emphasize salient points.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 6
What language outcomes will students have achieved when they complete the unit ?
Explain and use Post in classroom and record in binders
figurative language
figurative language
personality trait
physical trait
Conventions , Grammar , Sentence Structures, Transitions
 The central idea of the text is…..
 The author conveys the theme or central idea using….
 The author conveys the theme or central idea through…..
 The words,”…………..” show/convey/illustrate ……
 The author uses character / plot / figurative language to ……. …
Stage Two : Determine Acceptable Evidence
Formative Assessment Tasks
 Vocabulary quizzes
 ACT Graphic Organizers
 Multiple choice (state test practice) questions
 Guided Reading and Checks for Understanding
Summative Assessment Tasks :
 Written thematic analysis of “The Story of X” (essay)
 Written thematic analysis of “Knock Knock (essay)
 Written thematic analysis of “Raisin in the Sun” excerpt (essay)
 Paired text comparison at 3 grade levels taken from past state exams (grade 3, 5, 7)
Students’ Self-Assessment and Reflection
Students will us their goal sheets to self-assess their writing prior to revising
Group rubrics & self assessments for gropu work
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 7
Lesson 1
LearningTarget:IWBAT learn and practice with 3 new vocab words:
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
MaterialsNeeded:extra copies of blank vocabtrackers, modified vocab tracker,completed
vocabtrackers (absent students)
New Vocabulary:
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer: modified
version for Yoscar, Angel, Rayvon
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc): w/ in vocab tracker
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed:
modified tracker
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating: Destiny,
Justin, Alex (if needed)
__ Peer check-in
__ 1:1 check in: Crystal (timer),
Jordalyn (supplies), Yoscar
__ Work done standing: Yoscar,
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willbe given new do now packet and will be
instructed to file it in their Do Now section
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Monday,January 26th
set up Alex’s BIP,
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
04/05:roles reversed
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 8
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
HW Review
3 min
Ss workerwill circulate and staple new HW menus
into all students’ HW notebooks.
04/05- Yoscar
02- Justin
T will review expectations of HW’s and circulate as
Ss copy down in their planners
Cancila checkinghw
04/05: roles reversed
Teacher will take students through the week’s
three school-widevocabwords:
T will provide multiple opportunities for turn and
talks (prediction), sentence stem completion, and
will also use popsicle sticks to encourage wider
participation withpicture analysis and fill-in
typically(adverb):a way that a person or group is
generally believed to behave or act
subsequent(adjective):happening or coming
after something else.
coherent:(adjective) A person, group, idea, or
thing that is easy to understand because it is clear
and reasonable
Drabczyk willlead,
adjusted vocabgraphic
organizers to target
students: Yoscar, Angel,
Alex, and other students
whomay benefit.
Ts will explain to students that we’re now starting
Unit 3. During the 3rd Unit, we’re going to continue
discussing gender, and this time we’re going to be
reading a lot more fictiontexts and poetry. We’ll be
looking at gender and stereotypes as wedissect
our texts. T willexplain that the Unit’s Essential
Questions are posted around the room (There are
only 4, but for the sake of smaller groups we have
2x every poster.)
1. What does it mean to be male?
What does it mean to be female?
2. How are gender stereotypes presented in
3. How do we identify and analyze themes?
4. How do we write an argument to support our
literary analysis?
Students willcount off by 8 (roughly groups of 3-
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 9
4). Students will have 3 minutes at each poster to
write an example, a few words or a sentence
explaining their answers. Students can discuss
ideas with their groups and also see what other
students have written.
3 min
02- fulltime
Expectations will be reviewed prior to break
LLI: Blue
GR: Purple
IR: Orange, Green, Red
LLI: Blue
GR: Red
IR: Green, Purple, Yellow
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groups will
be w/ Drabczykin
classroom ** Reading
Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
LLI: Yellow
GR: Green
IR: Purple, Red, Orange
LLI: Orange
GR: Green
IR: Red, Yellow,Purple
Lesson 2
IWBATdescribe the essential questions and key ideas of Unit 3.
IWBATidentify the theme of various video clips and support my claim with text evidence.
IWBATread and summarize an independent level text.
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the
text; provide an objectivesummary of the text.
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in
the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffoldingas needed at the high end of the
MaterialsNeeded:Unit3 workbookpackets(week1), video clips, sound cord, choicematerials,
choicechecklists, makeup packets/readings
New Vocabulary:practicewithtypically,subsequent, coherent
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 10
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating (Alex,
Yoscar, Justin, Destiny, Crystal)
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in (Ta-Miere,
Angel, Yoscar, Alex)
__ Work done standing (Yoscar)
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment (Yoscar,
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
for Wednesday, Jan 28th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
*Facilitating T willcirculate and stamp
papers of students started on their workand
working at a Level 0.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
**Fast Finishers should be encouraged to go
back and complete Tuesday’s Do Now.
Drabczyk-attendance,set up
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
*GiveAlex and AngelMake-up
packet for reportcard grade.
04/05:roles reversed
*GiveYoscar Make-uppacket
for reportcard grade.
5 min
T willlead practice withthis week’s
vocabulary words: typically,subsequent, and
coherent using powerpoint.
Popsicle sticks willbe used forParticipation.
Cancila continues to checkHW.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 11
PPTpracticewill vary from picture
identification, choosing the correctscenario,
filling in the blank, and filling in sentence
Roles reversed
Unit 3 Hook
10 min
Instructions on board:
-Take out all workin your CLASSWORK
-Put all of your workin one pile in the center
of your desk.
*St volunteerwill collectall Unit2work
-Put the new packet in your CLASSWORK
*St volunteerwill passoutUnit 3
T willintro Unit 3: Exploring Gender and
Identity through Literature.
T willproject essential questions on board
and read aloud forstudents.
T will draw student attention to first two
-what does it mean to be female?
-what does it mean to be male?
Sts willwatch 2 video clips:
-”The Mask youLive In”
*T will instruct students to think about the
essential questions while they watch.
Sts willhave 5 min to independently answer
the Unit’s Essential Questions in the first
page of their workbook.
-Independent work
-Level 0
25-30 min
T will guide students through guided notes
on the 2nd page of their unit workbook.
-definition of theme
-notes on theme
T will clarify meaning of theme and tell
students that we willbe identifying and
analyzing themes in literature this unit.
T will create chart of Themes we find in
Literature to start a running list forthe unit.
T will put 2 examples on chart to begin:
Not judging someone from their appearance
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 12
*emphasizehowatheme may be one
wordora phrase/moral message
(For the Birds) (6 min)
-Whole class will watchvideo.
-T willintro video and have students think
about the overall message of the clip as they
watch(reference possible choices on graphic
-T willfill in graphic organizer for“For the
Birds” with students (on ppt) and think-
aloud ideas as they are filled out.
*Think-aloud- “there could be more than one
theme, but I think the BESTONE is Ingenuity
(being clever)because….”
*Use evidence from the text and model the
writing of analysis.
-As notes appear on ppt, students will copy
them into their notes.
-T willadd theme if Ingenuity to Theme
(Anteater) (6 min)
-Whole class will watchclip
-Sts willhave 4 min to work withseat
partner/table tocomplete graphic organizer
outlining theme, evidence, and analysis
-Level 1-2
-Timed and countdown
(La Luna) (10 min)
-Whole class will watchclip (possibly cut
down clip)
-Sts willhave 4 min (timed) to complete
Theme organizer about “LaLuna”
independently and at a level 0.
-Quickshare out (2-3 volunteers)
3 min
02: fulltime
*review expectations prior to break
*countdownfrom :20 and :10
20 min
LLI: Yellow
GR: Red
IR: Green, Purple, Orange
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groups willbe w/
Drabczykin classroom **
Reading Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 13
LLI: Orange
GR: Green
IR: Red, Yellow,Purple
**All groupswill do IR
insteadof Choiceasnoted.
emphasis that when there is
only one block,it is IR.
Lesson 3
LearningTarget:IWBATanalyze a text using elements of plot. IWBATexplain how a story’s plot
conveysits theme.
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3 Analyze
how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot)
New Vocabulary:practiceweek’s vocabulary:typically,subsequent, coherent
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating (Alex,
Yoscar, Justin, Destiny, Crystal)
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in (Ta-Miere,
Angel, Yoscar, Alex)
__ Work done standing (Yoscar)
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment (Yoscar,
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
Drabczyk-attendance,set up
Alex’s BIP,Crystal’s timer and
tally, facilitateDo Now and
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 14
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
for Thursday, Jan 29th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
*Facilitating T willcirculate and stamp papers
of students started on their workand
working at a Level 0.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
**Fast Finishers should be encouraged to go
back and complete missing do nows. Ts will
explain that Do Nows are being graded this
beginning of class check.
04/05:roles reversed
5 min
T willlead practice withthis week’s
vocabulary words: typically,subsequent, and
coherent using powerpoint.
Popsicle sticks willbe used forParticipation.
PPTpracticewill vary from picture
identification, choosing the correctscenario,
filling in the blank, and filling in sentence
Cancila continues to checkHW.
Roles reversed
T will ask Ss to turn and talk at their tables
and remind each other what plotmeans. T
will take a few volunteers to share.
Plot: themain eventsof a storyorplay,
T will explain that today we’ll be looking at
the different plots in stories, and we have a
way of explaining the plot more specifically
by describing each event and how it
contributes to the SUBSEQUENT events.
T will have students complete the guided
notes on plot on p. 3
T and students will create a story together
that followsthe elements of plot: large
graphic of plot steps will be on the board. T
will elicit ideas fornext steps in the plot from
class. and move a magnet as the story
progresses. (quick activity--3minstops)
Cancila leads, Drabczykchecks
in 1:1 with students, takes
participation points, and
charts on board as needed.
T will review plot annotations and
expectations of task withstudents before
reading. T will read the 3 Billy Goats Gruff
Cancila leads, Drabczykchecks
in 1:1 with students, takes
participation points, and
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 15
Gruff aloud to students, while the teacher reads, Ss
will be marking the text with plot
T will have students share ideas at their table
and try to come up witha consensus.
Student volunteers will share out, and T will
mark responses on the SMART board screen
either in doc cam mode, or withpreviously
correctanswers in the ppt.
charts on board as needed.
Plotto Theme
Students will spend 5 minutes workingat
their table to choose a theme and justify their
response using evidenceand analysis.
Ts will need to support struggling tables as
this is the students’ first attempt at this task.
Tag Team Teach:Both ts will
circulate, and prompt whole
class for: keywords/symbols,
*1 strategy for evidence
Student volunteer will distribute a copy of the
plot diagram per table (2x per table if the
numbers allow)and a small paper pigs. While
T reads aloud the second story “The Three
Little Pigs,”, Ss willbe responsible for moving
the pig along the plot diagram. Oncefinished,
students will have a few minutes to annotate
the story for plot elements. Depending on
time, Ts will review answers.
***With extra time, T can have students
independently complete the theme chart for3
little Pigs
Cancila leads, Drabczykchecks
in 1:1 with students, takes
participation points, and
charts on board as needed.
(3 mins)
02: fulltime
*review expectations prior to break
*countdownfrom :20 and :10
Both teachers circulateand
checkin withstudents as
needed. Ts conference with
students with outstanding
LLI (Cancila): Blue
GR (Drabczyk):Purple
IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Green, Yellow
LLI (Cancila): Orange
GR (Drabczyk):Purple
IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Green, Yellow
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groups willbe w/
Drabczykin classroom **
Reading Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
LLI (Cancila): Orange
GR (Drabczyk):Yellow
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groups willbe w/
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 16
IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Green, Purple
LLI (Cancila): Blue
GR (Drabczyk):Yellow
IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Purple, Green
Drabczykin classroom **
Reading Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
Lesson 4
IWBATdemonstrate my knowledge of this week’s academic vocabulary words.
IWBATdescribe twonew class procedures for rewards and shout outs.
IWBATread and summarize an independent level text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades
6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
MaterialsNeeded:vocabulary quizzes(full),vocabquizzes (sentence frames), binders, ppt,
New Vocabulary:assessment on typically,subsequent, coherent
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item
& timing
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 17
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Friday,January 30th (Friday Free Write)
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and remind
students that a free write is straight writing for
the time allotted (3 min)
*Facilitating T willcirculate and stamp papers
of students started on their workand working
at a Level 0.
Drabczyk-attendance,set up
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
04/05:roles reversed
*During Do Now-Cancila will
checkin withbinder monitors
about numbering tables and
setting up bins in the back.
*Drabczykwillcheckin with
new resource managers about
pencils during transition.
02- Julius
04/05- Nayelis
Free Write
5 min
Whole class will share out responses to free
*Looking at picking prompt (on screen)
What message does this picture convey?How
does it make you feel.
5 min (timed) on clockforsharing.
Sts willraise hands and volunteer responses.
T will facilitatediscussion and prompt with
further questions.
15 min
Sts willhave 1 min (timed) toreview
trackers/words and ask last minute clarifying
T will clarify typically,subsequent, and
Sts willhave 10 min (timed) to complete
vocabulary quiz.
-level 0, independent.
Full version (no frames)-
02: all/ adapted below
04/05: Tasnoba, Kenneth, Marvin, Pablo,
Nayelis?, NicolP?
Adapted version (sentence frames)-
02: Tanisha, Angel, Danielle, Crystal, Jomari,
04/05: all/ full above
Cancila- facilitate
Drabczyk-pull out forread
aloud/separate location
02: Alex, Angel, Danielle,
Genesis, Yoscar, Ronaldo,
Nicole D, Santiaguito,
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 18
New Routines
10 min
T will introduce new Twitterprocedures
-cards in backof room
-write @________(nameof classmate) with
positive comment for shout out.
-place in bin.
-T willreview the comments at the end of the
week and put up for monday on Twitter feed.
*T will review examples of sample comments.
T will then introduce new procedure forclass-
wide rewards.
-On yourmark just for ELA.
-20 pts=double break
-40pts= free HW
-50 pts= donut day
**rewards will continue to build up. New
month starts at 0.
T will have students brainstorm a “Mascot” for
their class OYMtracker. Students will be
prompted to write an animal to represent their
class. Animal with the most votes will be their
mascot/ tie-breaker Monday if needed.
T will quickly introduce the plan for“student-
teacher lunch”
-every other friday,lunch with Ms. D and Ms.
-lunch on the teachers.
-st selected will select one friend (student or
-invitation will be sent on Monday of that
Tag Team Teach
5 min
02: full-time
04/05: 2:45
20 min
GR: Green
IR: all other groups
LLI: Blue, Orange
GR: Red
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groupswillbe w/
Drabczykin classroom **
Reading Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
20 min
GR: Red
IR: Green
Choice: all other groups
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 19
LLI: Blue, Orange
IR: Red
Choice: all other groups
Lesson 5
Learning Target:IWBAT learn and practice with 3 new vocab words:
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
MaterialsNeeded:extra copies of blank vocabtrackers, modified vocab tracker,completed
vocabtrackers (absent students)
New Vocabulary:fundamental, regardless, acknowledge
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer: modified
version for Yoscar, Angel, Rayvon,
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc): w/ in vocab tracker
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed:
modified tracker
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating: Destiny,
Justin, Alex (if needed)
__ Peer check-in
__ 1:1 check in: Crystal (timer),
Jordalyn (supplies), Yoscar
__ Work done standing: Yoscar,
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
__ Classroom Jobs to minimize
negative behaviors: Yoscar, Dontae
(media managers-ipad)
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 20
-old do now section removed, attention drawn to
graded coversheet
Ss willbe given new do now packet and will be
instructed to file it in their Do Now section
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Monday,February 2nd
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
Drabczyk check
04/05:roles reversed
HW Review
3 min
Ss workerwill circulate and staple new HW menus
into all students’ HW notebooks.
04/05- Yoscar
02- Justin
T will review expectations of HW’s and circulate as
Ss copy down in their planners
Cancila checkinghw
02: roles reversed
Teacher will take students through the week’s
three school-widevocabwords:
T will provide multiple opportunities for turn and
talks (prediction), sentence stem completion, and
will also use popsicle sticks to encourage wider
participation withpicture analysis and fill-in
fundamental:forming or relating to the most
important part of something.
acknowledge(v): to say that you accept or do
not deny the truth or existence of (something)
regardless:in spite of difficulty, trouble, etc.
Drabczyk willprovide
adjusted vocabgraphic
organizers to target
students: Yoscar, Angel,
Alex, and other students
whomay benefit.
02- fulltime
Expectations will be reviewed prior to break
***Ts will remind that part of tight transitions
score for on yourmark willcome from
transitioning frommovement break
Reading Block
LLI: Blue
GR: Purple
IR: Orange, Green, Red
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groups will
be w/ Drabczykin
classroom ** Reading
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 21
LLI: Blue
GR: Red
IR: Green, Purple, Yellow
Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
Reading Block
LLI: Yellow
GR: Green
IR: Purple, Red, Orange
LLI: Orange
GR: Green
IR: Red, Yellow,Purple
EOCC/OYM Ts will reminds Ss of new OYM
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 22
Lesson 6
IWBATanalyze how a character’s actions, words, and description convey a text’s theme.
IWBATread and summarize an independent level text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or
CCSS.ELA-LITERACYRL 7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories,
dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
MaterialsNeeded:binders, guided notes, mini whiteboards, mini erasers, whiteboard markers
New Vocabulary:practicewithregardless,acknowledge,fundamental
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc) (all)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames (all)
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes (all)
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now
(8 min)
3 min (timed on board) fortransition.
-materials manager w circulate to pass out
and taking attendance
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 23
-binder monitors will pass out binders.
-hw out on desks
-do now started
3 min (timed on board) forstudents to
complete Do Now.T will read directions
aloud and circulate to support students.
-Tuesday, Feb 3rd.
-level 0-1
-independent work
Beginning of class checkafter do now
Cancila-Crystal’s timer,
check-inwith Ms.
stamping on-task books
09: roles reversed
(5 min)
T will lead students through various
examples to practice this week’s words.
-examples will include visuals/other media.
-additional supports forstudents using
sentence starters on slides (whole class)
02: Cancila lead, D
checking HW
09: roles reversed
Unit Mini-Lesson
Introducing Character
(20-25 min)
Introduction (6-7 min)
T will have student volunteer distribute
workbookpages to wholeclass.
Students will be instructed to file these
notes in their Classwork section.
T will lead students through guided notes
on character.
Authorsalsouse characters andtheir
personalities toconveytheme.
The theme or overall message maybe
· description , the character’s physical and
personality traits
· Character’s words,what a character says
· Character’s actions,what he/she does or
His/herrealtionship withothers.
Model (5 min)
T will go through 2 samples practicing the
This shows that the theme of this text is
__________________ because_______________.
T will writeframe on board for student
*Groups will each be given a mini-
whiteboard, marker, and eraser.
*some students may elect to workalone
Cancila- support
individual students/
groups during game
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 24
-T willproject evidence (sample quotes
from texts-familiar/unfamiliar)
On slides- evidence/choiceof themes
-Groups will have 1 min to discuss
1. what the theme is
2. why this evidence conveysthis
-Groups will have 1 min to also write their
response on their mini whiteboard using the
frame posted (groups willalso have frame
printed/written on support sheet)
-T willgo through 1st example with whole
-Whole class will go through 8-10 examples.
-Points willbe allocated forcorrect answers
and “goodteam work”
-2 everbuck questions at the end of the
game for questions withouttheme bank
(3 min)
Review expectations before break.
02: 2:45 break (per Monday break)
09: full time
:20 warning, countdownfrom :10
(20 min)
GR: Yellow
IR: All other groups
LLI: Blue (Orange will do IR)
GR: Green
IR: All other groups
LLI: Orange (Blue will do IR)
*possible jobs needed forJordalyn/Yoscar
and/or music while reading
*All groups in IR will read independently,
regardless of whether they have “choice”
indicated on their schedules.
T will review this withstudents; remind
students that on days with single blocks/
the block must be an IR block.
Cancila: facilitating LLI
in office
IR/GR in classroom
*LPs with individual
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 25
Lesson 7
IWBATanalyze how the characters’ actions, descriptions, and words in a text convey its theme.
IWBATread and summarize an independent level text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or
CCSS.ELA-LITERACYRL 7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories,
dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
MaterialsNeeded:binders, extra workbookpages (forsts missing yesterday),extra do nows, do
now stamp, accompanyingppt, highlighters if needed, reading blockmaterials
New Vocabulary: practicewith regardless,acknowledge,fundamental
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now
(8 min)
3 min (timed on board) fortransition.
-materials manager w circulate to pass out
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 26
-binder monitors will pass out binders.
-hw out on desks
-do now started
3 min (timed on board) forstudents to
complete Do Now.T will read directions
aloud and circulate to support students.
-Wednesday, Feb 4th.
-level 0-1
-independent work
Beginning of class checkafter do now
taking attendance
Cancila-Crystal’s timer, check-
in with Ms. Pimentel/Alex,
stamping on-task books
09: roles reversed
set-up: Yoscar/Destiny/
(5 min)
T will lead students through various
examples to practice this week’s words.
-examples will include visuals/other media.
-additional supports forstudents using
sentence starters on slides (whole class)
02: Cancila lead, D checking
09: roles reversed
Introduction to
5 min
T will remind students of how character may
convey theme w/ examples of each:
T will instruct students to turn to classwork
section, to reading of “raymond’s run”.
-screenshot of text will be on powerpoint to
support transition.
-countdownto getting prepared.
T will introduce story, “Raymond’s Run” to
whole class.
-”whatwe will be reading is an excerpt from
a longer text. The characters in the bookare
around yourage and the narrator, character
telling the story is a young girl whopeople
call Squeaky.”
-”as I read the text aloud, follow along and
have your pen/pencil ready to circlequotes
where Squeaky speaks/is described/acts and
underline when Raymond speaks/is
-as weread, also think about what the overall
messages/themes of the text are.
T will have student reiterate directions and
what they are reading for.
Drabczyk lead
Cancilacirculateto support
individual students.
10 min
T will read “Raymond’s Run” aloud as
students follow along.
Drabczyk-read aloud to
groups in classroom.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 27
T will periodically model close reading
strategies using think aloud.
-annotating text while reading.
example: “that sounds like a description of
Squeaky. I am going to circle it.”
Cancila-extension pull-out
group in office/empty room
09: Britney, Raylin, Pablo,
Kenneth, Marvin, Tasnoba
02: Shakira, Justin, Alex, Jon-
Luke, Dontae, Shamar,
*Pull-out groups willread text
Partner Work
10 min
T will introduce partner task and show
students how to fill in chart on ppt (5 min)
Ss willwork in pairs/trios tofill in theme,
evidence, and analysis for“Raymond’s Run”
(5 min)
T will review with wholeclass/share out
(2 min)
*Extension groups willremain
in pull-out space with Cancila.
-extension activity/charton
plotting theme with character
descriptions, actions, and
words when finished with
understanding character chart.
3 min
02: Full time
09: Full time
20 min
GR- Green
IR- all other groups
LLI- Orange
GR- Red
IR-all other groups
LLI- Orange
Cancila-lead LLI groups in
Drabczyk-lead IR and GR
groups in classroom/ GR @
blue table in backof room
*LPs available with individual
*If dontae needs alt. activity,
he may take downthe name of
everyone’s IR book in the ipad
(media manager)
Lesson 8
LearningTarget:IWBAT to identify and produce different types of figurative language. IWBAT read at
my independent level and summarize a text.
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of
sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
MaterialsNeeded:art supplies, extra copies of rubric, model project
New Vocabulary:Review:fundamental, acknowledge, regardless
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 28
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc) (all)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames (all)
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes (all)
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
for Thursday, February 5th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed
Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s
timer and tally, facilitate Do
Now and beginning of class
Drabczyk checkhomework
04/05:roles reversed
*** Dontae or other student to
hole punch classworkprior to
(5 min)
T will lead students through various
examples to practice this week’s words.
-examples will include visuals/other media.
-additional supports forstudents using
sentence starters on slides (whole class)
02: Cancila lead, D checking
09: roles reversed
d Notes
(10 minutes)
-T willask Ss to read the learning target, and
ask for any ideas on what figurative language
might be.
-T willhave students file new classwork
workbookpages chronologically in their
Cancila willlead discussion,
Drabczykwillcirculate and
keep individual students on
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 29
-T willshow figurative language song/video
to engage background knowledge.
-T willhave students fill-in guided notes in
class work section on figurative language and
specific examples.
-Ts will students through their mini-group
project (groups will be table groups).
-T willdemo model of group project,and go
over rubric quickly withstudents.
(15 mins)
-In small heterogeneous groups determined
by seated groups, students will work
collaboratively to define a type of figurative
language (e.g. hyperbole & metaphor), and
create 3-5 examples of that type.
-Students will select their literary device/fig.
lang type froma mystery bag and will be
responsible for creating a poster that aligns
with the rubric.
-Students will assign roles using the
organizer/planner sheet in their classwork
Both Ts circulating and
providing focused support at
the following tables:
Table 1-frequent check-inson
group collaboration
Table 2-support Angel
participation, checkrole
Table 3- confirm Sebastian
participating with girls
Table 4- frequent check-inson
group collaboration
Table 5- depending on
attendance, may split up (Ta-
meire to group 6, Terence to
group 3)
Table 6-**Ms. Pimental
Table 7- check-in on Crystal’s
Table 1-frequent check-inson
group collaboration
Table 2-encourage leadership
from Jordalyn
Table 3- frequent check-inson
group collaboration(support
during roles decision)
Table 4- check staying on task,
Giovanni participation
Table 5- independent
Table 6-frequent check-inson
group collaboration
Table 7- check in to support
Expectations posted.
02: 2 mins 45 seconds (per yesterday
09: full time
*20 second warning, 10 second countdown
Both Ts circulating
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 30
Eachgroup will share their poster and their 2
best examples of that type of figurative
language. Priorto share: T will review the
professionalism and presentation boxes on
the project rubric.
*Media Managers (Dontae
(702), Yoscar(709)) will
videotape presentations at a
Level 0 on ipad
Lesson 9
LearningTarget:IWBATdemonstrate my knowledge of this week’s vocabwords. IWBAT
analyze a text forexamples of figurative language.
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of
sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
MaterialsNeeded:vocabquizzes, classwork
New Vocabulary:assess student understanding of:fundamental, acknowledge, and regardless
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc): rubric for mini-
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames:
adapted version vocab quiz
__ Leveled text (independent level)
IR Level used for students in IR,
instructional levels used for guided
reading & LLI
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment: in group
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity: Yoscar
absent for day one of mini-project.
Potential alternatives ** filming
groups, helping label LLI folders,
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 31
file endlines
Agenda Item
& timing
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Friday,February 6th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed
Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s
timer and tally, facilitate Do
Now and beginning of class
Drabczyk checkhomework
04/05:roles reversed
Free Write
5 min
Whole class will share out responses to free
*Looking at picking prompt (on screen)
What message does this picture convey?How
does it make you feel.
5 min (timed) on clockforsharing.
Sts willraise hands and volunteer responses.
T will facilitatediscussion and prompt with
further questions.
LLI: Yellow
GR: Green
GR (w/ Dipietro):Griselda
LLI: Orange
GR: Red
GR(w/ Dipietro):Santiaguito
Return to wholeclass instruction @ 9 AM
Cancila supporting LLI groups
Drabczykmonitoring IR
groups and conducting GR
DiPietroworking one on one
w/ SETSS students**
individual lesson plans with
Expectations posted.
02: full time
09: full time
*20 second warning, 10 second countdown
Both Ts circulating
15 min
Sts willhave 1 min (timed) toreview
trackers/words and ask last minute clarifying
T will clarify typically,subsequent, and
Cancila- facilitate
Drabczyk-pull out forread
aloud/separate location
02: Alex, Angel, Danielle,
Genesis, Yoscar, Ronaldo,
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 32
Sts willhave 10 min (timed) to complete
vocabulary quiz.
-level 0, independent.
Full version (no frames)-
02: all/ adapted below
04/05: Tasnoba, Kenneth, Marvin, Pablo,
Nayelis?, NicolP?
Adapted version (sentence frames)-
02: Tanisha, Angel, Danielle, Crystal, Jomari,
04/05: all/ full above
Nicole D, Santiaguito,
Franyelina, Jordalyn,Anyeli
Groups whodid not present yesterday will
present their figurative language posters. Ts
will remind Ss of the expectations per the
rubric for both audience and presenters.
Groups to still present:
704/5: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 6
702: Table 2, Table 3, Table 4
Cancila & Drabczykboth
facilitating and both scoring
for the groups that they’re
assessing from each class.
*** Dontae to videotape in
702/Britney in 704/5
T will explain to Ss that we’velearned about
many different types of figurative language.
Now we’ll be listening to Katy Perry’s song,
Firework,where she uses all kinds of figurative
language to help convey her theme. Before we
think of her theme, we’ll look forexamples of
figurative language. T will quickly review key
with students.
-T willplay song and stop after the first stanza.
-Ask Ss to turn and talk at their tables, did they
find any examples of figurative language? Ss
will share and Ts willprovide feedback.
-T willkeep playing song and allow for stop
and jots as time permits.
-After the song, T will have the students work
independently to complete the theme chart. Ts
will monitor forCFU in circulating.
-Ts will lead short discussion/share if time
-Ts will extend fast finishers by having them
complete the extension question at the bottom
of the page.
Tag Team Teach
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 33
Lesson 10
LearningTarget:IWBAT learn and practice with 3 new vocab words: accurate, emerge, correlate.
IWBATread and respond to a text at my IR level.
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
MaterialsNeeded:extra copies of blank vocabtrackers, modified vocab tracker,completed
vocabtrackers (absent students)
New Vocabulary:accurate,emerge, correlate
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer: modified
version for Yoscar, Angel, Rayvon,
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc): w/ in vocab tracker
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed:
modified tracker
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating: Destiny,
Justin, Alex (if needed)
__ Peer check-in
__ 1:1 check in: Crystal (timer),
Jordalyn (supplies), Yoscar
__ Work done standing: Yoscar,
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
__ Classroom Jobs: Yoscar, Dontae
(media managers-ipad)
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Monday,February 9th
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
Drabczyk check
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 34
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
04/05:roles reversed
HW Review
3 min
One T will circulateand staple new HW menus into
all students’ HW notebooks. **adjustment made
from student job/due to low retention of menu
during previous week.
T will review expectations of HW’s and circulate as
Ss copy down in their planners
Cancila checkinghw
02: roles reversed
Teacher will take students through the week’s
three school-widevocabwords:
T will provide multiple opportunities for turn and
talks (prediction), sentence stem completion, and
will also use popsicle sticks to encourage wider
participation withpicture analysis and fill-in
accurate:correct and true in every detail
emerge:to appear or come out from somewhere
or (withfacts) become knownafter being hidden
or secret
correlate:twoor more facts, ideas, etc. that are
closely connected to each other or one causes the
Drabczyk willprovide
adjusted vocabgraphic
organizers to target
students: Yoscar, Angel,
Destiny, Alex, and other
students who may
02- fulltime
Expectations will be reviewed prior to break
***Ts will remind that part of tight transitions
score for on yourmark willcome from
transitioning frommovement break
Reading Block
LLI: Blue
GR: Purple
IR: Orange, Green, Red
LLI: Blue
GR: Red
IR: Green, Purple, Yellow
LLI Groups willbe with
Cancila in Rm 149 A
GRand IR Groups will
be w/ Drabczykin
classroom ** Reading
Lesson Plans with
individual teachers
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 35
Reading Block
LLI: Yellow
GR: Green
IR: Purple, Red, Orange
LLI: Orange
GR: Green
IR: Red, Yellow,Purple
EOCC/OYM Ts will reminds Ss of new OYM
Lesson 11
IWBATanalyze the way the theme of “TheStory of X” is conveyedthrough its plot.
IWBATreflect on my progress in reading this year.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how
setting shapes the characters or plot).
MaterialsNeeded:binders, ACT workbookpackets,reading conferencesheets
*Ta-Miere in SAVE room: binder-Katy Perry Pg 19, Story of X
*Destiny in SAVE room: binder, scholastic editions, story of x (supported in SAVE?)
New Vocabulary:practicewithcorrelate, emerge, accurate
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 36
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Tuesday, February 10th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
Crystal’s timer and
tally, facilitateDo Now
and beginning of class
Drabczyk check
04/05:roles reversed
5 min
*St volunteer to manage powerpoint
-depending on behavioral needs
T will guide students through ppt to practice
using week’s words:
Cancila- facilitate
09: roles reversed
TheStory of X
20 min
T will introduce story tostudents and
emphasize that wewill be analyzing this text
for theme and writing an essay about this story
on Thursday; as intro is given, workbookpages
will be passed out and filed in Classwork
section of binders.
Class will be split into 2 groups based on
gender. One group will remain in class, 2nd
group willgo toempty pull-out space.
T will prompt students to circlewords/phrases
that are unfamiliar/difficult. T willalso prompt
students to underline quotes they feel are
T will read story aloud as students follow along
in their binders.
T will model annotating and questioning of text
Males- Drabczyk
*location is based on
previous lesson
locations. Spaces were
alternated for groups.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 37
using think-alouds while reading and
prompting annotation of text.
T will circulatewhile reading to ensure all
students are on task and engaged.
5 min
Students will have 3-5 minutes timed to
answer multiple choice questions forDay One.
T will circulateand support students by
reading aloud questions and responses if
Ss willwork independently and at a level 0-1.
T will review answers with class briefly (1-2
Parallel groups
3 min
02: fulltime
09: fulltime
*Review of expectations briefly before break.
*Warning at :20
*Countdown from :10
Break given in separate
settings; do not have to
be synchronized.
Analyzing Theme
through Plot
15 min
T will guide students in analyzing the theme of
the story through plot.
T will explain organizers to students and
clarify directions.
Claim:choosetheme from selections above
and fillin the theme in the claim section.
Reason:clarify that the “reasons” in literary
analysis are the literary elements that an
author uses. Twill prompt students to fill in
sentence frame with plot forDay One.
Evidence:students willworkindependently or
in pairs (3min) to lookthrough text for
evidence supporting plot as a conveyorof
theme. T willprompt students to annotate this
evidence with *P1.
Analysis:students will develop analysis for
their evidence in pairs or independently
*Review as a group/clarify misunderstandings.
*Anticipate students having difficulty
identifying specific examples of PLOT.
Reiterate that plot is the specific details which
happen/specific events. These can be specific
quotes or generalized events/summary.
Extension:students will be prompted to
complete a second piece of evidenceand
Parallel Groups
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 38
analysis if finished early.
5 min
T will read Exit Question aloud and rephrase
for understanding.
Sts willhave 3 min timed to complete their
-level 0
Parallel Groups
20 min
*All groups willremain in classroom.
T will instruct students to take out IR books. T
will let students know that teachers willbe
conferencing withstudents in their reading
groups to discuss their progress in reading. T
will let students know to bring over their IR
book when they are called for conferencing.
*let students know that wewill be
conferencing all week and will be getting to
T will set 15 min timer for sustained IR.
Ts will call students GR/ LLIgroups over for
conferencing locations in classroom.
During conference:
1.T will remind students of initial level in
September/ st will record on conf.sheet
2. T will give new IR level/ st records
3. S will recordreading reflectionprompted by:
4. T and S willfind new IR book and/or decide
to keep current book.S willrecord.
*T will also record IR book.
02: Return as whole
class at 9:30am
09: Return as whole
class at 11:55
Cancila:Meet with
BlockA LLIgroups
Drabczyk:Meet with
GR BlockA groups
Lesson 12
IWBATanalyze the way that the theme of “The Story of X” is conveyedthrough character.
IWBATreflect on my reading progress so far this year.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how
setting shapes the characters or plot).
MaterialsNeeded:binders, workbookpages, reading conferencesheets, vocabulary practice
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 39
SaveRoom:Check in with Destiny 3rd period regarding class work forthe day;vocabpractice
sheet (fromintervention group)
New Vocabulary:practicewithcorrelate, emerge, accurate
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
for Wednesday, February 11th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
Drabczyk checkhomework
04/05:roles reversed
*Cancila willpull Anyeli and
Nicole D to translate gist of
“The Story of X” into spanish.
5 min
*St volunteer to manage powerpoint
-depending on behavioral needs
T will guide students through ppt to practice
using week’s words:
Cancila- facilitate
09: roles reversed
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 40
The Story of X
10 min
Ss willbe split into twoseparate groups by
T will preview activity with students. Remind
students that yesterday we read for theme
and thought about how plot conveyedthe
theme. Today,we are going to be reading and
thinking about how the character conveys
the theme. Have students recall the three
waysthat characters can convey theme
-Remind students to box off significant
moments with character as they read along.
T will read section of text aloud from “The
Story of X”
Start: P 21 (Starting from line: “The Joneses
had askedX'steacherif the classcouldline up
alphabetically,insteadof formingseparate
T will circulatewhile reading aloud to ensure
all students are on task.
T will model annotation of text through
think-aloud strategy.
-specifically model language “Ifeel like that is
a clear description of a character that may
convey a specific theme, I am going to box it
Males- Drabczyk
*Flex-grouping for
Britney/Yoscardepending on
CFU: Multiple
7 min
Ss willhave 3 minutes (timed) to complete
multiple choicequestions for Day Two.
-clarify meaning of climax
-have students focus on the wording of the
questions and try to make guesses if they are
*Independent work/level 0-1
T will briefly review answers if necessary.
-T willdo not go into detail reviewing the
T should give students 3 min
Parallel Groups
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 41
break within groups!
20 min
T will guide group through filling out Day
Two organizerforcharacter.
**T may choose to do all guided or have
students break into pairs or have students
workindependently through various parts of
this exercise.
T should guide students to fill in the same
theme as they worked on yesterday. Remind
students that they willbe using these notes
to write an essay the following day and that
their evidence and plan are very important to
have to complete the essay.
- Ss will choosethe same theme as previous
-Ss willfill in theme in claim.
-Ss willfill in characterfor reason.
(T should think aloud here: Character is a
literary element that authors use to convey
theme. This is my REASONfor saying that ….
is the theme.)
-Ss willlook through text forevidence to
support their claim and label it *C1
-Ss willdevelop analysis to match
T will circulateas students workto ensure all
students are on task.
T may choose to share out with wholegroup
at the end if it willbe beneficial (CFU)
Parallel Groups
7 min
*If time permits:
Ss willcomplete ExitQuestion forDay Two
using their ownopinions/ideas.
S willworkon question at level 0-1;
2-3 min (timed) to complete
T may choose to share-out or skip writing
component and discuss question.
*T may choose to refer to Day One exit
question to discuss as well if time permits.
Parallel Groups
09: Return as whole class at
02: Return as whole class at
20 min
*All groups willremain in classroom.
T will instruct students to take out IR books.
T will let students know that teachers willbe
conferencing withstudents in their reading
groups to discuss their progress in reading. T
Cancila-pull to couches
09 VocabularyIntervention
Group:Rayvon,Anyeli, Nicole
D, Giovanni
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 42
will let students know to bring over their IR
book when they are called for conferencing.
T will set 15 min timer for sustained IR.
Ts will call students GR/ LLIgroups over for
conferencing locations in classroom.
During conference:
1.T will remind students of initial level in
September/ st will record on conf.sheet
2. T will give new IR level/ st records
3. S will recordreading reflectionprompted
4. T and S willfind new IR book and/or
decide to keep current book. S will record.
*T will also record IR book.
Drabczyk-blue table
Lesson 13
IWBAT develop a coherent written argument about the theme of “The Story of X” witha claim
and clear reasons and supporting evidence
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
MaterialsNeeded:planning pages, essay templates, outline poster/board prepared, essay
tracker checklist,revision/editing checklist,midline
New Vocabulary:practicewithcorrelate, accurate, emerge
*Remind students to study forquiz the followingday.
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 43
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
for Thursday, February 12th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
Drabczyk checkhomework
04/05:roles reversed
5 min
*St volunteer to manage powerpoint
-depending on behavioral needs (Dynastee
asked yesterday forthis job fortoday!)
T will guide students through ppt to practice
using week’s words:
Cancila- facilitate
09: roles reversed
Planning for
10-15 min
T will review the expectations associated
with Literary analysis essays vs. argument
T will guide students through the set-up of
their outlines and clarify directions/next
steps. T will shut off smart board and model
on board outline template
-draw attention to claim/ this is where you
state the theme and have a POD(fillin)
-sub-topics are one of the 4 literary elements
-sub-topic paragraphs still have TS/E/A and
these can be found in their notes from
previous two days.
-additional clarifyingquestions as they arise.
Remind students that this is a MODELand
that their essay willbe based on their notes
09: Drabczyklead / Cancila
continue to checkHW-assist
with passing out documents
and manipulating model TO
02: roles reversed
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 44
and their ideas about “the Story of x”
*Remind students of essay tracker skills
*hand out tracker to students for their
review/ highlight specific skills
-adding appositives
-naming the author, text
-direct quotations
09: 6 min *double time reward
02: 3 min
Ss willwork independently on developing a
literary analysis argument about “TheStory
of X” and its themes.
Ss willbe instructed to read along as Planning
Page 1 directions are read aloud/explained (if
*let students know is that this is how many
essay prompts look on the state test and in
S willcircle the theme they are choosing to
write about. Encourage students to circle the
theme they tooknotes about the previous
S willworkindependently on outline.
Instruct students to raise their hands before
moving on to essay.
*T will checkover TObefore letting student
move on to essay.
-if sub-topics are correct/give the go ahead.
S whofinish (unlikely) early will be given
revision/editing checklist to review their
workand rewrite final version.
S willthen be instructed to read/draw at a
level 0.
Pull out- Yoscar,Raylin,
Kenneth, Marvin, Arely,
Santiaguito, Kenneth, Griselda,
Britney, Destiny, Giovanni(?),
*look into easing Marvin,
Kenneth out of separate
location accommodations.
Pull out-Crystal, Tanicha,
Jomari, Evelio,Angel, Danielle,
Jason, Tamiere
*If Dontae and Alex are in
class- Pimentel willbring them
to take essay in Asca’s office.
**Xavier can be given
alternative activity/
potentially midline for
assessment purposes(?)/ pull-
out locationandreadaloud.
Lesson 14
IWBATdemonstrate my knowledge of this week’s vocabulary words.
IWBATevaluate my reading progress so far this year.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 45
MaterialsNeeded:binders, vocabulary quiz(full),vocabulary quiz (adapted),
New Vocabulary:assessment on- correlate, emerge, accurate
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item
& timing
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
10 mins
Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (hw copied)
-Ts will distribute February Break Homework
Packetto students, and instruct Ss to put hw
away in safe place in backpacks.
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
for Friday,February 13th
-Level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
Drabczyk checkhomework
04/05:roles reversed
Griselda, Raylin, Kenneth,
Santiaguito for reading blocks
Free Write
5 min
Ss willengage in a group discussion
responding to this week’s do now prompt.
Cancila continues checking
Reading LLI/Reading Conferences: Blue Group, Yellow LLI Groups will meet in
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 46
BlockA Group, Orange Group** (both blocks)
--Blue Group conference,all groups, packing
enough independent reading books for
Cancila’s office
LLI/GR/Reading Conference groups
09: 6 min break
15 min
Students will be assessed on their knowledge
of this week’s vocabulary words: emerge,
accurate, and correlated.
Ts will provide read aloud
support as needed for:Angel
B, Danielle, Tanicha, Jordalyn,
Destiny & Yoscar.
Ext. Time
20 min
-Students will play whiteboard challenge game,
and willneed to worktogether to answer
questions about theme and literary analysis.
-Questions willbe rooted in Unit study so far,
and students will be allowed to use their
binders and checkback in their notes.
-Students will have one minute to complete
each question using whiteboard challenge.
709: Drabczykwill pull out
students who need to finish
the Unit 3, Task 1 essay from
previous day. ***Dorianny
needs to start entire essay as
she was absent during the
previous day.
EOCC/OYM Teachers will wrap-up lesson and facilitate
clean-up and closing.
Lesson 15
IWBATreview the meaning and usage of Week 12-16’s academic vocabulary words.
IWBATunderstand my new reading schedule and accountability checklist.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
MaterialsNeeded:HWmenu copies, binders, relay game materials, adapted HW folders, mid-
year reading schedules
New Vocabulary:review of Week12-16
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer __ Notes provided (printed) ___ Use of manipulatives
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 47
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
15 mins
Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (HW copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow
slip practicing vocab
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
HW: 1 new item, back of menu (academic vocab)
Crystal’s timer and tally,
facilitate DoNow and
beginning of class check.
Drabczyk collectbreak
04/05:roles reversed
Relay Game
20-25 min
T will explain that this weekis a review weekand
have st volunteer read out learning target 1.
T will explain that we willbe having a quiz on
Friday on ALL words from Week 12-16. Quiz will
be multiple choice and will just ask formeaning of
each word. *review hw on back of menu/project
on screen.
T will explain that in order to review words we will
be playing our team relay game.
Ss willremain at their table groups
(3-4 per group)
1. Eachtable will be given a number 1-8 and a
Drabczyk facilitate
02: Alex, Angel, Justin,
Ta-Meire, Jason
09: Destiny, Griselda,
Santiaguito, Kenneth,
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 48
corresponding post-it for the relay board.
2. Teams willbe given a jobs list and rubric
for teamworkrubric for the game.
reader (willread directions/examples aloud)
*teams of 4-choose 2 of one of these jobs
3. Teams willhave 1 min tofill in their jobs
4. Team messengers willbe instructed to
bring team post-its (with team number) to
the board and place them at the start
5. When Teacher (referee) calls start,
messengers will go over to blue table and
retrieve first checkpoint.
6. There will be 4 checkpointsrelated to
Week 12-16 vocabulary.Varied activities
with these words.
3 min
02: full time
09: full time
Intro New
10 min
Ss willreceive new reading schedules/groups
T will review:
-Reading accountability/grading
-HW check-in(Review Rubric)
-New schedule/timing
10 min
LLI- Orange
HW check-in
IR check-in
*Introduce new reading
folder structure to
targeted students
10 min
LLI- Blue
GR- Green
HW check-in
IR check-in
*Introduce new reading
folder structure to
targeted students
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 49
Lesson 16
LearningTarget:IWBATdetermine a theme for “KnockKnock” and explain how that theme is
conveyedthrough figurativelanguage. IWBATread independently at my level or with my guided
reading group.
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA-
LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g.,
alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
MaterialsNeeded:binders, “knockknock” clip,new workbookpages, PPTslide to review review
New Vocabulary:review weeks12-16 schoolwide academic vocab
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc) : video/live performance
of poem with animations
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating: Yoscar,
Destiny, Crystal, Alex, Britney
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in: Jordalyn,
Yoscar, Destiny, Angel, Rayvon,
Anyeli (comprehension checks)
__ Work done standing: Yoscar
& Crystal
___ Use of manipulatives: vocab
review activity
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling: whole class
___ Audio supports: entrance
music, read aloud of poem
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment: Dontae &
Yoscar Ipad
___ organizational support: Angel,
Rayvon--monitor filing into
classwork section
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now& Transition Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 50
15 mins -hw out
-binders out
-planners out (HW copied)
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
for Tuesday, February 24th
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
HW: 1 new item, back of menu (academic
Crystal’s timer and
tally, facilitateDo Now
and beginning of class
Drabczyk check
04/05:roles reversed
Mini-Lesson:Intro to
-Ts will explain that this week we’llbe
reading and studying about a poem called
-Ts will remind Ss that we can figure out
theme/theme can be conveyedthrough 4
different ways.When weread “The Story of
X” we figured out the theme by looking
closely at the plot and character.
-When we read “KnockKnock,” we’ll be
using the twoother ways theme is conveyed
to figure it out--text structure and figurative
-Today we’ll be focusedon figuring out
figurative language, and using it to help us
come up with a theme.
-This week will also end in us writing an
essay, but we’re going to workon this essay
as a whole class all week.It won’t count as a
test grade like normal--it will count for
classwork,but it will be worth a lot of points
so it’s important to stay on track, make sure
you’re in school every day,and following
along as we plan the essay.
-Ts will explain that students willhear the
poem twicetoday. The first time they hear
it, their job willbe to just listen to the poet
and watchas he reads because there is some
illustration that goes with the poem.
T will explain that she is going to be reading
the poem again. This time, the students’ job
is to follow along in their texts and mark
examples of figurative language. Review
what figurative languagemeans!
Drabczykreads the
poem aloud, while
Cancila annotates on
doc cam.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 51
T will explain that before we decide on a
theme (and any of them could be right!), we
need to lookat our evidence. T willmodel
filling in the first evidence box.
Ss willhave 3 minutes at their tables to fill
in the second two evidence boxes.
T will model looking at evidence to select
theme, e.g. My evidence is _________________,
and that makes me think that the theme is
about ______________________________.
T will model for one piece of analysis. Twill
explain that often, writing in English is just
people making a convincingargument. Even
if youneed to make-up yourideas a little, as
long as they make sense--they count.
Group practice: students will work
independently or at their tables to complete
the analysis portion of their organizers. Ts
will circulateto support and help extend
MovementBreak 02 & 09: 2:45 based on not being back in
seats during the prior day’s lessons.
VocabularyReview Groups willreceive sentence frames and the
12 vocab wordscut up. Groups will workto
complete all the sentences by correctly
moving around the words. The first group to
finish will be awarded first place and an
ReadingBlock 702:
LLI/GR: Yellow
GR: Purple
IR: Blue (withCancila)
LLI: Blue
GR: Purple
IR: Yellow (w/Cancila)
Red Orange
Yellow and Blue will be
in 149 A with Cancila.
Individual reading
lesson plans will be
with the individual
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 52
Lesson 17
LearningTarget:IWBATreflect on my last writing task and make goals formy next essay.
IWBATdetermine a theme for“Knock Knock” and explain how that theme is conveyedthrough
figurative language. IWBAT read independently at my level or with my guided reading group.
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA-
LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g.,
alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
MaterialsNeeded:binders, “knockknock” clip,new workbookpages, PPTslide to review review
vocab,document camera.
New Vocabulary:
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc) : video/live performance
of poem with animations
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating: Yoscar,
Destiny, Crystal, Alex, Britney
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in: Jordalyn,
Yoscar, Destiny, Angel, Rayvon,
Anyeli (comprehension checks)
__ Work done standing: Yoscar
& Crystal
___ Use of manipulatives: vocab
review activity
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling: whole class
___ Audio supports: entrance
music, read aloud of poem
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment: Dontae &
Yoscar Ipad
___ organizational support: Angel,
Rayvon--monitor filing into
classwork section
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Guided& -Ts will remind Ss that today we’re going
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 53
to be continuing with “Knock Knock”
-T will model one piece of analysis for
“Knock Knock” with class theme of
-T will remind Ss that we’ll be writing a
class essay so that they need to do at
least the first example of theme and
analysis with the class, but then if they
want to support a different theme with
their evidence they may.
-T will use imagery or onomatopoeia
example to do analysis.
-Ss will work at their tables to create two
more examples of analysis, while
teachers circulate to support
comprehension and extend thinking.
Ts will remind Ss that they’ll be writing an
essay this week, and beforewe move
forwardwriting our literary analysis essays
we need to see how we did on our first essay
and what improvements we can make.
-Ts will pass back the Unit 3, Task 1 essays.
Students will have a chance to review the
elements of the tracker where they got
you’vegot it’s vs. not yets.
-Students will choose 2 tracker goals which
they willfocus on fixing during their next
essay. These goals will be written on their
essay coverpages.
-Ts will have Ss start group essay project. Ts
will remind Ss that our class theme is
loneliness. With lots of class participation, T
will fillin both the intro and subtopic 1 on
the graphic organizer.
-Ss willbe followingalong and also
completing the same pieces of the TO.
702: Drabczyk willpull to the
back/pull out all absent
students from prior day to
hear read aloud of the poem
and brief discussion of
figurative language examples.
--Alex H., Dontae, Dynastee
& figurative
Ss willhave 3 minutes to complete the Exit
Ticketon p. 38
Groups willreceive sentence frames and the
12 vocab wordscut up. Groups will workto
complete all the sentences by correctly
moving around the words. The first group to
finish will be awarded first place and an
*** With time, this activity can
be skipped if necessary.
Movement 702: full time
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 54
Break 709: 2 minutes 30 seconds
ReadingBlock 709:
LLI: Orange
GR: Red
IR: Yellow (w/Cancila)
LLI: Blue
GR: Orange
IR: Yellow (w/Cancila)
LLI & marked IR groups with
Cancila in 149 A.
**Individual reading lesson
plans are witheach teacher.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 55
Lesson 18
LearningTarget: IWBAT analyzehowtext structure conveysthetheme in “KnockKnock.”I
will beableto read at my independentlevel orinstructional level withmyguidedreading
CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA-
LITERACY.RL.7.5Analyze how a drama's or poem's form or structure (e.g., soliloquy,sonnet)
contributes to its meaning
MaterialsNeeded:Binders, new do now since wkbkdo now isn’t accurate, document camera,
essay in progress, video clip
New Vocabulary:reviewingpast 12 week’s vocab
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc) : video/live performance
of poem with animations
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Preferential seating: Yoscar,
Destiny, Crystal, Alex, Britney
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in: Jordalyn,
Yoscar, Destiny, Angel, Rayvon,
Anyeli (comprehension checks)
__ Work done standing: Yoscar
& Crystal
___ Use of manipulatives: vocab
review activity
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling: whole class
___ Audio supports: entrance
music, read aloud of poem
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment: Dontae &
Yoscar Ipad
___ organizational support: Angel,
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item &
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
15 mins
Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
-binders out
-planners out (HW copied)
Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s
timer and tally, facilitate Do
Now and beginning of class
Drabczyk collectbreak
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 56
Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do
Now--NOTINBINDER, Vocabhalfsheet.
-level 0
*Facilitating T willread directions and
model/example aloud.
**Do Now willnot be reviewed.
HW: 1 new item, back of menu (academic
04/05:roles reversed
Intro &
Subtopic 1
-Ts will have Ss start group essay project. Ts
will remind Ss that our class theme is
loneliness. With lots of class participation, T
will fillin both the intro and subtopic 1 on the
graphic organizer.
-Ss willbe followingalong and also
completing the same pieces of the TO.
-Ts will explain what text structure means
when we’re looking at a piece of literature.
-Ts will talk students through examples of
different forms of texts: plays, poems, stories,
songs, et.
-Ts will also explain that text structure could
mean repetition of a wordor phrase
-Ts will also explain that text structure can
mean how a piece of literature is organized,
e.g. stanzas, chapters, etc.
Ss willlisten to “KnockKnock” again, but this
time withthe purpose of examining the form
of spoken word.
Once in small groups, Ss willwork in small
teams to identify each piece of evidence tobe
used in the graphic organizer on text
structure. Ss will discuss each example, and
get notes in their graphic organizer for
evidence and analysis foreach piece of
All students willcomplete the guided notes
page with teacher and group support.
Students will watchknock
knocktogether, and then
teachers willsplit class into
twogroups based on gender.
Drabczyk:boys(stay in
Cancila: girls (brought to
Garland’s room forgroup
Cancila willremain in
classroom with boys
Drabczykwilltake girls out for
group practice.
709: Full time
702: 2:45
Guided Ss willuse their notes from Day 2 of the ACT
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 57
planning to complete the second subtopic on
their transition outlines.
Ts will lead discussion withstudents
participating and adding components to the
TO as we progress.
ReadingBlock 702:
LLI: Blue
GR: Purple
IR: Red
Orange (w/MC)
LLI: Blue
GR: Purple
IR: Yellow (w/MC)
LLI & marked IR Groups will
be in room 149 A with Cancila
Individual reading LPswill be
with teachers.
L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 58
Lesson 19
1. IWBAT meet the expectations of Independent and Guided Reading blocks.
2. IWBAT effectively transferideas from my T.Oto a literary analysis essay about “Knock Knock”.
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in
the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently,with scaffoldingas needed at the high end of the
With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as
needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusingon how well
purpose and audience have been addressed.
MaterialsNeeded:binders, extra copies of workbookpages, guided reading materials, choice
materials, IR journal copies
New Vocabulary:noquiz this week(review week)
Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson)
__ Graphic Organizer
__ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart,
table, etc)
__ Checklist (step by step, supplies
needed, etc)
__ Explicit review of
__ Sentence starters/frames
__ Leveled text (independent level)
__ Directions read out loud
__ Notes provided (printed)
__ Guided notes
__ Directions printed
__ Powerpoint printed
__ Preferential seating
__ Peer check-in
__ Small group work
__ 1:1 check in __________
__ Work done standing
___ Use of manipulatives
___ Movement break(s)
___ Explicit modeling
___ Audio supports
___ Music during work (whole class
or with headphones)
___ Explicit job or role (in group
work) assignment
___ organizational support
___ Alternative activity
Agenda Item
& timing
Activity Description Co-teaching format:
Do Now&
Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition:
-coats/bags off and on chair
-hw out
facilitate materials, facilitate
do now/transition, stamp
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2
@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2

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@Unit 3 Lit Anal Plan up to date 3.19-2

  • 1. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 1 Exploring Gender and Identity Through Literature Literary Analysis 1. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female? 2. How are gender stereotypes presented in literature? 3. How do we identify and analyze themes? 4. How do we write an argument to support our literary analysis? 7th Grade
  • 2. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 2 Literary Analysis 7th Grade Unit Overview Students will investigate these essential questions: 1. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female? 2. How are gender stereotypes presented in literature? 3. How do we identify and analyze themes? 4. How do we write an argument to support our literary analysis? Instructional Foci: Students will learn to read a text closely, talk accountably, and be able to determine a theme and back up their analysis with text evidence. They will learn the defined vocabulary, conventions and sentence structured outlined in stage one of this plan. Students will be writing literary analysis arguments comparing and contrasting texts. Students will begin to explore the relationships between authors’ methods and the tone, theme, mood, setting and language of a text. Teachers will continue to use independent reading and guided reading as a means to accelerate the reading levels of students below grade level. To ensure consistency across the school, our working definition of theme is. “Themesare the big ideasin the text.These ideas are usuallyimportant to most people.Atext may contain more than one theme,but there is usuallyone central, or main idea. Themescan be general or specific.People donot always agree about the theme of a text .” How is Theme Conveyed and Developed? Character  physical andcharacter traits  wordsand actions  theirrelationshipswithothercharacters Plot  specificactionsand/or events  the consequencesof those actionsand/orevents Language  dialogue  imagery  figurative language  descriptive language Text structure  genre (e.g. poem,text,song,novel,shortstory,videogame etc.)  medium(e.g. poem,text,song,novel,shortstory,videogame etc.)  organization
  • 3. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 3 Texts:Students will read a number of complex texts using a short ACT process. Most of these texts will be paired to enable students to engage in comparative analysis. Complex Texts: The Story of X, short story by Lois Gould Knock Knock, poem by Daniel Beaty Raisin in the Sun (excerpt), play by Lorraine Hansberry Other Texts: For the Birds, Pixar Short Film Ant Eater, Advertisement for La Luna, Pixar Short Film The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Little Pigs Raymond’s Run by Tony Cade Bambara Firework, Katy Perry Guided Reading: Students reading at instructional levels between levels H-N are using the Heinemann Level Literacy Intervention (LLI) Blue program for guided reading and Scholastic News at 2nd and 3rd grade levels Students reading at levels N-Z, participating in book clubs reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as select articles from NewsELA and Indy Kids Newspaper *Note: Teacher may also select from a bank of CCLS aligned texts. Texts from the 6-8 complexity band will be selected. Some lower band texts may be used in situations where UDL principles for access are not workable Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Access for students with disabilities and ELL students. Representation  Introduce complex ideas using highly accessible multimedia text (songs, animated movie)  Visual scaffolds for unit language text structures displayed in all classrooms  Vocabulary recorded by students using Marzano Based template  Vocabulary displayed in classroom Action/expression:  Teacher and student use of theme chart  Students identified with significant language processing issues will have access to either predictive writing technology or text to speech software to support them in the writing process  Provide Spanish translations for vocabulary words Engagement:  Use of a common graphic organizer structure for organizing thinking
  • 4. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 4  Use of school-wide graphic organizers for essay structure  Repeated use of theme analysis chart by teachers and students  Engage students in regular self-reflection and use of writing tracker  Use of common rubrics Tools and templates  Recognizing Theme Chart (in classwork resources and posted in classroom)  Independent Reading Journals  CREA chart  Evidence and analysis charts for every complex text Instructional Routines  ACT process via repeated readings for different purposes  Small group guided reading  Paralell single gender groups  Think Pair Share  Independent Reading
  • 5. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 5 Stage One: Identify Desired Results Standards: Reading Writing 7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 7.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. 7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). 7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. 7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), reasons, and evidence. d. Establish and maintain a formal style. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented 7.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 7.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Language Listening / Speaking 3.1 Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences L.4.1f. Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range 7.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. 7.2 Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. 7.3 Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence 7.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. 7.5 Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.
  • 6. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 6 What language outcomes will students have achieved when they complete the unit ? Vocabulary Explain and use Post in classroom and record in binders setting character rhyme repetition paraphrase re-read figurative language theme convey mood tone figurative language personality trait physical trait perspective imagery perspective Conventions , Grammar , Sentence Structures, Transitions  The central idea of the text is…..  The author conveys the theme or central idea using….  The author conveys the theme or central idea through…..  The words,”…………..” show/convey/illustrate ……  The author uses character / plot / figurative language to ……. … Stage Two : Determine Acceptable Evidence Formative Assessment Tasks  Vocabulary quizzes  ACT Graphic Organizers  Multiple choice (state test practice) questions  Guided Reading and Checks for Understanding Summative Assessment Tasks :  Written thematic analysis of “The Story of X” (essay)  Written thematic analysis of “Knock Knock (essay)  Written thematic analysis of “Raisin in the Sun” excerpt (essay)  Paired text comparison at 3 grade levels taken from past state exams (grade 3, 5, 7) Students’ Self-Assessment and Reflection Students will us their goal sheets to self-assess their writing prior to revising Group rubrics & self assessments for gropu work
  • 7. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 7 Lesson 1 LearningTarget:IWBAT learn and practice with 3 new vocab words: CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. MaterialsNeeded:extra copies of blank vocabtrackers, modified vocab tracker,completed vocabtrackers (absent students) New Vocabulary: Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer: modified version for Yoscar, Angel, Rayvon __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc): w/ in vocab tracker __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed: modified tracker __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating: Destiny, Justin, Alex (if needed) __ Peer check-in __ 1:1 check in: Crystal (timer), Jordalyn (supplies), Yoscar (supplies) __ Work done standing: Yoscar, Crystal ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willbe given new do now packet and will be instructed to file it in their Do Now section chronologically. Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Monday,January 26th 702: Drabczyk-attendance, set up Alex’s BIP, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Cancila-checkHW 04/05:roles reversed
  • 8. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 8 -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. HW Review 3 min Ss workerwill circulate and staple new HW menus into all students’ HW notebooks. 04/05- Yoscar 02- Justin T will review expectations of HW’s and circulate as Ss copy down in their planners 02: Drabczyklead Cancila checkinghw 04/05: roles reversed Academic Vocabulary(20 mins) Teacher will take students through the week’s three school-widevocabwords: T will provide multiple opportunities for turn and talks (prediction), sentence stem completion, and will also use popsicle sticks to encourage wider participation withpicture analysis and fill-in sentences. typically(adverb):a way that a person or group is generally believed to behave or act subsequent(adjective):happening or coming after something else. coherent:(adjective) A person, group, idea, or thing that is easy to understand because it is clear and reasonable Drabczyk willlead, Cancilawillprovide adjusted vocabgraphic organizers to target students: Yoscar, Angel, Alex, and other students whomay benefit. Essential Questions GalleryWalk Ts will explain to students that we’re now starting Unit 3. During the 3rd Unit, we’re going to continue discussing gender, and this time we’re going to be reading a lot more fictiontexts and poetry. We’ll be looking at gender and stereotypes as wedissect our texts. T willexplain that the Unit’s Essential Questions are posted around the room (There are only 4, but for the sake of smaller groups we have 2x every poster.) EQs: 1. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female? 2. How are gender stereotypes presented in literature? 3. How do we identify and analyze themes? 4. How do we write an argument to support our literary analysis? Students willcount off by 8 (roughly groups of 3-
  • 9. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 9 4). Students will have 3 minutes at each poster to write an example, a few words or a sentence explaining their answers. Students can discuss ideas with their groups and also see what other students have written. Movement Break 3 min 02- fulltime 04/05-fulltime Expectations will be reviewed prior to break ReadingBlock A 704/5: LLI: Blue GR: Purple IR: Orange, Green, Red 702: LLI: Blue GR: Red IR: Green, Purple, Yellow LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groups will be w/ Drabczykin classroom ** Reading Lesson Plans with individual teachers ReadingBlock B 704/5: LLI: Yellow GR: Green IR: Purple, Red, Orange 702: LLI: Orange GR: Green IR: Red, Yellow,Purple Lesson 2 LearningTarget: IWBATdescribe the essential questions and key ideas of Unit 3. IWBATidentify the theme of various video clips and support my claim with text evidence. IWBATread and summarize an independent level text. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffoldingas needed at the high end of the range. MaterialsNeeded:Unit3 workbookpackets(week1), video clips, sound cord, choicematerials, choicechecklists, makeup packets/readings New Vocabulary:practicewithtypically,subsequent, coherent
  • 10. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 10 Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating (Alex, Yoscar, Justin, Destiny, Crystal) __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in (Ta-Miere, Angel, Yoscar, Alex) __ Work done standing (Yoscar) ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment (Yoscar, Dontae) ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now for Wednesday, Jan 28th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. *Facilitating T willcirculate and stamp papers of students started on their workand working at a Level 0. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. **Fast Finishers should be encouraged to go back and complete Tuesday’s Do Now. 702: Drabczyk-attendance,set up Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. *GiveAlex and AngelMake-up packet for reportcard grade. Cancila-checkHW 04/05:roles reversed *GiveYoscar Make-uppacket for reportcard grade. Academic VocabPractice 5 min T willlead practice withthis week’s vocabulary words: typically,subsequent, and coherent using powerpoint. Popsicle sticks willbe used forParticipation. 02: Drabczyklead Cancila continues to checkHW. 04/05:
  • 11. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 11 PPTpracticewill vary from picture identification, choosing the correctscenario, filling in the blank, and filling in sentence frames Roles reversed Unit 3 Hook Activity 10 min Instructions on board: -Take out all workin your CLASSWORK section. -Put all of your workin one pile in the center of your desk. *St volunteerwill collectall Unit2work -Put the new packet in your CLASSWORK section. *St volunteerwill passoutUnit 3 workbook T willintro Unit 3: Exploring Gender and Identity through Literature. T willproject essential questions on board and read aloud forstudents. T will draw student attention to first two questions: -what does it mean to be female? -what does it mean to be male? Sts willwatch 2 video clips: -Always“#Likeagirl” WYDTs -”The Mask youLive In” ptHMxo *T will instruct students to think about the essential questions while they watch. Sts willhave 5 min to independently answer the Unit’s Essential Questions in the first page of their workbook. -Independent work -Level 0 Mini-Lesson: Theme 25-30 min Intro/GuidedNotes(6min) T will guide students through guided notes on the 2nd page of their unit workbook. -definition of theme -notes on theme T will clarify meaning of theme and tell students that we willbe identifying and analyzing themes in literature this unit. T will create chart of Themes we find in Literature to start a running list forthe unit. T will put 2 examples on chart to begin: Friendship Not judging someone from their appearance
  • 12. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 12 *emphasizehowatheme may be one wordora phrase/moral message IdentifyingTheme:Model (For the Birds) (6 min) -Whole class will watchvideo. -T willintro video and have students think about the overall message of the clip as they watch(reference possible choices on graphic organizer) -T willfill in graphic organizer for“For the Birds” with students (on ppt) and think- aloud ideas as they are filled out. *Think-aloud- “there could be more than one theme, but I think the BESTONE is Ingenuity (being clever)because….” *Use evidence from the text and model the writing of analysis. -As notes appear on ppt, students will copy them into their notes. -T willadd theme if Ingenuity to Theme Chart. IdentifyingTheme:PairWork (Anteater) (6 min) -Whole class will watchclip -Sts willhave 4 min to work withseat partner/table tocomplete graphic organizer outlining theme, evidence, and analysis -Level 1-2 -Timed and countdown IdentifyingTheme:IndependentPractice (La Luna) (10 min) -Whole class will watchclip (possibly cut down clip) -Sts willhave 4 min (timed) to complete Theme organizer about “LaLuna” independently and at a level 0. -Quickshare out (2-3 volunteers) Movement Break 3 min 02: fulltime 04/05:fulltime *review expectations prior to break *countdownfrom :20 and :10 ReadingBlock B 20 min 704/5: LLI: Yellow GR: Red IR: Green, Purple, Orange 702: LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groups willbe w/ Drabczykin classroom ** Reading Lesson Plans with individual teachers
  • 13. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 13 LLI: Orange GR: Green IR: Red, Yellow,Purple **All groupswill do IR insteadof Choiceasnoted. emphasis that when there is only one block,it is IR. Lesson 3 LearningTarget:IWBATanalyze a text using elements of plot. IWBATexplain how a story’s plot conveysits theme. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot) MaterialsNeeded: New Vocabulary:practiceweek’s vocabulary:typically,subsequent, coherent Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating (Alex, Yoscar, Justin, Destiny, Crystal) __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in (Ta-Miere, Angel, Yoscar, Alex) __ Work done standing (Yoscar) ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment (Yoscar, Dontae) ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out 702: Drabczyk-attendance,set up Alex’s BIP,Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitateDo Now and
  • 14. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 14 -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now for Thursday, Jan 29th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. *Facilitating T willcirculate and stamp papers of students started on their workand working at a Level 0. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. **Fast Finishers should be encouraged to go back and complete missing do nows. Ts will explain that Do Nows are being graded this week! beginning of class check. Cancila-checkHW 04/05:roles reversed Academic VocabPractice 5 min T willlead practice withthis week’s vocabulary words: typically,subsequent, and coherent using powerpoint. Popsicle sticks willbe used forParticipation. PPTpracticewill vary from picture identification, choosing the correctscenario, filling in the blank, and filling in sentence frames 02: Drabczyklead Cancila continues to checkHW. 04/05: Roles reversed mini-lesson: plotanalysis T will ask Ss to turn and talk at their tables and remind each other what plotmeans. T will take a few volunteers to share. Plot: themain eventsof a storyorplay, T will explain that today we’ll be looking at the different plots in stories, and we have a way of explaining the plot more specifically by describing each event and how it contributes to the SUBSEQUENT events. T will have students complete the guided notes on plot on p. 3 T and students will create a story together that followsthe elements of plot: large graphic of plot steps will be on the board. T will elicit ideas fornext steps in the plot from class. and move a magnet as the story progresses. (quick activity--3minstops) Cancila leads, Drabczykchecks in 1:1 with students, takes participation points, and charts on board as needed. Guided Practice:3 BillyGoats T will review plot annotations and expectations of task withstudents before reading. T will read the 3 Billy Goats Gruff Cancila leads, Drabczykchecks in 1:1 with students, takes participation points, and
  • 15. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 15 Gruff aloud to students, while the teacher reads, Ss will be marking the text with plot annotations. T will have students share ideas at their table and try to come up witha consensus. Student volunteers will share out, and T will mark responses on the SMART board screen either in doc cam mode, or withpreviously correctanswers in the ppt. charts on board as needed. Group Practice: Connecting Plotto Theme Students will spend 5 minutes workingat their table to choose a theme and justify their response using evidenceand analysis. Ts will need to support struggling tables as this is the students’ first attempt at this task. Tag Team Teach:Both ts will circulate, and prompt whole class for: keywords/symbols, *1 strategy for evidence Group& Independent Practice Student volunteer will distribute a copy of the plot diagram per table (2x per table if the numbers allow)and a small paper pigs. While T reads aloud the second story “The Three Little Pigs,”, Ss willbe responsible for moving the pig along the plot diagram. Oncefinished, students will have a few minutes to annotate the story for plot elements. Depending on time, Ts will review answers. ***With extra time, T can have students independently complete the theme chart for3 little Pigs Cancila leads, Drabczykchecks in 1:1 with students, takes participation points, and charts on board as needed. Movement Break (3 mins) 02: fulltime 04/05:fulltime *review expectations prior to break *countdownfrom :20 and :10 Both teachers circulateand checkin withstudents as needed. Ts conference with students with outstanding homework. ReadingBlock A 702: LLI (Cancila): Blue GR (Drabczyk):Purple IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Green, Yellow 704/5: LLI (Cancila): Orange GR (Drabczyk):Purple IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Green, Yellow LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groups willbe w/ Drabczykin classroom ** Reading Lesson Plans with individual teachers ReadingBlock B 702: LLI (Cancila): Orange GR (Drabczyk):Yellow LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groups willbe w/
  • 16. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 16 IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Green, Purple 704/5: LLI (Cancila): Blue GR (Drabczyk):Yellow IR (Drabczykfacilitates):Red, Purple, Green Drabczykin classroom ** Reading Lesson Plans with individual teachers Lesson 4 LearningTarget: IWBATdemonstrate my knowledge of this week’s academic vocabulary words. IWBATdescribe twonew class procedures for rewards and shout outs. IWBATread and summarize an independent level text. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. MaterialsNeeded:vocabulary quizzes(full),vocabquizzes (sentence frames), binders, ppt, New Vocabulary:assessment on typically,subsequent, coherent Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format:
  • 17. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 17 Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Friday,January 30th (Friday Free Write) -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and remind students that a free write is straight writing for the time allotted (3 min) *Facilitating T willcirculate and stamp papers of students started on their workand working at a Level 0. 702: Drabczyk-attendance,set up Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Cancila-checkHW 04/05:roles reversed *During Do Now-Cancila will checkin withbinder monitors about numbering tables and setting up bins in the back. *Drabczykwillcheckin with new resource managers about pencils during transition. 02- Julius 04/05- Nayelis Free Write Share 5 min Whole class will share out responses to free write. *Looking at picking prompt (on screen) What message does this picture convey?How does it make you feel. 5 min (timed) on clockforsharing. Sts willraise hands and volunteer responses. T will facilitatediscussion and prompt with further questions. Academic Vocabulary Quiz 15 min Sts willhave 1 min (timed) toreview trackers/words and ask last minute clarifying questions. T will clarify typically,subsequent, and coherent. Sts willhave 10 min (timed) to complete vocabulary quiz. -level 0, independent. Full version (no frames)- 02: all/ adapted below 04/05: Tasnoba, Kenneth, Marvin, Pablo, Nayelis?, NicolP? Adapted version (sentence frames)- 02: Tanisha, Angel, Danielle, Crystal, Jomari, Jason 04/05: all/ full above Cancila- facilitate Drabczyk-pull out forread aloud/separate location 02: Alex, Angel, Danielle, 04/05:Rayvon,Griselda, Genesis, Yoscar, Ronaldo, Nicole D, Santiaguito, Franyelina
  • 18. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 18 Mini-Lesson: New Routines 10 min T will introduce new Twitterprocedures -cards in backof room -write @________(nameof classmate) with positive comment for shout out. -place in bin. -T willreview the comments at the end of the week and put up for monday on Twitter feed. *T will review examples of sample comments. T will then introduce new procedure forclass- wide rewards. -On yourmark just for ELA. -20 pts=double break -40pts= free HW -50 pts= donut day **rewards will continue to build up. New month starts at 0. T will have students brainstorm a “Mascot” for their class OYMtracker. Students will be prompted to write an animal to represent their class. Animal with the most votes will be their mascot/ tie-breaker Monday if needed. T will quickly introduce the plan for“student- teacher lunch” -every other friday,lunch with Ms. D and Ms. Cancila. -lunch on the teachers. -st selected will select one friend (student or staff) -invitation will be sent on Monday of that week. Tag Team Teach Movement Break 5 min 02: full-time 04/05: 2:45 Reading BlockA 20 min 04/05: LLI: GR: Green IR: all other groups 02: LLI: Blue, Orange GR: Red LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groupswillbe w/ Drabczykin classroom ** Reading Lesson Plans with individual teachers Reading BlockB 20 min 04/05: LLI: GR: Red IR: Green Choice: all other groups
  • 19. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 19 02: LLI: Blue, Orange IR: Red Choice: all other groups Lesson 5 Learning Target:IWBAT learn and practice with 3 new vocab words: CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. MaterialsNeeded:extra copies of blank vocabtrackers, modified vocab tracker,completed vocabtrackers (absent students) New Vocabulary:fundamental, regardless, acknowledge Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer: modified version for Yoscar, Angel, Rayvon, Destiny __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc): w/ in vocab tracker __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed: modified tracker __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating: Destiny, Justin, Alex (if needed) __ Peer check-in __ 1:1 check in: Crystal (timer), Jordalyn (supplies), Yoscar (supplies) __ Work done standing: Yoscar, Crystal ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity __ Classroom Jobs to minimize negative behaviors: Yoscar, Dontae (media managers-ipad) Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check.
  • 20. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 20 -old do now section removed, attention drawn to graded coversheet Ss willbe given new do now packet and will be instructed to file it in their Do Now section chronologically. Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Monday,February 2nd -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. Drabczyk check homework 04/05:roles reversed HW Review 3 min Ss workerwill circulate and staple new HW menus into all students’ HW notebooks. 04/05- Yoscar 02- Justin T will review expectations of HW’s and circulate as Ss copy down in their planners 04/5: Drabczyklead Cancila checkinghw 02: roles reversed Academic Vocabulary(20 mins) Teacher will take students through the week’s three school-widevocabwords: T will provide multiple opportunities for turn and talks (prediction), sentence stem completion, and will also use popsicle sticks to encourage wider participation withpicture analysis and fill-in sentences. fundamental:forming or relating to the most important part of something. acknowledge(v): to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something) regardless:in spite of difficulty, trouble, etc. Cancilawilllead, Drabczyk willprovide adjusted vocabgraphic organizers to target students: Yoscar, Angel, Alex, and other students whomay benefit. movement break 02- fulltime 04/05-fulltime Expectations will be reviewed prior to break ***Ts will remind that part of tight transitions score for on yourmark willcome from transitioning frommovement break Reading Block A 704/5: LLI: Blue GR: Purple IR: Orange, Green, Red LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groups will be w/ Drabczykin classroom ** Reading
  • 21. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 21 702: LLI: Blue GR: Red IR: Green, Purple, Yellow Lesson Plans with individual teachers Reading Block B 704/5: LLI: Yellow GR: Green IR: Purple, Red, Orange 702: LLI: Orange GR: Green IR: Red, Yellow,Purple EOCC/OYM Ts will reminds Ss of new OYM
  • 22. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 22 Lesson 6 LearningTarget: IWBATanalyze how a character’s actions, words, and description convey a text’s theme. IWBATread and summarize an independent level text. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). CCSS.ELA-LITERACYRL 7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. MaterialsNeeded:binders, guided notes, mini whiteboards, mini erasers, whiteboard markers New Vocabulary:practicewithregardless,acknowledge,fundamental Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) (all) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames (all) __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes (all) __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Transition Do Now (8 min) 3 min (timed on board) fortransition. -materials manager w circulate to pass out pencils. 02: Drabczyk-checkingHW and taking attendance
  • 23. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 23 -binder monitors will pass out binders. -hw out on desks -do now started 3 min (timed on board) forstudents to complete Do Now.T will read directions aloud and circulate to support students. -Tuesday, Feb 3rd. -level 0-1 -independent work Beginning of class checkafter do now Cancila-Crystal’s timer, check-inwith Ms. Pimentel/Alex, stamping on-task books 09: roles reversed set-up: Yoscar/Destiny/ Britney AcademicVocab Practice (5 min) T will lead students through various examples to practice this week’s words. -examples will include visuals/other media. -additional supports forstudents using sentence starters on slides (whole class) 02: Cancila lead, D checking HW 09: roles reversed Unit Mini-Lesson Introducing Character (20-25 min) Introduction (6-7 min) T will have student volunteer distribute workbookpages to wholeclass. Students will be instructed to file these notes in their Classwork section. T will lead students through guided notes on character. Notes: Authorsalsouse characters andtheir personalities toconveytheme. The theme or overall message maybe illustratedthrough: · description , the character’s physical and personality traits · Character’s words,what a character says · Character’s actions,what he/she does or His/herrealtionship withothers. Model (5 min) T will go through 2 samples practicing the frame. This shows that the theme of this text is __________________ because_______________. T will writeframe on board for student reference. GroupPractice(15min) *Groups will each be given a mini- whiteboard, marker, and eraser. *some students may elect to workalone (Yoscar,Crystal…) Drabczyk-lead Cancila- support individual students/ groups during game
  • 24. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 24 -T willproject evidence (sample quotes from texts-familiar/unfamiliar) On slides- evidence/choiceof themes -Groups will have 1 min to discuss 1. what the theme is 2. why this evidence conveysthis theme. -Groups will have 1 min to also write their response on their mini whiteboard using the frame posted (groups willalso have frame printed/written on support sheet) -T willgo through 1st example with whole class. -Whole class will go through 8-10 examples. -Points willbe allocated forcorrect answers and “goodteam work” -2 everbuck questions at the end of the game for questions withouttheme bank MovementBreak (3 min) Review expectations before break. 02: 2:45 break (per Monday break) 09: full time :20 warning, countdownfrom :10 ReadingBlockB (20 min) 02: GR: Yellow IR: All other groups LLI: Blue (Orange will do IR) 09: GR: Green IR: All other groups LLI: Orange (Blue will do IR) *possible jobs needed forJordalyn/Yoscar and/or music while reading *All groups in IR will read independently, regardless of whether they have “choice” indicated on their schedules. T will review this withstudents; remind students that on days with single blocks/ the block must be an IR block. Cancila: facilitating LLI in office Drabczyk:facilitating IR/GR in classroom *LPs with individual teachers.
  • 25. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 25 Lesson 7 LearningTarget: IWBATanalyze how the characters’ actions, descriptions, and words in a text convey its theme. IWBATread and summarize an independent level text. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). CCSS.ELA-LITERACYRL 7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. MaterialsNeeded:binders, extra workbookpages (forsts missing yesterday),extra do nows, do now stamp, accompanyingppt, highlighters if needed, reading blockmaterials New Vocabulary: practicewith regardless,acknowledge,fundamental Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Transition Do Now (8 min) 3 min (timed on board) fortransition. -materials manager w circulate to pass out pencils. 02: Drabczyk-checkingHWand
  • 26. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 26 -binder monitors will pass out binders. -hw out on desks -do now started 3 min (timed on board) forstudents to complete Do Now.T will read directions aloud and circulate to support students. -Wednesday, Feb 4th. -level 0-1 -independent work Beginning of class checkafter do now taking attendance Cancila-Crystal’s timer, check- in with Ms. Pimentel/Alex, stamping on-task books 09: roles reversed set-up: Yoscar/Destiny/ Britney Academic VocabPractice (5 min) T will lead students through various examples to practice this week’s words. -examples will include visuals/other media. -additional supports forstudents using sentence starters on slides (whole class) 02: Cancila lead, D checking HW 09: roles reversed Mini-lesson: Introduction to task 5 min T will remind students of how character may convey theme w/ examples of each: -description -actions -words T will instruct students to turn to classwork section, to reading of “raymond’s run”. -screenshot of text will be on powerpoint to support transition. -countdownto getting prepared. T will introduce story, “Raymond’s Run” to whole class. -”whatwe will be reading is an excerpt from a longer text. The characters in the bookare around yourage and the narrator, character telling the story is a young girl whopeople call Squeaky.” -”as I read the text aloud, follow along and have your pen/pencil ready to circlequotes where Squeaky speaks/is described/acts and underline when Raymond speaks/is described/acts. -as weread, also think about what the overall messages/themes of the text are. T will have student reiterate directions and what they are reading for. Drabczyk lead Cancilacirculateto support individual students. ReadAlong 10 min T will read “Raymond’s Run” aloud as students follow along. Drabczyk-read aloud to groups in classroom.
  • 27. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 27 T will periodically model close reading strategies using think aloud. -annotating text while reading. example: “that sounds like a description of Squeaky. I am going to circle it.” Cancila-extension pull-out group in office/empty room 09: Britney, Raylin, Pablo, Kenneth, Marvin, Tasnoba 02: Shakira, Justin, Alex, Jon- Luke, Dontae, Shamar, Gabriela *Pull-out groups willread text independently. Partner Work 10 min T will introduce partner task and show students how to fill in chart on ppt (5 min) Ss willwork in pairs/trios tofill in theme, evidence, and analysis for“Raymond’s Run” (5 min) T will review with wholeclass/share out (2 min) *Extension groups willremain in pull-out space with Cancila. -extension activity/charton plotting theme with character descriptions, actions, and words when finished with understanding character chart. Movement Break 3 min 02: Full time 09: Full time ReadingBlock B 20 min 09: GR- Green IR- all other groups LLI- Orange 02: GR- Red IR-all other groups LLI- Orange Cancila-lead LLI groups in office Drabczyk-lead IR and GR groups in classroom/ GR @ blue table in backof room *LPs available with individual teachers *If dontae needs alt. activity, he may take downthe name of everyone’s IR book in the ipad (media manager) Lesson 8 LearningTarget:IWBAT to identify and produce different types of figurative language. IWBAT read at my independent level and summarize a text. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. MaterialsNeeded:art supplies, extra copies of rubric, model project New Vocabulary:Review:fundamental, acknowledge, regardless
  • 28. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 28 Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) (all) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames (all) __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes (all) __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now for Thursday, February 5th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate Do Now and beginning of class check. Drabczyk checkhomework 04/05:roles reversed *** Dontae or other student to hole punch classworkprior to mini-lesson Academic VocabPractice (5 min) T will lead students through various examples to practice this week’s words. -examples will include visuals/other media. -additional supports forstudents using sentence starters on slides (whole class) 02: Cancila lead, D checking HW 09: roles reversed Mini- Lesson/Guide d Notes Figurative Language (10 minutes) -T willask Ss to read the learning target, and ask for any ideas on what figurative language might be. -T willhave students file new classwork workbookpages chronologically in their binders. Cancila willlead discussion, Drabczykwillcirculate and keep individual students on track.
  • 29. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 29 -T willshow figurative language song/video to engage background knowledge. -T willhave students fill-in guided notes in class work section on figurative language and specific examples. -Ts will students through their mini-group project (groups will be table groups). -T willdemo model of group project,and go over rubric quickly withstudents. Group Practice: Figurative Language (15 mins) -In small heterogeneous groups determined by seated groups, students will work collaboratively to define a type of figurative language (e.g. hyperbole & metaphor), and create 3-5 examples of that type. -Students will select their literary device/fig. lang type froma mystery bag and will be responsible for creating a poster that aligns with the rubric. -Students will assign roles using the organizer/planner sheet in their classwork section. Both Ts circulating and providing focused support at the following tables: 702: Table 1-frequent check-inson group collaboration Table 2-support Angel participation, checkrole Table 3- confirm Sebastian participating with girls Table 4- frequent check-inson group collaboration Table 5- depending on attendance, may split up (Ta- meire to group 6, Terence to group 3) Table 6-**Ms. Pimental supports Table 7- check-in on Crystal’s role 709: Table 1-frequent check-inson group collaboration Table 2-encourage leadership from Jordalyn Table 3- frequent check-inson group collaboration(support during roles decision) Table 4- check staying on task, Giovanni participation Table 5- independent Table 6-frequent check-inson group collaboration Table 7- check in to support comprehension Movement Break Expectations posted. 02: 2 mins 45 seconds (per yesterday 09: full time *20 second warning, 10 second countdown Both Ts circulating
  • 30. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 30 ProjectShare (10-15 minutes) Eachgroup will share their poster and their 2 best examples of that type of figurative language. Priorto share: T will review the professionalism and presentation boxes on the project rubric. *Media Managers (Dontae (702), Yoscar(709)) will videotape presentations at a Level 0 on ipad ReadingBlock B Lesson 9 LearningTarget:IWBATdemonstrate my knowledge of this week’s vocabwords. IWBAT analyze a text forexamples of figurative language. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. MaterialsNeeded:vocabquizzes, classwork New Vocabulary:assess student understanding of:fundamental, acknowledge, and regardless Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc): rubric for mini- project __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames: adapted version vocab quiz __ Leveled text (independent level) IR Level used for students in IR, instructional levels used for guided reading & LLI __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment: in group project ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity: Yoscar absent for day one of mini-project. Potential alternatives ** filming groups, helping label LLI folders,
  • 31. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 31 file endlines Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Friday,February 6th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate Do Now and beginning of class check. Drabczyk checkhomework 04/05:roles reversed Free Write Share 5 min Whole class will share out responses to free write. *Looking at picking prompt (on screen) What message does this picture convey?How does it make you feel. 5 min (timed) on clockforsharing. Sts willraise hands and volunteer responses. T will facilitatediscussion and prompt with further questions. ***(704/5) Reading Blocks BlockA: LLI: Yellow GR: Green GR (w/ Dipietro):Griselda BlockB: LLI: Orange GR: Red GR(w/ Dipietro):Santiaguito Return to wholeclass instruction @ 9 AM Cancila supporting LLI groups Drabczykmonitoring IR groups and conducting GR lesson DiPietroworking one on one w/ SETSS students** individual lesson plans with teachers Movement Break Expectations posted. 02: full time 09: full time *20 second warning, 10 second countdown Both Ts circulating Academic Vocabulary Quiz 15 min Sts willhave 1 min (timed) toreview trackers/words and ask last minute clarifying questions. T will clarify typically,subsequent, and coherent. Cancila- facilitate Drabczyk-pull out forread aloud/separate location 02: Alex, Angel, Danielle, 04/05:Rayvon,Griselda, Genesis, Yoscar, Ronaldo,
  • 32. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 32 Sts willhave 10 min (timed) to complete vocabulary quiz. -level 0, independent. Full version (no frames)- 02: all/ adapted below 04/05: Tasnoba, Kenneth, Marvin, Pablo, Nayelis?, NicolP? Adapted version (sentence frames)- 02: Tanisha, Angel, Danielle, Crystal, Jomari, Jason 04/05: all/ full above Nicole D, Santiaguito, Franyelina, Jordalyn,Anyeli Figurative Language Share Groups whodid not present yesterday will present their figurative language posters. Ts will remind Ss of the expectations per the rubric for both audience and presenters. Groups to still present: 704/5: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 6 702: Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 Cancila & Drabczykboth facilitating and both scoring for the groups that they’re assessing from each class. *** Dontae to videotape in 702/Britney in 704/5 Guided Practice: Analyzing Figurative Language T will explain to Ss that we’velearned about many different types of figurative language. Now we’ll be listening to Katy Perry’s song, Firework,where she uses all kinds of figurative language to help convey her theme. Before we think of her theme, we’ll look forexamples of figurative language. T will quickly review key with students. -T willplay song and stop after the first stanza. -Ask Ss to turn and talk at their tables, did they find any examples of figurative language? Ss will share and Ts willprovide feedback. -T willkeep playing song and allow for stop and jots as time permits. -After the song, T will have the students work independently to complete the theme chart. Ts will monitor forCFU in circulating. -Ts will lead short discussion/share if time permits. -Ts will extend fast finishers by having them complete the extension question at the bottom of the page. Tag Team Teach
  • 33. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 33 Lesson 10 LearningTarget:IWBAT learn and practice with 3 new vocab words: accurate, emerge, correlate. IWBATread and respond to a text at my IR level. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. MaterialsNeeded:extra copies of blank vocabtrackers, modified vocab tracker,completed vocabtrackers (absent students) New Vocabulary:accurate,emerge, correlate Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer: modified version for Yoscar, Angel, Rayvon, Destiny __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc): w/ in vocab tracker __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed: modified tracker __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating: Destiny, Justin, Alex (if needed) __ Peer check-in __ 1:1 check in: Crystal (timer), Jordalyn (supplies), Yoscar (supplies) __ Work done standing: Yoscar, Crystal ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity __ Classroom Jobs: Yoscar, Dontae (media managers-ipad) Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Monday,February 9th 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Drabczyk check homework
  • 34. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 34 -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. 04/05:roles reversed HW Review 3 min One T will circulateand staple new HW menus into all students’ HW notebooks. **adjustment made from student job/due to low retention of menu during previous week. T will review expectations of HW’s and circulate as Ss copy down in their planners 04/5: Drabczyklead Cancila checkinghw 02: roles reversed Academic Vocabulary(20 mins) Teacher will take students through the week’s three school-widevocabwords: T will provide multiple opportunities for turn and talks (prediction), sentence stem completion, and will also use popsicle sticks to encourage wider participation withpicture analysis and fill-in sentences. accurate:correct and true in every detail emerge:to appear or come out from somewhere or (withfacts) become knownafter being hidden or secret correlate:twoor more facts, ideas, etc. that are closely connected to each other or one causes the other Cancilawilllead, Drabczyk willprovide adjusted vocabgraphic organizers to target students: Yoscar, Angel, Destiny, Alex, and other students who may benefit. movement break 02- fulltime 04/05-fulltime Expectations will be reviewed prior to break ***Ts will remind that part of tight transitions score for on yourmark willcome from transitioning frommovement break Reading Block A 704/5: LLI: Blue GR: Purple IR: Orange, Green, Red 702: LLI: Blue GR: Red IR: Green, Purple, Yellow LLI Groups willbe with Cancila in Rm 149 A GRand IR Groups will be w/ Drabczykin classroom ** Reading Lesson Plans with individual teachers
  • 35. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 35 Reading Block B 704/5: LLI: Yellow GR: Green IR: Purple, Red, Orange 702: LLI: Orange GR: Green IR: Red, Yellow,Purple EOCC/OYM Ts will reminds Ss of new OYM Lesson 11 LearningTarget: IWBATanalyze the way the theme of “TheStory of X” is conveyedthrough its plot. IWBATreflect on my progress in reading this year. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). MaterialsNeeded:binders, ACT workbookpackets,reading conferencesheets *Ta-Miere in SAVE room: binder-Katy Perry Pg 19, Story of X *Destiny in SAVE room: binder, scholastic editions, story of x (supported in SAVE?) New Vocabulary:practicewithcorrelate, emerge, accurate Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones)
  • 36. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 36 __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Tuesday, February 10th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitateDo Now and beginning of class check. Drabczyk check homework 04/05:roles reversed Academic VocabularyPractice 5 min *St volunteer to manage powerpoint -depending on behavioral needs T will guide students through ppt to practice using week’s words: -emerge -correlate -accurate 02: Cancila- facilitate Drabczyk-conttocheck HW 09: roles reversed ReadAloud: TheStory of X 20 min T will introduce story tostudents and emphasize that wewill be analyzing this text for theme and writing an essay about this story on Thursday; as intro is given, workbookpages will be passed out and filed in Classwork section of binders. Class will be split into 2 groups based on gender. One group will remain in class, 2nd group willgo toempty pull-out space. T will prompt students to circlewords/phrases that are unfamiliar/difficult. T willalso prompt students to underline quotes they feel are significant. T will read story aloud as students follow along in their binders. T will model annotating and questioning of text 02: Males-Cancila Females-Drabczyk (pull-out) 09: Males- Drabczyk (pull-out) Females-Cancila *location is based on previous lesson locations. Spaces were alternated for groups.
  • 37. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 37 using think-alouds while reading and prompting annotation of text. T will circulatewhile reading to ensure all students are on task and engaged. IndependentWork: CFU 5 min Students will have 3-5 minutes timed to answer multiple choice questions forDay One. T will circulateand support students by reading aloud questions and responses if needed. Ss willwork independently and at a level 0-1. T will review answers with class briefly (1-2 min) Parallel groups MovementBreak 3 min 02: fulltime 09: fulltime *Review of expectations briefly before break. *Warning at :20 *Countdown from :10 Break given in separate settings; do not have to be synchronized. GuidedPractice Analyzing Theme through Plot 15 min T will guide students in analyzing the theme of the story through plot. T will explain organizers to students and clarify directions. Claim:choosetheme from selections above and fillin the theme in the claim section. Reason:clarify that the “reasons” in literary analysis are the literary elements that an author uses. Twill prompt students to fill in sentence frame with plot forDay One. Evidence:students willworkindependently or in pairs (3min) to lookthrough text for evidence supporting plot as a conveyorof theme. T willprompt students to annotate this evidence with *P1. Analysis:students will develop analysis for their evidence in pairs or independently *Review as a group/clarify misunderstandings. *Anticipate students having difficulty identifying specific examples of PLOT. Reiterate that plot is the specific details which happen/specific events. These can be specific quotes or generalized events/summary. Extension:students will be prompted to complete a second piece of evidenceand Parallel Groups
  • 38. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 38 analysis if finished early. ExitReflection 5 min T will read Exit Question aloud and rephrase for understanding. Sts willhave 3 min timed to complete their response. -independently -level 0 Parallel Groups ReadingBlockB 20 min *All groups willremain in classroom. T will instruct students to take out IR books. T will let students know that teachers willbe conferencing withstudents in their reading groups to discuss their progress in reading. T will let students know to bring over their IR book when they are called for conferencing. *let students know that wewill be conferencing all week and will be getting to everyone! T will set 15 min timer for sustained IR. Ts will call students GR/ LLIgroups over for conferencing locations in classroom. During conference: 1.T will remind students of initial level in September/ st will record on conf.sheet 2. T will give new IR level/ st records 3. S will recordreading reflectionprompted by: 4. T and S willfind new IR book and/or decide to keep current book.S willrecord. *T will also record IR book. 02: Return as whole class at 9:30am 09: Return as whole class at 11:55 InitialConferences Cancila:Meet with BlockA LLIgroups Drabczyk:Meet with GR BlockA groups Lesson 12 LearningTarget: IWBATanalyze the way that the theme of “The Story of X” is conveyedthrough character. IWBATreflect on my reading progress so far this year. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.3Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). MaterialsNeeded:binders, workbookpages, reading conferencesheets, vocabulary practice
  • 39. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 39 sheet SaveRoom:Check in with Destiny 3rd period regarding class work forthe day;vocabpractice sheet (fromintervention group) New Vocabulary:practicewithcorrelate, emerge, accurate Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now for Wednesday, February 11th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. 702:Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Drabczyk checkhomework 04/05:roles reversed *Cancila willpull Anyeli and Nicole D to translate gist of “The Story of X” into spanish. Academic Vocabulary Practice 5 min *St volunteer to manage powerpoint -depending on behavioral needs T will guide students through ppt to practice using week’s words: 02: Cancila- facilitate Drabczyk-conttocheckHW 09: roles reversed
  • 40. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 40 -emerge -correlate -accurate Read-Aloud The Story of X abridged 10 min Ss willbe split into twoseparate groups by gender. Pre-Reading: T will preview activity with students. Remind students that yesterday we read for theme and thought about how plot conveyedthe theme. Today,we are going to be reading and thinking about how the character conveys the theme. Have students recall the three waysthat characters can convey theme (words,actions,description) -Remind students to box off significant moments with character as they read along. T will read section of text aloud from “The Story of X” Start: P 21 (Starting from line: “The Joneses had askedX'steacherif the classcouldline up alphabetically,insteadof formingseparate linesforboysandgirls.”) End: P 23 ( End withXPELLED IMMEDIATELY!) T will circulatewhile reading aloud to ensure all students are on task. T will model annotation of text through think-aloud strategy. -specifically model language “Ifeel like that is a clear description of a character that may convey a specific theme, I am going to box it off.” 02: Males-Cancila (pull-out) Females-Drabczyk 09: Males- Drabczyk Females-Cancila (pull-out) *Flex-grouping for Britney/Yoscardepending on need. CFU: Multiple Choice Questions 7 min Ss willhave 3 minutes (timed) to complete multiple choicequestions for Day Two. -clarify meaning of climax -have students focus on the wording of the questions and try to make guesses if they are confused. *Independent work/level 0-1 T will briefly review answers if necessary. -T willdo not go into detail reviewing the answers. T should give students 3 min Parallel Groups
  • 41. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 41 break within groups! Guided Practice Understanding Character 20 min T will guide group through filling out Day Two organizerforcharacter. **T may choose to do all guided or have students break into pairs or have students workindependently through various parts of this exercise. T should guide students to fill in the same theme as they worked on yesterday. Remind students that they willbe using these notes to write an essay the following day and that their evidence and plan are very important to have to complete the essay. Procedure: - Ss will choosethe same theme as previous day. -Ss willfill in theme in claim. -Ss willfill in characterfor reason. (T should think aloud here: Character is a literary element that authors use to convey theme. This is my REASONfor saying that …. is the theme.) -Ss willlook through text forevidence to support their claim and label it *C1 -Ss willdevelop analysis to match evidence/theme. T will circulateas students workto ensure all students are on task. T may choose to share out with wholegroup at the end if it willbe beneficial (CFU) Parallel Groups ExitQuestion 7 min *If time permits: Ss willcomplete ExitQuestion forDay Two using their ownopinions/ideas. S willworkon question at level 0-1; independently. 2-3 min (timed) to complete T may choose to share-out or skip writing component and discuss question. *T may choose to refer to Day One exit question to discuss as well if time permits. Parallel Groups 09: Return as whole class at 9:30am 02: Return as whole class at 11:55 ReadingBlock B 20 min *All groups willremain in classroom. T will instruct students to take out IR books. T will let students know that teachers willbe conferencing withstudents in their reading groups to discuss their progress in reading. T Cancila-pull to couches 09 VocabularyIntervention Group:Rayvon,Anyeli, Nicole D, Giovanni
  • 42. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 42 will let students know to bring over their IR book when they are called for conferencing. T will set 15 min timer for sustained IR. Ts will call students GR/ LLIgroups over for conferencing locations in classroom. During conference: 1.T will remind students of initial level in September/ st will record on conf.sheet 2. T will give new IR level/ st records 3. S will recordreading reflectionprompted by: 4. T and S willfind new IR book and/or decide to keep current book. S will record. *T will also record IR book. Drabczyk-blue table Lesson 13 LearningTarget: IWBAT develop a coherent written argument about the theme of “The Story of X” witha claim and clear reasons and supporting evidence CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. MaterialsNeeded:planning pages, essay templates, outline poster/board prepared, essay tracker checklist,revision/editing checklist,midline New Vocabulary:practicewithcorrelate, accurate, emerge *Remind students to study forquiz the followingday. Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group
  • 43. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 43 __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min(timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now for Thursday, February 12th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. 702:Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Drabczyk checkhomework 04/05:roles reversed Academic Vocabulary Practice 5 min *St volunteer to manage powerpoint -depending on behavioral needs (Dynastee asked yesterday forthis job fortoday!) T will guide students through ppt to practice using week’s words: -emerge -correlate -accurate 02: Cancila- facilitate Drabczyk-conttocheckHW 09: roles reversed Mini-Lesson Planning for Literary Analysis 10-15 min T will review the expectations associated with Literary analysis essays vs. argument essays. T will guide students through the set-up of their outlines and clarify directions/next steps. T will shut off smart board and model on board outline template -draw attention to claim/ this is where you state the theme and have a POD(fillin) -sub-topics are one of the 4 literary elements -sub-topic paragraphs still have TS/E/A and these can be found in their notes from previous two days. -additional clarifyingquestions as they arise. Remind students that this is a MODELand that their essay willbe based on their notes 09: Drabczyklead / Cancila continue to checkHW-assist with passing out documents and manipulating model TO 02: roles reversed
  • 44. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 44 and their ideas about “the Story of x” *Remind students of essay tracker skills *hand out tracker to students for their review/ highlight specific skills -adding appositives -naming the author, text -direct quotations -conclusionstatement Movement Break 09: 6 min *double time reward 02: 3 min Independent Work:ACT essay Ss willwork independently on developing a literary analysis argument about “TheStory of X” and its themes. Ss willbe instructed to read along as Planning Page 1 directions are read aloud/explained (if needed) *let students know is that this is how many essay prompts look on the state test and in general. S willcircle the theme they are choosing to write about. Encourage students to circle the theme they tooknotes about the previous twodays. S willworkindependently on outline. Instruct students to raise their hands before moving on to essay. *T will checkover TObefore letting student move on to essay. -if sub-topics are correct/give the go ahead. S whofinish (unlikely) early will be given revision/editing checklist to review their workand rewrite final version. S willthen be instructed to read/draw at a level 0. 09: Pull out- Yoscar,Raylin, Kenneth, Marvin, Arely, Santiaguito, Kenneth, Griselda, Britney, Destiny, Giovanni(?), Jordalyn(?) *look into easing Marvin, Kenneth out of separate location accommodations. 02: Pull out-Crystal, Tanicha, Jomari, Evelio,Angel, Danielle, Jason, Tamiere *If Dontae and Alex are in class- Pimentel willbring them to take essay in Asca’s office. **Xavier can be given alternative activity/ potentially midline for assessment purposes(?)/ pull- out locationandreadaloud. Lesson 14 LearningTarget: IWBATdemonstrate my knowledge of this week’s vocabulary words. IWBATevaluate my reading progress so far this year. CCLS:
  • 45. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 45 MaterialsNeeded:binders, vocabulary quiz(full),vocabulary quiz (adapted), New Vocabulary:assessment on- correlate, emerge, accurate Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 10 mins Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (hw copied) -Ts will distribute February Break Homework Packetto students, and instruct Ss to put hw away in safe place in backpacks. Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow for Friday,February 13th -Independent -Level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. 702:Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Drabczyk checkhomework 04/05:roles reversed Dipietro:pullDestiny, Griselda, Raylin, Kenneth, Santiaguito for reading blocks Free Write Share 5 min Ss willengage in a group discussion responding to this week’s do now prompt. Drabczykfacilitatesand Cancila continues checking HW. Reading LLI/Reading Conferences: Blue Group, Yellow LLI Groups will meet in
  • 46. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 46 BlockA Group, Orange Group** (both blocks) --Blue Group conference,all groups, packing enough independent reading books for vacation Cancila’s office Reading BlockB LLI/GR/Reading Conference groups Movement Break 09: 6 min break OYMreward Vocabulary Quiz 15 min Students will be assessed on their knowledge of this week’s vocabulary words: emerge, accurate, and correlated. Ts will provide read aloud support as needed for:Angel B, Danielle, Tanicha, Jordalyn, Destiny & Yoscar. Review Game/ Ext. Time 20 min -Students will play whiteboard challenge game, and willneed to worktogether to answer questions about theme and literary analysis. -Questions willbe rooted in Unit study so far, and students will be allowed to use their binders and checkback in their notes. -Students will have one minute to complete each question using whiteboard challenge. 709: Drabczykwill pull out students who need to finish the Unit 3, Task 1 essay from previous day. ***Dorianny needs to start entire essay as she was absent during the previous day. EOCC/OYM Teachers will wrap-up lesson and facilitate clean-up and closing. Lesson 15 LearningTarget: IWBATreview the meaning and usage of Week 12-16’s academic vocabulary words. IWBATunderstand my new reading schedule and accountability checklist. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. MaterialsNeeded:HWmenu copies, binders, relay game materials, adapted HW folders, mid- year reading schedules New Vocabulary:review of Week12-16 Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Notes provided (printed) ___ Use of manipulatives
  • 47. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 47 __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 15 mins Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (HW copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete DoNow slip practicing vocab -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. HW: 1 new item, back of menu (academic vocab) 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate DoNow and beginning of class check. Drabczyk collectbreak packets 04/05:roles reversed Academic Vocabulary Relay Game 20-25 min T will explain that this weekis a review weekand have st volunteer read out learning target 1. T will explain that we willbe having a quiz on Friday on ALL words from Week 12-16. Quiz will be multiple choice and will just ask formeaning of each word. *review hw on back of menu/project on screen. T will explain that in order to review words we will be playing our team relay game. RelayGame: Ss willremain at their table groups (3-4 per group) 1. Eachtable will be given a number 1-8 and a Drabczyk facilitate Cancilacheck-inwith scaffolded-HWstudents 02: Alex, Angel, Justin, Ta-Meire, Jason 09: Destiny, Griselda, Jordalyn,Franyelina, Santiaguito, Kenneth, Yoscar PossibleJobs/Alt. Activities:
  • 48. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 48 corresponding post-it for the relay board. 2. Teams willbe given a jobs list and rubric for teamworkrubric for the game. Roles: messenger reader (willread directions/examples aloud) recorder *teams of 4-choose 2 of one of these jobs 3. Teams willhave 1 min tofill in their jobs list. 4. Team messengers willbe instructed to bring team post-its (with team number) to the board and place them at the start position. 5. When Teacher (referee) calls start, messengers will go over to blue table and retrieve first checkpoint. 6. There will be 4 checkpointsrelated to Week 12-16 vocabulary.Varied activities with these words. Movement Break 3 min 02: full time 09: full time Mini-Lesson Intro New Reading Structures 10 min Ss willreceive new reading schedules/groups T will review: -Reading accountability/grading -HW check-in(Review Rubric) -New schedule/timing ReadingBlock A 10 min 04/05: LLI- Orange GR-Red 02: LLI-Blue GR-Red HW check-in IR check-in *Introduce new reading folder structure to targeted students ReadingBlock B 10 min 04/05: LLI- Blue GR- Green 02: LLI-Orange GR-Green HW check-in IR check-in *Introduce new reading folder structure to targeted students
  • 49. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 49 Lesson 16 LearningTarget:IWBATdetermine a theme for “KnockKnock” and explain how that theme is conveyedthrough figurativelanguage. IWBATread independently at my level or with my guided reading group. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA- LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. MaterialsNeeded:binders, “knockknock” clip,new workbookpages, PPTslide to review review vocab New Vocabulary:review weeks12-16 schoolwide academic vocab Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) : video/live performance of poem with animations __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating: Yoscar, Destiny, Crystal, Alex, Britney __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in: Jordalyn, Yoscar, Destiny, Angel, Rayvon, Anyeli (comprehension checks) __ Work done standing: Yoscar & Crystal ___ Use of manipulatives: vocab review activity ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling: whole class essay ___ Audio supports: entrance music, read aloud of poem ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment: Dontae & Yoscar Ipad ___ organizational support: Angel, Rayvon--monitor filing into classwork section ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair 702: Cancila:attendance,
  • 50. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 50 15 mins -hw out -binders out -planners out (HW copied) Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now for Tuesday, February 24th -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. HW: 1 new item, back of menu (academic vocab) Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitateDo Now and beginning of class check. Drabczyk check homework 04/05:roles reversed Mini-Lesson:Intro to Knock,Knock -Ts will explain that this week we’llbe reading and studying about a poem called “KnockKnock” -Ts will remind Ss that we can figure out theme/theme can be conveyedthrough 4 different ways.When weread “The Story of X” we figured out the theme by looking closely at the plot and character. -When we read “KnockKnock,” we’ll be using the twoother ways theme is conveyed to figure it out--text structure and figurative language. -Today we’ll be focusedon figuring out figurative language, and using it to help us come up with a theme. -This week will also end in us writing an essay, but we’re going to workon this essay as a whole class all week.It won’t count as a test grade like normal--it will count for classwork,but it will be worth a lot of points so it’s important to stay on track, make sure you’re in school every day,and following along as we plan the essay. -Ts will explain that students willhear the poem twicetoday. The first time they hear it, their job willbe to just listen to the poet and watchas he reads because there is some illustration that goes with the poem. Guided&Group Practice T will explain that she is going to be reading the poem again. This time, the students’ job is to follow along in their texts and mark examples of figurative language. Review what figurative languagemeans! Drabczykreads the poem aloud, while Cancila annotates on doc cam.
  • 51. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 51 T will explain that before we decide on a theme (and any of them could be right!), we need to lookat our evidence. T willmodel filling in the first evidence box. Ss willhave 3 minutes at their tables to fill in the second two evidence boxes. T will model looking at evidence to select theme, e.g. My evidence is _________________, and that makes me think that the theme is about ______________________________. T will model for one piece of analysis. Twill explain that often, writing in English is just people making a convincingargument. Even if youneed to make-up yourideas a little, as long as they make sense--they count. Group practice: students will work independently or at their tables to complete the analysis portion of their organizers. Ts will circulateto support and help extend thinking. MovementBreak 02 & 09: 2:45 based on not being back in seats during the prior day’s lessons. VocabularyReview Groups willreceive sentence frames and the 12 vocab wordscut up. Groups will workto complete all the sentences by correctly moving around the words. The first group to finish will be awarded first place and an everbuck. ReadingBlock 702: LLI/GR: Yellow GR: Purple IR: Blue (withCancila) Green Red Orange 709: LLI: Blue GR: Purple IR: Yellow (w/Cancila) Green Red Orange Yellow and Blue will be in 149 A with Cancila. Individual reading lesson plans will be with the individual teachers.
  • 52. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 52 Lesson 17 LearningTarget:IWBATreflect on my last writing task and make goals formy next essay. IWBATdetermine a theme for“Knock Knock” and explain how that theme is conveyedthrough figurative language. IWBAT read independently at my level or with my guided reading group. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA- LITERACY.RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. MaterialsNeeded:binders, “knockknock” clip,new workbookpages, PPTslide to review review vocab,document camera. New Vocabulary: Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) : video/live performance of poem with animations __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating: Yoscar, Destiny, Crystal, Alex, Britney __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in: Jordalyn, Yoscar, Destiny, Angel, Rayvon, Anyeli (comprehension checks) __ Work done standing: Yoscar & Crystal ___ Use of manipulatives: vocab review activity ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling: whole class essay ___ Audio supports: entrance music, read aloud of poem ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment: Dontae & Yoscar Ipad ___ organizational support: Angel, Rayvon--monitor filing into classwork section ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Guided& -Ts will remind Ss that today we’re going
  • 53. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 53 GroupPractice (709ONLY) to be continuing with “Knock Knock” -T will model one piece of analysis for “Knock Knock” with class theme of loneliness. -T will remind Ss that we’ll be writing a class essay so that they need to do at least the first example of theme and analysis with the class, but then if they want to support a different theme with their evidence they may. -T will use imagery or onomatopoeia example to do analysis. -Ss will work at their tables to create two more examples of analysis, while teachers circulate to support comprehension and extend thinking. Independent Practice Ts will remind Ss that they’ll be writing an essay this week, and beforewe move forwardwriting our literary analysis essays we need to see how we did on our first essay and what improvements we can make. -Ts will pass back the Unit 3, Task 1 essays. Students will have a chance to review the elements of the tracker where they got you’vegot it’s vs. not yets. -Students will choose 2 tracker goals which they willfocus on fixing during their next essay. These goals will be written on their essay coverpages. Guided Practice -Ts will have Ss start group essay project. Ts will remind Ss that our class theme is loneliness. With lots of class participation, T will fillin both the intro and subtopic 1 on the graphic organizer. -Ss willbe followingalong and also completing the same pieces of the TO. 702: Drabczyk willpull to the back/pull out all absent students from prior day to hear read aloud of the poem and brief discussion of figurative language examples. --Alex H., Dontae, Dynastee CFU: Day1 ACT & figurative language Ss willhave 3 minutes to complete the Exit Ticketon p. 38 Vocabulary Review Groups willreceive sentence frames and the 12 vocab wordscut up. Groups will workto complete all the sentences by correctly moving around the words. The first group to finish will be awarded first place and an everbuck. *** With time, this activity can be skipped if necessary. Movement 702: full time
  • 54. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 54 Break 709: 2 minutes 30 seconds ReadingBlock 709: LLI: Orange GR: Red IR: Yellow (w/Cancila) Green Purple Blue 702: LLI: Blue GR: Orange IR: Yellow (w/Cancila) Green Red Purple LLI & marked IR groups with Cancila in 149 A. **Individual reading lesson plans are witheach teacher.
  • 55. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 55 Lesson 18 LearningTarget: IWBAT analyzehowtext structure conveysthetheme in “KnockKnock.”I will beableto read at my independentlevel orinstructional level withmyguidedreading group. CCLS:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development overthe course of the text; provide an objectivesummary of the text. CCSS.ELA- LITERACY.RL.7.5Analyze how a drama's or poem's form or structure (e.g., soliloquy,sonnet) contributes to its meaning MaterialsNeeded:Binders, new do now since wkbkdo now isn’t accurate, document camera, essay in progress, video clip New Vocabulary:reviewingpast 12 week’s vocab Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) : video/live performance of poem with animations __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Preferential seating: Yoscar, Destiny, Crystal, Alex, Britney __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in: Jordalyn, Yoscar, Destiny, Angel, Rayvon, Anyeli (comprehension checks) __ Work done standing: Yoscar & Crystal ___ Use of manipulatives: vocab review activity ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling: whole class essay ___ Audio supports: entrance music, read aloud of poem ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment: Dontae & Yoscar Ipad ___ organizational support: Angel, Rayvon ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition 15 mins Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out -binders out -planners out (HW copied) 702: Cancila:attendance, Crystal’s timer and tally, facilitate Do Now and beginning of class check. Drabczyk collectbreak packets
  • 56. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 56 Ss willhave 3 min (timed) to complete Do Now--NOTINBINDER, Vocabhalfsheet. -independent -level 0 *Facilitating T willread directions and model/example aloud. **Do Now willnot be reviewed. HW: 1 new item, back of menu (academic vocab) 04/05:roles reversed 709ONLY: BeginEssay: Intro & Subtopic 1 -Ts will have Ss start group essay project. Ts will remind Ss that our class theme is loneliness. With lots of class participation, T will fillin both the intro and subtopic 1 on the graphic organizer. -Ss willbe followingalong and also completing the same pieces of the TO. Mini-Lesson: TextStructure -Ts will explain what text structure means when we’re looking at a piece of literature. -Ts will talk students through examples of different forms of texts: plays, poems, stories, songs, et. -Ts will also explain that text structure could mean repetition of a wordor phrase -Ts will also explain that text structure can mean how a piece of literature is organized, e.g. stanzas, chapters, etc. Guided Practice: Knock,Knock Ss willlisten to “KnockKnock” again, but this time withthe purpose of examining the form of spoken word. Once in small groups, Ss willwork in small teams to identify each piece of evidence tobe used in the graphic organizer on text structure. Ss will discuss each example, and get notes in their graphic organizer for evidence and analysis foreach piece of evidence. All students willcomplete the guided notes page with teacher and group support. Students will watchknock knocktogether, and then teachers willsplit class into twogroups based on gender. 702: Drabczyk:boys(stay in classroom) Cancila: girls (brought to Garland’s room forgroup practice. 709: Cancila willremain in classroom with boys Drabczykwilltake girls out for group practice. Movement Break 709: Full time 702: 2:45 Guided Ss willuse their notes from Day 2 of the ACT
  • 57. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 57 Practice:Essay planning (702only) planning to complete the second subtopic on their transition outlines. Ts will lead discussion withstudents participating and adding components to the TO as we progress. ReadingBlock 702: LLI: Blue GR: Purple IR: Red Green Yellow Orange (w/MC) 709: LLI: Blue GR: Purple IR: Yellow (w/MC) Green Red Orange LLI & marked IR Groups will be in room 149 A with Cancila Individual reading LPswill be with teachers.
  • 58. L7 U3 Literary Anaysis 58 Lesson 19 LearningTarget: 1. IWBAT meet the expectations of Independent and Guided Reading blocks. 2. IWBAT effectively transferideas from my T.Oto a literary analysis essay about “Knock Knock”. CCLS: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently,with scaffoldingas needed at the high end of the range. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.5 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusingon how well purpose and audience have been addressed. MaterialsNeeded:binders, extra copies of workbookpages, guided reading materials, choice materials, IR journal copies New Vocabulary:noquiz this week(review week) Modifications and Accommodations (Should incorporate at least 1-2 per lesson) __ Graphic Organizer __ Visual Aid (picture, movie, chart, table, etc) __ Checklist (step by step, supplies needed, etc) __ Explicit review of procedures/directions/checklist __ Sentence starters/frames __ Leveled text (independent level) __ Directions read out loud __ Notes provided (printed) __ Guided notes __ Directions printed __ Powerpoint printed __ Preferential seating __ Peer check-in __ Small group work __ 1:1 check in __________ __ Work done standing ___ Use of manipulatives ___ Movement break(s) ___ Explicit modeling ___ Audio supports ___ Music during work (whole class or with headphones) ___ Explicit job or role (in group work) assignment (Ciara/Britney/Yoscar) ___ organizational support ___ Alternative activity Agenda Item & timing Activity Description Co-teaching format: Do Now& Transition Ss willhave 3min (timed) for transition: -coats/bags off and on chair -hw out Drabczyk-attendance, facilitate materials, facilitate do now/transition, stamp