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Top 25 Movies of 2012
The last few years of recession saw cinemas close their doors and the popcorn machines
grind to a halt. Hollywood failed to impress with its rehashed smut comedies and lousy
action flicks. We felt at a dead end – we were sure we had seen it all before. With the age
of the internet well and truly upon us we seemed happy to stay home and watch movies
online. Then suddenly 2012 hit and once again our love of films on the big screen
Yes 2012 has been a startling year for the box office and for the average movie goer there
has been so much to look forward too! We have seen superhero movies from the makers
of marvel come back into fashion with a vengeance. We have seen some bold new
releases from Pixar and Disney, we have witnessed the final climax between Bella Swan
and Edward Cullen and we have watched Bilbo set out sans ring for his journey through
Middle Earth. How can we not get excited about cinema again with all this going on! In
2012 history was made (and revisited) with the release of Lincoln, the Dark Knight
returned to our screens as the caped crusader, Les Miserables finally made it off
Broadway and onto the big screen and Jennifer Lawrence startled us in The Hunger
Games. >>>>

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                                   Zero Dark Thirty
Kathryn Bigelow is renowned for making award winning military action movies and
 her latest offering Zero Dark Thirty doesn’t stray far from what she is best at. The
film is centered on the decade long hunt for Osama Bin Laden after the September
11 attacks. The film could quite easily have missed the mark but Bigelow succeeded
in making a movie that matches our appetites, a film that is swift, relentless and
expertly put together. Sure the story may not prove easy viewing but the rare scope
of the plot, acting and cinematic skills makes it nigh impossible to turn away.

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   Daniel Day Lewis takes the lead as ex-president Lincoln in this stunning piece of
cinema. Steven Spielberg directs this part biographical and historical drama that will
  catapult you back into the past as Lincoln struggles with the finer points of being
  president. You can expect an epic of Spielberg proportions and some mighty fine
   acting from Lewis. This is certainly a film that wants to teach its audience about
history and does the job marvelously well. Critics have been calling this blockbuster
                          Spielberg’s best film for a decade!

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                                     Jack Reacher
Plenty of gun fire and the dead bodies soon start to pile up in gun toting action
thriller Jack Reacher. Tom Cruise takes the lead as the ex-military investigator on the
war path and before long the shots are flying. It’s an old school shoot up film with
claws yet Cruise carries the banner of human superhero into a new era. Jack
Reacher provides a character that’s dark, mysterious and full of sequel possibilities.
Watch this space but it seems the handle may fly off and you will be hearing more
from Jack Reacher in the future.

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                                      Pitch Perfect
You may think musical high school comedies will make you groan but then you have
never seen Pitch Perfect. This is the story of an all-girl college accapella group called
The Barden Bella’s and their musical battle against a rival acapella group in a fight to
win the nationals. Although the plot may be raising eyebrows as you expect a
rendition of mean girls or lousy cheerleader movies you are in for a surprise.

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                               The Amazing Spiderman
Superhero films seem to be stealing all the glory when it comes to 2012 and The
Amazing Spiderman is no exception. Sam Raimi ended his reign with Spiderman as
did Toby Maguire. They have now stepped aside to make way for director Marc
Webb and actor Andrew Garfield. The Amazing Man takes us right back to the
beginning and we get to see exactly how Spiderman evolved into his superhero
being. After a viral campaign the film was released in June to a big thumbs up
response from the critics.

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The movie Brave breaks all kinds of barriers as it was the film that caused Pixar to
rewrite its entire animation program. The film centers on Merida, a Scottish archer
who defies an age old custom and causes havoc in her kingdom. Brave is hailed by
critics as being a rousing fairy tale that is laced with sharp wit, humor and surprising
depth. Brenda Chapman makes her mark in history as being the first female director
to work in the all-boys club studio of Pixar scoring an extra notch on the reasons we
love this movie!

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                                    Killing Them Softly
Neo noir crime at its best, Killing them Softly. This is what happens when you take
Brad Pitt, give him a gun and dress him in leather. You have a film straightaway! This
movie steps past the simple dynamic and delves into the darkness as Jackie Cogan
sets out to restore order in the underworld. Brutal yet captivating and as slick as oil
Killing them Softly manages to tally up the score card by being a great story that
doesn’t become overshadowed by its political edge. Andrew Dominik is the man
behind the camera and the guy responsible for pitting Brad Pitt against Ray Liotta in
this darkly comic tale of the underground.

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                                  Silver Lining Playbook
After a stay in the mental institution, former teacher Pat moves back in with his
parents to try and piece his life back together and patch things up with his ex-wife
despite the restraining order. Yet things start to go awry again when Pat meets
Tiffany, a girl suffering her own neurosis. The two strike up an unlikely friendship.
Sure it’s the oldest love story in the book and romantic comedies have been picking
the apples of this branch for years. Yet the Silver Linings Playbook despite following
protocol has a few offshoots that make this comedy drama well worth the watch.

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                                        Life of Pi
Magic realism at its best comes in the form of Life of Pi. The bestselling book has
finally been turned into a film and cinemagoers are turning up in their droves to see
the tale of Pi and the Bengal tiger stuck on a boat in the middle of the pacific. The
film is staggering, simply put. The acting skills of debut actor Suraj Sharma are not to
be sniffed at as he makes the grade in the role of Pi Patel. Ang Lee doesn’t fall short
of the mark as he expertly takes a beloved story and turns it into a worthy script.
The technical effects (of which there are many) don’t jar at all and the audience is
left spellbound with a wild sense of wonder.

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The second French film to make our list is the award winning offbeat love story of
Anne and George, an elderly couple in their eighties. The couples love is severely
tested after Anne suffers a stroke, what follows is a brave, innovative and bold
attempt at filmmaking that has your heart gushing. Director Michael Haneke has
touched on the impossible – the ability to take a disturbing car crash subject and
turn it into a movie of timeless appeal.

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Bruce Willis is back in this time travel action film. It’s a far cry from Back to the
Future as in Looper time travel is banned by the government and exploited by
criminal organizations who send criminals back into the past to be killed. Directed by
Rian Johnson the film is widely acclaimed as being a cerebral mindbender executed
with perfect precision. Looper claimed a handful of awards with film critic
associations and has stepped up the bar for dystopian thrillers.

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                              The Cabin In The Woods
Five friends embark upon a trip to a cabin in the woods…it’s the oldest line in the
book right and you may think how can a good horror movie come out of such a tale.
Well you are wrong as The Cabin in the Woods successfully manages to turn the
whole genre of horror inside out. It’s a great way of proving that new light can shine
on old stories and the film was received with rapturous critical reception. Drew
Godard directs and Kristen Connolly stars in this mind bending tale that will lead you
through a maze of laughter, fears, trials and tribulations all in one foul swoop.

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Who knew Ben Affleck had it in him! Sure we have all seen him strutting his stuff in
Mallrats and Good Will Hunting but this time the idolized Hollywood actor is
working his magic on both sides of the camera. That’s right he takes the lead as both
the front man and director of the movie Argo. The film is based on the true life
events of a life or death hostage situation at the American embassy in Tehran in
1976 and the unlikely rescue of six Americans.

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                                    Django Unchained
The American western format has become cool again after the release of Quentin
Tarantino’s film Django Unchained. An A list ensemble cast including Leonardo
Dicaprio, Jamie Foxx and Samuel L Jackson is a sure fire way to success. The film
follows the trail of a recently freed slave as he treks across America with a bounty
hunter on a mission to rescue his wife from the plantation fields.

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                                       The Master
When you throw together Joaquin Phoenix and Phillip Seymour Hoffmann into a film
you are certainly on the right track. Director Paul Thomas Anderson makes the grade
with his tale of a World War II veteran struggling to adjust to a post war society. The
film is loosely based on stories from Steinbeck, L.Ron Hubbard and earlier
adaptations of There Will be Blood. Anderson has already proved his worth as a
director after the release of There Will be Blood back in 2007 which gained
unanimous critical reception.

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                                      Wreck It Ralph
The animated Disney film is the only kids’ movie to make the top 10 when it comes
to cinema success. So what made Wreck it Ralph stand out from the crowd and earn
a highly coveted spot in our list? Well it hits the nail on the head and turns a mid-life
crisis into a tale of epic proportion. Ralph has been called a love letter to the
underdogs of life. Ralph is an arcade game villain who wants a second chance at life
and aims to become a hero by traveling from arcade game to game and stomping
out the bad guys.

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                         The Twilight Saga – Breaking Dawn 2
Since the release of the successful Stephanie Myers teenage vampire books the
world has literally gone gaga for the tale of immortal love between Edward Cullen
and Bella Swan. Twilight – you either love it or you loathe it but with box office
figures like $812,456,286 it seems plenty of cinema goers can’t resist it. The final
installment in the saga has proved to be Twilights highest grossing film and the fifth
highest grossing film of 2012.

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The plotline may seem straight from the mouth of a child but Ted is no mere kiddie’s
tale. Ted is about a teddy bear that came to life thanks to a childhood wish from
protagonist John Bennet. 27 years later the bear and the boy are enjoying a
hedonistic life in Boston. Yet complications arise when John’s girlfriend wants the
bad bear out of the picture. The movie stars Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. Not
only did Seth Macfarlane write and produce the tale of Ted but he also provides the
voice for the living toy.

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                                    Rust and Bone
No one can quite capture love stories like the French and Rust and Bone is no
exception. The 2012 film tells the tale of a young unemployed man Ali who falls in
love with a whale trainer called Stephanie. After a tragic accident which leaves
Stephanie disabled she finds herself reaching out to Ali. This lays the tracks for a
powerful and moving story of dramatic highs and melancholic lows to take place.
The movie presents a solid cast, a wonderful script and the ability to twist your
emotions with the drop of a hat.

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                        The Hobbit – An unexpected journey
Tolkien lovers had long been awaiting the return to middle earth and nearly a
decade after the release of Return of the King we finally got the chance. Peter
Jackson’s second trilogy started in December with The Hobbit an Unexpected
Journey. Cinema viewers were far from disappointed with the adaptation of the
wonderful children’s tale centered on Bilbo Baggins and his quest that takes him to
the Misty Mountains alongside a party of dwarves.

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Bond is back and it seems gone are the outdated jokes and dry sense of humor that
had us in fits of giggles back in the seventies. The latest Bond movie has been
declared the best yet and serves up a slick and sleek cinematic experience. Despite
us being 23 films into the Bond enterprise Hollywood keeps finding a way of serving
the secret agent up on a silver platter. Skyfall presents Daniel Craig for the third time
as Bond and the critics love him in the role.

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                                    The Hunger Games
When Suzanne Collins created her teenage sci fi fiction world The Hunger Games
she probably had no idea that the story would prove a sellout success in the box
office. Set in a post-apocalyptic world the plot follows Katniss Everdeen as she
participates in life or death reality TV show The Hunger Games. Despite the films
similarity to movies such as Battle Royal the movie still scored big with audiences
worldwide. Jennifer Lawrence takes the lead in this thrilling tale that will have you
on the edge of your seat for the full duration.

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                                    Les Miserables
Les Miz as its fondly known is perhaps the biggest musical in the world! After
numerous Broadway appearances the Victor Hugo novel made its way to the silver
screen for the first time in December 2012. The innovative approach by director Tom
Hooper who decided to have his A-star cast singing live as opposed to in the booth
earned him brownie points with the box office. Starring Anne Hathaway, Hugh
Jackman, Russell Crowe and Helena Bonham Carter the film was set for stardom
before it got of the casting couch.

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                               The Dark Knight Rises
After the mega success of the bleak and brilliant Dark Knight back in 2008 we have
been waiting on the edge of our seats to return to Gotham City. In summer 2012 we
had that chance and were far from disappointed. The Dark Knight Rises although
seemingly slow on the upstart led us through some high twists and turns throwing in
some great car chase scenes, an utterly terrifying bad guy called Bane, the incredible
costume of Batwoman, the introduction of Robin and a story that leaps off the

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                                    The Avengers
Hollywood has been finding success in Marvel comics and The Avengers proved a
box office smash and the hottest movie to come out of 2012. With an all-star lineup
including Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Jackson it’s not hard
to figure out just how The Avengers pulled the crowds in. Our favorite superheroes
team up to fight for peace complete with dazzling CGI effects and startling costumes
that knock your socks well and truly off. Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor
and The Black Widow throw down their best moves in this slick and sassy comic
book cum blockbuster adaption.

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                 Team MRP

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Top 25 hollywood movies of 2012 by

  • 1.
  • 2. Top 25 Movies of 2012 The last few years of recession saw cinemas close their doors and the popcorn machines grind to a halt. Hollywood failed to impress with its rehashed smut comedies and lousy action flicks. We felt at a dead end – we were sure we had seen it all before. With the age of the internet well and truly upon us we seemed happy to stay home and watch movies online. Then suddenly 2012 hit and once again our love of films on the big screen flourished. Yes 2012 has been a startling year for the box office and for the average movie goer there has been so much to look forward too! We have seen superhero movies from the makers of marvel come back into fashion with a vengeance. We have seen some bold new releases from Pixar and Disney, we have witnessed the final climax between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen and we have watched Bilbo set out sans ring for his journey through Middle Earth. How can we not get excited about cinema again with all this going on! In 2012 history was made (and revisited) with the release of Lincoln, the Dark Knight returned to our screens as the caped crusader, Les Miserables finally made it off Broadway and onto the big screen and Jennifer Lawrence startled us in The Hunger Games. >>>> Read More on Copyrights Reserved –
  • 3. 25 By: Zero Dark Thirty Kathryn Bigelow is renowned for making award winning military action movies and her latest offering Zero Dark Thirty doesn’t stray far from what she is best at. The film is centered on the decade long hunt for Osama Bin Laden after the September 11 attacks. The film could quite easily have missed the mark but Bigelow succeeded in making a movie that matches our appetites, a film that is swift, relentless and expertly put together. Sure the story may not prove easy viewing but the rare scope of the plot, acting and cinematic skills makes it nigh impossible to turn away. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 4. 24 By: Lincoln Daniel Day Lewis takes the lead as ex-president Lincoln in this stunning piece of cinema. Steven Spielberg directs this part biographical and historical drama that will catapult you back into the past as Lincoln struggles with the finer points of being president. You can expect an epic of Spielberg proportions and some mighty fine acting from Lewis. This is certainly a film that wants to teach its audience about history and does the job marvelously well. Critics have been calling this blockbuster Spielberg’s best film for a decade! Copyrights Reserved –
  • 5. 23 By: Jack Reacher Plenty of gun fire and the dead bodies soon start to pile up in gun toting action thriller Jack Reacher. Tom Cruise takes the lead as the ex-military investigator on the war path and before long the shots are flying. It’s an old school shoot up film with claws yet Cruise carries the banner of human superhero into a new era. Jack Reacher provides a character that’s dark, mysterious and full of sequel possibilities. Watch this space but it seems the handle may fly off and you will be hearing more from Jack Reacher in the future. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 6. 22 By: Pitch Perfect You may think musical high school comedies will make you groan but then you have never seen Pitch Perfect. This is the story of an all-girl college accapella group called The Barden Bella’s and their musical battle against a rival acapella group in a fight to win the nationals. Although the plot may be raising eyebrows as you expect a rendition of mean girls or lousy cheerleader movies you are in for a surprise. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 7. 21 By: The Amazing Spiderman Superhero films seem to be stealing all the glory when it comes to 2012 and The Amazing Spiderman is no exception. Sam Raimi ended his reign with Spiderman as did Toby Maguire. They have now stepped aside to make way for director Marc Webb and actor Andrew Garfield. The Amazing Man takes us right back to the beginning and we get to see exactly how Spiderman evolved into his superhero being. After a viral campaign the film was released in June to a big thumbs up response from the critics. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 8. 20 By: Brave The movie Brave breaks all kinds of barriers as it was the film that caused Pixar to rewrite its entire animation program. The film centers on Merida, a Scottish archer who defies an age old custom and causes havoc in her kingdom. Brave is hailed by critics as being a rousing fairy tale that is laced with sharp wit, humor and surprising depth. Brenda Chapman makes her mark in history as being the first female director to work in the all-boys club studio of Pixar scoring an extra notch on the reasons we love this movie! Copyrights Reserved –
  • 9. 19 By: Killing Them Softly Neo noir crime at its best, Killing them Softly. This is what happens when you take Brad Pitt, give him a gun and dress him in leather. You have a film straightaway! This movie steps past the simple dynamic and delves into the darkness as Jackie Cogan sets out to restore order in the underworld. Brutal yet captivating and as slick as oil Killing them Softly manages to tally up the score card by being a great story that doesn’t become overshadowed by its political edge. Andrew Dominik is the man behind the camera and the guy responsible for pitting Brad Pitt against Ray Liotta in this darkly comic tale of the underground. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 10. 18 By: Silver Lining Playbook After a stay in the mental institution, former teacher Pat moves back in with his parents to try and piece his life back together and patch things up with his ex-wife despite the restraining order. Yet things start to go awry again when Pat meets Tiffany, a girl suffering her own neurosis. The two strike up an unlikely friendship. Sure it’s the oldest love story in the book and romantic comedies have been picking the apples of this branch for years. Yet the Silver Linings Playbook despite following protocol has a few offshoots that make this comedy drama well worth the watch. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 11. 17 By: Life of Pi Magic realism at its best comes in the form of Life of Pi. The bestselling book has finally been turned into a film and cinemagoers are turning up in their droves to see the tale of Pi and the Bengal tiger stuck on a boat in the middle of the pacific. The film is staggering, simply put. The acting skills of debut actor Suraj Sharma are not to be sniffed at as he makes the grade in the role of Pi Patel. Ang Lee doesn’t fall short of the mark as he expertly takes a beloved story and turns it into a worthy script. The technical effects (of which there are many) don’t jar at all and the audience is left spellbound with a wild sense of wonder. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 12. 16 By: Amor The second French film to make our list is the award winning offbeat love story of Anne and George, an elderly couple in their eighties. The couples love is severely tested after Anne suffers a stroke, what follows is a brave, innovative and bold attempt at filmmaking that has your heart gushing. Director Michael Haneke has touched on the impossible – the ability to take a disturbing car crash subject and turn it into a movie of timeless appeal. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 13. 15 By: Looper Bruce Willis is back in this time travel action film. It’s a far cry from Back to the Future as in Looper time travel is banned by the government and exploited by criminal organizations who send criminals back into the past to be killed. Directed by Rian Johnson the film is widely acclaimed as being a cerebral mindbender executed with perfect precision. Looper claimed a handful of awards with film critic associations and has stepped up the bar for dystopian thrillers. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 14. 14 By: The Cabin In The Woods Five friends embark upon a trip to a cabin in the woods…it’s the oldest line in the book right and you may think how can a good horror movie come out of such a tale. Well you are wrong as The Cabin in the Woods successfully manages to turn the whole genre of horror inside out. It’s a great way of proving that new light can shine on old stories and the film was received with rapturous critical reception. Drew Godard directs and Kristen Connolly stars in this mind bending tale that will lead you through a maze of laughter, fears, trials and tribulations all in one foul swoop. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 15. 13 By: Argo Who knew Ben Affleck had it in him! Sure we have all seen him strutting his stuff in Mallrats and Good Will Hunting but this time the idolized Hollywood actor is working his magic on both sides of the camera. That’s right he takes the lead as both the front man and director of the movie Argo. The film is based on the true life events of a life or death hostage situation at the American embassy in Tehran in 1976 and the unlikely rescue of six Americans. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 16. 12 By: Django Unchained The American western format has become cool again after the release of Quentin Tarantino’s film Django Unchained. An A list ensemble cast including Leonardo Dicaprio, Jamie Foxx and Samuel L Jackson is a sure fire way to success. The film follows the trail of a recently freed slave as he treks across America with a bounty hunter on a mission to rescue his wife from the plantation fields. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 17. 11 By: The Master When you throw together Joaquin Phoenix and Phillip Seymour Hoffmann into a film you are certainly on the right track. Director Paul Thomas Anderson makes the grade with his tale of a World War II veteran struggling to adjust to a post war society. The film is loosely based on stories from Steinbeck, L.Ron Hubbard and earlier adaptations of There Will be Blood. Anderson has already proved his worth as a director after the release of There Will be Blood back in 2007 which gained unanimous critical reception. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 18. 10 By: Wreck It Ralph The animated Disney film is the only kids’ movie to make the top 10 when it comes to cinema success. So what made Wreck it Ralph stand out from the crowd and earn a highly coveted spot in our list? Well it hits the nail on the head and turns a mid-life crisis into a tale of epic proportion. Ralph has been called a love letter to the underdogs of life. Ralph is an arcade game villain who wants a second chance at life and aims to become a hero by traveling from arcade game to game and stomping out the bad guys. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 19. 9 By: The Twilight Saga – Breaking Dawn 2 Since the release of the successful Stephanie Myers teenage vampire books the world has literally gone gaga for the tale of immortal love between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Twilight – you either love it or you loathe it but with box office figures like $812,456,286 it seems plenty of cinema goers can’t resist it. The final installment in the saga has proved to be Twilights highest grossing film and the fifth highest grossing film of 2012. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 20. 8 By: Ted The plotline may seem straight from the mouth of a child but Ted is no mere kiddie’s tale. Ted is about a teddy bear that came to life thanks to a childhood wish from protagonist John Bennet. 27 years later the bear and the boy are enjoying a hedonistic life in Boston. Yet complications arise when John’s girlfriend wants the bad bear out of the picture. The movie stars Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. Not only did Seth Macfarlane write and produce the tale of Ted but he also provides the voice for the living toy. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 21. 7 By: Rust and Bone No one can quite capture love stories like the French and Rust and Bone is no exception. The 2012 film tells the tale of a young unemployed man Ali who falls in love with a whale trainer called Stephanie. After a tragic accident which leaves Stephanie disabled she finds herself reaching out to Ali. This lays the tracks for a powerful and moving story of dramatic highs and melancholic lows to take place. The movie presents a solid cast, a wonderful script and the ability to twist your emotions with the drop of a hat. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 22. 6 By: The Hobbit – An unexpected journey Tolkien lovers had long been awaiting the return to middle earth and nearly a decade after the release of Return of the King we finally got the chance. Peter Jackson’s second trilogy started in December with The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey. Cinema viewers were far from disappointed with the adaptation of the wonderful children’s tale centered on Bilbo Baggins and his quest that takes him to the Misty Mountains alongside a party of dwarves. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 23. 5 By: Skyfall Bond is back and it seems gone are the outdated jokes and dry sense of humor that had us in fits of giggles back in the seventies. The latest Bond movie has been declared the best yet and serves up a slick and sleek cinematic experience. Despite us being 23 films into the Bond enterprise Hollywood keeps finding a way of serving the secret agent up on a silver platter. Skyfall presents Daniel Craig for the third time as Bond and the critics love him in the role. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 24. 4 By: The Hunger Games When Suzanne Collins created her teenage sci fi fiction world The Hunger Games she probably had no idea that the story would prove a sellout success in the box office. Set in a post-apocalyptic world the plot follows Katniss Everdeen as she participates in life or death reality TV show The Hunger Games. Despite the films similarity to movies such as Battle Royal the movie still scored big with audiences worldwide. Jennifer Lawrence takes the lead in this thrilling tale that will have you on the edge of your seat for the full duration. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 25. 3 By: Les Miserables Les Miz as its fondly known is perhaps the biggest musical in the world! After numerous Broadway appearances the Victor Hugo novel made its way to the silver screen for the first time in December 2012. The innovative approach by director Tom Hooper who decided to have his A-star cast singing live as opposed to in the booth earned him brownie points with the box office. Starring Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Helena Bonham Carter the film was set for stardom before it got of the casting couch. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 26. 2 By: The Dark Knight Rises After the mega success of the bleak and brilliant Dark Knight back in 2008 we have been waiting on the edge of our seats to return to Gotham City. In summer 2012 we had that chance and were far from disappointed. The Dark Knight Rises although seemingly slow on the upstart led us through some high twists and turns throwing in some great car chase scenes, an utterly terrifying bad guy called Bane, the incredible costume of Batwoman, the introduction of Robin and a story that leaps off the screen. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 27. 1 By: The Avengers Hollywood has been finding success in Marvel comics and The Avengers proved a box office smash and the hottest movie to come out of 2012. With an all-star lineup including Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Jackson it’s not hard to figure out just how The Avengers pulled the crowds in. Our favorite superheroes team up to fight for peace complete with dazzling CGI effects and startling costumes that knock your socks well and truly off. Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and The Black Widow throw down their best moves in this slick and sassy comic book cum blockbuster adaption. Copyrights Reserved –
  • 28. Credits By: Team MRP Sonal Jodie Dev Copyrights Reserved –