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This week we learned about the exclusionary rule. That is of
course not the only method that could be used to deal with
evidence seized in violation of the Constitution. Some see this
as police misconduct and that society loses when we enforce the
exclusionary rule. Others see officers as public agents (after all
they are doing your work not their own agenda) and appropriate
to punish the government instead of the individual officers.
· Should a murderer go free because police made a mistake?
· What do you think about this?
· Is the exclusionary rule the best option?
· It was created by judges not Congress after all. Are there other
methods we could consider? What are they?
This is an essay response type question. Your answer should be
at least 350 words. After completing your post review the
majority of other posts. Feel free to comment as you wish.
Last week’s class deals primarily with the assistance of an
attorney regarding questioning. While there are a lot of
misconceptions as to when Miranda must be read, it seems
almost everyone knows the rights outlined in the Miranda
Warning; however, if police neglect to read the warning to a
suspect prior to custodial interrogation the suspect’s statements
are not admissible (even if the suspect is an attorney or police
officer that obviously knows the Miranda Warning).
· So I ask you, do we still need the Miranda Warning? Congress
tried, unsuccessfully to eliminate the requirement. Why do we
still have it?
· Do you think it serves a useful purpose?
· Why do we even have the Miranda Warning? We don’t require
police to tell people they have a right to refuse consent to
search. . .
This is an essay response type question. Your answer should be
at least 350 words. After completing your post review the
majority of other posts. Feel free to comment as you wish.
This past week we covered the 8th Amendment, particularly that
of cruel and unusual punishment. For this discussion I want you
to consider what punishment is and what it is not.
· Do prisoners really have rights?
· What limits should they have?
· How and who should determine where we draw the line?
· Do they have an expectation to privacy in their cells?
· Should they be able to vote in prison?
· Should they be able to have guns when they are released from
jail or prison?
· What about segregation?
· What do you do with a prisoner who assaults other prisoners
and staff every chance they get?
· When is capital punishment appropriate?
In order to receive full credit you must not only include your
opinion on one of these issues, but also the LEGAL basis for it.
(If the courts do not agree with you, state how they have
decided and what the legal argument would be against it.)
Please do a post of at least 300 words. As always be sure to
come back and review other posts.
Topic: Adolescent involvement in street gangs
Dong, B. & Krohn, M. D. (2016). Escape from violence: What
reduces the enduring
consequences of adolescent gang affiliation? Journal of
Criminal Justice, 47, 41-50.
Ruble, N. M. & Turner, W. L. (2000). A systematic analysis of
the dynamics and organization
of urban street gangs. The American Journal of Family Therapy,
28, 117-132.
Taylor, T. J., Freng, A., Esbensen, F., & Peterson, D. (2008).
Youth gang membership and
serious violent victimization: the importance of lifestyle and
routine activities.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(10), 1441-1464.
Progress report
Name f the Institution
Progress report
This is the progressive report on my research on adolescent
gang participation and violence in the United States.
This memorandum has been prepared to update you on the
progress of my research as par you request. The memo will
provide you with the information that you required to know as
far as the study progress is concerned in the criminal justice
discipline. The project was aims at looking at one of the biggest
problem tat is facing the American society as their young
teenagers get involved in criminal and gang groups in the
American cities. One of the biggest problems facing American
cities and families today is when kids get involved with gangs.
Going back to the proposal that I submitted on November 11,
2017, I was very specific to notify you that in my study, I will
seek to research and provide evidence on why the kids have
involved themselves in violence and gang activates.
This study will obtain the data and information that will be used
by the government security agencies and the criminal justice
system to evaluate and assess some of the issues that may be
providing hurdles to ending teenage violence and children
involvement in the criminal activities and gangs in America.
The research study will also be significant as it will help to
provide more information on the ways that the government
agencies can take to ensure that they end the social evil under
discussion. This is inline with my last submitted proposal and
begins searching for suitable sources.
Completed research
By the time I submitted my proposal on November 11, 2017, I
had completed all the scheduled activities and had already
developed a tabulated the program of the remaining activities or
rather program that my study will take. To date, I have no issue
with finding relevant literature articles and other scholarly
materials that will be used to determine the end product of the
matter. I had no problems with finding and researching
necessary sources. I found Google and online library databases
very helpful in this regard and still believe that it will be
helpful going forward. In addition to the online and library
database, the topic under discussion or rather under study is
significant to the government and the relevant government
agencies that have done much research to the effect. In note of
this, government databases will also provide significant
information that will based in the study.
The wide range of data that are available on the topic helped me
get the required information and information and data that was
available helped me to get the better understanding of the
subject under research. The articles that were done by (O’Brien
et al., 2013) and (Muncie, 2014) were imperative as they
provided enough reasons as to why youths were involved in
gangs and criminal activities. Although I have not yet recruited
and interviewed all participants, I have gained enough insights
into the topic to prepare an outline and start writing a draft. I
had to embark on background research and literature review
earlier as I thought at the very first place because some students
agreed to do so and often had no opportunity to participate
later. I am confident and hopeful enough that change of
schedule will not compromise the legitimacy that is the
accuracy, reliability and value of my study findings.
Current challenges
Despite the current study progress, the achievements did not
just come without challenges in the long run. Firstly, it was
difficult to locate the best literature articles that were to be used
in the study. Secondly, it was difficult to recruit participants
willing to discuss this topic. It was evident from the interview
that most of the participants were embarrassed and humiliated
by such experiences and were reluctant to admit their failures
(Neuman, 2016). From this perspective, self-bias was very
evident and it was seen to be something that was to be
concerned of in the study. From where I seat now, I am unable
to tell whether the responses of the participants were genuine or
not but I hope that the bias in the responses will b checked by
evidence from literature review. Another problem is that the
amount of information from the interviewees has already
exceeded my expectations. Therefore, I might need more time to
complete the draft and this as well will not interfere with the
results and findings of the research.
Remaining work
In addition, due to large amounts of work, I will need an
additional day to complete the final draft. Other than that, I see
no reasons for delays so that it is possible to complete the
project by November 11, 2017. I have a task to search for more
literature articles and interview more participants to get more
information of the matter. Based on their replies, I will be able
to complete the draft and then revise it before submission.
Date Started
Date Finished
Background research and literature review
Outline paper and collect needed data
Write first draft
Edit and write second draft
Final edit
Figure 1: The table showing the current progress of the project.
Despite the fact that I have not completed interviewing and
analyzing the available literature on the subject matter, I have
confidence that I will be able to complete my study as per the
schedule and this gives me confidence to conclude that I will be
able to meet my schedules. However, it would be reasonable to
recognize an analysis of the effectiveness of awareness
initiatives as another research objective (Neuman, 2016). Of
course I have some issues with conducting the study but they
are not grave and because of this, I am sure that I do not need
any additional time to complete the study.
Muncie, J. (2014). Youth and crime. Sage.
Neuman, W. L. (2016). Understanding research. Pearson.
O’Brien, K., Daffern, M., Chu, C. M., & Thomas, S. D. (2013).
Youth gang affiliation, violence, and criminal activities: A
review of motivational, risk, and protective factors. Aggression
and violent behavior, 18(4), 417-425.
Writing the Article for Non-experts
Research reports and research articles both rely on research, but
the two documents differ quite extensively. This paper will
focus on techniques that will enable you to produce an article
designed to reach a wider audience, an audience beyond your
colleagues - the non-technical reader or non-expert.
When you undertake a research report, more than likely it will
be in the context of a classroom, produced specifically for a
teacher who will be assessing your research and writing
capabilities. Since the research report is a document that builds
on cumulative knowledge, chances are it will come about later
in the semester, giving you plenty of time to zero in on what
you know to be your teacher’s expectations. You will know
your audience, and your designated task will be to impress that
audience with your knowledge.
On the other hand, when you produce a research article, you are
writing not only for publication in a specialized periodical but
also for a much wider audience, made up of experts as well as
novice and generally—but not always—limited to your
particular field. You have absolutely no way of zeroing in on all
of their expectations. What’s more, you are no longer writing to
show how much you know; instead, you are writing to meet an
audience’s needs (what they want to know). That means you
will have to capture their attention from the get-go and then
keep them interested in what you have to say.
Think it's a bit silly at this point in your college careers to think
about publishing? Maybe that's placing the bar a bit too high?
Not really. In an increasingly competitive job market, more
students are expanding their resumes and credentials by
attending and reading papers at professional conferences and
attempting to publish their work in recognized periodicals,
either alone or in a group. They’re looking for the edge that will
make them appear more dedicated and determined than others
who might be vying for the same position with the same
company. And a lot of them—more than you might imagine—
are doing all of this before they receive their bachelor real
world degrees.
The research article assignment thus presents you with the
opportunities to investigate the types of writing that are
expected of those in your profession and to stretch your abilities
as a professional writer. First, you must learn how to produce
such an article, then you can determine how best to reach the
non-technical reader.
Articles in the Real World
Reporters-- particularly those who work for smaller newspapers
or magazines-- often must adapt their writing styles to whatever
journalism circumstance in which they find themselves. In a
single day, they might have to write two or three hard news
articles, plus a human interest or feature story.Sometimes,
reporters even find themselves contributing a piece of writing to
the editorial page. The type of story they produce effects the
way they must write it-- what they will start with, how they will
progress, how much they will omit, how much personal insight
they should include.
Let's take a single topic-- a school bus accident that occurred at
a dangerous intersection on Interstate 75--and see how three
different types of journalistic writing might approach it.
Hard News, Feature Stories, and Editorial Writing
What It Is
How it Would Approach the Story
Characteristics of the Type
Hard news article
Would present the basic facts about the accident: when, where,
why, who, and how
typical headline: I-75 Bus Accident Injures 12
Objective presentation: no emotion, no input from the writer
Feature Article
Would focus on a particular aspect of the story that would
humanize it or its victims for readers
typical headline: I-75 Bus Accident Causes Student to Relive
Past Crash
Aka known as human interest story
focus on a singular aspect of the story rather than on just the
characterized as more emotional than hard news
still largely object even nature. If the writer wants to be bulky
motion in readers he or she does so without interjecting
personal feelings
Would focus on a controversial aspect of the story
typical headline
I-75 Safety Record Long over Due for Inspection by State and
Federal Officials
Subjective presentation: open opinion-based
the Arthur is permitted to write about feelings/personal
response but should also use logic and reason
Of those three types of journalistic writing, hard news and
feature prove the most important to your production of the
assignment for this class (the article for non-experts). When you
write this article, you should attempt to explain the subject
thoroughly and objectively, without personal input or
editorializing. You will create a fusion of hard news and
feature writing.
But knowing what kind of approach you take is only half the
issue. You must determine how to organize your material.
An Organizational Structure for the Article
By now in your writing you have probably become somewhat
used to following established organizational patterns for plans
for writing certain kinds of documents. A resume has certain
required sections, placed in a certain order. A cover letter
begins with an introduction, progresses through qualification
section, and then ends with a conclusion. The proposal for this
course expects you to include six sections, among them Areas to
Be Studied, a Timetable, and Qualifications. The Progress
Report requires four divisions: introduction, work completed,
work scheduled,and conclusion, with an operational section
(problems) if necessary.
However, no standard organizational pattern exists for the
article for non-experts, because articles are by their very nature
quite different from one another.
Like all documents, however, an article must possess an
introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
Your Articles Introduction
Since you are article can be a fusion of hard news and feature, it
might prove useful to consider how the introduction of such
stories might differ in the real world. Think back to the bus
crash I introduced earlier.
The introduction or lead for a hard news story about the bus
crash would simply state the facts, all of the answers to what
are called the reporter's questions (who, what, why, when,
where, and how). It might read something like this:
Twelve Madison County children were seriously injured
yesterday afternoon when the school bus in which they were
traveling was struck broadside by a dump truck just south of the
Richmond intersection on I-75.
Obviously this is very plain and straightforward. A feature
story which would zero in on one of the students experiences
would take a more creative path, maybe something like this:
When the dump truck’s air brakes roared and the children
around her in the school bus began to scream, 12-year-old
Cindy Nelson braced herself for the inevitable. Having
survived two other auto crashes under similar circumstances,
she knew that all she could do was duck her head and pray.
That Cindy lived through three such crashes -- including the one
on Monday that injured 12 of her schoolmates -- is just one
more sign that she is watched over by a guardian angel of the
highway, her mother believes.
Noticed that while the hard news intro plugs all of the pertinent
facts into a single paragraph, the feature article introduction
might not introduce its key idea until the second paragraph, or
even a later one. It makes an effort to draw the reader into the
story, to hook him or her into wanting to learn more.
That technique -- hooking the reader -- is one you should
borrow from feature articles.
How can you adapt to a variety of technical subjects?
Sample Introduction for an Article on Accounting As a Career
If you are like most high school students, you probably have no
idea what you want to do with the rest of your life, at least
career -- wise.
Unfortunately, many colleges and universities force you to
choose a major right from the get -- go. This task can be a little
daunting, especially for someone who has little information as
to what each profession entails.
Today there are certainly no (or few!) limitations regarding
your choice of profession. As the saying goes, the sky's the
limit, and the options are endless. Although there are plenty of
strange and exotic career paths to choose from, this article
focuses on one of the oldest professions. No not that one --
Most people outside of the business or accounting world tend to
picture accountants as nerdy number crunchers who sit behind a
desk all day. In movies, accountants are portrayed as geeky
characters who dress badly, have no sense of personal hygiene,
and lead basically boring lives. This stereotype of the average
accountant is, however, just that -- a stereotype. Reality
couldn't be further from the truth
In the real world, accounting is a demanding, exciting
profession that can be -- if you choose to pursue a diligently
and with care -- exceptionally rewarding. Many who enter the
field would even argue that it functions as the backbone of
You will notice that this writer affectively adopts the technique
of direct address to speak to his readers. Although direct
address can be overused, when you produce this article, you can
adopt the technique. After all, you are speaking to non-expert
readers, and you want them to be comfortable with your topic.
A word of warning, though: just be careful not to insert “I” into
the mix, as that can end up making your article sounds to
Longer than the above example the next introduction works just
as effectively to draw in the reader. This article, written by a
former Eastern Kentucky University student John Adams,
introduces the concept of robotics to readers by explaining the
technical dimensions or robots, then by showing how complex
technologies have adapted effectively into everyday, easy-to-
use devices, such as the Roomba vacuum cleaner.
Sample Introduction for an Article on Household Robotics
When one considers the term robot, one likely conjures images
designed by Hollywood: a hulk of metal in vaguely human form
that moves on wheels, waves its pincher-like hands around
wildly, expresses emotion through blinking lights, and talks-- if
at all-- like it is standing beneath a big steel bucket. Although
horribly outdated, films like these have created the robotic
images with which most of us are familiar.
Contrary to their popular representation on film and in science
fiction literature, however, robots in general are not designed to
look like humans, but are designed simply to accomplish a
given task with the greatest level of efficiency. They might
possess arms and no legs; legs but no arms; arms and legs but
no heads. They are designed for function rather than form. In
fact, the word robot itself comes from the Czech word robota,
which means ‘forced work’ or ‘labor.’ And indeed, when
scientists, researchers, and inventors devote their attention to
robotic inventions, they create more often than not designs to
assume labor that normally would be performed by humans.
Although robotics is a relatively new field, robots long have
been used in factories to carry out hard, boring, or repetitious
work like car or computer manufacturing. Because they operate
as machines, robots can withstand heavy workloads and working
environments unsatisfactory for humans. It is hardly likely that
an ordinary family comes into contact with such robots.
Today, however, robots are moving out of the factories and into
our homes in the forms of vacuum cleaners, stereo systems,
lawn mowers, and other devices designed to simplify our
everyday lives. They might not look like us, talk like us, or
move like us, but robots like the Roomba vacuum cleaner and
the Robomower might just be our new best friends
As you can tell from these two examples, there are no hard and
fast rules governing the length of an articles introduction.
Additionally although direct address is acceptable, it is not
required, so there is no single writing technique or narrative
stance you should adopt.
How can you most effectively produce a successful
Consider these key pieces of advice:
· Make every attempt to interest the reader. Use interesting
facts, figures, information. Ask a rhetorical question. Begin
with a story, an antidote or case study drawn from real life, to
illustrate the topic you will be discussing. Remember you have
only a limited amount of time to capture the reader's attention.
Your intro must do this for you.
· Let your content provide your purpose statement. Here is one
case where you want to avoid a blunt purpose statement, like
“The purpose of this article is to explain to you the value of
household robotics.” Instead, break the always use a purpose
statement rule and let your content develop your purpose and
identify your subject. The next piece of advice shows you one
way you can do that.
· Begin generally and then gradually zero in on your subject.
Notice how the second example begins by introducing the
concept of robots in general, discusses the general concept, then
moves at the end of the intro to a narrowed aspect of that larger
subject: household robotics. This is a very good technique if
you want to capture the reader's attention, provide a purpose
statement, and clue in the reader to the subject -- all in one ball
of wax!
Your Articles Body
Even before you have determined how you will begin your
article, you must think about how you will structure its body --
how you will organize it, in other words.
As noted earlier, there are no hard-and-fast organizational
patterns for the article. And this means, of course, that there
are no required sections for its body.
Instead, you must determine-based-in large part upon the
audience you hope to reach-what your own goals are, what your
readers need to know, and the order in which they need to know
For example, if you are writing an article on robots, turbine
engines, alternative fuels, or even bariatric surgery, the first
thing you must do is define your terms. The section in this
chapter on “Reading the Non-Expert Reader” we'll talk more in
depth about reducing scientific and technical jargon on, so here
it will suffice to pass along some basic logic:
You can't discuss a complex concept until you have defined it!
To indicate how other writers have tackled the issue of
organization, let's use as examples the two topics already
introduced: accounting as a career and household robotics.
Basic Organizational Structures for the Bodies of Articles on
Accounting and Household Robotics
Accounting as a Profession
Purpose: to explain to readers (high school students) the various
careers available within the accounting profession
· General discussion of accounting
· background information on the career
· general responsibilities of all accountants
· necessary career preparation
· introduction of various subfields
· Discussion of the sub-field 1
· definition
· discussion of responsibilities
· Potential career possibilities (locations, earnings, etc.)
· discussion of sub-field 2
· definition
· discussion of responsibilities
· potential career possibilities (locations, earnings, etc.)
· discussion of sub-field 3
· definition
· discussion of responsibilities
· potential career responsibilities (locations, earnings, etc.)
continue until the body has finished covering all sub-fields.
Household Robotics
Purpose: to explain to readers how robotic devices are becoming
household objects, used to simplify everyday activities.
· General discussion of robotics
· background
· design
· how a robot works
· discussion of how robots have been used in manufacturing and
other fields
· discussion of how robots are now making the transformation
from heavy manufacturing to household devices
· discussion of device1
· discussion of device 2
· discussion of device 3
Continue until the body has finished covering discussions of all
You will notice I am breaking one of the cardinal rules
regarding making your document looked the same throughout.
My only intention is to let you know how many different
possibilities there are to jazz up your submission.
Of course, the organizations I have introduced here are just two
of the many different patterns you can follow when producing
an article on either one of these subjects. But the thing to keep
in mind is that is that simpler is better.
You don’t have to strive for a complex organizational pattern
when creating the body of your article. Instead, create for
yourself a rough outline that logically breaks down the subject
according to your purpose, what your readers need to know, and
the order in which they need to know it.
What sorts of technical writing techniques should be applied to
the body? What sorts of basic writing techniques should be
applied to it? Let’s consider the following:
Create a general outline and follow it. Sounds like freshman-
level advice, right?
However, an outline provides you with a basic structure or
skeleton around which you can build the meat of your article
(the body). The outline can change—and it definitely doesn’t
have to be as complex as those introduced in many writing
handbooks. Shoot for something simple that will help you keep
a logical order or progression when you begin to write.
Keep like topics together. For example, if you are going to
discuss several different robotic vacuum cleaners, instead of
introducing them in separate sections, you should group their
discussions under a single heading, like Robotic Vacuum
Cleaners, with subsections for each model. Each subsection
will include its own headings specific to the type or model it
discusses. Don't discuss one type of robotic vacuum cleaner,
then introduce a robotic lawn mowers, then talk about another
vacuum cleaner. Keep like topics together.
Follow the Preacher’s Maxim. The separate sections of your
article must fit together smoothly, so you should plan to follow
the tenets of the Preacher’s Maxim:
Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then
tell them what you told them.
This means
· wrapping up each section (whether a paragraph or a section
proper) before you move on to the next one,
· providing topic sentences to introduce the subjects of sections
and paragraphs, and
· including transitions that will “link” your article’s individual
components together, as in a chain.
Support any assertions you make. Whenever you make a claim
or an assertion, you need to provide your readers with the
supporting information to prove its accuracy or verify its
veracity. This is where good, solid research comes into play.
Provide informative and useful details. Details change your
content from general and bland to informative and interesting.
If you say that Robots can be both inside and outside the
modern home, you can’t merely stop at that. Instead, you must
provide the sort of details that will help your reader better
understand, visualize, truly absorb what you have just said:
Robots can be found both inside and outside the modern home.
As you relax in your easy chair, in the living room, as vacuum
cleaners, they pick up crumbs and dust bunnies. As you water
your flowers, in the yard, as lawn mowers, they are cutting
perfectly measured lines through your grass. Details illustrate—
they bring to life your words.
Use plenty of headings and subheadings. Use the major
separations or divisions in your outline to generate your main
sections. Then within each section, do not be afraid to create
subsections, each with its own heading. Do space above and
below each heading to separate it visually from the surrounding
text. Remember that headings are like signposts along a
highway: they help your reader find his or her way through the
Remember that illustrations also serve as part of your content.
Visual aids—photographs, pertinent clip art, tables, graphs,
charts, figures—function to complement the text, to illustrate
that which you have explained in words. They don’t replace
text, though, for whenever you use a visual aid, you must
discuss it. For a refresher on how to use visual aids correctly,
see the appropriate sections of Week 1.
Cite your sources. Whenever you use borrowed material—
whether you quote it, paraphrase it, or summarize it—you must
provide your reader with information identifying it as borrowed.
Citations must go within the text, and you must also provide a
Works Cited or Bibliography page. See Pages592- 593 In
Technical Communication (Markel) for Documentation
These are some of the most basic tips you should remember as
you begin working on your article for this course. Does this
very short list cover everything you should consider? No—but it
does give you a solid foundation from which to begin
organizing the body of your article.
Your article’s conclusion
You’ve created an introduction that you feel will entice your
audience to keep reading, and you’ve produced a body that is so
well organized it is astoundingly reader-friendly.
Now what?
Every good thing must come to an end—and the same is true of
your article.
Your conclusion provides you with a final opportunity to
establish your subject as worthwhile and to prove yourself a
credible provider of information regarding it.
Consider again the articles on accounting and household
robotics. How would typical conclusions work for each of these
documents? Examples are provided
Sample Conclusions for Articles on Accounting and Household
Accounting as a Profession
The job variety, salaries, and stability involved with the
accounting profession continue to make this career of one of the
hottest to pursue. The demand for accounting majors is at an
all-time high, and such graduates now have more options than
ever before.
If you want to go into business, then you should definitely take
a close look at the accounting major offered at this university.
By choosing the “language of business” as a career, you will not
only be opening up as many doors as possible, but you will be
making a pretty darn good living as well. In our somewhat
rocky economic climate, where job stability is key, accounting
is a safe-yet still exciting-career choice.
Household Robotics
Our concepts of robots have been formed by sources as diverse
as the cartoon and film. In both cases, and in more examples
like these, robots looked very similar to humans-perhaps in an
effort by their designers to make them feel “safer” to us. Such
robots head faces an even more clothing
Other robots are less human in form, but performed human
actions. In factories they do everything from a fixed the
windshields of cars to secure the bolts that hold a weighing onto
an airplane. In the field, they defuse bombs and often perform
searches in treacherous territory.
While it is likely that in the popular imagination, we will
continue to imagine robots looking either like the humans who
designed them or like giant machines, in truth research in
modern technology focuses on designs that are more suitable for
the tasks the robots must perform.
Understanding the technology involved in building a robot
provides an appreciation of the device and the increasing
development of robotic household appliances will soon bring
robots into regular people's homes for a reasonable price.
A good conclusion performs several functions:
It provides closure. It wraps up the loose ends of the article and
brings the document to a satisfying end. Without it, your article
will simply end. By summing up your subject, you leave your
readers with the knowledge that you are providing an
authoritative perspective.
It lets you reiterate the major points of the article. Although
doing this might sound repetitive, it actually reinforces the key
points you are making in the article. Remember that your article
can be to some degree persuasive. For example, by focusing on
all of the opportunities open to the accounting major, the
accounting article can “argue” that pursuit of such a degree is a
smart move. And the article on household robotics can, by the
virtue of the approach it takes to the subject, “argue” that such
devices will in fact simplify rather than complicate our lives.
It gives you an opportunity to extend your subject into the
future. Although you’ve determined a limited focus for your
article, there are other directions in which you might be able to
take the subject. The conclusion can provide you with a chance
to introduce those other directions and briefly discuss them, as
a way of saying this subject has many dimensions, and here are
some of the ones this article could not discuss.
With an enticing introduction, a logically-organized and well-
detailed body, and a thought-provoking conclusion, your article
can succeed in explaining a complex, technical subject to non-
expert readers. How do you reach those readers, though, without
intruding your personal opinion into the document? While it is
important to reach your readers, you must make every attempt
to remain objective regarding your subject.
Creating a Persuasive yet Objective Article
Like the other documents produced for this course, the article
can in its presentation of facts serve as a persuasive document.
How do you ensure that you are presenting this material in an
objective, non-biased manner?
Think you won't have a problem with that? If you choose to
write about a topic that is close to your heart, chances are good
that you will let some of your own opinions or feeling to slip
into what you produce.
If you are a member of the NFPA, how can you write an
objective article about fire safety in hotels? If you are a
member of NRA, how can you write an objective article about
pending gun control legislation? If you have ever downloaded
music or films from an online service, how can you write an
objective article about the legality of downloading?
Here are some tricks you might use to ensure that what you
produce for this course is free from personal bias:
Try to select a topic that is not “near and dear.” Most of you can
figure out several topics that are hot right now in your field,
topics that you have no particular opinion about one way or
another. If you’ve always had a difficult time not insinuating
your personal opinion into a discussion, then you’re better off
selecting a topic that you feel neutral about.
Avoid the use of “I.” While you can address your article to the
reader directly, through the use of “you,” you should avoid the
use of “I,” as it tends to permit personalizing. If you can’t say I
feel, I believe, in my opinion, or I think, then you automatically
have to cut your opinion from what you’re writing.
Let the facts speak for themselves. If you’re writing an article
about the storage of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain – a very
volatile topic, but also an excellent one in terms of its technical
scope – and you feel strongly that such storage is a bad idea,
you must take every precaution not to inject your opinion into
the document. Focus on the facts and let them speak for
themselves. Don’t skew them—in other words, present facts
from both sides, from objective sources (see Researching Pages
123-156 in Technical Communication (Markel)). Don’t
comment on them in an opinionated way—These figures clearly
indicate the danger of the plan to residents, something
government officials should consider carefully.
Present both sides of a controversial issue. If you’re writing
about stem cell research, for example, your job is to explain it
to readers, not editorialize on it. If you think discussing the
controversy is crucial to your article, fine—but make sure you
present both sides of the argument, regardless of your personal
Choose unbiased research sources. Chapter 6: Researching will
help you with this, so for now it’s sufficient to keep logic in
mind: if you’re writing about stem cell research or any other
controversial topic, select sources that have no agenda, that are
neither for nor against whatever it is you’re writing about.
Watch your tone and word choices. Sometimes we don’t realize
that the tone we use and the words we select carry as much
weight as if we’re stating an opinion outright. For example, an
article about logging in the Jefferson National Forest should not
use terms like tree-hugger or, conversely, so-called government
forestry experts. Additionally, try not to sound bossy, superior,
or angry—even if you’re feeling one of those, or all three. Once
you’ve determined how to approach the subject of your article,
conducted your research, and prepared to write, you must do
one final thing: think about how you can ensure that you are
making yourself clear to the non-expert reader.
Reaching the Non-Expert Reader
Don't let the idea of writing an article frighten you. How many
articles have you read in your own lifetime? Think about the
magazines you buy, the newspapers you read. Consider, too, any
articles in academic periodicals you have had to research in
order to produce a report for a course in your particular field,
whether it be Electrical Engineering, Crop Soils and
Environmental Science, Biology, or Business Information
Technology. The articles you find in all of these sources
provide you with models for your own piece of writing about a
topic in your field.
If you intend to publish later in your career, you are likely to
produce any number of works geared toward meeting the needs
of colleagues. You might contribute an article on a hot topic or
debate within your field. You might join with two or three
colleagues to produce a research article based on an extensive
When you write such articles, they are likely to appear in what
we call scholarly journals, periodicals designed to reach
individuals within a specific, often very narrow field. Although
such journals will be explained more fully later in this chapter,
it’s enough now to say that such articles are likely to contain a
lot of technical language, drawings, figures, even equations.
They are likely to “go over the heads” of the average reader.
Because your undergraduate education will give you the
language with which to speak to your academic colleagues or
colleagues in the field, it is worthwhile that you learn how to
break down that language, those concepts, those ideas into a
form that is simplified enough for the non-technical reader or
non-expert to understand.
What exactly is an article for a non-technical or non-expert
Quite simply, it is an article on a technical topic that is written
in such a style that a layperson (a non-expert) can understand
and appreciate it.
There are several basic concepts you should consider when you
have to draft an article for such a reader.
First off, it seems logical that if you are writing from the
perspective of the "Expert" and your audience is made up of a
bunch of "Non-Experts," you'll need to tone down the technical
language. You'll need to ensure that you cover all the bases with
regard to content or evidence. You might want to include more
pictures, particularly if you are explaining a technical process.
And you might want to adopt a tone that is less removed and
Omit or Define Technical Language
In an article for non-technical readers, you need to make every
attempt to omit technical language. Sometimes, that's an easy
task; often, however, it is not.
Say you decide to write an article on how to create artificial
diamonds. Could you truly explain the process without engaging
in at least some kind of technical language?
If you find that you cannot omit technical language, then you
must define it for your readers.
Every field has its technical language, even the study of
literature. Take an example first shown in the Introduction,
borrowed from M.H. Abrams's A Glossary of Literary Terms
(New York: Rinehart, 1971):
The euphuistic style is "sententious (that is, full of moral
maxims), relies constantly on balanced and antithetical
constructions, reinforces the structural parallels by heavy and
elaborate patterns of alliteration and assonance, and is addicted
to long the habits of legendary animals (56-57)
In truth, the entire example is a definition of "euphuistic style,"
although perhaps—to laypersons--not a very clear one! It seems
we'd need to know more.
One definition is already embedded (by Abrams) in the
example: sententious. However, in order to understand the
whole definition, you'd need to know the definitions of other
literary terms: antithetical constructions, alliteration, assonance,
similes, and allusions.
You have several choices when it comes to defining technical
terms that you cannot omit altogether. You can put each term in
a glossary you attach to the end of your document.
You can define the word in a footnote, as many texts do. Or you
could define it—if possible--directly in the sentence.
Let's see what we can do with the Abrams definition:
The euphuistic style, which was popular in the Renaissance,
possesses several components. First, it is sententious; that is, it
is full of moral maxims. It relies constantly on balanced
constructions and antithesis, a contrast or opposition in meaning
emphasized by parallel grammatical structure. It reinforces
these structural parallels by heavy and elaborate patterns of
alliteration, the repetition of speech sounds (usually the first
letter) in a sequence of nearby words, and assonance, the
repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds. Finally, it is
addicted to long similes, comparisons which use the terms like
or as, and to learned allusions or references which are often
drawn from mythology and the habits of legendary animals.
Does this definition make more sense? It's longer and broken
down into more sentences, but when you have to define terms,
this is often the result. Do not be afraid to break down
sentences in order to define terms for readers!
Develop Content as Fully as You Can
As the expert on the topic about which you'll be writing, you'll
have problems with this one!
Think about giving someone instructions about how to put
together a bicycle—or some other task at which you are utterly
comfortable. Since you are so comfortable doing the process—
in fact, you could almost do it blindfolded!—you're more likely
at some point in the instructions to omit key information the
reader vitally needs to complete his or her task.
That's why when you write to a non-expert reader or a lay
audience, you should anticipate that they know nothing about
your topic. This will ensure that you are giving them every bit
of information, every single detail, they will need to understand
your subject.
How do you know what to tell and what to withhold? If you
know something is common knowledge (who the president is,
what the state bird of Virginia is, the colors of the American
flag), then you don't need to tell the reader.
When in doubt, though, it's safer to include too much
information than too little!
Use More Illustrations
It's always a good idea to use illustrations to bring technical
documents to life. Imagine what a report or an article on
revitalizing the Virginia Tech duck pond would be like without
a single photograph, drawing, or chart!
The same principle goes in triplicate for a technical document
that is aimed toward a non-technical or non-expert reader!
Particularly when talking about a piece of equipment or the
steps in a process, you might want to include an illustration to
help your reader visualize what you're explaining in the text.
Remember, though: visual aids complement—they do not
replace!—the text. To refresh your memory about how to use
illustrations correctly, review the pertinent sections of the
Technical Communications Text (Markel).
Use a More Conversational Tone
Does this concept fly in the face of everything you've always
thought about technical writing (at this point, it shouldn't, but it
Using a more conversational tone does not mean addressing the
reader as "you," including conversational language like "well"
and "okay," using abbreviations or slang terms you might hear
on Entertainment Television or anything like that.
Instead, it means writing more directly, using fewer complex
sentences, cutting down on technical language—writing to the
needs of the reader, not toward making you sound more
impressive as a writer.
Yes, you are the expert on the subject about which you'll be
writing, but you must imagine yourself in the shoes of the
uninformed reader. Remember what it was like the first time
you read a textbook that introduced you to the terms, the
language, of your major? You want to ensure that your article
does everything it can to speak directly to the reader, in a
language and style he or she will find easy and reader-friendly.
If it helps, consider this final example: You go home for
Christmas after having spent the fall semester working on
alternative fuel sources, household robotics, or a new method
meant to streamline accounting procedures at medical facilities.
Your dear old grandmother hugs you and says “So, tell me what
you’ve been doing this semester. I want to hear all about it.”
Your article should be written in such a way that even she can
understand it!
Publication Sources
Once you have completed your article, what options do you
have for publishing that? Should you send the article to a
scholarly journal or to a trade magazine or two of popular press
Since a lot depends on the approach you have taken to your
topic, it might be a good idea to differentiate among these
publishing options.
Different Types of Periodicals
Scholarly Journals
Trade magazines
Popular Press Periodicals
· Those which publish argumentative or analytical pieces on a
particular topic, be it literature or engineering.
· Their audience might be limited to university or college
readers, including professors and students.
· At any rate, their audience is more limited in their
publications more specialized to a particular field.
· engineering: Journal of construction engineering and
management, Canadian Geotechnical Journal
· fisheries and wildlife science: aquatic toxicology Journal of
microbiology fish and shellfish immunology
· English - 18th century fiction, the literary review
These appeal to particular specializations or fields, but their
approach is far less scholarly than that of journals. Examples
could be Fire Chief, Fire Engineering, and Firehouse.
These are more diverse in overall approach, they will not
usually focus on a single topic, but if they do, that approach
will be one of the average reader.
Their readership will be the broadest, including people from all
walks of life.
Okay, so it's pretty clear that different magazines were
periodicals appeal to different types of readers. The trick for
you is to learn how to approach a subject from a different angle
which will help you to appeal to a larger variety of people.
Query letters, Cover Letters, and Letters of Transmittal
Technical or research reports are not always read from cover to
cover by their intended reader -- at least not initially. Often,
that reader is so busy that he or she will have to turn to the
letter of transmittal, which introduces the report; the executive
summary, which summarizes the entire report in a page or less;
or the conclusions and recommendations section, which tells
readers what the report has discovered and what it recommends
be done about it.
The same is true of the professional article. Editors of journals
and magazines rarely have the opportunity to read every single
article that crosses their desks. In some cases, editorial
assistants pick up the slack. At other times, however, the
article itself must be sold in other ways, ways that are more
amiable to the busy editor.
That is where the query and cover letter comes in.
The Query Letter
The query letter is often the first step to getting any article
published. It seeks to determine whether a source would be
interested in publishing an article on nightclub fires, and it is
most often used in situations where the writer might be paid for
a particular piece of writing, as with trade magazines or popular
press publications.
If you have a good idea for an article, and you want to be paid
for it, it is best to write a query letter before you expand of the
time and energy it takes to plan, research, draft, and revise an
article. Think of it as basically a sales letter.
When you write a query letter, aimed not to convince the reader
what is a fantastic idea you have were what a great writer you
are but to convince him or her that other readers need to or want
the information you have to tell them -- that they will welcome
it, be inspired by it, or find it useful in their professions.
In four or five paragraphs, generally on a single page, the query
letter should focus on several key selling points:
· Identify who would be interested in the topic explored by your
article. It is best to forecast reaching a broad readership when
you were query a trade magazine or popular press publication.
· Briefly cover what else has been written on the topic. Keep
this short, but do mention your awareness of the approaches
others have taken to the subject. It shows that you have done
your homework.
· Explain how the approach your article would take on the
subject differs from what has been written before. By telling the
reader this, you helped convince him or her that your work is
breaking new ground, providing an audience with information
that they've will find useful.
· Discuss how you plan to develop the topic. If you have ideas
for illustrations, including photographs, let the reader know. If
you conceptualize your article as being broken down into four
major sections, identify them.
Organizing the Query Letter
In This Section
Do This
Introduction (paragraph 1)
Body (paragraph 2)
· Show your awareness of the publications history or focus by
referring to a specific article or approach that you find
· Then suggested you can add to this quality with an article you
would like to write.
· Cover the items suggested above, each in a separate
paragraph, except for items two and three which can be covered
in one
· Provide any additional information that might help the reader
understand your qualifications or expertise.
· Thank the reader for his or her consideration of the idea.
· Suggest that you can send the article when they ask for it.
· Give contact information
Remember any valuable lessons introduced in your readings
regarding tone. Keep the tone of your letter polite and
inquiring, never cocky.
The Cover Letter
The cover letter works a bit differently than the query letter.
Normally, scholars do not get paid when their essays are
published in scholarly journals. Publication is payment enough,
because in most cases an article submitted to a scholarly journal
is read by several readers who weigh in on its merits and
recommend whether it be accepted or declined. Competition is
tough, and if you're published, then that's an honor that should
compensate for the lack of cash.
One big difference between the cover letter in the query letter is
that the former generally accompanies the article, introducing it
to the reader. This is the sort of letter you would produce if
you are sending your article to a scholarly journal.
In three or four paragraphs, generally on a single page, the
cover letter should focus on several key selling points:
· Introduce your argument or topic and the approach you will
take to it.
· Briefly cover what else has been written on the topic. Keep
this short, but do mention your awareness of the approaches
others have taken to the subject. It shows you have done your
· Explain how the up approach your article would take on the
subject differs from what has been written before. By telling
the reader this, you helped convince him or her that your work
is breaking new ground, providing an audience with information
that they will find useful.
In the introduction section ask politely that the reader consider
your attached article, on the topic of fire engine color. In the
body in no more than two paragraphs, cover the second and
third terms mentioned in the bullet above. You can also provide
any additional information that might help the reader
understand your qualifications or expertise. In your conclusion
think the reader for his or her consideration of your idea and
give them your contact information.
Query letters and cover letters differ from the third type of
letter that you might produce: the letter of transmittal, a
document that says “here is my article on fire truck color.”
Letter of Transmittal
Remember that if you were query letter has received a positive
response and you have prepared your article for publication,
when you send it to the reader, you should still include a cover
letter with it. In this case, the document is called a letter of
transmittal -- it transmits or delivers the requested article to the
Also send a letter of transmittal with any article you have
revised for publication.
Organizing the letter of transmittal
In the introduction section of your letter tell the reader that
accompanying your letter he or she will find the article you
produced on fire truck colors, as agreed on by the two of you.
In the body of your letter (one or two paragraphs) and any
details about the article you believe to be necessary. Finally in
your conclusion think the reader for his or her willingness to
publish the article and give your contact information and again.
Guidelines for the Research Article
Please follow these basic specifications and planning guidelines
were preparing your research article:
· to explore with some depth a topic of general interest within
your discipline,
· to acquaint you with the sorts of professional writing within
your discipline,
· to introduce you to the sorts of publications open to those
within your discipline, and
· to hone your writing skills.
Choose the audience most pertinent to the type of publication
you have selected and adjust your writing style to what you
believe they will need or appreciate. Use technical jargon with
more experienced readers; writing in a more “common”
language for the everyday reader. Remember: the audience you
choose is up to you exclamation
Your article should begin by pulling the reader in, zero win on
your focus, then begin to develop your audience or content in a
logical fashion. Keep like discussions together. Use headings
to point out major alterations in topic, then subheadings to
break up longer sections.
· The article should be seven or more pages in length if not
done in a columnar fashion; if done in columns, it should be
about four to five pages.
· It should be single- . Double spacing only above and below
headings and around illustrations.
· It should include a title and a byline.
· It should include internal headings.
· It should use at least five outside sources.
· It should use illustrations.
· It should follow documentation procedures pertinent to your
discipline or, as a default, APA documentation, as well as a
Works cited page.
· Pages should be numbered.
· BOTTOM LINE: your article should look like an article from
a magazine, so spend as some time formatting it in a
professional manner. Include sidebars as necessary. Be
creative with fonts for titles, with insertions of illustrations, and
with such things as quotations blocked or boxed across two
columns, as in the examples presented in your text.
Clear. Direct. Persuasive. Enthusiastic. Confident but not
cocky. Never condescending. You might be talking to an
audience of non-experts, but you should never talk down to
Guidelines for the Final Project
Length – 8 – 10 pages 1 ½ spaced, APA 6th edition format.
Include pictures, charts/graphs, title page and bibliography.
Please follow these basic specifications and planning guidelines
when preparing your final project:
· To explore with some depth a topic of general interest within
your field
· To acquaint you with the sorts of professional writing within
the emergency services industry
· To introduce you to the sorts of publications opened to those
within emergency services,
· To hone your writing skills
Choose the audience most pertinent to the type of publication
you have selected and adjust your writing style to what you
believe they will need or appreciate Write in common language
for the everyday reader. Remember: this article is for non-
Your article should be fully researched and well developed,
with adequate details, explanations and examples. When you
use information from an outside source, you must cite it
according to APA documentation guidelines and note the source
in a resource list.
Your article should begin by pulling the reader in, zero in on
your focus, and then begin to develop your evidence or content
in a logical fashion. Keep like discussions together. Use
headings to point out major alterations in topic, then
subheadings to break up longer sections.
· The article should be eight or more pages in length if not done
in a columnar fashion; if done in columns, it should be about
five to six pages. [The length does not include title page, table
of contents, pictures or bibliography]
· It should be singled-spaced. Double-space only above and
below headings and around illustrations.
· It should include a title and a byline (include byline either at
front or at and of article).
· It should include internal headings.
· It should use at least five outside sources unless I have
approved otherwise.
· It should use illustrations.
· It should follow documentation procedures found in the APA
guidelines. The pages should be numbered.
· BOTTOM LINE: your article should look like an article from
a magazine, so spend some time formatting it in a professional
manner. Include “sidebars” (short related stories) as necessary.
Be creative with fonts for titles, with insertions of the
illustrations, and with such things as quotations blocked or
boxed across two columns.
Clear. Direct. Persuasive. Enthusiastic. Confident but not
cocky. Never condescending. You might be talking to an
audience of non-experts, but you should never talk down to
Five Steps to a Remarkable Final Project
Know Your Topic
Understand the subject of your article entirely.
As you develop your thesis a complete understanding of the
topic allows you to write freely and advance your
If you are choosing your own topic, home in on one of memory
or message.
Write a strong thesis and choose 2 to 4 strong points to back it
Choose an anecdote (narrative)
Take one or two issues from your subject .
This should be something that illustrates your topic and gives
you the opportunity to explain your message.
You should open your article with an introduction that gives
you the opportunity to let the reader know what your theme will
be .
Continue to weave this information throughout your article.
And interest
Brainstorm ways to include richly detailed descriptions, humor
and human connection.
Just because you’re writing is good does not mean people will
read it.
If your article appeals to the reader’s senses or demotions, or
presents a great new way of looking at the topic , they will read
Take your stand
Support your points with provable facts and convincing
Outside of tone, lay out, readability and format the reader needs
to be convinced (persuaded ) that your hypothesis holds value.
Keep your message succinct, not wordy.
People will even read horrible writing on social media if it is
only five words long.
Read your article (all of your paper’s) aloud.
Cut sentences that are redundant.
Combine and shorten thoughts as much as you can.
Very sentence length, and check the spelling and grammar
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  • 1. THE EXCLUSIONARY RULE This week we learned about the exclusionary rule. That is of course not the only method that could be used to deal with evidence seized in violation of the Constitution. Some see this as police misconduct and that society loses when we enforce the exclusionary rule. Others see officers as public agents (after all they are doing your work not their own agenda) and appropriate to punish the government instead of the individual officers. · Should a murderer go free because police made a mistake? · What do you think about this? · Is the exclusionary rule the best option? · It was created by judges not Congress after all. Are there other methods we could consider? What are they? This is an essay response type question. Your answer should be at least 350 words. After completing your post review the majority of other posts. Feel free to comment as you wish. MIRANDA Last week’s class deals primarily with the assistance of an attorney regarding questioning. While there are a lot of misconceptions as to when Miranda must be read, it seems almost everyone knows the rights outlined in the Miranda Warning; however, if police neglect to read the warning to a suspect prior to custodial interrogation the suspect’s statements are not admissible (even if the suspect is an attorney or police officer that obviously knows the Miranda Warning). · So I ask you, do we still need the Miranda Warning? Congress tried, unsuccessfully to eliminate the requirement. Why do we still have it? · Do you think it serves a useful purpose? · Why do we even have the Miranda Warning? We don’t require police to tell people they have a right to refuse consent to search. . . This is an essay response type question. Your answer should be
  • 2. at least 350 words. After completing your post review the majority of other posts. Feel free to comment as you wish. PUNISHMENT This past week we covered the 8th Amendment, particularly that of cruel and unusual punishment. For this discussion I want you to consider what punishment is and what it is not. · Do prisoners really have rights? · What limits should they have? · How and who should determine where we draw the line? · Do they have an expectation to privacy in their cells? · Should they be able to vote in prison? · Should they be able to have guns when they are released from jail or prison? · What about segregation? · What do you do with a prisoner who assaults other prisoners and staff every chance they get? · When is capital punishment appropriate? In order to receive full credit you must not only include your opinion on one of these issues, but also the LEGAL basis for it. (If the courts do not agree with you, state how they have decided and what the legal argument would be against it.) Please do a post of at least 300 words. As always be sure to come back and review other posts. Topic: Adolescent involvement in street gangs References Dong, B. & Krohn, M. D. (2016). Escape from violence: What reduces the enduring consequences of adolescent gang affiliation? Journal of Criminal Justice, 47, 41-50. Ruble, N. M. & Turner, W. L. (2000). A systematic analysis of the dynamics and organization
  • 3. of urban street gangs. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 28, 117-132. Taylor, T. J., Freng, A., Esbensen, F., & Peterson, D. (2008). Youth gang membership and serious violent victimization: the importance of lifestyle and routine activities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(10), 1441-1464. Running head: PROGRESS REPORT 1 PROGRESS REPORT 6 Progress report Name Name f the Institution Progress report Subject This is the progressive report on my research on adolescent gang participation and violence in the United States. Introduction This memorandum has been prepared to update you on the progress of my research as par you request. The memo will provide you with the information that you required to know as far as the study progress is concerned in the criminal justice discipline. The project was aims at looking at one of the biggest
  • 4. problem tat is facing the American society as their young teenagers get involved in criminal and gang groups in the American cities. One of the biggest problems facing American cities and families today is when kids get involved with gangs. Going back to the proposal that I submitted on November 11, 2017, I was very specific to notify you that in my study, I will seek to research and provide evidence on why the kids have involved themselves in violence and gang activates. This study will obtain the data and information that will be used by the government security agencies and the criminal justice system to evaluate and assess some of the issues that may be providing hurdles to ending teenage violence and children involvement in the criminal activities and gangs in America. The research study will also be significant as it will help to provide more information on the ways that the government agencies can take to ensure that they end the social evil under discussion. This is inline with my last submitted proposal and begins searching for suitable sources. Completed research By the time I submitted my proposal on November 11, 2017, I had completed all the scheduled activities and had already developed a tabulated the program of the remaining activities or rather program that my study will take. To date, I have no issue with finding relevant literature articles and other scholarly materials that will be used to determine the end product of the matter. I had no problems with finding and researching necessary sources. I found Google and online library databases very helpful in this regard and still believe that it will be helpful going forward. In addition to the online and library database, the topic under discussion or rather under study is significant to the government and the relevant government agencies that have done much research to the effect. In note of this, government databases will also provide significant
  • 5. information that will based in the study. The wide range of data that are available on the topic helped me get the required information and information and data that was available helped me to get the better understanding of the subject under research. The articles that were done by (O’Brien et al., 2013) and (Muncie, 2014) were imperative as they provided enough reasons as to why youths were involved in gangs and criminal activities. Although I have not yet recruited and interviewed all participants, I have gained enough insights into the topic to prepare an outline and start writing a draft. I had to embark on background research and literature review earlier as I thought at the very first place because some students agreed to do so and often had no opportunity to participate later. I am confident and hopeful enough that change of schedule will not compromise the legitimacy that is the accuracy, reliability and value of my study findings. Current challenges Despite the current study progress, the achievements did not just come without challenges in the long run. Firstly, it was difficult to locate the best literature articles that were to be used in the study. Secondly, it was difficult to recruit participants willing to discuss this topic. It was evident from the interview that most of the participants were embarrassed and humiliated by such experiences and were reluctant to admit their failures (Neuman, 2016). From this perspective, self-bias was very evident and it was seen to be something that was to be concerned of in the study. From where I seat now, I am unable to tell whether the responses of the participants were genuine or not but I hope that the bias in the responses will b checked by evidence from literature review. Another problem is that the amount of information from the interviewees has already exceeded my expectations. Therefore, I might need more time to complete the draft and this as well will not interfere with the results and findings of the research.
  • 6. Remaining work In addition, due to large amounts of work, I will need an additional day to complete the final draft. Other than that, I see no reasons for delays so that it is possible to complete the project by November 11, 2017. I have a task to search for more literature articles and interview more participants to get more information of the matter. Based on their replies, I will be able to complete the draft and then revise it before submission. Step Topic Date Started Date Finished 1 Background research and literature review 9/4/2017 10/2/2017 2 Interviews 10/3/2017 10/16/2017 3 Outline paper and collect needed data 10/3/2017 10/16/2017 4 Write first draft 10/16/2017 10/30/2017 5 Edit and write second draft 10/31/2017 11/7/2017 6 Final edit 11/8/2017
  • 7. 11/13/2017 Figure 1: The table showing the current progress of the project. Conclusion Despite the fact that I have not completed interviewing and analyzing the available literature on the subject matter, I have confidence that I will be able to complete my study as per the schedule and this gives me confidence to conclude that I will be able to meet my schedules. However, it would be reasonable to recognize an analysis of the effectiveness of awareness initiatives as another research objective (Neuman, 2016). Of course I have some issues with conducting the study but they are not grave and because of this, I am sure that I do not need any additional time to complete the study. References Muncie, J. (2014). Youth and crime. Sage. Neuman, W. L. (2016). Understanding research. Pearson. O’Brien, K., Daffern, M., Chu, C. M., & Thomas, S. D. (2013). Youth gang affiliation, violence, and criminal activities: A review of motivational, risk, and protective factors. Aggression and violent behavior, 18(4), 417-425. Writing the Article for Non-experts Research reports and research articles both rely on research, but the two documents differ quite extensively. This paper will focus on techniques that will enable you to produce an article designed to reach a wider audience, an audience beyond your colleagues - the non-technical reader or non-expert. When you undertake a research report, more than likely it will be in the context of a classroom, produced specifically for a teacher who will be assessing your research and writing capabilities. Since the research report is a document that builds
  • 8. on cumulative knowledge, chances are it will come about later in the semester, giving you plenty of time to zero in on what you know to be your teacher’s expectations. You will know your audience, and your designated task will be to impress that audience with your knowledge. On the other hand, when you produce a research article, you are writing not only for publication in a specialized periodical but also for a much wider audience, made up of experts as well as novice and generally—but not always—limited to your particular field. You have absolutely no way of zeroing in on all of their expectations. What’s more, you are no longer writing to show how much you know; instead, you are writing to meet an audience’s needs (what they want to know). That means you will have to capture their attention from the get-go and then keep them interested in what you have to say. Think it's a bit silly at this point in your college careers to think about publishing? Maybe that's placing the bar a bit too high? Not really. In an increasingly competitive job market, more students are expanding their resumes and credentials by attending and reading papers at professional conferences and attempting to publish their work in recognized periodicals, either alone or in a group. They’re looking for the edge that will make them appear more dedicated and determined than others who might be vying for the same position with the same company. And a lot of them—more than you might imagine— are doing all of this before they receive their bachelor real world degrees. The research article assignment thus presents you with the opportunities to investigate the types of writing that are expected of those in your profession and to stretch your abilities as a professional writer. First, you must learn how to produce such an article, then you can determine how best to reach the
  • 9. non-technical reader. Articles in the Real World Reporters-- particularly those who work for smaller newspapers or magazines-- often must adapt their writing styles to whatever journalism circumstance in which they find themselves. In a single day, they might have to write two or three hard news articles, plus a human interest or feature story.Sometimes, reporters even find themselves contributing a piece of writing to the editorial page. The type of story they produce effects the way they must write it-- what they will start with, how they will progress, how much they will omit, how much personal insight they should include. Let's take a single topic-- a school bus accident that occurred at a dangerous intersection on Interstate 75--and see how three different types of journalistic writing might approach it. Hard News, Feature Stories, and Editorial Writing What It Is How it Would Approach the Story Characteristics of the Type Hard news article Would present the basic facts about the accident: when, where, why, who, and how typical headline: I-75 Bus Accident Injures 12 Objective presentation: no emotion, no input from the writer facts-based Feature Article Would focus on a particular aspect of the story that would humanize it or its victims for readers typical headline: I-75 Bus Accident Causes Student to Relive Past Crash Aka known as human interest story
  • 10. focus on a singular aspect of the story rather than on just the facts characterized as more emotional than hard news still largely object even nature. If the writer wants to be bulky motion in readers he or she does so without interjecting personal feelings Editorial Would focus on a controversial aspect of the story typical headline I-75 Safety Record Long over Due for Inspection by State and Federal Officials Subjective presentation: open opinion-based the Arthur is permitted to write about feelings/personal response but should also use logic and reason Of those three types of journalistic writing, hard news and feature prove the most important to your production of the assignment for this class (the article for non-experts). When you write this article, you should attempt to explain the subject thoroughly and objectively, without personal input or editorializing. You will create a fusion of hard news and feature writing. But knowing what kind of approach you take is only half the issue. You must determine how to organize your material. An Organizational Structure for the Article By now in your writing you have probably become somewhat used to following established organizational patterns for plans for writing certain kinds of documents. A resume has certain required sections, placed in a certain order. A cover letter begins with an introduction, progresses through qualification
  • 11. section, and then ends with a conclusion. The proposal for this course expects you to include six sections, among them Areas to Be Studied, a Timetable, and Qualifications. The Progress Report requires four divisions: introduction, work completed, work scheduled,and conclusion, with an operational section (problems) if necessary. However, no standard organizational pattern exists for the article for non-experts, because articles are by their very nature quite different from one another. Like all documents, however, an article must possess an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Your Articles Introduction Since you are article can be a fusion of hard news and feature, it might prove useful to consider how the introduction of such stories might differ in the real world. Think back to the bus crash I introduced earlier. The introduction or lead for a hard news story about the bus crash would simply state the facts, all of the answers to what are called the reporter's questions (who, what, why, when, where, and how). It might read something like this: Twelve Madison County children were seriously injured yesterday afternoon when the school bus in which they were traveling was struck broadside by a dump truck just south of the Richmond intersection on I-75. Obviously this is very plain and straightforward. A feature story which would zero in on one of the students experiences would take a more creative path, maybe something like this: When the dump truck’s air brakes roared and the children around her in the school bus began to scream, 12-year-old Cindy Nelson braced herself for the inevitable. Having survived two other auto crashes under similar circumstances,
  • 12. she knew that all she could do was duck her head and pray. That Cindy lived through three such crashes -- including the one on Monday that injured 12 of her schoolmates -- is just one more sign that she is watched over by a guardian angel of the highway, her mother believes. Noticed that while the hard news intro plugs all of the pertinent facts into a single paragraph, the feature article introduction might not introduce its key idea until the second paragraph, or even a later one. It makes an effort to draw the reader into the story, to hook him or her into wanting to learn more. That technique -- hooking the reader -- is one you should borrow from feature articles. How can you adapt to a variety of technical subjects? Sample Introduction for an Article on Accounting As a Career If you are like most high school students, you probably have no idea what you want to do with the rest of your life, at least career -- wise. Unfortunately, many colleges and universities force you to choose a major right from the get -- go. This task can be a little daunting, especially for someone who has little information as to what each profession entails. Today there are certainly no (or few!) limitations regarding your choice of profession. As the saying goes, the sky's the limit, and the options are endless. Although there are plenty of strange and exotic career paths to choose from, this article focuses on one of the oldest professions. No not that one -- accounting. Most people outside of the business or accounting world tend to
  • 13. picture accountants as nerdy number crunchers who sit behind a desk all day. In movies, accountants are portrayed as geeky characters who dress badly, have no sense of personal hygiene, and lead basically boring lives. This stereotype of the average accountant is, however, just that -- a stereotype. Reality couldn't be further from the truth In the real world, accounting is a demanding, exciting profession that can be -- if you choose to pursue a diligently and with care -- exceptionally rewarding. Many who enter the field would even argue that it functions as the backbone of business. You will notice that this writer affectively adopts the technique of direct address to speak to his readers. Although direct address can be overused, when you produce this article, you can adopt the technique. After all, you are speaking to non-expert readers, and you want them to be comfortable with your topic. A word of warning, though: just be careful not to insert “I” into the mix, as that can end up making your article sounds to conversational! Longer than the above example the next introduction works just as effectively to draw in the reader. This article, written by a former Eastern Kentucky University student John Adams, introduces the concept of robotics to readers by explaining the technical dimensions or robots, then by showing how complex technologies have adapted effectively into everyday, easy-to- use devices, such as the Roomba vacuum cleaner. Sample Introduction for an Article on Household Robotics When one considers the term robot, one likely conjures images designed by Hollywood: a hulk of metal in vaguely human form that moves on wheels, waves its pincher-like hands around wildly, expresses emotion through blinking lights, and talks-- if at all-- like it is standing beneath a big steel bucket. Although horribly outdated, films like these have created the robotic
  • 14. images with which most of us are familiar. Contrary to their popular representation on film and in science fiction literature, however, robots in general are not designed to look like humans, but are designed simply to accomplish a given task with the greatest level of efficiency. They might possess arms and no legs; legs but no arms; arms and legs but no heads. They are designed for function rather than form. In fact, the word robot itself comes from the Czech word robota, which means ‘forced work’ or ‘labor.’ And indeed, when scientists, researchers, and inventors devote their attention to robotic inventions, they create more often than not designs to assume labor that normally would be performed by humans. Although robotics is a relatively new field, robots long have been used in factories to carry out hard, boring, or repetitious work like car or computer manufacturing. Because they operate as machines, robots can withstand heavy workloads and working environments unsatisfactory for humans. It is hardly likely that an ordinary family comes into contact with such robots. Today, however, robots are moving out of the factories and into our homes in the forms of vacuum cleaners, stereo systems, lawn mowers, and other devices designed to simplify our everyday lives. They might not look like us, talk like us, or move like us, but robots like the Roomba vacuum cleaner and the Robomower might just be our new best friends As you can tell from these two examples, there are no hard and fast rules governing the length of an articles introduction. Additionally although direct address is acceptable, it is not required, so there is no single writing technique or narrative stance you should adopt. How can you most effectively produce a successful
  • 15. introduction? Consider these key pieces of advice: · Make every attempt to interest the reader. Use interesting facts, figures, information. Ask a rhetorical question. Begin with a story, an antidote or case study drawn from real life, to illustrate the topic you will be discussing. Remember you have only a limited amount of time to capture the reader's attention. Your intro must do this for you. · Let your content provide your purpose statement. Here is one case where you want to avoid a blunt purpose statement, like “The purpose of this article is to explain to you the value of household robotics.” Instead, break the always use a purpose statement rule and let your content develop your purpose and identify your subject. The next piece of advice shows you one way you can do that. · Begin generally and then gradually zero in on your subject. Notice how the second example begins by introducing the concept of robots in general, discusses the general concept, then moves at the end of the intro to a narrowed aspect of that larger subject: household robotics. This is a very good technique if you want to capture the reader's attention, provide a purpose statement, and clue in the reader to the subject -- all in one ball of wax! Your Articles Body Even before you have determined how you will begin your article, you must think about how you will structure its body -- how you will organize it, in other words. As noted earlier, there are no hard-and-fast organizational patterns for the article. And this means, of course, that there are no required sections for its body. Instead, you must determine-based-in large part upon the
  • 16. audience you hope to reach-what your own goals are, what your readers need to know, and the order in which they need to know it. For example, if you are writing an article on robots, turbine engines, alternative fuels, or even bariatric surgery, the first thing you must do is define your terms. The section in this chapter on “Reading the Non-Expert Reader” we'll talk more in depth about reducing scientific and technical jargon on, so here it will suffice to pass along some basic logic: You can't discuss a complex concept until you have defined it! To indicate how other writers have tackled the issue of organization, let's use as examples the two topics already introduced: accounting as a career and household robotics. Basic Organizational Structures for the Bodies of Articles on Accounting and Household Robotics Accounting as a Profession Purpose: to explain to readers (high school students) the various careers available within the accounting profession · General discussion of accounting · background information on the career · general responsibilities of all accountants · necessary career preparation · introduction of various subfields · Discussion of the sub-field 1 · definition
  • 17. · discussion of responsibilities · Potential career possibilities (locations, earnings, etc.) · discussion of sub-field 2 · definition · discussion of responsibilities · potential career possibilities (locations, earnings, etc.) · discussion of sub-field 3 · definition · discussion of responsibilities · potential career responsibilities (locations, earnings, etc.) continue until the body has finished covering all sub-fields. Household Robotics Purpose: to explain to readers how robotic devices are becoming household objects, used to simplify everyday activities. · General discussion of robotics · background · design · how a robot works · discussion of how robots have been used in manufacturing and
  • 18. other fields · discussion of how robots are now making the transformation from heavy manufacturing to household devices · discussion of device1 · discussion of device 2 · discussion of device 3 Continue until the body has finished covering discussions of all devices You will notice I am breaking one of the cardinal rules regarding making your document looked the same throughout. My only intention is to let you know how many different possibilities there are to jazz up your submission. Of course, the organizations I have introduced here are just two of the many different patterns you can follow when producing an article on either one of these subjects. But the thing to keep in mind is that is that simpler is better. You don’t have to strive for a complex organizational pattern when creating the body of your article. Instead, create for yourself a rough outline that logically breaks down the subject according to your purpose, what your readers need to know, and the order in which they need to know it. What sorts of technical writing techniques should be applied to the body? What sorts of basic writing techniques should be applied to it? Let’s consider the following: Create a general outline and follow it. Sounds like freshman- level advice, right?
  • 19. However, an outline provides you with a basic structure or skeleton around which you can build the meat of your article (the body). The outline can change—and it definitely doesn’t have to be as complex as those introduced in many writing handbooks. Shoot for something simple that will help you keep a logical order or progression when you begin to write. Keep like topics together. For example, if you are going to discuss several different robotic vacuum cleaners, instead of introducing them in separate sections, you should group their discussions under a single heading, like Robotic Vacuum Cleaners, with subsections for each model. Each subsection will include its own headings specific to the type or model it discusses. Don't discuss one type of robotic vacuum cleaner, then introduce a robotic lawn mowers, then talk about another vacuum cleaner. Keep like topics together. Follow the Preacher’s Maxim. The separate sections of your article must fit together smoothly, so you should plan to follow the tenets of the Preacher’s Maxim: Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. This means · wrapping up each section (whether a paragraph or a section proper) before you move on to the next one, · providing topic sentences to introduce the subjects of sections and paragraphs, and · including transitions that will “link” your article’s individual components together, as in a chain. Support any assertions you make. Whenever you make a claim or an assertion, you need to provide your readers with the supporting information to prove its accuracy or verify its veracity. This is where good, solid research comes into play.
  • 20. Provide informative and useful details. Details change your content from general and bland to informative and interesting. If you say that Robots can be both inside and outside the modern home, you can’t merely stop at that. Instead, you must provide the sort of details that will help your reader better understand, visualize, truly absorb what you have just said: Robots can be found both inside and outside the modern home. As you relax in your easy chair, in the living room, as vacuum cleaners, they pick up crumbs and dust bunnies. As you water your flowers, in the yard, as lawn mowers, they are cutting perfectly measured lines through your grass. Details illustrate— they bring to life your words. Use plenty of headings and subheadings. Use the major separations or divisions in your outline to generate your main sections. Then within each section, do not be afraid to create subsections, each with its own heading. Do space above and below each heading to separate it visually from the surrounding text. Remember that headings are like signposts along a highway: they help your reader find his or her way through the document. Remember that illustrations also serve as part of your content. Visual aids—photographs, pertinent clip art, tables, graphs, charts, figures—function to complement the text, to illustrate that which you have explained in words. They don’t replace text, though, for whenever you use a visual aid, you must discuss it. For a refresher on how to use visual aids correctly, see the appropriate sections of Week 1. Cite your sources. Whenever you use borrowed material— whether you quote it, paraphrase it, or summarize it—you must provide your reader with information identifying it as borrowed. Citations must go within the text, and you must also provide a Works Cited or Bibliography page. See Pages592- 593 In Technical Communication (Markel) for Documentation
  • 21. guidelines. These are some of the most basic tips you should remember as you begin working on your article for this course. Does this very short list cover everything you should consider? No—but it does give you a solid foundation from which to begin organizing the body of your article. Your article’s conclusion You’ve created an introduction that you feel will entice your audience to keep reading, and you’ve produced a body that is so well organized it is astoundingly reader-friendly. Now what? Every good thing must come to an end—and the same is true of your article. Your conclusion provides you with a final opportunity to establish your subject as worthwhile and to prove yourself a credible provider of information regarding it. Consider again the articles on accounting and household robotics. How would typical conclusions work for each of these documents? Examples are provided Sample Conclusions for Articles on Accounting and Household Robotics Accounting as a Profession The job variety, salaries, and stability involved with the accounting profession continue to make this career of one of the hottest to pursue. The demand for accounting majors is at an all-time high, and such graduates now have more options than ever before. If you want to go into business, then you should definitely take a close look at the accounting major offered at this university. By choosing the “language of business” as a career, you will not only be opening up as many doors as possible, but you will be
  • 22. making a pretty darn good living as well. In our somewhat rocky economic climate, where job stability is key, accounting is a safe-yet still exciting-career choice. Household Robotics Our concepts of robots have been formed by sources as diverse as the cartoon and film. In both cases, and in more examples like these, robots looked very similar to humans-perhaps in an effort by their designers to make them feel “safer” to us. Such robots head faces an even more clothing Other robots are less human in form, but performed human actions. In factories they do everything from a fixed the windshields of cars to secure the bolts that hold a weighing onto an airplane. In the field, they defuse bombs and often perform searches in treacherous territory. While it is likely that in the popular imagination, we will continue to imagine robots looking either like the humans who designed them or like giant machines, in truth research in modern technology focuses on designs that are more suitable for the tasks the robots must perform. Understanding the technology involved in building a robot provides an appreciation of the device and the increasing development of robotic household appliances will soon bring robots into regular people's homes for a reasonable price. A good conclusion performs several functions: It provides closure. It wraps up the loose ends of the article and brings the document to a satisfying end. Without it, your article will simply end. By summing up your subject, you leave your readers with the knowledge that you are providing an authoritative perspective. It lets you reiterate the major points of the article. Although doing this might sound repetitive, it actually reinforces the key
  • 23. points you are making in the article. Remember that your article can be to some degree persuasive. For example, by focusing on all of the opportunities open to the accounting major, the accounting article can “argue” that pursuit of such a degree is a smart move. And the article on household robotics can, by the virtue of the approach it takes to the subject, “argue” that such devices will in fact simplify rather than complicate our lives. It gives you an opportunity to extend your subject into the future. Although you’ve determined a limited focus for your article, there are other directions in which you might be able to take the subject. The conclusion can provide you with a chance to introduce those other directions and briefly discuss them, as a way of saying this subject has many dimensions, and here are some of the ones this article could not discuss. With an enticing introduction, a logically-organized and well- detailed body, and a thought-provoking conclusion, your article can succeed in explaining a complex, technical subject to non- expert readers. How do you reach those readers, though, without intruding your personal opinion into the document? While it is important to reach your readers, you must make every attempt to remain objective regarding your subject. Creating a Persuasive yet Objective Article Like the other documents produced for this course, the article can in its presentation of facts serve as a persuasive document. How do you ensure that you are presenting this material in an objective, non-biased manner? Think you won't have a problem with that? If you choose to write about a topic that is close to your heart, chances are good that you will let some of your own opinions or feeling to slip into what you produce. If you are a member of the NFPA, how can you write an objective article about fire safety in hotels? If you are a member of NRA, how can you write an objective article about
  • 24. pending gun control legislation? If you have ever downloaded music or films from an online service, how can you write an objective article about the legality of downloading? Here are some tricks you might use to ensure that what you produce for this course is free from personal bias: Try to select a topic that is not “near and dear.” Most of you can figure out several topics that are hot right now in your field, topics that you have no particular opinion about one way or another. If you’ve always had a difficult time not insinuating your personal opinion into a discussion, then you’re better off selecting a topic that you feel neutral about. Avoid the use of “I.” While you can address your article to the reader directly, through the use of “you,” you should avoid the use of “I,” as it tends to permit personalizing. If you can’t say I feel, I believe, in my opinion, or I think, then you automatically have to cut your opinion from what you’re writing. Let the facts speak for themselves. If you’re writing an article about the storage of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain – a very volatile topic, but also an excellent one in terms of its technical scope – and you feel strongly that such storage is a bad idea, you must take every precaution not to inject your opinion into the document. Focus on the facts and let them speak for themselves. Don’t skew them—in other words, present facts from both sides, from objective sources (see Researching Pages 123-156 in Technical Communication (Markel)). Don’t comment on them in an opinionated way—These figures clearly indicate the danger of the plan to residents, something government officials should consider carefully. Present both sides of a controversial issue. If you’re writing about stem cell research, for example, your job is to explain it to readers, not editorialize on it. If you think discussing the controversy is crucial to your article, fine—but make sure you present both sides of the argument, regardless of your personal opinion.
  • 25. Choose unbiased research sources. Chapter 6: Researching will help you with this, so for now it’s sufficient to keep logic in mind: if you’re writing about stem cell research or any other controversial topic, select sources that have no agenda, that are neither for nor against whatever it is you’re writing about. Watch your tone and word choices. Sometimes we don’t realize that the tone we use and the words we select carry as much weight as if we’re stating an opinion outright. For example, an article about logging in the Jefferson National Forest should not use terms like tree-hugger or, conversely, so-called government forestry experts. Additionally, try not to sound bossy, superior, or angry—even if you’re feeling one of those, or all three. Once you’ve determined how to approach the subject of your article, conducted your research, and prepared to write, you must do one final thing: think about how you can ensure that you are making yourself clear to the non-expert reader. Reaching the Non-Expert Reader Don't let the idea of writing an article frighten you. How many articles have you read in your own lifetime? Think about the magazines you buy, the newspapers you read. Consider, too, any articles in academic periodicals you have had to research in order to produce a report for a course in your particular field, whether it be Electrical Engineering, Crop Soils and Environmental Science, Biology, or Business Information Technology. The articles you find in all of these sources provide you with models for your own piece of writing about a topic in your field. If you intend to publish later in your career, you are likely to produce any number of works geared toward meeting the needs of colleagues. You might contribute an article on a hot topic or debate within your field. You might join with two or three colleagues to produce a research article based on an extensive experiment. When you write such articles, they are likely to appear in what we call scholarly journals, periodicals designed to reach
  • 26. individuals within a specific, often very narrow field. Although such journals will be explained more fully later in this chapter, it’s enough now to say that such articles are likely to contain a lot of technical language, drawings, figures, even equations. They are likely to “go over the heads” of the average reader. Because your undergraduate education will give you the language with which to speak to your academic colleagues or colleagues in the field, it is worthwhile that you learn how to break down that language, those concepts, those ideas into a form that is simplified enough for the non-technical reader or non-expert to understand. What exactly is an article for a non-technical or non-expert reader? Quite simply, it is an article on a technical topic that is written in such a style that a layperson (a non-expert) can understand and appreciate it. There are several basic concepts you should consider when you have to draft an article for such a reader. First off, it seems logical that if you are writing from the perspective of the "Expert" and your audience is made up of a bunch of "Non-Experts," you'll need to tone down the technical language. You'll need to ensure that you cover all the bases with regard to content or evidence. You might want to include more pictures, particularly if you are explaining a technical process. And you might want to adopt a tone that is less removed and friendlier. Omit or Define Technical Language In an article for non-technical readers, you need to make every attempt to omit technical language. Sometimes, that's an easy task; often, however, it is not. Say you decide to write an article on how to create artificial diamonds. Could you truly explain the process without engaging in at least some kind of technical language? If you find that you cannot omit technical language, then you
  • 27. must define it for your readers. Every field has its technical language, even the study of literature. Take an example first shown in the Introduction, borrowed from M.H. Abrams's A Glossary of Literary Terms (New York: Rinehart, 1971): The euphuistic style is "sententious (that is, full of moral maxims), relies constantly on balanced and antithetical constructions, reinforces the structural parallels by heavy and elaborate patterns of alliteration and assonance, and is addicted to long the habits of legendary animals (56-57) In truth, the entire example is a definition of "euphuistic style," although perhaps—to laypersons--not a very clear one! It seems we'd need to know more. One definition is already embedded (by Abrams) in the example: sententious. However, in order to understand the whole definition, you'd need to know the definitions of other literary terms: antithetical constructions, alliteration, assonance, similes, and allusions. You have several choices when it comes to defining technical terms that you cannot omit altogether. You can put each term in a glossary you attach to the end of your document. You can define the word in a footnote, as many texts do. Or you could define it—if possible--directly in the sentence. Let's see what we can do with the Abrams definition: The euphuistic style, which was popular in the Renaissance, possesses several components. First, it is sententious; that is, it is full of moral maxims. It relies constantly on balanced constructions and antithesis, a contrast or opposition in meaning emphasized by parallel grammatical structure. It reinforces these structural parallels by heavy and elaborate patterns of alliteration, the repetition of speech sounds (usually the first letter) in a sequence of nearby words, and assonance, the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds. Finally, it is
  • 28. addicted to long similes, comparisons which use the terms like or as, and to learned allusions or references which are often drawn from mythology and the habits of legendary animals. Does this definition make more sense? It's longer and broken down into more sentences, but when you have to define terms, this is often the result. Do not be afraid to break down sentences in order to define terms for readers! Develop Content as Fully as You Can As the expert on the topic about which you'll be writing, you'll have problems with this one! Think about giving someone instructions about how to put together a bicycle—or some other task at which you are utterly comfortable. Since you are so comfortable doing the process— in fact, you could almost do it blindfolded!—you're more likely at some point in the instructions to omit key information the reader vitally needs to complete his or her task. That's why when you write to a non-expert reader or a lay audience, you should anticipate that they know nothing about your topic. This will ensure that you are giving them every bit of information, every single detail, they will need to understand your subject. How do you know what to tell and what to withhold? If you know something is common knowledge (who the president is, what the state bird of Virginia is, the colors of the American flag), then you don't need to tell the reader. When in doubt, though, it's safer to include too much information than too little! Use More Illustrations It's always a good idea to use illustrations to bring technical documents to life. Imagine what a report or an article on revitalizing the Virginia Tech duck pond would be like without a single photograph, drawing, or chart!
  • 29. The same principle goes in triplicate for a technical document that is aimed toward a non-technical or non-expert reader! Particularly when talking about a piece of equipment or the steps in a process, you might want to include an illustration to help your reader visualize what you're explaining in the text. Remember, though: visual aids complement—they do not replace!—the text. To refresh your memory about how to use illustrations correctly, review the pertinent sections of the Technical Communications Text (Markel). Use a More Conversational Tone Does this concept fly in the face of everything you've always thought about technical writing (at this point, it shouldn't, but it might!)? Using a more conversational tone does not mean addressing the reader as "you," including conversational language like "well" and "okay," using abbreviations or slang terms you might hear on Entertainment Television or anything like that. Instead, it means writing more directly, using fewer complex sentences, cutting down on technical language—writing to the needs of the reader, not toward making you sound more impressive as a writer. Yes, you are the expert on the subject about which you'll be writing, but you must imagine yourself in the shoes of the uninformed reader. Remember what it was like the first time you read a textbook that introduced you to the terms, the language, of your major? You want to ensure that your article does everything it can to speak directly to the reader, in a language and style he or she will find easy and reader-friendly. If it helps, consider this final example: You go home for Christmas after having spent the fall semester working on alternative fuel sources, household robotics, or a new method meant to streamline accounting procedures at medical facilities. Your dear old grandmother hugs you and says “So, tell me what you’ve been doing this semester. I want to hear all about it.”
  • 30. Your article should be written in such a way that even she can understand it! Publication Sources Once you have completed your article, what options do you have for publishing that? Should you send the article to a scholarly journal or to a trade magazine or two of popular press publication? Since a lot depends on the approach you have taken to your topic, it might be a good idea to differentiate among these publishing options. Different Types of Periodicals Type Explanation Scholarly Journals Trade magazines Popular Press Periodicals · Those which publish argumentative or analytical pieces on a particular topic, be it literature or engineering. · Their audience might be limited to university or college readers, including professors and students. · At any rate, their audience is more limited in their publications more specialized to a particular field.
  • 31. Examples · engineering: Journal of construction engineering and management, Canadian Geotechnical Journal · fisheries and wildlife science: aquatic toxicology Journal of microbiology fish and shellfish immunology · English - 18th century fiction, the literary review These appeal to particular specializations or fields, but their approach is far less scholarly than that of journals. Examples could be Fire Chief, Fire Engineering, and Firehouse. These are more diverse in overall approach, they will not usually focus on a single topic, but if they do, that approach will be one of the average reader. Their readership will be the broadest, including people from all walks of life. Okay, so it's pretty clear that different magazines were periodicals appeal to different types of readers. The trick for you is to learn how to approach a subject from a different angle which will help you to appeal to a larger variety of people. Query letters, Cover Letters, and Letters of Transmittal Technical or research reports are not always read from cover to cover by their intended reader -- at least not initially. Often, that reader is so busy that he or she will have to turn to the letter of transmittal, which introduces the report; the executive summary, which summarizes the entire report in a page or less; or the conclusions and recommendations section, which tells readers what the report has discovered and what it recommends be done about it. The same is true of the professional article. Editors of journals
  • 32. and magazines rarely have the opportunity to read every single article that crosses their desks. In some cases, editorial assistants pick up the slack. At other times, however, the article itself must be sold in other ways, ways that are more amiable to the busy editor. That is where the query and cover letter comes in. The Query Letter The query letter is often the first step to getting any article published. It seeks to determine whether a source would be interested in publishing an article on nightclub fires, and it is most often used in situations where the writer might be paid for a particular piece of writing, as with trade magazines or popular press publications. If you have a good idea for an article, and you want to be paid for it, it is best to write a query letter before you expand of the time and energy it takes to plan, research, draft, and revise an article. Think of it as basically a sales letter. When you write a query letter, aimed not to convince the reader what is a fantastic idea you have were what a great writer you are but to convince him or her that other readers need to or want the information you have to tell them -- that they will welcome it, be inspired by it, or find it useful in their professions. In four or five paragraphs, generally on a single page, the query letter should focus on several key selling points: · Identify who would be interested in the topic explored by your article. It is best to forecast reaching a broad readership when you were query a trade magazine or popular press publication. · Briefly cover what else has been written on the topic. Keep this short, but do mention your awareness of the approaches others have taken to the subject. It shows that you have done your homework.
  • 33. · Explain how the approach your article would take on the subject differs from what has been written before. By telling the reader this, you helped convince him or her that your work is breaking new ground, providing an audience with information that they've will find useful. · Discuss how you plan to develop the topic. If you have ideas for illustrations, including photographs, let the reader know. If you conceptualize your article as being broken down into four major sections, identify them. Organizing the Query Letter In This Section Do This Introduction (paragraph 1) Body (paragraph 2) Conclusion · Show your awareness of the publications history or focus by referring to a specific article or approach that you find compelling. · Then suggested you can add to this quality with an article you would like to write. · Cover the items suggested above, each in a separate paragraph, except for items two and three which can be covered in one · Provide any additional information that might help the reader understand your qualifications or expertise. · Thank the reader for his or her consideration of the idea. · Suggest that you can send the article when they ask for it. · Give contact information
  • 34. Remember any valuable lessons introduced in your readings regarding tone. Keep the tone of your letter polite and inquiring, never cocky. The Cover Letter The cover letter works a bit differently than the query letter. Normally, scholars do not get paid when their essays are published in scholarly journals. Publication is payment enough, because in most cases an article submitted to a scholarly journal is read by several readers who weigh in on its merits and recommend whether it be accepted or declined. Competition is tough, and if you're published, then that's an honor that should compensate for the lack of cash. One big difference between the cover letter in the query letter is that the former generally accompanies the article, introducing it to the reader. This is the sort of letter you would produce if you are sending your article to a scholarly journal. In three or four paragraphs, generally on a single page, the cover letter should focus on several key selling points: · Introduce your argument or topic and the approach you will take to it. · Briefly cover what else has been written on the topic. Keep this short, but do mention your awareness of the approaches others have taken to the subject. It shows you have done your homework. · Explain how the up approach your article would take on the subject differs from what has been written before. By telling the reader this, you helped convince him or her that your work is breaking new ground, providing an audience with information that they will find useful. In the introduction section ask politely that the reader consider
  • 35. your attached article, on the topic of fire engine color. In the body in no more than two paragraphs, cover the second and third terms mentioned in the bullet above. You can also provide any additional information that might help the reader understand your qualifications or expertise. In your conclusion think the reader for his or her consideration of your idea and give them your contact information. Query letters and cover letters differ from the third type of letter that you might produce: the letter of transmittal, a document that says “here is my article on fire truck color.” Letter of Transmittal Remember that if you were query letter has received a positive response and you have prepared your article for publication, when you send it to the reader, you should still include a cover letter with it. In this case, the document is called a letter of transmittal -- it transmits or delivers the requested article to the reader. Also send a letter of transmittal with any article you have revised for publication. Organizing the letter of transmittal In the introduction section of your letter tell the reader that accompanying your letter he or she will find the article you produced on fire truck colors, as agreed on by the two of you. In the body of your letter (one or two paragraphs) and any details about the article you believe to be necessary. Finally in your conclusion think the reader for his or her willingness to publish the article and give your contact information and again. Guidelines for the Research Article Please follow these basic specifications and planning guidelines were preparing your research article: Purpose
  • 36. · to explore with some depth a topic of general interest within your discipline, · to acquaint you with the sorts of professional writing within your discipline, · to introduce you to the sorts of publications open to those within your discipline, and · to hone your writing skills. Audience Choose the audience most pertinent to the type of publication you have selected and adjust your writing style to what you believe they will need or appreciate. Use technical jargon with more experienced readers; writing in a more “common” language for the everyday reader. Remember: the audience you choose is up to you exclamation Organization Your article should begin by pulling the reader in, zero win on your focus, then begin to develop your audience or content in a logical fashion. Keep like discussions together. Use headings to point out major alterations in topic, then subheadings to break up longer sections. Format · The article should be seven or more pages in length if not done in a columnar fashion; if done in columns, it should be about four to five pages. · It should be single- . Double spacing only above and below headings and around illustrations. · It should include a title and a byline.
  • 37. · It should include internal headings. · It should use at least five outside sources. · It should use illustrations. · It should follow documentation procedures pertinent to your discipline or, as a default, APA documentation, as well as a Works cited page. · Pages should be numbered. · BOTTOM LINE: your article should look like an article from a magazine, so spend as some time formatting it in a professional manner. Include sidebars as necessary. Be creative with fonts for titles, with insertions of illustrations, and with such things as quotations blocked or boxed across two columns, as in the examples presented in your text. Tone Clear. Direct. Persuasive. Enthusiastic. Confident but not cocky. Never condescending. You might be talking to an audience of non-experts, but you should never talk down to them. Guidelines for the Final Project Length – 8 – 10 pages 1 ½ spaced, APA 6th edition format. Include pictures, charts/graphs, title page and bibliography. Please follow these basic specifications and planning guidelines when preparing your final project: Purpose · To explore with some depth a topic of general interest within your field · To acquaint you with the sorts of professional writing within the emergency services industry
  • 38. · To introduce you to the sorts of publications opened to those within emergency services, · To hone your writing skills Audience Choose the audience most pertinent to the type of publication you have selected and adjust your writing style to what you believe they will need or appreciate Write in common language for the everyday reader. Remember: this article is for non- experts. Evidence Your article should be fully researched and well developed, with adequate details, explanations and examples. When you use information from an outside source, you must cite it according to APA documentation guidelines and note the source in a resource list. Organization Your article should begin by pulling the reader in, zero in on your focus, and then begin to develop your evidence or content in a logical fashion. Keep like discussions together. Use headings to point out major alterations in topic, then subheadings to break up longer sections. Format · The article should be eight or more pages in length if not done in a columnar fashion; if done in columns, it should be about five to six pages. [The length does not include title page, table of contents, pictures or bibliography] · It should be singled-spaced. Double-space only above and below headings and around illustrations. · It should include a title and a byline (include byline either at
  • 39. front or at and of article). · It should include internal headings. · It should use at least five outside sources unless I have approved otherwise. · It should use illustrations. · It should follow documentation procedures found in the APA guidelines. The pages should be numbered. · BOTTOM LINE: your article should look like an article from a magazine, so spend some time formatting it in a professional manner. Include “sidebars” (short related stories) as necessary. Be creative with fonts for titles, with insertions of the illustrations, and with such things as quotations blocked or boxed across two columns. Tone Clear. Direct. Persuasive. Enthusiastic. Confident but not cocky. Never condescending. You might be talking to an audience of non-experts, but you should never talk down to them! Five Steps to a Remarkable Final Project Know Your Topic Understand the subject of your article entirely. As you develop your thesis a complete understanding of the topic allows you to write freely and advance your considerations.
  • 40. If you are choosing your own topic, home in on one of memory or message. Write a strong thesis and choose 2 to 4 strong points to back it up. Choose an anecdote (narrative) Take one or two issues from your subject . This should be something that illustrates your topic and gives you the opportunity to explain your message. You should open your article with an introduction that gives you the opportunity to let the reader know what your theme will be . Continue to weave this information throughout your article. And interest Brainstorm ways to include richly detailed descriptions, humor and human connection. Just because you’re writing is good does not mean people will read it. If your article appeals to the reader’s senses or demotions, or presents a great new way of looking at the topic , they will read on.
  • 41. Take your stand Support your points with provable facts and convincing arguments. Outside of tone, lay out, readability and format the reader needs to be convinced (persuaded ) that your hypothesis holds value. Edit Keep your message succinct, not wordy. People will even read horrible writing on social media if it is only five words long. Read your article (all of your paper’s) aloud. Edit Cut sentences that are redundant. Combine and shorten thoughts as much as you can. Very sentence length, and check the spelling and grammar