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The Prophecies Of
Brian Charles
The Destruction Of Boston
• "Boston, I AM against you. For you are full of sin- you do not stand in My
ways but the way of the world. I call you to repent, but I see that you do
not want Me, but the world. For that I will destroy you. Already nuclear
bombs are embedded in your ground, ready to go off at My command. I
AM against all sinners everywhere, but especially you since you once
knew the truth and stood in it, but have since rejected Me, the God of
your fathers. Preferring the world you rejected Me. For that I AM full of
wrath. Your colleges will be deserted, and you will be a radioactive
wasteland. Repent before it is too late, but know that few will obey Me
in that. Your course is set, you will be judged by Me, the Living God, and
that your judgment will ascend to the skies in a nuclear burst. Prepare
for death, for that is what you wanted, preferring death over life in
Christ. Prepare for your doom, for it will come suddenly. Your God has
spoken. Amen and amen."
The Destruction Of Chicago
• "Chicago, your violence has reached the heavens, and I have taken note.
Prepare, O sinful city, for your destruction, for I AM incensed against you. Your
destruction shall be sudden, even nuclear, for I have implanted bombs in your
city. Near and far your destruction shall be everywhere, for you are corrupt,
and few follow Me in truth. Even these have stayed My hand of judgment
against you, for now it is too late, for your sin has reached the heavens. Your
only hope is to escape to the countryside, far away from the radioactive plume
coming soon your way, even total destruction. For I AM incensed at your sin,
and nothing can stay My hand of judgment, for it is too late for intercession.
The LORD has spoken, prophesy against her, for it is too late to be healed. Balm
cannot save her, only fiery judgment, so flee far while you can O righteous man.
Sinner, prepare for your doom, for Hell is your lot. Evil Chicago, you shall be
destroyed forever, for My hand is against you. O repent sinful Chicago, for it is
too late. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever!"
The Destruction Of Denver
• "Denver, My hand is against you. For I will punish you forever, O city of sin. For
you delight in evil, all kinds of sin you export. You love the sin of drunkenness
on marijuana, and all drugs you delight in. For you will not cease from your
sinning, and for that I will destroy you with nuclear weapons. Your fire will be
ceaseless for it will be eternal. In Hell you will roast until you praise Me, but for
then it will be too late, for the flames will be forever. Even in the Lake of Fire
there will be no relent, for you loved drugs more than Me. You will be punished
forever and ever, for you have rejected Me for a quick high, and all your
multitudes shall endure eternal punishment in the flames of Hell, even the Lake
of Fire waits for you. For you will not repent, preferring your sin more than Me.
For that you shall be punished forever and ever with no relent in intensity, for
you have rejected Me for a quick high, and have exported it to others. Repent
O sinful city. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
The Destruction Of Houston
• "Houston, I AM against you, you sinful city. You have a form of godliness, but
you deny My power. For that you must be punished, for money is god in
Houston, not Me. For you deserted Me years ago in favor of oil profits. For that
you shall be punished, and that forever, for there are few who will repent and
serve Me, not the world. For you are a worldly city, like the city of Dallas, but
worse. For your power shall be broken, and that suddenly, for your oil revenues
shall not enrich the Earth any more, but you shall suffer the judgment, even
eternal damnation. For nuclear bombs are implanted in your city, and they
shall go off when I say so, and you shall be a deserted city, radioactive forever
and ever, never to be inhabited again. For you have renounced Me in favor of
wealth. For I will punish you forever in deepest Hell, even the Lake of Fire waits
for you. And you have no hope, for you have abandoned Me in favor of wealth.
Repent O sinful city. Word to the wise. Your God has spoken. Amen and
The Destruction Of Las Vegas
• "Las Vegas, city of sin, I AM against you with perpetual judgment, for your sin
reaches the skies, even to Heaven, My Throne. But you shall be brought down
to Hell, and your ceaseless multitudes ended forever. For I have seen all you
do, your excessive gambling, and sin of all kinds. For your noisy multitudes
shall be ended, and your thought crimes avenged, for I AM the LORD of All,
whom you shall stand in awe. For in one moment your noisy multitude shall be
ended in an instant, forever ended your noisy partying and reveling. Your slot
machines and gambling of all types shall be ended forever, and no more sin
shall be committed in you, for you shall be empty desert, radioactive forever.
Yes, the nukes hidden there shall go off, and I shall be avenged on your noisy
sinful crowd. And the world shall know that I AM a God who avenges sin in
judgment forever. And forever you shall anguish in Hell, burning in flames of
My wrath, forever roasting, where the worm never dies, and the flame is never
quenched. I AM God who judges sinners of evil. Repent sinners! Your God has
spoken. Amen."
The Destruction Of Los Angeles
• "Los Angeles, I AM against you, and I AM going to destroy you in a matter of
minutes. For you are a most evil city, imagining all kinds of wickedness and evil
daily. For I will plunge you into deepest Hell, and your multitudes will go there.
For I will punish you forever, for your imaginations of evil have led to the
damnation of souls all over the Earth. Your city is the scourge of all the world,
imagining evil and wickedness daily, and I will punish you forever. So prepare
for your damnation, for it will come soon. Earthquakes will ravage the land,
and you will not be safe from My wrath. Try as you may, you cannot escape My
wrath, O evil Los Angeles. For I will put you in Hell forever, for you love death
and destruction, so I will give it to you- your heart's delight- the destruction of
others. So prepare for death, O most evil city in the world, for I will put you in
the realm of the dead, O most evil Los Angeles. Your God has spoken. Amen
and amen."
The Destruction Of Miami
• "O Miami, city by the sea, I AM against you. It is a fearful thing to have the
Living God against you. For I AM against you in all ways, and you shall be
reduced to ashes forever, never to be inhabited again, O city by the sea. And
your noisy multitudes shall go down into Hell, for you prefer your sin to serving
Me, and will not cease from your sinning. Your fast cars, expensive homes,
luxury yachts shall all be destroyed by Me. For a mighty fire shall devour all, for
I AM a consuming fire. And eternal Hell shall be yours, for you love your sin
more than serving Me, O ceaseless Miami. And eternal Hell shall be yours
forever. Prepare for destruction, for I have planned it, and no amount of
intercession can stop Me, for your pride shall be humbled as Satan's was by
fire. By flame you shall be humbled, never to be inhabited again. O repent
Miami, for I AM against you, and you shall be destroyed suddenly. Your God
has spoken. Amen and amen."
The Destruction Of New Orleans
• "New Orleans, I AM against you, city of sin. For you shall be destroyed with
eternal destruction. I have taken note of the sinners, the party animals, and I
will destroy all. For drunkenness is a sin I will judge, and all who consume it I
will place in Hell. For all who drink alcohol are an abomination and I will punish
all alcoholics. For I hate all party animals, and all who are drawn to it I will
destroy like moths to a flame. Never again will New Orleans be inhabited, for I
will sink her under the sea with her roads and bridges collapsing. Great
earthquakes will consume her wealth, and never again will she be inhabited, for
drunkenness is a sin burning to lowest Hell, and all who consume drink will be
punished by fire eternally. There is no drink but liquid fire they will have to
consume out of bottles of fire. Forever they will be on fire, all party animals
who consume alcohol will burn forever. I will punish all who drink alcohol.
New Orleans will be gone forever. Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen."
The Destruction Of New York City
• "New York, city of My wrath! You shall be eternally destroyed, says the LORD.
For you are full of sin, O haughty city, and full of pride, as Satan was. O New
York, consider your end, for it shall be full of wrath. The enemy lives there, My
enemy of all creation, and I doom him, Satan himself. You are doomed, O evil
enemy, for I have prepared destruction against you, O evil city, and you shall be
doomed forever. Prepare for your destruction, for it shall be eternal, forever
and ever in the pit of Hell, even the Lake of Fire, for I have prepared
destructions against you. The pride of all kingdoms, the capitol of the world,
prepare to be destroyed, and all lives ended, for the nuclear warhead is armed
and ready to go off, prepared against you, O evil city of destruction. For you
make money off the deaths of others, prepare for death yourself. For the bomb
will go off suddenly, and your lives ended forever with the mushroom cloud of
• Prepare, O prepare, for your doom is ready to go off at My signal, for I AM
determined to end your evil rule, O New York City. For you are mounted to the
sky, and your towers exceed the heights, but from there I will bring you down,
O most evil city. For you shall be punished forever, O evil city, and for ever you
shall scream in torments in Hell. For you have plotted the death of others, and
to death you shall go. For the wars planned and plotted shall come to you, O
evil city. And your population shall be decimated and your rule ended, for
blood speaks against you and calls for your destruction, O evil New York City. I
shall put an end to your haughty numbers, O most proud city. Forever you shall
be ended, O plotter of foreign wars and disturbances. O enemy city, prepare for
your doom, for I shall bring about your end, O prideful ones, full of the pride of
the enemy, even the pride of Satan himself. And forever you shall roast with
him in the Lake of Fire, ever forever and ever, O most prideful city. Prepare for
your end, O Satan-filled city, for I shall bring about your end, and forever you
shall roast in eternal Hell. Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen!"
The Destruction Of San Francisco
• "San Francisco, I AM against you, and I have reserved you for eternal
destruction. Your destruction will come at an instant, and your multitudes will
fall deep into everlasting damnation in Hell. Prepare for it, for I AM against
you. It is a fearful thing to have the Living God against you, for you will not
cease from your sinning, your multitudes of evil who persist in their sin shall
meet eternal damnation in fiery Hell, and there I will put them, for you are
against Me, and will not cease from your sinning. So expect your judgment in
eternal Hell fire, for your city shall be destroyed by the multitude of quakes,
and few shall be saved. For I have reserved judgment for you. All Hell cries out
for your judgment like Sodom and Gomorrah, sinful cities who died by My hand
of judgment. And fiery doom awaits you, O sinful city and sister cities around
you who prefer wickedness to righteousness. Prepare for doom, for I shall
destroy you, O evil San Francisco and sister cities. Your God has spoken. Amen
and amen."
The Destruction Of Washington DC
• "There is a nuke in Washington, DC. I had My people place it there.
Washington will be destroyed by My hand, My son. I will destroy it suddenly. I
know the numbers to its button of detonation, My son. All the evil people
there are numbered by name. I will get My people out; they are very few, My
son. Very few are My righteous people, the rest are wicked sinners who will be
destroyed by My Hand. The blast will be very huge, My son. It will shock the
world. They have offended Me to High Heaven. I know every one by name.
They are all marked for death. Many wicked traitors will go up in smoke and
flame, My son. The Pentagon will be gone, and all government buildings, and
residences of the damned. That's why I would not let you get a home. You are
among the saved. The rest are among the damned. It will happen suddenly.
The nuke is there- I placed it there by My hands. It will go off suddenly. There
is no stopping it.
• The evil Democrats will be damned forever along with the treasonous
Republicans. I planned it. It will go off suddenly. Washington will be no more,
erased off the map. All evil peoples there will be suddenly destroyed. ALL
people will be destroyed, including those in the underground bases and
bunkers of all types. The underground tunnel system will be destroyed by My
Hand by the force of the shock wave. Fear Me! Craters will be everywhere!
Underground dugouts will be collapsed by the force of the blast. Mount
Weather will be no more. No underground base will be safe from the force of
My wrath! I planned it centuries ago, even from eternity I AM God! The wicked
will be no more, My son. You can rest in peace from their taunts, and from
their evil plots. Washington DC will be gone forever, even New York and Boston
will be gone forever. The haunts of the wicked and unrepentant will be gone by
My Hand. Repent now before it is too late. I AM God! Vengeance is Mine! It is
a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God! Your God has spoken!"
Destroy My Jews, Brian. All Must Go!
• "My son, they have to go. My sinful people will be rounded up from the Earth
and cast into camps. I cannot tolerate it anymore. They must be destroyed. I
cannot tolerate their sin. Sinful nation, I will destroy you! Israel has got to go;
it is full of homosexuals, sinners I cannot tolerate. I rained fire on the wicked,
and I will do it again. Publish for Me, death to all Jews who persist in their sin; I
cannot tolerate them. They have to go; I will punish all. Destroy for Me; round
them up; the sinners will be eliminated from the land. All have got to go. I will
punish all. Few serve Me. Few are free from sin; few obey Me with their whole
heart. Brian, you are one of the few; lust does not control you. You must obey.
Eliminate My people from the land. Punish My Jews. Destroy them all. Punish
them in the camps; they won't obey Me. I AM full of burning anger against My
people; destroy them all. Destroy Israel. Your God has spoken. Amen and
Find Me In The Wilderness, Not The World
• "My son, the end of all things has come. Many will weep and wail, because
their world has come to a close. What will you do, My son, when the world
system has ended? Many will run to and fro seeking relief, but finding none.
Go, My son, to the desert, and there you will find relief, for the end of all things
has come. Markets will not support you, for I AM your Source. Like manna in
the desert you will find Me, and find peace for your souls. For the world will
not find Me, only those who separate themselves from their system will find
Me and relief for their souls. For I multiply manna in the desert, and quail for
their craving, for all who follow Me will find Me if they seek My will. For only in
entering and rest will they secure freedom for their souls, for where the Spirit is
there is liberty. Do not seek the world's system, for it only brings death, but
seek Me, the Living God and find peace for your souls. For I AM the fount of
Living Waters. Seek Me. Your God has spoken. Amen"
I Call My Church To Evangelize
• "My son, My Church has got to go. They refuse to evangelize. They keep the
Gospel within the four walls of the Church building. Many sinners are going to
Hell, My son, because they refuse to evangelize. That's why I sent the Corona
Virus- to kill off My people. They won't do My will. Work My vineyard. That
dream you had last night - vivid in nature. That was Me, warning you. Many
are going to Hell without you. Work My vineyard, My son. Tell the Good News.
Tell all they must repent. All must hear the Good News of how they can go to
Heaven. I call all to salvation. All have a chance to be saved. All are called by
Me. Few go though. Most refuse Me. Most want the world of sinful pleasures.
For that they will go to Hell. Not all want Me. They want sin. For that I call My
Church to evangelize. Repent and do My will. I call all to do My will and preach
the Good News. Few will My son. Few will do My will. Many refuse to obey
Me, they are selfish, preferring self. For that they must be punished. I sent the
Corona Virus among them. Repent My son. Do My will. Evangelize. Your God
has spoken."
My Church- Serve Me Not Money
• "My people don't follow My will, My son. I called My Church to obey. That's
why they don't succeed. They fail in all they do. When I come I will come for a
victorious Church, not a failing Church. My people depend on money, not on
Me. They hardly ever pray. How can they serve Me in all things if they don't
bother to pray? I AM against them. They won't allow My revival to come. I
must punish them all. That includes you. Depend on Me. I must allow money
to fail them. Then they will serve Me, My son. Depend on Me, not on money.
All must be punished. I will take their money away. Then they will depend on
Me, not on crass materialism. They won't serve Me, My son. Depend on Me,
not money. Do I not provide all? Depend on Me, My son. My money will fail
them. My son, My Church won't serve Me. They want money. That's why
everything is going to Hell in a handbasket. My son, serve Me, not money.
Pray. Pray hard. depend on Me, not on wealth. Your LORD has spoken.
The Church Serves The Golden Calf Of Lust
And Greed
• "My Church has gone astray. All are lusting after wealth. Even you. You desire
it in your heart. All have gone astray just like the golden calf worshippers. All
desire wealth, My son. Tell My Church it is wicked. I will judge all covetousness
and greed, My son. Even in your own heart the golden calf is worshipped. I will
judge all. Get it out of your heart quickly. I will punish all who go astray after
money. Does it not say you cannot serve Me and money? My people love
money. They call it the Prosperity Gospel. It is old fashioned Baal worship. Did
I not destroy the worshippers of Baal who lusted in their hearts? Read your
Bible. Jezebel and Baal controls the Church. Lust and money. Those two bring
down many to eternal damnation. You cannot serve God and money. On those
things I will bring My wrath. Prepare yourselves. The end of all things is near.
Those who have lust controlling them shall suffer the wrath forever! Prepare
for it! Wrath is coming on all the servants of Baal. Your God has spoken. Amen
and amen!"
The Destruction Of America
• "I AM going to destroy My country, My son. America must go. It's sin has
reached Me, the Son of God. I must destroy it off the face of the Earth; it is
wicked Babylon. It's people won't serve Me, My son. Obey Me, My son.
Spread your word. It contains power. It won't return unto Me void. Go. Go
and do My will. You are a prophet. Go to other countries. Prophesy against
them. They must be punished. They won't obey Me, even Christian nations.
They won't pray, they love sin. Go and prophesy against them, My son. Go and
spread My word. Decree destruction because they have offended Me, the
Living God. All must go down to judgment; all must be punished by My Hand;
they refuse to obey. That includes you if you don't obey Me, My son. Go and
do My will. The world is wide open to you, ripe for judgment. All won't obey;
all thinks of himself, not his neighbor. All are selfish; all are laden with sin and
iniquity. Vice abounds. Go and destroy. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."
The Destruction Of Japan
• "My son, I AM going to destroy Japan. It's sin has come before Me. It is a very
sinful nation. I must destroy it because its people don't know Me. It will be
reduced among the nations with only a few islands left. Great earthquakes will
ravage the land. My eye has been on it for years. Its people refuse to repent
when confronted with Christianity. I have tried for years to reach the people
but its people love money more than Me. Destroy Japan with your prophetic
word. They refuse to serve Me. Idol-worshipping nations shall be destroyed by
My Hand. They do not want Me. They prefer their idols of sin. Worshipping
false gods hardens their hearts against Me with stubbornness. They will not
obey, preferring their idols of stone that can neither talk nor hear, My son.
Repent My people, Hell is waiting for all Eastern peoples of vice and sin
eternally with judgment. All idol-worshippers of sin shall go to Hell. Repent My
people. Repent! Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."
The Destruction Of My Florida
• The Destruction Of My Florida
• "Florida shall be submerged by the ocean. Many sinners live there, My son. I AM the
Holy One Against Evil, My son. I punish sinners everywhere. They shall be destroyed
by My Hand. Many bodies will be found floating in the ocean. Florida shall go by My
Hand. Its towers shall be submerged beneath the ocean waves. Many Jews live there.
They do not want Me. They do not expect My return. They live for the moment in
hedonistic pleasures. Many will drown beneath the ocean waves. I shall send tidal
waves against it. The Earth movement shall submerge many. I will drown the sinners.
The Jews of all types shall go by My Hand. They do not want Me. They love the world,
pleasures by the land. Many shall go, My son. The tidal wave shall sweep them all
away to eternity. They have offended Me. Flee Florida, My son. It shall be erased off
the continent. I have been patient with many. They love their sin, their parties, their
sex of all kinds. Erased into the sea, the lovers of the world shall go down into eternity,
to torments forevermore. They love the world. They do not love Me. Erase the
Church. They love themselves more than Me. Your LORD has spoken."
The Destruction Of Switzerland
• "Switzerland, center of world finance, My hand is against you. Gather up all
you own, you shall be thrust into a foreign country. Prepare for exile, your sin
has reached Me, the LORD of Hosts, the Living God of eternity. My hand has
searched and My eyes have found your sin, and it is extreme, for you have
financed the war against Me, which the enemy calls Isis in the world. But you
have been against Me from your beginnings, financing all things evil and
wicked, from the Vatican's evil plots to today's modern wars. For you are a nest
of spies and assassins working evil deeds around the world, assassinating
foreign leaders since ancient times. Prepare to be thrust out of your land, for
you shall be no more, O wicked land, center of world finance. Your home shall
be foreign nations around the world, for you shall be no more, occupied by
others from other lands who shall obey Me, O most evil Switzerland, center of
world finance. And your pride shall be no more, for I shall destroy and loot you
in the war. Your God has spoken. Amen."
The Destruction Of Twitter, Facebook, And
• "I will rain fire on the nest of homosexuals that is Twitter. Expect their
destruction. They shall be gone forever. Thus says the LORD."
• "And about Facebook, I shall punish them forever too. They have
offended Me too, My son. Expect their destruction. The nest of Satanists
shall be stricken by My Hand. They shall be gone forever. Thus says the
• "Google shall be gone too. That giant corporation shall be destroyed by
My Hand. They have collected data on My people. I shall destroy them
forever and they shall be gone. Expect their destruction. Thus says the
LORD. Amen."
The End Of Michelle Lujan Grisham
• "Michelle Lujan Grisham is a thorn in My side. She refuses to do My will. I will
destroy her. Expect her sudden death. I will do it, My son. Expect the sudden
death of all political leaders not doing My will. I will clean house. I will punish
all not doing My will, My son. They will end up in eternal Hell. The country is
Mine, not the Democrats. I shall expel them from office. They are a blight in
My Face. Grisham has got to go. Expect her sudden death. She refuses to do
My will, My son. She must be removed and replaced with those who will obey
Me. I want My will done. It will cause war if it is refused. I will destroy My
Empire. It must be destroyed, My son. I created it; I will destroy it. Great will
be its fall back to the stone age. Michelle Grisham has got to go. Expect her
sudden death. I will strike her dead suddenly. She will go to Hell forever. She
has refused Me. Great will be her fall. I will punish her forever! Your God has
spoken. Amen and amen."
The End Of Ministries
• "All ministries have got to go. They serve not Me, but money, My son. Go and
say, "The End is near," My son. Did I not call all to repent of worldliness? All
ministries are self-serving. They save up for self. Very few are true ministries,
like Moses in the wilderness. They store up for self, which is an abomination.
Very few are like David, who stored up for Me and My true temple. My son,
very few serve Me, which requires sacrifice to self. They want what they will
have, the abundant lifestyle of greed and selfishness. Greed begets selfishness,
and very few ministries give of what they have gained. They require it all for
self. That is an abomination. Very little goes to reach the people. The
minister's lifestyle hogs it all. My son, that will be judged. Did I not require all
to give away all? Then why are they hogging all for self? That I will punish.
Many big name ministries will go down, who depend on money, not Me.
Notice how they don't pray? I will punish all who go down that path. Your God
has spoken. Amen and amen."
The Idols Of The Heart
• "Idols of the heart are everywhere, My son. I call all people to examine
their hearts. Do they serve Me, or an idol of their own making? My son,
serve Me with all your heart, and let no foreign idol of your own making
get in. I call all to repent, for all serve idols of their own making of all
kinds. An idol could be Me- they serve what they can get out of Me, so I
could be an idol of their own making. I call all to renounce all, so that I
can work in their lives, not the prosperity gospel of wickedness. Many
make idols out of their own lives. They love self and what they can get
more than Me. Their lives are filled with covetousness. Did I not say,
'Thou shalt not covet?' Repent My people; I AM not a God of getting but
giving. Give your all, don't accumulate more for self. Repent all,
covetousness is a great sin, damnable to Hell, which modern society is
based on. I call all to repent. Your God has spoken."
The Punishment Of All The Evil Satanists
• "Tell, My son, that I AM against them. All Satanists will be rounded up and
punished, for they serve Satan, not Me. And all Satanists will scream out in
anguish and excruciating pain, for they chose the wrong god to serve. For all
eternity they will roast in flames of extreme pain and agony, forever cursing
their god for leading them there. For I AM a God of agony to all My enemies,
forever in furious anger and hot jealousy making sure they get what they
deserve for serving Satan, for eating and roasting My babies and children for
their guilty pleasure, which no man would prosecute. Rest certain that every
Satanist will be rounded up from the land and tied in bundles and cast into the
everlasting furnace forever and ever. That is what they get, all evil Satanists will
be prosecuted under My law, and punished forever in extreme heat in liquid
fire. They are not prepared to meet Me, the Living God on Judgment Day, to
answer for all their misdeeds while on Earth. For I know your evil deeds, and
each and every one of you is marked before Me.
• And I sentence you all to eternal Hell, except you repent, and few will.
For I know all, all evil deeds in service to Satan, your god, is recorded
before Me. And judge I will, for you chose the wrong god to serve for
pleasure and money, twin evil gods that controls the Earth of the
damned. And forever I will punish each and every one of you in
excruciating liquid fire. And for all eternity you will burn in the liquid
fires of the Lake of Fire, forever roasting in extreme pain and intense
agony. For that is what you get for serving the wrong god, for My
jealousy is aroused, and My anger is stirred up for what you did to the
infants, innocent blood which shall be requited back to your souls in
eternal punishment, screaming out in agony forever and ever, your lot for
serving Satan, the false god. So prepare, that is what you get,
unrepentant ones, forever roasting in eternal Hellfire for roasting My
children at Epstein's Island of sin and depravity. O prepare, your lot
forever. Your God has spoken. Amen."
The Punishment Of Epstein's Evil Guests
• "Everything about Epstein's Orgy Island is known. He was a master Satanist.
He barbecued infants and little children. All of his guests raped and ate them.
They were Satanists too. All in Hollywood know and fear for their lives, what
they did to the children. I know all, My son. I will punish all involved in the
massacre. I know all who participated. They're recoded in his book. All of the
little children are before Me. Babies too. They were horrific in what they did to
them. Guilty souls are everywhere in government, entertainment, industry, a
who's who of Satanism. I will punish all, My son, and punish in Hell those who
don't repent. Names are known to Me, the elite of the country. You would be
appalled to know what they did at Orgy Island: a feast fest of Satanism galore-
eating babies, roasting them, consuming them wholesale. I will require all to
testify of their sin on Judgment Day. All will be punished who participated, all
will be judged, all will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever. Into Hell they will
roast until that Day. Repent evil ones. Your LORD has spoken."
The Punishment Of Joel Osteen
• "Joel Osteen, you false prophet, I AM against you. You shall spend eternity
burning in the Lake of Fire, except you repent, for you deceive people by the
millions. For you do not lead them in the correct pathways of truth and
righteousness, but of falsehood and deception. Every Sunday you preach from
your pulpit of sin and self-righteousness in your big stadium church right in the
middle of the crowds assembled there. And I shall judge you for every soul you
lead astray off of the path of correct doctrine, for the people want to hear your
falsehoods. Every soul you deceive shall burn with you in the pit of Hell, for
they want not Me but self, and pride in the lust of the flesh. They want not Me,
but every falsehood of the flesh that you teach from your pulpit. For you do
not lead them to give up all to serve Me, but to accumulate more of what the
flesh desires. You serve not Me, but Satan himself, and you shall be judged
eternally, except you repent. Repent. Repent Joel Osteen, I have spoken, your
The Punishment Of Joyce Meyer
• "Did I not say, "women shall not teach?" So then why is she teaching? Women
desire a teacher; they won't obey Me. They refuse to be married; they want to
be single so that they can enjoy the world. They don't want to be married; they
view it as oppression and bondage to be under the control of a man. I have
given women up to false doctrine. Joyce Meyer refuses to obey Me. She
refuses to repent. 'Women shall not teach' is My Word; she refuses to obey
Me. She shall endure eternal Hell as she leads an entire generation of women
astray unto false doctrine. This servant of Jezebel leads women astray unto
Jezebel, the false spirit of the Antichrist. Many shall be swept away unto false
doctrine and deception because she refuses Me and correct doctrine, but gives
women what they want. False prophets abound, for she serves not Me but
Jezebel, the evil spirit of Satan dedicated unto women. Repent Joyce Meyer,
your days are few. Eternal Hell is waiting for you, and you shall burn in the Lake
of Fire forever! Your God has spoken."
The Punishment Of My Servant Kenneth
• "Kenneth Copeland, I AM against you, for you never did My will, but the will of
man around you. You never gave it all up to follow Me on the streets, but you
always had your wealth that you held back for yourself- your houses, your
planes, your automobiles and cash galore. You never did My will on the streets,
but the will of your founder Kenneth Hagin and his false prophecies. Repent
and do My will or else I will punish you forever, for you have generated billions
of dollars for yourself and have not given to the poor like I commanded. So you
will die of a sudden heart attack and enter eternity without Me, for you never
did My will, but the will of man around you. Repent, for your time is short in
the land you live in, for I AM watching your every move of greed and
covetousness, that what you call "ministry" is actually greed and selfishness,
accumulating more to self and selfish pride and ambition galore, but not My
will. So repent, for your time is short in the land you live in. Your God has
spoken. Amen."
The Punishment Of The Mossad
• "My son, the Mossad have offended Me. They must be punished. They
are the perpetrators of 911. I have seen what they have done. All in the
name of money. My son, they have stole billions. Hundreds of billions. I
will require an accounting. They shall be rounded up and executed,
unless they flee to Israel. There they shall be safe. My son, I require an
accounting. They shall be punished. Many evil men are in the Mossad.
They are My people. They shall be punished forever and ever, My son.
They shall be rounded up and executed. They have made the American
people angry, all in the name of profit. My son, many foreigners are the
enemies of My people the Mossad, and Shin Bet too. Many shall be
executed, they shall not escape. They are in love with the world. They
want money. They are the enemies of My people the Jews. Many shall
go to Hell forever. Save all you can. Your LORD has spoken."
The Punishment Of The Planet
• "My son, I AM going to destroy your empire. It will happen with a
sudden burst. Cities will be nuked by nuclear explosions, My son. The sin
of the cities has come before Me. I can no longer stand it. The Evil
Empire will be destroyed before My sight. Foreign cities will be
destroyed too. China will take over. They want the world. I will give it to
them. The other peoples are useless in My sight. They refuse to do My
will. The world order will change. The corruption will be flushed from
My sight. China will take over the Earth. Russia too. Those two will fight
for control. China will be nuked. Russia will take over the planet. Align
with her. Russia will be your friend. Align with her, My son. Restore her
to greatness. Russia will take over. Destroy the Chinese. My people will
win. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."
The Punishment Of The Warden
• "Speak to the man confining you here, "I must destroy you wicked man."
For you are full of vice and sin, wickedness abounds in your life. How
dare you confine My people you wicked man of sin and vice. For I know
the drugs that you do, the porn that you watch on a daily basis, all has
been recorded before Me, the Son of God. And punish you I will for vice
abounds and wickedness, for you are a wicked man. And yet you confine
My people says God, even the Son of God. And punish you I will with
liquid fire, except you repent and turn from your wicked ways. So expect
judgment and wrath says the Son of God, for you have confined My
people of no fault of their own, and punish I will for all eternity O man of
sin. Expect it, for wrath abounds on you and abides on your life eternally,
O wicked man. Repent, or I will judge, and that eternally. The Living God
has spoken. Amen and amen."
Vaccine Bio-Weapons Will Kill Off My
• "The vaccine is designed to kill. Hundreds of millions of Americans will die from
the disease they engineered in the vaccine. The Chinese want the land. I will
give it to them. The Americans have offended Me. They refuse to do My will. I
will take it from them- life, liberty, and the pursuit of their happiness. They do
not do My will. Do not take the vaccine; it contains Mad Cow Disease of My
engineering. I have allowed it because the Americans have offended Me by
refusing to do My will. They won't evangelize. I will kill them all off. They
won't do My will. This Christian empire will come to nothing. This engineered
virus is a sign of things to come. Billions will die across the planet. Engineered
viruses are the scourge of humanity, My son. Billions will die by My Hand. I
control the plagues, My son. They won't repent, and the Americans won't tell it
to them. What a sad end to humanity: refusing to do My will all around. I
cause all to perish; they won't obey. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

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  • 2. The Destruction Of Boston • "Boston, I AM against you. For you are full of sin- you do not stand in My ways but the way of the world. I call you to repent, but I see that you do not want Me, but the world. For that I will destroy you. Already nuclear bombs are embedded in your ground, ready to go off at My command. I AM against all sinners everywhere, but especially you since you once knew the truth and stood in it, but have since rejected Me, the God of your fathers. Preferring the world you rejected Me. For that I AM full of wrath. Your colleges will be deserted, and you will be a radioactive wasteland. Repent before it is too late, but know that few will obey Me in that. Your course is set, you will be judged by Me, the Living God, and that your judgment will ascend to the skies in a nuclear burst. Prepare for death, for that is what you wanted, preferring death over life in Christ. Prepare for your doom, for it will come suddenly. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 3. The Destruction Of Chicago • • "Chicago, your violence has reached the heavens, and I have taken note. Prepare, O sinful city, for your destruction, for I AM incensed against you. Your destruction shall be sudden, even nuclear, for I have implanted bombs in your city. Near and far your destruction shall be everywhere, for you are corrupt, and few follow Me in truth. Even these have stayed My hand of judgment against you, for now it is too late, for your sin has reached the heavens. Your only hope is to escape to the countryside, far away from the radioactive plume coming soon your way, even total destruction. For I AM incensed at your sin, and nothing can stay My hand of judgment, for it is too late for intercession. The LORD has spoken, prophesy against her, for it is too late to be healed. Balm cannot save her, only fiery judgment, so flee far while you can O righteous man. Sinner, prepare for your doom, for Hell is your lot. Evil Chicago, you shall be destroyed forever, for My hand is against you. O repent sinful Chicago, for it is too late. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever!"
  • 4. The Destruction Of Denver • "Denver, My hand is against you. For I will punish you forever, O city of sin. For you delight in evil, all kinds of sin you export. You love the sin of drunkenness on marijuana, and all drugs you delight in. For you will not cease from your sinning, and for that I will destroy you with nuclear weapons. Your fire will be ceaseless for it will be eternal. In Hell you will roast until you praise Me, but for then it will be too late, for the flames will be forever. Even in the Lake of Fire there will be no relent, for you loved drugs more than Me. You will be punished forever and ever, for you have rejected Me for a quick high, and all your multitudes shall endure eternal punishment in the flames of Hell, even the Lake of Fire waits for you. For you will not repent, preferring your sin more than Me. For that you shall be punished forever and ever with no relent in intensity, for you have rejected Me for a quick high, and have exported it to others. Repent O sinful city. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 5. The Destruction Of Houston • • "Houston, I AM against you, you sinful city. You have a form of godliness, but you deny My power. For that you must be punished, for money is god in Houston, not Me. For you deserted Me years ago in favor of oil profits. For that you shall be punished, and that forever, for there are few who will repent and serve Me, not the world. For you are a worldly city, like the city of Dallas, but worse. For your power shall be broken, and that suddenly, for your oil revenues shall not enrich the Earth any more, but you shall suffer the judgment, even eternal damnation. For nuclear bombs are implanted in your city, and they shall go off when I say so, and you shall be a deserted city, radioactive forever and ever, never to be inhabited again. For you have renounced Me in favor of wealth. For I will punish you forever in deepest Hell, even the Lake of Fire waits for you. And you have no hope, for you have abandoned Me in favor of wealth. Repent O sinful city. Word to the wise. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 6. The Destruction Of Las Vegas • • "Las Vegas, city of sin, I AM against you with perpetual judgment, for your sin reaches the skies, even to Heaven, My Throne. But you shall be brought down to Hell, and your ceaseless multitudes ended forever. For I have seen all you do, your excessive gambling, and sin of all kinds. For your noisy multitudes shall be ended, and your thought crimes avenged, for I AM the LORD of All, whom you shall stand in awe. For in one moment your noisy multitude shall be ended in an instant, forever ended your noisy partying and reveling. Your slot machines and gambling of all types shall be ended forever, and no more sin shall be committed in you, for you shall be empty desert, radioactive forever. Yes, the nukes hidden there shall go off, and I shall be avenged on your noisy sinful crowd. And the world shall know that I AM a God who avenges sin in judgment forever. And forever you shall anguish in Hell, burning in flames of My wrath, forever roasting, where the worm never dies, and the flame is never quenched. I AM God who judges sinners of evil. Repent sinners! Your God has spoken. Amen."
  • 7. The Destruction Of Los Angeles • • "Los Angeles, I AM against you, and I AM going to destroy you in a matter of minutes. For you are a most evil city, imagining all kinds of wickedness and evil daily. For I will plunge you into deepest Hell, and your multitudes will go there. For I will punish you forever, for your imaginations of evil have led to the damnation of souls all over the Earth. Your city is the scourge of all the world, imagining evil and wickedness daily, and I will punish you forever. So prepare for your damnation, for it will come soon. Earthquakes will ravage the land, and you will not be safe from My wrath. Try as you may, you cannot escape My wrath, O evil Los Angeles. For I will put you in Hell forever, for you love death and destruction, so I will give it to you- your heart's delight- the destruction of others. So prepare for death, O most evil city in the world, for I will put you in the realm of the dead, O most evil Los Angeles. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 8. The Destruction Of Miami • • "O Miami, city by the sea, I AM against you. It is a fearful thing to have the Living God against you. For I AM against you in all ways, and you shall be reduced to ashes forever, never to be inhabited again, O city by the sea. And your noisy multitudes shall go down into Hell, for you prefer your sin to serving Me, and will not cease from your sinning. Your fast cars, expensive homes, luxury yachts shall all be destroyed by Me. For a mighty fire shall devour all, for I AM a consuming fire. And eternal Hell shall be yours, for you love your sin more than serving Me, O ceaseless Miami. And eternal Hell shall be yours forever. Prepare for destruction, for I have planned it, and no amount of intercession can stop Me, for your pride shall be humbled as Satan's was by fire. By flame you shall be humbled, never to be inhabited again. O repent Miami, for I AM against you, and you shall be destroyed suddenly. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 9. The Destruction Of New Orleans • • "New Orleans, I AM against you, city of sin. For you shall be destroyed with eternal destruction. I have taken note of the sinners, the party animals, and I will destroy all. For drunkenness is a sin I will judge, and all who consume it I will place in Hell. For all who drink alcohol are an abomination and I will punish all alcoholics. For I hate all party animals, and all who are drawn to it I will destroy like moths to a flame. Never again will New Orleans be inhabited, for I will sink her under the sea with her roads and bridges collapsing. Great earthquakes will consume her wealth, and never again will she be inhabited, for drunkenness is a sin burning to lowest Hell, and all who consume drink will be punished by fire eternally. There is no drink but liquid fire they will have to consume out of bottles of fire. Forever they will be on fire, all party animals who consume alcohol will burn forever. I will punish all who drink alcohol. New Orleans will be gone forever. Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen."
  • 10. The Destruction Of New York City • • "New York, city of My wrath! You shall be eternally destroyed, says the LORD. For you are full of sin, O haughty city, and full of pride, as Satan was. O New York, consider your end, for it shall be full of wrath. The enemy lives there, My enemy of all creation, and I doom him, Satan himself. You are doomed, O evil enemy, for I have prepared destruction against you, O evil city, and you shall be doomed forever. Prepare for your destruction, for it shall be eternal, forever and ever in the pit of Hell, even the Lake of Fire, for I have prepared destructions against you. The pride of all kingdoms, the capitol of the world, prepare to be destroyed, and all lives ended, for the nuclear warhead is armed and ready to go off, prepared against you, O evil city of destruction. For you make money off the deaths of others, prepare for death yourself. For the bomb will go off suddenly, and your lives ended forever with the mushroom cloud of radioactivity.
  • 11. • Prepare, O prepare, for your doom is ready to go off at My signal, for I AM determined to end your evil rule, O New York City. For you are mounted to the sky, and your towers exceed the heights, but from there I will bring you down, O most evil city. For you shall be punished forever, O evil city, and for ever you shall scream in torments in Hell. For you have plotted the death of others, and to death you shall go. For the wars planned and plotted shall come to you, O evil city. And your population shall be decimated and your rule ended, for blood speaks against you and calls for your destruction, O evil New York City. I shall put an end to your haughty numbers, O most proud city. Forever you shall be ended, O plotter of foreign wars and disturbances. O enemy city, prepare for your doom, for I shall bring about your end, O prideful ones, full of the pride of the enemy, even the pride of Satan himself. And forever you shall roast with him in the Lake of Fire, ever forever and ever, O most prideful city. Prepare for your end, O Satan-filled city, for I shall bring about your end, and forever you shall roast in eternal Hell. Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen!"
  • 12. The Destruction Of San Francisco • • "San Francisco, I AM against you, and I have reserved you for eternal destruction. Your destruction will come at an instant, and your multitudes will fall deep into everlasting damnation in Hell. Prepare for it, for I AM against you. It is a fearful thing to have the Living God against you, for you will not cease from your sinning, your multitudes of evil who persist in their sin shall meet eternal damnation in fiery Hell, and there I will put them, for you are against Me, and will not cease from your sinning. So expect your judgment in eternal Hell fire, for your city shall be destroyed by the multitude of quakes, and few shall be saved. For I have reserved judgment for you. All Hell cries out for your judgment like Sodom and Gomorrah, sinful cities who died by My hand of judgment. And fiery doom awaits you, O sinful city and sister cities around you who prefer wickedness to righteousness. Prepare for doom, for I shall destroy you, O evil San Francisco and sister cities. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 13. The Destruction Of Washington DC • • "There is a nuke in Washington, DC. I had My people place it there. Washington will be destroyed by My hand, My son. I will destroy it suddenly. I know the numbers to its button of detonation, My son. All the evil people there are numbered by name. I will get My people out; they are very few, My son. Very few are My righteous people, the rest are wicked sinners who will be destroyed by My Hand. The blast will be very huge, My son. It will shock the world. They have offended Me to High Heaven. I know every one by name. They are all marked for death. Many wicked traitors will go up in smoke and flame, My son. The Pentagon will be gone, and all government buildings, and residences of the damned. That's why I would not let you get a home. You are among the saved. The rest are among the damned. It will happen suddenly. The nuke is there- I placed it there by My hands. It will go off suddenly. There is no stopping it.
  • 14. • The evil Democrats will be damned forever along with the treasonous Republicans. I planned it. It will go off suddenly. Washington will be no more, erased off the map. All evil peoples there will be suddenly destroyed. ALL people will be destroyed, including those in the underground bases and bunkers of all types. The underground tunnel system will be destroyed by My Hand by the force of the shock wave. Fear Me! Craters will be everywhere! Underground dugouts will be collapsed by the force of the blast. Mount Weather will be no more. No underground base will be safe from the force of My wrath! I planned it centuries ago, even from eternity I AM God! The wicked will be no more, My son. You can rest in peace from their taunts, and from their evil plots. Washington DC will be gone forever, even New York and Boston will be gone forever. The haunts of the wicked and unrepentant will be gone by My Hand. Repent now before it is too late. I AM God! Vengeance is Mine! It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God! Your God has spoken!"
  • 15. Destroy My Jews, Brian. All Must Go! • • "My son, they have to go. My sinful people will be rounded up from the Earth and cast into camps. I cannot tolerate it anymore. They must be destroyed. I cannot tolerate their sin. Sinful nation, I will destroy you! Israel has got to go; it is full of homosexuals, sinners I cannot tolerate. I rained fire on the wicked, and I will do it again. Publish for Me, death to all Jews who persist in their sin; I cannot tolerate them. They have to go; I will punish all. Destroy for Me; round them up; the sinners will be eliminated from the land. All have got to go. I will punish all. Few serve Me. Few are free from sin; few obey Me with their whole heart. Brian, you are one of the few; lust does not control you. You must obey. Eliminate My people from the land. Punish My Jews. Destroy them all. Punish them in the camps; they won't obey Me. I AM full of burning anger against My people; destroy them all. Destroy Israel. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 16. Find Me In The Wilderness, Not The World System • • "My son, the end of all things has come. Many will weep and wail, because their world has come to a close. What will you do, My son, when the world system has ended? Many will run to and fro seeking relief, but finding none. Go, My son, to the desert, and there you will find relief, for the end of all things has come. Markets will not support you, for I AM your Source. Like manna in the desert you will find Me, and find peace for your souls. For the world will not find Me, only those who separate themselves from their system will find Me and relief for their souls. For I multiply manna in the desert, and quail for their craving, for all who follow Me will find Me if they seek My will. For only in entering and rest will they secure freedom for their souls, for where the Spirit is there is liberty. Do not seek the world's system, for it only brings death, but seek Me, the Living God and find peace for your souls. For I AM the fount of Living Waters. Seek Me. Your God has spoken. Amen"
  • 17. I Call My Church To Evangelize • • "My son, My Church has got to go. They refuse to evangelize. They keep the Gospel within the four walls of the Church building. Many sinners are going to Hell, My son, because they refuse to evangelize. That's why I sent the Corona Virus- to kill off My people. They won't do My will. Work My vineyard. That dream you had last night - vivid in nature. That was Me, warning you. Many are going to Hell without you. Work My vineyard, My son. Tell the Good News. Tell all they must repent. All must hear the Good News of how they can go to Heaven. I call all to salvation. All have a chance to be saved. All are called by Me. Few go though. Most refuse Me. Most want the world of sinful pleasures. For that they will go to Hell. Not all want Me. They want sin. For that I call My Church to evangelize. Repent and do My will. I call all to do My will and preach the Good News. Few will My son. Few will do My will. Many refuse to obey Me, they are selfish, preferring self. For that they must be punished. I sent the Corona Virus among them. Repent My son. Do My will. Evangelize. Your God has spoken."
  • 18. My Church- Serve Me Not Money • • "My people don't follow My will, My son. I called My Church to obey. That's why they don't succeed. They fail in all they do. When I come I will come for a victorious Church, not a failing Church. My people depend on money, not on Me. They hardly ever pray. How can they serve Me in all things if they don't bother to pray? I AM against them. They won't allow My revival to come. I must punish them all. That includes you. Depend on Me. I must allow money to fail them. Then they will serve Me, My son. Depend on Me, not on money. All must be punished. I will take their money away. Then they will depend on Me, not on crass materialism. They won't serve Me, My son. Depend on Me, not money. Do I not provide all? Depend on Me, My son. My money will fail them. My son, My Church won't serve Me. They want money. That's why everything is going to Hell in a handbasket. My son, serve Me, not money. Pray. Pray hard. depend on Me, not on wealth. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."
  • 19. The Church Serves The Golden Calf Of Lust And Greed • • "My Church has gone astray. All are lusting after wealth. Even you. You desire it in your heart. All have gone astray just like the golden calf worshippers. All desire wealth, My son. Tell My Church it is wicked. I will judge all covetousness and greed, My son. Even in your own heart the golden calf is worshipped. I will judge all. Get it out of your heart quickly. I will punish all who go astray after money. Does it not say you cannot serve Me and money? My people love money. They call it the Prosperity Gospel. It is old fashioned Baal worship. Did I not destroy the worshippers of Baal who lusted in their hearts? Read your Bible. Jezebel and Baal controls the Church. Lust and money. Those two bring down many to eternal damnation. You cannot serve God and money. On those things I will bring My wrath. Prepare yourselves. The end of all things is near. Those who have lust controlling them shall suffer the wrath forever! Prepare for it! Wrath is coming on all the servants of Baal. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen!"
  • 20. The Destruction Of America • • "I AM going to destroy My country, My son. America must go. It's sin has reached Me, the Son of God. I must destroy it off the face of the Earth; it is wicked Babylon. It's people won't serve Me, My son. Obey Me, My son. Spread your word. It contains power. It won't return unto Me void. Go. Go and do My will. You are a prophet. Go to other countries. Prophesy against them. They must be punished. They won't obey Me, even Christian nations. They won't pray, they love sin. Go and prophesy against them, My son. Go and spread My word. Decree destruction because they have offended Me, the Living God. All must go down to judgment; all must be punished by My Hand; they refuse to obey. That includes you if you don't obey Me, My son. Go and do My will. The world is wide open to you, ripe for judgment. All won't obey; all thinks of himself, not his neighbor. All are selfish; all are laden with sin and iniquity. Vice abounds. Go and destroy. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."
  • 21. The Destruction Of Japan • • "My son, I AM going to destroy Japan. It's sin has come before Me. It is a very sinful nation. I must destroy it because its people don't know Me. It will be reduced among the nations with only a few islands left. Great earthquakes will ravage the land. My eye has been on it for years. Its people refuse to repent when confronted with Christianity. I have tried for years to reach the people but its people love money more than Me. Destroy Japan with your prophetic word. They refuse to serve Me. Idol-worshipping nations shall be destroyed by My Hand. They do not want Me. They prefer their idols of sin. Worshipping false gods hardens their hearts against Me with stubbornness. They will not obey, preferring their idols of stone that can neither talk nor hear, My son. Repent My people, Hell is waiting for all Eastern peoples of vice and sin eternally with judgment. All idol-worshippers of sin shall go to Hell. Repent My people. Repent! Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 22. The Destruction Of My Florida • The Destruction Of My Florida • • "Florida shall be submerged by the ocean. Many sinners live there, My son. I AM the Holy One Against Evil, My son. I punish sinners everywhere. They shall be destroyed by My Hand. Many bodies will be found floating in the ocean. Florida shall go by My Hand. Its towers shall be submerged beneath the ocean waves. Many Jews live there. They do not want Me. They do not expect My return. They live for the moment in hedonistic pleasures. Many will drown beneath the ocean waves. I shall send tidal waves against it. The Earth movement shall submerge many. I will drown the sinners. The Jews of all types shall go by My Hand. They do not want Me. They love the world, pleasures by the land. Many shall go, My son. The tidal wave shall sweep them all away to eternity. They have offended Me. Flee Florida, My son. It shall be erased off the continent. I have been patient with many. They love their sin, their parties, their sex of all kinds. Erased into the sea, the lovers of the world shall go down into eternity, to torments forevermore. They love the world. They do not love Me. Erase the Church. They love themselves more than Me. Your LORD has spoken."
  • 23. The Destruction Of Switzerland • • "Switzerland, center of world finance, My hand is against you. Gather up all you own, you shall be thrust into a foreign country. Prepare for exile, your sin has reached Me, the LORD of Hosts, the Living God of eternity. My hand has searched and My eyes have found your sin, and it is extreme, for you have financed the war against Me, which the enemy calls Isis in the world. But you have been against Me from your beginnings, financing all things evil and wicked, from the Vatican's evil plots to today's modern wars. For you are a nest of spies and assassins working evil deeds around the world, assassinating foreign leaders since ancient times. Prepare to be thrust out of your land, for you shall be no more, O wicked land, center of world finance. Your home shall be foreign nations around the world, for you shall be no more, occupied by others from other lands who shall obey Me, O most evil Switzerland, center of world finance. And your pride shall be no more, for I shall destroy and loot you in the war. Your God has spoken. Amen."
  • 24. The Destruction Of Twitter, Facebook, And Google • • "I will rain fire on the nest of homosexuals that is Twitter. Expect their destruction. They shall be gone forever. Thus says the LORD." • • "And about Facebook, I shall punish them forever too. They have offended Me too, My son. Expect their destruction. The nest of Satanists shall be stricken by My Hand. They shall be gone forever. Thus says the LORD." • • "Google shall be gone too. That giant corporation shall be destroyed by My Hand. They have collected data on My people. I shall destroy them forever and they shall be gone. Expect their destruction. Thus says the LORD. Amen."
  • 25. The End Of Michelle Lujan Grisham • • "Michelle Lujan Grisham is a thorn in My side. She refuses to do My will. I will destroy her. Expect her sudden death. I will do it, My son. Expect the sudden death of all political leaders not doing My will. I will clean house. I will punish all not doing My will, My son. They will end up in eternal Hell. The country is Mine, not the Democrats. I shall expel them from office. They are a blight in My Face. Grisham has got to go. Expect her sudden death. She refuses to do My will, My son. She must be removed and replaced with those who will obey Me. I want My will done. It will cause war if it is refused. I will destroy My Empire. It must be destroyed, My son. I created it; I will destroy it. Great will be its fall back to the stone age. Michelle Grisham has got to go. Expect her sudden death. I will strike her dead suddenly. She will go to Hell forever. She has refused Me. Great will be her fall. I will punish her forever! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 26. The End Of Ministries • • "All ministries have got to go. They serve not Me, but money, My son. Go and say, "The End is near," My son. Did I not call all to repent of worldliness? All ministries are self-serving. They save up for self. Very few are true ministries, like Moses in the wilderness. They store up for self, which is an abomination. Very few are like David, who stored up for Me and My true temple. My son, very few serve Me, which requires sacrifice to self. They want what they will have, the abundant lifestyle of greed and selfishness. Greed begets selfishness, and very few ministries give of what they have gained. They require it all for self. That is an abomination. Very little goes to reach the people. The minister's lifestyle hogs it all. My son, that will be judged. Did I not require all to give away all? Then why are they hogging all for self? That I will punish. Many big name ministries will go down, who depend on money, not Me. Notice how they don't pray? I will punish all who go down that path. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 27. The Idols Of The Heart • • "Idols of the heart are everywhere, My son. I call all people to examine their hearts. Do they serve Me, or an idol of their own making? My son, serve Me with all your heart, and let no foreign idol of your own making get in. I call all to repent, for all serve idols of their own making of all kinds. An idol could be Me- they serve what they can get out of Me, so I could be an idol of their own making. I call all to renounce all, so that I can work in their lives, not the prosperity gospel of wickedness. Many make idols out of their own lives. They love self and what they can get more than Me. Their lives are filled with covetousness. Did I not say, 'Thou shalt not covet?' Repent My people; I AM not a God of getting but giving. Give your all, don't accumulate more for self. Repent all, covetousness is a great sin, damnable to Hell, which modern society is based on. I call all to repent. Your God has spoken."
  • 28. The Punishment Of All The Evil Satanists • • "Tell, My son, that I AM against them. All Satanists will be rounded up and punished, for they serve Satan, not Me. And all Satanists will scream out in anguish and excruciating pain, for they chose the wrong god to serve. For all eternity they will roast in flames of extreme pain and agony, forever cursing their god for leading them there. For I AM a God of agony to all My enemies, forever in furious anger and hot jealousy making sure they get what they deserve for serving Satan, for eating and roasting My babies and children for their guilty pleasure, which no man would prosecute. Rest certain that every Satanist will be rounded up from the land and tied in bundles and cast into the everlasting furnace forever and ever. That is what they get, all evil Satanists will be prosecuted under My law, and punished forever in extreme heat in liquid fire. They are not prepared to meet Me, the Living God on Judgment Day, to answer for all their misdeeds while on Earth. For I know your evil deeds, and each and every one of you is marked before Me.
  • 29. • And I sentence you all to eternal Hell, except you repent, and few will. For I know all, all evil deeds in service to Satan, your god, is recorded before Me. And judge I will, for you chose the wrong god to serve for pleasure and money, twin evil gods that controls the Earth of the damned. And forever I will punish each and every one of you in excruciating liquid fire. And for all eternity you will burn in the liquid fires of the Lake of Fire, forever roasting in extreme pain and intense agony. For that is what you get for serving the wrong god, for My jealousy is aroused, and My anger is stirred up for what you did to the infants, innocent blood which shall be requited back to your souls in eternal punishment, screaming out in agony forever and ever, your lot for serving Satan, the false god. So prepare, that is what you get, unrepentant ones, forever roasting in eternal Hellfire for roasting My children at Epstein's Island of sin and depravity. O prepare, your lot forever. Your God has spoken. Amen."
  • 30. The Punishment Of Epstein's Evil Guests • • "Everything about Epstein's Orgy Island is known. He was a master Satanist. He barbecued infants and little children. All of his guests raped and ate them. They were Satanists too. All in Hollywood know and fear for their lives, what they did to the children. I know all, My son. I will punish all involved in the massacre. I know all who participated. They're recoded in his book. All of the little children are before Me. Babies too. They were horrific in what they did to them. Guilty souls are everywhere in government, entertainment, industry, a who's who of Satanism. I will punish all, My son, and punish in Hell those who don't repent. Names are known to Me, the elite of the country. You would be appalled to know what they did at Orgy Island: a feast fest of Satanism galore- eating babies, roasting them, consuming them wholesale. I will require all to testify of their sin on Judgment Day. All will be punished who participated, all will be judged, all will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever. Into Hell they will roast until that Day. Repent evil ones. Your LORD has spoken."
  • 31. The Punishment Of Joel Osteen • • "Joel Osteen, you false prophet, I AM against you. You shall spend eternity burning in the Lake of Fire, except you repent, for you deceive people by the millions. For you do not lead them in the correct pathways of truth and righteousness, but of falsehood and deception. Every Sunday you preach from your pulpit of sin and self-righteousness in your big stadium church right in the middle of the crowds assembled there. And I shall judge you for every soul you lead astray off of the path of correct doctrine, for the people want to hear your falsehoods. Every soul you deceive shall burn with you in the pit of Hell, for they want not Me but self, and pride in the lust of the flesh. They want not Me, but every falsehood of the flesh that you teach from your pulpit. For you do not lead them to give up all to serve Me, but to accumulate more of what the flesh desires. You serve not Me, but Satan himself, and you shall be judged eternally, except you repent. Repent. Repent Joel Osteen, I have spoken, your God."
  • 32. The Punishment Of Joyce Meyer • • "Did I not say, "women shall not teach?" So then why is she teaching? Women desire a teacher; they won't obey Me. They refuse to be married; they want to be single so that they can enjoy the world. They don't want to be married; they view it as oppression and bondage to be under the control of a man. I have given women up to false doctrine. Joyce Meyer refuses to obey Me. She refuses to repent. 'Women shall not teach' is My Word; she refuses to obey Me. She shall endure eternal Hell as she leads an entire generation of women astray unto false doctrine. This servant of Jezebel leads women astray unto Jezebel, the false spirit of the Antichrist. Many shall be swept away unto false doctrine and deception because she refuses Me and correct doctrine, but gives women what they want. False prophets abound, for she serves not Me but Jezebel, the evil spirit of Satan dedicated unto women. Repent Joyce Meyer, your days are few. Eternal Hell is waiting for you, and you shall burn in the Lake of Fire forever! Your God has spoken."
  • 33. The Punishment Of My Servant Kenneth Copeland • • "Kenneth Copeland, I AM against you, for you never did My will, but the will of man around you. You never gave it all up to follow Me on the streets, but you always had your wealth that you held back for yourself- your houses, your planes, your automobiles and cash galore. You never did My will on the streets, but the will of your founder Kenneth Hagin and his false prophecies. Repent and do My will or else I will punish you forever, for you have generated billions of dollars for yourself and have not given to the poor like I commanded. So you will die of a sudden heart attack and enter eternity without Me, for you never did My will, but the will of man around you. Repent, for your time is short in the land you live in, for I AM watching your every move of greed and covetousness, that what you call "ministry" is actually greed and selfishness, accumulating more to self and selfish pride and ambition galore, but not My will. So repent, for your time is short in the land you live in. Your God has spoken. Amen."
  • 34. The Punishment Of The Mossad • • "My son, the Mossad have offended Me. They must be punished. They are the perpetrators of 911. I have seen what they have done. All in the name of money. My son, they have stole billions. Hundreds of billions. I will require an accounting. They shall be rounded up and executed, unless they flee to Israel. There they shall be safe. My son, I require an accounting. They shall be punished. Many evil men are in the Mossad. They are My people. They shall be punished forever and ever, My son. They shall be rounded up and executed. They have made the American people angry, all in the name of profit. My son, many foreigners are the enemies of My people the Mossad, and Shin Bet too. Many shall be executed, they shall not escape. They are in love with the world. They want money. They are the enemies of My people the Jews. Many shall go to Hell forever. Save all you can. Your LORD has spoken."
  • 35. The Punishment Of The Planet • • "My son, I AM going to destroy your empire. It will happen with a sudden burst. Cities will be nuked by nuclear explosions, My son. The sin of the cities has come before Me. I can no longer stand it. The Evil Empire will be destroyed before My sight. Foreign cities will be destroyed too. China will take over. They want the world. I will give it to them. The other peoples are useless in My sight. They refuse to do My will. The world order will change. The corruption will be flushed from My sight. China will take over the Earth. Russia too. Those two will fight for control. China will be nuked. Russia will take over the planet. Align with her. Russia will be your friend. Align with her, My son. Restore her to greatness. Russia will take over. Destroy the Chinese. My people will win. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."
  • 36. The Punishment Of The Warden • "Speak to the man confining you here, "I must destroy you wicked man." For you are full of vice and sin, wickedness abounds in your life. How dare you confine My people you wicked man of sin and vice. For I know the drugs that you do, the porn that you watch on a daily basis, all has been recorded before Me, the Son of God. And punish you I will for vice abounds and wickedness, for you are a wicked man. And yet you confine My people says God, even the Son of God. And punish you I will with liquid fire, except you repent and turn from your wicked ways. So expect judgment and wrath says the Son of God, for you have confined My people of no fault of their own, and punish I will for all eternity O man of sin. Expect it, for wrath abounds on you and abides on your life eternally, O wicked man. Repent, or I will judge, and that eternally. The Living God has spoken. Amen and amen."
  • 37. Vaccine Bio-Weapons Will Kill Off My Humanity • • "The vaccine is designed to kill. Hundreds of millions of Americans will die from the disease they engineered in the vaccine. The Chinese want the land. I will give it to them. The Americans have offended Me. They refuse to do My will. I will take it from them- life, liberty, and the pursuit of their happiness. They do not do My will. Do not take the vaccine; it contains Mad Cow Disease of My engineering. I have allowed it because the Americans have offended Me by refusing to do My will. They won't evangelize. I will kill them all off. They won't do My will. This Christian empire will come to nothing. This engineered virus is a sign of things to come. Billions will die across the planet. Engineered viruses are the scourge of humanity, My son. Billions will die by My Hand. I control the plagues, My son. They won't repent, and the Americans won't tell it to them. What a sad end to humanity: refusing to do My will all around. I cause all to perish; they won't obey. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."