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Animation in iOS


Code :
Animation in iOS
(0, 0) (40, 0)
(0, 0) (40, 0)
• 1 center (0, 0) -> center (40, 0)
(0, 0) (40, 0)
• 1 center (0, 0) -> center (40, 0)
(0, 0) (40, 0) = CGPoint.init(x: 0, y: 0)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) { = CGPoint.init(x: 40, y: 0)
• 1 center (0, 0) -> center(40, 0)
(0, 0) (40, 0)
vCircleCenterX.constant = 40
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) {
(100, 100)
(100, 50)
(100, 100)
(100, 100)
let circlePath = UIBezierPath(

arcCenter: CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100),

radius: 50,

startAngle: 0,

endAngle: .pi * 2,

clockwise: true


let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(

keyPath: #keyPath(CALayer.position)


animation.duration = 1

animation.path = circlePath.cgPath

animation.fillMode = .forwards

animation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false

vCircle.layer.add(animation, forKey: nil)
(100, 50)
• 3 center (0, 0) -> center (40, 0) 

• 1.5 alpha 0.9 -> alpha 0.3
(0, 0) (40, 0) = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
vCircle.alpha = 1
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5, animations: { = CGPoint(x: 20, y: 0)
vCircle.alpha = 0.3
}, completion: { _ in
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0)
}) = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
vCircle.alpha = 1
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5, animations: { = CGPoint(x: 20, y: 0)
vCircle.alpha = 0.3
}, completion: { _ in
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0)
}) = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
vCircle.alpha = 1
UIView.animate(withDuration: 3) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) {
vCircle.alpha = 0
• (Refresh Rate)

• 1

• Hz (60Hz = 1 60 )
• FPS (Frame Per Second)

• - 

• Hz FPS 

• (Device)
• CADisplayLink
• CADisplayLink

• A timer object that allows your application to
synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the
• CADisplayLink

• A timer object that allows your application to
synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the

• = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
vCircle.alpha = 1
UIView.animate(withDuration: 3) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) {
vCircle.alpha = 0
func aniStart() {

displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update))

displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)

start1 = now() ; start2 = now()

term1 = 3 ; term2 = 1.5

isEnd1 = false; isEnd2 = false


@objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() }

func ani1() {

guard !isEnd1 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0)


func ani2() {

guard !isEnd2 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true }

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate)

func aniStart() {

displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update))

displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)

start1 = now() ; start2 = now()

term1 = 3 ; term2 = 1.5

isEnd1 = false; isEnd2 = false


@objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() }

func ani1() {

guard !isEnd1 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0)


func ani2() {

guard !isEnd2 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true }

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate)

func aniStart() {

displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update))

displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)

start1 = now() ; start2 = now()

term1 = 3 ; term2 = 1.5

isEnd1 = false; isEnd2 = false


@objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() }

func ani1() {

guard !isEnd1 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0)


func ani2() {

guard !isEnd2 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true }

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate)

class Item {

typealias Block = (Item) -> Void

static let emptyBlock: Block = { _ in }

var start = 0.0

var term = 0.0

var rate = 0.0

var current = 0.0

var block: Block = Item.emptyBlock

var ended: Block = Item.emptyBlock

var next: Item? = nil

var isStop = false

fileprivate var marked = false

func aniStart() {



@objc func update() { 

ani1(); ani2() 


func ani1() {

guard !isEnd1 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0)


func ani2() {

guard !isEnd2 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true }

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate)

func aniStart() {



@objc func update() { 

ani1(); ani2() 


func ani1() {

guard !isEnd1 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0)


func ani2() {

guard !isEnd2 else { return }

let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2)

if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true }

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate)

class Looper {

private var items = Collection<Item>()

private var pool = Collection<Item>()


fileprivate func loop() {

let c = now()

let _items = items.elements

var cnt = _items.count

var hasRemoveItems = false

while 0 < cnt {

cnt -= 1

let item = _items[cnt]


item.rate = { … }()




if hasRemoveItems { … }


looper.invoke { (dsl) in

dsl.time = 0.3

dsl.block = { item in

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(item.rate)


looper.invoke { (dsl) in

dsl.time = 0.3

dsl.block = { item in

vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(item.rate)



func invoke(

_ block: (ItemDSL) -> Void

) -> Sequence {

let dsl = ItemDSL()


let item = getItem(dsl)

item.start += now()

item.end = item.start + item.term


sequence.current = item

return sequence

private var displayLink: CADisplayLink?

func aniStart() {

displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update))

displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)



@objc func update() { ... }
class Updater {

private var displayLink: CADisplayLink?

fileprivate var loopers = [Looper]()

func start() {

displayLink = CADisplayLink(

target: self, selector: #selector(update)


displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)



@objc func update() { loopers.forEach { $0.loop() } }

looper.invoke { dsl in

dsl.time = 3

dsl.block = { item in = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * item.rate, y: 0)



looper.invoke { dsl in

dsl.time = 1.5

dsl.block = { item in

self.vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - item.rate)


Code :
Code :
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
fetch 1
fetch 2
fetch 3
Section 1
Section 2Section 3
func fetch1(completion: @escaping (Response) -> Void) {

Alamofire.request(“api/fetch1").response { completion($0.response!) }



fetch1 { response1 in

fetch2 { response2 in

fetch3 { response3 in
section3.render(with: response3)


section2.render(with: response2)


section1.render(with: response1)

var res1: Response!; var res2: Response!; var res3: Response!

func fetchAll() {

fetch1 { r in res1 = r; render(); }

fetch2 { r in res2 = r; render(); }

fetch3 { r in res3 = r; render(); }


func render() {

guard let res1 = res1, let res2 = res2, let res3 = res3 else { return }

section1.render(with: res1)

section2.render(with: res2)

section3.render(with: res3)

var res1: Response!; var res2: Response!; var res3: Response!

func fetchAll() {

fetch1 { r in res1 = r; render(); }

fetch2 { r in res2 = r; render(); }

fetch3 { r in res3 = r; render(); }


func render() {

guard let res1 = res1, let res2 = res2, let res3 = res3 else { return }

section1.render(with: res1)

section2.render(with: res2)

section3.render(with: res3)

var res1: Response! 

looper.invoke { dsl in

fetch1 { r in res1 = r }

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if res1 != nil { section1.render(with: res1); item.isStop = true }


var res1: Response!; var res2: Response! 

looper.invoke { dsl in
fetch1 { r in res1 = r }
dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if res1 != nil { section1.render(with: res1); item.isStop = true }


}.next { dsl in

fetch2 { r in res2 = r }

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if res2 != nil { section2.render(with: res2); item.isStop = true }


Flow - async

.async { sync in




.async { sync in




Flow - async

.async { sync in




.async { sync in




Flow - async

.async { sync in

sync { /* 1*/ }



.async { sync in

sync { /* 2 */ }



var res1: Response!; var res2: Response! 

looper.invoke { dsl in
fetch1 { r in res1 = r }
dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if res1 != nil { 

section1.render(with: res1); 

item.isStop = true


}.next { dsl in

fetch2 { r in res2 = r }

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if res2 != nil { 

section2.render(with: res2); 

item.isStop = true



.async { sync in
fetch1 { r in
sync { section1.render(with: r) } 



.async { sync in
fetch2 { r in
sync { section2.render(with: r) } 



class Flow {

private class Block {
static let TypeAsync = “async"

var type: String

let body: Any

init(type: String, body: Any) {

self.type = type

self.body = body



typealias VoidClosure = () -> Void

typealias Sync = (@escaping VoidClosure) -> Void

typealias Async = (@escaping Sync) -> Void

private var blocks = [Block]()

private var seq: Looper.Sequence?


class Flow {

private class Block { … }
typealias VoidClosure = () -> Void

typealias Sync = (@escaping VoidClosure) -> Void

typealias Async = (@escaping Sync) -> Void

private var blocks = [Block]()

privatevar seq: Looper.Sequence?


func async(body: @escaping Async) -> Flow {

blocks.append(Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: body))

return self


func start() {






private func _start() {
while blocks.count > 0 {

let block = blocks.removeFirst()

switch block.type {

case Block.TypeAsync:

let body = block.body as! Async

let dslBlock = getDSLBlock(body)

seq = seq?.next(dslBlock)

?? looper.invoke(dslBlock)

default: break


class Flow {


typealias VoidClosure = () -> Void

typealias Sync = (@escaping VoidClosure) -> Void

typealias Async = (@escaping Sync) -> Void


private func getDSLBlock(

_ async: @escaping Async

) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void {

{ dsl in

var completion: VoidClosure?

async({ c in completion = c })

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in

if completion != nil { 

completion?(); item.isStop = true 






.async { sync in
fetch1 { r in
sync { section1.render(with: r) }


.async { sync in
fetch2 { r in
sync { section2.render(with: r) }


Flow - async

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

Flow - async

.async { sync in sync { } }

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in sync { indicator.hide() } }

Flow - sync


.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }


.async { sync in sync { }

.async { sync in sync { indicator.hide() }
Flow - sync
class Flow {

private class Block {
static let TypeSync = "sync"





func sync(body: @escaping Sync) -> Flow {

blocks.append(Block(type: Block.TypeSync, body: body))

return self



private func _start() {
while blocks.count > 0 {

let block = blocks.removeFirst()

switch block.type {

case Block.TypeAsync:

let body = block.body as! Async

let dslBlock = getDSLBlock(body)

seq = seq?.next(dslBlock) ?? looper.invoke(dslBlock)

case Block.Sync:

let body = block.body as! VoidClosure

let nBody: Async = { $0(body) }


Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody), at: 0


default: break



.sync { }

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.sync { indicator.hide() }

200ms + 15ms800ms + 15ms800ms + 15ms + 15ms800ms + 15ms + 15ms + 15ms
Flow - sync
Flow - pause

.sync {; after(delay: 2) { indicator.hide() } }

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

Flow - pause

.sync { }

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.sync { indicator.hide() }

Flow - pause
var started: TimeInterval!


.sync {; started = now() }

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



Flow - pause
private class Block {

static let TypePause = "pause"

var delay: () -> TimeInterval


type: String, 

body: Any, 

delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 }

) {


self.delay = delay


Flow - pause
class Flow {


func pause(

duration delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval,

body: @escaping VoidClosure = Block.EmptyBody

) -> Flow {

blocks.append(Flow.Block(type: Block.TypePause, body: body,
delay: delay))

return self



private func getDSLBlock(

delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 },

_ body: @escaping Async

) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void {

{ dsl in
var waiting: Double!

var started: Double!

var completion: VoidClosure?

body({ c in completion = c })

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if started == nil { started = item.current; waiting = delay() }

if completion != nil && item.current - started >= waiting { 

completion?(); item.isStop = true 




private func getDSLBlock(

delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 },

_ body: @escaping Async

) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void {

{ dsl in
var waiting: Double!

var started: Double!

var completion: VoidClosure?

body({ c in completion = c })

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in
if started == nil { started = item.current; waiting = delay() }

if completion != nil { 

completion?(); item.isStop = true 




private func getDSLBlock(

delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 },

_ body: @escaping Async

) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void {

{ dsl in
var waiting: Double!

var started: Double!

var completion: VoidClosure?

body({ c in completion = c })

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in

if completion != nil { 

completion?(); item.isStop = true 




private func getDSLBlock(

delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 },

_ body: @escaping Async

) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void {

{ dsl in

var completion: VoidClosure?

body({ c in completion = c })

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in

if completion != nil { 

completion?(); item.isStop = true 




private func getDSLBlock(

_ body: @escaping Async

) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void {

{ dsl in 

var completion: VoidClosure?

body({ c in completion = c })

dsl.isInfinity = true

dsl.block = { item in

if completion != nil { 

completion?(); item.isStop = true 




private func _start() {
while blocks.count > 0 {

let block = blocks.removeFirst()

switch block.type {


case Block.Sync:

let body = block.body as! VoidClosure

let nBody: Async = { $0(body) }

blocks.insert(Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody), at: 0)

case Block.Pause:

let body = block.body as! VoidClosure

let nBody: Async = { $0(body) }


Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody, delay: block.delay), at: 0


default: break


private func _start() {
while blocks.count > 0 {

let block = blocks.removeFirst()

switch block.type {


case Block.Sync, Block.Pause:

let body = block.body as! VoidClosure

let nBody: Async = { $0(body) }


Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody, delay: block.delay), at: 0


default: break


private func _start() {
while blocks.count > 0 {

let block = blocks.removeFirst()

switch block.type {

case Block.TypeAsync:

let delay = block.delay

let body = block.body as! Async

let dslBlock = getDSLBlock(delay: delay, body)

seq = seq?.next(dslBlock) ?? looper.invoke(dslBlock)

case Block.Sync, Block.Pause:

let body = block.body as! VoidClosure

let nBody: Async = { $0(body) }


Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody, delay: block.delay), at: 0


default: break


Flow - bundle
var started: TimeInterval!


.sync {; started = now() }

.async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



Flow - bundle
var started: TimeInterval!

var k1: String!; var k2: String!;


.sync {; started = now() }

.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { key1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { key2 = r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



Flow - bundle

.sync {; started = now() }

.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { key1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { key2 = r) } } }

.sync { 

Flow() .async { sync in
fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } 

} …



Flow - bundle

.sync {; started = now() }

.bundle { Flow().async { … }.async { … } }

.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



Flow - bundle
class Flow {

private class Block {
static let TypeBundle = “bundle"



typealias Bundle = () -> Flow



func bundle(body: @escaping Bundle) -> Flow {

blocks.append(Block(type: Block.TypeBundle, body: body))

return self


private func _start() {
var sub: Flow?

knitting: while blocks.count > 0 {

let block = blocks.removeFirst()

switch block.type {


case Block.TypeBundle:

let body = block.body as! Bundle

sub = body()

break knitting

default: break



private func _start() {
var sub: Flow?


if let sub = sub {

if blocks.count > 0 {



type: Block.TypeBundle, 

body: { () -> Flow in self.seq = nil; return self }




if seq?.current != nil { seq?.current?.ended = { _ in sub._start() } } 

else { sub._start() }



.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 




.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 




var flow1: Flow


.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 


var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 


var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 




.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 


var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 




var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 



.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 





var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 





var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()

flow1.sync {; started = now() 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 





var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }

.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



var flow1: Flow

flow1 = Flow()


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r 


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 




} } }
private func _start() {
var sub: Flow?


if let sub = sub {

if blocks.count > 0 {



type: Block.TypeBundle, 

body: { () -> Flow in self.seq = nil; return self }




if seq?.current != nil { seq?.current?.ended = { _ in sub._start() } } 

else { sub._start() }



.sync {; started = now() 


.bundle { 


.async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } }

.async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } }


.async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } }

.async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } }

.pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { 



미려한 UI/UX를 위한 여정

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미려한 UI/UX를 위한 여정

  • 1.
  • 2. Animation in iOS Looper Code :
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 8. • 1 center (0, 0) -> center (40, 0) (0, 0) (40, 0)
  • 9. • 1 center (0, 0) -> center (40, 0) (0, 0) (40, 0) = CGPoint.init(x: 0, y: 0) UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) { = CGPoint.init(x: 40, y: 0) }
  • 10. • 1 center (0, 0) -> center(40, 0) (0, 0) (40, 0) vCircleCenterX.constant = 40 UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) { vCircle.superview?.layoutIfNeeded() }
  • 11.
  • 14. (100, 100) let circlePath = UIBezierPath( arcCenter: CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100), radius: 50, startAngle: 0, endAngle: .pi * 2, clockwise: true ) let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation( keyPath: #keyPath(CALayer.position) ) animation.duration = 1 animation.path = circlePath.cgPath animation.fillMode = .forwards animation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false vCircle.layer.add(animation, forKey: nil) (100, 50)
  • 15. • 3 center (0, 0) -> center (40, 0) • 1.5 alpha 0.9 -> alpha 0.3 (0, 0) (40, 0)
  • 16. = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) vCircle.alpha = 1 UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5, animations: { = CGPoint(x: 20, y: 0) vCircle.alpha = 0.3 }, completion: { _ in UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0) } })
  • 17. = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) vCircle.alpha = 1 UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5, animations: { = CGPoint(x: 20, y: 0) vCircle.alpha = 0.3 }, completion: { _ in UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0) } })
  • 18. = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) vCircle.alpha = 1 UIView.animate(withDuration: 3) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0) } UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) { vCircle.alpha = 0 }
  • 19. • (Refresh Rate) • 1 • Hz (60Hz = 1 60 )
  • 20. • FPS (Frame Per Second) • - • Hz FPS • (Device)
  • 22. • CADisplayLink • A timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display
  • 23. • CADisplayLink • A timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display •
  • 24. = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) vCircle.alpha = 1 UIView.animate(withDuration: 3) { = CGPoint(x: 40, y: 0) } UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.5) { vCircle.alpha = 0 }
  • 25. func aniStart() { displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update)) displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common) start1 = now() ; start2 = now() term1 = 3 ; term2 = 1.5 isEnd1 = false; isEnd2 = false } @objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() } func ani1() { guard !isEnd1 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0) } func ani2() { guard !isEnd2 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true } vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate) }
  • 27. func aniStart() { displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update)) displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common) start1 = now() ; start2 = now() term1 = 3 ; term2 = 1.5 isEnd1 = false; isEnd2 = false } @objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() } func ani1() { guard !isEnd1 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0) } func ani2() { guard !isEnd2 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true } vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate) }
  • 28. func aniStart() { displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update)) displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common) start1 = now() ; start2 = now() term1 = 3 ; term2 = 1.5 isEnd1 = false; isEnd2 = false } @objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() } func ani1() { guard !isEnd1 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0) } func ani2() { guard !isEnd2 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true } vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate) } class Item { typealias Block = (Item) -> Void static let emptyBlock: Block = { _ in } var start = 0.0 var term = 0.0 var rate = 0.0 var current = 0.0 var block: Block = Item.emptyBlock var ended: Block = Item.emptyBlock var next: Item? = nil var isStop = false fileprivate var marked = false … }
  • 29. func aniStart() { … } @objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() } func ani1() { guard !isEnd1 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0) } func ani2() { guard !isEnd2 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true } vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate) }
  • 30. func aniStart() { … } @objc func update() { ani1(); ani2() } func ani1() { guard !isEnd1 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start1) / term1) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd1 = true } = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * rate, y: 0) } func ani2() { guard !isEnd2 else { return } let rate = min(1.0, (now() - start2) / term2) if rate == 1.0 { isEnd2 = true } vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - rate) } class Looper { private var items = Collection<Item>() private var pool = Collection<Item>() … fileprivate func loop() { let c = now() let _items = items.elements var cnt = _items.count var hasRemoveItems = false while 0 < cnt { cnt -= 1 let item = _items[cnt] … item.rate = { … }() item.block(item) … } if hasRemoveItems { … } } }
  • 31. looper.invoke { (dsl) in dsl.time = 0.3 dsl.block = { item in vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(item.rate) } }
  • 32. Looper looper.invoke { (dsl) in dsl.time = 0.3 dsl.block = { item in vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(item.rate) } } @discardableResult func invoke( _ block: (ItemDSL) -> Void ) -> Sequence { let dsl = ItemDSL() block(dsl) let item = getItem(dsl) item.start += now() item.end = item.start + item.term items.append(item) sequence.current = item return sequence }
  • 33. Updater private var displayLink: CADisplayLink? func aniStart() { displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(update)) displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common) … } @objc func update() { ... }
  • 34. Updater class Updater { private var displayLink: CADisplayLink? fileprivate var loopers = [Looper]() func start() { displayLink = CADisplayLink( target: self, selector: #selector(update) ) displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .common) } … @objc func update() { loopers.forEach { $0.loop() } } }
  • 35. Looper looper.invoke { dsl in dsl.time = 3 dsl.block = { item in = CGPoint(x: 40.0 * item.rate, y: 0) } } looper.invoke { dsl in dsl.time = 1.5 dsl.block = { item in self.vCircle.alpha = CGFloat(1.0 - item.rate) } } 10
  • 36. Demo
  • 40.
  • 44. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 API 1 API 2 API 3 fetch 1 fetch 2 fetch 3 0.2sec 0.8sec 0.3sec
  • 46. func fetch1(completion: @escaping (Response) -> Void) { Alamofire.request(“api/fetch1").response { completion($0.response!) } } … fetch1 { response1 in fetch2 { response2 in fetch3 { response3 in section3.render(with: response3) } section2.render(with: response2) } section1.render(with: response1) }
  • 47. var res1: Response!; var res2: Response!; var res3: Response! func fetchAll() { fetch1 { r in res1 = r; render(); } fetch2 { r in res2 = r; render(); } fetch3 { r in res3 = r; render(); } } func render() { guard let res1 = res1, let res2 = res2, let res3 = res3 else { return } section1.render(with: res1) section2.render(with: res2) section3.render(with: res3) }
  • 48. var res1: Response!; var res2: Response!; var res3: Response! func fetchAll() { fetch1 { r in res1 = r; render(); } fetch2 { r in res2 = r; render(); } fetch3 { r in res3 = r; render(); } } func render() { guard let res1 = res1, let res2 = res2, let res3 = res3 else { return } section1.render(with: res1) section2.render(with: res2) section3.render(with: res3) }
  • 49. var res1: Response! looper.invoke { dsl in fetch1 { r in res1 = r } dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if res1 != nil { section1.render(with: res1); item.isStop = true } } }
  • 50. var res1: Response!; var res2: Response! looper.invoke { dsl in fetch1 { r in res1 = r } dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if res1 != nil { section1.render(with: res1); item.isStop = true } } }.next { dsl in fetch2 { r in res2 = r } dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if res2 != nil { section2.render(with: res2); item.isStop = true } } }
  • 51. Flow - async Flow() .async { sync in /* start */ } .async { sync in /* start */ } .start()
  • 52. Flow - async Flow() .async { sync in /* start */ } .async { sync in /* start */ } .start()
  • 53. Flow - async Flow() .async { sync in … sync { /* 1*/ } … } .async { sync in … sync { /* 2 */ } … } .start()
  • 54. var res1: Response!; var res2: Response! looper.invoke { dsl in fetch1 { r in res1 = r } dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if res1 != nil { section1.render(with: res1); item.isStop = true } } }.next { dsl in fetch2 { r in res2 = r } dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if res2 != nil { section2.render(with: res2); item.isStop = true } } } Flow() .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .start()
  • 55. class Flow { private class Block { static let TypeAsync = “async" var type: String let body: Any init(type: String, body: Any) { self.type = type self.body = body } } typealias VoidClosure = () -> Void typealias Sync = (@escaping VoidClosure) -> Void typealias Async = (@escaping Sync) -> Void private var blocks = [Block]() private var seq: Looper.Sequence? … }
  • 56. class Flow { private class Block { … } typealias VoidClosure = () -> Void typealias Sync = (@escaping VoidClosure) -> Void typealias Async = (@escaping Sync) -> Void private var blocks = [Block]() privatevar seq: Looper.Sequence? @discardableResult func async(body: @escaping Async) -> Flow { blocks.append(Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: body)) return self } func start() { … _start() } … } private func _start() { while blocks.count > 0 { let block = blocks.removeFirst() switch block.type { case Block.TypeAsync: let body = block.body as! Async let dslBlock = getDSLBlock(body) seq = seq?.next(dslBlock) ?? looper.invoke(dslBlock) default: break } } }
  • 57. class Flow { … typealias VoidClosure = () -> Void typealias Sync = (@escaping VoidClosure) -> Void typealias Async = (@escaping Sync) -> Void … private func getDSLBlock( _ async: @escaping Async ) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void { { dsl in var completion: VoidClosure? async({ c in completion = c }) dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if completion != nil { completion?(); item.isStop = true } } } } Flow() .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .start()
  • 58. Flow - async Flow() .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .start()
  • 59. Flow - async Flow() .async { sync in sync { } } .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in sync { indicator.hide() } } .start()
  • 60. Flow - sync Flow() . .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } . .start() .async { sync in sync { } } .async { sync in sync { indicator.hide() } }
  • 61. Flow - sync class Flow { private class Block { static let TypeSync = "sync" … } …. @discardableResult func sync(body: @escaping Sync) -> Flow { blocks.append(Block(type: Block.TypeSync, body: body)) return self } … }
  • 62. private func _start() { while blocks.count > 0 { let block = blocks.removeFirst() switch block.type { case Block.TypeAsync: let body = block.body as! Async let dslBlock = getDSLBlock(body) seq = seq?.next(dslBlock) ?? looper.invoke(dslBlock) case Block.Sync: let body = block.body as! VoidClosure let nBody: Async = { $0(body) } blocks.insert( Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody), at: 0 ) default: break } } }
  • 63. Flow() .sync { } .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .sync { indicator.hide() } .start() 200ms + 15ms800ms + 15ms800ms + 15ms + 15ms800ms + 15ms + 15ms + 15ms Flow - sync 15ms=
  • 64. Flow - pause Flow() .sync {; after(delay: 2) { indicator.hide() } } .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .start()
  • 65. Flow - pause Flow() .sync { } .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .sync { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 66. Flow - pause var started: TimeInterval! Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 67. Flow - pause private class Block { … static let TypePause = "pause" var delay: () -> TimeInterval init( type: String, body: Any, delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 } ) { … self.delay = delay } }
  • 68. Flow - pause class Flow { … @discardableResult func pause( duration delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval, body: @escaping VoidClosure = Block.EmptyBody ) -> Flow { blocks.append(Flow.Block(type: Block.TypePause, body: body, delay: delay)) return self } … }
  • 69. private func getDSLBlock( delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 }, _ body: @escaping Async ) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void { { dsl in var waiting: Double! var started: Double! var completion: VoidClosure? body({ c in completion = c }) dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if started == nil { started = item.current; waiting = delay() } if completion != nil && item.current - started >= waiting { completion?(); item.isStop = true } } } } private func getDSLBlock( delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 }, _ body: @escaping Async ) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void { { dsl in var waiting: Double! var started: Double! var completion: VoidClosure? body({ c in completion = c }) dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if started == nil { started = item.current; waiting = delay() } if completion != nil { completion?(); item.isStop = true } } } } private func getDSLBlock( delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 }, _ body: @escaping Async ) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void { { dsl in var waiting: Double! var started: Double! var completion: VoidClosure? body({ c in completion = c }) dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if completion != nil { completion?(); item.isStop = true } } } } private func getDSLBlock( delay: @escaping () -> TimeInterval = { 0 }, _ body: @escaping Async ) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void { { dsl in var completion: VoidClosure? body({ c in completion = c }) dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if completion != nil { completion?(); item.isStop = true } } } } private func getDSLBlock( _ body: @escaping Async ) -> (Looper.Looper.ItemDSL) -> Void { { dsl in var completion: VoidClosure? body({ c in completion = c }) dsl.isInfinity = true dsl.block = { item in if completion != nil { completion?(); item.isStop = true } } } }
  • 70. private func _start() { while blocks.count > 0 { let block = blocks.removeFirst() switch block.type { … case Block.Sync: let body = block.body as! VoidClosure let nBody: Async = { $0(body) } blocks.insert(Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody), at: 0) case Block.Pause: let body = block.body as! VoidClosure let nBody: Async = { $0(body) } blocks.insert( Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody, delay: block.delay), at: 0 ) default: break } } }
  • 71. private func _start() { while blocks.count > 0 { let block = blocks.removeFirst() switch block.type { … case Block.Sync, Block.Pause: let body = block.body as! VoidClosure let nBody: Async = { $0(body) } blocks.insert( Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody, delay: block.delay), at: 0 ) default: break } } }
  • 72. private func _start() { while blocks.count > 0 { let block = blocks.removeFirst() switch block.type { case Block.TypeAsync: let delay = block.delay let body = block.body as! Async let dslBlock = getDSLBlock(delay: delay, body) seq = seq?.next(dslBlock) ?? looper.invoke(dslBlock) case Block.Sync, Block.Pause: let body = block.body as! VoidClosure let nBody: Async = { $0(body) } blocks.insert( Flow.Block(type: Block.TypeAsync, body: nBody, delay: block.delay), at: 0 ) default: break } } }
  • 73. Flow - bundle var started: TimeInterval! Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .async { sync in fetch1 { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 74. Flow - bundle var started: TimeInterval! var k1: String!; var k2: String!; Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { key1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { key2 = r) } } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 75. Flow - bundle Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { key1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { key2 = r) } } } .sync { Flow() .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } … .start() } .start()
  • 76. Flow - bundle Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow().async { … }.async { … } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 77. Flow - bundle class Flow { private class Block { static let TypeBundle = “bundle" … } typealias Bundle = () -> Flow … @discardableResult func bundle(body: @escaping Bundle) -> Flow { blocks.append(Block(type: Block.TypeBundle, body: body)) return self } }
  • 78. private func _start() { var sub: Flow? knitting: while blocks.count > 0 { let block = blocks.removeFirst() switch block.type { … case Block.TypeBundle: let body = block.body as! Bundle sub = body() break knitting default: break } } … }
  • 79. private func _start() { var sub: Flow? … if let sub = sub { if blocks.count > 0 { sub.blocks.append( Flow.Block( type: Block.TypeBundle, body: { () -> Flow in self.seq = nil; return self } ) ) } if seq?.current != nil { seq?.current?.ended = { _ in sub._start() } } else { sub._start() } } }
  • 80. Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 81. Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start() var flow1: Flow Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() }
  • 82. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() }
  • 83. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() }
  • 84. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } } }
  • 85. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() } Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } }
  • 86. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } } .start() }
  • 87. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } } .start() }
  • 88. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() flow1.sync {; started = now() Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } } .start() }
  • 89. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } }
  • 90. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } .bundle { flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } }
  • 91. var flow1: Flow flow1 = Flow() Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() }
  • 92. Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r flow1 .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start() } } }
  • 93. private func _start() { var sub: Flow? … if let sub = sub { if blocks.count > 0 { sub.blocks.append( Flow.Block( type: Block.TypeBundle, body: { () -> Flow in self.seq = nil; return self } ) ) } if seq?.current != nil { seq?.current?.ended = { _ in sub._start() } } else { sub._start() } } }
  • 94. Flow() .sync {; started = now() } .bundle { Flow() .async { sync in fetchKey1 { r in sync { k1 = r } } } .async { sync in fetchKey2 { r in sync { k2 = r } } } } .async { sync in fetch1(k1, k2) { r in sync { section1.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch2 { r in sync { section2.render(with: r) } } } .async { sync in fetch3 { r in sync { section3.render(with: r) } } } .pause(duration: { 2 - min(2, now() - started) }) { indicator.hide() } .start()
  • 95. Q&A