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Medieval England

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The Once and Future King
The Middle Ages

g Covers the 900-year
g period from the fall
g of the Roman Empire
g in the 5th century to
g the beginnings of
g modern times in
g the 14th century.
gDivided into:
  fDark Ages: (5th to 10th centuries; period of
  disorder and decline)
Later Middle Ages: (11th to 14th
centuries; period of advance toward
higher level of civilization)
Definition of Feudalism
g 1. A social system of rigid class
g 2. A political system of local
  government and military defense
g 3. An economic system of self-
  sufficient agricultural manors
Feudal Society
g Rigid class distinctions
g Position in society determined by birth
   f Relatively small number of landholding
     nobles (privileged upper class)
   f Great number of peasants/serfs
     (unprivileged lower class)
   f Regardless of hard work or ability, serf
     cannot advance to higher social status
   f Noble families could marry into royalty;
     families could rise and fall into/out of royal
     favor, and move up/down within upper
The Feudal Social Pyramid
   (The Social System)
g King: pinnacle of pyramid. Nominally owns
  all the land in the kingdom.
g Powerful lords stand immediately below king
  as his vassals (glorified tenants). Received
  fiefs (grants of land) from king and pledged
  him allegiance and military service.
g Lesser lords (more numerous group). Vassals
  of powerful lords. Received fiefs from them
  and pledged allegiance to them.
   f This subinfeudation process was repeated
     several times down the pyramid.
Pyramid continued . . .
g Knights: lowest and most numerous
  group of nobles. Constitute the bulk of
  the feudal armies.
g Serfs: far outnumbered the entire
  nobility. Broad base of the pyramid.
g Symbiotic relationship up/down
  pyramid = a relationship between two
  entities which is mutually beneficial for
  the participants of the relationship;
  these entities need each other to
  survive and prosper
Complicated Vassal-Lord
g Often, lesser lords and knights
 received fiefs from different
 superiors (for loyalty, marriage or
 achievement in battle) and thus
 were vassals to several lords. The
 question of the vassals’ primary
 allegiance led to many bitter
Feudal Hereditary
g Mutual obligations between lord
  and vassal or between noble and
  serf were hereditary (binding upon
  the heirs of both parties)
g Noble’s title and property could be
  legally inherited only by his
  firstborn son (primogeniture).
  Superior status given to eldest.
Feudal Government
       (The Political System)
g Weak central government (decentralized)
  f Although the central government (king)
    theoretically administered the entire
    kingdom, the king could not generally
    exercise authority beyond the royal domain.
    Supposedly the supreme ruler, he was in
    reality only one of several powerful lords.
Feudal Govt. cont . . .
g Vigorous local government
  f Because the king was, for practical
    purposes, weak, the local nobles
    completely controlled their own
    territory. The nobles made laws,
    levied taxes, dispensed justice, and
    waged war, thereby assuming the
    functions of government. Thus,
    feudal government was decentralized.
Military Aspects of
g During wartime:
  f When an invasion or major war threatened,
    the powerful lord would summon his vassals
    to military service. In turn, the vassals
    would enlist their subvassals, and then all
    the nobles would unite into a single army to
    repel the invasion or prosecute the war. At
    other times, minor feudal lords fought
    among themselves for prestige or land.
  f Invasions and feudal wars destroyed crops
    and property, and had great serf casualties.
     Heavy armor for knights/nobles and strong
    castle walls minimized casualties for upper
The Castle
g Every estate (manor) had its castle.
g More of a fortress than a home
g Located on elevated ground
g Constructed of heavy wood or stone
g Surrounded by a moat
g Had a drawbridge for protection
g Serfs came inside the castle during
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Military Aspects cont. . . .
g During peacetime:
  f Hunting, falconry
  f Jousts/tournaments
  f Training young nobles for knighthood
     g Military schooling in horsemanship, armor, using
     g Became knight at age 21
     g Had assistant called a squire
     g Observed code of honorable conduct called
        f   Loyalty to God and the knight’s lord
        f   Protection of the oppressed and helpless
        f   Support of justice
        f   Defense of Christianity
        f   Courage, courtesy, gallantry, and generosity
        f   Unfortunately, these ideals were frequently violated
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Feudal Economic Conditions
  (The Economic System)
g Self-Sufficient Agricultural Manor
  f Farm and pasture lands
  f Lord’s castle
  f Village buildings
     g Church, blacksmith, carpenter, winery,
       flour mills, bakeries, serfs’ huts
     g Manor spun its own wool, tanned leather,
       cut lumber, raised livestock.
     g Some materials/services had to be
       obtained off-site (salt and seasonings,
       iron, weapons, etc.)
Feudal Economics cont. . .
g The Serf
   f Neither slave nor freeman
     g Could not be sold apart from the land; could
       claim the lord’s protection
     g “bound to the soil”--couldn’t leave without the
       lord’s permission
     g In return for protection and the right to live on
       the manor, serf owed the lord:
        f Services: several days of labor each week on the
          lord’s farmland
        f Payment in kind: a portion of the grain and other
          crops raised on the serf’s land
        f A share of the goods he prepared in the lord’s wine
          press, flour mill and baking oven, etc.
So where does Arthur fit
      into all this?
g The Arthurian legend is a group of tales
 in several languages that developed in
 many European countries in the Middle
 Ages concerning Arthur, semi-historical
 king of the Britons, and his knights.
 The legend is a complex weaving of
 ancient Celtic mythology with later
 traditions around a core of possible
 historical authenticity.
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                                  Was there a real
                                   King Arthur?

      g For centuries after fall of Roman Empire, island of
        Britain constantly invaded on all fronts. Britons
        needed a unifying leader.
      g 5th century: Artorius Dux Bellorum (“Duke of
        Battles”) led them to victory against all invaders.
      g Became symbol of strength and leadership; object
        of stories, songs, legends.
      g No single man could have done the things King
        Arthur is credited with (legends span centuries);
        became mythical figure.
Arthur legends
g Earliest continuous Arthurian narrative:
  Historia Regum Brittaniae (1139) by
  Geoffrey of Monmouth. Most credible,
  often-cited originating story. All later
  developments of Arthurian legend are
  based on this work.
g Oldest of the French Arthurian
  romances is a series of 12th century
  poems by Chretien de Troyes.
  Introduces Lancelot into legends; more
g By 13th century, Tristan y Isolde added
  to legends.
Legends cont. . . .
g 13th and 14th century tales concerned
  individual knights: Percival, Galahad,
  the Grail knights and especially
  Gawaine. (Culminating masterpiece:
  Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight,
g 1485: Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte
  d’Arthur became the basis for modern
  Arthur stories.
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                                                                    Gawaine & the Green Knight

       Percival                                                                 QuickTimeª and a
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                                                                     Knights of the Round Table
g From French chevaler meaning knight.
  Cheval: horse.
g Code of behavior that medieval knights
g Arthur’s legacy was that the influences of
  Christianity and courtly love expanded the
  code of chivalry to include religious piety and
  refined social graces and manners. Chivalry
  gradually began to soften the harsh edges of
  feudal warfare. Knights were now expected to
  treat their fellow knights and social inferiors
  with respect and benevolence. Knights were
  prohibited from attacking the unarmed. The
  good knight fought for glory of God and king,
  not for personal gain.
Courtly Love
g A code of behavior that defined the
  relationship between aristocratic lovers
  in Western Europe during the Middle
g A nobleman, usually a knight, in love
  with a married woman of equally high
  birth or higher rank had to prove his
  devotion by heroic deeds and by
  amorous writings presented to his love.
g Love not necessarily consummated;
  every knight had to have a worshipped
  lady for whom he performed his heroic
Courtly Love cont. . . .
g Most noble marriages were business
 contracts only; true love was found in
 these courtly love relationships.
 Sometimes consummated, they were a
 form of sanctioned adultery. In fact,
 faithlessness of the lovers toward each
 other was usually considered more
 sinful than the adultery of this
 extramarital relationship.
Courtly Love cont. . . .
g Attraction to the lady, usually via eyes/glance
g Worship of the lady from afar
g Declaration of passionate devotion
g Virtuous rejection by the lady
g Renewed wooing with oaths of virtue and
  eternal fealty
g Moans of approaching death from unsatisfied
  desire (and other physical manifestations of
g Heroic deeds of valor that win the lady's heart
g Consummation of the secret love: endless
  adventures and subterfuges avoiding
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The Once and
       Future King                            QuickTimeª and a
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g Terence Hanbury White: born
  1906 in Bombay, India.
g Parents:
  f Mother, Constance Aston White,
    was a very beautiful woman with many
    suitors, from which she would not choose.
    Accepted Garrick White’s proposal only after
    promising her parents she would accept the
    next proposal that came.
  f Miserable marriage; eventual divorce
  f Ignored child--sent to boarding school
Origin of Novel
g Young Terence discovered Le Morte
  d’Arthur at Cheltenham boarding
  school. Became captivated by story.
g Went to Cambridge, taught English.
  Gained some notoriety for some minor
g End of 1930s: WWII is beginning to
  take shape. Rise of Hitler. Began
  writing stories relating to the Arthurian
  legend, all based on Malory’s work.
g 1938: The Sword in the Stone (Arthur’s
g 1939: The Witch in the Wood (Gawaine
  and his brothers, Morgause, Morgan le
g 1940: The Ill-Made Knight (Lancelot
  and Guinevere)
g All this writing was done during a
  turbulent time that greatly affected
  White. Influenced the next two books
  in the series . . .
TOAFK continued …
g 1941: The Candle in the Wind
  (culmination of plots introduced in first
  three books)
g 1941: The Book of Merlyn (epilogue)
g In 1941, he changed his overall theme
  (due to changing world climate);
  rewrote all three previous books.
  White’s intention was to publish all five
  books as one volume with one central
  theme: to find the antidote to war.
TOAFK continued …
g At the time of the rewrite, Collins
  Publishing was not about to undertake
  the expense of the publication of three
  revised books and two newly written
  books to create such a large volume.
  Disagreement evolved between author
  and publisher. Resolved by the printing
  of a tetralogy in 1958, including the
  revised first three books (changing the
  title of the 2nd book to The Queen of
  Air and Darkness) and the fourth book.
  White’s concession was to exclude the
  fifth book, which was published
  separately in 1977.
Miscellaneous extras
g The Sword in the Stone had
  phenomenal reviews; later books had
  good reviews, but not loved as much as
g 1958 tetralogy widely praised.
g 1960 musical Camelot
g 1963 Disney version of TSitS
g 1977 The Book of Merlyn less
  marketable (too politically-minded)
g White died 1964; buried in Athens

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  • 1. Medieval England QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. The Once and Future King
  • 2. The Middle Ages g Covers the 900-year g period from the fall g of the Roman Empire g in the 5th century to g the beginnings of g modern times in g the 14th century.
  • 3. gDivided into: fDark Ages: (5th to 10th centuries; period of disorder and decline)
  • 4. Later Middle Ages: (11th to 14th centuries; period of advance toward higher level of civilization)
  • 5. Definition of Feudalism g 1. A social system of rigid class distinctions g 2. A political system of local government and military defense g 3. An economic system of self- sufficient agricultural manors
  • 6. Feudal Society g Rigid class distinctions g Position in society determined by birth f Relatively small number of landholding nobles (privileged upper class) f Great number of peasants/serfs (unprivileged lower class) f Regardless of hard work or ability, serf cannot advance to higher social status f Noble families could marry into royalty; families could rise and fall into/out of royal favor, and move up/down within upper ranks
  • 7. The Feudal Social Pyramid (The Social System) g King: pinnacle of pyramid. Nominally owns all the land in the kingdom. g Powerful lords stand immediately below king as his vassals (glorified tenants). Received fiefs (grants of land) from king and pledged him allegiance and military service. g Lesser lords (more numerous group). Vassals of powerful lords. Received fiefs from them and pledged allegiance to them. f This subinfeudation process was repeated several times down the pyramid.
  • 8. Pyramid continued . . . g Knights: lowest and most numerous group of nobles. Constitute the bulk of the feudal armies. g Serfs: far outnumbered the entire nobility. Broad base of the pyramid. g Symbiotic relationship up/down pyramid = a relationship between two entities which is mutually beneficial for the participants of the relationship; these entities need each other to survive and prosper
  • 9.
  • 10. Complicated Vassal-Lord Relationship g Often, lesser lords and knights received fiefs from different superiors (for loyalty, marriage or achievement in battle) and thus were vassals to several lords. The question of the vassals’ primary allegiance led to many bitter disputes.
  • 11. Feudal Hereditary Relationships g Mutual obligations between lord and vassal or between noble and serf were hereditary (binding upon the heirs of both parties) g Noble’s title and property could be legally inherited only by his firstborn son (primogeniture). Superior status given to eldest.
  • 12. Feudal Government (The Political System) g Weak central government (decentralized) f Although the central government (king) theoretically administered the entire kingdom, the king could not generally exercise authority beyond the royal domain. Supposedly the supreme ruler, he was in reality only one of several powerful lords.
  • 13. Feudal Govt. cont . . . g Vigorous local government f Because the king was, for practical purposes, weak, the local nobles completely controlled their own territory. The nobles made laws, levied taxes, dispensed justice, and waged war, thereby assuming the functions of government. Thus, feudal government was decentralized.
  • 14. Military Aspects of Feudalism g During wartime: f When an invasion or major war threatened, the powerful lord would summon his vassals to military service. In turn, the vassals would enlist their subvassals, and then all the nobles would unite into a single army to repel the invasion or prosecute the war. At other times, minor feudal lords fought among themselves for prestige or land. f Invasions and feudal wars destroyed crops and property, and had great serf casualties. Heavy armor for knights/nobles and strong castle walls minimized casualties for upper ranks.
  • 15. The Castle g Every estate (manor) had its castle. g More of a fortress than a home g Located on elevated ground g Constructed of heavy wood or stone g Surrounded by a moat g Had a drawbridge for protection g Serfs came inside the castle during attacks
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  • 17. Military Aspects cont. . . . g During peacetime: f Hunting, falconry f Jousts/tournaments f Training young nobles for knighthood g Military schooling in horsemanship, armor, using sword/lance/battle-axe g Became knight at age 21 g Had assistant called a squire g Observed code of honorable conduct called chivalry f Loyalty to God and the knight’s lord f Protection of the oppressed and helpless f Support of justice f Defense of Christianity f Courage, courtesy, gallantry, and generosity f Unfortunately, these ideals were frequently violated
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  • 19. Feudal Economic Conditions (The Economic System) g Self-Sufficient Agricultural Manor f Farm and pasture lands f Lord’s castle f Village buildings g Church, blacksmith, carpenter, winery, flour mills, bakeries, serfs’ huts g Manor spun its own wool, tanned leather, cut lumber, raised livestock. g Some materials/services had to be obtained off-site (salt and seasonings, iron, weapons, etc.)
  • 20. Feudal Economics cont. . . g The Serf f Neither slave nor freeman g Could not be sold apart from the land; could claim the lord’s protection g “bound to the soil”--couldn’t leave without the lord’s permission g In return for protection and the right to live on the manor, serf owed the lord: f Services: several days of labor each week on the lord’s farmland f Payment in kind: a portion of the grain and other crops raised on the serf’s land f A share of the goods he prepared in the lord’s wine press, flour mill and baking oven, etc.
  • 21. So where does Arthur fit into all this? g The Arthurian legend is a group of tales in several languages that developed in many European countries in the Middle Ages concerning Arthur, semi-historical king of the Britons, and his knights. The legend is a complex weaving of ancient Celtic mythology with later traditions around a core of possible historical authenticity.
  • 22. QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Was there a real King Arthur? g For centuries after fall of Roman Empire, island of Britain constantly invaded on all fronts. Britons needed a unifying leader. g 5th century: Artorius Dux Bellorum (“Duke of Battles”) led them to victory against all invaders. g Became symbol of strength and leadership; object of stories, songs, legends. g No single man could have done the things King Arthur is credited with (legends span centuries); became mythical figure.
  • 23. Arthur legends g Earliest continuous Arthurian narrative: Historia Regum Brittaniae (1139) by Geoffrey of Monmouth. Most credible, often-cited originating story. All later developments of Arthurian legend are based on this work. g Oldest of the French Arthurian romances is a series of 12th century poems by Chretien de Troyes. Introduces Lancelot into legends; more romantic. g By 13th century, Tristan y Isolde added to legends.
  • 24. Legends cont. . . . g 13th and 14th century tales concerned individual knights: Percival, Galahad, the Grail knights and especially Gawaine. (Culminating masterpiece: Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight, 1370) g 1485: Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur became the basis for modern Arthur stories.
  • 25. QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Gawaine & the Green Knight Percival QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Galahad Knights of the Round Table
  • 26. Chivalry g From French chevaler meaning knight. Cheval: horse. g Code of behavior that medieval knights followed. g Arthur’s legacy was that the influences of Christianity and courtly love expanded the code of chivalry to include religious piety and refined social graces and manners. Chivalry gradually began to soften the harsh edges of feudal warfare. Knights were now expected to treat their fellow knights and social inferiors with respect and benevolence. Knights were prohibited from attacking the unarmed. The good knight fought for glory of God and king, not for personal gain.
  • 27. Courtly Love g A code of behavior that defined the relationship between aristocratic lovers in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. g A nobleman, usually a knight, in love with a married woman of equally high birth or higher rank had to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and by amorous writings presented to his love. g Love not necessarily consummated; every knight had to have a worshipped lady for whom he performed his heroic quests.
  • 28. Courtly Love cont. . . . g Most noble marriages were business contracts only; true love was found in these courtly love relationships. Sometimes consummated, they were a form of sanctioned adultery. In fact, faithlessness of the lovers toward each other was usually considered more sinful than the adultery of this extramarital relationship.
  • 29. Courtly Love cont. . . . g Attraction to the lady, usually via eyes/glance g Worship of the lady from afar g Declaration of passionate devotion g Virtuous rejection by the lady g Renewed wooing with oaths of virtue and eternal fealty g Moans of approaching death from unsatisfied desire (and other physical manifestations of lovesickness) g Heroic deeds of valor that win the lady's heart g Consummation of the secret love: endless adventures and subterfuges avoiding detection
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  • 31. The Once and Future King QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. g Terence Hanbury White: born 1906 in Bombay, India. g Parents: f Mother, Constance Aston White, was a very beautiful woman with many suitors, from which she would not choose. Accepted Garrick White’s proposal only after promising her parents she would accept the next proposal that came. f Miserable marriage; eventual divorce f Ignored child--sent to boarding school
  • 32. Origin of Novel g Young Terence discovered Le Morte d’Arthur at Cheltenham boarding school. Became captivated by story. g Went to Cambridge, taught English. Gained some notoriety for some minor writing. g End of 1930s: WWII is beginning to take shape. Rise of Hitler. Began writing stories relating to the Arthurian legend, all based on Malory’s work.
  • 33. TOAFK g 1938: The Sword in the Stone (Arthur’s childhood) g 1939: The Witch in the Wood (Gawaine and his brothers, Morgause, Morgan le Fay) g 1940: The Ill-Made Knight (Lancelot and Guinevere) g All this writing was done during a turbulent time that greatly affected White. Influenced the next two books in the series . . .
  • 34. TOAFK continued … g 1941: The Candle in the Wind (culmination of plots introduced in first three books) g 1941: The Book of Merlyn (epilogue) g In 1941, he changed his overall theme (due to changing world climate); rewrote all three previous books. White’s intention was to publish all five books as one volume with one central theme: to find the antidote to war.
  • 35. TOAFK continued … g At the time of the rewrite, Collins Publishing was not about to undertake the expense of the publication of three revised books and two newly written books to create such a large volume. Disagreement evolved between author and publisher. Resolved by the printing of a tetralogy in 1958, including the revised first three books (changing the title of the 2nd book to The Queen of Air and Darkness) and the fourth book. White’s concession was to exclude the fifth book, which was published separately in 1977.
  • 36. Miscellaneous extras g The Sword in the Stone had phenomenal reviews; later books had good reviews, but not loved as much as TSitS. g 1958 tetralogy widely praised. g 1960 musical Camelot g 1963 Disney version of TSitS g 1977 The Book of Merlyn less marketable (too politically-minded) g White died 1964; buried in Athens