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Electronically reprinted from May/June 2002   Issue 42
VIDEO REVIEW                                     ❘      Randy Tomlinson
                                                                                                                                                                                COVER STORY

Loewe Aconda: 38" HD-Ready Direct-View Television

     or those of you unfamiliar with the                     220 pounds. Electrical challenges are                          video performance, while digital video
     Loewe (pronounced loo-vah)                              even more daunting and would have                              noise     reduction—switchable          in
     brand, I’ll give you a few back-                        been impossible to overcome a few                              stages—dynamically suppresses un-
     ground notes. Loewe, a German                           years ago, due to the difficulty of scan-                      wanted picture noise (snow). A 3:2
     manufacturer, has been in the tele-                     ning perfectly focused and converged                           pulldown feature is included with two
vision business since the very beginning                     electron beams across such a wide, flat                        selectable levels. Digital line interpola-
of TV (1923). Several years ago, it                          screen without resorting to a tube (and                        tion enhances picture quality when
gained attention in the US by introduc-                      chassis) of unreasonable depth.                                images are enlarged to fill the screen.
ing what I believe was the first                                  It seems that RCA is using this                           Letterbox movie detection automati-
widescreen (16:9) digital progressive-                       same picture tube with one of its pre-                         cally selects the correct screen size for
scan television for the home market.                         mium sets. The Loewe costs signifi-                            letterbox movies. The audio section of
Loewe’s styling is also distinctive, and,                    cantly more than the RCA, but rest                             this TV (including the small internal
like B&O’s, has always appealed to                           assured, the tube is all they have in                          speakers) is outstanding and includes
those unhappy with the look of con-                          common. Several steps have been                                an S/PDIF digital audio output for
ventional TVs. While by no means                             taken in making this tube to ensure the                        connection to an A/V receiver. Finally,
inexpensive, the Aconda—Loewe’s                              blackest possible blacks. Loewe, how-                          an automatic volume control (selec-
flagship model—emphatically main-                            ever, claims its advanced video circuit-                       table) reduces the level of noisy com-
tains the company’s exceptional stan-                        ry is mostly responsible for producing                         mercials, as well as differences in
dards of both performance and styling.                       a picture second to none. We’ll see.                           sound from channel to channel.
    The Aconda is a fully digital pro-                            You can be certain that a high-end
gressive-scan direct-view set with a                         set like this has all the expected bells
huge 38-inch picture tube. The chal-                         and whistles so I’ll just touch upon a                         Connectivity and Setup
lenge of making a tube this big with a                       few highlights: The Aconda has two-
nearly flat viewing surface is formida-                      tuner PIP (picture-in-picture) that                               Loewe has provided a large num-
ble. The glass has to be thick and strong                    allows you to watch two same-size                              ber of inputs, including four S-video
to safely contain the internal vacuum.                       pictures side-by-side. A digital comb                          and four composite-video, as well as
That’s the main reason this set weighs                       filter ensures best possible composite-                        component-video and VGA inputs.

 To subscribe to the perfect vision, call 888-475-5991 (US), 760-745-2809 (outside US) or visit $42 for six issues in the US; $45
    Canada, $75 outside North America. Posted by permission from Absolute Multimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication of this article is strictly prohibited.
Each S-video input has a switch built
into it that disables the composite-         The Olympics, in high-definition, were
video input below it when an S-video         stunning, with the most beautiful and
connector is physically plugged in.
The inclusion of only one multi-scan         realistic colors I’ve ever seen on a TV
component-video input is a rather            regardless of type or price.
serious oversight since many users
will want to connect both a DVD
player and a high-definition set-top         names can be given and you can con-          out unwanted color casts, except
box via component cables. However,           struct a “favorite channel” list (selec-     through the S-video inputs where there
using S-video for your DVD player            table from a button on the remote) of        was a slight shift toward magenta as
might not be a problem, as I’ll discuss      as many as you like. Audio and video         black was approached. Few sets are fac-
later. There’s also a multi-scan VGA         adjustments can also be made from the        tory-calibrated this well. The HIGH set-
input with the same 480i, 480p, 540p,        remote without having to go through          ting was distinctly bluish (over 12Kº)
960i, and 1080i capability—ideal for         several layers of menus.                     and the LOW setting distinctly reddish.
the RCA DTC-100 set-top boxes.                   The remote is simple and unclut-         Clearly the MEDIUM setting is prefer-
This input may be used with comput-          tered but has a decidedly different          able, but the set will default back to
ers in 640x480 resolution. Sources           “feel” from most Japanese remotes.           HIGH if you unplug it.
can also be connected to front panel         You’ll get used to it. It can also be pro-       Once calibrated, the Aconda
S-video and composite-video inputs           grammed (with codes) to operate              tracked the most perfect grayscale I’ve
(handy for camcorders).                      VCRs, cable boxes, and satellite             ever encountered, varying less than
    The initial on-screen setup proce-       receivers. If you find the TV not            100 degrees at any light level in the
dure allows you to associate your vari-      responding to the remote, you’ve             center of the screen. No set is easier to
ous video sources with seventeen pre-        probably inadvertently pushed the            calibrate, but without an accurate
selected names and screen resolutions,       MODE button and the remote is trying         color analyzer, you’ll never improve
such as DVD Player/S-video, DVD              to control a VCR or something else           on factory calibration. As an experi-
Player/480i, DVD Player/480p, STB/           other than the TV set.                       ment, I watched the 100 IRE window
480p, and so on. It’s unlikely that you                                                   and turned the CONTRAST control up
own a product you couldn’t appropri-                                                      from “20” (my calibration level) to its
ately associate, and if you don’t like the   Technical Performance                        highest setting (63). In the center of
names Loewe has chosen, you can                                                           the screen, the color temperature still
change them. This is good, because—              I spent six or seven hours testing       held 6500º! The uniformity of this
as an example—“VCR” can only be              and then calibrating the Aconda 38           color temperature was another matter
associated with Input 2 so if you want       before ever watching a real picture.         that I’ll discuss later.
your DVD player to go there, you’ll          That turned out to be a smart move.              Black-level retention proved
have to set it up as a VCR then change       First watching the high-definition           exceptional. When you switch from a
the “VCR” name. Once associated,             Winter Olympics, as displayed on this        very bright scene to a very dark one,
only these sources are shown in the          set, would have made it very difficult       blacks should remain just as you set
input selection.                             to go back to test patterns. While I’ll      them with the BRIGHTNESS control. In
    I found this association procedure       cover the basics here, you can find a        my opinion, this is a very important
different but very appealing. While          far more detailed explanation of my          aspect of performance. Optimize
Loewe sets have always worked this           ISF calibration on the Internet version      many sets for brighter scenes, and they
way, this new model is far more flexi-       of this review (where space isn’t a con-     get washed out in dark scenes. The
ble and user-friendly than its earlier       sideration). In it, I’ll tell you just how   Loewe is rock solid. There is, however,
sets. You’ll also have to remember to        far your ISF guy may be able to go to        quite a bit of interaction between the
set up your sources in the VIDEO menu.       make every input and scan rate text-         BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST controls,
Everything from color temperature to         book perfect, so you can switch to           so if you change contrast, you’ll near-
contrast can be customized for each          each of your sources without ever hav-       ly always have to touch up brightness
source. (Tint and sharpness are dis-         ing to touch up anything. In this            to match.
abled with all progressive and high-         respect, the Loewe has exceptional               As with the Hitachi RPTV I
definition sources.)                         capabilities. That said, you probably        reviewed last issue, the Loewe’s 3-2
    The initial setup procedure must         wouldn’t be disappointed in its per-         pulldown circuit never locked in on
be completed or the set will forget all      formance right out of the box.               the Snell & Wilcox test pattern (in
of your settings and start up with               I found color temperature, using the     Video Essentials), but it did lock in
defaults in the “setup” mode each time       component-video inputs (and any              and work beautifully with the opening
you turn it off and back on. This            screen resolution), in the MEDIUM set-       scenes of Star Trek Insurrection. Its 3-
means you’ll have to let it do a chan-       ting fairly close to ISF standards (6500º)   2 performance was better than that of
nel scan (whether you watch conven-          measuring about 7000º at 100 IRE             the excellent (previously reviewed)
tional TV or not) and you’ll have to         (brightest whites) and declining to just     Sony DVP-NS700P DVD player.
set the clock. You can always add            below 6000º as the image approached          Because of this, you’ll likely find a pro-
additional video sources later. Channel      black. Grays were distinctly gray with-      gressive-scan DVD player no advan-

                                                     3   • THE PERFECT VISION •   42
tage with this set (unless you get a        pensation. While finishing up this        (which you’ll need for brightly lit
really expensive one), and you can          review, I once again checked the white    rooms). While the Aconda didn’t
even use an interlaced player via S-        field and noticed a significant reduc-    knock me down with ultra-sharp
video connection without a significant      tion of this coloration (to an accept-    detail like the best HD plasma might,
penalty in picture quality. The set’s 3-    able level) possibly due to numerous      it blows them all away in dark scenes,
2 pulldown works with all inputs.           auto-demagnetizations at turn-on.         revealing extraordinary shading,
Loewe’s built-in de-interlacer is also          Other tests using the AVIA disk       depth, and detail.
exceptional, so artifacts via S-video       and the Sencore VP300 generator               The Aconda, as you might have
were minimal.                               included power supply regulation          guessed, was an incredible pleasure to
     Some of my other measurements          (judged fair), white field uniformity     watch, and it will now be very difficult
weren’t quite as impressive. A needle-      across the screen (judged very good for   for me to go back to any RPTV. Sure,
pulse pattern revealed a bending of         light output, but initially not so good   you have to get pretty close (5 to 8
the needle at CONTRAST settings above       for white temperature uniformity),        feet) to really appreciate the high-def,
20. This was quite a low light level,       overscan (good except on 1080i,           but at a greater distance, even stan-
and lower than virtually any owner          where touchup was needed), centering      dard DTV and DVDs were very good,
will use. As contrast was increased to      (generally good, except with 480p),       and ordinary broadcast TV that
the mid point, the needle bent but          focus (excellent, declining to fair on    looked terrible on large projection sets
reached a limit and bent no further         the extreme sides), and geometry (very    looked fine on the Loewe. Smaller
even when light level was greatly           good for a large tube like this). The     screen, better de-interlacing, better
increased by going to max. Normally         multi-burst pattern indicated fewer       video circuitry, or maybe a combina-
overload like this will cause whites to     than 960 lines of resolution—not sur-     tion of all three are the likely reasons.
bloom (white crush), but I never            prising considering the tube’s high       To sum up, you can find technical nits
noticed this even at much higher con-       light-output capability. Convergence,     to pick, but you’ll have a hard time
trast levels. For a tube with resolution    after warm-up, was very good but          finding a more beautiful, compelling
this good, maximum useable light            with slight red errors in a few places.   high-definition picture anywhere.
output is surprisingly strong.              Y/C delay errors were non-existent.           Check it out.
     I found another anomaly from the       The color decoder was excellent, and
moment the set was initially switched       there was no “red push.” And scan
on. With a pure white field on the          velocity modulation can be defeated
screen, there was a slight, puzzling        by using the “NTSC Standard” menu
shift toward blue in the upper left cor-    setting (option). You’ll find more          SPECIFICATIONS
ner and a slight shift toward red, pri-     detail online if you’re technically         Screen size: 38" tube
marily on the left and right sides. At      inclined. Overall, the immense diffi-       Aspect ratio: 16:9
first I thought it was some sort of clip-   culty of making a technically perfect       Native resolution: 1080i
ping caused by excessive contrast (it       38-inch direct view set has been han-       Number and type of inputs: Two multi-scan (YPbPr
did get slightly worse at higher con-       dled quite well.                            and VGA-RGB), four S-video, four composite-video,
trast levels), but later I began investi-                                               two RF
gating stray magnetism. The purity of                                                   Dimensions: 41" x 24 5/8" x 24 5/8"
white definitely changed (and the           Your Viewing Pleasure                       Weight: 220 lbs.
affected areas moved) as the set was
physically turned. This was noticeable          Regardless of any possible weak-        ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
with all the white ice and snow of the      nesses noted above, this set produces a     Sencore VP-300 pattern generator (calibrated)
Winter Olympics, but well hidden            truly beautiful picture. The Olympics,      Progressive Labs CA-1 color analyzer (calibrated)
with most program material. I did a         in high-definition, were stunning, with     Toshiba DST-3000 HD set-top tuner
cold start for demagnetization (with        the most beautiful and realistic colors     Sony DVP-S7700 and DVP-NS700P DVD players
the manual power switch) then a man-        I’ve ever seen on a TV regardless of        Tara Labs RSC Component and S-Video cables
ual demagnetization with a hand coil,       type or price. Flesh tones were
but the slight lack of uniformity per-      extremely accurate. Although “20”          MANUFACTURER INFORMATION
sisted. I even checked the room with a      was the maximum contrast setting
                                                                                       LOEWE OPTA, INC.
compass but found no unusual fields.        (before or after calibration) without
                                                                                       10 Cordage Park Circle, Suite 213
Large CRTs are very sensitive to stray      measurable artifacts, I nearly always
                                                                                       Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360
magnetic fields, including the earth’s      watched at “30” to “35” in a dark
                                                                                       Price: $5500 (piano black or stratosmetallic);
own. Some manufacturers in the past         room, and the picture was quite good
                                                                                       $5000 (graphite)
have even included adjustable com-          with even higher contrast settings

                                                    4   • THE PERFECT VISION •   42
The perfect vision 5300 & recom components
The perfect vision 5300 & recom components

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The perfect vision 5300 & recom components

  • 1. Electronically reprinted from May/June 2002 Issue 42
  • 2. VIDEO REVIEW ❘ Randy Tomlinson COVER STORY Loewe Aconda: 38" HD-Ready Direct-View Television F or those of you unfamiliar with the 220 pounds. Electrical challenges are video performance, while digital video Loewe (pronounced loo-vah) even more daunting and would have noise reduction—switchable in brand, I’ll give you a few back- been impossible to overcome a few stages—dynamically suppresses un- ground notes. Loewe, a German years ago, due to the difficulty of scan- wanted picture noise (snow). A 3:2 manufacturer, has been in the tele- ning perfectly focused and converged pulldown feature is included with two vision business since the very beginning electron beams across such a wide, flat selectable levels. Digital line interpola- of TV (1923). Several years ago, it screen without resorting to a tube (and tion enhances picture quality when gained attention in the US by introduc- chassis) of unreasonable depth. images are enlarged to fill the screen. ing what I believe was the first It seems that RCA is using this Letterbox movie detection automati- widescreen (16:9) digital progressive- same picture tube with one of its pre- cally selects the correct screen size for scan television for the home market. mium sets. The Loewe costs signifi- letterbox movies. The audio section of Loewe’s styling is also distinctive, and, cantly more than the RCA, but rest this TV (including the small internal like B&O’s, has always appealed to assured, the tube is all they have in speakers) is outstanding and includes those unhappy with the look of con- common. Several steps have been an S/PDIF digital audio output for ventional TVs. While by no means taken in making this tube to ensure the connection to an A/V receiver. Finally, inexpensive, the Aconda—Loewe’s blackest possible blacks. Loewe, how- an automatic volume control (selec- flagship model—emphatically main- ever, claims its advanced video circuit- table) reduces the level of noisy com- tains the company’s exceptional stan- ry is mostly responsible for producing mercials, as well as differences in dards of both performance and styling. a picture second to none. We’ll see. sound from channel to channel. The Aconda is a fully digital pro- You can be certain that a high-end gressive-scan direct-view set with a set like this has all the expected bells huge 38-inch picture tube. The chal- and whistles so I’ll just touch upon a Connectivity and Setup lenge of making a tube this big with a few highlights: The Aconda has two- nearly flat viewing surface is formida- tuner PIP (picture-in-picture) that Loewe has provided a large num- ble. The glass has to be thick and strong allows you to watch two same-size ber of inputs, including four S-video to safely contain the internal vacuum. pictures side-by-side. A digital comb and four composite-video, as well as That’s the main reason this set weighs filter ensures best possible composite- component-video and VGA inputs. To subscribe to the perfect vision, call 888-475-5991 (US), 760-745-2809 (outside US) or visit $42 for six issues in the US; $45 Canada, $75 outside North America. Posted by permission from Absolute Multimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication of this article is strictly prohibited.
  • 3. VIDEO REVIEW Each S-video input has a switch built into it that disables the composite- The Olympics, in high-definition, were video input below it when an S-video stunning, with the most beautiful and connector is physically plugged in. The inclusion of only one multi-scan realistic colors I’ve ever seen on a TV component-video input is a rather regardless of type or price. serious oversight since many users will want to connect both a DVD player and a high-definition set-top names can be given and you can con- out unwanted color casts, except box via component cables. However, struct a “favorite channel” list (selec- through the S-video inputs where there using S-video for your DVD player table from a button on the remote) of was a slight shift toward magenta as might not be a problem, as I’ll discuss as many as you like. Audio and video black was approached. Few sets are fac- later. There’s also a multi-scan VGA adjustments can also be made from the tory-calibrated this well. The HIGH set- input with the same 480i, 480p, 540p, remote without having to go through ting was distinctly bluish (over 12Kº) 960i, and 1080i capability—ideal for several layers of menus. and the LOW setting distinctly reddish. the RCA DTC-100 set-top boxes. The remote is simple and unclut- Clearly the MEDIUM setting is prefer- This input may be used with comput- tered but has a decidedly different able, but the set will default back to ers in 640x480 resolution. Sources “feel” from most Japanese remotes. HIGH if you unplug it. can also be connected to front panel You’ll get used to it. It can also be pro- Once calibrated, the Aconda S-video and composite-video inputs grammed (with codes) to operate tracked the most perfect grayscale I’ve (handy for camcorders). VCRs, cable boxes, and satellite ever encountered, varying less than The initial on-screen setup proce- receivers. If you find the TV not 100 degrees at any light level in the dure allows you to associate your vari- responding to the remote, you’ve center of the screen. No set is easier to ous video sources with seventeen pre- probably inadvertently pushed the calibrate, but without an accurate selected names and screen resolutions, MODE button and the remote is trying color analyzer, you’ll never improve such as DVD Player/S-video, DVD to control a VCR or something else on factory calibration. As an experi- Player/480i, DVD Player/480p, STB/ other than the TV set. ment, I watched the 100 IRE window 480p, and so on. It’s unlikely that you and turned the CONTRAST control up own a product you couldn’t appropri- from “20” (my calibration level) to its ately associate, and if you don’t like the Technical Performance highest setting (63). In the center of names Loewe has chosen, you can the screen, the color temperature still change them. This is good, because— I spent six or seven hours testing held 6500º! The uniformity of this as an example—“VCR” can only be and then calibrating the Aconda 38 color temperature was another matter associated with Input 2 so if you want before ever watching a real picture. that I’ll discuss later. your DVD player to go there, you’ll That turned out to be a smart move. Black-level retention proved have to set it up as a VCR then change First watching the high-definition exceptional. When you switch from a the “VCR” name. Once associated, Winter Olympics, as displayed on this very bright scene to a very dark one, only these sources are shown in the set, would have made it very difficult blacks should remain just as you set input selection. to go back to test patterns. While I’ll them with the BRIGHTNESS control. In I found this association procedure cover the basics here, you can find a my opinion, this is a very important different but very appealing. While far more detailed explanation of my aspect of performance. Optimize Loewe sets have always worked this ISF calibration on the Internet version many sets for brighter scenes, and they way, this new model is far more flexi- of this review (where space isn’t a con- get washed out in dark scenes. The ble and user-friendly than its earlier sideration). In it, I’ll tell you just how Loewe is rock solid. There is, however, sets. You’ll also have to remember to far your ISF guy may be able to go to quite a bit of interaction between the set up your sources in the VIDEO menu. make every input and scan rate text- BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST controls, Everything from color temperature to book perfect, so you can switch to so if you change contrast, you’ll near- contrast can be customized for each each of your sources without ever hav- ly always have to touch up brightness source. (Tint and sharpness are dis- ing to touch up anything. In this to match. abled with all progressive and high- respect, the Loewe has exceptional As with the Hitachi RPTV I definition sources.) capabilities. That said, you probably reviewed last issue, the Loewe’s 3-2 The initial setup procedure must wouldn’t be disappointed in its per- pulldown circuit never locked in on be completed or the set will forget all formance right out of the box. the Snell & Wilcox test pattern (in of your settings and start up with I found color temperature, using the Video Essentials), but it did lock in defaults in the “setup” mode each time component-video inputs (and any and work beautifully with the opening you turn it off and back on. This screen resolution), in the MEDIUM set- scenes of Star Trek Insurrection. Its 3- means you’ll have to let it do a chan- ting fairly close to ISF standards (6500º) 2 performance was better than that of nel scan (whether you watch conven- measuring about 7000º at 100 IRE the excellent (previously reviewed) tional TV or not) and you’ll have to (brightest whites) and declining to just Sony DVP-NS700P DVD player. set the clock. You can always add below 6000º as the image approached Because of this, you’ll likely find a pro- additional video sources later. Channel black. Grays were distinctly gray with- gressive-scan DVD player no advan- 3 • THE PERFECT VISION • 42
  • 4. VIDEO REVIEW tage with this set (unless you get a pensation. While finishing up this (which you’ll need for brightly lit really expensive one), and you can review, I once again checked the white rooms). While the Aconda didn’t even use an interlaced player via S- field and noticed a significant reduc- knock me down with ultra-sharp video connection without a significant tion of this coloration (to an accept- detail like the best HD plasma might, penalty in picture quality. The set’s 3- able level) possibly due to numerous it blows them all away in dark scenes, 2 pulldown works with all inputs. auto-demagnetizations at turn-on. revealing extraordinary shading, Loewe’s built-in de-interlacer is also Other tests using the AVIA disk depth, and detail. exceptional, so artifacts via S-video and the Sencore VP300 generator The Aconda, as you might have were minimal. included power supply regulation guessed, was an incredible pleasure to Some of my other measurements (judged fair), white field uniformity watch, and it will now be very difficult weren’t quite as impressive. A needle- across the screen (judged very good for for me to go back to any RPTV. Sure, pulse pattern revealed a bending of light output, but initially not so good you have to get pretty close (5 to 8 the needle at CONTRAST settings above for white temperature uniformity), feet) to really appreciate the high-def, 20. This was quite a low light level, overscan (good except on 1080i, but at a greater distance, even stan- and lower than virtually any owner where touchup was needed), centering dard DTV and DVDs were very good, will use. As contrast was increased to (generally good, except with 480p), and ordinary broadcast TV that the mid point, the needle bent but focus (excellent, declining to fair on looked terrible on large projection sets reached a limit and bent no further the extreme sides), and geometry (very looked fine on the Loewe. Smaller even when light level was greatly good for a large tube like this). The screen, better de-interlacing, better increased by going to max. Normally multi-burst pattern indicated fewer video circuitry, or maybe a combina- overload like this will cause whites to than 960 lines of resolution—not sur- tion of all three are the likely reasons. bloom (white crush), but I never prising considering the tube’s high To sum up, you can find technical nits noticed this even at much higher con- light-output capability. Convergence, to pick, but you’ll have a hard time trast levels. For a tube with resolution after warm-up, was very good but finding a more beautiful, compelling this good, maximum useable light with slight red errors in a few places. high-definition picture anywhere. output is surprisingly strong. Y/C delay errors were non-existent. Check it out. I found another anomaly from the The color decoder was excellent, and moment the set was initially switched there was no “red push.” And scan on. With a pure white field on the velocity modulation can be defeated screen, there was a slight, puzzling by using the “NTSC Standard” menu shift toward blue in the upper left cor- setting (option). You’ll find more SPECIFICATIONS ner and a slight shift toward red, pri- detail online if you’re technically Screen size: 38" tube marily on the left and right sides. At inclined. Overall, the immense diffi- Aspect ratio: 16:9 first I thought it was some sort of clip- culty of making a technically perfect Native resolution: 1080i ping caused by excessive contrast (it 38-inch direct view set has been han- Number and type of inputs: Two multi-scan (YPbPr did get slightly worse at higher con- dled quite well. and VGA-RGB), four S-video, four composite-video, trast levels), but later I began investi- two RF gating stray magnetism. The purity of Dimensions: 41" x 24 5/8" x 24 5/8" white definitely changed (and the Your Viewing Pleasure Weight: 220 lbs. affected areas moved) as the set was physically turned. This was noticeable Regardless of any possible weak- ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT with all the white ice and snow of the nesses noted above, this set produces a Sencore VP-300 pattern generator (calibrated) Winter Olympics, but well hidden truly beautiful picture. The Olympics, Progressive Labs CA-1 color analyzer (calibrated) with most program material. I did a in high-definition, were stunning, with Toshiba DST-3000 HD set-top tuner cold start for demagnetization (with the most beautiful and realistic colors Sony DVP-S7700 and DVP-NS700P DVD players the manual power switch) then a man- I’ve ever seen on a TV regardless of Tara Labs RSC Component and S-Video cables ual demagnetization with a hand coil, type or price. Flesh tones were but the slight lack of uniformity per- extremely accurate. Although “20” MANUFACTURER INFORMATION sisted. I even checked the room with a was the maximum contrast setting LOEWE OPTA, INC. compass but found no unusual fields. (before or after calibration) without 10 Cordage Park Circle, Suite 213 Large CRTs are very sensitive to stray measurable artifacts, I nearly always Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 magnetic fields, including the earth’s watched at “30” to “35” in a dark Price: $5500 (piano black or stratosmetallic); own. Some manufacturers in the past room, and the picture was quite good $5000 (graphite) have even included adjustable com- with even higher contrast settings 4 • THE PERFECT VISION • 42