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The Moral Development And Value Essay
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the moral development and value that is placed upon those morals within a modern society. Addressing how
moral development is an essential piece for individual aspect that we possess. The discussion will include where the majority of an individual's
morality is learned and how those teachings can be influenced by society. This paper will explore one of Lawrence Kohlberg's stories concerning
moral dilemma and the stages of development found in the numerous answers to that dilemma. My answer to Kohlberg's dilemma will be captured and
discussed too. Possible variations to moral value when strangers become a player in the dilemma. Ways in whichmorality does impact our interaction
with our environment as we develop as individuals, will be covered. Finally, an examination of how morals differ in value or placement within a
society and in individual structure.
Individual Moral Development and Value Based within a Modern Society Moral development is first brought into existence by the establishment
of a set of morals. The morals or the set of principles and behaviors that a person holds, is the standard in place to measure decisions and actions
during the course of that person's life. In our society morals hold varying degrees of values and are often called upon to necessitate the issue at hand.
Morals shape the view we have of ourselves and as well as the view we have of others. Our morals dictate who we interact with and how we
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The Moral Values Of Leadership Essay
Business executives accept the moral impact of their leadership behaviors, rarely, to begin with, at any time be neutral. Nevertheless, executives in
leadership capacities, are able to shift the culture of the organizations' ethical behaviors both positively, as well as in negative directions. Powerful and
positive leaders, are compelled to self–regulate their ethical behaviors emulating the example, motivating others in the organization establishing the
same behaviors, culturally normal, considered, a matter of routine. (Thomas, T., Schermerhorn Jr., J., & Dienhart, J., 2012, July 7). Universally, many
leaders' moral values differ, there is no one basic, followed moral practice. The moral values of leaders are as diverse as the values subsequently
established, for many values reflectively are the result of the leaders' culture. Responsible, strategic leadership of ethical behavior must be consistently
and efficiently performed internally and externally of the organizational environment. Powerful, ethical leaders establish, and are the example, that
ethical changes can be accomplished, influencing others in the organization to execute ethical choices on their own. Long–term sustainability of
established, strategic ethical changes, maintain standards of organizational integrity and credibility. Above all, the principles of ethical normal behavior
set behavioral precedence. As we review moral leadership, also recognized as altruistic leadership, leaders who
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Moral Values
Moral Values versus Academic Subject Matters Good morning faculty and Students "Welcome back to a new and rewarding School year" was the
first thing I heard Principle Williams say as he made the announcements. The next thing on the agenda was to go over the rules of the school and
classroom. It is the first day of school at Westover Elementary and the students are back in school for one hundred and eighty days. WOW! I just
love my job. Well it is time to get down to business. We must go over the morals of the school and classroom before we can begin the lesson plan for
this academic year. This year the students are in for a rule awakening because Principle Williams has added new rules and regulations to the schools
conduct code, more content...
These range from sex offenders, prostitution, violence in the home, and parents who condone cheating the government out of benefits in order to
survive. In order to offset these influences, they need guidance that will steer them in the right direction. Teaching them the morals of this behavior
could mean the difference in spending their life behind bars or living in society during what is lawful to survive. Lifetime lesson: Learning Moral
values will last a lifetime. It is funny how we learn math and other subjects in school, only to forget them once we finish. Moral values that are
learned in school stick with us even when we get older. I can recall when I was in the band in College. We were in statewide competitions that
judged us on how well we coordinated our routines. On one occasion I can remember a tie between another college and ours, In band competitions the
way to settle the score as we call it, is to have your drum–line play repetitions to see who is best. To make a long story short, we ended up losing the
competition because a judge claimed that one of our drummers were off beat. We felt that it was because the judge had a thing for the opposite school
and wanted their child to attend that school. Nevertheless, when the chancellor heard around the college campus what some of the student's were
saying, he came to the band room for a meeting with us. He replied, "In life always remember that the
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Values, Morals, And Culture Essay
Everyone has their own unique culture that they identify with which plays a huge role in shaping a person's identity. Our values, morals, and
experiences are structured by the society and culture that surround us each day. A person's beliefs and morals are formed by culture and remains
throughout their entire life. Culture varies from one place to another and it makes people throughout the world similar but very different as well. It
made you the person you are today and determines who or what you choose to associate yourself with in the future. One element of culture is the
learned behavior patterns and associated with it that we develop as we grow up living within the culture. Learned behavior isn't something that is only
exhibited by humans, but as well as animals such as dogs and cats that follow what their owner teaches them.
Learned behaviors represent a crucial part of culture which can mean almost anything, from the way choose to dress to what we decide what is
edible and inedible. Whenever we listen to music, celebrate holidays with others, cross our legs, or go out for relaxation we are practicing parts of
our culture. We are not born behaving like we belong to that culture. To be socially acceptable citizens of a culture, we are taught from childhood of
what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Along with this, we are trained to become a part of our surrounding culture. Apart from what we are
taught, we also learn from people around us, from situations we
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The Moral Value Of Actions Essay
Though there are various normative ethical theories that work well in deciphering the moral value of actions in most tough situations, all
prevailing theories seem to give the wrong answer to some of them. This is why I agree with the ethical pluralist in that moral duties are
irreducible (Ross). Hence, I do not have answers adherent to a grounding theory for the two moral dilemmas posed in the prompt. To the moral
quandary regarding whether or not it is right to break a promise to a dead friend for the sake of doing the most good, my viewpoint aligns with the
Kantian perspective. That is to say that doing the most good with your dead friend's money does not justify breaking the promise that you made to
them. For the second quandary about lying to receive a loan, my stance is just the opposite. I align with the utilitarian in that it is ethically right to
lie to receive the money as long as the lie brings about the most good. It is wrong to break the promise to a dead friend in the first situation while
the moral value of lying to receive a loan is dependent on how the money is spent. Although within the bounds of ethical pluralism there is no way to
verify if one has truly done the right thing, it seems intuitive that breaking a promise to a dead friend is a morally wrong action. This is my intuition,
and likely that of others, for a simple reason: one would not want for their dying wish to be broken. There is something sacred about a dying wish and
the intuition
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Morals, Values, And Ethics
Morals, values, and ethics are conditions which represent a person character, view of their society, and culture. Morals and ethics are two principles
that are similar in that it includes how decision are made either good or bad (Remley & Herlihy, 2016). As a future, mental health professional, it is
essential to have sound judgement when making decisions that will ultimately impact clients. We will review morals, ethics from my perspective.
Being raised to have strong faith, courage, honesty and integrity were some of the many values taught. Always make the right decisions and choices
in any problem or circumstance. Our household provided compassion, love, care, kindness, and correction. Having integrity taught me to always do
what was right, because I believed it was right, and not from a place of distress. There is a saying "treat others how you would want to be treated",
this was a major part in my family upbringing. Being raised in an environment where respecting someone privacy, not interrupting a conversation, and
lending a helping hand helped me to become a responsible person in life. Having self–awareness, helps to know who I am, when it comes to being bias,
convictions and making the right decisions. There will be times when doing what is right seem uncomfortable. However, the mental health profession
allows me to act as an advocate for helping others recover. Which is why, it is important for me to do the right thing to ensure a client is safe. My
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Family Moral Values Essay
Many years ago, families had moral values that served a purpose in their lives. Mothers stayed at home and care for the children while dads went to
work and provided for the family. In the home mothers would make the children to do their chores and homework before they could go outside and
play. Back then, there were no computers or video games to play with so kids had to entertain themselves. By the end of the week, the family would go
to church on Sunday. These were simple family values that build foundations for families back in the day. People were committed in doing the right
thing. Even though most families could not afford fancy cars or nice clothes, they continued to make the best of everything. The most important value more content...
A child can develop confidence and stability in their life if they are influence by positive people and have good family structure. Family is an
important and personal investment that can be share with our love one. It has the greatest reward and that is love. Some adults will allow their
children to make their own choices even though the child have no clue to what is best for them, but they have to figure it out on their own. Then, they
are likely to be involved with experiencing drugs, sex, and having babies, and losing their self–respect. So what should parents do to put their kids back
on the right track? Well, for one they could limit their children the use of things like playing video games, watching TV, computers and electronic
devices. There are other things to consider and not allow your child to fall into some of these categories, first thing is to surround yourself and your
child around good role models, next thing is to have a positive attitude everyday, and last thing is to have good moral values.
Single parents have their share in extreme pressure of everyday life. It is hard to commit to doing the right thing, especially when there is only one
person raising a child. As we try to understand youths of today, we cannot help but think about young parents who make bad choices and continue to
do so while having more kids. It could be difficult to teach children good moral
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Speech On Moral Values
First of all, Moral was invented by human beings as a way to live in certain harmony and to cooperate and taking care of each other, and there is no
limit for moral and there is no clear definitions about moral. Morality is totally subjective, everyone sees it differently refers to personal or social or
cultural that differentiate between 'right' and 'wrong' in the human society, but there is no objective 'right' andMoral are actions or values that are
positive and good to the society and individual, classified as such because they are thought to cause benefit or harm. They are basic things such as not
killing, not stealing, not lieing or cheating, not starting fights or causing chaos, that involve either empathy or social normativity. more
actually , we all are born with roughly the same kind of moral sense, but that sense of moral are really basic then they strengthen their sense of morality
by observing and learning from around them, from parents, people, from school, movies, books, TV and video games etc. But mostly started from their
parents until they old enough that they can interact or join with the society, then they may learn and introduce socially acceptable morals no matter
their parents agree or not agree with those moral views. Every kid knows about honesty and sharing and love.
Moral values means how a person like to exist for them self and for others in life, and the building blocks of our character. The moral values is
learn when you practice it and live with it each day. Moral values hold importance from the point of personal, social and spiritual development.What
our feeling of purpose of life. What is life for us. What we can do for others, are we gone out of selfishness.Do we feel value of humanity, society and
world. Values are the motivation power behind the purpose of action.
Moral topics can be found everywhere Moral is affected by ones growing background. morals will influence by other personality traits as
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Reflection Paper On Moral Values
Reflective Essay (Morals) Morals and virtues have been a part of society and are pivotal to surviving in any culture. All over the world, people are
raised differently and have different beliefs that ground them to their culture. Personally, growing up in a religious household I can see how that has
affected me and the foundation that my morals are based on. I think that there are different cultures that have different morals and as difficult as it is to
understand sometimes it is very important to respect their beliefs. That being said, it is important to strive to live under a moral code that I think is
best. The vast variety of ethics and different moral beliefs can definitely cause awkwardness or make some situations uncomfortable depending on
the clashing cultures. Although discussing morals can lead to awkward and uncomfortable situations, it is important to stick to your moral
foundations and respect other cultures as best you can. Growing up in a moderately wealthy religious family in the United States, I had the ability
to pick and choose which set of morals I followed. Although my family did play a huge rule in creating the foundation I live my life with, I was
very free to decide which path I chose. As I grew up, the influence of my parents slowly began to lessen and the virtues I had learned from them
began to mold me into the person I am today. I was also raised in a highly religious household. Even though I am slowly moving away from the
church going Christian I once was, the morals they engrained into me are things I will hopefully never forget. The last and possibly most
important ground was where I was raised. The suburb outside of Cleveland Ohio where I grew up wasn't the worst place to be raised, but it has
definitely changed my morals from the ones set by my parents and the church. Often times in school, I would have inner conflicts with the virtues set
by my church, and the nefarious activities my friends and I would want to do. I think this is a part of growing up. This struggle has rounded my
morals out leading me to be a good mix of both uptight and relaxed depending on the situation. Regardless of the journey to moral satisfaction, the goal
of perfection should never leave your
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The Importance Of Moral Values In Education
How do gain humans values and morality is it taught or is it learned?
Donte Simpson
AP Capstone Seminar
Collins Cyreal
Morality has been debated over for years on
whether or not it is something we are born with or
whether it is something we are taught. There are
many supporting examples for the overall theme
including oxytocin affecting our morality, morality
being controlled by those around us, morality being
taught and learned, and morality being categorized
based on events and people.
One article states that morality is something that
should be taught in schools so that students can be
affected at a young age. The author believes that
students need to be taught morality. "In the article,
Moral Values for Students :A Necessary Part of the
Curriculum, Paul Richard Kuehn, freelance writer and
advocate for teaching morality ,believes that "Teaching
morality as a part of the curriculum Is Necessary
because children should be thought the difference
between right and wrong, so that they can go on to
lead happy lives.He supports this claim by first
explaining what a lack of morality can do to a student.
1"The problem is that the neglect of teaching moral
values in school is hurting our students and causing
problems in society."Then,he creates bullet points to
expand on
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The Moral Value Of Ethics
Deontology Of the many theories non–consequentialism produces, one is called Deontology. This theory states the only way to complete a moral
action is by doing ones duty. In Deontology, the end result is irrelevant meaning bad consequences have no affect on the morality of the action. The
thesis I will prove is when deciding on the best course of action the principles of Deontology ethics and their emphasis on considerations of doing ones
duty, offer effective framework for the moral value of actions.
Immanuel Kant is an influential figure of Deontological Ethics. He proposed three laws called "The Categorical Imperative" to decide whether an
action is ethical or not:
1. "Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." (Ibid., 422)
2. "Act as though the maxim of your action were by your will to become a universal law of nature." (Ibid)
3. "Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only." (Ibid., 429)
These rules apply as though all agents are rational beings.
These laws prevent duties to be subjective, inconsistent and irrational. In order for a law to be universal, we must consider the "Golden Rule"––that is,
treat others as you want to be treated. This rule keeps actions in a type of check and balance. As rational agents, we can assume we should not lie to
others, as we would not appreciate to be lied to. This also
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Ethics: Morals, Values, And Ethics
CHAPTER 3 Human Values: Morals, Values and Ethics– Integrity – Work Ethic– Service Learning – Civic Virtue – Respect for Others – Living
Peacefully – caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing Time– Co–operation – Commitment – Empathy – Self–Confidence – Character –
Spirituality Introduction Humans have the unique ability to describe their identity, select their values and set up their beliefs. All three of these
directly persuade a person's behavior. Values are our principles and guides. Morals and the values are the basis of human values. Just as a building
has a foundation of concrete, the building of human values rests on morals and values. Human values can also be defined as the values of life. A good
action performed today more content...
Security during job and upon retirement: This concept is being accepted only in government jobs, public limited companies, and corporate
organizations. The western thought has influenced the Indian private industries and multinationals in a paradigm shift from 'lifelong employment' to
policies such as 'merit only', 'hire and fire', 'pay and use' etc. This situation has no doubt created tension in the Indian scene. 6. Recognition to non–work
activities, such as leisure, paid holiday on the day of visit of a dignitary, social service, and other developmental activities. The workers in
prosperous countries are less willing to consider 'work' as their prime interest in life. They claim that such service activities give them peace of mind
and happiness. However, such a trend is likely to decline the work ethics. 7. Hard work and productivity are very essential for the success of an
industry. The quality of work life deserves to be improved. Hard labor, undignified jobs (human–drawn rikshaw, people carrying night soil), and
hazardous jobs are to be made less straining, dignified, and safer. Automation and CNC systems to a large extent have been successful in lessening the
human burden. Still, many a hard work can not be replaced by 'virtual work', in the near
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What Is Moral Value Essay
Moral value is when you believe in something although others may not believe in it. Moral value deals with knowing what's right and what's
wrong. Also moral values are things that you value more in your life more than others do. Finally moral values can help you with being honest with
yourself because of what you believe in. Having moral values for yourself is important because it will help you throughout your life and to stay
focused. One thing that I believe in is no sex before marriage. I believe in that because I want to have more standards for myself and show others that
you don't need sex to get through life or even to make a relationship better. I value that so much in my life. If I continue to believe that in my head, then
I more content...
I found something to value the most in my life and because I value that so much, I will do whatever it takes to continue to follow through with my
belief. When you have morals and values for yourself others will see it through your attitude and your personality, they will start to value you more
and accept your beliefs. (Thesis) When they start apologizing for the way they've treated me, is when I learned to forgive them. To begin with,
forgiveness has a huge impact on your life. To forgive means accepting what may have happened and moving forward. Forgiveness is learning how
to get over things, even when it's very hard to let go. Lastly forgiveness is a feeling of learning how to move forward. It is never a good thing to
hold a grudge against someone because it's hard for you to forgive them. Nobody wants to feel hated or disliked because they're not being forgave
about something that may have happened years ago. I truly understand how it feels to not be forgiving. Not being forgiven can really be the worst
thing in life. It will cause you to feel so many different things throughout life. Forgiveness has brought me so far in life. I remember when I was
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Morals, Values, and Ethics Essays
Morals, Values, and Ethics Morals, values and ethics define who we are and what we believe. Culture, religion, and many other things affect our
beliefs. One uses various types off ethics when surrounded by different groups. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing
good ethics and morals. These things make morals, ethics, and values important in society. Many things can contribute to what you think is morally
right or wrong. Religion, for example, may create a barrier on to what extent you do something. Some religions set rules, or guidelines on which they
limit what people do. Cultures, as well, contribute to people's decisions. Many times our values and ethics disagree with different people who hold more content...
This doesn't mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others. When surrounded by different groups, one uses
various types of ethics. For example when one is surrounded by friends and brothers or sisters one forgets what on was taught by our elders about
manners and about being courteous, but when dealing with elders or a superior, certain carefulness is necessary. One cannot just say anything that
pops out into one's head, because one can be judged accordingly and would be thought to be vulgar or disrespectful. We develop many values and
ethics through past experiences whether it is a positive or negative experience. These thoughts and beliefs are what guide us through our life.
Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. In today's world, individuals can make a single
decision that can have an extreme positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we
lead reflects the strength of our character. For example, if we choose to steal, instead of earning it that makes one of weak character or morals. Like
in The Pardoner's Tale from Chaucer, " greed is the root of all evil." Ethics are different for each person, but for the most part, people want to be
known as a good person. One wants to be known as someone who can be trusted, and one is concerned about his or her relationships
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Moral Values
The fabric of any society is held together by the standards of morality that we maintain and practice. Values are our personal set of beliefs about what
is important, unimportant, right, wrong, good and bad. When we are confronted by choices, options, or moral dilemmas, the decisions we make will
indicate what values we hold. Human values give worthiness and respect to life. The foundation of human values are based on В· Dignity of human
life В· Respect and consideration for the "other" В· The importance of integrity and service В· An attitude of non–violence В· The individual and
collective quest for peace and happiness. In other words, values are a kind of a map in our minds of how things are or should be. Values are only our
perception more content...
The involvement of religion better prepares children for certain difficulties in life. The value of education is an important tool that induces the
growth of young people to a more sophisticated level. Education builds knowledge and integrity into the minds of children. School also guides
children away from trouble; with essays and math problems, a child has no time for trouble. Parents must emphasize the importance of education to
their children. Education strengthens the capabilities of the youth. A child becomes a better individual when he experiences the goodness of church,
education, and friendship; that is the relevancy of values and lessons. In order for the nation to minimize crime, the children of this generation must
reevaluate their choices and responsibilities in life. They also need the assistance of parents and teachers for guidance through the tough reality of
today 's decision making. The aim should be to produce morally viable, responsible individuals and not scholars. Sadly today the virtues like
honesty, integrity and respect are considered old fashioned. There has been gradual erosion in these values. The growing crime rate among the
children in the developed nations is a good instance of lack of moral values. Whenever and wherever preference is given to materialism over moral
values, it leads to total chaos. No one can be at peace, be it an individual, a community, a nation, or the
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It has been five days since you have had your last meal. You walk into a small cake shop and notice a savory cake on the counter. Nobody is in the
room. Would you save yourself and take the cake? Or would refrain from the temptation because that would be considered stealing? This common
situation allows individuals to discover if they utilize universal moral principles or morally relativistic principles. Universal moral principles, by
definition, emphasize an engraved universal ethic "which applies to all people, regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, nationality, sexuality or other
distinguishing feature, and all the time" (Luke Mastin, 2008). Universal moral principles exist in ideals such as self–preservation or preventing the
innocent from death. In contrast, morally relativistic principles stem from culturally changeable ideas, thus giving the individual the power to
determine the correct (or desired) behavior. However, universalism and relativism co–exist with each other. The establishment of morals dates into the
far past. These morals eventually evolved in one of two directions (i.e. universal or relativistic); thus forging different kinds of morals to aid debating
over controversial topics, like abortion. The essence of naturalistic, culturist, and religious factors contributed to the creation of universal and moralistic
principles. Morals owe their existence to tendencies within nature. Morals did not just simply stem from right or wrong, but arose from
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Moral Values And Good And Bad Essay
According to Nietzsche, there is a distinction between "good and evil" and "good and bad." The former stems from what he calls the "slave revolt in
morality" or herd morality, while the latter from master morality. In master morality, "good and bad" are non
–moral values, while in slave morality,
"good and evil" take on moral values. To distinguish "good and evil" from "good and bad" is to recognise that values can be moral or non–moral. Moral
values are rules that seem to be universal or objective, and going against them would be wrong. In contrast, non–moral values are subjective and while
going against them would not be encouraged, it would not be considered morally wrong to do so. Furthermore, this distinction that Nietzsche draws
aims to show how our morals can be shaped and changed over time.
For Nietzsche, the basis for "good and bad" developed from master morality. The concept of "good" originated with the masters, or, "the 'good'
themselves, that is to say, the noble, powerful, high–stationed and high–minded, who felt and established themselves and their actions as good." (113)
"Good" was derived from the traits the powerful had. Traits that were the opposite of these, or traits that were absent in the powerful, such as
"common," and "plebeian" were then considered "bad." (115) This concept of "good and bad" in master morality emerged from self–affirmation and
power. The powerful created their own values out of their own self–affirmation and power. What they valued
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Kant and Moral Values Essay
Kant says that moral values are 'good without qualification.' This assertion and similar remarks of Plato can be understood in terms of a return to
moral data themselves in the following ways: 1. Moral values are objectively good and not relative to our judgments; 2. Moral goodness is intrinsic
goodness grounded in the nature of acts and independent of our subjective satisfaction; 3. Moral goodness expresses in an essentially new and higher
sense of the idea of value as such; 4. Moral Goodness cannot be abused like intellectual, aesthetic, temperamental and other values; 5. Moral values are
good in that they never must be sacrificed for any other value, because they are incomparably higher and should absolutely and 'first' be sought for; more content...
Intelligence, wit, ..., and any other talents of the mind . . . or courage . . . and constancy of purpose, as qualities of temperament are without doubt
good and desirable in many respects; but they can also be extremely bad and hurtful when the will is not good which has to make use of these gifts of
nature . . . Power, wealth, honour, even health and that complete well–being and contentment with one's state which goes by the name of 'happiness',
produce . . . often over–boldness . . . , unless a good will is present. . . . Moderation in affections and passions, self–control and sober reflection . . .
may even seem to constitute part of the inner worth of a person. Yet they are far from being properly described as good without qualification (however
unconditionally they have been commended by the ancients). For without the principles of a good will they may become exceedingly bad; and the
very coolness of a scoundrel makes him, not merely more dangerous, but also immediately more abominable in our eyes than we should have taken him
without it. (2)
Kant describes – with some explanations
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Moral Judgements And Moral Values Essay
Objective moral values obtain the idea that a certain system of ethics or even a set of moral judgements is not just true according to a person's
subjective opinion, but proves factually true. They are qualities like love or kindness which are morally good independent of the belief of human
beings. The other side of the equation refers to subjective moral values which means that values are whatever we as humans choose to pursue and
whatever we desire. Now, whether morality is an objective property of the universe, or rather the subjective opinion of humans, is in fact one of the
longest running issues in the world of philosophy. This ongoing debate continue for the sole reason that it is hampered by a lack of clarity on what
objective and subjective moralities actually are. Objective morality is the stance that something can be discerned to be a morally wrong thing through
the reasoning about facts about the world, rather than through the reference to human opinion. For example, believers of this theory would argue that
the statement "Adultery is wrong" can be objectively true as "1 + 2 = 3". Most of the time in these situations, the alleged source is God; arguably,
there is no objective source of morality that has ever been confirmed. These moral principles that claim to be "objective" usually coincide very much
so with what the individual will feel to be subjectively true.
Another example will include the question of whether the mind exists. This is more readily and
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The Moral Development And Value Essay

  • 1. The Moral Development And Value Essay The purpose of this paper is to discuss the moral development and value that is placed upon those morals within a modern society. Addressing how moral development is an essential piece for individual aspect that we possess. The discussion will include where the majority of an individual's morality is learned and how those teachings can be influenced by society. This paper will explore one of Lawrence Kohlberg's stories concerning moral dilemma and the stages of development found in the numerous answers to that dilemma. My answer to Kohlberg's dilemma will be captured and discussed too. Possible variations to moral value when strangers become a player in the dilemma. Ways in whichmorality does impact our interaction with our environment as we develop as individuals, will be covered. Finally, an examination of how morals differ in value or placement within a society and in individual structure. Individual Moral Development and Value Based within a Modern Society Moral development is first brought into existence by the establishment of a set of morals. The morals or the set of principles and behaviors that a person holds, is the standard in place to measure decisions and actions during the course of that person's life. In our society morals hold varying degrees of values and are often called upon to necessitate the issue at hand. Morals shape the view we have of ourselves and as well as the view we have of others. Our morals dictate who we interact with and how we Get more content on
  • 2. The Moral Values Of Leadership Essay Business executives accept the moral impact of their leadership behaviors, rarely, to begin with, at any time be neutral. Nevertheless, executives in leadership capacities, are able to shift the culture of the organizations' ethical behaviors both positively, as well as in negative directions. Powerful and positive leaders, are compelled to self–regulate their ethical behaviors emulating the example, motivating others in the organization establishing the same behaviors, culturally normal, considered, a matter of routine. (Thomas, T., Schermerhorn Jr., J., & Dienhart, J., 2012, July 7). Universally, many leaders' moral values differ, there is no one basic, followed moral practice. The moral values of leaders are as diverse as the values subsequently established, for many values reflectively are the result of the leaders' culture. Responsible, strategic leadership of ethical behavior must be consistently and efficiently performed internally and externally of the organizational environment. Powerful, ethical leaders establish, and are the example, that ethical changes can be accomplished, influencing others in the organization to execute ethical choices on their own. Long–term sustainability of established, strategic ethical changes, maintain standards of organizational integrity and credibility. Above all, the principles of ethical normal behavior set behavioral precedence. As we review moral leadership, also recognized as altruistic leadership, leaders who Get more content on
  • 3. Moral Values Moral Values versus Academic Subject Matters Good morning faculty and Students "Welcome back to a new and rewarding School year" was the first thing I heard Principle Williams say as he made the announcements. The next thing on the agenda was to go over the rules of the school and classroom. It is the first day of school at Westover Elementary and the students are back in school for one hundred and eighty days. WOW! I just love my job. Well it is time to get down to business. We must go over the morals of the school and classroom before we can begin the lesson plan for this academic year. This year the students are in for a rule awakening because Principle Williams has added new rules and regulations to the schools conduct code, more content... These range from sex offenders, prostitution, violence in the home, and parents who condone cheating the government out of benefits in order to survive. In order to offset these influences, they need guidance that will steer them in the right direction. Teaching them the morals of this behavior could mean the difference in spending their life behind bars or living in society during what is lawful to survive. Lifetime lesson: Learning Moral values will last a lifetime. It is funny how we learn math and other subjects in school, only to forget them once we finish. Moral values that are learned in school stick with us even when we get older. I can recall when I was in the band in College. We were in statewide competitions that judged us on how well we coordinated our routines. On one occasion I can remember a tie between another college and ours, In band competitions the way to settle the score as we call it, is to have your drum–line play repetitions to see who is best. To make a long story short, we ended up losing the competition because a judge claimed that one of our drummers were off beat. We felt that it was because the judge had a thing for the opposite school and wanted their child to attend that school. Nevertheless, when the chancellor heard around the college campus what some of the student's were saying, he came to the band room for a meeting with us. He replied, "In life always remember that the Get more content on
  • 4. Values, Morals, And Culture Essay Everyone has their own unique culture that they identify with which plays a huge role in shaping a person's identity. Our values, morals, and experiences are structured by the society and culture that surround us each day. A person's beliefs and morals are formed by culture and remains throughout their entire life. Culture varies from one place to another and it makes people throughout the world similar but very different as well. It made you the person you are today and determines who or what you choose to associate yourself with in the future. One element of culture is the learned behavior patterns and associated with it that we develop as we grow up living within the culture. Learned behavior isn't something that is only exhibited by humans, but as well as animals such as dogs and cats that follow what their owner teaches them. Learned behaviors represent a crucial part of culture which can mean almost anything, from the way choose to dress to what we decide what is edible and inedible. Whenever we listen to music, celebrate holidays with others, cross our legs, or go out for relaxation we are practicing parts of our culture. We are not born behaving like we belong to that culture. To be socially acceptable citizens of a culture, we are taught from childhood of what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Along with this, we are trained to become a part of our surrounding culture. Apart from what we are taught, we also learn from people around us, from situations we Get more content on
  • 5. The Moral Value Of Actions Essay Though there are various normative ethical theories that work well in deciphering the moral value of actions in most tough situations, all prevailing theories seem to give the wrong answer to some of them. This is why I agree with the ethical pluralist in that moral duties are irreducible (Ross). Hence, I do not have answers adherent to a grounding theory for the two moral dilemmas posed in the prompt. To the moral quandary regarding whether or not it is right to break a promise to a dead friend for the sake of doing the most good, my viewpoint aligns with the Kantian perspective. That is to say that doing the most good with your dead friend's money does not justify breaking the promise that you made to them. For the second quandary about lying to receive a loan, my stance is just the opposite. I align with the utilitarian in that it is ethically right to lie to receive the money as long as the lie brings about the most good. It is wrong to break the promise to a dead friend in the first situation while the moral value of lying to receive a loan is dependent on how the money is spent. Although within the bounds of ethical pluralism there is no way to verify if one has truly done the right thing, it seems intuitive that breaking a promise to a dead friend is a morally wrong action. This is my intuition, and likely that of others, for a simple reason: one would not want for their dying wish to be broken. There is something sacred about a dying wish and the intuition Get more content on
  • 6. Morals, Values, And Ethics Morals, values, and ethics are conditions which represent a person character, view of their society, and culture. Morals and ethics are two principles that are similar in that it includes how decision are made either good or bad (Remley & Herlihy, 2016). As a future, mental health professional, it is essential to have sound judgement when making decisions that will ultimately impact clients. We will review morals, ethics from my perspective. Influence Being raised to have strong faith, courage, honesty and integrity were some of the many values taught. Always make the right decisions and choices in any problem or circumstance. Our household provided compassion, love, care, kindness, and correction. Having integrity taught me to always do what was right, because I believed it was right, and not from a place of distress. There is a saying "treat others how you would want to be treated", this was a major part in my family upbringing. Being raised in an environment where respecting someone privacy, not interrupting a conversation, and lending a helping hand helped me to become a responsible person in life. Having self–awareness, helps to know who I am, when it comes to being bias, convictions and making the right decisions. There will be times when doing what is right seem uncomfortable. However, the mental health profession allows me to act as an advocate for helping others recover. Which is why, it is important for me to do the right thing to ensure a client is safe. My Get more content on
  • 7. Family Moral Values Essay Many years ago, families had moral values that served a purpose in their lives. Mothers stayed at home and care for the children while dads went to work and provided for the family. In the home mothers would make the children to do their chores and homework before they could go outside and play. Back then, there were no computers or video games to play with so kids had to entertain themselves. By the end of the week, the family would go to church on Sunday. These were simple family values that build foundations for families back in the day. People were committed in doing the right thing. Even though most families could not afford fancy cars or nice clothes, they continued to make the best of everything. The most important value more content... A child can develop confidence and stability in their life if they are influence by positive people and have good family structure. Family is an important and personal investment that can be share with our love one. It has the greatest reward and that is love. Some adults will allow their children to make their own choices even though the child have no clue to what is best for them, but they have to figure it out on their own. Then, they are likely to be involved with experiencing drugs, sex, and having babies, and losing their self–respect. So what should parents do to put their kids back on the right track? Well, for one they could limit their children the use of things like playing video games, watching TV, computers and electronic devices. There are other things to consider and not allow your child to fall into some of these categories, first thing is to surround yourself and your child around good role models, next thing is to have a positive attitude everyday, and last thing is to have good moral values. Single parents have their share in extreme pressure of everyday life. It is hard to commit to doing the right thing, especially when there is only one person raising a child. As we try to understand youths of today, we cannot help but think about young parents who make bad choices and continue to do so while having more kids. It could be difficult to teach children good moral Get more content on
  • 8. Speech On Moral Values First of all, Moral was invented by human beings as a way to live in certain harmony and to cooperate and taking care of each other, and there is no limit for moral and there is no clear definitions about moral. Morality is totally subjective, everyone sees it differently refers to personal or social or cultural that differentiate between 'right' and 'wrong' in the human society, but there is no objective 'right' andMoral are actions or values that are positive and good to the society and individual, classified as such because they are thought to cause benefit or harm. They are basic things such as not killing, not stealing, not lieing or cheating, not starting fights or causing chaos, that involve either empathy or social normativity. more content... actually , we all are born with roughly the same kind of moral sense, but that sense of moral are really basic then they strengthen their sense of morality by observing and learning from around them, from parents, people, from school, movies, books, TV and video games etc. But mostly started from their parents until they old enough that they can interact or join with the society, then they may learn and introduce socially acceptable morals no matter their parents agree or not agree with those moral views. Every kid knows about honesty and sharing and love. Moral values means how a person like to exist for them self and for others in life, and the building blocks of our character. The moral values is learn when you practice it and live with it each day. Moral values hold importance from the point of personal, social and spiritual development.What our feeling of purpose of life. What is life for us. What we can do for others, are we gone out of selfishness.Do we feel value of humanity, society and world. Values are the motivation power behind the purpose of action. Moral topics can be found everywhere Moral is affected by ones growing background. morals will influence by other personality traits as Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection Paper On Moral Values Reflective Essay (Morals) Morals and virtues have been a part of society and are pivotal to surviving in any culture. All over the world, people are raised differently and have different beliefs that ground them to their culture. Personally, growing up in a religious household I can see how that has affected me and the foundation that my morals are based on. I think that there are different cultures that have different morals and as difficult as it is to understand sometimes it is very important to respect their beliefs. That being said, it is important to strive to live under a moral code that I think is best. The vast variety of ethics and different moral beliefs can definitely cause awkwardness or make some situations uncomfortable depending on the clashing cultures. Although discussing morals can lead to awkward and uncomfortable situations, it is important to stick to your moral foundations and respect other cultures as best you can. Growing up in a moderately wealthy religious family in the United States, I had the ability to pick and choose which set of morals I followed. Although my family did play a huge rule in creating the foundation I live my life with, I was very free to decide which path I chose. As I grew up, the influence of my parents slowly began to lessen and the virtues I had learned from them began to mold me into the person I am today. I was also raised in a highly religious household. Even though I am slowly moving away from the church going Christian I once was, the morals they engrained into me are things I will hopefully never forget. The last and possibly most important ground was where I was raised. The suburb outside of Cleveland Ohio where I grew up wasn't the worst place to be raised, but it has definitely changed my morals from the ones set by my parents and the church. Often times in school, I would have inner conflicts with the virtues set by my church, and the nefarious activities my friends and I would want to do. I think this is a part of growing up. This struggle has rounded my morals out leading me to be a good mix of both uptight and relaxed depending on the situation. Regardless of the journey to moral satisfaction, the goal of perfection should never leave your Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance Of Moral Values In Education How do gain humans values and morality is it taught or is it learned? Donte Simpson AP Capstone Seminar Collins Cyreal 10/15/17 Morality has been debated over for years on whether or not it is something we are born with or whether it is something we are taught. There are many supporting examples for the overall theme including oxytocin affecting our morality, morality being controlled by those around us, morality being taught and learned, and morality being categorized based on events and people. One article states that morality is something that
  • 11. should be taught in schools so that students can be affected at a young age. The author believes that students need to be taught morality. "In the article, Moral Values for Students :A Necessary Part of the Curriculum, Paul Richard Kuehn, freelance writer and advocate for teaching morality ,believes that "Teaching morality as a part of the curriculum Is Necessary because children should be thought the difference between right and wrong, so that they can go on to lead happy lives.He supports this claim by first explaining what a lack of morality can do to a student. 1"The problem is that the neglect of teaching moral values in school is hurting our students and causing problems in society."Then,he creates bullet points to expand on Get more content on
  • 12. The Moral Value Of Ethics Deontology Of the many theories non–consequentialism produces, one is called Deontology. This theory states the only way to complete a moral action is by doing ones duty. In Deontology, the end result is irrelevant meaning bad consequences have no affect on the morality of the action. The thesis I will prove is when deciding on the best course of action the principles of Deontology ethics and their emphasis on considerations of doing ones duty, offer effective framework for the moral value of actions. Immanuel Kant is an influential figure of Deontological Ethics. He proposed three laws called "The Categorical Imperative" to decide whether an action is ethical or not: 1. "Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." (Ibid., 422) 2. "Act as though the maxim of your action were by your will to become a universal law of nature." (Ibid) 3. "Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only." (Ibid., 429) (McCormick) These rules apply as though all agents are rational beings. These laws prevent duties to be subjective, inconsistent and irrational. In order for a law to be universal, we must consider the "Golden Rule"––that is, treat others as you want to be treated. This rule keeps actions in a type of check and balance. As rational agents, we can assume we should not lie to others, as we would not appreciate to be lied to. This also Get more content on
  • 13. Ethics: Morals, Values, And Ethics CHAPTER 3 Human Values: Morals, Values and Ethics– Integrity – Work Ethic– Service Learning – Civic Virtue – Respect for Others – Living Peacefully – caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing Time– Co–operation – Commitment – Empathy – Self–Confidence – Character – Spirituality Introduction Humans have the unique ability to describe their identity, select their values and set up their beliefs. All three of these directly persuade a person's behavior. Values are our principles and guides. Morals and the values are the basis of human values. Just as a building has a foundation of concrete, the building of human values rests on morals and values. Human values can also be defined as the values of life. A good action performed today more content... Security during job and upon retirement: This concept is being accepted only in government jobs, public limited companies, and corporate organizations. The western thought has influenced the Indian private industries and multinationals in a paradigm shift from 'lifelong employment' to policies such as 'merit only', 'hire and fire', 'pay and use' etc. This situation has no doubt created tension in the Indian scene. 6. Recognition to non–work activities, such as leisure, paid holiday on the day of visit of a dignitary, social service, and other developmental activities. The workers in prosperous countries are less willing to consider 'work' as their prime interest in life. They claim that such service activities give them peace of mind and happiness. However, such a trend is likely to decline the work ethics. 7. Hard work and productivity are very essential for the success of an industry. The quality of work life deserves to be improved. Hard labor, undignified jobs (human–drawn rikshaw, people carrying night soil), and hazardous jobs are to be made less straining, dignified, and safer. Automation and CNC systems to a large extent have been successful in lessening the human burden. Still, many a hard work can not be replaced by 'virtual work', in the near Get more content on
  • 14. What Is Moral Value Essay Moral value is when you believe in something although others may not believe in it. Moral value deals with knowing what's right and what's wrong. Also moral values are things that you value more in your life more than others do. Finally moral values can help you with being honest with yourself because of what you believe in. Having moral values for yourself is important because it will help you throughout your life and to stay focused. One thing that I believe in is no sex before marriage. I believe in that because I want to have more standards for myself and show others that you don't need sex to get through life or even to make a relationship better. I value that so much in my life. If I continue to believe that in my head, then I more content... I found something to value the most in my life and because I value that so much, I will do whatever it takes to continue to follow through with my belief. When you have morals and values for yourself others will see it through your attitude and your personality, they will start to value you more and accept your beliefs. (Thesis) When they start apologizing for the way they've treated me, is when I learned to forgive them. To begin with, forgiveness has a huge impact on your life. To forgive means accepting what may have happened and moving forward. Forgiveness is learning how to get over things, even when it's very hard to let go. Lastly forgiveness is a feeling of learning how to move forward. It is never a good thing to hold a grudge against someone because it's hard for you to forgive them. Nobody wants to feel hated or disliked because they're not being forgave about something that may have happened years ago. I truly understand how it feels to not be forgiving. Not being forgiven can really be the worst thing in life. It will cause you to feel so many different things throughout life. Forgiveness has brought me so far in life. I remember when I was Get more content on
  • 15. Morals, Values, and Ethics Essays Morals, Values, and Ethics Morals, values and ethics define who we are and what we believe. Culture, religion, and many other things affect our beliefs. One uses various types off ethics when surrounded by different groups. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. These things make morals, ethics, and values important in society. Many things can contribute to what you think is morally right or wrong. Religion, for example, may create a barrier on to what extent you do something. Some religions set rules, or guidelines on which they limit what people do. Cultures, as well, contribute to people's decisions. Many times our values and ethics disagree with different people who hold more content... This doesn't mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others. When surrounded by different groups, one uses various types of ethics. For example when one is surrounded by friends and brothers or sisters one forgets what on was taught by our elders about manners and about being courteous, but when dealing with elders or a superior, certain carefulness is necessary. One cannot just say anything that pops out into one's head, because one can be judged accordingly and would be thought to be vulgar or disrespectful. We develop many values and ethics through past experiences whether it is a positive or negative experience. These thoughts and beliefs are what guide us through our life. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have an extreme positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of our character. For example, if we choose to steal, instead of earning it that makes one of weak character or morals. Like in The Pardoner's Tale from Chaucer, " greed is the root of all evil." Ethics are different for each person, but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person. One wants to be known as someone who can be trusted, and one is concerned about his or her relationships Get more content on
  • 16. Moral Values The fabric of any society is held together by the standards of morality that we maintain and practice. Values are our personal set of beliefs about what is important, unimportant, right, wrong, good and bad. When we are confronted by choices, options, or moral dilemmas, the decisions we make will indicate what values we hold. Human values give worthiness and respect to life. The foundation of human values are based on В· Dignity of human life В· Respect and consideration for the "other" В· The importance of integrity and service В· An attitude of non–violence В· The individual and collective quest for peace and happiness. In other words, values are a kind of a map in our minds of how things are or should be. Values are only our perception more content... The involvement of religion better prepares children for certain difficulties in life. The value of education is an important tool that induces the growth of young people to a more sophisticated level. Education builds knowledge and integrity into the minds of children. School also guides children away from trouble; with essays and math problems, a child has no time for trouble. Parents must emphasize the importance of education to their children. Education strengthens the capabilities of the youth. A child becomes a better individual when he experiences the goodness of church, education, and friendship; that is the relevancy of values and lessons. In order for the nation to minimize crime, the children of this generation must reevaluate their choices and responsibilities in life. They also need the assistance of parents and teachers for guidance through the tough reality of today 's decision making. The aim should be to produce morally viable, responsible individuals and not scholars. Sadly today the virtues like honesty, integrity and respect are considered old fashioned. There has been gradual erosion in these values. The growing crime rate among the children in the developed nations is a good instance of lack of moral values. Whenever and wherever preference is given to materialism over moral values, it leads to total chaos. No one can be at peace, be it an individual, a community, a nation, or the Get more content on
  • 17. It has been five days since you have had your last meal. You walk into a small cake shop and notice a savory cake on the counter. Nobody is in the room. Would you save yourself and take the cake? Or would refrain from the temptation because that would be considered stealing? This common situation allows individuals to discover if they utilize universal moral principles or morally relativistic principles. Universal moral principles, by definition, emphasize an engraved universal ethic "which applies to all people, regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, nationality, sexuality or other distinguishing feature, and all the time" (Luke Mastin, 2008). Universal moral principles exist in ideals such as self–preservation or preventing the innocent from death. In contrast, morally relativistic principles stem from culturally changeable ideas, thus giving the individual the power to determine the correct (or desired) behavior. However, universalism and relativism co–exist with each other. The establishment of morals dates into the far past. These morals eventually evolved in one of two directions (i.e. universal or relativistic); thus forging different kinds of morals to aid debating over controversial topics, like abortion. The essence of naturalistic, culturist, and religious factors contributed to the creation of universal and moralistic principles. Morals owe their existence to tendencies within nature. Morals did not just simply stem from right or wrong, but arose from Get more content on
  • 18. Moral Values And Good And Bad Essay According to Nietzsche, there is a distinction between "good and evil" and "good and bad." The former stems from what he calls the "slave revolt in morality" or herd morality, while the latter from master morality. In master morality, "good and bad" are non –moral values, while in slave morality, "good and evil" take on moral values. To distinguish "good and evil" from "good and bad" is to recognise that values can be moral or non–moral. Moral values are rules that seem to be universal or objective, and going against them would be wrong. In contrast, non–moral values are subjective and while going against them would not be encouraged, it would not be considered morally wrong to do so. Furthermore, this distinction that Nietzsche draws aims to show how our morals can be shaped and changed over time. For Nietzsche, the basis for "good and bad" developed from master morality. The concept of "good" originated with the masters, or, "the 'good' themselves, that is to say, the noble, powerful, high–stationed and high–minded, who felt and established themselves and their actions as good." (113) "Good" was derived from the traits the powerful had. Traits that were the opposite of these, or traits that were absent in the powerful, such as "common," and "plebeian" were then considered "bad." (115) This concept of "good and bad" in master morality emerged from self–affirmation and power. The powerful created their own values out of their own self–affirmation and power. What they valued Get more content on
  • 19. Kant and Moral Values Essay Kant says that moral values are 'good without qualification.' This assertion and similar remarks of Plato can be understood in terms of a return to moral data themselves in the following ways: 1. Moral values are objectively good and not relative to our judgments; 2. Moral goodness is intrinsic goodness grounded in the nature of acts and independent of our subjective satisfaction; 3. Moral goodness expresses in an essentially new and higher sense of the idea of value as such; 4. Moral Goodness cannot be abused like intellectual, aesthetic, temperamental and other values; 5. Moral values are good in that they never must be sacrificed for any other value, because they are incomparably higher and should absolutely and 'first' be sought for; more content... Intelligence, wit, ..., and any other talents of the mind . . . or courage . . . and constancy of purpose, as qualities of temperament are without doubt good and desirable in many respects; but they can also be extremely bad and hurtful when the will is not good which has to make use of these gifts of nature . . . Power, wealth, honour, even health and that complete well–being and contentment with one's state which goes by the name of 'happiness', produce . . . often over–boldness . . . , unless a good will is present. . . . Moderation in affections and passions, self–control and sober reflection . . . may even seem to constitute part of the inner worth of a person. Yet they are far from being properly described as good without qualification (however unconditionally they have been commended by the ancients). For without the principles of a good will they may become exceedingly bad; and the very coolness of a scoundrel makes him, not merely more dangerous, but also immediately more abominable in our eyes than we should have taken him without it. (2) Kant describes – with some explanations Get more content on
  • 20. Moral Judgements And Moral Values Essay Objective moral values obtain the idea that a certain system of ethics or even a set of moral judgements is not just true according to a person's subjective opinion, but proves factually true. They are qualities like love or kindness which are morally good independent of the belief of human beings. The other side of the equation refers to subjective moral values which means that values are whatever we as humans choose to pursue and whatever we desire. Now, whether morality is an objective property of the universe, or rather the subjective opinion of humans, is in fact one of the longest running issues in the world of philosophy. This ongoing debate continue for the sole reason that it is hampered by a lack of clarity on what objective and subjective moralities actually are. Objective morality is the stance that something can be discerned to be a morally wrong thing through the reasoning about facts about the world, rather than through the reference to human opinion. For example, believers of this theory would argue that the statement "Adultery is wrong" can be objectively true as "1 + 2 = 3". Most of the time in these situations, the alleged source is God; arguably, there is no objective source of morality that has ever been confirmed. These moral principles that claim to be "objective" usually coincide very much so with what the individual will feel to be subjectively true. Another example will include the question of whether the mind exists. This is more readily and Get more content on