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THEO 104
Biblical Metanarrative Essay Template
· Introduction (approximately 100–150 words)
· Biblical Metanarrative (approximately 150-200 words)
· Topic Example 1 (approximately 125–250 words)
· Topic Example 2 (approximately 125–250 words)
· Conclusion (approximately 100–150 words)
Refer to the "Course Policies" in the course syllabus for the
formatting expectations in this course. Review the Biblical
Metanarrative Essay Grading Rubric to see the specific grading
criteria by which you will be evaluated before submitting your
Kapoor 1
MANAGER Kapoor 3
Information Technology Manager
Priysha Kapoor
Dr. Lorna Thomas
HRM 500- HR Management Foundations
July 21, 2019
Job Description for Information Technology Manager
The information and technology (IT) manager are responsible
for overseeing the activities at the organization. Besides, they
also ensure that the computer and the computing systems
together with other equipment are efficiently and effectively
working. The best person in this position should show and
demonstrate a detailed knowledge in the industrial practices,
organization working environment, technical management, and
the analysis of the information through a good understanding of
the software and hardware of the computer. Among the laws
that are being utilized under the IT career are the compensation
and child labor, discrimination and harassment work safety,
employees compensation, civil rights, and family and medical
leave among other laws. The average salary ranges for the
information technology managers is about 68, 000 to 135,000
dollars per year depending on the number of the employees and
the size of the organization.
Responsibilities and Duties of IT Managers
The responsibilities and duties of the IT manager are as follows:
· Managing the staffs of IT. This is done by communicating the
job expectations, recruiting the employees, training the
employees and then monitor their performance.
· Overseeing the IT budget to ensure that it is cost effective
· Monitor the day to day operations of the servers, hardware,
software and the operating systems.
· Coordination of the installation of the applications, together
with their upgrade and maintenance.
· Choosing and purchasing the new and the replacements of the
softwares and hardware when they are required by the
· Troubleshooting together with the modification of the systems
for effective operations.
· Producing the performance reports of the operating systems.
· Making sure that all the parameters of the IT activities like the
laws, regulations and codes are applicable and well performed.
· Evaluate the risks associated with technology together with
the development of the disaster recovery plans and the backups.
· Ensuring that the organization is up to date with the current
technology and practices.
Qualifications of IT Manager
As an IT manager, the description of the job requires for the
several years of experience in the organization or the industry
that are relevant to the job description together with the
qualifications in either, Computer Science, Management, and
Information Technology. Other requirements includes excellent
knowledge of technical management, computer hardware and
software system, and information analysis and ability to manage
Ways for determining the duties and qualifications for IT
The above stated duties and the job descriptions were obtain
from the different companies like the Ultimate Software, eBay,
Apple among other organizations together with the websites like
the LinkedIn. The different requirements were collected and
analyzed from these different sources.
Laws considered during the creation of IT manager job
During the creation of such job description and duties, some of
the laws are being considered to ensure that there is fair
participant of the employees to avoid the illegal actions. Some
of the laws that were considered includes the ethical laws to
ensure that there is respect and trust in at the work environment.
Also, the legal rights were considered to ensure equity, together
with other employment standards. Other laws considered
includes the human rights legislations, health and safety
legislation, together with the recruitment and the termination
laws (Noe, 2017).
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M.
(2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive
advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
New Supervisor Training on Performance
Priysha Kapoor
Dr. Lorna Thomas
HRM 500
August 11, 2019
Tyson defines performance evaluation as a tool used to review
employee’s job performance regularly and how it generally
affect the organization (2014).
Greetings, as an information technology manager, I will be
presenting information about Performance Evaluations (PE). As
defined by (Tyson, 2014), PE is the ongoing process of
identifying, observing, measuring, and developing human
performance in organization. From this presentation one can
learn what PE is used for, different types of evaluations, and
how to use them. One can learn how to provide performance
feedback effectively and provide improvements suggestions
when needed. Lastly, one can learn what appraisal instruments
to use and be provided with different types of consequences for
performance results.
Performance Evaluations
Communication and training are the basic elements of nearly all
human resources activities; however, they are especially
important for an appraisal program to be deemed effective. Key
components of an effective performance appraisal program
include setting job expectations and performance standards,
training leadership and employees and developing performance-
based rewards (Tyson, 2014). After working with many
evaluations tools, I have deduced that an effective performance
appraisal program can impact job satisfaction, productivity and
employee morale. In conclusion, in order to have a business
success it is important to have a program that will meet the
employer and employee needs.
Purpose of PE
Strategic purpose
Administrative purpose
Developmental purpose
As an IT manager, performance appraisal will act as a bridge of
communication to my employees. Strategically, P.E will help
me as an IT manager to spot problems with employees' work,
including efficiency and quality, so that you can take action to
improve your organization's overall performance. P.E helps me
conduct my administrative purpose for identifying strong and
weak performers and thereby assist in making decisions
regarding promotions, transfers, raises, bonuses and other types
of employee rewards. Lastly, from a developmental standpoint,
the performance appraisal process provides a mechanism for
communication and feedback, assists in goal setting and
evaluation and helps determine individual and organizational
developmental needs.
Criteria for an efficient Performance Reviews
Objective setting
Performance feedback
Employee progress
Employee recognition
Performance evaluations, which provide employers with an
opportunity to assess their employees’ contributions to the
organization, are essential to developing a powerful work team.
I will start as an IT manager to set clear expectations. Provide
feedback all year(positive and negative).
Create a culture where performance discussions are a regular
part of the work day. And for an employee to improve or even
grow review meetings should be held in weekly or monthly
basis. .
Types of Evaluations
Real-time feedback is a management practice that measures
performance in real-time (Tyson, 2014). I will use these
measures to adjust targets to exploit current market conditions
and improve business agility. Also, I will conduct quarterly
evaluations to look back on the employee feedback and
conversations that took place over the previous 3 months. I will
evaluate how employees performed relative to their quarterly
goals, and discuss concerns for the coming quarter. lastly, I
annually evaluate my employees to essentially grade them based
on their performance.
Feedback & Reinforcement
1-5 Scale
OBM will examine employee behavior in a work environment
and determines its impact on job structure, performance,
communication, motivation, leadership. Feedback involves
providing employees with information about their responses
whereas reinforcement affects the tendency to make a specific
response again. Feedback can be positive, negative or neutral;
reinforcement is either positive (increases the response) or
negative (decreases the response). On the other hand, 1-5 scale
will indicate an employee's level of performance or
achievement. These scales will be used to provide quantitative
assessments, since they are relatively easy to administer and
assist in differentiating between employees.
Performance Dimension
Problem solving
When effective communication skills are present employees
seem to hold each other accountable. This way workers now
what is expected from them and what is expected from their
fellow co-workers. In the long run it will help improve
accountability, and at the end increases the productivity
(DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst, 2016). As a manager I Foster
teamwork in creating a work culture that values collaboration.
In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that
thinking, planning, decisions, and actions are better when done
cooperatively. Knowledge of performance will enable me ignore
results to look at the performance itself. I will use it as a
learning tool for my employees and improve performance.
Another performance dimension is problem solving , whereby I
will actively listens when others are talking and seek
clarification on issues not well understood. I will seeks to
brainstorm on problems to try to find the right solutions and
later evaluate all possible solutions and chooses the one that
will deliver the best results.
Effective Performance Management
Research has shown that effective management enhances staff
engagement, improves productivity, and promotes staff
development (DeNisi & Pritchard, 2006). As shown in the slide,
effective management is an ongoing process that requires
constant and consistent effort. Performance management will
help me as an IT manager to Sett up a system that is ideal and
not just about figuring out how the organization is performing;
it’s also about obtaining clear and actionable metrics, where
those metrics can be tracked and analyzed. Examples of metrics
are the one seen on the slide.
Performance Appraisal Instruments
Graphic rating scale
An essay performance evaluation
I will use graphic rating scale to evaluate lists of traits required
for the job and asks the source to rate the individual on each
attribute. An essay performance evaluation will ask me as a
manager to provide commentary on specific aspects of the
employee’s job performance. And I will use a checklist that
uses a yes or no rating selection, and the criteria will be focused
on components of the employee’s job.
Great administration practices incorporate well-done
assessments. This is to help assemble great discoveries or
Assessments help management realize what is working and what
isn't benefiting the organization.
The data from the assessments might be utilized to either alter,
change, get progressively substantial resources, to improve an
effective plan set up.
DeNisi, A. S., & Pritchard, R. D. (2006). Performance
appraisal, performance management and improving individual
performance: A motivational framework. Management and
organization review, 2(2), 253-277.
DeCenzo, D. A., Robbins, S. P., & Verhulst, S. L.
(2016). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Binder
Ready Version. John Wiley & Sons.
Tyson, S. (2014). Essentials of human resource management.
We’ve offered the Raleigh community
space-saving solutions for the past 10
years. We recommend Northwind Traders
to anyone who will listen to us. They
helped us reclaim over 700 square feet of
our house!” - Annie D. Balitmore
Summer 2019
Employee Guide
, N
“One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No
can do the work of one extraordinary man”
- Albert Hubbard
What Is Expected
First of all welcome! With the growing scope of information
gy, organizations are in demand of quality information about
the di-
rection to go. We are here to serve their demands to the best of
abilities. Troubleshooting
Risk evaluation of technology devices and developing disaster
ery plans and backups
Monitoring daily IT activities
As our new IT Manager, your responsibilities include:
Managing IT Staff
Overseeing IT budget
Manage organizations computer hardware and software re-
Keeping the company technology is up to date
Coordinating application installing, upgrade and mainte-
The Information Technology Manager
among other officials in the company are ex-
posed to several other benefits which are
not enjoyed by the rest of the IT employees.
These benefits include:
Salary ranges of 68,000 to 135,000 dollars
per year
Medical and accident covers of up to
200,000 dollars annually
Meeting attendance allowances
Monthly all paid corporate retreats to luxu-
rious 5 star hotels
Contact Us
Technology Consultants
4567 Main Street
Raleigh, NC 02134-0000
(555) 555-0123
[email protected]
Visit us on the web:
Mandatory Benefits
All employees in the IT career are
subject to the following benefits:
Discrimination and harassment
work safety
Civil rights
Family and medical leave provi-
Compensation and child labor
Employee compensation
Leave of absence
All the employees of the company under the IT department
receive equal measures of these mandatory benefits. The
publicity of these benefits is allowed as they apply to all the
employees. The settlement of issues related to the manda-
tory benefits is evaluated by the executives.
Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper
Due in Week 10 and worth 300 points
Your new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a
cultural information paper that will help them understand how
to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any
country–please make sure the county of choice is logical for the
Include in this paper:
· a short introduction to the country,
· the local customs,
· what to expect, and
· a list of what is needed to work in the country.
· For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include
the requirements for the work visa.
Include country-specific information needed to live and work in
that country such as:
· transportation availability,
· housing costs,
· union influence,
· work week,
· typical vacation time, and
· anything specific to the country we would not experience in
the US.
· For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and
go to school all year
This paper should be 6-8 pages.
NOTE: The position moving overseas is the job in your
description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate
your work from that assignment into this one.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
Points: 300
Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper
Below 70% F
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Provides an introduction to the country and customs, and
what to expect there
Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed an introduction to the
country and customs, and what to expect there.
Partially discussed an introduction to the country and customs,
and what to expect there.
Satisfactorily discussed an introduction to the country and
customs, and what to expect there.
Thoroughly discussed an introduction to the country and
customs, and what to expect there.
2. Gives details on what is needed to work in the country
Weight: 30%
Incompletely discussed the details on what is needed to work in
the country.
Partially discussed the details on what is needed to work in the
Satisfactorily discussed the details on what is needed to work in
the country.
Thoroughly discussed the details on what is needed to work in
the country.
3. Provides information about life in the foreign country:
transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything
Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed life in the foreign
country: transportation, housing, schooling for children, and
anything unexpected.
Partially discussed life in the foreign country: transportation,
housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected.
Satisfactorily discussed life in the foreign country:
transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything
Thoroughly discussed life in the foreign country: transportation,
housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected.
4. Provides information about the work culture in foreign
country: union influence, work week, and typical vacation time
Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed the work culture in a
foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical
vacation time.
Partially discussed the work culture in a foreign country: union
influence, work week, and typical vacation time.
Satisfactorily discussed the work culture in a foreign country:
union influence, work week, and typical vacation time.
Thoroughly discussed the work culture in a foreign country:
union influence, work week, and typical vacation time.
5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%
More than 6 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present
Biblical Metanarrative Essay Grading Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Content 70%
Not present
9 to 10 points
The essay clearly articulates a chosen position by answering the
essay prompt fully.
7 to 8 points
The essay articulates a chosen position by answering the essay
1 to 6 points
The essay does not clearly choose a position or clearly answer
the essay prompt.
0 points
Biblical Beliefs and Support
18 to 20 points
· The essay contains 2 specific theological beliefs which are
clearly provided and presented in biblical doctrine.
· Adequate biblical and theological support are evident.
· The selected Bible passages are skillfully used to support the
view and unity of theological doctrine.
14 to 17 points
· The essay contains 1–2 specific theological beliefs which are
provided and presented in biblical doctrine.
· Some biblical and theological support are evident.
· The selected Bible passages are used to support the view and
unity of theological doctrine.
1 to 13 points
· The essay contains may contain 1 or less specific theological
beliefs but they are unclear.
· Biblical and theological support are not evident.
· The selected Bible passages are not used to support the view
or unity of theological doctrine.
0 points
Narrative of Scripture and Major Arguments in Scripture
18 to 20 points
· Much attention is given to how these beliefs unfold through
the narrative of Scripture, and the unity and coherence of
Scripture is demonstrated.
· The essay demonstrates an obvious awareness of the major
arguments in Scripture.
14 to 17 points
· Some attention is given to how these beliefs unfold through
the narrative of Scripture, and the unity and coherence of
Scripture is demonstrated.
· The essay demonstrates an awareness of the major arguments
in Scripture.
1 to 13 points
· Little or no attention is given to how these beliefs unfold
through the narrative of Scripture, and the unity and coherence
of Scripture is not demonstrated.
· The essay demonstrates little or no awareness of the major
arguments in Scripture.
0 points
18 to 20 points
· Application is evident and biblical material is connected to a
contemporary context.
· Implications of the unity of Christian doctrine are clearly
14 to 17 points
· Application is somewhat evident and biblical material is
connected to a contemporary context.
· Implications of the unity of Christian doctrine are
1 to 13 points
· Application is unclear and biblical material is not connected to
a contemporary context.
· Implications of the unity of Christian doctrine are not
0 points
Structure 30%
Not present
Introduction and Conclusion
9 to 10 points
· Introduction demonstrates a clear understanding of the
importance of the subject matter and proposes a topic
appropriate for a paper of this length.
· The conclusion clearly summarizes the essay in a statement
that brings the various points together in support of the essay’s
established view.
7 to 8 points
· Introduction demonstrates a somewhat clear understanding of
the importance of the subject matter and proposes a topic
appropriate for a paper of this length.
· The conclusion summarizes the essay in a statement that
brings the various points together in support of the essay’s
established view.
1 to 6 points
· Introduction does not demonstrate an understanding of the
importance of the subject matter and does not propose a topic
appropriate for a paper of this length.
· The conclusion does not summarize the essay in a statement
that brings the various points together in support of the essay’s
established view.
0 points
Word Count
9 to 10 points
The required word count (600–1,000 words) is met.
7 to 8 points
The required word count (600–1,000 words) is nearly met.
1 to 6 points
The essay is significantly less than required word count (600–
1,000 words).
0 points
Mechanics and Formatting
9 to 10 points
· No to very few grammatical, syntactical, and spelling errors
are included.
· Essay follows whichever style corresponds with the student’s
degree program.
7 to 8 points
· Some grammatical, syntactical, and spelling errors are
· Essay somewhat follows whichever style corresponds with the
student’s degree program.
1 to 6 points
· Many grammatical, syntactical, and spelling errors are
· Essay does not follow whichever style corresponds with the
student’s degree program.
0 points
THEO 104
THEO 104 Biblical Metanarrative Essay Topics
You must choose from the approved list below:
1. Christ
2. Creation
3. Faith
4. Glory of God
5. Gospel
6. Grace
7. Holiness
8. Hope
9. Image of God
10. Law
11. Love
12. Mercy
13. Redemption
14. Revelation
15. Righteousness
16. Sanctification
17. Temptation
18. Trinity
19. Wisdom
20. Worship

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THEO 104Biblical Metanarrative Essay Template· Introduction (a.docx

  • 1. THEO 104 Biblical Metanarrative Essay Template · Introduction (approximately 100–150 words) · Biblical Metanarrative (approximately 150-200 words) · Topic Example 1 (approximately 125–250 words) · Topic Example 2 (approximately 125–250 words) · Conclusion (approximately 100–150 words) Refer to the "Course Policies" in the course syllabus for the formatting expectations in this course. Review the Biblical Metanarrative Essay Grading Rubric to see the specific grading criteria by which you will be evaluated before submitting your essay. Running head: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Kapoor 1 JOB DESCRIPTION FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Kapoor 3 Information Technology Manager Priysha Kapoor Dr. Lorna Thomas HRM 500- HR Management Foundations July 21, 2019 Job Description for Information Technology Manager The information and technology (IT) manager are responsible for overseeing the activities at the organization. Besides, they also ensure that the computer and the computing systems
  • 2. together with other equipment are efficiently and effectively working. The best person in this position should show and demonstrate a detailed knowledge in the industrial practices, organization working environment, technical management, and the analysis of the information through a good understanding of the software and hardware of the computer. Among the laws that are being utilized under the IT career are the compensation and child labor, discrimination and harassment work safety, employees compensation, civil rights, and family and medical leave among other laws. The average salary ranges for the information technology managers is about 68, 000 to 135,000 dollars per year depending on the number of the employees and the size of the organization. Responsibilities and Duties of IT Managers The responsibilities and duties of the IT manager are as follows: · Managing the staffs of IT. This is done by communicating the job expectations, recruiting the employees, training the employees and then monitor their performance. · Overseeing the IT budget to ensure that it is cost effective · Monitor the day to day operations of the servers, hardware, software and the operating systems. · Coordination of the installation of the applications, together with their upgrade and maintenance. · Choosing and purchasing the new and the replacements of the softwares and hardware when they are required by the organization. · Troubleshooting together with the modification of the systems for effective operations. · Producing the performance reports of the operating systems. · Making sure that all the parameters of the IT activities like the laws, regulations and codes are applicable and well performed. · Evaluate the risks associated with technology together with the development of the disaster recovery plans and the backups. · Ensuring that the organization is up to date with the current technology and practices.
  • 3. Qualifications of IT Manager As an IT manager, the description of the job requires for the several years of experience in the organization or the industry that are relevant to the job description together with the qualifications in either, Computer Science, Management, and Information Technology. Other requirements includes excellent knowledge of technical management, computer hardware and software system, and information analysis and ability to manage people Ways for determining the duties and qualifications for IT manager The above stated duties and the job descriptions were obtain from the different companies like the Ultimate Software, eBay, Apple among other organizations together with the websites like the LinkedIn. The different requirements were collected and analyzed from these different sources. Laws considered during the creation of IT manager job Description During the creation of such job description and duties, some of the laws are being considered to ensure that there is fair participant of the employees to avoid the illegal actions. Some of the laws that were considered includes the ethical laws to ensure that there is respect and trust in at the work environment. Also, the legal rights were considered to ensure equity, together with other employment standards. Other laws considered includes the human rights legislations, health and safety legislation, together with the recruitment and the termination laws (Noe, 2017). Reference Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. New Supervisor Training on Performance
  • 4. Evaluations Priysha Kapoor Dr. Lorna Thomas HRM 500 August 11, 2019 Introduction Tyson defines performance evaluation as a tool used to review employee’s job performance regularly and how it generally affect the organization (2014). Greetings, as an information technology manager, I will be presenting information about Performance Evaluations (PE). As defined by (Tyson, 2014), PE is the ongoing process of identifying, observing, measuring, and developing human performance in organization. From this presentation one can learn what PE is used for, different types of evaluations, and how to use them. One can learn how to provide performance feedback effectively and provide improvements suggestions when needed. Lastly, one can learn what appraisal instruments to use and be provided with different types of consequences for performance results. 2 Performance Evaluations Objectives
  • 5. Methods Process Appraisal Feedback Communication and training are the basic elements of nearly all human resources activities; however, they are especially important for an appraisal program to be deemed effective. Key components of an effective performance appraisal program include setting job expectations and performance standards, training leadership and employees and developing performance- based rewards (Tyson, 2014). After working with many evaluations tools, I have deduced that an effective performance appraisal program can impact job satisfaction, productivity and employee morale. In conclusion, in order to have a business success it is important to have a program that will meet the employer and employee needs. 3 Purpose of PE Strategic purpose Administrative purpose Developmental purpose As an IT manager, performance appraisal will act as a bridge of communication to my employees. Strategically, P.E will help me as an IT manager to spot problems with employees' work, including efficiency and quality, so that you can take action to improve your organization's overall performance. P.E helps me
  • 6. conduct my administrative purpose for identifying strong and weak performers and thereby assist in making decisions regarding promotions, transfers, raises, bonuses and other types of employee rewards. Lastly, from a developmental standpoint, the performance appraisal process provides a mechanism for communication and feedback, assists in goal setting and evaluation and helps determine individual and organizational developmental needs. 4 Criteria for an efficient Performance Reviews Objective setting Performance feedback Self-appraisal Employee progress Employee recognition Performance evaluations, which provide employers with an opportunity to assess their employees’ contributions to the organization, are essential to developing a powerful work team. I will start as an IT manager to set clear expectations. Provide feedback all year(positive and negative). Create a culture where performance discussions are a regular part of the work day. And for an employee to improve or even grow review meetings should be held in weekly or monthly basis. . 5 Types of Evaluations
  • 7. REAL-TIME FEEDBACK QUARTERLY EVALUATIONS ANNUALLY EVALUATIONS Real-time feedback is a management practice that measures performance in real-time (Tyson, 2014). I will use these measures to adjust targets to exploit current market conditions and improve business agility. Also, I will conduct quarterly evaluations to look back on the employee feedback and conversations that took place over the previous 3 months. I will evaluate how employees performed relative to their quarterly goals, and discuss concerns for the coming quarter. lastly, I annually evaluate my employees to essentially grade them based on their performance. 6 Ratings OBM Feedback & Reinforcement 1-5 Scale OBM will examine employee behavior in a work environment and determines its impact on job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership. Feedback involves providing employees with information about their responses whereas reinforcement affects the tendency to make a specific
  • 8. response again. Feedback can be positive, negative or neutral; reinforcement is either positive (increases the response) or negative (decreases the response). On the other hand, 1-5 scale will indicate an employee's level of performance or achievement. These scales will be used to provide quantitative assessments, since they are relatively easy to administer and assist in differentiating between employees. 7 Performance Dimension communication Teamwork Knowledge Problem solving When effective communication skills are present employees seem to hold each other accountable. This way workers now what is expected from them and what is expected from their fellow co-workers. In the long run it will help improve accountability, and at the end increases the productivity (DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst, 2016). As a manager I Foster teamwork in creating a work culture that values collaboration. In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that thinking, planning, decisions, and actions are better when done cooperatively. Knowledge of performance will enable me ignore results to look at the performance itself. I will use it as a learning tool for my employees and improve performance. Another performance dimension is problem solving , whereby I will actively listens when others are talking and seek clarification on issues not well understood. I will seeks to brainstorm on problems to try to find the right solutions and later evaluate all possible solutions and chooses the one that will deliver the best results.
  • 9. 8 Effective Performance Management Research has shown that effective management enhances staff engagement, improves productivity, and promotes staff development (DeNisi & Pritchard, 2006). As shown in the slide, effective management is an ongoing process that requires constant and consistent effort. Performance management will help me as an IT manager to Sett up a system that is ideal and not just about figuring out how the organization is performing; it’s also about obtaining clear and actionable metrics, where those metrics can be tracked and analyzed. Examples of metrics are the one seen on the slide. 9 Performance Appraisal Instruments Graphic rating scale An essay performance evaluation Checklist I will use graphic rating scale to evaluate lists of traits required for the job and asks the source to rate the individual on each attribute. An essay performance evaluation will ask me as a manager to provide commentary on specific aspects of the employee’s job performance. And I will use a checklist that uses a yes or no rating selection, and the criteria will be focused on components of the employee’s job. 10
  • 10. Conclusion Great administration practices incorporate well-done assessments. This is to help assemble great discoveries or results. Assessments help management realize what is working and what isn't benefiting the organization. The data from the assessments might be utilized to either alter, change, get progressively substantial resources, to improve an effective plan set up. References DeNisi, A. S., & Pritchard, R. D. (2006). Performance appraisal, performance management and improving individual performance: A motivational framework. Management and organization review, 2(2), 253-277. DeCenzo, D. A., Robbins, S. P., & Verhulst, S. L. (2016). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Binder Ready Version. John Wiley & Sons. Tyson, S. (2014). Essentials of human resource management. Routledge. We’ve offered the Raleigh community space-saving solutions for the past 10 years. We recommend Northwind Traders to anyone who will listen to us. They helped us reclaim over 700 square feet of
  • 11. our house!” - Annie D. Balitmore TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS Summer 2019 Employee Guide Te ch no lo gy C on su lta nt s 45 67 M ai n S tr ee
  • 13. H E R E “One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man” - Albert Hubbard What Is Expected First of all welcome! With the growing scope of information technolo- gy, organizations are in demand of quality information about the di- rection to go. We are here to serve their demands to the best of our abilities. Troubleshooting Risk evaluation of technology devices and developing disaster recov- ery plans and backups Monitoring daily IT activities As our new IT Manager, your responsibilities include:
  • 14. Managing IT Staff Overseeing IT budget Manage organizations computer hardware and software re- sources Keeping the company technology is up to date Coordinating application installing, upgrade and mainte- nance The Information Technology Manager among other officials in the company are ex- posed to several other benefits which are not enjoyed by the rest of the IT employees. These benefits include: Salary ranges of 68,000 to 135,000 dollars per year Medical and accident covers of up to 200,000 dollars annually Meeting attendance allowances Monthly all paid corporate retreats to luxu- rious 5 star hotels Contact Us Technology Consultants 4567 Main Street Raleigh, NC 02134-0000 (555) 555-0123 [email protected] Visit us on the web:
  • 15. Mandatory Benefits All employees in the IT career are subject to the following benefits: Discrimination and harassment work safety Civil rights Family and medical leave provi- sions Compensation and child labor Employee compensation Leave of absence All the employees of the company under the IT department receive equal measures of these mandatory benefits. The publicity of these benefits is allowed as they apply to all the employees. The settlement of issues related to the manda- tory benefits is evaluated by the executives. Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper Due in Week 10 and worth 300 points Your new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a
  • 16. cultural information paper that will help them understand how to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any country–please make sure the county of choice is logical for the position.) Include in this paper: · a short introduction to the country, · the local customs, · what to expect, and · a list of what is needed to work in the country. · For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include the requirements for the work visa. Include country-specific information needed to live and work in that country such as: · transportation availability, · housing costs, · union influence, · work week, · typical vacation time, and · anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US. · For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year This paper should be 6-8 pages. NOTE: The position moving overseas is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • 17. Points: 300 Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Provides an introduction to the country and customs, and what to expect there Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely discussed an introduction to the country and customs, and what to expect there. Partially discussed an introduction to the country and customs, and what to expect there. Satisfactorily discussed an introduction to the country and customs, and what to expect there. Thoroughly discussed an introduction to the country and customs, and what to expect there. 2. Gives details on what is needed to work in the country Weight: 30% Incompletely discussed the details on what is needed to work in the country. Partially discussed the details on what is needed to work in the country. Satisfactorily discussed the details on what is needed to work in the country. Thoroughly discussed the details on what is needed to work in the country.
  • 18. 3. Provides information about life in the foreign country: transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely discussed life in the foreign country: transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected. Partially discussed life in the foreign country: transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected. Satisfactorily discussed life in the foreign country: transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected. Thoroughly discussed life in the foreign country: transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected. 4. Provides information about the work culture in foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical vacation time Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely discussed the work culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical vacation time. Partially discussed the work culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical vacation time. Satisfactorily discussed the work culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical vacation time. Thoroughly discussed the work culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical vacation time. 5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% More than 6 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present
  • 19. Biblical Metanarrative Essay Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Articulation 9 to 10 points The essay clearly articulates a chosen position by answering the essay prompt fully. 7 to 8 points The essay articulates a chosen position by answering the essay prompt. 1 to 6 points The essay does not clearly choose a position or clearly answer the essay prompt. 0 points Biblical Beliefs and Support 18 to 20 points · The essay contains 2 specific theological beliefs which are clearly provided and presented in biblical doctrine. · Adequate biblical and theological support are evident. · The selected Bible passages are skillfully used to support the view and unity of theological doctrine. 14 to 17 points · The essay contains 1–2 specific theological beliefs which are provided and presented in biblical doctrine. · Some biblical and theological support are evident. · The selected Bible passages are used to support the view and
  • 20. unity of theological doctrine. 1 to 13 points · The essay contains may contain 1 or less specific theological beliefs but they are unclear. · Biblical and theological support are not evident. · The selected Bible passages are not used to support the view or unity of theological doctrine. 0 points Narrative of Scripture and Major Arguments in Scripture 18 to 20 points · Much attention is given to how these beliefs unfold through the narrative of Scripture, and the unity and coherence of Scripture is demonstrated. · The essay demonstrates an obvious awareness of the major arguments in Scripture. 14 to 17 points · Some attention is given to how these beliefs unfold through the narrative of Scripture, and the unity and coherence of Scripture is demonstrated. · The essay demonstrates an awareness of the major arguments in Scripture. 1 to 13 points · Little or no attention is given to how these beliefs unfold through the narrative of Scripture, and the unity and coherence of Scripture is not demonstrated. · The essay demonstrates little or no awareness of the major arguments in Scripture. 0 points Application 18 to 20 points · Application is evident and biblical material is connected to a contemporary context.
  • 21. · Implications of the unity of Christian doctrine are clearly demonstrated. 14 to 17 points · Application is somewhat evident and biblical material is connected to a contemporary context. · Implications of the unity of Christian doctrine are demonstrated. 1 to 13 points · Application is unclear and biblical material is not connected to a contemporary context. · Implications of the unity of Christian doctrine are not demonstrated. 0 points Structure 30% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Introduction and Conclusion 9 to 10 points · Introduction demonstrates a clear understanding of the importance of the subject matter and proposes a topic appropriate for a paper of this length. · The conclusion clearly summarizes the essay in a statement that brings the various points together in support of the essay’s established view. 7 to 8 points · Introduction demonstrates a somewhat clear understanding of the importance of the subject matter and proposes a topic appropriate for a paper of this length. · The conclusion summarizes the essay in a statement that brings the various points together in support of the essay’s established view. 1 to 6 points · Introduction does not demonstrate an understanding of the
  • 22. importance of the subject matter and does not propose a topic appropriate for a paper of this length. · The conclusion does not summarize the essay in a statement that brings the various points together in support of the essay’s established view. 0 points Word Count 9 to 10 points The required word count (600–1,000 words) is met. 7 to 8 points The required word count (600–1,000 words) is nearly met. 1 to 6 points The essay is significantly less than required word count (600– 1,000 words). 0 points Mechanics and Formatting 9 to 10 points · No to very few grammatical, syntactical, and spelling errors are included. · Essay follows whichever style corresponds with the student’s degree program. 7 to 8 points · Some grammatical, syntactical, and spelling errors are included. · Essay somewhat follows whichever style corresponds with the student’s degree program. 1 to 6 points · Many grammatical, syntactical, and spelling errors are included. · Essay does not follow whichever style corresponds with the student’s degree program. 0 points
  • 23. THEO 104 THEO 104 Biblical Metanarrative Essay Topics You must choose from the approved list below: 1. Christ 2. Creation 3. Faith 4. Glory of God 5. Gospel 6. Grace 7. Holiness 8. Hope 9. Image of God 10. Law 11. Love 12. Mercy 13. Redemption 14. Revelation 15. Righteousness 16. Sanctification 17. Temptation 18. Trinity 19. Wisdom 20. Worship