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World LoD 
The Next Generation: World People Power 
Established Under Rule of the People, by the People, for the People,1 
to Abolish Capitalist Fundamentalist Systems of Lunacy in Favor of 
Betterment of Humankind via Idioscopy: the Science of Discovery 
Democracy. Democracy. Democracy. (D3) 
By Vigdor Lurye-Schreibman.2 
Benjamin Franklin 
“Well, Doctor, what have we got – a Republic or a Monarchy?” 
“A Republic, if you can keep it.” 
The response is attributed to American Inventor, Political Leader, Scientist, and Writer 
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when 
queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. 
James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.3 Earlier the same day 
1 See, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 
2 Mr. Lurye-Schreibman is a master of knowledge organization and knowledge management, and Webmaster 
of FINS GLOBAL INFORMATION AGE LIBRARY for the past twenty years, without fee. 
3 McHenry’s notes were first published in The American Historical Review, vol. 11, 1906, and the anecdote on 
p. 618 reads: “A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic 
replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” When McHenry’s notes were included in The Records of the Federal 
convention of 1787, ed. Max Farrand, vol. 3, appendix A, p. 85 (1911, reprinted 1934).
Franklin made a speech to the Convention in which he stated, in part: 
“Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a 
general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may 
be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be 
well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms 
have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to a despotic 
Government, being incapable of any other.” 
I want to emphasize here Franklin's direct challenge from the very moment of birth of the 
nation this Constitution was not a permanent form of the American charter of Government but 
“can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall 
become so corrupted as to a despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” 
The disintegration of civilizations is traced In the 12- volume magnum opus of British historian 
Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History, finished in 1961. In this work Toynbee traces the 
development and decay of all of the major world civilizations in the historical record. Toynbee 
applies his model to each of these civilizations, detailing the stages through which they all 
pass: genesis, growth, time of troubles, universal state, and disintegration.4 
Caution should be observed in this field of historical theory. For example, there are several 
fascinating theories about the average lifespan of a nation, calculated to be 200 years, 
revealing the USA is now past its prime, but these theories have been shown to be mostly 
false. We can always remake our civil government if we possess or can discover the 
collective will, just as Jefferson suggested: "Every generation needs a revolution." 
Indeed, “He who would be free must strike the first blow. “ Frederick Douglass. This is our 
commandment:T”This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. 
Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their 
constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or 
overthrow it.” Abraham Lincoln. 
We know something about the illegitimacy of court doctrine and popular hatred of lawyers at 
the birth of the nation, which turned the citizenry livid with rage into violent rebellion against 
courts and elected government, as exemplified in Shay's Rebellion praised by Jefferson.5 The 
threat of despotism in the Judiciary of the United States from its original “irresponsible” 
structure, which remains the frame for Justice in America in the 21st century, was of special 
concern to statesmen during the 19th century, including the first Democrat, Thomas 
Jefferson,6 and the first Republican, Abraham Lincoln.7 
From this inauspicious beginning “We the People” have worked ourselves into one glorious 
mess guided by an evolutionary mindset of “ignorance and lunacy” in politics, economics, and 
religion,8 which threatens all life and liberty on the Planet Earth. This article offers a concrete 
proposal for “the reconstruction of society in a new institutional framework,”9 which is how the 
United States was established, see K. Phillips, infra, note 9, to secure political supremacy of 
the people under Republican Government, supplanting corrupt money-powers of the 1%. 
4 Courtesy of Wikipedia, online at 
5 Gary B. Nash, The Unknown American Revolution 401-402, 448 (2005). 
6 T. Jefferson, “Letters on Liberty and Power” online in FINS. 
7 A. Lincoln, First Inaugural, “On Judicial Supremacy” online in FINS. 
8 D. Loye, Darwin's 2nd Revolution (2010); see also, BFPRESS NEWS Nov 3, 2010 (Appendix A, attached). 
9 T.S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 93 (Third Ed. 1996); see K. Phillips, 1775: A Good Year 
for Revolution (2012): pp.: 260-62; see also, Osanto University,
Hieronymus Bosch, The Ship of Fools 
c. 1490-1500 (220 Kb); 
Oil on wood, 58 x 33 cm (23 x 13"); 
Musee du Louvre, WebMuseum, Paris. Nicolas Pioch 
In The Ship of Fools Bosch is imagining that the whole of 
mankind is voyaging through the seas of time on a ship, a small 
ship, that is representative of humanity. Sadly, every one of the 
representatives is a fool. This is how we live, says Bosch--we 
eat, dring, flirt, cheat, play silly games, pursue unattainable 
objectives. Meanwhile our ship drifts aimlessly and we never 
reach the harbour. The fools are not the irreligious, since 
prominent among them are a monk and a nun, but they are all 
those who live ``in stupidity''. Bosch laughs, and it is sad laugh. 
Which one of us does not sail in the wretched discomfort of the 
ship of human folly? Eccentric and secret genius that he was, 
Bosch not only moved the heart but scandalized it into full 
awareness. The sinister and monstrous things that he brought 
forth are the hidden creatures of our inward self-love: he 
externalizes the ugliness within, and so his misshapen demons 
have an effect beyond curiosity. We feel a hateful kinship with 
them. The Ship of Fools is not about other people, it is about us. 
A “dialogue with unreason”10 in 
the Constitutional Order of the 
United States of America. 
The level of deaths in the US due to violence 
against children and youth is staggering. Young 
children are at greatest risk of physical violence.11 
Americans need “action” against gun crime in the 
US President Obama tearfully reflected in his 
address to remedy the heartbreaking tragedy of 20 children and six adults killed in horrific 
shootings at a kindergarten class of Sandy Hook Elementary School,12 in Newtown Conn. 
Dec 14, 2012. However, violent crime against children is not a simple problem of gun control. 
Strict gun control laws, in Chicago for instance, have not stemmed a flood of gun violence. 
In contrast to simplistic explanations, an ‘ecological model’ is needed to help understand the 
multi-level, multi-faceted nature of violence.13 The anguished debate over gun control is a 
tragic cover story for a culture of violence that has historically dominated capitalist society,14 
paralyzed, unwilling or unable to remedy America's deep moral failures. People who possess 
moral sensitivity a natural attribute of cultural evolution Darwin discovered,15 obviously do 
not shoot and kill kindergarten children whether or not guns are available! By Mar 27, 2013, 
Democratic leaders in Congress “folded their tents on comprehensive gun control.” A few 
days later, on Apr 4, 2013, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed what advocacy groups 
call “the strongest and most comprehensive gun legislation in the nation.” 
10 M. Foucault, Madness and Civilization 198 (Vintage Books ed., Nov 1988) (discussing Freud's medical 
thought to unmask psychological healing). 
11 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, Ch. 1 (2006) 
12 The heroes of Newtown AP Dec 15, 2012. 
13 The United Nations Study, infra, note 11. 
14 See e.g., Ashraf H.A. Rushdy, American Lynching ix (Yale University Press, 2012); Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, 
Popularly known as H. Rap Brown famously observed, “Violence is as American as cherry pie.” 
15 D. Loye, infra, note 8; See also the Global Sounding Moral Code.
We are just “whistling in the dark” to think of building an advanced technological civilization, 
greatly amplifying natural human powers,16 without moral sensitivity.17 David Loye, the 
acclaimed psychologist and evolutionary systems scientist, founder of the multinational 
Darwin Project with a council of over fifty leading American, European, and Asian scientists 
and educators, has reported on the lunacy of heavy, culture making, publicity given to the 
philosophy of “Social Darwinism” and the “survival of the fittest”18 advanced by the English 
philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820–1903), whose discredited laissez-faire ideology, has no 
moral sensitivity but is now the cultural fountainhead of the New Aristocracy of money driven 
politics and “free market” fundamentalism. These dire social and cultural innovations are 
driven by the “nothingness of unreason” as Michel Foucault the great French philosopher of 
madness and civilization called it, in which the language of Nature had died forever.19 
The value free ideologies that drive the 1%, with the dire consequences we are now 
experiencing, are powered by the electronic media monopoly. This is sanctioned by the 
corrupt mindset of members of the judiciary (known as “cognitive capture”),20 to establish the 
hi-tech feudalism telecommunications infrastructure serving plutocrats. 
Almost two decades ago I wrote about the frightening cultural context of youth violence in THE 
CAPITAL AND CAPITOL HILL, a 3-part series originally published in Washington's Hill Rag. 
Part 1, Propagating a counter-culture of madness (FINS, Sept 17, 1993); 
Part 2, A setting for madness (FINS, Oct 1, 1993); and 
Part 3, The triumph of Jeffersonian Democracy (FINS, Nov 5, 1993 ). 
This foundation for social and political catastrophe is nested in an economic system driven by 
"Free market" fundamentalism, described by the insanely great economist Joseph Stiglitz, 
in Globalization and Its Discontents (2002), and in The Price of Inequality (2012). These 
books provide a careful and searching examination of the “colossal” failures of the American 
markets and government. Zombies of the living dead really do exercise control,21 under 
those lunatic doctrines serving the superrich 1% while placing in bondage the rest of us 99%. 
Stiglitz (2012) suggests there is no remedy for this situation unless the superrich wake up to 
their democratic responsibilities. Maybe, but that just tells us we need real tramsformative 
change. A democratic political economy cannot be built upon the old capitalist system or the 
mind-sets that now sustain it. Such a radical shift in values demands, "the partial replacement 
of the prior paradigm."22 Indeed, Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum, has 
observed: “capitalism in its current form, has no place in the world around us.” We await the 
arrival of “disruptive innovation in politics, government, and political participation” that lies just 
over the horrizon, as charted by Moisés Naím, in The End of Power 243 (2013). It's coming! 
16 R. Kurzweil, How to Create a Mind 5-7 (Viking, 2012). 
17 See D. Loye, The Parable of the Three Villages 112 (2012). 
18 D. Loye Darwin's Lost Theory 164-165 (2007) (use of the ideology of “survival of the fittest” to support 
money-power buying politicians and elections to allow unchecked exploitation of the many by the few.); 
Richard Dawkins, in his memoir “An Appetite for Wonder” (2013) says, at 261-62, he intendedThe Selfish 
Gene (1976) to be a “best seller”; indeed, it was a very successful scam artfully disregarding both Darwin 
and the topic of cultural evolution -- the superstructure of human progress – described by Loye, infra, at 89- 
92, following Darwin, in The Descent of Man (Princeton U. Press 1871/1881). Dawkins now states his “best 
seller” was inexplicably promoted by “more than 100 mostly favorable reviews,” at 281-82, correcting an 
earlier history of the book, in The Royal Society (Jan 2007): “The daily press took less notice than both 
the publisher and the author had hoped.” Shaping social and political agendas of privileged groups that 
dominate the global order was described by Herman and Chomsky, in Manufacturing Consent (1988). 
19 M.Foucault, infra, note 10, at 285 
20 J.E. Stiglitz, The. Price of Inequality 48 (2012). 
21 P. Krugman, “When Zombies Win” Op-Ed article in the NY Times, Dec 19, 2010. 
22 T.S. Kuhn, infra note 9 at 93.
The great economic power shift is from countries of the North to those below the 31st parallel 
-- the “Global TILT” -- perhaps, driving transformation to democratic sustainability. 
This shift is sorely needed. Government, especially in the USA, can't fix the rising political 
corruptions of political parties, police, public officials/civil servants, parliament/legislature, and 
judiciary, reports a Global Survey published by CBS News July 9, 2013. Win/Gallup's 
International poll, six months later, with Full Coverage by Google News, Jan 2, 2014 
revealed once again that people from around the world consider the U.S. as "the biggest 
threat to world peace." Approximately 1,000 people were surveyed in each of the 65 nations 
polled, a total of over 65,000 respondents. In what was, certainly, the most critical 
commentary, "An overwhelming 87 percent believed that the U.S. posed the greatest peril-including 
allies and opponents-and had succeeded in making the world a more dangerous 
place," says the World News Correspondent Dallas Darling . 
Only the sovereign democratic powers of the united citizenry can remedy the collosal “free 
market” capitalist fundamentalist systemic failures. Conversely, the competition for 
supremacy of governmental powers combined with the powers of private industry have 
annihilated the supreme sovereign powers of the citizenry. The 99% -- We the People – are 
the avowed rulers of American democracy. This is the very idea of a genuine democracy; 
nevertheless, the 1% have turned this commitment of the nation upside down by a money-power 
game exercising total control in open defiance of the American charter of Government. 
Development of a democratic Union of the people, arising from the collective will of the 
People, was explicitly intended by the first clause of the Preamble. Indeed, this is the 
fundamental purpose of the US Constitution! This Union of the People is the vital source of 
the political power of the 99%, just as money is the source of the political power of the1%. 
Nevertheless, the struggle to obtain a genuine democratic Union out of America's great 
diversity has, until now, defeated the ability of Americans, blighted by an “assault on the 
mind” by market elites, and other mysterious barriers.23 
The pursuit of wisdom facilitated by dialogue is needed to guide integration of our great 
diversity into a genuine Union of the People to realize the promise of democracy established 
in the Preamble to the US Constitution. Democratic dialogue is not political warfare or a 
shouting match governed by Robert's Rules; it is the task of the third branch of the Science 
of Discovery (following Mathematics and Philosophy) identified as Idioscopy by polymath 
Charles S. Peirce (1838-1914) embracing Human Sciences for accumulation of new facts.24 
Democratic rule by the people supported by idioscopy could not be driven by “free market” 
fundamentalism or “disaster capitalism,” nor by the ideal of “competitive elitism” proposed 
by Schumpeter (1883-1960). These ideologies are no model of democracy. They are all 
dependent upon the lunacy of depriving the people of their indispensable sustaining Union.25 
The US Government and big business sectors engaged in a naked power struggle have failed 
to fulfill the explicit purpose of the Constitution: genuine Union of the People. A democratic 
Union of the people would defeat the fascist union of the US Government and big business 
sectors. It would make citizens not Government-Industry elites “masters of the situation.”26 
23 C.E. Lindblom, The Market System 216-235 (2001); and R.D. Wolff, Democracy at Work (Mar 14, 2013). 
24 Special sciences make up idioscopy dependent upon special observation “which travel or other exploration, 
or some assistance to the senses, either instrumental or given by training, together with unusual diligence, 
has put within the power of its students.” V.G. Potter, Charles S. Peirce On Norms and Ideals 22-23 (1997). 
25 See authorities cited, infra, notes 8, 18, 20-21, 43-44. 
26 Lindblom, infra note 24, at 234.
An infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy must be established to give 
concrete substance and direction to the collective will of the People. A boundary spanning 
technology for development of this infrastructure is needed, which is free as the flowing 
streams, without anyone blocking anyone else. This process must be inclusive, allowing a 
“dialogue with unreason.”27 There must be a participatory architecture as previously stated: 
“we see the merging of minds into community wisdom, flowing together like a musical 
score,” in which, “the citizen-participants who are the 'content-experts' of group 
dialogue, to convey their ideas to the unfolding group-mind. A unique Structured Design 
Dialogue (SDD) proces divides the group dialogue into role responsibilities of context, 
content, and process. This frees citizen-participants to concentrate on the content of 
their ideas. A running script of the proceedings is produced with computer support to 
ease the integration of new knowledge and information. The intent is to build patterned 
interactions among stakeholders in a socially produced linguistic domain of shared 
vocabulary, and to engage them in designing social systems that integrate their diverse 
cognitive realities into community wisdom. The SDD design team provides a context for 
the dialogue that prevents the emergence of group pathologies during the design work. 
The SDD content process relieves the participants of the unshakable burdens of dialogue 
by unbundling the complexity of the dialogue into easily assimilated relational patterns 
graphically illustrated to augment the linear nature of dialogue. SDD gives attention to 
the inherent lack of consensus on values, priorities, norms of truth and behavior, 
expectations for the future, and the use of competing interpretations of complex 
situations. The SDD blocks the traditional "competition of ideas" that yields only one 
winner and marks everyone else as loosers. SDD is designed, instead, to emancipate all 
participants in a collaborative, strong consensus building mode of association that 
always respects the autonomy of participants and the authenticity of their ideas while 
striving for multidimensional comprehensiveness that integrates diversity. 
Illustration of the emerging cyberspace civilization communicating synchronously 
and globally across communities-states-nations-and-continents supported by 
A Technology of Democracy 28 
27 M. Foucault, infra note 10, at 198 (discussing Freud's medical thought to unmask psychological healing). 
28 LoD agrees with the Free Software Foundation that users shall have “the freedom to run, copy, distribute, 
study, change and improve the software.” Cf. Microsoft takes on the free world (CNN/Fortune, May 14, 
2007); Eliminate Software Patents (D.A.Wheeler, rev 2011-08-02); End Software Patents (Jan 2013); but 
see patent licensing at a reasonable price under FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) 
The Structured Dialogic Design (SDD) software has not been released under a free software 
license such as the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). Concerted efforts to prohibit 
use of existing software under dubious patents,29 imposed by Dr. Alexander N. Christakis and 
his tightly knit group of trusted associates (The Christakis “mafia”), breaks the long standing 
promise of the pursuit of wisdom defining the purpose of SDD. Consequently, new software 
should be produced from public domain models I possess, with a guarantee of equal access. 
At the University of Virginia, in July 1980, John Warfield and Aleco Christakis convened a 
Workshop on "A Users Guide to Public Systems Methodologies" sponsored by the National 
Science Foundation. This provided an opportunity to evaluate various methods for group 
"consensus building." I was a discussion leader in the 1980 NSF Workshop. Warfield and 
Christakis were thrown out of UVA, in 1984, Aleco informed me, because their ”Interactive 
Management” process lacked an effective value driven management system. The Center for 
Interactive Management was relocated, in 1984, to George Mason University at Fairfax, 
Virginia. Christakis was thrown out of GMU, in 1989, after he sexually raped a young intern.30 
The Christakis mafia now complain about my description of the “free market” fundamentalist 
lunatics identified by the most highly qualified economists, educators, and evolutionary 
systems scientists whose published works are quoted in this article.31 Those complaints 
prove, the Christakis mafia, says, that I do not have the requsite skills to reliably use the 
knowledge management computer software.32 They insist upon “an open and warm-hearted 
dialogue” without any sanction against the self-destructive capitalist status quo. However, this 
preferred policy is not effective. Preventative sanctions are essential to overcome large scale 
deeply embedded powerfully supported pathological barriers of “free market” fundamentalism. 
Reliance upon the implicit value systems that support the status quo, is not sustainable.33 
Moreover, profound empirical evidence shows 'the possibility of sanctioning norm violators 
stabilizes human cooperation.”34 The Christakis mafia has obstinately adopted a spurious 
knowledge management system rejected by eminent educators, business managers, and 
scientists.35 The law of value-free planning is no foundation "For Betterment of Humankind."36 
We live in an unpredictable civilization, affected by beauty and ugliness, good and evil, with 
“ignorance and lunacy” versus “reason, caring and sharing” in politics economics and religion. 
29 See authorities, infra, note 28. 
30 I was informed of this incident by Dr. Christakis' wife, when I called their home in Chantilly, VA, after their 
return from summer vacation in Greece, in 1988. Christakis told his wife he raped the young woman 
because she was having sex with her friends while serving as a “house sitter” at the Christakis home. 
31 See authorities cited, infra, notes 9, 14, 17 19-20; see also, BFPRESS NEWS, infra, note 8 (attached). 
32 An email sent to me by Norma Romm 02/28/2013, says: that some people “do not trust your using the 
software in the spirit of an open and warm-hearted dialogue.” On Apr 15, 2013, Norma Romm, Prof. of 
Adult Education, University of South Africa endorsed me in Linkedin for the skill and expertise of 
“Teaching.” On July 15, 2013, Kevin Dye, Institute for 21st century Agoras, chief scholar on design 
science, probably the world’s premier scholar into the work of John Warfield, endorsed me on July 15, 2013, 
for my skills and expertise in, Organizational Development, and Workshop Facilitation, plus eight other fields. 
33 V. Schreibman, The Myth of Neutrality, in FINS, Sept 8, 2008. 
34 Özgür Gürerk, Bernd Irlenbusch, Bettina Rockenbach, The Competitive Advantage of Sanctioning 
Institutions, 7 April 2006, Vol. 312, SCIENCE. 
35 See e.g., R. ACKOFF, Re-CREATING CORPORATION 162 (1999) (“effective decisions must be value-full, 
not value free.”); H. Özbekhan, “Planning and Human Action,” in HIERARCHICALLY ORGANIZED SYS. IN 
THEORY AND PRAC. 123, 183-84 (P. Weiss ed. 1971). 
36 This goal “is the work of a partisan viewpoint,” Jantsch, "Inter-and Transdisciplinarity University," POLICY 
SCIENCES, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Dec 1970): pp. 403, 408-410, followed in Knowledge Organization for the 
Betterment of Humankind, in FINS (2d ed. Sept 2002), by V. Schreibman.
In group dialogue one can compare the driving values of ideas generated, searching for a 
viable model for futures creation in the pursuit of wisdom and democracy. Paralyzed by 
incommensurable viewpoints partial replacement of the old paradigm is needed to make room 
for the new, Kuhn, infra, note 22. Now Systems Sciences has proposed a new paradigm: 
“When we stop controlling complexity through a well-meaning overdose of management and 
administration and when we start distributing complexity through the system, then we are also 
distributing power and responsibility, which ultimately is about democratizing our future.!!!”37 A 
new paradigm will frame a new generation of citizens. The necessary Infrastructure for The 
pursuit of wisdom and democracy driven by the values of “reason, caring and 
sharing” will support that transformatiion. This is a concrete proposal for “reconstruction of 
society in a new institutional framework,”38 which will obey the will of the people. 
The U.S. Congress has power ”To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for 
carrying into Execution the ... Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the 
United States.”39 The “enabling act” is needed to facilitate development of new infrastructure. 
The existing political systems obviously will not pass any such “enabling act” that could defeat 
the illicit money-power game of the 1%. However, rule by the 1% cannot be sustained. This 
rule by the 1% clearly violates the Republican form of Government guaranteed by the U.S. 
Constitution.40 It is essential to the definition of a Republican Government according to James 
Madison, in Federalist 39 “that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from 
an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it ...“ 
The tragedy of the African American slave culture of the 19th and early 20th century now 
reveals characteristics of the early 21st century, based on class slavery:41 In the USA present 
inequality in the distribution of wealth assures "the greatest divide between the very rich and 
the very poor of any country on Earth."42 Lawless self-destructive superbanks have adopted a 
“heads I win, tails you lose” Wall Street culture, pushing the global economy into the Great 
Recession of 2008-09, assuring systemic failure "based on the total unabashed complicity 
of the upper class of American capitalism .. a near total breakdown of responslbitity."43 
“The sequester” coming into play at this time of economic recession is increasing the risk 
of economic destabilization.44 The G-20 industrialized nations are well aware of the gambles 
by “big money” who have placed their bets on deeply troubling offshore tax havens (Krugman 
oped) where they have amassed accounts, a report on “Tax havens” published by the BBC 
July 22, 2012 estimates conservatively, amounting to at least $21 trillion and, perhaps, as 
much as $32 trillion worldwide.45 An investigative report published by Der Spiegel Apr 08, 
2013, observed: "Tax havens cause hundreds of millions of euros in annual damage to 
national economies around the world , and they create an uncontrollable parallel economy.” 
37 Over Ides, “Engaging with the Future Differently — From Pyramids to Pancakes,’ in Systemeering, 
quoting, International leader in Social Foresight for Strategy and Innovation, Josephine Green. 
38 T.S. Kuhn, infra, note 9, at 93; see also, Osanto University, 
39 U.S. CONST. Art. I, § 8, cl. 18. 
40 U.S. CONST. Art. IV, § 4; See The Federalist 39 (J. Madison) (J. Cooke ed. 1961), followed in City of 
Eastlake v. Forrest City, 426 U.S. 668, 672 (1976). 
41 Compare e.g .. W.E.B. Du Bois. The Souls of Black Folk (Oxford World Classics ed. 2008) (describing “War. 
murder. slavery. extermination. and debauchery ... without the law" at p. 111). with Frederick Douglass and 
the Fourth of July ORATlON, By V. Schreibman, in LoD, August 31. 2009; and POLICE STATE USA. 
42 G. Vidal, America the Great ... Police State in July 28, 2009. In simple arithmetic, (updated 
Feb 2010), the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.6% of all privately held wealth, and the next 
19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 50.5%, which means that just 20% of 
the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary 
workers). G. William Domhoff, Wealth, Income, and Power. In Sociology, Sept 2005 (updated Jan 2011). 
43 T.L. Friedman. Op-Ed Column, All Fall Down, NYTimes. Nov 25. 2008. 
44 Market billionaires are betting the next capitalist disaster may cause as much as -- a 90% drop in the 
stock market – while enlarging capitalist control of the economy. 
45 Jim Zarroli, Tax Evaders Beware! (NPR, Aug 08, 2012).
The Present Existential Regime 
Vincent van Gogh, 
Young Girl Standing Against a 
Background of Wheat. 
Oil on canvas (66.0 x 45.0 cm.). 
Painted in Auvers-sur-Oise June, 1890. 
Nat'l Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 
“We the People” cannot 
endure civilization defined 
by fundamentalist lunacy. 
The present existential 
regime is driven by 
“survival of the fittest” and 
“selfish genes” Darwin-ism, 
a counter-revolution, 
which defies Darwin.46 
In The Frankenstein 
Civilization, I wrote: According to Adolph Hitler (1889-1945), “democracy undermined the 
natural selection of ruling elites and was 'nothing other than the systematic cultivation of 
human failure.” Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), who was Minister of Propaganda under Hitler, 
“maintained that the people never rule themselves and claimed that every history-making 
epoch had been created by aristocrats.” Such a paradigm, embracing a philosophy of greed 
and slavery, could not, “produce anything but the direst consequences” predicted by Charles 
S. Peirce, the greatest American philosopher and polymath,47 as demonstrated by totalitarian 
Nazi history, also as reported by the insanely great economist, Joseph Stiglitz (2012). 
The present existential regime defies our birthright, in which “all power derives from the 
people,48 with the supremacy of the sovereign democratic powers of the citizenry guaranteed 
by a Republican government.49 The goal of democracy, “to form a more perfect Union,” of the 
whole people, is established in the 1st clause of the Preamble to the US Constitution. 
The present existential regime underscores "the hopelessly primative and uneducated state 
of our minds” offering “a dismal story of wasted talents and unrealized potentialities," as 
revealed by the English writer Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).50 Special sciences of Idioscopy 
can support the human senses, either instrumental or by training, to enhance the capacity of 
citizens to share power, deal effectively with complexity, and overcome limitations science has 
identified of personality, perspective, mental habit, and social organization, which leave 
individuals at the mercy of destructive social forces and deadly ecological conditions. 
The present existential regime defies the paramount evolutionary, political, and behavioral 
constitution of the people, to support the “free market“ capitalist fundamentalist systems of 
lunacy. This is a dire menace, which must be abolished from the ethos of human civilizations, 
opening the way toward wiser generations, who may reclaim the lost origin of our humanity. 
46 See authorities cited, infra, note 8, 18. 
47 Peirce On Norms and Ideals, infra, note 25, at 175-176. 
48 City of Eastlake v. Forrest City, 426 U.S. at 672. 
49 See authorities cited, infra, note 41. 
50 Letters of Aldous Huxley 402 (G. Smith ed. 1969), quoted in N. Murray, Aldous Huxley: A Biography 279 
(2002), Forward to reprint in 1946 of A.L. Huxley, Brave New World (1932).
The Ancient & Future Democratic Assembly 
The pairs of opposites (being and not being, life 
and death, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, 
and all the other polarities that bind the faculties 
to hope and fear, and link the organs of action to 
deeds of defense and acquisition) are the 
clashing rocks (Symplegades) that crush the 
traveller, but between which the heroes always 
pass. In the clash between the Chaos Monster 
and the Sun God, the thunderbolt signifying 
spiritual power (indestructible enlightenment), 
shatters the illusory realities of the world. In the 
modern world guided by the shifting ideologies of 
democracy, kleptocracy, and plutocracy, it is the 
"rule of law" that provides the central setting of 
the clashing rocks, the influences of multinational 
corporate channels, the briefs of very able 
lawyers, and the opinions of the honorable 
justices describe the illusory realities of the 
world, but only the democratic will of the whole 
people can offer effective resistance to the 
tyranny of official powers and their Doctrines 
of Injustice; the myths of ancient heros 
Compare J.Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces 87-89, n.57, & Plate XXI (1973 ed.) 
(discussing the mythology of heroism), with M.P.Follett, The New State 142, 147 (Pennsylvania State 
University Press ed. 1998) and V. Schreibman, A Technology of Democracy (2003) (discussing 
"meaningful dialogue" to resist corrosive social forces and to advance group transcendence). 
"For nine whole days he shot his arrows among the people, but upon the tenth day Achilles 
called them in assembly." These words were the first in literature concerning the democratic 
assembly published in the classic work, The Iliad, written by Homer (800 B.C.E.).51 
What is astonishing to learn is the fact there has been little positive change in the democratic 
assembly since the time depicted inThe Iliad, some 3200-years ago. We have built the 
world during the past three millennium but foolishly leaving ourselves out in the cold by a 
legislative assembly increasingly dominated by capitalist campaign finance corruption, “we 
have returned to the plutocracy from which the Athenian democracy strove to free us.”52 
In a revolt against the unabashed tyranny of the capitalist elite,53 citizens are driven not simply 
to regulate elite behavior or Wall Street machinations; on the contrary, it's absolutely essential 
to overthrow and replace the outdated ideas and stupefying failures of capitalist systems of 
lunacy,54 which directly affect the lives of Americans and others all around the world. Indeed, 
the countervailing powers of resistance described by Naím, in The End of Power 243, the 
massive Social Network for Sustainability, organized by the inspirational Paul 
Hawken, and the global economic power shift now unfolding described by Ram Charan, in 
The “Global TILT,” may be forcing leaders to “abandon old mindsets ... opening mega 
opportunities”; although others see China as but a Partial Power not to be overestimated. 
51 The story is about the Battle of the City of Troy in the war between Greeks and Trojans that probably 
occurred around 1200 B.C. 
52 A.N. Christakis, with K.C. Bausch, How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power To 
Construct the Future, Prologue xix (Information Age Publishing, 2005). 
53 T.L. Friedman. Op-Ed Column, All Fall Down, NYTimes. Nov 25. 2008. 
54 It was a revolt against the Greek tyrant Peisistratus and his eldest son Hippias, which in 508/7, ushered in 
the . Athenian democratic constitution
Democratic systems with high level of effectiveness include e.g.: “civic communities,” in Italy, 
described by Robert D. Putnam, Prof. of Int'l Affairs, at Harv. U. in Making Democracy 
Work; Mondragon Cooperatives, in Spain, described by Richard D. Wolff, Prof. Emeritus 
of Economics, at U. Mass., in Democracy at Work; and the “caring economy,” in Brazil, 
described by Joshua C. Ramo,55 in The Age of the UNTHINKABLE.56 
Moving from domination by the 1% to true Union in dialogue of the 99%, citizens can enable 
the purpose of the Preamble “to form a more perfect Union” of the whole people, by building 
an infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy, which can assure equal 
access to essential knowledge management resources needed for effective group dialogue. 
By establishing a philanthropic, Fund for Planetary D3, governed by “social business” 
of Mohammad Yunus, a small subscription could, in aggregate, provide funds sufficient to 
support such an infrastructure in every district of the USA, and internationally, throughout the 
whole world. This can sustain real world emergence of The Agora of Philanthropolis, 
democratizing our future under a more perfect Union, which we have predicted earlier.57 
This essential infrastructure can change the way “people power” is developed, to overturn 
those debilitating existential distortions and improve the “deep security” on which the 
resilience of the people,58 is dependent, by: (A) adopting the wisdom of Follett, Huxley, and 
Peirce,59 to utilize Idioscopy to greatly amplify the natural human powers of citizens;60 and 
(B) engaging in the structured dialogue of a free people striving to make a better world. 
This calls for deep spiritual dialogue to form a more perfect Union including 
caring and sharing union organizers,61 working with scientists and Abrahamic 
Faiths of Judaism Christianity and Islam, together with others: philosophers, and 
economists, knowledge managers, environmentalists, renewable energy and new age 
bankers, telecommunications workers, computer software designers, politicians judges and 
lawyers, librarians, teachers, public health workers, American Indians, and Indian 
Americans, blacks and whites, latinos, chicanos, asians, gays and lesbians, & etc., driven 
by the collective will of the global people to, right now, rescue democracy from plutocracy 
supported by Idioscopy, Science of Discovery. Everyone, everywhere may thus be a winner 
in safeguarding the integrity of the democratic realities of the participatory universe. 
55 Joshua Ramo is managing director and full partner of Kissinger Associates, a geostrategic advisory firm. Dr. 
Kissinger commented, in a book party forThe Age of the UNTHINKABLE, quoted in The New Yorker, May 
7, 2009: “It has one basic theme that is a little difficult for me, which is that my generation is sort of a bunch 
of dodos, that we stagger through life with just one idea in our minds, which on top of it, is hugely wrong. 
56 J.C. Ramo, The Age of the UNTHINKABLE, ch. 10 (2009). 
57 Schreibman, V. and Christakis, A.N. (2007) “New agora, new geometry of languaging and new 
technology of democracy: the structured design dialogue process’, Int., in LoD. 
58 J.C. Ramo, infra, note 56 at ch. 8. 
59 M.P. Follett, The New State, ch. XVIII “Democracy Not the Crowd: Our Popular Delusion" 
(1918) (reprinted in 1998, Penn State U. Press); see authorities cited, infra, notes 24, and 49. 
60 R. Kurzweil, infra, note 16 at 5-7. 
61 J. McAlevey with B.Ostertag, Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell) (Verso, 2012); K.C. Wolensky, 
N.H. Wolensky, and R.P. Wolensky, Fighting for the Union Label (Penn State U. Press, 2002) (oral 
history, story of author's extraordinary Lurye Matheson union family); see also, “Occupy Wall Street” 
movement that began Sept 17, 2011, spread like lightening, and is now calling for WorldRevolution.
David von Michelangelo 
From Wikimedia Commons, the free media 
I know we all can resonate with 
the truth that is a part of our 
indelible humanity, as quoted in 
the local and national press from 
the life and expressions of my 
Grandfather Max Lurye (1877- 
1949), who descended from a 
very ancient family, tracing his 
roots back to King David:62 
"A man's got to have his dignity 
or he ain't no man. He can't 
live like an animal running 
away from other animals that 
happen to be stronger than he 
is. Unless he fights for what he 
knows is right his life ain't 
much of a life."63 
The only way forward is to fight 
for the dignity of the People. “All 
power derives from the People,” 
in Republican Government, the 
US Supreme Court recognized,64 
but organization of the People's 
sovereign powers by Big 
Government and Big Business to 
merely empower themselves, 
can leave the People powerless. 
Indeed, power brokers demand 
obedience to their commands 
driven by a pathology of lies. 
Their Frankenstein Civiliza-tion, 
of class slavery, dictate the 
primary importance to the state 
of unchallengable superpower 
global military preparedness. 
They condemn and charge 
the whistleblowers who reveal 
Surveillance Scandals. This 
so called a 'Strasi' scandal 
vividly projects the image of 
“Big Brother” in the USA “soft 
totalitarian” Police State. 
62 (r. perhaps 1000-970 B.C.).s 
63 Father's Determination Is Topic Of Billy Rose Story. Murder In A Phone Booth Results In Story Of Good 
Union Men Who Fought Racketeers. By BILLY ROSE. Sheboygan Journal (newspaper) June 27, 1949. 
President Obama stated on CBS News, June 17, 2013, “if you're a U.S. person, then NSA is 
not listening to your phone calls, and it's not targeting your emails, unless it's getting an 
individualized court order." but who can believe those pathological liars?65 The NSA has 
famously managed to evade every attempt to limit their security overreach, beginning with the 
Computer Security Act of 1987 (CSA),66 which intended to prohibit NSA – a military agency – 
from management of security standards for civilian agencies.67 The US Congress settled on 
transferring authority over such management to the National Institute of Standards and 
Technoloogy (NIST), but NSA grabbed virtual control anyway,68 defying Congressional intent. 
The NSA operates as a law unto itself imposing the emerging military-industrial-police-surveillance 
complex (Chronicle, Aug 7, 2013) consuming US appropriations greater 
than all other nations combined, without fiscal control, unaccountable. 
These insidious machinations of state militarism make a mockery of democracy foreclosing 
policy choices of a free people to foster an enlightened humanity and an effective democracy, 
which is our birthright. Instead of abolishing state militarism, President Obama authorized the 
most sweepiing global dragnet surveillance, by NSA. Two Federal Courts, which have 
examined legal challenges to the NSA surveillance scheme have issued contradictory 
opinions on the topic, but see the AP report, Jan 23, 2014, 9: 46 AM, Government 
panel urges end to phone data snooping: NSA's massive daily intake of calling 
records "raises serious threats to privacy and civil liberties," a three-member majority of the 
oversight board said the government should end the surveillance program and "purge the 
database of telephone records that have been collected and stored during the program's 
The American people together with the people of the whole world certainly can and should 
communicate freely and organize themselves effectively for that purpose protected by the 
right to free speech and assembly, in a World Union that is genuinely living up to the spirit of 
democracy mandated, in the USA, by the Preamble that may be enabled by an 
infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy. 
65 Mozilla Foxfire browser June 20, 2013, responded to President Obama, resoundingly: “Stop Watching Us” 
endorsed by: 18MillionRising;; Access; American Civil Liberties Union; American Library Association; 
Americans for Job Security; Applied Research Center; Association for Progressive Communications; Association 
of Alternative Newsmedia; Association of Research Libraries; Big Bad Lab; Bill of Rights Defense Committee; 
Blog Action Day; Bradley Manning Support Network; Calyx Institute; Campaign for Liberty; Center for Democracy 
and Technology; Center for Media Justice; Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire;; Competitive 
Enterprise Institute; Consumer Watchdog; Courage to Resist; CREDO Action; Daily Kos; Defending Dissent; 
Demand Progress; Detroit Digital Justice Coalition; Digital Fourth; Electronic Frontier Foundation; Electronic 
Frontiers Australia; EngageMedia; Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA); Fight for the Future; 
Foundation for Innovation and Internet Freedom; Free Press; Free Software Foundation; Freedom of the Press 
Foundation; Freedom Works;; Generation Justice; GNOME; Green Party of Rhode Island; Green 
Party of the United States; Greenpeace USA; Guardian Project;; Internet Archive; League of 
Technical Voters; Learning About Multimedia Project; Liberty Coalition; LibrarianShipwreck; Main Street Project; 
Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association; Media Alliance; Media Literacy Project; Media Mobilizing 
Project;; Mozilla; National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; National Coalition Against 
Censorship; National Security Counselors; Occupy Wall Street NYC; Open Internet Tools Project; Open 
Technology Institute at New America Foundation;; Participatory Politics Foundation; PolitiHacks; 
Praxis Project; Privacy and Access Council of Canada; Privacy Camp; Progressive Change Campaign 
Committee; Progressive Librarians Guild; Public Knowledge; R Street Institute; Reel Grrls; RestoreTheFourth; 
Restore America's Voice; RevolutionTruth; Rights Working Group; Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association;; Tactical Tech; TechFreedom; Tenth Amendment Center; The Other 98%; Tor; Upwell; Urbana 
Champaign Independent Media Center; Women in Media & News; World Wide Web Foundation; Worldwide 
Movement for Human Rights; YourAnonNews. 
66 40 U.S.C.A. § 75 note (Supp. 1990), Public Law No. 100-235 (H.R. 145), (Jan. 8, 1988) . 
67 The controversy is discussed by John Markoff, in “Military Agency Loses Authority Over Civilian Computer 
Security,” in The New York Times, Sunday, August 19, 1990. 
68 My Freedom of Information request to NIST, dated Sept. 17, 1990. exposed Government-wide failure to 
develop lawful standards for Federal Computer systems, required by 40 U.S.C. 759(d)(1).
Francisco de Goya, The Madhouse, 1812-1819. 
Oil on panel, 46 cm × 73 cm (18 in × 29 in). 
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain 
”Nature caused us all to be born equal; if fate is 
pleased to disturb this plan of the general law, it is 
our responsibility to correct its caprice, and to 
repair by our attention the usurpations of the 
stronger.” Foucault, note 10, at 282, quoting F. de Sade. 
We have travelled far: first, on The Ship of Fools, then, with the institutionalization and 
confinement of fools and crazy people, arriving in the nineteenth century to The Madhouse, 
and now in the early 21st century, we are preparing to internalize and democratize the 
“nothingness of unreason” masked as complexity, and medical psychology.69 
New democratization has already produced hopeful signs of a “citizen-centric” real world 
to replace the money-power formula for the lunacy of capitalist “free market” fundamentalism. 
A genuine Union of the people, as the Preamble commands, can be built up to provide 
social capital, mutual support and cooperation driving “productivity and innovation” 
says Harvard Professor Robert Putnam, which citizens of democracy can thrive on. 
Most human resources are paralyzed as power brokers quibble over slicing and dicing in their 
spoils warfare. The Next Generation: World People Power, discussed here, can drive 
effective use of the whole world's human resources, presently, the most underutilized source 
of social capital and civic community that can massively expand “productivity and innovation.” 
69 See authorities cited, infra, note 10, 19, and 38.
World LoD 
The Next Generation: World People Power 
Established under Rule of the People, by the People, for the People, 
to Abolish Capitalist Fundamentalist Systems of Lunacy in Favor of 
Betterment of Humankind via Idioscopy: the Science of Discovery 
Democracy. Democracy. Democracy. (D3) 
By Vigdor Lurye-Schreibman 
In Dedication 
Rise like lions after slumber 
In unvanquishable number-- 
Shake your chains to earth like dew 
Which in sleep had fallen on you-- 
Ye are many--they are few. 
The Mask of Anarchy (1819), 
by Percy Bysshe Shelley. 
Portrait by Amelia Curran 
Courtesy Wikipedia Commons 
Long live the revolution of wakefulness! 
No one need remain asleep. 
Quoted with permission of the author. 
The Cushion in the Road “Ending the Age of Waste” (2013) 
by Alice Walker 
Digital thumbnail image of Alice Walker by Google 
Copy with permission Ms Walker. 
Original Photo by M.J. Alexander 
Web: World Lovers of Democracy 
Vigdor Schreibman, Knowledge Manager & Webmaster 
E-mail: ( 
May 1, 2013 (as amended)
November 3, 2010 
831-626-1004, fax: 831-624-3734 
In the wake of the U.S. midterm elections, we need to take a hard look at what drives us 
ahead, chceks us in place, or drives us backward in human evolution, according to 
psychologist and evolution systems scientist David Loye, author of Darwin's Second 
The result of a ten year study, Darwin's Second Revolution is the story of the development of 
evolution theory and its relation to politics, economics, and religion from the time of the death 
of Darwin throughout the 20th well into the 21st century. 
“What plainly stands out over a century leading to the eight years of the G.W. Bush 
administration and the U.S. midterm election is a picture of the politics, economics, and 
religion of reason, caring, and sharing versus the politics, economics, and religion of 
ignorance and lunacy,” Loye says. 
“The result is a Republican party currently sunk into a hellbent drive backward in evolution. 
The Democrats are floundering miserably, but at least they are trying to drive us ahead.” 
Behind the clash of liberals versus conservatives, Republicans versus Democrats, and 
creationists versus evolutionists, what emerges in the new book is the story of an increasingly 
costly and counterproductive battle between two belief systems that shape the impact of our 
species on this planet and, for better or worse, on evolution. 
Drawing on the new science of chaos, complexity, and self-organizing theories, the new book 
tracks the rise over a century of an authoritarian, dominator/dominated belief system that 
reshaped the original Darwinian revolution in evolution theory into the destructive mindset and 
counter-revolution of “survival of the fittest” and “selfish genes” Darwinism. Underlying beliefs 
shaping regressive politics, economics, and religion, this reversal for Darwin's original intent, 
Loye contends, became the mindset for a pathological, century long detour off the track for 
human evolution. 
“The message from literally all fields of science now bearing on evolution is that we've 
entered the evolutionary end game for America and for our world,” Loye notes. “Politically, 
economically, morally, spiritually, and environmentally, the message from the century of the 
development of evolution theory, is that we must choose sides and fight for evolutionary 
santity versus evolutionary lunacy.” 
A former member of the Princeton psychology department and former research director of the
Program on Psychosocial Adaptation and the Future, Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA School 
of Medicine, Dr. Loye is a co-founder of the multinational General Evolution Research Group; 
founder of the multinational Darwin Project (, with a council of 
over fifty leading American, European, and Asian scientists and educators, and author of the 
national award-winning The Healing of a Nation, Bankrolling Evolution, Measuring Evolution, 
Darwin's Lost Theory, and many other books on science, history, and the future (see 
With nine pages of pre-publication endorsements by leading scientists and global activists, 
the first book for a trilogy Darwin and the Battle for Human Survival, Darwin's Second 
Revolution is available through online booksellers worldwide and on order through book 
# # #

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The Next Generation World People Power (3)

  • 1. World LoD The Next Generation: World People Power Established Under Rule of the People, by the People, for the People,1 to Abolish Capitalist Fundamentalist Systems of Lunacy in Favor of Betterment of Humankind via Idioscopy: the Science of Discovery Democracy. Democracy. Democracy. (D3) By Vigdor Lurye-Schreibman.2 Benjamin Franklin “Well, Doctor, what have we got – a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.” The response is attributed to American Inventor, Political Leader, Scientist, and Writer Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.3 Earlier the same day 1 See, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 2 Mr. Lurye-Schreibman is a master of knowledge organization and knowledge management, and Webmaster of FINS GLOBAL INFORMATION AGE LIBRARY for the past twenty years, without fee. 3 McHenry’s notes were first published in The American Historical Review, vol. 11, 1906, and the anecdote on p. 618 reads: “A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” When McHenry’s notes were included in The Records of the Federal convention of 1787, ed. Max Farrand, vol. 3, appendix A, p. 85 (1911, reprinted 1934).
  • 2. Franklin made a speech to the Convention in which he stated, in part: “Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to a despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” I want to emphasize here Franklin's direct challenge from the very moment of birth of the nation this Constitution was not a permanent form of the American charter of Government but “can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to a despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” The disintegration of civilizations is traced In the 12- volume magnum opus of British historian Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History, finished in 1961. In this work Toynbee traces the development and decay of all of the major world civilizations in the historical record. Toynbee applies his model to each of these civilizations, detailing the stages through which they all pass: genesis, growth, time of troubles, universal state, and disintegration.4 Caution should be observed in this field of historical theory. For example, there are several fascinating theories about the average lifespan of a nation, calculated to be 200 years, revealing the USA is now past its prime, but these theories have been shown to be mostly false. We can always remake our civil government if we possess or can discover the collective will, just as Jefferson suggested: "Every generation needs a revolution." Indeed, “He who would be free must strike the first blow. “ Frederick Douglass. This is our commandment:T”This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” Abraham Lincoln. We know something about the illegitimacy of court doctrine and popular hatred of lawyers at the birth of the nation, which turned the citizenry livid with rage into violent rebellion against courts and elected government, as exemplified in Shay's Rebellion praised by Jefferson.5 The threat of despotism in the Judiciary of the United States from its original “irresponsible” structure, which remains the frame for Justice in America in the 21st century, was of special concern to statesmen during the 19th century, including the first Democrat, Thomas Jefferson,6 and the first Republican, Abraham Lincoln.7 From this inauspicious beginning “We the People” have worked ourselves into one glorious mess guided by an evolutionary mindset of “ignorance and lunacy” in politics, economics, and religion,8 which threatens all life and liberty on the Planet Earth. This article offers a concrete proposal for “the reconstruction of society in a new institutional framework,”9 which is how the United States was established, see K. Phillips, infra, note 9, to secure political supremacy of the people under Republican Government, supplanting corrupt money-powers of the 1%. 4 Courtesy of Wikipedia, online at 5 Gary B. Nash, The Unknown American Revolution 401-402, 448 (2005). 6 T. Jefferson, “Letters on Liberty and Power” online in FINS. 7 A. Lincoln, First Inaugural, “On Judicial Supremacy” online in FINS. 8 D. Loye, Darwin's 2nd Revolution (2010); see also, BFPRESS NEWS Nov 3, 2010 (Appendix A, attached). 9 T.S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 93 (Third Ed. 1996); see K. Phillips, 1775: A Good Year for Revolution (2012): pp.: 260-62; see also, Osanto University,
  • 3. Hieronymus Bosch, The Ship of Fools c. 1490-1500 (220 Kb); Oil on wood, 58 x 33 cm (23 x 13"); Musee du Louvre, WebMuseum, Paris. Nicolas Pioch In The Ship of Fools Bosch is imagining that the whole of mankind is voyaging through the seas of time on a ship, a small ship, that is representative of humanity. Sadly, every one of the representatives is a fool. This is how we live, says Bosch--we eat, dring, flirt, cheat, play silly games, pursue unattainable objectives. Meanwhile our ship drifts aimlessly and we never reach the harbour. The fools are not the irreligious, since prominent among them are a monk and a nun, but they are all those who live ``in stupidity''. Bosch laughs, and it is sad laugh. Which one of us does not sail in the wretched discomfort of the ship of human folly? Eccentric and secret genius that he was, Bosch not only moved the heart but scandalized it into full awareness. The sinister and monstrous things that he brought forth are the hidden creatures of our inward self-love: he externalizes the ugliness within, and so his misshapen demons have an effect beyond curiosity. We feel a hateful kinship with them. The Ship of Fools is not about other people, it is about us. A “dialogue with unreason”10 in the Constitutional Order of the United States of America. The level of deaths in the US due to violence against children and youth is staggering. Young children are at greatest risk of physical violence.11 Americans need “action” against gun crime in the US President Obama tearfully reflected in his address to remedy the heartbreaking tragedy of 20 children and six adults killed in horrific shootings at a kindergarten class of Sandy Hook Elementary School,12 in Newtown Conn. Dec 14, 2012. However, violent crime against children is not a simple problem of gun control. Strict gun control laws, in Chicago for instance, have not stemmed a flood of gun violence. In contrast to simplistic explanations, an ‘ecological model’ is needed to help understand the multi-level, multi-faceted nature of violence.13 The anguished debate over gun control is a tragic cover story for a culture of violence that has historically dominated capitalist society,14 paralyzed, unwilling or unable to remedy America's deep moral failures. People who possess moral sensitivity a natural attribute of cultural evolution Darwin discovered,15 obviously do not shoot and kill kindergarten children whether or not guns are available! By Mar 27, 2013, Democratic leaders in Congress “folded their tents on comprehensive gun control.” A few days later, on Apr 4, 2013, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed what advocacy groups call “the strongest and most comprehensive gun legislation in the nation.” 10 M. Foucault, Madness and Civilization 198 (Vintage Books ed., Nov 1988) (discussing Freud's medical thought to unmask psychological healing). 11 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, Ch. 1 (2006) 12 The heroes of Newtown AP Dec 15, 2012. 13 The United Nations Study, infra, note 11. 14 See e.g., Ashraf H.A. Rushdy, American Lynching ix (Yale University Press, 2012); Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, Popularly known as H. Rap Brown famously observed, “Violence is as American as cherry pie.” 15 D. Loye, infra, note 8; See also the Global Sounding Moral Code.
  • 4. We are just “whistling in the dark” to think of building an advanced technological civilization, greatly amplifying natural human powers,16 without moral sensitivity.17 David Loye, the acclaimed psychologist and evolutionary systems scientist, founder of the multinational Darwin Project with a council of over fifty leading American, European, and Asian scientists and educators, has reported on the lunacy of heavy, culture making, publicity given to the philosophy of “Social Darwinism” and the “survival of the fittest”18 advanced by the English philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820–1903), whose discredited laissez-faire ideology, has no moral sensitivity but is now the cultural fountainhead of the New Aristocracy of money driven politics and “free market” fundamentalism. These dire social and cultural innovations are driven by the “nothingness of unreason” as Michel Foucault the great French philosopher of madness and civilization called it, in which the language of Nature had died forever.19 The value free ideologies that drive the 1%, with the dire consequences we are now experiencing, are powered by the electronic media monopoly. This is sanctioned by the corrupt mindset of members of the judiciary (known as “cognitive capture”),20 to establish the hi-tech feudalism telecommunications infrastructure serving plutocrats. Almost two decades ago I wrote about the frightening cultural context of youth violence in THE CAPITAL AND CAPITOL HILL, a 3-part series originally published in Washington's Hill Rag. Part 1, Propagating a counter-culture of madness (FINS, Sept 17, 1993); Part 2, A setting for madness (FINS, Oct 1, 1993); and Part 3, The triumph of Jeffersonian Democracy (FINS, Nov 5, 1993 ). This foundation for social and political catastrophe is nested in an economic system driven by "Free market" fundamentalism, described by the insanely great economist Joseph Stiglitz, in Globalization and Its Discontents (2002), and in The Price of Inequality (2012). These books provide a careful and searching examination of the “colossal” failures of the American markets and government. Zombies of the living dead really do exercise control,21 under those lunatic doctrines serving the superrich 1% while placing in bondage the rest of us 99%. Stiglitz (2012) suggests there is no remedy for this situation unless the superrich wake up to their democratic responsibilities. Maybe, but that just tells us we need real tramsformative change. A democratic political economy cannot be built upon the old capitalist system or the mind-sets that now sustain it. Such a radical shift in values demands, "the partial replacement of the prior paradigm."22 Indeed, Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum, has observed: “capitalism in its current form, has no place in the world around us.” We await the arrival of “disruptive innovation in politics, government, and political participation” that lies just over the horrizon, as charted by Moisés Naím, in The End of Power 243 (2013). It's coming! 16 R. Kurzweil, How to Create a Mind 5-7 (Viking, 2012). 17 See D. Loye, The Parable of the Three Villages 112 (2012). 18 D. Loye Darwin's Lost Theory 164-165 (2007) (use of the ideology of “survival of the fittest” to support money-power buying politicians and elections to allow unchecked exploitation of the many by the few.); Richard Dawkins, in his memoir “An Appetite for Wonder” (2013) says, at 261-62, he intendedThe Selfish Gene (1976) to be a “best seller”; indeed, it was a very successful scam artfully disregarding both Darwin and the topic of cultural evolution -- the superstructure of human progress – described by Loye, infra, at 89- 92, following Darwin, in The Descent of Man (Princeton U. Press 1871/1881). Dawkins now states his “best seller” was inexplicably promoted by “more than 100 mostly favorable reviews,” at 281-82, correcting an earlier history of the book, in The Royal Society (Jan 2007): “The daily press took less notice than both the publisher and the author had hoped.” Shaping social and political agendas of privileged groups that dominate the global order was described by Herman and Chomsky, in Manufacturing Consent (1988). 19 M.Foucault, infra, note 10, at 285 20 J.E. Stiglitz, The. Price of Inequality 48 (2012). 21 P. Krugman, “When Zombies Win” Op-Ed article in the NY Times, Dec 19, 2010. 22 T.S. Kuhn, infra note 9 at 93.
  • 5. The great economic power shift is from countries of the North to those below the 31st parallel -- the “Global TILT” -- perhaps, driving transformation to democratic sustainability. This shift is sorely needed. Government, especially in the USA, can't fix the rising political corruptions of political parties, police, public officials/civil servants, parliament/legislature, and judiciary, reports a Global Survey published by CBS News July 9, 2013. Win/Gallup's International poll, six months later, with Full Coverage by Google News, Jan 2, 2014 revealed once again that people from around the world consider the U.S. as "the biggest threat to world peace." Approximately 1,000 people were surveyed in each of the 65 nations polled, a total of over 65,000 respondents. In what was, certainly, the most critical commentary, "An overwhelming 87 percent believed that the U.S. posed the greatest peril-including allies and opponents-and had succeeded in making the world a more dangerous place," says the World News Correspondent Dallas Darling . Only the sovereign democratic powers of the united citizenry can remedy the collosal “free market” capitalist fundamentalist systemic failures. Conversely, the competition for supremacy of governmental powers combined with the powers of private industry have annihilated the supreme sovereign powers of the citizenry. The 99% -- We the People – are the avowed rulers of American democracy. This is the very idea of a genuine democracy; nevertheless, the 1% have turned this commitment of the nation upside down by a money-power game exercising total control in open defiance of the American charter of Government. Development of a democratic Union of the people, arising from the collective will of the People, was explicitly intended by the first clause of the Preamble. Indeed, this is the fundamental purpose of the US Constitution! This Union of the People is the vital source of the political power of the 99%, just as money is the source of the political power of the1%. Nevertheless, the struggle to obtain a genuine democratic Union out of America's great diversity has, until now, defeated the ability of Americans, blighted by an “assault on the mind” by market elites, and other mysterious barriers.23 The pursuit of wisdom facilitated by dialogue is needed to guide integration of our great diversity into a genuine Union of the People to realize the promise of democracy established in the Preamble to the US Constitution. Democratic dialogue is not political warfare or a shouting match governed by Robert's Rules; it is the task of the third branch of the Science of Discovery (following Mathematics and Philosophy) identified as Idioscopy by polymath Charles S. Peirce (1838-1914) embracing Human Sciences for accumulation of new facts.24 Democratic rule by the people supported by idioscopy could not be driven by “free market” fundamentalism or “disaster capitalism,” nor by the ideal of “competitive elitism” proposed by Schumpeter (1883-1960). These ideologies are no model of democracy. They are all dependent upon the lunacy of depriving the people of their indispensable sustaining Union.25 The US Government and big business sectors engaged in a naked power struggle have failed to fulfill the explicit purpose of the Constitution: genuine Union of the People. A democratic Union of the people would defeat the fascist union of the US Government and big business sectors. It would make citizens not Government-Industry elites “masters of the situation.”26 23 C.E. Lindblom, The Market System 216-235 (2001); and R.D. Wolff, Democracy at Work (Mar 14, 2013). 24 Special sciences make up idioscopy dependent upon special observation “which travel or other exploration, or some assistance to the senses, either instrumental or given by training, together with unusual diligence, has put within the power of its students.” V.G. Potter, Charles S. Peirce On Norms and Ideals 22-23 (1997). 25 See authorities cited, infra, notes 8, 18, 20-21, 43-44. 26 Lindblom, infra note 24, at 234.
  • 6. An infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy must be established to give concrete substance and direction to the collective will of the People. A boundary spanning technology for development of this infrastructure is needed, which is free as the flowing streams, without anyone blocking anyone else. This process must be inclusive, allowing a “dialogue with unreason.”27 There must be a participatory architecture as previously stated: “we see the merging of minds into community wisdom, flowing together like a musical score,” in which, “the citizen-participants who are the 'content-experts' of group dialogue, to convey their ideas to the unfolding group-mind. A unique Structured Design Dialogue (SDD) proces divides the group dialogue into role responsibilities of context, content, and process. This frees citizen-participants to concentrate on the content of their ideas. A running script of the proceedings is produced with computer support to ease the integration of new knowledge and information. The intent is to build patterned interactions among stakeholders in a socially produced linguistic domain of shared vocabulary, and to engage them in designing social systems that integrate their diverse cognitive realities into community wisdom. The SDD design team provides a context for the dialogue that prevents the emergence of group pathologies during the design work. The SDD content process relieves the participants of the unshakable burdens of dialogue by unbundling the complexity of the dialogue into easily assimilated relational patterns graphically illustrated to augment the linear nature of dialogue. SDD gives attention to the inherent lack of consensus on values, priorities, norms of truth and behavior, expectations for the future, and the use of competing interpretations of complex situations. The SDD blocks the traditional "competition of ideas" that yields only one winner and marks everyone else as loosers. SDD is designed, instead, to emancipate all participants in a collaborative, strong consensus building mode of association that always respects the autonomy of participants and the authenticity of their ideas while striving for multidimensional comprehensiveness that integrates diversity. Illustration of the emerging cyberspace civilization communicating synchronously and globally across communities-states-nations-and-continents supported by A Technology of Democracy 28 27 M. Foucault, infra note 10, at 198 (discussing Freud's medical thought to unmask psychological healing). 28 LoD agrees with the Free Software Foundation that users shall have “the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software.” Cf. Microsoft takes on the free world (CNN/Fortune, May 14, 2007); Eliminate Software Patents (D.A.Wheeler, rev 2011-08-02); End Software Patents (Jan 2013); but see patent licensing at a reasonable price under FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) terms.
  • 7. The Structured Dialogic Design (SDD) software has not been released under a free software license such as the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). Concerted efforts to prohibit use of existing software under dubious patents,29 imposed by Dr. Alexander N. Christakis and his tightly knit group of trusted associates (The Christakis “mafia”), breaks the long standing promise of the pursuit of wisdom defining the purpose of SDD. Consequently, new software should be produced from public domain models I possess, with a guarantee of equal access. At the University of Virginia, in July 1980, John Warfield and Aleco Christakis convened a Workshop on "A Users Guide to Public Systems Methodologies" sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This provided an opportunity to evaluate various methods for group "consensus building." I was a discussion leader in the 1980 NSF Workshop. Warfield and Christakis were thrown out of UVA, in 1984, Aleco informed me, because their ”Interactive Management” process lacked an effective value driven management system. The Center for Interactive Management was relocated, in 1984, to George Mason University at Fairfax, Virginia. Christakis was thrown out of GMU, in 1989, after he sexually raped a young intern.30 The Christakis mafia now complain about my description of the “free market” fundamentalist lunatics identified by the most highly qualified economists, educators, and evolutionary systems scientists whose published works are quoted in this article.31 Those complaints prove, the Christakis mafia, says, that I do not have the requsite skills to reliably use the knowledge management computer software.32 They insist upon “an open and warm-hearted dialogue” without any sanction against the self-destructive capitalist status quo. However, this preferred policy is not effective. Preventative sanctions are essential to overcome large scale deeply embedded powerfully supported pathological barriers of “free market” fundamentalism. Reliance upon the implicit value systems that support the status quo, is not sustainable.33 Moreover, profound empirical evidence shows 'the possibility of sanctioning norm violators stabilizes human cooperation.”34 The Christakis mafia has obstinately adopted a spurious knowledge management system rejected by eminent educators, business managers, and scientists.35 The law of value-free planning is no foundation "For Betterment of Humankind."36 We live in an unpredictable civilization, affected by beauty and ugliness, good and evil, with “ignorance and lunacy” versus “reason, caring and sharing” in politics economics and religion. 29 See authorities, infra, note 28. 30 I was informed of this incident by Dr. Christakis' wife, when I called their home in Chantilly, VA, after their return from summer vacation in Greece, in 1988. Christakis told his wife he raped the young woman because she was having sex with her friends while serving as a “house sitter” at the Christakis home. 31 See authorities cited, infra, notes 9, 14, 17 19-20; see also, BFPRESS NEWS, infra, note 8 (attached). 32 An email sent to me by Norma Romm 02/28/2013, says: that some people “do not trust your using the software in the spirit of an open and warm-hearted dialogue.” On Apr 15, 2013, Norma Romm, Prof. of Adult Education, University of South Africa endorsed me in Linkedin for the skill and expertise of “Teaching.” On July 15, 2013, Kevin Dye, Institute for 21st century Agoras, chief scholar on design science, probably the world’s premier scholar into the work of John Warfield, endorsed me on July 15, 2013, for my skills and expertise in, Organizational Development, and Workshop Facilitation, plus eight other fields. 33 V. Schreibman, The Myth of Neutrality, in FINS, Sept 8, 2008. 34 Özgür Gürerk, Bernd Irlenbusch, Bettina Rockenbach, The Competitive Advantage of Sanctioning Institutions, 7 April 2006, Vol. 312, SCIENCE. 35 See e.g., R. ACKOFF, Re-CREATING CORPORATION 162 (1999) (“effective decisions must be value-full, not value free.”); H. Özbekhan, “Planning and Human Action,” in HIERARCHICALLY ORGANIZED SYS. IN THEORY AND PRAC. 123, 183-84 (P. Weiss ed. 1971). 36 This goal “is the work of a partisan viewpoint,” Jantsch, "Inter-and Transdisciplinarity University," POLICY SCIENCES, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Dec 1970): pp. 403, 408-410, followed in Knowledge Organization for the Betterment of Humankind, in FINS (2d ed. Sept 2002), by V. Schreibman.
  • 8. In group dialogue one can compare the driving values of ideas generated, searching for a viable model for futures creation in the pursuit of wisdom and democracy. Paralyzed by incommensurable viewpoints partial replacement of the old paradigm is needed to make room for the new, Kuhn, infra, note 22. Now Systems Sciences has proposed a new paradigm: “When we stop controlling complexity through a well-meaning overdose of management and administration and when we start distributing complexity through the system, then we are also distributing power and responsibility, which ultimately is about democratizing our future.!!!”37 A new paradigm will frame a new generation of citizens. The necessary Infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy driven by the values of “reason, caring and sharing” will support that transformatiion. This is a concrete proposal for “reconstruction of society in a new institutional framework,”38 which will obey the will of the people. The U.S. Congress has power ”To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the ... Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States.”39 The “enabling act” is needed to facilitate development of new infrastructure. The existing political systems obviously will not pass any such “enabling act” that could defeat the illicit money-power game of the 1%. However, rule by the 1% cannot be sustained. This rule by the 1% clearly violates the Republican form of Government guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.40 It is essential to the definition of a Republican Government according to James Madison, in Federalist 39 “that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it ...“ The tragedy of the African American slave culture of the 19th and early 20th century now reveals characteristics of the early 21st century, based on class slavery:41 In the USA present inequality in the distribution of wealth assures "the greatest divide between the very rich and the very poor of any country on Earth."42 Lawless self-destructive superbanks have adopted a “heads I win, tails you lose” Wall Street culture, pushing the global economy into the Great Recession of 2008-09, assuring systemic failure "based on the total unabashed complicity of the upper class of American capitalism .. a near total breakdown of responslbitity."43 “The sequester” coming into play at this time of economic recession is increasing the risk of economic destabilization.44 The G-20 industrialized nations are well aware of the gambles by “big money” who have placed their bets on deeply troubling offshore tax havens (Krugman oped) where they have amassed accounts, a report on “Tax havens” published by the BBC July 22, 2012 estimates conservatively, amounting to at least $21 trillion and, perhaps, as much as $32 trillion worldwide.45 An investigative report published by Der Spiegel Apr 08, 2013, observed: "Tax havens cause hundreds of millions of euros in annual damage to national economies around the world , and they create an uncontrollable parallel economy.” 37 Over Ides, “Engaging with the Future Differently — From Pyramids to Pancakes,’ in Systemeering, quoting, International leader in Social Foresight for Strategy and Innovation, Josephine Green. 38 T.S. Kuhn, infra, note 9, at 93; see also, Osanto University, 39 U.S. CONST. Art. I, § 8, cl. 18. 40 U.S. CONST. Art. IV, § 4; See The Federalist 39 (J. Madison) (J. Cooke ed. 1961), followed in City of Eastlake v. Forrest City, 426 U.S. 668, 672 (1976). 41 Compare e.g .. W.E.B. Du Bois. The Souls of Black Folk (Oxford World Classics ed. 2008) (describing “War. murder. slavery. extermination. and debauchery ... without the law" at p. 111). with Frederick Douglass and the Fourth of July ORATlON, By V. Schreibman, in LoD, August 31. 2009; and POLICE STATE USA. 42 G. Vidal, America the Great ... Police State in July 28, 2009. In simple arithmetic, (updated Feb 2010), the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.6% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 50.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers). G. William Domhoff, Wealth, Income, and Power. In Sociology, Sept 2005 (updated Jan 2011). 43 T.L. Friedman. Op-Ed Column, All Fall Down, NYTimes. Nov 25. 2008. 44 Market billionaires are betting the next capitalist disaster may cause as much as -- a 90% drop in the stock market – while enlarging capitalist control of the economy. 45 Jim Zarroli, Tax Evaders Beware! (NPR, Aug 08, 2012).
  • 9. The Present Existential Regime Vincent van Gogh, Young Girl Standing Against a Background of Wheat. Oil on canvas (66.0 x 45.0 cm.). Painted in Auvers-sur-Oise June, 1890. Nat'l Gallery of Art, Washington, DC “We the People” cannot endure civilization defined by fundamentalist lunacy. The present existential regime is driven by “survival of the fittest” and “selfish genes” Darwin-ism, a counter-revolution, which defies Darwin.46 In The Frankenstein Civilization, I wrote: According to Adolph Hitler (1889-1945), “democracy undermined the natural selection of ruling elites and was 'nothing other than the systematic cultivation of human failure.” Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), who was Minister of Propaganda under Hitler, “maintained that the people never rule themselves and claimed that every history-making epoch had been created by aristocrats.” Such a paradigm, embracing a philosophy of greed and slavery, could not, “produce anything but the direst consequences” predicted by Charles S. Peirce, the greatest American philosopher and polymath,47 as demonstrated by totalitarian Nazi history, also as reported by the insanely great economist, Joseph Stiglitz (2012). The present existential regime defies our birthright, in which “all power derives from the people,48 with the supremacy of the sovereign democratic powers of the citizenry guaranteed by a Republican government.49 The goal of democracy, “to form a more perfect Union,” of the whole people, is established in the 1st clause of the Preamble to the US Constitution. The present existential regime underscores "the hopelessly primative and uneducated state of our minds” offering “a dismal story of wasted talents and unrealized potentialities," as revealed by the English writer Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).50 Special sciences of Idioscopy can support the human senses, either instrumental or by training, to enhance the capacity of citizens to share power, deal effectively with complexity, and overcome limitations science has identified of personality, perspective, mental habit, and social organization, which leave individuals at the mercy of destructive social forces and deadly ecological conditions. The present existential regime defies the paramount evolutionary, political, and behavioral constitution of the people, to support the “free market“ capitalist fundamentalist systems of lunacy. This is a dire menace, which must be abolished from the ethos of human civilizations, opening the way toward wiser generations, who may reclaim the lost origin of our humanity. 46 See authorities cited, infra, note 8, 18. 47 Peirce On Norms and Ideals, infra, note 25, at 175-176. 48 City of Eastlake v. Forrest City, 426 U.S. at 672. 49 See authorities cited, infra, note 41. 50 Letters of Aldous Huxley 402 (G. Smith ed. 1969), quoted in N. Murray, Aldous Huxley: A Biography 279 (2002), Forward to reprint in 1946 of A.L. Huxley, Brave New World (1932).
  • 10. The Ancient & Future Democratic Assembly The pairs of opposites (being and not being, life and death, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, and all the other polarities that bind the faculties to hope and fear, and link the organs of action to deeds of defense and acquisition) are the clashing rocks (Symplegades) that crush the traveller, but between which the heroes always pass. In the clash between the Chaos Monster and the Sun God, the thunderbolt signifying spiritual power (indestructible enlightenment), shatters the illusory realities of the world. In the modern world guided by the shifting ideologies of democracy, kleptocracy, and plutocracy, it is the "rule of law" that provides the central setting of the clashing rocks, the influences of multinational corporate channels, the briefs of very able lawyers, and the opinions of the honorable justices describe the illusory realities of the world, but only the democratic will of the whole people can offer effective resistance to the tyranny of official powers and their Doctrines of Injustice; the myths of ancient heros notwithstanding. Compare J.Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces 87-89, n.57, & Plate XXI (1973 ed.) (discussing the mythology of heroism), with M.P.Follett, The New State 142, 147 (Pennsylvania State University Press ed. 1998) and V. Schreibman, A Technology of Democracy (2003) (discussing "meaningful dialogue" to resist corrosive social forces and to advance group transcendence). "For nine whole days he shot his arrows among the people, but upon the tenth day Achilles called them in assembly." These words were the first in literature concerning the democratic assembly published in the classic work, The Iliad, written by Homer (800 B.C.E.).51 What is astonishing to learn is the fact there has been little positive change in the democratic assembly since the time depicted inThe Iliad, some 3200-years ago. We have built the world during the past three millennium but foolishly leaving ourselves out in the cold by a legislative assembly increasingly dominated by capitalist campaign finance corruption, “we have returned to the plutocracy from which the Athenian democracy strove to free us.”52 In a revolt against the unabashed tyranny of the capitalist elite,53 citizens are driven not simply to regulate elite behavior or Wall Street machinations; on the contrary, it's absolutely essential to overthrow and replace the outdated ideas and stupefying failures of capitalist systems of lunacy,54 which directly affect the lives of Americans and others all around the world. Indeed, the countervailing powers of resistance described by Naím, in The End of Power 243, the massive Social Network for Sustainability, organized by the inspirational Paul Hawken, and the global economic power shift now unfolding described by Ram Charan, in The “Global TILT,” may be forcing leaders to “abandon old mindsets ... opening mega opportunities”; although others see China as but a Partial Power not to be overestimated. 51 The story is about the Battle of the City of Troy in the war between Greeks and Trojans that probably occurred around 1200 B.C. 52 A.N. Christakis, with K.C. Bausch, How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power To Construct the Future, Prologue xix (Information Age Publishing, 2005). 53 T.L. Friedman. Op-Ed Column, All Fall Down, NYTimes. Nov 25. 2008. 54 It was a revolt against the Greek tyrant Peisistratus and his eldest son Hippias, which in 508/7, ushered in the . Athenian democratic constitution
  • 11. Democratic systems with high level of effectiveness include e.g.: “civic communities,” in Italy, described by Robert D. Putnam, Prof. of Int'l Affairs, at Harv. U. in Making Democracy Work; Mondragon Cooperatives, in Spain, described by Richard D. Wolff, Prof. Emeritus of Economics, at U. Mass., in Democracy at Work; and the “caring economy,” in Brazil, described by Joshua C. Ramo,55 in The Age of the UNTHINKABLE.56 Moving from domination by the 1% to true Union in dialogue of the 99%, citizens can enable the purpose of the Preamble “to form a more perfect Union” of the whole people, by building an infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy, which can assure equal access to essential knowledge management resources needed for effective group dialogue. By establishing a philanthropic, Fund for Planetary D3, governed by “social business” of Mohammad Yunus, a small subscription could, in aggregate, provide funds sufficient to support such an infrastructure in every district of the USA, and internationally, throughout the whole world. This can sustain real world emergence of The Agora of Philanthropolis, democratizing our future under a more perfect Union, which we have predicted earlier.57 This essential infrastructure can change the way “people power” is developed, to overturn those debilitating existential distortions and improve the “deep security” on which the resilience of the people,58 is dependent, by: (A) adopting the wisdom of Follett, Huxley, and Peirce,59 to utilize Idioscopy to greatly amplify the natural human powers of citizens;60 and (B) engaging in the structured dialogue of a free people striving to make a better world. This calls for deep spiritual dialogue to form a more perfect Union including caring and sharing union organizers,61 working with scientists and Abrahamic Faiths of Judaism Christianity and Islam, together with others: philosophers, and economists, knowledge managers, environmentalists, renewable energy and new age bankers, telecommunications workers, computer software designers, politicians judges and lawyers, librarians, teachers, public health workers, American Indians, and Indian Americans, blacks and whites, latinos, chicanos, asians, gays and lesbians, & etc., driven by the collective will of the global people to, right now, rescue democracy from plutocracy supported by Idioscopy, Science of Discovery. Everyone, everywhere may thus be a winner in safeguarding the integrity of the democratic realities of the participatory universe. 55 Joshua Ramo is managing director and full partner of Kissinger Associates, a geostrategic advisory firm. Dr. Kissinger commented, in a book party forThe Age of the UNTHINKABLE, quoted in The New Yorker, May 7, 2009: “It has one basic theme that is a little difficult for me, which is that my generation is sort of a bunch of dodos, that we stagger through life with just one idea in our minds, which on top of it, is hugely wrong. 56 J.C. Ramo, The Age of the UNTHINKABLE, ch. 10 (2009). 57 Schreibman, V. and Christakis, A.N. (2007) “New agora, new geometry of languaging and new technology of democracy: the structured design dialogue process’, Int., in LoD. 58 J.C. Ramo, infra, note 56 at ch. 8. 59 M.P. Follett, The New State, ch. XVIII “Democracy Not the Crowd: Our Popular Delusion" (1918) (reprinted in 1998, Penn State U. Press); see authorities cited, infra, notes 24, and 49. 60 R. Kurzweil, infra, note 16 at 5-7. 61 J. McAlevey with B.Ostertag, Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell) (Verso, 2012); K.C. Wolensky, N.H. Wolensky, and R.P. Wolensky, Fighting for the Union Label (Penn State U. Press, 2002) (oral history, story of author's extraordinary Lurye Matheson union family); see also, “Occupy Wall Street” movement that began Sept 17, 2011, spread like lightening, and is now calling for WorldRevolution.
  • 12. PEOPLE POWER David von Michelangelo From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository I know we all can resonate with the truth that is a part of our indelible humanity, as quoted in the local and national press from the life and expressions of my Grandfather Max Lurye (1877- 1949), who descended from a very ancient family, tracing his roots back to King David:62 "A man's got to have his dignity or he ain't no man. He can't live like an animal running away from other animals that happen to be stronger than he is. Unless he fights for what he knows is right his life ain't much of a life."63 The only way forward is to fight for the dignity of the People. “All power derives from the People,” in Republican Government, the US Supreme Court recognized,64 but organization of the People's sovereign powers by Big Government and Big Business to merely empower themselves, can leave the People powerless. Indeed, power brokers demand obedience to their commands driven by a pathology of lies. Their Frankenstein Civiliza-tion, of class slavery, dictate the primary importance to the state of unchallengable superpower global military preparedness. They condemn and charge the whistleblowers who reveal Surveillance Scandals. This so called a 'Strasi' scandal vividly projects the image of “Big Brother” in the USA “soft totalitarian” Police State. 62 (r. perhaps 1000-970 B.C.).s 63 Father's Determination Is Topic Of Billy Rose Story. Murder In A Phone Booth Results In Story Of Good Union Men Who Fought Racketeers. By BILLY ROSE. Sheboygan Journal (newspaper) June 27, 1949. 64 EASTLAKE v. FOREST CITY ENTERPRISES, INC., 426 U.S. 668 (1976) .
  • 13. President Obama stated on CBS News, June 17, 2013, “if you're a U.S. person, then NSA is not listening to your phone calls, and it's not targeting your emails, unless it's getting an individualized court order." but who can believe those pathological liars?65 The NSA has famously managed to evade every attempt to limit their security overreach, beginning with the Computer Security Act of 1987 (CSA),66 which intended to prohibit NSA – a military agency – from management of security standards for civilian agencies.67 The US Congress settled on transferring authority over such management to the National Institute of Standards and Technoloogy (NIST), but NSA grabbed virtual control anyway,68 defying Congressional intent. The NSA operates as a law unto itself imposing the emerging military-industrial-police-surveillance complex (Chronicle, Aug 7, 2013) consuming US appropriations greater than all other nations combined, without fiscal control, unaccountable. These insidious machinations of state militarism make a mockery of democracy foreclosing policy choices of a free people to foster an enlightened humanity and an effective democracy, which is our birthright. Instead of abolishing state militarism, President Obama authorized the most sweepiing global dragnet surveillance, by NSA. Two Federal Courts, which have examined legal challenges to the NSA surveillance scheme have issued contradictory opinions on the topic, but see the AP report, Jan 23, 2014, 9: 46 AM, Government panel urges end to phone data snooping: NSA's massive daily intake of calling records "raises serious threats to privacy and civil liberties," a three-member majority of the oversight board said the government should end the surveillance program and "purge the database of telephone records that have been collected and stored during the program's operation." The American people together with the people of the whole world certainly can and should communicate freely and organize themselves effectively for that purpose protected by the right to free speech and assembly, in a World Union that is genuinely living up to the spirit of democracy mandated, in the USA, by the Preamble that may be enabled by an infrastructure for The pursuit of wisdom and democracy. 65 Mozilla Foxfire browser June 20, 2013, responded to President Obama, resoundingly: “Stop Watching Us” endorsed by: 18MillionRising;; Access; American Civil Liberties Union; American Library Association; Americans for Job Security; Applied Research Center; Association for Progressive Communications; Association of Alternative Newsmedia; Association of Research Libraries; Big Bad Lab; Bill of Rights Defense Committee; Blog Action Day; Bradley Manning Support Network; Calyx Institute; Campaign for Liberty; Center for Democracy and Technology; Center for Media Justice; Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire;; Competitive Enterprise Institute; Consumer Watchdog; Courage to Resist; CREDO Action; Daily Kos; Defending Dissent; Demand Progress; Detroit Digital Justice Coalition; Digital Fourth; Electronic Frontier Foundation; Electronic Frontiers Australia; EngageMedia; Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA); Fight for the Future; Foundation for Innovation and Internet Freedom; Free Press; Free Software Foundation; Freedom of the Press Foundation; Freedom Works;; Generation Justice; GNOME; Green Party of Rhode Island; Green Party of the United States; Greenpeace USA; Guardian Project;; Internet Archive; League of Technical Voters; Learning About Multimedia Project; Liberty Coalition; LibrarianShipwreck; Main Street Project; Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association; Media Alliance; Media Literacy Project; Media Mobilizing Project;; Mozilla; National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; National Coalition Against Censorship; National Security Counselors; Occupy Wall Street NYC; Open Internet Tools Project; Open Technology Institute at New America Foundation;; Participatory Politics Foundation; PolitiHacks; Praxis Project; Privacy and Access Council of Canada; Privacy Camp; Progressive Change Campaign Committee; Progressive Librarians Guild; Public Knowledge; R Street Institute; Reel Grrls; RestoreTheFourth; Restore America's Voice; RevolutionTruth; Rights Working Group; Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association;; Tactical Tech; TechFreedom; Tenth Amendment Center; The Other 98%; Tor; Upwell; Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center; Women in Media & News; World Wide Web Foundation; Worldwide Movement for Human Rights; YourAnonNews. 66 40 U.S.C.A. § 75 note (Supp. 1990), Public Law No. 100-235 (H.R. 145), (Jan. 8, 1988) . 67 The controversy is discussed by John Markoff, in “Military Agency Loses Authority Over Civilian Computer Security,” in The New York Times, Sunday, August 19, 1990. 68 My Freedom of Information request to NIST, dated Sept. 17, 1990. exposed Government-wide failure to develop lawful standards for Federal Computer systems, required by 40 U.S.C. 759(d)(1).
  • 14. CONCLUSIONS Francisco de Goya, The Madhouse, 1812-1819. Oil on panel, 46 cm × 73 cm (18 in × 29 in). Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain ”Nature caused us all to be born equal; if fate is pleased to disturb this plan of the general law, it is our responsibility to correct its caprice, and to repair by our attention the usurpations of the stronger.” Foucault, note 10, at 282, quoting F. de Sade. We have travelled far: first, on The Ship of Fools, then, with the institutionalization and confinement of fools and crazy people, arriving in the nineteenth century to The Madhouse, and now in the early 21st century, we are preparing to internalize and democratize the “nothingness of unreason” masked as complexity, and medical psychology.69 New democratization has already produced hopeful signs of a “citizen-centric” real world to replace the money-power formula for the lunacy of capitalist “free market” fundamentalism. A genuine Union of the people, as the Preamble commands, can be built up to provide social capital, mutual support and cooperation driving “productivity and innovation” says Harvard Professor Robert Putnam, which citizens of democracy can thrive on. Most human resources are paralyzed as power brokers quibble over slicing and dicing in their spoils warfare. The Next Generation: World People Power, discussed here, can drive effective use of the whole world's human resources, presently, the most underutilized source of social capital and civic community that can massively expand “productivity and innovation.” 69 See authorities cited, infra, note 10, 19, and 38.
  • 15. World LoD  The Next Generation: World People Power Established under Rule of the People, by the People, for the People, to Abolish Capitalist Fundamentalist Systems of Lunacy in Favor of Betterment of Humankind via Idioscopy: the Science of Discovery Democracy. Democracy. Democracy. (D3) By Vigdor Lurye-Schreibman In Dedication Rise like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number-- Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you-- Ye are many--they are few. The Mask of Anarchy (1819), by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Portrait by Amelia Curran Courtesy Wikipedia Commons Long live the revolution of wakefulness! No one need remain asleep. Quoted with permission of the author. The Cushion in the Road “Ending the Age of Waste” (2013) by Alice Walker Digital thumbnail image of Alice Walker by Google Copy with permission Ms Walker. Original Photo by M.J. Alexander Web: World Lovers of Democracy Vigdor Schreibman, Knowledge Manager & Webmaster E-mail: ( May 1, 2013 (as amended)
  • 16. APPENDIX A BF PRESS NEWS SPREAD THE WORD! November 3, 2010 831-626-1004, fax: 831-624-3734 REPUBLICANS DRIVE US BACKWARD IN EVOLUTION NEW BOOK CLAIMS In the wake of the U.S. midterm elections, we need to take a hard look at what drives us ahead, chceks us in place, or drives us backward in human evolution, according to psychologist and evolution systems scientist David Loye, author of Darwin's Second Revolution. The result of a ten year study, Darwin's Second Revolution is the story of the development of evolution theory and its relation to politics, economics, and religion from the time of the death of Darwin throughout the 20th well into the 21st century. “What plainly stands out over a century leading to the eight years of the G.W. Bush administration and the U.S. midterm election is a picture of the politics, economics, and religion of reason, caring, and sharing versus the politics, economics, and religion of ignorance and lunacy,” Loye says. “The result is a Republican party currently sunk into a hellbent drive backward in evolution. The Democrats are floundering miserably, but at least they are trying to drive us ahead.” Behind the clash of liberals versus conservatives, Republicans versus Democrats, and creationists versus evolutionists, what emerges in the new book is the story of an increasingly costly and counterproductive battle between two belief systems that shape the impact of our species on this planet and, for better or worse, on evolution. Drawing on the new science of chaos, complexity, and self-organizing theories, the new book tracks the rise over a century of an authoritarian, dominator/dominated belief system that reshaped the original Darwinian revolution in evolution theory into the destructive mindset and counter-revolution of “survival of the fittest” and “selfish genes” Darwinism. Underlying beliefs shaping regressive politics, economics, and religion, this reversal for Darwin's original intent, Loye contends, became the mindset for a pathological, century long detour off the track for human evolution. “The message from literally all fields of science now bearing on evolution is that we've entered the evolutionary end game for America and for our world,” Loye notes. “Politically, economically, morally, spiritually, and environmentally, the message from the century of the development of evolution theory, is that we must choose sides and fight for evolutionary santity versus evolutionary lunacy.” A former member of the Princeton psychology department and former research director of the
  • 17. Program on Psychosocial Adaptation and the Future, Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Dr. Loye is a co-founder of the multinational General Evolution Research Group; founder of the multinational Darwin Project (, with a council of over fifty leading American, European, and Asian scientists and educators, and author of the national award-winning The Healing of a Nation, Bankrolling Evolution, Measuring Evolution, Darwin's Lost Theory, and many other books on science, history, and the future (see With nine pages of pre-publication endorsements by leading scientists and global activists, the first book for a trilogy Darwin and the Battle for Human Survival, Darwin's Second Revolution is available through online booksellers worldwide and on order through book stores. # # #