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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan
                    The                    Gameplan]

James Molfetas]
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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

   INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................................. 9
   NEWBIE ISSUES: .................................................................................................................................. 9
   SO WHAT IS INTERNET MARKETING? ............................................................................................... 10
   HERE ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS BOOK: ...................................................................................... 11
   THIS IS HOW THE COURSE IS STRUCTURED: ..................................................................................... 11
   THE SIX OVERALL CONCEPTS: ........................................................................................................... 11
      1. Pick a niche................................................................................................................................ 12
      2. Create or source your product .................................................................................................. 12
      3. Create your sales funnel ........................................................................................................... 12
      4. Build your website .................................................................................................................... 12
      5. Drive traffic to your website ..................................................................................................... 12
      6. Seven different online monetization models............................................................................ 12
   NOT A ‘GET RICH QUICK’ SCHEME: ................................................................................................... 13
MODULE 1 – PICK A NICHE: .................................................................................................................. 13
   SO, WHAT EXACTLY IS A NICHE? ....................................................................................................... 14
   STEP 1 - HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR NICHE: .................................................................................... 16
   STEP 2 - RESEARCH: ........................................................................................................................... 16
   STEP 2.1 - KEYWORD RESEARCH: ...................................................................................................... 17
   STEP 3 - NOW YOU SIMPLY ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS WHAT THEY WANT: ........................................ 17
   SURVEYS: ........................................................................................................................................... 18
   STEP 4 - GIVE IT TO THEM!:............................................................................................................... 18
MODULE 2 - PRODUCT CREATION ........................................................................................................ 19
   INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................................................ 19
   SHOULD YOU CREATE PHYSICAL OR DIGITAL PRODUCTS? ............................................................... 19
   LET US NOW LOOK AT SOME PRODUCT FORMATS .......................................................................... 20
   WRITTEN WORD................................................................................................................................ 20
   VIDEO OR DVD .................................................................................................................................. 20
   NOW LET US TAKE A LOOK AT PRODUCING AUDIO PRODUCTS: ...................................................... 21
   LET US NOW LOOK AT SOFTWARE CREATION: ................................................................................. 22
   LASTLY LET’S TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT APPS: ..................................................................................... 22
   CONTENT CREATION: ........................................................................................................................ 22

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

   PUBLIC LABEL RIGHTS OR PLR: .......................................................................................................... 22
   PUBLIC DOMAIN INFORMATION IS FREE!: ........................................................................................ 23
   OUTSOURCING: ................................................................................................................................. 23
   WAYS TO POSITION YOURSELF: ........................................................................................................ 24
      EXPERT: ......................................................................................................................................... 24
      FACILITATOR: ................................................................................................................................ 24
      CO-ORDINATOR:............................................................................................................................ 24
   PRICING - ASSENTION LADDER: ........................................................................................................ 24
   LET US NOW LOOK AT SOME PRODUCT EXAMPLES: ........................................................................ 25
   AFFILIATE MARKETING ...................................................................................................................... 26
MODULE 3 - SALES FUNNEL: ................................................................................................................. 27
   INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................................................ 27
   THE SQUEEZE PAGE:.......................................................................................................................... 27
   AUTORESPONDER: ............................................................................................................................ 28
   THE NEXT THING WE NEED IS A HIGH CONVERTING SALES PAGE: ................................................... 29
   A CLOSER LOOK AT COPYWRITING: .................................................................................................. 29
   GRAPHICS: ......................................................................................................................................... 30
   UP-SELLS, DOWN-SELLS, CROSS SELLS AND OTO’S: .......................................................................... 30
   BACKEND SALES: ............................................................................................................................... 30
   PRODUCT LAUNCHES: ....................................................................................................................... 31
   RECAP: ............................................................................................................................................... 31
MODULE 4 – WEBSITE CREATION: ........................................................................................................ 32
   CHOOSING WHAT TYPE OF SITE TO CREATE: .................................................................................... 33
   SINGLE PRODUCT SITE: ..................................................................................................................... 33
   MEMBERSHIP SITE: ........................................................................................................................... 33
   AFFILIATE SALE SITE: ......................................................................................................................... 33
   BLOG: ................................................................................................................................................ 33
   E-COMMERCE SITES: ......................................................................................................................... 34
   REGISTER A DOMAIN NAME: ............................................................................................................ 34
      Registering your Domain Name .................................................................................................... 34
   GET HOSTING .................................................................................................................................... 34
   NAME SERVERS: ................................................................................................................................ 35
   A QUICK SUMMARY: ......................................................................................................................... 36

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   DOMAIN NAME ESSENTIALS: ............................................................................................................ 36
      1 - It is descriptive of my business ................................................................................................ 36
      2 - The name is as short and memorable as possible ................................................................... 37
      3 - It ends in “.com” ...................................................................................................................... 37
   WHAT TECHNOLOGY TO USE: ........................................................................................................... 37
   BLOGGING PLATFORM LIKE WORDPRESS: ........................................................................................ 37
   CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) LIKE JOOMLA: ................................................................. 38
   CUSTOM BUILT WEBSITES: ............................................................................................................... 38
   SO, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? : ........................................................................................... 38
   STRUCTURE OF A TYPICAL WEBSITE: ................................................................................................ 39
   MERCHANT ACCOUNT: ..................................................................................................................... 39
   THANK YOU / DOWNLOAD PAGE:..................................................................................................... 40
   OWN SITE OR AMAZON S3:............................................................................................................... 40
   SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 41
MODULE 5 – DRIVE TRAFFIC PART 1 OF 3: ........................................................................................... 41
   AN INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC: ...................................................................................................... 42
   SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION OR SEO: ......................................................................................... 42
   ON-PAGE SEO: ................................................................................................................................... 42
   OFF-PAGE SEO FACTORS: .................................................................................................................. 43
   CONTENT:.......................................................................................................................................... 43
   TACTICS: ............................................................................................................................................ 44
   ARTICLE MARKETING: ....................................................................................................................... 44
   ARTICLE SPINNERS: ........................................................................................................................... 45
   BLOGGING: ........................................................................................................................................ 45
   BUILD YOUR LIST: .............................................................................................................................. 45
   OPT IN BOX........................................................................................................................................ 46
   AUTORESPONDERS ........................................................................................................................... 46
   EMAIL MARKETING: .......................................................................................................................... 46
   WEB 2.0 SITES AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: ............................................................................. 46
      FACEBOOK: .................................................................................................................................... 47
      TWITTER: ....................................................................................................................................... 47
      YOUTUBE:...................................................................................................................................... 48
      GOOGLE +:..................................................................................................................................... 48
      SCRIBD:.......................................................................................................................................... 49

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

      SQUIDOO:...................................................................................................................................... 49
      HUBPAGES:.................................................................................................................................... 49
   SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 50
MODULE 5.1 – DRIVE TRAFFIC PART 2 OF 3: ........................................................................................ 50
   COMMENTING ON OTHER PEOPLE’S BLOGS: ................................................................................... 50
   VIRAL TOOLS: .................................................................................................................................... 51
   TELL A FRIEND SCRIPTS: .................................................................................................................... 51
   VIDEO MARKETING: .......................................................................................................................... 51
   PODCASTS: ........................................................................................................................................ 52
   PRESS RELEASES: ............................................................................................................................... 53
   FREE ONLINE CLASSIFIED ADS: .......................................................................................................... 53
   PAID REVIEWS: .................................................................................................................................. 53
   FORUM AND NEWSGROUP COMMENTS: ......................................................................................... 54
   WEB DIRECTORY SUBMISSION: ......................................................................................................... 54
   TRAFFIC EXCHANGE: ......................................................................................................................... 54
   AD SWAPS: ........................................................................................................................................ 55
   WEBINARS AND TELESEMINARS: ...................................................................................................... 55
   PUBLISH A NEWSLETTER: .................................................................................................................. 56
   SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 56
   PAID TRAFFIC: ................................................................................................................................... 57
   PAY PER CLICK – PPC AND CPM: ....................................................................................................... 57
   PPV OR PAY PER VIEW: ..................................................................................................................... 58
   CPA OR COST PER ACTION: ............................................................................................................... 59
   BANNER ADS: .................................................................................................................................... 59
   SOLO ADS: ......................................................................................................................................... 60
   JOINT VENTURE AND AFFILIATES: ..................................................................................................... 61
   TRACKING AND CONVERSIONS: ........................................................................................................ 62
   SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 64
MODULE 6 - MONETIZATION ................................................................................................................ 64
   NICHE MARKETING / INFORMATION MARKETING: .......................................................................... 65
   AFFILIATE MARKETING: ..................................................................................................................... 66
   CPA .................................................................................................................................................... 67
   BLOGGING: ........................................................................................................................................ 68

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   ADSENSE: .......................................................................................................................................... 69
   DOMAIN AND WEBSITE FLIPPING: .................................................................................................... 70
   EBAY AND CRAIGSLIST....................................................................................................................... 71
   YAHOO! STORES OR OTHER E-COMMERCE STORES: ........................................................................ 72
   SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 72
MODULE 7 – PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: ............................................................................................ 73
   PICK A NICHE: .................................................................................................................................... 76
      Brainstorm niche ideas: ................................................................................................................ 77
      Research:....................................................................................................................................... 77
      Ask campaign: ............................................................................................................................... 77
   PRODUCT CREATION: ........................................................................................................................ 77
      Own or affiliate products?: ........................................................................................................... 77
      Product formats: ........................................................................................................................... 78
      Content creation: .......................................................................................................................... 78
   SALES FUNNEL: .................................................................................................................................. 78
      Squeeze page and autoresponder: ............................................................................................... 78
      Sales letter: ................................................................................................................................... 79
      Create Up-sells, Down-sells or an OTO: ........................................................................................ 79
      Back end sales: .............................................................................................................................. 79
      Product launch: ............................................................................................................................. 79
   WEBSITE CREATION: ......................................................................................................................... 80
      Set-up: ........................................................................................................................................... 80
      Type of Site: .................................................................................................................................. 80
      Technology: ................................................................................................................................... 80
      Squeeze page, autoresponder and sales page: ............................................................................ 81
      Merchant account: ........................................................................................................................ 81
      Download page: ............................................................................................................................ 81
      Deliver the product: ...................................................................................................................... 81
   TRAFFIC: ............................................................................................................................................ 81
      Tracking and conversions:............................................................................................................. 83
   MONETIZATION:................................................................................................................................ 83
   CONCLUSION:.................................................................................................................................... 83
   The Internet Marketing Gameplan flowchart – Part 1 ..................................................................... 85
   The Internet Marketing Gameplan flowchart – Part 2 ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

          Get the FREE video version of this book at

          It is broken down into 10 modules totalling just
          over 5-hours of no-fluff content.

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

Hello, James Molfetas here. Thank you so much for your interest in The Internet Marketing
Gameplan. I promise that you will not be disappointed. In the next few short hours, you are finally
about to discover exactly how the entire internet marketing process works!

Before you commence on this exciting journey, I would like to offer you two quick words of advice
that will exponentially improve your learning experience.

Firstly, print out the two page flow chart at the back of this book. Keep it in front of you at all times
as you follow along in the notes because being able to see the “big picture” as you cover each small
component will accelerate your learning experience and your understanding of the material.

If you are a more visual person and you have not already done so, feel free to download the FREE
video version of this book at It is broken down into 10 modules totalling
just over 5-hours of no-fluff content. Once you have finished either reading this book or watching
the videos, you will know more than 95% of all internet marketers which means that you will
probably be able to crush your competition!

I created this course for internet marketing Newbies. My definition of newbie has nothing to do with
the amount time that you have been trying to make money online. If you currently make less than
$1,000 per month online, then this course is specifically designed to help you break the $1,000 per
month barrier. The hardest thing is to make your first dollar. After that, the next milestone is to
make $1,000. And if you can make $1,000 then you can make anything because the principals that
you need to make $1,000 are the same as the principals to make $100,000!

So the first goal is to get you to make $1 if you have not already done so, and then to make $1,000
per month

The two most common frustrations that internet marketing Newbies (people earning less than
$1,000 per month) have are:

    1. Not knowing where to start building an online business and
    2. Total information overload!

This leads to total overwhelm which causes many people to quit the game or they just never get
started. This is what this book is about. I created it to help Newbies who just do not know who to
turn to for help or how to turn their current online efforts into a profitable online business.

I spent a year studying internet marketing before I got my first site up because I did not know where
to start. Once I did start, as soon as I learned about a topic, it would naturally lead me to another
topic. I would then study this topic, and guess what, it would lead me to another topic. It was like
trying to complete a giant 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle but without having the box with the picture of
what I was trying to build.

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

This was frustrating for two reasons:

Firstly, I began to think that this process of discovery would never end. I came very close to giving
up. Fortunately after a year of this, I found that I had learned all of the pieces of the puzzle and
more importantly because I now knew what the big picture looked like, I also knew where each
piece of this internet marketing jigsaw was supposed to fit.

Secondly, I studied stuff that I did not need. At least, I did not need it at the time. I was just building
little segments of the jigsaw puzzle without knowing where they fit into the big picture. Had I known
this in advance by having knowledge of the overall picture (the cover on the box) then I would have
known which things to study at that particular time in my journey as an internet marketer.

And this is why I developed this book /course. It was borne out of my own personal frustration and
as I discovered when I did some research, this is a major stumbling block for so many Newbies. So
many people are too overwhelmed by information overload and not knowing where to start, that
they never start.

My definition is: “it is the process of selling (marketing) products and / or services on the internet to
make money.”

This whole process can be summarized in 3 steps:

    1. Pick a niche whom you want to sell something to
    2. Ask them what they want
    3. Give it to them - sell them what they want!

So for example, I am involved in the internet marketing niche, I have determined that most
marketers do not know where to start or feel overwhelmed by information overload and so I
produced this course / book.

So as you can see this is a simple process, it is just not easy!

Before I give you the structure of the course, I just want to give you a bit of encouragement.

You do not need to know everything - There are so many different facets to internet marketing that
you will probably never be an expert at all of them. Anyway, technology changes every day! The
goal with this book is to give you a good overview of as many elements as I could think of that could
potentially be involved in your internet marketing business.

You do not have to be a “techie” person – In some ways it is better not to be technically proficient!
I say this because then you will tend to spend a lot of time doing technical things, which you could
easily outsource to others. This time, I believe, could be better spent in other aspects of your
business. I started with zero technical skills. Today while I am not brilliant, I have come a long way

Nothing is complicated – in all of my research, I never came across instances where people said
things were complicated. There are resources to find out how to do anything and as already
mentioned, you can just outsource stuff that you feel you cannot do or you simply do not want to

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]


The ultimate aim is to build up a framework for you, to show you the big picture. I will also show
you where all of the smaller components fit into the big picture.

We will do this in a logical and systematic way. We will do this in bite-size chunks to avoid
overwhelming you. Each module / chapter will build on the previous one.

At the end I will then take you through the entire process and help you map out a plan that is
appropriate for YOU to launch an online business. This will be based on your personality and your
available resources (mainly time and money).

The value here is that you spend a little bit of good quality time upfront to determine which type of
internet marketing business best suits you. You then understand which tools and technologies you
need to research and then you do ONLY THAT! If you do not, you could find yourself being a student
for too long and not actually making any money.


First I am going to give you a good broad overview of the fundamental concepts. This is not really
rocket science; the difficulty comes when looking at the various different component parts. I have
broken this down into JUST SIX concepts.

From this I will further break each overall concept into its smaller individual parts.

Then we will get to the detail of each of these groups as this is where the rubber hits the road. The
devil is really in the detail. I will give you an overview of what each small component consists of.

I will show you how it fits into the big picture and then I will suggest appropriate resources should
you need more information on any topic.

At the end, after we have built up a comprehensive overview of the process of making money
online, I will take you through a process to help you formulate your own online business plan that
suits your personality and your personal circumstances.


The course is broken down into these 6 areas and it is done in a specific order:

    1.   Pick a niche
    2.   Create or source your product
    3.   Create your sales funnel
    4.   Build your website
    5.   Drive traffic to your website
    6.   Seven different online monetization models

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

1. Pick a niche - A niche is just a fancy way of describing a group of people with a particular

Many people have great difficulty with this when they first start. If you are a newbie and I ask you
right now, what niche will you choose, can you give me an answer?

Also, many internet marketers will be active in multiple niches. You probably also have a lot more
marketable skills than you realise.

2. Create or source your product - Each niche is different and so it will require different products.

These products could be physical products or virtual downloadable products. I will give you a far
more detailed product creation session later but for now just know that there are MANY more
possibilities than you can imagine.

3. Create your sales funnel – This may be one of the most important things you learn in this
course. So many Newbies just have no inkling about this because the gurus seldom talk about it.
Basically, this is designing your entire business model before you build your website. Your success as
an internet marketer depends on how you build your sales funnel.

4. Build your website – By the time you have chosen your niche and the type of product you will
sell and after you have mapped out your sales funnel, you will then know which type of website to
build. You will build different types of sites for different business models. Website creation will
need to take the technical details of the business into account. For example, you will need to find a
way to collect the money from your customers before you deliver their goods or you may need a
shopping cart depending on your business model.

This section also covers the basics of how to register domains and purchase hosting.

5. Drive traffic to your website - Once you have your product set up on your website which is
integrated with your merchant account, you then need to tell the world that you exist. All of your
efforts will be wasted if nobody knows about or ever visits your site.

By far the vast majority internet marketing products focus on this area. This is effectively the
“marketing” part of “internet marketing”. There are basically 2 ways to get people to your site. This
involves spending TIME, MONEY OR BOTH.

We will look at free traffic, paid traffic and how to get traffic using joint ventures and affiliates. We
will also look at how best to convert this traffic into paying customers by constantly tracking our
conversions and tweaking our sales funnel to maximise our conversions.

6. Seven different online monetization models - To qualify for my listing, it has to be a
BUSINESS and not a job. A job is where you trade your time for money, such as writing articles for
people and charging for it. A job will not get you the internet marketing lifestyle that we all desire.

You need to be able to make money when you are not there. Typically, you put in the work up front,
for which you do not immediately get paid but if you do it right, you only have to do it once and get
paid forever! That my friends, is the Holy Grail.

At the end we will build your own personalised online business plan together.

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

You will probably have noticed that the stuff you probably wanted first, the seven online business
models, is the last thing I discuss. There is a very good reason for this and I urge you not to skip
ahead. Complete the modules in the order that I have presented them to you. Once you have
completed the entire book, you will realise that NO MATTER WHICH MONETIZATION MODEL YOU
CHOOSE, everything that you learn in this course will be relevant to any of the models. It will all just
fall into place.


I have to warn you from the outset that this is not a get rich quick scheme even though some people
are lucky. I want you to understand that while the rewards are great, you will have to work for it

So you really need two things:

    1. The willingness to put in the required work (or outsource it!) and
    2. The willingness to learn the business (reading this book is your first step).

Generally as you get better at the business and it becomes more established, you can then work less
and earn more but this is usually not so when you start.

I do think that having some money to start will definitely help but it is not essential. You could really
start with as little as $100, or less if you really had to.

As I introduce you to the different concepts, I will recommend many tools that you will need or find
useful. Some will be free and some you will have to pay for if you choose to use them. Many tools
are just “nice to have” but there are a few ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TOOLS that you will need. I will
tell you which ones you REALLY NEED.

I warn you now that you can spend an absolute fortune on internet marketing products. While I
have no real problem with this because I have spent my fair share on them, I will try to help you
spend your money wisely. I will consequently recommend many free tools that you can use,
especially early on in your career. I will also provide you with many resources. As you become more
experienced you will know if you need to invest in any particular area.


We are going to get the ball rolling by learning all about how to pick your niche. This is the first of
the six steps that you need to master in order to make money online.

This module has 3 components: .

1) The first thing is “How to determine a niche”

This is the first step where you need to brainstorm ideas for a niche that you want to build a
business around.

2) The next step is “Keyword research”

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[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

Now you need to research the ideas that you brainstormed to determine whether there is a high
probability of being able to make money out of the niche that you have chosen.

3) Lastly you conduct an “Ask Campaign”

You do this in order to develop products that your market WANTS. The best thing to do is to simply
ask your customers what they want and then when they tell you, you simply create the products
that meet all their ‘wants”. Then sell it to them!

Now let us take a look at these factors in a lot more detail.


If you want to make money online, you must have something to sell. It could be a product or a
service. The first thing you have to do is determine which NICHE you are going to sell your products
or services to. Picking a niche is the starting point of successful internet marketing.

By definition, a niche is a segment of a larger market.

More specifically, it is a FOCUSSED, TARGETABLE portion of a market. A niche is just a fancy way of
describing a group of people with a particular interest. For example chess players, gardeners, rose
gardeners, raw food dieters, golfers, internet marketers and the list just goes on and on.

These people are a tightly knit group of people with a specific NEED or WANT. If you know more
than anyone else about your niche and you can satisfy their wants or needs, then they will be
prepared to pay you for this and you have the basis for a profitable online business.

In many ways, the process of finding a niche is the most difficult part of the process of starting your
online business. If you get it wrong you will spend many wasted hours pouring yourself into
products that do not sell.

This is perhaps best illustrated by an example:

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Let us tie this to the idea of information products. I am currently involved in internet marketing and
am quite PASSIONATE about it. I have read a lot about the topic, own many programs developed by
many of the industry “gurus” and have many software tools that help me with my business. So I
have a niche interest called “internet marketing”

Now internet marketing is a VERY BROAD TOPIC (OR NICHE). You are consuming this material right
now because perhaps you are staring out and you do not really know where to begin. You may have
started off searching for the term “make money online” or “internet marketing”. You probably got
millions of results.

(At the time I did it I got 161 million results for “internet marketing”). So if I were choosing such a
broad niche, I would be competing in an almost impossible market because of the remote chance of
someone finding my product.

So after reading a bit you probably realised that you were getting nowhere and you may have
refined your search to “how to start making money online” or “internet marketing for Newbies”.

You will have noticed that you still got millions of results but FAR FEWER THAN THE BROAD SEARCH

(I got 3 million at the time I did the search for “internet marketing for Newbies”).

So what has happened here? I took the main niche of “internet marketing” and I decided to focus
on a smaller subset of this niche being “internet marketing for Newbies”. This is probably why you
found this course. I doubt that you would have found me if I was advertising the broad niche of
“internet marketing”

As you go through this course and your internet marketing career, you are going to find that you
need to know more information about say ADVERTISING your product.

Now there are people who are going to make products that cater just for this. These people will be
experts in just this topic. So now you can see that the broad niche of internet marketing has been
broken down into “internet marketing for Newbies” and then into advertising for internet

When I did the search for “Internet marketing advertising” I got 1,38 million searches. Again less
than the two broader niches above.

Guess what? Internet advertising can be broken down further into say banner advertising or pay per
click (PPC). (We will cover all of this later in the course).

There are people who are experts at Google PPC advertising, also known as Google Adwords. My
search for “advertising with PPC” yielded only 29,600 results.

Ok, I think that I have made the point.

In summary, the idea of niche marketing is to identify a group of people who have a common
interest (with a NEED OR WANT) and then market a product that will be of particular interest and
relevance to this group.

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Often times, the smaller AND THUS MORE TARGETED the niche group you are catering for, the
greater the profit potential! This is generally because the more targeted you make your niche, the
more specialised the products or knowledge required in this niche. This will mean that people will
be prepared to pay more for these products or information.

So for example you may broadly know what PPC is but in order for you to actually make money from
it, you will have to study it quite comprehensively and there are far fewer people who are true
experts on the topic. Their knowledge is thus not as freely available as other topics may be and so
they can charge a lot of money for this specialised knowledge.


Now that you know what a niche is and what the goal of choosing a successful niche is, you will want
to look at your own personal expertise as a starting point to brainstorm different potential niches to
create a business around.

Generally it is preferable to pick a niche that you are knowledgeable about at the very least. The
best niche is one which you are passionate about. This will become important when you have to
continually create new content. It is much easier doing something that you love.

That said, while it is preferable to love your topic and know a bit about it, it is not essential! If you
read 3-5 books on a topic, you will effectively be “an expert”.

There are many checklists and ideas that you can follow to brainstorm your interests. You can use
the one included in this course to help you to brainstorm niche ideas.


Once you have a number of potential topics, you need to narrow down your selection to find the
niche that is best suited to you. This is where you need to start doing some research.
You then need to research if there really is a market for your chosen niche. This is where Google
comes into play. The key is to determine how popular a topic is.

Contrary to what seems logical, often the more competitors in a niche the better! This is because it
proves that there is a demand in the niche and hence money.

Your job is to establish how profitable the potential niche is by the number of people interested in it.
You will then determine how many competitors there are and what types of products they are
selling and of course how much they are charging. Then you want to determine whether you can
make a better product that your customers will be prepared to buy from you.

Of course on very rare occasions you may be able to find a great niche with little or no competition.
This is jackpot time baby! While this does not happen often because of the maturity of internet
marketing, it does happen.

Now it is time to do keyword research.

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You are going to hear a lot about keyword research. It is the cornerstone of all internet marketing.

For example, let us say that you are looking for information on “low carb diets”. Most people would
just go to Google and type in “low carb diets” and Google would return millions of results.

The three words that you type in (low carb diets) are what are known as keywords. Keywords can be
single words or a phrase like this consisting of 3 or more words. This is what makes the whole
internet world go round.

Now what if there were only a few thousand search results returned by Google for this keyword
phrase? Well, it would probably mean that there is not enough demand in the market for this

Google has a free key word tool that you can find by just typing in “Google keyword tool” into the
search engines. Or you can click here for the Free Google Keyword Tool

This tool will tell you how many times a month people search for any given keyword.

It will also make suggestions to you for other keywords that are related to your search and how
many times a month that key word is searched for. So “Atkins” or “Atkins diet” or “high protein
diet” are related keywords that you need to look at.

Becoming good at keyword research is absolutely critical to all internet marketers. There are many
specialist keyword tools on the market that perform different functions than what we have looked at
here. These are normally paid tools but can often be useful. However the free Google tool is
generally sufficient for most applications. The paid tools automate many manual processes that you
would have to perform with the Google tool and this is often where their value lies because in most
instances they use the Google search engine to get their raw keyword data.

Keywords have many uses such as giving an indication of the potential demand of the product. It
also helps us to determine which keywords to target for a pay per click campaign or to help us
optimise our websites so that we can be found in Google when someone types in “low carb diet”.
This is known as Search Engine Optimization of SEO for short. That is a whole topic on its own and
will be covered in a later book.


Once you have chosen your niche, you need to determine what products your target market will
actually pay for. So many people develop products that they thought were great and then nobody
buys them.

Here is one of the most important things I will tell you in this course so listen carefully! PEOPLE BUY

Especially if you are developing your own information product, you do not want to waste time and
money doing so if nobody is going to buy it.

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The easiest way to ensure the success of your product is to ask people what they want. You are
trying to find out what their biggest frustrations, fears and problems are. If you can produce a
product that solves a problem, you have a winner on your hands. What better way to create a
product than by getting people to tell you what their biggest fears, frustrations and problems are.

There are many ways to do this. You can do it by researching what people are saying by reading
things like blogs, newsletters and forums. This is often a very good way to find out what people are
talking about even though it can be a bit time consuming.


A great way to find out what people want is simply to ask them.

There are numerous online survey sites which will allow you to set up an online survey with as many
questions as you like. You then just need to drive people to the survey and ask them what they

Normally you would do so with the promise of something free for the time they took to fill out the
survey. When I launched my garage sale blueprint product, I asked people what they wanted me to
cover in my course. In return I gave a free copy of the course to the people who participated in my
survey once it was complete.

There are some very good paid survey options out there but there are also several free options. I did
a small pay per click (PPC) campaign on Google where I paid for the traffic when I recently launched
one of my products called Garage Sale Blueprint. It was however a small price to pay because it gave
me a chance to assess the size of my market and what they wanted. So if my results were terrible, I
would have known upfront that the product would probably not sell and thus I should forget the
idea at that point before I spent any more time and money developing the product. If it got a poor
response, I would have only been out of pocket by a few bucks and I may have had a dented ego for
a few days!

If you have a subscriber list or a blog, you can use these resources to do your survey. It is often a
good idea to survey your existing customers regularly to ensure you keep giving them world class

It will also give you new ideas for products that you can develop for them!


Once your research is complete and you have a high demand product, you simply create your
product and cover all the items that your customers asked for when you did your survey.

A good trick is to use this survey information to write your sales letter before your create your
product! You simply use all the points that your customers mentioned in your sales letter and make
sure you cover all the important points, and then you build your product to agree to the sales letter.
And you are done!

You do not have to sell your own product. There may be products available that you can simply re-
sell as an affiliate (we will talk more about this later)

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Now we are going to look how to use all of this information we acquired from the first two modules
to create the actual product for our customers.

There are 4 parts to this module:

    1. First we will look at creating our own product.

    2. There are 5 different types of information products that we can create. They are eBooks,
       Videos, Audios, software and apps.

    3. We will then look at how to price our products

    4. Then we discover how to easily create the content for your products.

We look at how to get free or cheap content that we can use as the basis of our products and we
even look at outsourcing the product creation process to someone else.

Lastly we look at an alternative to creating our own products. We can actually sell products that
other people have created as an affiliate.

Creating products to sell is one of the biggest reasons that people never really get started in this
business. People are intimidated by the mere thought of having to create a product because they do
not know what content to create a product on or how to do it.

There are fortunately many solutions to this problem. The good news is that it is easier than you
many think. In fact you do not even need to create your own product. You can sell other people’s
products and earn a commission on every sale. This is called affiliate marketing.

I bet you that there are more different types of information products than you thought possible! I
want to introduce you to a number of possibilities just to get your mind thinking in the right


For almost all of the products that I am going to talk about now, you can either deliver the product
digitally or you can have a physical product made which you will need to ship to your customer.
Each of these options obviously has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes you could also do
a combination of the two.

In most cases I think that the benefits of digital products trump physical products. Some people
prefer physical products such as books because they are used to it. However with technology
advancing as much as it has with things like the Apple IPod for audio products and the Kindle for
books, consumers are becoming far more used to digital products.

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Physical products are also far more labour intensive than digital products. They need to be
manufactured, stored and physically shipped. This takes up more TIME and MONEY to deliver this to

The great advantage that digital products have over physical products is that you can deliver it to
your customers instantly. People love this. No, people nowadays EXPECT this. If you are looking to
solve a problem at 3a.m. and you find the perfect product, if you can get immediate access, you will
even be happy to pay a premium. Digital products cost nothing to produce once the product is
created and almost nothing to ship, just a bit of bandwidth.

Having built an overwhelming case for digital products, physical products do have their place. We
will look at some examples later.


Essentially, there are a number of different forms that your products can take. We will first look at
the formats and then we will brainstorm examples of the different formats.


The book is the oldest information product available. Today the physical book has mostly been
superseded by a digital product also known as an “eBook”.

The most common form is a PDF document which can be read by anyone with a computer. People
who do not have the Microsoft Word program (or similar) on their computer may not be able to
read your Microsoft® Word™ document without spending money on the software but they will be
able to read the PDF for free.

After creating your masterpiece in a word processor such as Microsoft® Word™, there are many
programs that are available to simply convert that document into a PDF at the click of a button.
These programs are free.

This is important because people cannot easily edit a PDF like they can a Microsoft Word document.
Most free programs will not allow adequate protection of the document, which means that people
could convert the PDF to some other format and edit it that way. There are commercial programs
such as Adobe® that will allow you to protect your content.


For many years, the written word reigned supreme. However in recent times, video products have
made the greatest impact. All of today’s top marketers produce video products. This is because
customers would much prefer to watch an hour long video than spend a day reading the PDF.
It is also much easier to show your customers step-by-step what you are trying to teach them.

Videos also have the highest perceived value. You can often sell a video version of the PDF for 10
times more.

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Again you can ship a physical product or just let customers download the video and watch it
instantly. Another option is to allow customers to “stream” the video feed without them having to
download the product. This will allow you to protect the video content if you feel this is necessary.
Obviously they will have to be online while they watch your video.

Producing videos is actually much easier than you may think. With the advent of high definition,
relatively inexpensive video cameras can produce amazing video quality. In the world of information
marketing, you do not need to create “studio perfect” videos.

People appreciate raw and real because they associate more with “real people”. Many marketers
will often leave mistakes that they made in their videos just to show their customers their human

Almost every successful internet marketer today produces screen capture videos. There is fantastic
software available that allows you to record everything that you see and hear on your computer
screen. The most popular form that this takes is creating a PowerPoint presentation and then
recording the screen while recoding the audio and then producing a video. For internet marketing
applications, one can show customers exactly how one performs certain functions. Very powerful

If you are going to create videos you really should consider investing in commercial screen capture
software. Techsmith produces the premier product called Camtasia, which is available for PC and
Mac. The videos that you are can download for free with this book were produced using Camtasia.
You can download the videos here:

Mac users often prefer a program called Screenflow because they say that it works better for the
Mac than Camtasia.

If you are going to be a successful internet marketer, you WILL NEED TO PRODUCE VIDEOS. These
two products are the gold standard and you really should think of them as a business expense. Buy
them once and use them forever. If you use a PC, get Camtasia and if you use a Mac get Screenflow.

Note, there are certain free programs that will allow you to create basic videos such as Windows®
Live Moviemaker, Cam Studio and Jing. These are ok to start with but if you are serious about
internet marketing, you should invest in the commercial programs.


Audio is still a very popular choice because people can consume the product while doing other
things so it does not cost them any extra time. I have listened to countless information products on
my IPod while I was driving or at gym.

The mp3 player is now a household necessity. Apple has helped develop this market with their IPod
but there are many other mp3 players out there.

There are many ways to record audio. You can either purchase audio software or utilise online
services that will allow you to phone in to their system and record your message. They will then
create the MP3s for you and then email it you. Easy as that!

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When using Camtasia or Screenflow, you can also rip the audio from any video that you produce at
the touch of a button to create instant MP3’s. This suddenly gives you two products when you make
a video!


This can again take two forms. Most software is simply downloaded directly nowadays but in rare
circumstances you can still get it on a disc. This is not the two forms of software product that I am
referring to though.

You can either sell the software outright where the customer pays a once-off fee and then owns the
software and can use it forever without having to pay again or you could get customers to pay
annual license fees or better yet monthly fees.

In this case the software is often online software so the customer does not have to download it to
their desktop. They can log into the software from any computer with internet access anywhere in
the world.

For example, if you buy Microsoft office, you only pay once and then you can use it over and over.
You would only ever have to pay again if you decide to upgrade to a later version. If you chose not
to upgrade, you would never have to pay again.

I pay an annual license fee for my accounting system. Each year they invoice me, I pay them and
they send me a new license key to unlock the program for another year.

The best examples of monthly billing are for recurring services. You pay monthly web hosting fees
for example. I also pay a monthly fee to Aweber for my auto responder.


Another popular product nowadays is the lowly “app”. Millions of apps get sold every month now
for cell phones, IPads and other tablets. If you can dream it, someone has (or will) create an app for
it! Make sure that you are the one who creates the app to fill an important need.

This is a great example of when to outsource product creation to a skilled programmer. We are
going to look at outsourcing in a little while.


One of the biggest challenges for internet marketers is how to get their content. They are looking
for ideas and for the actual content which they will package at the end of the day. Clearly if you
want to succeed as a top internet marketer, you will need to have original content that is in demand.

Let us look at some useful places to get content.


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There is a very popular concept on the internet today called Private Label rights or PLR. This is a very
broad term and encompasses quite a lot. In a nutshell what it means is that people produce
products in a niche and then they sell those products to others with the right for those other people
to do various things with that product.

Most often, people will have the right to sell that same product to others over and over because
they now become the product owner. If one can just sell the product exactly as it is, this is known as
the “Resale Right”. If one is allowed to also sell their customers the right to sell the product to
someone else, this is known as a “Master resell right”.

The best form is a pure private label product. This will often give the buyer the right to alter the
product in any way they see fit. They can rewrite it, claim authorship of it, change the sales letter
and graphics etc. Many new products are spawned from using a PLR product as a base and then
improving on it.

There are many PLR sites on the net that charge a monthly fee for the right to access and download
as much product as one wants while one pays ones subscription fee. This product is often used as
content for products, articles and websites. You can also buy individual products for a very small fee
if you do not want to join a membership site.

Many Newbies often start with PLR products because for a relatively low investment, one can have a
ready-made supply of products to sell.


Another place to get content that you can rework is known as public domain content. Public domain
refers to early literary works where the author’s rights have expired. You can treat this information
like PLR information and put your name on the book.

Most of these books have excellent content, especially for “evergreen” topics. You may however
just have to modernise the content. One example of this that most people know is the book “Think
and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill. Many people have sold this book as is. Others have created entire
home study courses around the material in the book.

In the US, all works created before 1923 are now in the public domain, while many other works
published later will also be in the public domain.

Public domain also includes other creative works such as movies, music, books, manuals,
photographs, posters, software and more


Your internet business lends itself perfectly to the wonderful world of outsourcing. Outsourcing
simply means getting other people with more skills than you in a particular area to do what you
cannot do or choose not to do or where the tasks are just not economically feasible for you to do.

This is particularly useful for people who live in developed first world countries. This is because
resources in those countries, such as the US, are relatively expensive. The trick is then to outsource
internet related tasks (which can include product development) to people in countries where the

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general standard of living is lower and where people are used to getting paid less. This does not
mean that the quality of the work is poor; it just means that it is cheaper.

Prime countries for outsourcing include India, Pakistan and the Philippines.

There are a few well known internet sites which control this whole process so that you know that
your work is guaranteed and the person doing the work knows that they will get paid so it is really
very easy to outsource your requirements.

Every successful internet marketer outsources something; some even outsource their entire

However, outsourcing is a skill in its own right that does take some application to perfect. It is a vital
skill which will be well worth the time to learn.


There are a few ways to position yourself when creating original content.


You can position yourself as the expert. You use your own knowledge to create the content for your
products. You are the Guru.


You can also play the role of a host interviewer. You seek out other experts in your chosen field and
then you interview them and create products by pulling it all together. For example you may do a
series of video or audio interviews. As you do more interviews, you become “an expert” by
association because every time an expert comes up, YOUR NAME gets mentioned.


You can take the facilitator role a bit further. This is where you get different experts in your niche to
contribute small bits of their expertise and then you combine it all into a product. For example you
could get 10 different experts in your niche to each contribute one chapter of what you publish as a
10-chapter book.

Generally everyone will feel comfortable within at least one of these categories. So there really
should be no excuse for not producing good content and products. You will also generally be able to
produce the types of products that you feel comfortable with. For example if you do not feel
comfortable on video, you can produce audio products or get someone else to do the voiceovers for


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I want to discuss a concept that I got from Russell Brunson called the assention ladder.

In the world of internet marketing, the different types of products have different perceived values.
As you change the format of the product, the perceived value (and hence what you can charge)

Typically the written word would have the lowest value. An eBook on a topic may sell for say $9.99.

If one then makes an audio recording of the eBook, it may now sell for say $27 to $47.

If one then creates a video (even a screen capture video we spoke of earlier), this product may now
sell for say $97.

What if you were to hold a live event? Now you may be able to charge say $297 to $999 for your

The next step could be small mastermind groups that you train together. It is not unusual for the
top marketers to charge $10k-$20k a year for this.

Next is one on one coaching.

Lastly, right at the top is where you simply do whatever the client needs for them. They do not have
to learn it as you just do it.

In general, the closer one gets to the “guru”, the more one has to pay for the privilege. So while we
speak of internet marketing, this does not mean that product fulfilment will only be in the form of
digital or physical products. The internet will often act as the base for building your reputation. You
can then cash in offline by consulting or performing “done for you” services for your client.

A great way to create products would be by starting higher up this ascension ladder that I just told
you about and then working your way back down. Start with a live event. This is the only bit that
you have to do. You can now outsource the rest. Get someone to video the event for you and now
you have a video product. You can then rip the audio for an MP3 and then transcribe the content to
create a pdf. You can then mix and match these in any way you please to create many products
from just one live event!


Here is a list of possible products that one can create:

    •   Books & eBooks
    •   Newsletters
    •   Magazines
    •   Monthly DVD or CD – physical or digital
    •   Software
    •   Apple or android apps
    •   Audio products
    •   Multimedia – i.e. a combination of formats
    •   Home study kits
    •   Special reports

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    •   Live events
    •   Coaching
    •   Consulting
    •   Done for you services
    •   Webinars
    •   Teleseminars
    •   Mastermind groups
    •   Workshops
    •   Certifications
    •   PLR and public domain products
    •   Membership sites and continuity programs


The best form of online business is when you can bill your customers month after month.

If you create a product that your customers want and you continually update it with relevant and
useful content, you will have the makings of a great business.

There are many different formats and variations of memberships that one can sell. There are open
ended memberships which go on until customers cancel and there are memberships with a fixed

This is such a broad topic and really has many facets ranging from the concept to the content to the
technical side of the software required to manage everything on autopilot. However, virtually all of
the successful internet marketers today have some sort of membership site or continuity program.


Affiliate marketing is a huge topic on its own but I think that it is appropriate to include it here in the
product development section. We take a much more detailed look at it in the traffic and
monetization videos later in the course.

Affiliates sell other peoples products for a commission. By now the lights should be going on
because you can make a good living on the internet marketing other people’s products, which
means that you never actually have to produce a product of your own!

You can start earning money immediately! Now I am not suggesting that you follow this route but it
certainly is an option. There are some very wealthy “super affiliates” who make an excellent
income. However, most successful marketers sell their own stuff. In fact they sell their own stuff
and act as affiliates for others.

The only way that these huge figure profit launches that you hear of are possible is by many people
selling your products. Even if you give away 50%, you will still make more money by having 3 or
more affiliates selling your product than you could produce on your own.

The way it works is that you include a piece of code on your website, in your ads or emails that
attract your customers. When they click on your link, they are then taken to the vendors purchase

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page. The code is then identified as belonging to you and you get credit for the sale. The biggest
online digital marketplace is called ClickBank. Go and visit to get an idea of the
type of products that get sold in your industry.


We are now going to look at building a profitable sales funnel.

This is the third major concept that you need to know about to make money online.

Let us take a look at an overview of the whole process:

    1. The first thing we do is create a squeeze page for our site to collect our visitors e-mail
       addresses so that we can email them content and product offerings. We will also need an
       autoresponder to collect and organise all of our lists.

    2. We then need to write a compelling sales letter, which means we need to understand basic
       copywriting and graphics requirements for our site.

    3. We then look at ways to make additional money off our existing customers with Upsells,
       downsells and cross sells as well as one-time offers.

    4. We also plan our entire business upfront so that we can continue to make money from our
       customers in the future.

    5. Lastly we look at how to launch our product to the market when it is ready.


Understanding how the internet marketing sales funnel works is one of the most important skills you
can learn. Most Newbies do not know about this because most gurus do not teach it, at least they
do not teach it to Newbies.

Understanding the sales funnel is absolutely critical because it will be the basis of your entire
business plan. If you do not understand or implement many of the key strategies of a successful
sales funnel, you will make substantially less profit than you should.


All successful marketers use a “Squeeze Page”. A squeeze page is an internet marketing term used
for a page that tries to “squeeze” your visitors email address out of them. A squeeze page is also
known as an opt-in page or lead capture page.

As every successful internet marketer will tell you, “the money is in the list!” This is because most
people do not buy anything from you the first time they come to your website. It usually takes up to
12 visits or interaction with you before they trust you enough to buy from you. So it does not help

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to just throw up a web page and then try to sell something to your visitor the first time they arrive at
your site, because statistically (normally only 1%) they are not going to buy!

This is why the most important thing you can do is GET THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS! This way you can
continue to engage with them via email while you build trust and slowly encourage them to buy
from you. Ideally you want this to be the first page that visitors land on when they arrive at your site

Squeeze Pages are generally very short with only 4 main pieces of information on them:

    •   Attention pulling headline
    •   Brief description and or graphic of the product
    •   A call to action and
    •   An opt-in box where your visitors can enter in their email address.

The reason there is no other information is so that visitors are not distracted in any way because you
are leading them to perform you desired outcome which is to get their email address.

Now the question arises, how do we get the visitor to give us their email address?
 You will generally use “an ethical bribe” to get users to give you their contact details. This means
that you will offer your visitors something of value FOR FREE in exchange for their e-mail address.
You should try to give away something that relates to your business or the offer which you are about
to make or something that solves a burning problem for your customers. You could give away
eBooks, videos, audios, reports, software checklists…anything of VALUE!


When your customer’s type their email address into your opt-in box (mostly from your squeeze
page) the details have to be captured somewhere so that you can store them logically and easily
utilize them in future. Enter one of the best inventions of the internet marketing world, THE

This service captures the details that your visitors type into the squeeze page, typically a first name
and an email address. The auto responder service then stores these names for each different list
that you create. You can then, at any time you like, send out e-mail messages to your entire list.

So typically as soon as they opt into your list by filling in their details in your squeeze page, the auto
responder service will then send out a welcome or thank you message to your visitor thanking them
for opting into the list and giving them a link to the free download that you promised. The beauty of
an auto responder is that you can set up a series of messages once, and this same series of messages
will go out to everyone who opts into your list in the same order and at the same time intervals that
you choose. You do the work of setting up your series of emails only once and from then on the
process is automated so you never have to worry about it again.

Autoresponders can be used to send out any number of emails at a time to your list. The email
messages can be personalised for each of your clients. This increases trust and encourages return
visits to your website. Each email message sent to your customers presents you with an additional
opportunity to sell them something – either your own product or an affiliate product.

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The sales page only has one function and that is to sell your product. There are no other distractions
or links on the sales page. Of course you want to have a good appealing sales page with eye catching
graphics and emotive copy in order to entice your customers to buy your product.

The typical sales page follows a tried and tested formula and is made up of a number of core
components. This means that if you know what they are and what order they need to appear in,
90% of your sales letter construction will already be taken care of!

Sales letters can be in a number of different formats. They could be short (2 pages or so) or long (5-
50pages). They could also consist of only video. In fact sales videos seem to be more popular in the
internet marketing niche at the moment than written sales letters.


A well-crafted sales page can sell even a poor product. I am not suggesting that you do, I am just
pointing out that good copy may be one of the most important, if not THE most important skill that
you can learn. Often the best written sales copy sells the most products.

You can either hire someone to write the copy for you or you can write it yourself. Outsourcing this
can be very costly. If you have a fantastic product that stands to make a fortune, then by all means
consider this option as long as you can afford it. Copywriting services can run anywhere from $500
to $20,000 and more per sales letter! I am sure that you can see that this is a very useful skill worth

For the most part, good internet marketing sales letters are very formulistic. What I mean by this is
that they have a number of key elements and they generally appear in the same order. ALL good
sales letters have the same elements. If you just go to, which is the largest
digital marketplace on the web, you can click on any ad to see a sales letter. I suggest that you study
the internet marketing niche (even if this is not your niche) because they understand the process
better than anyone else.

Some of the components of a successful sales page, in the order in which they generally appear, are:

    •   Headline
    •   Sub-headline
    •   Introduction which usually states the problem that your product will ultimately solve
    •   Establish your credibility
    •   Proof that the product works – normally through testimonials
    •   Features and benefits of your product
    •   Build up the value of your product in the user’s mind- normally through additional bonuses
        of high perceived value
    •   A call to action
    •   Money back guarantee
    •   PS – usually ends the sales letter which is a final push to your customers as to why they
        should buy your product NOW!

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Part of your successful sales letter and indeed any website is the graphics. Graphics can often sell
the product on their own.

If you are creative then you can create your own graphics but most of us will have to outsource this.
Common graphics needs include:

    •   Webpage headers
    •   Footers
    •   Product images
    •   Buy buttons
    •   Banner creation

Getting new customers is up to 10 times more difficult than making more money out of your existing
customers. A great way of making more money from your existing customers is by offering them
Upsells or downsells or one time offers.

This strategy essentially offers them additional products once they have already purchased your
product offering but before they finalise their transaction. The reason this works so well is because
the customer is already in a peak buying state. Once you get the customer to make the decision to
buy from you, they will often be happy to spend more money with you as long as you offer them
good value.

McDonalds’ classic line “would you like fries with that” is the best known example of an Upsell. You
have already bought the burger, they now try and sell you fries as well. Because fries COMPLIMENT
your burger on many occasions you will be happy to buy the fries as well. The same principals apply
to online selling.

One of the best forms of Upsells is known as an OTO or One Time Offer.

As the name suggests, you customers only see this offer once ever, and that is at the time of the
original purchase. What makes this compelling is that it is usually of such a high PERCEIVED value to
your customers that they can’t help themselves but buy the offer. There is also a sense of urgency
built in because once they click off the page, they will never again have the offer available to them.

If they refuse your Upsell or OTO, which will often be as a result of price rather than product, you
can then offer them a down sell which is a cheaper version of the Upsell or OTO. For example if you
Upsell as an additional 30 videos for $97, your down sell could be 10 Videos for $47 instead.

A cross sell would follow the same pattern as Upsells and downsells, the only difference is that the
product may not be directly related to the primary product but the principals are the same. For
example if I am selling a product on how to do article marketing I could offer a product on how to
make money on eBay as cross sell.


[]                                                  Page 30
[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

It is much easier to sell more to your existing customers than it is to try and find new customers. To
really make a lot of money as an internet marketer, you must have a good backend sales system.

What is a backend sales system? This simply refers to the process that you follow once you have
acquired a customer and made a sale to them for the first time. Once they have bought something
from you and you have established a bond with them, they are very likely to buy from you again in
the future. How you tap into this phenomenon is with your backend system. You need to ensure
that your business plan accommodates a back end sales plan and sales funnel. I think from this you
can see that it is better to be in a niche where you can sell multiple products to your customers
rather than only sale.

You can sell your existing customers more of your own products or you can sell them affiliate

It generally costs a lot of money to acquire a new customer, especially if you use paid advertising
methods to do it. If you know the lifetime value of your customer (the amount that your average
customer will spend with you over their lifetime), you can actually afford to make a loss on your first
sale because you know you will make it up on the back end.

This knowledge will allow you to spend more than your competitors on advertising or pay your
affiliates more. This will obviously lead to more customers


Hundreds of products get “launched” online every day. Many of them do not make any money.

In order to make the most out of launching your product and to ensure that you continue the
momentum of the product launch to build your business, you need to plan and prepare properly for
you launch.

It is important to let people know when you will be launching a new product. You need to give
yourself enough time and you need to give your affiliates time for a proper launch. There are a few
key steps which you need to do and these all take time, but the preparation time will be worthwhile.

For a large launch you will need to enlist the help of others, especially if you do not have a list of
your own. All of the huge successful product launches that you have heard about have only been
possible because many people have promoted the item to their list. Joint ventures and affiliates are
a vital piece of this puzzle.

You also have to test your entire sales process as you intend it to be carried out on the day. You do
not want your server crashing because it is overloaded or for there to be problems with your
product downloads.


This is the end of module 4. Let’s have a quick recap of the important things we learnt today:

    •   Your biggest take-away from this section should be the importance of the sales funnel.
        Understand that the money is in the list because you have a chance to build trust and a long

[]                                                   Page 31
[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

        term relationship with your customers. This will increase their lifetime value to you because
        you have their permission to constantly communicate with them and offer them products
        that will help them.

    •   In order to build a list we learned that we should create a squeeze page and use an
        autoresponder to automate the process rather than sending customers directly to our sales
        page, where statistically we have a very small chance of them buying anything from us.

    •   We learned about the different elements of a sales letter which should have put your mind
        at ease because creating a sales letter is actually a lot easier than you may have thought at
        first because of its formulistic nature.

    •   We then learned how to maximise our sales from our existing customers by using Upsells,
        downsells and OTO’s.

    •   We also learned why it is important to create a long term and sustainable backend for your
        business and

    •   Lastly we took a quick look at the importance of planning a product launch.


We have already looked at how to pick a profitable niche and how to create or source profitable
products that your customers will love. Now that we have determined the structure of our sales
funnel, it is time to learn how to build our website.

Let us take a quick overview of what we are going to cover in this module. We will break this section
down into four different parts:

    1. First we are going to look at the different types of websites that you may need depending on
       the business model that you choose. These include single product sites, membership sites,
       affiliate sites, blogs and a full ecommerce site.

    2. Then we are going to look at the basics of setting up your website including hosting and
       registering your domain. This is where I explain the whole process in easy to understand

    3. Then we will look at the technology which is not nearly as scary as most people think. I will
       also show you the easiest solution that will handle 99% of your problems. We will look at
       blogging, content management systems and custom built solutions.

    4. Lastly we will look at the components of a typical information marketing website selling a
       single product. This will cover all of the fundamentals that you need to know as most
       websites will have at least these basic components.

We have already covered squeeze pages and autoresponders in the sales funnel section. We are
now going to look at how to get paid and also how to deliver the product to our customers once we
have been paid.

[]                                                  Page 32
[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]


A single product site is by far the simplest of all the site types, and normally contains only a few
pages. We will take a detailed look at this type of site at the end of this module.

The whole sales funnel is set up to sell a single product.

Membership Sites allow you to sell products or services in a special password protected area which
is accessible only to members.

As long as the member pays their membership fee, access is granted to this special website or
website area.

Different Membership Plans can also be offered to your members. These sites require sophisticated
software to manage your members and the different membership levels (plans), and provide access
to the right areas of your site to the right members. Software can also be set up to drip feed content
to your members at the exact time that you want them to access it.

Other than the special membership software that you simply install on your site, the rest of the
operations will work the same as described above.

An Affiliate Sales Site is a site where one markets other people’s products. You first drive traffic to
your affiliate site and you “pre-sell” them on the product that you are promoting. This is so that
they are already motivated to buy once they land on the vendor’s sales page. You then send people
from your affiliate site to the product owner’s sales page. When your customers buy the product
that you recommended to them, you earn a commission.

This can be in the form of a review sites, Comparison sites or a Recommendation Site.

This is also a very simple site and can often be just a few pages consisting of text and a few images.
As you are not actually selling your own product, only pre-selling your customer on someone else’s
product, you do not have to worry about things like merchant accounts and download pages.

Wordpress is the ideal platform to use for such a site.

A Blog (from Web Log) is an online journal with regular posts. Posts will normally be commentary,
description of events, or other materials like graphics or links.

A blog is usually presented as a person’s own views and opinions and has an informal tone. Most
blogs are interactive and they allow the readers to comment on the blog post.

Blogs are probably the simplest form of website to set up because of how easy it is to use them.
There are also some excellent free blogging platforms like Blogger and Wordpress. They are also
very easy to install and to keep updated. We will discuss blogs in a lot more detail later in the

[]                                                     Page 33
[The Internet Marketing Gameplan]

An e-Commerce site allows for selling multiple products or services. The best know example is

These sites are technically the most challenging to set up and should probably be outsourced to
trained professionals. All of the other sites discussed are simple enough for anyone to understand
and set up although much of it can also be outsourced.

Dedicated software is required to manage the product, categories, discounts etc.

E-Commerce sites also require shopping carts/baskets to allow multiple products to be sold in the
same transaction. Shopping cart software can either be purchased outright or rented on a monthly


The first thing you need to do is register a domain name.

A Domain Name is the name of your business on the Web. A Domain Name can be any combination
of Letters or numbers, and can be up to 63 characters long.

For example, one of my websites has the domain name of This is
effectively the name of my business, just like Wal-Mart is the name of the large US retail giant. This
is now my online shop front and will form the brand that I will be promoting.

Registering your Domain Name
Hundreds of Registrars currently operate online today and the process is virtually painless. These
registrars like will provide you with search tools to establish if the domain name
is available. It will also give you some suggestions if the site is not available, and will allow you to
register the domain with multiple extensions (e.g. .Com or .Net or .Info etc.)

A domain name will cost around $10 per year. You have to renew it annually. You can often pay
hosting for many years in advance to ensure that you do not lose it because you forgot to renew it.

Most domain name service providers will nowadays offer you an automatic renewal option which
means that on renewal date, they will simply debit your credit card and your domain will be valid for
another year.

I would advise registering your domain name as soon as possible. Often it will take you a bit of time
to come up with the best domain names so make sure you have time to do so. Also, the sooner you
register it, the better because then no one will be able to steal it.

One of the most popular domain registration services is


The next thing you need to do is to get hosting for your website.

[]                                                    Page 34
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
The Internet Marketing Gameplan
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The Internet Marketing Gameplan

  • 1. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan The Gameplan] James Molfetas] [ Page 1
  • 2. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Legal Disclaimer This publication is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor publisher assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. The trademarks, screenshots, website links, products and services mentioned in this publication are copyrighted by their respective owners. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. We do not give any kind of guarantee about the accuracy of information provided. In no event will the author and/or marketer be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or other loss or damage arising out of the use of the information in this document by any person, regardless of whether or not informed of the possibility of damages in advance. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright © James Molfetas All rights reserved. There is no resale rights issued with this. [] Page 2
  • 3. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Contents INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................................. 9 NEWBIE ISSUES: .................................................................................................................................. 9 SO WHAT IS INTERNET MARKETING? ............................................................................................... 10 HERE ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS BOOK: ...................................................................................... 11 THIS IS HOW THE COURSE IS STRUCTURED: ..................................................................................... 11 THE SIX OVERALL CONCEPTS: ........................................................................................................... 11 1. Pick a niche................................................................................................................................ 12 2. Create or source your product .................................................................................................. 12 3. Create your sales funnel ........................................................................................................... 12 4. Build your website .................................................................................................................... 12 5. Drive traffic to your website ..................................................................................................... 12 6. Seven different online monetization models............................................................................ 12 NOT A ‘GET RICH QUICK’ SCHEME: ................................................................................................... 13 MODULE 1 – PICK A NICHE: .................................................................................................................. 13 SO, WHAT EXACTLY IS A NICHE? ....................................................................................................... 14 STEP 1 - HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR NICHE: .................................................................................... 16 STEP 2 - RESEARCH: ........................................................................................................................... 16 STEP 2.1 - KEYWORD RESEARCH: ...................................................................................................... 17 STEP 3 - NOW YOU SIMPLY ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS WHAT THEY WANT: ........................................ 17 SURVEYS: ........................................................................................................................................... 18 STEP 4 - GIVE IT TO THEM!:............................................................................................................... 18 MODULE 2 - PRODUCT CREATION ........................................................................................................ 19 INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................................................ 19 SHOULD YOU CREATE PHYSICAL OR DIGITAL PRODUCTS? ............................................................... 19 LET US NOW LOOK AT SOME PRODUCT FORMATS .......................................................................... 20 WRITTEN WORD................................................................................................................................ 20 VIDEO OR DVD .................................................................................................................................. 20 NOW LET US TAKE A LOOK AT PRODUCING AUDIO PRODUCTS: ...................................................... 21 LET US NOW LOOK AT SOFTWARE CREATION: ................................................................................. 22 LASTLY LET’S TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT APPS: ..................................................................................... 22 CONTENT CREATION: ........................................................................................................................ 22 [] Page 3
  • 4. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] PUBLIC LABEL RIGHTS OR PLR: .......................................................................................................... 22 PUBLIC DOMAIN INFORMATION IS FREE!: ........................................................................................ 23 OUTSOURCING: ................................................................................................................................. 23 WAYS TO POSITION YOURSELF: ........................................................................................................ 24 EXPERT: ......................................................................................................................................... 24 FACILITATOR: ................................................................................................................................ 24 CO-ORDINATOR:............................................................................................................................ 24 PRICING - ASSENTION LADDER: ........................................................................................................ 24 LET US NOW LOOK AT SOME PRODUCT EXAMPLES: ........................................................................ 25 LET US TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT MEMBERSHIP SITES (CONTINUITY INCOME) ................................ 26 AFFILIATE MARKETING ...................................................................................................................... 26 MODULE 3 - SALES FUNNEL: ................................................................................................................. 27 INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................................................ 27 THE SQUEEZE PAGE:.......................................................................................................................... 27 AUTORESPONDER: ............................................................................................................................ 28 THE NEXT THING WE NEED IS A HIGH CONVERTING SALES PAGE: ................................................... 29 A CLOSER LOOK AT COPYWRITING: .................................................................................................. 29 GRAPHICS: ......................................................................................................................................... 30 UP-SELLS, DOWN-SELLS, CROSS SELLS AND OTO’S: .......................................................................... 30 BACKEND SALES: ............................................................................................................................... 30 PRODUCT LAUNCHES: ....................................................................................................................... 31 RECAP: ............................................................................................................................................... 31 MODULE 4 – WEBSITE CREATION: ........................................................................................................ 32 CHOOSING WHAT TYPE OF SITE TO CREATE: .................................................................................... 33 SINGLE PRODUCT SITE: ..................................................................................................................... 33 MEMBERSHIP SITE: ........................................................................................................................... 33 AFFILIATE SALE SITE: ......................................................................................................................... 33 BLOG: ................................................................................................................................................ 33 E-COMMERCE SITES: ......................................................................................................................... 34 REGISTER A DOMAIN NAME: ............................................................................................................ 34 Registering your Domain Name .................................................................................................... 34 GET HOSTING .................................................................................................................................... 34 NAME SERVERS: ................................................................................................................................ 35 A QUICK SUMMARY: ......................................................................................................................... 36 [] Page 4
  • 5. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] DOMAIN NAME ESSENTIALS: ............................................................................................................ 36 1 - It is descriptive of my business ................................................................................................ 36 2 - The name is as short and memorable as possible ................................................................... 37 3 - It ends in “.com” ...................................................................................................................... 37 WHAT TECHNOLOGY TO USE: ........................................................................................................... 37 BLOGGING PLATFORM LIKE WORDPRESS: ........................................................................................ 37 CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) LIKE JOOMLA: ................................................................. 38 CUSTOM BUILT WEBSITES: ............................................................................................................... 38 SO, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? : ........................................................................................... 38 STRUCTURE OF A TYPICAL WEBSITE: ................................................................................................ 39 MERCHANT ACCOUNT: ..................................................................................................................... 39 THANK YOU / DOWNLOAD PAGE:..................................................................................................... 40 OWN SITE OR AMAZON S3:............................................................................................................... 40 SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 41 MODULE 5 – DRIVE TRAFFIC PART 1 OF 3: ........................................................................................... 41 AN INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC: ...................................................................................................... 42 SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION OR SEO: ......................................................................................... 42 ON-PAGE SEO: ................................................................................................................................... 42 OFF-PAGE SEO FACTORS: .................................................................................................................. 43 CONTENT:.......................................................................................................................................... 43 TACTICS: ............................................................................................................................................ 44 ARTICLE MARKETING: ....................................................................................................................... 44 ARTICLE SPINNERS: ........................................................................................................................... 45 BLOGGING: ........................................................................................................................................ 45 BUILD YOUR LIST: .............................................................................................................................. 45 OPT IN BOX........................................................................................................................................ 46 AUTORESPONDERS ........................................................................................................................... 46 EMAIL MARKETING: .......................................................................................................................... 46 WEB 2.0 SITES AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: ............................................................................. 46 FACEBOOK: .................................................................................................................................... 47 TWITTER: ....................................................................................................................................... 47 YOUTUBE:...................................................................................................................................... 48 GOOGLE +:..................................................................................................................................... 48 SCRIBD:.......................................................................................................................................... 49 [] Page 5
  • 6. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] SQUIDOO:...................................................................................................................................... 49 HUBPAGES:.................................................................................................................................... 49 SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 50 MODULE 5.1 – DRIVE TRAFFIC PART 2 OF 3: ........................................................................................ 50 COMMENTING ON OTHER PEOPLE’S BLOGS: ................................................................................... 50 VIRAL TOOLS: .................................................................................................................................... 51 TELL A FRIEND SCRIPTS: .................................................................................................................... 51 VIDEO MARKETING: .......................................................................................................................... 51 PODCASTS: ........................................................................................................................................ 52 PRESS RELEASES: ............................................................................................................................... 53 FREE ONLINE CLASSIFIED ADS: .......................................................................................................... 53 PAID REVIEWS: .................................................................................................................................. 53 FORUM AND NEWSGROUP COMMENTS: ......................................................................................... 54 WEB DIRECTORY SUBMISSION: ......................................................................................................... 54 TRAFFIC EXCHANGE: ......................................................................................................................... 54 AD SWAPS: ........................................................................................................................................ 55 WEBINARS AND TELESEMINARS: ...................................................................................................... 55 PUBLISH A NEWSLETTER: .................................................................................................................. 56 SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 56 MODULE 5.2 – TRAFFIC PART 3 OF 3 – PAID TRAFFIC, JOINT VENTURES & AFFILIATES: .................. 56 PAID TRAFFIC: ................................................................................................................................... 57 PAY PER CLICK – PPC AND CPM: ....................................................................................................... 57 PPV OR PAY PER VIEW: ..................................................................................................................... 58 CPA OR COST PER ACTION: ............................................................................................................... 59 BANNER ADS: .................................................................................................................................... 59 SOLO ADS: ......................................................................................................................................... 60 JOINT VENTURE AND AFFILIATES: ..................................................................................................... 61 TRACKING AND CONVERSIONS: ........................................................................................................ 62 SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 64 MODULE 6 - MONETIZATION ................................................................................................................ 64 NICHE MARKETING / INFORMATION MARKETING: .......................................................................... 65 AFFILIATE MARKETING: ..................................................................................................................... 66 CPA .................................................................................................................................................... 67 BLOGGING: ........................................................................................................................................ 68 [] Page 6
  • 7. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] ADSENSE: .......................................................................................................................................... 69 DOMAIN AND WEBSITE FLIPPING: .................................................................................................... 70 EBAY AND CRAIGSLIST....................................................................................................................... 71 YAHOO! STORES OR OTHER E-COMMERCE STORES: ........................................................................ 72 SUMMARY: ........................................................................................................................................ 72 MODULE 7 – PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: ............................................................................................ 73 PICK A NICHE: .................................................................................................................................... 76 Brainstorm niche ideas: ................................................................................................................ 77 Research:....................................................................................................................................... 77 Ask campaign: ............................................................................................................................... 77 PRODUCT CREATION: ........................................................................................................................ 77 Own or affiliate products?: ........................................................................................................... 77 Product formats: ........................................................................................................................... 78 Content creation: .......................................................................................................................... 78 SALES FUNNEL: .................................................................................................................................. 78 Squeeze page and autoresponder: ............................................................................................... 78 Sales letter: ................................................................................................................................... 79 Create Up-sells, Down-sells or an OTO: ........................................................................................ 79 Back end sales: .............................................................................................................................. 79 Product launch: ............................................................................................................................. 79 WEBSITE CREATION: ......................................................................................................................... 80 Set-up: ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Type of Site: .................................................................................................................................. 80 Technology: ................................................................................................................................... 80 Squeeze page, autoresponder and sales page: ............................................................................ 81 Merchant account: ........................................................................................................................ 81 Download page: ............................................................................................................................ 81 Deliver the product: ...................................................................................................................... 81 TRAFFIC: ............................................................................................................................................ 81 Tracking and conversions:............................................................................................................. 83 MONETIZATION:................................................................................................................................ 83 CONCLUSION:.................................................................................................................................... 83 The Internet Marketing Gameplan flowchart – Part 1 ..................................................................... 85 The Internet Marketing Gameplan flowchart – Part 2 ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined. [] Page 7
  • 8. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] IMPORTANT NOTE: Get the FREE video version of this book at It is broken down into 10 modules totalling just over 5-hours of no-fluff content. [] Page 8
  • 9. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] INTRODUCTION: Hello, James Molfetas here. Thank you so much for your interest in The Internet Marketing Gameplan. I promise that you will not be disappointed. In the next few short hours, you are finally about to discover exactly how the entire internet marketing process works! Before you commence on this exciting journey, I would like to offer you two quick words of advice that will exponentially improve your learning experience. Firstly, print out the two page flow chart at the back of this book. Keep it in front of you at all times as you follow along in the notes because being able to see the “big picture” as you cover each small component will accelerate your learning experience and your understanding of the material. If you are a more visual person and you have not already done so, feel free to download the FREE video version of this book at It is broken down into 10 modules totalling just over 5-hours of no-fluff content. Once you have finished either reading this book or watching the videos, you will know more than 95% of all internet marketers which means that you will probably be able to crush your competition! I created this course for internet marketing Newbies. My definition of newbie has nothing to do with the amount time that you have been trying to make money online. If you currently make less than $1,000 per month online, then this course is specifically designed to help you break the $1,000 per month barrier. The hardest thing is to make your first dollar. After that, the next milestone is to make $1,000. And if you can make $1,000 then you can make anything because the principals that you need to make $1,000 are the same as the principals to make $100,000! So the first goal is to get you to make $1 if you have not already done so, and then to make $1,000 per month NEWBIE ISSUES: The two most common frustrations that internet marketing Newbies (people earning less than $1,000 per month) have are: 1. Not knowing where to start building an online business and 2. Total information overload! This leads to total overwhelm which causes many people to quit the game or they just never get started. This is what this book is about. I created it to help Newbies who just do not know who to turn to for help or how to turn their current online efforts into a profitable online business. I spent a year studying internet marketing before I got my first site up because I did not know where to start. Once I did start, as soon as I learned about a topic, it would naturally lead me to another topic. I would then study this topic, and guess what, it would lead me to another topic. It was like trying to complete a giant 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle but without having the box with the picture of what I was trying to build. [] Page 9
  • 10. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] This was frustrating for two reasons: Firstly, I began to think that this process of discovery would never end. I came very close to giving up. Fortunately after a year of this, I found that I had learned all of the pieces of the puzzle and more importantly because I now knew what the big picture looked like, I also knew where each piece of this internet marketing jigsaw was supposed to fit. Secondly, I studied stuff that I did not need. At least, I did not need it at the time. I was just building little segments of the jigsaw puzzle without knowing where they fit into the big picture. Had I known this in advance by having knowledge of the overall picture (the cover on the box) then I would have known which things to study at that particular time in my journey as an internet marketer. And this is why I developed this book /course. It was borne out of my own personal frustration and as I discovered when I did some research, this is a major stumbling block for so many Newbies. So many people are too overwhelmed by information overload and not knowing where to start, that they never start. SO WHAT IS INTERNET MARKETING? My definition is: “it is the process of selling (marketing) products and / or services on the internet to make money.” This whole process can be summarized in 3 steps: 1. Pick a niche whom you want to sell something to 2. Ask them what they want 3. Give it to them - sell them what they want! So for example, I am involved in the internet marketing niche, I have determined that most marketers do not know where to start or feel overwhelmed by information overload and so I produced this course / book. So as you can see this is a simple process, it is just not easy! Before I give you the structure of the course, I just want to give you a bit of encouragement. You do not need to know everything - There are so many different facets to internet marketing that you will probably never be an expert at all of them. Anyway, technology changes every day! The goal with this book is to give you a good overview of as many elements as I could think of that could potentially be involved in your internet marketing business. You do not have to be a “techie” person – In some ways it is better not to be technically proficient! I say this because then you will tend to spend a lot of time doing technical things, which you could easily outsource to others. This time, I believe, could be better spent in other aspects of your business. I started with zero technical skills. Today while I am not brilliant, I have come a long way and can help myself BUT I STILL OUTSOURCE ALL TECHNICAL STUFF! Nothing is complicated – in all of my research, I never came across instances where people said things were complicated. There are resources to find out how to do anything and as already mentioned, you can just outsource stuff that you feel you cannot do or you simply do not want to do. [] Page 10
  • 11. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] HERE ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS BOOK: The ultimate aim is to build up a framework for you, to show you the big picture. I will also show you where all of the smaller components fit into the big picture. We will do this in a logical and systematic way. We will do this in bite-size chunks to avoid overwhelming you. Each module / chapter will build on the previous one. At the end I will then take you through the entire process and help you map out a plan that is appropriate for YOU to launch an online business. This will be based on your personality and your available resources (mainly time and money). The value here is that you spend a little bit of good quality time upfront to determine which type of internet marketing business best suits you. You then understand which tools and technologies you need to research and then you do ONLY THAT! If you do not, you could find yourself being a student for too long and not actually making any money. THIS IS HOW THE COURSE IS STRUCTURED: First I am going to give you a good broad overview of the fundamental concepts. This is not really rocket science; the difficulty comes when looking at the various different component parts. I have broken this down into JUST SIX concepts. From this I will further break each overall concept into its smaller individual parts. Then we will get to the detail of each of these groups as this is where the rubber hits the road. The devil is really in the detail. I will give you an overview of what each small component consists of. I will show you how it fits into the big picture and then I will suggest appropriate resources should you need more information on any topic. At the end, after we have built up a comprehensive overview of the process of making money online, I will take you through a process to help you formulate your own online business plan that suits your personality and your personal circumstances. THE SIX OVERALL CONCEPTS: The course is broken down into these 6 areas and it is done in a specific order: 1. Pick a niche 2. Create or source your product 3. Create your sales funnel 4. Build your website 5. Drive traffic to your website 6. Seven different online monetization models [] Page 11
  • 12. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] 1. Pick a niche - A niche is just a fancy way of describing a group of people with a particular interest. Many people have great difficulty with this when they first start. If you are a newbie and I ask you right now, what niche will you choose, can you give me an answer? Also, many internet marketers will be active in multiple niches. You probably also have a lot more marketable skills than you realise. 2. Create or source your product - Each niche is different and so it will require different products. These products could be physical products or virtual downloadable products. I will give you a far more detailed product creation session later but for now just know that there are MANY more possibilities than you can imagine. 3. Create your sales funnel – This may be one of the most important things you learn in this course. So many Newbies just have no inkling about this because the gurus seldom talk about it. Basically, this is designing your entire business model before you build your website. Your success as an internet marketer depends on how you build your sales funnel. 4. Build your website – By the time you have chosen your niche and the type of product you will sell and after you have mapped out your sales funnel, you will then know which type of website to build. You will build different types of sites for different business models. Website creation will need to take the technical details of the business into account. For example, you will need to find a way to collect the money from your customers before you deliver their goods or you may need a shopping cart depending on your business model. This section also covers the basics of how to register domains and purchase hosting. 5. Drive traffic to your website - Once you have your product set up on your website which is integrated with your merchant account, you then need to tell the world that you exist. All of your efforts will be wasted if nobody knows about or ever visits your site. By far the vast majority internet marketing products focus on this area. This is effectively the “marketing” part of “internet marketing”. There are basically 2 ways to get people to your site. This involves spending TIME, MONEY OR BOTH. We will look at free traffic, paid traffic and how to get traffic using joint ventures and affiliates. We will also look at how best to convert this traffic into paying customers by constantly tracking our conversions and tweaking our sales funnel to maximise our conversions. 6. Seven different online monetization models - To qualify for my listing, it has to be a BUSINESS and not a job. A job is where you trade your time for money, such as writing articles for people and charging for it. A job will not get you the internet marketing lifestyle that we all desire. You need to be able to make money when you are not there. Typically, you put in the work up front, for which you do not immediately get paid but if you do it right, you only have to do it once and get paid forever! That my friends, is the Holy Grail. At the end we will build your own personalised online business plan together. [] Page 12
  • 13. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] You will probably have noticed that the stuff you probably wanted first, the seven online business models, is the last thing I discuss. There is a very good reason for this and I urge you not to skip ahead. Complete the modules in the order that I have presented them to you. Once you have completed the entire book, you will realise that NO MATTER WHICH MONETIZATION MODEL YOU CHOOSE, everything that you learn in this course will be relevant to any of the models. It will all just fall into place. NOT A ‘GET RICH QUICK’ SCHEME: I have to warn you from the outset that this is not a get rich quick scheme even though some people are lucky. I want you to understand that while the rewards are great, you will have to work for it however. So you really need two things: 1. The willingness to put in the required work (or outsource it!) and 2. The willingness to learn the business (reading this book is your first step). Generally as you get better at the business and it becomes more established, you can then work less and earn more but this is usually not so when you start. I do think that having some money to start will definitely help but it is not essential. You could really start with as little as $100, or less if you really had to. As I introduce you to the different concepts, I will recommend many tools that you will need or find useful. Some will be free and some you will have to pay for if you choose to use them. Many tools are just “nice to have” but there are a few ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TOOLS that you will need. I will tell you which ones you REALLY NEED. I warn you now that you can spend an absolute fortune on internet marketing products. While I have no real problem with this because I have spent my fair share on them, I will try to help you spend your money wisely. I will consequently recommend many free tools that you can use, especially early on in your career. I will also provide you with many resources. As you become more experienced you will know if you need to invest in any particular area. MODULE 1 – PICK A NICHE: We are going to get the ball rolling by learning all about how to pick your niche. This is the first of the six steps that you need to master in order to make money online. This module has 3 components: . 1) The first thing is “How to determine a niche” This is the first step where you need to brainstorm ideas for a niche that you want to build a business around. 2) The next step is “Keyword research” [] Page 13
  • 14. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Now you need to research the ideas that you brainstormed to determine whether there is a high probability of being able to make money out of the niche that you have chosen. 3) Lastly you conduct an “Ask Campaign” You do this in order to develop products that your market WANTS. The best thing to do is to simply ask your customers what they want and then when they tell you, you simply create the products that meet all their ‘wants”. Then sell it to them! Now let us take a look at these factors in a lot more detail. SO, WHAT EXACTLY IS A NICHE? If you want to make money online, you must have something to sell. It could be a product or a service. The first thing you have to do is determine which NICHE you are going to sell your products or services to. Picking a niche is the starting point of successful internet marketing. By definition, a niche is a segment of a larger market. More specifically, it is a FOCUSSED, TARGETABLE portion of a market. A niche is just a fancy way of describing a group of people with a particular interest. For example chess players, gardeners, rose gardeners, raw food dieters, golfers, internet marketers and the list just goes on and on. These people are a tightly knit group of people with a specific NEED or WANT. If you know more than anyone else about your niche and you can satisfy their wants or needs, then they will be prepared to pay you for this and you have the basis for a profitable online business. In many ways, the process of finding a niche is the most difficult part of the process of starting your online business. If you get it wrong you will spend many wasted hours pouring yourself into products that do not sell. This is perhaps best illustrated by an example: [] Page 14
  • 15. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Let us tie this to the idea of information products. I am currently involved in internet marketing and am quite PASSIONATE about it. I have read a lot about the topic, own many programs developed by many of the industry “gurus” and have many software tools that help me with my business. So I have a niche interest called “internet marketing” Now internet marketing is a VERY BROAD TOPIC (OR NICHE). You are consuming this material right now because perhaps you are staring out and you do not really know where to begin. You may have started off searching for the term “make money online” or “internet marketing”. You probably got millions of results. (At the time I did it I got 161 million results for “internet marketing”). So if I were choosing such a broad niche, I would be competing in an almost impossible market because of the remote chance of someone finding my product. So after reading a bit you probably realised that you were getting nowhere and you may have refined your search to “how to start making money online” or “internet marketing for Newbies”. You will have noticed that you still got millions of results but FAR FEWER THAN THE BROAD SEARCH FOR “INTERNET MARKETING” (I got 3 million at the time I did the search for “internet marketing for Newbies”). So what has happened here? I took the main niche of “internet marketing” and I decided to focus on a smaller subset of this niche being “internet marketing for Newbies”. This is probably why you found this course. I doubt that you would have found me if I was advertising the broad niche of “internet marketing” As you go through this course and your internet marketing career, you are going to find that you need to know more information about say ADVERTISING your product. Now there are people who are going to make products that cater just for this. These people will be experts in just this topic. So now you can see that the broad niche of internet marketing has been broken down into “internet marketing for Newbies” and then into advertising for internet marketers. When I did the search for “Internet marketing advertising” I got 1,38 million searches. Again less than the two broader niches above. Guess what? Internet advertising can be broken down further into say banner advertising or pay per click (PPC). (We will cover all of this later in the course). There are people who are experts at Google PPC advertising, also known as Google Adwords. My search for “advertising with PPC” yielded only 29,600 results. Ok, I think that I have made the point. In summary, the idea of niche marketing is to identify a group of people who have a common interest (with a NEED OR WANT) and then market a product that will be of particular interest and relevance to this group. [] Page 15
  • 16. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Often times, the smaller AND THUS MORE TARGETED the niche group you are catering for, the greater the profit potential! This is generally because the more targeted you make your niche, the more specialised the products or knowledge required in this niche. This will mean that people will be prepared to pay more for these products or information. So for example you may broadly know what PPC is but in order for you to actually make money from it, you will have to study it quite comprehensively and there are far fewer people who are true experts on the topic. Their knowledge is thus not as freely available as other topics may be and so they can charge a lot of money for this specialised knowledge. STEP 1 - HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR NICHE: Now that you know what a niche is and what the goal of choosing a successful niche is, you will want to look at your own personal expertise as a starting point to brainstorm different potential niches to create a business around. Generally it is preferable to pick a niche that you are knowledgeable about at the very least. The best niche is one which you are passionate about. This will become important when you have to continually create new content. It is much easier doing something that you love. That said, while it is preferable to love your topic and know a bit about it, it is not essential! If you read 3-5 books on a topic, you will effectively be “an expert”. There are many checklists and ideas that you can follow to brainstorm your interests. You can use the one included in this course to help you to brainstorm niche ideas. STEP 2 - RESEARCH: Once you have a number of potential topics, you need to narrow down your selection to find the niche that is best suited to you. This is where you need to start doing some research. You then need to research if there really is a market for your chosen niche. This is where Google comes into play. The key is to determine how popular a topic is. Contrary to what seems logical, often the more competitors in a niche the better! This is because it proves that there is a demand in the niche and hence money. Your job is to establish how profitable the potential niche is by the number of people interested in it. You will then determine how many competitors there are and what types of products they are selling and of course how much they are charging. Then you want to determine whether you can make a better product that your customers will be prepared to buy from you. Of course on very rare occasions you may be able to find a great niche with little or no competition. This is jackpot time baby! While this does not happen often because of the maturity of internet marketing, it does happen. Now it is time to do keyword research. [] Page 16
  • 17. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] STEP 2.1 - KEYWORD RESEARCH: You are going to hear a lot about keyword research. It is the cornerstone of all internet marketing. For example, let us say that you are looking for information on “low carb diets”. Most people would just go to Google and type in “low carb diets” and Google would return millions of results. The three words that you type in (low carb diets) are what are known as keywords. Keywords can be single words or a phrase like this consisting of 3 or more words. This is what makes the whole internet world go round. Now what if there were only a few thousand search results returned by Google for this keyword phrase? Well, it would probably mean that there is not enough demand in the market for this product. Google has a free key word tool that you can find by just typing in “Google keyword tool” into the search engines. Or you can click here for the Free Google Keyword Tool This tool will tell you how many times a month people search for any given keyword. It will also make suggestions to you for other keywords that are related to your search and how many times a month that key word is searched for. So “Atkins” or “Atkins diet” or “high protein diet” are related keywords that you need to look at. Becoming good at keyword research is absolutely critical to all internet marketers. There are many specialist keyword tools on the market that perform different functions than what we have looked at here. These are normally paid tools but can often be useful. However the free Google tool is generally sufficient for most applications. The paid tools automate many manual processes that you would have to perform with the Google tool and this is often where their value lies because in most instances they use the Google search engine to get their raw keyword data. Keywords have many uses such as giving an indication of the potential demand of the product. It also helps us to determine which keywords to target for a pay per click campaign or to help us optimise our websites so that we can be found in Google when someone types in “low carb diet”. This is known as Search Engine Optimization of SEO for short. That is a whole topic on its own and will be covered in a later book. STEP 3 - NOW YOU SIMPLY ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS WHAT THEY WANT: Once you have chosen your niche, you need to determine what products your target market will actually pay for. So many people develop products that they thought were great and then nobody buys them. Here is one of the most important things I will tell you in this course so listen carefully! PEOPLE BUY WHAT THEY WANT AND NOT NECESSARILY WHAT THEY NEED! Especially if you are developing your own information product, you do not want to waste time and money doing so if nobody is going to buy it. [] Page 17
  • 18. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] The easiest way to ensure the success of your product is to ask people what they want. You are trying to find out what their biggest frustrations, fears and problems are. If you can produce a product that solves a problem, you have a winner on your hands. What better way to create a product than by getting people to tell you what their biggest fears, frustrations and problems are. There are many ways to do this. You can do it by researching what people are saying by reading things like blogs, newsletters and forums. This is often a very good way to find out what people are talking about even though it can be a bit time consuming. SURVEYS: A great way to find out what people want is simply to ask them. There are numerous online survey sites which will allow you to set up an online survey with as many questions as you like. You then just need to drive people to the survey and ask them what they want. Normally you would do so with the promise of something free for the time they took to fill out the survey. When I launched my garage sale blueprint product, I asked people what they wanted me to cover in my course. In return I gave a free copy of the course to the people who participated in my survey once it was complete. There are some very good paid survey options out there but there are also several free options. I did a small pay per click (PPC) campaign on Google where I paid for the traffic when I recently launched one of my products called Garage Sale Blueprint. It was however a small price to pay because it gave me a chance to assess the size of my market and what they wanted. So if my results were terrible, I would have known upfront that the product would probably not sell and thus I should forget the idea at that point before I spent any more time and money developing the product. If it got a poor response, I would have only been out of pocket by a few bucks and I may have had a dented ego for a few days! If you have a subscriber list or a blog, you can use these resources to do your survey. It is often a good idea to survey your existing customers regularly to ensure you keep giving them world class service. It will also give you new ideas for products that you can develop for them! STEP 4 - GIVE IT TO THEM!: Once your research is complete and you have a high demand product, you simply create your product and cover all the items that your customers asked for when you did your survey. A good trick is to use this survey information to write your sales letter before your create your product! You simply use all the points that your customers mentioned in your sales letter and make sure you cover all the important points, and then you build your product to agree to the sales letter. And you are done! You do not have to sell your own product. There may be products available that you can simply re- sell as an affiliate (we will talk more about this later) [] Page 18
  • 19. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] MODULE 2 - PRODUCT CREATION Now we are going to look how to use all of this information we acquired from the first two modules to create the actual product for our customers. There are 4 parts to this module: 1. First we will look at creating our own product. 2. There are 5 different types of information products that we can create. They are eBooks, Videos, Audios, software and apps. 3. We will then look at how to price our products 4. Then we discover how to easily create the content for your products. We look at how to get free or cheap content that we can use as the basis of our products and we even look at outsourcing the product creation process to someone else. Lastly we look at an alternative to creating our own products. We can actually sell products that other people have created as an affiliate. INTRODUCTION: Creating products to sell is one of the biggest reasons that people never really get started in this business. People are intimidated by the mere thought of having to create a product because they do not know what content to create a product on or how to do it. There are fortunately many solutions to this problem. The good news is that it is easier than you many think. In fact you do not even need to create your own product. You can sell other people’s products and earn a commission on every sale. This is called affiliate marketing. I bet you that there are more different types of information products than you thought possible! I want to introduce you to a number of possibilities just to get your mind thinking in the right direction. SHOULD YOU CREATE PHYSICAL OR DIGITAL PRODUCTS? For almost all of the products that I am going to talk about now, you can either deliver the product digitally or you can have a physical product made which you will need to ship to your customer. Each of these options obviously has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes you could also do a combination of the two. In most cases I think that the benefits of digital products trump physical products. Some people prefer physical products such as books because they are used to it. However with technology advancing as much as it has with things like the Apple IPod for audio products and the Kindle for books, consumers are becoming far more used to digital products. [] Page 19
  • 20. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Physical products are also far more labour intensive than digital products. They need to be manufactured, stored and physically shipped. This takes up more TIME and MONEY to deliver this to people. The great advantage that digital products have over physical products is that you can deliver it to your customers instantly. People love this. No, people nowadays EXPECT this. If you are looking to solve a problem at 3a.m. and you find the perfect product, if you can get immediate access, you will even be happy to pay a premium. Digital products cost nothing to produce once the product is created and almost nothing to ship, just a bit of bandwidth. Having built an overwhelming case for digital products, physical products do have their place. We will look at some examples later. LET US NOW LOOK AT SOME PRODUCT FORMATS Essentially, there are a number of different forms that your products can take. We will first look at the formats and then we will brainstorm examples of the different formats. WRITTEN WORD The book is the oldest information product available. Today the physical book has mostly been superseded by a digital product also known as an “eBook”. The most common form is a PDF document which can be read by anyone with a computer. People who do not have the Microsoft Word program (or similar) on their computer may not be able to read your Microsoft® Word™ document without spending money on the software but they will be able to read the PDF for free. After creating your masterpiece in a word processor such as Microsoft® Word™, there are many programs that are available to simply convert that document into a PDF at the click of a button. These programs are free. This is important because people cannot easily edit a PDF like they can a Microsoft Word document. Most free programs will not allow adequate protection of the document, which means that people could convert the PDF to some other format and edit it that way. There are commercial programs such as Adobe® that will allow you to protect your content. VIDEO OR DVD For many years, the written word reigned supreme. However in recent times, video products have made the greatest impact. All of today’s top marketers produce video products. This is because customers would much prefer to watch an hour long video than spend a day reading the PDF. It is also much easier to show your customers step-by-step what you are trying to teach them. Videos also have the highest perceived value. You can often sell a video version of the PDF for 10 times more. [] Page 20
  • 21. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] Again you can ship a physical product or just let customers download the video and watch it instantly. Another option is to allow customers to “stream” the video feed without them having to download the product. This will allow you to protect the video content if you feel this is necessary. Obviously they will have to be online while they watch your video. Producing videos is actually much easier than you may think. With the advent of high definition, relatively inexpensive video cameras can produce amazing video quality. In the world of information marketing, you do not need to create “studio perfect” videos. People appreciate raw and real because they associate more with “real people”. Many marketers will often leave mistakes that they made in their videos just to show their customers their human fallibility. Almost every successful internet marketer today produces screen capture videos. There is fantastic software available that allows you to record everything that you see and hear on your computer screen. The most popular form that this takes is creating a PowerPoint presentation and then recording the screen while recoding the audio and then producing a video. For internet marketing applications, one can show customers exactly how one performs certain functions. Very powerful stuff! If you are going to create videos you really should consider investing in commercial screen capture software. Techsmith produces the premier product called Camtasia, which is available for PC and Mac. The videos that you are can download for free with this book were produced using Camtasia. You can download the videos here: Mac users often prefer a program called Screenflow because they say that it works better for the Mac than Camtasia. If you are going to be a successful internet marketer, you WILL NEED TO PRODUCE VIDEOS. These two products are the gold standard and you really should think of them as a business expense. Buy them once and use them forever. If you use a PC, get Camtasia and if you use a Mac get Screenflow. Note, there are certain free programs that will allow you to create basic videos such as Windows® Live Moviemaker, Cam Studio and Jing. These are ok to start with but if you are serious about internet marketing, you should invest in the commercial programs. NOW LET US TAKE A LOOK AT PRODUCING AUDIO PRODUCTS: Audio is still a very popular choice because people can consume the product while doing other things so it does not cost them any extra time. I have listened to countless information products on my IPod while I was driving or at gym. The mp3 player is now a household necessity. Apple has helped develop this market with their IPod but there are many other mp3 players out there. There are many ways to record audio. You can either purchase audio software or utilise online services that will allow you to phone in to their system and record your message. They will then create the MP3s for you and then email it you. Easy as that! [] Page 21
  • 22. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] When using Camtasia or Screenflow, you can also rip the audio from any video that you produce at the touch of a button to create instant MP3’s. This suddenly gives you two products when you make a video! LET US NOW LOOK AT SOFTWARE CREATION: This can again take two forms. Most software is simply downloaded directly nowadays but in rare circumstances you can still get it on a disc. This is not the two forms of software product that I am referring to though. You can either sell the software outright where the customer pays a once-off fee and then owns the software and can use it forever without having to pay again or you could get customers to pay annual license fees or better yet monthly fees. In this case the software is often online software so the customer does not have to download it to their desktop. They can log into the software from any computer with internet access anywhere in the world. For example, if you buy Microsoft office, you only pay once and then you can use it over and over. You would only ever have to pay again if you decide to upgrade to a later version. If you chose not to upgrade, you would never have to pay again. I pay an annual license fee for my accounting system. Each year they invoice me, I pay them and they send me a new license key to unlock the program for another year. The best examples of monthly billing are for recurring services. You pay monthly web hosting fees for example. I also pay a monthly fee to Aweber for my auto responder. LASTLY LET’S TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT APPS: Another popular product nowadays is the lowly “app”. Millions of apps get sold every month now for cell phones, IPads and other tablets. If you can dream it, someone has (or will) create an app for it! Make sure that you are the one who creates the app to fill an important need. This is a great example of when to outsource product creation to a skilled programmer. We are going to look at outsourcing in a little while. CONTENT CREATION: One of the biggest challenges for internet marketers is how to get their content. They are looking for ideas and for the actual content which they will package at the end of the day. Clearly if you want to succeed as a top internet marketer, you will need to have original content that is in demand. Let us look at some useful places to get content. PUBLIC LABEL RIGHTS OR PLR: [] Page 22
  • 23. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] There is a very popular concept on the internet today called Private Label rights or PLR. This is a very broad term and encompasses quite a lot. In a nutshell what it means is that people produce products in a niche and then they sell those products to others with the right for those other people to do various things with that product. Most often, people will have the right to sell that same product to others over and over because they now become the product owner. If one can just sell the product exactly as it is, this is known as the “Resale Right”. If one is allowed to also sell their customers the right to sell the product to someone else, this is known as a “Master resell right”. The best form is a pure private label product. This will often give the buyer the right to alter the product in any way they see fit. They can rewrite it, claim authorship of it, change the sales letter and graphics etc. Many new products are spawned from using a PLR product as a base and then improving on it. There are many PLR sites on the net that charge a monthly fee for the right to access and download as much product as one wants while one pays ones subscription fee. This product is often used as content for products, articles and websites. You can also buy individual products for a very small fee if you do not want to join a membership site. Many Newbies often start with PLR products because for a relatively low investment, one can have a ready-made supply of products to sell. PUBLIC DOMAIN INFORMATION IS FREE!: Another place to get content that you can rework is known as public domain content. Public domain refers to early literary works where the author’s rights have expired. You can treat this information like PLR information and put your name on the book. Most of these books have excellent content, especially for “evergreen” topics. You may however just have to modernise the content. One example of this that most people know is the book “Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill. Many people have sold this book as is. Others have created entire home study courses around the material in the book. In the US, all works created before 1923 are now in the public domain, while many other works published later will also be in the public domain. Public domain also includes other creative works such as movies, music, books, manuals, photographs, posters, software and more OUTSOURCING: Your internet business lends itself perfectly to the wonderful world of outsourcing. Outsourcing simply means getting other people with more skills than you in a particular area to do what you cannot do or choose not to do or where the tasks are just not economically feasible for you to do. This is particularly useful for people who live in developed first world countries. This is because resources in those countries, such as the US, are relatively expensive. The trick is then to outsource internet related tasks (which can include product development) to people in countries where the [] Page 23
  • 24. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] general standard of living is lower and where people are used to getting paid less. This does not mean that the quality of the work is poor; it just means that it is cheaper. Prime countries for outsourcing include India, Pakistan and the Philippines. There are a few well known internet sites which control this whole process so that you know that your work is guaranteed and the person doing the work knows that they will get paid so it is really very easy to outsource your requirements. Every successful internet marketer outsources something; some even outsource their entire business. However, outsourcing is a skill in its own right that does take some application to perfect. It is a vital skill which will be well worth the time to learn. WAYS TO POSITION YOURSELF: There are a few ways to position yourself when creating original content. EXPERT: You can position yourself as the expert. You use your own knowledge to create the content for your products. You are the Guru. FACILITATOR: You can also play the role of a host interviewer. You seek out other experts in your chosen field and then you interview them and create products by pulling it all together. For example you may do a series of video or audio interviews. As you do more interviews, you become “an expert” by association because every time an expert comes up, YOUR NAME gets mentioned. CO-ORDINATOR: You can take the facilitator role a bit further. This is where you get different experts in your niche to contribute small bits of their expertise and then you combine it all into a product. For example you could get 10 different experts in your niche to each contribute one chapter of what you publish as a 10-chapter book. Generally everyone will feel comfortable within at least one of these categories. So there really should be no excuse for not producing good content and products. You will also generally be able to produce the types of products that you feel comfortable with. For example if you do not feel comfortable on video, you can produce audio products or get someone else to do the voiceovers for you. PRICING - ASSENTION LADDER: [] Page 24
  • 25. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] I want to discuss a concept that I got from Russell Brunson called the assention ladder. In the world of internet marketing, the different types of products have different perceived values. As you change the format of the product, the perceived value (and hence what you can charge) increases. Typically the written word would have the lowest value. An eBook on a topic may sell for say $9.99. If one then makes an audio recording of the eBook, it may now sell for say $27 to $47. If one then creates a video (even a screen capture video we spoke of earlier), this product may now sell for say $97. What if you were to hold a live event? Now you may be able to charge say $297 to $999 for your product. The next step could be small mastermind groups that you train together. It is not unusual for the top marketers to charge $10k-$20k a year for this. Next is one on one coaching. Lastly, right at the top is where you simply do whatever the client needs for them. They do not have to learn it as you just do it. In general, the closer one gets to the “guru”, the more one has to pay for the privilege. So while we speak of internet marketing, this does not mean that product fulfilment will only be in the form of digital or physical products. The internet will often act as the base for building your reputation. You can then cash in offline by consulting or performing “done for you” services for your client. A great way to create products would be by starting higher up this ascension ladder that I just told you about and then working your way back down. Start with a live event. This is the only bit that you have to do. You can now outsource the rest. Get someone to video the event for you and now you have a video product. You can then rip the audio for an MP3 and then transcribe the content to create a pdf. You can then mix and match these in any way you please to create many products from just one live event! LET US NOW LOOK AT SOME PRODUCT EXAMPLES: Here is a list of possible products that one can create: • Books & eBooks • Newsletters • Magazines • Monthly DVD or CD – physical or digital • Software • Apple or android apps • Audio products • Multimedia – i.e. a combination of formats • Home study kits • Special reports [] Page 25
  • 26. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] • Live events • Coaching • Consulting • Done for you services • Webinars • Teleseminars • Mastermind groups • Workshops • Certifications • PLR and public domain products • Membership sites and continuity programs LET US TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT MEMBERSHIP SITES (CONTINUITY INCOME) The best form of online business is when you can bill your customers month after month. If you create a product that your customers want and you continually update it with relevant and useful content, you will have the makings of a great business. There are many different formats and variations of memberships that one can sell. There are open ended memberships which go on until customers cancel and there are memberships with a fixed term. This is such a broad topic and really has many facets ranging from the concept to the content to the technical side of the software required to manage everything on autopilot. However, virtually all of the successful internet marketers today have some sort of membership site or continuity program. AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate marketing is a huge topic on its own but I think that it is appropriate to include it here in the product development section. We take a much more detailed look at it in the traffic and monetization videos later in the course. Affiliates sell other peoples products for a commission. By now the lights should be going on because you can make a good living on the internet marketing other people’s products, which means that you never actually have to produce a product of your own! You can start earning money immediately! Now I am not suggesting that you follow this route but it certainly is an option. There are some very wealthy “super affiliates” who make an excellent income. However, most successful marketers sell their own stuff. In fact they sell their own stuff and act as affiliates for others. The only way that these huge figure profit launches that you hear of are possible is by many people selling your products. Even if you give away 50%, you will still make more money by having 3 or more affiliates selling your product than you could produce on your own. The way it works is that you include a piece of code on your website, in your ads or emails that attract your customers. When they click on your link, they are then taken to the vendors purchase [] Page 26
  • 27. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] page. The code is then identified as belonging to you and you get credit for the sale. The biggest online digital marketplace is called ClickBank. Go and visit to get an idea of the type of products that get sold in your industry. MODULE 3 - SALES FUNNEL: We are now going to look at building a profitable sales funnel. This is the third major concept that you need to know about to make money online. Let us take a look at an overview of the whole process: 1. The first thing we do is create a squeeze page for our site to collect our visitors e-mail addresses so that we can email them content and product offerings. We will also need an autoresponder to collect and organise all of our lists. 2. We then need to write a compelling sales letter, which means we need to understand basic copywriting and graphics requirements for our site. 3. We then look at ways to make additional money off our existing customers with Upsells, downsells and cross sells as well as one-time offers. 4. We also plan our entire business upfront so that we can continue to make money from our customers in the future. 5. Lastly we look at how to launch our product to the market when it is ready. INTRODUCTION: Understanding how the internet marketing sales funnel works is one of the most important skills you can learn. Most Newbies do not know about this because most gurus do not teach it, at least they do not teach it to Newbies. Understanding the sales funnel is absolutely critical because it will be the basis of your entire business plan. If you do not understand or implement many of the key strategies of a successful sales funnel, you will make substantially less profit than you should. THE SQUEEZE PAGE: All successful marketers use a “Squeeze Page”. A squeeze page is an internet marketing term used for a page that tries to “squeeze” your visitors email address out of them. A squeeze page is also known as an opt-in page or lead capture page. As every successful internet marketer will tell you, “the money is in the list!” This is because most people do not buy anything from you the first time they come to your website. It usually takes up to 12 visits or interaction with you before they trust you enough to buy from you. So it does not help [] Page 27
  • 28. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] to just throw up a web page and then try to sell something to your visitor the first time they arrive at your site, because statistically (normally only 1%) they are not going to buy! This is why the most important thing you can do is GET THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS! This way you can continue to engage with them via email while you build trust and slowly encourage them to buy from you. Ideally you want this to be the first page that visitors land on when they arrive at your site Squeeze Pages are generally very short with only 4 main pieces of information on them: • Attention pulling headline • Brief description and or graphic of the product • A call to action and • An opt-in box where your visitors can enter in their email address. The reason there is no other information is so that visitors are not distracted in any way because you are leading them to perform you desired outcome which is to get their email address. Now the question arises, how do we get the visitor to give us their email address? You will generally use “an ethical bribe” to get users to give you their contact details. This means that you will offer your visitors something of value FOR FREE in exchange for their e-mail address. You should try to give away something that relates to your business or the offer which you are about to make or something that solves a burning problem for your customers. You could give away eBooks, videos, audios, reports, software checklists…anything of VALUE! AUTORESPONDER: When your customer’s type their email address into your opt-in box (mostly from your squeeze page) the details have to be captured somewhere so that you can store them logically and easily utilize them in future. Enter one of the best inventions of the internet marketing world, THE AUTORESPONDER! This service captures the details that your visitors type into the squeeze page, typically a first name and an email address. The auto responder service then stores these names for each different list that you create. You can then, at any time you like, send out e-mail messages to your entire list. So typically as soon as they opt into your list by filling in their details in your squeeze page, the auto responder service will then send out a welcome or thank you message to your visitor thanking them for opting into the list and giving them a link to the free download that you promised. The beauty of an auto responder is that you can set up a series of messages once, and this same series of messages will go out to everyone who opts into your list in the same order and at the same time intervals that you choose. You do the work of setting up your series of emails only once and from then on the process is automated so you never have to worry about it again. Autoresponders can be used to send out any number of emails at a time to your list. The email messages can be personalised for each of your clients. This increases trust and encourages return visits to your website. Each email message sent to your customers presents you with an additional opportunity to sell them something – either your own product or an affiliate product. [] Page 28
  • 29. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] THE NEXT THING WE NEED IS A HIGH CONVERTING SALES PAGE: The sales page only has one function and that is to sell your product. There are no other distractions or links on the sales page. Of course you want to have a good appealing sales page with eye catching graphics and emotive copy in order to entice your customers to buy your product. The typical sales page follows a tried and tested formula and is made up of a number of core components. This means that if you know what they are and what order they need to appear in, 90% of your sales letter construction will already be taken care of! Sales letters can be in a number of different formats. They could be short (2 pages or so) or long (5- 50pages). They could also consist of only video. In fact sales videos seem to be more popular in the internet marketing niche at the moment than written sales letters. A CLOSER LOOK AT COPYWRITING: A well-crafted sales page can sell even a poor product. I am not suggesting that you do, I am just pointing out that good copy may be one of the most important, if not THE most important skill that you can learn. Often the best written sales copy sells the most products. You can either hire someone to write the copy for you or you can write it yourself. Outsourcing this can be very costly. If you have a fantastic product that stands to make a fortune, then by all means consider this option as long as you can afford it. Copywriting services can run anywhere from $500 to $20,000 and more per sales letter! I am sure that you can see that this is a very useful skill worth acquiring. For the most part, good internet marketing sales letters are very formulistic. What I mean by this is that they have a number of key elements and they generally appear in the same order. ALL good sales letters have the same elements. If you just go to, which is the largest digital marketplace on the web, you can click on any ad to see a sales letter. I suggest that you study the internet marketing niche (even if this is not your niche) because they understand the process better than anyone else. Some of the components of a successful sales page, in the order in which they generally appear, are: • Headline • Sub-headline • Introduction which usually states the problem that your product will ultimately solve • Establish your credibility • Proof that the product works – normally through testimonials • Features and benefits of your product • Build up the value of your product in the user’s mind- normally through additional bonuses of high perceived value • A call to action • Money back guarantee • PS – usually ends the sales letter which is a final push to your customers as to why they should buy your product NOW! [] Page 29
  • 30. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] GRAPHICS: Part of your successful sales letter and indeed any website is the graphics. Graphics can often sell the product on their own. If you are creative then you can create your own graphics but most of us will have to outsource this. Common graphics needs include: • Webpage headers • Footers • Product images • Buy buttons • Banner creation UP-SELLS, DOWN-SELLS, CROSS SELLS AND OTO’S: Getting new customers is up to 10 times more difficult than making more money out of your existing customers. A great way of making more money from your existing customers is by offering them Upsells or downsells or one time offers. This strategy essentially offers them additional products once they have already purchased your product offering but before they finalise their transaction. The reason this works so well is because the customer is already in a peak buying state. Once you get the customer to make the decision to buy from you, they will often be happy to spend more money with you as long as you offer them good value. McDonalds’ classic line “would you like fries with that” is the best known example of an Upsell. You have already bought the burger, they now try and sell you fries as well. Because fries COMPLIMENT your burger on many occasions you will be happy to buy the fries as well. The same principals apply to online selling. One of the best forms of Upsells is known as an OTO or One Time Offer. As the name suggests, you customers only see this offer once ever, and that is at the time of the original purchase. What makes this compelling is that it is usually of such a high PERCEIVED value to your customers that they can’t help themselves but buy the offer. There is also a sense of urgency built in because once they click off the page, they will never again have the offer available to them. If they refuse your Upsell or OTO, which will often be as a result of price rather than product, you can then offer them a down sell which is a cheaper version of the Upsell or OTO. For example if you Upsell as an additional 30 videos for $97, your down sell could be 10 Videos for $47 instead. A cross sell would follow the same pattern as Upsells and downsells, the only difference is that the product may not be directly related to the primary product but the principals are the same. For example if I am selling a product on how to do article marketing I could offer a product on how to make money on eBay as cross sell. BACKEND SALES: [] Page 30
  • 31. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] It is much easier to sell more to your existing customers than it is to try and find new customers. To really make a lot of money as an internet marketer, you must have a good backend sales system. What is a backend sales system? This simply refers to the process that you follow once you have acquired a customer and made a sale to them for the first time. Once they have bought something from you and you have established a bond with them, they are very likely to buy from you again in the future. How you tap into this phenomenon is with your backend system. You need to ensure that your business plan accommodates a back end sales plan and sales funnel. I think from this you can see that it is better to be in a niche where you can sell multiple products to your customers rather than only sale. You can sell your existing customers more of your own products or you can sell them affiliate products. It generally costs a lot of money to acquire a new customer, especially if you use paid advertising methods to do it. If you know the lifetime value of your customer (the amount that your average customer will spend with you over their lifetime), you can actually afford to make a loss on your first sale because you know you will make it up on the back end. This knowledge will allow you to spend more than your competitors on advertising or pay your affiliates more. This will obviously lead to more customers PRODUCT LAUNCHES: Hundreds of products get “launched” online every day. Many of them do not make any money. In order to make the most out of launching your product and to ensure that you continue the momentum of the product launch to build your business, you need to plan and prepare properly for you launch. It is important to let people know when you will be launching a new product. You need to give yourself enough time and you need to give your affiliates time for a proper launch. There are a few key steps which you need to do and these all take time, but the preparation time will be worthwhile. For a large launch you will need to enlist the help of others, especially if you do not have a list of your own. All of the huge successful product launches that you have heard about have only been possible because many people have promoted the item to their list. Joint ventures and affiliates are a vital piece of this puzzle. You also have to test your entire sales process as you intend it to be carried out on the day. You do not want your server crashing because it is overloaded or for there to be problems with your product downloads. RECAP: This is the end of module 4. Let’s have a quick recap of the important things we learnt today: • Your biggest take-away from this section should be the importance of the sales funnel. Understand that the money is in the list because you have a chance to build trust and a long [] Page 31
  • 32. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] term relationship with your customers. This will increase their lifetime value to you because you have their permission to constantly communicate with them and offer them products that will help them. • In order to build a list we learned that we should create a squeeze page and use an autoresponder to automate the process rather than sending customers directly to our sales page, where statistically we have a very small chance of them buying anything from us. • We learned about the different elements of a sales letter which should have put your mind at ease because creating a sales letter is actually a lot easier than you may have thought at first because of its formulistic nature. • We then learned how to maximise our sales from our existing customers by using Upsells, downsells and OTO’s. • We also learned why it is important to create a long term and sustainable backend for your business and • Lastly we took a quick look at the importance of planning a product launch. MODULE 4 – WEBSITE CREATION: We have already looked at how to pick a profitable niche and how to create or source profitable products that your customers will love. Now that we have determined the structure of our sales funnel, it is time to learn how to build our website. Let us take a quick overview of what we are going to cover in this module. We will break this section down into four different parts: 1. First we are going to look at the different types of websites that you may need depending on the business model that you choose. These include single product sites, membership sites, affiliate sites, blogs and a full ecommerce site. 2. Then we are going to look at the basics of setting up your website including hosting and registering your domain. This is where I explain the whole process in easy to understand language. 3. Then we will look at the technology which is not nearly as scary as most people think. I will also show you the easiest solution that will handle 99% of your problems. We will look at blogging, content management systems and custom built solutions. 4. Lastly we will look at the components of a typical information marketing website selling a single product. This will cover all of the fundamentals that you need to know as most websites will have at least these basic components. We have already covered squeeze pages and autoresponders in the sales funnel section. We are now going to look at how to get paid and also how to deliver the product to our customers once we have been paid. [] Page 32
  • 33. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] CHOOSING WHAT TYPE OF SITE TO CREATE: SINGLE PRODUCT SITE: A single product site is by far the simplest of all the site types, and normally contains only a few pages. We will take a detailed look at this type of site at the end of this module. The whole sales funnel is set up to sell a single product. MEMBERSHIP SITE: Membership Sites allow you to sell products or services in a special password protected area which is accessible only to members. As long as the member pays their membership fee, access is granted to this special website or website area. Different Membership Plans can also be offered to your members. These sites require sophisticated software to manage your members and the different membership levels (plans), and provide access to the right areas of your site to the right members. Software can also be set up to drip feed content to your members at the exact time that you want them to access it. Other than the special membership software that you simply install on your site, the rest of the operations will work the same as described above. AFFILIATE SALE SITE: An Affiliate Sales Site is a site where one markets other people’s products. You first drive traffic to your affiliate site and you “pre-sell” them on the product that you are promoting. This is so that they are already motivated to buy once they land on the vendor’s sales page. You then send people from your affiliate site to the product owner’s sales page. When your customers buy the product that you recommended to them, you earn a commission. This can be in the form of a review sites, Comparison sites or a Recommendation Site. This is also a very simple site and can often be just a few pages consisting of text and a few images. As you are not actually selling your own product, only pre-selling your customer on someone else’s product, you do not have to worry about things like merchant accounts and download pages. Wordpress is the ideal platform to use for such a site. BLOG: A Blog (from Web Log) is an online journal with regular posts. Posts will normally be commentary, description of events, or other materials like graphics or links. A blog is usually presented as a person’s own views and opinions and has an informal tone. Most blogs are interactive and they allow the readers to comment on the blog post. Blogs are probably the simplest form of website to set up because of how easy it is to use them. There are also some excellent free blogging platforms like Blogger and Wordpress. They are also very easy to install and to keep updated. We will discuss blogs in a lot more detail later in the course. [] Page 33
  • 34. [The Internet Marketing Gameplan] E-COMMERCE SITES: An e-Commerce site allows for selling multiple products or services. The best know example is probably These sites are technically the most challenging to set up and should probably be outsourced to trained professionals. All of the other sites discussed are simple enough for anyone to understand and set up although much of it can also be outsourced. Dedicated software is required to manage the product, categories, discounts etc. E-Commerce sites also require shopping carts/baskets to allow multiple products to be sold in the same transaction. Shopping cart software can either be purchased outright or rented on a monthly basis. REGISTER A DOMAIN NAME: The first thing you need to do is register a domain name. A Domain Name is the name of your business on the Web. A Domain Name can be any combination of Letters or numbers, and can be up to 63 characters long. For example, one of my websites has the domain name of This is effectively the name of my business, just like Wal-Mart is the name of the large US retail giant. This is now my online shop front and will form the brand that I will be promoting. Registering your Domain Name Hundreds of Registrars currently operate online today and the process is virtually painless. These registrars like will provide you with search tools to establish if the domain name is available. It will also give you some suggestions if the site is not available, and will allow you to register the domain with multiple extensions (e.g. .Com or .Net or .Info etc.) A domain name will cost around $10 per year. You have to renew it annually. You can often pay hosting for many years in advance to ensure that you do not lose it because you forgot to renew it. Most domain name service providers will nowadays offer you an automatic renewal option which means that on renewal date, they will simply debit your credit card and your domain will be valid for another year. I would advise registering your domain name as soon as possible. Often it will take you a bit of time to come up with the best domain names so make sure you have time to do so. Also, the sooner you register it, the better because then no one will be able to steal it. One of the most popular domain registration services is GET HOSTING The next thing you need to do is to get hosting for your website. [] Page 34