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Parc Natural de la Serra Gelada

                                                                                        Oficina Técnica
                                                                                        Paseo de la carretera, 34 (Antiguo Ayuntamiento)
                                                                                        03501 Benidorm (Alicante)
                                                                                        Tel. 966 80 75 35 - 966 80 78 79

                                                                                        Centro de Información
                                                                                        C/ Oscar Esplá, 1
                                                                                        03580 Albir - Alfàs del Pi (Alicante)
Assistance from:                                                                        Tel. 96 686 71 85


                                                                                        Layout:          Benjamín Albiach Galán - Kun.Xusa Beltrán

                                                                                        Photography:     José y Tomás Santamaría - Benjamín Albiach Galán
                                                                                                         Equipo de Educación Ambiental del Parque - Joan Segovia

                                                                                        Map Design:      Pau Pérez Puigcerver
Printing this material has been possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement                             source: ICV (Cartographic Institute of Valencia)
signed on 21st April 2006 by the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, "la Caixa"
and the Generalitat Valenciana (Autonomous Community Authority) for Undertaking         Texts:           Environmental educacion team
the Integral Management Plan for Conservation of the Natural Systems of the             Printed:         Centro Especial de Empleo, IVADIS
Valencian Community’s Network of Nature Reserves.                                       Legal Deposit:
Date of Nature Reserve declaration:
Date of PORN approval:
(Plan for Administration of Natural Resources)
11th March 2005

Municipalities inside the Reserve:
Benidorm, l’Alfàs del Pi and Altea

The Serra Gelada and coastal environment
nature reserve is one of the most exceptional
reserves in the Valencian Community, through
being the first land-sea nature reserve in this
region. It has a total protected surface area of
5,564 ha. (4,920 ha. of this is in the marine
medium) and its waters contain some of the
most interesting and surprising underwater
areas in the whole Spanish Mediterranean, spe-
cial mention being deserved by the widespread
meadows of the protected sea phanerogam
known locally as Alguers (Posidonia oceanica)
and rocky seabeds such as those of La Llosa,
with particular biological diversity.

                          As is vouched for by the remains (hooks and
                          plumb lines) found in the Tossal de La Cala site in
                          Benidorm, the Iberian peoples who lived here
                          already had significant fishing activity in the waters
                          of the present nature reserve. This went on until
                          the present time, when different kinds of tackles
                          are used, mainly flue-type, going through ages
                          when almadraba Arab net systems were of great
                          importance for the coastal people, like those of La
                          Vila, Benidorm or Altea.

                          In the 17th century one can find the first written
                          references to the inhabitants of the zone, men-
                          tioned in a report sent by Vespasiano Gonzaga to
                          King Philip II, warning him that the Island of
                          Benidorm was the main refuge for corsairs in the
                          whole kingdom, and suggesting building a watch-
                          tower for this reason.

                          After the threat from pirates had gone, in 1834
                          the island acted as a haven for several families
                          from Benidorm and La Vila who took refuge here
                          from the epidemic of cholera morbus that was
                          ravaging the whole coast.

                          In the Serra Gelada mining activity, based on
                          extracting ochre, has been known of since the
                          times of the Phoenicians. This resource was
                          exploited until the mid-nineteenth century. The
                          outstanding view from these mountains also made
                          it an important vantage point for keeping lookout
                          for the presence of Berber pirates in the sea,
                          which is why the “Punta Bombarda” and
                          “l’Escaleta” watchtowers were built.
P N. de la Serra Gelada

                          Cave of Elephant
B. Albiach Galán

                   Geology and landscape

                   The land side is dominated by the spectacular         which rise almost vertically from sea level, while
                   Serra Gelada mountain range, a small but rugged       on the northeastern side it has much more gen-
                   range dividing the bays of Benidorm and Alfás-        tle slopes.
                   Altea. As well as this land area of the park there
                   are several islands, two in the municipal area of     Geomorphologically, the presence of a “hanging
                   Benidorm, l’Illa de Benidorm and l’Illa Mitjana,      fossil dune” consisting of materials known as
                   while in the municipal area of Altea there is the     eolianites is of special importance. This formation
                   island of l’Olla and La Galera islet. The elongated   started to originate over one hundred thousand
                   shape of the nature reserve is due to the range       years ago, when the sea level was lower than it is
                   facing northeast-southwest, with the Albir light-     today. On the other hand, the limestone compo-
                   house in its centre and Benidorm island and           sition of the range fostered the formation of dif-
                   Morro del Toix at each end of it. Its morphology      ferent caves and cavities through the effect of
                   is very different depending on whether one is         rainwater seeping through, some of these being
                   standing on the southeast slope, with huge cliffs     the Cova de Far and the Boca la Balena.
                   topped by the Alt del Governador at 438 metres,
Vegetation and flora

The heterogeneity of the landscape has encour-
aged the formation of different plant communi-
ties, the most significant of these being the ones
found in the dune zone of Serra Gelada, through
containing endemic species such as the
“Palomilla” (Linaria arabiniana), the “Llunetes”
(Biscutella montana) or the Prickly Juniper
(Juniperus macrocarpa), or the Corema album, a
unique plant in the whole Mediterranean through
being a species with Atlantic distribution, which
probably reached this coast transported by birds.

The flora communities on the cliffs also include
some highly valuable plants, species which

                                                                  B. Albiach Galán
                                                     J. Segovia
P N. de la Serra Gelada
                                                          P N. de la Serra Gelada

                  “Silene de Ifach” (Silene hifacensis)                                                                     Rock Samphire (Crithmum maritimum)

botanists call “rupicola” or cave plants, one of                                                              amongst other species, by Kermes oaks (Quercus
these being the “Silene de Ifach” (Silene hifacen-                                                            coccifera), Lentisc (Pistacia lentiscus) and Blackthorn
sis), which is at present recovering in the reserve                                                           (Rhamnus lycioides).
area, the “Orelleta de Ratolí” (Sarcocapnos
saetabensis) or the “Canyeta d’or” (Asperula paui                                                             On the reserve’s islands there is a predominance
subp. dianensis).                                                                                             of Pauquy (Whithania frutescens), Shrubby seablite
                                                                                                              (Suaeda vera) or the thorny shrub known as Lycium
In most parts of the Serra Gelada one can find                                                                intricatum. On the island of Benidorm, the prickly
thickets consisting mainly of Rosemary (Rosmarinus                                                            pear (Opuntia ficus-indica), a species proceeding
officinalis), Many-flowered heather (Erica multiflo-                                                          from America introduced in the Mediterranean, is
ra), Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus) and Esparto grass                                                          prevalent in certain zones.
(Stipa tenacissima) often accompanied by Aleppo
Pines (Pinus halepensis) and some specimens of                                                                One of the plants of greatest ecological value is the
Holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia), rather small in                                                              seagrass known as Posidonia oceanica, which forms
size. There are also remains of old crops, for                                                                large underwater meadows of vital importance for
example some scattered specimens of the Carob                                                                 the breeding and growth of numerous marine fauna.
tree (Ceratonia siliqua) and Olive (Olea europaea).
These abandoned terraces have been colonised,
Fauna                                                                                                     This nature area also covers one of the few popu-
                                                                                                          lations of the bottlenose dolphin (Turciops trunca-
Through covering both a marine and a land medi-                                                           tus) in the Spanish peninsular waters. This is a fam-
um, the diversity of animals that can be seen in                                                          ily group that swims and feeds fairly often in the
the park is very great, covering all the major                                                            area, included in a larger area which probably cov-
groups of fauna, from small invertebrates, fish and                                                       ers the whole coastal strip of Alicante province.
large mammals. The plentiful variety of commer-
cial species in its waters has been well known                                                            As regards the land fauna, the group of sea birds
since times immemorial, which has made these                                                              is significant as they have major breeding zones on
highly appreciated fishing zones for the inhabi-                                                          the reserve. The Storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelag-
tants of coastal villages, especially the deeper                                                          icus melitensis), nesting on Mitjana and Benidorm
waters around the Island of Benidorm, where at                                                            islands, has one of the breeding colonies of great-
present the submerged promontory known as la                                                              est size in the western Mediterranean on the lat-
Llosa has great renown in the diving world.                                                               ter, with over 500 couples.

                                          Fardatxo                                                              Storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis)
                                                                                José y Tomás Santamaría
                                                      José y Tomás Santamaría
Forat de
                     Rio d
                          e Gu
   Polop                      adale
                                   st                                                                     Illot de la Galera
                                                                              l’A                 Illot de la l’Olla
           La Nucia                                                                 r


                      L’Alfàs del Pi

                                                         Platja del Racó

                                                             Minas de Ocre

                                                                               Albir Lighthouse

                                                      Boca de la Balena

                                                        Alt del


                                                   Illa Mitjana
                                         La Cruz

                                                                                              Mediterranean Sea
                                  Torre de la
                    Cala del Tí punta del Cavall

Illa de Benidorm
                                                                                                      E: 1/85.000

                                                                                                      0         1.000          2.000              4.000 m

                                        Punta de
                3                                           Barreta de
                                                            les Mines


                                              9      10

    .   Route 1: The      Albir lighthouse

        Length:                 5 km (there and back)
        Duration:               1h 30 mm to 2 hours
        Maximum ascent:         112 metres
        Accessibility:          Asphalted route. Hiking.
                                Bicycle tourism.
        Difficulty:             Low

        Starting from El Albir information point (Alfás del
        Pi) (1), go up the street known as “Camí de la
        Cantera”, which, as its name indicates, ends up in an
        old quarry from which stone was dug; but do not go
        as far as this and turn to the left down “Sirio” and
        “Neptuno” streets, until you come to a car park
        where one of the entrances to the Nature Reserve,
        the Albir lighthouse path (2) is located. A few
        metres further on there is a small picnic area (3).
                                                                           P N. de la Serra Gelada

                                          The Albir lighthouse
From this point the yellow route 2 leads off towards
the crest of the Serra Gelada (4).

“Caleta del Metge” and vantage point
Go along the asphalted track to a tunnel through
the mountains (7), but before you get there on
the right there is an earthen track (5) along which
you can go down to a small cove known as
“Caleta del Metge”, and a little after this there is a
circular vantage point which gives you a wonder-
ful view of the entire Altea bay, with the Penyal
d’Ifach (6) in the background, surrounded by the
spectacular mountains which envelop this corner
of the Marina Baixa
When you get to the mouth of the tunnel (7),
you will find another vantage point, smaller than
the previous one (8).

“La Mina” ochre mines and cove
Go on towards the lighthouse and after 300 metres
you will come to the path (9) which gently drops
towards the mines, originally Phoenician and later
exploited by the Romans, from which the ochre
used as a colorant was extracted until well into the
last century, when it fell into disuse through the
usage of new substances for this purpose.

The “Boca de la Balena”
At about 500 metres from the tunnel you will
reach a curve in the track (10). If you look up to
the right from here you will see a large natural
cavity known as “Boca de la Balena (The Whale’s
Mouth)” or “Cova de Bou” (Bull’s cave) in the
shady part of the mountain.

El Albir Lighthouse
At the end of the road you will come to El Albir
Lighthouse, (12) to which access is not allowed.
Just before you get there a small rise leads you
to the edge of the cliff, from which there is a
good view (11).
                                                         P N. de la Serra Gelada

              The Serra Gelada, and the Illa Mitjana



                                           Punta de
                                           la Pila
                                            Morro de
                                            San Jordi
                                        Illot de la


                                                            B. Albiach Galán

                                                                                   L’Illa Mitjana

                                        illa Mitjana                           .   Route 2: Crossing      the Serra Gelada
                      7                                                            Length:            8 km (only one way)
                                   El Morret Negre
                                                                                   Duration:          from 4h to 4h 30 min
              8                                                                    Maximum ascent: 438 metres
                                                                                   Accessibility:     Only suitable for hikers.
                                                                                   Difficulty:        Moderate-high.
                                                                                   The lack of any freshwater springs on the way
                                                                                   means that plenty of water has to be taken with
                                                                                   you. The route covers steep upward and down-
                                                                                   ward slopes, which can be avoided by taking
                          Cantal Roig                                              branches keeping more to the level.
                                                                                   The route starts from El Albir picnic area (1), on
                                                                                   route 1 (red), with a constant upward zigzag
                                                                                   which starts with stone stairs as far as the road for
                                                                                   access to the relay station and antennas (3),
              Coves de Paltra                                                      going beside an old quarry (2).




                                                      Cala Almadrava

                                                             Cala Ti Ximo
“Alt del Governador”
At the end of this track you will reach the highest
point on the Serra Gelada (438 m), where you
will find a telecommunications relay station.                                                                               5
Going on downwards along an asphalted track
you will link up with the path again (4). Almost at
the edge of the cliff you will find a geodesic ver-
tex (5), from which you can see the majesty of
these sheer precipices, seeing the yellow-legged
gulls wheeling hundreds of metres below your
feet, looking really tiny.

“L’Illa Mitjana”
The route across the range goes on with continu-                  .    Route 3: “Punta del Cavall” or“Punta
ous ups and downs, going by the ruins of an old                        de la Escaleta “
coastal vigilance house (6) and a small cistern in
the river bed (7). Half way along you will find a                      Length:               5.2 km (there and back)
spot where there is a small pine spinney which is                                            plus 700 m of the Cala del
a good place to take a short rest (8), while you                                             Ti Ximo.
enjoy a beautiful view of “Illa Mitjana”.                              Duration:             From 2h to 2h 30 min
                                                                       Maximum ascent:       75 m
The cross                                                              Accessibility:        Asphalted route. Hiking.
The last section of the mountain that the route                                              Bicycle tourism.
covers goes over a last rise from which you can                                              Wheelchairs.
again see the cliffs (9). From this point you must                     Difficulty:           Low
pay attention so as not to miss the track that goes
between the low vegetation or bare rock. A few                         The route starts at the end of Levante beach (1), at
minutes later you come to a cross (10) located                         the slope which leads to hotel Benikaktus, in Alcalde
over the Raco de l’Oix, from which an asphalt-                         Manuel Catalán Chana street Along the asphalted road
ed path starts out (11) connecting up with itin-                       you should leave the crossroads that goes to the cross
erary 3 (blue).                                                        on the left (route 2, yellow) and go on as far as a turn-
ing (2) which drops to the Punta Llisera vantage         can be visited. Fishing with rods and spending the
point and the Cala del Ti Ximo.                          night there are not allowed. Domestic animals
                                                         cannot be taken onto the islet.
“Cala del Tio Ximo”                                      Illa Mitjana.
This is a peaceful Mediterranean cove, relatively        Access is not allowed. Sailing around it must
separate from the busy beaches of the centre of          always be at a speed of under 3 knots.
Benidorm. Beside the beach you can see the old
ochre mines (4), where, not so long ago, Ti              Serra Gelada.
Ximo and his mules worked away.                          Hiking and bicycle-tourism is allowed along the
                                                         established itineraries.
Watchtower                                               Illa de Benidorm.
Go back to the road and on the right-hand side           Visits are allowed (though it is not allowed to take
you should take a road with restricted access to         domestic animals on to the island) but fishing with
motor vehicles (3), from which you should head           rods from the island and spending the night on it
towards the Punta del Cavall, where there is a           are forbidden. Sailing around it must always be at
17th century watchtower (5). From this point             a speed of under 3 knots.
you can see one of the best views of the cliffs of       Marine area of Morro del Toix
Serra Gelada and very close to these Illa Mitjana.       Sailing is allowed always at a speed under 3 knots.
Both this point and the Punta Bombarda, in El
Albir, are excellent viewpoints, which is why in
medieval times they built the watchtowers from           Accesses
which the people could be warned of the pres-
ence of Berber pirates.                                  Benidorm Information
                                                         Point and Benidorm Island
Public use
                                                         The best way to find this centre, located in the old
The reserve is governed by specific legislation          town centre of Benidorm, very close to the port
(Planning System for the Natural Resources of the        and nautical club, is to look for these. You can
Serra Gelada and its coastal environment -DOGV           access the town centre from different roads whe-
16/03/2005) which includes the planning of the           ther you come from the N-332 or from the AP-7
area covered by the park, distributed into zones         motorway. The most convenient way is to come in
with different degrees of protection and their           from the south along the Avenida de la Armada
uses and activities. The different zones can be          Española by Poniente beach. Go right along this
seen on the enclosed map and some general                and up Avenida Jaume I; when you come to the
norms are summed up below:                               first traffic light, turn right along Calle Marqués de
                                                         Comillas until you reach the Avenida de los Almen-
L’Olla and la Galera islets.                             dros, and there you are forced to turn right and go
Only a small part of the shoreline of Illot de l’ Olla   down to the start of the Elche Park, where the
Avenida de la Carretera starts on the left-hand and
the reserve's information point is located.

On the way in to Elche Park, there is a small street
leading to the port and from there you can take
one of the passenger boats known as "golondrinas",
to get to the Illa de Benidorm.

El Albir Information
Point and El Albir Lighthouse

On the N-332 just by a well-known supermarket,
you should turn towards the sea at the traffic lights
where you will see a sign saying "Playa del Albir". Go
on along the Avenida del Albir as far as the informa-
tion point at the beginning of Calle Oscar Esplá
which you will see on the left in a house surrounded
by a garden and fence.

Access to the reserve from this centre is easy, by
taking the "Camí Vell del Far" which you have left on
the right when you went into the street with the
information centre.


       Do not leave the marked        Dogs must be on a
       paths to take short cuts       leash

       No picking flowers and         Do not bother or catch
       plants                         any animals

       Do not drop litter in the      No camping in the
       reserve. Use the litter bins   nature reserve

       No motor vehicles allowed      It is strictly forbidden to
       on the tracks                  light fires

       Please do not make

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Trekking Routes Benidorm

  • 1. de la serra gelada English version
  • 2. Parc Natural de la Serra Gelada Oficina Técnica Paseo de la carretera, 34 (Antiguo Ayuntamiento) 03501 Benidorm (Alicante) Tel. 966 80 75 35 - 966 80 78 79 Centro de Información C/ Oscar Esplá, 1 03580 Albir - Alfàs del Pi (Alicante) Assistance from: Tel. 96 686 71 85 Layout: Benjamín Albiach Galán - Kun.Xusa Beltrán Photography: José y Tomás Santamaría - Benjamín Albiach Galán Equipo de Educación Ambiental del Parque - Joan Segovia Map Design: Pau Pérez Puigcerver Printing this material has been possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement source: ICV (Cartographic Institute of Valencia) signed on 21st April 2006 by the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, "la Caixa" and the Generalitat Valenciana (Autonomous Community Authority) for Undertaking Texts: Environmental educacion team the Integral Management Plan for Conservation of the Natural Systems of the Printed: Centro Especial de Empleo, IVADIS Valencian Community’s Network of Nature Reserves. Legal Deposit:
  • 3. Date of Nature Reserve declaration: 2005 Date of PORN approval: (Plan for Administration of Natural Resources) 11th March 2005 Municipalities inside the Reserve: Benidorm, l’Alfàs del Pi and Altea The Serra Gelada and coastal environment nature reserve is one of the most exceptional reserves in the Valencian Community, through being the first land-sea nature reserve in this region. It has a total protected surface area of 5,564 ha. (4,920 ha. of this is in the marine medium) and its waters contain some of the most interesting and surprising underwater areas in the whole Spanish Mediterranean, spe- cial mention being deserved by the widespread meadows of the protected sea phanerogam known locally as Alguers (Posidonia oceanica) and rocky seabeds such as those of La Llosa, with particular biological diversity.
  • 4. History As is vouched for by the remains (hooks and plumb lines) found in the Tossal de La Cala site in Benidorm, the Iberian peoples who lived here already had significant fishing activity in the waters of the present nature reserve. This went on until the present time, when different kinds of tackles are used, mainly flue-type, going through ages when almadraba Arab net systems were of great importance for the coastal people, like those of La Vila, Benidorm or Altea. In the 17th century one can find the first written references to the inhabitants of the zone, men- tioned in a report sent by Vespasiano Gonzaga to King Philip II, warning him that the Island of Benidorm was the main refuge for corsairs in the whole kingdom, and suggesting building a watch- tower for this reason. After the threat from pirates had gone, in 1834 the island acted as a haven for several families from Benidorm and La Vila who took refuge here from the epidemic of cholera morbus that was ravaging the whole coast. In the Serra Gelada mining activity, based on extracting ochre, has been known of since the times of the Phoenicians. This resource was exploited until the mid-nineteenth century. The outstanding view from these mountains also made it an important vantage point for keeping lookout for the presence of Berber pirates in the sea, which is why the “Punta Bombarda” and “l’Escaleta” watchtowers were built. P N. de la Serra Gelada Cave of Elephant .
  • 5. B. Albiach Galán Geology and landscape The land side is dominated by the spectacular which rise almost vertically from sea level, while Serra Gelada mountain range, a small but rugged on the northeastern side it has much more gen- range dividing the bays of Benidorm and Alfás- tle slopes. Altea. As well as this land area of the park there are several islands, two in the municipal area of Geomorphologically, the presence of a “hanging Benidorm, l’Illa de Benidorm and l’Illa Mitjana, fossil dune” consisting of materials known as while in the municipal area of Altea there is the eolianites is of special importance. This formation island of l’Olla and La Galera islet. The elongated started to originate over one hundred thousand shape of the nature reserve is due to the range years ago, when the sea level was lower than it is facing northeast-southwest, with the Albir light- today. On the other hand, the limestone compo- house in its centre and Benidorm island and sition of the range fostered the formation of dif- Morro del Toix at each end of it. Its morphology ferent caves and cavities through the effect of is very different depending on whether one is rainwater seeping through, some of these being standing on the southeast slope, with huge cliffs the Cova de Far and the Boca la Balena. topped by the Alt del Governador at 438 metres,
  • 6. Vegetation and flora The heterogeneity of the landscape has encour- aged the formation of different plant communi- ties, the most significant of these being the ones found in the dune zone of Serra Gelada, through containing endemic species such as the “Palomilla” (Linaria arabiniana), the “Llunetes” (Biscutella montana) or the Prickly Juniper (Juniperus macrocarpa), or the Corema album, a unique plant in the whole Mediterranean through being a species with Atlantic distribution, which probably reached this coast transported by birds. The flora communities on the cliffs also include some highly valuable plants, species which B. Albiach Galán J. Segovia
  • 7. P N. de la Serra Gelada P N. de la Serra Gelada . . “Silene de Ifach” (Silene hifacensis) Rock Samphire (Crithmum maritimum) botanists call “rupicola” or cave plants, one of amongst other species, by Kermes oaks (Quercus these being the “Silene de Ifach” (Silene hifacen- coccifera), Lentisc (Pistacia lentiscus) and Blackthorn sis), which is at present recovering in the reserve (Rhamnus lycioides). area, the “Orelleta de Ratolí” (Sarcocapnos saetabensis) or the “Canyeta d’or” (Asperula paui On the reserve’s islands there is a predominance subp. dianensis). of Pauquy (Whithania frutescens), Shrubby seablite (Suaeda vera) or the thorny shrub known as Lycium In most parts of the Serra Gelada one can find intricatum. On the island of Benidorm, the prickly thickets consisting mainly of Rosemary (Rosmarinus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica), a species proceeding officinalis), Many-flowered heather (Erica multiflo- from America introduced in the Mediterranean, is ra), Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus) and Esparto grass prevalent in certain zones. (Stipa tenacissima) often accompanied by Aleppo Pines (Pinus halepensis) and some specimens of One of the plants of greatest ecological value is the Holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia), rather small in seagrass known as Posidonia oceanica, which forms size. There are also remains of old crops, for large underwater meadows of vital importance for example some scattered specimens of the Carob the breeding and growth of numerous marine fauna. tree (Ceratonia siliqua) and Olive (Olea europaea). These abandoned terraces have been colonised,
  • 8. Fauna This nature area also covers one of the few popu- lations of the bottlenose dolphin (Turciops trunca- Through covering both a marine and a land medi- tus) in the Spanish peninsular waters. This is a fam- um, the diversity of animals that can be seen in ily group that swims and feeds fairly often in the the park is very great, covering all the major area, included in a larger area which probably cov- groups of fauna, from small invertebrates, fish and ers the whole coastal strip of Alicante province. large mammals. The plentiful variety of commer- cial species in its waters has been well known As regards the land fauna, the group of sea birds since times immemorial, which has made these is significant as they have major breeding zones on highly appreciated fishing zones for the inhabi- the reserve. The Storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelag- tants of coastal villages, especially the deeper icus melitensis), nesting on Mitjana and Benidorm waters around the Island of Benidorm, where at islands, has one of the breeding colonies of great- present the submerged promontory known as la est size in the western Mediterranean on the lat- Llosa has great renown in the diving world. ter, with over 500 couples. Fardatxo Storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis) José y Tomás Santamaría José y Tomás Santamaría
  • 9. Forat de lÀse Rio d e Gu Polop adale st Illot de la Galera Rio de l’A Illot de la l’Olla lga La Nucia r Altea L’Alfàs del Pi Platja del Racó 70 Minas de Ocre CV- Albir Lighthouse -7 AP Boca de la Balena 32 -3 Alt del N Governador Benidorm Illa Mitjana La Cruz Mediterranean Sea Torre de la Cala del Tí punta del Cavall Ximo Illa de Benidorm E: 1/85.000 0 1.000 2.000 4.000 m
  • 10. 1 Punta de l’Esparralló 2 8 7 3 Barreta de 5 6 les Mines 4 12 11 9 10 . Route 1: The Albir lighthouse Length: 5 km (there and back) Duration: 1h 30 mm to 2 hours Maximum ascent: 112 metres Accessibility: Asphalted route. Hiking. Bicycle tourism. Wheelchairs. Difficulty: Low Starting from El Albir information point (Alfás del Pi) (1), go up the street known as “Camí de la Cantera”, which, as its name indicates, ends up in an old quarry from which stone was dug; but do not go as far as this and turn to the left down “Sirio” and “Neptuno” streets, until you come to a car park where one of the entrances to the Nature Reserve, the Albir lighthouse path (2) is located. A few metres further on there is a small picnic area (3). P N. de la Serra Gelada The Albir lighthouse .
  • 11. From this point the yellow route 2 leads off towards the crest of the Serra Gelada (4). “Caleta del Metge” and vantage point Go along the asphalted track to a tunnel through the mountains (7), but before you get there on the right there is an earthen track (5) along which you can go down to a small cove known as “Caleta del Metge”, and a little after this there is a circular vantage point which gives you a wonder- ful view of the entire Altea bay, with the Penyal d’Ifach (6) in the background, surrounded by the spectacular mountains which envelop this corner of the Marina Baixa When you get to the mouth of the tunnel (7), you will find another vantage point, smaller than the previous one (8). “La Mina” ochre mines and cove Go on towards the lighthouse and after 300 metres you will come to the path (9) which gently drops towards the mines, originally Phoenician and later exploited by the Romans, from which the ochre used as a colorant was extracted until well into the last century, when it fell into disuse through the usage of new substances for this purpose. The “Boca de la Balena” At about 500 metres from the tunnel you will reach a curve in the track (10). If you look up to the right from here you will see a large natural cavity known as “Boca de la Balena (The Whale’s Mouth)” or “Cova de Bou” (Bull’s cave) in the shady part of the mountain. El Albir Lighthouse At the end of the road you will come to El Albir Lighthouse, (12) to which access is not allowed. Just before you get there a small rise leads you to the edge of the cliff, from which there is a good view (11). P N. de la Serra Gelada The Serra Gelada, and the Illa Mitjana .
  • 12. L’Estufador 1 3 Punta de la Pila 2 Morro de San Jordi Illot de la Caleta 4 B. Albiach Galán 5 L’Illa Mitjana illa Mitjana . Route 2: Crossing the Serra Gelada 6 7 Length: 8 km (only one way) El Morret Negre Duration: from 4h to 4h 30 min 8 Maximum ascent: 438 metres Accessibility: Only suitable for hikers. Difficulty: Moderate-high. The lack of any freshwater springs on the way means that plenty of water has to be taken with you. The route covers steep upward and down- 9 ward slopes, which can be avoided by taking Cantal Roig branches keeping more to the level. 11 The route starts from El Albir picnic area (1), on 10 route 1 (red), with a constant upward zigzag which starts with stone stairs as far as the road for access to the relay station and antennas (3), Coves de Paltra going beside an old quarry (2). N
  • 13. 1 4 3 2 Cala Almadrava Cala Ti Ximo “Alt del Governador” At the end of this track you will reach the highest point on the Serra Gelada (438 m), where you will find a telecommunications relay station. 5 Going on downwards along an asphalted track you will link up with the path again (4). Almost at the edge of the cliff you will find a geodesic ver- tex (5), from which you can see the majesty of these sheer precipices, seeing the yellow-legged gulls wheeling hundreds of metres below your feet, looking really tiny. “L’Illa Mitjana” The route across the range goes on with continu- . Route 3: “Punta del Cavall” or“Punta ous ups and downs, going by the ruins of an old de la Escaleta “ coastal vigilance house (6) and a small cistern in the river bed (7). Half way along you will find a Length: 5.2 km (there and back) spot where there is a small pine spinney which is plus 700 m of the Cala del a good place to take a short rest (8), while you Ti Ximo. enjoy a beautiful view of “Illa Mitjana”. Duration: From 2h to 2h 30 min Maximum ascent: 75 m The cross Accessibility: Asphalted route. Hiking. The last section of the mountain that the route Bicycle tourism. covers goes over a last rise from which you can Wheelchairs. again see the cliffs (9). From this point you must Difficulty: Low pay attention so as not to miss the track that goes between the low vegetation or bare rock. A few The route starts at the end of Levante beach (1), at minutes later you come to a cross (10) located the slope which leads to hotel Benikaktus, in Alcalde over the Raco de l’Oix, from which an asphalt- Manuel Catalán Chana street Along the asphalted road ed path starts out (11) connecting up with itin- you should leave the crossroads that goes to the cross erary 3 (blue). on the left (route 2, yellow) and go on as far as a turn-
  • 14. ing (2) which drops to the Punta Llisera vantage can be visited. Fishing with rods and spending the point and the Cala del Ti Ximo. night there are not allowed. Domestic animals cannot be taken onto the islet. “Cala del Tio Ximo” Illa Mitjana. This is a peaceful Mediterranean cove, relatively Access is not allowed. Sailing around it must separate from the busy beaches of the centre of always be at a speed of under 3 knots. Benidorm. Beside the beach you can see the old ochre mines (4), where, not so long ago, Ti Serra Gelada. Ximo and his mules worked away. Hiking and bicycle-tourism is allowed along the established itineraries. Watchtower Illa de Benidorm. Go back to the road and on the right-hand side Visits are allowed (though it is not allowed to take you should take a road with restricted access to domestic animals on to the island) but fishing with motor vehicles (3), from which you should head rods from the island and spending the night on it towards the Punta del Cavall, where there is a are forbidden. Sailing around it must always be at 17th century watchtower (5). From this point a speed of under 3 knots. you can see one of the best views of the cliffs of Marine area of Morro del Toix Serra Gelada and very close to these Illa Mitjana. Sailing is allowed always at a speed under 3 knots. Both this point and the Punta Bombarda, in El Albir, are excellent viewpoints, which is why in medieval times they built the watchtowers from Accesses which the people could be warned of the pres- ence of Berber pirates. Benidorm Information Point and Benidorm Island Public use The best way to find this centre, located in the old The reserve is governed by specific legislation town centre of Benidorm, very close to the port (Planning System for the Natural Resources of the and nautical club, is to look for these. You can Serra Gelada and its coastal environment -DOGV access the town centre from different roads whe- 16/03/2005) which includes the planning of the ther you come from the N-332 or from the AP-7 area covered by the park, distributed into zones motorway. The most convenient way is to come in with different degrees of protection and their from the south along the Avenida de la Armada uses and activities. The different zones can be Española by Poniente beach. Go right along this seen on the enclosed map and some general and up Avenida Jaume I; when you come to the norms are summed up below: first traffic light, turn right along Calle Marqués de Comillas until you reach the Avenida de los Almen- L’Olla and la Galera islets. dros, and there you are forced to turn right and go Only a small part of the shoreline of Illot de l’ Olla down to the start of the Elche Park, where the
  • 15. Avenida de la Carretera starts on the left-hand and the reserve's information point is located. On the way in to Elche Park, there is a small street leading to the port and from there you can take one of the passenger boats known as "golondrinas", to get to the Illa de Benidorm. El Albir Information Point and El Albir Lighthouse On the N-332 just by a well-known supermarket, you should turn towards the sea at the traffic lights where you will see a sign saying "Playa del Albir". Go on along the Avenida del Albir as far as the informa- tion point at the beginning of Calle Oscar Esplá which you will see on the left in a house surrounded by a garden and fence. Access to the reserve from this centre is easy, by taking the "Camí Vell del Far" which you have left on the right when you went into the street with the information centre. Rules Do not leave the marked Dogs must be on a paths to take short cuts leash No picking flowers and Do not bother or catch plants any animals Do not drop litter in the No camping in the reserve. Use the litter bins nature reserve No motor vehicles allowed It is strictly forbidden to on the tracks light fires Please do not make noise