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In the middle 1950’s stories about finding corpses of
strangely mutilated cattle began to surface in the rural areas
of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. At first they
were blamed on the Pharmaceutical Companies who were
alleged to be using excised organs taken from the cattle for
their research. Then the “Cults” were blamed for using the
excised organs in their rituals.
The problem with those two scenarios was that the
carcasses were found in very remote areas and there was
no physical traces of those responsible for the deaths. There
is no evidence of footprints, crushed vegetation; vehicle
marks or imprints of any kind on snow-covered ground,
muddy ground or dry ground. There were no indications of
man or predator near the carcasses.
Although the exact nature of mutilations varies from case to
case, a typical mutilation might involve any or all of the
 The removal of eyes, udders and sexual organs very
cleanly with surgical precision.
 The removal of the anus to a depth of around 12 inches
similar in appearance to surgical coring.
 The removal of the lips and/or tongue deeply cut out
from the throat.
 The removal of one ear.
 The removal of major organs (such as heart or liver)
with no obvious entry/excision marks. Often, if the heart
is missing, apart from no excision wound, the
Pericardium will still be present and intact, with the
heart missing?
 The stripping of skin from the jaw and the area directly
beneath the ear to the bone.
 The removal of soft organs from the lower body.
 The presence of incisions and cuts across the body that
appear to have been made by a surgical instrument.
 Unexplained damage to remaining organs, but no sign
of damage to the surrounding area.
 A lack of predation signs (including teeth-marks, tearing
of the skin or flesh, or animal footprints) on or around
the carcass.
 Lack of obvious scavenging.
 In many cases, a draining of the majority of blood from
the animal. What blood is left exhibits color anomalies
and may not coagulate for days.
 The animal will appear 'dumped' or dropped in a
secluded area, with no animal, human or vehicle tracks
leading to or from the site. Some have been found
draped over fences or in treetops.
 The ground under the animal appears depressed, as if
the animal was dropped on the site from a height
leaving an impact crater.
 The animal's bones found to be fractured with injuries
consistent with being dropped.
 Strange marks/holes in the ground around the carcass.
 Other cattle and predators avoid the carcass and the
area where it's found.
 Eyewitness reports of aerial objects in the vicinity of
cattle at the time of an animal going missing.
Cattle Mutilations Strike In Alabama
July 30, 2009
Colorado is not alone in witnessing the resumption of
cattle mutilations. Officials in Alabama say 32
mutilations have occurred since October in two
northeastern counties.
“The cow’s udder had been cut off cleaner than you
could cut it with a razor. I’ve been ranching most of my
life and I’ve seen animals that predators hot a hold of.
I’d be willing to bet my life it was no predator,” said
Jimmy Pope, a Geraldine Alabama rancher whose cow
was found in a pasture 500 feet from his house.
“The cow had an oval-shaped cut on her shoulder
where skin and hair had been removed, there was no
blood nowhere, and the mouth had been cut in an oval
shape and the teeth had been removed surgically,” he
While removal of specific organs in DeKalb and
Marshall counties cases is similar to two incidents last
November in Costilla and Las Animas counties in
southern Colorado, the Alabama cases have produced
some new twists.
Tissue samples from one Alabama cow, examined
under microscope by Denver pathologist Dr. John
Altshuler, showed that the blood around the cut tissue
had been “cooked,” indicating temperatures of at least
300 degrees had been used to make or cauterize the
Also, traces of a chemical substance were found at the
scene of a mutilation, according to Fyffe, Alabama
Police Officer Ted Oliphant.
“We found a white substance on a cow’s right rib cage
and on the ground next to it. I put it into a plastic
wrapper, and back at the office, when I touched some
of it with the metal tip of my pen, it turned to liquid
within one second. I put the rest on a piece of paper.
We sent it to a molecular biologist for analysis and
found it was composed of aluminum, titanium, oxygen
and silicon. This is not a substance that occurs in
nature, said Oliphant.
Reports of Cattle Mutilations
March 2009, Colorado
In 2009, cattle mutilators came back. On March 8, Mike
Duran found a dead cow near the Purgatory River, a cattle
rancher was missing older cow so I thought she might have
died. I spotted her near the (Purgatory) river bottom and
went and looked at her. She was on her side and it looked a
little odd. When I took a closer look I saw that her udders
had been removed," Duran said. It appeared as if the utters
were cut off with a laser. There was no blood on or around
the carcass and the incisions were perfectly round.
Two weeks later, Jim Garren, a rancher from Walsenburg,
Colorado, also found a dead cow with its udders cut off. "We
searched and searched and we could not find blood on the
ground or on the cow. I just can’t understand how anyone
could surgically remove a part from an animal and not spill
some blood," he said. Absence of blood is one of the
characteristics of an invisible force attack. After opening
carcasses, veterinarians find out that there is not a single
drop of blood in them.
It is very difficult to bleed out an animal because when
arteries are cut open, veins close and hold the blood back.
The blood can be removed by pumping salt solution through
arteries, but it is difficult to do in a field. Rancher Tom Miller
found one of his calves dead near a feed tub, where cows
congregate to eat twice daily. "It’s the strangest thing I’ve
ever seen. I cut the hide and the legs just fell off. All the
bones were broken," Miller said. This happens when a
mutilated animal is thrown down from above.
There were a number of cases when ranchers found
carcasses in the trees, hanging off power lines, or other
places where a cow cannot get on its own. Traces of animals
in the snow or mud would suddenly disappear as if the
animals were lifted in the air. Coyotes and vultures would not
touch the carcasses.
Press Release! 37-Degree Latitude Theory!
Posted by Zukowski on September 15th, 2011
For the past two and half years I’ve run field investigations
on over a dozen animal mutilation cases here in Colorado. I
now have enough data that I’m starting to see some
similarities between them.
 Complete center sections of the animal missing but only
occurring in cases involving calves.
 Oval incisions, which removed, hide at the ear and eye
 Tongues cut completely out deep inside the mouth.
 Oval incisions in the udder area.
 Hide cut out at the rib cage area.
 Lack of evidence showing animal struggle on topsoil.
 Lack of evidence showing predator attacks on the
topsoil and on the animal.
And now…. I might be on to something else. I’m working on
a theory so interesting, that it could change the way others
and I investigate not only mutilation cases, but UFO
sightings as well.
Let me explain.
While prepping my lecture for the Midwest UFO Conference
in August of this year, I was glancing over my cases looking
at similarities and looking for similarities I might have
missed. Then it hit me! Literally hit me. An earthquake! An
earthquake in Colorado!
The New York Times:
DENVER — The largest natural earthquake in Colorado in
more than a century struck Monday night in the state’s
southeast corner, but there were no reports of damage or
injuries. The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3, was
centered about nine miles from the city of Trinidad and hit at
11:46 p.m.
Then within 15 hours!
Richmond Times Dispatch:
5.8-magnitude quake shakes central Virginia, East Coast.
One of the most powerful earthquakes in Virginia history
rippled from its epicenter in Louisa County throughout the
eastern United States but injured few people and caused
little major structural damage.
The 15-second tremor measured 5.8 on the Richter scale
Tuesday at 1:51 p.m., prompting buildings to empty, cell
phone service to go silent and two nuclear reactors near the
center of the quake to shut down without damage. While at
work Tuesday August 23rd I had heard about the Virginia
earthquake. Grabbing my I Phone I pulled up my “Quake
Feed” app. This app shows current earthquakes within a
week’s period, magnitude strength set by the user. I had my
app set to show any earthquake occurring around the world
with a magnitude of 5 or larger. Reading the report on the
Colorado earthquake on 08/22/2011, I saw that it occurred at
the Sangre de Cristo Fault, which travels in a north south
direction. The coordinates were 37.0412, -104.4726782.
Then I read the report on the Virginia earthquake on
08/23/2011, and it occurred at the Central Virginia Seismic
Zone, which also travels a north south direction. Its
coordinates were 37.557787, -77.554492. Two separate
faults perpendicular to each other causing two separate
earthquakes 1600 miles away from each other. Interesting.
Then I realized all my cattle mutilations cases in the San
Luis Valley also fell within a 37-degree latitude! Now a
pattern seems to be appearing.
Above picture shows San Luis Valley mutes, Colorado and
Virginia earthquake.
After consulting my partner in crime, my sister Debbie
Ziegelmeyer, MUFON’s State Director for Missouri, she told
me about a cattle mutilation which was investigated by Ken
Storch September 2008 in Norwood Missouri. Guess what?
37-degree latitude!
My sister then informed me about her 2011 sightings she’s
been investigating in Missouri. Her reports ranged from lights
in the sky, to triangular craft being seen, to alien abductions.
All within the 37 degree latitude!
My San Luis Valley cattle mutilation investigations, both
Colorado and Virginia earthquakes, Ken Storch’s 2008
Missouri cattle mutilation, Debbie’s Missouri investigations
this year.
I started researching UFO sightings within the 37 Degree
Latitude across the United States. I only recorded those
sightings, which included lights in the sky and triangular
craft. I was wondering if a pattern would appear. Well this is
what I found.
37-Degree Latitude, The Paranormal Freeway!
Paranormal/UFO investigators are always looking for a
pattern to the events reported to us. If we can nail down at
least one pattern out of all these events, then we might have
a chance to predict where a sighting will occur in the future.
But finding a pattern is very difficult.
If you look at a map of the United States, then start posting
all the locations where sightings were reported, it would look
like staring at the stars on moonless night. Reported
sightings are everywhere, but even stars in the sky show
patterns; so how about UFO sighting cases, animal
mutilation cases, and even abduction cases. Can there be a
pattern? I’ve always thought so and summarized, “there
must be a method to all this madness”.
My Theory:
My preliminary research based on my investigations and
sightings reported to various web sites, seem to show a
linear pattern in related sightings. When researching the 37-
degree latitude, not only did another cattle mutilation case
show up in Missouri, but also I was seeing a related pattern
of reports, which included lights in the sky and triangular
craft sightings.
In my research I started to see a pattern also appearing
within a 38-degree latitude. Then I went back to my notes
and realized two of my other animal mutilation cases, one in
Crested Butte and the other in Rush, both occurred within a
38 degree latitude. These two cases are 235 miles away
from each other and occurred in a linear trajectory.
Now what about the earthquakes I included?
Why did I add the two earthquakes to the map? First having
two significant earthquakes happening in the US within 15
hours of each other is pretty interesting by itself. But what
about their location both falling on the 37 degree latitude?
Investigators have said Dulce NM has an underground
military base. Some say alien presence is there as well. The
base is near the 37-degree latitude. Taos NM, known for the
famous, “Taos Hum”, (possibly due to underground drilling)
isn’t far from the 37 degree latitude, neither is Aztec NM
well-known for its 1948 flying saucer crash retrieval.
Could underground tunneling cause earthquakes? Plenty of
research has been done covering the stories of underground
bases near the Colorado New Mexico border. We do know
earthquakes can be induced as a result when fluids are
pumped out of or into the ground. Also digging mines or
tunnels can disrupt the natural stress state of underground
rock thus causing a shallow mantel earthquake.
Colorado earthquake depth, 2.5 miles.
Virginia earthquake depth, 3.7 miles.
Earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 kilometers
are classified as “shallow-focus” earthquakes. Both Colorado
and Virginia earthquakes were extremely shallow occurring
less than 6 kilometers. Could these two earthquakes, which
occurred within 15 hours of each other at such a shallow
depth, be related to each other in a way we’re not aware of?
What about the Virginia earthquake? More underground
tunneling or drilling? If you listen to the web conspiracies,
they’re speculating an underground nuclear test caused that
Could the same individuals who do the tunneling also be
responsible for the animal mutilations and the UFO
sightings? I’m not sure, but just to be safe, I added the
earthquakes to the map.
My “Linear Theory” is at its infant stage and I have a lot of
research to do which may endorse it, or disprove it. My
research will be looking for sighting similarities across the
US, which appear to be linear. Latitude is just a way I’m
recording it, and at this time it seems to make the most
sense to show commonalities.
By the way, looking back at the “Paranormal Freeway Map”,
I added Area 51 in Nevada. Yep, 37 degree latitude…
Cattle Mutilations are real and continue to this day. No one
investigation conducted over the years has officially
announced the arrest and conviction of a person or persons
unknown for this heinous crime against helpless animals. US
government, Human Intervention, Natural Causes and Cults,
have been ruled out. Mutilations have been the subject of
two independent Federal Investigations in the United States
and they came up with no conclusion to the mutilation
phenomenon. Researchers stating the wounds found are
caused by the chemical “Agent Orange” or “Insects” are flat
wrong, as there is no evidence of that being the case. So
what are we dealing with?
Various hypotheses suggest cattle mutilations have been
committed by aliens gathering genetic material for unknown
purposes. Most of these hypotheses are based on the
premise that earthly entities could not perform such clean
dissections in such a short space of time without being seen
or leaving evidence behind at the mutilation site, and
laboratory reports suggesting the use of unconventional
cutting tools and other unexpected phenomena. Numerous
speculative theories abound, but others center on possible
specific nutrient requisites, hormone procurement and
species propagation.
Accounts of cattle mutilations are documented to have
occurred in England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Horses and sheep have also been the victims of this crime
throughout the world and continue to this day. Sightings of
strange crafts and Black Helicopters in the areas of
mutilations are also common. These animal deaths are not
from natural causes as some researchers have speculated
as they have no answers to the questions such as: Why the
same organs taken? Where is the blood? What type of
instrument caused the prescision cuts? Why no evidence of
human or predator at the scene?
The hypotheses that “Alien” intervention must be considered
in these cases is one we agree with until proven otherwise.
Uforcop case report_cattle_m_utilations
Uforcop case report_cattle_m_utilations

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Uforcop case report_cattle_m_utilations

  • 2. CATTLE MUTILATION In the middle 1950’s stories about finding corpses of strangely mutilated cattle began to surface in the rural areas of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. At first they were blamed on the Pharmaceutical Companies who were alleged to be using excised organs taken from the cattle for their research. Then the “Cults” were blamed for using the excised organs in their rituals. The problem with those two scenarios was that the carcasses were found in very remote areas and there was no physical traces of those responsible for the deaths. There is no evidence of footprints, crushed vegetation; vehicle marks or imprints of any kind on snow-covered ground, muddy ground or dry ground. There were no indications of man or predator near the carcasses. Although the exact nature of mutilations varies from case to case, a typical mutilation might involve any or all of the following:  The removal of eyes, udders and sexual organs very cleanly with surgical precision.  The removal of the anus to a depth of around 12 inches similar in appearance to surgical coring.  The removal of the lips and/or tongue deeply cut out from the throat.  The removal of one ear.  The removal of major organs (such as heart or liver) with no obvious entry/excision marks. Often, if the heart is missing, apart from no excision wound, the
  • 3. Pericardium will still be present and intact, with the heart missing?  The stripping of skin from the jaw and the area directly beneath the ear to the bone.  The removal of soft organs from the lower body.  The presence of incisions and cuts across the body that appear to have been made by a surgical instrument.  Unexplained damage to remaining organs, but no sign of damage to the surrounding area.  A lack of predation signs (including teeth-marks, tearing of the skin or flesh, or animal footprints) on or around the carcass.  Lack of obvious scavenging.  In many cases, a draining of the majority of blood from the animal. What blood is left exhibits color anomalies and may not coagulate for days.  The animal will appear 'dumped' or dropped in a secluded area, with no animal, human or vehicle tracks leading to or from the site. Some have been found draped over fences or in treetops.  The ground under the animal appears depressed, as if the animal was dropped on the site from a height leaving an impact crater.  The animal's bones found to be fractured with injuries consistent with being dropped.  Strange marks/holes in the ground around the carcass.  Other cattle and predators avoid the carcass and the area where it's found.  Eyewitness reports of aerial objects in the vicinity of cattle at the time of an animal going missing.
  • 4. Cattle Mutilations Strike In Alabama July 30, 2009 Colorado is not alone in witnessing the resumption of cattle mutilations. Officials in Alabama say 32 mutilations have occurred since October in two northeastern counties. “The cow’s udder had been cut off cleaner than you could cut it with a razor. I’ve been ranching most of my life and I’ve seen animals that predators hot a hold of. I’d be willing to bet my life it was no predator,” said Jimmy Pope, a Geraldine Alabama rancher whose cow was found in a pasture 500 feet from his house. “The cow had an oval-shaped cut on her shoulder where skin and hair had been removed, there was no blood nowhere, and the mouth had been cut in an oval shape and the teeth had been removed surgically,” he said. While removal of specific organs in DeKalb and Marshall counties cases is similar to two incidents last November in Costilla and Las Animas counties in southern Colorado, the Alabama cases have produced some new twists. Tissue samples from one Alabama cow, examined under microscope by Denver pathologist Dr. John Altshuler, showed that the blood around the cut tissue had been “cooked,” indicating temperatures of at least 300 degrees had been used to make or cauterize the cuts. Also, traces of a chemical substance were found at the scene of a mutilation, according to Fyffe, Alabama Police Officer Ted Oliphant.
  • 5. “We found a white substance on a cow’s right rib cage and on the ground next to it. I put it into a plastic wrapper, and back at the office, when I touched some of it with the metal tip of my pen, it turned to liquid within one second. I put the rest on a piece of paper. We sent it to a molecular biologist for analysis and found it was composed of aluminum, titanium, oxygen and silicon. This is not a substance that occurs in nature, said Oliphant. Reports of Cattle Mutilations March 2009, Colorado In 2009, cattle mutilators came back. On March 8, Mike Duran found a dead cow near the Purgatory River, a cattle rancher was missing older cow so I thought she might have died. I spotted her near the (Purgatory) river bottom and went and looked at her. She was on her side and it looked a little odd. When I took a closer look I saw that her udders had been removed," Duran said. It appeared as if the utters were cut off with a laser. There was no blood on or around the carcass and the incisions were perfectly round. Two weeks later, Jim Garren, a rancher from Walsenburg, Colorado, also found a dead cow with its udders cut off. "We searched and searched and we could not find blood on the ground or on the cow. I just can’t understand how anyone could surgically remove a part from an animal and not spill some blood," he said. Absence of blood is one of the characteristics of an invisible force attack. After opening carcasses, veterinarians find out that there is not a single drop of blood in them.
  • 6. It is very difficult to bleed out an animal because when arteries are cut open, veins close and hold the blood back. The blood can be removed by pumping salt solution through arteries, but it is difficult to do in a field. Rancher Tom Miller found one of his calves dead near a feed tub, where cows congregate to eat twice daily. "It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. I cut the hide and the legs just fell off. All the bones were broken," Miller said. This happens when a mutilated animal is thrown down from above. There were a number of cases when ranchers found carcasses in the trees, hanging off power lines, or other places where a cow cannot get on its own. Traces of animals in the snow or mud would suddenly disappear as if the animals were lifted in the air. Coyotes and vultures would not touch the carcasses. Press Release! 37-Degree Latitude Theory! Posted by Zukowski on September 15th, 2011 For the past two and half years I’ve run field investigations on over a dozen animal mutilation cases here in Colorado. I now have enough data that I’m starting to see some similarities between them. Example:  Complete center sections of the animal missing but only occurring in cases involving calves.  Oval incisions, which removed, hide at the ear and eye area.  Tongues cut completely out deep inside the mouth.  Oval incisions in the udder area.  Hide cut out at the rib cage area.
  • 7.  Lack of evidence showing animal struggle on topsoil.  Lack of evidence showing predator attacks on the topsoil and on the animal. And now…. I might be on to something else. I’m working on a theory so interesting, that it could change the way others and I investigate not only mutilation cases, but UFO sightings as well. Let me explain. While prepping my lecture for the Midwest UFO Conference in August of this year, I was glancing over my cases looking at similarities and looking for similarities I might have missed. Then it hit me! Literally hit me. An earthquake! An earthquake in Colorado! The New York Times: DENVER — The largest natural earthquake in Colorado in more than a century struck Monday night in the state’s southeast corner, but there were no reports of damage or injuries. The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3, was centered about nine miles from the city of Trinidad and hit at 11:46 p.m. Then within 15 hours! Richmond Times Dispatch: 5.8-magnitude quake shakes central Virginia, East Coast. One of the most powerful earthquakes in Virginia history rippled from its epicenter in Louisa County throughout the eastern United States but injured few people and caused little major structural damage.
  • 8. The 15-second tremor measured 5.8 on the Richter scale Tuesday at 1:51 p.m., prompting buildings to empty, cell phone service to go silent and two nuclear reactors near the center of the quake to shut down without damage. While at work Tuesday August 23rd I had heard about the Virginia earthquake. Grabbing my I Phone I pulled up my “Quake Feed” app. This app shows current earthquakes within a week’s period, magnitude strength set by the user. I had my app set to show any earthquake occurring around the world with a magnitude of 5 or larger. Reading the report on the Colorado earthquake on 08/22/2011, I saw that it occurred at the Sangre de Cristo Fault, which travels in a north south direction. The coordinates were 37.0412, -104.4726782. Then I read the report on the Virginia earthquake on 08/23/2011, and it occurred at the Central Virginia Seismic Zone, which also travels a north south direction. Its coordinates were 37.557787, -77.554492. Two separate faults perpendicular to each other causing two separate earthquakes 1600 miles away from each other. Interesting. Then I realized all my cattle mutilations cases in the San Luis Valley also fell within a 37-degree latitude! Now a pattern seems to be appearing.
  • 9. Above picture shows San Luis Valley mutes, Colorado and Virginia earthquake. After consulting my partner in crime, my sister Debbie Ziegelmeyer, MUFON’s State Director for Missouri, she told me about a cattle mutilation which was investigated by Ken Storch September 2008 in Norwood Missouri. Guess what? 37-degree latitude! My sister then informed me about her 2011 sightings she’s been investigating in Missouri. Her reports ranged from lights in the sky, to triangular craft being seen, to alien abductions. All within the 37 degree latitude! My San Luis Valley cattle mutilation investigations, both Colorado and Virginia earthquakes, Ken Storch’s 2008 Missouri cattle mutilation, Debbie’s Missouri investigations this year. I started researching UFO sightings within the 37 Degree Latitude across the United States. I only recorded those sightings, which included lights in the sky and triangular craft. I was wondering if a pattern would appear. Well this is what I found.
  • 10. 37-Degree Latitude, The Paranormal Freeway! Paranormal/UFO investigators are always looking for a pattern to the events reported to us. If we can nail down at least one pattern out of all these events, then we might have a chance to predict where a sighting will occur in the future. But finding a pattern is very difficult. If you look at a map of the United States, then start posting all the locations where sightings were reported, it would look like staring at the stars on moonless night. Reported sightings are everywhere, but even stars in the sky show patterns; so how about UFO sighting cases, animal mutilation cases, and even abduction cases. Can there be a pattern? I’ve always thought so and summarized, “there must be a method to all this madness”. My Theory: My preliminary research based on my investigations and sightings reported to various web sites, seem to show a linear pattern in related sightings. When researching the 37- degree latitude, not only did another cattle mutilation case show up in Missouri, but also I was seeing a related pattern of reports, which included lights in the sky and triangular craft sightings.
  • 11. In my research I started to see a pattern also appearing within a 38-degree latitude. Then I went back to my notes and realized two of my other animal mutilation cases, one in Crested Butte and the other in Rush, both occurred within a 38 degree latitude. These two cases are 235 miles away from each other and occurred in a linear trajectory. Coincidence? Now what about the earthquakes I included? Why did I add the two earthquakes to the map? First having two significant earthquakes happening in the US within 15 hours of each other is pretty interesting by itself. But what about their location both falling on the 37 degree latitude? Investigators have said Dulce NM has an underground military base. Some say alien presence is there as well. The base is near the 37-degree latitude. Taos NM, known for the famous, “Taos Hum”, (possibly due to underground drilling) isn’t far from the 37 degree latitude, neither is Aztec NM well-known for its 1948 flying saucer crash retrieval. Could underground tunneling cause earthquakes? Plenty of research has been done covering the stories of underground bases near the Colorado New Mexico border. We do know earthquakes can be induced as a result when fluids are pumped out of or into the ground. Also digging mines or tunnels can disrupt the natural stress state of underground rock thus causing a shallow mantel earthquake. Colorado earthquake depth, 2.5 miles. Virginia earthquake depth, 3.7 miles. Earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 kilometers are classified as “shallow-focus” earthquakes. Both Colorado and Virginia earthquakes were extremely shallow occurring
  • 12. less than 6 kilometers. Could these two earthquakes, which occurred within 15 hours of each other at such a shallow depth, be related to each other in a way we’re not aware of? What about the Virginia earthquake? More underground tunneling or drilling? If you listen to the web conspiracies, they’re speculating an underground nuclear test caused that earthquake. Could the same individuals who do the tunneling also be responsible for the animal mutilations and the UFO sightings? I’m not sure, but just to be safe, I added the earthquakes to the map. My “Linear Theory” is at its infant stage and I have a lot of research to do which may endorse it, or disprove it. My research will be looking for sighting similarities across the US, which appear to be linear. Latitude is just a way I’m recording it, and at this time it seems to make the most sense to show commonalities. By the way, looking back at the “Paranormal Freeway Map”, I added Area 51 in Nevada. Yep, 37 degree latitude… CASE CONCLUSION Cattle Mutilations are real and continue to this day. No one investigation conducted over the years has officially announced the arrest and conviction of a person or persons unknown for this heinous crime against helpless animals. US government, Human Intervention, Natural Causes and Cults, have been ruled out. Mutilations have been the subject of two independent Federal Investigations in the United States and they came up with no conclusion to the mutilation phenomenon. Researchers stating the wounds found are caused by the chemical “Agent Orange” or “Insects” are flat
  • 13. wrong, as there is no evidence of that being the case. So what are we dealing with? Various hypotheses suggest cattle mutilations have been committed by aliens gathering genetic material for unknown purposes. Most of these hypotheses are based on the premise that earthly entities could not perform such clean dissections in such a short space of time without being seen or leaving evidence behind at the mutilation site, and laboratory reports suggesting the use of unconventional cutting tools and other unexpected phenomena. Numerous speculative theories abound, but others center on possible specific nutrient requisites, hormone procurement and species propagation. Accounts of cattle mutilations are documented to have occurred in England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Horses and sheep have also been the victims of this crime throughout the world and continue to this day. Sightings of strange crafts and Black Helicopters in the areas of mutilations are also common. These animal deaths are not from natural causes as some researchers have speculated as they have no answers to the questions such as: Why the same organs taken? Where is the blood? What type of instrument caused the prescision cuts? Why no evidence of human or predator at the scene? The hypotheses that “Alien” intervention must be considered in these cases is one we agree with until proven otherwise.