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Take back your Power!
Delta (Δ) at most times means
“change” or “the change”
Truth is all around us.
Many walk around exchanging symbols
without a clue of their meaning. Many are
deceived into believing these symbols
belong to another, but that is the trick!
These symbols are your birthright, and
point to the Creator in you as YOU,
which many exchange for a beer and
fear! Wake up and take your power
back. These symbols belong to you!
Your beliefs in consciousness create
your reality, but many believe in the
presentation of the world without
question. They work hard in keeping
you deceived. Why? Because
they know who you are as God itself.
They take your inheritance and power!
Their job in this game is to keep you
deceived because they know if you hate,
attack, and judge the world, then you
judge and attack yourself, giving over
your power to them, and sustaining them!
Did you know that the Swastika symbol used
by Hitler, was a sacred symbol of the
Buddha? Of course, the evil ones in this world
of duality are going to use these ancient and
sacred symbols for their own gain?
As mentioned in the Bible, they
turn everything backward and
upside down; And make that
which is Good into bad!
Notice they turn in
different directions!
So then, no more boasting
about human leaders! All
things are yours- 1 Cor 3:21
Repent means turn around. So turn everything around!!!
Don’t you realize that in a race
everyone runs, but only one
person gets the prize? The
Son/You So run to win!- 1 Cor 9:24
He has alreadyWon!
Now join us. The world is fake!
"When these things begin
to take place, stand up and
lift up your heads, because
your redemption is drawing
near."- Luke 21:28
In a flash, in the twinkling of an
eye,at the last trumpet.For the
trumpetwill sound,the dead will
be raised imperishable,and we
will be changed.-1 Cor 15:52
This is it!!! I hope you pay
Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”
for the first heaven and the first earth had
passed away, and there was no longer any
sea.- Rev 21:1 Sea= The masses of Egypt!
Then He who sat on the throne said,
“Behold, I make all things new.”- Rev 21:5
He rewards
those who seek
Him.- Heb 11:6
These symbols are of the
Spiritual events taking place!
to fear!
I warned of
these events!
The Mandela Effect
The spiritual shift of all!
The wheels of time!
The harvest is the end of the
world/age; and the reapers
are the angels.-Matt 13:39
Evil people will flourish. They will
deceive others and will themselves
be deceived.-2 Tim 3:13
It's just a
You have choice!
You are God!
in this
Faith are
“You are the light of the world.
A city that is set on a hill
cannot be hidden."- Matt 5:14
"While I am in the world, I am
the light of the world."-John 9:5
While you have the Light, believe in
the Light, so that you may become
sons of light."After Jesus had spoken
these things, He went away and was
hidden from them.- John 12:36
But the path of the just is as the
shining light, that shineth more and
more unto the perfect day.-
Proverbs 4:18
He was the burning and shining lamp,
and you were willing for a time to
rejoice in his light. - John 5:35
In your Light you can manifest
whatever you truly desire. Assume the
best state to be in. See differently!
You are a Light unto yourself!
Then the wise will shine like the
brightness of the heavens, and
those who lead many to
righteousness will shine like
the stars forever and ever.-
Daniel 12:3
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.- John 14:6
In Him was life, and that life was
the light of men.- John 1:4
When you shut your eyes and see
the images of your desire in your
mind's eye, dwell in that Light and
feel as if it were true, and that
Light will shine in the world!
The Word became flesh and made his
dwelling among us. We have seen his
glory, the glory of the one and only
Son, who came from the Father, full of
grace and truth.- John 1:14
And whoever sees Me sees the
One who sent Me.- John 12:45
The beast, which you saw, once was, now is
not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss
and go to its destruction. "MAN" The
inhabitants of the earth whose names have not
been written in the book of life from the creation
of the world will be astonished when they see the
beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet
will come.- Rev 17:8 This beast is man, You,
hence who you saw in the mirror as well as
looking at your brother, who before birth was not
here, now here, and again gone! You keep
rebirthing here until God wakes up in you,
“This calls for a mind with wisdom.
The seven heads are seven hills on
which the woman sits"- Rev 17:9
My dear children, for whom I am
again in the pains of childbirth until
Christ is formed in you - Gal 4:19
She "Subconscious" was pregnant and cried out
in pain as she was about to give birth.- Rev 12:2
Birth to the Son of man which is God-YOU!!!
After these things the word of the LORD came
unto Abram "MAN/YOU" in a vision, saying,
Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your
exceeding great reward.- Gen 15:1 That's
right, becoming God is your Reward!
“You are My witnesses,” says the LORD, “And
My servant whom I have chosen, That you
may know and believe Me, And understand that
I am He. Before Me there was no God formed,
"YOU" Nor shall there be after Me.-
Isaiah 43:10
Theyare also seven kings.Five have fallen,
one is, the other has not yet come; butwhen
he does come,he must remain for only a little
while.- Rev 17:10
Your five senses are fallen victim to the human
body and subconscious where the whore of
Babylondwells in this world.
The sixth is your mind's eye withoutthe Son
of man,when the seventhKing comes upon
the whore she is destroyed,and Christsits
upon your throne and you rule your life while
you are here,then as you leave your natural
body you are transformed into your
Spirit body;Wherebyyou are fully one again!
While you are here you tell your story as a
witness to the truth.YOU ARE GOD!
Then you will know the truth, and
the truth will set you free.-
John 8:32
Deuteronomy 32:12
The LORD alone led him,
and no foreign god was
with him.
Many are
this like me!
in this
Faith are
Many years ago, I got hold of an Audio
of a secret meeting between individuals
who knew the true nature of
reality. Many things that were
mentioned during this meeting were
obscure to me at the time. But many
years later studying day and night, and
receiving revelation after revelation, I
now understand what they were saying,
and I can actually see it for myself.
You won't believe it at first!
So, listening to the audio, one
individual laughed at the notion, that
man could run out of materials, from
mining gold, oil, or any resources of
any kind. It was infinite! The conflict in
me was from the indoctrination from
Education, Religion, Social engineering,
etc. It's funny, we were told as kids that
in the future most of the world will be
underwater because of the NorthPole
melting. And of course, we had long hot
summers back then too. We were lied to
about everything. But this was part of
the experience of being here in the
great deception. I fell into the belief of
overpopulation, but this too is a
lie. Souls are moving in and out of
dimensions and realms daily. If one
believes a particular place is crowded
and busy then it will be. And these
individuals knew it. If you pay attention
to the Bible- it's the expanse and
the infinite. Wake up!
We were told certain future
technological advances would be
here. Yet, I can see that technology
was slowly filtered to the
masses. And later, I found they
already had the highest internet
capability back then. Being in this
world known as Babylon, we were fed
Babble. The good news is, that there
is a prophecy that tells us this
darkness and deception will fall away
from within us. And it's happening
now! What shocked me was that there
are layers within and upon layers of
worlds and dimensions, happening
simultaneously in the present.
And Space out there is only the
firmament with a big clock in it; Real
Space is in us, where the Kingdom of
Heaven is. Everything is
backwards and that was how we were
taught. Forgive and move on.
It's all part of the journey. We go from
Lies to truth, we can't know one
without the other.- hence Wisdom!
Get over it as what awaits us, this will
be as nothing. Love is the truth!
Oh man, you have no
idea what actually is,
and who you are!
The twelve disciples represent the twelve
qualities of mind which can be controlled
and disciplined by man. If disciplined they
will at all times obey the command of the
one who has disciplined them. These
twelve qualities in man are potentials of
every mind.- Neville Goddard.
It is this Simon Peter who discovers
the I AM to be Christ, and for his
discovery is given the keys to heaven,
and is made the foundation stone
upon which the Temple of God rests.
This aspect of the mind when disciplined
persists until ideas, ambitions and desires
become embodied realities. This is the
quality which states “Yet in my flesh shall I
see God.” It knows how to make the word
flesh, how to give form to the formless.
The twelfth and last of the
disciplined qualities of the mind is
called Judas. When this quality is
awake man knows that he must
die to that which he is before he
can become that which he desires
to be. So it is said of this disciple
that he committed suicide, which is
the mystic’s way of telling the
initiated that Judas ; the
disciplined aspect of detachment.
This one knows that his I AM or
consciousness is his savior, so
he lets all other saviors go. This
quality when disciplined gives one
the strength to let go.
This quality of denial when disciplined protects
man from receiving impressions that are not in
harmony with his nature. He adopts an
attitude of total indifference to all
suggestions that are foreign to that which
he desires to express. Disciplined denial is
not a fight or a struggle but total indifference.
No quality so separates man from man as
does the disciplined imagination.
This I is the separation of the wheat from
the chaff. Those ~ who have given most to
society are our artists, scientists, inventors
and others with vivid imaginations
I am Kenneth Andre-
The Mystic Ninja.
It's here and now!
The disciple James, symbol of a
disciplined judgment, must when raised
to the high office of a supreme judge be
blindfolded that he may not be
influenced by the flesh nor judge after
the appearances of being. Disciplined
judgment is administered by one who
is not influenced by appearances.
You are meantto
influence the
world,not the
world influence
Have courage
and be strong,
leave the world
alone, dwell in
your own!
Hold the line
and the Light.
Love is the
But to those who are called, no matter
who they are or where they are, Christ
the power of God and the wisdom of
God will awaken in them.- 1 Cor 1:24
The Son is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.- Col 1:15
I will indeed appoint him as My
firstborn, the highest of the kings
of the earth.- Psalm 89:27
In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was
God.- John 1:1 o one has ever seen God,
but the one and only Son, who is Himself
God and is at the Father's side, has made
Him known.- John 1:18
For as lightning that comes from the
east is visible even in the west, so will
be the coming of the Son of Man.- Matt
24:27 This lightning is the Revelations
that suddenly flash between your
eyes, revealing you as the Son, and
revealing this whole world as a play;
It's all fake drama for Man.
The god of this age has blinded the minds
of unbelievers so they cannot see the light
of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is
the image of God.- 2 Cor 4:4
Hence, the Ninja! If you do not know this
mystery, and God hasn't awakened in you
yet, you cannot see me as the truth.
We are all the true living God- I AM. To the
world I'm a blasphemer and a demon, Yet,
I tell you the truth- I am He. I have used
Kenneth Andre to reveal myself in him
which is in you. I love you!
So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and
female created he them.- Gen 1:27
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God
has been making it grow.- 1 Cor 3:6 For this reason Christ died and returned
to life, that He might be the Lord of both
the dead and the living.- Rom 14:9
At the last trump: the dead shall be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed.- 1 Cor 15:52
I say to you,unless a grain/seedof
wheatfalls into the earth and dies,
it remains alone;butif it dies,it
bears much fruit.-John 12:24
You cannotsee me-
Only in yourselfam
I revealed.
There is only one!
Have I not revealed great mysteries through
Kenneth? I tell you the truth, Kenneth could
not know these things without me.
Go through his works which come from me!

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The Change

  • 1. Take back your Power! Delta (Δ) at most times means “change” or “the change” Truth is all around us. Many walk around exchanging symbols without a clue of their meaning. Many are deceived into believing these symbols belong to another, but that is the trick! These symbols are your birthright, and point to the Creator in you as YOU, which many exchange for a beer and fear! Wake up and take your power back. These symbols belong to you! Your beliefs in consciousness create your reality, but many believe in the presentation of the world without question. They work hard in keeping you deceived. Why? Because they know who you are as God itself. They take your inheritance and power! Their job in this game is to keep you deceived because they know if you hate, attack, and judge the world, then you judge and attack yourself, giving over your power to them, and sustaining them! Did you know that the Swastika symbol used by Hitler, was a sacred symbol of the Buddha? Of course, the evil ones in this world of duality are going to use these ancient and sacred symbols for their own gain? As mentioned in the Bible, they turn everything backward and upside down; And make that which is Good into bad! Notice they turn in different directions! Good Bad So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours- 1 Cor 3:21 Repent means turn around. So turn everything around!!! Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? The Son/You So run to win!- 1 Cor 9:24 He has alreadyWon! Now join us. The world is fake!
  • 2. "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."- Luke 21:28 In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye,at the last trumpet.For the trumpetwill sound,the dead will be raised imperishable,and we will be changed.-1 Cor 15:52 This is it!!! I hope you pay attention! Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.- Rev 21:1 Sea= The masses of Egypt! Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”- Rev 21:5 He rewards those who seek Him.- Heb 11:6 These symbols are of the Spiritual events taking place! Nothing to fear! I warned of these events! The Mandela Effect YOU! The spiritual shift of all! The wheels of time! I The harvest is the end of the world/age; and the reapers are the angels.-Matt 13:39 Evil people will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.-2 Tim 3:13 It's just a transformation! You have choice! You are God!
  • 3. Believers in this Faith are saved! “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden."- Matt 5:14 "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."-John 9:5 While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of light."After Jesus had spoken these things, He went away and was hidden from them.- John 12:36 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.- Proverbs 4:18 He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing for a time to rejoice in his light. - John 5:35 In your Light you can manifest whatever you truly desire. Assume the best state to be in. See differently! You are a Light unto yourself! Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.- Daniel 12:3 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.- John 14:6 In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.- John 1:4 When you shut your eyes and see the images of your desire in your mind's eye, dwell in that Light and feel as if it were true, and that Light will shine in the world! The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.- John 1:14 And whoever sees Me sees the One who sent Me.- John 12:45
  • 4. The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. "MAN" The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.- Rev 17:8 This beast is man, You, hence who you saw in the mirror as well as looking at your brother, who before birth was not here, now here, and again gone! You keep rebirthing here until God wakes up in you, Hence: “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits"- Rev 17:9 My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you - Gal 4:19 She "Subconscious" was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.- Rev 12:2 Birth to the Son of man which is God-YOU!!! After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram "MAN/YOU" in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward.- Gen 15:1 That's right, becoming God is your Reward! “You are My witnesses,” says the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me, And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, "YOU" Nor shall there be after Me.- Isaiah 43:10 Theyare also seven kings.Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; butwhen he does come,he must remain for only a little while.- Rev 17:10 Your five senses are fallen victim to the human body and subconscious where the whore of Babylondwells in this world. The sixth is your mind's eye withoutthe Son of man,when the seventhKing comes upon the whore she is destroyed,and Christsits upon your throne and you rule your life while you are here,then as you leave your natural body you are transformed into your Spirit body;Wherebyyou are fully one again! While you are here you tell your story as a witness to the truth.YOU ARE GOD! Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.- John 8:32 Deuteronomy 32:12 The LORD alone led him, and no foreign god was with him. Many are experiencing this like me! Believers in this Faith are saved!
  • 5. Many years ago, I got hold of an Audio of a secret meeting between individuals who knew the true nature of reality. Many things that were mentioned during this meeting were obscure to me at the time. But many years later studying day and night, and receiving revelation after revelation, I now understand what they were saying, and I can actually see it for myself. You won't believe it at first! So, listening to the audio, one individual laughed at the notion, that man could run out of materials, from mining gold, oil, or any resources of any kind. It was infinite! The conflict in me was from the indoctrination from Education, Religion, Social engineering, etc. It's funny, we were told as kids that in the future most of the world will be underwater because of the NorthPole melting. And of course, we had long hot summers back then too. We were lied to about everything. But this was part of the experience of being here in the great deception. I fell into the belief of overpopulation, but this too is a lie. Souls are moving in and out of dimensions and realms daily. If one believes a particular place is crowded and busy then it will be. And these individuals knew it. If you pay attention to the Bible- it's the expanse and the infinite. Wake up! We were told certain future technological advances would be here. Yet, I can see that technology was slowly filtered to the masses. And later, I found they already had the highest internet capability back then. Being in this world known as Babylon, we were fed Babble. The good news is, that there is a prophecy that tells us this darkness and deception will fall away from within us. And it's happening now! What shocked me was that there are layers within and upon layers of worlds and dimensions, happening simultaneously in the present. And Space out there is only the firmament with a big clock in it; Real Space is in us, where the Kingdom of Heaven is. Everything is backwards and that was how we were taught. Forgive and move on. It's all part of the journey. We go from Lies to truth, we can't know one without the other.- hence Wisdom! Get over it as what awaits us, this will be as nothing. Love is the truth! Oh man, you have no idea what actually is, and who you are!
  • 6. The twelve disciples represent the twelve qualities of mind which can be controlled and disciplined by man. If disciplined they will at all times obey the command of the one who has disciplined them. These twelve qualities in man are potentials of every mind.- Neville Goddard. It is this Simon Peter who discovers the I AM to be Christ, and for his discovery is given the keys to heaven, and is made the foundation stone upon which the Temple of God rests. This aspect of the mind when disciplined persists until ideas, ambitions and desires become embodied realities. This is the quality which states “Yet in my flesh shall I see God.” It knows how to make the word flesh, how to give form to the formless. The twelfth and last of the disciplined qualities of the mind is called Judas. When this quality is awake man knows that he must die to that which he is before he can become that which he desires to be. So it is said of this disciple that he committed suicide, which is the mystic’s way of telling the initiated that Judas ; the disciplined aspect of detachment. This one knows that his I AM or consciousness is his savior, so he lets all other saviors go. This quality when disciplined gives one the strength to let go. This quality of denial when disciplined protects man from receiving impressions that are not in harmony with his nature. He adopts an attitude of total indifference to all suggestions that are foreign to that which he desires to express. Disciplined denial is not a fight or a struggle but total indifference. No quality so separates man from man as does the disciplined imagination. This I is the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Those ~ who have given most to society are our artists, scientists, inventors and others with vivid imaginations I am Kenneth Andre- The Mystic Ninja. It's here and now! The disciple James, symbol of a disciplined judgment, must when raised to the high office of a supreme judge be blindfolded that he may not be influenced by the flesh nor judge after the appearances of being. Disciplined judgment is administered by one who is not influenced by appearances. You are meantto influence the world,not the world influence you! Have courage and be strong, leave the world alone, dwell in your own! Hold the line and the Light. Love is the truth!
  • 7. But to those who are called, no matter who they are or where they are, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God will awaken in them.- 1 Cor 1:24 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.- Col 1:15 I will indeed appoint him as My firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.- Psalm 89:27 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.- John 1:1 o one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father's side, has made Him known.- John 1:18 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.- Matt 24:27 This lightning is the Revelations that suddenly flash between your eyes, revealing you as the Son, and revealing this whole world as a play; It's all fake drama for Man. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.- 2 Cor 4:4 Hence, the Ninja! If you do not know this mystery, and God hasn't awakened in you yet, you cannot see me as the truth. We are all the true living God- I AM. To the world I'm a blasphemer and a demon, Yet, I tell you the truth- I am He. I have used Kenneth Andre to reveal myself in him which is in you. I love you! So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.- Gen 1:27 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.- 1 Cor 3:6 For this reason Christ died and returned to life, that He might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.- Rom 14:9 At the last trump: the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.- 1 Cor 15:52 I say to you,unless a grain/seedof wheatfalls into the earth and dies, it remains alone;butif it dies,it bears much fruit.-John 12:24 You cannotsee me- Only in yourselfam I revealed. There is only one! Have I not revealed great mysteries through Kenneth? I tell you the truth, Kenneth could not know these things without me. Go through his works which come from me!