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                                                                                              06                                              14
                                                                          04                                       12

                                                                          19                                                                  29
                                                                                              24                   26

                                                                     in this issue
     Dear Read er
                                          nd ed th is th ing
                     firs t issue. We fu        r own. Ou r goal
     Welcome to the           of wh ich was ou
     selling blood ––                      u will like that
                        meth ing that yo
     is to give you so                                     ise
                                       –– with the prom
                                                                     4         New York Slices
                   resting and good            er. But we are
     new and inte
                             much, much good                         6         Freeganomics
                      come                                  t us,
      that it will be                   el free to co ntac
                     your help. So fe               friends and
      going to need                                                  11        Hey, Meet This Guy: Kissed Her Little Sister
                               us along to your
      criticize us, and                                         a
                                            it's going to be
                         the red carpet,                             12        Versus
                       t                                    ading,
      enemies. Roll ou                  Thank you for re
                    d slum ber party.
       cowboy–theme                                                  14        Wade Boggs, 64 Dimensions, Cosmic Beer
       and again, welcom                                             18        Meet the Narwhals

       Sincerely,                                                    19        Travel Art. The Work of Neil Enggist.

       Uncle                                                         24        Letter to the High School Basketball Hall of Fame

                                                                     26        Mexico Highway One Revisited

                                                                     29        Introducing Mr. Tony Baritone

                                                                     30        Dear Desperately Single

                                                                                                                                           Brendan Flaherty Editor
                                                                                                                                                 Rafi Kohan Editor
                                                                                                                                         Sam Levy Creative Director
                                                                                                                                   Sahar Ghaheri Design Consultant

                                                                                                                                               Very Special Thanks To:
                                                                                                               Virginia Kornfeld, Kevin Kinner, Alan Fiore, Phil Wonksi

Uncle | Issue One | 02
New York                                                                                                                                                              Photos by Sahar Ghaheri


    Sitting in a coffee shop, I was thinking    Oh, morning commute, with your cast of               I was in a bar in the East Village talking       The beginning of April is a great time to
 about other things and watching a deli-        clowns in three-piece suits. I fall in line and   to a girl from the West Village who said        buy condoms that you won’t use until late
 cate stock broker. He was picking his nails    pass a man singing spirituals and giving          she was a long way from home. When she          May at the earliest. I went into a bodega to
 nervously underneath the table, telling a      away free paper.                                  gauged me with a comment about a fancy          buy some, but they only had the kind made
 safe and pretty woman with a fur collar          In the subway station, a woman beats her        shoebox, my blank expression said it all. I     out of old tires. No romance.
 about how highly he regarded fashion.          son in a foreign language, throwing con-          told her I was an astronaut with an impres-        The Saudi Arabian guy behind the coun-
 European. Six months ahead.                    sonants like elbows. But all I notice is the      sive portfolio and went out into the street     ter asked me if I needed Magnums. “Umm,
   He spoke quietly and controlled, touch-      boy’s backpack, abandoned on the steps            where a heroin addict was sleeping in a cof-    no,” I said. “I wish.”
                                                                                                  fin he had built himself. Oh, New York.
 ing on the talking points of fine wine         with a juice pack in the back pocket. Home-                                                          He smiled creepily and wiped the dust
 and fi-nonce, like he was giving a power       land Security comes in to blow up the bag,                                                        off the condom boxes. Outside, toddlers
 point presentation to a trout, careful not     apple juice and all. And we walk to work in                                                       were playing in the street and tweens (that’s
                                                an apple-ish mist. Oh, New York.
 to scare her away with any sudden move-                                                                                                          right) were banging raw dog in the park.
 ments. But she wasn’t scared, no. She                                                                                                            Oh, New York.
 didn’t go hide under a riverbank, or seek
 refuge at a nearby sample sale, where
 they were virtually giving away women’s
 undergarments. She was delighted – well,
 excited in the possibility of delight – with
 potential for growth as early as next quar-
 ter. Oh, New York.

Uncle | Issue One | 04                                                                                                                                              
                                             It’s the last night of winter and the temperature is falling.
                                             The wind starts to bite. I loiter against a mailbox, not wanting to ap-
                                             proach perfect strangers on a New York City street corner. The trash tour
                                             is set to begin at 9:30 p.m., and it’s just past. While there has been no human
One Man’s Dumpster Is Another Man’s Dinner   contact, the online instructions are to meet at Houston and Chrystie, in the
                                             Lower East Side of Manhattan, and eventually a short and slim woman in her
 Words By Rafi Kohan                         mid-forties, well-bundled in fleece and          Whole Foods. In a sense, freegans fancy
                                             sweats, senses that I’m lost – shy, maybe –      themselves superheroes. The mission:
                                             and approaches me. Her name is Janet; she        “rescue” discarded but still viable edibles.
                                             is one of three guides. The others are Cindy     Prime hours for urban dumpster diving
                                             and Adam, both younger; they’re all wear-        are between 9:30 p.m. and midnight, and
                                             ing cargo pants.                                 the operation is always a race against the
                                                Also joining us for the evening is a camera   trucks, as they put it. Immediately there is a
                                             crew from Channel 9 News and a student           scare, as a garbage truck wheezes to a halt
                                             documentary filmmaker from Brooklyn Col-         in front of our bounty. False alarm, though.
                                             lege, who is Korean and overly gracious.         It’s not the compost truck.
                                             The freegan guides aren’t media savvy, so to             Everyone takes to a container, flips
                                             speak, but they willingly pose for the cam-      the lid, and digs in. The air suddenly fills
                                             eras, striking grave and significant tones.      with the odd smell of a Caribbean cocktail:
                                                  Welcome to the trash tour, the dumpster     Cindy’s bin is loaded with pineapple rinds.
                                             dive, and the promise of future alliterations.   I hesitate at my own. I had envisioned fully-
                                             I first heard about the tour and its propri-     cooked meals resting within the bins, like
                                             etors, the freegans, from my mom – a loyal       diamonds in a dung pile. All I would have
                                             Oprah viewer. Through the tour, freegans,        to do is pluck them out. But this trashcan is
                                             who sustain themselves largely on the dis-       filled with, well, trash. Food, or at least what
                                             carded products of mainstream American           I recognize as food, is nowhere in sight,
                                             stores, proselytize their scrounging way of      and my compost isn’t exuding as forgiving
                                             life.                                            a smell. It has the acrid scent of musk and
                                                    There have been times in my past –        mold – the familiar odor of garbage.
                                             times I’m not proud of – when, as a waiter,            After some prudish poking, I abandon
                                             I’ve eaten leftovers off the plates of paying    my bin and join a group that has gathered
                                             customers; when, as an undergrad, I’ve laid      around one brimming with loose grapes
                                             in puddles of my own creation; and, all too      and orange halves. Fistfuls are scooped
                                             recently, mornings when I’ve woken to a          and fingered, tested for firmness. I take a
                                             scarlet sunrise in the shade of a back alley     plastic bag from Janet and join the grape
                                             dumpster. But I never thought that dump-         harvest, although my strategy is rather fussy,
                                             ster would ever be my pantry. Yet here I         as I pluck one by one. To get any sense of
                                             am.                                              what it takes to be a freegan I need to com-
                                                   For our first stop, we don’t travel        mit more, and eventually start taking hand-
                                             far – just south of Houston to a gag-            fuls. But then I become less discriminating
                                             gle of compost containers outside of             than the others.

Uncle | Issue One | 06                                                                                            
she admits, she would have dug in if the              It’s a lot to ask of a generation of ger-
     A freegan strives toward simplicity, mini-                                                                                                         bankruptcy fuels the production of almost
                                                  cameras weren’t rolling. She doesn’t want        maphobes to reverse its conditioning.
 mizing participation in traditional economic                                                                                                           all commercial goods. While an average
                                                  to gross out viewers. “If you start playing      The trash, we’ve been told, is where trash
 structures and limiting personal consump-                                                                                                              person sees a cute tee-shirt selling for half
                                                  the ‘Why did they throw this out?’ game,         goes. Of course, this is the freegan point:
 tion and waste. At the close of the business                                                                                                           off, freegans see human abuses in sweat-
                                                  you could just drive yourself nuts,” she tells   “That’s what they want you to believe!”
 day, chain supermarkets, bakeries, small                                                                                                               shops, “rainforest destruction, global
                                                  our media observers.                             But we are the people of Purell, hyper
 grocers, and corner shop bodegas purge                                                                                                                 warming, displacement of indigenous
                                                                                                   sensitive to sanitation and hygiene. So
 themselves of products that are no longer                                                                                                              communities, air and water pollution, the
                                                                                                   you’ll forgive me if I don’t want to wash
 salable. Either a sell-by date has passed,                                                                                                             violent overthrow of popularly elected
                                                      WEARE THE PEOPLE OF                          my pears in sewer water.
 the packaging for a product has been                                                                                                                   governments to maintain puppet dictators
                                                                                                          Soon Cindy gathers us in a semicircle
 breached, or the produce has lost its pictur-                                                                                                          compliant to big business interests, open-
                                                    PURELL, HYPER SENSITIVE
                                                                                                   for the educational part of the tour. She
 esque quality. While some is given away to                                                                                                             pit strip mining, oil drilling in environmen-
                                                      TO SANITATION AND                            tells us all things ‘waste’ and ‘freegan:’
 the hungry and homeless, most is bagged                                                                                                                tally sensitive areas, union busting, child
                                                      HYGIENE. SO YOU’LL                           “It’s a choice to abstain from capitalism.”
 and left on the curbside. This food is still                                                                                                           slavery, and payoffs to repressive regimes.”
                                                     FORGIVE ME IF I DON’T                         She lectures on the absurdity of sell-by
 edible and nutritious, freegans argue, but                                                                                                             That’s some wholesale evil in your bargain
                                                    WANT TO WASH MY PEARS                          dates, and the incongruity of having out-
 it has lost its shelf life because of consumer                                                                                                         bin.
                                                                                                   of-season products shipped thousand of
 stereotypes – stereotypes founded on a                                                                                                                       Still, as Cindy speaks, I can’t help but
                                                       IN SEWER WATER.
                                                                                                   miles, using tons of gallons of petroleum,
 corporate agenda to push goods and pro-                                                                                                                notice the boutique shops surrounding us
                                                                                                   so we can have Ecuadorian bananas on
 mote higher turnover, because higher turn-                                                                                                             as we stand at the brink of SoHo. In a store
                                                       As we are finishing up, a compost truck,    our shelves – that are then tossed out.
 over equals greater profits.                                                                                                                           window across the street there is a pair of
                                                  which the freegans call “Carters” (short for     Freegans, she says, fight to eat local and
      Freegans say we are heading down a                                                                                                                brown leather loafers I had admired in the
                                                  Action: Carting Environmental SVC) comes         build communities that promote alterna-
 slippery slope of exhausting the earth.                                                                                                                pages of a men’s fashion magazine. Some-
                                                  to a stop. Their night is just beginning and     tive ways of living.
 “Global food capitalism isn’t sustainable,”                                                                                                            times the mind wanders.
                                                  they don’t look amused to find us hovering             According to their Web site, freegan
 says Adam, who has drawn flyering duties                                                                                                                     The group’s rhetoric is well-rehearsed
                                                  like raccoons over the bins, or to be on the     is an amalgam of the words “free” and
 for the evening. But a few minutes into the                                                                                                            and seemingly logical. We are a society of
                                                  nightly news.                                    “vegan.” Just as vegans abstain from
 tour, I’m questioning the sustainability of                                                                                                            waste. But they also have a feel of cam-
                                                       Heading south and then west, the tour       animal products, freegans boycott global
 my own freeganism.                                                                                                                                     pus activists – though that may be too
                                                  crosses through the heart of the Lower East      economic systems. They believe moral
       In the early hours of night, freegans                                                                                                            dismissive to them, or to campus activists.
                                                  Side and into SoHo, passing hipster bars
 alight on idling trash bags, pocketing the
                                                  and young corporate types smoking on
 products that minutes earlier sat on shelves,
                                                  the sidewalk. There’s an insulating feeling
 waiting to be sold. What they do is more
                                                  of otherness as you walk past places where
 than just stealing from the trash and giving
                                                  – even temporarily – you don’t belong. On
 to themselves, though. When they rescue
                                                  the walk, we make small talk. (Janet is a
 food, they are also saving usable goods
                                                  schoolteacher of twenty years and has been
 from adding bulk to already overcrowded
                                                  a freegan for four.)
 landfills. Admittedly, this isn’t my thought
                                                       The second stop, a grocer on Mulberry
 process as I roll up my jacket sleeves and
                                                  Street, is a first-timer on the tour, and em-
 fondle one hundred gallons of grapes of

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo Courtesy of
                                                  ployees idle in the still-open store, gawk-
 questionable character.
                                                  ing in our direction. Here we find bananas,
        By composting, Whole Foods is rela-
                                                  pasta, and chicken potpie, among other
 tively progressive in how they dispose of
                                                  goodies. Lacking a better resting place, the
 waste. From them, we successfully res-
                                                  food is set on already searched trash bags.
 cue apples, grapefruit, a slice of pack-
                                                  (A perfect picture of paradox.) One woman,
 aged cheesecake, mushrooms, squash,
                                                  with wavy hair and a nose ring, drops a pear
 fennel, and daikon radish in addition to
                                                  into a curbside puddle, picks it up, and sets
 our grape bounty. Cindy finds a bag filled
                                                  it with the others. This upsets me.
 with cake but leaves it untouched. Later,
                                                                                                   Freegans are sort of like raccoons. Raccoons that wear shorts, which we can only assume are denim.

Uncle | Issue One | 08                                                                                                                                                       
Hey, Meet This Guy.
 And, to be fair, I don’t think anyone is in        maybe I don’t need to speed down my
 it to get laid. But the honest efforts of in-      driveway to the mailbox on my motor-
 dividuals can be obscured in the cloud of          powered Razor scooter, which runs on the
                                                                                                     Kissed Her Little Sister
 group speak, gaining a whiff of Big Brother-       feathers of endangered eagles. (We’ve all
 ish conspiracies. There is something disqui-       got vices.) But hilarious hobbies aside, I          When these hipster costume parties start
 eting about a group of like-minded people          really can get behind the movement – in          taking themselves too seriously, and every-
 that espouse identical worldviews, even if         theory, from a distance.                         body is dressed up like Velma from Scooby
 they’re not drinking the Kool-Aid.                     On the tour, however, I feel like a scared   Doo, I’m tempted to eat glass and do the
      And after all the talk about global capi-     kid on the edge of the high dive at the pub-     worm into oncoming traffic. Instead, I find
 talist systems and unsustainable econo-            lic pool. I want to jump, but am frozen. It      the guy with the tightest pants and ask him if
 mies, I wonder if their efforts are even a         isn’t the food, or even the prospect of eat-     he’s heard of imaginary bands I’ve made up.
 true boycott. They may not be sitting at           ing it, that gets to me – though that doesn’t    Usually, he’ll adjust his spectacles made out
 the table of worldwide consumerism, but            help. It’s the actual dumpster diving that       of pipe cleaners and say, yeah, he liked Yin
 they’re still feeding off the scraps. And          breaks my freegan spirit. I’m not up to it.      Yang Yarmulke or Baldin College two weeks        Kissed Her Little Sister on vacation in Siberia.
 though they won’t own cars, for example,                As Cindy wraps up her talk, Janet sidles    ago, which was right before they sold out
 they’ll trainhop or hitchhike, which – grant-      alongside her and points in the direction of                                                      Do you cover any other musicians?
                                                                                                     and actually played a song. So commercial.
 ed – may fill up unused space and maximize         the Macy’s shopping bag she’s been using                                                          Strictly Phil Collins.
                                                                                                        Genuine music and new creation are
 the usefulness of petroleum, but it still feels    to carry her food. “I want to warn you,” she     beautiful things, and though there will al-
 like something of a loophole – a departure         says. “A man walked by and let his dog shit                                                       How’s the music scene in LA?
                                                                                                     ways be skunks that fake the funk, there’s
 from righteous rhetoric.                           on your bag.” As if we needed more re-                                                            Fashionable.
                                                                                                     usually the real deal in there somewhere,
        Freeganism is obviously an extreme,         minders that we were wallowing in the un-        waiting in the wings.
 and there are other, cleaner ways to help          savory. Her bag, as it happens, is right next                                                     Seen anything inspiring lately?
                                                                                                        Kissed Her Little Sister, an LA-based
 counteract a culture of waste, even if it          to mine, which I put down every chance I                                                          Yeah, a video on YouTube of [musician] Jay
                                                                                                     electro-folk astronaut and one-man band,
 can’t topple the system. For me, maybe             get. I use this minor diversion to abandon                                                        Reatard punching his fan in the face. Totally
                                                                                                     is one such musician worth checking out.
 I don’t need to buy this season’s latest           mine completely.                                                                                  moving.
                                                                                                     Blending acoustic instrumentation with
 styles when I have perfectly wearable                  As it turns out, even on a trash tour one    electronic beats, loops, and virtually any-
 clothes at home; and maybe I can go                can be wasteful.                                                                                  Why is music important?
                                                                                                     thing else he can get his dirty hands on,
 out of my way to recycle beer cans; and                                                                                                              Music might be a disease for all I know, or
                                                                                                     he has created an eclectic style all his own,
                                                                Rafi Kohan is a founding Uncle.                                                       a drug to cure other diseases. Music can
                                                                                                     running the gamut from Woody Guthrie to
                                                                                                                                                      make me feel like Barry Bonds and Hakeem
                                                                                                     Girl Talk. Although he is currently unsigned,
                                                                                                                                                      Olajuwon all wrapped into one, and con-
                                                                                                     French people love him.
                                                                                                                                                      versely, that sad monkey in the zoo... I’m

                             less inspired moments                                                                                                    into it.
                                                                                                     In Footloose, the Reverend John Lith-
                                                                                                     gow banned dancing. What would you
                             submitted by wilmer cardona                                                                                              Anything else?
                                                                                                     do if music were suddenly banned?
                                                                                                                                                      Yeah, the first song ever recorded was
                                                                                                     I would probably file a complaint with the
                                                                                                                                                      “Mary Had a Little Lamb” by Thomas Edi-
  “Silent strength is the quality of all good men, and most mummies.”                                world. The first rule of music is that there
                                                                                                                                                      son, and that might be just a rumor... Also,
                                                                                                     are no rules, which means banning music
  - Teddy Roosevelt
                                                                                                                                                      did you know that when you type “rumors”
                                                                                                     would probably not necessarily be against
                                                                                                                                                      into iTunes Lindsay Lohan pops up, but
  “The moon isn’t so tough.”                                                                         the rules, and that fucks with my head. But
                                                                                                                                                      when you type “rumours” some hot Fleet-
                                                                                                     often I find that some of the best music is
  - Neil Armstrong
                                                                                                                                                      wood Mac shit pops up?
                                                                                                     the shit that does.
  “I love baby rabbits. I want a baby rabbit to put inside my mouth and
                                                                                                                                                      Yes, ‘Rumors’ is a great song. Last ques-
  and hold it there and taste it on my tongue all day. Will it melt?                                 How did they find out about you in Paris
                                                                                                                                                      tion - boxers or briefs?
  I don’t think so.”                                                                                 and Montreal?
                                                                                                                                                      Live free or die.
  - Mike Tyson                                                                                       Business cards, computer-generated pre-
                                                                                                     recorded telephone spamming machines,
  For more uninspiring quotes, visit                                                                                                 To hear Kissed Her Little Sister, visit:
                                                                                                     afternoon tea meet and greets.
                                                                                                     What kind of music do you make?                  And check out his mixtapes -
                                                                                                     Concrete horrorcore loopism meets acous-         Uncle Presents: Hi-Lo Mixtapes
                                                                                                     matic Appalachian folk music for kids.           at
Uncle | Issue One | 10                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                       Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:49 AM) : Funny that you separate Shamu, the most well-known
                                                                                                       representative of the Orcas, from the rest of the species. That’s like saying not everyone
                                                                                                       from Mipos is exactly like Balky. Great Whites refuse to kowtow to the silly demands of sun-
                                                                           Great White                 burnt hick crowds, all wearing Taz jean jackets. A Great White has a mouth like a bear trap
                                                                                                       wrapped in spikes and razor wire and carnage. An Orca has teeth like Moby, best suited for
                                                                                                       nibbling one candy corn at a time (soy, $15,000 a piece).

                                                                                                                      KillaWhale69 (02:51 AM) : You’re past your prime, son. Take off your varsity

                                                                                                                      letterman jacket and get a real job. While you shark jocks have been doing
    Killer Whale                                                                                                      doughnuts in the parking lot, Orcas have been interning at the chem lab,
                                                                                                                      learning to exploit the Great White’s main weakness: a susceptibility to mas-
                                                                                                                      sive explosions (thanks, Jaws). Brains over brawn. Compared to the dumb
                                                                                                                      and desultory dawdlings of the shark, Orcas are underwater Hannibal Lect-
                                                                                                                      ers, luring the Great White into the moorings of an elaborate mental maze
                                                                                                                      laced with unexplained sexual tension.

                                                                                                       Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:54 AM) : The Orca is like a rubber Hummer with a horn that goes

            a killer debate: the king of the sea                                                       “beep, beep, hot dog party coming through.” So soft. The shark is the grim reaper of the
                                                                                                       ocean, not wasting its time to frolic and squeal in a range that only a pre-pubescent Clay
                                                                                                       Aiken could possibly hear. There’s a reason there are classic movies like Deep Blue Sea,
                                                                                                       Megalodon, and Spring Break Shark Attack. The Great White, ravenous and equipped with
  KillaWhale69 (02:43 AM) : Remember this: What you don’t know can kill you. Because
                                                                                                       a mouth full of swords, looms like Rosie O’Donnell in the human unconscious. The Orca, on
  while everyone knows the Great White’s shtick (da-dum, da-dum), who truly knows the
                                                                                                       the other hand, can only be associated with swimming in its own urine, and liking it.
  legend of the Orca? Known as the man-eater, the Great White is feared by human kind, but
  the shark’s reputation hangs on little more than cheap tricks and good PR. The Great White
                                                                                                       KillaWhale69 (02:56 AM) : A shark may scare the other kids on the playground, but the
  is a passing fad, like beanie babies or the National Hockey League. The Orca, meanwhile,
                                                                                                       Orca can counter him on all fronts thanks to a whip-cracking tail and a bored childhood
  has a centuries-old tradition of terrorizing seafarers. Long before Jaws there was Captain
                                                                                                       filled with many games of Stratego. Plus, the Orca clocks in at upwards of 35 MPH, fast
  Ahab, and the tale of his menacing whale.
                                                                                                       enough to be pulled over in a school zone. (Not that the Orca hits the brakes for Johnny
  Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:44 AM) First of all, the NHL only became a passing fad when the               Law.)
  Whalers left Hartford (yes, they were sweet, and, yes, they killed whales). Also, unsurpris-
                                                                                                       Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:57 AM) : I am so confident of the Orca’s cowardice, that I per-
  ingly, you are confusing Shamu with a sperm whale named Dick. And Free Willy was the
                                                                                                       sonally will club the caviar out of his head on land or in water. That’s right, I’m stepping
  weakest movie I have ever not seen. A Great White would have treated that dumb orphan
                                                                                                       into the ring myself, and I’m going to stab your soft batch squire of the sea in the blowhole
  like a seal and bit his head off jumping over the jetty headed for a party in Freedomtown.
                                                                                                       with a chopstick.
  ‘Poor Orca, I’m blue, my wittle fin is bent. Wa, wa, wa.’ It is a fact that a Great White cannot
  be kept in captivity.
                                                                                                       KillaWhale69 (02:58 AM) : You would stab someone in the back – how courageous. In-
                                                                                                       deed, the Orca’s vulnerable in the blowhole, which is about the size of a golf ball. But since
 KillaWhale69 (02:46 AM) : Sharks aren’t held captive because they refuse to eat. A hunger
                                                                                                       I know you’re too poor for a country club, and golf pro shops don’t honor food stamps, I’d
 strike? Terrifying? Please, when’s the last time you saw Mahatma Gandhi’s mug on the front
                                                                                                       recommend you both stick to scrimshaw and wade in shallower waters.
 of a Mexican wrestling mask? Besides, the shark kills by accident. He is – and now to re-
 deem my literary faux pas – a maritime Lennie from “Of Mice and Men,” squeezing people
                                                                                                                                             (Long Pause)
 like scared wabbits with his jaws because he has the vision of an Irishman after his 75th pint.
                                                                                                       Gr8WhitePartyer311 (03:07 AM) : Dude, you know my family doesn’t have any
 (He doesn’t know his own strength, George.) The Orca, meanwhile, has seduced humanity
 to see its kind as harmless sideshows that will turn tricks for herring. But, in reality, Orcas are
 kill-for-pleasure ruffians who revel in the cold calculation of premeditated murder – except
                                                                                                       Gr8WhitePartyer311 has left the chat.
 for Shamu, who is an Orcan Uncle Tom.

                                                                                                       KillaWhale69 (03:07 AM) : Sorry. :(

Uncle | Issue One | 12                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                      My heroes have always been cowboys.
                                                                                                                 I never took much stock in atha-letes. And
                                                                                                                 then one day, out of nowhere, I saw a sign.
                                                                                                                 And the sign said: “Wade Boggs once

                                                                                                                 drank 64 beers on a cross country flight.”
                                                              WORDS BY
                                                                                                                 And the magic fabric of the universe shim-
                                                              BRENDAN FLAHERTY                                   mered.
                                                                                                                     Everyone else was riveted to a college
                                                                                                                 football pre-game show and I was sitting
                                                                                                                                                               I could hear him, standing on a cliffside in my
                                                                                                                 there watching the gnats buzz around in
                                                                                                                                                               unconscious, clad in rustic goat pelts, calling
                                                                                                                 my skull, in the empty space where a rick-
                                                                                                                                                               out to me, “Find the truth, Johnny. Find the
                                                                                                                 ety projector was whirring through some
                                                                                                                                                               Wade.” I went up to my laboratory and pon-
                                                                                                                 fragmented cartoon about Donald Duck
                                                                                                                                                               dered the meaning of the sign that rung out
                                                                                                                 and the mathematics of a sunflower. The
                                                                                                                                                               like a Zen koan, a strange kernel of some-
                                                                                                                 camera cut to a TV analyst who was say-
                                                                                                                                                               thing inaccessible to rational thought.
                                                                                                                 ing something in front of a crowd of party
                                                                                                                                                                    If a tree falls in the forest?
                                                                                                                 dudes, and there it was, in the background,
                                                                                                                                                                    Polishing a test tube, I considered the
                                                                                                                 the gospel – Wade Boggs was a superhu-
                                                                                                                                                               sign. Assuming a cross country flight is
                                                                                                                 man chuggernaut.
                                                                                                                                                               roughly six hours, that means Wade Boggs
                                                                                                                      For anyone who doesn’t know Wade
                                                                                                                                                               drank nearly eleven beers in an hour (which
                                                                                                                 Boggs, Wade Boggs is a red-mustachioed
                                                                                                                                                               some doctors might claim is incredibly dan-
                                                                                                                 Hall of Fame baseball player. He played
                                                                                                                                                               gerous). But even more astonishing, he was
                                                                                                                 third base for the Red Sox and the Yan-
                                                                                                                                                               able to keep up that sprint pace for a mara-
                                                                                                                 kees (and less notably, the Devil Rays). He
                                                                                                                                                               thon six straight hours, and live. He was a
                                                                                                                 was a twelve-time all-star, winner of two
                                                                                                                                                               one-man perfect storm.
                                                                                                                 Gold Glove awards, several batting titles,
                                                                                                                                                                    On the other hand, there was also the
                                                                                                                 and once rode victoriously around Yankee
                                                                                                                                                               possibility that the sign was a total fabrica-
                                                                                                                 Stadium on the back of a police horse. He
                                                                                                                                                               tion. That someone went to great lengths
                                                                                                                 also had a mistress, who may have told
                                                                                                                                                               to tell the world a ridiculous untruth about
                                                                                                                 Penthouse magazine that Boggsy was the
                                                                                                                                                               Wade Boggs’ personal habits. And the mo-
                                                                                                                 “connoisseur of cunnilingus.” But before
                                                                                                                                                               tivation that some stranger would want to
                                                                                                                 all that, Wade Boggs was a guy who was
                                                                                                                                                               make something up, just for his or her own
                                                                                                                 good at hitting a ball.
                                                                                                                                                               amusement, about Wade Boggs, would be
                                                                                                                       The pre-game show continued and
                                                                                                                                                               ridiculous and random and hilarious, a big
                                                                                                                 everybody went back to watching the
                                                                                                                                                               joke just like the Big Bang.
                                                                                                                 talking heads talk, but I found myself in a
                                                                                                                                                                    An option I refused to consider at the
                                                                                                                 trance, paralyzed by the essence of Wade.
                                                                                                                                                               time was that the sign was neither fact nor
 WADE BOGGS                                                                                                                                                    fiction, but rather some amalgamation of
                                       is sitting cross-legged in the shade of an empty beer
                                                                                                                                                               the two. That maybe ole Wade could really
 can pyramid, chicken bones littered around him. The secret, he tells me, is don’t swing for
                                                                                                                                                               ice cold ones, but the number was exag-
 the fences. Get on base, and from third it’s a lot easier to score.
                                                                                                                                                               gerated. In those days, I was an either/or
                                                                                               Image Courtesy of NASA

                                                                                                                                                               kind of American, not a nerd.
 In the beginning, there was Wade.

Uncle | Issue One | 14                                                                                                                                                            
                                                        PART OF ME STARTS TO
 and Wade Boggs is eating chicken.
 Upon looking further into the mystery                 WONDER IF THIS PROFES-
 of Wade, I discover that he eats chick-
                                                      SIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER,
 en everyday. He claims that there are
                                                      WHO LOVES EATING CHICK-
 “hits in chicken,” and he has even writ-
 ten a cookbook composed of his favor-
                                                       EN AND VAGINA, REALLY
 ite chicken recipes. It’s called Fowl Tips.
                                                      DID DEMATERIALIZE IN THE
      It is noon and Boggsy is cracking open
 his first Miller Lite, which is the only beer he
                                                      MIDDLE OF A KNIFE FIGHT.
 drinks. In many ways, he is a simple man. He
 is a creature of habit. Steady, in his own off-
 kilter way. Complex, in his strange simplicity.
                                                      drank 64 beers on a cross-country flight,
  According to an article in the Boston Globe,
                                                      or if the whole thing is just a hilarious lie.”
 Wade Boggs claimed that he once willed
                                                          “No,” he says. “You want to know why
 himself invisible to escape a knife fight. Most
                                                      I drank 64 beers on a cross-country flight.
 adults don’t believe they can make them-
                                                      You want to know for what purpose.”
 selves invisible, and if they do, they proba-
                                                        “A simple yes or no is all I want, Wade.
 bly don’t tell the press about it. Still, there is
                                                      Either answer is going to make me laugh,
 something refreshing in Wade’s ... honesty?
                                                      I swear.”
    The details stack up like Legos in the
                                                                                                                                            BOGGS MOUNTS STALLION. STALLION GETS BOGGSED.
                                                        “But wouldn’t it be funnier, if you never
 sandbox of Wade Boggs, and part of
                                                      knew one way or the other. Then it is both.
 me starts to wonder if maybe this profes-
                                                      And it is neither. Just like everything and                                                                                of fifty or sixty, sometimes as many as sev-
 sional baseball player, who loves eating                                                                                            “Wade, I don’t want to know this much
                                                      nothing.” Wade crosses his legs into the                                                                                   enty, beers on cross-country team trips.
 chicken and vagina, really did demateri-                                                                                        about you anymore. I think I was happier
                                                      lotus position and nonchalantly floats off                                                                                 The total, however, did not strictly entail
 alize in the middle of a knife fight. I hear                                                                                    when you were just in two dimensions.”
                                                      the ground a couple inches.                                                                                                the flight itself, but packing up, refueling,
 his laugh echoing as he rides a magic car-                                                                                          “Don’t be a nerd,” he says. “This is the
                                                         Somewhere else, far off in the distance,                                                                                down time, etc., as well. Clearly, even for
 pet across an ever-expanding universe.                                                                                          fifth.” He shakes an empty Miller Lite can
                                                      my roommate is laughing hysterically. I                                                                                    a professional athlete, this is unhealthy
     I look further still and Wade Boggs be-                                                                                     and tosses it with an expert flick off the
                                                      hear him say, He’s pretending to sleep. A                                                                                  and dangerous, but in some strange way,
 comes more than the stats on the back of                                                                                        edge of the plateau.
                                                      crushed beer can bounces off the dent in                                                                                   Wade Boggs’s beer drinking unravels a
 a baseball card. I learn about his rituals                                                                                         “Only fifty-nine more to go, Johnny,” he
                                                      my head.                                                                                                                   small stitch in the fabric of the universe,
 and routines. His incredibly superstitious                                                                                      says. But he wants to go further than I think
                                                         “Pay attention,” Wade says. A piece of                                                                                  incredible and random and hilarious and
 nature, how he sought lucky hotel rooms                                                                                         I should.
                                                      fried chicken floats up to his mouth and                                                                                   absurd and sad, like everything and noth-
 with lucky layouts, fielded exactly 150                                                                                             “Goodbye, Wade,” I say and follow his
                                                      he eats it without his hands, in one bite,                                                                                 ing else.
 ground balls before each game, ran sprints                                                                                      beer can off the edge.
                                                      bones and all.                                                                                                                So, he did it, or he didn’t. It’s tough to say,
 and took batting practice at 5:17 and 7:17,                                                                                         I come to at my desk. There is a lump
                                                         “There are hits in chicken,” he says.                                                                                   really. But the facts hang there like a couch
 respectively, every day. Then, someone                                                                                          on my head and a lot of laughter going
                                                         “I think I want to go home now, Wade.                                                                                   tied with a hundred feet of rope, dangling
 hits me over the head with a frying pan.                                                                                        on downstairs. I feel like Wade Boggs has
                                                      I will start paying attention to the foot-                                                                                 in a bottomless crevasse. And I wonder:
   I come to and I am sitting on a plateau,
                                                                                                        Image Courtesy of NASA

                                                                                                                                 just fried an egg on the gong in my brain.
                                                      ball game, and focus on normal stuff like                                                                                  Where does this leave me? And my only
 high up. The air is thin and Wade Boggs is                                                                                            On the computer screen in front of
                                                      that.”                                                                                                                     answer is, nowhere. The beginning, I guess.
 there, sitting in dirt.                                                                                                         me, on the World Wide Web, as they
                                                         “I cheated on my wife,” Wade tells me.
   “I know why you’ve come,” Wade says. The                                                                                      called it in those days, is an interview
                                                      “For years. And I always hit better when                                                                                   Wade.
 wind surges upward but his goat pelt kimono                                                                                     transcript. Some of Wade Boggs’s old
                                                      my girlfriend was in the stands. I told Bar-
 does not rustle. My head hurts. I try to focus.                                                                                 teammates were on a radio show talking
                                                      bara Walters about my sex addiction.”                                                                                           Brendan Flaherty is a founding Uncle.
  “I want to know if the sign is true. If you                                                                                    about how he frequently drank upwards

Uncle | Issue One | 16                                                                                                                                                                                 

                   Blue Self
Acrylic, Ink + Oil on paper

                         By Brendan Flaherty + Joseph Gallagher

                                                                  Uncle | Issue One | 18
   is a traveling artist, like a salesman      and your tools, which are extensions of
   without the commission. He has found        you.
   inspiration across the globe, from the         I remember being down on Pfeiffer
   Southwest to the Far East. At times he      Beach, along the Big Sur coast, and
   has even traded his paintings as a form     posting up on a massive rock jutting into
   of rent. We asked Neil a couple (very       the Pacific. The wind was kicking sand
   thoughtful) questions, and he obliged,      into my eyes and mean waves were
   inviting us into the world of a rambling    coming at me, completely surrounding
   artist and the mystery of a blank can-      my rock at points. I had an impression
   vas. Then he drank us under the table.      that death could come as a thought-
                                               less swell of the ocean, but as long as I
   Uncle: To what extent is painting a         was painting, I wasn’t so much keeping
   necessary part of your travel experi-       safe as keeping alive.
   ence?                                          While traveling you must let yourself
   Neil : When I am traveling, the urge        be thrown off balance by what is un-
   to create is heightened as new places,      known and disarming. Then, through
   images, people, languages, and color        the act of painting, you bring all these
   tumble into my senses. Painting always      things into balance. I have the most
   contains a degree of improvisation, but     vivid memory of places I have painted.
   that degree is at its zenith when you are   Painting is my ultimate communion
   in a space that is utterly new – just you   with the world.

                                                                       (continued on page 23)

                                                                                                                   Requiem II
                                                                                                Acryllic, Ink + Oil on Canvas

Uncle | Issue One | 20                                                                            
Uncle: A lot of your work
                                                                                     seems to have a mystic
                                                                                     quality. What do you see
                                                                                     when you look into a blank
                                                                                    The blankness of the begin-
                                                                                    ning is complete freedom
                                                                                    and, as a painting bears it-
                                                                                    self, you start to feel respon-
                                                                                    sible for listening and help-
                                                                                    ing it become what it wants
                                                                                    to be.
                                                                                       The mystical part can never
                                                                                    be pinned down.
                                                                                         As you look into a paint-
                                                                                    ing, you are looking simul-
                                                                                    taneously into your depths
                                                                                    and mine. In its terrain, we,
                                                                                    though we may never meet,
                                                                                    have achieved a union. This,
                                                                                    I think, begins to speak of a
                                                                                    mystic quality. But the blank
                                                                                    canvas is complete freedom.
                                                                                    And as the paint hits, free-
                                                                                    dom becomes charged and
                                                                                    bonded to life. Life brings
                                                                                    color. Color is a reason for

                                                                                      You can find Neil online at
                                                         Stars Above My Heart
                                               The Sol
                                                         Acryllic + Ink on Canvas
                         Acryllic, Ink + Oil on Canvas

Uncle | Issue One | 22                                                                     
If that wasn’t enough, my wife has spent the last ten years raising a brood of prized peahens.
                                                                                                    And last night, two of them went missing! I may not have proof that Mr. Wolf burrowed un-
                                                                                                    der the fence in my backyard and callously drank the blood of two innocent hens beneath
                                                                                                    the light of a full moon, but I have my suspicions! All over town, I’ve heard horrible stories
                                                                                                    about this monster breakdancing, fornicating with the prom queen, and thinking he’s really
                                                                                                    somethin’ else wearing sunglasses indoors. Quite frankly, I am just plain sick of the whole
                                                                                                    mess. I haven’t been this riled up since the day my Indians scalped the Avon Warthogs and
                                                                                                    took home the conference trophy. Regretfully, I must warn you, if there is no decency left in
                                                                                                    this great country, and a teenage werewolf is inducted into the High School Basketball Hall
                                                                                                    of Fame, it will put a stain on the memory of the best four years of my life playing high school
                                                                                                    ball. It will also put a stain on the hall itself – to such an extent, in fact, that I would request
                                                                                                    any nominations I may have personally received over the years for induction be immediately
                                                                                                    doused with gasoline and set ablaze.

                                                                                                    This situation, gentlemen, is a very slippery slope, and I for one would rather die than know

                                                                                                    that maybe someday, even if I’m dead, my picture might be seen in the same building as
                                                                                                        that of a no-good, red-eyed, binge-drinking, chicken-stealing, werewolf! If we let him
                                                                                                           in, we have lost a battle of all things holy. What’s next – Magilla Gorilla on the district
          High School                                                                                               I thank you for your time and consideration, and pray that you will not
                                                                                                                       lead high school basketball down a path of disgrace and ungodly ruin.

 Basketball Hall of Fame,                                                                                                        Sincerely,
                                                                                                                                 Whitey Beigeface
 Yesterday, while meeting in my Tuesday night dodge ball league,                                                                 Head Coach
 I heard the dismaying news that a teenage werewolf was                                                                          Canton Indians, 9th Grade Boys
 being considered to enter the sacred hall. As the head
 coach of the Indians – Canton, Indiana’s most tenacious
 freshman boys basketball team – trust me when I tell you
 that I know high school basketball. And as a former high school
 basketball player myself (center, team MVP my senior year), and a person, I can also tell
 quite plainly that Scott Howard/Teen Wolf is not a human. He is a werewolf.

 Good sirs, I am a Christian and a firm believer in acceptance of all people, but, as demon-
 strated by the string of six consecutive backflips he pulled off while recklessly surfing on the
 roof of Styles’ WolfMobile, Mr. Wolf clearly is no such thing. His vertical leap and wolfish
                                                                                                                   WHAT ARE YOU
 agility alone put him at a considerable athletic advantage. Not to mention the competitive
 psychological edge he unfairly gains by going up for jump balls with glowing red eyes,
                                                                                                                    LOOKING AT,
 fangs, and a body covered in sweat-matted fur (his headband is not enough!). What if he’s
 contagious? You think I want my son, Toby, spending the rest of his life chasing Frisbees?

 As Americans, it is our duty to draw the line somewhere, and somewhere things have gotten
 terribly out of hand. Just yesterday I was talking to Old Man Wilson, who owns a liquor store
 the town over, and he said Mr. Howard came in the night before the big kegger and wanted
 to be served alcohol, even though he was clearly underage. As a law-abiding citizen, Old
 Man Wilson refused him service, only to have Mr. Howard/Mr. Wolf let loose a menacing
 werewolf growl and demand a keg of beer. Old Man Wilson is a veteran, and that wolf bas-
 tard is lucky he caught him off-guard that day. Otherwise, I assure you, that animal would’ve
 been sent to the taxidermist right then and there.

Uncle | Issue One | 24                                                                                                                                                      
MEXiCO                                                       at dawn,
                                                                                                                    Finally, a rancher stopped his truck
                                                               Daniel and I stood by Mexico Highway 1
                                                                                                              and offered us a ride – for a price. Thirty
                                                               with our thumbs pointed south. We had
                                                                                                              dollars U.S. to Guerrero Negro, he said.
                                                               been friends since San Quintin, about
                                                                                                              Guerrero Negro was a bayside town of
                                                               forty-eight hours and two hundred miles
                                                                                                              about ten thousand, which sounded like
                                                               ago. But travel has a way of accelerating
                                                                                                              a bastion of cosmopolitan niceties com-
                                                               relationships, and already we trusted,
                                                                                                              pared to the hot, unpopulated desert
                                                               and occasionally lashed out at, one an-
                                                                                                              where we were at the time.
                                                               other like brothers.

                                                                                                                   Daniel thought the price was outra-
                                                                  “I don’t think anyone’s going to stop.”
                                                                                                              geous. He had counted on traveling for
                                                                   “You have to be patient,” said my
                                                               dreadlocked friend from Mexico City.
                                                                                                                  But I had reached my breaking point.
                                                                    The Baja Peninsula is like two islands,
                                                                                                              I was already imagining myself sleeping
                                                               Tijuana in the north and Cabo San Lucas
                                                                                                              on the desert floor, amidst rattlesnakes
                                                               in the south, with an ocean of barrel cac-
                                                                                                              and scorpions. So at my urging, Daniel
                                                               tus and barren desert between them.
                                                                                                              told the rancher that we would accept his
                                                               It was only some thirty years ago that
  words by jonathan j. levin                                                                                  offer. Then we were back on the road.
                                                               the Mexican government constructed
                                                                                                                    As far as I’m concerned, great trips
                                                               a paved highway connecting the cities.
                                                                                                              are only had when you’re willing to sub-
                                                               Where we stood, we were almost equi-
                                                                                                              mit yourself to chance. Hitchhiking is a
                                                               distant from the two population centers,
                                                                                                              gamble. Sometimes, you get a friendly
                                                               and about a hundred miles from the near-
                                                                                                              local that engages you in great conver-
                                                               est hotel. Every thirty minutes, a pickup
                                                                                                              sation, invites you into his home, and
                                                               truck or RV would come to the junction.
                                                                                                              provides you with a home-cooked meal.
                                                                   Some slowed to look us over, most
                                                                                                              Other times, you get nobody, or the
                                                               did not. Sometimes, I paced back and
                                                                                                              criminally insane.
                                                               forth in the middle of the highway. Other
                                                                                                                  Our encounter with the rancher was
                                                               times, I just sat in the dirt and wondered
                                                                                                              neither lucky nor tragic. He took us
                                                               if we’d ever get to the next small town.
                                                                                                              where we were going, and that was all.
                                                                    I had come to Baja California, Mex-
                                                                                                              But a few hours later, on another barren
                                                               ico, to write about a series of Span-
                                                                                                              swath of highway, we struck gold with a
                                                               ish missions. But I had been almost
                                                                                                              man named Paco. He was an electrician
                                                               universally disappointed with every
                                                                                                              and a boyishly enthusiastic nature lover,
                                                               mission I’d visited. Over several gen-
                                                                                                              and he knew everything there was to
                                                               erations, dozens of these churches had
                                                                                                              know about the local desert and the fauna
                                                               been constructed in the desert in order
                                                                                                              rich lagoon in Guerrero Negro. The fol-
                                                               to establish Spanish influence in the
                                                                                                              lowing morning, he was heading out into
                                                               region and convert the locals to Catholi-
                               Photo Courtesy of Nick DeWolf

                                                                                                              a remote desert to visit his grandmother,
                                                               cism. But I’d found no divine inspiration
                                                                                                              the caretaker of the mission there, and
                                                               in the piles of adobe rubble that now
                                                                                                              he invited us to go with him.
                                                               passed for tourist attractions. Needless
                                                               to say, there were multiple reasons for
                                                               the exasperation that overtook me that

Uncle | Issue One | 26                                                                                                          
Uncle Magazine - Issue One
Uncle Magazine - Issue One
Uncle Magazine - Issue One

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Uncle Magazine - Issue One

  • 2. VS 06 14 04 12 19 29 24 26 in this issue Dear Read er by nd ed th is th ing firs t issue. We fu r own. Ou r goal Welcome to the of wh ich was ou most selling blood –– u will like that ’s meth ing that yo is to give you so ise –– with the prom 4 New York Slices resting and good er. But we are new and inte much, much good 6 Freeganomics come t us, that it will be el free to co ntac your help. So fe friends and going to need 11 Hey, Meet This Guy: Kissed Her Little Sister us along to your pass criticize us, and a it's going to be the red carpet, 12 Versus t ading, enemies. Roll ou Thank you for re d slum ber party. cowboy–theme 14 Wade Boggs, 64 Dimensions, Cosmic Beer e. and again, welcom 18 Meet the Narwhals Sincerely, 19 Travel Art. The Work of Neil Enggist. Uncle 24 Letter to the High School Basketball Hall of Fame 26 Mexico Highway One Revisited 29 Introducing Mr. Tony Baritone 30 Dear Desperately Single Uncle Brendan Flaherty Editor Rafi Kohan Editor Sam Levy Creative Director Sahar Ghaheri Design Consultant Very Special Thanks To: Virginia Kornfeld, Kevin Kinner, Alan Fiore, Phil Wonksi Uncle | Issue One | 02
  • 3. New York Photos by Sahar Ghaheri Slices Sitting in a coffee shop, I was thinking Oh, morning commute, with your cast of I was in a bar in the East Village talking The beginning of April is a great time to about other things and watching a deli- clowns in three-piece suits. I fall in line and to a girl from the West Village who said buy condoms that you won’t use until late cate stock broker. He was picking his nails pass a man singing spirituals and giving she was a long way from home. When she May at the earliest. I went into a bodega to nervously underneath the table, telling a away free paper. gauged me with a comment about a fancy buy some, but they only had the kind made safe and pretty woman with a fur collar In the subway station, a woman beats her shoebox, my blank expression said it all. I out of old tires. No romance. about how highly he regarded fashion. son in a foreign language, throwing con- told her I was an astronaut with an impres- The Saudi Arabian guy behind the coun- European. Six months ahead. sonants like elbows. But all I notice is the sive portfolio and went out into the street ter asked me if I needed Magnums. “Umm, He spoke quietly and controlled, touch- boy’s backpack, abandoned on the steps where a heroin addict was sleeping in a cof- no,” I said. “I wish.” fin he had built himself. Oh, New York. ing on the talking points of fine wine with a juice pack in the back pocket. Home- He smiled creepily and wiped the dust and fi-nonce, like he was giving a power land Security comes in to blow up the bag, off the condom boxes. Outside, toddlers point presentation to a trout, careful not apple juice and all. And we walk to work in were playing in the street and tweens (that’s an apple-ish mist. Oh, New York. to scare her away with any sudden move- right) were banging raw dog in the park. ments. But she wasn’t scared, no. She Oh, New York. didn’t go hide under a riverbank, or seek refuge at a nearby sample sale, where they were virtually giving away women’s undergarments. She was delighted – well, excited in the possibility of delight – with potential for growth as early as next quar- ter. Oh, New York. Uncle | Issue One | 04
  • 4. FREEGANOMICS It’s the last night of winter and the temperature is falling. The wind starts to bite. I loiter against a mailbox, not wanting to ap- proach perfect strangers on a New York City street corner. The trash tour is set to begin at 9:30 p.m., and it’s just past. While there has been no human One Man’s Dumpster Is Another Man’s Dinner contact, the online instructions are to meet at Houston and Chrystie, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and eventually a short and slim woman in her Words By Rafi Kohan mid-forties, well-bundled in fleece and Whole Foods. In a sense, freegans fancy sweats, senses that I’m lost – shy, maybe – themselves superheroes. The mission: and approaches me. Her name is Janet; she “rescue” discarded but still viable edibles. is one of three guides. The others are Cindy Prime hours for urban dumpster diving and Adam, both younger; they’re all wear- are between 9:30 p.m. and midnight, and ing cargo pants. the operation is always a race against the Also joining us for the evening is a camera trucks, as they put it. Immediately there is a crew from Channel 9 News and a student scare, as a garbage truck wheezes to a halt documentary filmmaker from Brooklyn Col- in front of our bounty. False alarm, though. lege, who is Korean and overly gracious. It’s not the compost truck. The freegan guides aren’t media savvy, so to Everyone takes to a container, flips speak, but they willingly pose for the cam- the lid, and digs in. The air suddenly fills eras, striking grave and significant tones. with the odd smell of a Caribbean cocktail: Welcome to the trash tour, the dumpster Cindy’s bin is loaded with pineapple rinds. dive, and the promise of future alliterations. I hesitate at my own. I had envisioned fully- I first heard about the tour and its propri- cooked meals resting within the bins, like etors, the freegans, from my mom – a loyal diamonds in a dung pile. All I would have Oprah viewer. Through the tour, freegans, to do is pluck them out. But this trashcan is who sustain themselves largely on the dis- filled with, well, trash. Food, or at least what carded products of mainstream American I recognize as food, is nowhere in sight, stores, proselytize their scrounging way of and my compost isn’t exuding as forgiving life. a smell. It has the acrid scent of musk and There have been times in my past – mold – the familiar odor of garbage. times I’m not proud of – when, as a waiter, After some prudish poking, I abandon I’ve eaten leftovers off the plates of paying my bin and join a group that has gathered customers; when, as an undergrad, I’ve laid around one brimming with loose grapes in puddles of my own creation; and, all too and orange halves. Fistfuls are scooped recently, mornings when I’ve woken to a and fingered, tested for firmness. I take a scarlet sunrise in the shade of a back alley plastic bag from Janet and join the grape dumpster. But I never thought that dump- harvest, although my strategy is rather fussy, ster would ever be my pantry. Yet here I as I pluck one by one. To get any sense of am. what it takes to be a freegan I need to com- For our first stop, we don’t travel mit more, and eventually start taking hand- far – just south of Houston to a gag- fuls. But then I become less discriminating gle of compost containers outside of than the others. Uncle | Issue One | 06
  • 5. she admits, she would have dug in if the It’s a lot to ask of a generation of ger- A freegan strives toward simplicity, mini- bankruptcy fuels the production of almost cameras weren’t rolling. She doesn’t want maphobes to reverse its conditioning. mizing participation in traditional economic all commercial goods. While an average to gross out viewers. “If you start playing The trash, we’ve been told, is where trash structures and limiting personal consump- person sees a cute tee-shirt selling for half the ‘Why did they throw this out?’ game, goes. Of course, this is the freegan point: tion and waste. At the close of the business off, freegans see human abuses in sweat- you could just drive yourself nuts,” she tells “That’s what they want you to believe!” day, chain supermarkets, bakeries, small shops, “rainforest destruction, global our media observers. But we are the people of Purell, hyper grocers, and corner shop bodegas purge warming, displacement of indigenous sensitive to sanitation and hygiene. So themselves of products that are no longer communities, air and water pollution, the you’ll forgive me if I don’t want to wash salable. Either a sell-by date has passed, violent overthrow of popularly elected WEARE THE PEOPLE OF my pears in sewer water. the packaging for a product has been governments to maintain puppet dictators Soon Cindy gathers us in a semicircle breached, or the produce has lost its pictur- compliant to big business interests, open- PURELL, HYPER SENSITIVE for the educational part of the tour. She esque quality. While some is given away to pit strip mining, oil drilling in environmen- TO SANITATION AND tells us all things ‘waste’ and ‘freegan:’ the hungry and homeless, most is bagged tally sensitive areas, union busting, child HYGIENE. SO YOU’LL “It’s a choice to abstain from capitalism.” and left on the curbside. This food is still slavery, and payoffs to repressive regimes.” FORGIVE ME IF I DON’T She lectures on the absurdity of sell-by edible and nutritious, freegans argue, but That’s some wholesale evil in your bargain WANT TO WASH MY PEARS dates, and the incongruity of having out- it has lost its shelf life because of consumer bin. of-season products shipped thousand of stereotypes – stereotypes founded on a Still, as Cindy speaks, I can’t help but IN SEWER WATER. miles, using tons of gallons of petroleum, corporate agenda to push goods and pro- notice the boutique shops surrounding us so we can have Ecuadorian bananas on mote higher turnover, because higher turn- as we stand at the brink of SoHo. In a store As we are finishing up, a compost truck, our shelves – that are then tossed out. over equals greater profits. window across the street there is a pair of which the freegans call “Carters” (short for Freegans, she says, fight to eat local and Freegans say we are heading down a brown leather loafers I had admired in the Action: Carting Environmental SVC) comes build communities that promote alterna- slippery slope of exhausting the earth. pages of a men’s fashion magazine. Some- to a stop. Their night is just beginning and tive ways of living. “Global food capitalism isn’t sustainable,” times the mind wanders. they don’t look amused to find us hovering According to their Web site, freegan says Adam, who has drawn flyering duties The group’s rhetoric is well-rehearsed like raccoons over the bins, or to be on the is an amalgam of the words “free” and for the evening. But a few minutes into the and seemingly logical. We are a society of nightly news. “vegan.” Just as vegans abstain from tour, I’m questioning the sustainability of waste. But they also have a feel of cam- Heading south and then west, the tour animal products, freegans boycott global my own freeganism. pus activists – though that may be too crosses through the heart of the Lower East economic systems. They believe moral In the early hours of night, freegans dismissive to them, or to campus activists. Side and into SoHo, passing hipster bars alight on idling trash bags, pocketing the and young corporate types smoking on products that minutes earlier sat on shelves, the sidewalk. There’s an insulating feeling waiting to be sold. What they do is more of otherness as you walk past places where than just stealing from the trash and giving – even temporarily – you don’t belong. On to themselves, though. When they rescue the walk, we make small talk. (Janet is a food, they are also saving usable goods schoolteacher of twenty years and has been from adding bulk to already overcrowded a freegan for four.) landfills. Admittedly, this isn’t my thought The second stop, a grocer on Mulberry process as I roll up my jacket sleeves and Street, is a first-timer on the tour, and em- fondle one hundred gallons of grapes of Photo Courtesy of ployees idle in the still-open store, gawk- questionable character. ing in our direction. Here we find bananas, By composting, Whole Foods is rela- pasta, and chicken potpie, among other tively progressive in how they dispose of goodies. Lacking a better resting place, the waste. From them, we successfully res- food is set on already searched trash bags. cue apples, grapefruit, a slice of pack- (A perfect picture of paradox.) One woman, aged cheesecake, mushrooms, squash, with wavy hair and a nose ring, drops a pear fennel, and daikon radish in addition to into a curbside puddle, picks it up, and sets our grape bounty. Cindy finds a bag filled it with the others. This upsets me. with cake but leaves it untouched. Later, Freegans are sort of like raccoons. Raccoons that wear shorts, which we can only assume are denim. Uncle | Issue One | 08
  • 6. Hey, Meet This Guy. And, to be fair, I don’t think anyone is in maybe I don’t need to speed down my it to get laid. But the honest efforts of in- driveway to the mailbox on my motor- dividuals can be obscured in the cloud of powered Razor scooter, which runs on the Kissed Her Little Sister group speak, gaining a whiff of Big Brother- feathers of endangered eagles. (We’ve all ish conspiracies. There is something disqui- got vices.) But hilarious hobbies aside, I When these hipster costume parties start eting about a group of like-minded people really can get behind the movement – in taking themselves too seriously, and every- that espouse identical worldviews, even if theory, from a distance. body is dressed up like Velma from Scooby they’re not drinking the Kool-Aid. On the tour, however, I feel like a scared Doo, I’m tempted to eat glass and do the And after all the talk about global capi- kid on the edge of the high dive at the pub- worm into oncoming traffic. Instead, I find talist systems and unsustainable econo- lic pool. I want to jump, but am frozen. It the guy with the tightest pants and ask him if mies, I wonder if their efforts are even a isn’t the food, or even the prospect of eat- he’s heard of imaginary bands I’ve made up. true boycott. They may not be sitting at ing it, that gets to me – though that doesn’t Usually, he’ll adjust his spectacles made out the table of worldwide consumerism, but help. It’s the actual dumpster diving that of pipe cleaners and say, yeah, he liked Yin they’re still feeding off the scraps. And breaks my freegan spirit. I’m not up to it. Yang Yarmulke or Baldin College two weeks Kissed Her Little Sister on vacation in Siberia. though they won’t own cars, for example, As Cindy wraps up her talk, Janet sidles ago, which was right before they sold out they’ll trainhop or hitchhike, which – grant- alongside her and points in the direction of Do you cover any other musicians? and actually played a song. So commercial. ed – may fill up unused space and maximize the Macy’s shopping bag she’s been using Strictly Phil Collins. Genuine music and new creation are the usefulness of petroleum, but it still feels to carry her food. “I want to warn you,” she beautiful things, and though there will al- like something of a loophole – a departure says. “A man walked by and let his dog shit How’s the music scene in LA? ways be skunks that fake the funk, there’s from righteous rhetoric. on your bag.” As if we needed more re- Fashionable. usually the real deal in there somewhere, Freeganism is obviously an extreme, minders that we were wallowing in the un- waiting in the wings. and there are other, cleaner ways to help savory. Her bag, as it happens, is right next Seen anything inspiring lately? Kissed Her Little Sister, an LA-based counteract a culture of waste, even if it to mine, which I put down every chance I Yeah, a video on YouTube of [musician] Jay electro-folk astronaut and one-man band, can’t topple the system. For me, maybe get. I use this minor diversion to abandon Reatard punching his fan in the face. Totally is one such musician worth checking out. I don’t need to buy this season’s latest mine completely. moving. Blending acoustic instrumentation with styles when I have perfectly wearable As it turns out, even on a trash tour one electronic beats, loops, and virtually any- clothes at home; and maybe I can go can be wasteful. Why is music important? thing else he can get his dirty hands on, out of my way to recycle beer cans; and Music might be a disease for all I know, or he has created an eclectic style all his own, Rafi Kohan is a founding Uncle. a drug to cure other diseases. Music can running the gamut from Woody Guthrie to make me feel like Barry Bonds and Hakeem U Girl Talk. Although he is currently unsigned, Olajuwon all wrapped into one, and con- French people love him. versely, that sad monkey in the zoo... I’m less inspired moments into it. In Footloose, the Reverend John Lith- gow banned dancing. What would you submitted by wilmer cardona Anything else? do if music were suddenly banned? Yeah, the first song ever recorded was I would probably file a complaint with the “Mary Had a Little Lamb” by Thomas Edi- “Silent strength is the quality of all good men, and most mummies.” world. The first rule of music is that there son, and that might be just a rumor... Also, are no rules, which means banning music - Teddy Roosevelt did you know that when you type “rumors” would probably not necessarily be against into iTunes Lindsay Lohan pops up, but “The moon isn’t so tough.” the rules, and that fucks with my head. But when you type “rumours” some hot Fleet- often I find that some of the best music is - Neil Armstrong wood Mac shit pops up? the shit that does. “I love baby rabbits. I want a baby rabbit to put inside my mouth and Yes, ‘Rumors’ is a great song. Last ques- and hold it there and taste it on my tongue all day. Will it melt? How did they find out about you in Paris tion - boxers or briefs? I don’t think so.” and Montreal? Live free or die. - Mike Tyson Business cards, computer-generated pre- recorded telephone spamming machines, For more uninspiring quotes, visit To hear Kissed Her Little Sister, visit: afternoon tea meet and greets. What kind of music do you make? And check out his mixtapes - Concrete horrorcore loopism meets acous- Uncle Presents: Hi-Lo Mixtapes matic Appalachian folk music for kids. at Uncle | Issue One | 10
  • 7. VS Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:49 AM) : Funny that you separate Shamu, the most well-known representative of the Orcas, from the rest of the species. That’s like saying not everyone from Mipos is exactly like Balky. Great Whites refuse to kowtow to the silly demands of sun- Great White burnt hick crowds, all wearing Taz jean jackets. A Great White has a mouth like a bear trap wrapped in spikes and razor wire and carnage. An Orca has teeth like Moby, best suited for nibbling one candy corn at a time (soy, $15,000 a piece). KillaWhale69 (02:51 AM) : You’re past your prime, son. Take off your varsity • letterman jacket and get a real job. While you shark jocks have been doing Killer Whale doughnuts in the parking lot, Orcas have been interning at the chem lab, learning to exploit the Great White’s main weakness: a susceptibility to mas- sive explosions (thanks, Jaws). Brains over brawn. Compared to the dumb and desultory dawdlings of the shark, Orcas are underwater Hannibal Lect- ers, luring the Great White into the moorings of an elaborate mental maze laced with unexplained sexual tension. Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:54 AM) : The Orca is like a rubber Hummer with a horn that goes a killer debate: the king of the sea “beep, beep, hot dog party coming through.” So soft. The shark is the grim reaper of the ocean, not wasting its time to frolic and squeal in a range that only a pre-pubescent Clay Aiken could possibly hear. There’s a reason there are classic movies like Deep Blue Sea, Megalodon, and Spring Break Shark Attack. The Great White, ravenous and equipped with KillaWhale69 (02:43 AM) : Remember this: What you don’t know can kill you. Because a mouth full of swords, looms like Rosie O’Donnell in the human unconscious. The Orca, on while everyone knows the Great White’s shtick (da-dum, da-dum), who truly knows the the other hand, can only be associated with swimming in its own urine, and liking it. legend of the Orca? Known as the man-eater, the Great White is feared by human kind, but the shark’s reputation hangs on little more than cheap tricks and good PR. The Great White KillaWhale69 (02:56 AM) : A shark may scare the other kids on the playground, but the is a passing fad, like beanie babies or the National Hockey League. The Orca, meanwhile, Orca can counter him on all fronts thanks to a whip-cracking tail and a bored childhood has a centuries-old tradition of terrorizing seafarers. Long before Jaws there was Captain filled with many games of Stratego. Plus, the Orca clocks in at upwards of 35 MPH, fast Ahab, and the tale of his menacing whale. enough to be pulled over in a school zone. (Not that the Orca hits the brakes for Johnny Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:44 AM) First of all, the NHL only became a passing fad when the Law.) Whalers left Hartford (yes, they were sweet, and, yes, they killed whales). Also, unsurpris- Gr8WhitePartyer311 (02:57 AM) : I am so confident of the Orca’s cowardice, that I per- ingly, you are confusing Shamu with a sperm whale named Dick. And Free Willy was the sonally will club the caviar out of his head on land or in water. That’s right, I’m stepping weakest movie I have ever not seen. A Great White would have treated that dumb orphan into the ring myself, and I’m going to stab your soft batch squire of the sea in the blowhole like a seal and bit his head off jumping over the jetty headed for a party in Freedomtown. with a chopstick. ‘Poor Orca, I’m blue, my wittle fin is bent. Wa, wa, wa.’ It is a fact that a Great White cannot be kept in captivity. KillaWhale69 (02:58 AM) : You would stab someone in the back – how courageous. In- deed, the Orca’s vulnerable in the blowhole, which is about the size of a golf ball. But since KillaWhale69 (02:46 AM) : Sharks aren’t held captive because they refuse to eat. A hunger I know you’re too poor for a country club, and golf pro shops don’t honor food stamps, I’d strike? Terrifying? Please, when’s the last time you saw Mahatma Gandhi’s mug on the front recommend you both stick to scrimshaw and wade in shallower waters. of a Mexican wrestling mask? Besides, the shark kills by accident. He is – and now to re- deem my literary faux pas – a maritime Lennie from “Of Mice and Men,” squeezing people (Long Pause) like scared wabbits with his jaws because he has the vision of an Irishman after his 75th pint. Gr8WhitePartyer311 (03:07 AM) : Dude, you know my family doesn’t have any (He doesn’t know his own strength, George.) The Orca, meanwhile, has seduced humanity money. to see its kind as harmless sideshows that will turn tricks for herring. But, in reality, Orcas are kill-for-pleasure ruffians who revel in the cold calculation of premeditated murder – except Gr8WhitePartyer311 has left the chat. for Shamu, who is an Orcan Uncle Tom. KillaWhale69 (03:07 AM) : Sorry. :( Uncle | Issue One | 12
  • 8. WADE BOGGS, 64 DIMENSIONS, My heroes have always been cowboys. I never took much stock in atha-letes. And then one day, out of nowhere, I saw a sign. And the sign said: “Wade Boggs once COSMIC BEER drank 64 beers on a cross country flight.” WORDS BY And the magic fabric of the universe shim- BRENDAN FLAHERTY mered. Everyone else was riveted to a college football pre-game show and I was sitting I could hear him, standing on a cliffside in my there watching the gnats buzz around in unconscious, clad in rustic goat pelts, calling my skull, in the empty space where a rick- out to me, “Find the truth, Johnny. Find the ety projector was whirring through some Wade.” I went up to my laboratory and pon- fragmented cartoon about Donald Duck dered the meaning of the sign that rung out and the mathematics of a sunflower. The like a Zen koan, a strange kernel of some- camera cut to a TV analyst who was say- thing inaccessible to rational thought. ing something in front of a crowd of party If a tree falls in the forest? dudes, and there it was, in the background, Polishing a test tube, I considered the the gospel – Wade Boggs was a superhu- sign. Assuming a cross country flight is man chuggernaut. roughly six hours, that means Wade Boggs For anyone who doesn’t know Wade drank nearly eleven beers in an hour (which Boggs, Wade Boggs is a red-mustachioed some doctors might claim is incredibly dan- Hall of Fame baseball player. He played gerous). But even more astonishing, he was third base for the Red Sox and the Yan- able to keep up that sprint pace for a mara- kees (and less notably, the Devil Rays). He thon six straight hours, and live. He was a was a twelve-time all-star, winner of two one-man perfect storm. Gold Glove awards, several batting titles, On the other hand, there was also the and once rode victoriously around Yankee possibility that the sign was a total fabrica- Stadium on the back of a police horse. He tion. That someone went to great lengths also had a mistress, who may have told to tell the world a ridiculous untruth about Penthouse magazine that Boggsy was the Wade Boggs’ personal habits. And the mo- “connoisseur of cunnilingus.” But before tivation that some stranger would want to all that, Wade Boggs was a guy who was make something up, just for his or her own good at hitting a ball. amusement, about Wade Boggs, would be The pre-game show continued and ridiculous and random and hilarious, a big everybody went back to watching the joke just like the Big Bang. talking heads talk, but I found myself in a An option I refused to consider at the trance, paralyzed by the essence of Wade. time was that the sign was neither fact nor WADE BOGGS fiction, but rather some amalgamation of is sitting cross-legged in the shade of an empty beer the two. That maybe ole Wade could really can pyramid, chicken bones littered around him. The secret, he tells me, is don’t swing for ice cold ones, but the number was exag- the fences. Get on base, and from third it’s a lot easier to score. gerated. In those days, I was an either/or Image Courtesy of NASA kind of American, not a nerd. In the beginning, there was Wade. Uncle | Issue One | 14
  • 9. THE SUN IS RISING OVERHEAD PART OF ME STARTS TO and Wade Boggs is eating chicken. Upon looking further into the mystery WONDER IF THIS PROFES- of Wade, I discover that he eats chick- SIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER, en everyday. He claims that there are WHO LOVES EATING CHICK- “hits in chicken,” and he has even writ- ten a cookbook composed of his favor- EN AND VAGINA, REALLY ite chicken recipes. It’s called Fowl Tips. DID DEMATERIALIZE IN THE It is noon and Boggsy is cracking open his first Miller Lite, which is the only beer he MIDDLE OF A KNIFE FIGHT. drinks. In many ways, he is a simple man. He is a creature of habit. Steady, in his own off- kilter way. Complex, in his strange simplicity. drank 64 beers on a cross-country flight, According to an article in the Boston Globe, or if the whole thing is just a hilarious lie.” Wade Boggs claimed that he once willed “No,” he says. “You want to know why himself invisible to escape a knife fight. Most I drank 64 beers on a cross-country flight. adults don’t believe they can make them- You want to know for what purpose.” selves invisible, and if they do, they proba- “A simple yes or no is all I want, Wade. bly don’t tell the press about it. Still, there is Either answer is going to make me laugh, something refreshing in Wade’s ... honesty? I swear.” The details stack up like Legos in the BOGGS MOUNTS STALLION. STALLION GETS BOGGSED. “But wouldn’t it be funnier, if you never sandbox of Wade Boggs, and part of knew one way or the other. Then it is both. me starts to wonder if maybe this profes- And it is neither. Just like everything and of fifty or sixty, sometimes as many as sev- sional baseball player, who loves eating “Wade, I don’t want to know this much nothing.” Wade crosses his legs into the enty, beers on cross-country team trips. chicken and vagina, really did demateri- about you anymore. I think I was happier lotus position and nonchalantly floats off The total, however, did not strictly entail alize in the middle of a knife fight. I hear when you were just in two dimensions.” the ground a couple inches. the flight itself, but packing up, refueling, his laugh echoing as he rides a magic car- “Don’t be a nerd,” he says. “This is the Somewhere else, far off in the distance, down time, etc., as well. Clearly, even for pet across an ever-expanding universe. fifth.” He shakes an empty Miller Lite can my roommate is laughing hysterically. I a professional athlete, this is unhealthy I look further still and Wade Boggs be- and tosses it with an expert flick off the hear him say, He’s pretending to sleep. A and dangerous, but in some strange way, comes more than the stats on the back of edge of the plateau. crushed beer can bounces off the dent in Wade Boggs’s beer drinking unravels a a baseball card. I learn about his rituals “Only fifty-nine more to go, Johnny,” he my head. small stitch in the fabric of the universe, and routines. His incredibly superstitious says. But he wants to go further than I think “Pay attention,” Wade says. A piece of incredible and random and hilarious and nature, how he sought lucky hotel rooms I should. fried chicken floats up to his mouth and absurd and sad, like everything and noth- with lucky layouts, fielded exactly 150 “Goodbye, Wade,” I say and follow his he eats it without his hands, in one bite, ing else. ground balls before each game, ran sprints beer can off the edge. bones and all. So, he did it, or he didn’t. It’s tough to say, and took batting practice at 5:17 and 7:17, I come to at my desk. There is a lump “There are hits in chicken,” he says. really. But the facts hang there like a couch respectively, every day. Then, someone on my head and a lot of laughter going “I think I want to go home now, Wade. tied with a hundred feet of rope, dangling hits me over the head with a frying pan. on downstairs. I feel like Wade Boggs has I will start paying attention to the foot- in a bottomless crevasse. And I wonder: I come to and I am sitting on a plateau, Image Courtesy of NASA just fried an egg on the gong in my brain. ball game, and focus on normal stuff like Where does this leave me? And my only high up. The air is thin and Wade Boggs is On the computer screen in front of that.” answer is, nowhere. The beginning, I guess. there, sitting in dirt. me, on the World Wide Web, as they “I cheated on my wife,” Wade tells me. “I know why you’ve come,” Wade says. The called it in those days, is an interview “For years. And I always hit better when Wade. wind surges upward but his goat pelt kimono transcript. Some of Wade Boggs’s old my girlfriend was in the stands. I told Bar- does not rustle. My head hurts. I try to focus. teammates were on a radio show talking bara Walters about my sex addiction.” Brendan Flaherty is a founding Uncle. “I want to know if the sign is true. If you about how he frequently drank upwards Uncle | Issue One | 16
  • 10. Blue Self Acrylic, Ink + Oil on paper vel Art Enggist Tra Neil By Brendan Flaherty + Joseph Gallagher Uncle | Issue One | 18
  • 11. neil enggist is a traveling artist, like a salesman and your tools, which are extensions of without the commission. He has found you. inspiration across the globe, from the I remember being down on Pfeiffer Southwest to the Far East. At times he Beach, along the Big Sur coast, and has even traded his paintings as a form posting up on a massive rock jutting into of rent. We asked Neil a couple (very the Pacific. The wind was kicking sand thoughtful) questions, and he obliged, into my eyes and mean waves were inviting us into the world of a rambling coming at me, completely surrounding artist and the mystery of a blank can- my rock at points. I had an impression vas. Then he drank us under the table. that death could come as a thought- less swell of the ocean, but as long as I Uncle: To what extent is painting a was painting, I wasn’t so much keeping necessary part of your travel experi- safe as keeping alive. ence? While traveling you must let yourself Neil : When I am traveling, the urge be thrown off balance by what is un- to create is heightened as new places, known and disarming. Then, through images, people, languages, and color the act of painting, you bring all these tumble into my senses. Painting always things into balance. I have the most contains a degree of improvisation, but vivid memory of places I have painted. that degree is at its zenith when you are Painting is my ultimate communion in a space that is utterly new – just you with the world. (continued on page 23) Requiem II Acryllic, Ink + Oil on Canvas Uncle | Issue One | 20
  • 12. Uncle: A lot of your work seems to have a mystic quality. What do you see when you look into a blank canvas? The blankness of the begin- ning is complete freedom and, as a painting bears it- self, you start to feel respon- sible for listening and help- ing it become what it wants to be. The mystical part can never be pinned down. As you look into a paint- ing, you are looking simul- taneously into your depths and mine. In its terrain, we, though we may never meet, have achieved a union. This, I think, begins to speak of a mystic quality. But the blank canvas is complete freedom. And as the paint hits, free- dom becomes charged and bonded to life. Life brings color. Color is a reason for life. You can find Neil online at Stars Above My Heart The Sol Acryllic + Ink on Canvas Acryllic, Ink + Oil on Canvas Uncle | Issue One | 22
  • 13. If that wasn’t enough, my wife has spent the last ten years raising a brood of prized peahens. And last night, two of them went missing! I may not have proof that Mr. Wolf burrowed un- der the fence in my backyard and callously drank the blood of two innocent hens beneath the light of a full moon, but I have my suspicions! All over town, I’ve heard horrible stories about this monster breakdancing, fornicating with the prom queen, and thinking he’s really somethin’ else wearing sunglasses indoors. Quite frankly, I am just plain sick of the whole mess. I haven’t been this riled up since the day my Indians scalped the Avon Warthogs and took home the conference trophy. Regretfully, I must warn you, if there is no decency left in this great country, and a teenage werewolf is inducted into the High School Basketball Hall of Fame, it will put a stain on the memory of the best four years of my life playing high school ball. It will also put a stain on the hall itself – to such an extent, in fact, that I would request any nominations I may have personally received over the years for induction be immediately doused with gasoline and set ablaze. This situation, gentlemen, is a very slippery slope, and I for one would rather die than know Dear that maybe someday, even if I’m dead, my picture might be seen in the same building as that of a no-good, red-eyed, binge-drinking, chicken-stealing, werewolf! If we let him in, we have lost a battle of all things holy. What’s next – Magilla Gorilla on the district court? High School I thank you for your time and consideration, and pray that you will not lead high school basketball down a path of disgrace and ungodly ruin. Basketball Hall of Fame, Sincerely, Whitey Beigeface Yesterday, while meeting in my Tuesday night dodge ball league, Head Coach I heard the dismaying news that a teenage werewolf was Canton Indians, 9th Grade Boys being considered to enter the sacred hall. As the head coach of the Indians – Canton, Indiana’s most tenacious freshman boys basketball team – trust me when I tell you that I know high school basketball. And as a former high school basketball player myself (center, team MVP my senior year), and a person, I can also tell quite plainly that Scott Howard/Teen Wolf is not a human. He is a werewolf. Good sirs, I am a Christian and a firm believer in acceptance of all people, but, as demon- strated by the string of six consecutive backflips he pulled off while recklessly surfing on the roof of Styles’ WolfMobile, Mr. Wolf clearly is no such thing. His vertical leap and wolfish WHAT ARE YOU agility alone put him at a considerable athletic advantage. Not to mention the competitive psychological edge he unfairly gains by going up for jump balls with glowing red eyes, LOOKING AT, fangs, and a body covered in sweat-matted fur (his headband is not enough!). What if he’s contagious? You think I want my son, Toby, spending the rest of his life chasing Frisbees? DICKNOSE? As Americans, it is our duty to draw the line somewhere, and somewhere things have gotten terribly out of hand. Just yesterday I was talking to Old Man Wilson, who owns a liquor store the town over, and he said Mr. Howard came in the night before the big kegger and wanted to be served alcohol, even though he was clearly underage. As a law-abiding citizen, Old Man Wilson refused him service, only to have Mr. Howard/Mr. Wolf let loose a menacing werewolf growl and demand a keg of beer. Old Man Wilson is a veteran, and that wolf bas- tard is lucky he caught him off-guard that day. Otherwise, I assure you, that animal would’ve been sent to the taxidermist right then and there. Uncle | Issue One | 24
  • 14. MEXiCO at dawn, HIGHWAY 1 Finally, a rancher stopped his truck Daniel and I stood by Mexico Highway 1 and offered us a ride – for a price. Thirty with our thumbs pointed south. We had dollars U.S. to Guerrero Negro, he said. been friends since San Quintin, about Guerrero Negro was a bayside town of forty-eight hours and two hundred miles about ten thousand, which sounded like ago. But travel has a way of accelerating a bastion of cosmopolitan niceties com- relationships, and already we trusted, pared to the hot, unpopulated desert and occasionally lashed out at, one an- where we were at the time. other like brothers. Revisited Daniel thought the price was outra- “I don’t think anyone’s going to stop.” geous. He had counted on traveling for “You have to be patient,” said my free. dreadlocked friend from Mexico City. But I had reached my breaking point. The Baja Peninsula is like two islands, I was already imagining myself sleeping Tijuana in the north and Cabo San Lucas on the desert floor, amidst rattlesnakes in the south, with an ocean of barrel cac- and scorpions. So at my urging, Daniel tus and barren desert between them. told the rancher that we would accept his It was only some thirty years ago that words by jonathan j. levin offer. Then we were back on the road. the Mexican government constructed As far as I’m concerned, great trips a paved highway connecting the cities. are only had when you’re willing to sub- Where we stood, we were almost equi- mit yourself to chance. Hitchhiking is a distant from the two population centers, gamble. Sometimes, you get a friendly and about a hundred miles from the near- local that engages you in great conver- est hotel. Every thirty minutes, a pickup sation, invites you into his home, and truck or RV would come to the junction. provides you with a home-cooked meal. Some slowed to look us over, most Other times, you get nobody, or the did not. Sometimes, I paced back and criminally insane. forth in the middle of the highway. Other Our encounter with the rancher was times, I just sat in the dirt and wondered neither lucky nor tragic. He took us if we’d ever get to the next small town. where we were going, and that was all. I had come to Baja California, Mex- But a few hours later, on another barren ico, to write about a series of Span- swath of highway, we struck gold with a ish missions. But I had been almost man named Paco. He was an electrician universally disappointed with every and a boyishly enthusiastic nature lover, mission I’d visited. Over several gen- and he knew everything there was to erations, dozens of these churches had know about the local desert and the fauna been constructed in the desert in order rich lagoon in Guerrero Negro. The fol- to establish Spanish influence in the lowing morning, he was heading out into region and convert the locals to Catholi- Photo Courtesy of Nick DeWolf a remote desert to visit his grandmother, cism. But I’d found no divine inspiration the caretaker of the mission there, and in the piles of adobe rubble that now he invited us to go with him. passed for tourist attractions. Needless to say, there were multiple reasons for the exasperation that overtook me that morning. Uncle | Issue One | 26