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Time Management for
Efficient Employee
Presented by
• It may be tempting to blame others when we feel
crunched for time. The reality is that how we spend
or waste time is of our own choosing. You can
certainly choose to binge-watch TV all day instead of
working on that assignment. That’s all you, and no
one else.
Why this course?
• Learning how to manage our time doesn’t happen
overnight. It may be a lengthy process that involves
tracking our time, developing new habits, and lots of
trial and error.
What we will do in this course?
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
Myths about Time Management
• Time management is nothing but common sense. I
do well in school, so I must be managing my time
• It takes all the fun out of life!!!
• Time management? I work better under pressure.
• No matter what I do, I won’t have enough time! defines time management as, “the analysis of how working hours are spent and
the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.” Considering
that the roots of time management come from the business world, this is a pretty solid definition.
The time management definition as traditional concept.
Today, as Ward notes, “the time management definition has broadened to
encompass our personal as well as our working lives; good time
management also supposedly improves our work-life balance and therefore,
our general happiness.”
The time management definition as greatly expanded.
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
Time management now means — your life.
As your personal life changes, so does how you manage your time professionally.
For instance, when you’re single, you can be the type of entrepreneur who can
spend 80 hours a week on your startup. That changes when you get married and
have a family. You can no longer devote that same amount of time to your
business, because you’re needed at home.
When will time management become a big deal to you?
That may not seem like a big deal to some. But, when your personal and
professional lives collide, time management becomes a huge deal. In fact,
effectively managing your time is vital to a happy, successful, and fulfilling
life for the following reasons.
What are the benefits?
Effectively managing your time is vital to a happy, successful,
and fulfilling life for the following reasons…
 Reduces stress.
 Helps you accomplish more with less effort.
 Prevents mistakes.
 Avoids conflicts.
 Improves decision-making.
 Opens-up more opportunities.
 Can lead to success.
 Helps enter the flow state.
 Encourages self-discipline.
 Gives you more time to focus on what
Reduces stress.
Stress is considered a silent killer since it can severely impact your physical and mental
health. While you can’t always control external factors that cause stress, managing
your time can help reduce stress.
As Kayla Sloan explains in a previous an article, “it could be said that stress
management and time management go hand in hand.”
Controlling your time frees up other time.
That’s because when you manage your time, you feel more in control, improves your
efficiency, and prevents multitasking. Because you’re better organized and prepared,
you no longer have to scramble to meet deadlines or get thrown-off track by surprises.
Helps you accomplish more with less effort.
Another benefit of time management is that it helps you learn how to focus on task
at a time, while also eliminating bad habits that cause you to waste time. It also helps
you develop healthy habits and processes that help you achieve more with less
For instance, instead of checking your email every time you receive a notification,
you turn off push notifications and block out specific times to email. It also
encourages you to start automating and delegating less important tasks, such as
updating your social channels or scheduling a meeting.
Prevents mistakes.
When prepared and organized, you’ll end-up making fewer mistakes. This means you
don’t have to touch things more than once. For example, how many times have you
rushed out the door only to forget your laptop.
Now you have to turn around and go back home to grab it. Or, even worse, your day
won’t be as productive. The reason? You don’t have the right equipment to crank out
your most important work.
Avoids conflicts.
Are you the type of person who says “yes” to every appointment and request. That can lead
to scheduling conflicts. If you committed to five events on a Saturday, do you actually think
you’ll be able to attend each one? Even if you do, you want enjoy yourself since you’re more
focused on rushing from one event to another.
What are your boundaries?
Part of time management is setting boundaries so that you avoid these conflicts. If you
already planned to meet with a client or have another social commitment, then you’re not
going to overextend yourself by accepting an invite to another event.
Improves decision-making.
Regardless if you use a technique like creating lists or time-blocking, time management can
help you make better decisions.
Let’s say that you have five items on your to-do-list. Because you prioritize them, you know
that you have to start with your most important task, and not the last item on your list. So,
instead of grabbing lunch with a friend, you’ll meet with a client. That’s a better decision
since that’s going to help grow and improve your business.
Opens-up more opportunities.
When have some extra time on your hands, you can use that to create more
opportunities. It could be anything from learning a new skill, attending a networking
event, or volunteering in your community. All of these examples are some of the best
ways to help you grow as a person and business leader.
Can lead to success.
Since time management helps you meet deadlines and show-up to events on-time,
you’ll develop a reputation as someone who is trustworthy, dependable, and reliable.
If you work for someone else, management will take notice of these traits and move you
up the ladder. If you’re a business owner, these traits will impress your clients and
customers so much that they’ll become loyal customers who will rave about you to
Helps enter the flow state.
Francis Wade writes in a piece for Lifehacker; that research has found: “that we are
happiest (and most productive) when we are able to enter the flow state—an
ecstatic experience of total concentration that requires our complete attention due
to its difficulty,” as opposed to just letting out minds wander.
Carve out blocks of uninterrupted time.
To enter this state, Wade suggests you work with your “calendar to carve out blocks
of time in which we intend to enter the flow state.” This way you can “combine daily
foresight, continuous improvement, and a high level of awareness.”
This helps you eliminates distractions. As a result, you can give your full attention to
what’s going on at the moment. This could be working on a project for a client or
playing with your kids.
Encourages self-discipline.
It takes a lot of self-discipline to manage time. And, that’s a great thing. Self-discipline is
needed to motivate you to crank out that this training when you’re not feeling it. It
encourages you to hit the gym, even though you’d rather be laying on the couch watching
Netflix. And, it convinces you to skip that burger and fries for a healthier meal.
Gives you more time to focus on what matters.
Time management gives you more time to focus on what really matters in life.
Believe it or not, work is not your life. If all you do is work, eat, and sleep, then you won’t
have the time to enjoy your family, friends, your passion, or health. When you spend time
doing the things that you love, you’ll become happier and more successful in life.
In fact, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., of the University of California, Riverside, says: “happy
individuals are more likely than their less happy peers to have fulfilling marriages and
relationships, high incomes, superior work performance, community involvement, robust
health and even a long life.”
Conclusion – Time Management…
Increases productivity.
Improves self-esteem.
Helps achieve balance in life.
Increases self-confidence
Helps you reach your goals!
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
• The first step to take in understanding your
time management style is getting to know
yourself better. This discovery about yourself
helps you identify the behaviors and patterns
you have that are preventing you from
properly managing your time.
First Step – Discover yourself
• Since self-evaluation is never an easy task,
here are six common time management
personality types. When you see the one
kind of personality that best describes you
— you’ll be able to start finding solutions to
better time management.
Time Management Personalities
and how They Manage Their Time
Six Types of People
1. The Firefighter.
Are you the type of person who runs towards a crisis while others are fleeing? Do
you rush from fire-to-fire while glued to your phone? And, do loathe wasting time? If
this type of rushing sounds like you, then you’re a firefighter personality.
Firefighters usually have a Type A Personality, which is a perk when involved with
risk-taking. At the same time, having such a strong sense of urgency can negatively
influence time management.
“From this perspective, ‘now’ is the only time that exists,” Doctors Friedman and
Rosenman told Dr. Travis Bradberry in a previous Entrepreneur article. “There’s no
sense in putting something off until another time. While beginning right away on any
job is often a good thing, we may tend to give minor issues a greater sense of
urgency than they deserve.”
Solution: Identify and prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance.
When everything feels like a “crisis,” it can cause you some personal difficulty. One
of the most effective techniques to achieve balance for the firefighter is by using
the “Eisenhower Matrix.” The so-called Eisenhower Matrix is a strategy is where
you identify and organize your tasks into four different categories:
• Urgent and vital (tasks that need your attention immediately).
• Important, but not urgent (tasks you will schedule for later).
• Urgent, but not important (tasks that can be delegated).
• Neither urgent or essential (these tasks can even be eliminated, if you wish to
get rid of them).
Using this strategy to put our tasks into categories will help you stay focused on
completing your highest priorities before working on other items that are not as
2. The Multitasker.
I’ve been known to have a phone call and write a draft for an article at the same. Some of my
colleagues look at me in disbelief. I used to be what you would call a multitasker. Through the
years I have learned that you can’t be an effective multitasker. Multitasking is a myth.
Multitaskers believe they can juggle multiple things at once. They honestly believe that they
can seamlessly bounce from task-to-task quickly and cross-off items on their to-do-list faster.
Trying to multitask leads to many incomplete tasks, many mistakes, and more than likely less
will be accomplished.
The solution: Single-tasking.
Make sure that you give each task your full-attention and drill down on that job before
moving on to something else. Set aside specific blocks of time for essential functions. During
these blocks of time, eliminate distractions by turning off your phone and notifications and
ask others not to disturb you.
3. The Over-Committer.
The over-committer type personality is the person who doesn’t know how to say “no” to others
— and they have trouble establishing boundaries. As a result, they are continually putting other
people’s priorities ahead of their own. All anyone has to do is ask if them if they have a minute
to talk, attend a social function, or help them with a project and their onboard.
Besides not having the time to attend to their commitments, these over-committers are going to
burn themselves out from stress and exhaustion. There’s only so much a person can do in a day.
If a person is bouncing from commitment to commitment without catching their breath, they
will crash and burn.
Solution: Stop saying “yes.”
Even though some factors are out of your control, most time management issues are self-
imposed. To counter this tendency, identify what’s important in your life — at home and work.
Then consider what’s important before accepting any request. In other words, if these requests
don’t align with your goals and priorities, then say “no.” You’ll quickly notice that you’ll have
more time to focus on your preferences.
4. The Underestimator.
Are your famous last words “this will only take a minute.” Next thing you know,
you’ve just spent several hours on something that you thought would only
take you under an hour to complete.
At first this underestimating may not seem like the end of the world. Eventually,
however, underestimating postpones or pushes back each commitment you have
planned. Now you’re missing deadlines, asking others to reschedule their
calendar to accommodate you — and you’ll always playing catch-up.
Solution: Realize that things take longer than planned.
Let’s say that you wanted to write a short blog post and expect to be done in an
hour. Block out two hours instead of one on your calendar. By blocking out extra
time for each task, you’ll usually have more than enough time to write that post.
If you still have an issue with not getting your work done in the allotted timeframe,
you’ll need to do a combination of learning how to speed up your work and learn
how to estimate more accurately.
If you find that you are always getting your work done early, use that extra time to
your advantage. Catch-up on your emails, organize your work-space, meditate,
begin learning a new skill. You may feel fulfilled by getting a jump on your next
Professional hint: review past assignments, time logs, and calendars to analyze
approximately how long a particular job has taken in the past for these types of
specific tasks.
5. The Perfectionist.
There is a big difference between giving a 110 percent and being compulsive
about how you cross every “t'” and dot each “i.” Eventually, because you’re
obsessed with perfection, you’ll end up spending way too much time on a
specific task. Similar to the under-estimators, you start missing deadlines and
delaying other priorities.
Perfectionists don’t merely struggle with time management — they also
experience feelings of being burned-out mentally and emotionally
The solution: Overcome your perfectionism.
Overcoming perfectionism is easier said than done. Research has suggested
that perfectionism is possible by taking the following steps:
• Reevaluate your standards. Are your standards too high? Can you, and others, meet these
standards? Do your rules help you achieve your goals or are they getting in your way? If you
can say, “yes” to any of these statements, start setting more realistic goals and easing up on
your self-limiting standards.
• Use “hypothesis testing.” Hypothesis testing sounds more complicated than it will be. One
example would be to write a blog post or email without proofreading the content. Did the
world come to an end? Nope. If there was a negative consequence, you could learn from
that specific mistake.
• Challenge your perfectionist thoughts. Just become aware of your perfectionist thoughts,
develop alternative views, compare them with reality, and then select a realistic perspective.
• Face your fears. If you’re the type of person who can’t leave for work unless you’re dressed
immaculately, then take a Saturday and leave your home like you just rolled out of bed. Over
time, you’ll train your brain to handle this uncomfortable situation.
6. The Wild Procrastinator.
Are you indecisive or get a thrill out of pushing things off until the 11th hour?
Regardless of the reason, procrastinators wait until the last minute to get things done.
They even go so far as to say that this is beneficial. Some procrastinators claim that
working under pressure makes them more efficient, reduces unnecessary efforts, and
gives you more time to develop ideas. It also doesn’t tie you down to scheduling every
second of your calendar. However, there are significant costs to procrastination.
As noted in Psychology Today, procrastination can lead to weakened immune systems and
insomnia. More troubling, “[procrastination] shifts the burden of responsibilities onto
others, who become resentful.” Having coworkers being angry at you is not ideal if
teamwork is a part of your company’s culture. Procrastination can also damage your
personal relationships.
The solution: Get started by working in small chunks.
For most of us, the hardest part of any job is just getting started. When
beginning a project, sit down and block out a small chunk of time — even if it’s
only 15 minutes. Once you get going, you’ll find that you don’t want to stop.
Forcing yourself to start — thereby solving procrastinating is something called
the Zeigarnik Effect. The so-called Zeigarniik Effect states that not finishing a
task creates mental tension and the only way to alleviate the anxiety is by
completing what you started.
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
1. Set goals
2. Set reasonable expectations (and
remember that no one’s perfect)
3. Define Exactly the Requirements-the
tasks: The “To-Do-List”
Before Setting Goals - Revisit Your Values
• Knowing what is most valuable to
you gives direction to your life.
• Your energy should be oriented first
toward things that reflect the values
that are most important.
• Examine your values to help you
make time management decisions.
Where to start? Set Goals!
What is Important?
• Set realistic goals, there are
only 24 hours in a day.
• Make your goals specific
and concrete. Don’t be
• Set both long-term goals and
short-term ones to support
• Set a deadline for your
• Integrate your goals: school,
personal and career.
• Realize that goals change,
but know which goals to
stick to!
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
5 Steps to Managing Your Time
1. Balance is a myth – Set it in “Portions”.
2. Set your priorities.
3. Prioritize your week then your day.
4. Replenish yourself.
5. Evaluate how you’re doing and adjust.
1. Balance is a myth – Set it in “Portions”.
For years, people talk about work/life balance. They’re looking for some magical Zen moment when
work/family/ALLAH is all in perfect equilibrium.
However, this is a myth. The scales are always swaying back and forth between according to the needs of the
So instead of looking for balance, think in PORTIONS:
If your summer is a really busy time, set vacation time or at least a day off at the end of it. That way when
you or your relatives are complaining they have to go up to the whatever, again, you can remind them that in
two weeks we’re going to do something fun. And by something fun, I mean something specific that you and
your relatives are looking forward to.
So, before everything gets really crazy, sit down with your calendar and figure out where you can do some
other things that aren’t the same task related. Your relatives will thank you.
From Goals…Set priorities
• What’s important and what isn’t?
• What order do things need to be
done in?
• Once you know what your
priorities are, you need to plan
out a schedule for the semester,
the week and the day.
• Acknowledge the realities of
college schedules.
• Planning may seem hard at first,
but the more you do it, the easier
and more natural it gets.
2. Set your priorities.
I used to set my priorities and consider them fixed. No moving up or down. They are what they are.
And for the most part, that’s correct. However, I’ve learned that some flexibility is necessary. There are
sometimes when work overtakes family time, or a family crisis overtakes your time spent with ALLAH. That’s
ok... for a season. When it’s over you need to go back and realign yourself.
Not everything can be important all at once. Determine what is going to bring you the most impact and
work on that first.
Usually during VBS season, especially the week before and the week of, Sunday morning services go on the
back burner. I’ll plan these ways in advance and put those ministries on autopilot. I’m not trying anything
new or special during those 3 Sundays surrounding. I’m just getting through them so I can focus on VBS.
Take some time to write out your priorities in order. Then post them somewhere you can see them on a
regular basis. For years, I had them posted on a bulletin board above my computer so when I looked up, I’d
see them. It’s a good reminder to keep things in the right order.
Urgent Not Urgent
Important Do Now Plan to Do
Not Important Reject
• Trivial requests from
• Apparent emergencies
• Interruptions and
Scrutinize and probe demands.
Help originators to re-assess.
Wherever possible reject and
avoid these tasks.
• ‘Comfort’ activities, computer
games, net surfing
• Chat, gossip, text, social
• Daydreaming, doodling over
long breaks
• Unnecessary adjusting
Habitual ‘comforters’ not true
tasks. Non-productive, de-
motivational. Minimize or cease
Plan to avoid them.
There are 168 hours in a Week
3. Prioritize your week then your day.
Setting your overall priorities for your life is great, but what about week to week and day to day?
I’m a huge fan of to do lists. I’ve been using Microsoft OneNote to keep track since my college days, but
there are a lot of other great programs out there like Evernote or Asana or the good old-fashioned pen and
At the beginning of my week, I’ll write out my to do list. But this list is not just a list of tasks. It’s broken up by
day. In addition, each task is written in the order in which they need to be done according to my priorities.
The beauty of using a digital system like OneNote is I don’t have to reinvent the wheel every week. I simply
copy/paste from the week before then add and subtract as necessary.
If you really want to take the priority planning to the next level, assign different days a theme.
For instance, Monday is meetings and metrics, Tuesday is project day, Wednesday is meeting
planning, that night service prep, and projects, and finally Thursday is weekend service prep.
Having these divisions helps me to focus on what needs doing that day. So, if I have an
awesome idea for Sunday and it’s only Tuesday, I don’t get distracted from my current project.
I simply add it to my Thursday list and get back to work on Tuesday's tasks. When Thursday
rolls around, I’ll have the time and mental energy available to make my idea a reality.
Set Up Your Daily Calendar
 Block all important set time obligations.
 Block all tasks times.
 Look at the context of the task.
– Note the weight of the activities.
– Highlight all due dates.
 Work backwards from previous tasks (PERT).
 Tasks performing time.
 Time for your sanity.
Make a Schedule
• Different Perspectives
• The “to do” List
Year Calendar
Monthly Calendar
Weekly Calendar
4. Replenish yourself.
You don’t have unlimited energy. You'll need to rest and refresh at some point.
A few years ago, I had a coach walk me through a life plan. One of the activities was to develop a
replenishment cycle. I had to identify a different activity that replenished me physically, mentally,
spiritually, and socially. These were things that if I didn’t do them every day, I would do them
most days and definitely within a week.
Now that I have this cycle in place, I find I’m far less likely to burn out. When I start to feel tired or
overwhelmed, I can look at what I’ve done over the last few days and usually find I’ve been
skipping one or more parts of my replenishment cycle.
I discover I’m running low on gas.
Since I know what will bring me energy, I make time for one those activities and almost
instantly feel better.
Find an activity that brings your energy in these four areas:
• physically
• mentally
• spiritually
• socially
And then make sure you do them regularly, especially when things get really busy.
5. Evaluate how you’re doing and adjust.
It’s great to have a plan, but if you never look up to see how you’re doing, then you might end up
somewhere you never wanted to be. That’s why you need to evaluate.
At the end of my week, I look back over my to do list and note what got done and what didn’t. I’ll make
tweaks like adding more information, moving the task to a different day, or removing it altogether.
Ask yourself,
• What did I do this week that replenished me?
• What did I do to make things a little bit better?
• What am I doing that I should stop doing?
• What do I never want to do again?
• Are my priorities aligned or do I need to adjust?
This doesn’t have to be a long process, just 5-10 minutes, but it makes sure that
your tasks are done, and you can go home and relax instead of worrying about all
the things you haven’t done.
The summer is a busy time and things will never slow down unless you make the
But if you put your priorities in order, push for a season and then relax, regularly
replenish your energy and evaluate your results, you’ll be far healthier and able to
serve year after year.
• What is Time Management
• Why you need Time Management
• First Step – Discover yourself
• Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time
• 5-Steps for Time Management
• Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
• Procrastination is my sin.
• It brings me naught but sorrow.
• I know that I should stop it.
• It fact, I will – tomorrow!
“Never do today what you can put off ‘til tomorrow!”
• Ignoring the task, hoping it will go away
• Underestimating how long it will take/overestimating your
abilities and resources
• Telling yourself that poor performance is okay/insisting on
• Doing something else that isn’t very important
• Believing that repeated “minor” delays won’t hurt you
• Talking about rather than doing it
• Putting all your work on only one part of the task
• Becoming paralyzed when having to make choices
Forms of procrastination:
• When you are out of schedule; Re-Organize, Re-schedule &
• Win the mental battle by committing to being on time.
• Set and keep deadlines.
• Divide a big job into smaller ones.
• Find a way to make a game of your work or make it fun.
• Reward yourself when you’re done.
• Tell your friends and roommates to remind you of
priorities and deadlines.
• Learn to say “no” to time wasters.
How to Overcome Procrastination
• Learn to recognize when you’re wasting time.
• Decide what you need to do and can realistically do.
• Learn how to say “NO” when you don’t have time.
• Return calls at your convenience. The phone is a major time killer.
• Learn to say “I can’t talk right now. I’ll get back to you.”
• Wasting time is often linked to a lack of self-discipline.
• Ask yourself, “Do I really need to do this or not?”
Tackle Time Wasters
• Avoid the temptation to socialize when you’ve scheduled
• If friends ask you to join them last minute, decline
outright, but ask if you could get together later in the
• Socializing is important when you don’t have other things
to worry about!
• Do the task somewhere you won’t be tempted to chat,
watch movies or YouTube, or use social utilities like
• Texts are a major distraction.
Learn to say “No!”
• Immediately note all changes.
– Tasks due date revisions
– Meeting additions/cancellations
– Work schedule changes
– Upcoming visitors, etc., etc…
• Preview the upcoming week making any necessary
• Preview each day to see what might happen…
Staying on top of things…
Organizing Your Time
 Use spare time to review.
 Do tasks at the same time each day:
make it a habit
 Divide task time into manageable
 Leave extra time at the end!
 How are you actually using your time?
 Which tasks were you able to do? What didn’t get
 Was your energy level appropriate? Your stress
 What changes need to be made to your weekly
 What are persistent time wasters?
 Was procrastination an issue?
Try it and evaluate your plan!
• Time and energy management can make you more
productive and reduce your stress level.
• If you forget all what we said, just remind those 3 Steps
– Set goals
– Make a schedule
– Revisit and revise your plan
• Be tough with your time. Actively avoid procrastination
and time wasters. Learn to say “no” to distractions.
• Employ a variety of time management strategies to
maximize your time.
• Relax and enjoy the extra time that you’ve discovered!
Tips “On-The-Go”
Enjoy your time with an effective
time management!

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TimeManagement - V1.3.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. Time Management for Efficient Employee Presented by Trainer @
  • 3. • It may be tempting to blame others when we feel crunched for time. The reality is that how we spend or waste time is of our own choosing. You can certainly choose to binge-watch TV all day instead of working on that assignment. That’s all you, and no one else. Why this course?
  • 4. • Learning how to manage our time doesn’t happen overnight. It may be a lengthy process that involves tracking our time, developing new habits, and lots of trial and error. What we will do in this course?
  • 5. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 6. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 7. Myths about Time Management • Time management is nothing but common sense. I do well in school, so I must be managing my time effectively. • It takes all the fun out of life!!! • Time management? I work better under pressure. • No matter what I do, I won’t have enough time!
  • 8.
  • 9. defines time management as, “the analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.” Considering that the roots of time management come from the business world, this is a pretty solid definition. The time management definition as traditional concept.
  • 10. Today, as Ward notes, “the time management definition has broadened to encompass our personal as well as our working lives; good time management also supposedly improves our work-life balance and therefore, our general happiness.” The time management definition as greatly expanded.
  • 11. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 12. Time management now means — your life. As your personal life changes, so does how you manage your time professionally. For instance, when you’re single, you can be the type of entrepreneur who can spend 80 hours a week on your startup. That changes when you get married and have a family. You can no longer devote that same amount of time to your business, because you’re needed at home.
  • 13. When will time management become a big deal to you? That may not seem like a big deal to some. But, when your personal and professional lives collide, time management becomes a huge deal. In fact, effectively managing your time is vital to a happy, successful, and fulfilling life for the following reasons.
  • 14. What are the benefits? Effectively managing your time is vital to a happy, successful, and fulfilling life for the following reasons…  Reduces stress.  Helps you accomplish more with less effort.  Prevents mistakes.  Avoids conflicts.  Improves decision-making.  Opens-up more opportunities.  Can lead to success.  Helps enter the flow state.  Encourages self-discipline.  Gives you more time to focus on what matters.
  • 15. Reduces stress. Stress is considered a silent killer since it can severely impact your physical and mental health. While you can’t always control external factors that cause stress, managing your time can help reduce stress. As Kayla Sloan explains in a previous an article, “it could be said that stress management and time management go hand in hand.” Controlling your time frees up other time. That’s because when you manage your time, you feel more in control, improves your efficiency, and prevents multitasking. Because you’re better organized and prepared, you no longer have to scramble to meet deadlines or get thrown-off track by surprises.
  • 16. Helps you accomplish more with less effort. Another benefit of time management is that it helps you learn how to focus on task at a time, while also eliminating bad habits that cause you to waste time. It also helps you develop healthy habits and processes that help you achieve more with less effort. For instance, instead of checking your email every time you receive a notification, you turn off push notifications and block out specific times to email. It also encourages you to start automating and delegating less important tasks, such as updating your social channels or scheduling a meeting.
  • 17. Prevents mistakes. When prepared and organized, you’ll end-up making fewer mistakes. This means you don’t have to touch things more than once. For example, how many times have you rushed out the door only to forget your laptop. Now you have to turn around and go back home to grab it. Or, even worse, your day won’t be as productive. The reason? You don’t have the right equipment to crank out your most important work.
  • 18. Avoids conflicts. Are you the type of person who says “yes” to every appointment and request. That can lead to scheduling conflicts. If you committed to five events on a Saturday, do you actually think you’ll be able to attend each one? Even if you do, you want enjoy yourself since you’re more focused on rushing from one event to another. What are your boundaries? Part of time management is setting boundaries so that you avoid these conflicts. If you already planned to meet with a client or have another social commitment, then you’re not going to overextend yourself by accepting an invite to another event.
  • 19. Improves decision-making. Regardless if you use a technique like creating lists or time-blocking, time management can help you make better decisions. Let’s say that you have five items on your to-do-list. Because you prioritize them, you know that you have to start with your most important task, and not the last item on your list. So, instead of grabbing lunch with a friend, you’ll meet with a client. That’s a better decision since that’s going to help grow and improve your business.
  • 20. Opens-up more opportunities. When have some extra time on your hands, you can use that to create more opportunities. It could be anything from learning a new skill, attending a networking event, or volunteering in your community. All of these examples are some of the best ways to help you grow as a person and business leader.
  • 21. Can lead to success. Since time management helps you meet deadlines and show-up to events on-time, you’ll develop a reputation as someone who is trustworthy, dependable, and reliable. If you work for someone else, management will take notice of these traits and move you up the ladder. If you’re a business owner, these traits will impress your clients and customers so much that they’ll become loyal customers who will rave about you to others.
  • 22. Helps enter the flow state. Francis Wade writes in a piece for Lifehacker; that research has found: “that we are happiest (and most productive) when we are able to enter the flow state—an ecstatic experience of total concentration that requires our complete attention due to its difficulty,” as opposed to just letting out minds wander. Carve out blocks of uninterrupted time. To enter this state, Wade suggests you work with your “calendar to carve out blocks of time in which we intend to enter the flow state.” This way you can “combine daily foresight, continuous improvement, and a high level of awareness.” This helps you eliminates distractions. As a result, you can give your full attention to what’s going on at the moment. This could be working on a project for a client or playing with your kids.
  • 23. Encourages self-discipline. It takes a lot of self-discipline to manage time. And, that’s a great thing. Self-discipline is needed to motivate you to crank out that this training when you’re not feeling it. It encourages you to hit the gym, even though you’d rather be laying on the couch watching Netflix. And, it convinces you to skip that burger and fries for a healthier meal.
  • 24. Gives you more time to focus on what matters. Time management gives you more time to focus on what really matters in life. Believe it or not, work is not your life. If all you do is work, eat, and sleep, then you won’t have the time to enjoy your family, friends, your passion, or health. When you spend time doing the things that you love, you’ll become happier and more successful in life. In fact, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., of the University of California, Riverside, says: “happy individuals are more likely than their less happy peers to have fulfilling marriages and relationships, high incomes, superior work performance, community involvement, robust health and even a long life.”
  • 25. Conclusion – Time Management… Increases productivity. Improves self-esteem. Helps achieve balance in life. Increases self-confidence Helps you reach your goals!
  • 26. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 27. • The first step to take in understanding your time management style is getting to know yourself better. This discovery about yourself helps you identify the behaviors and patterns you have that are preventing you from properly managing your time. First Step – Discover yourself
  • 28. • Since self-evaluation is never an easy task, here are six common time management personality types. When you see the one kind of personality that best describes you — you’ll be able to start finding solutions to better time management. Time Management Personalities and how They Manage Their Time
  • 29. Six Types of People
  • 30. 1. The Firefighter. Are you the type of person who runs towards a crisis while others are fleeing? Do you rush from fire-to-fire while glued to your phone? And, do loathe wasting time? If this type of rushing sounds like you, then you’re a firefighter personality. Firefighters usually have a Type A Personality, which is a perk when involved with risk-taking. At the same time, having such a strong sense of urgency can negatively influence time management. “From this perspective, ‘now’ is the only time that exists,” Doctors Friedman and Rosenman told Dr. Travis Bradberry in a previous Entrepreneur article. “There’s no sense in putting something off until another time. While beginning right away on any job is often a good thing, we may tend to give minor issues a greater sense of urgency than they deserve.”
  • 31. Solution: Identify and prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance. When everything feels like a “crisis,” it can cause you some personal difficulty. One of the most effective techniques to achieve balance for the firefighter is by using the “Eisenhower Matrix.” The so-called Eisenhower Matrix is a strategy is where you identify and organize your tasks into four different categories: • Urgent and vital (tasks that need your attention immediately). • Important, but not urgent (tasks you will schedule for later). • Urgent, but not important (tasks that can be delegated). • Neither urgent or essential (these tasks can even be eliminated, if you wish to get rid of them). Using this strategy to put our tasks into categories will help you stay focused on completing your highest priorities before working on other items that are not as important.
  • 32. 2. The Multitasker. I’ve been known to have a phone call and write a draft for an article at the same. Some of my colleagues look at me in disbelief. I used to be what you would call a multitasker. Through the years I have learned that you can’t be an effective multitasker. Multitasking is a myth. Multitaskers believe they can juggle multiple things at once. They honestly believe that they can seamlessly bounce from task-to-task quickly and cross-off items on their to-do-list faster. Trying to multitask leads to many incomplete tasks, many mistakes, and more than likely less will be accomplished. The solution: Single-tasking. Make sure that you give each task your full-attention and drill down on that job before moving on to something else. Set aside specific blocks of time for essential functions. During these blocks of time, eliminate distractions by turning off your phone and notifications and ask others not to disturb you.
  • 33. 3. The Over-Committer. The over-committer type personality is the person who doesn’t know how to say “no” to others — and they have trouble establishing boundaries. As a result, they are continually putting other people’s priorities ahead of their own. All anyone has to do is ask if them if they have a minute to talk, attend a social function, or help them with a project and their onboard. Besides not having the time to attend to their commitments, these over-committers are going to burn themselves out from stress and exhaustion. There’s only so much a person can do in a day. If a person is bouncing from commitment to commitment without catching their breath, they will crash and burn. Solution: Stop saying “yes.” Even though some factors are out of your control, most time management issues are self- imposed. To counter this tendency, identify what’s important in your life — at home and work. Then consider what’s important before accepting any request. In other words, if these requests don’t align with your goals and priorities, then say “no.” You’ll quickly notice that you’ll have more time to focus on your preferences.
  • 34. 4. The Underestimator. Are your famous last words “this will only take a minute.” Next thing you know, you’ve just spent several hours on something that you thought would only take you under an hour to complete. At first this underestimating may not seem like the end of the world. Eventually, however, underestimating postpones or pushes back each commitment you have planned. Now you’re missing deadlines, asking others to reschedule their calendar to accommodate you — and you’ll always playing catch-up. Solution: Realize that things take longer than planned. Let’s say that you wanted to write a short blog post and expect to be done in an hour. Block out two hours instead of one on your calendar. By blocking out extra time for each task, you’ll usually have more than enough time to write that post.
  • 35. If you still have an issue with not getting your work done in the allotted timeframe, you’ll need to do a combination of learning how to speed up your work and learn how to estimate more accurately. If you find that you are always getting your work done early, use that extra time to your advantage. Catch-up on your emails, organize your work-space, meditate, begin learning a new skill. You may feel fulfilled by getting a jump on your next task. Professional hint: review past assignments, time logs, and calendars to analyze approximately how long a particular job has taken in the past for these types of specific tasks.
  • 36. 5. The Perfectionist. There is a big difference between giving a 110 percent and being compulsive about how you cross every “t'” and dot each “i.” Eventually, because you’re obsessed with perfection, you’ll end up spending way too much time on a specific task. Similar to the under-estimators, you start missing deadlines and delaying other priorities. Perfectionists don’t merely struggle with time management — they also experience feelings of being burned-out mentally and emotionally exhausted. The solution: Overcome your perfectionism. Overcoming perfectionism is easier said than done. Research has suggested that perfectionism is possible by taking the following steps:
  • 37. • Reevaluate your standards. Are your standards too high? Can you, and others, meet these standards? Do your rules help you achieve your goals or are they getting in your way? If you can say, “yes” to any of these statements, start setting more realistic goals and easing up on your self-limiting standards. • Use “hypothesis testing.” Hypothesis testing sounds more complicated than it will be. One example would be to write a blog post or email without proofreading the content. Did the world come to an end? Nope. If there was a negative consequence, you could learn from that specific mistake. • Challenge your perfectionist thoughts. Just become aware of your perfectionist thoughts, develop alternative views, compare them with reality, and then select a realistic perspective. • Face your fears. If you’re the type of person who can’t leave for work unless you’re dressed immaculately, then take a Saturday and leave your home like you just rolled out of bed. Over time, you’ll train your brain to handle this uncomfortable situation.
  • 38. 6. The Wild Procrastinator. Are you indecisive or get a thrill out of pushing things off until the 11th hour? Regardless of the reason, procrastinators wait until the last minute to get things done. They even go so far as to say that this is beneficial. Some procrastinators claim that working under pressure makes them more efficient, reduces unnecessary efforts, and gives you more time to develop ideas. It also doesn’t tie you down to scheduling every second of your calendar. However, there are significant costs to procrastination. As noted in Psychology Today, procrastination can lead to weakened immune systems and insomnia. More troubling, “[procrastination] shifts the burden of responsibilities onto others, who become resentful.” Having coworkers being angry at you is not ideal if teamwork is a part of your company’s culture. Procrastination can also damage your personal relationships.
  • 39. The solution: Get started by working in small chunks. For most of us, the hardest part of any job is just getting started. When beginning a project, sit down and block out a small chunk of time — even if it’s only 15 minutes. Once you get going, you’ll find that you don’t want to stop. Forcing yourself to start — thereby solving procrastinating is something called the Zeigarnik Effect. The so-called Zeigarniik Effect states that not finishing a task creates mental tension and the only way to alleviate the anxiety is by completing what you started.
  • 40. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 41. Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time 1. Set goals 2. Set reasonable expectations (and remember that no one’s perfect) 3. Define Exactly the Requirements-the tasks: The “To-Do-List”
  • 42. Before Setting Goals - Revisit Your Values • Knowing what is most valuable to you gives direction to your life. • Your energy should be oriented first toward things that reflect the values that are most important. • Examine your values to help you make time management decisions.
  • 43. Where to start? Set Goals! What is Important? • Set realistic goals, there are only 24 hours in a day. • Make your goals specific and concrete. Don’t be vague. • Set both long-term goals and short-term ones to support them. • Set a deadline for your goals. • Integrate your goals: school, personal and career. • Realize that goals change, but know which goals to stick to!
  • 44. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 45. 5 Steps to Managing Your Time 1. Balance is a myth – Set it in “Portions”. 2. Set your priorities. 3. Prioritize your week then your day. 4. Replenish yourself. 5. Evaluate how you’re doing and adjust.
  • 46. 1. Balance is a myth – Set it in “Portions”. For years, people talk about work/life balance. They’re looking for some magical Zen moment when work/family/ALLAH is all in perfect equilibrium. However, this is a myth. The scales are always swaying back and forth between according to the needs of the moment. So instead of looking for balance, think in PORTIONS: If your summer is a really busy time, set vacation time or at least a day off at the end of it. That way when you or your relatives are complaining they have to go up to the whatever, again, you can remind them that in two weeks we’re going to do something fun. And by something fun, I mean something specific that you and your relatives are looking forward to. So, before everything gets really crazy, sit down with your calendar and figure out where you can do some other things that aren’t the same task related. Your relatives will thank you.
  • 47. From Goals…Set priorities • What’s important and what isn’t? • What order do things need to be done in? • Once you know what your priorities are, you need to plan out a schedule for the semester, the week and the day. • Acknowledge the realities of college schedules. • Planning may seem hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier and more natural it gets.
  • 48. 2. Set your priorities. I used to set my priorities and consider them fixed. No moving up or down. They are what they are. And for the most part, that’s correct. However, I’ve learned that some flexibility is necessary. There are sometimes when work overtakes family time, or a family crisis overtakes your time spent with ALLAH. That’s ok... for a season. When it’s over you need to go back and realign yourself. Not everything can be important all at once. Determine what is going to bring you the most impact and work on that first. Usually during VBS season, especially the week before and the week of, Sunday morning services go on the back burner. I’ll plan these ways in advance and put those ministries on autopilot. I’m not trying anything new or special during those 3 Sundays surrounding. I’m just getting through them so I can focus on VBS. Take some time to write out your priorities in order. Then post them somewhere you can see them on a regular basis. For years, I had them posted on a bulletin board above my computer so when I looked up, I’d see them. It’s a good reminder to keep things in the right order.
  • 49. Urgent Not Urgent Important Do Now Plan to Do Not Important Reject • Trivial requests from others • Apparent emergencies • Interruptions and distractions Scrutinize and probe demands. Help originators to re-assess. Wherever possible reject and avoid these tasks. Resist • ‘Comfort’ activities, computer games, net surfing • Chat, gossip, text, social communications • Daydreaming, doodling over long breaks • Unnecessary adjusting equipment Habitual ‘comforters’ not true tasks. Non-productive, de- motivational. Minimize or cease altogether. Plan to avoid them. There are 168 hours in a Week
  • 50. 3. Prioritize your week then your day. Setting your overall priorities for your life is great, but what about week to week and day to day? I’m a huge fan of to do lists. I’ve been using Microsoft OneNote to keep track since my college days, but there are a lot of other great programs out there like Evernote or Asana or the good old-fashioned pen and paper. At the beginning of my week, I’ll write out my to do list. But this list is not just a list of tasks. It’s broken up by day. In addition, each task is written in the order in which they need to be done according to my priorities. The beauty of using a digital system like OneNote is I don’t have to reinvent the wheel every week. I simply copy/paste from the week before then add and subtract as necessary.
  • 51. If you really want to take the priority planning to the next level, assign different days a theme. For instance, Monday is meetings and metrics, Tuesday is project day, Wednesday is meeting planning, that night service prep, and projects, and finally Thursday is weekend service prep. Having these divisions helps me to focus on what needs doing that day. So, if I have an awesome idea for Sunday and it’s only Tuesday, I don’t get distracted from my current project. I simply add it to my Thursday list and get back to work on Tuesday's tasks. When Thursday rolls around, I’ll have the time and mental energy available to make my idea a reality.
  • 52. Set Up Your Daily Calendar  Block all important set time obligations.  Block all tasks times.  Look at the context of the task. – Note the weight of the activities. – Highlight all due dates.  Work backwards from previous tasks (PERT).  Tasks performing time.  Time for your sanity. Make a Schedule
  • 53. • Different Perspectives • The “to do” List Calendars
  • 57.
  • 58. 4. Replenish yourself. You don’t have unlimited energy. You'll need to rest and refresh at some point. A few years ago, I had a coach walk me through a life plan. One of the activities was to develop a replenishment cycle. I had to identify a different activity that replenished me physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. These were things that if I didn’t do them every day, I would do them most days and definitely within a week. Now that I have this cycle in place, I find I’m far less likely to burn out. When I start to feel tired or overwhelmed, I can look at what I’ve done over the last few days and usually find I’ve been skipping one or more parts of my replenishment cycle.
  • 59. I discover I’m running low on gas. Since I know what will bring me energy, I make time for one those activities and almost instantly feel better. Find an activity that brings your energy in these four areas: • physically • mentally • spiritually • socially And then make sure you do them regularly, especially when things get really busy.
  • 60. 5. Evaluate how you’re doing and adjust. It’s great to have a plan, but if you never look up to see how you’re doing, then you might end up somewhere you never wanted to be. That’s why you need to evaluate. At the end of my week, I look back over my to do list and note what got done and what didn’t. I’ll make tweaks like adding more information, moving the task to a different day, or removing it altogether. Ask yourself, • What did I do this week that replenished me? • What did I do to make things a little bit better? • What am I doing that I should stop doing? • What do I never want to do again? • Are my priorities aligned or do I need to adjust?
  • 61. This doesn’t have to be a long process, just 5-10 minutes, but it makes sure that your tasks are done, and you can go home and relax instead of worrying about all the things you haven’t done. The summer is a busy time and things will never slow down unless you make the time. But if you put your priorities in order, push for a season and then relax, regularly replenish your energy and evaluate your results, you’ll be far healthier and able to serve year after year.
  • 62. Agenda • What is Time Management • Why you need Time Management • First Step – Discover yourself • Pre-Steps for Managing Your Time • 5-Steps for Time Management • Tips-To Avoid Negatives and Bring Positives
  • 63. • Procrastination is my sin. • It brings me naught but sorrow. • I know that I should stop it. • It fact, I will – tomorrow! “Never do today what you can put off ‘til tomorrow!”
  • 64. • Ignoring the task, hoping it will go away • Underestimating how long it will take/overestimating your abilities and resources • Telling yourself that poor performance is okay/insisting on perfection • Doing something else that isn’t very important • Believing that repeated “minor” delays won’t hurt you • Talking about rather than doing it • Putting all your work on only one part of the task • Becoming paralyzed when having to make choices Forms of procrastination:
  • 65. • When you are out of schedule; Re-Organize, Re-schedule & Re-plan. • Win the mental battle by committing to being on time. • Set and keep deadlines. • Divide a big job into smaller ones. • Find a way to make a game of your work or make it fun. • Reward yourself when you’re done. • Tell your friends and roommates to remind you of priorities and deadlines. • Learn to say “no” to time wasters. How to Overcome Procrastination
  • 66. • Learn to recognize when you’re wasting time. • Decide what you need to do and can realistically do. • Learn how to say “NO” when you don’t have time. • Return calls at your convenience. The phone is a major time killer. • Learn to say “I can’t talk right now. I’ll get back to you.” • Wasting time is often linked to a lack of self-discipline. • Ask yourself, “Do I really need to do this or not?” Tackle Time Wasters
  • 67. • Avoid the temptation to socialize when you’ve scheduled work. • If friends ask you to join them last minute, decline outright, but ask if you could get together later in the week. • Socializing is important when you don’t have other things to worry about! • Do the task somewhere you won’t be tempted to chat, watch movies or YouTube, or use social utilities like Facebook. • Texts are a major distraction. Learn to say “No!”
  • 68. • Immediately note all changes. – Tasks due date revisions – Meeting additions/cancellations – Work schedule changes – Upcoming visitors, etc., etc… • Preview the upcoming week making any necessary adjustments. • Preview each day to see what might happen… REVISE and PREVIEW: Staying on top of things…
  • 69. Organizing Your Time  Use spare time to review.  Do tasks at the same time each day: make it a habit  Divide task time into manageable chunks  Leave extra time at the end!
  • 70.  How are you actually using your time?  Which tasks were you able to do? What didn’t get done?  Was your energy level appropriate? Your stress level?  What changes need to be made to your weekly schedule?  What are persistent time wasters?  Was procrastination an issue? Try it and evaluate your plan!
  • 71. • Time and energy management can make you more productive and reduce your stress level. • If you forget all what we said, just remind those 3 Steps – Set goals – Make a schedule – Revisit and revise your plan • Be tough with your time. Actively avoid procrastination and time wasters. Learn to say “no” to distractions. • Employ a variety of time management strategies to maximize your time. • Relax and enjoy the extra time that you’ve discovered! Tips “On-The-Go”
  • 72.
  • 73. Enjoy your time with an effective time management!