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the platou report
introduction........................................................................................................ 3
the shipping environment ................................................................................. 7
the shipbuilding market .................................................................................. 12
the tanker market ............................................................................................ 16
the dry bulk market ......................................................................................... 21
the container ship market .............................................................................. 26
the car carrier market.................................................................................... 28
the lng market................................................................................................... 29
small-scale lng................................................................................................. 30
the demolition market...................................................................................... 31
mobile offshore drilling units...................................................................... 32
the offshore support vessel market............................................................ 35
the offshore contruction vessel market..................................................... 38
Offshore Wind .................................................................................................. 40
rs platou markets............................................................................................. 42
rs platou finans................................................................................................ 45
rs platou real estate........................................................................................ 48
statistics............................................................................................................. 50
Contacts.............................................................................................................. 56

                                         Cover photo: Farstad Shipping
Shipping & Offshore:

     Shaping the world of energy
Shipping                                                              Offshore
Commercial shipping companies transport 90 percent of global          The recent tragedy at the gas produc-
goods by weight and volume. Considering its importance, if the        tion facility in Algeria brought home
world was just ONE country, shipping would most likely have           the vulnerability of onshore installa-
been a public utility!                                                tions in North Africa and the Middle
                                                                      East when it comes to terrorist at-
Instead, private owners and capital dominate international            tacks. The Arab Spring has turned into
shipping. It is up to them to solve the logistical challenges that    a shaky Winter, as unrest continues to
arise in our constantly changing markets.                             spread and escalate in this important
                                                                      energy- exporting region.
For example, there is currently an intense debate in the US
Congress over whether to approve exports of (shale gas) LNG           Some oil company executives believe
from the US. The Department of Energy has approved several            offshore energy production is easier to
LNG export licenses, but the majority of Democrats, and quite         defend from terrorist attacks, than for
a few Republicans, would like to keep this “new” gas inside na-       example onshore installations in North
tional borders.                                                       Africa and the Middle East.

Meanwhile, independent ship owners have ordered additional            There was a succession of major off-
LNG tonnage in anticipation of US exports from 2015/16. The           shore discoveries during 2012 and we
world needs all the energy it can get from politically low-risk       continue to believe in increased ac-
countries, so it is important that Washington does not ham-           tivity for offshore rigs in general and
string oil and gas exploration and production in the US. The          ultra-deep water rigs in particular. The       peter m. anker, Managing Partner & CEO
country’s stunning transformation from the world’s biggest im-        growth in demand for subsea construc-
porter of petroleum products to its (almost) biggest exporter,        tion vessels will continue to accelerate in the years to come. The
feeding the emerging economies in Latin America and Africa,           fleet is not only growing by numbers, but also by complexity
is a case in point.                                                   of the vessels. We are entering into the development phase of
                                                                      many deep water projects that demands larger subsea structures
The prospect of serious long-haul LNG volumes coming out of           and more complex installation operations.
Canada also looks very promising. It raises the question, could
Canada be the new Qatar of the Americas?                              Conclusion
                                                                      While the world has been focused on various macroeconomic cri-
The first quarter of 2013 is characterized by a mixture of signifi-   ses during the last few years, the energy markets have undergone
cant uncertainty and opportunity for shipowners and investors.        dramatic changes in supply and trading patterns ‘under the radar’.
The markets are in a bottom cycle, with second hand and new
building prices at cyclically low levels. At the same time, the       We believe these changes will become much clearer once the
world economy is showing some potential for a strong recovery         world economy picks up steam, and could offer positive sur-
soon, and new fuel-efficient designs are an added incentive for       prises for both the shipping and offshore markets.
calling the shipyards. Taking this into consideration, we may
well see a nascent recovery in most shipping markets in 2014          Yours Sincerely,
and 2015.                                                             Peter M. Anker,
                                                                      Managing Partner & CEO, RS Platou ASA

                                                                                                                                                 introduction   3





                  RIO DE JANEIRO

        the world according to RS Platou






    CAPE TOWN                                             MELBOURNE

the shipping environment

                       World shipping 2012;
                        Down, but not out
2012 turned out to be just as difficult for the shipping markets as we feared it would be. The performance of the world economy was even
weaker than reflected in downbeat expectations at the start of the year, while fleet expansion remained above any reasonably sustainable
long-term growth trend for the fourth consecutive year. Despite another stellar performance from the LNG market and a modest tightening
of the tanker market, capacity utilization for the world’s merchant fleet fell by an estimated 1 percentage point to 84 percent, the lowest
level since the full force Financial Crisis hit in 2009.

Nevertheless, the past year was not without bright spots, despite      the fascinating complexities of tonnage demand. Most notably,
the very challenging conditions for many segments. Most obvi-          there were significant shifts in transportation distances for both
ously, the fact that both the tanker and dry bulk freight markets      tankers (longer) as well as dry bulk (moderately shorter), while
saw periodic rallies through the year is a clear indication that       the markedly longer distances seen in the LNG market in 2011
the level of over-capacity is relatively moderate, compared to         were sustained in 2012. Furthermore, fleet productivity fell in
what was seen in the 1970s and ‘80s. This is partly due to ton-        response to higher bunker prices and increased average vessel
nage demand having enjoyed a surprisingly strong year despite          size. Lastly, it was a big year for inventory swings with both tank
an overall weak world economy, as the increased weight of the          and dry bulk seeing bigger than normal inventory related trade
commodity intensive non-OECD economies offset weaknesses               movement in response to geopolitical factors (tank) and rela-
in the OECD.                                                           tive commodity prices (dry bulk).

Another important development was the continued sharp de-              Another year of above-trend fleet growth,
cline in the fleet orderbook which declined from 20 percent of         but delivery pipeline is emptying
the fleet a year ago to 14 percent at the end of 2012, as new or-      The world’s merchant fleet continued its pattern of robust
ders fell to a decade low. Whatever the reasons for this – more        growth, adding another 7.8 percent, only slightly less than the
prudent owners, insufficient cash flow, continued challenging          record 8.2 percent seen in 2011. This marked the eighth con-
financial conditions – the fact that fleet capacity is responding      secutive year where growth exceeded 7 percent. The contribu-
rationally to market conditions raises hope that the industry          tors to growth were widely spread among key segments, with
will avoid a repeat of the protracted structural downturn seen         dry bulk in front at 12.6 percent and LNG carriers in the back at
in the past.                                                           a modest 1.4 percent, which made that segment the place to be
                                                                       for the second straight year.
Tonnage demand slowed less than the
world economy                                                          Overall fleet utilization dropped by
2012 was yet another year dominated by crisis headlines on the         1 percentage point to 84 percent
economic front, as the Euro Crisis not only rolled on but gath-        A sizable 4 percent drop in dry bulk fleet utilization, the larg-
ered in strength through the first half of the year. Despite world     est segment of the merchant fleet, dragged down overall fleet
GDP growth coming in at a lackluster 3.2 percent, tonnage de-          capacity utilization. The container fleet also contributed to
mand registered a healthy rise of 7.1 percent, down from 7.7           this decline, while improvements for the LNG, car carrier and
percent in 2011. The year gave us important demonstrations of          tanker segment moderated the drop.The level of 84 percent uti-         ➤

                                                                                                                                  THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT   7
lization is nonetheless weak. According to our records it is the                                          erage earnings rose from $14,800 per day in 2011, to $17,100
                    second lowest level seen in the past decade, although it is still                                         per day in 2012.
                    well above the bottom level of 82 percent, seen in 2009.
                                                                                                                              Dry bulk in 2012: Substantial drop in freight
                    Asset values continued falling but rate of                                                                rates
                    decline eased                                                                                             Market fundamentals deteriorated further during 2012 caused
                    It was yet another year of falling asset values, but the pace of                                          by another year with record high deliveries. Even though scrap-
                    decline slowed and the performance across sectors was more                                                ping also rose to the highest level registered, the net fleet ex-
                    varied than in 2011. The least variation was seen in newbuilding                                          pansion was above 12 percent from the year before. Despite
                    prices, which fell across the board by 5 - 10 percent for most size                                       weaker global economic growth, tonnage demand increased
                    classes. Secondhand values declined as well, due not only to the                                          by a healthy 7 percent thanks to China, which utilized huge ar-
                    weaker freight market but also because of the emergence of fuel                                           bitrage in iron ore and coal prices, importing much more dry
                    efficient newbuildings, a possibly important shift in shipping                                            bulk commodities than the underlying demand for steel, energy
                    technology and design. Values declined, with dry bulk vessels                                             and so forth would suggest. However, the fleet utilization rate
                    recording significant declines of 20-30 percent, tankers fell by                                          dropped from 87 percent in 2011 to 83 percent in 2012, and this
                    5-10 percent. It was the fourth straight year of declining asset                                          caused a drop in freight rates of between 40 and 50 percent and
                    values, and accompanied by poor cash flows it put the indus-                                              in ship values by 20- 30 percent.
                    try’s balance sheets under further, severe pressure.
                                                                                                                              The container market in 2012: Box rates and
                    Tankers in 2012: Little relief, despite demand                                                            timecharter rates part company
                    boom                                                                                                      The container ship market in 2012 was characterized by higher
                    The tanker market experienced some improvement, although                                                  average box rates than in 2011, but substantially lower char-
                    this was unevenly spread between segments and seasons, dem-                                               ter rates. Operators managed to raise the utilization rate, and
                    onstrating the fragile nature of this market. The good news was                                           thereby freight rates, of the operating fleet by idling more ton-
                    an estimated 8 percent spike in tonnage demand. This was due                                              nage and creating a higher demand increase through lower fleet
                    to a combination of increased volume growth and longer dis-                                               productivity. Non-operating owners faced a very difficult year
                    tances as importers rushed to cover the loss of Iranian oil. Pro-                                         as liners had limited need for the chartering of extra tonnage.
                    ductivity also fell, as it did for all other segments. These factors                                      Total container ship capacity increased by 7.7 percent, while the
                    boosted the crude market during the first months of the year,                                             operating fleet grew by 4.5 percent. Tonnage demand is estimat-
                    and the clean market during the last months. The period in be-                                            ed to have escalated by around 7 percent, with 5 percent higher
                    tween, on the other hand, was dismal, with most crude carriers                                            trade volume and a drop of 2 percent in fleet productivity. The
                    in particular consistently trading at, or below, operating costs.                                         low growth in container movements was related to a drop of 3
                    Fleet growth remained high at 7.2 percent, which prevented any                                            percent in European containerized imports.
                    sustained increase in rates. For the year, our Tanker Index of av-

                     tonnage demand growth                                                                                     World merchant fleet 2003–2012
                     vs world economic growth 2003–2012                                                                        Annual Changes
                      Tonnage demand growth world merchant fleet, annual changes in percent                                      Percent
                      12                                                                                                         9
                      10                                                                                    04                   8
                                                                                                  03                07
                       8                                                                                                         7
                                                                                      11                          06
                       6                                                                               05                        6
                      -2         09                                                                                              1
                       -4                                                                                                        0
                            -1        0            1            2             3               4          5               6            03   04   05    06    07   08   09   10   11   12
                                                                                                        World output growth

LNG in 2012: Longer and stronger                                       World economy and world shipping
The LNG shipping market tightened further during 2012 de-              2012 was not a good year for the world economy with, growth
spite the fact that demand growth slipped into single digits for       slipping to little more than 3 percent, the lowest level for a de-
the first time in seven years. The 6 percent growth in tonnage         cade, barring the Financial Crisis. Under these circumstances,
demand was mainly due to longer average distances, as the              it came as no surprise that the year also witnessed a slowdown
inter-basin trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific continued to        in tonnage demand growth. That said, growth of 7.1 percent
expand. Trade volume, in fact, declined by 1 percent. Lower            was better than might have been expected, as it represented
fleet productivity also contributed to the demand increase.            a more moderate slowdown than that experienced by GDP.
Productivity fell by an estimated 2 - 3 percent owing to high          While there were some special situations, as always, we view
bunker prices and increased average vessel size. The LNG fleet         this relatively strong performance in trade growth as a con-
grew only 4 percent and thus lifted the fleet utilization rate to 95   firmation of the changing, and more shipping intensive,
percent, which resulted in an average spot rate of $125,000 per        composition of the world economy. The commodity inten-
day, up from $93,000 per day in 2011.                                  sive non-OECD economies are increasing in size in relation
                                                                       to the mature, service-oriented OECD economies. Based on
Car carriers: Uneven improvement                                       the IMF’s current forecasts the former group is on course to
The car carrier market has seen another year of fluctuations in        overtake the latter in absolute size, in 2013. This long-term
tonnage demand. 2012 started off well with export volumes              trend will underpin overall shipping demand in the years
rising from the recovery of the Japanese automobile industry,          to come and gives reasons for optimism regarding recovery.
strong Korean exports and growing US auto sales. However, the          The increasing weight of the non-OECD economies was ably
Euro crisis took its toll on European car sales and along with         demonstrated this year by the extent to which mere inventory
strikes in Korea, contributed to a fall in export volumes dur-         swings in iron ore and coal in China moved the entire dry bulk
ing the second half of the year. Due to reasonably modest fleet        market.
growth, the average market balance improved somewhat from
2011, climbing to an estimated 84 percent fleet utilization rate.      Status and prospects for the world economy
Prospects for tonnage demand going forward depend heavily              2012 began with forecasters in a downbeat and highly uncer-
on the economic development in key sales markets, as well as           tain mood, after 2011 turned into yet another false dawn for the
the possibility of relocation of car production from Japan to          world economy. Most notably it became clear that politicians
overseas markets as a result of the strong Yen.                        were still behind the curve in the Eurozone crisis. In addition,     ➤

                                                                                                                                THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT   9
the US seemed unable to move out of its 2 percent sluggish               anything, falling farther behind the curve. It took a more prag-
                       growth rate range, regardless of any kind of monetary stimulus           matic approach from the ECB with regards to supporting the
                       thrown at it, while, in the face of all this, China (as well as other    region’s bond markets, in order to nudge politicians into agree-
                       emerging markets) was showing signs of a significant slow-               ing on several difficult issues, including debt write down and
                       down. Forecasters turned out to be relatively accurate in their          continued restructuring of the most fragile economies. That in
                       downbeat view of the world economy, as (preliminary) full year           turn improved market sentiment regarding the risk of a breakup
                       growth figures show an estimated 3.2 per cent increase, not too          of the entire Eurozone.
                       far off the 3.3 percent forecast at the start of the year. Prospects
                       for 2013 are for a moderate pickup in growth but this will still         The troubles in Europe shielded the US from the storm for most
                       be below the long-term trend.                                            of the year, but the country’s tepid, and disappointing, growth
                                                                                                of around 2 percent slowed further in the fourth quarter, as poli-
                       The challenges for the world economy differ between the ma-              ticians battled over how to avoid the Fiscal Cliff of automatic
                       ture economies of the OECD and the ‘growth’ economies of                 tax hikes and spending cuts. Although a last minute deal was
                       the non-OECD. The former group is struggling with the very               reached, unsurprisingly, no fundamental problems were solved
                       difficult combination of reducing national debts and deficits,           and the challenges of dealing with the deficit and national debt
                       while at the same time avoiding a relapse into recession, mak-           are set to re-emerge in 2013.
                       ing that very task next to impossible. Emerging economies, on
                       the other hand, are feeling some growth pains from their force-          Emerging markets became emerging
                       ful response to the Financial Crisis, which boosted inflationary         risks to growth
                       pressures in the respective economies via higher commodity               A year ago, we discussed the risk of a slowdown in emerging
                       and property prices.                                                     markets and the impact on tonnage demand. The scenario
                                                                                                turned out to be all too realistic, as 2012 featured a broad based
                       The more positive sentiment visible at the start of 2013 can be          slowdown across-the- board in such countries: China’s growth
                       attributed to two main factors. Number one, that key econo-              slowed from 9.5 percent in 2011 to a run rate of 7.5 percent in
                       mies were pushed to the brink in 2012 – and survived. Sec-               2012. India slowed from 7 percent to 5 percent; Brazil from 4
                       ondly, leadership changes in the world’s two largest economies           percent to 1 percent; and Russia from 5 percent to 4 percent.
                       went smoothly, reinforcing the notion that the leaders in the US         The combination of tighter monetary policy, due to budding
                       and China are firmly committed to sustained and uninterrupted            inflationary pressures in recent years and weaker export mar-
                       growth.                                                                  kets, had visible effects and combined to bring GDP growth for
                                                                                                the group classified as ‘developing economies’ below 6 percent
                       Europe and the US: Muddling through                                      for only the second time in a decade. This, unsurprisingly, had a
                       In terms of ‘stress tests’, Europe was in the spotlight, as talk of a    negative impact on trade growth due to the commodity inten-
                       ‘Grexit’ increasingly dominated the front pages, while, for every        sive nature of these economies.
                       new ‘crisis’ meeting, it became clear that the politicians were, if

                                                                                                  ANNUAL GROWTH IN REAL GDP		
 world seaborne trade and economic growth 1970-2012
                                                                                                  Percentage change from previous year			
   Index 1970=100                                                                                   	                  Jan 2012	  Jan 2013	  Jan 2013	
   500                                                                     World output              	Forecast 	Estimates	Forecast	
   450                                                                                               	                     2012	      2012	      2013
                                                                           Seaborne dry trade
                                                                                                    USA	                     1.8	       2.3	       2.0
   400                                                                     Seaborne oil trade       JAPAN	                   1.7	       2.0	       1.2
   350                                                                                              EURO AREA	              -0.5	      -0.4	      -0.2
                                                                                                    C AND E EUROPE	          1.1	       1.8	       2.4
   300                                                                                              RUSSIA	                  3.3	       3.6	       3.7
   250                                                                                              CHINA	                   8.2	       7.8	       8.2
                                                                                                    INDIA	                   7.0	       4.5	       5.9
                                                                                                    ASEAN	                   5.2	       5.7	       5.5
   150                                                                                              M EAST AND N AFRICA	     3.2	       5.2	       3.4
                                                                                                    SUB-SAHARA AFRICA	       5.5	       4.8	       5.8
                                                                                                    L AMERICA	               3.6	       3.0	       3.6
    50 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12                            WORLD	                   3.3	       3.2	       3.5

                                                                                                Source: IMF	

Signs of encouragement as 2013 got underway                                 tone in the world economy, discussed above, is obviously a very
The improvement in sentiment seen at the start of 2013 reflects             important factor. The ability for the world economy to influence
stronger underlying data. The biggest, and for shipping, most               shipping must in turn be seen against the backdrop of current
important, change is in China. When the economy first began                 overcapacity conditions that are far more moderate than in the
to slow authorities appeared hesitant to do anything to stimu-              dark days of the 1980s. The various freight markets’ demon-
late growth, most likely worried about the lingering inflationary           strated ability to respond to changes in trading conditions during
pressures which came as a result of the truly giant stimulus pack-          2012 is a key sign in that regard. The most positive surprise may
age in 2009. However, in September another stimulus package                 have been on the supply side of the market, however, which has
was revealed and, combined with a softening of banks’ capital               responded very rationally to the weak business climate by sharply
requirements, this led to an improvement in the tone of the eco-            reducing new orders. The overall orderbook thus fell steadily and
nomic data.                                                                 ended the year at 14 percent of the fleet, the lowest relative level
                                                                            in fifteen years and down from 20 percent a year ago.
In the US, the severely deflated housing market gradually im-
proved through the year and, combined with continued growth                 Finally, the structure of the world economy continues to be-
in the auto and energy producing industries, overall labor mar-             come more shipping intensive. Chinese import growth re-
ket conditions began to show signs of more consistent improve-              mained close to GDP growth, even during a year of slowdown.
ment late in 2012.                                                          Furthermore, the size of the economy is such that even tactical
                                                                            considerations, like stock building and/or arbitrage inspired
Expectations for the world economy in 2013 are muted. Growth                trades, can move entire markets. Also, the shale energy revolu-
is expected to nudge up to 3.5 percent, still well below its long-          tion in the US has contributed to a net rise in shipping activity,
term potential. However, calmer financial markets signal an im-             by raising the country’s exports of refined oil products and coal
provement in overall business and consumer confidence - vital               (and, soon, LNG), while also contributing to longer trading dis-
factors when it comes to making investment decisions that pro-              tances for crude oil.
mote growth and employment. The relative stability of the oil
market, despite the fact that the 2012 average price for Brent              Market conditions are likely to remain difficult in 2013 for the
was the highest on record - also contributed to a moderately                segments that struggled in 2012. However, we believe there are
improved growth situation and the hope that the worst is over.              good reasons to hope that shipping has retained its cyclicality
                                                                            through this difficult period, and will be able to share the fruits
Shipping market prospects:                                                  of any improvement in the world economy, once it arrives, rela-
Cyclicality is not dead                                                     tively quickly.
On the face of it, there seem to be few reasons to expect much
improvement for world shipping markets in 2013. However, we                 Ole-Rikard Hammer
believe there are reasons to think that a change is, if not in the          Head of Research
air, certainly visible on the horizon. The cautiously improved              RS Platou Economic Research

    GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH 2003-2013                                         supply, demand and utilization rate 1990-2012
    Forecasts and actual growth rates                                        World merchant fleet

    Percent change                                                            Mill cgt                                                           Utilization rate
    6                                                            Forecast     500                                                                           130     Supply
                                                                 Actual                                                                                             Demand
                                                                              400                                                                          120      Utilization rate

    3                                                                         300                                                                          110

                                                                              200                                                                          100
                                                                              100                                                                            90

   -1                                                                           0                                                                            80
        2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013                      90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Source: IMF (Forecast per Oct. the year before)

                                                                                                                                                    THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT           11
the shipbuilding market

                                                             Building prices at
                                                              a ten-year low
                   Ordering activity fell by 30 percent in 2012, for the second year in a row. The main issues were slower economic growth and
                   high fleet growth in most shipping segments, resulting in low freight rates and thus lower demand for newbuildings.

                   The level of new orders amounted to less than 50 percent of our            carriers and container ships. However, based on a freight in-
                   estimated building capacity at the time of delivery. This resulted         dex of $13,000 per day in 2012, we would have expected a
                   in a continued decline in average delivery time and, as a con-             higher ordering activity than the 16 mill cgt recorded. An-
                   sequence, downward pressure on newbuilding prices. During                  other factor that affected demand was the availability of capi-
                   2012, our newbuilding price index fell by 12 percent and ended             tal. The banks have become quite restrictive for new loans to
                   at the lowest level seen in ten years measured in real terms.              shipowners.

                   Demand for new tonnage                                                     We have roughly estimated that owners invested 30 bill USD
                   Demand for newbuildings was slow in the first half of 2012, with           in conventional ships in 2012, a significant reduction from the
                   only 3 mill compensated gross tons (cgt) of new orders regis-              previous year’s 50 bill USD.
                   tered per quarter. During the second half of the year, the order-
                   ing activity picked up to above 5 mill cgt per quarter, which was          Chinese shipyards were awarded 40 percent of all orders this
                   still significantly below the estimated quarterly building capac-          year, closely followed by the Koreans, who took 38 percent. A
                   ity of 8 to 9 mill cgt.                                                    third of all new orders in China were from domestic owners,
                                                                                              while in Korea the share was only 10 percent. Japanese yards
                   The ordering activity has historically been closely correlated             took 15 percent of the orders, of which three quarters were from
                   with our freight rate index based on earnings for tankers, bulk            domestic accounts.

                     building prices for bulk carriers 2003–2012                               building prices for tankers 2003–2012

                      Mill $                                                                     Mill $
                      100                                                          Capesize      170                                                        VLCC
                       90                                                          Panamax                                                                  Suezmax
                                                                                   Handymax                                                                 Aframax
                                                                                                  130                                                       MR Clean
                       30                                                                          50

                       20                                                                          30

                       10                                                                          10
                               03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12                            03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

TankerS                                                                   Korean yards have traditionally been the dominant builder in
During 2012, we registered 15 mill dwt of new orders for tank-            this segment, but in 2012 Chinese yards secured 53 percent of
ers, representing a 40 percent increase from 2011 - a much high-          all new orders, while Korea took 38 percent.
er growth rate than the 17 percent seen in our tanker rate index.
The shipyards delivered 32 mill dwt and towards the end of the            lng
year the orderbook amounted to 51 mill dwt, representing 10               LNG was a segment where freight rates reached historical high
percent of the existing fleet.                                            levels in 2012 and, subsequently, the demand for new tonnage
                                                                          remained high. This year we registered 33 new orders and, since
In 2012, Korean and Chinese shipyards maintained their 60 and             only two vessels were delivered, the orderbook grew significantly.
30 percent respective market shares in the tanker segment, while          It ended the year at 92 vessels, or 27 percent of the existing fleet.
Japan took 8 percent of the orders measured in dwt. A new fea-
ture this year was the fact that Korean owners were the most ac-          Korean shipbuilders were awarded 76 percent of all new LNG
tive and were responsible for 16 percent of all new contracts.            carrier orders.

bulk CarrierS                                                             building CapaCiTy
The number of bulk carriers ordered in 2012 declined by almost            The trend in deliveries of tonnage, measured as a 12 months
40 percent from the year before - in line with the decline in freight     moving average, held fairly steady at a level of 4 mill cgt per
rates - and was tallied at 19 mill dwt. During the year, 98 mill dwt      month from the middle of 2010 to half way through 2012.
was delivered and at the end of 2012 the orderbook amounted to            Deliveries peaked in June 2012, due to the fact that all new ves-
105 mill dwt, equivalent to 14 percent of the existing fleet.             sels delivered after 30 June had to be in compliance with IMO’s
                                                                          Performance Standard for Protective Coating (PSPC) for bal-
Chinese shipbuilders were again the most active in this segment           last water tanks. During the second half of the year, deliveries
in 2012, securing 59 percent of all new orders. Almost all other          declined to an average of 2.4 mill cgt per month.
contracts, 38 percent, went to Japanese yards. An estimated 21
percent of the orders came from Japanese owners, followed by              If we compare the orderbook for each of the major shipbuilding
Greek and Chinese owners, who had a share of 13 and 11 per-               countries at the beginning of the year to what they actually de-
cent, respectively.                                                       livered, the slippage (the ratio not delivered) in 2012 is surpris-
                                                                          ingly similar to what we registered in 2011. Chinese yards deliv-
COnTainer ShipS                                                           ered 71 percent of the orderbook, while Korean and Japanese
Demand for container ships in 2012 declined to less than a                yards were able to deliver 80 and 93 percent, respectively. In to-
third of the level seen in 2011 (in line with a subdued freight           tal, 80 percent of the orders scheduled for 2012 were delivered.
market) and totaled 0.47 mill TEU. During the year, 1.25 mill
TEU was delivered from the shipyards and at the end of 2012               According to the orderbook, a further decline in deliveries in
the orderbook stood at 3.4 mill TEU, representing 20 percent              the coming years should be expected. At the end of 2012, some
of the existing fleet.                                                    32 mill cgt was due to be delivered in 2013, representing a 20                    ➤

 bUilding Prices for container shiPs 2003–2012                             neW orders in mill cgt 2003–2012

   Mill $                                                                    Mill cgt
   120                                                        6,000 teu      80                                                      Others
   110                                                        4,500 teu                                                              LNG
   100                                                        3,000 teu
    90                                                        1,700 teu      60
                                                                                                                                     Bulk carriers
    80                                                        1,000 teu      50                                                      Tankers
    50                                                                       30
    40                                                                       20
    10                                                                        0
            03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12                        03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

                                                                                                                                                 the shipbuilding market   13
percent decline from 2012. As we assume that some slippage           The steelplate price varies from country to country, and for a
                     will also take place in 2013, we expect the decline in deliveries    typical Aframax tanker in Korea this has resulted in an 8 mill
                     to be even more than the 20 percent indicated by the orderbook.      USD reduction in direct steel costs.

                     Slippage per segment                                                 The price for main engines has remained at a very low level, as
                     In the tanker segment, the orderbook at the start of 2012            there has been a huge overcapacity in the production of main
                     ­indicated that 45.6 mill dwt was due to be delivered that year. A   engines since 2008. In Korea, engine prices have maintained a
                      tally at the end of the year showed that only 31.9 mill dwt was     level of about 185 USD per BHP from the previous year, while
                      actually built. The difference can be explained by the fact that    the prices in China have been recorded at even lower levels.
                      orders amounting to 11.1 mill dwt were postponed, 4 mill dwt
                      cancelled or converted to other ship types, and 1.5 mill dwt of     The development of a shipbuilder’s currency against the dollar is
                      ‘new’ contracts were delivered.                                     also an important aspect of the building cost. During 2012, the
                                                                                          Chinese Yuan remained almost unchanged against the dollar,
                     According to the dry bulk orderbook, in early 2012 we expect-        while the Korean Won strengthened by some 8 percent. There
                     ed 138.8 mill dwt to enter the market that year. The amount of       was relief for Japanese builders, as the Yen weakened 13 percent
                     tonn­ ge actually delivered amounted to 97.6 mill dwt, as 33.6
                          a                                                               against the dollar towards the end of the year.
                     mill dwt was delayed and 12.9 mill dwt was cancelled, removed
                     or converted. In addition, 5.4 mill dwt of completed vessels         In total, we have estimated that overnight building costs re-
                     were not in the orderbook at the start of the year, and are there-   mained almost unchanged during 2012, but were still around
                     fore registered as ‘new’ contracts.                                  20 percent below the record high level estimated for a Korean
                                                                                          builder in 2008.
                     The orderbook for container ships showed that 1.58 mill TEU
                     of capacity was due for delivery in 2012. At the end of 2012         Expectations for 2013
                     we recorded 1.25 mill TEU of actual deliveries. The residual         The main driver of the shipping industry, world GDP growth,
                     amount can be explained by the 0.35 mill TEU postponed, 0.02         is expected to be marginally higher in 2013 than it was in 2012,
                     mill TEU cancelled and 0.43 mill TEU of ‘new’ orders that were       namely 3.4 percent. Based on the historical correlation between
                     delivered in 2012.                                                   the world GDP growth and tonnage demand for the world mer-
                                                                                          chant fleet, we expect a healthy growth of 5-6 percent in demand
                     Building cost                                                        for 2013. We anticipate fleet growth at the same level, taking into
                     Newbuilding prices have been on a downward trajectory since          account some delays and cancellations of orders, combined with a
                     the second half of 2008, caused by an overcapacity in the new-       continued high level of removals. We therefore expect the utiliza-
                     building market and declining building costs.                        tion rate for the merchant fleet to remain at 84 percent in 2013.
                                                                                          This should result in freight rates below break-even in the major
                     Steel is one of the most important materials in shipbuilding and     shipping sectors and thereby mitigate owners’ willingness to or-
                     from 2008 to 2012 our steelplate price index fell by 40 percent.     der new ships. Another obstacle for owners who want to order

                                                                                           world market price for heavy steel plates 2003–2012
                                                                                           10 mm+
  DELIVERIES, NEW ORDERS AND ORDERBOOKS BY VESSEL TYPE                                      1,400

  			New	 Order	Percent
  		Deliveries	                            orders	     book	   of fleet
  Type	                  Capacity	  2012	    2012	 end 2012	 end 2012                       1,000
  Tankers	               Mill. dwt	  31.4	    14.2	     49.4	      10.7
  Bulk carriers	         Mill. dwt	  97.6	    18.6	   105.4	       16.1                      800
  Container ships	       Mill. teu	  1.25	     0.5	      3.4	      21.0
  LNG	                  Mill. cbm	   0.03	     5.1	     12.6	      27.0                      600
  LPG	                  Mill. cbm	    0.6	     1.5	      2.5	      12.7
  Car carriers	        1,000 cars	    209	     986	      273	       7.4                      400
  Chemical carriers	     Mill. dwt	   0.5	     0.9	      1.6	       4.4
  Cruise	            1,000 berths	   16.1	    18.3	     74.3	      14.8                      200
                                                                                                    03   04   05    06     07    08    09        10   11   12

new tonnage is securing finance, as banks have become more         roughly 35 mill cgt, within a couple of years as some shipbuild-
reluctant to finance projects without any charter commitments.     ers will cease to exist and others will do their utmost to reduce
                                                                   capacity in order to survive.
With low demand from the major segments, a higher focus may
be seen on smaller, industrial segments. We also see an increas-   In conclusion, we therefore expect a continued downward pres-
ing interest in new eco-designed ships. However, all in all we     sure on newbuilding prices in 2013. However, as the price level
expect total demand to remain subdued. According to our esti-      at the end of 2012 is getting close to the variable cost level, we
mates, demand may reach 20 - 25 mill cgt in 2013.                  do not expect a significant drop in the already low prices, unless
                                                                   there is a meaningful change in input prices or exchange rates.
Building capacity is expected to decline, as shipbuilders are
struggling in a low price environment. At the present price lev-   Jørn Bakkelund
el, we have estimated that building capacity may be reduced to     RS Platou Economic Research

                                                                                                                             the shipbuilding market   15
the tanker market

                                     Spike in tonnage demand
                                    offers only partial relief
                      Tanker freight rates improved in 2012 from the exceptionally weak levels of 2011. Statistics show a spike in tonnage demand, but the
                      majority of participants may not have felt it this way. We estimate that tonnage demand jumped by an exceptional 8 percent, but the
                      most tangible part of demand growth, trade volume, made only a modest contribution. Longer average distance and reduced productivity
                      were more important contributory factors. Continued high fleet growth, even higher than 2011, restricted the improvement in average
                      fleet utilization to a modest 1 percentage point, virtually all of it during the first half of 2012.

                      The year was split in two for the crude and the clean segments.       disrupting refineries, locking up tonnage and rerouting trade
                      Crude tanker rates experienced a fairly strong start to the year,     flows, a combination of factors that caused fundamentals to
                      particularly for VLCCs, as Saudi Arabia raised production and         tighten further. Spot market rates rose markedly, particularly in
                      importers scrambled to build inventory and adjust to the EU’s         the Atlantic Basin, but TC rates remained relatively stable.
                      pending embargo of Iranian oil. Once the market had made
                      these adjustments, tonnage demand growth slowed and freight           For the full year, our tonnage-weighted Tanker Index of freight
                      rates for VLCCs and Suezmaxes immediately collapsed through           rates rose from $14,800 per day to $17,200 per day, a rise of
                      the summer before experiencing a modest seasonal rebound in           16 percent. With the exception of Suezmaxes, which bore the
                      the fourth quarter.                                                   brunt of the decline in US imports, all segments contributed
                                                                                            to the increase. For the crude carrier segment, VLCCs saw the
                      The clean market experienced the opposite development: the            largest improvement going from $15,000 to $21,000 per day, a
                      first half of the year was weak and uneventful but trade growth       rise of 40 percent. Meanwhile, for clean tankers LR1 earnings
                      picked up in the second half as the rise in crude supply which        rose more than 50 percent from $11,000 to $17,000 per day.
                      took place in the first half of the year passed through refineries.
                      Then, Hurricane Sandy hit the US East Coast in late October,          Asset values still under pressure,
                                                                                            but some divergences
                                                                                            Vessel prices remained under pressure during the year. While
freight rates – single voyage 2003–2012                                                     newbuilding prices fell across-the-board by 5 to 10 percent,
Crude carriers
                                                                                            trends in secondhand values were more mixed than in 2011.
  1,000 $/day                                                                               Values for modern VLCCs and Suezmaxes saw only moderate
  200                                                                      VLCC             declines, while prices for Aframaxes and smaller vessels fell by
                                                                                            a further 10 to 20 percent. Values for units 10 years and older,

                                                                                              average freight rates $1,000 per day
   100                                                                                        Single voyage
                                                                                              	                                 2010	 2011	2012
    50                                                                                        VLCC	                             34.8	 14.9	20.9
                                                                                              Suezmax	                          28.0	 16.7	14.7
                                                                                              Aframax	                          21.4	 12.9	15.4
                                                                                              LR 2 product	                     16.2	 12.5	 14.3
          03    04    05     06      07   08   09    10    11     12                          MR product	                        8.9	 11.3	 13.0

16	 THE tanker MARKET
which had been converging on scrap value, experienced some             EU’s announcement in January that it would undertake an em-
improvement.                                                           bargo of Iranian oil effective from 1 July 2012 triggered a rush
                                                                       to build inventories, notably in China. Oil prices jumped as the
A strong but uneven year for tonnage                                   market refocused on the supply risk in an environment of low
demand growth                                                          spare production capacity.                                                                             ➤
Tonnage demand rose markedly during the first months of the
year, but was unable to sustain this rate of growth, as the main
driver had been oil inventory building rather than consumption.         Tanker market index 2003–2012
                                                                        Annual averages (weighted by dwt)
Longer trading distances made a major contribution to tonnage             1,000 $/day
demand growth, increasing by an estimated 3 percent, com-                 70
pared to trade growth of 1 percent. Average trading distances
lengthened to China and, particularly, to the US. The latter was
surprising, given the focus on reduced overall imports. How­               50

ever, all of the reduction came from light, sweet oil imports,             40
mainly from West Africa, while long- haul imports from the
Middle East increased market share and allowed average dis-
tances to the US to rise by 9 percent ( January to September).             20
The shift still had important freight market consequences, how-            10
ever, as VLCCs benefitted at the expense of Suezmaxes.
                                                                                 03      04    05        06         07         08         09        10        11    12
Asian imports had yet another strong year, as China, Japan, In-
dia and Korea all increased imports. All countries, at least pe-
riodically, reduced imports from Iran and replaced these with           tanker FLEET 2003–2012
increased imports from West Africa and Latin America. As a              Average annual changes
result, average trading distances increased to this region, as well.      Percent
Europe, on the other hand, reduced its average distances. In               7
contrast to the US, import volume increased, mainly due to
lower North Sea production, but the impact on ton-miles was
more than negated by the return of short-haul Libyan crude.
The Iranian embargo also allowed for increased shorter haul im-            4
ports from West Africa and Russia.                                         3

Reduced fleet productivity contributed to
demand growth
There were important developments in the opaque area of fleet              0
                                                                                03      04    05        06         07         08         09     10       11        12
productivity. Most obviously, average fleet speed continued to de-
cline, falling by an estimated 0.5 knots, to 12 knots. Higher bunker
prices, particularly early in the year, caused a significant drop in    freight rates – single voyage 2003–2012
optimal vessel speed. Changes in average vessel size and ballast        Clean carriers
time also contributed. To surmise, we estimate that fleet produc-         1,000 $/day
tivity was reduced by an estimated 3 to 4 percent, which increased        90                                                                                                     85/110,000 dwt
tonnage demand by the same amount. For more details on this               80                                                                                                     70/85,000 dwt
and the complexities of fleet productivity, please see the enclosed       70                                                                                                     45,000 dwt
box article ‘Is the tanker market driven by fundamentals?’                60
Oil market remained stubbornly tight                                      40
World oil production rose by 2.9 percent in 2012, the largest             30
increase since 2004. This easily overtook the increase in world
oil demand, which rose by only 1.1 percent, thanks to the weak
world economy. However, the increase in production failed to
dent prices, which remained stubbornly high for most of the                     03       04        05         06         07         08         09        10        11    12
year. Brent averaged 113 USD per barrel, a record high. The

                                                                                                                                                                          THE tanker MARKET       17
The increase in production was driven by Libya, but also by the         In 2013 we predict relatively similar developments to what we
                       US. For the tanker market, the latter restricted the increase in        forecast a year ago, but with the important caveat that it will be
                       seaborne trade to a moderate 1 percent, a smaller figure than           more difficult to repeat the many positive surprises of 2012. We
                       might normally have been expected from the observed rise in             expect tonnage demand growth to slow significantly, as OPEC’s
                       oil production.                                                         biggest producer, Saudi Arabia, already began to scale back pro-
                                                                                               duction in late 2012.
                       Fleet capacity growth: High, going on higher, but
                       orderbook drop continues                                                Fleet growth will, finally, begin to slow, but probably not
                       Fleet growth developed in line with expectations and was, if any-       rapidly enough to improve capacity utilization significantly
                       thing, somewhat faster than anticipated. Although newbuilding           already this year. Deliveries should be lower than in 2012
                       deliveries fell to 31 mill dwt, down from the record 40 mill dwt        and we also expect an increase in scrapping. However, both
                       in 2011, average fleet growth accelerated from 5.8 percent to 7.2       of these assumptions may prove tenuous. Deliveries will be
                       percent. This was due to the relatively low level of scrapping, less    affected by slippage, both from 2012 and 2013. Meanwhile,
                       than 15 mill dwt. With single hull tankers having been removed          scrapping has proved difficult to get off the ground, because
                       from the active fleet, the average age of the fleet has declined to     of the relatively young fleet. We expect the volume to increase,
                       about eight years and there is thus a shortage of natural scrapping     as more vessels are due for special survey from 2012 onwards.
                       candidates. A drop in scrap prices, combined with a moderate in-        However, any positive sentiment with regards to an impend-
                       crease in asset values for the oldest vessels, as the freight market    ing freight market recovery will also affect owners of older
                       improved, made scrapping decisions more difficult for owners.           tonnage and possibly delay their scrapping decisions. We ex-
                                                                                               pect fleet growth to slow from 7 percent to less than 4 percent,
                       The real news was another year of exceptionally low ordering, 14        the lowest rate in four years.
                       mill dwt, far below the rate of deliveries, which caused the order-
                       book to decline further. The fact that yet another drop in new-         China, Iran and the US capable of market surprises
                       building prices failed to attract more interest only serves as an in-   Positive surprises are again more likely to come from the de-
                       dication of the tough financing conditions for shipping at present.     mand side of the market. Chinese oil imports may increase
                                                                                               more than expected as the economy appears to be picking up
                       Given these developments, the tanker orderbook tumbled from             steam, and, particularly, if plans for significant increases in re-
                       75 mill dwt to 49 mill dwt through the course of the year - the         finery capacity go ahead. Likewise, any resolution to the Iranian
                       lowest level, relative to the size of the fleet, in twelve years.       conflict would most likely increase the volume of seaborne oil
                                                                                               trade, at least temporarily.
                       Market outlook: Challenging 2013, but finally
                       some light at the end of the tunnel?                                    On the negative side, if US production of light, tight crude con-
                       A year ago we said the market in 2012 would be ‘flat, but not           tinues to beat expectations, seaborne imports will come under
                       the without potential for surprises.’ We outlined the potential         further pressure. Global tanker demand will suffer unless the
                       for a restocking of oil inventories as a possible surprise scenario.    displaced oil can find other markets with at least equal trans-
                       That indeed turned out to be the case, except to a much stronger        portation distances or unless Middle East exporters to the US
                       degree than expected.                                                   can continue to increase their market share.                            ➤

 deliveries and removals of tankers 2003–2012
 Excluding chemical carriers                                                                    world oil production and trade 2003–2012

  Mill dwt                                                                                        MBD
  50                                                                                              55                                                      Non-OPEC
  45                                                                                                                                                      production
  40                                                                                                                                                      World oil
                                                                                                  45                                                      trade
  30                                                                                                                                                      production
  25                                                                                              35
   0                                                                                              15
             03   04   05    06     07     08   09     10    11     12                                  03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

18	 THE tanker MARKET
Analysts are not only struggling with the prospects for the tanker                                results in a market-dependent decline in productivity, which is
market, they are also working hard to explain the past. The tanker                                a part of the overcapacity to be measured. Normally, an increase
fleet is now 42 percent larger than in 2005, while seaborne trade, in                             in bunker prices also leads to lower speed, but we regard this as a
terms of volume, is up only 6 percent. In 2005, we estimated the utili-                           structural drop in productivity. In other words, an increase in bun-
zation rate for the tanker fleet to be close to the 90 percent we regard                          ker prices at a constant dollar rate will lead to slower speed and the
as full capacity utilization. On this basis, we should apparently have                            need for more tankers to carry out the same transportation work.
had a huge overcapacity of 20-25 percent this year, with permanent                                Speed is the most complicated element to handle when estimating
lay-up rates as a consequence. Even if 2012 definitely was a difficult                            over­capacity. Interested readers can find more about speed optimi-
year for tanker owners, it was not that bad. We now estimate the                                  zation in RS Platou Monthly, March 2012.
overcapacity in 2012 to have been 6-7 percent, which we describe as                           •	 Another (structural) productivity element is the load factor,
moderate, not in the neighborhood of what we experienced in the                                   defined as the cargo size divided by the deadweight ton of a vessel.
1970s and 1980s (see chart). The current overcapacity could be de-                                There has been a consistent trend over many years towards larger
scribed as a typical cyclical one, not the type of structural overcapac-                          Aframaxes, Suezmaxes and VLCCs, while the cargo sizes have
ity tanker owners fought against some decades ago.                                                been more or less unchanged. This means that we need more dead-
                                                                                                  weight tons to take the same cargo as before. We have estimated
This gives us reason to ask if the tanker market is now decoupled                                 that this element has reduced the productivity of the fleet by 0.6
from fundamentals? We believe not. The simple comparison be-                                      percent per year, over the last 10 years.
tween the change in the fleet and the change in trade volumes does                            •	 The ballast factor describes the share of days in ballast compared
not tell the whole story. There are obviously a number of additional                              with the total days at sea. Significant and rapid changes in the
factors. Let us try to explain:                                                                   worldwide trade pattern normally lead to more repositioning of
                                                                                                  the fleet, more ballast days and consequently lower (structural)
•	 Transport distances According to our estimates, average dis-                                  productivity. In the last few years, the stop and go of Libyan
    tances increased by 8 percent from 2005 to 2012, resulting in a                               exports, the sharp drop in exports from Iran and the drastic cuts
    14 percent increase in ton-miles in the same period.                                          in US oil import are typical drivers of more ballasting and reduced
•	 Floating storage employment Over the period from 2005 to                                      productivity.
    2012, there have been several years with significant use of tank-
    ers for storage purposes, in addition to their traditional trading                        Our analysis points to a decline of 13 percent in (structural) produc-
    employment.                                                                               tivity and a tanker demand growth of 32 percent from 2005 to 2012,
•	 Fleet productivity factors These factors are the most challenging                         compared to the tiny 6 percent growth in seaborne oil trade volumes.
    to identify and estimate. Normal productivity can be defined                              Thus we ended up with a utilization rate in 2012 of 83.5 percent - or
    as the number of ton-miles produced per deadweight ton, per                               an overcapacity of 6.5 percent - a level quite in line with freight mar-
    year, at a 90 percent utilization rate. Since our goal is to measure                      ket conditions in 2012.
    the utilization rate of the fleet, we have to differentiate between
    market-dependent changes in productivity and structural                                   Erik M. Andersen
    changes. For example: In a weakening market, operators want                               Special Adviser
    to reduce vessel speed because optimum speed is falling. This                             RS Platou Economic Research

  TANKER MARKET BALANCE 2005-2012                                                              Tanker overcapacity 1973-2012

    Mill dwt (lines)                            Utilization rate (bars)                          Overcapacity in percent of total fleet
    450                                                            100    Supply                 40
                                                                          Total demand           36
                                                                          (Based on
                                                                          ton-miles,             32
    400                                                            90     productivity and       28
                                                                          floating storage)
                                                                          Simple demand
                                                                          (Based on trade        20
    350                                                            80
                                                                          volumes)               16
                                                                          Utilization rate       12
                                                                          (Based on total         8
    300                                                            70     demand)
                                                                          Utilization rate
                                                                          (Based on               0
    250                                                            60     “simple” demand)       -4
            05         06   07   08   09   10     11        12                                        73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

                                                                                                                                                                                                             THE tanker MARKET   19
Crude and Clean markeTS likely TO COnTinue TO                                          tanker fleet, five years vs eight for crude, argues against a surge
                   TraCk eaCh OTher                                                                       in scrapping.
                   Product tanker rates increasingly outperformed crude rates
                   during the second half of 2012, and have begun 2013 on a                               OddS fOr a CyCliCal upTurn have imprOved,
                   stronger note. We see the improvement in clean rates as es-                            buT STrOnger wOrld eCOnOmy needed
                   sentially a cyclical phenomenon, resulting from the high level                         We expect that the much-reduced orderbook will lead to a pro-
                   of crude production and imports in the first half of the year.                         nounced slowdown in fleet capacity growth to less than 3 per-
                   Without a significant recovery in oil demand, trade growth is                          cent per annum over the next three years. In such a scenario,
                   thus likely to slow for the clean market as well in 2013. How-                         fleet utilization should begin to improve from 2014 and poten-
                   ever, trading patterns are becoming more complex because of                            tially accelerate in 2015. However, this development depends
                   tightening product specifications. In addition, the reduction                          on several assumptions, of which the most important is that the
                   in refinery capacity in the Atlantic Basin, including Venezuela,                       world economy embarks on a self-sustaining recovery in line
                   has made seaborne imports a more important swing factor.                               with its long-term growth potential. When that happens, but
                   Tonnage demand is less transparent in this segment and may                             probably not before, oil demand and trade can be expected to
                   offer upside surprises.                                                                accelerate and a cyclical recovery in the crude and clean mar-
                                                                                                          kets will arrive.
                   Fleet capacity growth for product tankers will likely increase in
                   2013, however, as the level of newbuilding deliveries is sched-                        Ole-Rikard Hammer
                   uled to rebound. The relatively low average age of the clean                           RS Platou Economic Research

                     sUPPly, demand and Utilization rate 2003–2012                                         market valUes of tankers 2003–2012
                     tanker fleet                                                                          5 years old

                         Mill dwt                                        Utilization rate                    Mill $
                         500                                                          150   Supply           180                                                        VLCC
                                                                                            Demand           160                                                        Suezmax
                         450                                                         140                                                                                Aframax
                                                                                            Utilization      140
                         400                                                         130    rate                                                                        MR Product
                         350                                                         120
                         300                                                         110
                         250                                                         100                      60
                         200                                                         90                       40
                         150                                                         80                       20

                         100                                                         70                        0
                                03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11    12                                      03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

20   the tanker market
the dry bulk market

                                   Substantial drop in
                                      freight rates
Market fundamentals deteriorated further during 2012, as a result of another year with record high deliveries. Despite weaker
global economic growth, tonnage demand increased at a healthy rate thanks to China, which utilized huge arbitrage in iron
ore and coal prices, importing far more dry bulk commodities than the underlying demand for steel, energy and so forth would
usually dictate.

FREIGHT RATES AND SHIP VALUES                                                tern for other segments was the reverse; with a relatively weaker
Considering the year as a whole, our weighted dry bulk index                 second half compared with the first half.
averaged $9,400 per day in 2012, down from $15,200 per day in
2011. The Capesize sector saw a drop in earnings from $16,200                Ship values fell steadily throughout the year even though sales
to $9,700 per day, while Panamaxes obtained $8,100 per day                   activity, especially for the larger sizes, increased significantly
compared with a day rate of $14,600 the year before. Supra-                  compared with the year before. We also registered high activity
maxes earned $9,400 per day against $14,400 per day in 2011,                 in re-sales of newbuildings, mostly from Chinese yards. Values                    ➤
while Handysize day rates fell from $10,500 in 2011 to $7,600
per day in 2012.
                                                                                average freight rates $ 1,000/day
Capesize tonnage was negatively affected by a slowdown in Bra-                  Trip charter
zilian iron ore exports to Asia during the first part of the year.              			                                    2010	 2011	 2012
Almost all growth in Asian iron ore imports was covered by                      Capesize	                               32.8	16.2	 9.7
Australia in this period, significantly impacting upon the ton-                 Panamax	                                25.8	14.6	 8.1
mile growth parameter. In the last quarter, however, Brazilian                  Supramax	                               22.4	14.4	 9.4
iron ore shipments to Asia recovered substantially, which con-                  Handysize	                              16.4	10.5	 7.6
tributed to a significant upturn in Capesize earnings. The pat-

 DRY BULK IMPORTS BY COUNTRY/REGION                                           t/c rates bulk carriers 2003–2012
 2003–2012                                                                    12 months

   Mill tons/year                                                               1,000 $/day
   1,400                                                          China         180                                                        Capesize
                                                                  Japan          160                                                       Panamax
                                                                  Oth Asia       140                                                       Supramax
   1,000                                                          W.Europe                                                                 Handysize
    800                                                           India
    600                                                                           80
       0                                                                           0
           03       04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12                         03     04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

                                                                                                                                                       THE dry bulk MARKET   21
22	 THE dry bulk MARKET
for re-sales dropped 15-20 percent, while 5-10 year old tonnage                        In the rest of the world, dry bulk import rose by around 3 per-
saw values decrease by 20-30 percent.                                                  cent from the year before. India continued its impressive growth
                                                                                       in dry bulk imports, mainly in coal, registering a 12 percent es-
SEABORNE TRADE AND TONNAGE DEMAND                                                      calation. Far East Asian countries, excluding China, recorded
On a global basis, steel makers raised their output by only                            only 2 percent higher total imports. European dry bulk imports
1 percent from 2011 to 2012. Asia, the Middle East and North                           fell by 1 percent, as a result of 8 percent lower iron ore imports.
America recorded moderate increases, while other regions reg-                          The impact of this was partly negated by 4 percent higher coal
istered lower production. The largest setback was experienced                          imports.
in the European region, with 3.5 percent lower production.
                                                                                       In terms of the key exporters of iron ore, Australia raised exports
Preliminary data suggests that seaborne transportation of dry                          by 13 percent, while Brazil reduced its activity by 1 percent. In
bulk commodities rose above 5 percent from the year before.                            coal transportation, Australian shipments escalated 13 percent,
Real tonnage demand is estimated to have increased around                              while Indonesia raised its volume by 5 percent. In grain and soy-
7 percent. In addition to somewhat below 5 percent growth                              bean trade, Brazilian export volumes jumped 16 percent, while
in ton miles, the rise in Chinese coastal trade contributed to                         US exports fell by 11 percent.
some additional demand. Fleet productivity appears to have
dropped around 2 percent. Among commodities, a 5 percent                               SAILING DISTANCES
jump was registered in the iron ore trade, while coal shipments                        On average, we registered slightly shorter hauls in iron ore loads,
increased by 7 percent. Trade in grain and soybean escalated                           caused by reduced Brazilian market share in the Asian iron ore
3 percent, while shipments of other commodities climbed                                market. In coal transportation, the average sailing distance was
2 percent.                                                                             marginally lower. This can be attributed to higher growth in
                                                                                       intra-Pacific coal shipments, compared with trade between the
China increased its dry bulk imports by 12 percent, of which                           Atlantic and the Pacific regions.
iron ore imports escalated by more than 8 percent, coal by
28 percent and other cargoes by a total of 6 percent. In the                           More long hauls were registered in the grain and soybean trade.
group of other commodities, the most pronounced jump was                               This was a result of increased South American exports in rela-
recorded in grain, nickel ore and soybeans. The growth in Chi-                         tion to the activity of other key exporters.
nese dry bulk imports was surprisingly strong taking into ac-
count only modest increases in domestic steel and energy de-                           PORT CONGESTION
mand. Significantly lower world market prices of iron ore and                          Slower growth in the dry bulk trade slightly reduced waiting
coal - compared to higher domestic prices in China - provided                          times in ports compared with 2011. Chinese, South American
strong incentives for Chinese industries to cover a higher share                       and Indian congestion was lower than the year before, while
of their raw material demand through overseas import.                                  both Australia and Indonesia experienced longer average port                     ➤

 supply, demand and utilization rate 2003–2012                                          market Values of Bulk Carriers 2003–2012
 Dry bulk fleet                                                                         5 years old

   Mill dwt                                           Utilization rate                    Mill $
   700                                                             180   Supply           180                                                        Capesize
   650                                                            170    Demand           160                                                        Panamax
   600                                                            160    Utilization                                                                 Supramax
   550                                                            150    rate
   500                                                            140                     120
   450                                                            130                     100
   400                                                            120                      80
   350                                                            110
   300                                                            100
   250                                                            90                       40
   200                                                            80                       20
   150                                                            70                        0
         03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11       12                                       03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

                                                                                                                                                                THE dry bulk MARKET   23
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
The Platou report 2013
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The Platou report 2013

  • 2. Contents introduction........................................................................................................ 3 the shipping environment ................................................................................. 7 the shipbuilding market .................................................................................. 12 the tanker market ............................................................................................ 16 the dry bulk market ......................................................................................... 21 the container ship market .............................................................................. 26 the car carrier market.................................................................................... 28 the lng market................................................................................................... 29 small-scale lng................................................................................................. 30 the demolition market...................................................................................... 31 mobile offshore drilling units...................................................................... 32 the offshore support vessel market............................................................ 35 the offshore contruction vessel market..................................................... 38 Offshore Wind .................................................................................................. 40 rs platou markets............................................................................................. 42 rs platou finans................................................................................................ 45 rs platou real estate........................................................................................ 48 statistics............................................................................................................. 50 Contacts.............................................................................................................. 56 Cover photo: Farstad Shipping
  • 3. Shipping & Offshore: Shaping the world of energy Shipping Offshore Commercial shipping companies transport 90 percent of global The recent tragedy at the gas produc- goods by weight and volume. Considering its importance, if the tion facility in Algeria brought home world was just ONE country, shipping would most likely have the vulnerability of onshore installa- been a public utility! tions in North Africa and the Middle East when it comes to terrorist at- Instead, private owners and capital dominate international tacks. The Arab Spring has turned into shipping. It is up to them to solve the logistical challenges that a shaky Winter, as unrest continues to arise in our constantly changing markets. spread and escalate in this important energy- exporting region. For example, there is currently an intense debate in the US Congress over whether to approve exports of (shale gas) LNG Some oil company executives believe from the US. The Department of Energy has approved several offshore energy production is easier to LNG export licenses, but the majority of Democrats, and quite defend from terrorist attacks, than for a few Republicans, would like to keep this “new” gas inside na- example onshore installations in North tional borders. Africa and the Middle East. Meanwhile, independent ship owners have ordered additional There was a succession of major off- LNG tonnage in anticipation of US exports from 2015/16. The shore discoveries during 2012 and we world needs all the energy it can get from politically low-risk continue to believe in increased ac- countries, so it is important that Washington does not ham- tivity for offshore rigs in general and string oil and gas exploration and production in the US. The ultra-deep water rigs in particular. The peter m. anker, Managing Partner & CEO country’s stunning transformation from the world’s biggest im- growth in demand for subsea construc- porter of petroleum products to its (almost) biggest exporter, tion vessels will continue to accelerate in the years to come. The feeding the emerging economies in Latin America and Africa, fleet is not only growing by numbers, but also by complexity is a case in point. of the vessels. We are entering into the development phase of many deep water projects that demands larger subsea structures The prospect of serious long-haul LNG volumes coming out of and more complex installation operations. Canada also looks very promising. It raises the question, could Canada be the new Qatar of the Americas? Conclusion While the world has been focused on various macroeconomic cri- The first quarter of 2013 is characterized by a mixture of signifi- ses during the last few years, the energy markets have undergone cant uncertainty and opportunity for shipowners and investors. dramatic changes in supply and trading patterns ‘under the radar’. The markets are in a bottom cycle, with second hand and new building prices at cyclically low levels. At the same time, the We believe these changes will become much clearer once the world economy is showing some potential for a strong recovery world economy picks up steam, and could offer positive sur- soon, and new fuel-efficient designs are an added incentive for prises for both the shipping and offshore markets. calling the shipyards. Taking this into consideration, we may well see a nascent recovery in most shipping markets in 2014 Yours Sincerely, and 2015. Peter M. Anker, Managing Partner & CEO, RS Platou ASA introduction 3
  • 7. the shipping environment World shipping 2012; Down, but not out 2012 turned out to be just as difficult for the shipping markets as we feared it would be. The performance of the world economy was even weaker than reflected in downbeat expectations at the start of the year, while fleet expansion remained above any reasonably sustainable long-term growth trend for the fourth consecutive year. Despite another stellar performance from the LNG market and a modest tightening of the tanker market, capacity utilization for the world’s merchant fleet fell by an estimated 1 percentage point to 84 percent, the lowest level since the full force Financial Crisis hit in 2009. Nevertheless, the past year was not without bright spots, despite the fascinating complexities of tonnage demand. Most notably, the very challenging conditions for many segments. Most obvi- there were significant shifts in transportation distances for both ously, the fact that both the tanker and dry bulk freight markets tankers (longer) as well as dry bulk (moderately shorter), while saw periodic rallies through the year is a clear indication that the markedly longer distances seen in the LNG market in 2011 the level of over-capacity is relatively moderate, compared to were sustained in 2012. Furthermore, fleet productivity fell in what was seen in the 1970s and ‘80s. This is partly due to ton- response to higher bunker prices and increased average vessel nage demand having enjoyed a surprisingly strong year despite size. Lastly, it was a big year for inventory swings with both tank an overall weak world economy, as the increased weight of the and dry bulk seeing bigger than normal inventory related trade commodity intensive non-OECD economies offset weaknesses movement in response to geopolitical factors (tank) and rela- in the OECD. tive commodity prices (dry bulk). Another important development was the continued sharp de- Another year of above-trend fleet growth, cline in the fleet orderbook which declined from 20 percent of but delivery pipeline is emptying the fleet a year ago to 14 percent at the end of 2012, as new or- The world’s merchant fleet continued its pattern of robust ders fell to a decade low. Whatever the reasons for this – more growth, adding another 7.8 percent, only slightly less than the prudent owners, insufficient cash flow, continued challenging record 8.2 percent seen in 2011. This marked the eighth con- financial conditions – the fact that fleet capacity is responding secutive year where growth exceeded 7 percent. The contribu- rationally to market conditions raises hope that the industry tors to growth were widely spread among key segments, with will avoid a repeat of the protracted structural downturn seen dry bulk in front at 12.6 percent and LNG carriers in the back at in the past. a modest 1.4 percent, which made that segment the place to be for the second straight year. Tonnage demand slowed less than the world economy Overall fleet utilization dropped by 2012 was yet another year dominated by crisis headlines on the 1 percentage point to 84 percent economic front, as the Euro Crisis not only rolled on but gath- A sizable 4 percent drop in dry bulk fleet utilization, the larg- ered in strength through the first half of the year. Despite world est segment of the merchant fleet, dragged down overall fleet GDP growth coming in at a lackluster 3.2 percent, tonnage de- capacity utilization. The container fleet also contributed to mand registered a healthy rise of 7.1 percent, down from 7.7 this decline, while improvements for the LNG, car carrier and percent in 2011. The year gave us important demonstrations of tanker segment moderated the drop.The level of 84 percent uti- ➤ THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT 7
  • 8. lization is nonetheless weak. According to our records it is the erage earnings rose from $14,800 per day in 2011, to $17,100 second lowest level seen in the past decade, although it is still per day in 2012. well above the bottom level of 82 percent, seen in 2009. Dry bulk in 2012: Substantial drop in freight Asset values continued falling but rate of rates decline eased Market fundamentals deteriorated further during 2012 caused It was yet another year of falling asset values, but the pace of by another year with record high deliveries. Even though scrap- decline slowed and the performance across sectors was more ping also rose to the highest level registered, the net fleet ex- varied than in 2011. The least variation was seen in newbuilding pansion was above 12 percent from the year before. Despite prices, which fell across the board by 5 - 10 percent for most size weaker global economic growth, tonnage demand increased classes. Secondhand values declined as well, due not only to the by a healthy 7 percent thanks to China, which utilized huge ar- weaker freight market but also because of the emergence of fuel bitrage in iron ore and coal prices, importing much more dry efficient newbuildings, a possibly important shift in shipping bulk commodities than the underlying demand for steel, energy technology and design. Values declined, with dry bulk vessels and so forth would suggest. However, the fleet utilization rate recording significant declines of 20-30 percent, tankers fell by dropped from 87 percent in 2011 to 83 percent in 2012, and this 5-10 percent. It was the fourth straight year of declining asset caused a drop in freight rates of between 40 and 50 percent and values, and accompanied by poor cash flows it put the indus- in ship values by 20- 30 percent. try’s balance sheets under further, severe pressure. The container market in 2012: Box rates and Tankers in 2012: Little relief, despite demand timecharter rates part company boom The container ship market in 2012 was characterized by higher The tanker market experienced some improvement, although average box rates than in 2011, but substantially lower char- this was unevenly spread between segments and seasons, dem- ter rates. Operators managed to raise the utilization rate, and onstrating the fragile nature of this market. The good news was thereby freight rates, of the operating fleet by idling more ton- an estimated 8 percent spike in tonnage demand. This was due nage and creating a higher demand increase through lower fleet to a combination of increased volume growth and longer dis- productivity. Non-operating owners faced a very difficult year tances as importers rushed to cover the loss of Iranian oil. Pro- as liners had limited need for the chartering of extra tonnage. ductivity also fell, as it did for all other segments. These factors Total container ship capacity increased by 7.7 percent, while the boosted the crude market during the first months of the year, operating fleet grew by 4.5 percent. Tonnage demand is estimat- and the clean market during the last months. The period in be- ed to have escalated by around 7 percent, with 5 percent higher tween, on the other hand, was dismal, with most crude carriers trade volume and a drop of 2 percent in fleet productivity. The in particular consistently trading at, or below, operating costs. low growth in container movements was related to a drop of 3 Fleet growth remained high at 7.2 percent, which prevented any percent in European containerized imports. sustained increase in rates. For the year, our Tanker Index of av- tonnage demand growth World merchant fleet 2003–2012 vs world economic growth 2003–2012 Annual Changes Tonnage demand growth world merchant fleet, annual changes in percent Percent 12 9 10 10 04 8 03 07 8 7 11 06 12/08 6 05 6 5 4 4 2 3 0 2 -2 09 1 -4 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 World output growth 8 THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT
  • 9. LNG in 2012: Longer and stronger World economy and world shipping The LNG shipping market tightened further during 2012 de- 2012 was not a good year for the world economy with, growth spite the fact that demand growth slipped into single digits for slipping to little more than 3 percent, the lowest level for a de- the first time in seven years. The 6 percent growth in tonnage cade, barring the Financial Crisis. Under these circumstances, demand was mainly due to longer average distances, as the it came as no surprise that the year also witnessed a slowdown inter-basin trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific continued to in tonnage demand growth. That said, growth of 7.1 percent expand. Trade volume, in fact, declined by 1 percent. Lower was better than might have been expected, as it represented fleet productivity also contributed to the demand increase. a more moderate slowdown than that experienced by GDP. Productivity fell by an estimated 2 - 3 percent owing to high While there were some special situations, as always, we view bunker prices and increased average vessel size. The LNG fleet this relatively strong performance in trade growth as a con- grew only 4 percent and thus lifted the fleet utilization rate to 95 firmation of the changing, and more shipping intensive, percent, which resulted in an average spot rate of $125,000 per composition of the world economy. The commodity inten- day, up from $93,000 per day in 2011. sive non-OECD economies are increasing in size in relation to the mature, service-oriented OECD economies. Based on Car carriers: Uneven improvement the IMF’s current forecasts the former group is on course to The car carrier market has seen another year of fluctuations in overtake the latter in absolute size, in 2013. This long-term tonnage demand. 2012 started off well with export volumes trend will underpin overall shipping demand in the years rising from the recovery of the Japanese automobile industry, to come and gives reasons for optimism regarding recovery. strong Korean exports and growing US auto sales. However, the The increasing weight of the non-OECD economies was ably Euro crisis took its toll on European car sales and along with demonstrated this year by the extent to which mere inventory strikes in Korea, contributed to a fall in export volumes dur- swings in iron ore and coal in China moved the entire dry bulk ing the second half of the year. Due to reasonably modest fleet market. growth, the average market balance improved somewhat from 2011, climbing to an estimated 84 percent fleet utilization rate. Status and prospects for the world economy Prospects for tonnage demand going forward depend heavily 2012 began with forecasters in a downbeat and highly uncer- on the economic development in key sales markets, as well as tain mood, after 2011 turned into yet another false dawn for the the possibility of relocation of car production from Japan to world economy. Most notably it became clear that politicians overseas markets as a result of the strong Yen. were still behind the curve in the Eurozone crisis. In addition, ➤ THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT 9
  • 10. the US seemed unable to move out of its 2 percent sluggish anything, falling farther behind the curve. It took a more prag- growth rate range, regardless of any kind of monetary stimulus matic approach from the ECB with regards to supporting the thrown at it, while, in the face of all this, China (as well as other region’s bond markets, in order to nudge politicians into agree- emerging markets) was showing signs of a significant slow- ing on several difficult issues, including debt write down and down. Forecasters turned out to be relatively accurate in their continued restructuring of the most fragile economies. That in downbeat view of the world economy, as (preliminary) full year turn improved market sentiment regarding the risk of a breakup growth figures show an estimated 3.2 per cent increase, not too of the entire Eurozone. far off the 3.3 percent forecast at the start of the year. Prospects for 2013 are for a moderate pickup in growth but this will still The troubles in Europe shielded the US from the storm for most be below the long-term trend. of the year, but the country’s tepid, and disappointing, growth of around 2 percent slowed further in the fourth quarter, as poli- The challenges for the world economy differ between the ma- ticians battled over how to avoid the Fiscal Cliff of automatic ture economies of the OECD and the ‘growth’ economies of tax hikes and spending cuts. Although a last minute deal was the non-OECD. The former group is struggling with the very reached, unsurprisingly, no fundamental problems were solved difficult combination of reducing national debts and deficits, and the challenges of dealing with the deficit and national debt while at the same time avoiding a relapse into recession, mak- are set to re-emerge in 2013. ing that very task next to impossible. Emerging economies, on the other hand, are feeling some growth pains from their force- Emerging markets became emerging ful response to the Financial Crisis, which boosted inflationary risks to growth pressures in the respective economies via higher commodity A year ago, we discussed the risk of a slowdown in emerging and property prices. markets and the impact on tonnage demand. The scenario turned out to be all too realistic, as 2012 featured a broad based The more positive sentiment visible at the start of 2013 can be slowdown across-the- board in such countries: China’s growth attributed to two main factors. Number one, that key econo- slowed from 9.5 percent in 2011 to a run rate of 7.5 percent in mies were pushed to the brink in 2012 – and survived. Sec- 2012. India slowed from 7 percent to 5 percent; Brazil from 4 ondly, leadership changes in the world’s two largest economies percent to 1 percent; and Russia from 5 percent to 4 percent. went smoothly, reinforcing the notion that the leaders in the US The combination of tighter monetary policy, due to budding and China are firmly committed to sustained and uninterrupted inflationary pressures in recent years and weaker export mar- growth. kets, had visible effects and combined to bring GDP growth for the group classified as ‘developing economies’ below 6 percent Europe and the US: Muddling through for only the second time in a decade. This, unsurprisingly, had a In terms of ‘stress tests’, Europe was in the spotlight, as talk of a negative impact on trade growth due to the commodity inten- ‘Grexit’ increasingly dominated the front pages, while, for every sive nature of these economies. new ‘crisis’ meeting, it became clear that the politicians were, if ANNUAL GROWTH IN REAL GDP world seaborne trade and economic growth 1970-2012 Percentage change from previous year Index 1970=100 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2013 500 World output Forecast Estimates Forecast 450 2012 2012 2013 Seaborne dry trade USA 1.8 2.3 2.0 400 Seaborne oil trade JAPAN 1.7 2.0 1.2 350 EURO AREA -0.5 -0.4 -0.2 C AND E EUROPE 1.1 1.8 2.4 300 RUSSIA 3.3 3.6 3.7 250 CHINA 8.2 7.8 8.2 INDIA 7.0 4.5 5.9 200 ASEAN 5.2 5.7 5.5 150 M EAST AND N AFRICA 3.2 5.2 3.4 SUB-SAHARA AFRICA 5.5 4.8 5.8 100 L AMERICA 3.6 3.0 3.6 50 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 WORLD 3.3 3.2 3.5 Source: IMF 10 THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT
  • 11. Signs of encouragement as 2013 got underway tone in the world economy, discussed above, is obviously a very The improvement in sentiment seen at the start of 2013 reflects important factor. The ability for the world economy to influence stronger underlying data. The biggest, and for shipping, most shipping must in turn be seen against the backdrop of current important, change is in China. When the economy first began overcapacity conditions that are far more moderate than in the to slow authorities appeared hesitant to do anything to stimu- dark days of the 1980s. The various freight markets’ demon- late growth, most likely worried about the lingering inflationary strated ability to respond to changes in trading conditions during pressures which came as a result of the truly giant stimulus pack- 2012 is a key sign in that regard. The most positive surprise may age in 2009. However, in September another stimulus package have been on the supply side of the market, however, which has was revealed and, combined with a softening of banks’ capital responded very rationally to the weak business climate by sharply requirements, this led to an improvement in the tone of the eco- reducing new orders. The overall orderbook thus fell steadily and nomic data. ended the year at 14 percent of the fleet, the lowest relative level in fifteen years and down from 20 percent a year ago. In the US, the severely deflated housing market gradually im- proved through the year and, combined with continued growth Finally, the structure of the world economy continues to be- in the auto and energy producing industries, overall labor mar- come more shipping intensive. Chinese import growth re- ket conditions began to show signs of more consistent improve- mained close to GDP growth, even during a year of slowdown. ment late in 2012. Furthermore, the size of the economy is such that even tactical considerations, like stock building and/or arbitrage inspired Expectations for the world economy in 2013 are muted. Growth trades, can move entire markets. Also, the shale energy revolu- is expected to nudge up to 3.5 percent, still well below its long- tion in the US has contributed to a net rise in shipping activity, term potential. However, calmer financial markets signal an im- by raising the country’s exports of refined oil products and coal provement in overall business and consumer confidence - vital (and, soon, LNG), while also contributing to longer trading dis- factors when it comes to making investment decisions that pro- tances for crude oil. mote growth and employment. The relative stability of the oil market, despite the fact that the 2012 average price for Brent Market conditions are likely to remain difficult in 2013 for the was the highest on record - also contributed to a moderately segments that struggled in 2012. However, we believe there are improved growth situation and the hope that the worst is over. good reasons to hope that shipping has retained its cyclicality through this difficult period, and will be able to share the fruits Shipping market prospects: of any improvement in the world economy, once it arrives, rela- Cyclicality is not dead tively quickly. On the face of it, there seem to be few reasons to expect much improvement for world shipping markets in 2013. However, we Ole-Rikard Hammer believe there are reasons to think that a change is, if not in the Head of Research air, certainly visible on the horizon. The cautiously improved RS Platou Economic Research GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH 2003-2013 supply, demand and utilization rate 1990-2012 Forecasts and actual growth rates World merchant fleet Percent change Mill cgt Utilization rate 6 Forecast 500 130 Supply Actual Demand 5 400 120 Utilization rate 4 3 300 110 2 200 100 1 100 90 0 -1 0 80 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Source: IMF (Forecast per Oct. the year before) THE SHIPPING ENVIRONMENT 11
  • 12. the shipbuilding market Building prices at a ten-year low Ordering activity fell by 30 percent in 2012, for the second year in a row. The main issues were slower economic growth and high fleet growth in most shipping segments, resulting in low freight rates and thus lower demand for newbuildings. The level of new orders amounted to less than 50 percent of our carriers and container ships. However, based on a freight in- estimated building capacity at the time of delivery. This resulted dex of $13,000 per day in 2012, we would have expected a in a continued decline in average delivery time and, as a con- higher ordering activity than the 16 mill cgt recorded. An- sequence, downward pressure on newbuilding prices. During other factor that affected demand was the availability of capi- 2012, our newbuilding price index fell by 12 percent and ended tal. The banks have become quite restrictive for new loans to at the lowest level seen in ten years measured in real terms. shipowners. Demand for new tonnage We have roughly estimated that owners invested 30 bill USD Demand for newbuildings was slow in the first half of 2012, with in conventional ships in 2012, a significant reduction from the only 3 mill compensated gross tons (cgt) of new orders regis- previous year’s 50 bill USD. tered per quarter. During the second half of the year, the order- ing activity picked up to above 5 mill cgt per quarter, which was Chinese shipyards were awarded 40 percent of all orders this still significantly below the estimated quarterly building capac- year, closely followed by the Koreans, who took 38 percent. A ity of 8 to 9 mill cgt. third of all new orders in China were from domestic owners, while in Korea the share was only 10 percent. Japanese yards The ordering activity has historically been closely correlated took 15 percent of the orders, of which three quarters were from with our freight rate index based on earnings for tankers, bulk domestic accounts. building prices for bulk carriers 2003–2012 building prices for tankers 2003–2012 Mill $ Mill $ 100 Capesize 170 VLCC 90 Panamax Suezmax 150 Handymax Aframax 80 130 MR Clean 70 110 60 90 50 70 40 30 50 20 30 10 10 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 12 THE SHIPBUILDING MARKET
  • 13. TankerS Korean yards have traditionally been the dominant builder in During 2012, we registered 15 mill dwt of new orders for tank- this segment, but in 2012 Chinese yards secured 53 percent of ers, representing a 40 percent increase from 2011 - a much high- all new orders, while Korea took 38 percent. er growth rate than the 17 percent seen in our tanker rate index. The shipyards delivered 32 mill dwt and towards the end of the lng year the orderbook amounted to 51 mill dwt, representing 10 LNG was a segment where freight rates reached historical high percent of the existing fleet. levels in 2012 and, subsequently, the demand for new tonnage remained high. This year we registered 33 new orders and, since In 2012, Korean and Chinese shipyards maintained their 60 and only two vessels were delivered, the orderbook grew significantly. 30 percent respective market shares in the tanker segment, while It ended the year at 92 vessels, or 27 percent of the existing fleet. Japan took 8 percent of the orders measured in dwt. A new fea- ture this year was the fact that Korean owners were the most ac- Korean shipbuilders were awarded 76 percent of all new LNG tive and were responsible for 16 percent of all new contracts. carrier orders. bulk CarrierS building CapaCiTy The number of bulk carriers ordered in 2012 declined by almost The trend in deliveries of tonnage, measured as a 12 months 40 percent from the year before - in line with the decline in freight moving average, held fairly steady at a level of 4 mill cgt per rates - and was tallied at 19 mill dwt. During the year, 98 mill dwt month from the middle of 2010 to half way through 2012. was delivered and at the end of 2012 the orderbook amounted to Deliveries peaked in June 2012, due to the fact that all new ves- 105 mill dwt, equivalent to 14 percent of the existing fleet. sels delivered after 30 June had to be in compliance with IMO’s Performance Standard for Protective Coating (PSPC) for bal- Chinese shipbuilders were again the most active in this segment last water tanks. During the second half of the year, deliveries in 2012, securing 59 percent of all new orders. Almost all other declined to an average of 2.4 mill cgt per month. contracts, 38 percent, went to Japanese yards. An estimated 21 percent of the orders came from Japanese owners, followed by If we compare the orderbook for each of the major shipbuilding Greek and Chinese owners, who had a share of 13 and 11 per- countries at the beginning of the year to what they actually de- cent, respectively. livered, the slippage (the ratio not delivered) in 2012 is surpris- ingly similar to what we registered in 2011. Chinese yards deliv- COnTainer ShipS ered 71 percent of the orderbook, while Korean and Japanese Demand for container ships in 2012 declined to less than a yards were able to deliver 80 and 93 percent, respectively. In to- third of the level seen in 2011 (in line with a subdued freight tal, 80 percent of the orders scheduled for 2012 were delivered. market) and totaled 0.47 mill TEU. During the year, 1.25 mill TEU was delivered from the shipyards and at the end of 2012 According to the orderbook, a further decline in deliveries in the orderbook stood at 3.4 mill TEU, representing 20 percent the coming years should be expected. At the end of 2012, some of the existing fleet. 32 mill cgt was due to be delivered in 2013, representing a 20 ➤ bUilding Prices for container shiPs 2003–2012 neW orders in mill cgt 2003–2012 Mill $ Mill cgt 120 6,000 teu 80 Others 110 4,500 teu LNG 70 100 3,000 teu Container 90 1,700 teu 60 Bulk carriers 80 1,000 teu 50 Tankers 70 40 60 50 30 40 20 30 10 20 10 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 the shipbuilding market 13
  • 14. percent decline from 2012. As we assume that some slippage The steelplate price varies from country to country, and for a will also take place in 2013, we expect the decline in deliveries typical Aframax tanker in Korea this has resulted in an 8 mill to be even more than the 20 percent indicated by the orderbook. USD reduction in direct steel costs. Slippage per segment The price for main engines has remained at a very low level, as In the tanker segment, the orderbook at the start of 2012 there has been a huge overcapacity in the production of main ­indicated that 45.6 mill dwt was due to be delivered that year. A engines since 2008. In Korea, engine prices have maintained a tally at the end of the year showed that only 31.9 mill dwt was level of about 185 USD per BHP from the previous year, while actually built. The difference can be explained by the fact that the prices in China have been recorded at even lower levels. orders amounting to 11.1 mill dwt were postponed, 4 mill dwt cancelled or converted to other ship types, and 1.5 mill dwt of The development of a shipbuilder’s currency against the dollar is ‘new’ contracts were delivered. also an important aspect of the building cost. During 2012, the Chinese Yuan remained almost unchanged against the dollar, According to the dry bulk orderbook, in early 2012 we expect- while the Korean Won strengthened by some 8 percent. There ed 138.8 mill dwt to enter the market that year. The amount of was relief for Japanese builders, as the Yen weakened 13 percent tonn­ ge actually delivered amounted to 97.6 mill dwt, as 33.6 a against the dollar towards the end of the year. mill dwt was delayed and 12.9 mill dwt was cancelled, removed or converted. In addition, 5.4 mill dwt of completed vessels In total, we have estimated that overnight building costs re- were not in the orderbook at the start of the year, and are there- mained almost unchanged during 2012, but were still around fore registered as ‘new’ contracts. 20 percent below the record high level estimated for a Korean builder in 2008. The orderbook for container ships showed that 1.58 mill TEU of capacity was due for delivery in 2012. At the end of 2012 Expectations for 2013 we recorded 1.25 mill TEU of actual deliveries. The residual The main driver of the shipping industry, world GDP growth, amount can be explained by the 0.35 mill TEU postponed, 0.02 is expected to be marginally higher in 2013 than it was in 2012, mill TEU cancelled and 0.43 mill TEU of ‘new’ orders that were namely 3.4 percent. Based on the historical correlation between delivered in 2012. the world GDP growth and tonnage demand for the world mer- chant fleet, we expect a healthy growth of 5-6 percent in demand Building cost for 2013. We anticipate fleet growth at the same level, taking into Newbuilding prices have been on a downward trajectory since account some delays and cancellations of orders, combined with a the second half of 2008, caused by an overcapacity in the new- continued high level of removals. We therefore expect the utiliza- building market and declining building costs. tion rate for the merchant fleet to remain at 84 percent in 2013. This should result in freight rates below break-even in the major Steel is one of the most important materials in shipbuilding and shipping sectors and thereby mitigate owners’ willingness to or- from 2008 to 2012 our steelplate price index fell by 40 percent. der new ships. Another obstacle for owners who want to order world market price for heavy steel plates 2003–2012 10 mm+ $/ton DELIVERIES, NEW ORDERS AND ORDERBOOKS BY VESSEL TYPE 1,400 1,200 New Order Percent Deliveries orders book of fleet Type Capacity 2012 2012 end 2012 end 2012 1,000 Tankers Mill. dwt 31.4 14.2 49.4 10.7 Bulk carriers Mill. dwt 97.6 18.6 105.4 16.1 800 Container ships Mill. teu 1.25 0.5 3.4 21.0 LNG Mill. cbm 0.03 5.1 12.6 27.0 600 LPG Mill. cbm 0.6 1.5 2.5 12.7 Car carriers 1,000 cars 209 986 273 7.4 400 Chemical carriers Mill. dwt 0.5 0.9 1.6 4.4 Cruise 1,000 berths 16.1 18.3 74.3 14.8 200 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 THE SHIPBUILDING MARKET
  • 15. new tonnage is securing finance, as banks have become more roughly 35 mill cgt, within a couple of years as some shipbuild- reluctant to finance projects without any charter commitments. ers will cease to exist and others will do their utmost to reduce capacity in order to survive. With low demand from the major segments, a higher focus may be seen on smaller, industrial segments. We also see an increas- In conclusion, we therefore expect a continued downward pres- ing interest in new eco-designed ships. However, all in all we sure on newbuilding prices in 2013. However, as the price level expect total demand to remain subdued. According to our esti- at the end of 2012 is getting close to the variable cost level, we mates, demand may reach 20 - 25 mill cgt in 2013. do not expect a significant drop in the already low prices, unless there is a meaningful change in input prices or exchange rates. Building capacity is expected to decline, as shipbuilders are struggling in a low price environment. At the present price lev- Jørn Bakkelund el, we have estimated that building capacity may be reduced to RS Platou Economic Research the shipbuilding market 15
  • 16. the tanker market Spike in tonnage demand offers only partial relief Tanker freight rates improved in 2012 from the exceptionally weak levels of 2011. Statistics show a spike in tonnage demand, but the majority of participants may not have felt it this way. We estimate that tonnage demand jumped by an exceptional 8 percent, but the most tangible part of demand growth, trade volume, made only a modest contribution. Longer average distance and reduced productivity were more important contributory factors. Continued high fleet growth, even higher than 2011, restricted the improvement in average fleet utilization to a modest 1 percentage point, virtually all of it during the first half of 2012. The year was split in two for the crude and the clean segments. disrupting refineries, locking up tonnage and rerouting trade Crude tanker rates experienced a fairly strong start to the year, flows, a combination of factors that caused fundamentals to particularly for VLCCs, as Saudi Arabia raised production and tighten further. Spot market rates rose markedly, particularly in importers scrambled to build inventory and adjust to the EU’s the Atlantic Basin, but TC rates remained relatively stable. pending embargo of Iranian oil. Once the market had made these adjustments, tonnage demand growth slowed and freight For the full year, our tonnage-weighted Tanker Index of freight rates for VLCCs and Suezmaxes immediately collapsed through rates rose from $14,800 per day to $17,200 per day, a rise of the summer before experiencing a modest seasonal rebound in 16 percent. With the exception of Suezmaxes, which bore the the fourth quarter. brunt of the decline in US imports, all segments contributed to the increase. For the crude carrier segment, VLCCs saw the The clean market experienced the opposite development: the largest improvement going from $15,000 to $21,000 per day, a first half of the year was weak and uneventful but trade growth rise of 40 percent. Meanwhile, for clean tankers LR1 earnings picked up in the second half as the rise in crude supply which rose more than 50 percent from $11,000 to $17,000 per day. took place in the first half of the year passed through refineries. Then, Hurricane Sandy hit the US East Coast in late October, Asset values still under pressure, but some divergences Vessel prices remained under pressure during the year. While freight rates – single voyage 2003–2012 newbuilding prices fell across-the-board by 5 to 10 percent, Crude carriers trends in secondhand values were more mixed than in 2011. 1,000 $/day Values for modern VLCCs and Suezmaxes saw only moderate 200 VLCC declines, while prices for Aframaxes and smaller vessels fell by Suezmax a further 10 to 20 percent. Values for units 10 years and older, Aframax 150 average freight rates $1,000 per day 100 Single voyage 2010 2011 2012 50 VLCC 34.8 14.9 20.9 Suezmax 28.0 16.7 14.7 Aframax 21.4 12.9 15.4 LR 2 product 16.2 12.5 14.3 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 MR product 8.9 11.3 13.0 16 THE tanker MARKET
  • 17. which had been converging on scrap value, experienced some EU’s announcement in January that it would undertake an em- improvement. bargo of Iranian oil effective from 1 July 2012 triggered a rush to build inventories, notably in China. Oil prices jumped as the A strong but uneven year for tonnage market refocused on the supply risk in an environment of low demand growth spare production capacity. ➤ Tonnage demand rose markedly during the first months of the year, but was unable to sustain this rate of growth, as the main driver had been oil inventory building rather than consumption. Tanker market index 2003–2012 Annual averages (weighted by dwt) Longer trading distances made a major contribution to tonnage 1,000 $/day demand growth, increasing by an estimated 3 percent, com- 70 pared to trade growth of 1 percent. Average trading distances 60 lengthened to China and, particularly, to the US. The latter was surprising, given the focus on reduced overall imports. How­ 50 ever, all of the reduction came from light, sweet oil imports, 40 mainly from West Africa, while long- haul imports from the 30 Middle East increased market share and allowed average dis- tances to the US to rise by 9 percent ( January to September). 20 The shift still had important freight market consequences, how- 10 ever, as VLCCs benefitted at the expense of Suezmaxes. 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Asian imports had yet another strong year, as China, Japan, In- dia and Korea all increased imports. All countries, at least pe- riodically, reduced imports from Iran and replaced these with tanker FLEET 2003–2012 increased imports from West Africa and Latin America. As a Average annual changes result, average trading distances increased to this region, as well. Percent 8 Europe, on the other hand, reduced its average distances. In 7 contrast to the US, import volume increased, mainly due to 6 lower North Sea production, but the impact on ton-miles was 5 more than negated by the return of short-haul Libyan crude. The Iranian embargo also allowed for increased shorter haul im- 4 ports from West Africa and Russia. 3 2 Reduced fleet productivity contributed to 1 demand growth There were important developments in the opaque area of fleet 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 productivity. Most obviously, average fleet speed continued to de- cline, falling by an estimated 0.5 knots, to 12 knots. Higher bunker prices, particularly early in the year, caused a significant drop in freight rates – single voyage 2003–2012 optimal vessel speed. Changes in average vessel size and ballast Clean carriers time also contributed. To surmise, we estimate that fleet produc- 1,000 $/day tivity was reduced by an estimated 3 to 4 percent, which increased 90 85/110,000 dwt tonnage demand by the same amount. For more details on this 80 70/85,000 dwt and the complexities of fleet productivity, please see the enclosed 70 45,000 dwt box article ‘Is the tanker market driven by fundamentals?’ 60 50 Oil market remained stubbornly tight 40 World oil production rose by 2.9 percent in 2012, the largest 30 increase since 2004. This easily overtook the increase in world 20 oil demand, which rose by only 1.1 percent, thanks to the weak 10 world economy. However, the increase in production failed to 0 dent prices, which remained stubbornly high for most of the 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 year. Brent averaged 113 USD per barrel, a record high. The THE tanker MARKET 17
  • 18. The increase in production was driven by Libya, but also by the In 2013 we predict relatively similar developments to what we US. For the tanker market, the latter restricted the increase in forecast a year ago, but with the important caveat that it will be seaborne trade to a moderate 1 percent, a smaller figure than more difficult to repeat the many positive surprises of 2012. We might normally have been expected from the observed rise in expect tonnage demand growth to slow significantly, as OPEC’s oil production. biggest producer, Saudi Arabia, already began to scale back pro- duction in late 2012. Fleet capacity growth: High, going on higher, but orderbook drop continues Fleet growth will, finally, begin to slow, but probably not Fleet growth developed in line with expectations and was, if any- rapidly enough to improve capacity utilization significantly thing, somewhat faster than anticipated. Although newbuilding already this year. Deliveries should be lower than in 2012 deliveries fell to 31 mill dwt, down from the record 40 mill dwt and we also expect an increase in scrapping. However, both in 2011, average fleet growth accelerated from 5.8 percent to 7.2 of these assumptions may prove tenuous. Deliveries will be percent. This was due to the relatively low level of scrapping, less affected by slippage, both from 2012 and 2013. Meanwhile, than 15 mill dwt. With single hull tankers having been removed scrapping has proved difficult to get off the ground, because from the active fleet, the average age of the fleet has declined to of the relatively young fleet. We expect the volume to increase, about eight years and there is thus a shortage of natural scrapping as more vessels are due for special survey from 2012 onwards. candidates. A drop in scrap prices, combined with a moderate in- However, any positive sentiment with regards to an impend- crease in asset values for the oldest vessels, as the freight market ing freight market recovery will also affect owners of older improved, made scrapping decisions more difficult for owners. tonnage and possibly delay their scrapping decisions. We ex- pect fleet growth to slow from 7 percent to less than 4 percent, The real news was another year of exceptionally low ordering, 14 the lowest rate in four years. mill dwt, far below the rate of deliveries, which caused the order- book to decline further. The fact that yet another drop in new- China, Iran and the US capable of market surprises building prices failed to attract more interest only serves as an in- Positive surprises are again more likely to come from the de- dication of the tough financing conditions for shipping at present. mand side of the market. Chinese oil imports may increase more than expected as the economy appears to be picking up Given these developments, the tanker orderbook tumbled from steam, and, particularly, if plans for significant increases in re- 75 mill dwt to 49 mill dwt through the course of the year - the finery capacity go ahead. Likewise, any resolution to the Iranian lowest level, relative to the size of the fleet, in twelve years. conflict would most likely increase the volume of seaborne oil trade, at least temporarily. Market outlook: Challenging 2013, but finally some light at the end of the tunnel? On the negative side, if US production of light, tight crude con- A year ago we said the market in 2012 would be ‘flat, but not tinues to beat expectations, seaborne imports will come under the without potential for surprises.’ We outlined the potential further pressure. Global tanker demand will suffer unless the for a restocking of oil inventories as a possible surprise scenario. displaced oil can find other markets with at least equal trans- That indeed turned out to be the case, except to a much stronger portation distances or unless Middle East exporters to the US degree than expected. can continue to increase their market share. ➤ deliveries and removals of tankers 2003–2012 Excluding chemical carriers world oil production and trade 2003–2012 Mill dwt MBD 50 55 Non-OPEC Removals 45 production Deliveries 40 World oil 45 trade 35 OPEC 30 production 25 35 20 15 25 10 5 0 15 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 18 THE tanker MARKET
  • 19. IS THE TANKER MARKET DRIVEN BY FUNDAMENTALS? Analysts are not only struggling with the prospects for the tanker results in a market-dependent decline in productivity, which is market, they are also working hard to explain the past. The tanker a part of the overcapacity to be measured. Normally, an increase fleet is now 42 percent larger than in 2005, while seaborne trade, in in bunker prices also leads to lower speed, but we regard this as a terms of volume, is up only 6 percent. In 2005, we estimated the utili- structural drop in productivity. In other words, an increase in bun- zation rate for the tanker fleet to be close to the 90 percent we regard ker prices at a constant dollar rate will lead to slower speed and the as full capacity utilization. On this basis, we should apparently have need for more tankers to carry out the same transportation work. had a huge overcapacity of 20-25 percent this year, with permanent Speed is the most complicated element to handle when estimating lay-up rates as a consequence. Even if 2012 definitely was a difficult over­capacity. Interested readers can find more about speed optimi- year for tanker owners, it was not that bad. We now estimate the zation in RS Platou Monthly, March 2012. overcapacity in 2012 to have been 6-7 percent, which we describe as • Another (structural) productivity element is the load factor, moderate, not in the neighborhood of what we experienced in the defined as the cargo size divided by the deadweight ton of a vessel. 1970s and 1980s (see chart). The current overcapacity could be de- There has been a consistent trend over many years towards larger scribed as a typical cyclical one, not the type of structural overcapac- Aframaxes, Suezmaxes and VLCCs, while the cargo sizes have ity tanker owners fought against some decades ago. been more or less unchanged. This means that we need more dead- weight tons to take the same cargo as before. We have estimated This gives us reason to ask if the tanker market is now decoupled that this element has reduced the productivity of the fleet by 0.6 from fundamentals? We believe not. The simple comparison be- percent per year, over the last 10 years. tween the change in the fleet and the change in trade volumes does • The ballast factor describes the share of days in ballast compared not tell the whole story. There are obviously a number of additional with the total days at sea. Significant and rapid changes in the factors. Let us try to explain: worldwide trade pattern normally lead to more repositioning of the fleet, more ballast days and consequently lower (structural) • Transport distances According to our estimates, average dis- productivity. In the last few years, the stop and go of Libyan tances increased by 8 percent from 2005 to 2012, resulting in a exports, the sharp drop in exports from Iran and the drastic cuts 14 percent increase in ton-miles in the same period. in US oil import are typical drivers of more ballasting and reduced • Floating storage employment Over the period from 2005 to productivity. 2012, there have been several years with significant use of tank- ers for storage purposes, in addition to their traditional trading Our analysis points to a decline of 13 percent in (structural) produc- employment. tivity and a tanker demand growth of 32 percent from 2005 to 2012, • Fleet productivity factors These factors are the most challenging compared to the tiny 6 percent growth in seaborne oil trade volumes. to identify and estimate. Normal productivity can be defined Thus we ended up with a utilization rate in 2012 of 83.5 percent - or as the number of ton-miles produced per deadweight ton, per an overcapacity of 6.5 percent - a level quite in line with freight mar- year, at a 90 percent utilization rate. Since our goal is to measure ket conditions in 2012. the utilization rate of the fleet, we have to differentiate between market-dependent changes in productivity and structural Erik M. Andersen changes. For example: In a weakening market, operators want Special Adviser to reduce vessel speed because optimum speed is falling. This RS Platou Economic Research TANKER MARKET BALANCE 2005-2012 Tanker overcapacity 1973-2012 Mill dwt (lines) Utilization rate (bars) Overcapacity in percent of total fleet 450 100 Supply 40 Total demand 36 (Based on ton-miles, 32 400 90 productivity and 28 floating storage) 24 Simple demand (Based on trade 20 350 80 volumes) 16 Utilization rate 12 (Based on total 8 300 70 demand) 4 Utilization rate (Based on 0 250 60 “simple” demand) -4 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE tanker MARKET 19
  • 20. Crude and Clean markeTS likely TO COnTinue TO tanker fleet, five years vs eight for crude, argues against a surge TraCk eaCh OTher in scrapping. Product tanker rates increasingly outperformed crude rates during the second half of 2012, and have begun 2013 on a OddS fOr a CyCliCal upTurn have imprOved, stronger note. We see the improvement in clean rates as es- buT STrOnger wOrld eCOnOmy needed sentially a cyclical phenomenon, resulting from the high level We expect that the much-reduced orderbook will lead to a pro- of crude production and imports in the first half of the year. nounced slowdown in fleet capacity growth to less than 3 per- Without a significant recovery in oil demand, trade growth is cent per annum over the next three years. In such a scenario, thus likely to slow for the clean market as well in 2013. How- fleet utilization should begin to improve from 2014 and poten- ever, trading patterns are becoming more complex because of tially accelerate in 2015. However, this development depends tightening product specifications. In addition, the reduction on several assumptions, of which the most important is that the in refinery capacity in the Atlantic Basin, including Venezuela, world economy embarks on a self-sustaining recovery in line has made seaborne imports a more important swing factor. with its long-term growth potential. When that happens, but Tonnage demand is less transparent in this segment and may probably not before, oil demand and trade can be expected to offer upside surprises. accelerate and a cyclical recovery in the crude and clean mar- kets will arrive. Fleet capacity growth for product tankers will likely increase in 2013, however, as the level of newbuilding deliveries is sched- Ole-Rikard Hammer uled to rebound. The relatively low average age of the clean RS Platou Economic Research sUPPly, demand and Utilization rate 2003–2012 market valUes of tankers 2003–2012 tanker fleet 5 years old Mill dwt Utilization rate Mill $ 500 150 Supply 180 VLCC Demand 160 Suezmax 450 140 Aframax Utilization 140 400 130 rate MR Product 120 350 120 100 300 110 80 250 100 60 200 90 40 150 80 20 100 70 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 20 the tanker market
  • 21. the dry bulk market Substantial drop in freight rates Market fundamentals deteriorated further during 2012, as a result of another year with record high deliveries. Despite weaker global economic growth, tonnage demand increased at a healthy rate thanks to China, which utilized huge arbitrage in iron ore and coal prices, importing far more dry bulk commodities than the underlying demand for steel, energy and so forth would usually dictate. FREIGHT RATES AND SHIP VALUES tern for other segments was the reverse; with a relatively weaker Considering the year as a whole, our weighted dry bulk index second half compared with the first half. averaged $9,400 per day in 2012, down from $15,200 per day in 2011. The Capesize sector saw a drop in earnings from $16,200 Ship values fell steadily throughout the year even though sales to $9,700 per day, while Panamaxes obtained $8,100 per day activity, especially for the larger sizes, increased significantly compared with a day rate of $14,600 the year before. Supra- compared with the year before. We also registered high activity maxes earned $9,400 per day against $14,400 per day in 2011, in re-sales of newbuildings, mostly from Chinese yards. Values ➤ while Handysize day rates fell from $10,500 in 2011 to $7,600 per day in 2012. average freight rates $ 1,000/day Capesize tonnage was negatively affected by a slowdown in Bra- Trip charter zilian iron ore exports to Asia during the first part of the year. 2010 2011 2012 Almost all growth in Asian iron ore imports was covered by Capesize 32.8 16.2 9.7 Australia in this period, significantly impacting upon the ton- Panamax 25.8 14.6 8.1 mile growth parameter. In the last quarter, however, Brazilian Supramax 22.4 14.4 9.4 iron ore shipments to Asia recovered substantially, which con- Handysize 16.4 10.5 7.6 tributed to a significant upturn in Capesize earnings. The pat- DRY BULK IMPORTS BY COUNTRY/REGION t/c rates bulk carriers 2003–2012 2003–2012 12 months Mill tons/year 1,000 $/day 1,400 China 180 Capesize Japan 160 Panamax 1,200 Oth Asia 140 Supramax 1,000 W.Europe Handysize 120 800 India 100 600 80 60 400 40 200 20 0 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 THE dry bulk MARKET 21
  • 22. 22 THE DRY BULK MARKET 22 THE dry bulk MARKET
  • 23. for re-sales dropped 15-20 percent, while 5-10 year old tonnage In the rest of the world, dry bulk import rose by around 3 per- saw values decrease by 20-30 percent. cent from the year before. India continued its impressive growth in dry bulk imports, mainly in coal, registering a 12 percent es- SEABORNE TRADE AND TONNAGE DEMAND calation. Far East Asian countries, excluding China, recorded On a global basis, steel makers raised their output by only only 2 percent higher total imports. European dry bulk imports 1 percent from 2011 to 2012. Asia, the Middle East and North fell by 1 percent, as a result of 8 percent lower iron ore imports. America recorded moderate increases, while other regions reg- The impact of this was partly negated by 4 percent higher coal istered lower production. The largest setback was experienced imports. in the European region, with 3.5 percent lower production. In terms of the key exporters of iron ore, Australia raised exports Preliminary data suggests that seaborne transportation of dry by 13 percent, while Brazil reduced its activity by 1 percent. In bulk commodities rose above 5 percent from the year before. coal transportation, Australian shipments escalated 13 percent, Real tonnage demand is estimated to have increased around while Indonesia raised its volume by 5 percent. In grain and soy- 7 percent. In addition to somewhat below 5 percent growth bean trade, Brazilian export volumes jumped 16 percent, while in ton miles, the rise in Chinese coastal trade contributed to US exports fell by 11 percent. some additional demand. Fleet productivity appears to have dropped around 2 percent. Among commodities, a 5 percent SAILING DISTANCES jump was registered in the iron ore trade, while coal shipments On average, we registered slightly shorter hauls in iron ore loads, increased by 7 percent. Trade in grain and soybean escalated caused by reduced Brazilian market share in the Asian iron ore 3 percent, while shipments of other commodities climbed market. In coal transportation, the average sailing distance was 2 percent. marginally lower. This can be attributed to higher growth in intra-Pacific coal shipments, compared with trade between the China increased its dry bulk imports by 12 percent, of which Atlantic and the Pacific regions. iron ore imports escalated by more than 8 percent, coal by 28 percent and other cargoes by a total of 6 percent. In the More long hauls were registered in the grain and soybean trade. group of other commodities, the most pronounced jump was This was a result of increased South American exports in rela- recorded in grain, nickel ore and soybeans. The growth in Chi- tion to the activity of other key exporters. nese dry bulk imports was surprisingly strong taking into ac- count only modest increases in domestic steel and energy de- PORT CONGESTION mand. Significantly lower world market prices of iron ore and Slower growth in the dry bulk trade slightly reduced waiting coal - compared to higher domestic prices in China - provided times in ports compared with 2011. Chinese, South American strong incentives for Chinese industries to cover a higher share and Indian congestion was lower than the year before, while of their raw material demand through overseas import. both Australia and Indonesia experienced longer average port ➤ supply, demand and utilization rate 2003–2012 market Values of Bulk Carriers 2003–2012 Dry bulk fleet 5 years old Mill dwt Utilization rate Mill $ 700 180 Supply 180 Capesize 650 170 Demand 160 Panamax 600 160 Utilization Supramax 140 550 150 rate 500 140 120 450 130 100 400 120 80 350 110 60 300 100 250 90 40 200 80 20 150 70 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 THE dry bulk MARKET 23