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The Push For Legal Action To Expose Climate Engineering
May 27, 2015 79 Comments
Dane Wigington
A battle cannot be successfully fought without an army of committed and qualified individuals that are working
together. Such a movement is only possible when a critical mass of awareness is achieved. After many years of
struggling to raise this awareness, the anti-geoengineering movement has now reached a level of awakening that
has brought legal experts and other essential professionals into the fight on our side. Climate engineering is
rapidly tearing apart the planet's life support systems and contaminating the entire biosphere. It is imperative
that we expose and halt the climate engineering programs as fast as possible or we will soon have nothing left to
salvage of our health or our once thriving planet. The conference call recorded below had nearly 300
participants and listeners at peak. Among the participants and listeners were attorneys and judges from multiple
states, former government biologists, and the CEO of a major global environmental consulting firm. The
primary purpose of the call was to answer questions relating to climate engineering for some of these
professionals (who are the main participants in the conversation) and to arrange the connection of attorneys
from different states which will take place in our follow-up private conference calls to begin in the following
days. I have also recently had a 3 hour face to face meeting with an internationally recognized celebrity who has
contributed his attorney to our fight. I will publish updates on our ongoing efforts as soon as it is appropriate
and I am allowed to do so. It is important to remember that a primary goal of legal proceedings is to force media
coverage of the geoengineering issue. My most sincere gratitude to each and every activist that has tirelessly
helped raise awareness of the global climate engineering issue to the level that we have now achieved. The
effort to sound the alarm needs to continue each and every day and in every possible arena. If we all march
together in this battle, we may yet accomplish profound changes for the better even at this late hour. DW
P.S. My apologies for the initial rough audio, it improves as the conference proceeds. There were so many
people on the call that the server overloaded and the mediator had a difficult time properly muting when
79 Responses to The Push For Legal Action To Expose Climate Engineering
1. Rachel Robson says:
May 31, 2015 at 11:52 pm
Dane, Good to know. I too have been doing this to no avail. I have read some on the blogs who refer to
this sort of effort and doing it, but so many others asking what to do. Did not know so many are doing
so much. I am grateful because I am too sick to keep this up.
2. Karl Schreiber says:
May 31, 2015 at 2:26 am
I couldn't help making this sarcastic video about Geoengineering crimes in my hometown in Germany:
English translation is provided. Enjoy!?
3. JR says:
May 30, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Our beautiful rain clouds busted down to nothing but powdered whitish crap here in Southwest, New
Mexico. With the HAARP & SAG mix as always then the winds are whipped up into ugliness which is
really getting to be the norm for these jackasses.
o BaneB says:
May 31, 2015 at 6:38 am
Yes, rain in the 20 % range is scheduled for Sunday and Monday here in Northern
California. True to form, the jets are spraying big time. And much of it is being done off the
Pacific coast. I will be very surprised if it does anything more than mist. I took iPhone photos
all day yesterday and one would believe the radio frequency bombardments have been
increased. Never have I seen such a variety of bizarre morphed zapped clouds. In the process of
snapping the visual evidence I keep one in the natural setting. Then I use the noir setting for
black and white. That removes the glare. What you then have is a pic that shows the structure of
the fake zapped clouds. Believe me, show those black and white pics to those in denial. …
4. Rachel Robson says:
May 30, 2015 at 4:24 pm
Hi Dane, thank you for the clarification. I'm not at all sure you've been this clear about your goal
before. I've read and watched nearly everything here, and while I've heard you say we need our military,
that once they realize they are doing this to their own…and needing a critical number of them on our
side. Tall order that. I get the need to shatter the denial and normalcy bias-especially normalcy-I think
sometimes we underestimate that one. We are all familiar with denial. Clearly, with the weather this
past winter and now with the massive flooding, I think inroads towards shattering normalcy bias have
been made. Yes the east was cooler, but at such a cost to lives and property. As if that were not enough,
this massive flooding is so over the top it actually lends us a platform. People have been programmed to
think this is all part of "climate change" and I think they are ready to believe anything in which that is
not the answer! Much more likely to consider geoengineering. Because, in part, something could be
done, as in stopping it.
Given your goal of media reporting, potential legal acts strike me as nowhere near fast
enough. Billboards are great, but again, not fast enough. I have but one suggestion which is to deluge
media with letters. As well as all our representatives, all of them. Magazines too. Again and
again. Flood them with questions about why they are not reporting these obvious assaults, known and
proven to cause weather havoc, especially in such an imperfect, experimental science that by the way is
killing us, making all of us sick and nature too. No comments on other issues like vaccines, only
geoengineering and the loud silence of the media, and our representatives-who, theoretically are there
For us! By us! And not for long if they keep up this wall of silence. I suggest preparing letters that
refer to the details of geoengineering, and actually mail them as opposed to email. If sent by email, it
would attract attention of employers and others, hands might be tied. If outside of that loop, one might
get a written response. People could construct in their own words such a letter, copy it, send to all again
and again, and again. People in the military, relatives of, could send such letters to their person(s). I
know one doctor who got to be a doctor via the army but was sprayed with agent orange as a grunt in
Viet Nam, slogging through the mud. He is now very sick from this. Only now occurs to me to talk to
him about this-he's not someone I see often. When I say I hate our military, I do not mean every person,
people like him, for whom it was the only way out of poverty toward an education. I am sure he has
contacts. I have trouble believing enough would bail to join us, but it sure would be helpful. I can't help
but think that Jesse Ventura backed off owing to being a Navy Seal, which seems to stick for life. I've
heard that the really hard core guys do not give a care to what they are doing. Will not. But, they do
depend on underlings to get the job done. I know very few here who listen to the news or even own a
TV. But, I come from the heartland, and they do, and they have an enormous normalcy bias. We have
to make it clear to the news, the meteorologists, that they and theirs are being harmed 24/7, along with
the rest of us. It would of course be helpful to be as clear as possible, give accurate terms, and
references as well as links to patents and what is known for fact.
What do you think? A united, constant blizzard of letters demanding disclosure, finding anything else as
irrelevant and beneath their standing. As well as asking why, from whom, the shut down of the media.
In Rosalie Bertell's second book, she says that in 1996? the military deployed 1200 psyops personnel to
infiltrate CNN at all levels. Tough road to hoe. Again, personal letters. Make all aware of human
consequences which includes them. I am pretty sure Anderson Cooper doesn't want to die, and he
would not lose much if he lost his job. Ask whomever to pressure whoever is keeping them from
speaking their mind. It is becoming clear to me that the meteorologists are grasping for words, flustered,
dying to say something, nearly giving up. Perhaps they are target number one.
Dane and all, what do you think of this idea?
o Dane Wigington says:
May 30, 2015 at 9:31 pm
Hello Rachel, many of us have long since been doing exactly what you describe with all the
manpower we can organize, but we do need more help. All that you mentioned is already being
pushed and we will continue to do so.
5. Jonathan Létourneau says:
May 30, 2015 at 11:50 am
Dane, this is great news! And I though I would never live until such an event! Finally all our work to
raise awareness is starting to work! It's a small step taken towards ending geoengineering. The fight is
far from over but, it's a start! Keep up the good work everybody and thank you very much Dane for all
you do!
6. Ruth Erica Sampson Phelan says:
May 30, 2015 at 9:37 am
Where to start to help out? I live on the east coast so have recently had the chance to "see" what is
happening through a friend who has posted daily pictures from California. It has certainly given me a
reason to stay posted and see if anything is being done. Help me help our skies that are emitting poison
those who breath it and plants that live off the air!!!!
7. Craig says:
May 30, 2015 at 9:21 am
This is reaching critical mass now. No denying it, no doubting it. My biggest problem right now is, and I
hope someone can alleviate or help me with my problem is, to not get angry at people when I am trying
to explain how this is hurting the population. I get so frustrated when people say to me, you’re a
conspiracy theorist. Please help
8. Dog aka db says:
May 30, 2015 at 8:56 am
Thanks over and over to Dane and those that believe! Raider Focus is the millitry movement in CO! The
trees, forests, scrub oak and other stuff is offted by the beetles?! Are the beetles killing the oceans?! The
trees in the parking lots are dying from something else! No signs of beetles! It is a matter of time!
Whatever they are doing in our sky's has been going on for some time! Any and all exposure is a good
Stop Geoengineering! Please! And Thanks!
o Rachel Robson says:
May 30, 2015 at 10:38 am
Doug, Raider Focus? is the military movement in CO? I wanna know more about that.
As a gardener/grower, I have often observed how a stressed plant will attract every single aphid
there is. You'd think the aphids would go for the healthy, juicy looking same plant near stressed
one, but no, they prefer stressed. So it is with the beetles. And even humans. Predatory bugs
that go for the dying and sick. So, first a tree or plant is stressed-could be many things, lack of or
too much water, soil, abuse, whatever, then the predators move in and chow down. We are told
that despite the fact that we are getting less sun-a lot less, more than 20%-that itself would stress
many plants, but in addition, we are getting off the charts UV readings-as in intense burning
light, literally burning the bark off trees. Add to that the chemicals from geoengineering and you
have a death spiral. There are other factors too that can do it, but these are the main ones,
especially given the sheer scale of it.
I am very interested in what the out of control military is doing. What do you see them
doing? Thank you for your observations. R
o Rachel Robson says:
May 30, 2015 at 11:13 am
Craig, I worry about this-the anger, the frustration-all righteous but takes a toll on people. For
one thing, know that you are on the right side and there are others who feel the same. I don't get
angry when faced with this, I cannot spare the energy for anger, heck I can barely stay awake! If
someone I try to tell about this doesn't believe or even care or want to know, usually I just drop
it. Oddly, as it turns out, this has worked! The person may first think I am crazy-and that is
okay with me. I mean, I know I am not. But later, when that person notices this and that, they
remember what I said. And! they tell someone else! So, as Dane often says: plant a seed (of
knowledge), the seed was planted, then it grew. Unknown to me and no one thanked me but I
don't need recognition nor thanks. Just to wake people up! In one case and one case only, I had
to end the friendship. For MY mental health, and the person was a jerk, so not grieving that
loss. I think it is a good thing and normal for someone to doubt. I mean, you wouldn't believe
something someone said just because they said it, especially if as big a deal as this, would
you? So, know that doubt, denial, is normal-at first. One magazine so good I subscribed for
years, responded with conspiracy theory when I asked if they were investigating this. So, I quit
the subscription and told them why and that they had no claim to journalism if denying this, the
biggest story of our times. They want me back of course. I made it clear that I would come back
if they addressed this. Only then. I told a neighbor who didn't believe me. Apparently she
eventually did and does and told my landlord, so that while he and I were looking at his dying
Norway Spruce tree, he actually said probably because of geoengineering! I nearly fainted! My
advice would be to take your anger and do something constructive-maybe literally-like cleaning
or splitting logs-something. When I was younger and healthier, if I got way upset over
something I could not control, I'd tackle some nasty job needing doing, and sure enough, it
would calm me down and bonus! nasty job done. Just trust that some of the seeds you planted,
while initially rejected, will grow. And move on to someone else! Don't make them feel forced
on the spot to agree. They need to process the info. And hey, meditation is a good thing! Helps.
9. SD says:
May 30, 2015 at 8:43 am
The Geoengineer's cure for the Texas drought was to create an unbelievable flood which killed many
innocent people and caused billions of dollars in property damage. What kind of strategy is that?
I think California is next on their list. Better prepare yourselves.
10. Lakotah says:
May 30, 2015 at 8:23 am
With as many people (climbers, hikers, tourist,) into the 10s of thousands that visit Yosemite National
Park each year and the great interest in preserving National Parks you would think at some point there
would be an outcry from people about the so obvious chemtrails above Yosemite. I check this site daily sometimes more than once a day just to see how much
spraying is taking place. It's quite heartbreaking to see what has been going on for years in the sky's
above such a beautiful place. I'd be curious to find what all the Park Rangers are saying about what's
going on over their heads.
11. Lorri Cockrell says:
May 30, 2015 at 7:17 am
Thanks to all that is trying effortless to try and get the world to wake up to what is taking place. Isn't it
amazing how many people don't have a clue what is happening right in front of them. When I confront
people about what is causing their illnesses, they look at me like I'm nuts. I have had some thank me for
getting their awareness. I miss Kevin Martins chemtrail reports, which we all would have stood up for
him as I used his report each day like I have coffee. He is a hero to me for caring to help us all. I
believe it would take all of us to show up at the White House steps to stop all the corruption going
on. Not even the most intelligent knows what is going on or they just don't care. Thank you for all that
does and do speak out even if it is one person at a time as then that person will share and help.
12. PLT says:
May 30, 2015 at 6:21 am
I just read an article on Global Research about the CIA closing the doors on its MEDEA program
(Measurements of Earth Data for Environmental Analysis). Even while Obama is upping the rhetoric
about global warming possibly leading to terrorist attacks (not worried, he, about the fact that it's killing
people by the thousands elsewhere in the world; to him it's another useful way of keeping Americans
afraid). On the same site, there is an article about US warmongering against China (because the
warmongering against Russia, Iran, Syria and Yemen is going so well?)
I hope I'm just being too cynical in thinking that: A) the CIA move means that the data is so bad even
climate scientists would freak out (despite their usual cold, clinical approach to the world's sundry
atrocities); B) the push for war is real this time, because a nuclear winter would handily obscure – even
reverse – the warming; C) that Jade Helm is going to go nationwide; and D) that we are all in for it.
Please, someone, tell me it's all going to be okay! No, don't bother; I won't believe it anyway.
13. PLT says:
May 30, 2015 at 5:52 am
One thing I am finding is that it's easier to start a conversation about spraying if I introduce it as (partly)
a NATO program to be able to control communications, by making the atmosphere more
conductive. People (maybe just the ones I am around) seem more open to that, because obviously such a
program would be top secret. From there, since Norwegians mostly accept that the globe is warming
(it's pretty obvious here), it isn't too hard to get onto "and they are spraying because they are in a panic
about the climate."
Still, most young people don't seem to care at all. NATO? What's NATO? Not sure how to reach the
internet generation…
14. Sally says:
May 29, 2015 at 10:22 pm
I have downloaded all the flyers from this site and printed about 100 color copies of each from the
printer where I work. First, I compiled a packet and sent them out to friends/family members
anonymously. The rest I have been going door to door and placing them on my neighbors doorsteps.
Never stop trying to spread awareness no matter how small.
" One person can make a difference, and everyone should try."
-John F. Kennedy
o Earth Angel says:
May 30, 2015 at 9:22 am
Awesome work Sally! Thank you. It will be fun to see how your friends and family respond to
the 'anonymous' packages they receive. Keep us posted to their reactions which they hopefully
will share with you- perhaps you can act as if you also received one.
15. David S. says:
May 29, 2015 at 9:31 pm
we hold our president and our esteemed representatives accountable and responsible for this ongoing
genocide. This needs to end now, and the criminals that perpetrated this hideous crime against humanity
to justice.
David .
16. Rachel Robson says:
May 29, 2015 at 4:56 pm
Dane, can I not put a foot right? I am quite aware of critical mass of awareness, I fight for it and against
denial every single day. Which is why in my post I mentioned Kylie's tweet to 9 and 1/2 million people
all over the world. Would that more in her position do just that! Know that I have almost no faith in the
legal system-you know I am Native. However, to your point, last year Sen. Louise Slaughter started a
petition regarding the TTP, asking why, why no media coverage on such an important issue. Her
petition ended apparently nearly as soon as she began it. Telling, that. The thing is, given those who are
aware and trying to awaken others, it is a helpless feeling and obvious from input that many think a law
should cover this. Someway to move forward. Or, just stew? As if in a slow stewing pressure
cooker? Toward what end? Madness? Unadulterated rage? Depression? Running amok? This is
taking a huge toll on many people who cannot cope and a major reason why some refuse to learn as they
feel too helpless against too much. The odds of media covering this are remote, very remote. But, I am
hopeful. And trying. As I've tried to find out what stopped Louise. Something did, that is for sure. Yet
all struck, awestruck by full circle rainbow over Niagara Falls. If only you could explain something like
that and stuff that goes with, owing to geoEngineering on Bill's show, and I am trying. Have you tried
Erin? Bill Maher has such a broad audience, not to mention the show he produces: Vice. Of course
people are going to have some happiness that this could hit the courts-no one likes to just stew in
helplessness, while all become more and more sick, thus unable to do what they would like to do for the
cause. I'd like to know what you envision news coverage would do? Few even watch the news
anymore. Would that be like Raytheon admitting? What is it you imagine being on standard news
would accomplish? A less sectarian audience? Then what? A revolution?-I am not opposed, just do not
see how against our military. Unless they all bail which is extremely unlikely. I can envision many
saying no, but not the hard core. What, to you, constitutes critical mass? Is there a number? How is
one to know when it is reached and then what? People with an issue are goal oriented. What, besides
media coverage is the goal then? If there is a bill in RI, no one seems to be reporting it. How do You
envision this stopping? I think these are valid questions.
Speaking of which and RI–Ransom Thomas, what bill in RI? Do tell! Has it been covered by the media
Again Dane, I am and have been on your side, the side of right action and mindfulness. But, the end
game eludes me. I mean, of course stopping geoEngineering, but how?
And Jim, I am totally with you as concerns tearing down the Rothschild's global power structure. Hate
to be so repetitive, but how?
o Dane Wigington says:
May 30, 2015 at 12:47 am
Hello Rachel, to be clear, we have one chance in this equation, we must force enough media
coverage to shatter the denial and normalcy bias of the greater population. The climate
engineering issue is like no other, it is killing ALL of us, there is no place to hide. Once the
masses are forced to face that fact, there will be a paradigm shift one way or another. I have said
countless times that only when we reach such levels of coverage will our military personel
realize what they are doing to their own. Only then will we have a chance, we must have a
critical number of them on our side, there is no other way. If you know another way forward,
please tell me.
17. BaneB says:
May 29, 2015 at 12:13 pm
Regarding May 16, 2015 article on this board, titled TOXIC SPRAYING, RADIO FREQUENCY
BOMBARDMENT, A LETHAL MIX: the first image posted shows a satellite pic showing roiled corn
row clouds over northern Mexico and southern Texas. The appearance of these jet induced aerosol
created clouds is that the entire mass has been artificially created and given their shape because of
powerful radio frequency bombardments. The date the image is May 12. I cannot help but wonder if
the horrific weather happening in Texas and the Midwest in general has been caused by this. There are
lives lost and huge property losses. The May 12 image is clearly massive tampering with the
atmosphere. The article did not state attribution for who or what or time taken for the image. That
would be of interest, too.
o donna ford says:
May 29, 2015 at 4:56 pm
I'm from NM and we were being sprayed heavily for a week before Texas got flooded. As we all
know the weather travels from west to east. Your observation is right on the money. That should
give everyone in this country an idea as to what kind of people we are dealing with. I pray for the
safety of Dane every day as I do for all of us that seek the truth. Funny thing is I am not religious
but I believe in Mother Nature.
18. jim says:
May 29, 2015 at 12:02 pm
To stop ongoing global crisis, the people of the World MUST tear down the Rothschild’s global power
The Rothschild’s power started with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which gave them private and total
ownership of America’s banking and money supply. Now, the entire money supply which they privately
print out of nothing and loan to the U.S. government is all being paid back to the Rothschilds with
compounding interest all the time. As a conservative estimate, the Rothschilds are now worth over 100
trillion dollars. All countries worldwide have this same big problem, since almost all have a Rothschilds
owned Central Bank. The Rothschilds are trying to reinforce their power by getting the the TPP signed
into law. Further, the Rothschilds are attempting to rule globally using a World Currency. The Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is also associated with the Rothschilds.
The Rothschilds are going to intentionally crash the dollar to try to trick Americans into accepting a
World Currency that they control, therefore, they MUST be stopped.
Since they own all of the Global Central Banking, they loot the money to pay for the gradual Purge they
are deploying.
Climate engineering(causes alzheimer’s, autism, cancer), vaccines(causes autism and cancer),
GMO(causes autism and cancer), fluoride in the water(causes low IQ, and cancer), poison
pharmaceuticals, economic crashes, wars, full control of the media and bribery of the government, and
also nullification of the Constitution are how they are implementing this gradual Purge.
Privately owned Central Banking is the principle mechanism which precipitates the Rothschilds endless
looting and must be abolished, all countries must create SOVEREIGN currencies and public national
banks to stop the Rothschilds from having total control over countries and funding this gradual Purge
which they hope will enable them to achieve global control by using banks as a World Government.
o Earth Angel says:
May 29, 2015 at 8:44 pm
Excellent information and summary of the situation we all face jim. Thank you. I think the more
independent currencies we have the better for all nations and people. (that's the way it was for
centuries and it worked just fine, remember folks?) We're just basically passing THEIR 'toilet
paper' money as things are set up currently. I love using that term- I can not take credit for it; I
heard it elsewhere. Things work when each party honors their commitment, or individual
'contract' ( whatever they agree on) with one another- be it a trade of goods or services
performed, etc.) As long as both parties are satisfied with the transaction results that is all that
truly matters. The Native People traded 'wampum' beads or made exchange of goods and
services. We also have precious metals. I totally agree we need to eject the current fraudulent
monetary system we have all been placed under which causes us to become slaves. I look
hopefully to the future for new solutions to come forth from the many great minds around the
globe working on these problems. I love to read what the many followers on this site have to say.
So many brilliant minds and caring hearts. Thanks Dane for uniting us all in this most important
cause of 'putting the pedal to the metal' to save our beautiful Mother Earth and thanks to
everyone for their individual efforts. I can't help but feel- It Matters! – whatever the outcome.
o Paul Vonharnish says:
May 30, 2015 at 8:39 am
Hello Jim: Whilst I agree that the Rothschild group is implicated in the debt slavery of mankind,
they do not act alone. There is the Swiss UBS group, massive capital "interests" controlled by
the Vatican, Barkley's bank group of Great Brittan, and the list goes on and on. The World's
economy is based on debt service and rationed asset distribution under threat of military
Putting all this aside, the problem comes down to plain human ignorance. Society has allowed
itself to be enslaved by the pathetic illusion of rightful "authority". No one should have any
authority over another person, period. When people cower before the illusion of daddy authority,
the result is always the same.
Here's an example of how the Pentagon protects us from biological warfare: >
Pentagon admits 24 US labs, 2 foreign states received live anthrax shipments — RT USA
When military employees are this slovenly and incompetent, does it mean should we continue to
cower before the majesty of their intellects?
19. Rachel Robson says:
May 29, 2015 at 9:22 am
Marc, hi and I'm with you in knowing how laborious the legal bit is bound to be, if it even happens. As
a Native, it's never worked before. Not in our favor. No favors from these people.
Dane, guess you didn't fully read my post as I said "no time to rest on laurels". In fact, I do doubt if any
progress can be made, given who is in charge, ie: the military. I am grateful for your appeals to
them. That might help. Or not. It's a bit like banging one's head on a brick wall, isn't it. Even if
someone listens and wakes. Of course I know how much more needs doing and I Am doing.
Dog aka db, Hello and welcome out of or into more confusion! This is all a sticky wicket. So many
factors. When I last checked, you can read about Jade Helm 15 at the military's own site. First they said
5 states: in southern CA, Arizona, Texas, southern CO, and Nevada. Then, they upped it to
7. Louisiana and? Freaky. At least you've found a place to share what you've been seeing and I am
very much looking forward to your observations!
Marc again, It really is a big deal what Kylie Jenner has done. We need young people in this and she
just reached one heck of alot of them in one fell swoop. How can that be bad? And she's young yet and
deserves not to be judged on the basis of her family. But in defense of that show, one reason it is so
popular is how very many touchy subjects they bring to light and make public. Embarrassing, but…
o Dane Wigington says:
May 29, 2015 at 10:17 am
Hello Rachel, to be clear, the legal steps are for the primary purpose of forcing media to cover
this issue. Whatever the outcome of any legal action, or not, it is about reaching critical mass of
20. Marc says:
May 29, 2015 at 7:19 am
As exciting as the prospect of "high visibility" litigation will be to our cause, I am traditionally a "glass
half-empty" kind of guy. Look at how EXXON has tied up the courts for decades with their
irresponsible legal bullshit. Look at BP and their endless efforts to wiggle out of paying up for their
incompetence. The list is long. These guys have armies of lawyers at their beck and call. Comments here
are spot on regarding the need to keep spreading awareness of this atrocity. Keeping up the "pressure".
It's really all we CAN do, in the face of such monstrous and devastating power and control.
On my bike ride this morning, I became aware, as usual, of jets flying pretty damn high and spreading
trails that "dissipated" maybe about 30-40 jet-lengths behind the jet. Clever bastards. But what struck me
as I stopped and watched one jet in particular, as it flew directly overhead, was the sheer unadulterated
inanity of it all. The absolute absurdity of this alleged attempt to " mitigate the effects of global
warming". I am calling them out on their bullshit! Lies! Lies! Anyone with even half a brain can figure
out that these operations imply an extremely sinister agenda, given the extreme toxicity of the aerosol
content. Even the likes of Kylie Jenner can figure this one out. Which, by the way, on a socio-cultural
level, I find her tweet a wee bit suspicious on the other hand, on account of the general "caliber " of her
public personality as it relates to "legitimacy". In any event, that whole sideshow is still quite interesting
and possibly…….helpful to our cause at the end of the day.
21. Margriet O'Regan says:
May 29, 2015 at 2:07 am
I'm literally sobbing with relief ………….
Over here in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia "they" haven't been 'striping' our skies for many months
Not that they haven't been controlling our weather – central Queensland is having the worst drought on
record with 1 farmer a week on average suiciding & the banks foreclosing on 3 or 4 on average per week
too………."They" have just been using less obvious ways to do it – or striping so high we can't see it.
Thanx all – thanx Dane …………..
o Michel B says:
May 29, 2015 at 3:47 pm
Hello Margriet, I also live in Brisbane. They did indeed blatantly stripe our skies yesterday, the
most blatant I can remember. Parallel lines horizon to horizon, the sky resembling a zebra's hide
and all day it was like this. The HAARPed clouds were still very prevalent last night.
But as for the skies not being striped for many months that doesn't mean we weren't being
sprayed. The sky has not been the colour it should be, deep blue, but has persistently been
silvery, whitish blue with the horizons exhibiting that dirty look as we are looking through the
thickest aspect of it from our standpoints.
They have previously been very covert in the way they have been spraying us. Several weeks
ago I happened to be up very early on a Sunday morning looking to the predawn east and I could
see very plainly the whited sky with feinter lines filling it, especially more visible at the point
where the sun was going to rise.
The older people have forgotten what skies used to look like and the younger never knew. I am
in the middle and because I learned about geoeongineering, I have been reminded that we did
indeed have blue skies years ago. I had not noticed the change until I found out on the internet
about this topic.
Yes, Queensland's drought is missing largely from our media. Look at the usual front page news
of our disgusting local newspaper, The Courier Mail. It's usually football, or IS or some really
pathetic irrelevancy. The game is rigged from top to bottom. All we can do is do our best to alert
others through as many various means as possible.
o joy roggenkamp says:
May 29, 2015 at 3:50 pm
Here in the border ranges I have noticed a decrease in the trails flowing. But they are still coming
not as urgent. The frequency may be adjusted according to the season. In summer more night
time raids that pass by unnoticed. But they always coincide with rain coming up from the
southern Pacific ocean and hitting the east coast. Its here that the rain is redirected to a major
weather pattern or it disperses before it can touch our interior. May 2015
22. Killer Dana says:
May 28, 2015 at 9:23 pm
Dane ,
Thank You for your service .
Today in Jackson , California , the spraying was pure Evil . Some of the worst I have seen in the last ten
years . I can not help to think about all the poor sheep that are now being finished off .
The Mokolomie Water Shed is now completely poisoned with morgellons fibers . I will have to boil the
water to 3000 + Degrease to kill the pathogen and try and clean up the water . The EPA with their new
clean water act will all will be held accountable. That is my duty to make sure they get what they have a
comming .
This poison being sprayed on us must stop ,,,, and it needs to stop now .
Thank You Dane ,
we need more in the fight .
23. Diana Moss says:
May 28, 2015 at 8:01 pm
The laugh of the day: The President went to Florida to confer with the weather people there who are
knowledgeable about hurricanes so that he can explain to America how to prepare for and deal with
hurricanes. The talk is about climate change but climate change without any mention about WHY we
are experiencing such greatly enhanced storms. No mention of geoengineering. This is like keeping the
animals in the barn when you already have advanced knowledge that lightening is going to strike. Sure.
it is nice to know what to do in case of a hurricane but it would be better to stop the manipulation of
weather. Those who lost their lives in Texas due to unusual storms could have used some advance
warnings but it would help in Texas if people woke up and stopped listening to FOX.
o Frank says:
May 29, 2015 at 7:30 am
Good catch Diana Moss.For the fourth time since February, President Barack Obama is set to be
in Florida. He goes to the National Hurricane Center in Miami to bring attention to the opening
of hurricane season, which officially starts Monday.
He is also there to talk about the need for action on climate change. How covenant as Obama
could say I told you so about climate change. What action could be taken this summer as Florida
hasn't been hit by a Hurricane since 2005. I surely will be watching Florida this summer for any
home brew storms to form.
o Dane Wigington says:
May 29, 2015 at 9:10 am
Hello Frank, for the record, cyclones in the Atlantic basin have been actively suppressed since
the 05/06 season. Such suppression has a very negative impact on the planet overall.
o Frank says:
May 29, 2015 at 10:25 am
I agree totally Dane that cyclones can be suppressed, enhanced and steered. The weather warfare
has been used on us all and the power structure can inflict great harm at will. Project stormfury is
a prime example and started in the 60's. What the power structure has now with scalar weapons
is beyond mosts reality.
24. Dog aka db says:
May 28, 2015 at 3:10 pm
Thanks to the guys and gals! This has helped me realize with my own eyes! Siffting the baby from the
bath water has helped me see the this and that! CO is out of jade helm? 4000 moving south to the
CO/NM border to practice! I just notice a lot of a lot going on and do not understand why I feel like I am
a lone nut! I have so much that I want to say about a lot of what I see! I feel like it is going to get
goofie and soon?! Heck, I think is already is! I went back to an area in CO, Spring Creek Pass, and
beetles have done a massive amount of damage! With the help of them! To me it is so unbelievably
obvious that it has me questioning my sanity! This and others sites has been a GOD send! It is easier to
conform! Yet hard to deny! I see so many that do! Anyway? What to do? Yada, yada, waa, waa! Thanks
to all!
25. Rachel Robson says:
May 28, 2015 at 2:06 pm
Well Dane, you've all but done it! Congratulations! Such endless, tireless work finally paying off in
hopes of ending this, in gaining the much desired critical mass, and a cadre of informed and able persons
to take this further in law. Well done! I was also pleased to hear you talk about the Navy's tricks on our
coasts, but nearly threw up when you mentioned they are using depleted uranium in their war practice on
coast. In fact I've been nauseous ever since, and feel my skin crawling. I thought what I knew of what
the Navy was doing along the coasts was horrible to begin with, kept being amazed that no one else
seemed to know or care. Oddly, never crossed my mind they'd be using depleted uranium. What
they've done with the stuff so far, our whole military and now the police force? is terrifying. What
lunatic thought this was okay to use on California's coast, or any coast?! Goodbye seashore
forever? And just when I thought it could not get worse. I mean I knew it could, but did not see this one
coming. I guess I am not cruel enough to grasp that possibility, to even imagine it. Not saying the rest
isn't horrible, just that this way ups the ante.
So pleased to hear about Kylie Jenner's tweet to 9 and one half million people! To hear how it resonates
with young people. That too is huge.
Progress does not mean time to rest on laurels. Good to hear things are about to take a much more
positive turn but have trouble believing it. We can't let up now. I'm not clear from this talk where the
legal people are going with this. How we are going to stop this, despite critical mass? Our whole
system is sick. The entire world choking on poisonous assaults from every direction. Even if we stop
this, how do we clean up the mess they have made? I suggest that we only support leaders who have a
plan for healing our poisoned, quite thoroughly poisoned planet. First we stop the assaults. That,
though, is just the beginning. Hopefully, we will be knowing each other and working together on this
for a long long time–when geoengineering is stopped!
o Dane Wigington says:
May 28, 2015 at 4:33 pm
Hello Rachel, thank you for your support, but it is important to remember that we have immense
and unimaginable challenges ahead of us at best. We do have big wheels beginning to turn, but
we have great obsticles still to overcome. Lets all keep our focus sharp and not back off a bit.
26. JR says:
May 28, 2015 at 12:28 pm
There is a new documentary about to come out. It's called "Offline" and talks about the EMP's. As if
HAARP is already not compounding the problem which could happen at anytime. Our power grid is not
protected here in U.S.A. No water, Fukushima ready to happen here at any given moment with all our
Nuclear Power Plants. Rain clouds east of EL Paso, Texas being steered further East of this city.
27. Gwen says:
May 28, 2015 at 11:31 am
Dear Dane,
I have just listened to a 6 hour interview on the Lost Arts Radio Show (#13, #15, and #17) and just as I
had suspected, there is mention of specific cell towers being connected to HAARP. This one in
particular (#17 part 3 of the interview with Mr. Barrie Trower), is on a University campus! My guess is
that cell towers are going to be (if not already) part of the weather control grid. I would love to hear a
radio show with you and Barrie Trower and I am sure the Lost Arts Radio Show would love to speak
with you as well.
All of you here are in our prayers.
o cares4all says:
May 29, 2015 at 9:26 pm
Yes, some "cell towers" will be (or are now used with the new "Space Fence" interface
(SSDS)—which includes the new and improved digital HAARP technologies. See: USAF Space
Fence contract with Lockheed and Raytheon.
28. Melody Meachum says:
May 28, 2015 at 8:11 am
This may be the real dam buster that Dane & so many other activists have worked many,
many TIRELESS years for.
Until just recently, the law of exponential numbers have worked against all of us. Maybe now
exponential numbers will be in our favor!
I humbly submit that God detests the destruction of the earth & the heavens He created. Here I'm
speaking specifically to Christians…a top priority should be speaking out in defense of honoring and
supporting earth-care, not silence. I just don't get that! The Bible tells us that God gave our earth to us
for care and nurturing! Please get on board like many have already done who post/read @ Dane's site
and elsewhere!
29. Diana Moss says:
May 28, 2015 at 5:48 am
AWESOME!!! To all involved, please share the appreciation of all of the viewers on this site. and to
Dane for his unrelenting assault on the crimes being committed against humanity. I to read about K.K.
and what she wrote about wondering what it was she saw on her way to work. I was appalled at the
comments that were made at the end of the article, not only were they extremely distasteful they were
barely intelligible and it makes me wonder if the chemicals have already played a part in the 'numbing
down' of brain cells. I have never kept up the K's but at least this young lady has a curiosity and
questions things. She may inadvertently make a bigger name for herself by her curiosity than by her
30. Ransom Thomas says:
May 28, 2015 at 5:22 am
Dane, great news that we are making headway.Here in W.V i will be meeting with legislatures here to
propose a bill like the state of R.I has done in regards to geoengineering.I will keep you updated on my
progress with this.I am with you.
o Rachel Robson says:
May 30, 2015 at 3:09 pm
Ransom Thomas, hello and please tell me/us more about the bill in RI. I want to know details
such as who is responsible for bringing it up, and what exactly does it say? Very interesting, as
is your effort! Thank you! R
31. Lee berry says:
May 28, 2015 at 2:46 am
Thanks again Dane,there's going to be a landslide of professional people wanting to help once they have
been awaken from there very busy life's ,it's took a long time but I think you and the brave academic
people who are the key to widespread awareness,I like many people am uneducated grown up on incity
council estate ,I am no scientist I had no interest in world events and was just plodding along in the
every struggling that that most people get caught up in ,with no time to worrie about the bigger
picture,but I am extremely disappointed in the academic denial of this obvious attack on us the planet
and it inhabitants,and PLS to all you will above average intelligence if I can see and understand the
geoengineering and weather modification programs are as real as death so we're are you ,it's time now
for the academic community to stand up and help people like Dane to validate his extensive knowledge
of this omnicide,Remember this ,I am a dad and wanrt them who would poison my children and those
who helped to cover it up to pay don't be left holding that smoking is the time for the geeks to
stand up and b heros and heroines WE NEED YOU ✌
32. PLT says:
May 28, 2015 at 1:51 am
Woo-hoo! Dane, thank you for satisfying Mr. Scott's concerns without letting the focus get
shattered. Your ability to coordinate, clarify, and push forward is truly amazing. Beyond amazing! The
world owes you immense gratitude, and congratulations. We are with you 100%, to the end!
33. Ralph Ely says:
May 28, 2015 at 12:40 am
Even though some "big guns" are now involved we need to keep pushing everyday and every way, as we
have been, to "kick this legal action into high gear" and end the GeoEngineering genocide.
Time is not on our side. Remember, Legal practitioners and The Courts understand "critical mass"
o Rachel Robson says:
May 30, 2015 at 3:12 pm
Ralph Ely, can you tell me exactly what constitutes critical mass? Does it mean more than 50%,
or? what? Thanks. I always seem to learn something from you. R
o Dane Wigington says:
May 30, 2015 at 9:28 pm
Hello Rachel, there is no set percentage for “critical mass”. But the premice is this, once there is
a “break in the damn” of silence and disinformation that cannnot be stopped, we are there. That
point is near.
34. barbara larkin says:
May 28, 2015 at 12:23 am
This brings joy to my heart, I can’t express enough my gratitude and sense of hope for the natural world
and all life , thank you for all you are doing and continue to do, with deep respect for you I will play my
humble role in trying to raise awareness. god bless you sir !
35. Kristina says:
May 27, 2015 at 11:14 pm
Why are we not paying for billboards in every major city exposing geoengineering? I imagine one that
just says, "LOOK UP! Geoengineering!" I wish this phrase was sprayed all over every blank space
possible until it is not able to be ignored any longer. Why are we all being so relaxed? We need to act
faster. We need to do something drastic. They won't/are not allowed to talk about it on the
news. People deserve to be made aware of what is being done to them. I can't even breathe anymore. I
was a healthy person. It's not right. Let's get creative. Let's be bold. What can we do fast?
o Kathy says:
May 28, 2015 at 3:46 pm
Kristina, I agree that Billboards should be put up in all major, and minor cities. Unfortunately,
there is no "they" who are going to do it for us. Individuals need to take responsibility for
educating their communities. I put up a billboard in my community, and I am a senior citizen on
a fixed income. People say they can't afford it. Where there's a will there is a way. We cannot
afford not to.
o Patricia Kimbrell says:
May 29, 2015 at 6:20 pm
With all due respect Christina, I can't imagine WHO exactly you are referring to when you
say "we are all being so relaxed". Those that I know and am involved with are anything BUT
relaxed, in fact, they are working tirelessly and at great personal expense.
36. DAVID DARBY says:
May 27, 2015 at 10:46 pm
2 years Ive been acquainted with #chemtrails and ionization devices HAARP in #sandiego and I do get
sick with flu like syptoms, the trees are dying and falling apart right before my eyes in my
community and now Im very achy everyday from breathing in these particulates and I also know when
its going on I can feel it at night and also the VLF HUM caused by the govts multiple purposes for its
use at my expense as well as ionization heating of the atomosphere to direct the moisture. Maybe it will
go away and I can feel better in time. This is really picking up momo though for sure. Civiliztion is a
heat engine and automobiles internal combustion engine is well designed to produce the highest possible
CO2% an the rest as H2O both green house gases. BTW you can catch the European Space Agency
Climate Symposium again for the next 2 days live via this link CLIMATE CHANGE pacific time starts
at 5:30am and also goes on into FRIDAY. Check your local time via google vrs CEST time.
37. Abe says:
May 27, 2015 at 10:30 pm
What does chemtrails, vaccines, and GMO's have in common? Why not unite ALL 3 groups in a legal
Autism Explained Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate, by Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Factor GMO – Is Your Safety Trial Contaminated by Glyphosate?
38. susan says:
May 27, 2015 at 10:16 pm
I'm in! I am going to raise money to take out a billboard or two to bring up awareness about this. I'll be
in touch…
39. Paul Vonharnish says:
May 27, 2015 at 10:05 pm
Superb conference Dane!!! Thank you to all who are working on this effort. I've been researching legal
angles related to involutary electromagnetic exposures and public health. Not to bore you…
Here's something to consider:
Excerpted from:Ultrahazardous activity – Wikipedia
["An ultra hazardous activity in the common law of torts is one that is so inherently dangerous that a
person engaged in such an activity can be held strictly liable for injuries caused to another person, even
if the person engaged in the activity took every reasonable precaution to prevent others from being
injured. In the Restatement of the Law 2d, Torts 2d, the term has been abandoned in favor of the phrase
"inherently dangerous activity." "]
40. Earth Angel says:
May 27, 2015 at 9:54 pm
Amen- Its about time we score one for the good guys! Blessings and thanks to all those helping to fight
this critical battle for planet earth.
41. Marc says:
May 27, 2015 at 9:07 pm
Palms together in Galaxy-wide NAMASTE for the sacred work of Dane Wigington, whose commitment
and exhaustive efforts on behalf of not only us, but ALL living things in this world, is a daily
inspiration and one of the few things that keep me motivated in this fight. Please watch your backside at
all times, Dane; I would be lying if I said I don't fear for your safety. Please be careful and stay
well, because quite frankly, the whole world needs your voice and your leadership. Thank you, again,
for all you are doing.
42. eric pastorino says:
May 27, 2015 at 8:34 pm
hopefully we have time to stop these monsters that have no conscience
when they continue to spray our skies.
also of vital importance as far as timing is concerned is the fast approaching
jade helm 15 action soon to happen as soon as june 15th this year
these monsters have confused some of our military ino thinking that the true us patriots are the enemy!!
the acion that they are taking to influence the cause of the heavy rains in texas and oklahoma gives them
a wide open door to come in with martial law to clean up or corral the disaster. that coupled with the
drought in california and the cold weather in the eastern us last winter has worked well in their favor to
confuse us into thinking that
this is a result of global warming.
o Dane Wigington says:
May 27, 2015 at 9:04 pm
Hello Eric, there is no doubt that all weather is being impacted by the geoengineers, and the
Texas weather is not an accident. It is important to also remember that the planet is rapidly
warming at the same time, climate engineering is making the overall warming far worse. The
equation is complex.
o Darci Biason says:
May 28, 2015 at 3:39 am
Well said Eric Pastorino. I've thought the same thing.
43. Jan Sheets says:
May 27, 2015 at 8:33 pm
You are an amazing man and I have followed your website for 2 years …. and tonight was what I was
waiting to hear….The spraying in Las Vegas today and last night was frightening …. people were
standing outside their homes and "looking up"…. and were awe struck!
44. CM says:
May 27, 2015 at 8:24 pm
I am so hopeful that this has reached a critical point! I live in Reno and am so happy everytime I see the
Geoenginering Watch billboard on I80. I just know that it is being viewed by massive amounts of people
each day! There has not been as much spraying here lately which is awesome! The sky has returned to
the dark blue color that I have always loved about Nevada. I get so utterly pissed off when I see them
spraying the sky! It has been nice to have a break from it all!
45. Angel_Jacksonville_Florida says:
May 27, 2015 at 7:50 pm
Thank you for everything you’ve done,
I want Geo Engineering to be stopped and hold accountable who ever is responsible.
46. Nicole and Family says:
May 27, 2015 at 7:11 pm
One for the good guys. Hold tight and stay strong!
47. anotherAnon says:
May 27, 2015 at 6:39 pm
This is great news. I will keep doing what I’m doing on this end, but congrats to all who are speaking
out. Thanks Dane.
48. Concerned in Cali says:
May 27, 2015 at 6:36 pm
And we have a wildcard that I think a lot of people didn't expect to hear from .. Kylie Jenner of
Kardashian fame posted her concerns about Chemtrails on her Twitter acct. think of her what you will
but she has thousands of followers many of them young .. I think she is brave for speaking out . She has
already gotten a lot of heat from various news sources for posting .
o Renee says:
May 27, 2015 at 7:04 pm
She sure did, when on May 25th, Kylie Jenner used her Twitter account to re-post an all out
assault on geoengineering. The post is a picture of an aerosol crisscrossed sky with the following
quote, "Lets ask ourselves….Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff into the sky on my 15
minute drive to work? Who pays for this and why is it happening? Is something being
exterminated here? Is that something me? Does this have anything to do with why Honey Bee's
are dying off really fast? Why are some days normal with no planes spraying and others look like
this? Who is responsible? What effect will this have on our health and our children's future?
WHO THE F#*% THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Am I the only one who sees this?"
Kylie's post can be seen here and
she has 9,414,042 followers on her twitter feed. I pray her tweet spreads like a bush fire among
her followers. Kylie Jenner's tweet is all the rage with my three young adult children, who are
already awake, and now believe Kylie could help wake up their peers. Dane, from the bottom of
my family's heart, thank you for being the front-line of this, the most important battle EVER, in I
believe the entire history of the world.
o CM says:
May 27, 2015 at 8:13 pm
great point, but i wanted to clarify that Kylie Jenner has over 9 million twitter followers! That is
an amazing number of young people who were handed this message by someone they idolize so I
am soooo hopeful many more people will be waking up, gettting angry, and demanding action!
May 27, 2015 at 6:31 pm
Dane, we've never expected anything less from a person so passionate & dedicated to our environment
such as you. For anyone who denies the facts of these covert Gov./Military Aerosol operations currently
in full force, it's time for you to all wake up to the reality that these programs are fully existent and our
hope is to put an end to these GeoEngineering programs once and for all. Many thanks to Dane
Wigington for his tireless efforts, credible data and extremely informative knowledge in waking the
public! Now we need the Military to awaken to the reality as they too will soon come to realization that
these programs are doing more harm and destroying all life on our planet.
50. Bija says:
May 27, 2015 at 6:14 pm
This is what I have been waiting to hear!
Thanks to the army of Goodness and Truth that will stand up to these forces for evil that have driven
humanity and all life on Planet Earth to the brink out of their malavolent greed and lust for power.
I have never been a joiner, but I am so pleased to be a small part of this movement to put an end to
climate geoengineering. Remember…IF YOU ARE NOT SAYING NO, YOU ARE SAYING YES!
51. Laura Sutton says:
May 27, 2015 at 5:47 pm
It's been a while since I've shed any tears of happiness….HUGE congratulations to all committed active
people out there…Please let us know how/when we can help!!! This makes my day…and more.
52. Pat says:
May 27, 2015 at 5:16 pm
This is such awesome news! Please let us know if we need to sign petitions or contribute in any way to
this cause. Thank you for always continuing to fight this battle!!!
53. Justin says:
May 31, 2015 at 7:46 pm
Holy crap! I knew this Jade Helm stuff was a lot more than a training exercise. These people have to be
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The push for legal action to expose climate engineering

  • 1. The Push For Legal Action To Expose Climate Engineering May 27, 2015 79 Comments Dane Wigington A battle cannot be successfully fought without an army of committed and qualified individuals that are working together. Such a movement is only possible when a critical mass of awareness is achieved. After many years of struggling to raise this awareness, the anti-geoengineering movement has now reached a level of awakening that has brought legal experts and other essential professionals into the fight on our side. Climate engineering is rapidly tearing apart the planet's life support systems and contaminating the entire biosphere. It is imperative that we expose and halt the climate engineering programs as fast as possible or we will soon have nothing left to salvage of our health or our once thriving planet. The conference call recorded below had nearly 300 participants and listeners at peak. Among the participants and listeners were attorneys and judges from multiple states, former government biologists, and the CEO of a major global environmental consulting firm. The primary purpose of the call was to answer questions relating to climate engineering for some of these professionals (who are the main participants in the conversation) and to arrange the connection of attorneys from different states which will take place in our follow-up private conference calls to begin in the following days. I have also recently had a 3 hour face to face meeting with an internationally recognized celebrity who has contributed his attorney to our fight. I will publish updates on our ongoing efforts as soon as it is appropriate and I am allowed to do so. It is important to remember that a primary goal of legal proceedings is to force media coverage of the geoengineering issue. My most sincere gratitude to each and every activist that has tirelessly helped raise awareness of the global climate engineering issue to the level that we have now achieved. The effort to sound the alarm needs to continue each and every day and in every possible arena. If we all march together in this battle, we may yet accomplish profound changes for the better even at this late hour. DW P.S. My apologies for the initial rough audio, it improves as the conference proceeds. There were so many people on the call that the server overloaded and the mediator had a difficult time properly muting when needed. 79 Responses to The Push For Legal Action To Expose Climate Engineering
  • 2. 1. Rachel Robson says: May 31, 2015 at 11:52 pm Dane, Good to know. I too have been doing this to no avail. I have read some on the blogs who refer to this sort of effort and doing it, but so many others asking what to do. Did not know so many are doing so much. I am grateful because I am too sick to keep this up. Reply 2. Karl Schreiber says: May 31, 2015 at 2:26 am I couldn't help making this sarcastic video about Geoengineering crimes in my hometown in Germany: English translation is provided. Enjoy!? more: Reply 3. JR says: May 30, 2015 at 8:34 pm Our beautiful rain clouds busted down to nothing but powdered whitish crap here in Southwest, New Mexico. With the HAARP & SAG mix as always then the winds are whipped up into ugliness which is really getting to be the norm for these jackasses. Reply o BaneB says: May 31, 2015 at 6:38 am Yes, rain in the 20 % range is scheduled for Sunday and Monday here in Northern California. True to form, the jets are spraying big time. And much of it is being done off the Pacific coast. I will be very surprised if it does anything more than mist. I took iPhone photos all day yesterday and one would believe the radio frequency bombardments have been increased. Never have I seen such a variety of bizarre morphed zapped clouds. In the process of snapping the visual evidence I keep one in the natural setting. Then I use the noir setting for
  • 3. black and white. That removes the glare. What you then have is a pic that shows the structure of the fake zapped clouds. Believe me, show those black and white pics to those in denial. … 4. Rachel Robson says: May 30, 2015 at 4:24 pm Hi Dane, thank you for the clarification. I'm not at all sure you've been this clear about your goal before. I've read and watched nearly everything here, and while I've heard you say we need our military, that once they realize they are doing this to their own…and needing a critical number of them on our side. Tall order that. I get the need to shatter the denial and normalcy bias-especially normalcy-I think sometimes we underestimate that one. We are all familiar with denial. Clearly, with the weather this past winter and now with the massive flooding, I think inroads towards shattering normalcy bias have been made. Yes the east was cooler, but at such a cost to lives and property. As if that were not enough, this massive flooding is so over the top it actually lends us a platform. People have been programmed to think this is all part of "climate change" and I think they are ready to believe anything in which that is not the answer! Much more likely to consider geoengineering. Because, in part, something could be done, as in stopping it. Given your goal of media reporting, potential legal acts strike me as nowhere near fast enough. Billboards are great, but again, not fast enough. I have but one suggestion which is to deluge media with letters. As well as all our representatives, all of them. Magazines too. Again and again. Flood them with questions about why they are not reporting these obvious assaults, known and proven to cause weather havoc, especially in such an imperfect, experimental science that by the way is killing us, making all of us sick and nature too. No comments on other issues like vaccines, only geoengineering and the loud silence of the media, and our representatives-who, theoretically are there For us! By us! And not for long if they keep up this wall of silence. I suggest preparing letters that refer to the details of geoengineering, and actually mail them as opposed to email. If sent by email, it would attract attention of employers and others, hands might be tied. If outside of that loop, one might get a written response. People could construct in their own words such a letter, copy it, send to all again and again, and again. People in the military, relatives of, could send such letters to their person(s). I know one doctor who got to be a doctor via the army but was sprayed with agent orange as a grunt in Viet Nam, slogging through the mud. He is now very sick from this. Only now occurs to me to talk to him about this-he's not someone I see often. When I say I hate our military, I do not mean every person, people like him, for whom it was the only way out of poverty toward an education. I am sure he has contacts. I have trouble believing enough would bail to join us, but it sure would be helpful. I can't help but think that Jesse Ventura backed off owing to being a Navy Seal, which seems to stick for life. I've heard that the really hard core guys do not give a care to what they are doing. Will not. But, they do depend on underlings to get the job done. I know very few here who listen to the news or even own a TV. But, I come from the heartland, and they do, and they have an enormous normalcy bias. We have to make it clear to the news, the meteorologists, that they and theirs are being harmed 24/7, along with the rest of us. It would of course be helpful to be as clear as possible, give accurate terms, and references as well as links to patents and what is known for fact. What do you think? A united, constant blizzard of letters demanding disclosure, finding anything else as irrelevant and beneath their standing. As well as asking why, from whom, the shut down of the media. In Rosalie Bertell's second book, she says that in 1996? the military deployed 1200 psyops personnel to infiltrate CNN at all levels. Tough road to hoe. Again, personal letters. Make all aware of human consequences which includes them. I am pretty sure Anderson Cooper doesn't want to die, and he would not lose much if he lost his job. Ask whomever to pressure whoever is keeping them from
  • 4. speaking their mind. It is becoming clear to me that the meteorologists are grasping for words, flustered, dying to say something, nearly giving up. Perhaps they are target number one. Dane and all, what do you think of this idea? Reply o Dane Wigington says: May 30, 2015 at 9:31 pm Hello Rachel, many of us have long since been doing exactly what you describe with all the manpower we can organize, but we do need more help. All that you mentioned is already being pushed and we will continue to do so. 5. Jonathan Létourneau says: May 30, 2015 at 11:50 am Dane, this is great news! And I though I would never live until such an event! Finally all our work to raise awareness is starting to work! It's a small step taken towards ending geoengineering. The fight is far from over but, it's a start! Keep up the good work everybody and thank you very much Dane for all you do! Reply 6. Ruth Erica Sampson Phelan says: May 30, 2015 at 9:37 am Where to start to help out? I live on the east coast so have recently had the chance to "see" what is happening through a friend who has posted daily pictures from California. It has certainly given me a reason to stay posted and see if anything is being done. Help me help our skies that are emitting poison those who breath it and plants that live off the air!!!! Reply 7. Craig says: May 30, 2015 at 9:21 am This is reaching critical mass now. No denying it, no doubting it. My biggest problem right now is, and I hope someone can alleviate or help me with my problem is, to not get angry at people when I am trying to explain how this is hurting the population. I get so frustrated when people say to me, you’re a conspiracy theorist. Please help Reply
  • 5. 8. Dog aka db says: May 30, 2015 at 8:56 am Thanks over and over to Dane and those that believe! Raider Focus is the millitry movement in CO! The trees, forests, scrub oak and other stuff is offted by the beetles?! Are the beetles killing the oceans?! The trees in the parking lots are dying from something else! No signs of beetles! It is a matter of time! Whatever they are doing in our sky's has been going on for some time! Any and all exposure is a good thing! Stop Geoengineering! Please! And Thanks! Doug Reply o Rachel Robson says: May 30, 2015 at 10:38 am Doug, Raider Focus? is the military movement in CO? I wanna know more about that. As a gardener/grower, I have often observed how a stressed plant will attract every single aphid there is. You'd think the aphids would go for the healthy, juicy looking same plant near stressed one, but no, they prefer stressed. So it is with the beetles. And even humans. Predatory bugs that go for the dying and sick. So, first a tree or plant is stressed-could be many things, lack of or too much water, soil, abuse, whatever, then the predators move in and chow down. We are told that despite the fact that we are getting less sun-a lot less, more than 20%-that itself would stress many plants, but in addition, we are getting off the charts UV readings-as in intense burning light, literally burning the bark off trees. Add to that the chemicals from geoengineering and you have a death spiral. There are other factors too that can do it, but these are the main ones, especially given the sheer scale of it. I am very interested in what the out of control military is doing. What do you see them doing? Thank you for your observations. R o Rachel Robson says: May 30, 2015 at 11:13 am Craig, I worry about this-the anger, the frustration-all righteous but takes a toll on people. For one thing, know that you are on the right side and there are others who feel the same. I don't get angry when faced with this, I cannot spare the energy for anger, heck I can barely stay awake! If someone I try to tell about this doesn't believe or even care or want to know, usually I just drop it. Oddly, as it turns out, this has worked! The person may first think I am crazy-and that is okay with me. I mean, I know I am not. But later, when that person notices this and that, they remember what I said. And! they tell someone else! So, as Dane often says: plant a seed (of knowledge), the seed was planted, then it grew. Unknown to me and no one thanked me but I
  • 6. don't need recognition nor thanks. Just to wake people up! In one case and one case only, I had to end the friendship. For MY mental health, and the person was a jerk, so not grieving that loss. I think it is a good thing and normal for someone to doubt. I mean, you wouldn't believe something someone said just because they said it, especially if as big a deal as this, would you? So, know that doubt, denial, is normal-at first. One magazine so good I subscribed for years, responded with conspiracy theory when I asked if they were investigating this. So, I quit the subscription and told them why and that they had no claim to journalism if denying this, the biggest story of our times. They want me back of course. I made it clear that I would come back if they addressed this. Only then. I told a neighbor who didn't believe me. Apparently she eventually did and does and told my landlord, so that while he and I were looking at his dying Norway Spruce tree, he actually said probably because of geoengineering! I nearly fainted! My advice would be to take your anger and do something constructive-maybe literally-like cleaning or splitting logs-something. When I was younger and healthier, if I got way upset over something I could not control, I'd tackle some nasty job needing doing, and sure enough, it would calm me down and bonus! nasty job done. Just trust that some of the seeds you planted, while initially rejected, will grow. And move on to someone else! Don't make them feel forced on the spot to agree. They need to process the info. And hey, meditation is a good thing! Helps. 9. SD says: May 30, 2015 at 8:43 am The Geoengineer's cure for the Texas drought was to create an unbelievable flood which killed many innocent people and caused billions of dollars in property damage. What kind of strategy is that? I think California is next on their list. Better prepare yourselves. Reply 10. Lakotah says: May 30, 2015 at 8:23 am With as many people (climbers, hikers, tourist,) into the 10s of thousands that visit Yosemite National Park each year and the great interest in preserving National Parks you would think at some point there would be an outcry from people about the so obvious chemtrails above Yosemite. I check this site daily sometimes more than once a day just to see how much spraying is taking place. It's quite heartbreaking to see what has been going on for years in the sky's above such a beautiful place. I'd be curious to find what all the Park Rangers are saying about what's going on over their heads. Reply 11. Lorri Cockrell says: May 30, 2015 at 7:17 am
  • 7. Thanks to all that is trying effortless to try and get the world to wake up to what is taking place. Isn't it amazing how many people don't have a clue what is happening right in front of them. When I confront people about what is causing their illnesses, they look at me like I'm nuts. I have had some thank me for getting their awareness. I miss Kevin Martins chemtrail reports, which we all would have stood up for him as I used his report each day like I have coffee. He is a hero to me for caring to help us all. I believe it would take all of us to show up at the White House steps to stop all the corruption going on. Not even the most intelligent knows what is going on or they just don't care. Thank you for all that does and do speak out even if it is one person at a time as then that person will share and help. Reply 12. PLT says: May 30, 2015 at 6:21 am I just read an article on Global Research about the CIA closing the doors on its MEDEA program (Measurements of Earth Data for Environmental Analysis). Even while Obama is upping the rhetoric about global warming possibly leading to terrorist attacks (not worried, he, about the fact that it's killing people by the thousands elsewhere in the world; to him it's another useful way of keeping Americans afraid). On the same site, there is an article about US warmongering against China (because the warmongering against Russia, Iran, Syria and Yemen is going so well?) I hope I'm just being too cynical in thinking that: A) the CIA move means that the data is so bad even climate scientists would freak out (despite their usual cold, clinical approach to the world's sundry atrocities); B) the push for war is real this time, because a nuclear winter would handily obscure – even reverse – the warming; C) that Jade Helm is going to go nationwide; and D) that we are all in for it. Please, someone, tell me it's all going to be okay! No, don't bother; I won't believe it anyway. Reply 13. PLT says: May 30, 2015 at 5:52 am One thing I am finding is that it's easier to start a conversation about spraying if I introduce it as (partly) a NATO program to be able to control communications, by making the atmosphere more conductive. People (maybe just the ones I am around) seem more open to that, because obviously such a program would be top secret. From there, since Norwegians mostly accept that the globe is warming (it's pretty obvious here), it isn't too hard to get onto "and they are spraying because they are in a panic about the climate." Still, most young people don't seem to care at all. NATO? What's NATO? Not sure how to reach the internet generation… Reply 14. Sally says:
  • 8. May 29, 2015 at 10:22 pm I have downloaded all the flyers from this site and printed about 100 color copies of each from the printer where I work. First, I compiled a packet and sent them out to friends/family members anonymously. The rest I have been going door to door and placing them on my neighbors doorsteps. Never stop trying to spread awareness no matter how small. " One person can make a difference, and everyone should try." -John F. Kennedy Reply o Earth Angel says: May 30, 2015 at 9:22 am Awesome work Sally! Thank you. It will be fun to see how your friends and family respond to the 'anonymous' packages they receive. Keep us posted to their reactions which they hopefully will share with you- perhaps you can act as if you also received one. 15. David S. says: May 29, 2015 at 9:31 pm we hold our president and our esteemed representatives accountable and responsible for this ongoing genocide. This needs to end now, and the criminals that perpetrated this hideous crime against humanity to justice. David . Reply 16. Rachel Robson says: May 29, 2015 at 4:56 pm Dane, can I not put a foot right? I am quite aware of critical mass of awareness, I fight for it and against denial every single day. Which is why in my post I mentioned Kylie's tweet to 9 and 1/2 million people all over the world. Would that more in her position do just that! Know that I have almost no faith in the legal system-you know I am Native. However, to your point, last year Sen. Louise Slaughter started a petition regarding the TTP, asking why, why no media coverage on such an important issue. Her petition ended apparently nearly as soon as she began it. Telling, that. The thing is, given those who are aware and trying to awaken others, it is a helpless feeling and obvious from input that many think a law should cover this. Someway to move forward. Or, just stew? As if in a slow stewing pressure cooker? Toward what end? Madness? Unadulterated rage? Depression? Running amok? This is taking a huge toll on many people who cannot cope and a major reason why some refuse to learn as they feel too helpless against too much. The odds of media covering this are remote, very remote. But, I am
  • 9. hopeful. And trying. As I've tried to find out what stopped Louise. Something did, that is for sure. Yet all struck, awestruck by full circle rainbow over Niagara Falls. If only you could explain something like that and stuff that goes with, owing to geoEngineering on Bill's show, and I am trying. Have you tried Erin? Bill Maher has such a broad audience, not to mention the show he produces: Vice. Of course people are going to have some happiness that this could hit the courts-no one likes to just stew in helplessness, while all become more and more sick, thus unable to do what they would like to do for the cause. I'd like to know what you envision news coverage would do? Few even watch the news anymore. Would that be like Raytheon admitting? What is it you imagine being on standard news would accomplish? A less sectarian audience? Then what? A revolution?-I am not opposed, just do not see how against our military. Unless they all bail which is extremely unlikely. I can envision many saying no, but not the hard core. What, to you, constitutes critical mass? Is there a number? How is one to know when it is reached and then what? People with an issue are goal oriented. What, besides media coverage is the goal then? If there is a bill in RI, no one seems to be reporting it. How do You envision this stopping? I think these are valid questions. Speaking of which and RI–Ransom Thomas, what bill in RI? Do tell! Has it been covered by the media there? Again Dane, I am and have been on your side, the side of right action and mindfulness. But, the end game eludes me. I mean, of course stopping geoEngineering, but how? And Jim, I am totally with you as concerns tearing down the Rothschild's global power structure. Hate to be so repetitive, but how? Reply o Dane Wigington says: May 30, 2015 at 12:47 am Hello Rachel, to be clear, we have one chance in this equation, we must force enough media coverage to shatter the denial and normalcy bias of the greater population. The climate engineering issue is like no other, it is killing ALL of us, there is no place to hide. Once the masses are forced to face that fact, there will be a paradigm shift one way or another. I have said countless times that only when we reach such levels of coverage will our military personel realize what they are doing to their own. Only then will we have a chance, we must have a critical number of them on our side, there is no other way. If you know another way forward, please tell me. 17. BaneB says: May 29, 2015 at 12:13 pm Regarding May 16, 2015 article on this board, titled TOXIC SPRAYING, RADIO FREQUENCY BOMBARDMENT, A LETHAL MIX: the first image posted shows a satellite pic showing roiled corn row clouds over northern Mexico and southern Texas. The appearance of these jet induced aerosol created clouds is that the entire mass has been artificially created and given their shape because of powerful radio frequency bombardments. The date the image is May 12. I cannot help but wonder if the horrific weather happening in Texas and the Midwest in general has been caused by this. There are
  • 10. lives lost and huge property losses. The May 12 image is clearly massive tampering with the atmosphere. The article did not state attribution for who or what or time taken for the image. That would be of interest, too. Reply o donna ford says: May 29, 2015 at 4:56 pm BaneB, I'm from NM and we were being sprayed heavily for a week before Texas got flooded. As we all know the weather travels from west to east. Your observation is right on the money. That should give everyone in this country an idea as to what kind of people we are dealing with. I pray for the safety of Dane every day as I do for all of us that seek the truth. Funny thing is I am not religious but I believe in Mother Nature. 18. jim says: May 29, 2015 at 12:02 pm To stop ongoing global crisis, the people of the World MUST tear down the Rothschild’s global power structure. The Rothschild’s power started with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which gave them private and total ownership of America’s banking and money supply. Now, the entire money supply which they privately print out of nothing and loan to the U.S. government is all being paid back to the Rothschilds with compounding interest all the time. As a conservative estimate, the Rothschilds are now worth over 100 trillion dollars. All countries worldwide have this same big problem, since almost all have a Rothschilds owned Central Bank. The Rothschilds are trying to reinforce their power by getting the the TPP signed into law. Further, the Rothschilds are attempting to rule globally using a World Currency. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is also associated with the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are going to intentionally crash the dollar to try to trick Americans into accepting a World Currency that they control, therefore, they MUST be stopped. Since they own all of the Global Central Banking, they loot the money to pay for the gradual Purge they are deploying. Climate engineering(causes alzheimer’s, autism, cancer), vaccines(causes autism and cancer), GMO(causes autism and cancer), fluoride in the water(causes low IQ, and cancer), poison pharmaceuticals, economic crashes, wars, full control of the media and bribery of the government, and also nullification of the Constitution are how they are implementing this gradual Purge. Privately owned Central Banking is the principle mechanism which precipitates the Rothschilds endless looting and must be abolished, all countries must create SOVEREIGN currencies and public national
  • 11. banks to stop the Rothschilds from having total control over countries and funding this gradual Purge which they hope will enable them to achieve global control by using banks as a World Government. Reply o Earth Angel says: May 29, 2015 at 8:44 pm Excellent information and summary of the situation we all face jim. Thank you. I think the more independent currencies we have the better for all nations and people. (that's the way it was for centuries and it worked just fine, remember folks?) We're just basically passing THEIR 'toilet paper' money as things are set up currently. I love using that term- I can not take credit for it; I heard it elsewhere. Things work when each party honors their commitment, or individual 'contract' ( whatever they agree on) with one another- be it a trade of goods or services performed, etc.) As long as both parties are satisfied with the transaction results that is all that truly matters. The Native People traded 'wampum' beads or made exchange of goods and services. We also have precious metals. I totally agree we need to eject the current fraudulent monetary system we have all been placed under which causes us to become slaves. I look hopefully to the future for new solutions to come forth from the many great minds around the globe working on these problems. I love to read what the many followers on this site have to say. So many brilliant minds and caring hearts. Thanks Dane for uniting us all in this most important cause of 'putting the pedal to the metal' to save our beautiful Mother Earth and thanks to everyone for their individual efforts. I can't help but feel- It Matters! – whatever the outcome. o Paul Vonharnish says: May 30, 2015 at 8:39 am Hello Jim: Whilst I agree that the Rothschild group is implicated in the debt slavery of mankind, they do not act alone. There is the Swiss UBS group, massive capital "interests" controlled by the Vatican, Barkley's bank group of Great Brittan, and the list goes on and on. The World's economy is based on debt service and rationed asset distribution under threat of military retaliation. Putting all this aside, the problem comes down to plain human ignorance. Society has allowed itself to be enslaved by the pathetic illusion of rightful "authority". No one should have any authority over another person, period. When people cower before the illusion of daddy authority, the result is always the same. Here's an example of how the Pentagon protects us from biological warfare: > Pentagon admits 24 US labs, 2 foreign states received live anthrax shipments — RT USA
  • 12. When military employees are this slovenly and incompetent, does it mean should we continue to cower before the majesty of their intellects? 19. Rachel Robson says: May 29, 2015 at 9:22 am Marc, hi and I'm with you in knowing how laborious the legal bit is bound to be, if it even happens. As a Native, it's never worked before. Not in our favor. No favors from these people. Dane, guess you didn't fully read my post as I said "no time to rest on laurels". In fact, I do doubt if any progress can be made, given who is in charge, ie: the military. I am grateful for your appeals to them. That might help. Or not. It's a bit like banging one's head on a brick wall, isn't it. Even if someone listens and wakes. Of course I know how much more needs doing and I Am doing. Dog aka db, Hello and welcome out of or into more confusion! This is all a sticky wicket. So many factors. When I last checked, you can read about Jade Helm 15 at the military's own site. First they said 5 states: in southern CA, Arizona, Texas, southern CO, and Nevada. Then, they upped it to 7. Louisiana and? Freaky. At least you've found a place to share what you've been seeing and I am very much looking forward to your observations! Marc again, It really is a big deal what Kylie Jenner has done. We need young people in this and she just reached one heck of alot of them in one fell swoop. How can that be bad? And she's young yet and deserves not to be judged on the basis of her family. But in defense of that show, one reason it is so popular is how very many touchy subjects they bring to light and make public. Embarrassing, but… Reply o Dane Wigington says: May 29, 2015 at 10:17 am Hello Rachel, to be clear, the legal steps are for the primary purpose of forcing media to cover this issue. Whatever the outcome of any legal action, or not, it is about reaching critical mass of awareness. 20. Marc says: May 29, 2015 at 7:19 am As exciting as the prospect of "high visibility" litigation will be to our cause, I am traditionally a "glass half-empty" kind of guy. Look at how EXXON has tied up the courts for decades with their irresponsible legal bullshit. Look at BP and their endless efforts to wiggle out of paying up for their incompetence. The list is long. These guys have armies of lawyers at their beck and call. Comments here are spot on regarding the need to keep spreading awareness of this atrocity. Keeping up the "pressure". It's really all we CAN do, in the face of such monstrous and devastating power and control.
  • 13. On my bike ride this morning, I became aware, as usual, of jets flying pretty damn high and spreading trails that "dissipated" maybe about 30-40 jet-lengths behind the jet. Clever bastards. But what struck me as I stopped and watched one jet in particular, as it flew directly overhead, was the sheer unadulterated inanity of it all. The absolute absurdity of this alleged attempt to " mitigate the effects of global warming". I am calling them out on their bullshit! Lies! Lies! Anyone with even half a brain can figure out that these operations imply an extremely sinister agenda, given the extreme toxicity of the aerosol content. Even the likes of Kylie Jenner can figure this one out. Which, by the way, on a socio-cultural level, I find her tweet a wee bit suspicious on the other hand, on account of the general "caliber " of her public personality as it relates to "legitimacy". In any event, that whole sideshow is still quite interesting and possibly…….helpful to our cause at the end of the day. Reply 21. Margriet O'Regan says: May 29, 2015 at 2:07 am I'm literally sobbing with relief …………. Over here in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia "they" haven't been 'striping' our skies for many months now BUT FINALLY TODAY OUR SKIES WERE ALL STRIPEY AGAIN. Not that they haven't been controlling our weather – central Queensland is having the worst drought on record with 1 farmer a week on average suiciding & the banks foreclosing on 3 or 4 on average per week too………."They" have just been using less obvious ways to do it – or striping so high we can't see it. Thanx all – thanx Dane ………….. Reply o Michel B says: May 29, 2015 at 3:47 pm Hello Margriet, I also live in Brisbane. They did indeed blatantly stripe our skies yesterday, the most blatant I can remember. Parallel lines horizon to horizon, the sky resembling a zebra's hide and all day it was like this. The HAARPed clouds were still very prevalent last night. But as for the skies not being striped for many months that doesn't mean we weren't being sprayed. The sky has not been the colour it should be, deep blue, but has persistently been silvery, whitish blue with the horizons exhibiting that dirty look as we are looking through the thickest aspect of it from our standpoints. They have previously been very covert in the way they have been spraying us. Several weeks ago I happened to be up very early on a Sunday morning looking to the predawn east and I could see very plainly the whited sky with feinter lines filling it, especially more visible at the point where the sun was going to rise.
  • 14. The older people have forgotten what skies used to look like and the younger never knew. I am in the middle and because I learned about geoeongineering, I have been reminded that we did indeed have blue skies years ago. I had not noticed the change until I found out on the internet about this topic. Yes, Queensland's drought is missing largely from our media. Look at the usual front page news of our disgusting local newspaper, The Courier Mail. It's usually football, or IS or some really pathetic irrelevancy. The game is rigged from top to bottom. All we can do is do our best to alert others through as many various means as possible. o joy roggenkamp says: May 29, 2015 at 3:50 pm Here in the border ranges I have noticed a decrease in the trails flowing. But they are still coming not as urgent. The frequency may be adjusted according to the season. In summer more night time raids that pass by unnoticed. But they always coincide with rain coming up from the southern Pacific ocean and hitting the east coast. Its here that the rain is redirected to a major weather pattern or it disperses before it can touch our interior. May 2015 22. Killer Dana says: May 28, 2015 at 9:23 pm Dane , Thank You for your service . Today in Jackson , California , the spraying was pure Evil . Some of the worst I have seen in the last ten years . I can not help to think about all the poor sheep that are now being finished off . The Mokolomie Water Shed is now completely poisoned with morgellons fibers . I will have to boil the water to 3000 + Degrease to kill the pathogen and try and clean up the water . The EPA with their new clean water act will all will be held accountable. That is my duty to make sure they get what they have a comming . This poison being sprayed on us must stop ,,,, and it needs to stop now . Thank You Dane , we need more in the fight . Dana Reply 23. Diana Moss says:
  • 15. May 28, 2015 at 8:01 pm The laugh of the day: The President went to Florida to confer with the weather people there who are knowledgeable about hurricanes so that he can explain to America how to prepare for and deal with hurricanes. The talk is about climate change but climate change without any mention about WHY we are experiencing such greatly enhanced storms. No mention of geoengineering. This is like keeping the animals in the barn when you already have advanced knowledge that lightening is going to strike. Sure. it is nice to know what to do in case of a hurricane but it would be better to stop the manipulation of weather. Those who lost their lives in Texas due to unusual storms could have used some advance warnings but it would help in Texas if people woke up and stopped listening to FOX. Reply o Frank says: May 29, 2015 at 7:30 am Good catch Diana Moss.For the fourth time since February, President Barack Obama is set to be in Florida. He goes to the National Hurricane Center in Miami to bring attention to the opening of hurricane season, which officially starts Monday. He is also there to talk about the need for action on climate change. How covenant as Obama could say I told you so about climate change. What action could be taken this summer as Florida hasn't been hit by a Hurricane since 2005. I surely will be watching Florida this summer for any home brew storms to form. o Dane Wigington says: May 29, 2015 at 9:10 am Hello Frank, for the record, cyclones in the Atlantic basin have been actively suppressed since the 05/06 season. Such suppression has a very negative impact on the planet overall. o Frank says: May 29, 2015 at 10:25 am I agree totally Dane that cyclones can be suppressed, enhanced and steered. The weather warfare has been used on us all and the power structure can inflict great harm at will. Project stormfury is a prime example and started in the 60's. What the power structure has now with scalar weapons is beyond mosts reality. 24. Dog aka db says: May 28, 2015 at 3:10 pm
  • 16. Thanks to the guys and gals! This has helped me realize with my own eyes! Siffting the baby from the bath water has helped me see the this and that! CO is out of jade helm? 4000 moving south to the CO/NM border to practice! I just notice a lot of a lot going on and do not understand why I feel like I am a lone nut! I have so much that I want to say about a lot of what I see! I feel like it is going to get goofie and soon?! Heck, I think is already is! I went back to an area in CO, Spring Creek Pass, and beetles have done a massive amount of damage! With the help of them! To me it is so unbelievably obvious that it has me questioning my sanity! This and others sites has been a GOD send! It is easier to conform! Yet hard to deny! I see so many that do! Anyway? What to do? Yada, yada, waa, waa! Thanks to all! Reply 25. Rachel Robson says: May 28, 2015 at 2:06 pm Well Dane, you've all but done it! Congratulations! Such endless, tireless work finally paying off in hopes of ending this, in gaining the much desired critical mass, and a cadre of informed and able persons to take this further in law. Well done! I was also pleased to hear you talk about the Navy's tricks on our coasts, but nearly threw up when you mentioned they are using depleted uranium in their war practice on coast. In fact I've been nauseous ever since, and feel my skin crawling. I thought what I knew of what the Navy was doing along the coasts was horrible to begin with, kept being amazed that no one else seemed to know or care. Oddly, never crossed my mind they'd be using depleted uranium. What they've done with the stuff so far, our whole military and now the police force? is terrifying. What lunatic thought this was okay to use on California's coast, or any coast?! Goodbye seashore forever? And just when I thought it could not get worse. I mean I knew it could, but did not see this one coming. I guess I am not cruel enough to grasp that possibility, to even imagine it. Not saying the rest isn't horrible, just that this way ups the ante. So pleased to hear about Kylie Jenner's tweet to 9 and one half million people! To hear how it resonates with young people. That too is huge. Progress does not mean time to rest on laurels. Good to hear things are about to take a much more positive turn but have trouble believing it. We can't let up now. I'm not clear from this talk where the legal people are going with this. How we are going to stop this, despite critical mass? Our whole system is sick. The entire world choking on poisonous assaults from every direction. Even if we stop this, how do we clean up the mess they have made? I suggest that we only support leaders who have a plan for healing our poisoned, quite thoroughly poisoned planet. First we stop the assaults. That, though, is just the beginning. Hopefully, we will be knowing each other and working together on this for a long long time–when geoengineering is stopped! Reply o Dane Wigington says: May 28, 2015 at 4:33 pm
  • 17. Hello Rachel, thank you for your support, but it is important to remember that we have immense and unimaginable challenges ahead of us at best. We do have big wheels beginning to turn, but we have great obsticles still to overcome. Lets all keep our focus sharp and not back off a bit. 26. JR says: May 28, 2015 at 12:28 pm There is a new documentary about to come out. It's called "Offline" and talks about the EMP's. As if HAARP is already not compounding the problem which could happen at anytime. Our power grid is not protected here in U.S.A. No water, Fukushima ready to happen here at any given moment with all our Nuclear Power Plants. Rain clouds east of EL Paso, Texas being steered further East of this city. Reply 27. Gwen says: May 28, 2015 at 11:31 am Dear Dane, I have just listened to a 6 hour interview on the Lost Arts Radio Show (#13, #15, and #17) and just as I had suspected, there is mention of specific cell towers being connected to HAARP. This one in particular (#17 part 3 of the interview with Mr. Barrie Trower), is on a University campus! My guess is that cell towers are going to be (if not already) part of the weather control grid. I would love to hear a radio show with you and Barrie Trower and I am sure the Lost Arts Radio Show would love to speak with you as well. All of you here are in our prayers. Reply o cares4all says: May 29, 2015 at 9:26 pm Yes, some "cell towers" will be (or are now used with the new "Space Fence" interface (SSDS)—which includes the new and improved digital HAARP technologies. See: USAF Space Fence contract with Lockheed and Raytheon. 28. Melody Meachum says: May 28, 2015 at 8:11 am
  • 18. This may be the real dam buster that Dane & so many other activists have worked many, many TIRELESS years for. Until just recently, the law of exponential numbers have worked against all of us. Maybe now exponential numbers will be in our favor! I humbly submit that God detests the destruction of the earth & the heavens He created. Here I'm speaking specifically to Christians…a top priority should be speaking out in defense of honoring and supporting earth-care, not silence. I just don't get that! The Bible tells us that God gave our earth to us for care and nurturing! Please get on board like many have already done who post/read @ Dane's site and elsewhere! Reply 29. Diana Moss says: May 28, 2015 at 5:48 am AWESOME!!! To all involved, please share the appreciation of all of the viewers on this site. and to Dane for his unrelenting assault on the crimes being committed against humanity. I to read about K.K. and what she wrote about wondering what it was she saw on her way to work. I was appalled at the comments that were made at the end of the article, not only were they extremely distasteful they were barely intelligible and it makes me wonder if the chemicals have already played a part in the 'numbing down' of brain cells. I have never kept up the K's but at least this young lady has a curiosity and questions things. She may inadvertently make a bigger name for herself by her curiosity than by her acting. Reply 30. Ransom Thomas says: May 28, 2015 at 5:22 am Dane, great news that we are making headway.Here in W.V i will be meeting with legislatures here to propose a bill like the state of R.I has done in regards to geoengineering.I will keep you updated on my progress with this.I am with you. Reply o Rachel Robson says: May 30, 2015 at 3:09 pm Ransom Thomas, hello and please tell me/us more about the bill in RI. I want to know details such as who is responsible for bringing it up, and what exactly does it say? Very interesting, as is your effort! Thank you! R
  • 19. 31. Lee berry says: May 28, 2015 at 2:46 am Thanks again Dane,there's going to be a landslide of professional people wanting to help once they have been awaken from there very busy life's ,it's took a long time but I think you and the brave academic people who are the key to widespread awareness,I like many people am uneducated grown up on incity council estate ,I am no scientist I had no interest in world events and was just plodding along in the every struggling that that most people get caught up in ,with no time to worrie about the bigger picture,but I am extremely disappointed in the academic denial of this obvious attack on us the planet and it inhabitants,and PLS to all you will above average intelligence if I can see and understand the geoengineering and weather modification programs are as real as death so we're are you ,it's time now for the academic community to stand up and help people like Dane to validate his extensive knowledge of this omnicide,Remember this ,I am a dad and wanrt them who would poison my children and those who helped to cover it up to pay don't be left holding that smoking is the time for the geeks to stand up and b heros and heroines WE NEED YOU ✌ Reply 32. PLT says: May 28, 2015 at 1:51 am Woo-hoo! Dane, thank you for satisfying Mr. Scott's concerns without letting the focus get shattered. Your ability to coordinate, clarify, and push forward is truly amazing. Beyond amazing! The world owes you immense gratitude, and congratulations. We are with you 100%, to the end! Reply 33. Ralph Ely says: May 28, 2015 at 12:40 am Even though some "big guns" are now involved we need to keep pushing everyday and every way, as we have been, to "kick this legal action into high gear" and end the GeoEngineering genocide. Time is not on our side. Remember, Legal practitioners and The Courts understand "critical mass" Reply o Rachel Robson says: May 30, 2015 at 3:12 pm
  • 20. Ralph Ely, can you tell me exactly what constitutes critical mass? Does it mean more than 50%, or? what? Thanks. I always seem to learn something from you. R o Dane Wigington says: May 30, 2015 at 9:28 pm Hello Rachel, there is no set percentage for “critical mass”. But the premice is this, once there is a “break in the damn” of silence and disinformation that cannnot be stopped, we are there. That point is near. 34. barbara larkin says: May 28, 2015 at 12:23 am This brings joy to my heart, I can’t express enough my gratitude and sense of hope for the natural world and all life , thank you for all you are doing and continue to do, with deep respect for you I will play my humble role in trying to raise awareness. god bless you sir ! Reply 35. Kristina says: May 27, 2015 at 11:14 pm Why are we not paying for billboards in every major city exposing geoengineering? I imagine one that just says, "LOOK UP! Geoengineering!" I wish this phrase was sprayed all over every blank space possible until it is not able to be ignored any longer. Why are we all being so relaxed? We need to act faster. We need to do something drastic. They won't/are not allowed to talk about it on the news. People deserve to be made aware of what is being done to them. I can't even breathe anymore. I was a healthy person. It's not right. Let's get creative. Let's be bold. What can we do fast? Reply o Kathy says: May 28, 2015 at 3:46 pm Kristina, I agree that Billboards should be put up in all major, and minor cities. Unfortunately, there is no "they" who are going to do it for us. Individuals need to take responsibility for educating their communities. I put up a billboard in my community, and I am a senior citizen on a fixed income. People say they can't afford it. Where there's a will there is a way. We cannot afford not to. o Patricia Kimbrell says:
  • 21. May 29, 2015 at 6:20 pm With all due respect Christina, I can't imagine WHO exactly you are referring to when you say "we are all being so relaxed". Those that I know and am involved with are anything BUT relaxed, in fact, they are working tirelessly and at great personal expense. 36. DAVID DARBY says: May 27, 2015 at 10:46 pm 2 years Ive been acquainted with #chemtrails and ionization devices HAARP in #sandiego and I do get sick with flu like syptoms, the trees are dying and falling apart right before my eyes in my community and now Im very achy everyday from breathing in these particulates and I also know when its going on I can feel it at night and also the VLF HUM caused by the govts multiple purposes for its use at my expense as well as ionization heating of the atomosphere to direct the moisture. Maybe it will go away and I can feel better in time. This is really picking up momo though for sure. Civiliztion is a heat engine and automobiles internal combustion engine is well designed to produce the highest possible CO2% an the rest as H2O both green house gases. BTW you can catch the European Space Agency Climate Symposium again for the next 2 days live via this link CLIMATE CHANGE pacific time starts at 5:30am and also goes on into FRIDAY. Check your local time via google vrs CEST time. Reply 37. Abe says: May 27, 2015 at 10:30 pm What does chemtrails, vaccines, and GMO's have in common? Why not unite ALL 3 groups in a legal action? Autism Explained Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate, by Dr. Stephanie Seneff Factor GMO – Is Your Safety Trial Contaminated by Glyphosate? Reply 38. susan says: May 27, 2015 at 10:16 pm I'm in! I am going to raise money to take out a billboard or two to bring up awareness about this. I'll be in touch… Reply 39. Paul Vonharnish says:
  • 22. May 27, 2015 at 10:05 pm Superb conference Dane!!! Thank you to all who are working on this effort. I've been researching legal angles related to involutary electromagnetic exposures and public health. Not to bore you… Here's something to consider: Excerpted from:Ultrahazardous activity – Wikipedia ["An ultra hazardous activity in the common law of torts is one that is so inherently dangerous that a person engaged in such an activity can be held strictly liable for injuries caused to another person, even if the person engaged in the activity took every reasonable precaution to prevent others from being injured. In the Restatement of the Law 2d, Torts 2d, the term has been abandoned in favor of the phrase "inherently dangerous activity." "] Reply 40. Earth Angel says: May 27, 2015 at 9:54 pm Amen- Its about time we score one for the good guys! Blessings and thanks to all those helping to fight this critical battle for planet earth. Reply 41. Marc says: May 27, 2015 at 9:07 pm Palms together in Galaxy-wide NAMASTE for the sacred work of Dane Wigington, whose commitment and exhaustive efforts on behalf of not only us, but ALL living things in this world, is a daily inspiration and one of the few things that keep me motivated in this fight. Please watch your backside at all times, Dane; I would be lying if I said I don't fear for your safety. Please be careful and stay well, because quite frankly, the whole world needs your voice and your leadership. Thank you, again, for all you are doing. Reply 42. eric pastorino says: May 27, 2015 at 8:34 pm hopefully we have time to stop these monsters that have no conscience when they continue to spray our skies.
  • 23. also of vital importance as far as timing is concerned is the fast approaching jade helm 15 action soon to happen as soon as june 15th this year these monsters have confused some of our military ino thinking that the true us patriots are the enemy!! the acion that they are taking to influence the cause of the heavy rains in texas and oklahoma gives them a wide open door to come in with martial law to clean up or corral the disaster. that coupled with the drought in california and the cold weather in the eastern us last winter has worked well in their favor to confuse us into thinking that this is a result of global warming. Reply o Dane Wigington says: May 27, 2015 at 9:04 pm Hello Eric, there is no doubt that all weather is being impacted by the geoengineers, and the Texas weather is not an accident. It is important to also remember that the planet is rapidly warming at the same time, climate engineering is making the overall warming far worse. The equation is complex. o Darci Biason says: May 28, 2015 at 3:39 am Well said Eric Pastorino. I've thought the same thing. 43. Jan Sheets says: May 27, 2015 at 8:33 pm You are an amazing man and I have followed your website for 2 years …. and tonight was what I was waiting to hear….The spraying in Las Vegas today and last night was frightening …. people were standing outside their homes and "looking up"…. and were awe struck! Reply 44. CM says: May 27, 2015 at 8:24 pm I am so hopeful that this has reached a critical point! I live in Reno and am so happy everytime I see the Geoenginering Watch billboard on I80. I just know that it is being viewed by massive amounts of people each day! There has not been as much spraying here lately which is awesome! The sky has returned to
  • 24. the dark blue color that I have always loved about Nevada. I get so utterly pissed off when I see them spraying the sky! It has been nice to have a break from it all! Reply 45. Angel_Jacksonville_Florida says: May 27, 2015 at 7:50 pm Dane, Thank you for everything you’ve done, I want Geo Engineering to be stopped and hold accountable who ever is responsible. Reply 46. Nicole and Family says: May 27, 2015 at 7:11 pm One for the good guys. Hold tight and stay strong! Reply 47. anotherAnon says: May 27, 2015 at 6:39 pm This is great news. I will keep doing what I’m doing on this end, but congrats to all who are speaking out. Thanks Dane. Reply 48. Concerned in Cali says: May 27, 2015 at 6:36 pm And we have a wildcard that I think a lot of people didn't expect to hear from .. Kylie Jenner of Kardashian fame posted her concerns about Chemtrails on her Twitter acct. think of her what you will but she has thousands of followers many of them young .. I think she is brave for speaking out . She has already gotten a lot of heat from various news sources for posting . Reply o Renee says: May 27, 2015 at 7:04 pm
  • 25. She sure did, when on May 25th, Kylie Jenner used her Twitter account to re-post an all out assault on geoengineering. The post is a picture of an aerosol crisscrossed sky with the following quote, "Lets ask ourselves….Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff into the sky on my 15 minute drive to work? Who pays for this and why is it happening? Is something being exterminated here? Is that something me? Does this have anything to do with why Honey Bee's are dying off really fast? Why are some days normal with no planes spraying and others look like this? Who is responsible? What effect will this have on our health and our children's future? WHO THE F#*% THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Am I the only one who sees this?" Kylie's post can be seen here and she has 9,414,042 followers on her twitter feed. I pray her tweet spreads like a bush fire among her followers. Kylie Jenner's tweet is all the rage with my three young adult children, who are already awake, and now believe Kylie could help wake up their peers. Dane, from the bottom of my family's heart, thank you for being the front-line of this, the most important battle EVER, in I believe the entire history of the world. o CM says: May 27, 2015 at 8:13 pm great point, but i wanted to clarify that Kylie Jenner has over 9 million twitter followers! That is an amazing number of young people who were handed this message by someone they idolize so I am soooo hopeful many more people will be waking up, gettting angry, and demanding action! 49. WAKEUP to the REALITY of GEOENGINEERING says: May 27, 2015 at 6:31 pm Dane, we've never expected anything less from a person so passionate & dedicated to our environment such as you. For anyone who denies the facts of these covert Gov./Military Aerosol operations currently in full force, it's time for you to all wake up to the reality that these programs are fully existent and our hope is to put an end to these GeoEngineering programs once and for all. Many thanks to Dane Wigington for his tireless efforts, credible data and extremely informative knowledge in waking the public! Now we need the Military to awaken to the reality as they too will soon come to realization that these programs are doing more harm and destroying all life on our planet. Reply 50. Bija says: May 27, 2015 at 6:14 pm This is what I have been waiting to hear! Thanks to the army of Goodness and Truth that will stand up to these forces for evil that have driven humanity and all life on Planet Earth to the brink out of their malavolent greed and lust for power. I have never been a joiner, but I am so pleased to be a small part of this movement to put an end to climate geoengineering. Remember…IF YOU ARE NOT SAYING NO, YOU ARE SAYING YES!
  • 26. Reply 51. Laura Sutton says: May 27, 2015 at 5:47 pm It's been a while since I've shed any tears of happiness….HUGE congratulations to all committed active people out there…Please let us know how/when we can help!!! This makes my day…and more. Reply 52. Pat says: May 27, 2015 at 5:16 pm Dane, This is such awesome news! Please let us know if we need to sign petitions or contribute in any way to this cause. Thank you for always continuing to fight this battle!!! Pat Reply 53. Justin says: May 31, 2015 at 7:46 pm Holy crap! I knew this Jade Helm stuff was a lot more than a training exercise. These people have to be stopped! Reply Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *