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The Iranian Parents’ Criteria for Purchasing Toys for Their
Children: A Case Study of Tehran City
MA.University of Tehran Kish International Campus
PHD.Tabriz Islamic Art University
As of year 2011, the population of children under 4 years in Iran was
6232052, or 8.29% of total population. Today, 95% of toys used by this
population are imported from China. while the mean of per capitation is
34$ in the world, the mean of per capitation is 5$ in Iran. In 1998, 30
million toys had entered to Iran, of which, less than 5% had been found
incompatible with local standards and had been returned to their
manufacturing country. This paper presents the results of an empirical
study that aims to determine the purchase & choice criteria of toys in
the capital city of Iran, Tehran, and to determine it's possible effects on
the types of games the children play with them. The data was collected
by questioning 54 toy sellers in 1 and 6 suburbs of Tehran. The results
indicate that even though the parents know about the importance of
choosing the right toy for their children, they take into account
additional factors such as the price and the kids desire for specific toys
on the point of purchase. Putting such criteria into account results in the
purchase of inappropriate toys for the children that can affect their
playing habits and growth in unwanted ways.
Keywords: Children, Toy, Play, Purchase Criteria
A long century, human has reacted to his around & has evolved by growing his soul & knowledge and
his body. Today, his attitude and other factors about baby and youth has been changed to his around
which is different from many years ago. The kind of identity is associated with time and place as the
identity of baby who had bored at fourteenth century is different from baby's who has burned
contemporary and also the identity of a baby who has burned in a developed and industrial country is
different from a baby's who has burned in a backwardness country. Famous psychologist, Alfred
, argues that “Don’t see the play as a way for wasting time not at all. Playing for a baby is as
well as speaking for adult, toy and playing are like words for babies”(Rezasultani, 2011). Only
documented definition is for Erik Erikson2
that said: "Playing is performance of oneself, it is trying to
integrate social and somatic processes with self". It is better to see babies when they are playing
because in this way can have better understanding from them. Babies suggest their sens,
disappointment and excitement by playing. The play is as a mean for expression of
feelings,establishment of relations for explanation of experiences, to manifest desires and self-
actualization. The baby can understand his world by playing and can find himself in this way. As
noted, when baby is playing, he/she can understand quantities such as color, distance, movement and
shape by his/her toys and all things in around. May be previously a baby could busy by a doll or a ball
but nowadays they need toys which help them to identify around and thosefactors are involved in this
circumference. For example, reconstruct an object, complete the object or retell subjects in the extent
of a baby or youth.
Today, TV, Radio, Book, Newspaper and societies like kindergartens and parks help baby to identify
her/his around. The curiosity of baby is infinite. He or she wants to satisfy this curiosity, for example,
by objects and every thing which busy him/her and help to train his/her audio- visual. If an object has
been designed well, can be useful and if its design is bad, it can be useless (Salamat, 1956). Toy many
researches has implemented is use and Europe which indicate as parents and coaches pay attention to
babies from 1 to 6 years, they can hold in mental inadequacy, so, their intellectual growth will increase
and emotional disorder will be closed. Babies experiences epitomize in his/her playing and we can
carry to account playing as a serious work. Significant notions such as quantity, distance number,
space, shape and movement is learnedd by baby before school, so, responsibility of parent for
fostering mental growth of babies is so important (Sharp, 1993). According to Jean Piyazhe3
main playing is on follow:
1. Practice games: whole mean of these games is play which is different from game. This term means
enjoyable action with bodily skills.
2. Symbolic games: those games which each baby make it himself/herself and play lonely. In this kind
of playing, baby mimics increasingly.
3. Games with rules: these games are social games which have regulations and impose by group. Each
person who breaks regulations is convicted (Landerss, 2001).
Background of Research
Beginning of play is related to pastime. In fact, playing is component of human life from birth time to
the death time. Human needs movement physiologically and the play is important part of this
Human needs mental and social growth and play is yeast of thought. First communities of mankind
had found new shape of games. Group games in the shape of historically games from servitude to
ghosts and worship of objects to hunt dance and war dance have provided collection of ways to supply
(1937-1870) He wasAustrian psychologists. Psychoanalysis is seen as an early pioneer in social psychology department.
(1994-1902) American Psychologist proposed that the term "identity crisis" is known
(1980-1886) Psychology, biology, and epistemology French - the language of the Swiss for his work in developmental
psychology and epistemology known.
bodily and mental needs of people. At the beginning, material and raw which had originated from
nature were toy of mankind. To move a stone, take a stone, roll it and then using it all are a kind of
playing. Social and mental growth of mankind and his progressive domination on nature cause
Manipulate natural objects and since objects has changed according to human desire to reinforce his
thought and satisfy his soul. We don’t have documents from these times. Sculpting of cave wall and
their similarity to materials which is requested for playing cause our understanding become more
valuable. Language innovation as to thought transfer and establishment of great communities cause a
new change in playing because of simply communication. In fact, at the first era, all playing were
more innovation which need words and language to do them. Finally, inscription help us to familiar
with playing (Salamat, 1956).
In the past, people didn't attention to babies and thought that baby is not important. Only sometimes
attended to bodily talent not thinking talent. One of scientific theories in case of growth and training of
baby is related to Plato who had lived about 400 years BC (before the birth of Christ). He had
achieved that babies have different talent when they have burned. So each baby should train with
different ways and according to their talent. Today, this idea is similar to psychological principles.
Until the end of the middle ages, baby Forgotten and only in renaissance era, people had little attention
to baby needs.” when you become a baby, you can near to our firmament”(Salamat, 1956). Zhouhanc
Amoud Momentous was a revolutionist in seventeen centuries. He was a first person after Plato who
suggested that baby should trained according his/her talent. He was the first person who had studied
baby as a person or independent creature(Salamat, 1956). He had pointed to his researches in two
books were named “childhood academy” and “the world in the picture”. They printed in 1628 and
1654 (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967).
There was two kinds of study about baby in eighteen centuries which had considered by scientific.
There two studies are as follows:
1. Philosophical study regarding to education which was as a kind of indirect research.
2. Direct researches which were scientific and based on observations of one or two babies life
(Salamat, 1956).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in 1762, had published “Emil”. According to this feat of education, internal
incentive potential and tendencies of baby had announced as basis of education. According to
Rousseau statements, individual talents and desires should have open field for training until education
become natural training of baby character rather than policy or behavior that adults impose him/her
without attention to her/his desires and talents. Another works involve writing of Pestaluzi about
behavior of his 3 years and half boy in 1774, notation of Tidman
about bodily and mental behavior of his children in 1787 and the book, man training, from Frobel
which had published in 1826 (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967).
In the early if nineteen centuries, it didn't attention to the baby, the first person who had worked on
this field, was Tin who had published the book, In fact development, in 1877. Darwin had published
his book, infant biography, in England. German Wilhelm Preer He published his book, infant mind, in
1881(Salamat, 1956). This book was being the basis of observations and useful scientific experience in
the future. Frequently, he was famous as father of psychology. In these eras, many books and
magazines had published about baby. Add councils and student had spread ed from healthy infant to
defective infant (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967).
In nineteen century, all researchers had attended to study a person while. In this century, infant has
studied by a group of researchers. They have compared infants in group. Watson was an important
pioneer in this area who had established behaviorism. He only used observation with examination for
his studies.i.e. He had used approach that had implemented for psychology of animals. Twentieth
century in America has named infant century. In this century, many studies have implemented about
bodily and rational growth and training approach of infant. One of the most important steps in infant
psychology in twentieth century, was attention in variety tests for measurement of adjectives and
qualities and talents if infants. French Alford Bineh was the first person who worked on this field. He
had made the first intelligence test in 1905 and then, in 1908 and 1911 had revised it(salamat, 1956).
The psychology of infant had registered as a science in 1930 (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967).
Those games which infants has social role, are different from one culture to another culture and it
depends on pattern that is available. In John Whiting opinion under consideration of “envying to
degree and position” can find that infant practice those roles which according to his/her understanding,
are important and have preferences. Although because, he/her is an infant, so can not play good. An
infant tries to behave like his/her beloved person To gain his/her preferences. The result of envying to
degree and position make desired identity. Study of those patterns which were used infants, cause to
collect valuable information about viewpoint of infant from social reality in different cultures. So,
situation of family and social structure will affect to infant choice for playing activities. From this
phase to effective attention to games as patterns for another cultural activities is only a short step.
Anderson and Mour had developed nation,” national pattern preservation” for encountering with this
most important aspect of playing. They pointed that mankind in social will face with three main
problems or aspects of difficult position:
1. Non interaction problems which people make their environment in it without impressibility.
2. Interaction problems which others behavior should be attended in it.
3. Emotional problems (Landers ,2001,p24).
Variety of plays are associated to social, natural environment and religions system of society. For
examples, those societies that have higher political solidarity and social classification, have more
strategic playing, while societies which are in lower level, don't have tendency to this kind of playing.
Studies show that these variables don't relate to games with skill. So, expand area which we work on
infant playing in involved social, religious and natural round system and more aspects of world that
infants and adult observe himself/herself or selves (Landers, 2001,p26).
Problem Formulation
This investigation is an analytic descriptive study that it's aim is to determine purchasing factors
(standards) in Tehran. After providing question ave and delivering it to 54 toy sellers in area 1 and 6 in
Tehran, collective data was classified by exile soft ware. Figure 1 shows that 92/5% of infants
himself/herself choice his/her toys, 33/3% of fathers, 88/8% of mothers and sellers don't have any vole
in selecting toy, although marketing and leading has done.
Figure 1. Electors toys (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
Figure 2. Criteria buying toys at Parents and percent of retailers saw sales
(Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
In Figure. 2, parents view in referencing the type of toy choice has categorized into four groups.
Amusement toy is 95%, fantasy toy is 32/9%. Reflective toy is 85% and innovative toy is 90%. Sailing
percent of seller is: Amusement is 50%, fantasy is 100%, reflective is 33/3% and innovative is 50%.
In figure.3 Iranian products and foreign products has been compared by sail, To the view of sellers,
76% of toy chosen is correct, and 24% face problems. These views have conflicted to figure.2 data.
Figure 3. Compare Iranian toys out of sight Sellers
(Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
Figure 4. Proper selection of toys at retail (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
Figure 5. Toy retailers opinions and suggestions for Iranian products
(Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
According to this research involved 340 parents, 0/6% of parents have low awareness, 93/2% has
medium awareness and 6/2% have good awareness regarding to security of toys. Standards of
purchasing safe toy is low as to 0/3% of parents, as to 22/4% of parents is medium and 77/4% has
reported well, the extent of parents awareness regarding to risky toys was low.
(like rattler, those toys that have magnetic, toys in chocolate eggs and soon (Geshani, Sedate et al,
2005). Today, many of toys have intense sound. According to a study, the noise intense of some toys
is 122abasa Encounter to noise of toys in infants has unique characteristics (Yaremchuk, Kathleen et
al, 1997). When a toy is in infant hands, distance of noise source from ears is short because infant
hands are little so cause increase spy in level of ears. In other words, we can not expect that infants
play rationally in order that infants can not retell Zzz sound in ears.our child Return consciously are
exposed to the sound pollution (Geshani et al, 2005). This pollution has attended lesser. So, it is
necessary to control production and distribution of toys precisely. There is no certain standards in this
field. According to questioner which has distributed to 54sellersr in Tehran, we can concluded that
92/5 % of infants themselves choice their toys, 33/3% of fathers and 88/8% of mothers and sellers
don't have any role in selecting toys although there is leading and marketing. According to package
and elegance of production, can find incorrect toys that cause unfavorable playing for infants. Sellers
say that parents themselves make mistake in choosing to toy. Mental and personality problems.
Shortages in their childhood and different social classes will affectt parents. Mothers attend to the
number of parts of toys because this parts occupy room and fathers who loved machines in his
childhood will desire cars. Unconsciously will go towards cars with more mechanisms and
attractiveness. They don't attention to practical aspect of toy and buy it. These behaviors are along
with buying luxury and expensive objects. These finding were used in an analytically descriptive study
for 340 parents who referenced to clinic of Tehran regarding to advantages of toys. This study shows
that 32/9% of parents said decorate aspect is important, 11/2% have increased lead (70% didn't know
whether lead in toys is good or not), 90% has innovation for busying infants, 95% think that fun aspect
is the most important, 85% think that thought growth is important, 82% said that learning of life skills
is important, 69% attended to helpful aspect of toy, 35% attended to reduce jumping in infants, 48%
attended to mother relief at the moment, that study shows that these is a relation between education
level and wife job with awareness level in purchasing toys(Geshani et al, 2005). In figure.2, there are
significant differences between parent views that was documented in study. Parents reference
arrangements of fun fantasy, innovative, thinking toys, while sellers were successful in sailing fantasy
toys. Fun toys and innovative toys were in parallel. In figure.3, Iranian products and foreign products
has compared according to quality, sail, price and response to Iranian infant needs. Sellers believed
that 92/2% of foreign products quality, 74% of them have appropriate price in compared to Iranian
products, so, sailing of foreign products are 100% better than Iranian products. While, in the view of
sellers, only 66/6% of foreign products are appropriate to Iranian infants needs.
As sellers suggested, the main reason of the lack of sail and attention to products which make in Iran is
low quality of products. So, good quality, appropriate price, material, way of production, package and
montage of foreign products cause low sail in Iranian products. The lack of attention to designing toys
such as thinking games which more required but it's number and design is limited and its price is not
appropriate cause to full domestic market by foreign products. The parent educations specially mother,
cultural level, family income, number of children and their gender have special role in selecting toys.
Factors such as appropriate price, unruliness for bodily and mental growth of infants, security for
infants, longevity are important for parents in selecting toys for their children. Appropriate package or
luxury package, the size of toys, security advises which pointed out in label, standard sign of goods
stability, color, savor and toy substance, chemical content in toys according to leading, advertising for
special toys, washable, infant age, high price of toy, attention to infant desire, attention to seller
advises, toy weight, separability of toys regarding to their risk for under 2 years infant. Attention to
edges of toy and it's flexibility, labels for age group influence to selecting toy and help to have safe
playing (Dehdari et al, 2010). Parent training on the subject of purchasing appropriate and safety toy
and make interaction with infant for correct selection, implementation of new regulations for
controlling and organizing of domestic production and overseeing import goods should be more
Results show that the way of selecting toy and the way of purchasing toy are two separate part. Toy
selection is associated to our awareness from its defect sand virtues, but purchasing way is related to
factors such as infant desire. Price special for dominant goods in market. For example, parent know
about low quality of china products while infants have no attention to this subject, parent purchase
product because of infant desire or low price while they are not satisfied from their purchasing.
Aminsobhani, Parisa. (2004). Design and construction of toys (bags, hats, masks) for children 3 to 6 years.
Supervisor: Jamshid Emami. University of Tehran.
Cro,Lester. And Cro,Alice. (1967). Infant Psychology, Amir kabir, Secound publication.
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Dehghani,Parisa. And Kalhor,Faaezeh. And Mahmodi,Fatemeh. (2010). Parents awareness about security of
toy and its purchasing standard in Tehran, Payesh.
Keshani,Ahmad,Sedaii,Mahin. And Nasiri ,Parvin. And Jalali Shohre. (2005). Analysis and measure of
frequency noise from common toys which have high sound, Audiometry magazine-University of medical
science and healthy services of Tehran,Vol.14, No.23.
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The Iranian Parents’ Criteria for Purchasing Toys for Their Children: A Case Study of Tehran City

  • 1. The Iranian Parents’ Criteria for Purchasing Toys for Their Children: A Case Study of Tehran City PARISA AMINSOBHANI MA.University of Tehran Kish International Campus MORTEZA POURMOHAMADI PHD.Tabriz Islamic Art University Abstract As of year 2011, the population of children under 4 years in Iran was 6232052, or 8.29% of total population. Today, 95% of toys used by this population are imported from China. while the mean of per capitation is 34$ in the world, the mean of per capitation is 5$ in Iran. In 1998, 30 million toys had entered to Iran, of which, less than 5% had been found incompatible with local standards and had been returned to their manufacturing country. This paper presents the results of an empirical study that aims to determine the purchase & choice criteria of toys in the capital city of Iran, Tehran, and to determine it's possible effects on the types of games the children play with them. The data was collected by questioning 54 toy sellers in 1 and 6 suburbs of Tehran. The results indicate that even though the parents know about the importance of choosing the right toy for their children, they take into account additional factors such as the price and the kids desire for specific toys on the point of purchase. Putting such criteria into account results in the purchase of inappropriate toys for the children that can affect their playing habits and growth in unwanted ways. Keywords: Children, Toy, Play, Purchase Criteria
  • 2. 2 Introduction A long century, human has reacted to his around & has evolved by growing his soul & knowledge and his body. Today, his attitude and other factors about baby and youth has been changed to his around which is different from many years ago. The kind of identity is associated with time and place as the identity of baby who had bored at fourteenth century is different from baby's who has burned contemporary and also the identity of a baby who has burned in a developed and industrial country is different from a baby's who has burned in a backwardness country. Famous psychologist, Alfred Adler1 , argues that “Don’t see the play as a way for wasting time not at all. Playing for a baby is as well as speaking for adult, toy and playing are like words for babies”(Rezasultani, 2011). Only documented definition is for Erik Erikson2 that said: "Playing is performance of oneself, it is trying to integrate social and somatic processes with self". It is better to see babies when they are playing because in this way can have better understanding from them. Babies suggest their sens, disappointment and excitement by playing. The play is as a mean for expression of feelings,establishment of relations for explanation of experiences, to manifest desires and self- actualization. The baby can understand his world by playing and can find himself in this way. As noted, when baby is playing, he/she can understand quantities such as color, distance, movement and shape by his/her toys and all things in around. May be previously a baby could busy by a doll or a ball but nowadays they need toys which help them to identify around and thosefactors are involved in this circumference. For example, reconstruct an object, complete the object or retell subjects in the extent of a baby or youth. Today, TV, Radio, Book, Newspaper and societies like kindergartens and parks help baby to identify her/his around. The curiosity of baby is infinite. He or she wants to satisfy this curiosity, for example, by objects and every thing which busy him/her and help to train his/her audio- visual. If an object has been designed well, can be useful and if its design is bad, it can be useless (Salamat, 1956). Toy many researches has implemented is use and Europe which indicate as parents and coaches pay attention to babies from 1 to 6 years, they can hold in mental inadequacy, so, their intellectual growth will increase and emotional disorder will be closed. Babies experiences epitomize in his/her playing and we can carry to account playing as a serious work. Significant notions such as quantity, distance number, space, shape and movement is learnedd by baby before school, so, responsibility of parent for fostering mental growth of babies is so important (Sharp, 1993). According to Jean Piyazhe3 three main playing is on follow: 1. Practice games: whole mean of these games is play which is different from game. This term means enjoyable action with bodily skills. 2. Symbolic games: those games which each baby make it himself/herself and play lonely. In this kind of playing, baby mimics increasingly. 3. Games with rules: these games are social games which have regulations and impose by group. Each person who breaks regulations is convicted (Landerss, 2001). Background of Research Beginning of play is related to pastime. In fact, playing is component of human life from birth time to the death time. Human needs movement physiologically and the play is important part of this movement. Human needs mental and social growth and play is yeast of thought. First communities of mankind had found new shape of games. Group games in the shape of historically games from servitude to ghosts and worship of objects to hunt dance and war dance have provided collection of ways to supply 1 (1937-1870) He wasAustrian psychologists. Psychoanalysis is seen as an early pioneer in social psychology department. 2 (1994-1902) American Psychologist proposed that the term "identity crisis" is known 3 (1980-1886) Psychology, biology, and epistemology French - the language of the Swiss for his work in developmental psychology and epistemology known.
  • 3. 3 bodily and mental needs of people. At the beginning, material and raw which had originated from nature were toy of mankind. To move a stone, take a stone, roll it and then using it all are a kind of playing. Social and mental growth of mankind and his progressive domination on nature cause Manipulate natural objects and since objects has changed according to human desire to reinforce his thought and satisfy his soul. We don’t have documents from these times. Sculpting of cave wall and their similarity to materials which is requested for playing cause our understanding become more valuable. Language innovation as to thought transfer and establishment of great communities cause a new change in playing because of simply communication. In fact, at the first era, all playing were more innovation which need words and language to do them. Finally, inscription help us to familiar with playing (Salamat, 1956). In the past, people didn't attention to babies and thought that baby is not important. Only sometimes attended to bodily talent not thinking talent. One of scientific theories in case of growth and training of baby is related to Plato who had lived about 400 years BC (before the birth of Christ). He had achieved that babies have different talent when they have burned. So each baby should train with different ways and according to their talent. Today, this idea is similar to psychological principles. Until the end of the middle ages, baby Forgotten and only in renaissance era, people had little attention to baby needs.” when you become a baby, you can near to our firmament”(Salamat, 1956). Zhouhanc Amoud Momentous was a revolutionist in seventeen centuries. He was a first person after Plato who suggested that baby should trained according his/her talent. He was the first person who had studied baby as a person or independent creature(Salamat, 1956). He had pointed to his researches in two books were named “childhood academy” and “the world in the picture”. They printed in 1628 and 1654 (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967). There was two kinds of study about baby in eighteen centuries which had considered by scientific. There two studies are as follows: 1. Philosophical study regarding to education which was as a kind of indirect research. 2. Direct researches which were scientific and based on observations of one or two babies life (Salamat, 1956). Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in 1762, had published “Emil”. According to this feat of education, internal incentive potential and tendencies of baby had announced as basis of education. According to Rousseau statements, individual talents and desires should have open field for training until education become natural training of baby character rather than policy or behavior that adults impose him/her without attention to her/his desires and talents. Another works involve writing of Pestaluzi about behavior of his 3 years and half boy in 1774, notation of Tidman about bodily and mental behavior of his children in 1787 and the book, man training, from Frobel which had published in 1826 (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967). In the early if nineteen centuries, it didn't attention to the baby, the first person who had worked on this field, was Tin who had published the book, In fact development, in 1877. Darwin had published his book, infant biography, in England. German Wilhelm Preer He published his book, infant mind, in 1881(Salamat, 1956). This book was being the basis of observations and useful scientific experience in the future. Frequently, he was famous as father of psychology. In these eras, many books and magazines had published about baby. Add councils and student had spread ed from healthy infant to defective infant (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967). In nineteen century, all researchers had attended to study a person while. In this century, infant has studied by a group of researchers. They have compared infants in group. Watson was an important pioneer in this area who had established behaviorism. He only used observation with examination for his studies.i.e. He had used approach that had implemented for psychology of animals. Twentieth century in America has named infant century. In this century, many studies have implemented about bodily and rational growth and training approach of infant. One of the most important steps in infant psychology in twentieth century, was attention in variety tests for measurement of adjectives and qualities and talents if infants. French Alford Bineh was the first person who worked on this field. He
  • 4. 4 had made the first intelligence test in 1905 and then, in 1908 and 1911 had revised it(salamat, 1956). The psychology of infant had registered as a science in 1930 (Cro, Lester and Cro, Alice,1967). Those games which infants has social role, are different from one culture to another culture and it depends on pattern that is available. In John Whiting opinion under consideration of “envying to degree and position” can find that infant practice those roles which according to his/her understanding, are important and have preferences. Although because, he/her is an infant, so can not play good. An infant tries to behave like his/her beloved person To gain his/her preferences. The result of envying to degree and position make desired identity. Study of those patterns which were used infants, cause to collect valuable information about viewpoint of infant from social reality in different cultures. So, situation of family and social structure will affect to infant choice for playing activities. From this phase to effective attention to games as patterns for another cultural activities is only a short step. Anderson and Mour had developed nation,” national pattern preservation” for encountering with this most important aspect of playing. They pointed that mankind in social will face with three main problems or aspects of difficult position: 1. Non interaction problems which people make their environment in it without impressibility. 2. Interaction problems which others behavior should be attended in it. 3. Emotional problems (Landers ,2001,p24). Variety of plays are associated to social, natural environment and religions system of society. For examples, those societies that have higher political solidarity and social classification, have more strategic playing, while societies which are in lower level, don't have tendency to this kind of playing. Studies show that these variables don't relate to games with skill. So, expand area which we work on infant playing in involved social, religious and natural round system and more aspects of world that infants and adult observe himself/herself or selves (Landers, 2001,p26). Problem Formulation This investigation is an analytic descriptive study that it's aim is to determine purchasing factors (standards) in Tehran. After providing question ave and delivering it to 54 toy sellers in area 1 and 6 in Tehran, collective data was classified by exile soft ware. Figure 1 shows that 92/5% of infants himself/herself choice his/her toys, 33/3% of fathers, 88/8% of mothers and sellers don't have any vole in selecting toy, although marketing and leading has done. Figure 1. Electors toys (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
  • 5. 5 Figure 2. Criteria buying toys at Parents and percent of retailers saw sales (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013) In Figure. 2, parents view in referencing the type of toy choice has categorized into four groups. Amusement toy is 95%, fantasy toy is 32/9%. Reflective toy is 85% and innovative toy is 90%. Sailing percent of seller is: Amusement is 50%, fantasy is 100%, reflective is 33/3% and innovative is 50%. In figure.3 Iranian products and foreign products has been compared by sail, To the view of sellers, 76% of toy chosen is correct, and 24% face problems. These views have conflicted to figure.2 data. Figure 3. Compare Iranian toys out of sight Sellers (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013) Figure 4. Proper selection of toys at retail (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013)
  • 6. 6 Figure 5. Toy retailers opinions and suggestions for Iranian products (Aminsobhani, 2004) And (Authors, 2013) Discussion According to this research involved 340 parents, 0/6% of parents have low awareness, 93/2% has medium awareness and 6/2% have good awareness regarding to security of toys. Standards of purchasing safe toy is low as to 0/3% of parents, as to 22/4% of parents is medium and 77/4% has reported well, the extent of parents awareness regarding to risky toys was low. (like rattler, those toys that have magnetic, toys in chocolate eggs and soon (Geshani, Sedate et al, 2005). Today, many of toys have intense sound. According to a study, the noise intense of some toys is 122abasa Encounter to noise of toys in infants has unique characteristics (Yaremchuk, Kathleen et al, 1997). When a toy is in infant hands, distance of noise source from ears is short because infant hands are little so cause increase spy in level of ears. In other words, we can not expect that infants play rationally in order that infants can not retell Zzz sound in ears.our child Return consciously are exposed to the sound pollution (Geshani et al, 2005). This pollution has attended lesser. So, it is necessary to control production and distribution of toys precisely. There is no certain standards in this field. According to questioner which has distributed to 54sellersr in Tehran, we can concluded that 92/5 % of infants themselves choice their toys, 33/3% of fathers and 88/8% of mothers and sellers don't have any role in selecting toys although there is leading and marketing. According to package and elegance of production, can find incorrect toys that cause unfavorable playing for infants. Sellers say that parents themselves make mistake in choosing to toy. Mental and personality problems. Shortages in their childhood and different social classes will affectt parents. Mothers attend to the number of parts of toys because this parts occupy room and fathers who loved machines in his childhood will desire cars. Unconsciously will go towards cars with more mechanisms and attractiveness. They don't attention to practical aspect of toy and buy it. These behaviors are along with buying luxury and expensive objects. These finding were used in an analytically descriptive study for 340 parents who referenced to clinic of Tehran regarding to advantages of toys. This study shows that 32/9% of parents said decorate aspect is important, 11/2% have increased lead (70% didn't know whether lead in toys is good or not), 90% has innovation for busying infants, 95% think that fun aspect is the most important, 85% think that thought growth is important, 82% said that learning of life skills is important, 69% attended to helpful aspect of toy, 35% attended to reduce jumping in infants, 48% attended to mother relief at the moment, that study shows that these is a relation between education level and wife job with awareness level in purchasing toys(Geshani et al, 2005). In figure.2, there are significant differences between parent views that was documented in study. Parents reference arrangements of fun fantasy, innovative, thinking toys, while sellers were successful in sailing fantasy toys. Fun toys and innovative toys were in parallel. In figure.3, Iranian products and foreign products has compared according to quality, sail, price and response to Iranian infant needs. Sellers believed that 92/2% of foreign products quality, 74% of them have appropriate price in compared to Iranian products, so, sailing of foreign products are 100% better than Iranian products. While, in the view of sellers, only 66/6% of foreign products are appropriate to Iranian infants needs. As sellers suggested, the main reason of the lack of sail and attention to products which make in Iran is low quality of products. So, good quality, appropriate price, material, way of production, package and
  • 7. 7 montage of foreign products cause low sail in Iranian products. The lack of attention to designing toys such as thinking games which more required but it's number and design is limited and its price is not appropriate cause to full domestic market by foreign products. The parent educations specially mother, cultural level, family income, number of children and their gender have special role in selecting toys. Factors such as appropriate price, unruliness for bodily and mental growth of infants, security for infants, longevity are important for parents in selecting toys for their children. Appropriate package or luxury package, the size of toys, security advises which pointed out in label, standard sign of goods stability, color, savor and toy substance, chemical content in toys according to leading, advertising for special toys, washable, infant age, high price of toy, attention to infant desire, attention to seller advises, toy weight, separability of toys regarding to their risk for under 2 years infant. Attention to edges of toy and it's flexibility, labels for age group influence to selecting toy and help to have safe playing (Dehdari et al, 2010). Parent training on the subject of purchasing appropriate and safety toy and make interaction with infant for correct selection, implementation of new regulations for controlling and organizing of domestic production and overseeing import goods should be more emphasized. Conclusion Results show that the way of selecting toy and the way of purchasing toy are two separate part. Toy selection is associated to our awareness from its defect sand virtues, but purchasing way is related to factors such as infant desire. Price special for dominant goods in market. For example, parent know about low quality of china products while infants have no attention to this subject, parent purchase product because of infant desire or low price while they are not satisfied from their purchasing. References: Aminsobhani, Parisa. (2004). Design and construction of toys (bags, hats, masks) for children 3 to 6 years. Supervisor: Jamshid Emami. University of Tehran. Cro,Lester. And Cro,Alice. (1967). Infant Psychology, Amir kabir, Secound publication. Dehdari,Tahereh. And Daneshkohan,Abass. And Nourafkan,Zahra. And Esmaiilabadi,Kolsom. And Dehghani,Parisa. And Kalhor,Faaezeh. And Mahmodi,Fatemeh. (2010). Parents awareness about security of toy and its purchasing standard in Tehran, Payesh. Keshani,Ahmad,Sedaii,Mahin. And Nasiri ,Parvin. And Jalali Shohre. (2005). Analysis and measure of frequency noise from common toys which have high sound, Audiometry magazine-University of medical science and healthy services of Tehran,Vol.14, No.23. Landers,Gary.l. (2001). Theraputic playing book of dynamism consultation with infants, Etellaat Institution, Sisth publication. Rezasultani,Hossein. (2011). Playing role in infant training, Economic World, 2011/26/11. Salamat,Leila. (1956). Expertise thesis-leading teachers: Grif Robert & Omega Martin. 1956/11/4. Sharp,Evlin. (1993). The playing is thinking of infant, Sepehr publication,Fift publication. Yaremchuk, Kathleen. And Dicksonb, a, Linda. And Burkc, K. B. G. S. (1997). International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 41(2), 187–197. Retrieved Http:// (2004) Http:// (2013) Http:// (2010)