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Bil 3: 7 Ogos 2007

                         Pasukan Penerangan
                        Jelaskan Struktur Baru
B   eberapa Pasukan Penerangan yang
    terdiri daripada Profesor UUM dan
anggota pentadbiran tertinggi universiti
ditubuhkan serta merta untuk memberi
penerangan mengenai penstrukturan baru
universiti ke fakulti, selaras dengan keputu-
san perbincangan Lembaga Pengarah
Universiti (LPU), anggota Senat dan Persatu-
an Kakitangan UUM , semalam.
    Penubuhan pasukan penerangan yang
terdiri daripada sekurang-kurangnya tiga
orang dalam satu pasukan bagi menyam-
paikan taklimat ke peringkat fakulti itu,
diputuskan dalam mesyuarat pasukan petu-
gas khas penstrukturan yang dipengerusikan
oleh Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik dan
Antarabangsa, Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak
Chik, pagi ini.
    Dr. Abdul Razak berkata, penambah-
                                                BERI PENJELASAN... Tan Sri Samsudin Osman menjawab soalan yang ditanyakan oleh ahli mesyuarat mengenai
baikan melalui sumbang saran akan terus
                                                penstrukturan semula.
dilakukan dari semasa ke semasa.
                                                katanya ketika membincangkan mengenai                       Dr. Abdul Razak berkata, pasukan
    “Lembaga Pengarah Universiti dan
                                                keputusan Taklimat Penstrukturan Sistem                 penerangan itu akan menjelas sambil
Mesyuarat Senat iaitu jawatankuasa tertinggi
                                                Fakulti Kepada Kolej Kepada Lembaga                     mengumpul pandangan pensyarah dan pen-
dalam menentukan pengurusan akademik
                                                Pengarah Universiti, Senat dan Persatuan                tadbir universiti mengenai penstrukturan
universiti sudah bersetuju dengan konsep
                                                Kakitangan Universiti.                                  baru ini.
cadangan penstrukturan ini kerana ia mem-
                                                    Pengerusi LPU, Tan Sri Samsudin Osman                   ”Oleh itu masih ada ruang untuk mem-
beri kebaikan kepada masa depan UUM.
                                                dalam perbincangan semalam, bersetuju                   perbaiki sedikit sebanyak penstrukturan
    ”Oleh itu apa yang dirancang akan
                                                supaya visi penstrukturan ini dijelas dan               ini demi memastikan perkongsian visi dan
diteruskan bersama-sama dengan peneran-
                                                dikongsi kepada semua peringkat kakitan-                hasrat penstrukturan,” katanya.
gan menyeluruh oleh barisan profesor dan
                                                gan di universiti ini.
anggota pengurusan tertinggi universiti,”

                              Minit Mesyuarat Siap Kurang 12 jam

                                                S  truktur baru, budaya kerja baru. Ahli-               mesyuarat utama disiapkan paling lewat
                                                   ahli Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Petugas                  tiga hari. Syabas dan tahniah boleh diberi-
                                                Khas yang dipengerusikan oleh Timbalan                  kan kepada urusetia yang diketuai oleh Pen-
                                                Naib Canselor Akademik dan Antarabangsa,                garah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Akademik, Encik
                                                Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak Chik terkejut               Baharudin Yaacob.
                                                dibekalkan     dengan      minit   Taklimat
                                                Penstrukturan LPU, Senat dan Persatuan                  Perubahan yang akan berlaku di UUM ini
                                                Kakitangan UUM yang berakhir jam 6.30                   nampaknya memberi perubahan juga
                                                petang semalam, boleh diedarkan kepada                  kepada budaya kerja. Kepantasan merupa-
                                                semua ahli-ahli jam 8.30 pagi ini.                      kan elemen penting dalam pengurusan
                                                                                                        yang cekap, untuk membolehkan keputu-
                                                Ini merupakan budaya kerja baru yang selari             san dan susulan boleh dibuat juga dengan
                                                dengan hasrat Naib Canselor supaya minit                cepat.
         Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak Chik
Transisi 7 Ogos 2007

Kita Perlu Berubah – Presiden KESKA
D     alam era kita selesa dengan kerja                                                           kita mahu menikmati gaji baru, cara kerja
      lama, kita telah didendangkan dengan                                                        yang baru juga akan digerak secara ser-
irama baru iaitu sistem fakulti akan ditukar                                                      entak bersama hasrat Universiti. Suntikan
kepada kolej. Sebelum ini kita hanya den-                                                         semangat yang baru juga perlu demi
gar khabar dari jauh apa yang akan berlaku                                                        kecemerlangan universiti kita sendiri.
perubahan dalam kampus kita. Semasa                                                                   Kita perlu menganggap pembaharuan
mencari-cari siapa yang akan menerang-                                                            pasti akan berlaku baik dalam organisasi ma-
kan kepada kita konsep yang baru, KESKA                                                           hupun diri kita sendiri demi mengangkat mar-
telah dijemput duduk bersama-sama ahli                                                            tabat kita. Kita perlu membalas budi apa yang
MEU bagi membantu jawatankuasa proses                                                             telah diberi oleh Kerajaan, dengan mening-
transisi. Bagi mewakili kumpulan sokongan                                                         katkan sumbangan kita kepada organisasi kita
yang akan terlibat juga dalam sistem baru                                                         yang seumpama ibu kita di mana tempat kita
ini, kita juga boleh memberi pandangan                                                            mencari makan, berteduh dan sebagainya.
dalam membuat penyusunan sistem fakulti                                                               Semoga kita bersama-sama bekerja.
                                                 dan Senat. Kita sebagai rakan kongsi bijak
ke kolej.                                                                                         bagi menjulang nama UUM kita supaya akan
                                                 telah memberi pandangan agar pandangan
     Kepimpinan Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri                                                           terbilang selari dengan universiti ternama
                                                 KESKA juga diambil kira dalam proses pertu-
Dr. Nordin Kardi telah mengorak langkah                                                           dalam dunia. Kita dan anak-anak cucu kita
                                                 karan sistem baru ini.
dengan membuat cadangan perubahan sis-                                                            akan bangga jika kita bekerja di sebuah uni-
                                                     Dalam kita hendak merangka sistem
tem baru ini untuk penambahbaikan kepada                                                          versiti yang ternama dan terbilang.
                                                 kerja yang baru ini pasti akan berlaku
yang lebih baik dari sedia ada. Semalam          perkara di luar dugaan kita tetapi kita perlu
                                                                                                  Ku Azmi Ku Ibrahim
juga kita telah dijemput sekali lagi bagi        berubah seiring dengan kenaikan gaji baru-
                                                                                                  Presiden KESKA
meluahkan pandangan bersama ahli LPU             baru ini yang telah pun kita nikmati. Semasa

                                                                                                  Isu Beratur Panjang
Maklum Balas Pelajar Tentang
                                                                                                  Tunggu Bas
Penstrukturan Semula Fakulti
                                                                                                  E   koran      kenyataan     yang      dibangkitkan
                                                                                                      seorang siswi dari Kolej Yayasan Al-
                                                                                                  Bukhari       dan      Kolej    Muamalat        yang
                                                                                                  menggunakan perkhidmatan bas kitaran dalam
                                                                                                  kampus yang disiarkan dalam Transisi 5 Ogos lalu,
                                                                                                  Pengarah Urusan UNIC Berhad, Arman Wadi Abdul
                                                                                                  Latif berkata:
                                                                                                        “Perkhidmatan bas di UUM disedia-
                                                                                                  kan seawal jam 7.15 pagi untuk membawa
                                                                                                  pelajar ke kelas tetapi kebanyakan pela-
                                                                                                  jar hanya akan turun sekitar jam 7.35 ke atas
                                                                                                  untuk menunggu bas, inilah sikap pelajar yang
                                                                                                  perlu diubah.
                                                                                                        “Mereka tidak sepatutnya menunggu pada
                                                                                                  saat-saat terakhir untuk menaiki bas sebaliknya
                                                                                                  cuba turun lebih awal dan saya pasti masalah ini
                                                                                                  akan dapat diatasi,” katanya.

A                                                Z
     nnam a/p Selvarajan, 23 menyifatkan             ul Edzhar Ahmad, 22 berkata langkah                Arman Wadi menjelaskan, jika pelajar
     penstrukturan semula Universiti Utara           penstrukturan semula ini satu langkah        menunggu bas dalam lingkungan jam 7.40
                                                                                                  ke atas dan setiap hari hampir 1,000 pelajar
Malaysia (UUM) adalah langkah baik kerana        bijak yang dibuat oleh Naib Canselor. Den-
                                                                                                  mempunyai kelas pada 8.00 pagi, pihaknya
dapat melancarkan sistem pentadbiran             gan ini ia lebih memudahkan sistem pentad-
                                                                                                  terpaksa menyediakan 15 hingga 17 bas.
dan pengurusan universiti dengan lebih           biran yang sedia ada. Sistem yang diambil              ”Kami mengharapkan pelajar memahami dan
berkesan.                                        daripada universiti terbaik dunia ini boleh      dapat bekerjasama untuk turun lebih awal,” kata-
     Pelajar semester lima Program Kewangan      menjadikan UUM akan muncul sebagai se-           nya.
                                                                                                        Bagaimanapun, dalam tinjauan Transisi hari
itu juga beranggapan dengan langkah baru         buah universiti yang berprestij di rantau ini.
                                                                                                  ini, kelihatan tidak panjang lagi pelajar beratur un-
ini dapat meningkatkan lagi prestasi pentad-         Pelajar Program Ekonomi ini sangat
                                                                                                  tuk tunggu bas pada jam 7.45 pagi.
biran UUM di arena antarabangsa dan mem-         menyokong penuh idea penstrukturan se-
beri kesan positif kerana ramai pelajar akan     mula UUM ini.
memilih UUM sebagai pilihan pertama.                 Tanpa perlu menoleh lagi ke belakang,
                                                                                                    Sesiapa yang berminat untuk membuat
     ”Walaupun mungkin terdapat sedikit          sesuatu perubahan harus dilakukan walau-
                                                                                                   penyelidikan atau menulis buku mengenai
kesukaran, tetapi saya percaya ianya dapat       pun pelbagai tohmahan dilemparkan.
                                                                                                       aspek tertentu pengurusan dalam
diatasi dalam masa yang singkat dan warga            “Mungkin usaha ini tidak menampa-
                                                                                                      perspektif Islam. Geran penyelidikan
UUM dapat menerima perubahan tersebut            kan hasil dalam waktu yang singkat tetapi
                                                                                                      sehingga RM30,000. Sila kemukakan
dalam usaha membangun dan menjadikan             saya percaya kecemerlangan tersebut akan
                                                                                                    cadangan kepada Pejabat Naib Canselor
UUM antara universiti terbaik dunia,” katanya.   menyusul juga,” katanya.
                                                                                                             dengan kadar segera.

 Jawatankuasa Buletin Transisi
  PENAUNG: Tan Sri Dr. Nordin Kardi KETUA PENGARANG: Mohd Zaini Nasri PENGARANG: Dr. Faridahwati Mohd Shamsudin, Noor Fadhilah Mat Nayan,
  Kori Ariff, Suraya Deraman, Ku Azmi Ku Ibrahim, PERSATU, PERPATI, KESKA PENYELARAS PENERBITAN: Mohammad Amzari Bakri REKA BENTUK MASTHEAD:
  Nor Azli Abdul Aziz PENERBITAN ELEKTRONIK: Azmi Abu Seman DICETAK OLEH: Jabatan Perhubungan Awam

  Sebarang pandangan dan cadangan boleh dihantar terus melalui e-mel:
Vol 3: 7 August 2007

                        It’s Time to Transform
Y                                                                                          on the decisions made. Meetings are
    esterday we talked about the reasons           Similarly, in efforts to ensure that
                                                                                           conducted every Thursday, 9.00am.
    why the new system is being imple-          the transformation is implemented as
                                                                                           Chairperson: Vice Chancellor/Deputy Vice
mented. Today, we will look in more             planned, three main committees have
detail at the different stages or phases of     been formed:                               Chancellor (International and Academic
this transformation.                                                                       Affairs);
                                                1. A committee to oversee that the des-    Members: Deputy Vice Chancellors, Reg-
    As with all transformations, particularly
                                                ignated duties are being carried out.
for a big organisation such as UUM, the                                                    istrar, Bursar, Chief Librarian, President of
process and journey will be a long and          Meetings are conducted everyday from       PERSAT, President of PERPATI, President
tedious one. To ensure that is this transfor-   5–15th August 2007, 4.30 – 6.30 pm.        of KESKA, Director of Public Relations
mation runs smoothly and as scheduled, it       The committee comprises:                   Department, Director of Academic Affairs
                                                Chairperson: Registrar
has been divided into two main phases:                                                     Department;
                                                Members: Bursar, Director of Academic      Secretary: Special Officer to the VC.
The First Phase (15th August – 31st             Affairs Department, Human Resource
December 2007)                                  Management Officer                         The main issues that will be discussed in
                                                Secretary: Chief Assistant Registrar,
The consolidation of the 13 faculties will                                                 these three main committees include:
commence 15th August 2007. This first           Registrar’s Department.                    w Work and responsibilities which need to
phase will encompass:                                                                         be continued by the new office bearers.
                                                2. A committee to coordinate the duties
w The appointment of the new office                                                        w Financial matters including trust ac-
                                                and decisions made.
   bearers in the respective colleges.                                                        counts.
w The relocation of administrative build-       Meetings are conducted everyday from       w Matters related to assets and invento-
   ings and offices in each college.            5–15th August 2007, 12.00-1.00pm.             ries.
w The reshuffling of staff                      The committee comprises:                   w Matters related to appointments and
                                                Chairperson: Vice Chancellor/Deputy
w Training for the administrative staff                                                       a detailed list of designated job duties
w Transition/ Development of the ASIS           Vice Chancellor (International and Aca-       for academic, administrative and sup-
   and GAIS system                              demic affairs)                                port staff.
                                                Members: Deputy Vice Chancellors
w Amendments in UUM’s statute and                                                          w Performance evaluation – to take
   constitution.                                Registrar, Bursar, Deputy Registrar (Hu-      into consideration ranking based on
                                                man Resource), Director of Academic           seniority, for example, professors will
    Allowances for the newly appointed          Affairs Department                            assess associate professors, senior
                                                Secretary: Deputy Registrar, Registrar’s
office bearers will only be paid commenc-                                                     lecturers will assess lecturers and so
ing January 2008.                               Department                                    on and so forth.
    The new office bearers will operate in                                                 w The restructuring of the administra-
                                                3. A committee to review and give rec-
the Operations Rooms situated at three                                                        tion of the residential colleges
                                                ommendations or suggestions based
locations identified below:                                                                w Setting up task force committees at
                                                                                              the colleges
                                                                                           w Revising the Work Procedure Manual,
                 COLLEGES                                  LOCATION                           Desk File and ISO documents
                                           General Office of the Faculty of Business
  1.    Business                                                                           The date 15 th August 2007 has been
                                                                                           chosen to commemorate the official date
                                                                                           UUM started its operations at the Sintok
                                                                                           campus on 15 August 1990.
        Law, Government and
  2.                                       General Office of the Faculty of Law
                                                                                              It is also timely as it coincides with the
        International Studies
                                                                                           mid-semester break of the first semester,
                                                                                           2007/2008 session.
                                           General Office of the Faculty of Human and         And for the second phase? Let’s talk
  3.    Arts and Sciences
                                           Social Development                              about that tomorrow…
Transition 7 August 2007

Decentralisation of Colleges

                              T    he term college in a university usually refers to a residential college. However, in certain uni-
                                   versities, a college can also refer to an independent entity that operates under the umbrella of
                               the parent university. In fact, the college can be more successful and well known than the parent
                               university. The structural transformation, currently underway at UUM from the faculty concept
                               to the college concept, which is seen as a transformation from centralised to decentralised in its
                               governance, hopes to enable UUM to change itself into a universal management university.
                                     It is envisaged that with this new concept more graduate students can be produced and
                               higher quality inter-disciplinary research in the field of management can be conducted. It is ex-
                               pected that, through the college system, inter-disciplinary research, publications and consulta-
                               tions could be easily managed and at the same time reduce administrative costs. This new system
                               is seen to have autonomy in administrative decisions and in generating income to the college.
                               This concept is in line with the Fourth Strategy of the University Strategic Planning, which is the
                               capability to generate income.
                                     In general, decentralisation refers to giving some administrative and decision-making power
of a central organisation, to a smaller part of an organisation, or withdrawing the administrative and decision-making power
from a centre or place of concentration. It is hoped that with the college system, a big administrative bureaucratic entity can be
transformed to smaller entities which would increase efficiency and reduce bureaucratic processes.
    However, the success of this decentralised system is highly depended on two factors; first, the leadership and the innovation
of the colleges involved, and second, the clarity of boundary and power of authority within the college (intra-college), among
colleges (inter-college), and with the parent university.
    The vagueness in the boundary of authority will not only delay the decision-making processes but also hinder the flow of
information. Worst yet, this vagueness might induce the negative factors of nepotism, patronage and paternalism in the deci-
sion-making process. Those in the management level should be seen as role models in their respective fields. Their positions
should reflect their academic excellence, rather than just some position with the power of authority.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asan Ali Golam Hassan @ Mohammad
Faculty of Economics

                              T  he dictum ‘Change is inevitable…’ is about to unfold in Malaysia’s premier management univer-
                                 sity – Universiti Utara Malaysia. In particular, the university populace will brace themselves with
                              the restructuring of academic units from 13 faculties to three (3) colleges – Business, Arts and Sci-
                              ences, and Law, Government, and International Studies. Optimists and sceptics have been bustling
                              with hopes and doubts on what the future can offer for them. Let me take the side of the former
                              and scribble some thoughts on what lies ahead with this looming organisational change.

                              I see the restructuring as a ‘differentiation strategy’, one that can provide us something that is
                              unique and distinctive in the Malaysian higher education landscape. This will also allow us to re-
                              channel and optimise our financial resources for academic programmes, services, and products
                              that are highly in demand and responsive to local and global educational needs. I am positive that
                              the restructuring will serve as a platform for us to improve our financial efficiency in its broadest

In addition, it will hopefully ‘right-size’ our human resources, both academic and non-academic, and minimise or avoid any job
redundancy, if any. I am positive that it will also foster better and closer working relationships as there will only be three big
‘families’ to manage as compared to the existing 13 ‘households’. As we get ‘smaller’, there will be more chances for social inter-
action, professional dialogues, and academic discussions that will subsequently facilitate better morale, higher team spirit, and
stronger cohesion.

The future is definitely uncertain, as things may change and metamorphise into something unexpected although carefully
planned. Nevertheless, it is this uncertainty that gives a spectrum of motivation and challenge to continually search for what is
best for the greater good of the constituents. Being a management university, to innovate and lead is of utmost concern, and I
see this restructuring initiative as a commendable move. Que sera sera….

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reynaldo Gacho Segumpan @ Rizal Zuhairi Abdullah
Deputy Director
Executive Development Centre

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Transisi Bil 3

  • 1. Bil 3: 7 Ogos 2007 Pasukan Penerangan Jelaskan Struktur Baru B eberapa Pasukan Penerangan yang terdiri daripada Profesor UUM dan anggota pentadbiran tertinggi universiti ditubuhkan serta merta untuk memberi penerangan mengenai penstrukturan baru universiti ke fakulti, selaras dengan keputu- san perbincangan Lembaga Pengarah Universiti (LPU), anggota Senat dan Persatu- an Kakitangan UUM , semalam. Penubuhan pasukan penerangan yang terdiri daripada sekurang-kurangnya tiga orang dalam satu pasukan bagi menyam- paikan taklimat ke peringkat fakulti itu, diputuskan dalam mesyuarat pasukan petu- gas khas penstrukturan yang dipengerusikan oleh Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik dan Antarabangsa, Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak Chik, pagi ini. Dr. Abdul Razak berkata, penambah- BERI PENJELASAN... Tan Sri Samsudin Osman menjawab soalan yang ditanyakan oleh ahli mesyuarat mengenai baikan melalui sumbang saran akan terus penstrukturan semula. dilakukan dari semasa ke semasa. katanya ketika membincangkan mengenai Dr. Abdul Razak berkata, pasukan “Lembaga Pengarah Universiti dan keputusan Taklimat Penstrukturan Sistem penerangan itu akan menjelas sambil Mesyuarat Senat iaitu jawatankuasa tertinggi Fakulti Kepada Kolej Kepada Lembaga mengumpul pandangan pensyarah dan pen- dalam menentukan pengurusan akademik Pengarah Universiti, Senat dan Persatuan tadbir universiti mengenai penstrukturan universiti sudah bersetuju dengan konsep Kakitangan Universiti. baru ini. cadangan penstrukturan ini kerana ia mem- Pengerusi LPU, Tan Sri Samsudin Osman ”Oleh itu masih ada ruang untuk mem- beri kebaikan kepada masa depan UUM. dalam perbincangan semalam, bersetuju perbaiki sedikit sebanyak penstrukturan ”Oleh itu apa yang dirancang akan supaya visi penstrukturan ini dijelas dan ini demi memastikan perkongsian visi dan diteruskan bersama-sama dengan peneran- dikongsi kepada semua peringkat kakitan- hasrat penstrukturan,” katanya. gan menyeluruh oleh barisan profesor dan gan di universiti ini. anggota pengurusan tertinggi universiti,” Minit Mesyuarat Siap Kurang 12 jam S truktur baru, budaya kerja baru. Ahli- mesyuarat utama disiapkan paling lewat ahli Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Petugas tiga hari. Syabas dan tahniah boleh diberi- Khas yang dipengerusikan oleh Timbalan kan kepada urusetia yang diketuai oleh Pen- Naib Canselor Akademik dan Antarabangsa, garah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Akademik, Encik Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak Chik terkejut Baharudin Yaacob. dibekalkan dengan minit Taklimat Penstrukturan LPU, Senat dan Persatuan Perubahan yang akan berlaku di UUM ini Kakitangan UUM yang berakhir jam 6.30 nampaknya memberi perubahan juga petang semalam, boleh diedarkan kepada kepada budaya kerja. Kepantasan merupa- semua ahli-ahli jam 8.30 pagi ini. kan elemen penting dalam pengurusan yang cekap, untuk membolehkan keputu- Ini merupakan budaya kerja baru yang selari san dan susulan boleh dibuat juga dengan dengan hasrat Naib Canselor supaya minit cepat. Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak Chik
  • 2. Transisi 7 Ogos 2007 Kita Perlu Berubah – Presiden KESKA D alam era kita selesa dengan kerja kita mahu menikmati gaji baru, cara kerja lama, kita telah didendangkan dengan yang baru juga akan digerak secara ser- irama baru iaitu sistem fakulti akan ditukar entak bersama hasrat Universiti. Suntikan kepada kolej. Sebelum ini kita hanya den- semangat yang baru juga perlu demi gar khabar dari jauh apa yang akan berlaku kecemerlangan universiti kita sendiri. perubahan dalam kampus kita. Semasa Kita perlu menganggap pembaharuan mencari-cari siapa yang akan menerang- pasti akan berlaku baik dalam organisasi ma- kan kepada kita konsep yang baru, KESKA hupun diri kita sendiri demi mengangkat mar- telah dijemput duduk bersama-sama ahli tabat kita. Kita perlu membalas budi apa yang MEU bagi membantu jawatankuasa proses telah diberi oleh Kerajaan, dengan mening- transisi. Bagi mewakili kumpulan sokongan katkan sumbangan kita kepada organisasi kita yang akan terlibat juga dalam sistem baru yang seumpama ibu kita di mana tempat kita ini, kita juga boleh memberi pandangan mencari makan, berteduh dan sebagainya. dalam membuat penyusunan sistem fakulti Semoga kita bersama-sama bekerja. dan Senat. Kita sebagai rakan kongsi bijak ke kolej. bagi menjulang nama UUM kita supaya akan telah memberi pandangan agar pandangan Kepimpinan Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri terbilang selari dengan universiti ternama KESKA juga diambil kira dalam proses pertu- Dr. Nordin Kardi telah mengorak langkah dalam dunia. Kita dan anak-anak cucu kita karan sistem baru ini. dengan membuat cadangan perubahan sis- akan bangga jika kita bekerja di sebuah uni- Dalam kita hendak merangka sistem tem baru ini untuk penambahbaikan kepada versiti yang ternama dan terbilang. kerja yang baru ini pasti akan berlaku yang lebih baik dari sedia ada. Semalam perkara di luar dugaan kita tetapi kita perlu Ku Azmi Ku Ibrahim juga kita telah dijemput sekali lagi bagi berubah seiring dengan kenaikan gaji baru- Presiden KESKA meluahkan pandangan bersama ahli LPU baru ini yang telah pun kita nikmati. Semasa Isu Beratur Panjang Maklum Balas Pelajar Tentang Tunggu Bas Penstrukturan Semula Fakulti E koran kenyataan yang dibangkitkan seorang siswi dari Kolej Yayasan Al- Bukhari dan Kolej Muamalat yang menggunakan perkhidmatan bas kitaran dalam kampus yang disiarkan dalam Transisi 5 Ogos lalu, Pengarah Urusan UNIC Berhad, Arman Wadi Abdul Latif berkata: “Perkhidmatan bas di UUM disedia- kan seawal jam 7.15 pagi untuk membawa pelajar ke kelas tetapi kebanyakan pela- jar hanya akan turun sekitar jam 7.35 ke atas untuk menunggu bas, inilah sikap pelajar yang perlu diubah. “Mereka tidak sepatutnya menunggu pada saat-saat terakhir untuk menaiki bas sebaliknya cuba turun lebih awal dan saya pasti masalah ini akan dapat diatasi,” katanya. A Z nnam a/p Selvarajan, 23 menyifatkan ul Edzhar Ahmad, 22 berkata langkah Arman Wadi menjelaskan, jika pelajar penstrukturan semula Universiti Utara penstrukturan semula ini satu langkah menunggu bas dalam lingkungan jam 7.40 ke atas dan setiap hari hampir 1,000 pelajar Malaysia (UUM) adalah langkah baik kerana bijak yang dibuat oleh Naib Canselor. Den- mempunyai kelas pada 8.00 pagi, pihaknya dapat melancarkan sistem pentadbiran gan ini ia lebih memudahkan sistem pentad- terpaksa menyediakan 15 hingga 17 bas. dan pengurusan universiti dengan lebih biran yang sedia ada. Sistem yang diambil ”Kami mengharapkan pelajar memahami dan berkesan. daripada universiti terbaik dunia ini boleh dapat bekerjasama untuk turun lebih awal,” kata- Pelajar semester lima Program Kewangan menjadikan UUM akan muncul sebagai se- nya. Bagaimanapun, dalam tinjauan Transisi hari itu juga beranggapan dengan langkah baru buah universiti yang berprestij di rantau ini. ini, kelihatan tidak panjang lagi pelajar beratur un- ini dapat meningkatkan lagi prestasi pentad- Pelajar Program Ekonomi ini sangat tuk tunggu bas pada jam 7.45 pagi. biran UUM di arena antarabangsa dan mem- menyokong penuh idea penstrukturan se- beri kesan positif kerana ramai pelajar akan mula UUM ini. Pengumuman memilih UUM sebagai pilihan pertama. Tanpa perlu menoleh lagi ke belakang, Sesiapa yang berminat untuk membuat ”Walaupun mungkin terdapat sedikit sesuatu perubahan harus dilakukan walau- penyelidikan atau menulis buku mengenai kesukaran, tetapi saya percaya ianya dapat pun pelbagai tohmahan dilemparkan. aspek tertentu pengurusan dalam diatasi dalam masa yang singkat dan warga “Mungkin usaha ini tidak menampa- perspektif Islam. Geran penyelidikan UUM dapat menerima perubahan tersebut kan hasil dalam waktu yang singkat tetapi sehingga RM30,000. Sila kemukakan dalam usaha membangun dan menjadikan saya percaya kecemerlangan tersebut akan cadangan kepada Pejabat Naib Canselor UUM antara universiti terbaik dunia,” katanya. menyusul juga,” katanya. dengan kadar segera. Jawatankuasa Buletin Transisi PENAUNG: Tan Sri Dr. Nordin Kardi KETUA PENGARANG: Mohd Zaini Nasri PENGARANG: Dr. Faridahwati Mohd Shamsudin, Noor Fadhilah Mat Nayan, Kori Ariff, Suraya Deraman, Ku Azmi Ku Ibrahim, PERSATU, PERPATI, KESKA PENYELARAS PENERBITAN: Mohammad Amzari Bakri REKA BENTUK MASTHEAD: Nor Azli Abdul Aziz PENERBITAN ELEKTRONIK: Azmi Abu Seman DICETAK OLEH: Jabatan Perhubungan Awam Sebarang pandangan dan cadangan boleh dihantar terus melalui e-mel:
  • 3. Vol 3: 7 August 2007 It’s Time to Transform Y on the decisions made. Meetings are esterday we talked about the reasons Similarly, in efforts to ensure that conducted every Thursday, 9.00am. why the new system is being imple- the transformation is implemented as Chairperson: Vice Chancellor/Deputy Vice mented. Today, we will look in more planned, three main committees have detail at the different stages or phases of been formed: Chancellor (International and Academic this transformation. Affairs); 1. A committee to oversee that the des- Members: Deputy Vice Chancellors, Reg- As with all transformations, particularly ignated duties are being carried out. for a big organisation such as UUM, the istrar, Bursar, Chief Librarian, President of process and journey will be a long and Meetings are conducted everyday from PERSAT, President of PERPATI, President tedious one. To ensure that is this transfor- 5–15th August 2007, 4.30 – 6.30 pm. of KESKA, Director of Public Relations mation runs smoothly and as scheduled, it The committee comprises: Department, Director of Academic Affairs Chairperson: Registrar has been divided into two main phases: Department; Members: Bursar, Director of Academic Secretary: Special Officer to the VC. The First Phase (15th August – 31st Affairs Department, Human Resource December 2007) Management Officer The main issues that will be discussed in Secretary: Chief Assistant Registrar, The consolidation of the 13 faculties will these three main committees include: commence 15th August 2007. This first Registrar’s Department. w Work and responsibilities which need to phase will encompass: be continued by the new office bearers. 2. A committee to coordinate the duties w The appointment of the new office w Financial matters including trust ac- and decisions made. bearers in the respective colleges. counts. w The relocation of administrative build- Meetings are conducted everyday from w Matters related to assets and invento- ings and offices in each college. 5–15th August 2007, 12.00-1.00pm. ries. w The reshuffling of staff The committee comprises: w Matters related to appointments and Chairperson: Vice Chancellor/Deputy w Training for the administrative staff a detailed list of designated job duties w Transition/ Development of the ASIS Vice Chancellor (International and Aca- for academic, administrative and sup- and GAIS system demic affairs) port staff. Members: Deputy Vice Chancellors w Amendments in UUM’s statute and w Performance evaluation – to take constitution. Registrar, Bursar, Deputy Registrar (Hu- into consideration ranking based on man Resource), Director of Academic seniority, for example, professors will Allowances for the newly appointed Affairs Department assess associate professors, senior Secretary: Deputy Registrar, Registrar’s office bearers will only be paid commenc- lecturers will assess lecturers and so ing January 2008. Department on and so forth. The new office bearers will operate in w The restructuring of the administra- 3. A committee to review and give rec- the Operations Rooms situated at three tion of the residential colleges ommendations or suggestions based locations identified below: w Setting up task force committees at the colleges w Revising the Work Procedure Manual, COLLEGES LOCATION Desk File and ISO documents General Office of the Faculty of Business 1. Business The date 15 th August 2007 has been Management chosen to commemorate the official date UUM started its operations at the Sintok campus on 15 August 1990. Law, Government and 2. General Office of the Faculty of Law It is also timely as it coincides with the International Studies mid-semester break of the first semester, 2007/2008 session. General Office of the Faculty of Human and And for the second phase? Let’s talk 3. Arts and Sciences Social Development about that tomorrow…
  • 4. Transition 7 August 2007 Perspectives Decentralisation of Colleges T he term college in a university usually refers to a residential college. However, in certain uni- versities, a college can also refer to an independent entity that operates under the umbrella of the parent university. In fact, the college can be more successful and well known than the parent university. The structural transformation, currently underway at UUM from the faculty concept to the college concept, which is seen as a transformation from centralised to decentralised in its governance, hopes to enable UUM to change itself into a universal management university. It is envisaged that with this new concept more graduate students can be produced and higher quality inter-disciplinary research in the field of management can be conducted. It is ex- pected that, through the college system, inter-disciplinary research, publications and consulta- tions could be easily managed and at the same time reduce administrative costs. This new system is seen to have autonomy in administrative decisions and in generating income to the college. This concept is in line with the Fourth Strategy of the University Strategic Planning, which is the capability to generate income. In general, decentralisation refers to giving some administrative and decision-making power of a central organisation, to a smaller part of an organisation, or withdrawing the administrative and decision-making power from a centre or place of concentration. It is hoped that with the college system, a big administrative bureaucratic entity can be transformed to smaller entities which would increase efficiency and reduce bureaucratic processes. However, the success of this decentralised system is highly depended on two factors; first, the leadership and the innovation of the colleges involved, and second, the clarity of boundary and power of authority within the college (intra-college), among colleges (inter-college), and with the parent university. The vagueness in the boundary of authority will not only delay the decision-making processes but also hinder the flow of information. Worst yet, this vagueness might induce the negative factors of nepotism, patronage and paternalism in the deci- sion-making process. Those in the management level should be seen as role models in their respective fields. Their positions should reflect their academic excellence, rather than just some position with the power of authority. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asan Ali Golam Hassan @ Mohammad Faculty of Economics T he dictum ‘Change is inevitable…’ is about to unfold in Malaysia’s premier management univer- sity – Universiti Utara Malaysia. In particular, the university populace will brace themselves with the restructuring of academic units from 13 faculties to three (3) colleges – Business, Arts and Sci- ences, and Law, Government, and International Studies. Optimists and sceptics have been bustling with hopes and doubts on what the future can offer for them. Let me take the side of the former and scribble some thoughts on what lies ahead with this looming organisational change. I see the restructuring as a ‘differentiation strategy’, one that can provide us something that is unique and distinctive in the Malaysian higher education landscape. This will also allow us to re- channel and optimise our financial resources for academic programmes, services, and products that are highly in demand and responsive to local and global educational needs. I am positive that the restructuring will serve as a platform for us to improve our financial efficiency in its broadest sense. In addition, it will hopefully ‘right-size’ our human resources, both academic and non-academic, and minimise or avoid any job redundancy, if any. I am positive that it will also foster better and closer working relationships as there will only be three big ‘families’ to manage as compared to the existing 13 ‘households’. As we get ‘smaller’, there will be more chances for social inter- action, professional dialogues, and academic discussions that will subsequently facilitate better morale, higher team spirit, and stronger cohesion. The future is definitely uncertain, as things may change and metamorphise into something unexpected although carefully planned. Nevertheless, it is this uncertainty that gives a spectrum of motivation and challenge to continually search for what is best for the greater good of the constituents. Being a management university, to innovate and lead is of utmost concern, and I see this restructuring initiative as a commendable move. Que sera sera…. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reynaldo Gacho Segumpan @ Rizal Zuhairi Abdullah Deputy Director Executive Development Centre