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To KwEEz a Maniac Batch
General Quiz
Researched & Conducted by:
Atharva- The Quizzing Club of IIMK
Karthi | Nidhun | Prabhakar | Surbhi
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• Journey of the Pequod from Moby Dick.
• X is an African-based spiritual ideology that arose in the 1930s in
Jamaica. It is sometimes described as a religion but is considered by
many adherents to be a "Way of Life". Its adherents worship Haile
Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia (ruled 1930–1974), some as Jesus in
his Second Advent, or as God the Father.
• It proclaims Zion, as reference to Ethiopia, the original birthplace of
humankind, and from the beginning of the way of life calls for
repatriation to Zion, the Promised Land and Heaven on Earth.
Literally, moving to Ethiopia physically but mentally and emotionally
repatriating before the physical . X also embrace various Afrocentric
and Pan-African social and political aspirations.
• Y is credited with helping spread both Jamaican music and the X to
a worldwide audience.
Things Bart Writes
• Excerpt from a book –
• “A concern for one's safety in the face of dangers
that were real and immediate was the process of
a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be
grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon
as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would
have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to
fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he
was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he
was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want
to he was sane and had to.”
• End credits for?
• Top Gear India Episode
• In the mid 90’s ____ did not have the printing
capabilities to come out with an all-colour edition
for _______, an eight page supplement. The
machine could print colour only on page 1,3,6
and 8.
• ___ realised that a celebrity page has to be
colour. Editoral staff said that 1st page should not
carry such stories and the Response dept didn’t
wanted it on page 8 as it was popular with
advertisers. Left with Page3 and Page6, they went
with page 3 and the rest is history. FITB.
• Times of India and The Bombay Times
• “The logo was designed literally the night before
the product launched. We were up very late and
____ and I went down to his cube to watch him
make it.“
• What's even more interesting here is the logo
itself. Fox notes that its letters are in two different
fonts — the first letter is in Catull, the same font
as Company's logo, while the last three letters are
in Myriad Pro because Catull produces a strange-
looking 'a'. Identify the product.
• Which city is getting inaugurated here?
• New Delhi
• Identify the gentleman and the movie that he
is starring in.
• General V K Singh & Prahar
• Connect.
• Towards the end of his suicide note Cobain
was quoting from Neil Young's 1979 song My
My. Hey Hey:
• My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
• _________________
My my, hey hey.
• It's better to burn out than to fade away.
• …..Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan
Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano
de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y…..
• Full name of Pablo Picasso
13. What ?
• An assistant high school football coach
• Bank clerk
• Messenger service owner
• Stockbroker
• Paramedic
• House painter
• Salesman
• Architect
• Garage owner
• Watchmaker
• Advertising executive
14. David had the following choices before him:
“... I just don't care"
" makes my gorge rise"
" indifference is boundless"
"...nothing could interest me less.“
He chose none, and paid $5000 instead.
What’s going on?
Quiz Club
- The Motion Picture Association in 1939 offered
David Selznick, producer of Gone With The
Wind, these options if he wanted to avoid paying the
fine for using ‘damn’ in his line,
Quiz Club
• Identify the bowler.
• Aleem Dar
• Which community?
• Bishnoi
• Abid Hasan was the secretary and interpreter
for X . X wanted an Indian form of addressing
each other. Abid first suggested "Hello" and
was snubbed for that. He later suggested
“____", which X liked and adopted it as the
formal manner of greeting for revolutionaries
and members of Y.
• Netaji, Jai Hind & Azad Hind Fauz
• Anuradha SenGupta: How did it feel when you saw Spike
Lee’s Inside Man and heard W. Did you feel flattered or felt
this is the soft power of the Indian brand?
• X: I felt happy because they paid for the music. And for Y in
Tamil, we checked because for the opening sequence we
wanted music and I had shot it with Backstreet Boys so we
checked for their rights and they quoted astronomical
figure. So we left it and we made the song Z and it turned
out to be the best song of the film.
• So when they asked us for W, and they were quoting us
some ridiculous price. But we didn’t bat our eyelids. We
quoted them the price they had quoted us and said take it
or leave it. And they took it. So you have to take the stand
as much as the West does to you.
• W- Chhaiya Chhaiya
• X- Mani Ratnam
• Y – Saathiya
• Z- Hum Dum Suniyo Re
• This natural isolation along the 155 miles (249 km)
length of the ____ has created an involuntary park
which is now recognized as one of the most well-
preserved areas of temperate habitat in the world.
Several endangered animal and plant species now exist
among the heavily fortified fences, landmines and
listening posts. These include the extremely rare red-
crowned crane, and the white-naped crane as well
as, potentially, the extremely rare Amur leopard.
Ecologists have identified some 2,900 plant species, 70
types of mammals and 320 kinds of birds within the
narrow buffer zone. FITB.
• Korean Demilitarized Zone
• Identify the garlanded lady.
• Cindy Crawford
• What is this guy holding?
• Secret formula of Coke
• The X is a paradox that raises the question of
whether an object which has had all its
components replaced remains fundamentally
the same object. The paradox is most notably
recorded by Plutarch in Y from the late 1st
century. Plutarch asked whether a Z which was
restored by replacing all and every of its
wooden parts, remained the same Z. Just
identify X.
• With X's brands in mind, Buffett said today he
had reworked a famous line from the 1967
movie The Graduate, in which a businessman
tells young jobseeker Benjamin Braddock
(Dustin Hoffman) : "I just want to say one
word to you. Plastics." Buffett's version: "I just
want to say one word to you. Y.“ Warren Buffet
was asked about the acquisition of a company
and he said the above lines. Identify X and Y.
• Heinz & ketchup
• Product return policy of which company?
• “You can return your purchase for up to 365
days from the purchase date. If you purchase
on 2/29 of a Leap Year, then you have until
2/29 the following Leap Year to return those
orders. That's four whole years! Woot!”
• Identify the singer.
• Madan Mohan
• A mid-sized sized Korean semiconductor firm
named DI makes products with distinctly un-sexy
names like “Monitoring Burn-in Tester” and
“Wafer Test Board”. It had lost money in each of
the past four quarters. And there have been no
changes to its fundamentals that might explain
why its share price should shoot up from 2,000 to
5,700 won (from $1.80 to $5.12) in the space of
just three weeks—including another 15% gain
today. What made this happen in September
• This line is an international border between
which two countries?
• Identify the product she is endorsing.
• Sugarpova
• There is a mistake in the statement made by
Gurudev Ramesh Srivats here. What’s that?
• Fred Perry was not the last British to win
Wimbledon. Virginia Wade was.
• When the company started out a few years ago in New York City,
Fernandez’ first and top choice for a name was X, so he registered
and tried to get in touch with the owner of, who was based in San
• X was still a long way of getting funded or making money, so Fernandez
offered the owner $1,000 of his own money for the domain name. The
owner responded by laughing at him, suggesting it was worth ‘high five
figures’ and saying he had plans to build something for it.
• Next, Fernandez started following the owner of on Twitter, waiting
for him to reveal his location. When the guy at one point tweeted that he
was at a restaurant in San Francisco, Fernandez went there, threw an
envelope with $5,000 in cash on the table and told him that he would stop
bothering him if he finally agreed to sell the domain name in exchange for
the money.
• Identify X.
• X test was introduced in Alison X's comic strip
Dykes to Watch Out For. In a 1985 strip titled
"The Rule", an unnamed female character says
that she only watches a movie if it satisfies the
following requirements:
– It has to have at least two women in it,
– who talk to each other,
– about something besides a man.
• Name this test.
• The Bechdel Test
• X in British usage is a plain-woven textile
made from unbleached, and often not fully
processed, cotton. It may contain unseparated
husk parts, for example. The fabric is less
coarse and thick than canvas or denim, but
owing to its unfinished and undyed
appearance, it is still very cheap. Originally
from the city of Kozhikode. The fabric was
made by the traditional weavers called
chaliyans. Identify X.
• Calico
• As the new model was being developed, Porsche was working on a
manufacturing collaboration with Volkswagen. Volkswagen, as one might
imagine, already had several models running on their assembly lines. In
order to avoid future pandemonium, Porsche decided to number their
new models XYY and upwards, as Volkswagen didn’t have any running
models with part numbers starting with X. And the first new model
obviously had to be the XYZ.
• In October 1964 the company received a legal notice from French car
maker Peugeot. Since 1929, Peugeot had been making models for the
French market with three-digit numerical numbers that always had a Y in
the middle. Peugeot, therefore, claimed all right to similar names for all
cars ever launched in France.
• It was too late to start from scratch. So they simply replaced the zero with
a one. The Type XZZ was born.
• Identify the digits X,Y,Z.
• Identify the voiceover in the beginning of the
• Mahatma Gandhi
• 9,0,1
• Noblemen hired others for the purpose of flushing animals
out from the brush. Apparently, this was done by making
lots of noise, which they did by either shouting a whole
bunch, or perhaps by whacking the bushes with a stick. This
was all for the sake of scaring the animals out from
cover, making them easier targets for the hunter.
• To go along with the story above, there are poems written
from the 15th and 16th centuries that talk it. For
example, a poem written in 1572 by George
Gascoigne, reads:
• "To thinke bowe he abused was, alas my heart it bleedes:
• He X whiles other caught the birds …"
• Beat Around the Bush
• Origin: In the 1700s, the pan of a flintlock
musket was a part that held the gunpowder. If
all went well, sparks from the flint would
ignite the charge, which would then propel
the bullet out of the barrel. However,
sometimes the gun powder would burn
without igniting a main charge. The flash
would burn brightly but only briefly, with no
lasting effect.
• Flash in the Pan
• Origin: In the early days of the British Parliament,
members wore swords in the House of
Commons. To keep the members from fighting
during heated debates, the Speaker of the House
of Commons forced the Government and
Opposition parties to sit on opposite sides of the
chamber. Lines, two sword-lengths plus one foot
apart, were drawn in the carpet. Members were
required to stand behind the lines when the
House was in session. To this day, when a
member steps over the line during a debate, the
speaker yells:”____”
• Toe The Line
• Origin: The phrase was born in prisoner-of-
war camps during the Civil War. Because
resources were scarce, the prison camps were
sometimes nothing more than a plot of land
surrounded by a marked line. If a prisoner
tried to cross the line, he would be shot.
• Meet the Deadline
• Origin: In the 1800s, British sailors took
women along on extended voyages. When
babies were born at sea, the mothers
delivered them in a partitioned section of the
gundeck. Because no one could be sure who
the true fathers were, each of these "gunnery"
babies was jokingly called a “______"
• Son of A Gun
• Origin: English dramatist John Dennis invented
a gadget for imitating the sound of thunder
and introduced it in a play in the early 1700s.
The play flopped. Soon after, Dennis noted
that another play in the same theater was
using his sound-effects device. The story got
around London, and the phrase grew out of it
• Mercury used to be used in the manufacture
of felt hats, so hat makers, would come into
contact with this poisonous metal a lot.
Unfortunately, the effect of such exposure
may lead to mercury poisoning, one of the
symptoms of which is insanity.
• Mad hatter
• Origin- This was coined by Shakespeare and was quite a
favourite line of his. It appears in several of his
plays, including Two Gentlemen of Verona, Henry V and The
Merchant Of Venice; for example, this piece from The
Merchant Of Venice, 1596:
• Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains.
I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me,
For I am much ashamed of my exchange:
But X and lovers cannot see
The pretty follies that themselves commit;
For if they could, Cupid himself would blush
To see me thus transformed to a boy.
• Love is Blind
• Origin: In mythology Charybdis lies on one
side of a narrow channel. Opposite her is
Scylla, another sea-monster. The sides of the
strait are within an arrow shot of each
other, and sailors attempting to avoid one of
them will come in reach of the other.
'Between Scylla and Charybdis' thus means to
having to choose between two dangers, either
of which brings harm.
• Between the devil and the deep blue sea
9. The road system resembled spokes of a wheel as the
picture above shows around the circle.
• All roads lead to Rome
• The Good Samaritan
Pick Your Poison
• History
• Geography
• Literature
• Art
• Entertainment
• Business
• Sports
• Technology
• Mythology
• The Clock Tower of Mirzapur, from where the
time of each Indian watch is set as it falls
almost on the reference longitude of Indian
Standard Time, at 82.5 degrees
If Dhoni is cricketer #251 to
represent India in test
cricket, who is listed as the first
person to represent India? 1
Ladhabhai Nakum Amar Singh Lodha
1932 Indian Test Cricket team that toured
England. Amar Singh seen standing fifth
from right on this photo of the team
captained by Maharaja of Porbandar.
Inspiration from?
Third of May 1808 , Goya
• He played a major role in introducing English and western
concepts to education in India.
• He supported the replacement of Persian by English as the
official language, the use of English as the medium of
instruction in all schools, and the training of English-
speaking Indians as teachers.
• His final years in India were devoted to the creation of a
Penal Code, as the leading member of the Law Commission.
• The term “X's Children" is sometimes used to refer to
people born of Indian ancestry who adopt Western culture
as a lifestyle, or display attitudes influenced by colonisers –
expressions used disparagingly, and with the implication of
disloyalty to one's country and one's heritage.
• She was born when Cronus cut off Uranus's
genitals and threw them into the sea, and she
arose from the sea foam which is depicted in a
famous work by Botticelli.
• Zeus married her to Hephaestus, who, because of
his ugliness and deformity, was not seen as a
threat. She had many lovers—both gods, such as
Ares, and men, such as Anchises, Adonis
• One of her mortal sons is Aeneas , a famous
Trojan hero.
• On Nov. 3 ,2010, Edén Pastora, the Nicaraguan
official tasked with dredging the Rio San
Juan, justified his country’s incursion into
neighboring Costa Rica’s territory by claiming
that, contrary to the customary borderline, he
wasn’t trespassing at all.
• This was hailed as the arrival of a new type of
border conflict called ?
• Google Maps War
Parody of which brand?
Old Spice
• Rustichello da Pisa, also known as Rusticiano and Rustigielo
(fl. late 13th century), was an Italian romance writer
• Rustichello had written a work in French known as the
Roman de Roi Artus (Romance of King Arthur) or simply the
Compilation, derived from a book in the possession of
Edward I of England, who passed through Italy on his way
to fight in the Eighth Crusade in 1270-1274. The
Compilation contains an interpolation of the Palamedes, a
now-fragmentary prose account of Arthur's Saracen knight
Palamedes and the history of the Round Table
• But Best known for ?
• Rustichello da Pisa was best known for
cowriting Marco Polo's autobiography while
they were in prison together in Genoa.
In 1853 he founded The Chartered Bank of India, Australia
and China, which later merged with the Standard Bank to
form Standard Chartered Bank in 1969. In 1843 he
established The Economist as a newspaper to campaign for
free trade, and acted as Chief editor and sole proprietor for
sixteen years. In 1859, he was sent to India to establish the
tax structure, a new paper currency and remodel the
finance system of India after the revolt of 1857.
Who is he?
Sir James Wilson
Keep Quizzing!

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To KwEEz A Maniac Batch - Finals @ IIM Kozhikode

  • 1. To KwEEz a Maniac Batch General Quiz Finals Researched & Conducted by: Atharva- The Quizzing Club of IIMK Karthi | Nidhun | Prabhakar | Surbhi Follow us on:
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. • Journey of the Pequod from Moby Dick.
  • 5. 2. • X is an African-based spiritual ideology that arose in the 1930s in Jamaica. It is sometimes described as a religion but is considered by many adherents to be a "Way of Life". Its adherents worship Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia (ruled 1930–1974), some as Jesus in his Second Advent, or as God the Father. • It proclaims Zion, as reference to Ethiopia, the original birthplace of humankind, and from the beginning of the way of life calls for repatriation to Zion, the Promised Land and Heaven on Earth. Literally, moving to Ethiopia physically but mentally and emotionally repatriating before the physical . X also embrace various Afrocentric and Pan-African social and political aspirations. • Y is credited with helping spread both Jamaican music and the X to a worldwide audience.
  • 6.
  • 9. 4. • Excerpt from a book – • “A concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to.”
  • 10.
  • 12. • Top Gear India Episode
  • 13. 6. • In the mid 90’s ____ did not have the printing capabilities to come out with an all-colour edition for _______, an eight page supplement. The machine could print colour only on page 1,3,6 and 8. • ___ realised that a celebrity page has to be colour. Editoral staff said that 1st page should not carry such stories and the Response dept didn’t wanted it on page 8 as it was popular with advertisers. Left with Page3 and Page6, they went with page 3 and the rest is history. FITB.
  • 14. • Times of India and The Bombay Times
  • 15. 7. • “The logo was designed literally the night before the product launched. We were up very late and ____ and I went down to his cube to watch him make it.“ • What's even more interesting here is the logo itself. Fox notes that its letters are in two different fonts — the first letter is in Catull, the same font as Company's logo, while the last three letters are in Myriad Pro because Catull produces a strange- looking 'a'. Identify the product.
  • 16.
  • 17. 8. • Which city is getting inaugurated here?
  • 19. 9. • Identify the gentleman and the movie that he is starring in.
  • 20. • General V K Singh & Prahar
  • 22.
  • 23. 11. • Towards the end of his suicide note Cobain was quoting from Neil Young's 1979 song My My. Hey Hey: • My my, hey hey Rock and roll is here to stay _________________ • _________________ My my, hey hey.
  • 24. • It's better to burn out than to fade away.
  • 25. 12. • …..Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y…..
  • 26. • Full name of Pablo Picasso
  • 27. 13. What ? • An assistant high school football coach • Bank clerk • Messenger service owner • Stockbroker • Paramedic • House painter • Salesman • Architect • Garage owner • Watchmaker • Advertising executive
  • 28.
  • 29. 14. David had the following choices before him: “... I just don't care" " makes my gorge rise" " indifference is boundless" "...nothing could interest me less.“ He chose none, and paid $5000 instead. What’s going on? Quiz Club
  • 30. - The Motion Picture Association in 1939 offered David Selznick, producer of Gone With The Wind, these options if he wanted to avoid paying the fine for using ‘damn’ in his line, Quiz Club
  • 35. 17. • Abid Hasan was the secretary and interpreter for X . X wanted an Indian form of addressing each other. Abid first suggested "Hello" and was snubbed for that. He later suggested “____", which X liked and adopted it as the formal manner of greeting for revolutionaries and members of Y.
  • 36. • Netaji, Jai Hind & Azad Hind Fauz
  • 37. 18. • Anuradha SenGupta: How did it feel when you saw Spike Lee’s Inside Man and heard W. Did you feel flattered or felt this is the soft power of the Indian brand? • X: I felt happy because they paid for the music. And for Y in Tamil, we checked because for the opening sequence we wanted music and I had shot it with Backstreet Boys so we checked for their rights and they quoted astronomical figure. So we left it and we made the song Z and it turned out to be the best song of the film. • So when they asked us for W, and they were quoting us some ridiculous price. But we didn’t bat our eyelids. We quoted them the price they had quoted us and said take it or leave it. And they took it. So you have to take the stand as much as the West does to you.
  • 38. • W- Chhaiya Chhaiya • X- Mani Ratnam • Y – Saathiya • Z- Hum Dum Suniyo Re
  • 39. 19. • This natural isolation along the 155 miles (249 km) length of the ____ has created an involuntary park which is now recognized as one of the most well- preserved areas of temperate habitat in the world. Several endangered animal and plant species now exist among the heavily fortified fences, landmines and listening posts. These include the extremely rare red- crowned crane, and the white-naped crane as well as, potentially, the extremely rare Amur leopard. Ecologists have identified some 2,900 plant species, 70 types of mammals and 320 kinds of birds within the narrow buffer zone. FITB.
  • 41. 20. • Identify the garlanded lady.
  • 43. 21. • What is this guy holding?
  • 45. 22. • The X is a paradox that raises the question of whether an object which has had all its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Y from the late 1st century. Plutarch asked whether a Z which was restored by replacing all and every of its wooden parts, remained the same Z. Just identify X.
  • 46.
  • 47. 23. • With X's brands in mind, Buffett said today he had reworked a famous line from the 1967 movie The Graduate, in which a businessman tells young jobseeker Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) : "I just want to say one word to you. Plastics." Buffett's version: "I just want to say one word to you. Y.“ Warren Buffet was asked about the acquisition of a company and he said the above lines. Identify X and Y.
  • 48. • Heinz & ketchup
  • 49. 24. • Product return policy of which company? • “You can return your purchase for up to 365 days from the purchase date. If you purchase on 2/29 of a Leap Year, then you have until 2/29 the following Leap Year to return those orders. That's four whole years! Woot!”
  • 53. 26. • A mid-sized sized Korean semiconductor firm named DI makes products with distinctly un-sexy names like “Monitoring Burn-in Tester” and “Wafer Test Board”. It had lost money in each of the past four quarters. And there have been no changes to its fundamentals that might explain why its share price should shoot up from 2,000 to 5,700 won (from $1.80 to $5.12) in the space of just three weeks—including another 15% gain today. What made this happen in September 2012?
  • 54.
  • 55. 27. • This line is an international border between which two countries?
  • 56.
  • 57. 28. • Identify the product she is endorsing.
  • 59. 29. • There is a mistake in the statement made by Gurudev Ramesh Srivats here. What’s that?
  • 60. • Fred Perry was not the last British to win Wimbledon. Virginia Wade was.
  • 61. 30. • When the company started out a few years ago in New York City, Fernandez’ first and top choice for a name was X, so he registered and tried to get in touch with the owner of, who was based in San Francisco. • X was still a long way of getting funded or making money, so Fernandez offered the owner $1,000 of his own money for the domain name. The owner responded by laughing at him, suggesting it was worth ‘high five figures’ and saying he had plans to build something for it. • Next, Fernandez started following the owner of on Twitter, waiting for him to reveal his location. When the guy at one point tweeted that he was at a restaurant in San Francisco, Fernandez went there, threw an envelope with $5,000 in cash on the table and told him that he would stop bothering him if he finally agreed to sell the domain name in exchange for the money. • Identify X.
  • 62.
  • 63. 31. • X test was introduced in Alison X's comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For. In a 1985 strip titled "The Rule", an unnamed female character says that she only watches a movie if it satisfies the following requirements: – It has to have at least two women in it, – who talk to each other, – about something besides a man. • Name this test.
  • 65. 32. • X in British usage is a plain-woven textile made from unbleached, and often not fully processed, cotton. It may contain unseparated husk parts, for example. The fabric is less coarse and thick than canvas or denim, but owing to its unfinished and undyed appearance, it is still very cheap. Originally from the city of Kozhikode. The fabric was made by the traditional weavers called chaliyans. Identify X.
  • 67. 33. • As the new model was being developed, Porsche was working on a manufacturing collaboration with Volkswagen. Volkswagen, as one might imagine, already had several models running on their assembly lines. In order to avoid future pandemonium, Porsche decided to number their new models XYY and upwards, as Volkswagen didn’t have any running models with part numbers starting with X. And the first new model obviously had to be the XYZ. • In October 1964 the company received a legal notice from French car maker Peugeot. Since 1929, Peugeot had been making models for the French market with three-digit numerical numbers that always had a Y in the middle. Peugeot, therefore, claimed all right to similar names for all cars ever launched in France. • It was too late to start from scratch. So they simply replaced the zero with a one. The Type XZZ was born. • Identify the digits X,Y,Z.
  • 68. 34. • Identify the voiceover in the beginning of the song.
  • 72. Example • Noblemen hired others for the purpose of flushing animals out from the brush. Apparently, this was done by making lots of noise, which they did by either shouting a whole bunch, or perhaps by whacking the bushes with a stick. This was all for the sake of scaring the animals out from cover, making them easier targets for the hunter. • To go along with the story above, there are poems written from the 15th and 16th centuries that talk it. For example, a poem written in 1572 by George Gascoigne, reads: • "To thinke bowe he abused was, alas my heart it bleedes: • He X whiles other caught the birds …"
  • 73. • Beat Around the Bush
  • 74. 1. • Origin: In the 1700s, the pan of a flintlock musket was a part that held the gunpowder. If all went well, sparks from the flint would ignite the charge, which would then propel the bullet out of the barrel. However, sometimes the gun powder would burn without igniting a main charge. The flash would burn brightly but only briefly, with no lasting effect.
  • 75. • Flash in the Pan
  • 76. 2. • Origin: In the early days of the British Parliament, members wore swords in the House of Commons. To keep the members from fighting during heated debates, the Speaker of the House of Commons forced the Government and Opposition parties to sit on opposite sides of the chamber. Lines, two sword-lengths plus one foot apart, were drawn in the carpet. Members were required to stand behind the lines when the House was in session. To this day, when a member steps over the line during a debate, the speaker yells:”____”
  • 77. • Toe The Line
  • 78. 3. • Origin: The phrase was born in prisoner-of- war camps during the Civil War. Because resources were scarce, the prison camps were sometimes nothing more than a plot of land surrounded by a marked line. If a prisoner tried to cross the line, he would be shot.
  • 79. • Meet the Deadline
  • 80. 4. • Origin: In the 1800s, British sailors took women along on extended voyages. When babies were born at sea, the mothers delivered them in a partitioned section of the gundeck. Because no one could be sure who the true fathers were, each of these "gunnery" babies was jokingly called a “______"
  • 81. • Son of A Gun
  • 82. 5. • Origin: English dramatist John Dennis invented a gadget for imitating the sound of thunder and introduced it in a play in the early 1700s. The play flopped. Soon after, Dennis noted that another play in the same theater was using his sound-effects device. The story got around London, and the phrase grew out of it
  • 84. 6. • Mercury used to be used in the manufacture of felt hats, so hat makers, would come into contact with this poisonous metal a lot. Unfortunately, the effect of such exposure may lead to mercury poisoning, one of the symptoms of which is insanity.
  • 86. 7. • Origin- This was coined by Shakespeare and was quite a favourite line of his. It appears in several of his plays, including Two Gentlemen of Verona, Henry V and The Merchant Of Venice; for example, this piece from The Merchant Of Venice, 1596: • JESSICA: • Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains. I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much ashamed of my exchange: But X and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit; For if they could, Cupid himself would blush To see me thus transformed to a boy.
  • 87. • Love is Blind
  • 88. 8. • Origin: In mythology Charybdis lies on one side of a narrow channel. Opposite her is Scylla, another sea-monster. The sides of the strait are within an arrow shot of each other, and sailors attempting to avoid one of them will come in reach of the other. 'Between Scylla and Charybdis' thus means to having to choose between two dangers, either of which brings harm.
  • 89. • Between the devil and the deep blue sea
  • 90. 9. The road system resembled spokes of a wheel as the picture above shows around the circle.
  • 91. • All roads lead to Rome
  • 92. 10.
  • 93. • The Good Samaritan
  • 95. • History • Geography • Literature • Art • Entertainment • Business • Sports • Technology • Mythology
  • 97. • The Clock Tower of Mirzapur, from where the time of each Indian watch is set as it falls almost on the reference longitude of Indian Standard Time, at 82.5 degrees
  • 98. Sports If Dhoni is cricketer #251 to represent India in test cricket, who is listed as the first person to represent India? 1
  • 99. Ladhabhai Nakum Amar Singh Lodha 1932 Indian Test Cricket team that toured England. Amar Singh seen standing fifth from right on this photo of the team captained by Maharaja of Porbandar. 1
  • 101. Third of May 1808 , Goya
  • 102. History • He played a major role in introducing English and western concepts to education in India. • He supported the replacement of Persian by English as the official language, the use of English as the medium of instruction in all schools, and the training of English- speaking Indians as teachers. • His final years in India were devoted to the creation of a Penal Code, as the leading member of the Law Commission. • The term “X's Children" is sometimes used to refer to people born of Indian ancestry who adopt Western culture as a lifestyle, or display attitudes influenced by colonisers – expressions used disparagingly, and with the implication of disloyalty to one's country and one's heritage.
  • 104. Mythology • She was born when Cronus cut off Uranus's genitals and threw them into the sea, and she arose from the sea foam which is depicted in a famous work by Botticelli. • Zeus married her to Hephaestus, who, because of his ugliness and deformity, was not seen as a threat. She had many lovers—both gods, such as Ares, and men, such as Anchises, Adonis • One of her mortal sons is Aeneas , a famous Trojan hero.
  • 106. Technology • On Nov. 3 ,2010, Edén Pastora, the Nicaraguan official tasked with dredging the Rio San Juan, justified his country’s incursion into neighboring Costa Rica’s territory by claiming that, contrary to the customary borderline, he wasn’t trespassing at all. • This was hailed as the arrival of a new type of border conflict called ?
  • 108. Entertainment Parody of which brand? • M
  • 110. Literature • Rustichello da Pisa, also known as Rusticiano and Rustigielo (fl. late 13th century), was an Italian romance writer • Rustichello had written a work in French known as the Roman de Roi Artus (Romance of King Arthur) or simply the Compilation, derived from a book in the possession of Edward I of England, who passed through Italy on his way to fight in the Eighth Crusade in 1270-1274. The Compilation contains an interpolation of the Palamedes, a now-fragmentary prose account of Arthur's Saracen knight Palamedes and the history of the Round Table • But Best known for ?
  • 111. • Rustichello da Pisa was best known for cowriting Marco Polo's autobiography while they were in prison together in Genoa.
  • 112. 15 Business In 1853 he founded The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, which later merged with the Standard Bank to form Standard Chartered Bank in 1969. In 1843 he established The Economist as a newspaper to campaign for free trade, and acted as Chief editor and sole proprietor for sixteen years. In 1859, he was sent to India to establish the tax structure, a new paper currency and remodel the finance system of India after the revolt of 1857. Who is he?