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Is very
Important in

With God.
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

Love overflow from
the heart in the right

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

-ABOUT THE AUTHORHe is a student of the Spirit and teacher
of the Word. As a minister, his vision is to
bring God’s children to higher maturity
through knowledge of the Word and
prayer. Rhema D.S Pious has written and
is working on several books. This has
been brought out however, because he
saw the need to send this message across
the world at this time. Many shall be won
unto Christ, to freedom, intimacy and
Here is a study on love. The work of Christ
on earth was to demonstrate the love of
God and the impartation of His Spirit – i.e.
the Holy Spirit – imparts the love of God into the heart of man.

David said ‘He anointed my head with oil.’ God has anointed my head with oil and
I am forever grateful for His work and works. Thank you to all 2010/2011 batch of
S.U (Scripture Union) and PENSA (Pentecost Students and Associates) executives
of Swedru School of Business, especially to the President of PENSA, Mr. McBoye
David. Hello to Mr. Cobbah Justus Arko. My gratitude also goes to all my ministry
friends in Champion Youth Movements and all the missionaries. I acknowledge
how God has used the Youth Ministry of Emmanuel Assembly of the Church of
Pentecost, C.P District to impart my life. And to all my friends and loved ones in
Bettering Relationships Through Christ (BRTC, a Facebook group), I say ‘God bless

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)


To all Christian lovers, singles and couples.
To Bettering Relationships Through Christ.

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

The Genesis Love .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Revelation of Love .................................................................................................................................. 6
Deposit of Love ...................................................................................................................................... 9
True Love ............................................................................................................................................. 11
The Most Powerful Love Expression ................................................................................................ 12
Commitment ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Humility .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Love Bullets .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Love Poems ........................................................................................................................................... 46
SEARCHING FOR YOU .......................................................................................................................... 47
ROMANTIC RHYTHM ........................................................................................................................... 48
I AM MY BEAUTIFUL ............................................................................................................................ 49
SKY FALLS ............................................................................................................................................ 50
SWEET FLAMES ................................................................................................................................... 51
BLUE TREASURE .................................................................................................................................. 53

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

The Genesis Love
Revelation of Love

Genesis means beginning. According to 1 John 4:8 and 16, God is Love. So the
topic is not the Genesis of Love but rather ‘the Genesis Love.’ God is Love. And
God does not live in time. He created time but He lives in eternity. Since God
never began, Love never did. There is no beginning to love and that is why there is
no end to it.
“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. And we have known
and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love
abides in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:8, 16, NKJV)
“Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will
cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.” (1 Corinthians 13:8, ESV)
So there is no genesis to love and no end to it. However, there is a Genesis Love.
We want to know about love and we want to learn it from the book of Genesis.
We want to learn about love from Love (God) and we go all the way back to the
time the Spirit of Love (God) was hovering over the face of the waters. We want
to know from God what love is and how love works. What and how is the Genesis
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without
form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and
there was light.” (Genesis 1:1-3, ESV)
Light was moving over the waters but the earth was still full of darkness. Although
God who is Light (1 John 1:5) was moving over the waters, the waters and the
entire earth did not know light until He spoke ‘let there be light.’ The point is that,
light was not seen because He was there but because He spoke. It was when Love
expressed Himself that we saw light. The expression of Love is very important in
every relationship because it is the expression of Love that gives light in the
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

Just as there was utter darkness until God spoke, there is utter darkness in a
relationship until one expresses love. Love is not light to the relationship when it
is in your heart; it is the expression of love that brings light to the relationship.
Love was so close to the earth; but until He expressed himself by way of speech,
the earth was still in darkness. For most relationships that are in darkness and
void, the problem is not no love but no, low or improper expression of it. The
earth was not in darkness because there was no love and light in God’s heart. The
earth was in darkness because although God was so close to it, God had not yet
spoken. You must be ready to express the love in your heart because that is what
God did in Genesis.
“Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This demonstrates God's love for
us.” (Romans 5:8, GW)
“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son
into the world, so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9, ESV)
Not only did it happen in Genesis, God again expressed His love for humanity by
giving us His Son, the Lamb that takes away the sins of man. God so loved the
world but we were all in darkness far away from Him. God so loved the world but
no one ever loved Him enough to get close to Him. Our feet run to evil all the time
(Romans 3:10-18). We never loved God. God’s love for us was so much. The Bible
says that it is unspeakable. Words cannot explain this love. It is an amazing love.
But it was all known only to God. Although God drew closer time after time, we
always kept going back. The relationship between God and humanity was in a
mess. That mess could only be solved by the expression of love. Until God gave us
the Son Jesus, there was no awareness of how much He loved humanity. We
didn’t know. He had to express His love through Jesus and that is what revealed
to us lastly that the Man loves us. Love must be made manifest.
“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.” (1 John 3:16a, NKJV)
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16, NKJV)

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son
into the world, so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9)
We knew love when Christ laid down His life. We did not know love. This love was
so big and so amazing. But we did not see truly until God expressed His love by
Jesus. Jesus is the expression of God’s love. We know the love of God because He
expressed it through Jesus. The expression of love is very vital in every
relationship because that is the light-bringer. There was no light in the world until
God expressed His love through Jesus. Just as it happened in Genesis, spiritually
before Jesus who is the expression of God’s love, there was no light in the world.
The story in Genesis 1 is repeated in the New Testament. Just as God spoke light
into being, He introduced spiritual light (knowledge) of His love into the spiritually
chaotic earth by sending out His Word Jesus. That is why right under John 3:16
which speak about God expressing His love, in verse 19 we see the Spirit talking
about light. When God expressed His love through Jesus Christ, light came into
the world. Just as by His Word there was light in Genesis 1, by His Word (Jesus)
again there was spiritual light. Jesus is the Word, He is the expression of God’s
love, and that is why He is the Light of the World. He is the Light of the World
because by Him God expresses His most amazing love to the world. It isn’t just the
presence of love that brings light into a relationship; it is the expression of the
love in a proper way. When there is no light in a relationship, there is always
stumbling and there is no trust. Where there is no light in a relationship, it is even
difficult to receive forgiveness.
“He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling
in him.” (1 John 2:10)
“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who
follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."” (John 8:12)
“I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not
abide in darkness.”(John 12:46)

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone
in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of
Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6)

There was no light in the world till Jesus the Expression of Love came. Until God
spoke there was no light. You can bring more light into that relationship, a sense
of direction and a feeling of trust can be restored or kept through proper
communication and other love expressions. Jesus’ whole mission was to express
God’s love and hence bring light into the world. The condemnation however is
that light has come but people still prefer to remain in the darkness (John 3:19).
“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men
loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19,
“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son
into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have
loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John 4:9-11,
Deposit of Love

“The spirit of a man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of
the belly.”(Proverbs 20:27, KJV)
There is a deposit of love in every natural heart (however little) which is given by
God. Everybody has a deposit and the ability to love in him or her however small
or little it is. This’ because of the breath of God that keeps us alive. We all have a
connection with God. The very thing that makes us living souls is the breath of
God. Until God breathed into Adam’s nostrils, he was mere mud. Therefore
everyone has some amount of love in him or her. The reason why every living
thing naturally responds to love is that Love made them. You do respond to love
because love is in you. Even the wicked person has this kind of love even though it
is very little.
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

When God breathed into Adam, He gave Him two things at the same time. These
two things are physical life and spiritual life. He did one thing, but it fulfilled two.
Physical life was given to the molten clay and spiritual life which linked man and
God was given. But when they took the fruit, they died spiritually. The spiritual life
was no more. Man was still living physically but the actual life was gone.
Man is made up of body, soul and spirit. The unbeliever has spirit too; it is a
source of physical life. But the thing in the spirit which gave it spiritual life and the
ability to worship God is not there (in the unbeliever). The breath built into man
life (physical) and the Breath now dwelt in that life. God made the spirit (observe
the small ‘s’ in spirit) to be in man, then He, by the same breath, got into the spirit
(small ‘s’) and lived in. So the Spirit (capital ‘S’) was in the spirit. God lived in the
life of man. The breath of God is His life. So God was in man. The life (Spirit) of
God was in the life (spirit) of man. And that is the original status Jesus came to
restore us to. So after being restored Paul said, ‘…I live; yet not I, but Christ lives
in me…’ (Gal. 2:20). Now since the spirit (observe small ‘s’) came from the nostril
of God, there is a scent of godliness (little love) in him (the spirit) even though the
Spirit (of God) is no more.
Proverbs 20:27 says that the spirit of man is a candle of the Lord. The spirit in
conjunction with the Spirit (when man had not yet fallen) was a great and burning
light. But by sin the light is become a feeble one. The light is not as powerful in
instructing man on good and evil and giving him actual sight of divine truths
because of the nature of sin we bear from Adam. However there is still some light
in the spirit. It has some scent of godliness. It is the reason why every normal man
has conscience and even without accepting Christ, knows the difference between
good and evil. However, this light is but like candle light at best in comparison of
the true glory of the Spirit. It is His candle (it came out from Him, it’s from His
breath) but He does not dwell in there so the light is not as bright as Him. This
explains that there is a little amount of love in everyone because this candle light
we’re talking about is love. Love is light. That scent gives us some little amount
love in our hearts and we struggle to share that love with God and people.

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

True Love

But true love only comes into man when we receive the Spirit back into our spirit
by accepting Christ. This love is indefinite and cannot be calculated. It is so large
and big that it cannot be measured. It comes into us when the Spirit arrives in our
spirit (Romans 5:5, 2 Timothy 1:7). It is so big and large that we can love God well
with it and love people too. Because it is so big and large and immeasurable, even
our enemies are loved. It is the love in God’s own heart that is poured into our
spirit by the Spirit that comes to dwell in us.
The love with which we love God is given by Him. The first thing we do is not to
love God. We first believe and then He pours out great love into our hearts out of
which we can love Him and people. The important point is not that we love Him
but He loved us and when we believed in His love, He sent into us love so that we
can also love Him. When God sends actual love into our hearts by the Spirit, only
then can we love Him.
The true love, the actual love, the real love, is a Person. His other name is
Jehovah. Normally we call Him ‘God’ or ‘the Lord.’ He is Spirit and when He comes
to dwell in you, you can love all your friends and your enemies. The little love
cannot even love good God and best friends well, how will it love enemies? It
cannot even love the perfect God, how can it love imperfect man? So we have
love but we need Love. If we don’t receive the true Love into our spirits, we will
lack the ability to truly express love. We need Love. Stop looking for a person you
term ‘love’, ‘true love’ or ‘lover’ if you have not found Love Himself yet. We need
“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay
down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16, NASB)
“He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall
keep it unto life eternal. If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am,
there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.”
(Luke 12:25-26, KJV).

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

The reason why Peter could not lay down his life for Christ as he promised before
His arrest was that Christ had not yet died and so though Peter had being with
Christ for a long time, true love was not in his heart because it was of the first
Adam. You can know the whole Bible and yet have no true love in your heart. You
can be the one who attends all the services in church and yet have no true love in
your heart. Peter could not express love in the most powerful way by laying down
his life for Christ because actually He did not have true love. He was still managing
the shadow love. Although he loved Christ so much, because it was a shadow
love, the most powerful expression would not come from it. Jesus knew the
condition of Peter’s heart so He said, Peter, you can’t. But as He said that He
knew it was only a temporary situation and that on the day of Pentecost He shall
pour out the Spirit upon and into them and by that true love will enter their
hearts. It is only then, He knew, would they be able to stand and preach and not
love their lives. Only then would they be able to lay down their lives as martyrs of
the gospel of Christ.
The Most Powerful Love Expression

The Genesis Love is a love that expresses itself. It is a love that is expressed. It is
one thing to have love and another to express it. It is one thing to have love and
another to love me with it. But God is Love and He is the best love Teacher. God
expresses love. He is a master when it comes to expressing love. He expressed
love to the highest point. Only He can show us how to truly express love and
there is something we must learn from His decision to give the loved world Christ
Jesus. Jesus is not only a Son of God but is God.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God.” (John 1:1)
“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into
the kingdom of his dear Son: …Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn
of every creature … For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell”
(Colossians 1:13, 15, and 19)
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the
Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7)
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

You may read John 1:1-28 yourself if you don’t have a personal knowledge of who
the Word in verse 1 is. The Son and the Father are one. God was in Jesus
reconciling the world to himself. All the while I have been saying that God gave
His Son Jesus as an expression of His Love. But now I will like you to see that Son
as God Himself. In other words, God gave Himself. God is a master when it comes
to love expression because He gave Himself to express His love for the world. That
is the most powerful love expression! Giving yourself is the most powerful way
you can express love in any relationship. There is no greater love expression. The
best gift you can give in a relationship is you. Giving yourself does not mean sex.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
(John 15:13)
“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to
lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16, NKJV)
All there while, God had being expressing His love to the world but the world did
not grasp it well until after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Man was
giving ‘things’ to us and we did not get the point He was making until suddenly He
gave Himself, then did we ‘know’. Giving yourself is the best gift and most
powerful way you can express love because when you give yourself, there is
nothing you cannot give. God does not need our gifts. He needs us first and when
we give Him our lives, He knows there is nothing higher that we can hold back
from Him. If we are for Him, our money can be; everything we have will be for
Him because those things are with us. Because we have those things, when He
has us, He has them.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
service.” (Romans 12:1)
“With what should I enter the LORD's presence? With what should I bow before
the sovereign God? Should I enter his presence with burnt offerings, with year-old
calves? Will the LORD accept a thousand rams, or ten thousand streams of olive
oil? Should I give him my firstborn child as payment for my rebellion, my offspring
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

--- my own flesh and blood --- for my sin? He has told you, O man, what is good,
and what the LORD really wants from you: He wants you to promote justice, to be
faithful, and to live obediently before your God.” (Micah 6:6-8, NET)
Giving yourself or laying down your life is the way to express love to God (Romans
12:1), the brethren in Christ (1 John 3:16) and also your spouse (Ephesians 5:25).
This great love expression is expected to be shown in all our relationships.
Although it is one thing, giving yourself may mean different things in different
relationships. However it may mean in a relationship, it is about showing
commitment and humility.
Bible says that we ought to love as Christ and thus lay down our lives for each
other. Love is what causes you to hate your life and live by a greater cause. Jesus
said that those who love their life will lose it but those who hate it will keep it
(John 12:25). It means loving is true living. He knew while He said that, that no
one can hate his or her life enough to lay it down for the brethren if His kind of
love is not in the heart of that person. These are the revelations;
 We should express love as Christ did by laying down our lives for the
 And as we hate our lives enough to lay it down, we live.
These revelations lead to this point; loving is true living. Life is in Love. So until
you start loving, you are not living. The first Adam and his generation were and
are dead because, as a result of the sin of the first Adam, they luck love in their
hearts. The Adamic nature does not contain love.
True living means loving and giving yourself such that your life no more belongs to
you but is for God for people. Laying down your life means giving yourself and this
is the greatest, most powerful and efficient love expression. There is none
greater. Christ said greater love has no one than to lay down his life for his
friends. There is no greater way of expressing love. The greatest is giving you.
True love does not only give gifts, it gives the giver. And when we go to God with
big gifts while we are unwilling to give Him ourselves, God does not take it. He
does not take it because to him that much is given much is expected. And since
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

He has given us His best (the one and only begotten Son He had), He expects and
deserves the best. It is time to show the Greatest Lover the greatest love you can
by giving yourself to Him (Romans 12).

By the Spirit of God living in us, we contain the Christ kind of love and we can
obey 1 John 3:16. We can lay down our lives for the brethren. Laying down your
life for the brethren is only proving that you have laid down your life for Jesus.
This is because 1 John says that a person’s claim that he or she loves God is only
true if he or she loves the brethren. So you can lay down your life for the Christian
brethren only if you have laid down your life for the Christ. When you lay down
your life for Christ, He takes it and makes it a life that is about making people who
they are supposed to be in Christ and blessing people. There is no love for each
other in the church because most of us have not even loved the Christ yet. If you
still have enough love in you to love you, then you have not loved Christ enough.
When you love Christ with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength you
become for Him for people.
“And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our
hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:5)
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
The meaning of this is clearer when you know that heart means spirit and
strength means body. The spirit, soul and body make up the human being. So
“love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
might” means that you should keep nothing to yourself. You should belong to Him
– your heart (spirit), soul and strength (body) should be His. When you love God
really well, you have no love left in you to love your life (Luke 14:26). You are not
for yourself anymore and your life is in His hands. Remember the more you love,
the less you own yourself. Selfishness means the absence of true love. It means
the absence of love.

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and
children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my
disciple” (Luke 14:26).
Be committed to God first and to Christ His Word above all. When you love Christ,
you love Him with all the love you have. He gives you that love anyway. You
become for Him. He is saying that, we should see all that is in the love account as
His because it is His. Actually, when we see it as His, then we can [properly] love
everyone because He loves everyone. The scripture is not to say that we should
literally hate those people. That ‘hate’ there actually means ‘leave’. It means
don’t prioritize them. That’s what Jesus is saying. He says that if you want to love
and please people first, you cannot love Me. He says that we should put Him
above all. Our relationship with Him should be prioritized above all other.
Actually, the result of our love for Jesus and following of Jesus will be that we will
love these people with the love of the Lord. But then, “to follow Jesus, we must
hate the others” means that if we want to follow (obey) the Word (the Word is
Jesus); we will have to close our ears to the demands of family and society and
stick only to it. There is only one Shepherd to this fold, the voice of God. You are
led by Jesus. It may [eventually] be through mother, father, spouse, children,
brothers or sisters but it should not be by them. ‘Through them’ is not the same
as ‘by them’. There is only one shepherd to this fold. If you are following Me, no
other voice counts but Mine. So that scripture is not against loving. It says this; ‘it
is okay to obey JESUS if it means disobeying parents, siblings, spouse or children.’
That is the revelation! Don’t prioritize anyone’s will above Mine – not even yours.
Hate others and hate yourself too; direct all your love and obeisance towards me.
Now this is not selfishness [on God’s side] but God’s amazing love. We cannot
properly love others or ourselves. In fact, if we love ourselves, we will die so all
love must be directed to God and Christ first. When we do this, the willfulness
God gave us becomes a blessing and not a timed-bomb. Hana gave Samuel back
to God. God gave us our will and freed us to make choices. People ask why God
did not program us to be automatically drawn towards only goodness, without
any tendency to disobey etc. Couldn’t He have made us in that way? Yes, He could
have but He didn’t. It was necessary that God did not make us like robots who
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

only respond to His click. It was necessary because if there is no willfulness, there
is no love. God wanted a love relationship with humanity and that called for a
man who could decide on his own to love.
You will understand why God had to give us our will. It is when a person has
looked through all the virgins and women and said ‘you excel them all; I will marry
you’ that you appreciate his love. You appreciate that love because he chose you
among the many others and if he decided to select you, then he truly loves you
and likes you. This pair so formed can go far and endure storms than one where
the person chooses you because he had no choice than to go with you. Love calls
for willingly choosing. If you are forced to remain, that is not love. Love and
willfulness are synonymous. God didn’t want slaves but sons; He wanted lovers –
people who will willingly serve Him. Love is willingly locking yourself in a prison. If
Shadrach and his friends entered the fire and did not bow because they were
programmed as robots to behave that way by a superior God, that’s not a surprise
– there’s no love here. When they DECIDE not to bow and are thrown into the fire
for the LORD’s sake; that is love. The element of CHOICE is important. Love is a
bondage no one imposes on you. Verily, love is bondage you impose on yourself
[you decide to be there]. Love is not an emotion and should not result from any
spell or programming; love is a decision. Man had to be free to decide because
God wanted a love relationship. In another angle, love is about continually
surrendering one’s will so there has to be willpower in the first place. Surrender
your will to God daily.
‘And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross daily, and follow me.’ (Luke 9:23)
‘Peter and the other apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than
people.”’ (Acts 5:29, Gw)
We must obey God not just as one of our friends but as our Master. When the
demands of people contradict the will of God, way of God and Word of God, you
must put God first and obey Him. Your respect for God should be far greater than
any other. We love Him because He first loved us. You must not want to please
people. Although they matter, God matters most. Be for God for the people and
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

not for the people for God. Saul wanted to be for the people for God and that led
to his failure because he disobeyed. It is impossible to be for the people first and
be for God. God cannot be second, His nature doesn’t permit that. He is not either
first or last. He is the first and last. Being the first and last means that it is not
even about God and some other relationships (or people) but rather it is all about
Him. That’s what ‘the first and last’ means. Your life is not about God and people,
it is about God and God – the first and last. God should not be just the first with
some other person or relationship following and many others in order. It is
supposed to be ALL about Him.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye
shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30)
We live for too many reasons and that is why we are always confused and
frustrated. But when you found one reason to live for then the yoke is easy and
the burden is light. The One reason to live for is Jesus. Jesus must be the first –
yes! But not just that! He must be the One and only. That is the meaning of ‘the
first and last.’ If Jesus is the one and only reason why you live, you still love and
care for people. But then, you love the people for Jesus. You don’t decide to love,
obey and please the people but in pleasing Jesus, the people sometimes are
incidentally pleased. Your focus is Jesus and no one else.
Be careful here! Jesus does not want you to love anyone besides Him. He wants
you to love Him with all the love you have and then He will love the people
through you in His own way. So if Jesus says don’t do it, don’t say ‘o, I love
him/her.’ You are not the one loving anyone. Jesus says “‘I am’ loving them
through you”. Immediately you decide to love someone yourself, there will be a
conflict of interest because the ‘Adam’ man does not know how to love. The
‘adam’ man thinks love is sex. S/He thinks it is about supporting a person even if
he or she is doing the wrong thing. The ‘adam’ man thinks love is about getting it
for him or her even if it will hurt her. There are many things the ‘adam’ man
thinks love is which are not true. As an ‘adam’ man you could not love your
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neighbor as yourself in the way God wants it and that is why Christ who is the
expression of God’s love has come to dwell in you. And He wants to be in charge
now. Get away with your ‘I’ love and let Christ love the people. You are not a
people lover; you never died on the cross for them. Christ did. Stop pretending as
if you love the people than Christ. Stop competing and debating with Christ about
who expresses the love! Your love is so imperfect and that is why Christ is in you.
Let Christ love through you. If you want to love them yourself, you end up sinning
and disobeying God. There is a thought that comes into your mind and you think
it is a thought of love and you are busy quoting ‘love your neighbor as yourself’
but the end thereof is death. Who loves who? If Christ was the one loving that
lady through you, He would not fornicate and romance as a way of expressing
love. If Christ was the one loving that person through you, He would not disobey
God because that person whom He loves so much said He should do something.
He would not disobey because God’s Word cannot disobey Him. Christ is God’s
Word and if He loves through you, then God’s Word cannot disobey Him so you
cannot disobey. Let Christ. You must die so that Christ can live through you.
What’s the war for? Kill the flesh and let Christ be the life.
“Christ means everything to me in this life, and when I die I'll have even more.”
(Philippians 1:21, Gw)
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21)
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me;
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20, NKJV)
“You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility
toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself
an enemy of God.” (James 4:4, NASB)
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17,
You have to be ready to invest yourself into that relationship. Your gifts are many
in the market but there is just one you and that is what the person wants. There
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were many gifts around Adam but God saw that he needed Eve, not the gifts.
Your commitment is what will truly speak your love. When you give yourself you
lay down your life for the person and you make time for the person. The Bible
instructs us a lot on how to relate with other people. The Bible is a whole and full
book and in there are also instructions on how to be in a courtship or how to
relate with your fiancé or fiancée. This is a letter I once wrote to someone.
“We live in an era where 'i love you' no more means much. A girl meets a strange boy and the
boy, looking at her beauty, says 'i love you.' Friends have said 'i love you' when they were
actually planning the next betrayal. You might have even received lovely kisses from 'judas'nature people, so the kiss of love always seems to raise suspicions in your mind. You think
you will soon be in the hands of wicked soldiers after every kiss of love. People hate to be
loved because they've been maltreated worst by 'love' as people call it. So the real power in 'i
love you' is no more absorbed. We've heard it over and over again. But when i say 'I LOVE
YOU', _____________, pls do believe that i mean it. The world system has so to say
reduced, misinterpreted and tarnished the word 'love.' Look into the bible and see what true
love means. Then you will know i am not just putting words together when i say 'I LOVE
YOU.' Hear me say 'I LOVE YOU.' But i know, dear, that God's love is more perfect.
God loves you.”

Now, even in your relationship with a person you plan getting married to, Christ
must be the one alive in you and acting through you. The point I make here is that
‘you’ should not exist anymore rather Christ should be the One who lives through
you. In the letter above, I was trying to explain how the word ‘love’ has been
reduced to mean less than it really means. Although it is now commonly
associated with ‘sex’, that rather reduces it from its true meaning. That is not an
extreme; don’t think it has been ‘over-understood.’ The understanding that love
means sex is rather a reduction. If love was sex, then the godliest people would
have been the prostitutes and they would go to heaven before any other.
Friends have said kind words and followed it by most painful betrayals. Like Judas
Iscariot, a kiss from them is just a sign that their evil plans are about to be
fulfilled. People have had these experiences and have come to a point where they
The Expression of Love 1

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do not understand ‘I love you.’ For so long, all ‘love’ could do to them was to
break their hearts and push them into corners of depression. Those friends did
not understand that the Bible says ‘a friend loves at all times’. Their commitment
therefore did not have to be at their own discretion because the Master says a
friend should love at all times – a friend should be faithful. They bore little
knowledge that God cares about the way you treat a friend. If God’s word
instructs friends to be loyal and committed in their relations, then not being loyal
or committed is not just a sin against man but against God too.
Friendship is not just a social relationship but a spiritual one especially when it is a
friendship between two saints. The first reason is that the Word of God is Spirit,
the Bible is Spirit. Therefore if the Word or Bible speaks about friendship, then it
is spiritual and not just social. The second reason is that if both persons are saints,
then that friendship has a spiritual mission to fulfill which may be major or
auxiliary to their actual purpose. And there is a purpose to the existence of every
God-orchestrated friendship but because we make friends ourselves and for our
own reasons and want to love them ourselves in our own ways, the role of
friendship which is integral to your full purpose for living on earth is missing.
Because of that missing sector in your life, the predetermined path and
destination of God for your life has been rejected and you want to live a life you
plan leaning on your mind. But the Bible says that you do not have what it takes
to make a good plan no matter how wise you think you are. ‘Trust in the Lord with
all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.’ Your commitment in other
relationships should have its root in the Word. In friendship God expects us to
love in His way. He wants to be the One loving through you. Love and
commitment is not just for courtship, in friendship, you must show commitment.
You must love at all times and be ready to help as well as you can in times of
“Whoever forgives an offense seeks love, but whoever keeps bringing up the issue
separates the closest of friends.” (Proverbs 17:9, Gw)

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Job had three friends who left their homes to be with him when he was in difficult
times. Christ was with His friends in the fire. He did not leave His friend in the
lion’s den alone. When His friend Jonah was in the belly of the fish, He still heard
him and helped him. He did not say ‘it is your own mistake that sent you there,
suffer it.’ When a friend gets into a difficulty, as much as you can make sure you
are available to comfort the person, pray with the person and encourage him or
her. Even if it was a mistake that sent the person there into that problem, that is
not the time to burden him or her with blames. It is not a time to keep bringing up
the issue. The actual pains of the problem and the tears of the trouble are enough
for him or her. And you are there to make those pains lighter and wipe the tears
by the grace of God. You are not there to tell the person why it happened. It has
happened and you need to find solutions to it. You need to encourage and
comfort, not in hypocrisy but in truth. It is all about who is loving who. Let Christ
love through you.
“Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14, ESV)
You have to be ready to invest yourself into that relationship. Your gifts are many
in the market but there is just one you and that is what the person wants. Your
commitment is what will truly speak your love. The more you love someone, the
less you own yourself. Giving yourself means loving to the highest degree and
showing commitment which makes you trustworthy. “For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish
but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). In other words, God’s great love for the world
was expressed by giving His Son (who is He) and we became able to believe in Him
for something no one can give. Although not all have believed in order to receive
eternal life, the gift is what makes it possible for anyone to believe. So giving
yourself makes it possible for the loved to trust you to some extent. Your
commitment is what wins you trust in the relationship, not just your words.
“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1 John
3:18, ESV)

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“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves
torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18,
I’m not talking about putting your trust in man because that is against God’s
Word. But what I am saying here is that, love gives security. Love frees from fear
and anxiety. Love makes it possible for people to expect positive actions and
reactions from you. The lack of trust is due to fear. Lack of trust in any
relationship means that fear is present in someone or both people. Now, love
makes the fear in people go when you express it by giving yourself. From
John3:16, when God gave Himself to His lovers, it led to His lovers being able to
believe and rely on Him for eternal life – something no one else can give. The love
in you for someone when rightly expressed at the highest level makes you special.
“Most beautiful of women, what makes your beloved better than any other
beloved? What makes your beloved better than any other beloved that you make
us swear this way?” (Songs of Solomon 5:9, Gw)
In this story in the love songs, the lady was searching for her beloved and so asked
others to help her. The others then asked her this question ‘How special is your
beloved?’ The beloved was so special to the bride and the reason was not how
handsome he was but because he was committed. He is one who gives himself.
His love for her made him to lost ownership of Himself and was for the lady. He
showed total commitment in the relationship and this’ what made him to be seen
as distinguished among ten thousand. The reason why he was so special to her is
repeated over and over again in the book; ‘I am my lover’s, and my lover is mine.’
‘"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine, He who pastures his flock among the
lilies."’ (Songs of Solomon 6:3, NASB)
What made one special to the other was the level of commitment they both gave
into the relationship. After 5:9 of the same book, the bride describes the beloved.
Those descriptions are the physical looks and emotional memories. However
those things are not the unique thing the lady saw in him. She was trying to
describe the one she was looking for and she spoke physical things that were
The Expression of Love 1

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spiced with emotions to describe him. Other people are handsome and other
people can speak sweet words but what is not common is a person who can be
for you no matter how high he is and who can accept you as his no matter how
low you are. So the answer to question 5:9 is 6:3.
It is your commitment that will make you to be seen as a lily among thorns. How
committed are you in that courtship. The beauty a relationship can ever have is in
this statement; ‘My beloved is mine and I am his.’ It means we are all into it and
we are for each other. There is no way such a relationship will lack trust. To be
trustworthy you have to work for it because even God had to work and does work
still. He gave His Son so that we can trust Him for eternal life. Jesus said ‘these
things I command you, that you love one another’ (John 15:17). Love is plural.
Love means a lot. Love is more than words. Love is giving yourself.
“Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.” (Songs of
Solomon 2:4)
Love causes one to give him or herself. But love also creates a belly of desire that
wants to be filled. Love is what makes a person desire the other to do something
for him or her. The bride asks the beloved to do something for her and the reason
is her love. It is when people love you that they want you to show love to them.
Anytime there is no need of your love expression and proper demand or desire
for it, it means there is no love in the other. This is because love desires to be
loved. When you love someone you want them to show you love. It is not wrong
to want your lover to give you gifts or even ask them. It is love! However there are
people with different personalities and not everyone will clearly ask or speak. But
whenever you love someone actually, the courtship allows giving and accepting of
gifts and gratitude.
It is therefore not okay to be aware that someone loves you. However you must
know that the love does not only empower the person to give him or herself by
way of commitment but also creates in the person a hunger that needs be filled.
Only love can satisfy love and that is why one of the greatest confusion there is to
love someone who does not love you. The love you have does not only make you
prepared to give but also makes you desire to be given. There is a thing love
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needs and that is ‘love’. But the love God gives us (the love He’s poured in a
believer’s heart) is unconditional. It is not measurable. So we do not allocate love
to people by the relationships (mere friend, best friend, son, daughter, sister,
brother etc.). In any case the love we have is immeasurable and unconditional.
Whether it is a wife-husband relationship or a friendship, even towards our
enemies, it is an unconditional love. Remember that we do not do the loving but
Christ loves through us. Christ does not love one than the other. So in any case
love is love. However, it is the expression of love that differs from relationship to
relationship. The way one express love to a fiancé or fiancée should differ from
the way he or she expresses love to the other brother or sister.
“[She ] Oh that you were like a brother to me who nursed at my mother's breasts!
If I found you outside, I would kiss you, and none would despise me. I would lead
you and bring you into the house of my mother--- she who used to teach me. I
would give you spiced wine to drink, the juice of my pomegranate.” (Songs of
Solomon 8:1-2, ESV)
From the passage, the ‘she’ understands that not all relationships require the
same expression of love. Although love is love, the expression of love differs from
relationship to relationship. She wishes that ‘he’ was a brother. Then she says if
you were a brother, I would be right to express love to you in a special and great
way that will not be questionable. The way you express love to a wife or husband
should differ from the way you express it to another (for example, a Christian
sister or brother). Romance and sex, for instance, are love expressions. But they
are for people related by marriage, not for just any relationship. Not even
courtship! There are great ways to express love in a courtship. Although some
love expressions may be seen as universal to all relationships, it is not absolutely
true because how a particular expression is acted will differ. There are special
ways of expressing love in various relationships. It’s not just about so much love in
the heart. It is about expression of the love. and it’s not just about expression of
love. Rather, it is about the proper expression of love. When love is expressed
improperly, the relationship is in trouble. And you need further advice on the
relevance of sex in courtship. You need no information from a research on
whether sex will help maintain a nice courtship. God knows best and He says ‘no.’
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He says sex before marriage is bad, sin, evil. Sin does not only mean against divine
principles, it also means bad – not helpful. Sex in courtship is an improper love
expression. It is firstly sin against God’s word and also bad in a sense that it does
not help the relationship positively. This is Bible, the most authoritative source!
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as
death, jealousy <Note: Or `ardor`> is fierce as the grave. <Note: Hebrew `as
Sheol`> Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD. Many waters
cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the
wealth of his house, he <Note: Or `it`> would be utterly despised.” (Songs of
Solomon 8:6-7, ESV)
In courtship, it is not wrong to be romantic. When you enter into courtship, you
must express love in the courtship way. If a saint enters a relationship of
courtship, there is nothing wrong with being romantic in that very relationship. As
you still express love to the person as a sister or brother in Christ, there has to be
a new thing, a new flavor. It shouldn’t be ‘praise the Lord, praise the Lord’ all the
time. It shouldn’t be let’s meet and pray all the time. Prayer is very important and
maintaining a spiritual atmosphere in a courtship helps so much. But in addition
to the spiritual, there must be that new flavor in the new relationship. Remember
the ‘praise the Lord, sister/brother’ or the ‘let us pray’ might have being
experienced by the person for long. May be you and the person have known each
other as son and daughter of Abba Father for long and have always expressed
love to each other as such. While it remains most important to continue in the
faith and not forget the basic faith that relates you as brother and sister in the
Lord, it is very necessary to add more and express the love in a new dimension. All
the brothers and sisters he or she has in Christ express love to her by the same
‘praise the Lord, lets pray, bible studies etc.’ s/he has to see you as a special one
in his or her life. She needs to hear more than that and experience a love
expression that is Christly and romantic. Love expression is not one way; you
adjust it to suit the person and the kind of relationship.
Is it true that love grows? The love in my heart as a saint is not the natural one. It
is God’s own kind of love poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). I
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know that the love of God is most amazing; it is immeasurably great and beyond
understanding. Nothing reduces it and it is so great that it cannot increase. There
is nothing one can do to make God love him or her better because God naturally
and by the gift of His Son loves you best already. There is nothing better than best
and nothing higher than highest. Nothing reduces God’s love either. It is a
steadfast love. Now if this is the love poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit to
enable me to love God and man, then the love does not grow. It does not grow
bigger, it does not shrink. What is normally referred to as love growing is actually
growing in love. In 2 Thessalonians 1:3, the church grew in love. Their love
increased does not mean what it literally means. It means they were more
yielding to the Spirit of love in them and thence expressed it more fully,
accurately and obediently. We grow in love but love (in the saint) does not
actually grow. We grow in it. Growing in love means expressing it in a better way.
It means coming to know what it means to truly love and give yourself. We grow
in love when we do not only have love, but we actually love people with it. We
grow in love when the relationship is built to a point of a higher level of trust and
sincerity. We grow in love as we get closer in the relationship because you don’t
see clearer until you get closer. When you grow in love, you think there’s being an
increase in the love you had for someone because you feel more ready and willing
to express it. Some things make the flame called love burn less powerfully and
that is not a flame problem but a problem with the person. When the flame after
being smothered for long is freed and a first expression at a new level burns out,
it seems love has increased. It is the same flame of God in you. But the
relationship, how close both parties are and how sincere the lover is willing to be
that makes it seem so. Love builds up; it is not rather built up. Growing is about
love. If there ever is a thing like growing love, it is about allowing it to burn the
way God wants it. Jesus said the love of many will grow cold (become cold). Love
becomes colder and colder if we do not follow the Spirit’s leading. When we keep
smothering the Spirit of love and disobeying the love messages the Spirit in our
hearts send us on how to relate with God and man, it gets to a time that the fire
becomes cold. Someone asked how can fire become cold? Look in the Bible and
see how hot love is supposed to be. If we succeed in programing ourselves to be
self-centered and rebellious, then instead of a flame, we are a cold. You have to
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allow the flame of love to burn. You have to allow the flame of love to burn in the
relationship even while you see to it that the devil does not get a chance; because
love is of God and cannot cause the children of God to backslide. It is the devil
that tries to work through the mind of the flesh. God is Love and once we live in
love and express it in His way, He likes it. In a courtship, the people have to grow
in love. While Jesus walked with His disciples, he grew in love. In that relationship,
there is an example.
“He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the
LORD.” (Psalm 33:5, ESV)
“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of
God forever and ever.” (Psalm 52:8, ESV)
“He makes the whole body fit together and unites it through the support of every
joint. As each and every part does its job, he makes the body grow so that it
builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:16, Gw)
“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord
doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I
have made known unto you.” (John 15:15)
In Christ Jesus’ relationship with the disciples there was a growth in love (or love
expression). Jesus said that the disciples were servants before. But after they had
moved together for some time, they became friends because he told them more
secrets than a mere servant should know. The certainly is a growth about love.
Whether it is said as love growing or people growing in love, it is not a grammar
class. But the understanding I want to point out is that as you allow love to burn
more freely, there is a graduation in the relationship. In Jesus’ case, we see
communication as an effective tool for building relationships. The relationship
became friendship because of communication. Proper communication is
necessary for the growth of any relationship. Jesus said you are more than
servants; you are friends because I communicate my deep matters to you, all
things that I have heard of my Father. Proper communication grows a
relationship. As to what proper communication actually means, read on.
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“Love means that we live by doing what he commands. We were commanded to
live in love, and you have heard this from the beginning.” (2 John 1:6, Gw)
In a conversation with a friend, we wanted to define love and after several good
attempts we saw that our definitions did not cover the whole term ‘love’ but
always referred to just something about love. we concluded and said love cannot
be defined. Love cannot be defined because it is not a ‘term’, it is a Person. No
amount of words can define love because true Love, the actual Love is God. You
cannot fully define love because you cannot describe God. He is beautiful beyond
description, to marvelous for words. He is Love. That is why ‘love words’ do not
best communicate love. Words, though important, are inefficient in
communicating your love if you don’t draw out the picture by expressing it. Jesus
promised the disciples that they were not going to be known just by their words
but by their love for each other. He is talking about expression. To express love
means to please God in all you do. Loving means living in obedience to His Word,
His Spirit. We’ve tried to define love in our own ways and that has brought about
the problem. We think once it is good, it is right. But God says this is what I mean
by love. Love means complete obedience. Love has nothing to do with ‘I feel.’
Love is a command. Love is not emotional, hey, true love is spiritual. Bible defines
love us living by doing what He commands and continues to say that it is those
guided by the Spirit that can and will obey the Father as children (Romans 8), so
love is not physical or emotional but is spiritual. If love is not in the Spirit, the one
in the soul and body is a fake. Only those guided by the Spirit can truly love. What
do you call love?
“Love means that we live by doing what he commands. We were commanded to
live in love, and you have heard this from the beginning.” (2 John 1:6, Gw)
“And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became
obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” (Philippians 2:8,

To give yourself in a relationship also means to be humble. God gave Himself to
us. When Jesus Christ came to the earth; that was humility. God humbled Himself.
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God bent down to the earth. To truly express love to someone, it is not just about
sweet words and gifts. You must be humble to the person. You must not be too
big to be loved. You must not be too ‘man’ to need a woman or too ‘woman’ to
need a man. It was a sign of humility when love made God accept to be born
through a mortal woman into the earth. It was humility when the King of kings
and Prince of Peace was placed in a manger. It was humility when God putted on
flesh instead of radiance. Love does not brag (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love is not
boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. And so when you stand
before your fiancé or fiancée to brag, you are only expressing how much you
don’t love her. Love does not brag. Bragging is not a love expression. Love is not
expressed by bragging or saying too much unnecessary things about yourself. It
isn’t love when people boast about themselves to you; ‘I have this’, ‘I have that.’
You must not let those things mislead you into dangerous relationships. Accepting
to court with a boastful person is not a right choice. To show love, you must be
humble, not boastful. You must be who you are. People boast and brag when they
fear that they may not be loved or accepted if they look and sound normal.
Bragging is a sign or symptom of fear. But true love does not keep fear. At the
immediate opposite of love is fear. Therefore boastful boyfriend or girlfriend is
not the choicest. True love does not fear and so does not brag. Remember
bragging is a sign of fear. True love does not fear and can come naked before the
other without fear or shame. You must not be ashamed to show or tell the one
you love who you really are. If you are not that wealthy or rich, you don’t need to
borrow only to show forth a ‘right’ wrong picture about yourself. Don’t think you
will be loved better when you are ‘rich’ so you borrow so much from friends only
to make you look rich enough to deserve the love of someone. There may be
other reasons that will justify the need for a loan or financial help in a
relationship. But if it is so that “s/he will know that I am not ‘small’”, then I’m
sorry love does not behave that way.
To express love by giving yourself, you must not boastful or vainglorious. You
must be humble. Until you give yourself by humility your gifts or giving very weak
in expressing your love. I have come to know that giving, to some, means you are
superior. It is normally the top that easily gives to the down. To give to someone,
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you need authority. You need some authority. Again, you can’t give what you
don’t have. So normally to give to a person is a way of saying that you have. When
you therefore give always to someone you have not given yourself to, you seem
to be expressing ‘have.’ But if you give any gift after giving yourself, then it is
known that you are giving out of love. It is impossible to hold a thing back from
someone you have giving yourself to. ‘I will do anything for you’ can be done by
people who have so much money and power, and yet it will not be seen as
expression of love if the person has not first allowed the love he or she claims
s/he have to cause him or her give himself or herself in humility. Persons will be
satisfied with love than money. People will appreciate someone who has given
himself (humility and commitment) in the relationship and is willing and working
to give all other things than someone who has all other things already and is
giving them but holding back humility and commitment. Commitment is more
than ask whatever you need. Commitment is not putting a gift on the altar; it is
putting yourself on the altar. When you give after giving yourself, love is sung. But
when you give as a way of boasting, then you are telling him or her that you have
and not that you love. Even God does not delight in such gifts. You can give gifts
to express love but give humbly. Give because you have given yourself. After
giving yourself, then you can give the gifts. To give yourself means to be humble
to the person you love. It doesn’t matter how ‘big’ you are, when it comes to
loving, you must take off the crowns. After the king had married her, she is a
You must relate to the person as a person. That’s what Jesus did. That’s what God
did. He became like us, and only then did we know His love. He came down. He
humbled Himself. He came down and related to us as we are. There was a bridge.
We saw Him as one of us. Jehovah became Emmanuel. You must not be up there
sending gifts. You must come down to my level in your speech and action so that
we can share love together. Love can be a burden if that person is not having that
chance and power to love the lover back. You must not be so up that I always
receive from you but you do not receive from me. You must come down so that
the relationship becomes mutual. You love me, I love you. My beloved is mine,
and I am his. So you must not look in a dictionary for words that will confuse me
The Expression of Love 1

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and use them while communicating with me. People prefer to be loved by
someone they can love. God does not communicate to every one of us in the
same way. He considers our level and communicates by the right medium and
method. People are as eager to give love as they are to receive. So you must not
reject my gifts while I always accept yours. You must not be the talkative while I
listen. You must not want to be showing love always to me and not allow me a
chance to also love you. Don’t talk too much, hear from me too. I have so much
love in me for you that I want to speak… but... but … you keep talking. I just want
to make you know that I love you too. Don’t love me too much that you don’t
allow me to love you. Don’t be too enflamed in the inside that you don’t invite me
to burn. I love you to my love. Don’t be a greedy lover, let me love you too. Let
me speak. I’ve waited for long. Can’t keep saying ‘okay’, hear me now; ‘I LOVE
reason why it is possible to so love God is that He the King has made us kings. He
the Light of the world has made us light too. He the High Priest has made us
priests. We are His children but also brothers and friends to Him. We are God’s
bride too. So love is more expressible. He loves us, we love Him. Love is best
expressed and expressible when both are on the same level. That is why marriage
allows the highest level of love expression – not sex, but utter commitment that
even God respects. Marriage allows highest level of expression because marriage
brings two to become one – there is a leveling. Although giving yourself is not
only done in marriage, the marriage between two people is a sign of (a symbol of,
supposed to resemble) the most amazing relationship God has with His church.
Marriage is a relationship that consists of many all others. In marriage there is
friendship, brother-sister relationship, lordship, partnership, father-daughter,
mother-son etc. All the good relationships are embraced and that’s the amazing
thing. And that’s why in ‘choosing’ a marriage partner, you must consider the
levels. If the person loves you but is so much away from your level you are in
(both spiritually and socially, or even emotionally and sometimes financially),
there might be a problem because one of you will not be able to express his or
her love well to the other. Look at God. The reason why He blessed and blesses us
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is not just to express His love but so that we can also express love to Him. That
should tell you how important expression of love from both sides in a relationship
is. Why doesn’t He always like us to worship Him because of who He is but also
through His power makes us to have a reason to praise Him because of what He
does? Love is not all about worship but praise too. While he expresses His love to
us by blessing us, we express love to Him by praise. There still is a need for us to
express love although He is aware we already have love for Him in the inside.
Remember He knows all hearts and He actually gave us the love with which we
love Him. But He knows how important expression of love is in any relationship so
He makes arrangements and effects manipulations that will make us able to
express love to Him. Love is not just about because he is but because he does.
Love is not just about how much it is in the heart but how much it is expressed. In
fact if you want to know that which the Bible says about expression of love that is
most controversial (that many will disagree with if I don’t attach to it the source)
it is this; the absence of expression of love means there is no love actually. The
Bible says that if someone is not able to express love to God by loving who He
loves, then He actually does not have love for God in the first place. Said another
way, the reason why you do not express the love is because you do not have it.
This is true; I saw it in 1 John. Is it true in relationship among humans too? The
absence of its expression means it is not there is true in human to human
relationships considering the kind of relationship, the levels the parties are in,
their openness and their level of closeness. It is true but one must know that
expression of love means different things to different people. Specifically, it
means different things to different people. Moreover, different relationships
require different forms of expression of love. But especially when it comes to
marriage, because it is not just about closeness but oneness, it is impossible to
hold back expression. Holding back expression especially in marriage is so much a
case because it may mean there is no love or it is growing cold. Remember that
the sustainability of a marriage does not depend just on the availability of love
but its expression. If there is love and yet some circumstances and instances
hinder its full expression, the marriage is in trouble. So you must be humble
enough to be loved, and not just high enough to love. Love is better enjoyed
when both people can give.
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The level of the other person is a thing to consider in choosing a marriage partner
or concluding that lack of its expression means it is not present. This is because
for a good atmosphere to be sustained in a relationship, the must be a leveling.
Both people must be lovable. Love is expressible when there isn’t much gap in the
levels of the persons involved. It is not easy to express love to someone who is so
high above you. Also if someone is so low under you, your expression of love may
rather be a burden because s/he turns to be receiving more and giving
(expressing) less or none at all. Love is better enjoyed when both people can give.
No matter how much you love someone, you should not enter marriage with the
person without cross checking if he or she also loves you. If the ‘love’ source in
the marriage is only one, there will not be a smooth road. Love here means the
desire and free will. If the marriage came about by a person’s desire (what I mean
by ‘love’ in this very side of the book), there is trouble. Marriage is not about
loving someone; it’s about loving each other. Marriage is not about someone
loving you; it’s about you loving each other. And so is friendship too! - TWO
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3)
Marriage is an agreement and even more. Therefore one person’s strong desire to
marry the other does not necessitate the union if the other does not have that
same desire. If you succumb to one person’s love that he or she claims to be so
strong and influenced by other factors enter into a marriage with that person you
do not actually ‘desire’ deep down you, the union is not a strong one. My whole
point is that do not walk with someone you don’t agree with. That is, do not be
forced to accept a marriage proposal simply because you think the person loves
you so much. I mean check and found ‘two loves’ before the final agreement.
‘Two loves’ in a sense that both of you have that sincere and pure desire to
actually walk. Some people are in courtships they don’t actually like to be in. and
it didn’t begin after they’d entered, it was before. They accepted the proposal
under pressure and ‘signed the contract’ under undue influence. Some people
accepted because of ‘o he loves me so much.’ If it was one love that took you in
then you will soon be out because two cannot walk except they both have that
The Expression of Love 1

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desire. Two loves make the walk possible. Two sides with same sincere and desire
makes the walk a nicer and more enjoyed one.
It is still possible to see two who have not agreed in their hearts walking. It is
possible to have someone accept your proposal and be your fiancée when she
actually has not agreed internally. But such a relationship is full of artificial
expressions that flow from the intention to please him or her. It is full of pretense.
Sometimes people can be forced to pretend for so long until they even found
themselves saying ‘I do’ before the altar. Some others do not last for long and
leave men and women in shocking disappointment. However long you can get
person to pretend to love you in a courtship depends on what ‘pressure’ he or she
is under. Some people cannot disagree because they so much respect you.
Sometimes you’ve being good friends for long and there was no choice but to
accept it because refusing it underplays one’s ego. There are so many ‘pressures’
that can do that. I am not aware of all. However, it does not depend on how long
it takes; the signs will keep showing in the relationship. No matter how good a
person is at pretending or faking ‘love’ one can know it and withdraw quickly
before it is too late. You may have that marriage ‘love’ or desire for someone but
don’t be quick to enter marriage with the person without seriously considering
whether s/he also really have the desire. You may be fortunate to have the other
person make it clear to you when you propose that s/he does not have that
‘marriage love’ (there is nothing like marriage love but I speak of the desire to
marry and live with a person for the rest of your life. I will explain further). You
may not however be fortunate enough and will rather have the other person
under some sort of ‘pressure’ (because of may be who you are or the respect you
have for each other) accept and show you artificial or fake love – a kind that does
not flow from the heart itself. That is rather unfortunate. You must check what is
in there before you even knock. And if I am talking to a saint, then it is about
spiritual investigation into the will of God, the nature of the person and knowing
what is ahead. Because marriage is not about you alone, you cannot afford to
enter it once you are sure that you have the ‘love’ (desire) it takes. What about
the other person? In marriage, it is about ‘two loves.’ You don’t have to drag the
other person along with your love. Both of you should love each other enough
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and that will bring the true union. Two becoming one flesh is not the decision of
one side, both must yield. Remember to check – TWO LOVES.
The fact that I love her does not mean I should marry you or that you should
accept to marry me. Come to understand that it isn’t about loving or being loved
but about loving each other. The earlier verses reveal what love means – to live
by doing what He commands. When I use love in this context as relating to
marriage, I mean the sincere and pure desire in a person to have another as a
husband/wife. But page by page, the revelations will unfold and you will have a
better understanding of love. You will come to know that love is not about
marriage at all. Although love is an important element, there is more. So as I
speak and say ‘two loves for a marriage’ I lead you to a place where you will see
even clearer than ‘he loves me, she loves me’ or ‘we love each other.’ I lead to a
place where love is still a concern but there are other very vital factors. There are
some people who have thirsted so much for love that when they find out that
someone loves them, they want to keep that love forever and therefore want to
secure a marriage. They want to sign that ‘love’ contract because they’ve longed
for it all the while and have finally gotten it. And even though they actually do not
have that true desire for marriage, they accept it or even propose it because they
want to keep at least that ‘love.’ While this shows the emotional and spiritual
immaturity of the person, this must be in the mind of even the mature. It takes
love to look for love. But some people look for love because they need it, not
because they have it. Some people ‘love’ you because you love them, not because
they love you. Marriage must not be entered just with hunger but with appetite.
An appetite is what makes ‘two’ agree internally.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
For a stronger marriage bond, both sides must have love and be able to express it.
Here! The reason why all things work together for the good to them that love God
is this. God loves everyone. So when someone in turn loves God, it becomes two
loves and two love expressions. It is when there are that two loves and two love
expressions that all things work together for the good. All things do not work
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together for good to all though God loves all. Immediately a person also loves God
who already loved him or her and gave us His Son Jesus, it is two loves and two
love expressions. All things will not work together for the good of us all because
not all of us love God. All things do not work together for the good of them God
loves who have not loved God back because in that case, there is only one love.
All things work together for the good of those who love the God who already
loves them. The loves becomes two and only then can all things work together for
the good. Two loves and two love expressions is needed to make all things work
together for good. Two love expressions are needed to make things work well.
Catch the revelation. God will not marry the lady He loves; He will marry the lady
He is in love with. The difference between ‘I love you’ and ‘we are in love’ is that ‘I
love you’ is talking about a personal feeling but ‘we are in love’ is about two. We
both are in it. We both have the appetite of living together as husband and wife
one day. Now God will marry Ecclesia (the Church), not the world. God so love the
world but He will not marry the world. ‘Why?’, because there must be two. It
takes two! The Ecclesia is made of the people who are not only loved by God but
also love God. Because Ecclesia loves God and God loves her, there are two loves
and the marriage is possible. Join the Ecclesia! Learn from God.
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb
is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7)
"On that day she will call me her husband," declares the LORD. "She will no longer
call me her master. (Hosea 2:16, Gw)
God loves the world but a section of the world loves Him and that section is the
Body of Christ (the Church). God is in love with a woman called Ecclesia (the
Church) and she is the one He will marry, not the world. He loves the world, but
HE is in love with Ecclesia. If there were no need for two loves and two love
expressions (love here means sincere and pure desire for marriage), He would
have married the world He so much love and never consider if she (the world)
loves Him too. Two loves, two love expressions – we must be in love with each

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So this is genesis love. The genesis love is a love that expresses itself. Love must be
expressed. The genesis love was not known until He gave Himself, spoke to us and
stayed with us.

It is not all over when you show humility and commitment. After Jesus had lived
for over three decades on earth having displayed humility, reliability and
worthiness of trust, He said to His disciples “Go therefore, and teach all nations…”
God did not only give Himself, He spoke and speaks to us. It is true if we say that
the foundation of the building is most important and necessary. But we must not
think that the foundation is a building. You can’t live in a foundation, you need a
building. Giving yourself is the best and first love expression that we must all
show in any relationship. But apart from that love speaks too. In Genesis 1:3, love
spoke. I have said so much on expression of love not to mean ‘saying’ but being
practical by your humility and commitment. However, I now want to speak on the
need for communication. Love said let there be light and there was light.
Hallelujah! Bible says that when the heart is full, the mouth speaks. From the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. So you must be ready to speak.
Words are necessary. In order for a relationship to grow and glow, there must be
communication. Friends must communicate. In fact, Jesus’ words in John 15:15
reveal that the difference between a master-servant relationship and a friendship
is the level of communication. Jesus meant that relationships grow as
communication grows.
“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord
doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I
have made known unto you.”(John 15:15)
Parents must communicate with their children. I’m not talking about giving
instructions ‘do this’ nor ‘do that.’ I’m talking about good conversation. Wives
must communicate with husbands. There is a whole book in the Bible by name
Songs of Solomon or Songs of Songs which is credible evidence that love speaks.
In any level of relationship at all, if there is no true communication, there might
be problems. If there is no true communication, problems are not solved. The
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needs of a friend or partner will be known if there is communication. If God had
not spoken to us and kept speaking to us, we would backslide. That’s what will
happen in a marriage or courtship that lacks proper communication between the
two. We would altogether forget the love of God and go back into sinning if not
for the word of God. He keeps speaking to us so that we keep loving Him and
cherishing our relationship with Him. Although God’s Spirit is in us (the saints),
without the Word of God (reading the Bible, hearing from God in prayer, listening
to sermons etc.) we can still fall. Communication is therefore very important in
any relationship.
This does not only mean that you must be willing to speak. It also means that you
must be ready to listen as well. You must have time for conversing. It shouldn’t be
always formal in the marriage. If the only conversations you have in the marriage
is ‘food is ready’, ‘I am ready for church’, ‘I am going to work’, ‘welcome back’
etc., then there’s is a problem or it is on the way. In any level of relationship at all,
there must be proper communication; not just one way communication but dual.
You must let people communicate to you. Sometimes the reason people don’t
communicate to you is because you don’t give them the chance to. Other times
because you do not sound sincere and open in your communication, to the other
person, it does not qualify you to be trusted with open and sincere conversations.
Therefore you can learn to attract good communication by being a good
communicator yourself. Until communication becomes possible at a high level of
sincerity and openness in the courtship, some untrue and bad things will remain
in the mind of the persons involved. There are things that must come out
otherwise they will cause a stench when kept for too long in the mind. You must
be ready to handle the truths if you don’t want lies. You must not attack people
when they speak the truth to you, no matter how bad and shocking it sounds. I
love someone who is guilty because s/he has spoken the truth than someone who
seems innocent because s/he has not revealed the truth and has being telling the
lie all the while. Learn to receive truths. People normally tell us the lies because
we do not have the capacity to handle the truth. When people tell you the truth
and it is not what you expected, instead of shouting and blaming in anger, you
should calm down and find ways of rather correcting the errors. If you want truth,
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you must be attractive enough for it. Love speaks, and if we will be ready to listen
with all the love we have and not only talk and talk and talk, we will hear deep
things, truths that were secrets. Love speaks, yes. But if you love me and your
love speaks, why don’t you understand that I love you and so my love is also
yearning to speak. Love must be ready to listen and not just speak.
You must know that until love spoke, there was no light. And where there is no
light, there is stumbling. Most relationships are in darkness because love is not
speaking. People are stumbling in the relationships because of poor or no
communication. When love closes his or her mouth, there is darkness. The word
of Love is Light and in our relationship with Love (God), except for His Word, we
would be in total darkness and would be stumbling. In the mouth of love is light,
and light is direction and vision. In relationships where there is poor
communication, there is no direction and vision. In a relationship where both
sides rely on imaginations and ‘what-if’ and ‘may-be’ thoughts, there is no light. In
a relationship where there is no true and effective communication, there are
what-if and may-be thoughts. And that’s exactly how we behave when there is no
light. We do not walk with assurance but doubts. The key to clearing doubts from
the mind of your lover or your beloved is communication. It is communication,
not talking!
Love speaks when he or she cannot see clearly. Love speaks when he or she thinks
differently. Love builds trust so whenever you fear to speak your mind sincerely,
you are drifting from love and love is not being made perfect in the relationship.
Love does not entertain fear. Love does not fear to speak. But more importantly,
love is wise and polite. Love knows when to speak and when not to, how to speak
and to whom to speak what.
Communication reveals cracks and wounds that must be healed. The light love is
does reveal the cracks and wounds first. Then it mends and heals. The two
(revealing them and healing or mending them) happens almost simultaneously
depending on the intensity of the light. Love covers sins. Yes. But that does not
mean that it is blind to them. Love is light and so does reveal the cracks actually.
Then the same love heals or mends them. Love is not blind, love is light.
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Relationships (courtships) before they become marriages must be brought under
the light where cracks are revealed and mended, where dangerous truths are
discovered and hidden intents are voiced out. Such a time as this may be very
trying and can be hurting sometimes. But this is the time where you can test the
gold in the fire. It is an opportunity to know whether the other person can
actually live with you for the rest of your life. Most marriages get broken up
because while in courtship the cracks were not seen and mended. Some minerals
surely look like gold, but the fire will tell. In cases of true love, the light is so great
that it reveals the crack and quickly mends it, and the love gets stronger even
after such times. But with a fake love, the crack may not even be fully viewed
before the light begins to go out. You must love enough to speak. You must love
enough to hear. You must love enough to forgive.
God Almighty is the first to love and He is Love. Therefore we cannot have any
better Person to teach us on this topic (LOVE) than God. this God who is Love is
ready to hear us say ‘I love You’. He loves to hear us say ‘We worship You.’ But He
is also ready to hear when we say ‘I was wrong, please forgive me.’ And we must
learn from our Master Jehovah. He forgives. Our Master Jesus did not punish
Peter for denying Him. When He appeared to Peter, He blessed him. He did not
hate the disciples for running away from Him and leaving Him to face shame and
pain alone, He fed them. Here we are claiming to be followers of Jesus. But where
is the Jesus character?
“As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and
said to them, "Peace to you!"” (Luke 24:36, ESV)
“Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared
ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came and took the
bread and gave it to them, and so with the fish. This was now the third time that
Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead.” (John
21:12-14, ESV)
If we want to learn from Jesus really, we will not have problems with forgiving a
person who offends us. The ease at which you forgive shows your level of
maturity and how love is being perfected in you. According to the Bible, he that
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does not love has not seen Christ and does not know Him. Whereas we
sometimes think it is about tongues speaking and gifts of the Spirits, God says that
no matter what you have, if you do not have love, you don’t have Me. One
feature of love is tolerance and if you can still decide to hold back forgiveness
from people, then the love of God has not yet sank deep into your heart.
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of
the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with
patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve
the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-3, NASB)
The Spirit of God unites us as saints. He (the Spirit) is the blood that flows through
the Body of Christ. But Paul implores us to be diligent to preserve the unity. This
means that it is not enough to be aware that ‘though we are many, we are one
body.’ It is not the end when we experience the unity the Spirit builds in us
through the love of G od which has been shared abroad our hearts. We ought to
do some hard-work of preserving the unity of the Spirit. We have to take practical
steps in keeping the unity. You must know that whatever is not maintained
cannot be sustained. And if Paul implored us to hold on to the unity diligently
then it means there are some threats. Some things threaten the unity and peace.
We must not be ignorant of these things. The devil and its angels are aware of the
power in love and agreement and are putting in place schemes and traps that will
cause the disagreement and hatred.
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day
of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be
put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:30-32, ESV)
If we do not consciously make up our mind to be forgivers of whatever sin and
mistake people do against us, we would be giving the devil a chance. What did
God say to angry Cain? He said sin which is the devil was crouching at his door.
Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and slander are all seeds the devil wants to sow
in you. These seeds will grief the Spirit of God in you and empower your sinful
flesh against the workings of the Holy Spirit in you. Once you accept these seeds
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into yourself and allow them to stay and grow, you become stronger in the flesh
while the Spirit of God and of Love is being smothered. The sinful flesh wins the
battle at the end of the day and God is not glorified. Let us diligently preserve the
unity means that we should program ourselves to be people who easily forgive.
Don’t forgive me because you want to forgive me, forgive me because God
commands you to. We see many things in the Bible as mere advices and that is
why we keep doing the wrong things. But if only we can understand that we are
not just sons but servants of God and slaves unto righteousness, we will see every
word from the Master as a command and our willpower will be no more. God says
forgive and you must! People sometimes say ‘for this very one, I cannot forgive.’
It is a lie. You can forgive and God says you should do it.
“As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the
servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16)
“But thanks be to God that though you were slaves to sin, you obeyed from the
heart that pattern of teaching you were entrusted to, and having been freed from
sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.” (Romans 6:17-18, NET)

The Expression of Love 1

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Love Bullets

 There is no genesis to love and no end to it.
 The expression of love is very vital in every relationship because that is the
 There is a deposit of love in every natural heart but is too little to truly love
even God who is perfect so cannot love imperfect man.
 True love only comes into man when we receive the Spirit back into our
spirit by accepting Christ.
 The love with which we love God is given by Him.
 The true love, the actual love, the real love, is a Person. His other name is
Jehovah. Normally we call Him ‘God’ or ‘the Lord.’
 Giving yourself is the most powerful way you can express love in any
 True living means loving and giving yourself such that your life no more
belongs to you but is for God for people.
 Friendship is not just a social relationship but a spiritual one especially
when it is a friendship between two saints.
 It is your commitment that will make you to be seen as a lily among thorns.
 Only love can satisfy love and that is why one of the greatest confusion
there is to love someone who does not love you.
 Although love is love, the expression of love differs from relationship to
 When you enter into courtship, you must express love in the courtship way.
 Love cannot be defined because it is not a ‘term’, it is a Person. No amount
of words can define love because true Love, the actual Love is God.
 Commitment is not putting a gift on the altar; it is putting yourself on the
 Love is best expressed and expressible when we are on the same level.
 The sustainability of a marriage does not depend just on the availability of
love but its expression.
 No matter how much you love someone, you should not enter marriage
with the person without cross-checking if he or she also loves you.
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 Sometimes people can be forced to pretend for so long until they even
found themselves saying ‘I do’ before the altar.
 Because marriage is not about you alone, you cannot afford to enter it once
you are sure that you have the ‘love’ (desire) it takes.
 Two love expressions are needed to make things work well.
 God will not marry the lady He loves; He will marry the lady He is in love

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)
Love Poems

In this year of love, my dove
A book from above
Expression of Love
Is what I have
Keep lights on
As God leads us on
O darkness be gone
And let my God’s will be done

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

Where dwells love today? Up in the sky
flying, deep in the sea swimming or far in
the fields running?
Where goeth love from me? Up to the hills
to cry, back to a life of joy or far to regret
not returning?
Why love keeps flying. She's found no safe
place to land. But there is a land ready to
hold your beautiful feet, love.
A land you used to tread, love. Beautiful
with flowers; roses only you could see. A
land without light because love you fled
Where is love today? Look she's on her
way. I come back to a home nowhere else.
To a hope I never found.
I found no place to land because I didn't
have my light.
Though you say I am light, I have discovered
that you make me shine.
You make me shine, love, you make me

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(The Genesis Love)

If I knew a song that sang my heart, I will
arrest your ears and free my mouth
But no man ever owns my mind or has my
Sprouts from my soul, a rhythm, in your
eyes are stars
You know my heart than you know my out
Because your eyes have love – the greatest
Hello, hear o my love, truly you were sent
from above
Humble dove, I love you

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)
Someone is beautiful
But I don’t look like her

Does that mean I’m not beautiful?
He is good
But I don’t do what he does
Does that mean I’m not good?

Why don’t you see me as I am?
Why don’t you see me from my place?
The fact that I’m not there
Means not that I’m no where
I am my beautiful
I am my good!

I don’t do what you do
But I think I do something
You can’t be good where I am
You can be good where you are
I can’t look as you are
Excuse me, I am my beautiful

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

If one evening the sun sets never to rise
Will you be my light when there is no day?
If one day the sky falls never to rain again
Kiss me to the fill and quench my thirst with
the delightful wine of your lips
Sister, you who was fashioned from my ribs
There to wipe when my soul weeps

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)

A heart in flames, a story never to fade
A hurt sweet to scratch
Myrrh that did not last
Sweet flames consume my heart
To tell its faith though the skin fades
Never a fake what love did think
Though the sky now looks pink
A short story most recalled
Sweet flame of fire when I count
Now I know it was the truth
When I said “I can’t stop loving you.”

So close the books but stop and look
Back at the truth that has not lied
Run back to the arms that threw
Tell her your heart could not dry
Wet and sticky, hot and sweet
Sweet flames of love stay and burn in me
I miss the kiss from the lips of peace
The touch felt by the heart
I miss the whisper that silenced the hiss
The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)
A wonder for years to ponder
I miss the friend in you!

The Expression of Love 1

(The Genesis Love)
A treasure is found
A queen crowned
Love out loud
Let all hear the sound

There’s beauty in her blood, not just her gawn
She’s humble; so up but down
Caring, kissing away the frown
An angel with great wealth endowed

I’m so lucky to have found
But do I have to shout
Let them not come around
Those little foxes aren’t allowed

The genesis love  by d.s rhema pious

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The genesis love by d.s rhema pious

  • 2. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Love overflow from the heart in the right direction. 1
  • 3. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) -ABOUT THE AUTHORHe is a student of the Spirit and teacher of the Word. As a minister, his vision is to bring God’s children to higher maturity through knowledge of the Word and prayer. Rhema D.S Pious has written and is working on several books. This has been brought out however, because he saw the need to send this message across the world at this time. Many shall be won unto Christ, to freedom, intimacy and maturity. Here is a study on love. The work of Christ on earth was to demonstrate the love of God and the impartation of His Spirit – i.e. the Holy Spirit – imparts the love of God into the heart of man. -ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – David said ‘He anointed my head with oil.’ God has anointed my head with oil and I am forever grateful for His work and works. Thank you to all 2010/2011 batch of S.U (Scripture Union) and PENSA (Pentecost Students and Associates) executives of Swedru School of Business, especially to the President of PENSA, Mr. McBoye David. Hello to Mr. Cobbah Justus Arko. My gratitude also goes to all my ministry friends in Champion Youth Movements and all the missionaries. I acknowledge how God has used the Youth Ministry of Emmanuel Assembly of the Church of Pentecost, C.P District to impart my life. And to all my friends and loved ones in Bettering Relationships Through Christ (BRTC, a Facebook group), I say ‘God bless you’. 2
  • 4. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) -DEDICATION- To all Christian lovers, singles and couples. To Bettering Relationships Through Christ. 3
  • 5. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Contents The Genesis Love .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Revelation of Love .................................................................................................................................. 6 Deposit of Love ...................................................................................................................................... 9 True Love ............................................................................................................................................. 11 The Most Powerful Love Expression ................................................................................................ 12 Commitment ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Humility .................................................................................................................................................. 29 Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Love Bullets .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Love Poems ........................................................................................................................................... 46 SEARCHING FOR YOU .......................................................................................................................... 47 ROMANTIC RHYTHM ........................................................................................................................... 48 I AM MY BEAUTIFUL ............................................................................................................................ 49 SKY FALLS ............................................................................................................................................ 50 SWEET FLAMES ................................................................................................................................... 51 BLUE TREASURE .................................................................................................................................. 53 4
  • 6. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) 5
  • 7. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) The Genesis Love Revelation of Love Genesis means beginning. According to 1 John 4:8 and 16, God is Love. So the topic is not the Genesis of Love but rather ‘the Genesis Love.’ God is Love. And God does not live in time. He created time but He lives in eternity. Since God never began, Love never did. There is no beginning to love and that is why there is no end to it. “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:8, 16, NKJV) “Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.” (1 Corinthians 13:8, ESV) So there is no genesis to love and no end to it. However, there is a Genesis Love. We want to know about love and we want to learn it from the book of Genesis. We want to learn about love from Love (God) and we go all the way back to the time the Spirit of Love (God) was hovering over the face of the waters. We want to know from God what love is and how love works. What and how is the Genesis Love? “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.” (Genesis 1:1-3, ESV) Light was moving over the waters but the earth was still full of darkness. Although God who is Light (1 John 1:5) was moving over the waters, the waters and the entire earth did not know light until He spoke ‘let there be light.’ The point is that, light was not seen because He was there but because He spoke. It was when Love expressed Himself that we saw light. The expression of Love is very important in every relationship because it is the expression of Love that gives light in the relationship. 6
  • 8. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Just as there was utter darkness until God spoke, there is utter darkness in a relationship until one expresses love. Love is not light to the relationship when it is in your heart; it is the expression of love that brings light to the relationship. Love was so close to the earth; but until He expressed himself by way of speech, the earth was still in darkness. For most relationships that are in darkness and void, the problem is not no love but no, low or improper expression of it. The earth was not in darkness because there was no love and light in God’s heart. The earth was in darkness because although God was so close to it, God had not yet spoken. You must be ready to express the love in your heart because that is what God did in Genesis. “Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This demonstrates God's love for us.” (Romans 5:8, GW) “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9, ESV) Not only did it happen in Genesis, God again expressed His love for humanity by giving us His Son, the Lamb that takes away the sins of man. God so loved the world but we were all in darkness far away from Him. God so loved the world but no one ever loved Him enough to get close to Him. Our feet run to evil all the time (Romans 3:10-18). We never loved God. God’s love for us was so much. The Bible says that it is unspeakable. Words cannot explain this love. It is an amazing love. But it was all known only to God. Although God drew closer time after time, we always kept going back. The relationship between God and humanity was in a mess. That mess could only be solved by the expression of love. Until God gave us the Son Jesus, there was no awareness of how much He loved humanity. We didn’t know. He had to express His love through Jesus and that is what revealed to us lastly that the Man loves us. Love must be made manifest. “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.” (1 John 3:16a, NKJV) “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16, NKJV) 7
  • 9. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9) We knew love when Christ laid down His life. We did not know love. This love was so big and so amazing. But we did not see truly until God expressed His love by Jesus. Jesus is the expression of God’s love. We know the love of God because He expressed it through Jesus. The expression of love is very vital in every relationship because that is the light-bringer. There was no light in the world until God expressed His love through Jesus. Just as it happened in Genesis, spiritually before Jesus who is the expression of God’s love, there was no light in the world. The story in Genesis 1 is repeated in the New Testament. Just as God spoke light into being, He introduced spiritual light (knowledge) of His love into the spiritually chaotic earth by sending out His Word Jesus. That is why right under John 3:16 which speak about God expressing His love, in verse 19 we see the Spirit talking about light. When God expressed His love through Jesus Christ, light came into the world. Just as by His Word there was light in Genesis 1, by His Word (Jesus) again there was spiritual light. Jesus is the Word, He is the expression of God’s love, and that is why He is the Light of the World. He is the Light of the World because by Him God expresses His most amazing love to the world. It isn’t just the presence of love that brings light into a relationship; it is the expression of the love in a proper way. When there is no light in a relationship, there is always stumbling and there is no trust. Where there is no light in a relationship, it is even difficult to receive forgiveness. “He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.” (1 John 2:10) “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."” (John 8:12) “I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.”(John 12:46) 8
  • 10. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6) There was no light in the world till Jesus the Expression of Love came. Until God spoke there was no light. You can bring more light into that relationship, a sense of direction and a feeling of trust can be restored or kept through proper communication and other love expressions. Jesus’ whole mission was to express God’s love and hence bring light into the world. The condemnation however is that light has come but people still prefer to remain in the darkness (John 3:19). “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19, NKJV) “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John 4:9-11, ESV) Deposit of Love “The spirit of a man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”(Proverbs 20:27, KJV) There is a deposit of love in every natural heart (however little) which is given by God. Everybody has a deposit and the ability to love in him or her however small or little it is. This’ because of the breath of God that keeps us alive. We all have a connection with God. The very thing that makes us living souls is the breath of God. Until God breathed into Adam’s nostrils, he was mere mud. Therefore everyone has some amount of love in him or her. The reason why every living thing naturally responds to love is that Love made them. You do respond to love because love is in you. Even the wicked person has this kind of love even though it is very little. 9
  • 11. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) When God breathed into Adam, He gave Him two things at the same time. These two things are physical life and spiritual life. He did one thing, but it fulfilled two. Physical life was given to the molten clay and spiritual life which linked man and God was given. But when they took the fruit, they died spiritually. The spiritual life was no more. Man was still living physically but the actual life was gone. Man is made up of body, soul and spirit. The unbeliever has spirit too; it is a source of physical life. But the thing in the spirit which gave it spiritual life and the ability to worship God is not there (in the unbeliever). The breath built into man life (physical) and the Breath now dwelt in that life. God made the spirit (observe the small ‘s’ in spirit) to be in man, then He, by the same breath, got into the spirit (small ‘s’) and lived in. So the Spirit (capital ‘S’) was in the spirit. God lived in the life of man. The breath of God is His life. So God was in man. The life (Spirit) of God was in the life (spirit) of man. And that is the original status Jesus came to restore us to. So after being restored Paul said, ‘…I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me…’ (Gal. 2:20). Now since the spirit (observe small ‘s’) came from the nostril of God, there is a scent of godliness (little love) in him (the spirit) even though the Spirit (of God) is no more. Proverbs 20:27 says that the spirit of man is a candle of the Lord. The spirit in conjunction with the Spirit (when man had not yet fallen) was a great and burning light. But by sin the light is become a feeble one. The light is not as powerful in instructing man on good and evil and giving him actual sight of divine truths because of the nature of sin we bear from Adam. However there is still some light in the spirit. It has some scent of godliness. It is the reason why every normal man has conscience and even without accepting Christ, knows the difference between good and evil. However, this light is but like candle light at best in comparison of the true glory of the Spirit. It is His candle (it came out from Him, it’s from His breath) but He does not dwell in there so the light is not as bright as Him. This explains that there is a little amount of love in everyone because this candle light we’re talking about is love. Love is light. That scent gives us some little amount love in our hearts and we struggle to share that love with God and people. 10
  • 12. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) True Love But true love only comes into man when we receive the Spirit back into our spirit by accepting Christ. This love is indefinite and cannot be calculated. It is so large and big that it cannot be measured. It comes into us when the Spirit arrives in our spirit (Romans 5:5, 2 Timothy 1:7). It is so big and large that we can love God well with it and love people too. Because it is so big and large and immeasurable, even our enemies are loved. It is the love in God’s own heart that is poured into our spirit by the Spirit that comes to dwell in us. The love with which we love God is given by Him. The first thing we do is not to love God. We first believe and then He pours out great love into our hearts out of which we can love Him and people. The important point is not that we love Him but He loved us and when we believed in His love, He sent into us love so that we can also love Him. When God sends actual love into our hearts by the Spirit, only then can we love Him. The true love, the actual love, the real love, is a Person. His other name is Jehovah. Normally we call Him ‘God’ or ‘the Lord.’ He is Spirit and when He comes to dwell in you, you can love all your friends and your enemies. The little love cannot even love good God and best friends well, how will it love enemies? It cannot even love the perfect God, how can it love imperfect man? So we have love but we need Love. If we don’t receive the true Love into our spirits, we will lack the ability to truly express love. We need Love. Stop looking for a person you term ‘love’, ‘true love’ or ‘lover’ if you have not found Love Himself yet. We need LOVE. “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16, NASB) “He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.” (Luke 12:25-26, KJV). 11
  • 13. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) The reason why Peter could not lay down his life for Christ as he promised before His arrest was that Christ had not yet died and so though Peter had being with Christ for a long time, true love was not in his heart because it was of the first Adam. You can know the whole Bible and yet have no true love in your heart. You can be the one who attends all the services in church and yet have no true love in your heart. Peter could not express love in the most powerful way by laying down his life for Christ because actually He did not have true love. He was still managing the shadow love. Although he loved Christ so much, because it was a shadow love, the most powerful expression would not come from it. Jesus knew the condition of Peter’s heart so He said, Peter, you can’t. But as He said that He knew it was only a temporary situation and that on the day of Pentecost He shall pour out the Spirit upon and into them and by that true love will enter their hearts. It is only then, He knew, would they be able to stand and preach and not love their lives. Only then would they be able to lay down their lives as martyrs of the gospel of Christ. The Most Powerful Love Expression The Genesis Love is a love that expresses itself. It is a love that is expressed. It is one thing to have love and another to express it. It is one thing to have love and another to love me with it. But God is Love and He is the best love Teacher. God expresses love. He is a master when it comes to expressing love. He expressed love to the highest point. Only He can show us how to truly express love and there is something we must learn from His decision to give the loved world Christ Jesus. Jesus is not only a Son of God but is God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: …Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature … For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Colossians 1:13, 15, and 19) “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7) 12
  • 14. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) You may read John 1:1-28 yourself if you don’t have a personal knowledge of who the Word in verse 1 is. The Son and the Father are one. God was in Jesus reconciling the world to himself. All the while I have been saying that God gave His Son Jesus as an expression of His Love. But now I will like you to see that Son as God Himself. In other words, God gave Himself. God is a master when it comes to love expression because He gave Himself to express His love for the world. That is the most powerful love expression! Giving yourself is the most powerful way you can express love in any relationship. There is no greater love expression. The best gift you can give in a relationship is you. Giving yourself does not mean sex. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16, NKJV) All there while, God had being expressing His love to the world but the world did not grasp it well until after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Man was giving ‘things’ to us and we did not get the point He was making until suddenly He gave Himself, then did we ‘know’. Giving yourself is the best gift and most powerful way you can express love because when you give yourself, there is nothing you cannot give. God does not need our gifts. He needs us first and when we give Him our lives, He knows there is nothing higher that we can hold back from Him. If we are for Him, our money can be; everything we have will be for Him because those things are with us. Because we have those things, when He has us, He has them. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1) “With what should I enter the LORD's presence? With what should I bow before the sovereign God? Should I enter his presence with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will the LORD accept a thousand rams, or ten thousand streams of olive oil? Should I give him my firstborn child as payment for my rebellion, my offspring 13
  • 15. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) --- my own flesh and blood --- for my sin? He has told you, O man, what is good, and what the LORD really wants from you: He wants you to promote justice, to be faithful, and to live obediently before your God.” (Micah 6:6-8, NET) Giving yourself or laying down your life is the way to express love to God (Romans 12:1), the brethren in Christ (1 John 3:16) and also your spouse (Ephesians 5:25). This great love expression is expected to be shown in all our relationships. Although it is one thing, giving yourself may mean different things in different relationships. However it may mean in a relationship, it is about showing commitment and humility. Bible says that we ought to love as Christ and thus lay down our lives for each other. Love is what causes you to hate your life and live by a greater cause. Jesus said that those who love their life will lose it but those who hate it will keep it (John 12:25). It means loving is true living. He knew while He said that, that no one can hate his or her life enough to lay it down for the brethren if His kind of love is not in the heart of that person. These are the revelations;  We should express love as Christ did by laying down our lives for the brethren  And as we hate our lives enough to lay it down, we live. These revelations lead to this point; loving is true living. Life is in Love. So until you start loving, you are not living. The first Adam and his generation were and are dead because, as a result of the sin of the first Adam, they luck love in their hearts. The Adamic nature does not contain love. True living means loving and giving yourself such that your life no more belongs to you but is for God for people. Laying down your life means giving yourself and this is the greatest, most powerful and efficient love expression. There is none greater. Christ said greater love has no one than to lay down his life for his friends. There is no greater way of expressing love. The greatest is giving you. True love does not only give gifts, it gives the giver. And when we go to God with big gifts while we are unwilling to give Him ourselves, God does not take it. He does not take it because to him that much is given much is expected. And since 14
  • 16. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) He has given us His best (the one and only begotten Son He had), He expects and deserves the best. It is time to show the Greatest Lover the greatest love you can by giving yourself to Him (Romans 12). Commitment By the Spirit of God living in us, we contain the Christ kind of love and we can obey 1 John 3:16. We can lay down our lives for the brethren. Laying down your life for the brethren is only proving that you have laid down your life for Jesus. This is because 1 John says that a person’s claim that he or she loves God is only true if he or she loves the brethren. So you can lay down your life for the Christian brethren only if you have laid down your life for the Christ. When you lay down your life for Christ, He takes it and makes it a life that is about making people who they are supposed to be in Christ and blessing people. There is no love for each other in the church because most of us have not even loved the Christ yet. If you still have enough love in you to love you, then you have not loved Christ enough. When you love Christ with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength you become for Him for people. “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:5) And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. (Deuteronomy 6:5) The meaning of this is clearer when you know that heart means spirit and strength means body. The spirit, soul and body make up the human being. So “love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” means that you should keep nothing to yourself. You should belong to Him – your heart (spirit), soul and strength (body) should be His. When you love God really well, you have no love left in you to love your life (Luke 14:26). You are not for yourself anymore and your life is in His hands. Remember the more you love, the less you own yourself. Selfishness means the absence of true love. It means the absence of love. 15
  • 17. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). Be committed to God first and to Christ His Word above all. When you love Christ, you love Him with all the love you have. He gives you that love anyway. You become for Him. He is saying that, we should see all that is in the love account as His because it is His. Actually, when we see it as His, then we can [properly] love everyone because He loves everyone. The scripture is not to say that we should literally hate those people. That ‘hate’ there actually means ‘leave’. It means don’t prioritize them. That’s what Jesus is saying. He says that if you want to love and please people first, you cannot love Me. He says that we should put Him above all. Our relationship with Him should be prioritized above all other. Actually, the result of our love for Jesus and following of Jesus will be that we will love these people with the love of the Lord. But then, “to follow Jesus, we must hate the others” means that if we want to follow (obey) the Word (the Word is Jesus); we will have to close our ears to the demands of family and society and stick only to it. There is only one Shepherd to this fold, the voice of God. You are led by Jesus. It may [eventually] be through mother, father, spouse, children, brothers or sisters but it should not be by them. ‘Through them’ is not the same as ‘by them’. There is only one shepherd to this fold. If you are following Me, no other voice counts but Mine. So that scripture is not against loving. It says this; ‘it is okay to obey JESUS if it means disobeying parents, siblings, spouse or children.’ That is the revelation! Don’t prioritize anyone’s will above Mine – not even yours. Hate others and hate yourself too; direct all your love and obeisance towards me. Now this is not selfishness [on God’s side] but God’s amazing love. We cannot properly love others or ourselves. In fact, if we love ourselves, we will die so all love must be directed to God and Christ first. When we do this, the willfulness God gave us becomes a blessing and not a timed-bomb. Hana gave Samuel back to God. God gave us our will and freed us to make choices. People ask why God did not program us to be automatically drawn towards only goodness, without any tendency to disobey etc. Couldn’t He have made us in that way? Yes, He could have but He didn’t. It was necessary that God did not make us like robots who 16
  • 18. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) only respond to His click. It was necessary because if there is no willfulness, there is no love. God wanted a love relationship with humanity and that called for a man who could decide on his own to love. You will understand why God had to give us our will. It is when a person has looked through all the virgins and women and said ‘you excel them all; I will marry you’ that you appreciate his love. You appreciate that love because he chose you among the many others and if he decided to select you, then he truly loves you and likes you. This pair so formed can go far and endure storms than one where the person chooses you because he had no choice than to go with you. Love calls for willingly choosing. If you are forced to remain, that is not love. Love and willfulness are synonymous. God didn’t want slaves but sons; He wanted lovers – people who will willingly serve Him. Love is willingly locking yourself in a prison. If Shadrach and his friends entered the fire and did not bow because they were programmed as robots to behave that way by a superior God, that’s not a surprise – there’s no love here. When they DECIDE not to bow and are thrown into the fire for the LORD’s sake; that is love. The element of CHOICE is important. Love is a bondage no one imposes on you. Verily, love is bondage you impose on yourself [you decide to be there]. Love is not an emotion and should not result from any spell or programming; love is a decision. Man had to be free to decide because God wanted a love relationship. In another angle, love is about continually surrendering one’s will so there has to be willpower in the first place. Surrender your will to God daily. ‘And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.’ (Luke 9:23) ‘Peter and the other apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than people.”’ (Acts 5:29, Gw) We must obey God not just as one of our friends but as our Master. When the demands of people contradict the will of God, way of God and Word of God, you must put God first and obey Him. Your respect for God should be far greater than any other. We love Him because He first loved us. You must not want to please people. Although they matter, God matters most. Be for God for the people and 17
  • 19. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) not for the people for God. Saul wanted to be for the people for God and that led to his failure because he disobeyed. It is impossible to be for the people first and be for God. God cannot be second, His nature doesn’t permit that. He is not either first or last. He is the first and last. Being the first and last means that it is not even about God and some other relationships (or people) but rather it is all about Him. That’s what ‘the first and last’ means. Your life is not about God and people, it is about God and God – the first and last. God should not be just the first with some other person or relationship following and many others in order. It is supposed to be ALL about Him. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) We live for too many reasons and that is why we are always confused and frustrated. But when you found one reason to live for then the yoke is easy and the burden is light. The One reason to live for is Jesus. Jesus must be the first – yes! But not just that! He must be the One and only. That is the meaning of ‘the first and last.’ If Jesus is the one and only reason why you live, you still love and care for people. But then, you love the people for Jesus. You don’t decide to love, obey and please the people but in pleasing Jesus, the people sometimes are incidentally pleased. Your focus is Jesus and no one else. Be careful here! Jesus does not want you to love anyone besides Him. He wants you to love Him with all the love you have and then He will love the people through you in His own way. So if Jesus says don’t do it, don’t say ‘o, I love him/her.’ You are not the one loving anyone. Jesus says “‘I am’ loving them through you”. Immediately you decide to love someone yourself, there will be a conflict of interest because the ‘Adam’ man does not know how to love. The ‘adam’ man thinks love is sex. S/He thinks it is about supporting a person even if he or she is doing the wrong thing. The ‘adam’ man thinks love is about getting it for him or her even if it will hurt her. There are many things the ‘adam’ man thinks love is which are not true. As an ‘adam’ man you could not love your 18
  • 20. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) neighbor as yourself in the way God wants it and that is why Christ who is the expression of God’s love has come to dwell in you. And He wants to be in charge now. Get away with your ‘I’ love and let Christ love the people. You are not a people lover; you never died on the cross for them. Christ did. Stop pretending as if you love the people than Christ. Stop competing and debating with Christ about who expresses the love! Your love is so imperfect and that is why Christ is in you. Let Christ love through you. If you want to love them yourself, you end up sinning and disobeying God. There is a thought that comes into your mind and you think it is a thought of love and you are busy quoting ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ but the end thereof is death. Who loves who? If Christ was the one loving that lady through you, He would not fornicate and romance as a way of expressing love. If Christ was the one loving that person through you, He would not disobey God because that person whom He loves so much said He should do something. He would not disobey because God’s Word cannot disobey Him. Christ is God’s Word and if He loves through you, then God’s Word cannot disobey Him so you cannot disobey. Let Christ. You must die so that Christ can live through you. What’s the war for? Kill the flesh and let Christ be the life. “Christ means everything to me in this life, and when I die I'll have even more.” (Philippians 1:21, Gw) “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21) “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20, NKJV) “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4, NASB) “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17, ESV) You have to be ready to invest yourself into that relationship. Your gifts are many in the market but there is just one you and that is what the person wants. There 19
  • 21. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) were many gifts around Adam but God saw that he needed Eve, not the gifts. Your commitment is what will truly speak your love. When you give yourself you lay down your life for the person and you make time for the person. The Bible instructs us a lot on how to relate with other people. The Bible is a whole and full book and in there are also instructions on how to be in a courtship or how to relate with your fiancé or fiancée. This is a letter I once wrote to someone. “We live in an era where 'i love you' no more means much. A girl meets a strange boy and the boy, looking at her beauty, says 'i love you.' Friends have said 'i love you' when they were actually planning the next betrayal. You might have even received lovely kisses from 'judas'nature people, so the kiss of love always seems to raise suspicions in your mind. You think you will soon be in the hands of wicked soldiers after every kiss of love. People hate to be loved because they've been maltreated worst by 'love' as people call it. So the real power in 'i love you' is no more absorbed. We've heard it over and over again. But when i say 'I LOVE YOU', _____________, pls do believe that i mean it. The world system has so to say reduced, misinterpreted and tarnished the word 'love.' Look into the bible and see what true love means. Then you will know i am not just putting words together when i say 'I LOVE YOU.' Hear me say 'I LOVE YOU.' But i know, dear, that God's love is more perfect. God loves you.” Now, even in your relationship with a person you plan getting married to, Christ must be the one alive in you and acting through you. The point I make here is that ‘you’ should not exist anymore rather Christ should be the One who lives through you. In the letter above, I was trying to explain how the word ‘love’ has been reduced to mean less than it really means. Although it is now commonly associated with ‘sex’, that rather reduces it from its true meaning. That is not an extreme; don’t think it has been ‘over-understood.’ The understanding that love means sex is rather a reduction. If love was sex, then the godliest people would have been the prostitutes and they would go to heaven before any other. Friends have said kind words and followed it by most painful betrayals. Like Judas Iscariot, a kiss from them is just a sign that their evil plans are about to be fulfilled. People have had these experiences and have come to a point where they 20
  • 22. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) do not understand ‘I love you.’ For so long, all ‘love’ could do to them was to break their hearts and push them into corners of depression. Those friends did not understand that the Bible says ‘a friend loves at all times’. Their commitment therefore did not have to be at their own discretion because the Master says a friend should love at all times – a friend should be faithful. They bore little knowledge that God cares about the way you treat a friend. If God’s word instructs friends to be loyal and committed in their relations, then not being loyal or committed is not just a sin against man but against God too. Friendship is not just a social relationship but a spiritual one especially when it is a friendship between two saints. The first reason is that the Word of God is Spirit, the Bible is Spirit. Therefore if the Word or Bible speaks about friendship, then it is spiritual and not just social. The second reason is that if both persons are saints, then that friendship has a spiritual mission to fulfill which may be major or auxiliary to their actual purpose. And there is a purpose to the existence of every God-orchestrated friendship but because we make friends ourselves and for our own reasons and want to love them ourselves in our own ways, the role of friendship which is integral to your full purpose for living on earth is missing. Because of that missing sector in your life, the predetermined path and destination of God for your life has been rejected and you want to live a life you plan leaning on your mind. But the Bible says that you do not have what it takes to make a good plan no matter how wise you think you are. ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.’ Your commitment in other relationships should have its root in the Word. In friendship God expects us to love in His way. He wants to be the One loving through you. Love and commitment is not just for courtship, in friendship, you must show commitment. You must love at all times and be ready to help as well as you can in times of difficulty. “Whoever forgives an offense seeks love, but whoever keeps bringing up the issue separates the closest of friends.” (Proverbs 17:9, Gw) 21
  • 23. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Job had three friends who left their homes to be with him when he was in difficult times. Christ was with His friends in the fire. He did not leave His friend in the lion’s den alone. When His friend Jonah was in the belly of the fish, He still heard him and helped him. He did not say ‘it is your own mistake that sent you there, suffer it.’ When a friend gets into a difficulty, as much as you can make sure you are available to comfort the person, pray with the person and encourage him or her. Even if it was a mistake that sent the person there into that problem, that is not the time to burden him or her with blames. It is not a time to keep bringing up the issue. The actual pains of the problem and the tears of the trouble are enough for him or her. And you are there to make those pains lighter and wipe the tears by the grace of God. You are not there to tell the person why it happened. It has happened and you need to find solutions to it. You need to encourage and comfort, not in hypocrisy but in truth. It is all about who is loving who. Let Christ love through you. “Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14, ESV) You have to be ready to invest yourself into that relationship. Your gifts are many in the market but there is just one you and that is what the person wants. Your commitment is what will truly speak your love. The more you love someone, the less you own yourself. Giving yourself means loving to the highest degree and showing commitment which makes you trustworthy. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). In other words, God’s great love for the world was expressed by giving His Son (who is He) and we became able to believe in Him for something no one can give. Although not all have believed in order to receive eternal life, the gift is what makes it possible for anyone to believe. So giving yourself makes it possible for the loved to trust you to some extent. Your commitment is what wins you trust in the relationship, not just your words. “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:18, ESV) 22
  • 24. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18, NKJV) I’m not talking about putting your trust in man because that is against God’s Word. But what I am saying here is that, love gives security. Love frees from fear and anxiety. Love makes it possible for people to expect positive actions and reactions from you. The lack of trust is due to fear. Lack of trust in any relationship means that fear is present in someone or both people. Now, love makes the fear in people go when you express it by giving yourself. From John3:16, when God gave Himself to His lovers, it led to His lovers being able to believe and rely on Him for eternal life – something no one else can give. The love in you for someone when rightly expressed at the highest level makes you special. “Most beautiful of women, what makes your beloved better than any other beloved? What makes your beloved better than any other beloved that you make us swear this way?” (Songs of Solomon 5:9, Gw) In this story in the love songs, the lady was searching for her beloved and so asked others to help her. The others then asked her this question ‘How special is your beloved?’ The beloved was so special to the bride and the reason was not how handsome he was but because he was committed. He is one who gives himself. His love for her made him to lost ownership of Himself and was for the lady. He showed total commitment in the relationship and this’ what made him to be seen as distinguished among ten thousand. The reason why he was so special to her is repeated over and over again in the book; ‘I am my lover’s, and my lover is mine.’ ‘"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine, He who pastures his flock among the lilies."’ (Songs of Solomon 6:3, NASB) What made one special to the other was the level of commitment they both gave into the relationship. After 5:9 of the same book, the bride describes the beloved. Those descriptions are the physical looks and emotional memories. However those things are not the unique thing the lady saw in him. She was trying to describe the one she was looking for and she spoke physical things that were 23
  • 25. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) spiced with emotions to describe him. Other people are handsome and other people can speak sweet words but what is not common is a person who can be for you no matter how high he is and who can accept you as his no matter how low you are. So the answer to question 5:9 is 6:3. It is your commitment that will make you to be seen as a lily among thorns. How committed are you in that courtship. The beauty a relationship can ever have is in this statement; ‘My beloved is mine and I am his.’ It means we are all into it and we are for each other. There is no way such a relationship will lack trust. To be trustworthy you have to work for it because even God had to work and does work still. He gave His Son so that we can trust Him for eternal life. Jesus said ‘these things I command you, that you love one another’ (John 15:17). Love is plural. Love means a lot. Love is more than words. Love is giving yourself. “Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.” (Songs of Solomon 2:4) Love causes one to give him or herself. But love also creates a belly of desire that wants to be filled. Love is what makes a person desire the other to do something for him or her. The bride asks the beloved to do something for her and the reason is her love. It is when people love you that they want you to show love to them. Anytime there is no need of your love expression and proper demand or desire for it, it means there is no love in the other. This is because love desires to be loved. When you love someone you want them to show you love. It is not wrong to want your lover to give you gifts or even ask them. It is love! However there are people with different personalities and not everyone will clearly ask or speak. But whenever you love someone actually, the courtship allows giving and accepting of gifts and gratitude. It is therefore not okay to be aware that someone loves you. However you must know that the love does not only empower the person to give him or herself by way of commitment but also creates in the person a hunger that needs be filled. Only love can satisfy love and that is why one of the greatest confusion there is to love someone who does not love you. The love you have does not only make you prepared to give but also makes you desire to be given. There is a thing love 24
  • 26. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) needs and that is ‘love’. But the love God gives us (the love He’s poured in a believer’s heart) is unconditional. It is not measurable. So we do not allocate love to people by the relationships (mere friend, best friend, son, daughter, sister, brother etc.). In any case the love we have is immeasurable and unconditional. Whether it is a wife-husband relationship or a friendship, even towards our enemies, it is an unconditional love. Remember that we do not do the loving but Christ loves through us. Christ does not love one than the other. So in any case love is love. However, it is the expression of love that differs from relationship to relationship. The way one express love to a fiancé or fiancée should differ from the way he or she expresses love to the other brother or sister. “[She ] Oh that you were like a brother to me who nursed at my mother's breasts! If I found you outside, I would kiss you, and none would despise me. I would lead you and bring you into the house of my mother--- she who used to teach me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, the juice of my pomegranate.” (Songs of Solomon 8:1-2, ESV) From the passage, the ‘she’ understands that not all relationships require the same expression of love. Although love is love, the expression of love differs from relationship to relationship. She wishes that ‘he’ was a brother. Then she says if you were a brother, I would be right to express love to you in a special and great way that will not be questionable. The way you express love to a wife or husband should differ from the way you express it to another (for example, a Christian sister or brother). Romance and sex, for instance, are love expressions. But they are for people related by marriage, not for just any relationship. Not even courtship! There are great ways to express love in a courtship. Although some love expressions may be seen as universal to all relationships, it is not absolutely true because how a particular expression is acted will differ. There are special ways of expressing love in various relationships. It’s not just about so much love in the heart. It is about expression of the love. and it’s not just about expression of love. Rather, it is about the proper expression of love. When love is expressed improperly, the relationship is in trouble. And you need further advice on the relevance of sex in courtship. You need no information from a research on whether sex will help maintain a nice courtship. God knows best and He says ‘no.’ 25
  • 27. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) He says sex before marriage is bad, sin, evil. Sin does not only mean against divine principles, it also means bad – not helpful. Sex in courtship is an improper love expression. It is firstly sin against God’s word and also bad in a sense that it does not help the relationship positively. This is Bible, the most authoritative source! “Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy <Note: Or `ardor`> is fierce as the grave. <Note: Hebrew `as Sheol`> Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he <Note: Or `it`> would be utterly despised.” (Songs of Solomon 8:6-7, ESV) In courtship, it is not wrong to be romantic. When you enter into courtship, you must express love in the courtship way. If a saint enters a relationship of courtship, there is nothing wrong with being romantic in that very relationship. As you still express love to the person as a sister or brother in Christ, there has to be a new thing, a new flavor. It shouldn’t be ‘praise the Lord, praise the Lord’ all the time. It shouldn’t be let’s meet and pray all the time. Prayer is very important and maintaining a spiritual atmosphere in a courtship helps so much. But in addition to the spiritual, there must be that new flavor in the new relationship. Remember the ‘praise the Lord, sister/brother’ or the ‘let us pray’ might have being experienced by the person for long. May be you and the person have known each other as son and daughter of Abba Father for long and have always expressed love to each other as such. While it remains most important to continue in the faith and not forget the basic faith that relates you as brother and sister in the Lord, it is very necessary to add more and express the love in a new dimension. All the brothers and sisters he or she has in Christ express love to her by the same ‘praise the Lord, lets pray, bible studies etc.’ s/he has to see you as a special one in his or her life. She needs to hear more than that and experience a love expression that is Christly and romantic. Love expression is not one way; you adjust it to suit the person and the kind of relationship. Is it true that love grows? The love in my heart as a saint is not the natural one. It is God’s own kind of love poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). I 26
  • 28. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) know that the love of God is most amazing; it is immeasurably great and beyond understanding. Nothing reduces it and it is so great that it cannot increase. There is nothing one can do to make God love him or her better because God naturally and by the gift of His Son loves you best already. There is nothing better than best and nothing higher than highest. Nothing reduces God’s love either. It is a steadfast love. Now if this is the love poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit to enable me to love God and man, then the love does not grow. It does not grow bigger, it does not shrink. What is normally referred to as love growing is actually growing in love. In 2 Thessalonians 1:3, the church grew in love. Their love increased does not mean what it literally means. It means they were more yielding to the Spirit of love in them and thence expressed it more fully, accurately and obediently. We grow in love but love (in the saint) does not actually grow. We grow in it. Growing in love means expressing it in a better way. It means coming to know what it means to truly love and give yourself. We grow in love when we do not only have love, but we actually love people with it. We grow in love when the relationship is built to a point of a higher level of trust and sincerity. We grow in love as we get closer in the relationship because you don’t see clearer until you get closer. When you grow in love, you think there’s being an increase in the love you had for someone because you feel more ready and willing to express it. Some things make the flame called love burn less powerfully and that is not a flame problem but a problem with the person. When the flame after being smothered for long is freed and a first expression at a new level burns out, it seems love has increased. It is the same flame of God in you. But the relationship, how close both parties are and how sincere the lover is willing to be that makes it seem so. Love builds up; it is not rather built up. Growing is about love. If there ever is a thing like growing love, it is about allowing it to burn the way God wants it. Jesus said the love of many will grow cold (become cold). Love becomes colder and colder if we do not follow the Spirit’s leading. When we keep smothering the Spirit of love and disobeying the love messages the Spirit in our hearts send us on how to relate with God and man, it gets to a time that the fire becomes cold. Someone asked how can fire become cold? Look in the Bible and see how hot love is supposed to be. If we succeed in programing ourselves to be self-centered and rebellious, then instead of a flame, we are a cold. You have to 27
  • 29. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) allow the flame of love to burn. You have to allow the flame of love to burn in the relationship even while you see to it that the devil does not get a chance; because love is of God and cannot cause the children of God to backslide. It is the devil that tries to work through the mind of the flesh. God is Love and once we live in love and express it in His way, He likes it. In a courtship, the people have to grow in love. While Jesus walked with His disciples, he grew in love. In that relationship, there is an example. “He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD.” (Psalm 33:5, ESV) “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.” (Psalm 52:8, ESV) “He makes the whole body fit together and unites it through the support of every joint. As each and every part does its job, he makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:16, Gw) “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” (John 15:15) In Christ Jesus’ relationship with the disciples there was a growth in love (or love expression). Jesus said that the disciples were servants before. But after they had moved together for some time, they became friends because he told them more secrets than a mere servant should know. The certainly is a growth about love. Whether it is said as love growing or people growing in love, it is not a grammar class. But the understanding I want to point out is that as you allow love to burn more freely, there is a graduation in the relationship. In Jesus’ case, we see communication as an effective tool for building relationships. The relationship became friendship because of communication. Proper communication is necessary for the growth of any relationship. Jesus said you are more than servants; you are friends because I communicate my deep matters to you, all things that I have heard of my Father. Proper communication grows a relationship. As to what proper communication actually means, read on. 28
  • 30. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) “Love means that we live by doing what he commands. We were commanded to live in love, and you have heard this from the beginning.” (2 John 1:6, Gw) In a conversation with a friend, we wanted to define love and after several good attempts we saw that our definitions did not cover the whole term ‘love’ but always referred to just something about love. we concluded and said love cannot be defined. Love cannot be defined because it is not a ‘term’, it is a Person. No amount of words can define love because true Love, the actual Love is God. You cannot fully define love because you cannot describe God. He is beautiful beyond description, to marvelous for words. He is Love. That is why ‘love words’ do not best communicate love. Words, though important, are inefficient in communicating your love if you don’t draw out the picture by expressing it. Jesus promised the disciples that they were not going to be known just by their words but by their love for each other. He is talking about expression. To express love means to please God in all you do. Loving means living in obedience to His Word, His Spirit. We’ve tried to define love in our own ways and that has brought about the problem. We think once it is good, it is right. But God says this is what I mean by love. Love means complete obedience. Love has nothing to do with ‘I feel.’ Love is a command. Love is not emotional, hey, true love is spiritual. Bible defines love us living by doing what He commands and continues to say that it is those guided by the Spirit that can and will obey the Father as children (Romans 8), so love is not physical or emotional but is spiritual. If love is not in the Spirit, the one in the soul and body is a fake. Only those guided by the Spirit can truly love. What do you call love? “Love means that we live by doing what he commands. We were commanded to live in love, and you have heard this from the beginning.” (2 John 1:6, Gw) “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” (Philippians 2:8, NKJV) Humility To give yourself in a relationship also means to be humble. God gave Himself to us. When Jesus Christ came to the earth; that was humility. God humbled Himself. 29
  • 31. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) God bent down to the earth. To truly express love to someone, it is not just about sweet words and gifts. You must be humble to the person. You must not be too big to be loved. You must not be too ‘man’ to need a woman or too ‘woman’ to need a man. It was a sign of humility when love made God accept to be born through a mortal woman into the earth. It was humility when the King of kings and Prince of Peace was placed in a manger. It was humility when God putted on flesh instead of radiance. Love does not brag (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. And so when you stand before your fiancé or fiancée to brag, you are only expressing how much you don’t love her. Love does not brag. Bragging is not a love expression. Love is not expressed by bragging or saying too much unnecessary things about yourself. It isn’t love when people boast about themselves to you; ‘I have this’, ‘I have that.’ You must not let those things mislead you into dangerous relationships. Accepting to court with a boastful person is not a right choice. To show love, you must be humble, not boastful. You must be who you are. People boast and brag when they fear that they may not be loved or accepted if they look and sound normal. Bragging is a sign or symptom of fear. But true love does not keep fear. At the immediate opposite of love is fear. Therefore boastful boyfriend or girlfriend is not the choicest. True love does not fear and so does not brag. Remember bragging is a sign of fear. True love does not fear and can come naked before the other without fear or shame. You must not be ashamed to show or tell the one you love who you really are. If you are not that wealthy or rich, you don’t need to borrow only to show forth a ‘right’ wrong picture about yourself. Don’t think you will be loved better when you are ‘rich’ so you borrow so much from friends only to make you look rich enough to deserve the love of someone. There may be other reasons that will justify the need for a loan or financial help in a relationship. But if it is so that “s/he will know that I am not ‘small’”, then I’m sorry love does not behave that way. To express love by giving yourself, you must not boastful or vainglorious. You must be humble. Until you give yourself by humility your gifts or giving very weak in expressing your love. I have come to know that giving, to some, means you are superior. It is normally the top that easily gives to the down. To give to someone, 30
  • 32. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) you need authority. You need some authority. Again, you can’t give what you don’t have. So normally to give to a person is a way of saying that you have. When you therefore give always to someone you have not given yourself to, you seem to be expressing ‘have.’ But if you give any gift after giving yourself, then it is known that you are giving out of love. It is impossible to hold a thing back from someone you have giving yourself to. ‘I will do anything for you’ can be done by people who have so much money and power, and yet it will not be seen as expression of love if the person has not first allowed the love he or she claims s/he have to cause him or her give himself or herself in humility. Persons will be satisfied with love than money. People will appreciate someone who has given himself (humility and commitment) in the relationship and is willing and working to give all other things than someone who has all other things already and is giving them but holding back humility and commitment. Commitment is more than ask whatever you need. Commitment is not putting a gift on the altar; it is putting yourself on the altar. When you give after giving yourself, love is sung. But when you give as a way of boasting, then you are telling him or her that you have and not that you love. Even God does not delight in such gifts. You can give gifts to express love but give humbly. Give because you have given yourself. After giving yourself, then you can give the gifts. To give yourself means to be humble to the person you love. It doesn’t matter how ‘big’ you are, when it comes to loving, you must take off the crowns. After the king had married her, she is a queen. You must relate to the person as a person. That’s what Jesus did. That’s what God did. He became like us, and only then did we know His love. He came down. He humbled Himself. He came down and related to us as we are. There was a bridge. We saw Him as one of us. Jehovah became Emmanuel. You must not be up there sending gifts. You must come down to my level in your speech and action so that we can share love together. Love can be a burden if that person is not having that chance and power to love the lover back. You must not be so up that I always receive from you but you do not receive from me. You must come down so that the relationship becomes mutual. You love me, I love you. My beloved is mine, and I am his. So you must not look in a dictionary for words that will confuse me 31
  • 33. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) and use them while communicating with me. People prefer to be loved by someone they can love. God does not communicate to every one of us in the same way. He considers our level and communicates by the right medium and method. People are as eager to give love as they are to receive. So you must not reject my gifts while I always accept yours. You must not be the talkative while I listen. You must not want to be showing love always to me and not allow me a chance to also love you. Don’t talk too much, hear from me too. I have so much love in me for you that I want to speak… but... but … you keep talking. I just want to make you know that I love you too. Don’t love me too much that you don’t allow me to love you. Don’t be too enflamed in the inside that you don’t invite me to burn. I love you to my love. Don’t be a greedy lover, let me love you too. Let me speak. I’ve waited for long. Can’t keep saying ‘okay’, hear me now; ‘I LOVE YOU.’ LOVE IS BEST EXPRESSED AND EXPRESSIBLE WHEN we are on the same level. The reason why it is possible to so love God is that He the King has made us kings. He the Light of the world has made us light too. He the High Priest has made us priests. We are His children but also brothers and friends to Him. We are God’s bride too. So love is more expressible. He loves us, we love Him. Love is best expressed and expressible when both are on the same level. That is why marriage allows the highest level of love expression – not sex, but utter commitment that even God respects. Marriage allows highest level of expression because marriage brings two to become one – there is a leveling. Although giving yourself is not only done in marriage, the marriage between two people is a sign of (a symbol of, supposed to resemble) the most amazing relationship God has with His church. Marriage is a relationship that consists of many all others. In marriage there is friendship, brother-sister relationship, lordship, partnership, father-daughter, mother-son etc. All the good relationships are embraced and that’s the amazing thing. And that’s why in ‘choosing’ a marriage partner, you must consider the levels. If the person loves you but is so much away from your level you are in (both spiritually and socially, or even emotionally and sometimes financially), there might be a problem because one of you will not be able to express his or her love well to the other. Look at God. The reason why He blessed and blesses us 32
  • 34. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) is not just to express His love but so that we can also express love to Him. That should tell you how important expression of love from both sides in a relationship is. Why doesn’t He always like us to worship Him because of who He is but also through His power makes us to have a reason to praise Him because of what He does? Love is not all about worship but praise too. While he expresses His love to us by blessing us, we express love to Him by praise. There still is a need for us to express love although He is aware we already have love for Him in the inside. Remember He knows all hearts and He actually gave us the love with which we love Him. But He knows how important expression of love is in any relationship so He makes arrangements and effects manipulations that will make us able to express love to Him. Love is not just about because he is but because he does. Love is not just about how much it is in the heart but how much it is expressed. In fact if you want to know that which the Bible says about expression of love that is most controversial (that many will disagree with if I don’t attach to it the source) it is this; the absence of expression of love means there is no love actually. The Bible says that if someone is not able to express love to God by loving who He loves, then He actually does not have love for God in the first place. Said another way, the reason why you do not express the love is because you do not have it. This is true; I saw it in 1 John. Is it true in relationship among humans too? The absence of its expression means it is not there is true in human to human relationships considering the kind of relationship, the levels the parties are in, their openness and their level of closeness. It is true but one must know that expression of love means different things to different people. Specifically, it means different things to different people. Moreover, different relationships require different forms of expression of love. But especially when it comes to marriage, because it is not just about closeness but oneness, it is impossible to hold back expression. Holding back expression especially in marriage is so much a case because it may mean there is no love or it is growing cold. Remember that the sustainability of a marriage does not depend just on the availability of love but its expression. If there is love and yet some circumstances and instances hinder its full expression, the marriage is in trouble. So you must be humble enough to be loved, and not just high enough to love. Love is better enjoyed when both people can give. 33
  • 35. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) The level of the other person is a thing to consider in choosing a marriage partner or concluding that lack of its expression means it is not present. This is because for a good atmosphere to be sustained in a relationship, the must be a leveling. Both people must be lovable. Love is expressible when there isn’t much gap in the levels of the persons involved. It is not easy to express love to someone who is so high above you. Also if someone is so low under you, your expression of love may rather be a burden because s/he turns to be receiving more and giving (expressing) less or none at all. Love is better enjoyed when both people can give. No matter how much you love someone, you should not enter marriage with the person without cross checking if he or she also loves you. If the ‘love’ source in the marriage is only one, there will not be a smooth road. Love here means the desire and free will. If the marriage came about by a person’s desire (what I mean by ‘love’ in this very side of the book), there is trouble. Marriage is not about loving someone; it’s about loving each other. Marriage is not about someone loving you; it’s about you loving each other. And so is friendship too! - TWO LOVES. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) Marriage is an agreement and even more. Therefore one person’s strong desire to marry the other does not necessitate the union if the other does not have that same desire. If you succumb to one person’s love that he or she claims to be so strong and influenced by other factors enter into a marriage with that person you do not actually ‘desire’ deep down you, the union is not a strong one. My whole point is that do not walk with someone you don’t agree with. That is, do not be forced to accept a marriage proposal simply because you think the person loves you so much. I mean check and found ‘two loves’ before the final agreement. ‘Two loves’ in a sense that both of you have that sincere and pure desire to actually walk. Some people are in courtships they don’t actually like to be in. and it didn’t begin after they’d entered, it was before. They accepted the proposal under pressure and ‘signed the contract’ under undue influence. Some people accepted because of ‘o he loves me so much.’ If it was one love that took you in then you will soon be out because two cannot walk except they both have that 34
  • 36. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) desire. Two loves make the walk possible. Two sides with same sincere and desire makes the walk a nicer and more enjoyed one. It is still possible to see two who have not agreed in their hearts walking. It is possible to have someone accept your proposal and be your fiancée when she actually has not agreed internally. But such a relationship is full of artificial expressions that flow from the intention to please him or her. It is full of pretense. Sometimes people can be forced to pretend for so long until they even found themselves saying ‘I do’ before the altar. Some others do not last for long and leave men and women in shocking disappointment. However long you can get person to pretend to love you in a courtship depends on what ‘pressure’ he or she is under. Some people cannot disagree because they so much respect you. Sometimes you’ve being good friends for long and there was no choice but to accept it because refusing it underplays one’s ego. There are so many ‘pressures’ that can do that. I am not aware of all. However, it does not depend on how long it takes; the signs will keep showing in the relationship. No matter how good a person is at pretending or faking ‘love’ one can know it and withdraw quickly before it is too late. You may have that marriage ‘love’ or desire for someone but don’t be quick to enter marriage with the person without seriously considering whether s/he also really have the desire. You may be fortunate to have the other person make it clear to you when you propose that s/he does not have that ‘marriage love’ (there is nothing like marriage love but I speak of the desire to marry and live with a person for the rest of your life. I will explain further). You may not however be fortunate enough and will rather have the other person under some sort of ‘pressure’ (because of may be who you are or the respect you have for each other) accept and show you artificial or fake love – a kind that does not flow from the heart itself. That is rather unfortunate. You must check what is in there before you even knock. And if I am talking to a saint, then it is about spiritual investigation into the will of God, the nature of the person and knowing what is ahead. Because marriage is not about you alone, you cannot afford to enter it once you are sure that you have the ‘love’ (desire) it takes. What about the other person? In marriage, it is about ‘two loves.’ You don’t have to drag the other person along with your love. Both of you should love each other enough 35
  • 37. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) and that will bring the true union. Two becoming one flesh is not the decision of one side, both must yield. Remember to check – TWO LOVES. The fact that I love her does not mean I should marry you or that you should accept to marry me. Come to understand that it isn’t about loving or being loved but about loving each other. The earlier verses reveal what love means – to live by doing what He commands. When I use love in this context as relating to marriage, I mean the sincere and pure desire in a person to have another as a husband/wife. But page by page, the revelations will unfold and you will have a better understanding of love. You will come to know that love is not about marriage at all. Although love is an important element, there is more. So as I speak and say ‘two loves for a marriage’ I lead you to a place where you will see even clearer than ‘he loves me, she loves me’ or ‘we love each other.’ I lead to a place where love is still a concern but there are other very vital factors. There are some people who have thirsted so much for love that when they find out that someone loves them, they want to keep that love forever and therefore want to secure a marriage. They want to sign that ‘love’ contract because they’ve longed for it all the while and have finally gotten it. And even though they actually do not have that true desire for marriage, they accept it or even propose it because they want to keep at least that ‘love.’ While this shows the emotional and spiritual immaturity of the person, this must be in the mind of even the mature. It takes love to look for love. But some people look for love because they need it, not because they have it. Some people ‘love’ you because you love them, not because they love you. Marriage must not be entered just with hunger but with appetite. An appetite is what makes ‘two’ agree internally. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) For a stronger marriage bond, both sides must have love and be able to express it. Here! The reason why all things work together for the good to them that love God is this. God loves everyone. So when someone in turn loves God, it becomes two loves and two love expressions. It is when there are that two loves and two love expressions that all things work together for the good. All things do not work 36
  • 38. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) together for good to all though God loves all. Immediately a person also loves God who already loved him or her and gave us His Son Jesus, it is two loves and two love expressions. All things will not work together for the good of us all because not all of us love God. All things do not work together for the good of them God loves who have not loved God back because in that case, there is only one love. All things work together for the good of those who love the God who already loves them. The loves becomes two and only then can all things work together for the good. Two loves and two love expressions is needed to make all things work together for good. Two love expressions are needed to make things work well. Catch the revelation. God will not marry the lady He loves; He will marry the lady He is in love with. The difference between ‘I love you’ and ‘we are in love’ is that ‘I love you’ is talking about a personal feeling but ‘we are in love’ is about two. We both are in it. We both have the appetite of living together as husband and wife one day. Now God will marry Ecclesia (the Church), not the world. God so love the world but He will not marry the world. ‘Why?’, because there must be two. It takes two! The Ecclesia is made of the people who are not only loved by God but also love God. Because Ecclesia loves God and God loves her, there are two loves and the marriage is possible. Join the Ecclesia! Learn from God. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7) "On that day she will call me her husband," declares the LORD. "She will no longer call me her master. (Hosea 2:16, Gw) God loves the world but a section of the world loves Him and that section is the Body of Christ (the Church). God is in love with a woman called Ecclesia (the Church) and she is the one He will marry, not the world. He loves the world, but HE is in love with Ecclesia. If there were no need for two loves and two love expressions (love here means sincere and pure desire for marriage), He would have married the world He so much love and never consider if she (the world) loves Him too. Two loves, two love expressions – we must be in love with each other. – TWO LOVES, TWO EXPRESSIONS. 37
  • 39. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) So this is genesis love. The genesis love is a love that expresses itself. Love must be expressed. The genesis love was not known until He gave Himself, spoke to us and stayed with us. Communication It is not all over when you show humility and commitment. After Jesus had lived for over three decades on earth having displayed humility, reliability and worthiness of trust, He said to His disciples “Go therefore, and teach all nations…” God did not only give Himself, He spoke and speaks to us. It is true if we say that the foundation of the building is most important and necessary. But we must not think that the foundation is a building. You can’t live in a foundation, you need a building. Giving yourself is the best and first love expression that we must all show in any relationship. But apart from that love speaks too. In Genesis 1:3, love spoke. I have said so much on expression of love not to mean ‘saying’ but being practical by your humility and commitment. However, I now want to speak on the need for communication. Love said let there be light and there was light. Hallelujah! Bible says that when the heart is full, the mouth speaks. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. So you must be ready to speak. Words are necessary. In order for a relationship to grow and glow, there must be communication. Friends must communicate. In fact, Jesus’ words in John 15:15 reveal that the difference between a master-servant relationship and a friendship is the level of communication. Jesus meant that relationships grow as communication grows. “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.”(John 15:15) Parents must communicate with their children. I’m not talking about giving instructions ‘do this’ nor ‘do that.’ I’m talking about good conversation. Wives must communicate with husbands. There is a whole book in the Bible by name Songs of Solomon or Songs of Songs which is credible evidence that love speaks. In any level of relationship at all, if there is no true communication, there might be problems. If there is no true communication, problems are not solved. The 38
  • 40. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) needs of a friend or partner will be known if there is communication. If God had not spoken to us and kept speaking to us, we would backslide. That’s what will happen in a marriage or courtship that lacks proper communication between the two. We would altogether forget the love of God and go back into sinning if not for the word of God. He keeps speaking to us so that we keep loving Him and cherishing our relationship with Him. Although God’s Spirit is in us (the saints), without the Word of God (reading the Bible, hearing from God in prayer, listening to sermons etc.) we can still fall. Communication is therefore very important in any relationship. This does not only mean that you must be willing to speak. It also means that you must be ready to listen as well. You must have time for conversing. It shouldn’t be always formal in the marriage. If the only conversations you have in the marriage is ‘food is ready’, ‘I am ready for church’, ‘I am going to work’, ‘welcome back’ etc., then there’s is a problem or it is on the way. In any level of relationship at all, there must be proper communication; not just one way communication but dual. You must let people communicate to you. Sometimes the reason people don’t communicate to you is because you don’t give them the chance to. Other times because you do not sound sincere and open in your communication, to the other person, it does not qualify you to be trusted with open and sincere conversations. Therefore you can learn to attract good communication by being a good communicator yourself. Until communication becomes possible at a high level of sincerity and openness in the courtship, some untrue and bad things will remain in the mind of the persons involved. There are things that must come out otherwise they will cause a stench when kept for too long in the mind. You must be ready to handle the truths if you don’t want lies. You must not attack people when they speak the truth to you, no matter how bad and shocking it sounds. I love someone who is guilty because s/he has spoken the truth than someone who seems innocent because s/he has not revealed the truth and has being telling the lie all the while. Learn to receive truths. People normally tell us the lies because we do not have the capacity to handle the truth. When people tell you the truth and it is not what you expected, instead of shouting and blaming in anger, you should calm down and find ways of rather correcting the errors. If you want truth, 39
  • 41. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) you must be attractive enough for it. Love speaks, and if we will be ready to listen with all the love we have and not only talk and talk and talk, we will hear deep things, truths that were secrets. Love speaks, yes. But if you love me and your love speaks, why don’t you understand that I love you and so my love is also yearning to speak. Love must be ready to listen and not just speak. You must know that until love spoke, there was no light. And where there is no light, there is stumbling. Most relationships are in darkness because love is not speaking. People are stumbling in the relationships because of poor or no communication. When love closes his or her mouth, there is darkness. The word of Love is Light and in our relationship with Love (God), except for His Word, we would be in total darkness and would be stumbling. In the mouth of love is light, and light is direction and vision. In relationships where there is poor communication, there is no direction and vision. In a relationship where both sides rely on imaginations and ‘what-if’ and ‘may-be’ thoughts, there is no light. In a relationship where there is no true and effective communication, there are what-if and may-be thoughts. And that’s exactly how we behave when there is no light. We do not walk with assurance but doubts. The key to clearing doubts from the mind of your lover or your beloved is communication. It is communication, not talking! Love speaks when he or she cannot see clearly. Love speaks when he or she thinks differently. Love builds trust so whenever you fear to speak your mind sincerely, you are drifting from love and love is not being made perfect in the relationship. Love does not entertain fear. Love does not fear to speak. But more importantly, love is wise and polite. Love knows when to speak and when not to, how to speak and to whom to speak what. Communication reveals cracks and wounds that must be healed. The light love is does reveal the cracks and wounds first. Then it mends and heals. The two (revealing them and healing or mending them) happens almost simultaneously depending on the intensity of the light. Love covers sins. Yes. But that does not mean that it is blind to them. Love is light and so does reveal the cracks actually. Then the same love heals or mends them. Love is not blind, love is light. 40
  • 42. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Relationships (courtships) before they become marriages must be brought under the light where cracks are revealed and mended, where dangerous truths are discovered and hidden intents are voiced out. Such a time as this may be very trying and can be hurting sometimes. But this is the time where you can test the gold in the fire. It is an opportunity to know whether the other person can actually live with you for the rest of your life. Most marriages get broken up because while in courtship the cracks were not seen and mended. Some minerals surely look like gold, but the fire will tell. In cases of true love, the light is so great that it reveals the crack and quickly mends it, and the love gets stronger even after such times. But with a fake love, the crack may not even be fully viewed before the light begins to go out. You must love enough to speak. You must love enough to hear. You must love enough to forgive. God Almighty is the first to love and He is Love. Therefore we cannot have any better Person to teach us on this topic (LOVE) than God. this God who is Love is ready to hear us say ‘I love You’. He loves to hear us say ‘We worship You.’ But He is also ready to hear when we say ‘I was wrong, please forgive me.’ And we must learn from our Master Jehovah. He forgives. Our Master Jesus did not punish Peter for denying Him. When He appeared to Peter, He blessed him. He did not hate the disciples for running away from Him and leaving Him to face shame and pain alone, He fed them. Here we are claiming to be followers of Jesus. But where is the Jesus character? “As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, "Peace to you!"” (Luke 24:36, ESV) “Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and so with the fish. This was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead.” (John 21:12-14, ESV) If we want to learn from Jesus really, we will not have problems with forgiving a person who offends us. The ease at which you forgive shows your level of maturity and how love is being perfected in you. According to the Bible, he that 41
  • 43. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) does not love has not seen Christ and does not know Him. Whereas we sometimes think it is about tongues speaking and gifts of the Spirits, God says that no matter what you have, if you do not have love, you don’t have Me. One feature of love is tolerance and if you can still decide to hold back forgiveness from people, then the love of God has not yet sank deep into your heart. “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-3, NASB) The Spirit of God unites us as saints. He (the Spirit) is the blood that flows through the Body of Christ. But Paul implores us to be diligent to preserve the unity. This means that it is not enough to be aware that ‘though we are many, we are one body.’ It is not the end when we experience the unity the Spirit builds in us through the love of G od which has been shared abroad our hearts. We ought to do some hard-work of preserving the unity of the Spirit. We have to take practical steps in keeping the unity. You must know that whatever is not maintained cannot be sustained. And if Paul implored us to hold on to the unity diligently then it means there are some threats. Some things threaten the unity and peace. We must not be ignorant of these things. The devil and its angels are aware of the power in love and agreement and are putting in place schemes and traps that will cause the disagreement and hatred. “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:30-32, ESV) If we do not consciously make up our mind to be forgivers of whatever sin and mistake people do against us, we would be giving the devil a chance. What did God say to angry Cain? He said sin which is the devil was crouching at his door. Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and slander are all seeds the devil wants to sow in you. These seeds will grief the Spirit of God in you and empower your sinful flesh against the workings of the Holy Spirit in you. Once you accept these seeds 42
  • 44. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) into yourself and allow them to stay and grow, you become stronger in the flesh while the Spirit of God and of Love is being smothered. The sinful flesh wins the battle at the end of the day and God is not glorified. Let us diligently preserve the unity means that we should program ourselves to be people who easily forgive. Don’t forgive me because you want to forgive me, forgive me because God commands you to. We see many things in the Bible as mere advices and that is why we keep doing the wrong things. But if only we can understand that we are not just sons but servants of God and slaves unto righteousness, we will see every word from the Master as a command and our willpower will be no more. God says forgive and you must! People sometimes say ‘for this very one, I cannot forgive.’ It is a lie. You can forgive and God says you should do it. “As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16) “But thanks be to God that though you were slaves to sin, you obeyed from the heart that pattern of teaching you were entrusted to, and having been freed from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.” (Romans 6:17-18, NET) 43
  • 45. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Love Bullets  There is no genesis to love and no end to it.  The expression of love is very vital in every relationship because that is the light-bringer.  There is a deposit of love in every natural heart but is too little to truly love even God who is perfect so cannot love imperfect man.  True love only comes into man when we receive the Spirit back into our spirit by accepting Christ.  The love with which we love God is given by Him.  The true love, the actual love, the real love, is a Person. His other name is Jehovah. Normally we call Him ‘God’ or ‘the Lord.’  Giving yourself is the most powerful way you can express love in any relationship.  True living means loving and giving yourself such that your life no more belongs to you but is for God for people.  Friendship is not just a social relationship but a spiritual one especially when it is a friendship between two saints.  It is your commitment that will make you to be seen as a lily among thorns.  Only love can satisfy love and that is why one of the greatest confusion there is to love someone who does not love you.  Although love is love, the expression of love differs from relationship to relationship.  When you enter into courtship, you must express love in the courtship way.  Love cannot be defined because it is not a ‘term’, it is a Person. No amount of words can define love because true Love, the actual Love is God.  Commitment is not putting a gift on the altar; it is putting yourself on the altar.  Love is best expressed and expressible when we are on the same level.  The sustainability of a marriage does not depend just on the availability of love but its expression.  No matter how much you love someone, you should not enter marriage with the person without cross-checking if he or she also loves you. 44
  • 46. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love)  Sometimes people can be forced to pretend for so long until they even found themselves saying ‘I do’ before the altar.  Because marriage is not about you alone, you cannot afford to enter it once you are sure that you have the ‘love’ (desire) it takes.  Two love expressions are needed to make things work well.  God will not marry the lady He loves; He will marry the lady He is in love with. 45
  • 47. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) Love Poems In this year of love, my dove A book from above Expression of Love Is what I have Keep lights on As God leads us on O darkness be gone And let my God’s will be done 46
  • 48. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) SEARCHING FOR YOU Where dwells love today? Up in the sky flying, deep in the sea swimming or far in the fields running? Where goeth love from me? Up to the hills to cry, back to a life of joy or far to regret not returning? Why love keeps flying. She's found no safe place to land. But there is a land ready to hold your beautiful feet, love. A land you used to tread, love. Beautiful with flowers; roses only you could see. A land without light because love you fled away. Where is love today? Look she's on her way. I come back to a home nowhere else. To a hope I never found. I found no place to land because I didn't have my light. Though you say I am light, I have discovered that you make me shine. You make me shine, love, you make me shine. 47
  • 49. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) ROMANTIC RHYTHM If I knew a song that sang my heart, I will arrest your ears and free my mouth But no man ever owns my mind or has my mouth Sprouts from my soul, a rhythm, in your eyes are stars You know my heart than you know my out Because your eyes have love – the greatest light Hello, hear o my love, truly you were sent from above Humble dove, I love you 48
  • 50. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) I AM MY BEAUTIFUL Someone is beautiful But I don’t look like her Does that mean I’m not beautiful? He is good But I don’t do what he does Does that mean I’m not good? Why don’t you see me as I am? Why don’t you see me from my place? The fact that I’m not there Means not that I’m no where I am my beautiful I am my good! I don’t do what you do But I think I do something You can’t be good where I am You can be good where you are I can’t look as you are Excuse me, I am my beautiful 49
  • 51. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) SKY FALLS If one evening the sun sets never to rise again Will you be my light when there is no day? If one day the sky falls never to rain again Kiss me to the fill and quench my thirst with the delightful wine of your lips Sister, you who was fashioned from my ribs There to wipe when my soul weeps 50
  • 52. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) SWEET FLAMES A heart in flames, a story never to fade A hurt sweet to scratch Myrrh that did not last Sweet flames consume my heart To tell its faith though the skin fades Never a fake what love did think Though the sky now looks pink A short story most recalled Sweet flame of fire when I count Now I know it was the truth When I said “I can’t stop loving you.” So close the books but stop and look Back at the truth that has not lied Run back to the arms that threw Tell her your heart could not dry Wet and sticky, hot and sweet Sweet flames of love stay and burn in me I miss the kiss from the lips of peace The touch felt by the heart I miss the whisper that silenced the hiss 51
  • 53. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) A wonder for years to ponder I miss the friend in you! 52
  • 54. The Expression of Love 1 (The Genesis Love) BLUE TREASURE A treasure is found A queen crowned Love out loud Let all hear the sound There’s beauty in her blood, not just her gawn She’s humble; so up but down Caring, kissing away the frown An angel with great wealth endowed I’m so lucky to have found But do I have to shout Let them not come around Those little foxes aren’t allowed 53