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September, 2012                                                                                                                                                                              1                                                       AISC Steel Day Special Supplement                                                            September, 2012

  SteelDay 2012: Have You Seen What We Do?                                                                                                       Moor to Chair
T                                                                                                                                                 NBIMS-US
        he structural steel industry’s largest                                                         From special events in major cities
        networking and educational event                                                         like Boston, New York and Washington,
        returns on September 28, with                                                            D.C., to shop tours in small towns, Steel-
various celebrations happening in the New                                                        Day allows you to connect with design and
England region.                                                                                  construction professionals in your area and
       Have you seen what the structural                                                         see the industry’s latest technologies and             hicago
steel industry can do? SteelDay is your                                                          steelmaking processes in action.                       - Chris
opportunity to see how it’s done and learn                                                             SteelDay also spurs conversations                Moor,
about the processes through personal expe-                                                       on project collaboration and job prospects,    director of in-
rience.                                                                                          interactions that may not have happened        dustry initiatives
       September 28 marks the fourth annu-                                                       without this unique platform.                  for the Ameri-
                                                                                                                                                can Institute of
al SteelDay, when steel fabricators, mills,                                                            “It provides great networking be-
                                                                                                                                                Steel Construc-
service centers, galvanizers, HSS produc-                                                        tween many disciplines and trades of steel
                                                                                                                                                tion (AISC) has
ers, bender-rollers, and others across the                                                       construction,” said David A. Morand, P.E.,     been selected
nation will open their facilities, jobsites,                                                     of Gale Associates, Inc., Weymouth, Mass.                              Chris Moor
                                                                                                                                                as the new
and offices, offering tours and inviting                                                               Discover the Steel Supply Chain in       chair of the
AEC professionals and the public to ex-                                                          Massachusetts and Vermont.                     project committee tasked with devel-
plore the structural steel supply chain live                                                           Visit a steel fabricator and learn how   oping Version 3 (V3) of the National
and in person.                                                                                   structural steel is prepared for a building    BIM Standard for the United States
       Sponsored by the American Institute                                                       or bridge using off-site, controlled condi-    (NBIMS-US).
of Steel Construction, its members and                         Photo by Barry Kaplan/TFI Photo   tions, which ensure a consistently high-              A project of the National Institute
partners, SteelDay is your chance to dis-          A worker demonstrates welding tech-           quality product while reducing errors and      of Building Sciences buildingSMART
cover how design becomes project reality.        niques for SteelDay attendees at Capone         costly fixes at the job site.                  alliance (bSa), NBIMS-US is a con-
                                                             Iron Corporation.                                                                  sensus document that serves to stan-
“It’s a great opportunity for designers and                                                            Join Capone Iron Corporation, AISC
others to see first-hand how the structural      and sustainable projects,” explained Roger      member and AISC certified fabricator, at               Continued on page 4
steel industry is building high-performance      E. Ferch, P.E., AISC’s president.
                                                                                                           Continued on page 4

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2                                                                                                    September, 2012

                       High-Profile Pull-Out Section: Structural Steel at Work

                     & ARCHITECTURAL METALS

          Proud Hosts of Steel Day 2012
           “Come & See What We Do”
                                                                                 AISC Style Guide
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September, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3

                                                                        High-Profile Pull-Out Section: Structural Steel at Work
                                SFNE Efforts Benefit N.E. Steel and Construction
by Catherine Flaherty                                                   effort resulted in a new partnership with the
       The Steel Fabricators of New England                             Short Span Steel Bridges Alliance (SSSBA),
(SFNE) is an association of structural steel                            the American Institute of Steel Construction
and miscellaneous metal fabricators and al-                             (AISC), the National Steel Bridge Alliance
lied companies that serve the building and                              (NSBA), and the American Iron and Steel
bridge construction markets in New Eng-                                 Institute (AISI). These strategic alliances
                        land. The mission of                            are certain to help the region’s steel fabrica-
                        SFNE is to promote                              tors in their efforts to partner with industry
                        the use of fabricated                           and at the same time increase steel’s share
                        structural steel and                            of future publicly funded building projects                                                                                                                                    Attending the recent steel design conference were (l-r): John Cross,V.P. of market
                        miscellaneous metals                            and bridgework.                                                                                                                                                              development, AISC; Stratton Newbert, P.E., associate, Buro Happold structural engi-
                        in buildings, bridges,                                 SFNE has also been working on                                                                                                                                         neers; Bill McEleney, director, National Steel Bridge Alliance; Bill Pascoli, N E senior
                        and similar structures                          a Buy American public awareness cam-                                                                                                                                                                         regional engineer, AISC.
                        through education,                              paign. Utilizing the Voter Voice System,
                        legislative advocacy,                           almost 1,000 letters were sent to mem-                                                                                                                                  tors, and detailers work together more effi-                                                                                                                                               ery Sales; Stephen Farrow, vice president,
                        and networking ac-                              bers of the New England Congressional                                                                                                                                   ciently. The SFNE Education Committee is                                                                                                                                                   Peddinghaus Corporation; Ian Coats, prod-
                        tivities.                                       delegation last year. The goal of the let-                                                                                                                              already working on the agenda for the 2013                                                                                                                                                 uct manager, Tekla, Inc.; Kris Sikes, vice
 Catherine Flaherty            SFNE commit-                             ter-writing campaign was to bring atten-                                                                                                                                annual steel design conference, which will                                                                                                                                                 president sales and marketing, Controlled
                        tees are involved in                            tion to the fact that New England-based                                                                                                                                 be held at WPI on Wednesday, June 5.                                                                                                                                                       Automation; and Paul Sullivan, RSM, Ficep
educational and legislative activities for the                          steel companies continue to be adversely                                                                                                                                       Moving forward, SFNE will host a                                                                                                                                                    Corporation.
benefit of the steel industry and construction                          affected by current trade inequalities. Cur-                                                                                                                            New Technologies Dinner Meeting on Oc-                                                                                                                                                           To prepare fabricators for the “new
industry at large.                                                      rently the SFNE Board of Directors is look-                                                                                                                             tober 18. The event will be held at the Dou-                                                                                                                                               normal” when the economy recovers,
       In keeping with SFNE’s primary goal                              ing at new ways to effect a trade remedy                                                                                                                                bletree Hotel in Westborough, Mass., from                                                                                                                                                  SFNE’s December 6 dinner meeting also
to represent the steel fabrication industry                             and relief under US trade laws.                                                                                                                                         5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The program is designed                                                                                                                                                   will positioning one’s business to em-
and improve and equip the construction in-                                     Each year, SFNE also conducts an                                                                                                                                 to provide members and colleagues with                                                                                                                                                     bark upon new projects even though there
dustry to serve the needs of the region with                            annual steel design conference at Worces-                                                                                                                               information about the latest technical inno-                                                                                                                                               will be fewer architects and industry per-
structural steel, the association developed                             ter Polytechnic Institute (WPI). The con-                                                                                                                               vations and systems that can be used in the                                                                                                                                                sonnel to draw upon for support. Gregg
the Steel Advocacy Project, which brought                               ference is co-sponsored by the AISC and                                                                                                                                 steel fabrication business.                                                                                                                                                                Schoppman, principal with FMI, manage-
together a coalition of steel industry com-                             the New England Steel Detailers Associa-                                                                                                                                       As we move into what we all hope                                                                                                                                                    ment consultants and investment bankers
panies working together to help improve the                             tion (NESDA). This year, the conference                                                                                                                                 will be an economic recovery, fabricators                                                                                                                                                  for the construction industry, will deliver
way that funds are allocated for infrastruc-                            offered a slate of sessions of interest and                                                                                                                             will come to rely more on technology for                                                                                                                                                   the keynote address.
ture projects.                                                          benefit to engineers, architects, detailers,                                                                                                                            efficiencies and productivity, particularly                                                                                                                                                      The annual SFNE Golf Tournament
       The coalition retained the services of                           and fabricators. These sessions included the                                                                                                                            since most will be working with a leaner                                                                                                                                                   will provide the industry’s next network-
consultant Regan Communications Group                                   I-93 FAST14, the most recent success for                                                                                                                                workforce. A panel discussion will provide                                                                                                                                                 ing opportunity on September 11 at Wedge-
(RCG) to help rebuild the steel industry’s                              MassDOT’s Accelerated Bridge Program;                                                                                                                                   attendees with a variety of new ideas, sys-                                                                                                                                                wood Pines Country Club in Stow, Mass.
relationship with the New England region’s                              the Girder-Slab System Technology; Codes,                                                                                                                               tems, and technologies that will help move
transportation leaders, and much progress                               Standards and Rating Systems: Sustainabil-                                                                                                                              a company profitably into the future. The                                                                                                                                                         Catherine Flaherty, CAE, is execu-
has been made since then. Doors have been                               ity 2012 and Beyond; as well as a program                                                                                                                               panel will include: Moderator: Craig Van                                                                                                                                                   tive director of the Steel Fabricators of New
opened and new relationships formed. The                                that was designed to help engineers, fabrica-                                                                                                                           Sant, president and CEO, Atlantic Machin-                                                                                                                                                  England, North Attleboro, Mass.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the                          Blakeslee Completes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (SG&A) recently received                                                        UMass Openings
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  De-                           Payette Announces
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      pany developed the project
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Through Photography
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      constructed the building.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            News, People, Calen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Consulting Engineers provided                                       Commercial, Green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the MEP/FP/Tel/Data engineer-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ing...See story page 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Exterior view (right) laboratory
                                                                                                                                                                                        (above) Dining Area (top right)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          October 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (above) Lobby (below) Laboratory

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4                                                                                                                                                                   September, 2012

                         High-Profile Pull-Out Section: Structural Steel at Work
    SteelDay 2012: Have You Seen What We Do?               Moor to Chair NBIMS-US Committee
                                                                                                    Continued from page one               “I am looking forward to the challenge
                                                                                                                                          ahead, and am proud and humbled to be
                                                                                             dardize the way practitioners use BIM to     a part of the NBIMS-US effort.”
                                                                                             more easily pass information from one               A member of the NBIMS-US
                                                                                             phase of the building process to anoth-      Project Committee and a director on the
                                                                                             er. The NBIMS-US Project Committee           buildingSMART alliance Board of Di-
                                                                                             oversees the standard’s development.         rection, Moor was heavily involved in
                                                                                                    “I enthusiastically support the       the development of NBIMS-US Version
                                                                                             Nominating Committee’s selection,”           2. He is also a member of the Design-
                                                                                             commented AISC Chairman William              Build Institute of America BIM Com-
                                                                                             B. (Brad) Bourne III of Universal Steel,     mittee; co-chairman of the American
                                                                                             Inc., Lithonia, Ga. “They could not have     Iron and Steel Institute BIM Committee;
                                                                                             chosen a more knowledgeable, energetic,      secretary of AISC’s Technology Integra-
                                                                                             and experienced leader than Chris Moor       tion Committee; member of the Level of
                                                                                             to lead the development of their vision      Development Special Interest Working
                                                                                             for NBIMS-US V3. We wish Chris the           Group (an Associated General Contrac-
                                                                                             best of luck and stand behind him with       tors of America/BIMForum/American
                                                                                             all that AISC can offer.”                    Institute of Architects effort); and serves
                                                                                                    Moor has been a long-time advo-       as the AISC lead for a Fiatech project ad-
                                                      Photo by Barry Kaplan/TFI Photo        cate for open standards and improving        dressing interoperability for steel within
SteelDay attendees learn about the structural steel fabrication process first-hand during    interoperability. He has worked with 3D      the process industry. He was previously
                      a tour of Capone Iron Corporation’s plant.                             technology and BIM since 1994 and leads      the managing director of Tekla Corpora-
                                                                                             AISC’s efforts on technology integration     tion’s UK subsidiary.
       Continued from page one                 cal structural steel experts across the US,   and interoperability, which include ex-             The NBIMS-US Project Commit-
                                               SteelDay has given rise to special events     ploring, implementing, and promoting         tee will next elect a vice chairman and
their facility in Rowley, Mass., and observe   in major cities, engaging local dignitar-     new technologies that support and en-        secretary and call for committee mem-
how structural steel and miscellaneous iron    ies and government officials who recog-       hance the entire structural steel supply     bers to join the various working com-
fabrication is processed. A tour through the   nize the steel industry’s contributions to    chain. AISC is committed to maintaining      mittees and subgroups to develop V3.
facility will give you a snapshot view of      the nation’s architecture and economy, its    the structural steel industry’s leadership   Individuals and organizational represen-
the daily processes and equipment used         continuing progress, and the dedication of    in interoperability and ensuring data re-    tatives can participate on the committee,
in steel fabrication along CIC’s produc-       everyone involved.                            lated to structural steel can be exchanged   but first they must become members of
                                                                                             throughout the supply chain and with         the National Institute of Building Scienc-
tion lines. CIC personnel will be available           If you’ll be in our nation’s capital
                                                                                             other disciplines and trades. (Learn more    es and its buildingSMART alliance. To
throughout the tour to answer any ques-        on SteelDay, sign up to attend a tour of
                                                                                             at                get involved in the process, visit www.
tions. Additionally, several industry ven-     the Ironworkers International headquarters                                       
                                                                                                    “Involvement in bSa and NBIMS-
dors will be displaying products, including    and museum in Washington, DC.                 US is an investment in the future of the     members.
welding supplies, fasteners, coatings, and            Or, if you’ll be in the Big Apple on   whole construction industry,” said Moor.
safety apparatus.                              SteelDay Eve (September 27), sign up to
       Balram Chamaria with LeMessurier        attend a luncheon and panel presentation
Consultants, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., at-       by movers and shakers on New York’s           Structural Steel & Misc. Metals for Mid-Coast Medical Group Project
tended last year’s SteelDay event at Ca-       construction scene. Hosted by AISC at the
pone Iron and commented, “It provided a        McGraw-Hill building in Midtown Man-                           James A. McBrady, Inc.
platform and an opportunity to understand      hattan, the panel discussion will focus on
what goes behind those mighty and elegant      steel plate shear walls and how they can be
                                                                                                     Structural Steel & Miscellaneous Metals
steel structures.”                             incorporated into your next project. Com-
       If you’ll be near northern Vermont,     plimentary copies of AISC’s Steel Design
consider visiting Reliance Steel, Inc., also   Guide 20: Steel Plate Shear Walls, will be
                                                                                                     Phone - (207) 883-4176
an AISC member and AISC certified fab-         given to all registered attendees.                    Fax - (207) 883-0276
ricator, at their open house in Colchester.           Have you seen what we do? Whether
You’ll be able to view equipment demon-        you spend SteelDay touring a steel facility 
strations and even try your hand at various    or attending an educational presentation,
aspects of steel fabrication. Several vendor   this unique opportunity will allow you
partners will also be there to showcase        unprecedented access to the vibrant steel
their products and demonstrate processes,      industry in the US.
                                                                                                    MailingAddress: P.O. Box 8239, Portland, ME 04104
                                                                                                    Mailing Address:      Plant Address:
and you’ll have a chance to win various
                                                                                                   PlantBox 8239 Parkway Dr., Scarborough, ME 04074
                                                                                                    PO  Address: 29       29 Parkway Dr.
                                                      For more information visit www.
prizes throughout the day.            or sign up for an event                  Portland, ME 04104 Scarborough, ME 04074
       A Day for All                           near you directly at
       In addition to connecting the de-       dayevents.                                        Receive FastFacts Friday Anastasia’s weekly networking
sign and construction community with lo-                                                         e-blast. Get connected with the latest New England facil-
                                                                                                 ity news headlines and events. Send your e-mail address

    SFNE New Technologies                                                                        to for

       Dinner Meeting
       Featuring a panel discussion and presentations from Controlled Automation, Inc.
       Ficep Corporation, Peddinghaus Corporation, Tekla Corporation.
       October 18, Doubletree Hotel
       Westborough, MA 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
       For more information visit

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  • 1. September, 2012 1 AISC Steel Day Special Supplement September, 2012 SteelDay 2012: Have You Seen What We Do? Moor to Chair T NBIMS-US he structural steel industry’s largest From special events in major cities networking and educational event like Boston, New York and Washington, returns on September 28, with D.C., to shop tours in small towns, Steel- various celebrations happening in the New Day allows you to connect with design and Committee C England region. construction professionals in your area and Have you seen what the structural see the industry’s latest technologies and hicago steel industry can do? SteelDay is your steelmaking processes in action. - Chris opportunity to see how it’s done and learn SteelDay also spurs conversations Moor, about the processes through personal expe- on project collaboration and job prospects, director of in- rience. interactions that may not have happened dustry initiatives September 28 marks the fourth annu- without this unique platform. for the Ameri- can Institute of al SteelDay, when steel fabricators, mills, “It provides great networking be- Steel Construc- service centers, galvanizers, HSS produc- tween many disciplines and trades of steel tion (AISC) has ers, bender-rollers, and others across the construction,” said David A. Morand, P.E., been selected nation will open their facilities, jobsites, of Gale Associates, Inc., Weymouth, Mass. Chris Moor as the new and offices, offering tours and inviting Discover the Steel Supply Chain in chair of the AEC professionals and the public to ex- Massachusetts and Vermont. project committee tasked with devel- plore the structural steel supply chain live Visit a steel fabricator and learn how oping Version 3 (V3) of the National and in person. structural steel is prepared for a building BIM Standard for the United States Sponsored by the American Institute or bridge using off-site, controlled condi- (NBIMS-US). of Steel Construction, its members and Photo by Barry Kaplan/TFI Photo tions, which ensure a consistently high- A project of the National Institute partners, SteelDay is your chance to dis- A worker demonstrates welding tech- quality product while reducing errors and of Building Sciences buildingSMART cover how design becomes project reality. niques for SteelDay attendees at Capone costly fixes at the job site. alliance (bSa), NBIMS-US is a con- Iron Corporation. sensus document that serves to stan- “It’s a great opportunity for designers and Join Capone Iron Corporation, AISC others to see first-hand how the structural and sustainable projects,” explained Roger member and AISC certified fabricator, at Continued on page 4 steel industry is building high-performance E. Ferch, P.E., AISC’s president. Continued on page 4 Christina Landing, Wilmington DE Park it Right Here Critical thinking Optimal solutions Greatest value for you. 360 State Street, New Haven CT LEED Platinum Certified Whether for educational, retail, resort, or any institutional, residential or commercial use, let Hybrid Parking Garages help you achieve optimal parking with the shortest schedule and lowest cost to your development. St. Anne’s Hospital, Fall River MA Call us today... 781.591.5991
  • 2. 2 September, 2012 High-Profile Pull-Out Section: Structural Steel at Work STRUCTURAL STEEL I BAR JOIST l METAL DECK MISCELLANEOUS ORNAMENTAL & ARCHITECTURAL METALS Proud Hosts of Steel Day 2012 “Come & See What We Do” AISC Style Guide CERTIFICATION LOGOS The AISC certification logos are for the sol general distribution. Specs for Certification logos: Size: The preferred size for Certification lo mum size is 1”. The preferred size for Certification logos (n size is 0.721”. Color: Certified Fabricator (blue) logo: CMYK (C white. Certified Erector (green) logo: CMYK (C10 white. Certification Logos (Member): 20 Turcotte Memorial Drive I P.O. Box 706 I Rowley, MA 01969 T: 978-948-8000 I F: 978-948-8650 I (shown preferred size) (shown minimum
  • 3. September, 2012 3 High-Profile Pull-Out Section: Structural Steel at Work SFNE Efforts Benefit N.E. Steel and Construction by Catherine Flaherty effort resulted in a new partnership with the The Steel Fabricators of New England Short Span Steel Bridges Alliance (SSSBA), (SFNE) is an association of structural steel the American Institute of Steel Construction and miscellaneous metal fabricators and al- (AISC), the National Steel Bridge Alliance lied companies that serve the building and (NSBA), and the American Iron and Steel bridge construction markets in New Eng- Institute (AISI). These strategic alliances land. The mission of are certain to help the region’s steel fabrica- SFNE is to promote tors in their efforts to partner with industry the use of fabricated and at the same time increase steel’s share structural steel and of future publicly funded building projects Attending the recent steel design conference were (l-r): John Cross,V.P. of market miscellaneous metals and bridgework. development, AISC; Stratton Newbert, P.E., associate, Buro Happold structural engi- in buildings, bridges, SFNE has also been working on neers; Bill McEleney, director, National Steel Bridge Alliance; Bill Pascoli, N E senior and similar structures a Buy American public awareness cam- regional engineer, AISC. through education, paign. Utilizing the Voter Voice System, legislative advocacy, almost 1,000 letters were sent to mem- tors, and detailers work together more effi- ery Sales; Stephen Farrow, vice president, and networking ac- bers of the New England Congressional ciently. The SFNE Education Committee is Peddinghaus Corporation; Ian Coats, prod- tivities. delegation last year. The goal of the let- already working on the agenda for the 2013 uct manager, Tekla, Inc.; Kris Sikes, vice Catherine Flaherty SFNE commit- ter-writing campaign was to bring atten- annual steel design conference, which will president sales and marketing, Controlled tees are involved in tion to the fact that New England-based be held at WPI on Wednesday, June 5. Automation; and Paul Sullivan, RSM, Ficep educational and legislative activities for the steel companies continue to be adversely Moving forward, SFNE will host a Corporation. benefit of the steel industry and construction affected by current trade inequalities. Cur- New Technologies Dinner Meeting on Oc- To prepare fabricators for the “new industry at large. rently the SFNE Board of Directors is look- tober 18. The event will be held at the Dou- normal” when the economy recovers, In keeping with SFNE’s primary goal ing at new ways to effect a trade remedy bletree Hotel in Westborough, Mass., from SFNE’s December 6 dinner meeting also to represent the steel fabrication industry and relief under US trade laws. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The program is designed will positioning one’s business to em- and improve and equip the construction in- Each year, SFNE also conducts an to provide members and colleagues with bark upon new projects even though there dustry to serve the needs of the region with annual steel design conference at Worces- information about the latest technical inno- will be fewer architects and industry per- structural steel, the association developed ter Polytechnic Institute (WPI). The con- vations and systems that can be used in the sonnel to draw upon for support. Gregg the Steel Advocacy Project, which brought ference is co-sponsored by the AISC and steel fabrication business. Schoppman, principal with FMI, manage- together a coalition of steel industry com- the New England Steel Detailers Associa- As we move into what we all hope ment consultants and investment bankers panies working together to help improve the tion (NESDA). This year, the conference will be an economic recovery, fabricators for the construction industry, will deliver way that funds are allocated for infrastruc- offered a slate of sessions of interest and will come to rely more on technology for the keynote address. ture projects. benefit to engineers, architects, detailers, efficiencies and productivity, particularly The annual SFNE Golf Tournament The coalition retained the services of and fabricators. These sessions included the since most will be working with a leaner will provide the industry’s next network- consultant Regan Communications Group I-93 FAST14, the most recent success for workforce. A panel discussion will provide ing opportunity on September 11 at Wedge- (RCG) to help rebuild the steel industry’s MassDOT’s Accelerated Bridge Program; attendees with a variety of new ideas, sys- wood Pines Country Club in Stow, Mass. relationship with the New England region’s the Girder-Slab System Technology; Codes, tems, and technologies that will help move transportation leaders, and much progress Standards and Rating Systems: Sustainabil- a company profitably into the future. The Catherine Flaherty, CAE, is execu- has been made since then. Doors have been ity 2012 and Beyond; as well as a program panel will include: Moderator: Craig Van tive director of the Steel Fabricators of New opened and new relationships formed. The that was designed to help engineers, fabrica- Sant, president and CEO, Atlantic Machin- England, North Attleboro, Mass. ue! t Iss Nex In print, blog, e-blast and online at Interiors Celebrating our 15th Anniversary October also includes popular monthly news: Annual Focus: Interiors • Healthcare Facilities • Green News Ashling, Inc. • Educational Facilities • Award Winners Join us in the CKI Design, BK A Architects, and • Multi Residential • Project Profiles t October issue! Photo The Varano Group Strega Waterfron • Life Sciences Facilities • People • Calendar and more... B has complet- oston - Ashling, Inc. at One Ma- ed Strega Waterfront E-mail news releases, www.ckidesignstudio.c om Design and rina Park Drive. CKI Hospitality Retail forces to create a Restaurant BKA Architects joined r restaurant. The interio 4,000sf, 180 seat era glamour of 1940s was inspired by the announcements, ed ger ships as reflect transatlantic passen s Jerome CooperKing’ in every aspect of Waterfront...see the design for Strega 24. and op-ed queiries to: complete story page Annual focus: Featuring In te rio rs IIDA New England Request rates and reserve Award Winners advertising space at: Ashling, Inc. et 215 Stuart Stre Boston, MA 0211 6 October 2010 and AHA Celebrate office Inside this Issueds CIC SG&A, Nordblom, Erland (617) 482-2202 Deadline September 21. Technologies (617) 482- 2212 fax odore Builders Expan Palomar Medicalrd Winning Facility Comm es City Hall CBI Consulting Restor om High School www.ashlinginc.c SMMA Designs New Featuring The Davenport m byThe Varano Group (right) Sasaki Redesigns Michael Barnes (above) photo Corporate HQ Contact: Tclar (Below)Photos by MPA to Design New on Tech Ctr IIDA Awa Rendering by CKI Wheat BOND Tops Off Burlington, MA - Spagnolo Syska Henne ssy Office Gets Silver Gisness & Associates, Inc. Aetna Garage the Blakeslee Completes (SG&A) recently received UMass Openings 2011 International Interior De- Payette Announces ls Residence Hall sign Association New England Worcester State Unvei for Ocean Campus for d Chapter (IIDANE) Award Consigli Breaks Groun Cooper Headquarters Best Research Facility for its s New Antinozzi Create interior design of the Palomar t by Peter J. Davey Medical Technologies facility. Window Film Retrofi For You by David Sullivan Nordblom Development Com- When Subcontractors Work en and Douglas A. Berry ain by Jeff Mullik by Randy Anagnostis pany developed the project and Moving the Mount Through Photography Facilities News, for served as project manager Marketing Your Firm Palomar. Erland Constructio n tions and Schools AHA plus Heathcare, Institu dar and more... constructed the building. 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  • 4. 4 September, 2012 High-Profile Pull-Out Section: Structural Steel at Work SteelDay 2012: Have You Seen What We Do? Moor to Chair NBIMS-US Committee Continued from page one “I am looking forward to the challenge ahead, and am proud and humbled to be dardize the way practitioners use BIM to a part of the NBIMS-US effort.” more easily pass information from one A member of the NBIMS-US phase of the building process to anoth- Project Committee and a director on the er. The NBIMS-US Project Committee buildingSMART alliance Board of Di- oversees the standard’s development. rection, Moor was heavily involved in “I enthusiastically support the the development of NBIMS-US Version Nominating Committee’s selection,” 2. He is also a member of the Design- commented AISC Chairman William Build Institute of America BIM Com- B. (Brad) Bourne III of Universal Steel, mittee; co-chairman of the American Inc., Lithonia, Ga. “They could not have Iron and Steel Institute BIM Committee; chosen a more knowledgeable, energetic, secretary of AISC’s Technology Integra- and experienced leader than Chris Moor tion Committee; member of the Level of to lead the development of their vision Development Special Interest Working for NBIMS-US V3. We wish Chris the Group (an Associated General Contrac- best of luck and stand behind him with tors of America/BIMForum/American all that AISC can offer.” Institute of Architects effort); and serves Moor has been a long-time advo- as the AISC lead for a Fiatech project ad- Photo by Barry Kaplan/TFI Photo cate for open standards and improving dressing interoperability for steel within SteelDay attendees learn about the structural steel fabrication process first-hand during interoperability. He has worked with 3D the process industry. He was previously a tour of Capone Iron Corporation’s plant. technology and BIM since 1994 and leads the managing director of Tekla Corpora- AISC’s efforts on technology integration tion’s UK subsidiary. Continued from page one cal structural steel experts across the US, and interoperability, which include ex- The NBIMS-US Project Commit- SteelDay has given rise to special events ploring, implementing, and promoting tee will next elect a vice chairman and their facility in Rowley, Mass., and observe in major cities, engaging local dignitar- new technologies that support and en- secretary and call for committee mem- how structural steel and miscellaneous iron ies and government officials who recog- hance the entire structural steel supply bers to join the various working com- fabrication is processed. A tour through the nize the steel industry’s contributions to chain. AISC is committed to maintaining mittees and subgroups to develop V3. facility will give you a snapshot view of the nation’s architecture and economy, its the structural steel industry’s leadership Individuals and organizational represen- the daily processes and equipment used continuing progress, and the dedication of in interoperability and ensuring data re- tatives can participate on the committee, in steel fabrication along CIC’s produc- everyone involved. lated to structural steel can be exchanged but first they must become members of throughout the supply chain and with the National Institute of Building Scienc- tion lines. CIC personnel will be available If you’ll be in our nation’s capital other disciplines and trades. (Learn more es and its buildingSMART alliance. To throughout the tour to answer any ques- on SteelDay, sign up to attend a tour of at get involved in the process, visit www. tions. Additionally, several industry ven- the Ironworkers International headquarters “Involvement in bSa and NBIMS- dors will be displaying products, including and museum in Washington, DC. US is an investment in the future of the members. welding supplies, fasteners, coatings, and Or, if you’ll be in the Big Apple on whole construction industry,” said Moor. safety apparatus. SteelDay Eve (September 27), sign up to Balram Chamaria with LeMessurier attend a luncheon and panel presentation Consultants, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., at- by movers and shakers on New York’s Structural Steel & Misc. Metals for Mid-Coast Medical Group Project tended last year’s SteelDay event at Ca- construction scene. Hosted by AISC at the pone Iron and commented, “It provided a McGraw-Hill building in Midtown Man- James A. McBrady, Inc. platform and an opportunity to understand hattan, the panel discussion will focus on what goes behind those mighty and elegant steel plate shear walls and how they can be Structural Steel & Miscellaneous Metals steel structures.” incorporated into your next project. Com- If you’ll be near northern Vermont, plimentary copies of AISC’s Steel Design consider visiting Reliance Steel, Inc., also Guide 20: Steel Plate Shear Walls, will be Phone - (207) 883-4176 an AISC member and AISC certified fab- given to all registered attendees. Fax - (207) 883-0276 ricator, at their open house in Colchester. Have you seen what we do? Whether You’ll be able to view equipment demon- you spend SteelDay touring a steel facility strations and even try your hand at various or attending an educational presentation, aspects of steel fabrication. Several vendor this unique opportunity will allow you partners will also be there to showcase unprecedented access to the vibrant steel their products and demonstrate processes, industry in the US. MailingAddress: P.O. Box 8239, Portland, ME 04104 Mailing Address: Plant Address: and you’ll have a chance to win various PlantBox 8239 Parkway Dr., Scarborough, ME 04074 PO Address: 29 29 Parkway Dr. For more information visit www. prizes throughout the day. or sign up for an event Portland, ME 04104 Scarborough, ME 04074 A Day for All near you directly at In addition to connecting the de- dayevents. Receive FastFacts Friday Anastasia’s weekly networking sign and construction community with lo- e-blast. Get connected with the latest New England facil- ity news headlines and events. Send your e-mail address SFNE New Technologies to for Dinner Meeting Featuring a panel discussion and presentations from Controlled Automation, Inc. Ficep Corporation, Peddinghaus Corporation, Tekla Corporation. October 18, Doubletree Hotel Westborough, MA 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. For more information visit