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1 |S c h o l a s t i c
Scholastic is an international publishing company
specializing in children’s books. Scholastic has created a
focus on aiming their company towards helping children get
the chance to learn and to love to learn. Currently Scholastic
has programs that serve over one hundred and sixty five
countries and hopes to expand in order to spark the love of
Promotional Strategy:
YouTube: Demonstrations and short clips of
different books will be featured.
Facebook: Will be used to answer any questions
parents or teachers might have
Instagram: A place where videos and picture the
app/characters can be seen
Book Fairs: Main source of advertising and
will generate interest with demonstrations
Free Sample of a Book: After downloading the
app a sample of a book will be provided to see
if the app is compatible with that child’s style
of learning
Children’s Loyalty Program: On every child’s
birthday they will get a free book and can earn
rewards from buying books
Annual Sweepstakes:Scholastic will hold an
annual “Create Your Own Book” where five
winners from first grade to fifth grade will be
selected. Winners will receive their books
published into the app.
Target Market;
Scholastic will be targeting children from the ages of five to
eleven yearsold in order to demonstrate how much reading and
learning can be enjoyable in hopes to keep these children
reading in the future. With this target market we can also use
children’s books that have distinct characters and pictures as a
basis for what the world in the app will look like. Along with
this target market, we will be targeting the children’s parents
and teachers. If Scholastic can get teachers and parents to like
the app and see the benefits from using the app with their
students/child, then we hope that they can also encourage their
children’s reading.
The Problem:
While Scholastic is making a great difference in children’s
lives, they want to expand their reaches farther than just
providing the basis for children’s learning. Even with the
programs such as the Arabic Library, Scholastic would like
to start to influence children’s interests in learning when they
are younger so they can carry that interest over into their
adult life. This way an interest in learning and education can
be passed down through generations and children can reach
their full potential.
To do this we are seeking to launch an app for elementary
school students in which they can experience reading in a
new way. This new app, The Doors to Literacy, will
feature virtual reality books in which children can interact
with the environment and the characters of the book while
reading the book as well. A series of advertisements
depicting how the ad works will be launched through social
media and book fairs in order to promote Scholastic’s new
approach to growing and maintaining this love of learning.
Increase children’s literacy rates and interests in
learning by monitoring the amount of quizzes
completed correctly after reading.
Promote more productive uses of technology through
the amounts of downloads of the app verses popular
Budget and Benefits;
The Doors To Literacy campaign will cost
$1,616,598; however the return on investment will be
542.5487 %and they are bettering children’s learning
through the apps success.
2016 2017
D o o r s t o L i t e r acy Campaign
Break Even Analysis
Campaign Expense
New Revenue Generated by Campaign
2 |S c h o l a s t i c
II. Description
Company and Background;
Scholastic is a book publisher, founded by Maurice Robinson in 1920, devoted to
“[lighting] a spark within each and every child” through reading to inspire the idea that “literacy
is the key to learning” (Scholastic). Scholastic has become an international company determined
to help every child learn and love to read.
Programs Provided by Scholastic;
Currently, Scholastic serves more than 165 countries which speak 45 different languages.
Internationally, Scholastic provides the best “mathematics instruction” and the “best English
language instructional practices from the U.S Education division” to other educators around the
world. They also have a program in place called the My Arabic Library consisting of a collection
of books made for first to sixth graders from
Arabic-speaking countries. With
Scholastic’s international reach, they are
determined to make reading available for
every child no matter what demographic
they belong to.
Along with their international publishing and programs, there are several education based
solutions that Scholastic has created to help reinforce reading and helping families. The Guided
Reading and Classroom Books have developed into online digital resources such as Scholastic
GO, “Storia School Education”, and BookFlix were put into place in hopes to “fill critical resource
gaps” and to build “resources for differentiating reading instruction”. To further this Scholastic
has gone to provide “professional books and training” and “two highly regarded professional
magazines” to educators that give them strategies to use in their classrooms.
Wings of Fire: Dragonet Prophecy
3 |S c h o l a s t i c
Scholastic’s influence doesn’t end in the classroom. The company has also created the
Scholastic Family and Community Engagement or F.A.C.E, to support literacy development in
communities by distributing books and mentor programs. Scholastic National Partnerships also
works with different corporations and government agencies such as Target, the NFL, and My Very
Own Library in order to deliver free books and educational materials. General programs Scholastic
has opened include their Reading Club and book fairs which are inducted in 130,000 schools across
the world. With the help of all these programs and corporations, “Scholastic Trade Publishing
releases about 600 original titles annually in the U.S. under 18 imprints, including bestsellers and
award-winners, which appeal to established and fledgling readers.” Scholastic also helps fund in
the higher education of children through, The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. This program,
“More than 1,800 students receive national recognition for their work, which is blindly adjudicated
by expert professionals from the field and educators. Each year, 16 graduating seniors win a
Portfolio Gold Medal and a $10,000 scholarship.”
Through each of these programs and every book that Scholastic
publishes they capture more and more children into the world of reading:
expanding their goals and making sure every child has a book and is reaching
their full potential.
MissionStatement; Scholastic has a mission statement of “[encouraging]
intellectual and personal growth of all children, beginning with literacy,”
III. Objective(s) of the Campaign
Primary Objective;
Increase Children's Literacy Rates: In partnering with Scholastic, this campaign will increase
literacy rates by encouraging reading for children. The interactive worlds created to fit each book
will captivate children’s desire to read. They will interact with the book as they read and will be
Clifford the Big Red Dog
4 |S c h o l a s t i c
tested on their understanding of each chapter and or picture book. This will help develop
necessary writing and reading skills that children can use later in life in their different school
settings and will encourage the notion of reading being a more enjoyable alternative to their
tablets or other electronic devices. We will reach this goal by the monitoring the amount of
quizzes completed correctly after each level or chapter.
Secondary Objective:
Encourage Productive Use of Technology: This campaign will stimulate children’s minds into
wanting to spend time on technology in a more productive manner. Reading in this new
technological environment will take away interests from the less productive apps and games
because it encourages the thought that fun can stem from education. Will compare the success of
our app by comparing downloads of popular games to our app.
IV. Identification of the Target Market
Primary Target Market:
Children Ages Five to Eleven: The current primary market is children in elementary school
who range from the ages five to eleven as there are 24.7 million children in this age
range in the U.S. as of 2015. It is around this age that children are learning to
read and are figuring out if they like to read or not. It is crucial that children
who dislike reading, who are learning to read, or children who simply want to
experience reading in new ways, are exposed to new methods such as the
Scholastic app. By increasing exposure to new forms of reading Scholastic can
nurture their love of reading into a skill that will help them throughout their lifetime.
Secondary Target Market:
Parents and Teachers: Along with this younger demographic, parents and teachers will be
targeted. This target consists of 31 million elementary and secondary school teachers as well as
Nate The Great
5 |S c h o l a s t i c
48,500 families of children under 18. Both groups of adults show an interest in seeing their
child's education flourish, and with Scholastic’s help, it is possible to do just that. With this
demographic encouraging their children to use the app more exposure to these new
advancements in learning should bring up an increase in literacy rates and a love for reading.
V. List of Advertising Media Selection Necessary for the Campaign
Social Media:
Scholastic currently runs over one hundred different social media pages including several blogs,
Facebook pages, YouTube channels, and so on. These various accounts promote different series
produced by Scholastic, along with support for different areas they service, as well as news about
their programs.
YouTube: In order to promote The Doors to Literacy app
Scholastic will create a new YouTube channel that will show
demonstrations of the product, thirty second samples of stories
produced or created by Scholastic. The advertisements used on
the channel will show various characters waving at the viewer,
beckoning them to come read their stories. YouTube will be an
important part in exposing the app due to the fact that over a
billion people use YouTube monthly. Thus, this campaign will
gain much exposure in YouTube.
Facebook: Scholastic’s advertising campaign using Facebook will be aimed solely at parents.
The new Facebook page will serve as a troubleshooting page and also as a page to show the
advantages of having their child use the app. Facebook is a popular social media site with “over
1.49 billion monthly active Facebook users, which is a 13 percent increase year over year.” This
large user base with a demographic focused towards twenty five to thirty four year olds, we is
Harry Potter
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around the age range that our secondary market is aimed towards. This age range is important
because it is the age of the parents of our secondary market and because it is up to parents to
encourage their children to use the app. Facebook is significant because of its wide reaching user
base that is open to all of Scholastic’s clients.
Instagram: The Instagram page will serve as a visual advertising source for parents as children
under 13 years of age are not allowed on the Instagram, and 90% of Instagram users are 35 years
or younger. This is the age of the people that are parents of the children in our target market.
Instagram also has a large extensively as there are 400 million active Instagram users. This page
will show pictures and video demonstrations of “Doors To Literacy” which will increase
attention towards the app. These demonstrations will be colorful and full of Scholastic’s favorite
books which will be recognizable to parents as the pictures and videos will be eye catching.
Parents will especially want to get the app for their children, if they see that their children are
becoming more immersed with internet content that is not increasing their children's knowledge.
With the exploration of the ads, parents will finally find a new, innovative way to get their
children involved with reading content on the internet.
Scholastic Book Fairs;
Scholastic will use their annual book fairs to interact with their younger demographic by providing
a demonstration of how the app will work. Students and parents
will get the chance to interact with the apps features directly.
The demonstration will be aimed at teaching kids how they will
interact with the characters in the books and how they can
customize their own characters that they can use throughout the
different books. Another aspect that will be explained will be
the meaning behind the “Doors to Literacy” name.
Incorporating these books fairs into the advertising of this campaign is legitimate because out of
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
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the 127,000 book fairs in preschool, elementary and middle schools, 100 million books are sold to
35 million children and their families. These book fairs also generate more than 175 million dollars
in cash and educational resources for schools, which receive a portion of sales from every Book
Fair they host. These book fairs are quite extensive and generate much money making it the perfect
place for The Doors to Literacy to gain exposure.
Sales Promotion
Free Sample of a Book: When families join the app they will be offered a free sample of a
book. With this free sample of a book, families can decided whether the app is beneficial to their
child and if the app is compatible with the way their child learns. Thus, this book will also help
families determine if they want to continue using the app and if they want to spend money
buying other children’s book on the app. If families decided to continue using the app, they can
buy a wide range of children’s books from Scholastic, which will not only boost up Scholastic
sales, but will also help increase learning.
Children’s Loyalty Program: “Doors to Literacy” will not only include only books for
children to read, but also games and quizzes for the books. For these, children will be able to
create their own avatars that they can customize, to interact in these parts of the program. After a
8 |S c h o l a s t i c
child has bought three books they can also earn different features and other accessories for their
avatar. Other ways children can earn these features is
by getting certain amount of questions right on
several of the quizzes and games. These upgrades for
their character will help encourage children to come
back to the app, not only for the fun of meeting and
interacting with the stories, but also to have fun
creating their own world. Also by downloading the
app children can enter their birthdays into the app and on their birthday they will receive a free
book from Scholastic.
Create Your Own Book Sweepstakes: Scholastic will also begin an annual “Create Your Own
Book” sweepstakes. Between November to January 1st, children will be given the opportunity to
write their own books. These books will be published by Scholastic inside the “Doors to
Literacy,” app to spark more fun and creative minds amongst its users. Scholastic will pick one
winner from every grade, starting from kindergarten to fifth grade in order to have the
sweepstakes appeal to our whole target market. Each book that will be chosen will be around
twenty pages and the winners will be announced in February.
VI. Schedules of All the Advertising Planned
Scholastic will launch the “Doors to Literacy” app in August 2017. The app will be launched
when the school year begins in order to open up this new way of learning by transitioning students back
into the pace of reading and learning. By launching the app during this time, we are hoping to get
reading levels up higher and encourage students who may have stopped reading during the summer to
begin reading again. Scholastic will begin advertising the app in May using a prototype YouTube ad.
Cat and the Hat
9 |S c h o l a s t i c
This ad will feature a minute long interaction with some of Scholastic’s most famous characters, with a
message when the app will be released. The advertisement will generate some interest among our
demographics because it is a new reading app that hasn’t been seen before. Scholastic will also begin
their Instagram account in June of 2017 with small videos and demonstrations of the app that will come
in order to generate attention toward the app. When the app is launched a Facebook account will also be
created as a way parents can retrieve new information and deals about the product. This page will also
serve as trouble shooting so if there are any problems with the app, Scholastic employees can offer
advice on how to fix or use the app. The book fair advertisements will come near October to
December, during the first or second parent teacher conferences. It is during this time that Scholastic
makes most of its sales because products are being directly sold in schools. Students can get a book
mark and a flier that details how to get the app and what it can do for them.
10 |S c h o l a s t i c
VII. Schedules of All Sales Promotion Activity(ies) Planned
VIII. Budget
We estimate that the campaign will cost $1,616,598.
IX. Statement of the Benefits to Scholastic
We are committed to helping Scholastic reach their goal of “the intellectual and personal growth
of all children” through the ad campaign “Doors to Literacy.” The campaign will be generating an
increase in children’s literature rates which is one of the main goals of the company. This is evident in
their mission statement: Scholastic has a mission statement of “[encouraging] intellectual and
personal growth of all children, beginning with literacy.” By launching this app, Scholastic will be
encouraging thousands of children to develop a love of reading and develop creativity. Scholastic will
also greatly benefit from this campaign as a new flow of revenue will be created. A flow of revenue
created from children who will no longer be on their phone for unproductive reasons but for reasons of
11 |S c h o l a s t i c
increasing knowledge. This will be done through an innovative app that will entice children through its
features and opportunities. Even though the costs for start-up will be $1,646,598 in end scholastic will
get a return on investment of 542.5487%.
(Gains – Cost)/Cost = ROI
(10,387,431- 1,616,598)/1,616,598=542.5487 %
X. Bibliography
Diary of a WimpyKid. Digital image. Whipper Snapper. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <
The Cat in the Hat. Digitalimage. Pin This. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>.
Clifford The Big Red Dog. Digital image. Cartoon Clip Art. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
"Fast Facts."Fast Facts. U.S. Department of EducationInstitute of EducationSciences National Center for EducationStatistics The World
of Statistics. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>.
Graber, Diana. "3 Reasons WhySocialMedia Age Restrictions Matter." The Huffington Post. The, 8 Oct. 2014. Web.
08 Dec. 2015. <
2016 2017
Doors to Literacy Campaign Break Even Analysis
Campaign Expense New Revenue Generated by Campaign
12 |S c h o l a s t i c
Harry Potter. Digital image. BloomsburyPublishing. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
Nate the Great. Digitalimage. Random House Kids. A Penguin RandomHouse Company. Web. 12
Jan. 2016.
NationalCenter For EducationStatistics. "CommonCore of Data (CCD) - CCD Quick Facts."
Common Core of Data (CCD) - CCD Quick Facts. U.S. Department of Education
Institute of EducationSciencesNational Center for EducationStatistics The Worldof Statistics. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
Noyes, Dan. "Top20 Facebook Statistics - UpdatedMay2015." Zephoria Inc. Zephoria Inc., 18
Oct. 2015. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
Oster, Erik. "This Gen Z Infographic CanHelpMarketers Get Wise to the Future." AdWeek. AdWeek, 21 Aug. 2014. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
"Scholastic, the Largest Children's Book Publisher, Promotes LiteracywithBooks for Kids of
All Ages and ReadingLevels." Scholastic Publishes LiteracyResources and Children's Books for Kids of All Ages. Scholastic Inc.
Web. 08 Dec. 2015. <>.
Smith, Craig. "150+ Amazing Instagram Statistics."DMR. DMR, 06 Mar. 2014. Web. 08 Dec.
2015. <>.
"Statistics." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
U.S. Census Bureau, Current PopulationSurvey, Annual Social and Economic Supplements
1950 to 2015. "Figure 1.1. Families Are Changing."UnitedStates Census. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
Wings Of Fire. Digital image. Scholastic Canada. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>.

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  • 1. 1 |S c h o l a s t i c Overview: Scholastic is an international publishing company specializing in children’s books. Scholastic has created a focus on aiming their company towards helping children get the chance to learn and to love to learn. Currently Scholastic has programs that serve over one hundred and sixty five countries and hopes to expand in order to spark the love of learning. Promotional Strategy: YouTube: Demonstrations and short clips of different books will be featured. Facebook: Will be used to answer any questions parents or teachers might have Instagram: A place where videos and picture the app/characters can be seen Book Fairs: Main source of advertising and will generate interest with demonstrations Free Sample of a Book: After downloading the app a sample of a book will be provided to see if the app is compatible with that child’s style of learning Children’s Loyalty Program: On every child’s birthday they will get a free book and can earn rewards from buying books Annual Sweepstakes:Scholastic will hold an annual “Create Your Own Book” where five winners from first grade to fifth grade will be selected. Winners will receive their books published into the app. Target Market; Scholastic will be targeting children from the ages of five to eleven yearsold in order to demonstrate how much reading and learning can be enjoyable in hopes to keep these children reading in the future. With this target market we can also use children’s books that have distinct characters and pictures as a basis for what the world in the app will look like. Along with this target market, we will be targeting the children’s parents and teachers. If Scholastic can get teachers and parents to like the app and see the benefits from using the app with their students/child, then we hope that they can also encourage their children’s reading. The Problem: While Scholastic is making a great difference in children’s lives, they want to expand their reaches farther than just providing the basis for children’s learning. Even with the programs such as the Arabic Library, Scholastic would like to start to influence children’s interests in learning when they are younger so they can carry that interest over into their adult life. This way an interest in learning and education can be passed down through generations and children can reach their full potential. To do this we are seeking to launch an app for elementary school students in which they can experience reading in a new way. This new app, The Doors to Literacy, will feature virtual reality books in which children can interact with the environment and the characters of the book while reading the book as well. A series of advertisements depicting how the ad works will be launched through social media and book fairs in order to promote Scholastic’s new approach to growing and maintaining this love of learning. Objectives; Increase children’s literacy rates and interests in learning by monitoring the amount of quizzes completed correctly after reading. Promote more productive uses of technology through the amounts of downloads of the app verses popular games. Budget and Benefits; The Doors To Literacy campaign will cost $1,616,598; however the return on investment will be 542.5487 %and they are bettering children’s learning through the apps success. I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY $0 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 2016 2017 D o o r s t o L i t e r acy Campaign Break Even Analysis Campaign Expense New Revenue Generated by Campaign
  • 2. 2 |S c h o l a s t i c II. Description Company and Background; Scholastic is a book publisher, founded by Maurice Robinson in 1920, devoted to “[lighting] a spark within each and every child” through reading to inspire the idea that “literacy is the key to learning” (Scholastic). Scholastic has become an international company determined to help every child learn and love to read. Programs Provided by Scholastic; Currently, Scholastic serves more than 165 countries which speak 45 different languages. Internationally, Scholastic provides the best “mathematics instruction” and the “best English language instructional practices from the U.S Education division” to other educators around the world. They also have a program in place called the My Arabic Library consisting of a collection of books made for first to sixth graders from Arabic-speaking countries. With Scholastic’s international reach, they are determined to make reading available for every child no matter what demographic they belong to. Along with their international publishing and programs, there are several education based solutions that Scholastic has created to help reinforce reading and helping families. The Guided Reading and Classroom Books have developed into online digital resources such as Scholastic GO, “Storia School Education”, and BookFlix were put into place in hopes to “fill critical resource gaps” and to build “resources for differentiating reading instruction”. To further this Scholastic has gone to provide “professional books and training” and “two highly regarded professional magazines” to educators that give them strategies to use in their classrooms. Wings of Fire: Dragonet Prophecy
  • 3. 3 |S c h o l a s t i c Scholastic’s influence doesn’t end in the classroom. The company has also created the Scholastic Family and Community Engagement or F.A.C.E, to support literacy development in communities by distributing books and mentor programs. Scholastic National Partnerships also works with different corporations and government agencies such as Target, the NFL, and My Very Own Library in order to deliver free books and educational materials. General programs Scholastic has opened include their Reading Club and book fairs which are inducted in 130,000 schools across the world. With the help of all these programs and corporations, “Scholastic Trade Publishing releases about 600 original titles annually in the U.S. under 18 imprints, including bestsellers and award-winners, which appeal to established and fledgling readers.” Scholastic also helps fund in the higher education of children through, The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. This program, “More than 1,800 students receive national recognition for their work, which is blindly adjudicated by expert professionals from the field and educators. Each year, 16 graduating seniors win a Portfolio Gold Medal and a $10,000 scholarship.” Through each of these programs and every book that Scholastic publishes they capture more and more children into the world of reading: expanding their goals and making sure every child has a book and is reaching their full potential. MissionStatement; Scholastic has a mission statement of “[encouraging] intellectual and personal growth of all children, beginning with literacy,” III. Objective(s) of the Campaign Primary Objective; Increase Children's Literacy Rates: In partnering with Scholastic, this campaign will increase literacy rates by encouraging reading for children. The interactive worlds created to fit each book will captivate children’s desire to read. They will interact with the book as they read and will be Clifford the Big Red Dog
  • 4. 4 |S c h o l a s t i c tested on their understanding of each chapter and or picture book. This will help develop necessary writing and reading skills that children can use later in life in their different school settings and will encourage the notion of reading being a more enjoyable alternative to their tablets or other electronic devices. We will reach this goal by the monitoring the amount of quizzes completed correctly after each level or chapter. Secondary Objective: Encourage Productive Use of Technology: This campaign will stimulate children’s minds into wanting to spend time on technology in a more productive manner. Reading in this new technological environment will take away interests from the less productive apps and games because it encourages the thought that fun can stem from education. Will compare the success of our app by comparing downloads of popular games to our app. IV. Identification of the Target Market Primary Target Market: Children Ages Five to Eleven: The current primary market is children in elementary school who range from the ages five to eleven as there are 24.7 million children in this age range in the U.S. as of 2015. It is around this age that children are learning to read and are figuring out if they like to read or not. It is crucial that children who dislike reading, who are learning to read, or children who simply want to experience reading in new ways, are exposed to new methods such as the Scholastic app. By increasing exposure to new forms of reading Scholastic can nurture their love of reading into a skill that will help them throughout their lifetime. Secondary Target Market: Parents and Teachers: Along with this younger demographic, parents and teachers will be targeted. This target consists of 31 million elementary and secondary school teachers as well as Nate The Great
  • 5. 5 |S c h o l a s t i c 48,500 families of children under 18. Both groups of adults show an interest in seeing their child's education flourish, and with Scholastic’s help, it is possible to do just that. With this demographic encouraging their children to use the app more exposure to these new advancements in learning should bring up an increase in literacy rates and a love for reading. V. List of Advertising Media Selection Necessary for the Campaign Social Media: Scholastic currently runs over one hundred different social media pages including several blogs, Facebook pages, YouTube channels, and so on. These various accounts promote different series produced by Scholastic, along with support for different areas they service, as well as news about their programs. YouTube: In order to promote The Doors to Literacy app Scholastic will create a new YouTube channel that will show demonstrations of the product, thirty second samples of stories produced or created by Scholastic. The advertisements used on the channel will show various characters waving at the viewer, beckoning them to come read their stories. YouTube will be an important part in exposing the app due to the fact that over a billion people use YouTube monthly. Thus, this campaign will gain much exposure in YouTube. Facebook: Scholastic’s advertising campaign using Facebook will be aimed solely at parents. The new Facebook page will serve as a troubleshooting page and also as a page to show the advantages of having their child use the app. Facebook is a popular social media site with “over 1.49 billion monthly active Facebook users, which is a 13 percent increase year over year.” This large user base with a demographic focused towards twenty five to thirty four year olds, we is Harry Potter
  • 6. 6 |S c h o l a s t i c around the age range that our secondary market is aimed towards. This age range is important because it is the age of the parents of our secondary market and because it is up to parents to encourage their children to use the app. Facebook is significant because of its wide reaching user base that is open to all of Scholastic’s clients. Instagram: The Instagram page will serve as a visual advertising source for parents as children under 13 years of age are not allowed on the Instagram, and 90% of Instagram users are 35 years or younger. This is the age of the people that are parents of the children in our target market. Instagram also has a large extensively as there are 400 million active Instagram users. This page will show pictures and video demonstrations of “Doors To Literacy” which will increase attention towards the app. These demonstrations will be colorful and full of Scholastic’s favorite books which will be recognizable to parents as the pictures and videos will be eye catching. Parents will especially want to get the app for their children, if they see that their children are becoming more immersed with internet content that is not increasing their children's knowledge. With the exploration of the ads, parents will finally find a new, innovative way to get their children involved with reading content on the internet. Scholastic Book Fairs; Scholastic will use their annual book fairs to interact with their younger demographic by providing a demonstration of how the app will work. Students and parents will get the chance to interact with the apps features directly. The demonstration will be aimed at teaching kids how they will interact with the characters in the books and how they can customize their own characters that they can use throughout the different books. Another aspect that will be explained will be the meaning behind the “Doors to Literacy” name. Incorporating these books fairs into the advertising of this campaign is legitimate because out of Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • 7. 7 |S c h o l a s t i c the 127,000 book fairs in preschool, elementary and middle schools, 100 million books are sold to 35 million children and their families. These book fairs also generate more than 175 million dollars in cash and educational resources for schools, which receive a portion of sales from every Book Fair they host. These book fairs are quite extensive and generate much money making it the perfect place for The Doors to Literacy to gain exposure. Sales Promotion Free Sample of a Book: When families join the app they will be offered a free sample of a book. With this free sample of a book, families can decided whether the app is beneficial to their child and if the app is compatible with the way their child learns. Thus, this book will also help families determine if they want to continue using the app and if they want to spend money buying other children’s book on the app. If families decided to continue using the app, they can buy a wide range of children’s books from Scholastic, which will not only boost up Scholastic sales, but will also help increase learning. Children’s Loyalty Program: “Doors to Literacy” will not only include only books for children to read, but also games and quizzes for the books. For these, children will be able to create their own avatars that they can customize, to interact in these parts of the program. After a
  • 8. 8 |S c h o l a s t i c child has bought three books they can also earn different features and other accessories for their avatar. Other ways children can earn these features is by getting certain amount of questions right on several of the quizzes and games. These upgrades for their character will help encourage children to come back to the app, not only for the fun of meeting and interacting with the stories, but also to have fun creating their own world. Also by downloading the app children can enter their birthdays into the app and on their birthday they will receive a free book from Scholastic. Create Your Own Book Sweepstakes: Scholastic will also begin an annual “Create Your Own Book” sweepstakes. Between November to January 1st, children will be given the opportunity to write their own books. These books will be published by Scholastic inside the “Doors to Literacy,” app to spark more fun and creative minds amongst its users. Scholastic will pick one winner from every grade, starting from kindergarten to fifth grade in order to have the sweepstakes appeal to our whole target market. Each book that will be chosen will be around twenty pages and the winners will be announced in February. VI. Schedules of All the Advertising Planned Scholastic will launch the “Doors to Literacy” app in August 2017. The app will be launched when the school year begins in order to open up this new way of learning by transitioning students back into the pace of reading and learning. By launching the app during this time, we are hoping to get reading levels up higher and encourage students who may have stopped reading during the summer to begin reading again. Scholastic will begin advertising the app in May using a prototype YouTube ad. Cat and the Hat
  • 9. 9 |S c h o l a s t i c This ad will feature a minute long interaction with some of Scholastic’s most famous characters, with a message when the app will be released. The advertisement will generate some interest among our demographics because it is a new reading app that hasn’t been seen before. Scholastic will also begin their Instagram account in June of 2017 with small videos and demonstrations of the app that will come in order to generate attention toward the app. When the app is launched a Facebook account will also be created as a way parents can retrieve new information and deals about the product. This page will also serve as trouble shooting so if there are any problems with the app, Scholastic employees can offer advice on how to fix or use the app. The book fair advertisements will come near October to December, during the first or second parent teacher conferences. It is during this time that Scholastic makes most of its sales because products are being directly sold in schools. Students can get a book mark and a flier that details how to get the app and what it can do for them.
  • 10. 10 |S c h o l a s t i c VII. Schedules of All Sales Promotion Activity(ies) Planned VIII. Budget We estimate that the campaign will cost $1,616,598. IX. Statement of the Benefits to Scholastic We are committed to helping Scholastic reach their goal of “the intellectual and personal growth of all children” through the ad campaign “Doors to Literacy.” The campaign will be generating an increase in children’s literature rates which is one of the main goals of the company. This is evident in their mission statement: Scholastic has a mission statement of “[encouraging] intellectual and personal growth of all children, beginning with literacy.” By launching this app, Scholastic will be encouraging thousands of children to develop a love of reading and develop creativity. Scholastic will also greatly benefit from this campaign as a new flow of revenue will be created. A flow of revenue created from children who will no longer be on their phone for unproductive reasons but for reasons of
  • 11. 11 |S c h o l a s t i c increasing knowledge. This will be done through an innovative app that will entice children through its features and opportunities. Even though the costs for start-up will be $1,646,598 in end scholastic will get a return on investment of 542.5487%. (Gains – Cost)/Cost = ROI (10,387,431- 1,616,598)/1,616,598=542.5487 % X. Bibliography Diary of a WimpyKid. Digital image. Whipper Snapper. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. < content/uploads/2015/03/doawk_prizes2.png>. The Cat in the Hat. Digitalimage. Pin This. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>. Clifford The Big Red Dog. Digital image. Cartoon Clip Art. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>. "Fast Facts."Fast Facts. U.S. Department of EducationInstitute of EducationSciences National Center for EducationStatistics The World of Statistics. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>. Graber, Diana. "3 Reasons WhySocialMedia Age Restrictions Matter." The Huffington Post. The, 8 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. < matter_b_5935924.html>. $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 2016 2017 Doors to Literacy Campaign Break Even Analysis Campaign Expense New Revenue Generated by Campaign
  • 12. 12 |S c h o l a s t i c Harry Potter. Digital image. BloomsburyPublishing. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>. Nate the Great. Digitalimage. Random House Kids. A Penguin RandomHouse Company. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. < x220_q85_crop_upscale.jpg>. NationalCenter For EducationStatistics. "CommonCore of Data (CCD) - CCD Quick Facts." Common Core of Data (CCD) - CCD Quick Facts. U.S. Department of Education Institute of EducationSciencesNational Center for EducationStatistics The Worldof Statistics. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. <>. Noyes, Dan. "Top20 Facebook Statistics - UpdatedMay2015." Zephoria Inc. Zephoria Inc., 18 Oct. 2015. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. <>. Oster, Erik. "This Gen Z Infographic CanHelpMarketers Get Wise to the Future." AdWeek. AdWeek, 21 Aug. 2014. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. <>. "Scholastic, the Largest Children's Book Publisher, Promotes LiteracywithBooks for Kids of All Ages and ReadingLevels." Scholastic Publishes LiteracyResources and Children's Books for Kids of All Ages. Scholastic Inc. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. <>. Smith, Craig. "150+ Amazing Instagram Statistics."DMR. DMR, 06 Mar. 2014. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. <>. "Statistics." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. U.S. Census Bureau, Current PopulationSurvey, Annual Social and Economic Supplements 1950 to 2015. "Figure 1.1. Families Are Changing."UnitedStates Census. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. Wings Of Fire. Digital image. Scholastic Canada. Web. 12 Jan. 2016. <>.