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The Jurisdiction Argument - For Dummies
by Rob Crombie on Sunday, 14 November 2010 at 04:39
Consider that I've been studying common law for over 3 years.
Consider that I have always improved on my legal writings (notices).
Consider that when I showed one of my notices to a guy who has been teaching common
law for 20 years.......he then pulled my legal notice apart within 15 seconds of looking
at it.
Consider that 3 months of work went into that notice to "fine-tune" it and that I
considered it was very acceptable work.
Consider that I saw my own faults within 5 seconds of exposure to the flaws I had
introduced but never noticed.

OK...stop considering now.....and I will explain what was told to me about Jurisdiction
and how the game is played, only I have created a playful anecdote to help you
understand the problems we all face with jurisdiction and the courts.

There are two fields side by side. On one field, some Humans are playing Rugby whilst
a few Referees keep an eye on things and blow a whistle when someone breaks a rule.
On the other field, a different game is being played, its called Soccer, and if you are
caught holding the ball with your hands a Referee most definately blows his whistle and
calls for a PENALTY.

What isn’t realised is that the boundary line between the two fields is not clearly
identified and whilst you have no idea of where the Soccer Pitch starts and the Rugby
Pitch ends, the REFS DO.

Ok, so as a Human, you start by playing Rugby and you are happy running whilst
holding the ball in your hands, as allowed by the rules of the game. You run a little wide,
and by mistake end up crossing over onto the Soccer Pitch, whilst still holding the ball of
Suddenly a REF blows his whistle, calls HAND-BALL and awards a PENALTY
You are not happy with this outcome and you most certainly wish to take it up with the
REF who blew the whistle on you. You are now in conflict and because you want a
good answer as to why he awarded a penalty against you, your path takes you right up to
the REF. You start blurting out a rule from the Rugby Rules Book to show that you
were in fact allowed to handle the ball. The REF screams at you saying he's not going to
allow you to bring an Rugby Rules Book onto a Soccer Pitch where a game called
"Soccer" is being played.
You shout over to the REF on the Rugby Pitch, but he does not answer your call. Oh
sure he can hear you, but chooses to ignore you because you voluntarily left the Rugby
game to go and play Soccer. As far as he is concerned, you no longer enjoy the privileges
and benefits provided by playing that game, because you are now on a different field
where a totally different game with a totally different set of rules is enforced. As far as he
is concerned, DEAL WITH IT. Take the decision made by the Soccer REF <span>and
do it quickly</span> otherwise your situation could worsen and most likely will as
history will show to be true.

Now lets see how this plays out in the REAL WORLD.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 was created by the Powers To Be
(P2B), to show the world (after WWII), that this planet needed a big kick in the ass, that
all humans should have some very powerful an inalienable rights such as Life, Freedom,
and Security of person "without slavery in any of its forms” and without racism and
without political and/or religious conviction.
Have a read:-

This was an illusion then and it has never changed, it is still an illusion; a euphoric and
idealistic one at that. The truth is, they offered this up with the left hand whilst the right
hand was offering up other legislations which YOU VOLUNTARILY accepted and
contracted with, thus giving up some valuable inalienable rights for some weak-ass
benefits offered by the P2B <span>to lure you over onto the Soccer Field.</span>

Here's how:-
1) They created an illusion that you were required to pay TAX in order to keep your
society running smoothly. Failure to voluntarily register for a tax file number would
enact a penalty TAX at a rate of 50% of all your earnings from the day you start working
until the day you retire. Everyone volunteered to enter into the TAX system by requesting
a Tax File Number (TFN), so they could accurately record how much income you earned;
in order that they could apply a larger taxation levy against you.
2) The P2B created an illusion that you were required to apply for a driving licence to
prove you could drive a car safely and with considerations to other road users. Failing to
comply with the Road Rules they enforced (and that you acquiesced to) would result in
a monetary penalty, but as long as you "obeyed the rules" these penalties would not
apply to you and it would keep the undesirables off the road, so again the illusion was
very easily swallowed and accepted as the “normal way”.
3) The P2B eventually went electronic with the banking, but in any way they created the
illusion that to save was good for you, good for your family and its security and good for
the community. They also created the illusion that to own your own home was to own
your own castle. The mere fact that on your mortgage contract the mortgagee is identified
as theTENANT of the property may have escaped your attention, even the implication
that being named as theTENANT means you couldn't possibly OWN the property, but
either way you'll need a bank account to conduct such transactions. Also remember a
SLAVE can never OWN any property and this includes DEBT SLAVES… so get used to
it, your tax donations are required by the Banksters because they have a big hole in their
ship and it needs plugging.
4) The P2B created the illusion that you were most likley going to need Hospitals and
medical procedures so they created an illusion of a government sponsored health system
to give certain protections to the citizens of this society. Oh yeah, you'll have to
voluntarily apply for a Medicare Card and other similar forms from time to time.
5) Library Cards, Shooters Licences, Heavy Goods Drivers Licences, Fishing Licenses,
Life Insurance and Health Insurance (both illusionary and should be re-named DEATH
INSURANCE and SICKNESS INSURANCE), and the education system must have to
be re-named the Fool System and not School System.

I am sure you get the picture by now as to why they offered up such a beautiful and
euphoric declaration of Human Rights, because they knew in advance that you were
likely to opt for all these wonderful benefits traded for real inalienable rights, which
you, without full disclosure being evident, gave up in order to recieve these wonderful
illusionary benefits.
whilst you might not like it, you reflect on how well the "system" is looking after you
and when a monetary penalty comes along for not indicating when turning a corner, or
being 5 minutes late with your PARKING CONTRACT...well you obviously grumble,
whinge and complain, but under threat of an even bigger monetary penalty they OFFER
OBLIGATIONS, you buckle, fold and pay.

Those of you who have taken up the good cause to keep these bastards honest by learning
common law and writing legal notices are wasting your time. The system has a steam
roller on this soccer field and if you try to introduce your knowledge of Rugby Rules,
and even more so your skills at reading the much bigger 1100 page Annotated Rugby
Rules by Quick and Garran, then again, your pitiful screams can hardly be heard from
underneath the steam roller as your nose is flattened against the mud.

How do they get away with this?......easy.....

If you are not trained in legal practice and have passed the B.A.R. EXAM, then you are
not qualified to give ANY LEGAL OPINION. Even if you quote precedents, High Court
Rulings, Legislation from the past or recent times, how could you, a LAY PERSON
possibly have any COMPREHENSION of legalese and proper arguments. Your legal
writings are practically a waste of time.

They give you a few options to bring your words into court. An AFFIDAVIT and a
STATUTORY DECLARATION. The Affidavit is your truthful opinion of some event or
fact, and you are asked to swear before a JP that your opinion is truthful as far as your
comprehension permits. The STAT DEC comes with an ACT OF PERJURY (enforced if
your version of truth is found to be flawed). PERJURY also comes with a custodial
sentence in some cases, so affidavits are conveniently suggested to better protect your
person. How kind of them.

Affidavits, whilst sworn under oath before a JP are STILL YOUR OPINIONS of events
and because you have no legal training, you can't possibly have full comprehension of
what your are talking about or trying to explain on paper.
Stat Decs are something REAL MEN AND WOMEN can make, and I'm not talking
about your FICTIONAL ENTITY, otherwise known as the STRAWMAN here, I'm
talking about the flesh and blood sentient soul. Trouble is it is a known fact that two
things cannot be brought into any Admiralty Court; they are:(1) THE TRUTH..........(2) FACT

Of course they do not inform you that you are a soccer player on a soccer pitch in front
of a soccer REF, and he simply cannot accept either truth or fact into a court. Don't
believe me, then try getting an AMICUS CURIAE onto the bench and watch the robes
fly as the magistrate abandons

This was further explained to me recently with a neat little play on the rules by Bill
Remember he was caught with his trousers down...(literally)…and Monica Lewinsky
later revealed in public that the PRESIDENT was doing the naughty deed and the public
believed her. Clinton was impeached for breach of oath, because he stated that he did
not have sex with Lewinsky and the people believed he was lying; something a
PRESIDENT just wouldn't do… Yeah Right !!!

CLINTON is a lawyer, and he knows how the game is played, so knowing he was going
to be asked about his affairs with Ms Lewinsky, he baited the Prosecutor with questions
to which he already had perfect answers for; most likley planted by Clinton in collusion
with the Attorney General.
Q1. Did you have sex with Monica Lewsinsky?
A1. NO
Q2. Do you know what SEX is?
(This question was asked, because Clinton could not give an accurate answer if he did not
know what sex truly as a matter of fact, this question most clearly ascertains if
he was of knowledge as to what sex is, to further validate his answer).

A2. WHAT IS .........IS.
The Judge almost immediatley declared that Clinton had no case to answer and
immediately dismissed the charges...Clinton walked free.....integrity intact.....WTF just

IS....IS happens to be a PURE TRUTH and as stated earlier you are not allowed to bring
truth into any Admiralty Court. Once presented the robes had to fly, the Judge had to
escape this evil called truth, but in order not to draw attraction...he let Clinton WALK.....

DO YOU GET IT YET......?.....

As for the Origine People's struggle for recognition of their Sovereign Status, I now
understand why this Sovereignty issue has to be taken to a WORLD PEOPLE’S
COURT..... because the TRUTH is EVIL to the Admiralty Court and simply cannot
be heard, plus how can you ask any Australian Judge to play Russian Roulette (with 6
bullets in the chamber) against his own system of (in)justice?
Now you know the game, do you want to learn the remedy?

It's simple, get back on the Rugby Field.How?..... revoke all existing and time-expired
contracts with the system.Hand back the measly benefits that the P2B offer, and claim
back your valuable and inalienable HUMAN RIGHTS.Enjoy life, enjoy working for your
own existence and put food in your families mouths before you feed the taxman and
government.Do not walk this path with one foot on the Soccer pitch and the other on the
Rugby Pitch. You are either a human being with inalienable rights, or you enjoy the
privileges and benefits of being a debt slave.Remember, you can't walk both paths. You
have to learn how to live as a HUMAN, and after generations of indoctrination you have
to re-wire your thought processes.
Watch, Listen, Learn, then engage brain.Take heed, only the truly motivated should
follow these guidelines and in any case, the author of this writing has no legal training
what so-ever and this advice can only be construed to be thought provoking and
educational fun. If you want to get serious, then you had better start learning how to
defend yourself; in court or out of court, because no lawyer can help you as a HUMAN,
get used to that very clear fact.
Written by Rob Crombie … Truth Seeker
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• Stone Ozzy Sovereign, Joanna Ele Baigent and 5 others like this.


Dave Eden Enjoy words of wisdom in the radio...
10 November at 10:19 · LikeUnlike


Rob Crombie streaming live on the internet. Tune in
for thought provoking discussions every Mon, Tues & Wed mornings, the
Brekkie spot with a difference. You'll not hear this stuff on mainstream
news, thats for sure. My segment is 7.30am to 8am, tune in and learn
10 November at 10:55 · LikeUnlike


Rob Crombie You'll hear Dave phone in most mornings, and he usually
hits a raw nerve with a statement of truth or two. He calls at random from
6.30'ish, make a phone call yourself and ask your own questions
10 November at 10:57 · LikeUnlike


Vivian Moore Im a debt slave! they have a good and proper hold of me. I
know we must revoke all existing and time-expired contracts with the
system, but it aint that easy from my patch.. before i realised what was
going on here I dug myself a big Im onto to it though Im
working on it now! I will remain positive and and know I am truly blessed
and as the veils get lifted the closer we are to making it right again.
10 November at 10:58 · LikeUnlike

Rob Crombie I still have not made the full transition either, but I am
working towards that. I am studying how best to handle the situations that
might arise in the not so distant future. To be human, you have to be
completely naked. That doesnt require clothes to be taken off, just the
labels and implied contracts. There are those paving the way for us to
follow, making our journeys easier, until then, enjoy paying taxes with a
smile hahahahaha
10 November at 11:03 · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...


Joanna Ele Baigent Lol thanks Rob, this is blooming terrific, good on you
for sharing this excellent valuable info, you deserve a medal :))
11 November at 12:13 · LikeUnlike


Rob Crombie
Too many people are running around studying common law and rights and
no-one is looking at the game plan, and those who make the rules up as
they go. Freemen ...... ha.....we're stuck in a pot of soup and they just keep
turning the heat up....
The world's absolutely bankrupt and the US cdollar is not far from
collapsing, for good. There will be an economic crash like no other, and
when that happens the banklster, lawyers and judges will all meet their
destiny. Time to start saving some seed to grow food, stock up on rice,
salt, tea, sugar, flour, batteries, water...etc etc... don't go silly, just start
thinking about the situation and buy extra in your shopping. The whole
world is about to do a back-flip and all the wrongs will be corrected, the
have-nots will take back their power and balance the equation. There are
people in place as we speak to make sure the transition runs smoothly. Not
trying to scare you here, but now that you are awake, best you know what
is happening in the worldSee more
11 November at 12:24 · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading...

Joanna Ele Baigent well thank you Rob for helping us see a bit more
clearly :)
11 November at 12:27 · LikeUnlike


CONFLICT....THOSE SUFFERING least they will begin to
understand why, especially if they read my note on the Great Fire of
london 1666 and what that was all about, yes we have to go back to the
1600's to know what is happening 400 years later. In fact the problem goes
way back further, but gets muddy. This is a simple start, because it was
such a significant change in control of the masses....all here in 1666
11 November at 20:15 · LikeUnlike


Joanna Ele Baigent well thank you Rob for helping us see a bit more
clearly :)
11 November at 12:27 · LikeUnlike


CONFLICT....THOSE SUFFERING least they will begin to
understand why, especially if they read my note on the Great Fire of
london 1666 and what that was all about, yes we have to go back to the
1600's to know what is happening 400 years later. In fact the problem goes
way back further, but gets muddy. This is a simple start, because it was
such a significant change in control of the masses....all here in 1666
11 November at 20:15 · LikeUnlike


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The jurisdiction argument for dummies

  • 1. The Jurisdiction Argument - For Dummies by Rob Crombie on Sunday, 14 November 2010 at 04:39 Consider that I've been studying common law for over 3 years. Consider that I have always improved on my legal writings (notices). Consider that when I showed one of my notices to a guy who has been teaching common law for 20 years.......he then pulled my legal notice apart within 15 seconds of looking at it. Consider that 3 months of work went into that notice to "fine-tune" it and that I considered it was very acceptable work. Consider that I saw my own faults within 5 seconds of exposure to the flaws I had introduced but never noticed. OK...stop considering now.....and I will explain what was told to me about Jurisdiction and how the game is played, only I have created a playful anecdote to help you understand the problems we all face with jurisdiction and the courts. There are two fields side by side. On one field, some Humans are playing Rugby whilst a few Referees keep an eye on things and blow a whistle when someone breaks a rule. On the other field, a different game is being played, its called Soccer, and if you are caught holding the ball with your hands a Referee most definately blows his whistle and calls for a PENALTY. What isn’t realised is that the boundary line between the two fields is not clearly identified and whilst you have no idea of where the Soccer Pitch starts and the Rugby Pitch ends, the REFS DO. Ok, so as a Human, you start by playing Rugby and you are happy running whilst holding the ball in your hands, as allowed by the rules of the game. You run a little wide, and by mistake end up crossing over onto the Soccer Pitch, whilst still holding the ball of course.
  • 2. Suddenly a REF blows his whistle, calls HAND-BALL and awards a PENALTY AGAINST YOU !!! You are not happy with this outcome and you most certainly wish to take it up with the REF who blew the whistle on you. You are now in conflict and because you want a good answer as to why he awarded a penalty against you, your path takes you right up to the REF. You start blurting out a rule from the Rugby Rules Book to show that you were in fact allowed to handle the ball. The REF screams at you saying he's not going to allow you to bring an Rugby Rules Book onto a Soccer Pitch where a game called "Soccer" is being played. You shout over to the REF on the Rugby Pitch, but he does not answer your call. Oh sure he can hear you, but chooses to ignore you because you voluntarily left the Rugby game to go and play Soccer. As far as he is concerned, you no longer enjoy the privileges and benefits provided by playing that game, because you are now on a different field where a totally different game with a totally different set of rules is enforced. As far as he is concerned, DEAL WITH IT. Take the decision made by the Soccer REF <span>and do it quickly</span> otherwise your situation could worsen and most likely will as history will show to be true. Now lets see how this plays out in the REAL WORLD. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 was created by the Powers To Be (P2B), to show the world (after WWII), that this planet needed a big kick in the ass, that all humans should have some very powerful an inalienable rights such as Life, Freedom, and Security of person "without slavery in any of its forms” and without racism and without political and/or religious conviction. Have a read:- This was an illusion then and it has never changed, it is still an illusion; a euphoric and idealistic one at that. The truth is, they offered this up with the left hand whilst the right hand was offering up other legislations which YOU VOLUNTARILY accepted and contracted with, thus giving up some valuable inalienable rights for some weak-ass benefits offered by the P2B <span>to lure you over onto the Soccer Field.</span> Here's how:-
  • 3. 1) They created an illusion that you were required to pay TAX in order to keep your society running smoothly. Failure to voluntarily register for a tax file number would enact a penalty TAX at a rate of 50% of all your earnings from the day you start working until the day you retire. Everyone volunteered to enter into the TAX system by requesting a Tax File Number (TFN), so they could accurately record how much income you earned; in order that they could apply a larger taxation levy against you. 2) The P2B created an illusion that you were required to apply for a driving licence to prove you could drive a car safely and with considerations to other road users. Failing to comply with the Road Rules they enforced (and that you acquiesced to) would result in a monetary penalty, but as long as you "obeyed the rules" these penalties would not apply to you and it would keep the undesirables off the road, so again the illusion was very easily swallowed and accepted as the “normal way”. 3) The P2B eventually went electronic with the banking, but in any way they created the illusion that to save was good for you, good for your family and its security and good for the community. They also created the illusion that to own your own home was to own your own castle. The mere fact that on your mortgage contract the mortgagee is identified as theTENANT of the property may have escaped your attention, even the implication that being named as theTENANT means you couldn't possibly OWN the property, but either way you'll need a bank account to conduct such transactions. Also remember a SLAVE can never OWN any property and this includes DEBT SLAVES… so get used to it, your tax donations are required by the Banksters because they have a big hole in their ship and it needs plugging. 4) The P2B created the illusion that you were most likley going to need Hospitals and medical procedures so they created an illusion of a government sponsored health system to give certain protections to the citizens of this society. Oh yeah, you'll have to voluntarily apply for a Medicare Card and other similar forms from time to time. 5) Library Cards, Shooters Licences, Heavy Goods Drivers Licences, Fishing Licenses, Life Insurance and Health Insurance (both illusionary and should be re-named DEATH INSURANCE and SICKNESS INSURANCE), and the education system must have to be re-named the Fool System and not School System. I am sure you get the picture by now as to why they offered up such a beautiful and euphoric declaration of Human Rights, because they knew in advance that you were likely to opt for all these wonderful benefits traded for real inalienable rights, which you, without full disclosure being evident, gave up in order to recieve these wonderful illusionary benefits.
  • 4. The FACT IS REVEALED:- YOU VOLUNTARILY BECAME A DEBT SLAVE and whilst you might not like it, you reflect on how well the "system" is looking after you and when a monetary penalty comes along for not indicating when turning a corner, or being 5 minutes late with your PARKING CONTRACT...well you obviously grumble, whinge and complain, but under threat of an even bigger monetary penalty they OFFER YOU FOR YOUR FAILURE TO HONOUR YOUR FICTIONLAND OBLIGATIONS, you buckle, fold and pay. Those of you who have taken up the good cause to keep these bastards honest by learning common law and writing legal notices are wasting your time. The system has a steam roller on this soccer field and if you try to introduce your knowledge of Rugby Rules, and even more so your skills at reading the much bigger 1100 page Annotated Rugby Rules by Quick and Garran, then again, your pitiful screams can hardly be heard from underneath the steam roller as your nose is flattened against the mud. How do they get away with this?......easy..... If you are not trained in legal practice and have passed the B.A.R. EXAM, then you are not qualified to give ANY LEGAL OPINION. Even if you quote precedents, High Court Rulings, Legislation from the past or recent times, how could you, a LAY PERSON possibly have any COMPREHENSION of legalese and proper arguments. Your legal writings are practically a waste of time. They give you a few options to bring your words into court. An AFFIDAVIT and a STATUTORY DECLARATION. The Affidavit is your truthful opinion of some event or fact, and you are asked to swear before a JP that your opinion is truthful as far as your comprehension permits. The STAT DEC comes with an ACT OF PERJURY (enforced if your version of truth is found to be flawed). PERJURY also comes with a custodial sentence in some cases, so affidavits are conveniently suggested to better protect your person. How kind of them. Affidavits, whilst sworn under oath before a JP are STILL YOUR OPINIONS of events and because you have no legal training, you can't possibly have full comprehension of what your are talking about or trying to explain on paper.
  • 5. Stat Decs are something REAL MEN AND WOMEN can make, and I'm not talking about your FICTIONAL ENTITY, otherwise known as the STRAWMAN here, I'm talking about the flesh and blood sentient soul. Trouble is it is a known fact that two things cannot be brought into any Admiralty Court; they are:(1) THE TRUTH..........(2) FACT Of course they do not inform you that you are a soccer player on a soccer pitch in front of a soccer REF, and he simply cannot accept either truth or fact into a court. Don't believe me, then try getting an AMICUS CURIAE onto the bench and watch the robes fly as the magistrate abandons This was further explained to me recently with a neat little play on the rules by Bill Clinton. Remember he was caught with his trousers down...(literally)…and Monica Lewinsky later revealed in public that the PRESIDENT was doing the naughty deed and the public believed her. Clinton was impeached for breach of oath, because he stated that he did not have sex with Lewinsky and the people believed he was lying; something a PRESIDENT just wouldn't do… Yeah Right !!! CLINTON is a lawyer, and he knows how the game is played, so knowing he was going to be asked about his affairs with Ms Lewinsky, he baited the Prosecutor with questions to which he already had perfect answers for; most likley planted by Clinton in collusion with the Attorney General. Q1. Did you have sex with Monica Lewsinsky? A1. NO Q2. Do you know what SEX is? (This question was asked, because Clinton could not give an accurate answer if he did not know what sex truly as a matter of fact, this question most clearly ascertains if he was of knowledge as to what sex is, to further validate his answer). A2. WHAT IS .........IS.
  • 6. The Judge almost immediatley declared that Clinton had no case to answer and immediately dismissed the charges...Clinton walked free.....integrity intact.....WTF just happened? CLINTON brought a DEFINITIVE TRUTH INTO AN ADMIRALTY COURT. WHAT IS....IS happens to be a PURE TRUTH and as stated earlier you are not allowed to bring truth into any Admiralty Court. Once presented the robes had to fly, the Judge had to escape this evil called truth, but in order not to draw attraction...he let Clinton WALK..... DO YOU GET IT YET......?..... As for the Origine People's struggle for recognition of their Sovereign Status, I now understand why this Sovereignty issue has to be taken to a WORLD PEOPLE’S COURT..... because the TRUTH is EVIL to the Admiralty Court and simply cannot be heard, plus how can you ask any Australian Judge to play Russian Roulette (with 6 bullets in the chamber) against his own system of (in)justice? Now you know the game, do you want to learn the remedy? It's simple, get back on the Rugby Field.How?..... revoke all existing and time-expired contracts with the system.Hand back the measly benefits that the P2B offer, and claim back your valuable and inalienable HUMAN RIGHTS.Enjoy life, enjoy working for your own existence and put food in your families mouths before you feed the taxman and government.Do not walk this path with one foot on the Soccer pitch and the other on the Rugby Pitch. You are either a human being with inalienable rights, or you enjoy the privileges and benefits of being a debt slave.Remember, you can't walk both paths. You have to learn how to live as a HUMAN, and after generations of indoctrination you have to re-wire your thought processes. Watch, Listen, Learn, then engage brain.Take heed, only the truly motivated should follow these guidelines and in any case, the author of this writing has no legal training what so-ever and this advice can only be construed to be thought provoking and educational fun. If you want to get serious, then you had better start learning how to defend yourself; in court or out of court, because no lawyer can help you as a HUMAN, get used to that very clear fact.
  • 7. Written by Rob Crombie … Truth Seeker LikeUnlike · Comment · Share • Stone Ozzy Sovereign, Joanna Ele Baigent and 5 others like this. • o Dave Eden Enjoy words of wisdom in the radio... 10 November at 10:19 · LikeUnlike o Rob Crombie streaming live on the internet. Tune in for thought provoking discussions every Mon, Tues & Wed mornings, the Brekkie spot with a difference. You'll not hear this stuff on mainstream news, thats for sure. My segment is 7.30am to 8am, tune in and learn 10 November at 10:55 · LikeUnlike o Rob Crombie You'll hear Dave phone in most mornings, and he usually hits a raw nerve with a statement of truth or two. He calls at random from 6.30'ish, make a phone call yourself and ask your own questions 10 November at 10:57 · LikeUnlike o Vivian Moore Im a debt slave! they have a good and proper hold of me. I know we must revoke all existing and time-expired contracts with the system, but it aint that easy from my patch.. before i realised what was going on here I dug myself a big Im onto to it though Im working on it now! I will remain positive and and know I am truly blessed and as the veils get lifted the closer we are to making it right again. 10 November at 10:58 · LikeUnlike
  • 8. o Rob Crombie I still have not made the full transition either, but I am working towards that. I am studying how best to handle the situations that might arise in the not so distant future. To be human, you have to be completely naked. That doesnt require clothes to be taken off, just the labels and implied contracts. There are those paving the way for us to follow, making our journeys easier, until then, enjoy paying taxes with a smile hahahahaha 10 November at 11:03 · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... o Joanna Ele Baigent Lol thanks Rob, this is blooming terrific, good on you for sharing this excellent valuable info, you deserve a medal :)) 11 November at 12:13 · LikeUnlike o Rob Crombie Too many people are running around studying common law and rights and no-one is looking at the game plan, and those who make the rules up as they go. Freemen ...... ha.....we're stuck in a pot of soup and they just keep turning the heat up.... The world's absolutely bankrupt and the US cdollar is not far from collapsing, for good. There will be an economic crash like no other, and when that happens the banklster, lawyers and judges will all meet their destiny. Time to start saving some seed to grow food, stock up on rice, salt, tea, sugar, flour, batteries, water...etc etc... don't go silly, just start thinking about the situation and buy extra in your shopping. The whole world is about to do a back-flip and all the wrongs will be corrected, the have-nots will take back their power and balance the equation. There are people in place as we speak to make sure the transition runs smoothly. Not trying to scare you here, but now that you are awake, best you know what is happening in the worldSee more 11 November at 12:24 · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading...
  • 9. o Joanna Ele Baigent well thank you Rob for helping us see a bit more clearly :) 11 November at 12:27 · LikeUnlike o Rob Crombie TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO READ THIS....THOSE IN CONFLICT....THOSE SUFFERING least they will begin to understand why, especially if they read my note on the Great Fire of london 1666 and what that was all about, yes we have to go back to the 1600's to know what is happening 400 years later. In fact the problem goes way back further, but gets muddy. This is a simple start, because it was such a significant change in control of the masses....all here in 1666 11 November at 20:15 · LikeUnlike • Comment
  • 10. o Joanna Ele Baigent well thank you Rob for helping us see a bit more clearly :) 11 November at 12:27 · LikeUnlike o Rob Crombie TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO READ THIS....THOSE IN CONFLICT....THOSE SUFFERING least they will begin to understand why, especially if they read my note on the Great Fire of london 1666 and what that was all about, yes we have to go back to the 1600's to know what is happening 400 years later. In fact the problem goes way back further, but gets muddy. This is a simple start, because it was such a significant change in control of the masses....all here in 1666 11 November at 20:15 · LikeUnlike • Comment