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Asignaturas: Inglés, Sociales, Francés, Lengua,
Matemáticas y Música.
 Inglés: Tales of Alhambra.
 Sociales: Palacio de Comares. Alhambra.
 Francés: Poème Stop racisme.
 Lengua: Las jarchas.
 Matemáticas: The algebra.
 Música:
Tales of Alhambra
Washington Irving
Washington Irving.
Invented end.
Real end.
The house of the Wind rooster.
Washington Irving
• Biography:
Washington irving was born on April 3th, 1783 in New York, United Stated. He
was an America writer of the Romanticism. He was a son of a Scotch
merchant and of an English woman, marriage that had
eleven children. From child, Irving felt attracted by the
reading and the writing . Between the year 1804 and
1806 Irving travelled to different European countries,
residing principally in France and Italy. After
returning to New York, he worked as lawyer, then,
Washington began to write his first works. One year
later wook his girlfriend Mathilde Hoffman, with whom
he was engaged died. After this tragedy, Irving never
married. Also he visited countries as France, Italy,
Holland, Germany or Spain. Washington Irving died on November 28, 1859 to
the age of 76 years. It is buried in Sleepy Hollow’s cemetery in New York.
• Tales of Alhambra:
Washington Irving wrote the stories of the Alhambra in the year 1829, published in
1832. Stands out in this book the confluence of his interest for Spain and his
traditions, and the influence of the orientalism. This original novel mixes a series of
stories or stories with the book of trips and the diary.
The novel is divided in the following chapters:
o The trip
o Government of the Alhambra
o Interior of the Alhambra
o Comare’s Tower
o Considerations on the Moslem domination in Spain
o The family of the house
o The knavish one
o The room of the author
o The Alhambra in the moonlight
o Inhabitants of the Alhambra
o The Court of the Lions
o Boabdil the Boy
o Boabdil’s Recollections
o The balcony
o The adventure of the bricklayer
o A walk along the hills
o Local Traditions
o The house of the Wind rooster
o Legend of the Arabic Astrologer
o The Tower of the Infantas
o Legend of three beautiful princesses
o Visitors of The Alhambra
o Legend of the prince Ahmed to the Kamel of The pilgrim of the love
o Legend of legacy of the moor
o Legend of Rose of alhambra or The page boy and the falcon
o The veteran
o Legend of the one-handed Governor and the notary
o Legend of both discreet statues
o Mohamed abu alhamar, the founder of the Alhambra
Invented endThe following day the two return to see the faces, and the astrologer says to him that it is not
going to help, since it does not seem to him likely that does things in opposition to his kingdom.
Aben-Habuz got angry very much and was for the astrologer, the imprisoned prince of his fury
towards the astrologer and his love towards the princess, took his
army to all the corners of Granada, up to coming to Guadix and there
without thinking about the consequences, triumphed with
everything what existed to his step without stopping to think in the
consequences. Once caught the astrologer noticed that it had
committed his major mistake …
The furious princess went to speak with Aben-Habuz saying that
though everything had done it was for her, the hurts and his anger
was going to provoke a war in a little time and that was not going to
be able to stop.
As the queen said the war they were very intense clashes in which it gained Guadix.
Both kingdoms were fought for many years, up to today that was reconciled.
Aben-Habuz in the jail knew that the astrologer had stretched a trap.
Real end
All this influence, according to the legend, it will continue
century after century; the captive princess of odd beauty it will
be eternally, without going away of the side of the Arabic
astrologer, who in turn will remain eternally chained to the
charm of his lira of silver, dozing today and always, until the hand
clutches the fatal key and there
vanishes this way the charm of the
delighted mountain.
The house of the Wind rooster
This history goes of a building that it raises there is a vane. The building is a
humble factory. The vane was not a rooster if not a warrior on a horse with a
lance. An Arab said that Aben-Habuz like that the Andalusian defends himself.
The Moorish chronicles say that the vane represents as the people of the
village it was surrounded by enemies and that his
salvation was to go out of the battlefield,
because the vane was indicating where the
enemies were coming. Aben-Habuz tells that
the vane was magic in other epochs but now
it is a normal and current vane.
Do you have
By: Raúl Subires Vargas
Elena Vargas Cañamero
Antonio Ruíz Díaz
Sergio Velasco Molina
Ana Delgado Díaz
Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
The end
• LOCALIZACIÓN: Alhambra, Granada,
• FECHA: Segundo tercio del siglo XIV.
• CRONOLOGÍA: Torreón de Comares  1333-
1354 (reinado de Yusuf I), Palacio de Comares
 1354-1359 (reinado de Muhammad V).
• ESTILO: Arte nazarí.
• AUTORES: Construido por Yusuf I y reformado
por Muhammad V.
• PLANTA: Forma cuadrada, 11 metros de lado
y 18 de ancho.
• MATERIALES: Zócalo de cerámica, yeserías,
macizos de arrayán, mármol, azulejos y
• FUNCIÓN: Residencia oficial del Sultán y lugar
donde se encontraba la sala del trono.
• FUNCIÓN ACTUAL: Actualmente es un
monumento abierto al público para ser
• LOCATION: Alhambra, Granada, Andalucía.
• DATE: Second third of the nineteenth
• CRONOLOGY: 1333-1354 reign of Yusuf I
and 1354-1359 reign of Muhammad V.
• STYLE: Nazari art.
• AUTHORS: Built by Yusuf I and reformed by
Muhammad V.
• PLANT: Square shape, 11 meters from the
side and 18 wide.
• MATERIALS: Ceramic basement, yeserias,
arrayan, marble, tile and wood plinths.
• FUNCTION: Official residence of the sultan
and place where the throne room was.
• CURRENT FUNCTION: At the moment it is a
monument open to the public to be visited.
-La Alhambra procede del nombre completo «al-Qal'a al-hamra» ('fortaleza
roja'). El salón de Comares es la estancia más amplia y elevada de todo el
palacio, ocupa el interior de la Torre de Comares, dominando con su vista el
valle del Darro. Es un lugar con un contenido poético muy rico, podemos
encontrar distintas composiciones, alabanzas a Dios y al emir y también
algunos fragmentos del Corán.
-The Alhambra comes from the name ‘red fortress’, due
to the colour of its walls.
-El Palacio de Comares constituía la residencia oficial del monarca, y está
compuesto por un conjunto de dependencias agrupadas en torno al Patio de
los Arrayanes, con galerías porticadas en los extremos, situándose al norte la
Sala de la Barca y la Sala de los Embajadores, que ocupa el interior de la Torre
de Comares, desde donde se domina el valle del Darro.
-The palace of Comares is the official residence of the monarch,
and it is composed of a group of dependences around the
Courtyard of the Myrtles.
-The first room (Sala de la Barca) and the Hall of the
Ambassadors are located inside the tower of Comares.
-En el centro de la Sala de los Embajadores se
puede observar un cuadrado con el nombre de
Alá escrito sobre azulejos.
-Cada centímetro de la pared esta cubierto por
algún elemento decorativo.
-Yusuf I quiso que la decoración de su residencia
oficial dejara maravillado al visitante, por lo que
ordenó que se construyera y adornara de
manera exquisita, aunque probablemente no
viese terminada esta obra, ya que diversas
inscripciones atribuyen su autoría a su hijo
Muhammad V.
-The wall of the Hall of
Ambassadors is completly
covered by decorative
elements, because Yusuf I
wanted to impress the
-En el Patio Dorado encontramos la
fachada de acceso a este palacio, de
gran belleza y construida por
Muhammad V, hijo de Yusuf I. En ella
se abren dos puertas, la de la derecha
daba acceso a las dependencias
familiares y la de la izquierda (por
donde se continúa la visita) a la zona
oficial del palacio. La decoración es
muy rica en toda la fachada, con
zócalo de cerámica, y yeserías,
destacando el bello alero de madera.
-In the Golden Court we
find the access door to the
palace of Comares.
-The decoration is very rich
in the whole front.
-El estanque actúa como espejo.
Precisamente en esta alberca se refleja la
imponente Torre de Comares. En un extremo
hay una galería a lo ancho del patio y en sus
extremos, alcobas de tertulia.
-El Patio de los Arrayanes es el recinto central del Palacio de Comares. A
ambos lados del estanque, que ocupa gran parte del patio, se encuentran
plantados los arrayanes que dan nombre a este patio. En el mismo se puede
encontrar uno de los temas ambientales de la Alhambra: la presencia del
-The Courtyard of the Myrtles is the central precinct of
the Comares palace.
On both sides of the pond are myrtles planted. One of
the environmental themes of the Alhambra is the
presence of water.
-The pond acts as a mirror. In it is
reflected the Comares towar ant it
cools the atmosphere.
-En los laterales de la Sala de los
Embajadores se abren una serie de
ventanas cerradas antiguamente por
celosías de madera y vidrieras de colores
llamadas cumarias, (de ahí el nombre de
-Todas las paredes están cubiertas
de yeserías con motivos de conchas, flores,
estrellas, escrituras.
-Zócalo decorado con azulejos. El suelo
original era de cerámica vidriada en blanco
y azul con escudos de armas como motivos
-Las paredes están decoradas con versículos
coránicos y poemas realizados en yesería.
-La calefacción era de braseros y la
iluminación con lámparas de aceite.
-El techo del Salón de los Embajadores era
de forma cúbica.
-On the sides of the Hall of
the Ambassadors there are a
series of windows closed by
wooden latticework and
stained-glass windows. The
ceiling of the Hall of the
Ambassadors was cubic.
-The throne was placed under
the dome.
-La Sala de la Barca es llamada así ya que presenta ricas yeserías
con el escudo nazarí y dentro de él, la palabra «Bendición», que en
árabe se dice "Baraca", y que los castellanos escucharon como
"Barca“. Se encuentra rodeada por un zócalo. Desde esta sala se
accede al Torreón de Comares, presidido por el Salón de los
-The first room (Sala de la Barca) is called this way since
it has yeserias with the nazari shield and the word
“blessing” written in Arabic (Baraca). From this room
accedes to the Tower of Comares.
Imágenes google.
Realizado por: Raúl Subires Vargas
Elena Vargas Cañamero
Antonio Ruíz Díaz
Sergio Velasco Molina
Ana Delgado Díaz
Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
Stop Racisme
Tous égaux!
La tolérance fait
grande à la France.
Je suis noir
et je suis homme d’affaires,
je suis jaune
et je suis professeur,
je suis blanc
et je suis acteur,
je suis bleu
et je suis boulanger.
Cela nous faites
touts partager.
Raúl Subires Vargas
Elena Vargas Cañamero
Antonio Ruíz Díaz
Sergio Velasco Molina
Ana Delgado Díaz
Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
Las jarchas
¿Qué son las jarchas?
Ejemplos de jarchas.
¿Qué son las jarchas?
Las jarchas son composiciones líricas típicas de
la España musulmana. Por lo general,
constituían el final de las moaxajas (poemas
árabes hispanos). Existen jarchas desde el siglo
XI hasta el XIV, y, por su naturaleza, constituyen
una parte importante de la tradición cultural de
Ejemplos de jarchas
 De madrugada tú te vas
y mi alma sola quedará,
como las estrellas del cielo
por mi rostro caerán.
 Cada noche en mi ventana
veo las estrellas pasar,
con su luz y brillo a ti
siempre me recordarán.
Realizado por: Raúl Subires Vargas
Elena Vargas Cañamero
Antonio Ruíz Díaz
Sergio Velasco Molina
Ana Delgado Díaz
Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
The algebra
Which is the algebra?
History of algebra.
Some historical mathematicians.
Signs and symbols.
Which is the algebra?
- The word algebra comes from the Arab.
-Branch of the mathematics in which letters are in use for
representing arithmetical relations.
- His fundamental operations are addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division and calculation of roots.
- The algebra is the language of the mathematics.
History of algebra
The algebra had his first advances in the
civilizations of Babylonia and Egypt. These
civilizations were using basically the algebra to
solve equations of the first and second degree.
The algebra continued his constant progress in
the former Greece. The Greeks were using the
algebra to express equations and theorems, an
example is the Theorem of Pythagoras. The
mathematicians most emphasized in this time
were Arquimedes, Herón and Diofante.
Arquimedes based on the mathematics to
compose treated about physics and solid
geometry. Herón was other one that based on
them to do some of his inventions, as the first
steam engine. Diofante was the Greek that
more contributes to this area of the knowledge.
Some historial mathematiciens
Al-Jwarizmi Robert Recorde Giroldano Cardano Rene Descartes
François Viete
Signs and symbols
In the algebra signs and symbols are in use -in general used in the theory of
sets- that constitute equations, counterfoils, series, etc.
Here some examples:
 The sign "+" in addition is in use of addiction and also it is used to express
binary operations.
 "C" or "k" constant terms express It.
 The First letters of the alphabet as "a", "b" or "c" are in use for expressing
it known quantities.
 Last words of the alphabet are in use for
expressing mysteries.
 The exponents and the subscripts to and á.
Realizado por: Raúl Subires Vargas
Elena Vargas Cañamero
Antonio Ruíz Díaz
Sergio Velasco Molina
Ana Delgado Díaz
Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
Unidad integrada the arabian culture

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Unidad integrada the arabian culture

  • 1. PROYECTO INTEGRADO Asignaturas: Inglés, Sociales, Francés, Lengua, Matemáticas y Música.
  • 2. ÍNDICE GLOBAL  Inglés: Tales of Alhambra.  Sociales: Palacio de Comares. Alhambra.  Francés: Poème Stop racisme.  Lengua: Las jarchas.  Matemáticas: The algebra.  Música:
  • 4. Índice Washington Irving. Invented end. Real end. The house of the Wind rooster.
  • 5. Washington Irving • Biography: Washington irving was born on April 3th, 1783 in New York, United Stated. He was an America writer of the Romanticism. He was a son of a Scotch merchant and of an English woman, marriage that had eleven children. From child, Irving felt attracted by the reading and the writing . Between the year 1804 and 1806 Irving travelled to different European countries, residing principally in France and Italy. After returning to New York, he worked as lawyer, then, Washington began to write his first works. One year later wook his girlfriend Mathilde Hoffman, with whom he was engaged died. After this tragedy, Irving never married. Also he visited countries as France, Italy, Holland, Germany or Spain. Washington Irving died on November 28, 1859 to the age of 76 years. It is buried in Sleepy Hollow’s cemetery in New York.
  • 6. • Tales of Alhambra: Washington Irving wrote the stories of the Alhambra in the year 1829, published in 1832. Stands out in this book the confluence of his interest for Spain and his traditions, and the influence of the orientalism. This original novel mixes a series of stories or stories with the book of trips and the diary. The novel is divided in the following chapters: o The trip o Government of the Alhambra o Interior of the Alhambra o Comare’s Tower o Considerations on the Moslem domination in Spain o The family of the house o The knavish one o The room of the author o The Alhambra in the moonlight o Inhabitants of the Alhambra o The Court of the Lions o Boabdil the Boy o Boabdil’s Recollections
  • 7. o The balcony o The adventure of the bricklayer o A walk along the hills o Local Traditions o The house of the Wind rooster o Legend of the Arabic Astrologer o The Tower of the Infantas o Legend of three beautiful princesses o Visitors of The Alhambra o Legend of the prince Ahmed to the Kamel of The pilgrim of the love o Legend of legacy of the moor o Legend of Rose of alhambra or The page boy and the falcon o The veteran o Legend of the one-handed Governor and the notary o Legend of both discreet statues o Mohamed abu alhamar, the founder of the Alhambra
  • 8. Invented endThe following day the two return to see the faces, and the astrologer says to him that it is not going to help, since it does not seem to him likely that does things in opposition to his kingdom. Aben-Habuz got angry very much and was for the astrologer, the imprisoned prince of his fury towards the astrologer and his love towards the princess, took his army to all the corners of Granada, up to coming to Guadix and there without thinking about the consequences, triumphed with everything what existed to his step without stopping to think in the consequences. Once caught the astrologer noticed that it had committed his major mistake … The furious princess went to speak with Aben-Habuz saying that though everything had done it was for her, the hurts and his anger was going to provoke a war in a little time and that was not going to be able to stop. As the queen said the war they were very intense clashes in which it gained Guadix. Both kingdoms were fought for many years, up to today that was reconciled. Aben-Habuz in the jail knew that the astrologer had stretched a trap.
  • 9. Real end All this influence, according to the legend, it will continue century after century; the captive princess of odd beauty it will be eternally, without going away of the side of the Arabic astrologer, who in turn will remain eternally chained to the charm of his lira of silver, dozing today and always, until the hand clutches the fatal key and there vanishes this way the charm of the delighted mountain.
  • 10. The house of the Wind rooster This history goes of a building that it raises there is a vane. The building is a humble factory. The vane was not a rooster if not a warrior on a horse with a lance. An Arab said that Aben-Habuz like that the Andalusian defends himself. The Moorish chronicles say that the vane represents as the people of the village it was surrounded by enemies and that his salvation was to go out of the battlefield, because the vane was indicating where the enemies were coming. Aben-Habuz tells that the vane was magic in other epochs but now it is a normal and current vane.
  • 12. By: Raúl Subires Vargas Elena Vargas Cañamero Antonio Ruíz Díaz Sergio Velasco Molina Ana Delgado Díaz Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
  • 14.
  • 15. • LOCALIZACIÓN: Alhambra, Granada, Andalucía. • FECHA: Segundo tercio del siglo XIV. • CRONOLOGÍA: Torreón de Comares  1333- 1354 (reinado de Yusuf I), Palacio de Comares  1354-1359 (reinado de Muhammad V). • ESTILO: Arte nazarí. • AUTORES: Construido por Yusuf I y reformado por Muhammad V. • PLANTA: Forma cuadrada, 11 metros de lado y 18 de ancho. • MATERIALES: Zócalo de cerámica, yeserías, macizos de arrayán, mármol, azulejos y madera. • FUNCIÓN: Residencia oficial del Sultán y lugar donde se encontraba la sala del trono. • FUNCIÓN ACTUAL: Actualmente es un monumento abierto al público para ser visitado.
  • 16. • LOCATION: Alhambra, Granada, Andalucía. • DATE: Second third of the nineteenth century. • CRONOLOGY: 1333-1354 reign of Yusuf I and 1354-1359 reign of Muhammad V. • STYLE: Nazari art. • AUTHORS: Built by Yusuf I and reformed by Muhammad V. • PLANT: Square shape, 11 meters from the side and 18 wide. • MATERIALS: Ceramic basement, yeserias, arrayan, marble, tile and wood plinths. • FUNCTION: Official residence of the sultan and place where the throne room was. • CURRENT FUNCTION: At the moment it is a monument open to the public to be visited.
  • 17. • SIGNIFICADO: -La Alhambra procede del nombre completo «al-Qal'a al-hamra» ('fortaleza roja'). El salón de Comares es la estancia más amplia y elevada de todo el palacio, ocupa el interior de la Torre de Comares, dominando con su vista el valle del Darro. Es un lugar con un contenido poético muy rico, podemos encontrar distintas composiciones, alabanzas a Dios y al emir y también algunos fragmentos del Corán.
  • 18. • SIGNIFICATION: -The Alhambra comes from the name ‘red fortress’, due to the colour of its walls.
  • 19. • DESCRIPCIÓN: -El Palacio de Comares constituía la residencia oficial del monarca, y está compuesto por un conjunto de dependencias agrupadas en torno al Patio de los Arrayanes, con galerías porticadas en los extremos, situándose al norte la Sala de la Barca y la Sala de los Embajadores, que ocupa el interior de la Torre de Comares, desde donde se domina el valle del Darro.
  • 20. • DESCRIPTION: -The palace of Comares is the official residence of the monarch, and it is composed of a group of dependences around the Courtyard of the Myrtles. -The first room (Sala de la Barca) and the Hall of the Ambassadors are located inside the tower of Comares.
  • 21. • DESCRIPCIÓN: -En el centro de la Sala de los Embajadores se puede observar un cuadrado con el nombre de Alá escrito sobre azulejos. -Cada centímetro de la pared esta cubierto por algún elemento decorativo. -Yusuf I quiso que la decoración de su residencia oficial dejara maravillado al visitante, por lo que ordenó que se construyera y adornara de manera exquisita, aunque probablemente no viese terminada esta obra, ya que diversas inscripciones atribuyen su autoría a su hijo Muhammad V.
  • 22. • DESCRIPTION: -The wall of the Hall of Ambassadors is completly covered by decorative elements, because Yusuf I wanted to impress the visitors.
  • 23. • EXTERIOR: -En el Patio Dorado encontramos la fachada de acceso a este palacio, de gran belleza y construida por Muhammad V, hijo de Yusuf I. En ella se abren dos puertas, la de la derecha daba acceso a las dependencias familiares y la de la izquierda (por donde se continúa la visita) a la zona oficial del palacio. La decoración es muy rica en toda la fachada, con zócalo de cerámica, y yeserías, destacando el bello alero de madera.
  • 24. • OUTSIDE: -In the Golden Court we find the access door to the palace of Comares. -The decoration is very rich in the whole front.
  • 25. -El estanque actúa como espejo. Precisamente en esta alberca se refleja la imponente Torre de Comares. En un extremo hay una galería a lo ancho del patio y en sus extremos, alcobas de tertulia. • EXTERIOR: -El Patio de los Arrayanes es el recinto central del Palacio de Comares. A ambos lados del estanque, que ocupa gran parte del patio, se encuentran plantados los arrayanes que dan nombre a este patio. En el mismo se puede encontrar uno de los temas ambientales de la Alhambra: la presencia del agua.
  • 26. • OUTSIDE: -The Courtyard of the Myrtles is the central precinct of the Comares palace. On both sides of the pond are myrtles planted. One of the environmental themes of the Alhambra is the presence of water. -The pond acts as a mirror. In it is reflected the Comares towar ant it cools the atmosphere.
  • 27. • INTERIOR: -En los laterales de la Sala de los Embajadores se abren una serie de ventanas cerradas antiguamente por celosías de madera y vidrieras de colores llamadas cumarias, (de ahí el nombre de comares). -Todas las paredes están cubiertas de yeserías con motivos de conchas, flores, estrellas, escrituras. -Zócalo decorado con azulejos. El suelo original era de cerámica vidriada en blanco y azul con escudos de armas como motivos ornamentales. -Las paredes están decoradas con versículos coránicos y poemas realizados en yesería. -La calefacción era de braseros y la iluminación con lámparas de aceite. -El techo del Salón de los Embajadores era de forma cúbica.
  • 28. • INSIDE: -On the sides of the Hall of the Ambassadors there are a series of windows closed by wooden latticework and stained-glass windows. The ceiling of the Hall of the Ambassadors was cubic. -The throne was placed under the dome.
  • 29. • INTERIOR: -La Sala de la Barca es llamada así ya que presenta ricas yeserías con el escudo nazarí y dentro de él, la palabra «Bendición», que en árabe se dice "Baraca", y que los castellanos escucharon como "Barca“. Se encuentra rodeada por un zócalo. Desde esta sala se accede al Torreón de Comares, presidido por el Salón de los Embajadores.
  • 30. • INSIDE: -The first room (Sala de la Barca) is called this way since it has yeserias with the nazari shield and the word “blessing” written in Arabic (Baraca). From this room accedes to the Tower of Comares.
  • 32. Realizado por: Raúl Subires Vargas Elena Vargas Cañamero Antonio Ruíz Díaz Sergio Velasco Molina Ana Delgado Díaz Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
  • 33.
  • 35. Tous égaux! La tolérance fait grande à la France. Je suis noir et je suis homme d’affaires, je suis jaune et je suis professeur, je suis blanc et je suis acteur, je suis bleu et je suis boulanger. Cela nous faites touts partager.
  • 36. Raúl Subires Vargas Elena Vargas Cañamero Antonio Ruíz Díaz Sergio Velasco Molina Ana Delgado Díaz Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
  • 37.
  • 39. Índice ¿Qué son las jarchas? Ejemplos de jarchas.
  • 40. ¿Qué son las jarchas? Las jarchas son composiciones líricas típicas de la España musulmana. Por lo general, constituían el final de las moaxajas (poemas árabes hispanos). Existen jarchas desde el siglo XI hasta el XIV, y, por su naturaleza, constituyen una parte importante de la tradición cultural de España.
  • 41. Ejemplos de jarchas  De madrugada tú te vas y mi alma sola quedará, como las estrellas del cielo por mi rostro caerán.  Cada noche en mi ventana veo las estrellas pasar, con su luz y brillo a ti siempre me recordarán.
  • 42. Realizado por: Raúl Subires Vargas Elena Vargas Cañamero Antonio Ruíz Díaz Sergio Velasco Molina Ana Delgado Díaz Alejandro Benítez Mancera.
  • 43.
  • 45. Index Which is the algebra? History of algebra. Some historical mathematicians. Signs and symbols.
  • 46. Which is the algebra? - The word algebra comes from the Arab. -Branch of the mathematics in which letters are in use for representing arithmetical relations. - His fundamental operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and calculation of roots. - The algebra is the language of the mathematics.
  • 47. History of algebra The algebra had his first advances in the civilizations of Babylonia and Egypt. These civilizations were using basically the algebra to solve equations of the first and second degree. The algebra continued his constant progress in the former Greece. The Greeks were using the algebra to express equations and theorems, an example is the Theorem of Pythagoras. The mathematicians most emphasized in this time were Arquimedes, Herón and Diofante. Arquimedes based on the mathematics to compose treated about physics and solid geometry. Herón was other one that based on them to do some of his inventions, as the first steam engine. Diofante was the Greek that more contributes to this area of the knowledge.
  • 48. Some historial mathematiciens Al-Jwarizmi Robert Recorde Giroldano Cardano Rene Descartes François Viete
  • 49. Signs and symbols In the algebra signs and symbols are in use -in general used in the theory of sets- that constitute equations, counterfoils, series, etc. Here some examples:  The sign "+" in addition is in use of addiction and also it is used to express binary operations.  "C" or "k" constant terms express It.  The First letters of the alphabet as "a", "b" or "c" are in use for expressing it known quantities.  Last words of the alphabet are in use for expressing mysteries.  The exponents and the subscripts to and á.
  • 50. Realizado por: Raúl Subires Vargas Elena Vargas Cañamero Antonio Ruíz Díaz Sergio Velasco Molina Ana Delgado Díaz Alejandro Benítez Mancera.