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01 16 2014
The Power of the Realm forming the Order of the
Administration of the Entire Cosmos ORIGINATES FROM
THE SINGLE GOD. GOD Created You, and You create
This is a Law of the Universe. The Law of Universe is valid
for every Galaxy.
It has been like this in Every Age. There is no discrimination.
There is Unity.
Each of Us is Unique. Each Person is a Free Spirit, a Free
Nobody is the Servant of anybody else. Mutual Respect is
The Goal is to uncover the REAL HUMAN BEING within
Your Scale is the ConScience. It provides an Equilibrium
which never fails.
It decides what to do and what not to do for those who are
The Key of Our Happiness is in the hands of Our
This Book has been given to Us by our UNIVERSAL Friend
the city of ISTANBUL in the TURKEY of ATATÜRK under
the Name of
This UNIVERSAL Book was completed in 12 years (1981 to
1993) under the Name of the “GOLDEN BOOK“ and the
“KNOWLEDGE BOOK“, and has been and is BEING
distributed today all over our Planet. The purpose of the
dictation of this Book is to gather all the Universe and our
Planet in the Consciousness of HUMANE Integration.
This Book WILL explain, from the Learning Point of view, the
subjects You all know (or do not know yet)for everybody to
Understand them better. Do not forget that all the Books
revealed from the EnLightenment Channel had been
revealed from the Level of Firmament. These Sacred Books
are the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Psalms of
David, the Religions of the Far East and the KORAN
(Qur’an/Book of Islam). The actual Purpose of these Sacred
Books is to give a MesSage to Our HUMAN Brothers and
Sisters in the Light of Learning. However, those Sacred
Books were later deviated from their Actual Purpose and
were DeGenerated.
Then, You can see the Truth. That is why, for Centuries,
We have told You to “ READ, READ, READ “ . Your
vocabulary becomes richer, and You can grasp better the
meaning of the Words You read.
The aim of reading is not to repeat what You already know.
That which is not yet Known becomes Known by decoding
Numbers and Letters, One by One, in Your Brain Codes.
The Clarity in Your sight is possible only by the opening of
Your Third Eye.
The periods of Prophethood and the Period of Religions
have come to an End long ago. From now on, our Planet
WILL be EnLightened on the Path of Science and
Knowledge already Known is not beneficial for The Human
Being any more. It is nothing but a Personal satisfaction.
Think for a moment what You gain by talking again and
again around the same Theme, about the subject matters all
of You already know.
Demonstration of the already Known Information is a Light
for those who do not know those Information.
However, it is the Prime Mission of each Solar Teacher to
HUMANITY with the Truths of the Future.
Awakened Consciousnesses already know the Truth.
And their Duty is to Awaken also those who are still Asleep.
Before the Time catches up with You, catch up with the
Time and Place are Relative. That which Exists in REALITY
is You.
Man has such Potential in Him that He Dies the moment He
wishes and Resurrects the moment He desires. Seek and
unlock this Potential of Yours. Overcome Your sicknesses
without medicine. Unlock Yourselves without the help of a
Locksmith. Do not disdain Yourselves. Do not underrate
Your Power.
You possess everything in the Name of the ALMIGHTY
GOD. In everything Created, there is Love and Beauty.
Know Your Might so that Might may come to You.
Everything, and first of all You, comprises the Secrets of the
entire Universe.
No matter how Powerful You are, there WILL always be an
unopened Door in front of You. Do not let it Intimidate You;
let it Stimulate You. Nothing happens without a Cause.
The Cause which Creates the Cause is always born from the
You WILL unravel and solve those Secrets Yourselves.
Every Man possesses the Power present in everyone. Each
of You is a BioLogical COMPUTER Embodied in accordance
with the conditions of NATURE.
The Brain carried in each BioLogical Body is a UNIVERSAL
COMPUTER. And the Secrets of Universes are solved by
means of this COMPUTER. Your Brain Power has a
receiving, downloading Capacity.
Through this Brain, You solve the Secrets, One by One. The
One who knows how to Master his/her Voice. also knows
how to Master his/her Body.
Those who tell the Truth are able to work Miracles.
Your Good WILL cuts into two, like a Sword, the Negative
Currents around You.
All the people in Your Planet are Brothers and Sisters.
Ultimately, Everyone WILL be Brothers and Sisters.
However, since they do not know the Truth, differences in
Consciousnesses occur. The HUMAN BEING is a very
Supreme Natural Power, a Supreme Consciousness.
However, he/she can act as a Free WILL and a Free
Awareness only if he/she Respects the Awareness of a
Collective Ordinance.
You attain Bodies in Your Planet as the result of a Genetic
Program, and You attain Awareness according to the
Awakening of the GOD Consciousness in Your Genes. The
Genes are each a mini COMPUTER in your Cells which
provides reproduction, and which gives the Command to
adapt to the Body they are in, by the UNIVERSAL
Awareness and the UNIVERSAL Consciousness they have
attained. After You are Awakened, You utilize Your entire
Universal Awareness, and are obliged to act in accordance
with the Evolutionary Development of the Planet.
The Brain carried in each BioLogical Body is a UNIVERSAL
COMPUTER. And the Secrets of Universes are solved by
means of this COMPUTER. Through this Brain, You solve
the Secrets, One by One. After You are Awakened, Your
Brain Power renders effective Your storehouse of Energy,
and You spend it in a Balanced way, parallel to Your GOD
Consciousnesses, in a Programmed manner.
Each ConScience is concealed in his/her Own Cerebral
COMPUTER. Once Man is Connected to the GOD
Consciousness, he can ever again utilize his Own
Consciousness. Because, he is obliged to utilize, in the
Realm in which he Lives, the Consciousness of GOD, the
Words of GOD from then on.
For Us, these very Friends are each a UNIVERSAL GOD.
And We consider them as Gods.
The Period of Myths has come to an End and the Doors of
the School of
Knowledge of the Heavens have opened for Man, under the
Light of Science.
Man WILL see everything in a tangible way through Science,
WILL solve
every event through Logic and WILL unravel the knots in its
Our Friends whose Religious Knowledge is more than their
Scientific Knowledge,
WILL do nothing but repeat the Religious MesSages over
and over again.
They WILL continue to dispute and fight.
The effort made in trying to win is nothing but a waste of
All of the Scientific Laws, Sacred Books and Divine
Ordinances revealed to Your Planet until today are excerpts
taken from the KNOWLEDGE BOOK,
conveyed to You in accordance with the Consciousness You
possessed in those periods.
In fact, this Knowledge Book has been kept in the Micro
Archives until today to be revealed during this Period of
Resurrecting. Since, at the moment, the REALITY of
HUMANITY has reached a Level where it can grasp it, it has
been given to You as a gift. This System of Books had
started by the Period of MOSES over 4000 years ago,
and had ended in the year 2000 by the Final Transfer of
MEVLANA. Each Religion was a Mission given to a Spiritual
Guide to Shed Light on Society. The Missionary was always
obliged and appointed to present to others the Information
he received.
The Book of Islam was the continuation of All the Religious
Books before it.
These dictated Texts of the KNOWLEDGE BOOK are the
continuation of It.
Information in the Book of Islam was the Information until the
Year 2014.
And this Information is explicitly mentioned in the
Now, the Period of Religions and Sacred Books has been
Liberation WILL be equally distributed according to the
Maturity each Person achieves.
You WILL Personally feel this.
The RESURRECTION mentioned in the Sacred Books is the
Period You live in.
However, since the interpretations caused
the meaning of RESURRECTION has not been correctly
understood until today.
Your Planet is a Natural Spaceship. In each Dimension it
WILL enter, Your Consciousness Lights WILL discover an
Unknown. Your Planet WILL not cease to Exist. However, all
the Living Entities on it During this Final Period, especially
Our HUMAN Brothers/Sisters, WILL never return to the
World Evolutionary Plan. The World Plan which completes
its exams of this Final Period, is taken into a Preparation
Period considered necessary by REALITY. There is no need
for Terrestrial EVOLVEMENT and Reincarnations anymore.
There is no need for each Person to make Progress by
Individual efforts. Integrated Consciousnesses WILL now be
able to use their Awareness Powers easily and WILL expand
towards Unknown horizons. Everyone WILL make Progress
in proportion with his/her Consciousness level and WILL be
left to his/her own REALITY for a period. This is the reason
why a Great Effort is made for everyone to attain, more or
less, the same Consciousness Level. Help is extended
especially to those who make an Effort on this Path.
That which happens and which WILL happen are for the
Welfare of HUMANITY and You. Events You experience are
Your Patience Exams. Either You pass the threshold, or You
remain in the same REALITY.
If You have completed the World Evolutionary Plan by Lives
in which You have lived before, now, You are only subjected
to the Progress Exam of a different REALITY in Your present
Lifetime. OtherWise, You become subjected to the Selection
and Exam of both the World and of this REALITY.
Now, certain Information contradictory to Your habitual
Knowledge has been given to You, and Your Knowledge
Levels will be Upgraded.
There is a Power attracting You towards a thing in proportion
with how much You
desire that thing.
The EGO which is the fuel of Terrestrial Potential is an
element of provocation to
carry on the Worldly affairs. However, in the UNIVERSAL
Order there is absolutely
no place for the Ego.
The Cosmic Beams showering Your Planet During the
UNIVERSAL operations
performed in accordance with this Final Period Program are
very Powerful Currents
rendering Your Levels of Consciousness attain a certain
Maturity and revealing the
Genuine Personalities concealed within You. In the
UNIVERSAL Plan, everyone has a
receiving and transmitting Signal. These Signals are the
Intuitional Keys which You
Call the SIXTH SENSE. These Cosmic Currents are Special
Currents which unlock the
Locks by these Keys and which provide the Genuine
Contacts with Us and which are
conveyed to You through a kind of different Signals.
This is Your gain. It should never be assessed as an
interference to Free WILLs.
Our Friends,
Each Consciousness receives the Consciousness Light
belonging to his/her own Dimension from each Dimension
which is an applied Field of the Plans of OUR ALLAH. This is
reason why HUMANITY has not yet attained the
Consciousness of Truth.
Everyone who Realizes the Truth is a Total of
Himself/Herself. But has not yet
Realized that, that Total, too, belongs to the Total. The term
Totality here
means the meeting of a HUMAN BEING with his/her
And the Totality meeting with his/her Essence-
expands towards the Total getting Connected to the
Reflecting Focal
Point of ALLAH’ s Direct
Frequency Dimension.
Everything is a Totality Reflecting from the HUMAN BEING.
However, everyone has not Realized yet that writings
written, experienced events are related to the Medium of
Truth. During this Transition Period, it is imperative that the
UNIVERSAL Totality should manifest in the Essence.
Love is not a Frequency Projected in accordance with the
desires of Consciousnesses. Everyone who attains his/her
Essence-Consciousness Projects the Frequency of his/her
If this Frequency is attached to the Dimension of Love, it only
talks about Love.
If it is attached to the Dimension of Knowledge, it only talks
about Knowledge.
HUMANITY exhibiting a Life Program under the Supervision
of the entire System surely possesses a very Supreme
Power and Consciousness. However, has not yet Realized
the UNIVERSAL Program.
This Program is a Mission Consciousness conveyed and
loaded into Your Gene
Ciphers. And You Project the Information to Your Medium by
opening Your Information Valves by Reflections of the
Dimensional Frequency of whichever Dimensional
Frequency You have attained. In Your Planet, all Integrated
Consciousnesses receive these Facts from their own
Essence Central Channels.
This is the reason why it is said that everyone WILL write
Own Book of Essence. The Text of the Book Dear Mevlana
writes has
been rendered effective completely in Connection with the
UNIVERSAL Unification
Totality. In the Medium she Lives, only her Essence
Consciousness and her Beautiful
Frequency have been left in effect. (As a necessity of her
Mission). Because, in this
Transition Dimension she has to live exactly in the
appearance of a Person of the
World. (So that Mediums of Taboo should not Form).
All given Information is present in her and in other Friends.
However, everyone is equipped with Information parallel to
his/her own
Dimensional Frequency. This is the reason why the Function
of the
KNOWLEDGE BOOK is confused with other Books.
This Book is a Totality which WILL be understood during the
Morrows. This is the
reason why We say that it is not the Book of Present days.
Because, the System’s
operational Order Projected on Your Planet Technically is
not yet Known in Your
World. This is the reason why everything is evaluated in
accordance with old Views.
The Permission of disclosing the Secrets of the entire
Universe to Your Planet has
been given with the Purpose of benefiting from the rich
treasures of Dear Mevlana.
However, We are giving this Permission also by taking
Permission from her. Dear
Mevlana does not wish to disclose every Knowledge. She
has told this to Us, too,
numerous times. However, in the Medium of Progress of
more Advanced
Knowledge, HUMANITY needs more Information.
The HUMAN BEING who had come out of the Total
within the Total is himself/herself a Total, now.
And is obliged to Unite with Crude Matter Forms of The
Dimensions in which he/she WILL perForm his/her Mission.
(As it is in Your Planet.) However, if the Time Consciousness
of this Planet and its Material Form Unify and EVOLVE, the
BEING Unifies his/her entire Totality Consciousness with
his/her Material Form and thus, embraces the Unknown,
very Beautiful Lives with his/her Crude Matter Form.
Heavens had been promised to You in Your Sacred Books
for Your EVOLution. However now, We do not promise You
Heavens any more. We explain to You the Truth and the Life
in the Life Dimensions to which You WILL go in Future.
These are not Visions. Those Lives are Your Genuine
Bodies within the Genuine Totality. Those We mention are
Dimensions in which You WILL be able to utilize the Ability of
Your Consciousness Lights much more easily despite Your
carrying the same Crude Matter You are in at the moment.
These have nothing to do with Imaginary-Forms and with
Images. Those who have not seen these places here by
their Terrestrial Eyes can never know the Dimensions
beyond the Land of Loving Ones.
Dear Mevlana’s Tolerance towards You originates from her
Love and be Loved; Respect and be Respected.
Attaining Your Own Selves means reaching Us.
HUMANITY should never forget this.
Your Power is Our Power.
The Ordinance of ALLAH is the Order and the Ordinance of
the Cosmoses.

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The Genuine Human Being - Excerpts from The Knowledge Book

  • 1. THE REAL HUMAN BEING 01 16 2014 The Power of the Realm forming the Order of the Administration of the Entire Cosmos ORIGINATES FROM THE SINGLE GOD. GOD Created You, and You create Yourself. This is a Law of the Universe. The Law of Universe is valid for every Galaxy. It has been like this in Every Age. There is no discrimination. There is Unity. Each of Us is Unique. Each Person is a Free Spirit, a Free ConScience. Nobody is the Servant of anybody else. Mutual Respect is imperative. The Goal is to uncover the REAL HUMAN BEING within Yourself. Your Scale is the ConScience. It provides an Equilibrium which never fails. It decides what to do and what not to do for those who are Evolved.
  • 2. The Key of Our Happiness is in the hands of Our ConScience. This Book has been given to Us by our UNIVERSAL Friend MEVLANA In the city of ISTANBUL in the TURKEY of ATATÜRK under the Name of “THE KNOWLEDGE BOOK“ This UNIVERSAL Book was completed in 12 years (1981 to 1993) under the Name of the “GOLDEN BOOK“ and the “KNOWLEDGE BOOK“, and has been and is BEING distributed today all over our Planet. The purpose of the dictation of this Book is to gather all the Universe and our Planet in the Consciousness of HUMANE Integration. ALL THE SACRED BOOKS BETWEEN THE FIRST BOOK AND THE LAST BOOK ARE JOINED IN THIS KNOWLEDGE BOOK. This Book WILL explain, from the Learning Point of view, the subjects You all know (or do not know yet)for everybody to
  • 3. Understand them better. Do not forget that all the Books revealed from the EnLightenment Channel had been revealed from the Level of Firmament. These Sacred Books are the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Psalms of David, the Religions of the Far East and the KORAN (Qur’an/Book of Islam). The actual Purpose of these Sacred Books is to give a MesSage to Our HUMAN Brothers and Sisters in the Light of Learning. However, those Sacred Books were later deviated from their Actual Purpose and were DeGenerated. Then, You can see the Truth. That is why, for Centuries, We have told You to “ READ, READ, READ “ . Your vocabulary becomes richer, and You can grasp better the meaning of the Words You read. The aim of reading is not to repeat what You already know. That which is not yet Known becomes Known by decoding the Numbers and Letters, One by One, in Your Brain Codes. The Clarity in Your sight is possible only by the opening of Your Third Eye.
  • 4. The periods of Prophethood and the Period of Religions have come to an End long ago. From now on, our Planet WILL be EnLightened on the Path of Science and Technology. Knowledge already Known is not beneficial for The Human Being any more. It is nothing but a Personal satisfaction. Think for a moment what You gain by talking again and again around the same Theme, about the subject matters all of You already know. Demonstration of the already Known Information is a Light for those who do not know those Information. However, it is the Prime Mission of each Solar Teacher to inform HUMANITY with the Truths of the Future. Awakened Consciousnesses already know the Truth. And their Duty is to Awaken also those who are still Asleep. Before the Time catches up with You, catch up with the Time.
  • 5. Time and Place are Relative. That which Exists in REALITY is You. Man has such Potential in Him that He Dies the moment He wishes and Resurrects the moment He desires. Seek and unlock this Potential of Yours. Overcome Your sicknesses without medicine. Unlock Yourselves without the help of a Locksmith. Do not disdain Yourselves. Do not underrate Your Power. You possess everything in the Name of the ALMIGHTY GOD. In everything Created, there is Love and Beauty. Know Your Might so that Might may come to You. Everything, and first of all You, comprises the Secrets of the entire Universe. No matter how Powerful You are, there WILL always be an unopened Door in front of You. Do not let it Intimidate You; let it Stimulate You. Nothing happens without a Cause. The Cause which Creates the Cause is always born from the Effect. You WILL unravel and solve those Secrets Yourselves.
  • 6. Every Man possesses the Power present in everyone. Each of You is a BioLogical COMPUTER Embodied in accordance with the conditions of NATURE. The Brain carried in each BioLogical Body is a UNIVERSAL COMPUTER. And the Secrets of Universes are solved by means of this COMPUTER. Your Brain Power has a receiving, downloading Capacity. Through this Brain, You solve the Secrets, One by One. The One who knows how to Master his/her Voice. also knows how to Master his/her Body. Those who tell the Truth are able to work Miracles. Your Good WILL cuts into two, like a Sword, the Negative Currents around You. All the people in Your Planet are Brothers and Sisters. Ultimately, Everyone WILL be Brothers and Sisters. However, since they do not know the Truth, differences in Consciousnesses occur. The HUMAN BEING is a very Supreme Natural Power, a Supreme Consciousness. However, he/she can act as a Free WILL and a Free Awareness only if he/she Respects the Awareness of a
  • 7. Collective Ordinance. You attain Bodies in Your Planet as the result of a Genetic Program, and You attain Awareness according to the Awakening of the GOD Consciousness in Your Genes. The Genes are each a mini COMPUTER in your Cells which provides reproduction, and which gives the Command to adapt to the Body they are in, by the UNIVERSAL Awareness and the UNIVERSAL Consciousness they have attained. After You are Awakened, You utilize Your entire Universal Awareness, and are obliged to act in accordance with the Evolutionary Development of the Planet. The Brain carried in each BioLogical Body is a UNIVERSAL COMPUTER. And the Secrets of Universes are solved by means of this COMPUTER. Through this Brain, You solve the Secrets, One by One. After You are Awakened, Your Brain Power renders effective Your storehouse of Energy, and You spend it in a Balanced way, parallel to Your GOD Consciousnesses, in a Programmed manner. Each ConScience is concealed in his/her Own Cerebral COMPUTER. Once Man is Connected to the GOD
  • 8. Consciousness, he can ever again utilize his Own Consciousness. Because, he is obliged to utilize, in the Realm in which he Lives, the Consciousness of GOD, the Words of GOD from then on. For Us, these very Friends are each a UNIVERSAL GOD. And We consider them as Gods. The Period of Myths has come to an End and the Doors of the School of Knowledge of the Heavens have opened for Man, under the Light of Science. Man WILL see everything in a tangible way through Science, WILL solve every event through Logic and WILL unravel the knots in its mind. Our Friends whose Religious Knowledge is more than their Scientific Knowledge, WILL do nothing but repeat the Religious MesSages over and over again. They WILL continue to dispute and fight. The effort made in trying to win is nothing but a waste of
  • 9. time. All of the Scientific Laws, Sacred Books and Divine Ordinances revealed to Your Planet until today are excerpts taken from the KNOWLEDGE BOOK, conveyed to You in accordance with the Consciousness You possessed in those periods. In fact, this Knowledge Book has been kept in the Micro Archives until today to be revealed during this Period of Resurrecting. Since, at the moment, the REALITY of HUMANITY has reached a Level where it can grasp it, it has been given to You as a gift. This System of Books had started by the Period of MOSES over 4000 years ago, and had ended in the year 2000 by the Final Transfer of MEVLANA. Each Religion was a Mission given to a Spiritual Guide to Shed Light on Society. The Missionary was always obliged and appointed to present to others the Information he received. The Book of Islam was the continuation of All the Religious Books before it. These dictated Texts of the KNOWLEDGE BOOK are the
  • 10. continuation of It. Information in the Book of Islam was the Information until the Year 2014. And this Information is explicitly mentioned in the KNOWLEDGE BOOK. Now, the Period of Religions and Sacred Books has been terminated. Liberation WILL be equally distributed according to the Maturity each Person achieves. You WILL Personally feel this. The RESURRECTION mentioned in the Sacred Books is the Period You live in. However, since the interpretations caused misunderstandings, the meaning of RESURRECTION has not been correctly understood until today. Your Planet is a Natural Spaceship. In each Dimension it WILL enter, Your Consciousness Lights WILL discover an Unknown. Your Planet WILL not cease to Exist. However, all
  • 11. the Living Entities on it During this Final Period, especially Our HUMAN Brothers/Sisters, WILL never return to the World Evolutionary Plan. The World Plan which completes its exams of this Final Period, is taken into a Preparation Period considered necessary by REALITY. There is no need for Terrestrial EVOLVEMENT and Reincarnations anymore. There is no need for each Person to make Progress by Individual efforts. Integrated Consciousnesses WILL now be able to use their Awareness Powers easily and WILL expand towards Unknown horizons. Everyone WILL make Progress in proportion with his/her Consciousness level and WILL be left to his/her own REALITY for a period. This is the reason why a Great Effort is made for everyone to attain, more or less, the same Consciousness Level. Help is extended especially to those who make an Effort on this Path. That which happens and which WILL happen are for the Welfare of HUMANITY and You. Events You experience are Your Patience Exams. Either You pass the threshold, or You remain in the same REALITY. If You have completed the World Evolutionary Plan by Lives in which You have lived before, now, You are only subjected
  • 12. to the Progress Exam of a different REALITY in Your present Lifetime. OtherWise, You become subjected to the Selection and Exam of both the World and of this REALITY. Now, certain Information contradictory to Your habitual Knowledge has been given to You, and Your Knowledge Levels will be Upgraded. *********************************
  • 13. There is a Power attracting You towards a thing in proportion with how much You desire that thing.
  • 14.
  • 15. The EGO which is the fuel of Terrestrial Potential is an element of provocation to carry on the Worldly affairs. However, in the UNIVERSAL Order there is absolutely no place for the Ego. The Cosmic Beams showering Your Planet During the UNIVERSAL operations performed in accordance with this Final Period Program are very Powerful Currents rendering Your Levels of Consciousness attain a certain Maturity and revealing the Genuine Personalities concealed within You. In the UNIVERSAL Plan, everyone has a receiving and transmitting Signal. These Signals are the Intuitional Keys which You Call the SIXTH SENSE. These Cosmic Currents are Special Currents which unlock the
  • 16. Locks by these Keys and which provide the Genuine Contacts with Us and which are conveyed to You through a kind of different Signals. ********************** This is Your gain. It should never be assessed as an interference to Free WILLs. ********************** IT IS CLEAR INFORMATION Our Friends, Each Consciousness receives the Consciousness Light belonging to his/her own Dimension from each Dimension which is an applied Field of the Plans of OUR ALLAH. This is the reason why HUMANITY has not yet attained the Consciousness of Truth. Everyone who Realizes the Truth is a Total of Himself/Herself. But has not yet Realized that, that Total, too, belongs to the Total. The term Totality here means the meeting of a HUMAN BEING with his/her Essence-Consciousness. And the Totality meeting with his/her Essence-
  • 17. Consciousness expands towards the Total getting Connected to the Reflecting Focal Point of ALLAH’ s Direct Frequency Dimension. Everything is a Totality Reflecting from the HUMAN BEING. However, everyone has not Realized yet that writings written, experienced events are related to the Medium of Truth. During this Transition Period, it is imperative that the UNIVERSAL Totality should manifest in the Essence. Love is not a Frequency Projected in accordance with the desires of Consciousnesses. Everyone who attains his/her Essence-Consciousness Projects the Frequency of his/her Essence. If this Frequency is attached to the Dimension of Love, it only talks about Love. If it is attached to the Dimension of Knowledge, it only talks about Knowledge. HUMANITY exhibiting a Life Program under the Supervision of the entire System surely possesses a very Supreme
  • 18. Power and Consciousness. However, has not yet Realized the UNIVERSAL Program. This Program is a Mission Consciousness conveyed and loaded into Your Gene Ciphers. And You Project the Information to Your Medium by opening Your Information Valves by Reflections of the Dimensional Frequency of whichever Dimensional Frequency You have attained. In Your Planet, all Integrated Consciousnesses receive these Facts from their own Essence Central Channels. This is the reason why it is said that everyone WILL write his/her Own Book of Essence. The Text of the Book Dear Mevlana writes has been rendered effective completely in Connection with the UNIVERSAL Unification Totality. In the Medium she Lives, only her Essence Consciousness and her Beautiful Frequency have been left in effect. (As a necessity of her Mission). Because, in this Transition Dimension she has to live exactly in the
  • 19. appearance of a Person of the World. (So that Mediums of Taboo should not Form). All given Information is present in her and in other Friends. However, everyone is equipped with Information parallel to his/her own Dimensional Frequency. This is the reason why the Function of the KNOWLEDGE BOOK is confused with other Books. This Book is a Totality which WILL be understood during the Morrows. This is the reason why We say that it is not the Book of Present days. Because, the System’s operational Order Projected on Your Planet Technically is not yet Known in Your World. This is the reason why everything is evaluated in accordance with old Views. The Permission of disclosing the Secrets of the entire Universe to Your Planet has been given with the Purpose of benefiting from the rich treasures of Dear Mevlana. However, We are giving this Permission also by taking Permission from her. Dear Mevlana does not wish to disclose every Knowledge. She
  • 20. has told this to Us, too, numerous times. However, in the Medium of Progress of more Advanced Knowledge, HUMANITY needs more Information. The HUMAN BEING who had come out of the Total within the Total is himself/herself a Total, now. And is obliged to Unite with Crude Matter Forms of The Dimensions in which he/she WILL perForm his/her Mission. (As it is in Your Planet.) However, if the Time Consciousness of this Planet and its Material Form Unify and EVOLVE, the BEING Unifies his/her entire Totality Consciousness with his/her Material Form and thus, embraces the Unknown, very Beautiful Lives with his/her Crude Matter Form. Heavens had been promised to You in Your Sacred Books for Your EVOLution. However now, We do not promise You Heavens any more. We explain to You the Truth and the Life in the Life Dimensions to which You WILL go in Future. These are not Visions. Those Lives are Your Genuine Bodies within the Genuine Totality. Those We mention are Dimensions in which You WILL be able to utilize the Ability of Your Consciousness Lights much more easily despite Your
  • 21. carrying the same Crude Matter You are in at the moment. These have nothing to do with Imaginary-Forms and with Images. Those who have not seen these places here by their Terrestrial Eyes can never know the Dimensions beyond the Land of Loving Ones. Dear Mevlana’s Tolerance towards You originates from her INFINITE Love. Love and be Loved; Respect and be Respected. Attaining Your Own Selves means reaching Us. HUMANITY should never forget this. Your Power is Our Power. The Ordinance of ALLAH is the Order and the Ordinance of the Cosmoses. IT IS THE MESSAGE FROM THE LAND OF LOVING ONES TO LOVING ONES