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Harvard Program for Refugee
                   Cambridge, MA
   Two Trauma Communities:
    A Philosophical Reconciliation of
Cultural and Psychiatric Trauma Theories

 Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD,
    Professor of Psychiatry, University of Montreal
             Monday, October 15, 2012
Vincenzo Di Nicola
 Trauma and Event: A

 Supervisors: Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou,
  Martin Hielscher, Richard Mollica, Thomas
 Defensecommittee: Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek,
  Wolfgang Schirmacher –
  DoctorateawardedSumma cum laude
 August 12, 2012, Saas-Fee, Wallis, Switzerland
Trauma and Event:
       A PhilosophicalArchaeology
 Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou

 The work of this triumviri of philosophers is knit
  together to forge new answers to the aporias of
  trauma and event: the philosophical archaeology
  of the disruption of the discourse of being and the
  traumatic closing or evental opening of
  possibilities in the coming community.
Trauma and Event:
      A PhilosophicalArchaeology
 Trauma is defined as the destruction of
 experience which is investigated through a series
 of annotations and excursuses on its cultural
 origins, from the pharmakon, the skandalon and
 the scapegoat, to a rhetorical reformulation of
 trauma as catachresis/apostrophe.

 A new model employing the truth tables of
 scientific research offers a new vocabulary for
 trauma and event and their simulacra.
Richard F. Mollica

 The dictum my Italian immigrant father
 also a victim of violence, remains loud
 and clear,
 ―Son, take on a problem you cannot
 - Healing a Violent World: A Manifesto
Alain Badiou

 Philosophy … is either reckless or it is
 - Second Manifesto for Philosophy
   trans. by Louise Burchill (2011, p. 71)
Richard F. Mollica

 Empathic failure is the bedrock of
 human aggression and violence.-
 Healing a Violent World: A Manifesto
Alain Badiou

 What wound was I seeking to heal, what
 thorn was I seeking to draw from the
 flesh of existence when I became what
 is called ‗a philosopher‘?
 -―Preface,‖ Quentin Meillassoux‘sAfter
    trans. by Ray Brassier (2008, p. vi)
 It is an error to divide people into the living and
  the dead: there are people who are dead-alive,
  and people who are alive-alive. The dead-alive
  also write, walk, speak, act. But they make no
  mistakes, and they produce only dead things. The
  alive-alive are constantly in error, in search, in

Ref: YevgenyZamyatin, ―On Literature, Revolution,
 Entropy, and Other Matters‖ (1923), trans. by
 Mirra Ginsburg in, A Soviet Heretic: Essays by
 YevgenyZamyatin (1970), p. 110.
 The discourse of psychic trauma is marked by a
  confusion of signifiers.
 There is a confusion among what we may
  separate conceptually into predisposing,
  precipitating and prolonging factors of trauma, to
  which we may add protective factors.
 Furthermore, we need to separate direct,
  immediate traumatic impacts from delayed, latent
  or long-term consequences called sequelae in
  medical terms. Finally, we may call this whole
  schema a trauma process.
 Thus, we may usefully separate the traumatic
 process into these factors:

   predisposing traumatic contexts or situations that
    place individuals at risk—we may call these distal
    determinants, such as causes and influences;
   precipitating traumatic triggers are proximal
   prolonging factors amplify, augment or extend the
    traumatic process synchronically or diachronically;
   protective factors dampen, diminish or mitigate the
    traumatic process.
 The key question then becomes: What makes
  trauma traumatic? Is it the threat that something
  hurtful may happen, the experience of the injury
  itself, or living with the consequences of the
  threat or of injury? Which aspect is the trauma
  and which traumatic? Is this conflation of
  predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating
  factors normal?
 Is this typical in medicine or psychiatry?
  Infections work like this; ―flu,‖ the common term
  for influenza means the virus, getting infected and
  suffering with the symptoms. Nonetheless, the
  very notion of medical progress means the clear
  identification of different phases of a disease
  process and its determinants. These are the
 In philosophical terms, we need a vocabulary for
 what Agamben calls ―desubjectivation‖—the
 ―dead-alive‖ (Zamyatin), ―bare life‖ (Agamben)
 and ―states of dissociation,‖ but we need to open
 space for what Foucault called ―subjectivation‖—
 for the Event and for the faithful subject, as
 Badiou has described them.
 This distinction opens only the first of many
  dichotomies that emerge in every trauma
  discourse. In the onomasiology (from Greek,
  ὀνομάζω onomāzο, ―toname‖) of trauma—how we
  name trauma—we encounter dichotomies and
  bivalent notions throughout.
 In this investigation, annotations and excursuses
  document the philosophical archaeology of these
  bivalent notions such as the Akedah, the
  pharmakon, the skandalon and the katechon,
  while the dichotomies of trauma theories are
  dissected below.
A Philosophical Archaeology of
      The Concept of “Trauma”
 I think that many philosophers secretly harbor
  the view that there is something deeply (i.e.,
  conceptually) wrong with psychology, but a
  philosopher with a little training in the
  techniques of linguistic analysis and a free
  afternoon could straighten it out.
  —Jerry Fodor

Ref: Jerry A. Fodor, Psychological Explanation: An
 Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology (1968), p. vii.
A Philosophical Archaeology of
         The Concept of “Trauma”
 At first sight, Caruth … appears to define
  trauma in ways that are quite compatible with
  psychological research on trauma and post-
  traumatic stress. However, unlike most of her
  contemporaries who study the vicissitudes of
  mental suffering in a clinical context,Caruth
  goes on to celebrate the experience and the
  concept of trauma as providing unprecedented
  insight into the human condition.
  —WulfKansteiner and HaraldWeilnböck
Ref: WulfKansteiner and HaraldWeilnböck, ―Against the
 Concept of Cultural Trauma or How I Learned to Love the
 Suffering of Others without the Help of Psychotherapy,‖ in
 Astrid Erll and AnsgarNünning, eds., Cultural Memory
 Studies. An Internationaland Interdisciplinary Handbook
 (2008), pp. 229-240, p. 230.
A Dichotomy in Trauma
 We cannot characterize trauma as a unified
 discourse or as a spectrum even with one

 What seems to bring conceptual order to the
 concept of trauma and to trauma studies is to
 discern a dichotomy as a separator or marker
 that divides the discourses along different
 axes and conceptualizations.
A Dichotomy in Trauma

 This is a meta-concept that creates two
 groups or two poles around which certain
 notions or studies or emerging traditions

 Yet, any given separator that creates a
 dichotomy is shifting, porous and unstable.
Mimetic/Antimimetic Dichotomy
 In describing two theories of trauma she
  names mimetic and antimimetic theories, Ruth
  Leys lucidly demonstrates that, ―from the turn
  of the century to the present there has been a
  continual oscillation between them, indeed
  that the interpenetration of one by the other or
  alternatively the collapse of one into the other
  has been recurrent and unstoppable.‖
 Furthermore, she notes that historically, the
  mimetic/antimimetic dichotomy constantly
  invites and defeats all attempts to resolve it.
  Leys is consistent on this to the point that she
  predicts that our current debates are ―fated to
  end in an impasse.‖
 Leys‘ own analysis becomes part of the meta-
  concept of trauma, such that her
  mimetic/antimimetic dichotomy confirms the
  notion of a dichotomy but does not exhaust it.
 Other dichotomies come into play and while we
  can separate their poles, they do not match
  evenly with each other and are sometimes even
  incongruent and incompatible.
 What I appreciate most about Leys‘ analysis is
  her conclusion that trauma has a historical
  structure, an idea that is congruent with
  Foucault‘s notion of a discursive formation or
 Trauma, as a concept or theory with its
 associated practices, has become an
 apparatus. Not only has ―trauma‖ been
 constructed and put in play as an apparatus
 describing something we want to name and
 explain, but as both Kansteiner and Leys
 emphasize, it has hard not to reach for this
 apparatus as an explanatory model, with all its
 conflations and confusions.
 Leys convincingly demonstrates that the two
 theories are intertwined not only across
 theories but even within each individual theory
 or group of researchers.

 In concluding, Leys acknowledges the
 intractability of the dichotomy and eschews a
 meta-position from which one can assess the
 aporias that she sees as intrinsic to this field.
 My meta-concept places Leys‘ approach
 within a larger one: hers is one dichotomy
 among others.

 This is not to say that we can take a stand
 above the dichotomy but that if we see it as
 an apparatus, which is a discourse with a
 strategic function, we can discern that it
 functions not as one dichotomy, one particular
 difference, but an epistemological cut in any
 possible discourse about trauma.
 We see this in the bivalence of crucial terms
 in this archaeology, from the word trauma
 itself, to the metaphors used to describe it, to
 the ways in which wound is deployed in
 Western culture.

 From Achilles‘ spear that both cuts and heals,
 to Plato‘s pharmakon which is both a poison
 and a remedy, this bivalence reaches its
 apogee in the current cultural theory of trauma
 which I call trauma as event.
 I do not share Leys‘ pessimistic conclusion
  that it is intractable.
 The dichotomy in trauma theories will be
  intractable as long as we unwittingly repeat it,
  a point Leys makes lucidly by observing that
  each generation has had to rediscover the
  notion of traumatic stress.
 Once we are aware of trauma as an
  apparatus, we may more consciously
  entertain other theories, as Kansteiner has
  suggested, by finding a new lexicon for
  trauma, a project I warmly endorse.
 Kansteiner calls for ―low-density‖
  psychological concepts that ―avoid the moral
  and existential excess of the trauma claim,‖
  hoping that greater conceptual precision will
  allow us to differentiate between trauma and
  the culture of trauma.
 In Ian Hacking‘s terms, Kansteiner wants to
  interrupt the ―looping effects‖ between
  professional and public or cultural discourses.
  Elaine Showalter has also suggested
  something similar.
Refs: WulfKanstainer, ―Genealogy of a category mistake: a
 critical intellectual history of the cultural trauma metaphor,‖
 Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice,
 2004, 8:2:193-221, p. 195.
 My own proposal is more modest.
 First, I believe that trauma has accrued a
  supplementarity or excess (echoing both Derrida
  and Kansteiner here). This supplementarity is
  ―overdetermined,‖ as Freud would say, or more
  simply, multiply-determined. I suspect that a great
  proportion of the variation may be attributed
  precisely to the ―looping effects‖ between the clinical
  use of trauma and its cultural avatar.
 Second, I believe that we must separate the various
  ways in which the word trauma is deployed and
  differentiate our vocabulary for these different
  aspects of the trauma process.
 Third, and most salient, I believe that trauma must
  be separated radically from event, which is the
Dichotomising Trauma

 Let us now examine some of the
 characteristics of the trauma trope according
 to two columns or groupings of dichotomies:
 aleph and beth.

 The reason that I do not simply offer a
 definition at the outset is to reveal the
 armature of the construction of the concept
 and how it is deployed as an apparatus.
 What this representative but not exhaustive survey
  demonstrates is that the word trauma has become
  too broad and inclusive, too vague and unfixed, too
  (am)bivalent and polysemous, too deterministic
  and fatalistic an idea.
 My greatest concern, however, is that trauma is too
  pre-conceived and, ultimately, too emblematic a
 All the other descriptors set the stage for an
  emblem to emerge which then binds them into an
  explanatory notion; once an emblem appears, it in
  turn retrospectively creates its own precursors, in
  the well-known process Freud called
  Nachträglichkeit, belatedness or deferred meaning,
  which Lacan crafted into après-coup.
 And while it is true that trauma also invokes the
  opposite of these terms, its deployment as a trope
– Aleph                   Beth–

Oligosemia, asemia          Polysemia
(concreteness, loss of      (sensory and expressive
  meaning and expression)     overload)
Object-relations model      Antimimetic
Literary-metaphoric         Psycho-economic
  pole                       model
Moral                       Scientific-metonymic
– Aleph                      Beth–

Dominick Lacapra
Everyday psychological        Extraordinary psychological
 challenges                    ordeals of extreme

Lloyd deMause                 Philippe Ariès
Childhood is a nightmare      Childhood is a cultural
Alice Miller
Ubiquitous childhood          Sigmund Freud
  violence                    Childhood sexual seduction is a
Richard Mollica
Witnessing the trauma story
Resilience, self-healing of   Traumaticexperiences of
  victims                       everyday life
– Aleph –Trauma as a Trope

 One way to make sense of this, a hypothesis
 of the order of Leys‘ mimetic/antimimetic
 dichotomy, is to see the aleph list as the
 Freudian legacy.
Beth – PTSD is a Psychiatric
           Disorder -
 The beth list is the Kraepelinian legacy.
 Narrower, more pathological in its
 discernments, neo-Kraepelinian psychiatry
 draws a sharp line between health and
 disease (if the investigator is biologically-
 oriented or given to evolutionary psychology,
 both of which favour categorical thinking) or
 health and illness (if the investigator is more
 given to the social sciences and a
 hermeneutic, socio-cultural or narrative

 Alain Badiou, ―Preface,‖ Quentin
  Meillassoux‘sAfter Finitude, trans. by
  Ray Brassier (2008)
 Alain Badiou, Second Manifesto for
  Philosophy, trans. by Louise Burchill
 Richard Mollica, Healing Invisible
  Wounds (2006)
 Richard Mollica, ―Manifesto: Healing a

 Vincenzo Di Nicola, Trauma and Event:
 A Philosophical Archaeology, Doctoral
 dissertation, European Graduate
 School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland (2012)

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Two Trauma Communities: A Philosophical Reconciliation - Harvard Program for Refugee Trauma - 15.10.2012

  • 1. Harvard Program for Refugee Trauma Cambridge, MA Two Trauma Communities: A Philosophical Reconciliation of Cultural and Psychiatric Trauma Theories Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD, FAPA Professor of Psychiatry, University of Montreal Monday, October 15, 2012
  • 2.
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  • 4. Vincenzo Di Nicola  Trauma and Event: A PhilosophicalArchaeology  Supervisors: Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Martin Hielscher, Richard Mollica, Thomas Zummer  Defensecommittee: Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek, Wolfgang Schirmacher – DoctorateawardedSumma cum laude  August 12, 2012, Saas-Fee, Wallis, Switzerland
  • 5. Trauma and Event: A PhilosophicalArchaeology  Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou  The work of this triumviri of philosophers is knit together to forge new answers to the aporias of trauma and event: the philosophical archaeology of the disruption of the discourse of being and the traumatic closing or evental opening of possibilities in the coming community.
  • 6. Trauma and Event: A PhilosophicalArchaeology  Trauma is defined as the destruction of experience which is investigated through a series of annotations and excursuses on its cultural origins, from the pharmakon, the skandalon and the scapegoat, to a rhetorical reformulation of trauma as catachresis/apostrophe.  A new model employing the truth tables of scientific research offers a new vocabulary for trauma and event and their simulacra.
  • 7. Richard F. Mollica  The dictum my Italian immigrant father voiced, also a victim of violence, remains loud and clear, ―Son, take on a problem you cannot solve.‖ - Healing a Violent World: A Manifesto
  • 8. Alain Badiou  Philosophy … is either reckless or it is nothing. - Second Manifesto for Philosophy trans. by Louise Burchill (2011, p. 71)
  • 9. Richard F. Mollica  Empathic failure is the bedrock of human aggression and violence.- Healing a Violent World: A Manifesto
  • 10. Alain Badiou  What wound was I seeking to heal, what thorn was I seeking to draw from the flesh of existence when I became what is called ‗a philosopher‘? -―Preface,‖ Quentin Meillassoux‘sAfter Finitude, trans. by Ray Brassier (2008, p. vi)
  • 11. Trauma  It is an error to divide people into the living and the dead: there are people who are dead-alive, and people who are alive-alive. The dead-alive also write, walk, speak, act. But they make no mistakes, and they produce only dead things. The alive-alive are constantly in error, in search, in torment. —YevgenyZamyatin Ref: YevgenyZamyatin, ―On Literature, Revolution, Entropy, and Other Matters‖ (1923), trans. by Mirra Ginsburg in, A Soviet Heretic: Essays by YevgenyZamyatin (1970), p. 110.
  • 12.  The discourse of psychic trauma is marked by a confusion of signifiers.  There is a confusion among what we may separate conceptually into predisposing, precipitating and prolonging factors of trauma, to which we may add protective factors.  Furthermore, we need to separate direct, immediate traumatic impacts from delayed, latent or long-term consequences called sequelae in medical terms. Finally, we may call this whole schema a trauma process.
  • 13.  Thus, we may usefully separate the traumatic process into these factors:  predisposing traumatic contexts or situations that place individuals at risk—we may call these distal determinants, such as causes and influences;  precipitating traumatic triggers are proximal determinants;  prolonging factors amplify, augment or extend the traumatic process synchronically or diachronically;  protective factors dampen, diminish or mitigate the traumatic process.
  • 14.  The key question then becomes: What makes trauma traumatic? Is it the threat that something hurtful may happen, the experience of the injury itself, or living with the consequences of the threat or of injury? Which aspect is the trauma and which traumatic? Is this conflation of predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors normal?  Is this typical in medicine or psychiatry? Infections work like this; ―flu,‖ the common term for influenza means the virus, getting infected and suffering with the symptoms. Nonetheless, the very notion of medical progress means the clear identification of different phases of a disease process and its determinants. These are the
  • 15.  In philosophical terms, we need a vocabulary for what Agamben calls ―desubjectivation‖—the ―dead-alive‖ (Zamyatin), ―bare life‖ (Agamben) and ―states of dissociation,‖ but we need to open space for what Foucault called ―subjectivation‖— for the Event and for the faithful subject, as Badiou has described them.
  • 16.  This distinction opens only the first of many dichotomies that emerge in every trauma discourse. In the onomasiology (from Greek, ὀνομάζω onomāzο, ―toname‖) of trauma—how we name trauma—we encounter dichotomies and bivalent notions throughout.  In this investigation, annotations and excursuses document the philosophical archaeology of these bivalent notions such as the Akedah, the pharmakon, the skandalon and the katechon, while the dichotomies of trauma theories are dissected below.
  • 17. A Philosophical Archaeology of The Concept of “Trauma”  I think that many philosophers secretly harbor the view that there is something deeply (i.e., conceptually) wrong with psychology, but a philosopher with a little training in the techniques of linguistic analysis and a free afternoon could straighten it out. —Jerry Fodor Ref: Jerry A. Fodor, Psychological Explanation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology (1968), p. vii.
  • 18. A Philosophical Archaeology of The Concept of “Trauma”  At first sight, Caruth … appears to define trauma in ways that are quite compatible with psychological research on trauma and post- traumatic stress. However, unlike most of her contemporaries who study the vicissitudes of mental suffering in a clinical context,Caruth goes on to celebrate the experience and the concept of trauma as providing unprecedented insight into the human condition. —WulfKansteiner and HaraldWeilnböck Ref: WulfKansteiner and HaraldWeilnböck, ―Against the Concept of Cultural Trauma or How I Learned to Love the Suffering of Others without the Help of Psychotherapy,‖ in Astrid Erll and AnsgarNünning, eds., Cultural Memory Studies. An Internationaland Interdisciplinary Handbook (2008), pp. 229-240, p. 230.
  • 19. A Dichotomy in Trauma Theories  We cannot characterize trauma as a unified discourse or as a spectrum even with one discipline.  What seems to bring conceptual order to the concept of trauma and to trauma studies is to discern a dichotomy as a separator or marker that divides the discourses along different axes and conceptualizations.
  • 20. A Dichotomy in Trauma Theories  This is a meta-concept that creates two groups or two poles around which certain notions or studies or emerging traditions congeal.  Yet, any given separator that creates a dichotomy is shifting, porous and unstable.
  • 21. Mimetic/Antimimetic Dichotomy  In describing two theories of trauma she names mimetic and antimimetic theories, Ruth Leys lucidly demonstrates that, ―from the turn of the century to the present there has been a continual oscillation between them, indeed that the interpenetration of one by the other or alternatively the collapse of one into the other has been recurrent and unstoppable.‖  Furthermore, she notes that historically, the mimetic/antimimetic dichotomy constantly invites and defeats all attempts to resolve it. Leys is consistent on this to the point that she predicts that our current debates are ―fated to end in an impasse.‖
  • 22.  Leys‘ own analysis becomes part of the meta- concept of trauma, such that her mimetic/antimimetic dichotomy confirms the notion of a dichotomy but does not exhaust it.  Other dichotomies come into play and while we can separate their poles, they do not match evenly with each other and are sometimes even incongruent and incompatible.  What I appreciate most about Leys‘ analysis is her conclusion that trauma has a historical structure, an idea that is congruent with Foucault‘s notion of a discursive formation or
  • 23.  Trauma, as a concept or theory with its associated practices, has become an apparatus. Not only has ―trauma‖ been constructed and put in play as an apparatus describing something we want to name and explain, but as both Kansteiner and Leys emphasize, it has hard not to reach for this apparatus as an explanatory model, with all its conflations and confusions.
  • 24.  Leys convincingly demonstrates that the two theories are intertwined not only across theories but even within each individual theory or group of researchers.  In concluding, Leys acknowledges the intractability of the dichotomy and eschews a meta-position from which one can assess the aporias that she sees as intrinsic to this field.
  • 25.  My meta-concept places Leys‘ approach within a larger one: hers is one dichotomy among others.  This is not to say that we can take a stand above the dichotomy but that if we see it as an apparatus, which is a discourse with a strategic function, we can discern that it functions not as one dichotomy, one particular difference, but an epistemological cut in any possible discourse about trauma.
  • 26.  We see this in the bivalence of crucial terms in this archaeology, from the word trauma itself, to the metaphors used to describe it, to the ways in which wound is deployed in Western culture.  From Achilles‘ spear that both cuts and heals, to Plato‘s pharmakon which is both a poison and a remedy, this bivalence reaches its apogee in the current cultural theory of trauma which I call trauma as event.
  • 27.  I do not share Leys‘ pessimistic conclusion that it is intractable.  The dichotomy in trauma theories will be intractable as long as we unwittingly repeat it, a point Leys makes lucidly by observing that each generation has had to rediscover the notion of traumatic stress.  Once we are aware of trauma as an apparatus, we may more consciously entertain other theories, as Kansteiner has suggested, by finding a new lexicon for trauma, a project I warmly endorse.
  • 28.  Kansteiner calls for ―low-density‖ psychological concepts that ―avoid the moral and existential excess of the trauma claim,‖ hoping that greater conceptual precision will allow us to differentiate between trauma and the culture of trauma.  In Ian Hacking‘s terms, Kansteiner wants to interrupt the ―looping effects‖ between professional and public or cultural discourses. Elaine Showalter has also suggested something similar. Refs: WulfKanstainer, ―Genealogy of a category mistake: a critical intellectual history of the cultural trauma metaphor,‖ Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 2004, 8:2:193-221, p. 195.
  • 29.  My own proposal is more modest.  First, I believe that trauma has accrued a supplementarity or excess (echoing both Derrida and Kansteiner here). This supplementarity is ―overdetermined,‖ as Freud would say, or more simply, multiply-determined. I suspect that a great proportion of the variation may be attributed precisely to the ―looping effects‖ between the clinical use of trauma and its cultural avatar.  Second, I believe that we must separate the various ways in which the word trauma is deployed and differentiate our vocabulary for these different aspects of the trauma process.  Third, and most salient, I believe that trauma must be separated radically from event, which is the
  • 30. Dichotomising Trauma  Let us now examine some of the characteristics of the trauma trope according to two columns or groupings of dichotomies: aleph and beth.  The reason that I do not simply offer a definition at the outset is to reveal the armature of the construction of the concept and how it is deployed as an apparatus.
  • 31.  What this representative but not exhaustive survey demonstrates is that the word trauma has become too broad and inclusive, too vague and unfixed, too (am)bivalent and polysemous, too deterministic and fatalistic an idea.  My greatest concern, however, is that trauma is too pre-conceived and, ultimately, too emblematic a condition.  All the other descriptors set the stage for an emblem to emerge which then binds them into an explanatory notion; once an emblem appears, it in turn retrospectively creates its own precursors, in the well-known process Freud called Nachträglichkeit, belatedness or deferred meaning, which Lacan crafted into après-coup.  And while it is true that trauma also invokes the opposite of these terms, its deployment as a trope
  • 32. – Aleph Beth– Oligosemia, asemia Polysemia (concreteness, loss of (sensory and expressive meaning and expression) overload) Mimetic Object-relations model Antimimetic Literary-metaphoric Psycho-economic pole model Moral Scientific-metonymic pole Scientific
  • 33. – Aleph Beth– Dominick Lacapra Everyday psychological Extraordinary psychological challenges ordeals of extreme violence Lloyd deMause Philippe Ariès Childhood is a nightmare Childhood is a cultural invention Alice Miller Ubiquitous childhood Sigmund Freud violence Childhood sexual seduction is a fantasy Richard Mollica Witnessing the trauma story Resilience, self-healing of Traumaticexperiences of victims everyday life
  • 34. – Aleph –Trauma as a Trope  One way to make sense of this, a hypothesis of the order of Leys‘ mimetic/antimimetic dichotomy, is to see the aleph list as the Freudian legacy.
  • 35. Beth – PTSD is a Psychiatric Disorder -  The beth list is the Kraepelinian legacy.  Narrower, more pathological in its discernments, neo-Kraepelinian psychiatry draws a sharp line between health and disease (if the investigator is biologically- oriented or given to evolutionary psychology, both of which favour categorical thinking) or health and illness (if the investigator is more given to the social sciences and a hermeneutic, socio-cultural or narrative approach).
  • 36. References  Alain Badiou, ―Preface,‖ Quentin Meillassoux‘sAfter Finitude, trans. by Ray Brassier (2008)  Alain Badiou, Second Manifesto for Philosophy, trans. by Louise Burchill (2011)  Richard Mollica, Healing Invisible Wounds (2006)  Richard Mollica, ―Manifesto: Healing a
  • 37. References  Vincenzo Di Nicola, Trauma and Event: A Philosophical Archaeology, Doctoral dissertation, European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland (2012)