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The Transition to Postmodernism Essay
The Transition to Postmodernism
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Postmodernism is a difficult term to define, as it is evident in many different disciplines, such as art, literature, architecture, technology, and, the precise
emerging moment of this movement is also hard to identify. In order to truly understand `Postmodernism,' one must first identify with `Modernism' and
it's subsequent decline which led to the appearance of the Post–modern ear. It is often suggested that Postmodernity is simply a continuation or
advancement of Modernity. For example, Bauman, (Crook, Pakulski, & Walters, 1992: p.2) claims that `Postmodernism is simply a replacement of
"classical" Modern capitalist society'. However, this assumption has undergone much more content...
The sudden upheaval of Modernism was not wholly shocking, as it did offer some assurance as to direction this change was taking; modern
societies were going to "grow and differentiate." (Crook, Pakulski, & Walters, 1992: p.2) This can be seen in Anderson's text, Modernity and
Revolution. In it, he evokes the arguments of Marshall Berman in All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, in which Berman shone light once again on the
relationship between Modernity and revolution. Modernism is acknowledged as a `body of experience' (Anderson, EL875) of which is universally
and globally shared. Berman and Anderson reflect on Modernism in a positive way, underlining that it can "unite all mankind." This movement,
according to Anderson, would not only envelope experiences of adventure and development, but would also, as I mentioned previously, endanger all
that we are familiar with, and thus, in Marx's words, "all that is solid melts into air."(Anderson, EL875; p.317)
Anderson questions the propeller of this whirlpool of change and identifies the initiator as "socioeconomic modernization"; these being social processes
such as scientific advances and urbanization. These new "ideas" and "visions" allow each person to change and claim this new age as their own.
Anderson distinguishes the connection between the terms `Modernity,' `Modernization; and `Modernism.' He states that `Modernity' is the process
which links the economics of `Modernization' and the culture of `Modernism.' This is the
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Postmodernism : Modernism And Postmodernism
Modernism and Postmodernism are both two important eras in design. Postmodernism takes a lot of concepts from the modernism era. Both
modernism and post modernism focus on Style, Social analysis, Cultural Context, Philosophy, Politics, Human experience, Machine aesthetics, and the
constant transformation of the "New". An interesting fact of the Modernism and Postmodernism is the use of the psychology and philosophy themes 1.
Subjectivity 2.History 3. Culture and 4. Theoretically divers aesthetics and ideologies. What differentiates the two from each other is the
postmodernism is more politically resistant, deconstructive, absent, uses the Signifier, Anarchy, and Dadaist. In comparison to Modernism, which is
more romantic, Symbolic, about Form for its purpose, Hierarchy, Creation, Metaphor and Signified. This essay will talk about the influence of
modernism on postmodern design using Wolfgang Weingart, Atelier Populaire posters and comparing it to Moholy Nagy's' posters of modernism.
The two designs selected from the Eskilson Textbook Graphic Design a New History on postmodernism are The Swiss Poster, 1984 offset Lithograph
by Wolfgang Weingart and The Struggle Continues, 1968 by Atelier Populaire. The modernist designs selected from Moholy Nagy is Painting
Photography Film, 1927 Book jacket. To begin we will look at postmodern design and their aesthetics, technical context, Technology of production and
the message of the artworks. Postmodernism was full of emotion and had
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An Overview of Postmodernism Essay
The political climate at the beginning of the 1940's and the changes taking place all around the world drastically influenced the face of
contemporary society. The invasion of Poland by Germany on 1st of September 1939 was the first stone thrown in the face of freedom of expression
and liberty out of the many that followed for the next decades. The dawn of the Second World War was one of the premises that forced many
European artists, pioneers par excellence in their field, through their French or German inherited status, to immigrate across the ocean. Due to the
exile, the art centre also moved overseas, from Paris to New York, offering a new opportunity for American art to be the initiator in what was generally
accepted as the more content...
This description is trying to clearly position postmodernism in a specific time frame and outline its main characteristics. However, when consulting the
Macmillan Dictionary (2010) the description offered is significantly less conclusive:
"ideas, attitudes, or styles of art, literature, or thinking that have developed after modernism, often as a reaction against "
The main accent is set on the chronological aspect of postmodernism and its logical and historical flow offering the reader not enough information to
identify a clear period or any particular feature. Only by comparing the two definitions, a very small part of the available explanations on the subject,
and at the same time reading them together one can identify one of the main components of the movement: diversity in all its aspects. The difference
in these definitions is not just a simple coincidence and should be taken as a figure of speech for the description of the entire period. During this time
critics and writers, artists and architects etc. have tried to find a proper explanation for the changes they were being part of, concretised in what became
known as Postmodernism.
During the 1960s 'attacks' started appearing against the elitism shown by modernism. One of the first voices pointing at modernism's faults was the
poet Karl Shapiro , who in 1959 in an article for The Times Book
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Postmodernism And Its Impact On Society
'Postmodernism' is a concept that has been debated from its inception, yet has not been given a clear undisputed definition by the academics of art
history. However, the general sense by those who have endeavoured to do so have a commonality; that postmodernism is a movement of the late
20th–century that fundamentally rejects the modernist desire for perfection, purity and essential form. It is the denunciation of the 'grand narrative' that
suggests society must function according to a unified and centred idea system, where society develops in a linear progression accordingly. Professor of
Cultural Studies at the London College of Fashion, Elizabeth Wilson, suggests that the term 'postmodern,' functions as an expression of the spirit of the
time. It is a code word or summary for the immense change experienced by society at the turn of the century on cultural, economic and political levels
primarily related to the developing culture of capitalism, globalization and mass consumption. Most importantly Wilson asserts, is that postmodernism
expresses an attitude of 'ambivalence.' That is, acknowledging the triumph of a capitalist society, yet believing that its influence is having an
unstoppable degrading effect on society. Thus, the methods adopted in reaction to these tremendous changes, often manifested as protests of defiance,
are referred to as 'postmodern.'
In terms of art and design, artists and designers have adopted tactics to portray their binary and
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The Pros And Cons Of Postmodernism
Postmodernism is a loose–umbrella term that is used to describe a myriad of ideologies which originated after the modern era. It is that complex whole
of perspectives which reject the core principles of modern( and enlightenment) thought. It stretches its ideological framework into various fields of
knowledge which include–but are not limited to–Science, Economics, Politics, and Philosophy. The central claim of Postmodernism is that there is no
one over–raiding metanarrative. In other words, there is no such thing as an absolute truth, nor is there such a thing as objectivity. Thus, reality
becomes a matrix of perception which changes based on the interpretation upon which it was forged. Hence, Jean–Francois Lyotard– a French
philosopher– more content...
Postmodernists argue that because modern science was developed by a group of people which were ensconced in a European culture, they carried
their subjective biases and prejudices into the scientific inquiry. By this logic, science does not seem like an objective method through which to
investigate the world, but rather an enterprise that serve to adhere to a particular socio–political agenda. To elaborate, they believe that science, in its
contemporary state, does not produce objective facts, but rather it offers a limited manner through which to cultivate the world. Specifically, a
white–masculine–elite view of the world. This means that new types of epistemologies–such as the feminist epistemology–should be introduced to
paint the full picture of reality. Thus, science seems to offer a one–dimensional narrative that needs the perspectives of so–called marginalized,
oppressed groups to be complete. This line of reasoning is intrinsically flawed for a multitude of reasons. First
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Postmodernism in Literature
Postmodern literature
The term Postmodern literature is used to describe certain tendencies in post–World War II literature. It is both a continuation of the experimentation
championed by writers of the modernist period (relying heavily, for example, on fragmentation, paradox, questionable narrators, etc.) and a reaction
against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernist literature.
Postmodern literature, like postmodernism as a whole, is difficult to define and there is little agreement on the exact characteristics, scope, and
importance of postmodern literature. However, unifying features often coincide with Jean–FranГ§ois Lyotard's concept of the "meta–narrative" and
"little narrative", Jacques Derrida's concept of "play", and more content...
Surrealist Rene Magritte's experiments with signification are used as examples by Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. Foucault also uses examples
from Jorge Luis Borges, an important direct influence on many Postmodernist fiction writers. He is occasionally listed as a Postmodernist though he
started writing in the 1920s. The influence of his experiments with metafiction and magical realism was not fully realized until the postmodern
Comparisons with modernist literature
Both modern and postmodern literature represent a break from 19th century realism, in which a story was told from an objective or omniscient point of
view. In character development, both modern and postmodern literature explore subjectivism, turning from external reality to examine inner states of
consciousness, in many cases drawing on modernist examples in the stream of consciousness styles of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, or explorative
poems like The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. In addition, both modern and postmodern literature explore fragmentariness in narrative
– and
character–construction. The Waste Land is often cited as a means of distinguishing modern and postmodern literature. The poem is fragmentary and
employs pastiche like much postmodern literature, but the speaker in The Waste Land says, "these fragments I have shored against my ruins".
Modernist literature sees fragmentation and extreme subjectivity as an existential crisis, or Freudian
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Essay On Postmodernism
The concept of postmodernism is complex in that it does not share a common stream of thoughts but rather plays individual idea of post modernism
into different parts of fields. According to A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory by Raman Selden, "some see it as simply the
continuation and development of modernist ideas, while others have seen in postmodern art a radical break with classical modernism." Depending on
which field it is being applied on, postmodernism shows unalike features of trends. In architecture, literature, art, film, and more, postmodernism has
shown distinct and unique identity. In literature, there is no clear beginning and endings as did in modernistic literature. The meaning of the literature
is not to be found and meaningless in that postmodernism bases its root on ontological more content...
In postmodernism, there may or may not be a moral which may change depending on the context of both the reader and writer. In architecture,
double–coding, combination of the traditional style and contemporary context was brought to light. Piazza d'Italia in New Orleans, Die Neue
Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart are examples of this. In art the destruction of the distinction between commercial culture and the elite culture was
emphasized. The mass crowd were made to more easily access the works of art which the modernists considered exclusive to the elite. Postmodernism
has rejected traditional values and ideas in its own way in various fields, so the definition of postmodernism cannot be reduced down into one line.
Since the rise of postmodernism was in objection to the boundaries and limits of the tradition, it may be that postmodernism cannot be cleared down
into a single
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Postmodernism: The Movement in Life Essay
Although the postmodern movement was not started in America, its many effects have influenced the culture of this nation. Postmodernism took
America from a place where it held strong values of right and wrong, to a place where any idea has been given validity and merit. By presenting new
world views, postmodernism has affected American literature, for both the writer and the reader, and American culture on a vast scale.Explaining
postmodernism is very challenging because it does not have a real meaning other than "after modernism" (Merriam–Webster). Postmodernism has
influenced every aspect of American culture from literature and the media to family and social relationships as well as the way a person views himself
and the world more content...
Using playfulness and irony may not have started with postmodern authors, but they have become central aspects in many of their works. A common
example of this is the way a postmodern writer treats serious subjects in a playful and humorous way. In Catch–22, Joseph Heller addresses the events
of World War II as a comedy of extreme darkness. It was the first novel to transform WWII from a human tragedy into an absurdist comedy by using
satire and dark humor (Sexton). Another example of black humor and irony is in the works of Kurt Vonnegut. In his book Cat's Cradle, Vonnegut
touches on the issues of science and religion in a way they must be mocked by humor. He does all of this in a light and sarcastic method in order to
make the reader laugh at himself rather than be offend by this writing (Johnson).Postmodernism has brought music from a place where the primary
focus was on musical fundamentals and expression to place where "commodity being sold by record companies and pop stars is not the fundamentals
of the music, but the cultural image surrounding the music, which reverberates through film, television, and other media." (
Media is a source that has helped move the music industry by playing incorporating soundtracks in movies and television shows. Music is everywhere.
People are taking little parts of different genres and mixing them together to make "new music." This musical
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post modernism Essay examples
Post – Modernism and Mass Culture
P M rnism and M C ost ode ass ulture
Post Modernism/20/1/98/P.Covington/Media Disc
This is a relatively new development and there are few sources that present clear and readable accounts of it. It is a reaction to the belief of
postmodernists that Marx concentrated excessively on production, at the cost of consumption.
This concept, despite its variety of meanings and definitions, is used to refer to many aspects of social life from musical forms and styles, literature
and fine art through to philosophy, history and especially the mass media. Post modernism is a slippery term that is used by writers to refer to several
different things. Featherstone (1991) points out more content...
We have become disillusioned and no longer expect the world to become a better place. Metranarratives have partly been discredited because, in an era
of global media in which we learn more and more about other peoples' beliefs and lifestyles, it becomes less and less possible to regard one lifestyle or
one belief system as the 'true one'.
Dominic Strinati
Strinati suggests that, post–modern TV and film become preoccupied merely with surface style and imagery, rather than deeper underlying themes,
which might relate to the 'realities' of the human condition. Action blockbuster movies dwell on special effects, rather than strong plots and TV
drama departs from realist plots of the 1960's (which attempted to look at serious issues such as homelessness, Cathy Come Home and embraces a
surreal world in which 'reality' is often confused; For example, Twin Peaks, or more recently The X Files and American Gothic. Kaplan (1987)
identified pop and rock videos as perfect examples of post modernist culture because they abandon all notion of narrative structure – there is no attempt
to 'tell a story', rather the power of the rock video lies purely in the collage of images mixed with music.
What is Post
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Differences Between Modern And Postmodernism
deception of a generation who has no answers. It refuses the safe scheme of realist tradition offering an alternative object that doesn't explain what it
represents but hints another beauty and a different order for those who will never die. Postmodernist is a depthless response to the inevitable. It is not
interested in offering solution because postmodernism doesn't have any. It doesn't solve the tragedy it takes it for granted, it has learnt how to live with
natural disasters and the thread of a nuclear moment. It doesn't suggest alternative beauty or reachable peace but it toys with the shallowest aspect of
contemporaneity, consumerism and daily issues. It waits the end for those who will die tomorrow. Wang Ning, based on Ihab Hassan's essay, outlines
eleven major differences between modern and postmodern . While offering reasoning of my ontological disagreement for a generalization that
underestimate the darkness of modernism might take us out of track, wide comparison might help the reader to go through what will follow:
(1) more content...
(2)The modernist aesthetic is still an aesthetic of the sublime, while the postmodernist aesthetic is strongly colored with contemporary
commercialization and is definitely orientated toward popular culture and literature so as to represent 'the unpresentable' things; modernism has a
strong elite sense, while postmodernism tries to bridge the gap between high culture and popular culture
(3)Engaged in the various hierarchies, modernism appeals to the established order and peace, while postmodernism keeps making trouble and creating
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Postmodernism : A Consensus On Postmodernism
Of Precise Ambiguity
A Consensus on Postmodernism
C. Jencks, H. Klotz & W. Curtis
Postmodernism is a universal movement, present in every art and discipline. In architecture, postmodernism is precise as well as ambiguous thereby in
need of an explorative pursuit for a consensus of what is meant by the movement in this perspective – between the works of Charles Jencks, a primary
theorist of this architectural turn; Heinrich Klotz, a leading architectural critic; and William Curtis, an architectural historian. The progression of this
paper is highly influenced with Jencks' studies as his works are often times referenced as well by both Klotz and Curtis in their individual
interpretations and further accompanied with either supporting statements or contradictions. Charles Jencks suggests the concept of double coding in
several aspects. Primarily, that architects become public–oriented rather than peer–oriented; to design structures that appeal to both these constituencies
and beyond the architectural world. The concept of double coding prompted a new approach to architecture to accommodate these distinct needs – an
approach that was a form of eclecticism of both old and new styles that now dominate the present world. On his book on Modern Architecture, Curtis
writes that modern architecture was faulted for it's "supposed lack of 'recognizable imagery'" towards the end of the 1970s. This statement supports the
idea of Jencks' double coding where architects must now make
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Essay on Modern and Post-Modernism Architecture
There is often some confusion when people start talking about the post–modernism and modernism in architecture in terms of their philosophical
terminology differences. Modern architecture is known for its minimalism (Linder, 2004); buildings were functional and economical rather than
comfortable and beautifully decorated. The post–modernism architecture, however, is called a "neo–eclectic, significantly assuming the role of a
regeneration of period styles for designing houses, and a never–ending variety of forms and characteristics, asymmetrical designs for commercial
buildings" (Fullerton Heritage, 2008). An example of these two polar opposites, "Less is more" made by Mies van der Rohe in 1928 (Blake, 1976)
and "Less is a bore" made more content...
Although, most post–modernist architects had been associated with modern architects in terms of training during the twentieth century, they refused
most their teachers ideas. In addition, today's architects cannot deny the modern architecture ways of designing any building. Their design, for
instance, has many philosophical meaning such as constructional, environmental, sociological, commercial and metaphorical meaning. The main
difference between these two schools is that the architects point of view to any design as a means of communication (Chan, 1997). Modern
architecture, for example, focus on the aesthetics of architectural language, while post–modernity adjust in constant effort to achieve what is more than
unity and focus on the traditional concepts, therefore both schools are in competition with each other. Second basic principle of modern school is the
production beauty by basic technology (Chan, 1997), and this led to a contradiction on the post–modernism architects being attempted to use primitive
technology. Their particular case is to access and change the impact of the traditional architecture through all people. Therefore, to achieve this goal
they have addressed the issues of beauty and technology within the general concept of the design. Despite different thoughts on the features of
post–modernism definition, it is clearly seen that people ,who are interested in beauties, are
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Modernism And Postmodernism
Modernism began at the end of the civil war and ended (at least on an intellectual level) when the USA dropped the first atomic bomb. Modernism,
whether it has to do with visual art, music or literature, gets its meaning from the idea that truth derives from effort. If one looks at the Empire State
Building, a modernist building, one can see that it starts about a block wide at its base and tapers to a spire at the very top. This spire is the
culmination of tremendous effort, it is truth. Once humans realized that everything we had worked towards can be wiped out in an instant, something
snapped and some began to think "what's the point?". That idea culminated with "Well, why even work hard for truth? Truth should be what is
immediately evident." That was the beginning of the Postmodernist movement. Postmodernism rejects the idea that any text or product or media is
inherently more valuable than any other. Culture is a snake eating its own tail. Everything old is new again. Everything deserves to be viewed as art.
Everything deserves an audience to consume it. With Modernism, you only get to truth, enlightenment and value through work. With Postmodernism,
you don't have to do that at all. Everything is beautiful how it is. But if everything's beautiful, nothing's beautiful. And therein lies the snake eating its
own tail. Postmodernism inevitably goes around in circles, but that does not have to be a bad thing.
Postmodernism in the realm of visual art was a direct rebellion
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Postmodernism: Christian Worldview
Postmodernism is a way of thinking this is when one denies the absolute truth, when they don't see right or wrong ,good or evil. They feel as if the
truth comes from their personal experiences . Postmodernist denies ultimate reality as well as God and the fact that he is the reason that all things
exist. After many readings and studies there are many people are beginning to think as such it seem as if it's a new trend. The purpose of this paper
is give insight on postmodernism worldview an why I feel that Christian worldview is greater. First this paper will give insight on exactly what
postmodernism is and how it has grown recently. Secondly, I will evaluate postmodernism and explain how it viewed and their way of thinking. Third,
I more content...
Whereas logic and truth is not important as they see it. They have rejected the supremacy of revelation, the idea of truth as well as the idea that a better
people can be produced though the submission of reason and truth. We know that everything must have a source, the source is of Ultimate Authority for
a Christian would be the scriptures because this is consider a road map our instructions. On the other hand Postmodernist see things very different they
don't see Scriptures for what they are. They do not see the authority and don't give it any credibility refusing the fact that the scriptures hold power. As
Christians we know that Jesus Christ is revealed through the scriptures. The scriptures serves as a road map and they speak with authority from God.
Even though Postmodernism see it totally different as not having any authority , credibility and rejecting the scriptures we as Christian understand and
using the scriptures as our instruction
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Modernist and Post–modernist in Development Modernism is closely associated with the setting in of modern civilization compared to postmodernism.
It is modernism that lay the foundation for postmodernism (Muller 312). After the World War II, the human race achieved what is referred to as
postmodernism. The two concepts may appear antagonistic in nature, but a closer look at each reveals how well each complements the other. Art and
literature are among the numerous human aspects that have been influenced in diverse ways by the concepts of modernism and post–modernism. In this
paper, the significance of developmental studies in elaborating the two concepts as the poles of negotiation rather than competing concepts shall be
highlighted more so from Miller's school of thought.
Modernist concept in enhancing sustained engagement
In this case, we realize that modernism always tends to exclude the order and the rationality mainly in politics that come with the movements. It is
geared as "two poles of negotiation" majorly in the context of agreement in that it is geared and motivated towards various masses and people.
Schneider stipulates this when he comes out vividly in comparison of his art to that of the ancient time by saying that his work was fine simply
because his portrayals were eye appealing and more content...
It facilitated the fast developmental phases.From this, we realize that some of the hypothesis within modernization and those that make it an essential
characteristic of the developmental feature, are that various politics tend to employ different ways of
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Postmodernism Essay
Postmodernism Postmodernism blends old themes with new contemporary issues to create beautiful artwork that commands, questions, and captivates
all viewers to participate in discovering its inner meaning. Along with an inner meaning and beauty, it was used as a form of communication that was
directed towards social, political, and cultural problems within the world. An architect Robert Stern states, " The fundamental shift to post–modernism
has to do with the reawakening of artists in every field to public responsibilities of art. Once again art is being regarded as an act of communication."
(Wilkin, Schultz, Linduff, "Art Past Art Present, p.579) The postmodern era emancipated its artists from old traditional barriers more
His style is unique in that he chooses five major squares to encapsulate her face, but also used many little squares of various colors to blur her image.
Jean resembles traditional art by making the center square a focal point. Again mixing the old with a new twist.
Thematically it represents to me a person with several different faces each with different personality within one formed entity. Jean's Mona Lisa breaks
down the cultural barriers that separate different cultures of today. Perhaps each square represents one or many different cultures striving for
completeness and unity, which is represented by the middle image, which could be another translation. Politically it represents freedom of choice and
democracy, which has come a long way since early 1900's. Each person in the image has their own opinion and when each opinion is combined and
agreed upon then the real power lies within numbers. Which is how are political structure is structured. One person chosen by election to represent the
Another artist of the postmodern era is a poet name Octavio Paz born in 1914–1999 in Mexico. Paz along with many others believed that language
could make oneself be very expressive. His poem called "To Talk" expresses the feeling that mortal man has special powers that no other being even the
gods do not possess. If this poem was written back in the medieval or early times Paz would have been persecuted
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Postmodern World, By Jean-François Lyotard
A man is sitting and enjoying his morning coffee when all of a sudden he hears this alarm. He knows not where is comes from, but it sounds close;
he opens his eyes in his bed. In the moments prior, he was in total agreement that his hot cup of coffee was real, but now it is a far off dream. Now he
questions what else in this world is real; critics argue over weather postmodernism is a rejection or ignorance of the metanarrative and simulations in the
Both Jean–FranГ§ois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard explore the idea a what is the postmodern world and how it creates a postmodern condition in the
people who inhabit it, but the two great thinkers come twosome different conclusions. "Answering the question: what is the postmodern?" by
Jean–FranГ§ois Lyotard defines postmodernism as the death of the metanarrative, the explanations created for society for everything that happens.
Metanarriatives are built to make sense out more content...
The everyday 'reality' one interacts with is truly a simulated world filled with images, advertisements, and pre–constructed world. Baudrillard used the
example of Disneyland to illustrate the idea of the false reality created; it is well understood when going to Disneyland that it is an imaginary world
full of simulations, but this simulation and hyperreal extend past the gates into the rest of the postmodern world (Baudrillard 4). It is constructed to
give its visitors a false interpretation of the imaginary, that the adults who go their to be childish are not childish in the "real world" (Baudrillard 5.).
They believe that once they leave, the world they reenter is real, because the once they are leaving is presented as imaginary. This is under the
assumption that the world outside it the standard of the real, but this is a false assumption since both worlds are
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Postmodernism Essay
The 20th Century, in many ways, can be remembered as a time of scientific and technological revolution. The innovations and rapid growth in many
areas of technology have cast doubt upon words such as ignorance and impossibility. This revolution also instigated new and/or radical ideas in the
world of academia. The growth of post–modernism and its adherers in historical circles have caused quite a stir in dealing with the validity of many
historical documents. Critical analysis of the subject of modernism and post–modernism can be simplified in one statement: What is our understanding
of certainty? The modern critical analysis form is an ideal philosophy of industrialism, an ideology that adopts more content...
The common goal for modern historians is to find HISTORY, truth, and moral rights by methodically deducing facts and past events. By such ways, the
truthful understanding of the past makes history useful for us in the present. In post–modern critical analysis, its philosophy lies in the critiquing the
false in modernism. Truth/fact is merely a socially constructed ideal dependent on the context in which it is used [connotative meanings].
Post–modernists debunk the importance of fact due to limited personal perspectives. Since each person could have numerous perspectives on issues,
the shear number would constitute the many facts once could have. Opposed to the modernist philosophy reflecting Western history, post–modernism
follows an Eastern eclectic form of what history might be. In relation to historical analysis, post–modernism raises the importance of context. Truth/fact
is dependent on the time, place and the observer. Post–modernists see many historical documents as a narrative, stories in which their validity is
questionable and thus it cannot be completely true. For the record, I am a modernist with some post–modernist ideals. Modern critical analysis of
history appears to be more fathomable than post–modernism. To look at the world around us objectively correlates events with reality, and gives
meaning to why things happen and to prevent bad things from repeating in the future.
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Modernism vs Postmodernism Essay
'It quickly emerged that the proper and unique area of competence of each art coincided with all that was unique to the nature of its medium. The task
of self–criticism became to eliminate from the effects of each art any and every effect that might conceivably be borrowed from or by the medium of
any other art. Thereby each art would be rendered 'pure', and in its 'purify' find the guarantee of its standards of quality as well as of its independence. '
Purity' meant self–definition, and the enterprise of self–criticism in the arts became one of self–definition, with a vengeance.'
(Greenberg, 'Modernist Painting', Art in Theory, p.755)
'Greenberg's aesthetics are the terminal point of [an] historical trajectory. There is another more content...
This implies that painting, rather than 'using art to conceal art' (ibid) by creating illusionistic space and depth, should rather use art 'to call attention to
art' (ibid), that is, to emphasise the unique characteristics of the medium; 'the flat surface, the shape of the support, the properties of pigment' (ibid).
Greenberg states that such a process would render art 'pure', that is, autonomous, free of any extraneous elements deriving from other arts, such as
theatricality or narrative. The impact of a painting should thus derive from those technical aspects characteristic of painting, such as colour, form and
composition. An example of the sort of painting Greenberg was advocating at the time may clarify this. Morris Louis's painting Alpha–Phi (pl.D10) is
exactly contemporary with the publication of 'Modernist Painting'. It consists of bold, ragged, diagonal streaks of pure colour against an off–white
ground; Louis's use of acrylic paints, which soak into the canvas, means that the colours appear integrated with the ground and hence do not disrupt
the flatness of the picture plane. Its effect depends upon the arrangement of colours and the large scale of the painting which makes it occupy 'so
much of one's visual field that it loses its character as a discrete tactile object and thereby become that much more purely a picture, a strictly visual
entity' (Greenberg, 'Louis and Noland', p.28). It is apparently devoid of references to
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The Transition To Postmodernism Essay

  • 1. The Transition to Postmodernism Essay The Transition to Postmodernism Works Cited Not Included Postmodernism is a difficult term to define, as it is evident in many different disciplines, such as art, literature, architecture, technology, and, the precise emerging moment of this movement is also hard to identify. In order to truly understand `Postmodernism,' one must first identify with `Modernism' and it's subsequent decline which led to the appearance of the Post–modern ear. It is often suggested that Postmodernity is simply a continuation or advancement of Modernity. For example, Bauman, (Crook, Pakulski, & Walters, 1992: p.2) claims that `Postmodernism is simply a replacement of "classical" Modern capitalist society'. However, this assumption has undergone much more content... The sudden upheaval of Modernism was not wholly shocking, as it did offer some assurance as to direction this change was taking; modern societies were going to "grow and differentiate." (Crook, Pakulski, & Walters, 1992: p.2) This can be seen in Anderson's text, Modernity and Revolution. In it, he evokes the arguments of Marshall Berman in All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, in which Berman shone light once again on the relationship between Modernity and revolution. Modernism is acknowledged as a `body of experience' (Anderson, EL875) of which is universally and globally shared. Berman and Anderson reflect on Modernism in a positive way, underlining that it can "unite all mankind." This movement, according to Anderson, would not only envelope experiences of adventure and development, but would also, as I mentioned previously, endanger all that we are familiar with, and thus, in Marx's words, "all that is solid melts into air."(Anderson, EL875; p.317) Anderson questions the propeller of this whirlpool of change and identifies the initiator as "socioeconomic modernization"; these being social processes such as scientific advances and urbanization. These new "ideas" and "visions" allow each person to change and claim this new age as their own. Anderson distinguishes the connection between the terms `Modernity,' `Modernization; and `Modernism.' He states that `Modernity' is the process which links the economics of `Modernization' and the culture of `Modernism.' This is the Get more content on
  • 2. Postmodernism : Modernism And Postmodernism Modernism and Postmodernism are both two important eras in design. Postmodernism takes a lot of concepts from the modernism era. Both modernism and post modernism focus on Style, Social analysis, Cultural Context, Philosophy, Politics, Human experience, Machine aesthetics, and the constant transformation of the "New". An interesting fact of the Modernism and Postmodernism is the use of the psychology and philosophy themes 1. Subjectivity 2.History 3. Culture and 4. Theoretically divers aesthetics and ideologies. What differentiates the two from each other is the postmodernism is more politically resistant, deconstructive, absent, uses the Signifier, Anarchy, and Dadaist. In comparison to Modernism, which is more romantic, Symbolic, about Form for its purpose, Hierarchy, Creation, Metaphor and Signified. This essay will talk about the influence of modernism on postmodern design using Wolfgang Weingart, Atelier Populaire posters and comparing it to Moholy Nagy's' posters of modernism. The two designs selected from the Eskilson Textbook Graphic Design a New History on postmodernism are The Swiss Poster, 1984 offset Lithograph by Wolfgang Weingart and The Struggle Continues, 1968 by Atelier Populaire. The modernist designs selected from Moholy Nagy is Painting Photography Film, 1927 Book jacket. To begin we will look at postmodern design and their aesthetics, technical context, Technology of production and the message of the artworks. Postmodernism was full of emotion and had Get more content on
  • 3. An Overview of Postmodernism Essay The political climate at the beginning of the 1940's and the changes taking place all around the world drastically influenced the face of contemporary society. The invasion of Poland by Germany on 1st of September 1939 was the first stone thrown in the face of freedom of expression and liberty out of the many that followed for the next decades. The dawn of the Second World War was one of the premises that forced many European artists, pioneers par excellence in their field, through their French or German inherited status, to immigrate across the ocean. Due to the exile, the art centre also moved overseas, from Paris to New York, offering a new opportunity for American art to be the initiator in what was generally accepted as the more content... This description is trying to clearly position postmodernism in a specific time frame and outline its main characteristics. However, when consulting the Macmillan Dictionary (2010) the description offered is significantly less conclusive: "ideas, attitudes, or styles of art, literature, or thinking that have developed after modernism, often as a reaction against " The main accent is set on the chronological aspect of postmodernism and its logical and historical flow offering the reader not enough information to identify a clear period or any particular feature. Only by comparing the two definitions, a very small part of the available explanations on the subject, and at the same time reading them together one can identify one of the main components of the movement: diversity in all its aspects. The difference in these definitions is not just a simple coincidence and should be taken as a figure of speech for the description of the entire period. During this time critics and writers, artists and architects etc. have tried to find a proper explanation for the changes they were being part of, concretised in what became known as Postmodernism. During the 1960s 'attacks' started appearing against the elitism shown by modernism. One of the first voices pointing at modernism's faults was the poet Karl Shapiro , who in 1959 in an article for The Times Book Get more content on
  • 4. Postmodernism And Its Impact On Society 'Postmodernism' is a concept that has been debated from its inception, yet has not been given a clear undisputed definition by the academics of art history. However, the general sense by those who have endeavoured to do so have a commonality; that postmodernism is a movement of the late 20th–century that fundamentally rejects the modernist desire for perfection, purity and essential form. It is the denunciation of the 'grand narrative' that suggests society must function according to a unified and centred idea system, where society develops in a linear progression accordingly. Professor of Cultural Studies at the London College of Fashion, Elizabeth Wilson, suggests that the term 'postmodern,' functions as an expression of the spirit of the time. It is a code word or summary for the immense change experienced by society at the turn of the century on cultural, economic and political levels primarily related to the developing culture of capitalism, globalization and mass consumption. Most importantly Wilson asserts, is that postmodernism expresses an attitude of 'ambivalence.' That is, acknowledging the triumph of a capitalist society, yet believing that its influence is having an unstoppable degrading effect on society. Thus, the methods adopted in reaction to these tremendous changes, often manifested as protests of defiance, are referred to as 'postmodern.' In terms of art and design, artists and designers have adopted tactics to portray their binary and Get more content on
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Postmodernism Postmodernism is a loose–umbrella term that is used to describe a myriad of ideologies which originated after the modern era. It is that complex whole of perspectives which reject the core principles of modern( and enlightenment) thought. It stretches its ideological framework into various fields of knowledge which include–but are not limited to–Science, Economics, Politics, and Philosophy. The central claim of Postmodernism is that there is no one over–raiding metanarrative. In other words, there is no such thing as an absolute truth, nor is there such a thing as objectivity. Thus, reality becomes a matrix of perception which changes based on the interpretation upon which it was forged. Hence, Jean–Francois Lyotard– a French philosopher– more content... Postmodernists argue that because modern science was developed by a group of people which were ensconced in a European culture, they carried their subjective biases and prejudices into the scientific inquiry. By this logic, science does not seem like an objective method through which to investigate the world, but rather an enterprise that serve to adhere to a particular socio–political agenda. To elaborate, they believe that science, in its contemporary state, does not produce objective facts, but rather it offers a limited manner through which to cultivate the world. Specifically, a white–masculine–elite view of the world. This means that new types of epistemologies–such as the feminist epistemology–should be introduced to paint the full picture of reality. Thus, science seems to offer a one–dimensional narrative that needs the perspectives of so–called marginalized, oppressed groups to be complete. This line of reasoning is intrinsically flawed for a multitude of reasons. First Get more content on
  • 6. Postmodernism in Literature Postmodern literature The term Postmodern literature is used to describe certain tendencies in post–World War II literature. It is both a continuation of the experimentation championed by writers of the modernist period (relying heavily, for example, on fragmentation, paradox, questionable narrators, etc.) and a reaction against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernist literature. Postmodern literature, like postmodernism as a whole, is difficult to define and there is little agreement on the exact characteristics, scope, and importance of postmodern literature. However, unifying features often coincide with Jean–FranГ§ois Lyotard's concept of the "meta–narrative" and "little narrative", Jacques Derrida's concept of "play", and more content... Surrealist Rene Magritte's experiments with signification are used as examples by Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. Foucault also uses examples from Jorge Luis Borges, an important direct influence on many Postmodernist fiction writers. He is occasionally listed as a Postmodernist though he started writing in the 1920s. The influence of his experiments with metafiction and magical realism was not fully realized until the postmodern period.[2] Comparisons with modernist literature Both modern and postmodern literature represent a break from 19th century realism, in which a story was told from an objective or omniscient point of view. In character development, both modern and postmodern literature explore subjectivism, turning from external reality to examine inner states of consciousness, in many cases drawing on modernist examples in the stream of consciousness styles of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, or explorative poems like The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. In addition, both modern and postmodern literature explore fragmentariness in narrative – and character–construction. The Waste Land is often cited as a means of distinguishing modern and postmodern literature. The poem is fragmentary and employs pastiche like much postmodern literature, but the speaker in The Waste Land says, "these fragments I have shored against my ruins". Modernist literature sees fragmentation and extreme subjectivity as an existential crisis, or Freudian Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Postmodernism The concept of postmodernism is complex in that it does not share a common stream of thoughts but rather plays individual idea of post modernism into different parts of fields. According to A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory by Raman Selden, "some see it as simply the continuation and development of modernist ideas, while others have seen in postmodern art a radical break with classical modernism." Depending on which field it is being applied on, postmodernism shows unalike features of trends. In architecture, literature, art, film, and more, postmodernism has shown distinct and unique identity. In literature, there is no clear beginning and endings as did in modernistic literature. The meaning of the literature is not to be found and meaningless in that postmodernism bases its root on ontological more content... In postmodernism, there may or may not be a moral which may change depending on the context of both the reader and writer. In architecture, double–coding, combination of the traditional style and contemporary context was brought to light. Piazza d'Italia in New Orleans, Die Neue Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart are examples of this. In art the destruction of the distinction between commercial culture and the elite culture was emphasized. The mass crowd were made to more easily access the works of art which the modernists considered exclusive to the elite. Postmodernism has rejected traditional values and ideas in its own way in various fields, so the definition of postmodernism cannot be reduced down into one line. Since the rise of postmodernism was in objection to the boundaries and limits of the tradition, it may be that postmodernism cannot be cleared down into a single Get more content on
  • 8. Postmodernism: The Movement in Life Essay Although the postmodern movement was not started in America, its many effects have influenced the culture of this nation. Postmodernism took America from a place where it held strong values of right and wrong, to a place where any idea has been given validity and merit. By presenting new world views, postmodernism has affected American literature, for both the writer and the reader, and American culture on a vast scale.Explaining postmodernism is very challenging because it does not have a real meaning other than "after modernism" (Merriam–Webster). Postmodernism has influenced every aspect of American culture from literature and the media to family and social relationships as well as the way a person views himself and the world more content... Using playfulness and irony may not have started with postmodern authors, but they have become central aspects in many of their works. A common example of this is the way a postmodern writer treats serious subjects in a playful and humorous way. In Catch–22, Joseph Heller addresses the events of World War II as a comedy of extreme darkness. It was the first novel to transform WWII from a human tragedy into an absurdist comedy by using satire and dark humor (Sexton). Another example of black humor and irony is in the works of Kurt Vonnegut. In his book Cat's Cradle, Vonnegut touches on the issues of science and religion in a way they must be mocked by humor. He does all of this in a light and sarcastic method in order to make the reader laugh at himself rather than be offend by this writing (Johnson).Postmodernism has brought music from a place where the primary focus was on musical fundamentals and expression to place where "commodity being sold by record companies and pop stars is not the fundamentals of the music, but the cultural image surrounding the music, which reverberates through film, television, and other media." ( Media is a source that has helped move the music industry by playing incorporating soundtracks in movies and television shows. Music is everywhere. People are taking little parts of different genres and mixing them together to make "new music." This musical Get more content on
  • 9. post modernism Essay examples Post – Modernism and Mass Culture 1 P M rnism and M C ost ode ass ulture Post Modernism/20/1/98/P.Covington/Media Disc This is a relatively new development and there are few sources that present clear and readable accounts of it. It is a reaction to the belief of postmodernists that Marx concentrated excessively on production, at the cost of consumption. Introduction This concept, despite its variety of meanings and definitions, is used to refer to many aspects of social life from musical forms and styles, literature and fine art through to philosophy, history and especially the mass media. Post modernism is a slippery term that is used by writers to refer to several different things. Featherstone (1991) points out more content... We have become disillusioned and no longer expect the world to become a better place. Metranarratives have partly been discredited because, in an era of global media in which we learn more and more about other peoples' beliefs and lifestyles, it becomes less and less possible to regard one lifestyle or one belief system as the 'true one'. Dominic Strinati Strinati suggests that, post–modern TV and film become preoccupied merely with surface style and imagery, rather than deeper underlying themes, which might relate to the 'realities' of the human condition. Action blockbuster movies dwell on special effects, rather than strong plots and TV drama departs from realist plots of the 1960's (which attempted to look at serious issues such as homelessness, Cathy Come Home and embraces a surreal world in which 'reality' is often confused; For example, Twin Peaks, or more recently The X Files and American Gothic. Kaplan (1987) identified pop and rock videos as perfect examples of post modernist culture because they abandon all notion of narrative structure – there is no attempt to 'tell a story', rather the power of the rock video lies purely in the collage of images mixed with music. What is Post
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  • 11. Differences Between Modern And Postmodernism deception of a generation who has no answers. It refuses the safe scheme of realist tradition offering an alternative object that doesn't explain what it represents but hints another beauty and a different order for those who will never die. Postmodernist is a depthless response to the inevitable. It is not interested in offering solution because postmodernism doesn't have any. It doesn't solve the tragedy it takes it for granted, it has learnt how to live with natural disasters and the thread of a nuclear moment. It doesn't suggest alternative beauty or reachable peace but it toys with the shallowest aspect of contemporaneity, consumerism and daily issues. It waits the end for those who will die tomorrow. Wang Ning, based on Ihab Hassan's essay, outlines eleven major differences between modern and postmodern . While offering reasoning of my ontological disagreement for a generalization that underestimate the darkness of modernism might take us out of track, wide comparison might help the reader to go through what will follow: (1) more content... (2)The modernist aesthetic is still an aesthetic of the sublime, while the postmodernist aesthetic is strongly colored with contemporary commercialization and is definitely orientated toward popular culture and literature so as to represent 'the unpresentable' things; modernism has a strong elite sense, while postmodernism tries to bridge the gap between high culture and popular culture (3)Engaged in the various hierarchies, modernism appeals to the established order and peace, while postmodernism keeps making trouble and creating Get more content on
  • 12. Postmodernism : A Consensus On Postmodernism Of Precise Ambiguity A Consensus on Postmodernism C. Jencks, H. Klotz & W. Curtis Postmodernism is a universal movement, present in every art and discipline. In architecture, postmodernism is precise as well as ambiguous thereby in need of an explorative pursuit for a consensus of what is meant by the movement in this perspective – between the works of Charles Jencks, a primary theorist of this architectural turn; Heinrich Klotz, a leading architectural critic; and William Curtis, an architectural historian. The progression of this paper is highly influenced with Jencks' studies as his works are often times referenced as well by both Klotz and Curtis in their individual interpretations and further accompanied with either supporting statements or contradictions. Charles Jencks suggests the concept of double coding in several aspects. Primarily, that architects become public–oriented rather than peer–oriented; to design structures that appeal to both these constituencies and beyond the architectural world. The concept of double coding prompted a new approach to architecture to accommodate these distinct needs – an approach that was a form of eclecticism of both old and new styles that now dominate the present world. On his book on Modern Architecture, Curtis writes that modern architecture was faulted for it's "supposed lack of 'recognizable imagery'" towards the end of the 1970s. This statement supports the idea of Jencks' double coding where architects must now make Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Modern and Post-Modernism Architecture There is often some confusion when people start talking about the post–modernism and modernism in architecture in terms of their philosophical terminology differences. Modern architecture is known for its minimalism (Linder, 2004); buildings were functional and economical rather than comfortable and beautifully decorated. The post–modernism architecture, however, is called a "neo–eclectic, significantly assuming the role of a regeneration of period styles for designing houses, and a never–ending variety of forms and characteristics, asymmetrical designs for commercial buildings" (Fullerton Heritage, 2008). An example of these two polar opposites, "Less is more" made by Mies van der Rohe in 1928 (Blake, 1976) and "Less is a bore" made more content... Although, most post–modernist architects had been associated with modern architects in terms of training during the twentieth century, they refused most their teachers ideas. In addition, today's architects cannot deny the modern architecture ways of designing any building. Their design, for instance, has many philosophical meaning such as constructional, environmental, sociological, commercial and metaphorical meaning. The main difference between these two schools is that the architects point of view to any design as a means of communication (Chan, 1997). Modern architecture, for example, focus on the aesthetics of architectural language, while post–modernity adjust in constant effort to achieve what is more than unity and focus on the traditional concepts, therefore both schools are in competition with each other. Second basic principle of modern school is the production beauty by basic technology (Chan, 1997), and this led to a contradiction on the post–modernism architects being attempted to use primitive technology. Their particular case is to access and change the impact of the traditional architecture through all people. Therefore, to achieve this goal they have addressed the issues of beauty and technology within the general concept of the design. Despite different thoughts on the features of post–modernism definition, it is clearly seen that people ,who are interested in beauties, are Get more content on
  • 14. Modernism And Postmodernism Modernism began at the end of the civil war and ended (at least on an intellectual level) when the USA dropped the first atomic bomb. Modernism, whether it has to do with visual art, music or literature, gets its meaning from the idea that truth derives from effort. If one looks at the Empire State Building, a modernist building, one can see that it starts about a block wide at its base and tapers to a spire at the very top. This spire is the culmination of tremendous effort, it is truth. Once humans realized that everything we had worked towards can be wiped out in an instant, something snapped and some began to think "what's the point?". That idea culminated with "Well, why even work hard for truth? Truth should be what is immediately evident." That was the beginning of the Postmodernist movement. Postmodernism rejects the idea that any text or product or media is inherently more valuable than any other. Culture is a snake eating its own tail. Everything old is new again. Everything deserves to be viewed as art. Everything deserves an audience to consume it. With Modernism, you only get to truth, enlightenment and value through work. With Postmodernism, you don't have to do that at all. Everything is beautiful how it is. But if everything's beautiful, nothing's beautiful. And therein lies the snake eating its own tail. Postmodernism inevitably goes around in circles, but that does not have to be a bad thing. Postmodernism in the realm of visual art was a direct rebellion Get more content on
  • 15. Postmodernism: Christian Worldview Postmodernism is a way of thinking this is when one denies the absolute truth, when they don't see right or wrong ,good or evil. They feel as if the truth comes from their personal experiences . Postmodernist denies ultimate reality as well as God and the fact that he is the reason that all things exist. After many readings and studies there are many people are beginning to think as such it seem as if it's a new trend. The purpose of this paper is give insight on postmodernism worldview an why I feel that Christian worldview is greater. First this paper will give insight on exactly what postmodernism is and how it has grown recently. Secondly, I will evaluate postmodernism and explain how it viewed and their way of thinking. Third, I more content... Whereas logic and truth is not important as they see it. They have rejected the supremacy of revelation, the idea of truth as well as the idea that a better people can be produced though the submission of reason and truth. We know that everything must have a source, the source is of Ultimate Authority for a Christian would be the scriptures because this is consider a road map our instructions. On the other hand Postmodernist see things very different they don't see Scriptures for what they are. They do not see the authority and don't give it any credibility refusing the fact that the scriptures hold power. As Christians we know that Jesus Christ is revealed through the scriptures. The scriptures serves as a road map and they speak with authority from God. Even though Postmodernism see it totally different as not having any authority , credibility and rejecting the scriptures we as Christian understand and using the scriptures as our instruction Get more content on
  • 16. Modernist and Post–modernist in Development Modernism is closely associated with the setting in of modern civilization compared to postmodernism. It is modernism that lay the foundation for postmodernism (Muller 312). After the World War II, the human race achieved what is referred to as postmodernism. The two concepts may appear antagonistic in nature, but a closer look at each reveals how well each complements the other. Art and literature are among the numerous human aspects that have been influenced in diverse ways by the concepts of modernism and post–modernism. In this paper, the significance of developmental studies in elaborating the two concepts as the poles of negotiation rather than competing concepts shall be highlighted more so from Miller's school of thought. Modernist concept in enhancing sustained engagement In this case, we realize that modernism always tends to exclude the order and the rationality mainly in politics that come with the movements. It is geared as "two poles of negotiation" majorly in the context of agreement in that it is geared and motivated towards various masses and people. Schneider stipulates this when he comes out vividly in comparison of his art to that of the ancient time by saying that his work was fine simply because his portrayals were eye appealing and more content... It facilitated the fast developmental phases.From this, we realize that some of the hypothesis within modernization and those that make it an essential characteristic of the developmental feature, are that various politics tend to employ different ways of Get more content on
  • 17. Postmodernism Essay Postmodernism Postmodernism blends old themes with new contemporary issues to create beautiful artwork that commands, questions, and captivates all viewers to participate in discovering its inner meaning. Along with an inner meaning and beauty, it was used as a form of communication that was directed towards social, political, and cultural problems within the world. An architect Robert Stern states, " The fundamental shift to post–modernism has to do with the reawakening of artists in every field to public responsibilities of art. Once again art is being regarded as an act of communication." (Wilkin, Schultz, Linduff, "Art Past Art Present, p.579) The postmodern era emancipated its artists from old traditional barriers more content... His style is unique in that he chooses five major squares to encapsulate her face, but also used many little squares of various colors to blur her image. Jean resembles traditional art by making the center square a focal point. Again mixing the old with a new twist. Thematically it represents to me a person with several different faces each with different personality within one formed entity. Jean's Mona Lisa breaks down the cultural barriers that separate different cultures of today. Perhaps each square represents one or many different cultures striving for completeness and unity, which is represented by the middle image, which could be another translation. Politically it represents freedom of choice and democracy, which has come a long way since early 1900's. Each person in the image has their own opinion and when each opinion is combined and agreed upon then the real power lies within numbers. Which is how are political structure is structured. One person chosen by election to represent the majority. Another artist of the postmodern era is a poet name Octavio Paz born in 1914–1999 in Mexico. Paz along with many others believed that language could make oneself be very expressive. His poem called "To Talk" expresses the feeling that mortal man has special powers that no other being even the gods do not possess. If this poem was written back in the medieval or early times Paz would have been persecuted Get more content on
  • 18. Postmodern World, By Jean-FranГ§ois Lyotard A man is sitting and enjoying his morning coffee when all of a sudden he hears this alarm. He knows not where is comes from, but it sounds close; he opens his eyes in his bed. In the moments prior, he was in total agreement that his hot cup of coffee was real, but now it is a far off dream. Now he questions what else in this world is real; critics argue over weather postmodernism is a rejection or ignorance of the metanarrative and simulations in the world. Both Jean–FranГ§ois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard explore the idea a what is the postmodern world and how it creates a postmodern condition in the people who inhabit it, but the two great thinkers come twosome different conclusions. "Answering the question: what is the postmodern?" by Jean–FranГ§ois Lyotard defines postmodernism as the death of the metanarrative, the explanations created for society for everything that happens. Metanarriatives are built to make sense out more content... The everyday 'reality' one interacts with is truly a simulated world filled with images, advertisements, and pre–constructed world. Baudrillard used the example of Disneyland to illustrate the idea of the false reality created; it is well understood when going to Disneyland that it is an imaginary world full of simulations, but this simulation and hyperreal extend past the gates into the rest of the postmodern world (Baudrillard 4). It is constructed to give its visitors a false interpretation of the imaginary, that the adults who go their to be childish are not childish in the "real world" (Baudrillard 5.). They believe that once they leave, the world they reenter is real, because the once they are leaving is presented as imaginary. This is under the assumption that the world outside it the standard of the real, but this is a false assumption since both worlds are Get more content on
  • 19. Postmodernism Essay Postmodernism The 20th Century, in many ways, can be remembered as a time of scientific and technological revolution. The innovations and rapid growth in many areas of technology have cast doubt upon words such as ignorance and impossibility. This revolution also instigated new and/or radical ideas in the world of academia. The growth of post–modernism and its adherers in historical circles have caused quite a stir in dealing with the validity of many historical documents. Critical analysis of the subject of modernism and post–modernism can be simplified in one statement: What is our understanding of certainty? The modern critical analysis form is an ideal philosophy of industrialism, an ideology that adopts more content... The common goal for modern historians is to find HISTORY, truth, and moral rights by methodically deducing facts and past events. By such ways, the truthful understanding of the past makes history useful for us in the present. In post–modern critical analysis, its philosophy lies in the critiquing the false in modernism. Truth/fact is merely a socially constructed ideal dependent on the context in which it is used [connotative meanings]. Post–modernists debunk the importance of fact due to limited personal perspectives. Since each person could have numerous perspectives on issues, the shear number would constitute the many facts once could have. Opposed to the modernist philosophy reflecting Western history, post–modernism follows an Eastern eclectic form of what history might be. In relation to historical analysis, post–modernism raises the importance of context. Truth/fact is dependent on the time, place and the observer. Post–modernists see many historical documents as a narrative, stories in which their validity is questionable and thus it cannot be completely true. For the record, I am a modernist with some post–modernist ideals. Modern critical analysis of history appears to be more fathomable than post–modernism. To look at the world around us objectively correlates events with reality, and gives meaning to why things happen and to prevent bad things from repeating in the future. Get more content on
  • 20. Modernism vs Postmodernism Essay 'It quickly emerged that the proper and unique area of competence of each art coincided with all that was unique to the nature of its medium. The task of self–criticism became to eliminate from the effects of each art any and every effect that might conceivably be borrowed from or by the medium of any other art. Thereby each art would be rendered 'pure', and in its 'purify' find the guarantee of its standards of quality as well as of its independence. ' Purity' meant self–definition, and the enterprise of self–criticism in the arts became one of self–definition, with a vengeance.' (Greenberg, 'Modernist Painting', Art in Theory, p.755) 'Greenberg's aesthetics are the terminal point of [an] historical trajectory. There is another more content... This implies that painting, rather than 'using art to conceal art' (ibid) by creating illusionistic space and depth, should rather use art 'to call attention to art' (ibid), that is, to emphasise the unique characteristics of the medium; 'the flat surface, the shape of the support, the properties of pigment' (ibid). Greenberg states that such a process would render art 'pure', that is, autonomous, free of any extraneous elements deriving from other arts, such as theatricality or narrative. The impact of a painting should thus derive from those technical aspects characteristic of painting, such as colour, form and composition. An example of the sort of painting Greenberg was advocating at the time may clarify this. Morris Louis's painting Alpha–Phi (pl.D10) is exactly contemporary with the publication of 'Modernist Painting'. It consists of bold, ragged, diagonal streaks of pure colour against an off–white ground; Louis's use of acrylic paints, which soak into the canvas, means that the colours appear integrated with the ground and hence do not disrupt the flatness of the picture plane. Its effect depends upon the arrangement of colours and the large scale of the painting which makes it occupy 'so much of one's visual field that it loses its character as a discrete tactile object and thereby become that much more purely a picture, a strictly visual entity' (Greenberg, 'Louis and Noland', p.28). It is apparently devoid of references to Get more content on