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We all know AI has a key role to play in analyzing and drawing insight
from the vast amounts of data in our increasingly complex,
interconnected, software-dependent world, this playbook explores how.
The Ultimate DevOps
The Voice of the User and the Future of AI in DevOps
Page 002
DevOps is an abbreviation for
Development and Operations. The
idea is that the people responsible
for creating software (Development)
collaborate more closely with the
people responsible for deploying and
maintaining it (Operations).
The aim is to ensure that software
can be delivered in a more agile,
responsive way, continuously
improving, based on user feedback
and changing market conditions.
But while the theory sounds great,
actually making it happen can be
incredibly complex. This is not least
because for DevOps to be truly
effective, there is an argument that it
needs to be all-encompassing; that it
needs to involve the entire business,
C suite to Marketing to Customer
Service. In other words, DevOps
needs to be regarded as a business
process, not purely a technical one.
Customer feedback and market
opportunities are key factors
in  defining business strategy, but
DevOps is a technically oriented term
and focused on the teams who
build  products and ensure they’re
available. On top of this, there may
be procedural and political barriers
within organizations that limit the
communication and effectiveness of
data flow between the two worlds of
Dev and Ops. And perhaps more
than anything, poor or no
communication is why any Agile or
DevOps methodology breaks down.
Another issue to consider is that
while the DevOps loop is great for a
single release in isolation, most
software is created through off-the-
shelf software or with integrators via
a REST API. Anyone testing in a
DevOps world needs to understand
that the third-party programs or
integrations they use may be using a
better or worse DevOps process,
Agile, Waterfall, or no methodology.
Why do we need DevOps?
In some ways, the need for DevOps
simply reflects the fact that software
has become such an integral part of
our everyday lives. We all expect new
features that address our needs at
an ever-increasing pace; and if we
can’t get that from one vendor, we
will find one who can.
Why do we
need DevOps?
Page 003
What’s more, that software is
becoming more interactive. Even a
simple website is now less likely to be
a repository for information and
more likely to be something that end
users engage with. Furthermore, the
market for smartphone apps has
become ever more competitive and
saturated. Consumers are fickle and
liable to uninstall apps that don’t
meet their needs. The ability to react
fast is therefore essential.
Finally, we live in a much more
connected world. Applications are
less self-contained, and increasingly
need to work with other
technology  -  think the Internet of
Things. Applications therefore need
to be updated as the technology
around them changes.
"The key to following the continuous delivery path is to
continually question your own assumptions about what’s
possible.” - Jeff Sussna
Challenges in making DevOps Work
Challenges in
DevOps Work
Page 004
QA is another area that feels the heat
when trying to adopt DevOps
practices, and testing is fundamental
to realizing the benefits promised by
All software needs to be tested
before it can be released. And when
release cycles are accelerated, this
can place enormous pressure on QA
teams. This is especially true given
the proliferation of ways in which
end users interact with software. For
example, a service may be available
as a website or an app. Both will
have to work on multiple platforms
on thousands of different devices.
They may also have to interact with
other websites, apps, or services,
such as payment gateways,
geolocation services, or review
services. The need to test more
permutations more frequently
We’ve already talked about the need for DevOps to be regarded
as a business process, rather than a purely technical one, and
there are challenges in making that happen. Getting buy-in from
marketing or customer service teams, for example, may require
organizational or structural change that will require C level
input to achieve.
means the number of possible test
cases increases exponentially.
Similarly, as we add more features,
we need to add more test cases and
also maintain an ever-increasing set
of tests—as the product line
matures, the load on the QA team
increases significantly.
Challenges in making DevOps Work
Automation is therefore key, with testing of functional and non-
functional requirements built into the development and release
process. The trouble is that this doesn’t always allow for
comprehensive testing. Exploratory testing can be a challenge, for
example. Exploratory testing involves using the software in ways
that weren’t necessarily anticipated by developers. Deviating from
the script in this way can be a useful route to uncovering bugs, as
well as being more representative of real user behavior, which
frequently fails to conform to what the developers originally had in
While automating exploratory testing
by taking random paths through an
application may be relatively
straightforward, a human tester
would do something more. On
finding a bug, a person would actively
look for common  factors, trying to
identify something  that would help
developers pinpoint the cause. They
would also be able to identify
whether something is truly “correct”
from the user’s standpoint, over and
Page 005
above a simplistic value returned
from an API.
This is where AI comes into play. If
automated testing can actively search
for bugs with a view to helping people
to identify root causes, it can both
take the brakes of the DevOps
process and make it much more
"AI is everywhere.
It's not that big,
scary thing in the
AI is here with us."
- Fei-Fei Li
Shift Left
Shift Left
Page 006
The concept of “shift left” is
fundamental to DevOps. It means
that operations move closer to
development. The idea is that it
becomes possible very early in the
development lifecycle to understand
how the application will behave in
the real world. It also means that
bugs can be found and fixed as early
as possible. This is important
because it’s generally cheaper to fix
errors early in the development
Continuous testing is key to shifting
left and involves running automated
tests that deliver immediate
feedback throughout the
development lifecycle. It is an
important part of continuous
integration, continuous delivery and
continuous deployment.
Continuous integration
In continuous integration, multiple
developers working on different
components are regularly
committing code changes to the
main branch, possibly several times a
day. The advantage is that each
change is validated in an automated
unit test as it is committed, allowing
any problems to be ironed out
straight away, rather than creating a
potential bottleneck on release day.
Continuous delivery
Continuous delivery takes
continuous integration a step further
by automating deployment to a test
or staging environment.
Continuous deployment
The holy grail of DevOps, continuous
deployment cuts out all human
intervention and, as long as a release
passes all tests, it is deployed to
production automatically.
Page 007
The importance of continuous
testing in DevOps has led to
the coining of the term
At the same time, another
term, DevSecOps, has also
gained some currency. This
reflects the need to embed
sound security practices into
the DevOps process.
It is no coincidence that both
new terms relate to potential
Shift Left
According to an IBM study, it is
100 times more expensive to fix
a defect that’s been found after
software has been released.
bottlenecks. DevOps is
all  about speed, and the
temptation is to  fail  to pay
adequate attention to those
areas that have the potential
to slow things down. We’ve
already seen how automation
can help break through these
bottlenecks in testing. But it is
not just about technology. It is
also about culture and
ensuring that the right lines of
communication are in place.
Shift Right
Shift Right
Page 008
“Shift right” means taking certain
aspects of pre-production testing
and applying them post-production.
This is really about making sure that
the left hand is talking to the right
hand. Most live systems will employ
some kind of monitoring or analytics,
but this is not always closely tied in
with how applications are developed
and tested.
Shifting right addresses this through
innovations such as real user
monitoring data to create functional
test models, so that testing can be
based on how people actually use
the software, not how analysts think
they will use it or how developers
intend them to use it. Essentially,
then, part of shifting right involves
leveraging a huge, but under-used
resource in software testing – the
end user population.
Shift Up!
Shift Up!
Page 009
That brings us on to an alternative
concept—shift up—which has been
pioneered by Michael Giacometti,
Director of Partners and Alliances at
Eggplant. Shift up advocates bringing
the voice of the customer into the
testing and development process.
The point is that software testing
often fails to consider customer
experience, with tests tending to
focus on function and performance.
Crucially, an application could pass
such tests with flying colors and still
fail in terms of user experience.
Part of the issue is that software
doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Indeed, it’s
possible to view the end user as an
integral part of the end product. Each
one has different needs, wants, and
experiences that shape their view of
that product. And while this has
always been an issue, the
pervasiveness of software and the
fragmentation in its delivery have
conspired to make it harder to
develop applications that work for all
users all of the time.
One example of this is the explosion
in the number and type of mobile
and tablet devices, running different
software on different platforms and
with different capabilities, viewports
and processing power. At the same
time, the diversity in the range of
people using these devices has also
seen huge growth, both
demographically and geographically.
The upshot is that it is becoming less
and less possible to make
assumptions about the way people
will use your software. This means
that Shift Left and Shift Right are no
longer enough in and of themselves.
You need AI and predictive analytics to
help you understand how people are
using your software and feed that
insight into the development and
testing process, so you can focus on
and optimize business performance.
This is very much the new frontier of
DevOps. Because while it is possible
to speed up release cycles by
introducing automation, feeding the
voice of the voice of the customer
into that process is much harder. As
such, if you get everything else in
DevOps right, there’s a chance that
customer input becomes the new
Page 010
Embracing shift up through AI-driven testing
“A major publishing company responsible for multiple
print and digital publications delivered to subscribers
around the world needed a new approach to QA. It
wanted to offer self-service features to its readers, as
well as customize offers based on reading habits and
locales. The system needed to be elastic enough to
quickly and seamlessly add new offerings.
“This required a way to test builds with new and
updated security features—alongside performance
testing of the site and digital content access—in a non-
invasive manner. By deploying an AI-driven test engine,
the company increased test execution by 300% and
conducted long-term testing across multiple platforms,
channels, and technologies. Optimizing the site resulted
in improvements in revenue and in customer
acquisition and retention.”
Why software development needs to shift up
(not left or right), Michael Giacometti,
TechBeacon, 19 Feb 2019
Fortunately, there are some things
we can automate. For example, we
can analyze how different groups of
customers use software. We might
not have demographic data, but we
might know what device they’re
using and where they’re located. And
we can correlate these with
demographics. We can also look at
the behavior of the user populations
that deliver the greatest business
value. Or those that don’t, but
should. And we can then start to use
that data to inform the development,
test and release process, even
automating test case production and
For example, can we predict how
changing an element in a key user
journey will impact business KPIs?
If so, we can begin to use AI and real
customer data to
drive  development  choices
automatically, prioritizing fixes and
enhancements that will deliver the
greatest business value.
We can argue, then, that the final
piece in the DevOps puzzle is big
data and using AI to analyze it.
DevOps was always supposed to be
about delivering more value to the
business. Up until now, this has
largely been achieved by adopting
agile processes and faster release
cycles. These are prerequisites but
they’re not enough on their own. It’s
like buying a faster car -  it’s great,
and it does get us to our destination
more quickly. It’s just that we would
also really benefit from improved
Shift Up!
Continuous Feedback
Page 011
Earlier on, we looked at continuous
integration, delivery and deployment
in DevOps. There is also the concept
of continuous feedback, where the
impact of releases on customer
experience is regularly measured
and fed back into the development
Customer feedback comes from
various sources. Some, such as
surveys and focus groups, tend to be
expensive and time consuming, and
don’t lend themselves easily to
automation. Others, such as social
sentiment and app ratings, are more
susceptible to automated analysis.
Indeed, given the volume of data and
the number of possible
sources, some kind of automated big
data analysis is almost required to
make sense of it all.
The challenge is automating this with
the help of AI in the same way that
we’re automating testing in
development. It’s arguable that
continuous deployment isn’t truly
continuous unless and until that loop
is closed.
It is possible to see a future where AI
analyzes real user interactions with
an application and automatically
prioritizes updates and fixes based on
business outcomes.
The example on the following page
shows how this sort of approach
could work.
Continuous Feedback
COOK, a business that delivers high-
quality frozen meals, wanted to
understand how the performance of its
website was influencing consumer
behavior. It then wanted to use that
insight to inform its development
COOK used Eggplant’s synthetic
monitoring solution to identify a slow
server response time that could reach
six seconds, impacting several key
customer journeys.
At the same time, COOK was using
Performance Impact Prediction in
Eggplant’s real user monitoring solution,
which took all the data about visits to the
website and built a model of the
relationship between performance and
visitor behavior.
By entering a new load time based on
Case Study
Page 012
Analyzing the relationship between application
performance and business outcomes in order to inform
development priorities
what it could achieve by fixing the slow
server response, COOK was able to
predict changes in conversion rate,
bounce rate, and revenue for its entire
user population or individual segments
(e.g. Android users). This suggested that
fixing the problem would result in a
seven percent increase in conversions.
Based on what it learned from real user
monitoring, COOK prioritized fixing the
server response problem ahead of
introducing new functionality.
The resulting performance improvement
delivered exactly what was predicted: a
seven-percent increase in conversion
rate. At the same time, bounce rate fell
by seven percent and engagement
(pages per session) increased by 10
Continuous Feedback
Page 013
Monitoring identifies a
slow piece of
functionality in an app
It also shows that 3% of
iPhone users uninstall the
app after encountering it
...and 5% of Android users
uninstall the app after
encountering it
It also shows that 3% of
iPhone users uninstall the
app after encountering it
Those users account for
$150k lost revenue
Prioritize iPhone app
Fix Android app next
Taken to its logical conclusion, this
effectively leads to ‘self-healing
applications’. In some ways, this isn’t
such a great leap from where we are
now. Releases aren’t pushed to live
unless they pass automated tests. It’s
not going that much further to see
releases rolled back automatically in
response to poor user feedback.
Beyond that, it’s possible to envisage
systems that automatically identify
and fix the offending piece of code,
running simulations of all possible fixes
and anticipating real-user impacts.
None of this takes away from the fact
that most products have a start period,
a sustainment period, and an end-of-
life period. DevOps doesn’t change
that. Part of the communication and
analysis that goes into DevOps is about
ensuring that software is always being
tested for both quality and relevance.
One thing that’s clear is that AI has a
key role to play in analyzing and
drawing insight from the vast amounts
of data in our increasingly complex,
interconnected, software-dependent
How automated analysis of real user behavior can help drive decision making in development
About eggplant
Shift Right
At Eggplant we help businesses to
test, monitor and analyze their end-
to-end customer experience and
continuously improve their business
outcomes. We provide business with
award winning software such as the
winner of  Codie's Best DevOps tool
2019 - eggplant Digital Automation
Intelligence Suite.
Companies worldwide use Eggplant
to surpass competitors, boost
productivity, and delight customers.
How? By dramatically enhancing the
quality, responsiveness, and
performance of their software
applications across different
interfaces, platforms, browsers, and
devices—including mobile, IoT, and
desktop—in agile, DevOps, and
innovative application and data
We are a global company serving
more than 650 enterprise customers
in over 30 countries. Sectors include
automotive, defense and aerospace,
financial services, healthcare, media
and entertainment, and retail.
Eggplant is backed by The Carlyle
Group (NASDAQ: CG)       

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The Ultimate DevOps Playbook

  • 1. We all know AI has a key role to play in analyzing and drawing insight from the vast amounts of data in our increasingly complex, interconnected, software-dependent world, this playbook explores how. The Ultimate DevOps Playbook The Voice of the User and the Future of AI in DevOps
  • 2. Introduction Introduction Page 002 DevOps is an abbreviation for Development and Operations. The idea is that the people responsible for creating software (Development) collaborate more closely with the people responsible for deploying and maintaining it (Operations). The aim is to ensure that software can be delivered in a more agile, responsive way, continuously improving, based on user feedback and changing market conditions. But while the theory sounds great, actually making it happen can be incredibly complex. This is not least because for DevOps to be truly effective, there is an argument that it needs to be all-encompassing; that it needs to involve the entire business, C suite to Marketing to Customer Service. In other words, DevOps needs to be regarded as a business process, not purely a technical one. Customer feedback and market opportunities are key factors in  defining business strategy, but DevOps is a technically oriented term and focused on the teams who build  products and ensure they’re available. On top of this, there may be procedural and political barriers within organizations that limit the communication and effectiveness of data flow between the two worlds of Dev and Ops. And perhaps more than anything, poor or no communication is why any Agile or DevOps methodology breaks down. Another issue to consider is that while the DevOps loop is great for a single release in isolation, most software is created through off-the- shelf software or with integrators via a REST API. Anyone testing in a DevOps world needs to understand that the third-party programs or integrations they use may be using a better or worse DevOps process, Agile, Waterfall, or no methodology.
  • 3. Why do we need DevOps? In some ways, the need for DevOps simply reflects the fact that software has become such an integral part of our everyday lives. We all expect new features that address our needs at an ever-increasing pace; and if we can’t get that from one vendor, we will find one who can. Why do we need DevOps? Page 003 What’s more, that software is becoming more interactive. Even a simple website is now less likely to be a repository for information and more likely to be something that end users engage with. Furthermore, the market for smartphone apps has become ever more competitive and saturated. Consumers are fickle and liable to uninstall apps that don’t meet their needs. The ability to react fast is therefore essential. Finally, we live in a much more connected world. Applications are less self-contained, and increasingly need to work with other technology  -  think the Internet of Things. Applications therefore need to be updated as the technology around them changes. "The key to following the continuous delivery path is to continually question your own assumptions about what’s possible.” - Jeff Sussna
  • 4. Challenges in making DevOps Work Challenges in making DevOps Work Page 004 QA is another area that feels the heat when trying to adopt DevOps practices, and testing is fundamental to realizing the benefits promised by DevOps. All software needs to be tested before it can be released. And when release cycles are accelerated, this can place enormous pressure on QA teams. This is especially true given the proliferation of ways in which end users interact with software. For example, a service may be available as a website or an app. Both will have to work on multiple platforms on thousands of different devices. They may also have to interact with other websites, apps, or services, such as payment gateways, geolocation services, or review services. The need to test more permutations more frequently We’ve already talked about the need for DevOps to be regarded as a business process, rather than a purely technical one, and there are challenges in making that happen. Getting buy-in from marketing or customer service teams, for example, may require organizational or structural change that will require C level input to achieve. means the number of possible test cases increases exponentially. Similarly, as we add more features, we need to add more test cases and also maintain an ever-increasing set of tests—as the product line matures, the load on the QA team increases significantly.
  • 5. Challenges in making DevOps Work Automation is therefore key, with testing of functional and non- functional requirements built into the development and release process. The trouble is that this doesn’t always allow for comprehensive testing. Exploratory testing can be a challenge, for example. Exploratory testing involves using the software in ways that weren’t necessarily anticipated by developers. Deviating from the script in this way can be a useful route to uncovering bugs, as well as being more representative of real user behavior, which frequently fails to conform to what the developers originally had in mind. While automating exploratory testing by taking random paths through an application may be relatively straightforward, a human tester would do something more. On finding a bug, a person would actively look for common  factors, trying to identify something  that would help developers pinpoint the cause. They would also be able to identify whether something is truly “correct” from the user’s standpoint, over and Page 005 above a simplistic value returned from an API. This is where AI comes into play. If automated testing can actively search for bugs with a view to helping people to identify root causes, it can both take the brakes of the DevOps process and make it much more effective. "AI is everywhere. It's not that big, scary thing in the future. AI is here with us." - Fei-Fei Li
  • 6. Shift Left Shift Left Page 006 The concept of “shift left” is fundamental to DevOps. It means that operations move closer to development. The idea is that it becomes possible very early in the development lifecycle to understand how the application will behave in the real world. It also means that bugs can be found and fixed as early as possible. This is important because it’s generally cheaper to fix errors early in the development lifecycle. Continuous testing is key to shifting left and involves running automated tests that deliver immediate feedback throughout the development lifecycle. It is an important part of continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment. Continuous integration In continuous integration, multiple developers working on different components are regularly committing code changes to the main branch, possibly several times a day. The advantage is that each change is validated in an automated unit test as it is committed, allowing any problems to be ironed out straight away, rather than creating a potential bottleneck on release day. Continuous delivery Continuous delivery takes continuous integration a step further by automating deployment to a test or staging environment. Continuous deployment The holy grail of DevOps, continuous deployment cuts out all human intervention and, as long as a release passes all tests, it is deployed to production automatically.
  • 7. Page 007 The importance of continuous testing in DevOps has led to the coining of the term DevTestOps. At the same time, another term, DevSecOps, has also gained some currency. This reflects the need to embed sound security practices into the DevOps process. It is no coincidence that both new terms relate to potential Shift Left According to an IBM study, it is 100 times more expensive to fix a defect that’s been found after software has been released. bottlenecks. DevOps is all  about speed, and the temptation is to  fail  to pay adequate attention to those areas that have the potential to slow things down. We’ve already seen how automation can help break through these bottlenecks in testing. But it is not just about technology. It is also about culture and ensuring that the right lines of communication are in place.
  • 8. Shift Right Shift Right Page 008 “Shift right” means taking certain aspects of pre-production testing and applying them post-production. This is really about making sure that the left hand is talking to the right hand. Most live systems will employ some kind of monitoring or analytics, but this is not always closely tied in with how applications are developed and tested. Shifting right addresses this through innovations such as real user monitoring data to create functional test models, so that testing can be based on how people actually use the software, not how analysts think they will use it or how developers intend them to use it. Essentially, then, part of shifting right involves leveraging a huge, but under-used resource in software testing – the end user population.
  • 9. Shift Up! Shift Up! Page 009 That brings us on to an alternative concept—shift up—which has been pioneered by Michael Giacometti, Director of Partners and Alliances at Eggplant. Shift up advocates bringing the voice of the customer into the testing and development process. The point is that software testing often fails to consider customer experience, with tests tending to focus on function and performance. Crucially, an application could pass such tests with flying colors and still fail in terms of user experience. Part of the issue is that software doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Indeed, it’s possible to view the end user as an integral part of the end product. Each one has different needs, wants, and experiences that shape their view of that product. And while this has always been an issue, the pervasiveness of software and the fragmentation in its delivery have conspired to make it harder to develop applications that work for all users all of the time. One example of this is the explosion in the number and type of mobile and tablet devices, running different software on different platforms and with different capabilities, viewports and processing power. At the same time, the diversity in the range of people using these devices has also seen huge growth, both demographically and geographically. The upshot is that it is becoming less and less possible to make assumptions about the way people will use your software. This means that Shift Left and Shift Right are no longer enough in and of themselves. You need AI and predictive analytics to help you understand how people are using your software and feed that insight into the development and testing process, so you can focus on and optimize business performance. This is very much the new frontier of DevOps. Because while it is possible to speed up release cycles by introducing automation, feeding the voice of the voice of the customer into that process is much harder. As such, if you get everything else in DevOps right, there’s a chance that customer input becomes the new bottleneck.
  • 10. Page 010 Embracing shift up through AI-driven testing “A major publishing company responsible for multiple print and digital publications delivered to subscribers around the world needed a new approach to QA. It wanted to offer self-service features to its readers, as well as customize offers based on reading habits and locales. The system needed to be elastic enough to quickly and seamlessly add new offerings. “This required a way to test builds with new and updated security features—alongside performance testing of the site and digital content access—in a non- invasive manner. By deploying an AI-driven test engine, the company increased test execution by 300% and conducted long-term testing across multiple platforms, channels, and technologies. Optimizing the site resulted in improvements in revenue and in customer acquisition and retention.” Why software development needs to shift up (not left or right), Michael Giacometti, TechBeacon, 19 Feb 2019 Fortunately, there are some things we can automate. For example, we can analyze how different groups of customers use software. We might not have demographic data, but we might know what device they’re using and where they’re located. And we can correlate these with demographics. We can also look at the behavior of the user populations that deliver the greatest business value. Or those that don’t, but should. And we can then start to use that data to inform the development, test and release process, even automating test case production and maintenance. For example, can we predict how changing an element in a key user journey will impact business KPIs? If so, we can begin to use AI and real customer data to drive  development  choices automatically, prioritizing fixes and enhancements that will deliver the greatest business value. We can argue, then, that the final piece in the DevOps puzzle is big data and using AI to analyze it. DevOps was always supposed to be about delivering more value to the business. Up until now, this has largely been achieved by adopting agile processes and faster release cycles. These are prerequisites but they’re not enough on their own. It’s like buying a faster car -  it’s great, and it does get us to our destination more quickly. It’s just that we would also really benefit from improved navigation Shift Up!
  • 11. Continuous Feedback Continuous Feedback Page 011 Earlier on, we looked at continuous integration, delivery and deployment in DevOps. There is also the concept of continuous feedback, where the impact of releases on customer experience is regularly measured and fed back into the development process. Customer feedback comes from various sources. Some, such as surveys and focus groups, tend to be expensive and time consuming, and don’t lend themselves easily to automation. Others, such as social sentiment and app ratings, are more susceptible to automated analysis. Indeed, given the volume of data and the number of possible sources, some kind of automated big data analysis is almost required to make sense of it all. The challenge is automating this with the help of AI in the same way that we’re automating testing in development. It’s arguable that continuous deployment isn’t truly continuous unless and until that loop is closed. It is possible to see a future where AI analyzes real user interactions with an application and automatically prioritizes updates and fixes based on business outcomes. The example on the following page shows how this sort of approach could work.
  • 12. Continuous Feedback COOK, a business that delivers high- quality frozen meals, wanted to understand how the performance of its website was influencing consumer behavior. It then wanted to use that insight to inform its development priorities. COOK used Eggplant’s synthetic monitoring solution to identify a slow server response time that could reach six seconds, impacting several key customer journeys. At the same time, COOK was using Performance Impact Prediction in Eggplant’s real user monitoring solution, which took all the data about visits to the website and built a model of the relationship between performance and visitor behavior. By entering a new load time based on Case Study COOK Page 012 Analyzing the relationship between application performance and business outcomes in order to inform development priorities what it could achieve by fixing the slow server response, COOK was able to predict changes in conversion rate, bounce rate, and revenue for its entire user population or individual segments (e.g. Android users). This suggested that fixing the problem would result in a seven percent increase in conversions. Based on what it learned from real user monitoring, COOK prioritized fixing the server response problem ahead of introducing new functionality. The resulting performance improvement delivered exactly what was predicted: a seven-percent increase in conversion rate. At the same time, bounce rate fell by seven percent and engagement (pages per session) increased by 10 percent.
  • 13. Continuous Feedback Page 013 Monitoring identifies a slow piece of functionality in an app It also shows that 3% of iPhone users uninstall the app after encountering it ...and 5% of Android users uninstall the app after encountering it It also shows that 3% of iPhone users uninstall the app after encountering it Those users account for $150k lost revenue Prioritize iPhone app Fix Android app next Taken to its logical conclusion, this effectively leads to ‘self-healing applications’. In some ways, this isn’t such a great leap from where we are now. Releases aren’t pushed to live unless they pass automated tests. It’s not going that much further to see releases rolled back automatically in response to poor user feedback. Beyond that, it’s possible to envisage systems that automatically identify and fix the offending piece of code, running simulations of all possible fixes and anticipating real-user impacts. None of this takes away from the fact that most products have a start period, a sustainment period, and an end-of- life period. DevOps doesn’t change that. Part of the communication and analysis that goes into DevOps is about ensuring that software is always being tested for both quality and relevance. One thing that’s clear is that AI has a key role to play in analyzing and drawing insight from the vast amounts of data in our increasingly complex, interconnected, software-dependent world. How automated analysis of real user behavior can help drive decision making in development
  • 14. About eggplant Shift Right At Eggplant we help businesses to test, monitor and analyze their end- to-end customer experience and continuously improve their business outcomes. We provide business with award winning software such as the winner of  Codie's Best DevOps tool 2019 - eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence Suite. Companies worldwide use Eggplant to surpass competitors, boost productivity, and delight customers. How? By dramatically enhancing the quality, responsiveness, and performance of their software applications across different interfaces, platforms, browsers, and devices—including mobile, IoT, and desktop—in agile, DevOps, and innovative application and data environments. We are a global company serving more than 650 enterprise customers in over 30 countries. Sectors include automotive, defense and aerospace, financial services, healthcare, media and entertainment, and retail. Eggplant is backed by The Carlyle Group (NASDAQ: CG)