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Stress is a universal element and persons from nearly every walk of life have to face
stress. Employers today are critically analyzing the stress management issues that contribute to
lower job performance of employee originating from dissatisfaction and high turnover ultimately
affecting organizational goals and objectives. Moreover, people who worked in healthcare
industries especially healthcare professionals like medical officers, medical assistants, nurses and
lab technologies are dealing with high level of stress since their business required them to meet
people every day. What are the most factors of stress that influence job performance and the
level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling
are the basic aims of this study. The data obtained through questionnaire and distributed to 156
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Overall, the study shows that
there is a significant relationship between stress with job performance and the level of job
performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is only at
moderate level and 57.8% from the total population chose to answer moderate.
First and foremost, I would like to express deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for His
Blessings until the completion of this report within given time frame.
Thank to my supervisor, Miss Ros Intan Safinas Munir for her advices and
encouragement. Her technical and editorial advices were essential for the completion of my
report. Without her guidance, I’m not going to finished it successfully. She had also taught me
innumerable lessons on working on academic research. Whatever problem I encounter, referring
to her is will yield best solution. This without doubt is most needed as without the guidance, I
may not finish the research with flying color. A special thank also to Encik Ahmad Nizam,
Lecturer of Office Management and Technology as well as Dr. Ruziation Hasim, Family
Medical Specialist at Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam for validate my questionnaire.
Not forgetting, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, relative and
friends for their moral and financial support in order for me to bear the cost of printing,
photocopying, transportation and compiling.
I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. Ruziation Hasim, Family Medical
Specialist, Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam for her kind and generous attitude towards me during my
internship. I am very pleased to thank her for his generosity in sharing her experience.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all individuals including respondents, and
all people who directly or indirectly involved in making this report a success. Kind
cooperation was highly appreciated.
Syaza Izzati Binti Asahari
Nov 12th
, 2010
Faculty of Office Management and Technology
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.
Table Pages
3.1 The Population for Healthcare Professionals……………………………...
3.2 Krejcie and Morgan Table….……………………………………………...
3.3 Sample Size………………..………………………………………………....
4.1 Frequency Distribution of Respondent’s Age ………………………..........
4.2 Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Gender …..……………………
4.3 Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Job
4..4 Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Income
4.5 Frequency of Working Experience of Respondents……………………….
4.6 Descriptive Statistic for Workplace Environment Factor…………………..
4.7 Descriptive Statistic for Workplace Financial Factor…..………………….
4.8 Descriptive Statistic for Stress……………………..……………………….
4.9 Descriptive Statistic for Job
4.10 Descriptive Statistic for Job
4.11 Level of Overall Employees Job
4.12 Correlation between Stress and Job
4.13 Correlation between Workplace Environment and Job Performance……....
4.14 Correlation between Financial Factor and Job Performance...……………..
2.1 Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………
3.4 Plans for Data Analysis…………………………………………………………...
4.1 Respondent’s Age…………………………………………………………………
4.2 Respondent’s Gender…………………………………………………………......
4.3 Job Position of Respondents……………………………………............................
4.4 Income Level of Respondents………………………………………….................
4.5 Respondent’s Working Experience…………………………………….................
Background of the Study
Stress exists from the change in an individual’s thinking and their lifestyle.
Nowadays, individual have changed in their perceptions and the way they interpret this
life. According to Hinkle (1973), in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, stress is
denoted as force, pressure, strain or strong effort with reference now also to objects but
still primarily to a person or person’s organs on mental power.
Stress is a key issue facing many organizations yet, despite the increasing
awareness of how it impacts on job performance towards their employees (Shuttleworth,
2004). When stress happen, it can contribute to the employee’s job performance. Based
on the study made by Seyle (2004), continued and prolonged stress may result in fatigue,
anxiety, tension and extreme irritability. If severe and prolonged, it will result in
exhaustion and may cause depressions and anxiety.
According to Ghaleb and Thuria (2008), stress is a term that refers to sum of
physical mental emotional strains or tensions on a person or feelings of stress which
result from interactions between people and their environment that are perceived as
straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their well being. In
addition, stress has a wide psychological and physical effect as cardiovascular
musculoskeletal systems, headache, sleep disturbance and depressions.
Stress is believed to be caused by the various problems that exist such as financial
problems, family problems, and environment in their surrounding including at the
workplace. According to American Psychological Association [APA], for an employees,
stress related physical illnesses include heart disease, migraines, hypertension, muscle,
and back joint pain, as well as mental health problems such as anxiety, insomnia and
depressions, all of which can directly contribute toward absenteeism, decreased work
performance and ultimately burnout.
As we know, stress is always mistaken as bad, and negative. It must be noted that
it has also a positive value. However, it is an opportunity when it affects potential gain
(Boswell et al, 2006). Positive stress may result in stimulating and enhancing work
performance, despite of decrease work performance. In the other word, a small amount
of stress may positively encourage workers to work harder.
Performance is defined as the outcomes and accomplishments valued by the
organization or system that one works in. Each individual is exposed to a range of
stressors at work which ultimately affect his or her performance (Tahira, 2008).
Newstrom (2007) explained that stress can be either helpful or harmful to job
performance, depending on its level. When there is no stress, job challenges are absent
and performance tends to be low and as stress increases, performance tends to increase,
because stress helps a person call up resources to meet job requirements.
Therefore, this study has focused on how stress can contributed to the employee’s
life, especially on their job performance. This research determined to find the factors of
stress, which were workplace environment factors and financial factors and the level of
job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling
Statement of the Problem
Several studies have been done regarding the relationship between stress and job
performance (Imtiaz & Shakil, June 2009). Caplan (1994) stated that health sector has to
face usually large amount of stress. Stress among doctors is high, the medical profession
is suffering from increased stress, but most of the attention has been focused on junior
doctors and their excessive hours of work. On the other hand, according to Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization (2005), one in five nurses will
leave her or his job due to dissatisfaction, notably including stress. The importance of
stress is highlighted nowadays by the employers to manage and reduce stress through
practical guidelines in a private sector but not in public organizations (Rolfe, 2005). In
this study, the research has been made to determine the relationship between stress and
job performance that exists in public organization.
Research Objectives
The purposes of this study are:
1. to identify the factors of stress that influence the job performance among
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
2. to identify the level of stress on job performance among healthcare professional at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
3. to determine the relationship between stress and job performance among
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Research Questions
The research questions used in this study are:
1. what are the factors of stress that influence the job performance among healthcare
professionals in Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
2. what is the level of job performance of healthcare professionals in Pejabat
Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
3. is there any relationship between factors of stress with job performance among
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?’
Research Hypothesis
There is a significant relationship between stress and job performance among
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Significance of the Study
This study was conducted to identify the relationship between factors of stress
with job performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Generally, it is to show the
importance stress and its impacts towards job performance. For organization like health
care company, the risk to face high level of stress is high since the business is basically
dealing with people everyday. Finding of this study give additional information to the
industry especially for upper level of health care organization on how to determine if
their workers face stress and how to handle if it affects their job. Therefore, the industry
could also benefited from this study as it would be able to recognize the importance of
stress and its impacts towards people, so that they will know how serious are this matter
because it affects all aspects.
Limitation of the Study
This research has several limitations. Since Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is
handled by Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor, the process of approval was difficult and
time consuming. Besides that, this study respondent was limited only to healthcare
professionals only. Other than that, the other limitation was, this research is limited to
respondents at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Definition of Terms
1. Stress
According to Khuwaja (2002), stress basically is a mental strain form the internal
or external stimulus that refrains a person to respond towards its environment in a
normal manner. These stress levels can be internal or external for people, from
their personal lives or professional lives (Ali Khan, 2007).
Financial Level
In this study, financial level can be defined as the employee’s financial
background that will influence their lifestyle.
An environment can be defined as an external condition or surrounding,
especially those in which people live or work. In this study, environment means
the workplace surrounding that affect their job performance.
2. Job performance
Job performance defined as the ability of individuals to accomplish their
respective work goals, meet their expectations, achieve benchmarks or attain their
organizational goals (Bohlander, 2001, Campbell, 1990, Eysenck, 1998).
This study proposed to discover the factors of stress at the workplace for
healthcare organization and the impacts toward their job performance. It discussed in
details on how the stress can be related closely with the employee’s job satisfaction.
Moreover, in this study, it determines what the factors that can cause stress and how can
influence employee’s job performance.
Specifically in Malaysia, there are the large amounts of studies regarding stress
and the effect of stress towards employee’s job performance (Imtiaz, 2009).
Nevertheless, most of the research was merely focused on common organization rather
than healthcare organization. People should realize that healthcare organization
especially hospitals is the most stressful place because they dealing with sick people
According to Kumaresan, (2005), stated that stress at the workplace has long been
an important concept in the study of employee’s responses to their work surrounding.
There are many challenges in the work environment, characterized by heightened
competition, lack of time, lack of space and continuous technology development.
Furthermore, financial status also contributed to stress. Some employees do not satisfy
with their salary paid because they felt like not worth it. Means that, they have to face
work overload, but the salary paid is still the same.
In addition, job stress is considered rising and has become challenge for employer
because high level of stress can contribute to low productivity, increased absenteeism and
collection to other employee’s problems like alcoholism, drug abuse, hypertension and
host of cardiovascular problems. (Meneze, 2005). According to Elovainio (2002), job
stress also inadvertently consequences low organizational performance. Job stress
although has disparagement impact on any organization and individual’s performance but
can shape terribly consequences when related to health care (Mimura, 2003).
Stress is a universal experience in the life of each person especially for the
employees, even executives or managers (Bashir, Asad, 2007). Stress has been defined
in different ways over the years. Based on Rubina (2008), originally stress was
conceived as pressure from the environment, then as strain with the person. She added
that it is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the
individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the situations.
Besides that, stress is seen as a dynamic condition in which an individual confronted with
an opportunity, constraints or reward related to what she or he desires for which the
outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important (Salleh, Bakar & Keong,
November 2008).
There are various factors that lead to stress. It includes financial problem, family
problems, and problems in people’s surrounding like their friends, lifestyle, and their
workplace. For those who worked, most of the time they have to dealing with stress at
their workplace. Stress at the workplace can be caused physiology and psychology
impacts towards their life especially their job performance. Heart disease, muscle and
back joint paint as well as hypertension is falls under physiology impact category, while
absenteeism and decreased work productivity falls under psychology impact category.
According to NIOSH (2001), there are several job conditions that may lead to
stress at the workplace. First is the design of tasks. Design of tasks means the
organization gave their employees heavy workload, infrequent rest breaks, long work
hours and shift works. Second is management style. Management style here refers to
lack of participation by workers in decision-making, poor communication in the
organization and lack of family-friendly policies. For instance, the worker of the
organization needs to get the boss’s approval for everything, and the company is
insensitive to her family needs.
The third one is interpersonal relationship. The term interpersonal relationship is
the organization has poor social environment and lack of support or help from co-workers
and supervisors. On the other hand, the fourth job condition that may lead to stress is
work roles. Work roles are not clearly identified may results conflicting or uncertain job
expectations and makes employees feels like they has too much responsibility. Last but
not least, the working environmental conditions, that also an independent variable for this
study. Environmental conditions based on NIOSH definition, refers to unpleasant or
dangerous physical conditions such as crowding, noise, air pollution or ergonomic
On the other hand, according to McShane & Glinow (2008), workplace violence
is a serious interpersonal stressor. An International Labor Organization study reported
that more than 60 percent of healthcare staffs in Bulgaria, Australia, South Africa and
Portugal experienced at least one incident of physical and psychological violence in the
previous year. Moreover, the study also reported that more than a quarter of the 3,000
British nurses had been physically attacked at work. Furthermore, this study was
focused on what are the factors of stress at the workplace that can influence healthcare
professionals’ job performance.
Job performance is the result of three factors working together, which are
skill, effort and the nature of the work condition (Rubina, 2008). Lizhen (2008) refers
performance to either employees’ discrete activities or behaviors or their aggregated
values to the organization. While Muhammad Jamal (1984) explained that job
performance can be viewed as an activity in which an individual is able to accomplish
successfully the task and goal assigned to particular person. Campbell (2005) explained
that performance is related closely to productivity. Productivity derives a meaning of a
measure relating a quantity or quality of output to the inputs required to produce it. Thus,
productivity can also be defined as quantity of output per time spent or numbers
Job performance level might be differed based on the several factors. Rechel
(2008) described on how the layout of workplace can affect the employees’ job
performance as how conventional floor design for patient care units, which characterized
by centralized nurse stations and centralized location of supplies were reducing staff
walking and increase their job performance. In other hands, Hendrich (2004) however
mentioned that single rooms increased the distance between patients, resulting in
increased physical demands on staff, thus affecting their job performance.
Hardy (2004) explained that the upgraded facilities were one of factors that
influence the job performance as there was increment in nurses’ job satisfaction and
performance after hospital make the purchases for new facilities, which decreasing the
number of staff and patients injuries substantially.
Conway (2007) mentioned that shiftwork and work-related stress could be the
reason for declined job performance, abseenteism, job dissatisfaction, and turnover
among employees in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, Tzeng (2004) added that skills
were able to influence the employees’ job performance. According to the study,
interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, interprofessional communication, cultural
competency and integrating skills were able to improve the nursing performance. When
all of these skills were emphasized, nurses’ professional development and growth may
then reflect improved performance too.
While Kushnir (2006) described that coaching able to unlock the nursing students
potential in learning and development, thus increased the performance among them.
Brown and Peterson (1994) also mentioned that a physiological rationale and the
ambiguity reduced effort, thus also reducing performance of the employees.
According to Green & Bowie (2005), healthcare professionals consists of licensed
physicians and other licensed providers as permitted by law, for instances nurse
practitioners and physicians assistants, who are granted clinical privileges. The
healthcare professionals or a medical staff serves a liaison between the clinical staffs and
non-clinical staffs or also known as administration staffs.
The healthcare professionals includes physicians, nurses, environmental health
services manager, medical record managers, billing and insurances manager, health
information manager, pharmacist as well as medical assistant. In addition, medical
assistants perform routine administrative and clinical tasks to keep the offices and clinics
of physicians and nurses running smoothly (Green, 2008). On the other hand, the routine
of nurses includes review a patient’s chart and plan his or her daily care (Fremgen &
Frucht. 2009). Each healthcare professional that has contact with the patient in any
capacity completes the appropriate report of that contact and adds it to the medical chart.
Meanwhile, the medical record manager’s routine is to maintain complete
inpatient, outpatient surgery and emergency records in a confidential manner. The
manager releases information only with patient’s written authorization or with a court
order. Besides that, their duty is also to files, retrieves, and tracks patient records to assist
physician and nursing staff in providing patient care. In the mean time, environmental
health services manager coordinates and monitors health-related activities for employees.
For instances, employment screening physical, drug testing and determined the
classifications of cleanliness of each restaurants.
Furthermore, anyone who works in healthcare industry likes healthcare
professionals must have firm understanding of confidentiality. Any information or record
relating to a patients must be considered privileged. This means that healthcare
professionals must have moral and legal responsibility to keep all information about the
patient confidential. In addition, according to The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), they have set federal standards that provide
patients with more protection of their medical records and health information, better
access to their own records, and greater control over how their health information issued
and to whom its disclosed. Meanwhile, American Health Information Management
Association (AHIMA) recommended that anyone documenting in the health record
should be credentialed or have the authority and right to document as defined by the
organization’s policy. Healthcare professionals are responsible for documenting care,
treatment and services rendered to patients in a manner that complies with federal and
state regulations as well as accreditation, professional practice and legal standards.
Stress can be either helpful or harmful to job performance, depending on its level.
When there is no stress, job challenges are absent and performance tends to be low but as
stress increases, performance tends to increase, because stress helps a person call up
resources to meet job requirements (Newstrom, 2007). However, if stress becomes too
great, it turns into a destructive force. An employee loses the ability to cope, unable to
make decisions and exhibits erratic behavior.
Gillespie (2001) mentioned that the employee who was able to manage their
stresses could lead to higher job performance in organization. It was supported by Adler
(2006) who described that the ability of employees to properly control and manage their
stresses in performing job may lead to higher job performance in organization.
Some factors of occupational stress such as harassment also play a role in the job
performance of workforce. The increment of occupational stress was proven to decrease
the quality of job performance. Extreme and prolonged stress in workplace also has been
identified as one of possible cause of decreased job performance in many professions
(Beaudoin & Edgar, 2003). When stress increases, feeling of frustration, anxiety and
tiredness start to consume energy and stress becomes dysfunctional and detrimental to
performance (Muse, 2003). Tahira (2008) mentioned that stress have an obvious impact
on the organization and industry, which also could reduce the job performance.
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework for the Relationship between Stress With Job Performance
Source: Azman Ismail, Yeo Suh-Suh, Mohd Na’iem Ajis & Noor Faizzah Dollah. (2008). The
Relationship between Occupational Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: An Empirical
Study in Malaysia.
 Work
 Factors that lead to stress:
- Workplace environment factors
Working environments
- Financial factors
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
The study entitled ‘Relationship between Stress and Job Performance among
Healthcare Professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. The research focused on
the factors of stress and their effects towards healthcare professionals’ job performance.
This chapter consists of ten (10) sections. The first section discussed about research
design, while the second section has explained the sampling frame for this study. This is
followed by the third section, which is population. Meanwhile the fourth section has
described the sampling techniques for this research. Sample size has been discussed on
the fifth section, whereas the sixth section has clarified about unit of analysis. The
seventh section consisted of data collection procedures and the eighth section has
identified the instrument used in this research. Moreover, the ninth and tenth section each
has illustrated the validity of instrument and the plan for data analysis.
Research Design
The research design chosen for this research is the descriptive correlational
research. According to Salkind (2009), correlational research could be defined as
research that describes linear relationship between two or more variables without any hint
of attributing the effect of one variable on another. In addition, Spatz and Kardas (2008)
explain correlational research as scientific research that predicts the outcome of one
variable based on the scores of one or more other variables. Besides that, Sekaran (2006)
mentions that the research is called correlational research when it is use to define the
important variables associated with the problem. In other hands, some researchers
choose to conduct correlational research because they are interested in measuring many
variables and accessing the relationship between them (Jackson, 2009).
Sampling Frame
Sampling frame is a list of population members from which a sample is selected
(Richardson, 2005). The sampling frame for this study was obtained from list of
employees at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling, which was provided by Jabatan
Kesihatan Negeri Selangor.
According to Salkind (2009), population is a group of potential participants to
whom you want to generalize the results of a study. The population for this study was the
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. According to the Jabatan
Kesihatan Negeri Selangor, this place owned about 178 employees including of
healthcare professionals (156) and non-healthcare staffs (22). The details of the
population for healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling are shown
in Table 3-1.
No. Healthcare Professionals Population
01. Medical Officer 14
02. Medical Assistant 45
03. Pharmacist 22
04. Nurse 59
05. Lab Technician 4
05. Others 12
Table 3-1: The Population for Healthcare Professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Sampling Techniques
The sampling strategies comprised of two parts, which are Probability Sampling
Strategies and Nonprobability Sampling Strategies (Salkind, 2009). The sampling
technique that has been used for this study was Stratified Random Sampling, which was
taken from Nonprobability Sampling Strategy. Nonprobability Sampling Strategy means
that the probability of selecting a single individual is not known (Salkind, 2009).
Stratified Random Sampling has been chosen since the population of Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling contains several different groups and heterogeneous. Sekaran (2006) has
stated that Stratified sampling technique is an efficient research sampling design, that is,
it provides more information with a given sample size. It is also used to ensure that the
profile of the sample matches the profile of the population (Salkind, 2009).
Sample Size
Sample size will represented the population and it is important to ensure that the
sample size have the same characteristics with the characteristic of the population they
representing. Besides that, according to Sekaran (2006), it is also important to see the
important to establish the representativeness of the sample for generalizability. For this
study, the Krejcie-Morgan table (1970) has been used in order to determine the sample
size of respondents.
10 10 60 52 120 92 220 140 340 181 600 234
15 14 65 56 130 97 230 144 360 186 650 242
20 19 70 59 140 103 240 148 380 191 700 248
25 24 75 63 150 108 250 152 400 196 750 254
30 28 80 66 160 113 260 155 420 201 800 260
35 32 85 70 170 118 270 159 440 205 900 265
40 36 90 73 180 123 280 162 460 210 950 269
45 30 95 76 190 127 290 165 480 214 1000 274
50 44 100 80 200 132 300 169 500 217 1100 278
55 48 110 86 210 136 320 175 550 226 1200 285
Table 3-2: The Krejcie-Morgan
Indicator: N: Population
S: Sample Size
Source: Krejcie and Morgan (1979), Table for Determining Sample Size From Given
In this research, 156 healthcare professionals from Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Petaling was identified and based on the Krejcie-Morgan table, the sample size for this
study is 156 healthcare professionals.
Item Job Position Population Sample
Size (%)
Sample Size
01. Medical Officer 14 9 10 10
02. Medical Assistant 45 29 33 33
03. Pharmacist 22 14 16 16
04. Nurse 59 38 43 41
05. Lab Technology 4 3 3 4
06. Others 12 8 9 12
Total 156 101 114 116
Table 3-3: Sample Size for Each Population
Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected during
the subsequent data analysis stage (Sekaran, 2006). The subject that was included in the
study is an individual, consisted of healthcare professional who was working at Pejabat
Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. It includes Medical Officers, Medical Assistants, Pharmacist,
Nurses and Lab Technologists. On the other hand, based on the table 3-3 in sample size
table, others are referred to HealthCare Inspectors and Environmental Health Inspector
that has at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Data Collection Procedures
According to Salkind (2009), a data collection procedure is the process of
distributing and collecting the questionnaires. The paper-and-pencil-questionnaires were
distributed personally to the healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Petaling. The respondents were given one week to respond the questions. All
questionnaires were collected back personally collected in order to provide convenience
to the respondents.
August 2010 Went to Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor and asked
permission to distribute questionnaire at Pejabat
Kesihatan Daerah Petaling
September 2010 Distribute questionnaire at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
September 2010 Collect questionnaire at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Table 3-4: Progression of questionnaire
The questionnaire has been used as instrument to obtain information needed in
regards of this study. It was chosen because individuals can complete them without any
interference or direct assistance from the researcher (Salkind, 2009). The questionnaires
was divided into three (3) sections which consists of Section A, Section B and Section C.
For section A, respondents was required to answer on demographic background. This
section consists of age, gender, job position, income level and working experience. For
section B, respondents were required to answer on factors of stress. Factor of stress were
divided into two (2) parts which are Workplace Environment and Financial Factors. For
section C, respondents were required to answer on Job Performance question. For
section B and C, it were measured using five (5) points Likert Scale which is ranked from
1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
Validity of Instrument
According to Salkind (2009), validity can be defined as the test or instrument
being used in the research to actually measure what need to be measured. In order to
ensure the validity of the instrument, the questionnaires were given to Mr. Ahmad Nizam,
Lecturer of Faculty of Office Management and Technology as well as Dr. Ruziaton
Hasim, the Family Medical Specialist at Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam to validate the
contents of the questionnaire. Comments from experts and the necessary amendments
were made and incorporated in response to the questionnaires. In this study, the content
or face validity were used to measure how well the items represent the entire universe of
item that can be establish by asking the expert if the item evaluate what it want to
Plan for Data Analysis
The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package in Social Science Software
(SPSS) version 17.0. This software was used to run all the data obtained from research
Concept/Construct Measurement Scale Statistic
To identify the
factors of stress
that influences the
job performance
among healthcare
professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling.
Types of factors
indicators are
equipments, working
environment and
financial factor.
What are the factors
of stress that
influences the job
performance among
professionals in
Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling?
Interval Descriptive
Statistic (Mean,
To identify the
level of job
among healthcare
Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling
What is the level of
job performance of
professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling?
Interval Descriptive
Statistic (Mean,
To determine the
between factors
of stress and job
among healthcare
1. is there any
between factors
of stress with job
professionals in
Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling
among healthcare
professionals at
Daerah Petaling?
2. is there any
between working
factors with job
among healthcare
professionals at
Daerah Petaling?
3. is there any
between financial
factor with job
among healthcare
professionals at
Daerah Petaling?
The chapter describes the results of findings obtained from respondents who are
participated in a study of The Relationship Between Factors of Stress and Job
Performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. It
focuses on demographic profile of respondents, factors contributes to stress that influence
job performance and the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Survey return rate
Questionnaires were randomly distribute to 156 healthcare professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling by personal distributes. All respondents (116)
returned the questionnaires after they complete filling the questionnaires. They have
been given by the researcher to complete the questionnaires, as they have one week to
complete it. The rational of doing this, is to avoid from disturbing employees to
complete their daily routine. As a result, the questionnaires can be collected smoothly as
This section consists of the demographic and socioeconomic information of the
AGE (n=116)
Table 4.1: Frequency Distribution of Respondent’s Age
Frequency Percent
21-25 20 17.2
26-30 38 32.8
31-35 31 26.7
36-40 14 12.1
Above 40 13 11.2
Total 116 100
From the finding, the majority of the respondents were in the age group 26
to 30 years which represents 32.8% (n=38) from the total of respondents. 26.7% (n=31)
of respondents were aged from 31 to 35 years old. Followed by 17.2% (n=20) of
respondents in the age 21 to 25 years old. Respondents between 36 years to 40 years old
Figure 4.1: Respondent's Age
Above 40
represents 12.1% (n=14) and for respondents in the age above 40 years old represents the
minority for the study which only 11.2% (n=13).
GENDER (n=116)
Table 4.2: Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Gender
Frequency Percent
Male 38 32.8
Female 78 67.2
Total 116 100
From the table above, it shows that the majority of respondents were female
67.2% (n=78) and male respondents constitutes for 32.8% (n=38) of the total sample.
Figure 4.2: Respondent's Gender
Table 4.3: Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Job Position
Frequency Percent
Medical Officer 10 8.6
Medical Assistant 33 28.4
Pharmacist 16 13.8
Nurse 41 35.3
Lab Technician 4 3.4
Others 12 10.3
Total 116 100
From the findings, the table shows that the majority of respondents that answer
the questionnaires were Nurses which represents 35.3% (n=41) from the population.
Meanwhile, the Medical Assistants shows that 28.4% (n=33) from the population answer
the questions and followed by Pharmacists, 13.8% (n=16). Medical Officers represents
Figure 4.3: Job Position of Respondents
Medical Officer
Lab Technician
8.6% (n=10) from the population while for others, it represents 10.3% (n=12). The Lab
Technician became the minority of the respondents which represents only 3.4% (n=4).
Table 4.4: Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Income Level
Frequency Percent
1001 - 3000 83 71.6
3001 - 5000 29 25
5001 - 7000 4 3.4
Total 116 100
From the finding, the income level for health care professionals at Pejabat
Kesihatan Petaling who answers the questionnaire is majority at the range of RM1001 to
RM3000 per month, which represents 71.6% (n=83). Then it is followed by the range of
RM3001 to RM5000 which represents 25% (n=29) from the population and 3.4% (n=4)
Figure 4.4: Respondent's Income Level
is for health care professionals that their income level is at the range of RM5001 to
Table 4.5: Frequency of Working Experience of the respondents
Frequency Percent
Below 1 year 9 7.8
1 to 5 years 62 53.4
Above 5 years 45 38.8
Total 116 100
The table shows that the majority of the respondents were respondent that has one
(1) to five (5) working experience, which 53.4% (n=62). It is followed by respondent
that has above five (5) years working experience, which represent 38.8% (n=45) from the
population and respondent who has below one (1) year working experience is the
minority among the respondents, which only 7.8% (n=9).
Figure 4.5: Respondent's Working Experience
Below 1 yr
1-5 yrs
Above 5yrs
Research Question 1: What are the factors of stress that influences the job
performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Table 4.6: Descriptive Statistic for Workplace Environment Factor
Mean Standard
A. Supervisor 3.98 .64
I have a good relationship with my
3.9 .82
My supervisor provides sufficient
information to perform a task given
3.8 .92
I am able to perform under minimum
4.1 .79
B. Colleagues 3.70 .69
I have a good relationship with my
3.9 .92
I often had to do more work than other
3.5 1
C. Equipments 3.93 .64
I have adequate equipment to complete
3.5 .83
I believe that upgraded technology
would make me able to perform better
4.2 .78
D. Work Environment 3.24 .55
My working hours are efficient 3.6 .99
I have enough time to get the job done 3.4 1
I need to multitask to settle my job 3.3 .95
My workplace environment is very
pleasant and safe
I have been threatened or harassed by
someone while doing my job
Table 4.7: Descriptive statistic for financial factors (n=116)
Mean Standard
E. Financial Factor
My organization practices effective
salary scheme
My organization provides benefit to its
3.7 .84
My current salary meets my
3.6 .97
Mean Standard
A. Stress 3.71 .47
Workplace environment factors 3.71 .39
Financial factor 3.71 .79
Table 4.8: Descriptive statistic for stress (n=116)
Based on the findings above, table 4.6 shows the descriptive statistic for
workplace environment factors, table 4.7 shows the descriptive statistic for financial
factors while table 4.8 shows the descriptive statistic for stress. For table 4.6, the data
shows the highest factors of stress in workplace environment factors were supervisors,
with its mean is 3.98 and the standard deviation is .64. It is followed by equipments,
which the mean is 3.93 and standard deviation is .64. Meanwhile table 4.7 represents the
data for financial factors and it show the mean of the factor overall is 3.71 and standard
deviation is .79. On the other hand, table 4.8 describes the descriptive statistic for stress
which shows that mean for workplace environment factors are same with financial
factors, both are 3.71. However, the standard deviation for these two factors is different,
which workplace environment factors is .39 while financial factor is .79. Nevertheless,
overall, the mean for stress is 3.71 and its standard deviation is .47.
Research Question 2: what is the level of job performance of healthcare professionals
at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
Table 4.9: Descriptive statistic for job performance (n=116)
Mean Standard
I am motivated to perform a task 3.87 .79
I demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility
to perform a task
4.07 .71
I put adequate time and thoughts to perform a
task given
3.91 .72
I plan and organize my job well 3.95 .73
I am willing to perform tasks beyond my job
3.77 .84
I am able to multitask when handling a job
3.83 .90
I think that work overload can affect my work
3.97 .93
I am rarely absent to work 3.28 1
I am always positive in my work 3.91 .79
Table 4.10: Descriptive statistic for job performance (n=116)
Mean Standard
A. Job performance 3.83 .55
Table 4.9 and 4.10 represents the descriptive statistic for job performance of
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Based on the findings, the
data shows that the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat
Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is moderate, with the mean is 3.83 and standard deviation is
Table 4.11: Level of overall employees job performance (n=116)
Scale Level Frequency Percent (%)
0.01 to 0.99
1 to 2.99
Very Low
3 to 3.99 Medium 67 57.8
4 to 5 High 44 38
TOTAL 116 100.0
Level of Employees’ Job Performance
This study used a five point scale to fulfil the objective of investigating the levels
of employees’ job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling. In order to find out the level of employees’ job performance, the
respondents were requested to indicate their level of satisfaction according to five point
scale used in this study which consist of 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=moderate,
4=agree and 5=strongly agree. The scale is classified into three categories, namely low,
moderate and high. The scale of 2 and less treated as having achieved a low level of
employees job performance, a scale of 3 indicates moderate level and the scale of 4 up to
5 is considered to have achieved a high level of employees job performance. Table 4.11
reports the table results for the level of employees’ job performance among healthcare
professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Research Question 3: Is there any relationship between factors of stress and job
performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Table 4.12: Correlation between stress and job performance
Stress Job
Stress Pearson Correlation Sig.
Job Performance Pearson Correlation Sig.
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
According to table 4.12, the data shows the correlation between stress and job
performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Based on the finding, it shows that
there is a relationship between factors of stress and job performance among healthcare
professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. The data shows the Pearson
correlation is .516, which correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
This chapter summarizes the findings of the study, discusses some of the limitations and
concludes by making some recommendations for further research in the future. Every
data presents drawn from the findings and results of the data analysis earlier.
Demographic Profile of Respondents
The purpose of this study is to determined the relationship between stress and job
performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling and the study was limited to healthcare
professionals at the organization.
Based on the study, it can be concluded that most of healthcare professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling constituted of female which about 67.2% (n=78)
compared to male, which only 32.8 (n=38). Majority of the respondents are aged
between 26 years old to 30 years old which 32.8% (n=38) from 100% (n=116)
populations. On the other hand, based on the study, most of the respondents are nurses at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling, which represents 35.3% (n=41) from the populations.
From the findings, 71.6% (n=83) from the respondent’s income levels are at the range of
RM1001 to RM3000 and 53.4% (n=62) has one (1) to five (5) years working experience.
From the findings, the study came out with the several conclusions. The
conclusions are as follows:
Research Question 1
What are the factors of stress that influence the job performance among healthcare
professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
According to the findings, workplace environment factors have seen as the
strongest factors that influence the job performance. At Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
Petaling, supervisors are the most affecting factors that gave an impact towards
workplace environment. It is supported by McShane & Glinow (2008) that says bad
supervisors can also be quite stressful. The authors discovered that female healthcare
assistants experienced much higher blood pressure when working with ineffective rather
than effective supervisors.
Research Question 2
What are the levels of job performance of healthcare professionals at Pejabat
Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
Based on the finding, the level of job performance of healthcare professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is moderate, with its mean is 3.83 and standard
deviation is .55. 67 from 116 populations chose to answered moderate for level of job
performance. According to previous finding, it stated that the supervisors and
equipments are the highest factors of stress. Lack of communication for supervisors and
subordinates may affect the level of job performance. Supervisors should be aware of
their subordinates and must provide sufficient information in order to ensure subordinates
fully understood the scope of work. By doing so, the subordinates know exactly their
scope of work and their job level are increased as well. Other than that, insufficient
equipment also may affect the level of job performance. This is because, if there is
insufficient equipment in the organization, works are difficult to handle and the barriers
may exists in order to accomplish the task given.
Research Question 3
Is there any relationship between stress with job performance among healthcare
professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
Based on the findings, it shows that there is a relationship between stress with job
performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Table 4.39 and 4.40 in chapter four (4) proves that value of 1 indicates perfect positive
correlations. In the other words, healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Petaling
believes that supervisors, colleagues, equipments, working environment as well as
financial factors can contribute to stress and affect their job performance. From this
finding, the study has accepted the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship
between stress and job performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
There is a significant relationship between stress and job performance among
healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
Based on the findings of the study, the researcher would like to give several
recommendations that can be applied by Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling in order to
prevent stress at the workplace and improve job performance. The recommendations as
are follows:
Supervisors play a role
According to the findings, supervisors are the biggest factors that contribute to
stress. This study also has been supported by Rubina (2008). In her study, she stated
that supports from the supervisors are the major factor. She added, the supervisors need
to recognize the good work and outstanding contributions of their subordinates to keep
them motivated to do their best. In addition, the organization should promote a culture of
support. By doing that, the organization can set the example and make the company
realize that the subordinates support also is very important. Moreover, supervisors
should improved level of communications between them and their subordinates. By
improving communications, supervisors help their subordinates to reduce uncertainty
about career development and future employment prospects as well as provides sufficient
information to subordinate’s perform a task given. Besides that, supervisors should have
an empathy and sympathy in them in order to subordinates feels comfortable when
communicate with their own supervisors.
Attach employees to training and seminars
In order to reduce stress at the workplace, the organization should send their
employees to attend training and seminars. Training is the term that is often used
casually to describe almost any effort initiated by an organization to foster learning
among its member (Bohlander, 2010). Training can have a positive impact on tackling
stress in the workplace. Based on the Shuttleworth (2004), training helps employees
become more flexible towards stress and enabling them to tackle the root causes of any
problems. Prior to training have a clear definition of what organization wants to achieve.
A stress audit is an important tool that enables the employer to identify the pressure
points in an organization, pinpointing areas that maybe experiencing stress and
understanding the underlying causes of stress. In addition, by sending their employees to
training, it helps employees to identify the symptoms of stress and develop safe coping
strategies for themselves as well as their organizations.
Work-life balance initiative by organization
Beside the two suggestions above, the organization should also take work-life
balance initiative to reduce the employee’s job stress. For instance, Pejabat Kesihatan
Daerah Petaling can organize company trip for the employees to relax their mind and
body. Since employees in healthcare industry faced high risk of stress, holiday is one of
the best ways to prevent stress. Other than that, the organization can take other initiative
in order to reduce stress. Providing monetary rewards is one of the ways to tackling
stress among workers effectively. By providing rewards, employees will feels more
motivated towards its work, reduce stress as well as increased job performance.
Job Sharing
According to McShane & Glinow (2008), job sharing splits a career position
between two people so they experience less time-based stress between work and family.
They typically work different parts of the week with some overlapping work time in the
weekly schedule to coordinate activities.
As for future research, further research need to be done at the other companies in
this area of study, regardless of its sector either public or private sector. This is to ensure
the research is not only focused on particular industry or sector, but it can be
implemented and carried out to various industries. For further studies, it is encouraged
more organizations, thus results obtained can be compared. This will help others to
identify the factors of stress that influence job performance at one organizations and it
can come out with ways to overcome stresses. It is recommended that further studies be
conducted with larger sample size to determine the accuracy of findings. By having
larger sample size, the findings will be more relevant to others and also to the
organizations and many different factors of stress towards job performance can be
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Dear Sir / Madam,
As a final year student of Bachelor of Health Administration (Hons.) program from
Faculty of Office Management, UiTM, I am conducting a research entitled a study on the
relationship between stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at
Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
This study is intended to examine how factors of stress influence job performance of the
target group. With this, I hope that you will kindly provide me necessary information by
completing this questionnaire. I assure you that your responses will be kept STRICTLY
If you have any further enquiries, please refer to the contact information stated below.
Your cooperation and feedback pertaining to the survey is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely: Endorsed by:
2008289032 277804
017-2333390 03-3258 5044
INSTRUCTION: Each of the items below is followed by boxes and blank lines. Please
tick (/) your respond in the boxes provided or fill in the blanks.
01. Age
02. Gender
Below 20 years
36 – 40 years
21 – 25 years
31 – 35 years
26 – 30 years
Above 40
03. Job Position
04. Income Level (RM)
05. Working Experience
Medical Officer
Medical Assistant
Lab Technologist
Others (Please specify: ____________________________ )
Below 1000
1001 - 3000
3001 - 5000
5001 - 7000
Above 7000
Below 1 year
Above 5 years
1 – 5 years
INSTRUCTION: This section is to describe the workplace environment factors in your
clinic. Please respond to all items based on the five-point scale to indicate your
agreement or disagreement to each statement by circling the appropriate number on the
scale provided. The 5-point scale is as follows:
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Moderate 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
I have a good relationship with my supervisor 1 2 3 4 5
07. My supervisor provides sufficient information to
perform a task given
1 2 3 4 5
08. I am able to perform under minimum supervision 1 2 3 4 5
I have a good relationship with my colleagues 1 2 3 4 5
10. I often had to do more work than other colleagues 1 2 3 4 5
I have adequate equipment to complete tasks 1 2 3 4 5
12. I believe that upgraded technology would make
me able to perform better
1 2 3 4 5
Working Environment
13. My working hours are efficient 1 2 3 4 5
14. I have enough time to get the job done 1 2 3 4 5
15. I need to multitask to settle my job 1 2 3 4 5
16. My workplace environment is very pleasant and
1 2 3 4 5
17. I have been threatened or harassed by someone
(e.g: colleagues, patients) while doing my job
1 2 3 4 5
INSTRUCTION: This section is to describe the workplace environment factors in your
clinic. Please respond to all items based on the five-point scale to indicate your
agreement or disagreement to each statement by circling the appropriate number on the
scale provided. The 5-point scale is as follows:
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Moderate 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
18. My organization practices effective salary
1 2 3 4 5
19. My organization provides benefit to its
1 2 3 4 5
20. My current salary meets my qualifications 1 2 3 4 5
This section is
related to your job
Please respond to
all items based on
the five-point scale
to indicate your level of performance to each statement by circling the appropriate
number on scale provided. The 5-point scale is as follows:
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Moderate 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
Work Productivity
I am motivated to perform a task 1 2 3 4 5
22. I demonstrate a strong sense of
responsibility to perform a task
1 2 3 4 5
23. I put adequate time and thoughts to 1 2 3 4 5
Please provide any suggestions/comments:

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  • 3. ABSTRACT Stress is a universal element and persons from nearly every walk of life have to face stress. Employers today are critically analyzing the stress management issues that contribute to lower job performance of employee originating from dissatisfaction and high turnover ultimately affecting organizational goals and objectives. Moreover, people who worked in healthcare industries especially healthcare professionals like medical officers, medical assistants, nurses and lab technologies are dealing with high level of stress since their business required them to meet people every day. What are the most factors of stress that influence job performance and the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling are the basic aims of this study. The data obtained through questionnaire and distributed to 156 healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Overall, the study shows that there is a significant relationship between stress with job performance and the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is only at moderate level and 57.8% from the total population chose to answer moderate.
  • 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for His Blessings until the completion of this report within given time frame. Thank to my supervisor, Miss Ros Intan Safinas Munir for her advices and encouragement. Her technical and editorial advices were essential for the completion of my report. Without her guidance, I’m not going to finished it successfully. She had also taught me innumerable lessons on working on academic research. Whatever problem I encounter, referring to her is will yield best solution. This without doubt is most needed as without the guidance, I may not finish the research with flying color. A special thank also to Encik Ahmad Nizam, Lecturer of Office Management and Technology as well as Dr. Ruziation Hasim, Family Medical Specialist at Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam for validate my questionnaire. Not forgetting, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, relative and friends for their moral and financial support in order for me to bear the cost of printing, photocopying, transportation and compiling. I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. Ruziation Hasim, Family Medical Specialist, Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam for her kind and generous attitude towards me during my internship. I am very pleased to thank her for his generosity in sharing her experience.
  • 5. Last but not least, I would like to thank all individuals including respondents, and all people who directly or indirectly involved in making this report a success. Kind cooperation was highly appreciated. Syaza Izzati Binti Asahari Nov 12th , 2010 Faculty of Office Management and Technology Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.
  • 6. LIST OF TABLES Table Pages 16 18 19 25 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 3.1 The Population for Healthcare Professionals……………………………... 3.2 Krejcie and Morgan Table….……………………………………………... 3.3 Sample Size………………..……………………………………………….... 4.1 Frequency Distribution of Respondent’s Age ……………………….......... 4.2 Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Gender …..…………………… 4.3 Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Job Performance……………..... 4..4 Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Income Level………………… 4.5 Frequency of Working Experience of Respondents………………………. 4.6 Descriptive Statistic for Workplace Environment Factor………………….. 4.7 Descriptive Statistic for Workplace Financial Factor…..…………………. 4.8 Descriptive Statistic for Stress……………………..………………………. 4.9 Descriptive Statistic for Job Performance…………………………………… 4.10 Descriptive Statistic for Job Performance..………………………………..... 4.11 Level of Overall Employees Job Performance……………………………… 4.12 Correlation between Stress and Job Performance…....……………………... 4.13 Correlation between Workplace Environment and Job Performance…….... 4.14 Correlation between Financial Factor and Job Performance...……………..
  • 7.
  • 8. LIST OF FIGURES Figure Pages 13 22 29 30 31 32 33 2.1 Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………… 3.4 Plans for Data Analysis…………………………………………………………... 4.1 Respondent’s Age………………………………………………………………… 4.2 Respondent’s Gender…………………………………………………………...... 4.3 Job Position of Respondents……………………………………............................ 4.4 Income Level of Respondents…………………………………………................. 4.5 Respondent’s Working Experience…………………………………….................
  • 9. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Stress exists from the change in an individual’s thinking and their lifestyle. Nowadays, individual have changed in their perceptions and the way they interpret this life. According to Hinkle (1973), in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, stress is denoted as force, pressure, strain or strong effort with reference now also to objects but still primarily to a person or person’s organs on mental power. Stress is a key issue facing many organizations yet, despite the increasing awareness of how it impacts on job performance towards their employees (Shuttleworth, 2004). When stress happen, it can contribute to the employee’s job performance. Based on the study made by Seyle (2004), continued and prolonged stress may result in fatigue, anxiety, tension and extreme irritability. If severe and prolonged, it will result in exhaustion and may cause depressions and anxiety. According to Ghaleb and Thuria (2008), stress is a term that refers to sum of physical mental emotional strains or tensions on a person or feelings of stress which result from interactions between people and their environment that are perceived as
  • 10. straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their well being. In addition, stress has a wide psychological and physical effect as cardiovascular musculoskeletal systems, headache, sleep disturbance and depressions. Stress is believed to be caused by the various problems that exist such as financial problems, family problems, and environment in their surrounding including at the workplace. According to American Psychological Association [APA], for an employees, stress related physical illnesses include heart disease, migraines, hypertension, muscle, and back joint pain, as well as mental health problems such as anxiety, insomnia and depressions, all of which can directly contribute toward absenteeism, decreased work performance and ultimately burnout. As we know, stress is always mistaken as bad, and negative. It must be noted that it has also a positive value. However, it is an opportunity when it affects potential gain (Boswell et al, 2006). Positive stress may result in stimulating and enhancing work performance, despite of decrease work performance. In the other word, a small amount of stress may positively encourage workers to work harder. Performance is defined as the outcomes and accomplishments valued by the organization or system that one works in. Each individual is exposed to a range of stressors at work which ultimately affect his or her performance (Tahira, 2008). Newstrom (2007) explained that stress can be either helpful or harmful to job performance, depending on its level. When there is no stress, job challenges are absent and performance tends to be low and as stress increases, performance tends to increase, because stress helps a person call up resources to meet job requirements.
  • 11. Therefore, this study has focused on how stress can contributed to the employee’s life, especially on their job performance. This research determined to find the factors of stress, which were workplace environment factors and financial factors and the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling Statement of the Problem Several studies have been done regarding the relationship between stress and job performance (Imtiaz & Shakil, June 2009). Caplan (1994) stated that health sector has to face usually large amount of stress. Stress among doctors is high, the medical profession is suffering from increased stress, but most of the attention has been focused on junior doctors and their excessive hours of work. On the other hand, according to Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization (2005), one in five nurses will leave her or his job due to dissatisfaction, notably including stress. The importance of stress is highlighted nowadays by the employers to manage and reduce stress through practical guidelines in a private sector but not in public organizations (Rolfe, 2005). In this study, the research has been made to determine the relationship between stress and job performance that exists in public organization.
  • 12. Research Objectives The purposes of this study are: 1. to identify the factors of stress that influence the job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. 2. to identify the level of stress on job performance among healthcare professional at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. 3. to determine the relationship between stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Research Questions The research questions used in this study are: 1. what are the factors of stress that influence the job performance among healthcare professionals in Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? 2. what is the level of job performance of healthcare professionals in Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? 3. is there any relationship between factors of stress with job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?’ Research Hypothesis H1 There is a significant relationship between stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
  • 13. Significance of the Study This study was conducted to identify the relationship between factors of stress with job performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Generally, it is to show the importance stress and its impacts towards job performance. For organization like health care company, the risk to face high level of stress is high since the business is basically dealing with people everyday. Finding of this study give additional information to the industry especially for upper level of health care organization on how to determine if their workers face stress and how to handle if it affects their job. Therefore, the industry could also benefited from this study as it would be able to recognize the importance of stress and its impacts towards people, so that they will know how serious are this matter because it affects all aspects. Limitation of the Study This research has several limitations. Since Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is handled by Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor, the process of approval was difficult and time consuming. Besides that, this study respondent was limited only to healthcare professionals only. Other than that, the other limitation was, this research is limited to respondents at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Definition of Terms 1. Stress According to Khuwaja (2002), stress basically is a mental strain form the internal or external stimulus that refrains a person to respond towards its environment in a normal manner. These stress levels can be internal or external for people, from their personal lives or professional lives (Ali Khan, 2007).
  • 14. Financial Level In this study, financial level can be defined as the employee’s financial background that will influence their lifestyle. Environment An environment can be defined as an external condition or surrounding, especially those in which people live or work. In this study, environment means the workplace surrounding that affect their job performance. 2. Job performance Job performance defined as the ability of individuals to accomplish their respective work goals, meet their expectations, achieve benchmarks or attain their organizational goals (Bohlander, 2001, Campbell, 1990, Eysenck, 1998).
  • 15. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION This study proposed to discover the factors of stress at the workplace for healthcare organization and the impacts toward their job performance. It discussed in details on how the stress can be related closely with the employee’s job satisfaction. Moreover, in this study, it determines what the factors that can cause stress and how can influence employee’s job performance. Specifically in Malaysia, there are the large amounts of studies regarding stress and the effect of stress towards employee’s job performance (Imtiaz, 2009). Nevertheless, most of the research was merely focused on common organization rather than healthcare organization. People should realize that healthcare organization especially hospitals is the most stressful place because they dealing with sick people daily.
  • 16. According to Kumaresan, (2005), stated that stress at the workplace has long been an important concept in the study of employee’s responses to their work surrounding. There are many challenges in the work environment, characterized by heightened competition, lack of time, lack of space and continuous technology development. Furthermore, financial status also contributed to stress. Some employees do not satisfy with their salary paid because they felt like not worth it. Means that, they have to face work overload, but the salary paid is still the same. In addition, job stress is considered rising and has become challenge for employer because high level of stress can contribute to low productivity, increased absenteeism and collection to other employee’s problems like alcoholism, drug abuse, hypertension and host of cardiovascular problems. (Meneze, 2005). According to Elovainio (2002), job stress also inadvertently consequences low organizational performance. Job stress although has disparagement impact on any organization and individual’s performance but can shape terribly consequences when related to health care (Mimura, 2003). STRESS Stress is a universal experience in the life of each person especially for the employees, even executives or managers (Bashir, Asad, 2007). Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. Based on Rubina (2008), originally stress was conceived as pressure from the environment, then as strain with the person. She added that it is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the situations. Besides that, stress is seen as a dynamic condition in which an individual confronted with an opportunity, constraints or reward related to what she or he desires for which the
  • 17. outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important (Salleh, Bakar & Keong, November 2008). There are various factors that lead to stress. It includes financial problem, family problems, and problems in people’s surrounding like their friends, lifestyle, and their workplace. For those who worked, most of the time they have to dealing with stress at their workplace. Stress at the workplace can be caused physiology and psychology impacts towards their life especially their job performance. Heart disease, muscle and back joint paint as well as hypertension is falls under physiology impact category, while absenteeism and decreased work productivity falls under psychology impact category. According to NIOSH (2001), there are several job conditions that may lead to stress at the workplace. First is the design of tasks. Design of tasks means the organization gave their employees heavy workload, infrequent rest breaks, long work hours and shift works. Second is management style. Management style here refers to lack of participation by workers in decision-making, poor communication in the organization and lack of family-friendly policies. For instance, the worker of the organization needs to get the boss’s approval for everything, and the company is insensitive to her family needs. The third one is interpersonal relationship. The term interpersonal relationship is the organization has poor social environment and lack of support or help from co-workers and supervisors. On the other hand, the fourth job condition that may lead to stress is work roles. Work roles are not clearly identified may results conflicting or uncertain job expectations and makes employees feels like they has too much responsibility. Last but not least, the working environmental conditions, that also an independent variable for this
  • 18. study. Environmental conditions based on NIOSH definition, refers to unpleasant or dangerous physical conditions such as crowding, noise, air pollution or ergonomic problems. On the other hand, according to McShane & Glinow (2008), workplace violence is a serious interpersonal stressor. An International Labor Organization study reported that more than 60 percent of healthcare staffs in Bulgaria, Australia, South Africa and Portugal experienced at least one incident of physical and psychological violence in the previous year. Moreover, the study also reported that more than a quarter of the 3,000 British nurses had been physically attacked at work. Furthermore, this study was focused on what are the factors of stress at the workplace that can influence healthcare professionals’ job performance. JOB PERFORMANCE Job performance is the result of three factors working together, which are skill, effort and the nature of the work condition (Rubina, 2008). Lizhen (2008) refers performance to either employees’ discrete activities or behaviors or their aggregated values to the organization. While Muhammad Jamal (1984) explained that job performance can be viewed as an activity in which an individual is able to accomplish successfully the task and goal assigned to particular person. Campbell (2005) explained that performance is related closely to productivity. Productivity derives a meaning of a measure relating a quantity or quality of output to the inputs required to produce it. Thus, productivity can also be defined as quantity of output per time spent or numbers employed.
  • 19. Job performance level might be differed based on the several factors. Rechel (2008) described on how the layout of workplace can affect the employees’ job performance as how conventional floor design for patient care units, which characterized by centralized nurse stations and centralized location of supplies were reducing staff walking and increase their job performance. In other hands, Hendrich (2004) however mentioned that single rooms increased the distance between patients, resulting in increased physical demands on staff, thus affecting their job performance. Hardy (2004) explained that the upgraded facilities were one of factors that influence the job performance as there was increment in nurses’ job satisfaction and performance after hospital make the purchases for new facilities, which decreasing the number of staff and patients injuries substantially. Conway (2007) mentioned that shiftwork and work-related stress could be the reason for declined job performance, abseenteism, job dissatisfaction, and turnover among employees in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, Tzeng (2004) added that skills were able to influence the employees’ job performance. According to the study, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, interprofessional communication, cultural competency and integrating skills were able to improve the nursing performance. When all of these skills were emphasized, nurses’ professional development and growth may then reflect improved performance too. While Kushnir (2006) described that coaching able to unlock the nursing students potential in learning and development, thus increased the performance among them. Brown and Peterson (1994) also mentioned that a physiological rationale and the ambiguity reduced effort, thus also reducing performance of the employees.
  • 20. HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS According to Green & Bowie (2005), healthcare professionals consists of licensed physicians and other licensed providers as permitted by law, for instances nurse practitioners and physicians assistants, who are granted clinical privileges. The healthcare professionals or a medical staff serves a liaison between the clinical staffs and non-clinical staffs or also known as administration staffs. The healthcare professionals includes physicians, nurses, environmental health services manager, medical record managers, billing and insurances manager, health information manager, pharmacist as well as medical assistant. In addition, medical assistants perform routine administrative and clinical tasks to keep the offices and clinics of physicians and nurses running smoothly (Green, 2008). On the other hand, the routine of nurses includes review a patient’s chart and plan his or her daily care (Fremgen & Frucht. 2009). Each healthcare professional that has contact with the patient in any capacity completes the appropriate report of that contact and adds it to the medical chart. Meanwhile, the medical record manager’s routine is to maintain complete inpatient, outpatient surgery and emergency records in a confidential manner. The manager releases information only with patient’s written authorization or with a court order. Besides that, their duty is also to files, retrieves, and tracks patient records to assist physician and nursing staff in providing patient care. In the mean time, environmental health services manager coordinates and monitors health-related activities for employees. For instances, employment screening physical, drug testing and determined the classifications of cleanliness of each restaurants.
  • 21. Furthermore, anyone who works in healthcare industry likes healthcare professionals must have firm understanding of confidentiality. Any information or record relating to a patients must be considered privileged. This means that healthcare professionals must have moral and legal responsibility to keep all information about the patient confidential. In addition, according to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), they have set federal standards that provide patients with more protection of their medical records and health information, better access to their own records, and greater control over how their health information issued and to whom its disclosed. Meanwhile, American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) recommended that anyone documenting in the health record should be credentialed or have the authority and right to document as defined by the organization’s policy. Healthcare professionals are responsible for documenting care, treatment and services rendered to patients in a manner that complies with federal and state regulations as well as accreditation, professional practice and legal standards.
  • 22. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS WITH JOB PERFORMANCE Stress can be either helpful or harmful to job performance, depending on its level. When there is no stress, job challenges are absent and performance tends to be low but as stress increases, performance tends to increase, because stress helps a person call up resources to meet job requirements (Newstrom, 2007). However, if stress becomes too great, it turns into a destructive force. An employee loses the ability to cope, unable to make decisions and exhibits erratic behavior. Gillespie (2001) mentioned that the employee who was able to manage their stresses could lead to higher job performance in organization. It was supported by Adler (2006) who described that the ability of employees to properly control and manage their stresses in performing job may lead to higher job performance in organization. Some factors of occupational stress such as harassment also play a role in the job performance of workforce. The increment of occupational stress was proven to decrease the quality of job performance. Extreme and prolonged stress in workplace also has been identified as one of possible cause of decreased job performance in many professions (Beaudoin & Edgar, 2003). When stress increases, feeling of frustration, anxiety and tiredness start to consume energy and stress becomes dysfunctional and detrimental to performance (Muse, 2003). Tahira (2008) mentioned that stress have an obvious impact on the organization and industry, which also could reduce the job performance.
  • 23. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS WITH JOB PERFORMANCE Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework for the Relationship between Stress With Job Performance Source: Azman Ismail, Yeo Suh-Suh, Mohd Na’iem Ajis & Noor Faizzah Dollah. (2008). The Relationship between Occupational Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: An Empirical Study in Malaysia.  Work Productivity  Factors that lead to stress: - Workplace environment factors Supervisors Colleagues Equipments Working environments - Financial factors Dependent Variable JOB PERFORMANCE Independent Variable STRESS
  • 24. CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY The study entitled ‘Relationship between Stress and Job Performance among Healthcare Professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. The research focused on the factors of stress and their effects towards healthcare professionals’ job performance. This chapter consists of ten (10) sections. The first section discussed about research design, while the second section has explained the sampling frame for this study. This is followed by the third section, which is population. Meanwhile the fourth section has described the sampling techniques for this research. Sample size has been discussed on the fifth section, whereas the sixth section has clarified about unit of analysis. The seventh section consisted of data collection procedures and the eighth section has identified the instrument used in this research. Moreover, the ninth and tenth section each has illustrated the validity of instrument and the plan for data analysis.
  • 25. Research Design The research design chosen for this research is the descriptive correlational research. According to Salkind (2009), correlational research could be defined as research that describes linear relationship between two or more variables without any hint of attributing the effect of one variable on another. In addition, Spatz and Kardas (2008) explain correlational research as scientific research that predicts the outcome of one variable based on the scores of one or more other variables. Besides that, Sekaran (2006) mentions that the research is called correlational research when it is use to define the important variables associated with the problem. In other hands, some researchers choose to conduct correlational research because they are interested in measuring many variables and accessing the relationship between them (Jackson, 2009). Sampling Frame Sampling frame is a list of population members from which a sample is selected (Richardson, 2005). The sampling frame for this study was obtained from list of employees at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling, which was provided by Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor.
  • 26. Population According to Salkind (2009), population is a group of potential participants to whom you want to generalize the results of a study. The population for this study was the healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. According to the Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor, this place owned about 178 employees including of healthcare professionals (156) and non-healthcare staffs (22). The details of the population for healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling are shown in Table 3-1. No. Healthcare Professionals Population 01. Medical Officer 14 02. Medical Assistant 45 03. Pharmacist 22 04. Nurse 59 05. Lab Technician 4 05. Others 12 TOTAL 156 Table 3-1: The Population for Healthcare Professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
  • 27. Sampling Techniques The sampling strategies comprised of two parts, which are Probability Sampling Strategies and Nonprobability Sampling Strategies (Salkind, 2009). The sampling technique that has been used for this study was Stratified Random Sampling, which was taken from Nonprobability Sampling Strategy. Nonprobability Sampling Strategy means that the probability of selecting a single individual is not known (Salkind, 2009). Stratified Random Sampling has been chosen since the population of Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling contains several different groups and heterogeneous. Sekaran (2006) has stated that Stratified sampling technique is an efficient research sampling design, that is, it provides more information with a given sample size. It is also used to ensure that the profile of the sample matches the profile of the population (Salkind, 2009). Sample Size Sample size will represented the population and it is important to ensure that the sample size have the same characteristics with the characteristic of the population they representing. Besides that, according to Sekaran (2006), it is also important to see the important to establish the representativeness of the sample for generalizability. For this study, the Krejcie-Morgan table (1970) has been used in order to determine the sample size of respondents. N S N S N S N S N S N S
  • 28. 10 10 60 52 120 92 220 140 340 181 600 234 15 14 65 56 130 97 230 144 360 186 650 242 20 19 70 59 140 103 240 148 380 191 700 248 25 24 75 63 150 108 250 152 400 196 750 254 30 28 80 66 160 113 260 155 420 201 800 260 35 32 85 70 170 118 270 159 440 205 900 265 40 36 90 73 180 123 280 162 460 210 950 269 45 30 95 76 190 127 290 165 480 214 1000 274 50 44 100 80 200 132 300 169 500 217 1100 278 55 48 110 86 210 136 320 175 550 226 1200 285 Table 3-2: The Krejcie-Morgan Indicator: N: Population S: Sample Size Source: Krejcie and Morgan (1979), Table for Determining Sample Size From Given Population. In this research, 156 healthcare professionals from Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling was identified and based on the Krejcie-Morgan table, the sample size for this study is 156 healthcare professionals. Item Job Position Population Sample Size (%) Sample Size (min.) Sample Return
  • 29. 01. Medical Officer 14 9 10 10 02. Medical Assistant 45 29 33 33 03. Pharmacist 22 14 16 16 04. Nurse 59 38 43 41 05. Lab Technology 4 3 3 4 06. Others 12 8 9 12 Total 156 101 114 116 Table 3-3: Sample Size for Each Population Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected during the subsequent data analysis stage (Sekaran, 2006). The subject that was included in the study is an individual, consisted of healthcare professional who was working at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. It includes Medical Officers, Medical Assistants, Pharmacist, Nurses and Lab Technologists. On the other hand, based on the table 3-3 in sample size table, others are referred to HealthCare Inspectors and Environmental Health Inspector that has at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Data Collection Procedures According to Salkind (2009), a data collection procedure is the process of distributing and collecting the questionnaires. The paper-and-pencil-questionnaires were distributed personally to the healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. The respondents were given one week to respond the questions. All
  • 30. questionnaires were collected back personally collected in order to provide convenience to the respondents. DATE ACTION 25th August 2010 Went to Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor and asked permission to distribute questionnaire at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling 20th September 2010 Distribute questionnaire at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling 27th September 2010 Collect questionnaire at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling Table 3-4: Progression of questionnaire Instrument The questionnaire has been used as instrument to obtain information needed in regards of this study. It was chosen because individuals can complete them without any interference or direct assistance from the researcher (Salkind, 2009). The questionnaires was divided into three (3) sections which consists of Section A, Section B and Section C. For section A, respondents was required to answer on demographic background. This section consists of age, gender, job position, income level and working experience. For section B, respondents were required to answer on factors of stress. Factor of stress were divided into two (2) parts which are Workplace Environment and Financial Factors. For section C, respondents were required to answer on Job Performance question. For section B and C, it were measured using five (5) points Likert Scale which is ranked from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). Validity of Instrument
  • 31. According to Salkind (2009), validity can be defined as the test or instrument being used in the research to actually measure what need to be measured. In order to ensure the validity of the instrument, the questionnaires were given to Mr. Ahmad Nizam, Lecturer of Faculty of Office Management and Technology as well as Dr. Ruziaton Hasim, the Family Medical Specialist at Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam to validate the contents of the questionnaire. Comments from experts and the necessary amendments were made and incorporated in response to the questionnaires. In this study, the content or face validity were used to measure how well the items represent the entire universe of item that can be establish by asking the expert if the item evaluate what it want to evaluate. Plan for Data Analysis
  • 32. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package in Social Science Software (SPSS) version 17.0. This software was used to run all the data obtained from research respondent. Research Objectives Concept/Construct Measurement Scale Statistic To identify the factors of stress that influences the job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Types of factors indicators are supervisors, colleagues, equipments, working environment and financial factor. What are the factors of stress that influences the job performance among healthcare professionals in Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Interval Descriptive Statistic (Mean, Standard Deviation) To identify the level of job performance among healthcare professionals Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling What is the level of job performance of healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Interval Descriptive Statistic (Mean, Standard Deviation) To determine the relationship between factors of stress and job performance among healthcare 1. is there any relationship between factors of stress with job performance Pearson Correlation Coefficient
  • 33. professionals in Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? 2. is there any relationship between working environment factors with job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? 3. is there any relationship between financial factor with job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling?
  • 34. CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The chapter describes the results of findings obtained from respondents who are participated in a study of The Relationship Between Factors of Stress and Job Performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. It focuses on demographic profile of respondents, factors contributes to stress that influence job performance and the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Survey return rate Questionnaires were randomly distribute to 156 healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling by personal distributes. All respondents (116) returned the questionnaires after they complete filling the questionnaires. They have been given by the researcher to complete the questionnaires, as they have one week to complete it. The rational of doing this, is to avoid from disturbing employees to complete their daily routine. As a result, the questionnaires can be collected smoothly as desired.
  • 35. SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION This section consists of the demographic and socioeconomic information of the respondents. AGE (n=116) Table 4.1: Frequency Distribution of Respondent’s Age Frequency Percent 21-25 20 17.2 26-30 38 32.8 31-35 31 26.7 36-40 14 12.1 Above 40 13 11.2 Total 116 100 From the finding, the majority of the respondents were in the age group 26 to 30 years which represents 32.8% (n=38) from the total of respondents. 26.7% (n=31) of respondents were aged from 31 to 35 years old. Followed by 17.2% (n=20) of respondents in the age 21 to 25 years old. Respondents between 36 years to 40 years old Figure 4.1: Respondent's Age 17% 33% 27% 12% 11% 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 Above 40
  • 36. represents 12.1% (n=14) and for respondents in the age above 40 years old represents the minority for the study which only 11.2% (n=13). GENDER (n=116) Table 4.2: Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Gender Frequency Percent Male 38 32.8 Female 78 67.2 Total 116 100 From the table above, it shows that the majority of respondents were female 67.2% (n=78) and male respondents constitutes for 32.8% (n=38) of the total sample. Figure 4.2: Respondent's Gender 33% 67% Male Female
  • 37. JOB POSITION (n=116) Table 4.3: Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Job Position Frequency Percent Medical Officer 10 8.6 Medical Assistant 33 28.4 Pharmacist 16 13.8 Nurse 41 35.3 Lab Technician 4 3.4 Others 12 10.3 Total 116 100 From the findings, the table shows that the majority of respondents that answer the questionnaires were Nurses which represents 35.3% (n=41) from the population. Meanwhile, the Medical Assistants shows that 28.4% (n=33) from the population answer the questions and followed by Pharmacists, 13.8% (n=16). Medical Officers represents Figure 4.3: Job Position of Respondents 9% 28% 14% 36% 3% 10% Medical Officer Medical Assistant Pharmacist Nurse Lab Technician Others
  • 38. 8.6% (n=10) from the population while for others, it represents 10.3% (n=12). The Lab Technician became the minority of the respondents which represents only 3.4% (n=4). INCOME LEVEL (RM) (n=116) Table 4.4: Frequency of Distribution of Respondent’s Income Level Frequency Percent 1001 - 3000 83 71.6 3001 - 5000 29 25 5001 - 7000 4 3.4 Total 116 100 From the finding, the income level for health care professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Petaling who answers the questionnaire is majority at the range of RM1001 to RM3000 per month, which represents 71.6% (n=83). Then it is followed by the range of RM3001 to RM5000 which represents 25% (n=29) from the population and 3.4% (n=4) Figure 4.4: Respondent's Income Level 72% 25% 3% 1001-3000 30015-5000 5001-7000
  • 39. is for health care professionals that their income level is at the range of RM5001 to RM7000. WORKING EXPERIENCE (N=116) Table 4.5: Frequency of Working Experience of the respondents Frequency Percent Below 1 year 9 7.8 1 to 5 years 62 53.4 Above 5 years 45 38.8 Total 116 100 The table shows that the majority of the respondents were respondent that has one (1) to five (5) working experience, which 53.4% (n=62). It is followed by respondent that has above five (5) years working experience, which represent 38.8% (n=45) from the population and respondent who has below one (1) year working experience is the minority among the respondents, which only 7.8% (n=9). Figure 4.5: Respondent's Working Experience 8% 53% 39% Below 1 yr 1-5 yrs Above 5yrs
  • 40. Research Question 1: What are the factors of stress that influences the job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Table 4.6: Descriptive Statistic for Workplace Environment Factor Mean Standard Deviation A. Supervisor 3.98 .64 I have a good relationship with my supervisor 3.9 .82 My supervisor provides sufficient information to perform a task given 3.8 .92 I am able to perform under minimum supervision 4.1 .79 B. Colleagues 3.70 .69 I have a good relationship with my colleagues 3.9 .92 I often had to do more work than other colleagues 3.5 1 C. Equipments 3.93 .64 I have adequate equipment to complete tasks 3.5 .83 I believe that upgraded technology would make me able to perform better 4.2 .78 D. Work Environment 3.24 .55 My working hours are efficient 3.6 .99 I have enough time to get the job done 3.4 1 I need to multitask to settle my job 3.3 .95 My workplace environment is very pleasant and safe I have been threatened or harassed by someone while doing my job 3.3 2.5 .90 1
  • 41. Table 4.7: Descriptive statistic for financial factors (n=116) Mean Standard Deviation E. Financial Factor My organization practices effective salary scheme 3.71 3.7 .79 .92 My organization provides benefit to its employees 3.7 .84 My current salary meets my qualifications 3.6 .97 Mean Standard Deviation A. Stress 3.71 .47 Workplace environment factors 3.71 .39 Financial factor 3.71 .79 Table 4.8: Descriptive statistic for stress (n=116) Based on the findings above, table 4.6 shows the descriptive statistic for workplace environment factors, table 4.7 shows the descriptive statistic for financial factors while table 4.8 shows the descriptive statistic for stress. For table 4.6, the data shows the highest factors of stress in workplace environment factors were supervisors, with its mean is 3.98 and the standard deviation is .64. It is followed by equipments, which the mean is 3.93 and standard deviation is .64. Meanwhile table 4.7 represents the data for financial factors and it show the mean of the factor overall is 3.71 and standard
  • 42. deviation is .79. On the other hand, table 4.8 describes the descriptive statistic for stress which shows that mean for workplace environment factors are same with financial factors, both are 3.71. However, the standard deviation for these two factors is different, which workplace environment factors is .39 while financial factor is .79. Nevertheless, overall, the mean for stress is 3.71 and its standard deviation is .47. Research Question 2: what is the level of job performance of healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Table 4.9: Descriptive statistic for job performance (n=116) Mean Standard Deviation I am motivated to perform a task 3.87 .79 I demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility to perform a task 4.07 .71
  • 43. I put adequate time and thoughts to perform a task given 3.91 .72 I plan and organize my job well 3.95 .73 I am willing to perform tasks beyond my job scope 3.77 .84 I am able to multitask when handling a job given 3.83 .90 I think that work overload can affect my work productivity 3.97 .93 I am rarely absent to work 3.28 1 I am always positive in my work 3.91 .79 Table 4.10: Descriptive statistic for job performance (n=116) Mean Standard Deviation A. Job performance 3.83 .55 Table 4.9 and 4.10 represents the descriptive statistic for job performance of healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Based on the findings, the data shows that the level of job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is moderate, with the mean is 3.83 and standard deviation is .55. Table 4.11: Level of overall employees job performance (n=116) Scale Level Frequency Percent (%) 0.01 to 0.99 1 to 2.99 Very Low Low 0 5 0 4.4 3 to 3.99 Medium 67 57.8 4 to 5 High 44 38 TOTAL 116 100.0
  • 44. Level of Employees’ Job Performance This study used a five point scale to fulfil the objective of investigating the levels of employees’ job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. In order to find out the level of employees’ job performance, the respondents were requested to indicate their level of satisfaction according to five point scale used in this study which consist of 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=moderate, 4=agree and 5=strongly agree. The scale is classified into three categories, namely low, moderate and high. The scale of 2 and less treated as having achieved a low level of employees job performance, a scale of 3 indicates moderate level and the scale of 4 up to 5 is considered to have achieved a high level of employees job performance. Table 4.11 reports the table results for the level of employees’ job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Research Question 3: Is there any relationship between factors of stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Table 4.12: Correlation between stress and job performance Correlations Stress Job Performance Stress Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 1 116 .516** .000 116 Job Performance Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .516** .000 116 1 116 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
  • 45. According to table 4.12, the data shows the correlation between stress and job performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Based on the finding, it shows that there is a relationship between factors of stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. The data shows the Pearson correlation is .516, which correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
  • 46. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter summarizes the findings of the study, discusses some of the limitations and concludes by making some recommendations for further research in the future. Every data presents drawn from the findings and results of the data analysis earlier. Demographic Profile of Respondents The purpose of this study is to determined the relationship between stress and job performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling and the study was limited to healthcare professionals at the organization. Based on the study, it can be concluded that most of healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling constituted of female which about 67.2% (n=78) compared to male, which only 32.8 (n=38). Majority of the respondents are aged between 26 years old to 30 years old which 32.8% (n=38) from 100% (n=116) populations. On the other hand, based on the study, most of the respondents are nurses at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling, which represents 35.3% (n=41) from the populations.
  • 47. From the findings, 71.6% (n=83) from the respondent’s income levels are at the range of RM1001 to RM3000 and 53.4% (n=62) has one (1) to five (5) years working experience. CONCLUSION From the findings, the study came out with the several conclusions. The conclusions are as follows: Research Question 1 What are the factors of stress that influence the job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? According to the findings, workplace environment factors have seen as the strongest factors that influence the job performance. At Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling, supervisors are the most affecting factors that gave an impact towards workplace environment. It is supported by McShane & Glinow (2008) that says bad supervisors can also be quite stressful. The authors discovered that female healthcare assistants experienced much higher blood pressure when working with ineffective rather than effective supervisors. Research Question 2 What are the levels of job performance of healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Based on the finding, the level of job performance of healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling is moderate, with its mean is 3.83 and standard deviation is .55. 67 from 116 populations chose to answered moderate for level of job performance. According to previous finding, it stated that the supervisors and equipments are the highest factors of stress. Lack of communication for supervisors and
  • 48. subordinates may affect the level of job performance. Supervisors should be aware of their subordinates and must provide sufficient information in order to ensure subordinates fully understood the scope of work. By doing so, the subordinates know exactly their scope of work and their job level are increased as well. Other than that, insufficient equipment also may affect the level of job performance. This is because, if there is insufficient equipment in the organization, works are difficult to handle and the barriers may exists in order to accomplish the task given. Research Question 3 Is there any relationship between stress with job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling? Based on the findings, it shows that there is a relationship between stress with job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. Table 4.39 and 4.40 in chapter four (4) proves that value of 1 indicates perfect positive correlations. In the other words, healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Petaling believes that supervisors, colleagues, equipments, working environment as well as financial factors can contribute to stress and affect their job performance. From this finding, the study has accepted the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between stress and job performance at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. H1 There is a significant relationship between stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling.
  • 49. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of the study, the researcher would like to give several recommendations that can be applied by Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling in order to prevent stress at the workplace and improve job performance. The recommendations as are follows: Supervisors play a role According to the findings, supervisors are the biggest factors that contribute to stress. This study also has been supported by Rubina (2008). In her study, she stated that supports from the supervisors are the major factor. She added, the supervisors need to recognize the good work and outstanding contributions of their subordinates to keep them motivated to do their best. In addition, the organization should promote a culture of support. By doing that, the organization can set the example and make the company realize that the subordinates support also is very important. Moreover, supervisors should improved level of communications between them and their subordinates. By improving communications, supervisors help their subordinates to reduce uncertainty about career development and future employment prospects as well as provides sufficient information to subordinate’s perform a task given. Besides that, supervisors should have an empathy and sympathy in them in order to subordinates feels comfortable when communicate with their own supervisors.
  • 50. Attach employees to training and seminars In order to reduce stress at the workplace, the organization should send their employees to attend training and seminars. Training is the term that is often used casually to describe almost any effort initiated by an organization to foster learning among its member (Bohlander, 2010). Training can have a positive impact on tackling stress in the workplace. Based on the Shuttleworth (2004), training helps employees become more flexible towards stress and enabling them to tackle the root causes of any problems. Prior to training have a clear definition of what organization wants to achieve. A stress audit is an important tool that enables the employer to identify the pressure points in an organization, pinpointing areas that maybe experiencing stress and understanding the underlying causes of stress. In addition, by sending their employees to training, it helps employees to identify the symptoms of stress and develop safe coping strategies for themselves as well as their organizations. Work-life balance initiative by organization Beside the two suggestions above, the organization should also take work-life balance initiative to reduce the employee’s job stress. For instance, Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling can organize company trip for the employees to relax their mind and body. Since employees in healthcare industry faced high risk of stress, holiday is one of the best ways to prevent stress. Other than that, the organization can take other initiative in order to reduce stress. Providing monetary rewards is one of the ways to tackling stress among workers effectively. By providing rewards, employees will feels more motivated towards its work, reduce stress as well as increased job performance.
  • 51. Job Sharing According to McShane & Glinow (2008), job sharing splits a career position between two people so they experience less time-based stress between work and family. They typically work different parts of the week with some overlapping work time in the weekly schedule to coordinate activities. RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH As for future research, further research need to be done at the other companies in this area of study, regardless of its sector either public or private sector. This is to ensure the research is not only focused on particular industry or sector, but it can be implemented and carried out to various industries. For further studies, it is encouraged more organizations, thus results obtained can be compared. This will help others to identify the factors of stress that influence job performance at one organizations and it can come out with ways to overcome stresses. It is recommended that further studies be conducted with larger sample size to determine the accuracy of findings. By having larger sample size, the findings will be more relevant to others and also to the organizations and many different factors of stress towards job performance can be identified.
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  • 55. APPENDIX A: COVER LETTER TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sir / Madam, INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS AND JOB PERFORMANCE AMONG HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS AT PEJABAT KESIHATAN DAERAH PETALING As a final year student of Bachelor of Health Administration (Hons.) program from Faculty of Office Management, UiTM, I am conducting a research entitled a study on the relationship between stress and job performance among healthcare professionals at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Petaling. This study is intended to examine how factors of stress influence job performance of the target group. With this, I hope that you will kindly provide me necessary information by completing this questionnaire. I assure you that your responses will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. If you have any further enquiries, please refer to the contact information stated below. Your cooperation and feedback pertaining to the survey is very much appreciated. Thank you. Yours sincerely: Endorsed by: SYAZA IZZATI ASAHARI MISS ROS INTAN SAFINAS MUNIR 2008289032 277804 017-2333390 03-3258 5044
  • 56. APPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRE INSTRUCTION: Each of the items below is followed by boxes and blank lines. Please tick (/) your respond in the boxes provided or fill in the blanks. 01. Age 02. Gender SECTION A – DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIOECONOMIC INFORMATION Below 20 years 36 – 40 years 21 – 25 years 31 – 35 years 26 – 30 years Above 40 Male Female
  • 57. 03. Job Position 04. Income Level (RM) 05. Working Experience Medical Officer Medical Assistant Pharmacist Nurse Lab Technologist Others (Please specify: ____________________________ ) Below 1000 1001 - 3000 3001 - 5000 5001 - 7000 Above 7000 Below 1 year Above 5 years 1 – 5 years SECTION B – PART 1: WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT FACTORS
  • 58. INSTRUCTION: This section is to describe the workplace environment factors in your clinic. Please respond to all items based on the five-point scale to indicate your agreement or disagreement to each statement by circling the appropriate number on the scale provided. The 5-point scale is as follows: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Moderate 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree 06. Supervisor I have a good relationship with my supervisor 1 2 3 4 5 07. My supervisor provides sufficient information to perform a task given 1 2 3 4 5 08. I am able to perform under minimum supervision 1 2 3 4 5 09. Colleagues I have a good relationship with my colleagues 1 2 3 4 5 10. I often had to do more work than other colleagues 1 2 3 4 5 11. Equipments I have adequate equipment to complete tasks 1 2 3 4 5 12. I believe that upgraded technology would make me able to perform better 1 2 3 4 5 Working Environment
  • 59. 13. My working hours are efficient 1 2 3 4 5 14. I have enough time to get the job done 1 2 3 4 5 15. I need to multitask to settle my job 1 2 3 4 5 16. My workplace environment is very pleasant and safe 1 2 3 4 5 17. I have been threatened or harassed by someone (e.g: colleagues, patients) while doing my job 1 2 3 4 5 SECTION B – PART 2: FINANCIAL FACTORS INSTRUCTION: This section is to describe the workplace environment factors in your clinic. Please respond to all items based on the five-point scale to indicate your agreement or disagreement to each statement by circling the appropriate number on the scale provided. The 5-point scale is as follows: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Moderate 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree 18. My organization practices effective salary scheme 1 2 3 4 5 19. My organization provides benefit to its employees 1 2 3 4 5 20. My current salary meets my qualifications 1 2 3 4 5 INSTRUCTION: This section is related to your job performance. Please respond to all items based on the five-point scale to indicate your level of performance to each statement by circling the appropriate number on scale provided. The 5-point scale is as follows: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Moderate 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree 21. Work Productivity I am motivated to perform a task 1 2 3 4 5 22. I demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility to perform a task 1 2 3 4 5 23. I put adequate time and thoughts to 1 2 3 4 5 Please provide any suggestions/comments: SECTION C – JOB PERFORMANCE
  • 61. 61